September 22, 1961

Page 1


VoL Xk—No. 3

Publication Office, 101 No. 'JOth


Tvrir'nlr auir A

Omalut. Nebrail-.a, Htme 342-13C0 OMAHA, M'JUtASKA,



H i m

Second Cluts I'usliiKO Paid at Omaha, Ncbr,

Kinyle Coiiy 10 Cents Annual Hate 4 Dollars

others arc scheduled at the Tile appointments of project heads of the Federation of Jew- Jewish Community Center. was needed because the 19G1-62 was said, there will be no-alterten- Women's Clubs were an<;lierk Calendar allocation of $33,600,000 for im- native but start building temflounced by Mrs. IJoyd FriedA Club Calendar was distribmigrant absorption and housing porary blocks of huts and t<"nts. man, president at.the organiza- uted to all those present Indiwas used up between April and Tlie government is determined tions, at a recent meeting in cating holiday dates, special September of this year, in view not to resume building of the her home. events, and women's organizaMaaburot, temporary dwellings, tions board and regular meetof the large number of immi- and the $14,000,000 compulsory Project Chairmen Jerusalem, Sept. 17 (JTA)-- grants entering Israel. • Named were Mrs. J. Harry ings. Organizations were urged loan—to tje collected over a KixKulakofsky, Bonds of Israel; to check the community calen- Israel's Cabinet voted a compulUnless new funds are found, it month period—will help in meetMrs. Jake Wine, Center Hos- dar by calling tlie Center licfore sory $14,000,000 loan on all ing the emergency needs. pitality; Mrs. Sam I.. Kat/man, setting any definite dates for Israeli wage and salary earners, to help finance absorption and Immigration Doubled Center Liaison; Minos. Hubert future events. Serving with Mrs. Friedman housing for the ^__ During the first Hlx months of Summer and Arthur II. Goldstein. Children's Hospital Ba- as officers of the l!tf>l-G2 Wom- increased number f i 1001, Immigration Into Israel zaar; Mrs. Dan Goldman, eivll en's; group ore Mrs. Harry Sid- of I m m i grants was ilotiMo that of tho corresTel Aviv (WNS>—Sold Boneh, ponding period last year, tho defense; Mrs. Krliest A. Nogg man, first vice-president; Mrs. dally pouring Into the Israeli construction cooper- immigration department reported. Community Calendar; Mines. Dave Colin, second vice-presi- Israel. The loan ative, has been asked by the Mr. .Kshkol Is the man Invited Stanley Katclman and Sheldon dent and Mrs. Abe C. Fellman, will mean an adGovernment of Ghana to re- by Israel President Itzhak BenLincoln, Community Chest-Red secretary. ditional 12 per- ^ < linquish its shares, forty percent, Zvi to form a new government. A. Nogg, chairman of cent above t h e Cross Drive; Mrs. Albert Fox, in Ghana's National Construction The bid to the Minister of Fi• i.%\ community cooperation; Mrs. the Camp Development Commit- present Israeli's Company despite tho fact that nance came on the heels of a Nathan Turner, historian, Jew- tee and first vice-president of income tax, to be the construction pact, still has ish Homo for Aged; Mrs. Alcx- tin:1 Jewish Federation, showed deducted from refusal by Premier David Ben two years to run. nniler D. Frank, Jewish Philan- tin. architect's proposed plans October of this Gurion to accept a slmlliar manthropies; Mrs. Calvin M. New- for tlie camp and explained the year t o n e x t Under the pact Solcl Boneh was date from the President. man, Library; Mmes. Marvin layout of (he facilities and fea- April, from all to cooperate in construction work Taxman nnd Stanley J. Slos- tures. earnings of $179 a month und work for a period of five years Mr. Not;!! examined the pos- over. burg, Conference of Christians with the Ghanian firm. The canand Jews; Mines, Dave Cohn and sibilities of organizations using cellation of these arrangements Funds Exhausted Richard Wright, Needlework the new camp for seminars. Alex is believed not only to reflect the ' Finance Minister Levi Kshkol upward rise of nationalism beGuild; Mrs. Max Fromkin, par- Wcinstcin, architect, was also Washington (WNS)—The U.S. staled that the compulsory loan twenn Kwame Nkrumah's govliamentarian; Mrs. Samuel S. present. Steinberg, pledge redemption; ernment and the Arab world. This Department of Commerce is curMrs. Sidney Schwartz, programis the second case of cancella- rently distributing official govming; Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky, tion