September 29, 1961

Page 1

MBBRASKA STATE HISTORICAL SOr^JLTl L i n c o l n , Nebraska t :•

SEP 3 0 1961

Vol. Xf,—No. 1

Publication Office. JOi Nt>. Jjiith Omaha, Ncbrnsltu, I'hunc M'J.J.'iOR

Harry Trustin Urges Supper! of


Harry Tmstiii, President of tlie Jewish Federation issued this appeal to the Jewish Community: "T h <• It P il<* F e a t h e r - Red, ,> ' , „ Cross D r i v u ir , ' the a c t i v e con- •» v " ( " s c i e n c e of oui growing me t r o polltali area. Tillis so because it .vigorously maintains the health and welfare standards of our corn-, niunify throui'li _ its agencies, all "•"TJ 1 nisi In dedicated to aiding human needs. "The rools upon which the drive is founded are deep. They Btem back to the age-old precept common to all religious faiths: "We are our brothcrY, keeper."

This year the U<\S campaign foal is 52,0-t7,'127. Mr. Trust in added that "goal must be attained to meet the jrrowinfT needs of a progressive city like Omaha. Costs of services are rising just like tho;>'e of any business and more tlmu tlint, tlie demand for agency .service:! mount.. "When you are allied this year by campaign volunteers for your gift, give with the kind of generosity which wants to see some human being—a man, woman or child--reborn to new' hojie. "it is j:°od to know that your gift, added to those of others, will reach out somewhere to reshape n life. Don't just give-, give more." 'Hie Jewish Federation is a beneficiary of the Red FeatherRed Cross Campaign.

Kccond CIa:;3 Postajje at Omahtt, Nebr.

Single Coi>y JO Cents Annual Kute 4 Dollars

's Experts on Panels »urlt -•- Moroccan Jews h (» v e received fi,X18 passports since July 1, a u t h o r i t i e s announced, following the relaxation of travel restrictions in Morocco. An average of 170 passports has been delivered daily to Jews during September, according to official figures. The change in Moroccan policy is shown by the fact that only 1,029 passports were delivered to .Tews during tlie first three months of this year. David Amar, secretary-general of the Council of Moroccan Jewish Communities met in Casablanca with the director for civil affail's of the Minister of Justice to discuss problems of concern to Moroccan Jewry. One of Uic Hems was the problem of forced conversion of many young Jews.

Personal Invitations have been mailed to high school freshmen (or the pledge brunch to be given by the Jewish Youth Council, Sunday, October 15 at 10:.'J0 n. in. at the Jewish Community Center. Freshmen who have not been reached by mall arc asked to notify the Youth Council office, at tiiu Center, 3-12-13C6 or to call the chairmen of the event, Tcrrl Nogg, 553-20G5 or Jerry Elusky, 551-0739.

Temple Israel will hold It3 annual congregational Succoth dinner on Sunday, October 1 at 6 p. ri. .at tlie Temple. New members will be honored on this occasion and early services at 7:30 p. m. will follow. Circles 2, 4 and 5, are in charge of the dinner, with Mrs.

"Reprinted from 'U. S. News and World Report,' published nt W a s h i n g t o n . " (.September 18, 19G1 issue.) At a time when great nations aro worrying: about survival— Look at tiny Israel. Hero Is what Is being done by a country of few people, with almost no natural resources— and surrounded by enemies. TEL AVIV, Israel As a nation, Israel is only 13 years old. In area, it i3 smaller than Massachusetts. It lins only 2.1 million inhabitants — about tho same number as the city of Philadelphia. ••.-.-• Yet Israel already has entered (he space age. It fired ft solidfuel rocket 50 miles into the Ionosphere last July 5, and now ia aiming at higher altitudes. Israel long has been in the atomic nge, with one big uranium, reactor In operation and with1 a larger reactor under- construction. In developing solar energy, Israel Is among the world's leaders. For six years it ha* been marketing golar water neater*

nnd is now developing solar refrigerators and air conditioners. An experimental plant Is producing fiteum power from solar energy. Iyocated in a part of the world that is mostly underdeveloped and scientifically backward, Israel has established itself among the most advanced nations of the world in technology. Military Power: Impressive Surrounded by hostile Arab nations, which outnumber Israelis many times In manpower, Israel has built a military force that twice has proved more than a match for its Arab foes, ' The Israeli Army is recognized as one of the strongest in the Mldenst, Military equipment made in Israel is being e x p o r t e d to Europe. The Dutch Defense Ministry recently placed a substan-_ tlal order for Israel's "Uzl" machine pistols. Israel produces its own jet trainer planes nnd soon will enter tho field of commercial aviation with a twin-engine jet aircraft designed and built hi Israel.

Although there is a shortage of almost all kinds of natural psources, Israel js wringing economic self-sufficiency from its barren soil. With n shortage of native iron ore, Israel has pioneered in developing a structural concrete which requires a minimum of steel, and has become one of the world's leading exporters of concrete. In Israel, tall buildings— up to 20 stories—aro built with hardly any steel girders. Although the young nation's land has no diamond mine3, Israel lias become a world leader In diamond cutting and polishing. Israel has no timber, yet is a large producer nnd exporter of plywood, made of lumber imported from Africa. Ingenious With Water Water Is seriously short in most of Israel. So tlie Israelis have developed a number of ingenious ways to overcome that shortage. This country's agriculture Is based on Irrigation. Tho entire country is \crlss-crossed by a grid of underground pipelines.

