October 6, 1961

Page 1


Vol. XI-—Xo. B

Publication Office. 101 No. L'Oth Omaha. Nebraska,- I'hono 34S-1JICO

g\*t*KlA OMAHA,




SMer Hi rtlm, KniliiiuniiKI nrul Mln-k , . . Iteorcilion for Renlor

A scene at the Jewish Community Center swimming pool sometimes Includes the temporarily discarded crutches of a nur.se, the folks who find relaxation in the water and the sen-

lor citizen* enjoying mild exercise, and pleasant way to .spend their time. Sister Bertha noose,' 62-yearold, registered nurse at Immanuel Deaconess Institute, and sufferer of arthritis in both hips, drops her crutches at the poolsitle as she slips Into the water. She feels the exercise keeps her

from Rottinj; stiff. She is in Die pool twice a week. There is Joseph Radinowskl, 05-year old retired postal employe, and community lender, who says swimming is way of .exercise for him and that such conditioning helps improve one's outlook on life. 'ITiere are many oilier senior citizens who have been devotu of the Center pool for years. The enjoyment of the pool 1>> these folks is why the Jew l1 li Community Center is offering a free hour weekly swim for Omaha's senior citizens. Aquatic Director Joseph' Mlcelf said, that registration for these classes will txwn October 19. Classes will bo open to anyone CO or owi, each Wednesday from 9 a. m. to 30 a. m. Mr. Micck, said however, that everyone must submit an oka> from a physician. Classes will be arranged pi iniarily for recreation, such as mild water games, but instruction will be available for those wishing it.

The seventh annual donor fund plies and medicines* for the hosraising dessert luncheon and card pital unit. Monthly trips are party will be given by the Blkur made to the State Mental HospiCholim Society on Monday, Oc- tal at Lincoln by the society tober 0 at 12:.1O p. m. at the when Rifts and refreshments are presented to inmates. The hospiJewish Community Center. tal at Beatrice hns been added Worlt for Homo Proceeds of the event will be to the service list, Mrs. Jake Wine, the Society's used for the maintenance of the beauty parlor and barber shop President, said the entire board at the Dr. Philip Slier Home for makes up the committee planthe Aged. Blkur Cholim mem- ning the event. Mrs. Harry Sidbers, for the past 35 years or man is in 'charge of donor solicimore, have devoted their efforts tation. General admission is $1 to projects involving the care of and donor, $5. The following include a partial the community's sick and needy. list of donors: Visit Hospital Mrmj. Clnar Abromson, Jake Chornoy, Their work at the home has William Cwlcln, Saul Fellman. i, J. FrclCecil Izonitalt, Abe Kraml, Harry Included installation of an.eleva- den, Kuller, Ann Lehman, Aaron Levin, Irvln Levin, Charles R w , Dave Roznlck, Harry tor, air-conditioners in the din- Sklmon* Louis Slnoln, Nathan Veltzer, Dave Ing room and auditorium and Wine, Minis VVIne, Jake Wine, Morrli While, Allan Zalkln, John ZorlnsKy, Harry oxygen tents, hospital beds, sup- Llppeft, end Hale Clmpte.

Women Invited to Annual Needlework Tea Tuesday An Invitation to the annual ingathering tea of the Omaha Keedlework Guild has been ex-, tended to the women in tho community. The event will be held Tuesday afternoon, October 10, at the Dundee Presbyterian Church, 5312 Underwood. Avenue. • The -Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, under the namo Associated Jewish Charities of which Mrs. Dave Cohn Is section

chairman and Mrs. Richard •Wright table display chairman, invites everyone to attend. Tho following have contributed since tho last list appeared! Mmes. Ben W. Abrahamson, Isadora Abramson, Jacob , Abramson, Arthur Anchcl, Morris Arkln, Gilbert Aronoff, Abo Baker, Norman Batt, Harry Belmont, Sam Herman, David Blacker, Isadora Blumkin, Louis ; (Continued on Puge 4.)

Slnfflc Copy 10 Cents Annual Hate 4 Dollars

«»-> oi

Yoafli Oeutsefl i@


Siicond Class P<j:;tlii:<! PuliI al Omaha, Netar.