by Ghana of an agreement ernment r e l e a s e s facilitating Services to Armed Forces; Mrs. with on Israeli Company. Tlie discriminatory Arab boycott reStanley F. Ivcvln, telephone; first one involved the Zim-Israel quirements, it was charged on Mrs. Abe Hear, Veterans llonpiNavigation Company, a founder the floor of the House by Uep. tal and Mmes. Morton A. Rirtinnd partner in Ghana's national James Roosevelt, California. nrd.f nnd Moe A. Vcnger, welshipping company, tlie Black Charging that the department comini;. Star Line. was, appeasing the Arab boycott The University of Omaha 1961 Other speakers scheduled are by "advertising" at public exAffiliated Organizations pense, Arab calls for commercial Tiie '• Women's Federation Is Annual Institute on World Af- His Excellency Antonio Carrillobids which will only bo accepted composed of 13 community or- fairs will be co-sponsored by tho Florcs, Mexico's Ambassador to from U.S. business firms which ganizations. The organizations, Jewish Federation of Omaha, the United States, October 18; are not Jewish owned or do not presidents and appointees, in Harry Trustin, president, an- Dr. Carl-Christoph Schweitzer, nounced. Free tickets will be October 25; Dr. Albert Parry, their respective order are; Arrangements for the Jewish "employ a percentage of Jewish mailed to Jewish Federation November 1; Peter Ilitner, No- Youth Council pledging program personnel," Rep. Roosevelt said. Defh El Synaaoflue Slilertiood, Mmrs. Sidney Holll), Meyer Rownbatim: Belli l»members. vomber 8, and William T. Utley, were outlined by Howard Ilahn, lie staled that a boycott against roe Sliterjiood, Mmes Alfred frank, JuUvi Kolmion; Dlkur Oiolln Society, Mmtj, Jnk« 'Die institute will offer top November 15. president and Terri Nogg and any American business concern Wine, Morrli Whlfs; D'nol B'rlU) Henry ranking authorities in the fields Moniky aiapftr HQ. 470, Mrrtel. Mover In addition to the Jewish Fed- Jerry Sluslcy, pledge brunch on the ground that it is owned or Kaplan, Charles Stern: D'nal D'rlth Cornof government, international re- eration, other co-sponsors of tiie chairmen. operated by persons of particular JiusKtr Chopfcr No, 1037, Mmes, Ben Rlfkin. Seymour Abrcms; Drcndels University, lations, history nnd philosophy. Institute are: AHrusa Club of All freshmen boys and girls race, religion or ethnic origin, Is National Women's Commltleo, Mmc». Myron James J. Wadsworth of the Omaha; American Association of Interested in pledging Youth contrary to American principles II, Mlltfor, Alfred 5. Moyerj Hodtmalt, Wmfl. Ervtn Simon, Sidney Goldberg; Peace Research Institute, will University W o m e n ; Kxchnnco Council clubs are Invited to a and traditions, and should not Ladles Free Loan, Mrs. tarn Kicver; Mliro. cW VVonien, Mmei. M. M. Pollakoff, fieri open the scries on October 11. Club of Omalm; Klwanls Club brunch on Sunday, October 15 at be countenanced by government Handler; national Council of JevWili Worn, •n, Mmei. Robert H. Levlne, Louli 5oaoHe will speak on "Prospects for of Omaha;'Nebraska Federated 10:30 n.m, Dick Weinor, Center assistance. low; Pioneer Women, Mme>. Milton Utvr. •nbero. Roio Sctwartr; Templo Israel Sit- Peace." Women's Club3, Second District; Youth Director, will describe the He said "he cannot understand ttrhood, Mmes Robert D. Cohn, Paul Offutt Air Force Base; Omaha plodding procedure. Gronmon; and Workmen'! Circle Ai/xlllory, why we continua to publicize Mmts. Louis Wllkln, Sam H. Binder. Education Association; Omnha Girls will be permitted to join these discriminatory calls for bids Hotary Club; Young Women's the club of their choice with no since this is not only recognizing Chairmen made their reports Christian Association, Woodmen limitation of any club member- discriminatory procedures b u t at the meeting nt Mrs. Friedof the World Life Insurance So- ship. Boys will fill put cards, condoning them with support and man's home. Future luncheon ciety; University of O m a h a designating first, second or third assistance." meetings will be held on ThursAlumni Association; University choice and "Every effort will be day noons—December 7, March of Omaha Board of Regents find made to grant them first choice 1 and May 3, The December The Senior Citizen's Lounge the University of Omnha Col- as far