The Jerusalem nrea gets all its water through pipes from the coastal plains. Plans for settling the Negev Desert area call for piping water into that arid region. . . ' .. Schemes to desalinate sea water are far advanced here. Brackish water is already being made usable for agriculture economically. Water is soon to be taken from tho Red Sea for both drinking and irrigation. Well over 80 per cent of Is-reel's consumer goods are home manufactured. Such things as record players, radios and refrigerators are even exported. Automobiles, trucks and buses aro assembled here, with many of their components manufactured here. Israel has to import its wool and leather, but tlie nation produces all its own clothing and footwear. In scientific research, Israeli scientists frequently come up with original discoveries that are sold abroad. Only Surplus: Tnlcnt I h o only natural resource that • Israel hag in abundance is its

Brunch Invitations To All Freshmen

j' I

2!>, 19GI

Adler, .Sam Appli.nian, Nettie Adler. Arnovitz, II c r'm a n Auerbach, Isaac Block, Fred P.rodkey, Sam C'anar, Isadora Chapman, Julius Chasanov, Isaac Cherniss, David B. Colin, Samuel II. Davis, Aaron E p s t e i n , Julius Falkcnstcln, Nathan Fcrer, Abraham Frank, Dave W, Frank, Maurice J. Frank, Stuart E. Fried, Jack Gelfand, Arthur Gcndler, Sam E. Gilinsky. J. C. Goldner, Abraham Goldstein, Henry Grabois, Abraham Greenhorn. Harry M. Greene, Benjamin Groner, Morris Grossman, R i c h a r d Glimmers, Hen Handler, MaxM. Joffe, Dave Katzman, Archie Kavlch. Mmcs Martin Kolm, Albert J. Krasne, Joseph ICricsfield, Manuel Kruplnsky, J. Harry Kulakofsky, Louis Kulakofsky, Sam Lcbowitz, Morris Levey, Charles Lieb, Maurice I.ipsman, Bon H. Mngxatnin, Alfred S. M a y e r , Meyer Mcyerson, Abe M o z c r , Julius Newman, Maurice Newman, Alex Plotkin, David Potash, Louis Raduziner, David Richards, Carl Rielces, Philip. Ringlc, Paul Rips, Agnes Rubin, Bernard H. Schwartz, Isadore Sherman, Abe Somber;;, Hubert Sommer, Millard Speier, Albert Steinberg, Joseph F. .Stern, F. Wakschlag, Jerome Wasserman, H e r b e r t Well, Milton Yudclson, and the Misses Jean Gendler, Sara Gili n s k y, Jane Kohl, nnd Rose Rothkop.

The Jewish Federation Federation'Agency Agency S e e t i o n of the 39G1 Omaha . Needlework (iuild hits opened its. minimi npi>enl for contributions, It was reported by Mrs. Dave Colin, its Guild chairman. Mrs. Richard Wright is Table Display chairman. The appeal for funds Is an annual e v e n t sj>onsorcd by all charitable groups in the community to furnish clothing and linen supplies for needy families. The announcement was mailed to all Jewish Women by the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs and all contributions will be acknowledged in the Jewish Press. The following have sent in their donations as of last Sunday: Mines, Julius Abrahamson, Joo



A body of distinguished per- as the Rev. Karl sonal! lies including local, nation- Baehr, Executive al and international authorities Director of the will "examine the American Cluis-, fuels" at the till- r ,*.,,.. tian P a l e s tine day Middle East. { _ A Committee; Dr. Institute, Friday Nasrollah SuifOctober 13 at the ' p o u r F a t e m i, Eppley C o n f e r Professor at Fair-' ence C e n t e r o' , *x , (, leigli D i c Itinson the University o ' -- , 7 * : University, Newf O m a h a. T h <• , j , \ J e r s e y ; Shaul].^ event opening for tr~ _ \ ^ r'^ R a m a t i, Press i>r, Katoml r e g i stration at t ',;. i± L_Jj and Information Officer, Israel Consulate in Chi8:30 a. m. ir, becago, 111. ing co-sponsored jtr-\. K.iflir by the UniversOmaha notables participating ity, the American Christian Pal- include Mrs. Alexander McKie, estine Committee, and the Jew- Jr., International Relations Chairish Federation of Omaha, Harry man, Nebraska'*" Trustin, president of the latter American A s s o-' organization, announced. ciation of Uni-f Participating will be such ex- versity Women; perts on Middle Eastern affairs the f o l l o w i n g Omaha University educators —' Dr. D o n a l d Z Woods, Dean, College of Adult! Washington (JTA) — George .Education; Wil-f Lincoln Rockwell, commander of liam T. U t l e y i the. American Nazi Party ended C h a i r man andl .„________ this week a 14-month legal bat- Professor of Po-Sliaul Kamntl tle, by paying a $100 fine for litical Science; Dr. Thomas N. disorderly conduct at two anti- Bonner, Professor of History; Semitic rallies in Washington and Dr. Milo Bail, the Universlast summer. After paying the ity's President. Taking part in fine, the Nazis, led by Rockwell, the program are Pr. Arthur G. staged an anti-Semitic rally in Umschcid, Chairman, D e p a r t ment of History and Political Judiciary Square here. On August 30, 19G0, Municipal Science, Creighton University; Court Judge M i l d r e d Reeves Mahmoud Amoura, native of Palfound Rockwell guilty of disor- estine; the Rev. Hubert H. Balr, derly conduct in two cases. She First C e n t r a l Congregational levied concurrent sentences of Church; Rabbi Myer S. Kripke, $100 or 30 days in jail. Rockwell Beth El Synagogue; Paul Veret, appealed, but the sentence was Executive Director of the Jewish upheld by the Municipal Court Federation and Paul Andreas, of the Appeals. Lust Wednesday History Teacher, Weslslde High the higher court notified the Mu- School. nicipal Court of its decision, and Members of the planning comthe lower court ordered Rockwell mittee are Mrs. McKie, Chairto pay the fine or go to jail. man, Mr. Veret and the Rev. Baehr. Dr. Woods and Michel Beilis, Director, Conferences and Short Courses, represent Omaha J. J. Friedman serving as chair- University. Persons interested in attendman. Her co-chairmen are Mmes. ing the Institute may register by Howard Milder, Howard Vann, enclosing $5.00 with their name Marlon Sombcrg, M. M. Krupin- and address to Director, Confersky and Joseph Horwich. ences and Short Courses, Eppley Reservations may be made by Conference, University of Omaha, Omaha 1, Nebr., before October calling tlie Temple Office, 55G11 if possible. G53G.