Bond Chairman Z2- Grossman, Woman's lead

Members of the Jcv JQI s\tf ov Council are setting ill ^ Top post appointments for the broadcasting station, sil. ..i/iting Israel Uond Dme in tlie Omalui all the techniques of an actual a r e a were an-f " <••*•• operation. n o u n cod this! The .station will provide teen- week. j nci'fs with o[iportunities to learn Dr. Abe Gieenabout appearing on the air. arid b e r g , prominent1 ',"**», <"Vt management of such a project. Omaha physician, ** The studio will be in tlie youth closely identified "s " /• 5 Council office of the Jewish w i t li communal Community Center. I* r e s e n t affairs for nwny plans are to extend its listening y e a r s , has ac- , ^ area to the Youth Council cepted the Gnn-f / /"*£ lounge and the swimming pool. e r a I Chairman-1 / / { * i L. Harold Schneider, ?oii of Mr. ship of the 11G1 Ui.>,s and Mrs. Nathan Schneider will Israel Bond cum- 1>r act as program director of tiio paign, aeeording - ""•«»'«-'l»' operation to be known as the to his predecessor, Robert M. Youth Co u n c i 1 Broadcasting Keinlierij. Midwest R e g i o n a l Company. Assistant program di- Chairman of Special Sales since rector will be Susan Kafzman, 1'KiO. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MaurJ'ast Ft-deratlon President ice Katzman. Dr. Greenberg is past president The project will open some- of both the Jewish Federation time before November .1 with of Om;iliM, and IVnai B'rith DisDik Werner, Center Youth Di- trict No. 6, a member of the rector, as adviser. Those Inter- Supreme Lodge Board of Goverested in participating in the nors and National Chairman of station activities are asked to the Henry Monsky Foundation. appear in person at the Center's Dr. Grcenberg who has for more than 40 years, devoted much of Youth Council office.

•his time to serving iii tlie interest of his fellowmen, received a special award for "distinguished service to humanity, Judaism and Israel," from the district organization in 1059. lie attended the triennial B'nni B'rith convention in Israel in 1938. T li e appointm e n I. of Mrs. Morris Grossman us Women's Division chairman, w a s announced by Mrs. J. Hurry Kulalcofsky, Honorary Area Chairman for Nebraska, Iowa and South D a k o t a and first recipient of the covet-MrM- G r o s S B l i m ed "Chen Maccabit" award in the Midwest. "Woman of Valor" Mrs. Grossman whose Israel Band Sales now exceed $100,000, will lie the third woman in Omaha to receive the title of "Woman of Valor," setting a record in thn number of such awards in the Midwest arqa. Mrs. Grossman has been an eye-witness to the refugee problems in Israel during her tours of the country in 1055, 19f>8 and 1961. She was one of the organizers of the first Hadassali group in Council Bluffs and later served as advisor to .the Omaha Busines».. and. Professional unit forthree years. In 1959 Mrs. Grossman headed the Women's Division of the O in a li a Jewish Philanthropies. She belongs to the Omaha Toastmistress Club, Benson Commercial Club and Eastern Star,

Center Offers First Aid Course

- 1

Iv »

Mup slious position of Arab states and Syria, who broke tics with Nassor,

World Is Watching Syria's Movements Since Revolt Experts on tho Middle East who will participate in the Middle East Institute, October 13 at the University of Omaha will have an opportunity to analyze and discuss the latest Syrian developments. KyRH on Syria The eyes of the world are watching Syria's movements since it broke ties with Egypt in the United Arab Republic. Syria said Its revolt was planned to halt a weakening of Its army by Egyptians. According to some sources, Syrian army's new com-, mander-in-chief, Abdel Karim Zahrcdin charged that some $28 million worth of military arms and equipment, was shipped to Cairo. Border Quiet Shattered In Israel, the long standing calm on her borders were upset by the Invasion of planes which were driven off by Israeli interceptors. The air penetration, apparently for photographic , purposes coincided with the revolt of Syria. Summer In Middlo Emt Guest speakers at the all day Institute will be such authorities on the Middle-East as Dr.

Nasrollah Saifpour Fatemi, professor of social science at Fairleigh Dickinson University, who is working on two research projects, "The Economic Development of the Middle East" and "Nationalism in the Muslim World." Dr. Fatemi spent the summer in the Middle East, The Rev. Karl Bachr, Executive Director of the American Christian Palestine Committee, a participant has led six study tours through the Middle East. Another special guest will be Shaul Ramati, press and information officer of the ChicagoIsraeli Consulate. The program will also feature Omaha authorities on tlie Middle East, Before, lltli Persons interested in attend-' Ing the institute may register by enclosing $5 with their name and address for mailing to Director, Conferences and Short Courses, E p p l e y Conference, University of Nebraska before October 11. The Institute is being co-sponsored by the University, the American Christian Palestine Committee and the Jewish Federation Omaha.