as possible," Hahn re- Meirie© City Bans meeting will take place at the means opportunity for guidlege of Adult Education, Jewish Home for the Aped; all ported. Students are urged to ance In making tho later years All sessions of the Institute attend the October 15 pledging Nazi Emblems fruitful und satisfying by are held on Wednesdays at 8:15 because the next function of this Mexico City (JTA)—The sal« Klutznick Named learning, sharing und helping. p, m. at the University Auditor- kind will not be held until six and distribution of flags and ban• • * months Inter, Hahn said. ium, U.N. Delegate nerB bearing the swastika and l>ouiigo Open Every Monday other Nazi emblems, has been Philip M. Klutznick has been Jewish Community Center banned here by a decree Issued appointed alternate representafrom 10 A. M. to 3 V. M. Clashes Between Jews and Moslems by Ernesto P, Urudmrtu, head tive on the U.S.A. delegation to • • • of the municipal government. the forthcoming General AssemActivities, Fun, Recreation Rare Up Again in Algerian Riots bly of tho United Nations in New The ban on the distribution of Movies, Ulblo class, York. Mr. Klutznlck Is the only Paris (JTA)—One Jew \va3old boy, Dada Douaty, was shot Nazi insignia, which anticipated Socials for Senior Citizens Jew on the delegation. killed, and a 15-year-old Jewish in the head in the very center of an increase in the sale of such emplems in preparation for inboy was wounded, when fresh the Mellah. dependence celebrations, followed rioting broke out this week bePedestrian Stabbed tween Jews and Moslems In the As soon as word spread of the the publication of an editorial in Mellah, the Jewish quarter of deuth of Mr. Medina nnd the the influential daily Diario de Oran, Algeria. wounding of the boy, Jewish la Tarde, which expressed disyouths started after the man tress nnd astonishment at the Riots on nosh Hanhanah Serious riots occurred at Oran who had killed Mr, Medina. fact that the government was Bonn UTA)—The Ministry of Defense republishod a book of last week when fighting broke They caught the man, a Moslem, permitting the distribution of letters written by Jewish-German soldiers who had served Gerout on Rosh Hashanah, resulting and beat him badly. Two of this insignia of a regime which had many in World War I. The book was originally published in 1933, In the death of three Moslem man's accomplices, both nlleged- been at war with Mexico and In answer to ontl-Sc-mitlc propaganda, but was banned by the terrorists, the wounding of 26 ly armed with revolvers, were which was "mankind's greatest Nazi*. persons including nine Jews, and also caught by the youthful enemy." Defense Minister Frnnz Joseph Strauss has written a preface the arrest of 70 persons. After Jewish self-defense corps. to the book, giving three reasons for its relssuance. He stated French security forces moved a few days of strained quiet in Waives Fee for that the book should (1) Contribute toward tlie effort to correct the Mellah, the fighting broke In nnd rescued the three Mosthe "Jewish Image" distorted by tho Nazis; (2) Illustrate through lems, who were I>eing threatened cut again. Individual examples "the disastrous (pnsequenees of modern totaliTerrorists belonging to the with death by a crowd of Jews. 'Love of'Israel* tarianism; nnd (3) Present befora today's young German soldlera Tel Aviv—Artur Rubinstein, FLN, the Moslem Independence After the French sent in security the picture of "patriotism, loyalty find military bravery" shown by movement in Algeria, struck reinforcements, tlie M e l l a h the 72-year-old pianist, said ho Jewish soldlera as "an ideal for Imitation." down Emilo Medina, a Jew, as seemed to' have quieted down; would accept no fees for the four Among the letters Is one by the brother of a young Jewish he walked along one of the city's but there was great tension concerts he Is giving here, as part army lieutenant Wiled "Bcrvlng; tho German Fatherland." Tho principal.; ,8treets; He had been among both Jews in. the Mellah of ^he; Israel Philharmonic Or''. mother.-of that lieutenant, it is polnteil out, was later murdered .;: «tSbbed fa.taJtty In tho back.; A land, among Arubs In the. nearby Vchtelra's "25th anniversary, b<h Vl'fo've Israel." '.'• '• : by the Nazis at the age of 8L. few minute* later, the 15-year- Casbah.