Annual Needlework Guild Appeal Opens

• • • !

iim; tun A MIKASUA,

French Guard A l q e r i a n Jev/s i/ Paris (JTA)—The French authorities in Algeria took precautions this week against a renewal of Arab-Jewish rioting in Algiers nnd Oran on tlie occasion of the Jewish observance of Yom Kippur. With passions still high, and the city tense after the two days of communal rioting that marred the observance of Rosh Ilashanah, and further rioting Sunday when one Jew was killed and a 15 yearold Jewish boy seriously wounded, the a u t h o r i t i e s took no chances that an incident micht set off a new outburst. Strong police reinforcements were moved into position in both cities, guarding the synagogues. In Oran, tlie police cut off the Mellah, the old Jewish quarter, from the rest of the city to prevent infiltration by Arab gangs seeking revenge for the beatings they received during the disturbances last week and Sunday.

!l Sets iore Anfi-Setnific Hallles

Dinner Will Honor lev? lenders

supply of engineers, scientists, doctors and skilled technicians. In many of these fields, Israel has a surplus. ; So now Israel js exporting its technical know-how to many of the less-advanced nations that surround Israel in Asia and Africa. Some of this export is aimed at winning friends among Israel's unfriendly neighbors. Even Arab countries that are openly hostile to Israel are accepting the help of Israeli experts and technicians. In all, more than 700 Israeli* are woriting in 35 countries, helping them to modernize their industries, economies and even their armed forces. When Israel declared itself an independent nation in 1948, th» odds seemed high against its survival. , Now Israel is being watched by old as well as new nations around the world as evidence of what a determined people c a n do against great odds. "Copyright-1961 United Statai Publishing Corporation."



Page Two

Friday, .September Z'J, 1'JOl


Bar iifzvafi

All friends nnd relatives iiro Invited to attend Mrvlees nnil reeeptlon.

Published weekly on Friday beglnnliijf tin* last week hi August through second wct'Ic in July. Second Cle:,* Po:.ioyo Paid ct Grnohd, Ntbr. Annual Subscription, $4.CO. AtfvcrJisinrj Rales on A(;piiraiicn. Publication Oflir •*— *01 No. i'Olh iirctt, Omofio, Ntur. Phone 3-12-1344.



Rabbi 0. Rubin Heads Hebrew. Softool Staff The




Academy opened This month with Rabbi David I'aihin, formtiiy of Mahanoy City, Pa., ;is principal. RabW P.ul.iin wasJinl.lji uf Israel Synncoyiio in Mnlumoy City, Pa., and previously with a Tulmud Torah in the capacity

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p.m. of education and youth director. Triii|>In Israel -Halibi Sidney Tlie, located on the third jr. lirooks will oflieinte imd ilefloor of the Jewish Community Jivi'-r the si rnion at ir);uliir ]:'riCenter, is conducted from 8:15 day torvioes at 8:15 p.m. at a.m. to .'3:.'5O p.m.. Monday Temple Israel. Mugful jxirtions throtjirh Friday evcept for the of lh<; ser\ire will he sun;; by ]:i|]riei't',arlcners school day the Temple choir under the direcwiinls-up at noon. tion of MNs Ida Ciitlin. Transportation to and from Sntnrtlny serviei'S for adults school is provided for all students and Religious Kehool at i 1 :•'!') a.m. iiiid a liot lunch is senvd al miuii. MoniinK K'.'stival wrviee is at Halibi Iluliin was ordained from 11 :,'iO ii.m., Oetober 2. tho ilcsivtlui Tiferelli Jerusalrm •Iffli El--H:ilili:illi serviee.s at Theological .Seminary in New H:\~i p.m. Uahiii Myer S. Kripke York City. Mrs. Kubin who received her will deliver the Kerimui. Cantor U.A. and Masters decree in edu- Aaron J. r.<l;;ar and Hie Synacation at the University of Con- f?o;;ue Choir will render tho necticut, at Kluirs., is the kinder- musical portions of the service. Traditional Sabbath inornimj part en teacher at tin; school. She has a U.S. derne from the '.services ut 8:.'!0, family service Tt.idiers <'ollr-;:e of Connecticut al VI.'JO. Jliiiclia-Maariv service at G p.m. Noshu'Nali Hahhah •it New Britain. The secular staff of the school Sunday services at !1 a.m. Servincludes Leva li. Hall who ru- ices during the v.eelc at 7 a.m. flived her U.A. decree at Hntil- and 7 p.m. She-mini Atzeretli and Simliat ley University, Peona, III. Rabbi and Mrs. Iluljin and Torah services: Sunday, Octotheir six months old daughter, ber 1, 7 p.m. Monday, October Puorali, are niakin;: their home 2—fSi-rvice including; Yizlcor, 0:15 at '.'AH North Forty-eighth Street. a.m. Service at !) a.m., Yi/kor Wcmorial service and dedication of Memorial plaques ]():;!f) a.m., K ) r \ « JL'DAKA MEETING. Jlinchii, 5:45 p.m.; Manriv, SimKlectiuns will he held at each hat Tondi. 7 p.m. Tuesday. Octoof the niectincs of the three ber ;?> —,sei-\'ice at it a.m. MincliaYoung Judaea Clubs, Sunday, Oc- Maariv Tel") p.m. tober 1 ni the Jewish Community C( liter at 2 p. m. Ititli Isro<-I-Traditional FriKllie Vager who took a special day services, 5:-15 p. m. Sabbath course in leadership training this morning services at 8:45 n. in. hummer, will instruct sixth (jrad- Junior Congregation, 10 a.m. n s in new Israeli songs and liabhi Benjamin CJroner will condances, l'lails for an October duct 5:'!0 p.m. Talmud class. 21)th bake s.-ilo will be made by .Salibalh Mincha, 5:-15 p.m. the seventh grnders and the Sunday, (Ilosbana Kabba) nt eighth graders will discuss a 9 a. m. Junior Minyon, S:'M a. m. forthcoming social event. Minchu at 5:55 p.m. Shcmini Atzeretii, M o n d a y , October 'I—begins 8:-15 a.m.; Junior Cont;rof;ation, 10 a.m.; Yiskor, 10:.'(0 a. m.; Mincha, 5:55 p. m.; Maariv, Hakofas, children's palade, 7 p. m. 1018 Farnam Simliat Torah, Tuesday,'October 3—Services boejii 8:15 a.m.; Junior ConcreRation, 10 a.m.; JMincha 5:55 p.m. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 5:35 p.:n.