The Jewish Community Center will offer a standard American Red Cross First Air Course on five consecutive Wednesday evenings from 7:30 p. m. to 9:30 p. m. The class opens Wednesday, October 18 in tlie Youth Council Lounge at tho Center. Joe Micek of the Center Staff, will be the. instructor.

of Hew Immigrants Haifa, Israel—Some indication of the proportions of the new immigrant wave was provided by the scene in Haifa port on the eve of Yom Kippur, when no fewer than 500 immigrants arrived in three ships. Hie influx of newcomers reminded officials of tho period of mass immigration. The immigrants, together with a large number of returning tourists, were rushed swiftly through the immigration customs formalities.

Dr. Sreenberg Cited As HumaniBarian Dr. Abe Greenberg, Omaha physician, received a citation for humanitarian activities at the regional conference, of the Joint Defense Appeal, Sunday at Brown's I-ake, Burlington, Wis. The JDA is the combined council of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith and the American Jewish Committee. Attending the meeting were two other well-known Omahans, Dr. Leon Fellman, who wa» named Nebraska State Chairman of JDA and his sow, Richard FeUman, attorney.


Page Two

f etotsf) Published weekly on Friday beginning tlin last week In August through second week In July. Second Class Pcitooe Paid at Omuho, Htbr. Annual Subscription, U CO. Advertising Raits on Application. • Publication Otfice—]01 No. ;0!ll Street, Omaha, lltbr. ("lione 342-13M.


Women's Bond Meeting Oct. 11 A meeting of Israel B o n d chairmen of the various women's organizations in the Omaha area will be held on Wednesday, October 11, at 9:30 a. m., at the home of Mrs. Morris Grossman, Women's Division Chairman of the current Bond Drive. The informative mooting will outline plans for the coming Israel Bond events in Omaha during the next three 'months.

BIKTII ANNOUNCED' Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slein of San Diego, Cal., announce the birth of a. son, Michael Phillip, on 'September 25. Mrs. Stein is the former .Sandra Fellrnan,. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ixmis Kollmnn. The paternal grandmother is Mrs. Kannie Stein. Mrs. Fay Giii-sbing and Sam Fellman are greatgrandparents. Mr.'and .Mrs. Kamon Pred announce the birth of a son, Marshall. Edward on October 2, They aio also the parents of another son, Mark Kichard. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pred of Lyons, Neb, Great-iiranilmolhor is Mis. Rose Ferer.

THINK FIRST OF The Sign of Good Housckccpingl


Friday, October 6, 1061


Former Ambassador Religious Services Candlellglittngf, (5:88 p. m. To U.H. Will Open Il'nai Jacub Adas Ycsliuron— Friday Mincha, 5:45 p. m.; SalurSeries Wednesday day, at 8:45 n. m. and Mineha,