iore Immigration To Israel Compels 12 Percent Tax Increase

Ofiana Cancels Past With Israeli Firm

Hits Appeasementby

Free toAnnual Lecture Series At Omaha U on World Affairs

Youth Council

What iocs Senior Citizen's Lounge iean fo Retired?

Book Suppressed by Nazis Reissued in Germany


Page Two

%ttoi*h fre**


Religious Services

Published ueekly on Friday beginning the lacl week In August Second Closs Poslone Polo 01 Oma.)o, litlr. Annuoi butrtcrlptlori! $4,00. Advertising Roles on Applicolicr;. Publication Oflice—101 Ho. 20lh Slreel. Omaha, Helir. 1421344.

amllHlRhtlnp Siptcmliir 'Z'i—fi:02 p. nv. Hfiit'inlnT

21 mid X5—r>:r>H p. m.

Scptcmlicr 'Z»—lJ:fi5 ]>. in. lli-tli IC1: Sabbath Kvo sorvlet's at lielli Kl .SyiKi/,'o;;ue at 7 4 p. m. Tradilionnl Sabbath liiornini: scrvirc, 8:30 a. m. Family . A monument will be dedicated service, 10:'i() a. m. Mlnclia* to the memory of Ben Martin, Manriv, C p. m. .Services Sunday Newi and hamieiilnEs at Tlte Dr. Sunday, September 21 at 11 a. m. Phllin Slur .Icwlsli I hi ID u for the morning, 0 a. in. Kabbi Myer S. at B'nai Abraham Ometery.. AuiJ by David Orkow. ]\rip!:e. ^ .. . 3 Kabbi Benjamin Groner will of- r,w .Suecolli .sfrviccs; Siind'iy, Sep. IJin I uliritlon of 11 n I sli ficiate. trtnlxT 2-1 a) 8:]") p. m. Morning Uumini < lul)S opened tlit 1%1A marker will be dedicated to S'-rvie).' at !) n. in. and Mlnclinthe memory of Mis. Rose Koyel, <j2 schedule of liulidny Hff.-iirs <it Sr.'iai'iv service 0 p. m. on Moilthe Doctor Philip .Slier Home for Sunday, .September 24 at 12 noon day, .Setilombi-r ^5 and Tiitsilny, a t ' Beth El Cemetery. Rabbi 1 IJO Aged with a musical pro- September ^fi. Kiddnsh i n ' t h e jjram by Cantor Aaron I. Ed^ar Myer S. Kripke and Cantor Succah follow lioliday servicos. Aaron I. Edgar of Beth El Sy- and the IJ'Oi J-.'l choir ci» Othot' wo<-lily services 7 n. in. of the Mlouinj; members: the nagogue, will officiate. nml 7 p. in. Minos. A. Kiinmennnn, N. WhitIli-tli Israel: Traditional Friman, D. Oilicn, Miss Julia /Suiter day services, 0 ]>. >n. SabbaUi and Dr. Sol KiUlcr, Dr. Melvin liuiniini: service at 8:i;"> a. m. Tatloman. Mr. Morton Brett and Junior Oonj;rej:!itioii n 1 10 n, in. Jack J.ieb. Refreshments were Rnhbi Hciij.'i/iiin. Gron^r will served by Sirs. Meyer Kosenconduct liilT) p. in. Talmud class. haum who was in charge of 1 lie Sunday service at 0 a. in. Sunday program for Belli Kl Sisterhood Junior Minyan at K::',0 a. in., folassisted by Mrs. Joe Guss and lowed Ijy brealifasl. Other daily Miss Carol Kosenbaum. 