Over 2-Lb. Average

IS'nnl Jacob Adas Yi'sluiron—• Friday Mincha, 5:45 p.m.; Saturday, nt 8:45 a.m. and Mincha, 5:45 p.m. Daily services, 7 a.m. and 5;.r)5 p.m.

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DAILY JI-AVISH NKWSI'AI'KKS IJAIt nnil Has Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish nolidays and special occasions. Meyers Ktivs Stand, 1502 Dodp.a

Allan Muskin, son of Mr. mid Mis. Stuart Musldn, will observe his Bar MiUvah this evening ami Kfiturday al the 10:l',0 a. m. perviefs at Heth i'.l Synagogue. ji:i'nu;v coori;it c o i : v iticiiAitns .Mr. .'Hid .Mrs. Nate Cooper announce tho ISar Mitzvah of their <-.,n, Jeffrey, und Mr. and Mrs. David liiehards announre tho liar Mit/.vah of their son, (/ory, at Belli l.\ .Syna';oi;ue, Friday evenine. October G nnd Saturday mornlm;, October 7 al the 10:30 ft. in. sen ice.

"Buy It Where It's Baked" A Real Treat Special!


AllTIint lOVA.V LATTi;it JOHN ICMSION Arthur Kvan Latter, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Latter, and John Ruben, son of Mi", and Mrs, Bernard Itubeii, will each become liar Milzvftlt on Friday evening. September Uil and Saturday mornin", September .'!(), at Temple Israel. MAKIl JAY KVliLOI'P Mark Kvclolf, son of Mr. and Mrs, Sam Kveloff, will observe © his Bur Milzvah, Friday evening, ^ October 0 and Saturday morning, ® Oclober 7 at the B'nai •Israel 0 © Synagogue, Council Bluffs. Mrs. Larry ViUn of Decatur, Ga., will arrive on October 7 for a visit at the home of her mother, Mrs. Harry L). Haylcin. She is the former Bonnie Hayltin.

Beth Israel ScEiool Has tkn Instructor Beth Israel Syuagoguo has announced the apiwintment of Alfred J. Klein, formerly of \Vilniiinilon, Del., as an instmctor on its religious school staff. Mr, Klein Is a graduate of the Mesifta Torah Vadaath Theological Seminary in Brooklyn. He also attended Brooklyn College. He worked with youth activities In Wilmington and served as a tr'neher in Duluth, Minn.

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SAM News has been received of the death, September 2, in Los Angeles, Oil., of Sam Harmcl, 74, foiiner Oniahan. Ke is durvi\ed by Mi wife, Bcriha, and o u\ster, MJ-B. Joe Gotsdlner of Omaha.


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Don Bernstein, 345-2554 B'nai B'rith leaders from Omaha, Sioux City, Lincoln, Sioux Falls, Council Muffs, Grand Island, Hastings, and Fremont will convene in Omaha, Sunday, October 8, nt the Sheraton-Fontenelle Hold for the fall meeting of the organznllon's Southwest Regional Council. Seminars will be held to discuss B'nai B'rith programs and projects Youth activities, voca* tional guidance, antl-refamation loafjue, membership, fund raisin;;, and adult Jewish Education. A luncheon, following the seminars, will feature an address by Nat H. Itappin, Chicago, III., Junior Past President of District Grand Lodge. .Awards for indivual and lodge achievement will be presented. RcKistration for tile meeting stars at 9 a. m. at the hotel. Tlie Oninha Lodges—Henry MonRky nnd Cornhuskcr-are meeting hosts with Dr. Benton Kuller nnd Alvin Abinmson as chairmen.


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Friday, September 20, 1901


Beth El Is Scene of Ross-PIaff Sunday Afternoon Marriage Rites The afternoon wedding of Barbara Carolyn l i o s and Dean "Michael Platt was held .Sunday, September 24 at Ileth Kl'ojrue. Ilabhi Mycr »S. Kripke performed Use ceremony, Parents of tlie couple are Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel It, Koss mid Mr, and Mrs. Max Platt. For her attendants, the bndo chose Mrs. Irvin .Singer a.s matron of honor; Donna Margolin, Cindy Wicsc and Linda jacubson as bridesmaids, Tho bride, given in marriage by her father, was downed in a princess .silhouette of ivory Duchess .svitin ,'iiiil hand-rim Alcneon l.'ire, appliqued on the necklino mid hodice front. '1'he bride's three-tiered veil was in ivory. Kuril tier was a double pouff of French illusion. 'i'he crown which held (lie \eil Was fashioned of pearl prance blossoms, pearl leaves and auroi a bbrcali.s* bade interest. ,Sho carn a l the family prayer book topped with white and champayiiu tea roses with stephanolis. For her attendants, the hrldtf chose dclustured satin in chamj>a;;ne .sliade. Tho street leni;(li <ie.slj;n featured fitted lxidires with lii|;h scoop necklines endinj; in V backs. Millard Mar;;olin served as best. man. Thomas Bernstein and Irviu Sinjjcr were !;ro<>msmeii. Uxliovs uere Thomas Plait, Marthai! Bernstein, Stephen Sei-Jin


Fage Tliree

Maxine Jabenis Chooses December 24 Wedding Date Mr. and Mrs. Kli .labcnis :in-





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Mrs. Louis Pi!.-ser of Council liluffs, attended lint S t a t e University of lov.a at Iowa City When.; he was affiliated with 1'hi Kpsilon Pi social fraternity. .\ Oee'.lmb(?r 21 weddiii); is behij; planned,

*. >

.Mis, ricall Mii-havl I'l.iU and Frederick Herr, the latter of lUtnlinsiUm, West Va. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Koss chose emerald tirecn deluslered satin with matching a c c e s s o r i e s . Mrs. platt was gowned in rose beige Alencan lace. Following the reception at the Sheralon-Fonlenelle Hotel, the couple left, for a wedding trip to Las Vrijns, iVcv,, nnd New Orleans, I,a. After Oct. fifteenth, Mr. and Mrs. Plait, will be nt home at 3001 South 107th avenue.