The annual Institute on World Affairs series at the University of Omaha, will bo opened Wednesday, October 11 by James J . Wadsworlh, p r e s i d e n t of, the Peace Research Institute imd former Ambassador lo the United S'ewa and hnppcnlnga at The Dr. Nations. The Jewish Federation Philip Slier Ji'tvisli liomo far Hie Aged by Unvid Orkow. co-.sponsors with the University cr . . . J~. ~-3 on the series. An on hid for S.im I'ost< r who Free Admission Members of the Jewish Federofficiated throughout the hiyh holy days and conducted serv- ation will be admitted without charge to all the programs in the ices at the Dr. Slier Hume for series, Harry Trustin, Federation the Aged synagogue. president, said. JSTi-w Resident: Simon Tcmln. Mr. Wadsworth will spealt in The Beth Israel Sisterhood en- the University's main Auditorium tertained at the Dr. Slier Homo at 8:15 p. in. lie will discuss "Prosporls for on the occasion of the Succoth holiday. Mrs. Stanley Shapiro Peace" as part of tho Institute's was in charge of the program 191)1 theme: "Crisis mid Chalwhich included songs by Miss lenge in the 'GO'S, according to Phyllis Shapiro who was accom- William T. Utley, World Affairs panied on the piano by Mrs. Karl program director. Years In Government Service Tale. Assisting with the refreshMr. Wadsworth was, for seven ments were the Mines. Dave years, Deputy U. S. RepresentaI'cckcr, M. M. .labenis, Morton tive to the United Nations. In Ploiltin and William Poster. 10fi0, as head of the American A Simeh.it Torali party was delegation, he skillfully parried held on Tuesday, October .'! un- Khrushchev's slioe-p o ii n d i n g der the auspices of the Biltur thrusts nt the historic October General Assembly session. Cliolim Society. Special m e m o r t a l services In 19G1 Mr. Wadsworth bewere held in the Home syna- came president of the Peace Tinpiogue for the following, the an- fcearch Institute, a newly-formed niversary of who;:e death falls non-profit organization serving during the month of Tishri: us a private nyency outside of Tishri 3—(September 13,) Sam government to undertake find Epstein; Tishri 5—(September stimulate researeli In nil fields 35,) Rebecca Zweiback; Tishri relevant to peace, security, dis7—('September 17,) Solomon armament and international orOslierow, Tishri 11—(September der. 21,) David Cooper; Tishri 13— Chief Negotiator (September 23,) Sam. Colnic; From 1958-G1, Mr. Wndsworlh Tishri 14—-(September 2-1,) Bar- was the United States Represenney Marl'.owitz; Tislni 10— tative on Disarmament, in which (September 2G.) Mrs. Sam Pos- capacity he acted as chief negoter; Tishri 27—(October 27,) tiator for the U .S. International .Sam Roffman; Tishri 28—(Oc- discussions on disarmament. In tober 8.) Philip Salts; Tishri 29 193G-57 he was chief of the U. S. —(October 9,) Lottie Silver- delegation lo tbe c o n f e r e n c e tone. which drafted the Statute of the International Atomic E n e r g y Agency. Mr. Wadsworth was Deputy and later Acting Administrator of the Federal Civil Defense AdThe controversial film "Opera- ministration; Director of the tion Abolition" will be shown Civil Defense Office of the Naand discussed at a meeting of_ tional Security Itesources Board; Temple Israel Men's Club at 8 American senior representative p. m., Wednesday, October 11, on the US-CanaOian Joint Civil in the Temple social hall. Defense Mission. He was AsslstBen Zeff, program chairman, nnt Industrial Relations Manager Will serve as moderator. An open of the Aircraft Division, Curtlssdiscussion will follow the view- Wrislit Corporation, 1941-45. On October 18, the Institute ing of the film. . Wives of members have been1 will present His Excellency AnInvited to the meeting and re- t o n i o Cnrrillo-Flores, Mexico's Ambassador to the United States. freshments will be served. Editor

With flia Home Folks

Dedications A marker will be dedicated to the memory of Harry D. Haykin, Sunday, October 8 at 2:30 p. m. at Beth El Cemetery. Rabbi Myec S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron I. Edgar of Belh El Synagogue will officiate.

5:45 p. m. Dally services, 7 n. m. end 5:38 p. m.

TVnihlo IsrjuJ — Regular sabbath services at 8.15 p in. Friday Patronize Jewish Press Adverwith Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks of- tisers. ficiating. Rabbi Brooks will preach on "Old Habits With an Old Book— © and New Variations." Miss Ida Two Big Gilliu will direct the Temple © Specials choir. Saturday services for adults © and religious school at 11:30

© ©

ii. in.

Beth ICI—Sabbath eve services nt 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Kd^ar and the © Your Favorito and lieth El Synni;oKiie choir will ren- © Finost Sardines Packed der the musical portions of the @ in Pure Olive Oil service. Sabbath services nt 8:30 a. m. Family Service nt 10:,'i0 a. m. © Mincha-Manriv Services at 5:45 p .m. Sunday monitor; services at 9 a. m. Services during; the week at 7 n. m. and 7 p. m.


o o o o o

Retli Israel-Traditional Fri- W "Buy It Where day services. (Kobolas Shabbos) © at 5:40 p. m. g% It's Baked" Sabbath morning services nt SJ 8:1!). Junior Congregation at 30 ^* Introducing a. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct © the Talmud class at 5:30 p. m. @ Our New Sabbath Mincha at 5:45 p. m. «» PEANUT CRUNCH Sunday morning services at ii ~ | a. m. Junior Minyan at 8:30. © a. m. Mincha at 5:45 p. m. © Daily services nt 7 a. m. nnd Q 5:45 p. m. «



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N.F.T.y. HOLDS CUI.TVllXL Ralibi Sidney Brooks will lend a discussion on "Great Epic Periods in Judaism" at the Youth Group's cultural-dinner Sunday, October 8 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Sanford. All high school students nre welcome to attend the group's gatherings and are asked to make reservations at Temple Israel's office. Dinner follows each meeting. CUJB KOCIIAVIM Club Koehavim, the third and fourth grade club of Beth Israel Synagogue elected the following new officers — Barbara Belzer, president; Alan Stoler, vice-president; Roberta Frank, secretary; Richard Canfield, treasurer; Netta Schwalb, sgt.-at-arms.