0 New and Repairs services 7 a. m. and 0 p. in. \ s|M-<*litl KIcMush was i;iven Siiccoth Kfi'viees at 8:1") a. m. • Wiring by Mr. and Mrs. Hurry J.ippclt. HIKI fi p. m., Monday an'l Tues• Residential of th occasion of their golden day, September 25 and 2G, .limwedding anniversary. )or coiH;ref;ation at 10:.'i() a. in. • Commercial Mr. anil Mrs. Huruce ICosrn- Moii<l.iy ami 10 a. m. Tuesday, ' Coll It'iml Jacob Adas Yesliuron: lilum donated a basket of homcFriday Minrlin 6:1"> p. in. Salnrj^i'own tomatoes to the Home. BERNIE SOMMER New resident: Mrs. Sara Blot. ti'iy at 8:45 a. m. ;nifl Miticlm 453-1917 Mr. anil Mrs. I-r<> Vox present- fi:ll> p. m. Daily services, 7 a. m. ed a three-door commercial re- n ml 7 p. in. "No job too hie or Tf-inplc Israel: Tlcijulai' S.'ibtoo Atnull fur IIA" frigerator to the home in honor of their forthcomiiu; fortieth an- balh .seivices in Ibe sanctuary, Uwnsfd In Omiilin and Council ISluffs Friday at K:15 p. m. Habbi Sidniversary. ney II. Brooks, will officiate. MRS. FRANCES KLEIN



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OMISSION The name of Benjamin Klni- © inaji was inadvertently omitted from tho list of the board of directors of the Omaha Workmen's © Loan-published here recently. O

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nmiRlai* Matt Ititiirns to Stanford Leaving for Pain Alto, Oal., fin's weir to resume his .studies as a sophoniori; at Stanford University is Douglas Platt, son of Dr. and Mrs. David C. Plntt, Platt was accorded honors for hl|:h scholarship during his freshman year.

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

Coffipieie Carpet Service

uQLiIJtsiiA Lh''

DAILY JKWISII BAH nml Bas Mif/.vah congratulutlons uho for all Jewish lioJi» days and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 DOURO

Paul (irosMnmi of II. A. Wolf Homo and Commercial Slus Co., J/JC, was elecJeil president 10 Lbs. lo 1 Ton Quantities of the Association of Insurance Ar.ents. >ln. Hy Slirler will review "It Was Just a Simple Wedding" for the Parent-Teachers Association 341-0088 Dime^liook Review at Brandeis Auditorium, downtown, Wednesday, September 27. ~ Monrof! P . Kiiscnliern, A.'.' istModernizing? Expanding? nnt Mnnatier "f Melropolit.m Life Insuranco Company, will be awarded the Chartered Life Underwriter designation at Nation- ,, al Conferment Exercises of the American College of Life Underwriters in Denver, Colo, on September -7. , Contractor* The American College of Life Underwriters grants the C.L.U. or C.L.U. Associate <!e.s-l};nation Speedy Dependable Service to persons in life and health Insuranec who pass a series of proCommercial fessional examinations and meet Residential the stringent experience nnd Industrial ethical requirements of the college. Call 451-5373 455-8792 or 455-9534

. ALLAN - 2UC7SKW Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Muskin nnnouncc the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Allan Muskin, on Friday evening, September 29 and Saturday morning, September 30 at the 10:30 a. m. Service at Beth El Synagogue.