Anne Frank's lift To Sunh'o Enemies —President ICennedy Amsterdam fJTAl—President John F. Kennedy paid tribute here to Anne; Frank in a message Jn Which he said that, in her diary, the yoiin;; Dutch Jewish girl'liml left "a (;ifl that will ,sii7'vive her eneniics, '1'he President's message was read here by Secretary of Labor Arthur. Goldberg after he had p l a c e d a. wreath at the house where the Frank family hill from the Nazis for two years and where Anne Frank wrote her diary. "Of the multitude who throughout history have spoken for human dignity In times of great suffering and loss," Mr. Kennedy declared, "no place Is more compelling than thatof Anne Frank."

'Spruce Up1 Party B'nai B'riffi Women To Feature Upstagers Heads New York City At Beth Israel Knlertainment by the "UpThe Hctli Israel .Sisterhood will hold a "spruce-up" party slac'i's will be featured at the October 10 at 12:.'i0 p. tn. in the fund raisiiic event, "A Night in synagogue focial hall. Funds Las Votias" by the 13'nnl U'ritli raised will be used to beautify Oornhusker chapter, .Saturday, October 14 at 8:.'!0 p. m. at the the synagogue. In charce of the event are Mrs.- Ranch Bowl. Members of the committee in Nathan Kaplan, chairman; the M m a , Delrnar Klein, Jack Levey "charKO are Mmes. Herhort White and Jay Chasen, co-chairmen, nnd Myron Mnrko, tickets; W, Their committee includes Mrnes. White and Martin Kolnidc, B. Gilbert. Aronoff, Maurico [tames; Charles Fredkin and Hud Feldman, Joseph Frank, Hyman Greenspan, prizes; Harold AhraLuhman, Phillip Lubman, Sam hamson, Meyer Ifalprin and lien Iicnnan, Bernard Weiss, Koman Itifkin, advisory. Ainstur, David It I c It I m a n, Blanche Harris, Harold Zollnsky, Ernest Hochster, J«y .Stoler and Aaron Epstein.


Monroe D. Rosenberg

Jiouiicd flu' (•DpiKcuiciil of Ilieic d«o(;hler, Masiii'. 1 I.if, to Alli-n I'asser of Council Hluffs, la., at It recent dinner p a r l y at tin! Slieraton-Foiiti-nefli' Hotel. , Miss Jabenis a t t e n d e d lilt' University of N e b r a s k a at Lincoln nnil is now enrolled at t h e University of Omaha. Mr.


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Irvin J. Harris, former Omaha n, has heen promoted to Major in the United States Air V'urcc, It was ilisrlom-d in n lot-

ter to his parents, Mi', and Mrs. Keuben Harris. His former rank was that of a captain. Major Harris is now stationed in France. With him are his wire and daughters, Claudia, Slndie and Lori. Sirs. I'lillllp (.'nimlell wishes to tlmnlc her rrlntlves nnd frlt'iulH for tlin many Blfts, flow<^r« nnd curds «Iio received niirl tlin (l»(iutJnns mado Jn lier name, durliif; Iicr recent Illness.


Board of Education

New York--Max J. Kubin, n New York attorney born on the lower East Side, nml one of three Jews on New York City's new Board of Kilucation, was appointed by Mayor Robert F. Wacner as president of the Board. The other Jewish members named to the hoard are Amin A. Hosenberg, former Assistant Secretary of Defense in the Roosevelt ndministivition and Atom's Iiishewilz, a labor lender.


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Beth £1 Harvest Harmony Dance Mrnes. Owen Meycrson, Stanley Silverman and Arnold Stern, co-chairmen of- the Hoth Kl Synagogue Sisterhood Harvest Harmony Dance, appointed the following women to the ticket committee; . Mrnei, Norman Abrahomson, Jack Don, Hymen Detmon, Reuben Oord/, Morrli Brick, Seymour Colin, Max Folk, Morris Fellman, Harold Fox, Harold Goroer, Barton Gr«nl)«ro, Sidney Holfis, PWI Kaliman, norold Korl, Kevco Klrshcnboum, Slonlord Llpsoy, Leonard Lulltwa, Norman Muisman, Crnio Hoga, Ralph Nogg, Norman I'reil, V/llllom HnduzJner, Berl fttndor, Euacn» Hlcli, iluart Rochmon, Kellh Sounfl«rj, Sidney Scliwarlr, Abo Slusky, MorrU Slolmasler, Sicwort Tully, Robert V/ogncr, Marl Welil, Samuel VIM, Mmes Harry Pelmont, Gerald Dtrnilein, Max Olllner, Ronotd Crodkey, Afan Burlon, Irvlna Chudacof/, ffarry Collck, J o c k Dultch, Lawrcnco Epjllen, Albert Feldman, ncrnard Fr!cdl)erg, Marry Ferenjtlen, Bruce Orernoora, Joe G U M , Joel Hellmon, Jock Jocobjon, Morvln xolill, Ben Kuller, Lou Lcwlj, Juslln Monvllr> Donald Nopp, Harold Pcrelman, Joo nice. Burton Robinson, Davia Romanlk, Arnold Rosemon, sluart Simon, Ben Sluljky, Marlln Staenbern, Sam Mern, Jako Turck, Ira V/hllebook, Erncll Wfnfroub.

The dance, scheduled for September 30 nt tho Highland Country Club, will feature the music of Knilo Pricsman's Combo.