Phont 3421K4 to l n « n your Wont Ad 6) lln Jewish Pic-.j.


/ill friends and relatives arc Invited to attend Ber\lce» and reception. AIlTIHTIt KVAN liATtFJt JOHN 1WHKX Arthur Evan Latter, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Martin Latter, and John Jluben, son of Afr, and Mrs. Bernard Ruben, will each become Bar Mitzvah, on Friday evening, September 29 and Saturday morning, September 30, at Temple Israel,

5028 I'ndmvoud 7830 Hoilc .653-4428 391-3207 Jonilay thru Friday, I 9 AM. to 1) P.M. I Monday Him Salurda), Sunday 8 A.M. to S I".M. » A.M. la 10 I'.M.

Want Ads

Sliclley Steinberg PIcdKcd to SI>X Miss .Sliellt'jr SLeinljcii?, a frfslunaii nt the University of Texas at Austin was pledged to Sigma Delta Tan sorority. She is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Steinberg.

Bar ftliizvah

Closed Monday and Tuesday Sept. 25 and 26 for Suecoth



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Omahansin News

Monuments in the Jewish Tradition V/s are known for our exacting He. • brew letlcring find detail, select y o u r monument from tho largeif ifoclc of up-to-dafo memorial* in the midwest,

Friday, September 12,

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Friday, Srpk-mtwr 22, 1801




Leni Wine to Wed Alan Crounse

The KindcrK.-irton Class of the KeJijiious Sclniol und the now Eluilcnls of Hie First Grade will be consecrated by Rabbi Brooks nt the fc.'itival senicos on the first night of Succos, Sciitonibur 24th, nt 7:30 p. in. Students nre: James Yale ANjerl, Dinah Baumel, John Blelclter, Jfclfrc/ Scotl Brocksteln, Anita HuihMn, JHfrpy Cchn, Suson Cofin, Heal Cocper, Bitm Furi;cr, Atirmi Meredith Frrer, Bilfy Foqel, Hkhard Fox. Lynnft Dlnne Frlftdel, Ddvid Leonard Gnrfield, Ira Scolt Glllniky, Paul Jelh Hoffman of Ihc klridcrOarfcn; Thomus Joints .Lincoln, Rotjcrt Merrill, Wllllum David Kalz, David R. Klrsrirnboum, James Alan Kranlr, Larry David Mula'Jt'jck, Uciicy Guy M'lltiuve, Horlun Druce Milder, Brute Jeffrey Novok, Jane R(>;tnt>crg, Dolwroh Gnil scljwaif/, Laurie Simons, Llnfla Qail Samberg, A'.ork Tatclmon, Carol Ann Trailer, Li'.a Gay Trusfin und Dcniio Walter, ol fhe fim! prude.

Mr. und Mrs. David Wine hint* announced the en;;ayomont of their daughter, Leni, to Alan J. Crounse, son of Mrs. Sam Hifltin mid the late Jacob F. Crounse. Miss Wine attended Colorado College at Colorado Springs mul is prcsontly eniolk'il nt tIio University of Ojnalm. Mi\ Crounsp ntleuded the University of Nebraska at Lincoln und the State University of Iowa nt Iowa Cily, and was affiliated with Sigma Alpha Mil Fraternity. A D e c e m b e r ueti'iinj; is planned.

Patricia Mogil Is Betrothed Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mogil announce the eiH;.'ir;em<.'nt of their daughter, Patricia Lee to Captain M:iynnr<] Tatclman, n former OmaliHii and son of .Snm 'I'atelnian. The bride-elect attended Ilu; University of Colorado at Boulder mid the University of Nebraska at Lincoln/where she was affiliated with .Sigma Delta 'J'au wirority. She is a graduate of the Unlvei-sity of Om.ihn. Captain Talelman is stationed at tile Air Force base in Little Rock, Ark. He is n graduate of the University of (Jinaha where he was affiliated with Phi Kpsilon I'i Fraternity. A DecenilK'r 17th wedding is planned.

AllVKN'TUIlK VE\TVHVA> IN 1IADASKAH ritOOIlAM "Adventure in an Kasy Chair" will be featured "nt the general meeting of the Omaha Chapter of H;idaK!<:th, Wednesday, .September 27 at. 12:30 p. in. at the Jewish Community Center. The program will be presented under Hie chairmanship of .Mine;;. Leroy Canfield and Kdward Zorinsky following luncheon. •

COI'NCfL DISCUSSION UKOUr, .SKITKMBKK 20 "loot's Converse," discussion group of the National Council of Jewish Women, will meet at 1 Ii. in. Tuesday, September 2(i, at home of Mrs. Alfred Sophir, 0729 Davenport Street. •


the nrea near bililieal Kin Kerom in Israel during her most recent visit to that country. Miss Elizabeth Hart will discuss the seminar she attended at Unity Center. Plans for the coming year will be made and members are asked to bring prospective new members to the event. Heservationos may be made with Mrs. •Sarah Felliuan, f>r>;i-517G, or Mrs. Newman, 345-G039.

J,eni Wine

Page Three

Dworkin-Gilinsky Wedding Held in Kansas City, Mo. A canopy of pale pink gladiolas and white chrysanthemums formed the setting for the marriage of Jvliss Doanna Sue Dworkin, duiifihter of Mrs. Kunici! Oworkin and Kdward JJworkin, Kansas City, Mo,, to Lawrence J'Jlliotl Oiliusky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart (lilinsky. The ceremony was jjcrfonned liy ltabbl Maurice .Solomon, September i at. the Hotel Muehli'liacli, Kansas City. The liriflc chose a ballerina lem;!h KOWII. Tile EtiUu brocaded bodice featured a .sabrina neckline and long sleeves. Her controlled skirt, of chiffon over taffeta was held by a brocaded contour with fabric bow-. A matching satin pillbox hold her brief veil and she carried orchids and fitepbanolis. Miss Joan Dworkin was maid-

of-honor, and Miss Susan Gilinsky was bridesmaid. Both wore {'owns of French red chiffon. ltonal'1 Zukcrman, New York City, was best man and Justin ((lTenherf; was Kroomsinan; Gene ' Gladstone, Kansas City, a n d Howard Slusky, ushered. A luncheon at the hotel followed the ceremony. The couple will be at home at 4024 Davenport street, after a wedding trip in the West.

Births Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Kranz of Lincoln, Nebr., announce the birth of a daughter, Shari Ann, on September 11, Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Abo Krantz of Omaha and Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Dechtcr of Minneapolis, Minn.



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I)INNI;K MKKTING von V. & V. WOSIEN The Business and Professional Iladassah Group will have their first dinner of the Keason, Wednesday, September 27 at (i p. in. at the Jewish Community Center. MIH. Julius Newman, president, will report on the 47th national Iladassah convention which .sho attended at Denver, Colo., AuKust 20-2.1. Mrs. M. F. Levenson will tell of her experiences while participating in the June (itli "Operation Moving Day" of Iladassah-llebrew University Medical Center from 'Jerusalem to