TKMI'U'3 ISRAEL OI'KNS •ACTIVITIKS' SKASON Rabbi Sidney II. ISrooks will discuss "Talk on Timely Topics" with the "Second Cup of Coffee" group, Tuesday, Oetoday 3 at 10 a.m. nt Temple Israel. The Temple Bible Study Group begins its ninth year with the first of the fall series on Thursday, October 5, with coffee a t 1 p.m. and class at l:'M p.m. Kabbl Brooks will load tho group, his subject for (he scries Is "How To Head The Bible." The series will cover an Introduction to the Biblical Literature, its style and language, and Its place In Jewish tradition. An assistant teachers' meeting will be held at the Temple, Tuesday, October 3 at 4 p.m. . * * • SAM MOTHERS CLUB Members of the SiRma Alpha Mu Mothers Club will gather Wednesday, October 4 at 1 p.m. for a dessert luncheon meeting at tho home of Mrs.••"•Alfred Sophir, G729 Davenport Street. All mothers of pledges and alum-

ni are Invited. Reservations may be made by calling Mrs. Sophir, 553-3950. •


COUSINS CLVJi Mrs. Leonard Chcrniss will entertain the Cousins Club Wednesday, October 4 at the Regis Hotel. Anyone who is unable to attend is asked to call 345-8219. •

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BETH IX IiOAItl) The Beth El Sisterhood board will meet at 1 p.m. Thursday, October 5 in the synagogue social hall following n coffee. Guests of the hoard will be chairmen of Circle 1, 2, ,'} and 4 the Mines. Harry Colick, Sam Diamond, David Fogel, .Sam Fried, David Hoberman, Max Lflshinsky, Floyd Perimeter nnd Yale Richards, it was announced by Mrs. Morris Brick, circle coordinator.

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Israelis Shocked Over Death of Hammarskjold

FLAG Ronu and A. '/.. A. 1, chalked Up opening day victories as the Youth Council be<;an their 1-lth year of Olympic competition with the inauguration of the Flag football race. Ronu with Buddy Epstein and Stu Hurwitz leading the way dumped Rayiin 19-G. Bill Ginsburg was tlie spark in A. Z. A. 1's triumph over A. Z. A. 100, in It close 21-18 game. STANDINGS Won I-.o'.t Ronu I 0 0 A. Z. A. 1 1 1 Rayiin 0 1 A. Z. A. 100 0 Schedule for Sunday, Oct. 1, 10 a. m. Rayim vs. AXA.. 100. . 10 a. m. Roiiu .vs. A.Z:A. 1. ' VARS1TV HOVTRWS. KNOS SKA8ON The J. C, C. Varsity Softball team concluded their KXil schedule in tlie Onuiha Softball A;;::-o-

Palestine ifems on Assembly Agenda United Nations (JTA) — The General Committee of the United Nations General Assembly recommended the Inclusion nmonfr the items on the agenda of the current Assembly session, the report of the director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine! Refugees in the Near Enrt and the report on activities, cost ami maintenance of tlie United Nations Emergency Force, UNEK, patrols the border between the TJnited Arab Republic's Sinai peninsula and Israel; and holds Shami el Sheikh, which dominates the entrance to the Gulf of Eilat.

Evidence of ftneiant Synagogue in Italy Rome (\VNS»—The remains of a synagogue of the 5th Century C. E. have been found during excavations near Ostia Antici, where the port of Home was formerly located, 'fills is believed to be tlie oldest Jewish monument in tlie world next to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. There is no doubt that this was once the building of a synagogue, since sculptured friezes were found of a menorah, n s h o far, an ehhrog and a lulav, which seemed to have been part of the ark. The building occupied an area large enough to hold !>00 worshippers. Italian Chief Rabbi Toaf Issued a statement in which he said that this is.a monument of incomparable historic value and that its discovery will have repercussions among Jewish communities throughout the world.