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Friday, StptcnOter 22, 1801



Center Athletic Program in Tune With National 'Cry1 for Physical Fitness Yale Trustin, Sandy Brophy, Jim The hue and cry for physical Farlx-r, Sam Han, Harton Greenfitness programs sweeping the berg. Al Ahramsou, I*s Burkenjiation since concern was voiced road, Kobert Kionikin, Izzy by President Kennedy aroused LeviiLsoiv Mrs. Dora Welnberg little alarm and a great deal of and Kcvce Ivirshonbaiim. Joa pride among the Jewish ComUlicek is the Center Aquatics munity Center athletes. director. Physical education is not only .Kurh Youth Council dub has on old story but a popular iman athletic chairman. Represent" portant area of activity as the in:-: the clubs this year arc Larry Jewish Youth Council enters its Greene, Mark Gnldxtrom, Sandy fourteenth consecutive year ofK.*ir-:in and lioh .Stein. 'Hie overall organized sports. Youth Council athletic chairman Year-Arouud Evnili 13 Buddy Kpstein. Tlioia; boyj The Center sports calendar is work closely with Snltchlck to marked- for year-around Barnes coordinate and organize the lea* and attracts Jewish Youth to the gurs anfl tournament*!. extent that participation is alYouth Council teams a r e most a way of life with them. above Is tlio Jewish federation Athletic Committee. Jj>ft to Right: Ki-yniour SelMitclr, coached by adult volunteers who Several hundred boys take part CenterPictured Director; Morris franklin, IJndy 1'u.ul, Irr l'affe, Cllialrniaii; Viilo Trasttn, Handy provide competent leadership nj In wholesome competitive recrea- Bropliy, Athletic Jlni 1/arber, Ssaa Can, Joe Bllcek, Center Aquatics Director, and Iinrhin (ireciibertr. Missing well as the instruction of athletic tion under the supervision of pro- from picture are members Al Abramson, Lea Burltenroad, Robert Fromhln, Iray Ixvlnson, Mrs. Dora skills. fessional staff members. Weuibcrg mid Kcvce Kir&henbaum. Previous winners in Youth President Kennedy urged that Olympic competition: teachers, doctors, businessmen n workout room, a running track ing instructor hi thn Air Force. by Irv Ynffe, a former University Council tS>«--AM I. and education leaders pet behind over the pyinnasiiim, a health He holds a B.A. in" Physical Edu- of Nebraska varsity letter-wintf.0-A7A 1. mi-jutA loo. the movement to step-up physical club, handball court, swimming cation' nnd M.S. in Secondary ner. This group is composed of 1937--A7A 100. I'.'ducation. 1951—A/A 1. fitness. Such 1 leaders here not pool and gymnasium. former athletes who nre now- 1954 -AZA I. only encourag * sports, hut tnl:e very successful In their irspoctne mr Po/lm \'affc Ileadi Conmilttvfi The Center athletic fortunes lf-i-Ruylm. part in them with devoted en- are directed by Seymour SeitMaking policy and planning fidch mi—AZA 1M. 195J-AJA 10O. thusiasm. chick, a former high school ath- athletic programs is thn FederaMr Yaffo's committee eon ,ist3 1/ 7—Rc At and Raylm. Many Programs l«0~Ronu letic coach and physical train- tion Athletic Committee, hraded of Mori is Franklin, I.indy Paul, 1941—Roylm The Jewish Federation of Omaha, through its Athletic Committee, alto provides varied programs for grade school children, high school jjirls and adults. High school boys, for the most part, represent clubs belonging to the Jewish Youth Council and compete in many sports throughout the year. •September finds four clubs of high school boys opening the flas; football season with the first competition on Sunday September 24 at Adams Park, 31th and Bedford. In November tlic boys switch to basketball, competing in a 15 game league schedule. With the approach of spring, and Center Olympic activity, the Center performers keep in trim after school closes, by swinging right into a 12-game suftball loop. To accelerate the program, the Jewish Youth Council added a bowling league last spring and summer under tlie direction of Brad Epstein, bowling ace. Other Olympic competition in the spring are tournaments in handball, swimming, wrestling, table tennis and track and field. Specialized Classes Available During the year the boys are rot limited to Youth Council competition and may enroll for special classes for tennis, judo, exercises, gymnastics, tumbling, swimming, volleyball and handball. Annual Award Night At the culmination of the program year, team points are tabulated on the basis of first, second, third and fourth place standings in each sport. The winning club is presented with an overall Olympic trophy at the Center's Annual Athletic Award Night. Other Center facilities include

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