Center in Memory of Late Henry Monsky

Friday, September 29. 19S1

Swedish Translation Aramco Booklet Map Omits Israel Of Buher's Work

New Yorlc, (JTA! -'Hie Wcsl'a Tlie late Dag llammarskjold attitude towards the I'alestino planned to translate into Swedish ciation Class "A" Club league Jerusalem (JTA) --As the blue Arati reftiKce question and "a with a seu.son mark of three wins flag of the United Nations flew Professor Martin Buber's basic real sense of in.'-onurity with re— and thirteen losses. at half-mast over UN Iload'juar. philosophical work, "1 and Thou," tpect to possible further expanBATTING tei'3 in No-Mati's-I^imd between and had written a letter discir;;."*- sion of Israel" ore the major reaAB II B.A. Israel anil Jordan in mounting ini; his [ilaris which tho noted sons why tlie Arab .States hava owr the death of Secretary-Ocji- philosopher recfived here on the tiii'iifd to the .Soviet Union fop \V. Siepal 47 13 crul DAS; Hanunarskjoki, many %'ery day of the United Nations arms and economic assistance, Pcul X> 9 7 .210 Israeli ofiicial.s and leadVi's, with A. .Siciral 29 nccoi'din;; to tho "Aramcu H.'iml4 .2;;r> Prime Minister David Ben- Kecrctary-GeiicrnJ'5 death. 'Hie book," published by tho Arabian Zevitz 17 letter had been written from 2 222 Gurinn in the forefront, exBrojdiy 9 American Oil Company for tha pressed their shock over the un- United Nations headquarters in guidance of its employees. Konocky 412 9 .215 7 .210 timely death of the United Na- New York just before Mr. HnniColnic .' 3.'i Tin; volume, printed in tho tions chief. They expressed con- niarskjolil left on his ill-fated Netherlands, has been distributed Wolk 38 4 .103 2 .105 ciiiji coupled with anxiety over trip to the Congo. Bojrrad 19 )iy the oil company to public lithe impact his death mli;ht have Handleinan 3'J 4 .100 braries throughout the country. Mr. Ifammarskjolil, lonp; on on the future cffocti^ni.-ss of Stoler 11 1 .01*0 It contains only two reference's a d m i r e r of Profc;-,or Huber, the United Nation';. to t r a e l - a brief reference f.o IOihn 3U 3 .078 whom he met twice, wrote that 0 .CX<0 Voicing hi:i dt;t'ii'::A, oondol- he hoped to liave the translation the fact thnf. "the Arab St.iti:S Seilcbick 2 0 .000 c-nco, I ' r c m l e r Lk'U-(!uiirm published in Sweden within the dispute Lsracl's claims to rifrht* Weiss 2 0 .000 prai.sod thn late Mr. Ifamniru1- next yer.f. There was no indica- in the Gulf of Akabu," nnd a Ti:.\M I.KADKKS skjold as 1111 international public tion how far Mr. Hammarskjold lonncT refiTence to the ArabGanra l'l.-iycd—V7. Sie;;;il, ICon- servant wlio had "aspired to in- had progressed with his transla- Israi'li dispute as n source of ccky. 1G. creased peace in our region." If tension in the Middle liast. tion of the work. Batting Avernijo—W. SiPfttil, 280. he did not always nuccced," said Nor docs llm nmnn of Ism<4 IIitK--W. Sic;;al, 13. Hr. Bi'ii-tlurioii, "it was not for Bppi'ar nnytvlirro on tlm «*orn or Doubles--W. .Sie;;al, Paul, 3. lack of j;ood will on his part." rnoro of limps npprarlnj; In tli» Triples --W. .Sif'i;.'J, Koiiecliy, 1. Pointing out that Mr. Ilammarboolc. or on nny of (ti»» numerous • Home Runs—W. Siej"~a1, 1. slijold lost Ills life "on a mission tlmrts on tlm Middle Hast wlili-h Iluns Scored--Paul, 9. of peace." Mi'. Beii-Gurion said Memorial name plaques placed nr« liicludrrt In tlin IMHIU. AH IlHuns liattfd In—W. Sic,':al, 11. Mr. IIi'iinni;'s death "is a on tho Memorial Tablet in lli-th lustration, In color, "Mlddl<- Rust Runs Produced -W. Sif^'al, 19. Erievous loss to the United NaEl Synagogue, during the past I'liiKK," drplrto (lie national cn\Walks -Paul. Kahn. 8. tions, particularly at this time several months will be dedicated orn of 10 !Midilln Ilifct rounlrlcs, .Strikeouts--Kahn, 19. of heightened world tension," at th<? Sliemini Atr.erfth Yiskor lint not tho bliiiv-wlilto thitz of services on Monday, October 2. Israel. A historical section, describThose, whoso iiintics will be ln;; the mandate syntem csii;hcommemorated by their families llshod after World War T, m.-.':'S at that time nro: Sam Altsnlcr, reference to tho liritlsh ManPaul P.rrnstein. Anna f'linit, date over Piilestinc nnd the subTillie Dioojjoff, Sadie. Saxe Fire- sequent severance of Jordan for Bonn (JTA)—The G e r m a n not have a single t>cat In the man, Max 15, Garbcr, I/Win, establishment ns an independent Reich Party, a neo-Nazi croup- Baudestag, Uio I-.oi.vrr Houso of Jlermnn Mirowitz, Sam Hown- slate, but fails to report Hint the im;, received a i.clb.'idc in West I'arUiuiiunl, fcince it failid to ob- blum, Klla Shapiro, FmmiR Batt Palestine 'Mandate elided with Wintroub and Kidney Znoimer. .Germany's parliamentary elecestablishment' of the SUite of tions Sunday, an official recap- tain a minimum of 5.0 per cent Israel in part of the territory of itulation of tin- vote established. of the vote cast. Palestine <n- to explain in ii'iy The party polled only 0.8 per The party's greatest strength wny how the P a l e s t i n p Arab cent of the total vote as com- ..was shown in the Ithinclniidrefun<'C situation was created.1 pared to 1.0 per cent in the 1957 I'falz, Lower Saxony nnd BreFederal elections, and its pre- men areas. German leaden have Israel—A considerable stir was election expectations of winning frequently considered seekiiiR a caused nt the UN Conference on 7.0 pe rceiit of the vote. ban on the German Reich Party New Sources of Eneri:y by Dr. Numerically, tho n e o - X a i l because, despite its protestations Henry Tabor's solar-p o w c r e d (froup polled 2W.18G votes, •»• of loyalty and tolerance, it was generating unit, John Davis reWestport,* Conn. (JTA)—Alan drop of 32,107 from Uio total It generally regarded as bcint; anti- ported in a recent Of'NS dis- F. P. Moyler, a 35-year-old freeanmssed In 1957. Tbo party will democratic and anti-Semitic patch. It Is the fruit of a decide lance commercial artist living of socialized study in Jerusalem n«ir Westport, is under $11,000 at the Israel National Physical bail, after bc-lnji arrested and Laboratory, which is part of the arraigned on 1C separate c h a r t ' s Prime Minister's Office. of violatins Federal and S l i t o This relatively simple and ro- la«s by sprt'adiiin and mailing New York (JTA)—Nearly one is that they are a weapon in what bust unit has been installed nt a anti-Semitic propaganda. According to police, Moyler million Arab.refugees from Pal- scem.'i to be a permanent war," small fnrm on a brown hillside has Ixicn, for three yenrs, mi"lfive kilometers outside R o in e, she says. She refers to the fact estine are teed as pawns by the that "Mein Kampf" was Ignored next to a vineyard, and produced inf; anti-Semitic materials, rcribArab countries in continuing a in its day. and says tliat "we electricity from the sun's energy blinj; slot;aii5 in tr-lcphono booths state of war with Israel, accord- oucht to have learned never to at a cost competitive with that and other public places, nnd ing to an article in the October ipiore dictators or their books. of a small dicsel gcncrutini; Bot. sending dead rats in Uie mails issue of the Atlantic Monthly 1 'Egypt's Liberation,' by Game! It has been generally acclaimed to Jrws in this area. Government handwriting experts traced Magazine. The article emphasizes Abdul Nasser, deserves careful as suitable as a small power unit tho offensive materials tn Moyfor under-developed rural areas notice." that the leaders of the Arab naler, police authorities Bald. in hot countries, 8 Camps Visited tions have used the plight of 11m thoroughness and the inMiss Gcllhorn visited eirthl of Athens (JTA) — The Greek these refugees as the central the 58 refugee camps which the genuity of the scheme makes a Ministry of Trade lauded tho theme in a hate campaign against United Nations relief organiza- considerable contrast to some development of trade between Istion has operated for the past 11 other contributions for harness- rael nnd Greece nnd said there Israel. years at a cost of nearly S.1G0 inj; solar energy which are being were great opportunities for Weapon In War million. After talking with the presented here, writes Davis. commerce between the t"\vo connMartha G e 11 h o r n, novelist, Arab families in these camps, she Dr. Henry Tabor, Director of trios. journalist, former war corres- says: "The Palestinian refugees the National Physical Laborapondent, and the author of The are unfortunate victims of a brief LECAU nonce tory, which developed the unit, Requircd~by the Act of Angus? Atlantic's article, "The Arabs moment in history. If we can revealed on his return from tlie 24,Statement 1117, as amended by i n * acts e f M a r c h of Palestine," says that of the keep the peace, however troubled, Conference that several interna- J, M i l , and July £ 1(44 Cllllf IS, Unllcd Coda, Section 233) showing toe ovm* thirty-nine million war refugees the children of Palestinian ref- tional firms and an Israeli one •States r t h i p , management and circulation ef T M press published weekly at Omaha. since World War II few have ugees will make themselves at have offered to participate In Jcwlm Nebraska/ September 3», H i t . been exploited. "The unique mis- home among their own kind, In financing, developing and marTito names and oddrrsvn of tto poUlih1 er, editor, managing editor, and business) fortune of the Palestine refugees their ancestral lands." keting tlie unit. mtmocjers ore:

Bs!Ii El So Oedicafs ieniorfa! Piapes

Neo-Nazi Party Gets Setback In West German Elections

Israel Solar Engine Makes Stir at Meet

Anfi-Settiitic iaifing Brings ian's Arrest

Palestine Refygees, Pawns of


A cultural' and social center was approved for construction at Eamat Zvi, "a settlement sponsored fay B'nai B'rith, In memory of the late Henry llonsky. Work will begin in December. Jerusalem (WNS)—A translaA 5100,000 community center tion into of the works at Moledet B'nai B'ritn in Israel, of Sholem Aleichem, immortal will be completed and dedicated Yiddish humorist, is reported in by December, the B'nai B'rith the current issue of "Chinese Committee for Israel reported literature," a Peking periodical. The Pelting literary magazine, at its annual meeting this week.

Shnkm Alelefsem in Anti-Bias Clause Removed 8h!n®s@ Translation From Peace Corps Bill

Sfendefsoi) AeSiisrs Book op Epigrams Harry G. Uendefeon is the author of a book of epigrams entitled "Wise Witty and WeUWorderl" Mr. llendelson Is one of the most prodigious collectors and creators of epigrams in -this part of the country. His collection numbers close to 100 thousand clippings from newspapers and magazines. The book Is illustrated by Dennis Kennedy.

a copy of which reached here, recently, refers to tho Yiddish author as Sit Aleichem. The error was called to the attention of the Peking publication by Dov Koy, director of the Haifa Ethnological Museum. Replying to Mr. N o / 3 letter, the editors of Chinese literature said the mistake was "through ignorance" and that it would be rectified. Some of Sholem Aleichem's works, tlie publication said, had been recited at tlie Chinese Youth Art Theatre in*'observance of the centenary of the birth of tlie Yiddish writer.

Wasliington (JTA) — Senate conferees, led by Cliainnan J. \V. Fulbrlght of the Foreign Relations Committee, were disclosed to have eliminated an anti-bias clause from the Peace Corps bill now before Congress. •feace Corps Director It. Sargeant Slirlvor liart Insisted, In an appearance before Sen. Fulbrlght's committee, that Feaco Corps personnel would not Im lent Into countries. Hire Uio Arnl> states, which d i s c r i m i n a t e against U.S. personnel on a bash of religions or nu-lnl prejudice. By unanimous vote, the House adopted an amendment barring Peace Corps operations in nations seeking to enforce bigotry. Hep. Silvio O. Contc, Massachusetts Republican, said this

amendment was "directed particularly to the Arab countries that have discriminated against American boys of Jewish faith. I do not think they should have the benefit of the Peace Corps," It was learned that the State Department, through Sen. FulbriKht, interceded In the SenateHouse conference to delete the anti-bias measure, approved by tho House. Representative Thomas E. Morgan, Pennsylvania Democrat, chairman of tlie House Forelfjn Affairs Committee, admitted that the amendment "caused the conference a great deal of< concern." Rep. Morgan expressed sympathy for tlie amendment's purpose but apparently had to RO along with t h e Executive Department's wishes.

Jewish Federation of Omoho, Inc., 101 N, 20lh St., Omaha Managing editor, ncne. Editor, ( M n . ) Kronces Klein, 141 N. SOttl St., Omafta, . Dullness manager, Paul Veret, 101 N . 20IH St., Omaha. Tlie cwners: ( I f owned by a corporation. I f * nanvi and address musf be stated ana olu> ImmMiatcly thereunder th« name* and oddreEses of stockholders ownlnp or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of stock. If not owned by q corporation, the names and addresses of the Individual owners must be given. I f owned by a porlner* ship or ottier unincorporated firm. Its name and address, as woll as that of each Indl* vidual member must be given), Home—Address . Jewish Federation of Omaha, inc. Harry Truslln, president, 101 Na. TOIti St. Ernmt A. NOOT, first vlce-preildenf, 101 l l » . solh 5t. Arthur H. Colditcln, second vlc4-presldenf# lot Mo. 5W/I St. Milton R. Abrahams, treasur*r, 101 N a . 50th St. Isadoro Chapman, secretary. 101 Ho, 20ttl

Paul Vtref, « c c u l l v i director, 101 HO. 20ltl St. The known bondholders, mcrtoagei and other security holders ownlno or holding 1 per cent or more of totci amount of bendt, mortgaco or olher securities or<: (If t h c r * ore none, so stole.) None. The average number cf copies of each Issue of fhlt publication told or distributed through the m a i n or otherwise, to paid subscribers during the twelve months p r e ceding lite date shown above was: (Ihlfl Information Is required from dally, weekly, temlwecUy, and triweekly newspapert only). 2K», PAUL V E R E T , Business Manager Sworn 1o and subscribed before me ttitc twenty-second day of SepltmMr, 1*41. PATRICIA R. BURTON, I M c commlsilon expires October 11, I("65)

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