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Friday, October 0, 1061


Janice SCaflemon M a r r i e d Miss Janice Ann Kutlcman, daughter of Mrs. David Katlemaii and Philip Burnett Wayne, Eon of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wayne of Albuquerque, N. M., were married Thursday in the presence of their immediate families in Temple L'manuel in Den. ver, Colo. The ceremony was performed by Rabbi Earl .Stone. The bride wore the wedding gown of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jerald L. Katleman of Park Forest, III. The gou-n of imported Calais lace over taffeta w a s Styled with empire bodice and bouffant sUirl ending in a cathedral train. A satin-edged regency calot of matching lace held tiio bride's fingertip veil of imported illusion, and she carried a white Bible topped with a white orchid. She was given in marriage by her brother, Jerald L. Katleman. Linda Wayne, sister of t h e groom, was maid-of-honor, and Joel M. Katleman, brother of the bride, was host man. Following a brunch at the Denver Hilton Hotel, the couple left on a trip to Las Vegas, Nev., and Phoenix, Ariz. They will make their home in Albuquerque, N. M.

M 5 G Evenfs Nof


fa Abiding y bly of America, made tliis posi-

Philadelphia (JTA)—The Conservative rabbinate of Philadelphia has served notice that ils members will refuse to officiate or participate in any religious nnd social events at which violations of Ihe .Sabbath and the Jewish Dietary Laws are likely. The 52 rabbis, affiliated with the local branch of the Rabbinical Assem-

Belli El to Sponsor Home Tour Del. 24

Five Omaha homos will depict various aspects of Jewish living on Tuseday, October 24, at the second annual Jewish home tour sponsored by the JSc-Ui El Sisterhood. The homes which will be decorated to illustrate the theme, "Styles for living" ure those of: Mr. and Mrs. David D. Woinberg, Holiday Entertainment— showing four holiday tables. Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Fellman, Seven Days of Creation—origiMrH. Wuyno nal drawings and hand-woven tapestries of the seven days of. creation, will be on display. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Milder, featuring Music Hatli Charm with presentation of Jewish music. MIKS Frances Eirenljcrpj has Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gross, Educhosen January 7 as the date of cation for Living, will show Jewher marriage to Norman Plolkin, ish education for all age groups. son of Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Plot- . Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Katzman kin. The bride-to-be is the will show Jewish culinary arts. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chairmen in charge of arRichard Fellman, Omaha at- A. Stolen rangements, at .the above resitorney, will speak Sunday, Octodences arc respectively the ber 8 at a dinner meeting of the Mines. Richard Martin, Morris Farband at tho Jewish Commu- Ervin Taub fo Wed Brodkey, Sheldon Lincoln, II, nity Center, at 7:15 p. m. His Californian Lee Gendler and Charles Guss. subject will bo on the contribuMr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoffnun, tion of the Eichmann case to the of North Hollywood, Cal., an- ISICAEL ItAKINU EQUII'MKNT Jewish Community in 10G1. nounce the engagement of their Mrs. Sam Zwcrling will sing a daughter, Gladys to Ervin Taub, AT If. S. EXPOSITION New York (JTA)—Seven types group of Yiddish folk <;onj;9. son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Taub, Dinner reservations may bo former Omahans, now of Los of baking.inachinery made in Ismade with Mrs. Sarah Okun, Angeles, Cal. Tho couple's mar- rael will be exhibited at the Bakchairman, 3<12-.''.8O1, and will bo riage will take place ne.tt sum- ing Industry Exposition in Atlantic City, N. J. accepted until Friday, 6 p. m. mer.

Fi .


rage Three

iiss Eirenberg Sets Jan. 7 Wedding Date

tion known during services at their synagogues.

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COMING OCT. 18 SOPHIE TUCKER "Tho Lasr of tlie Red Hot Mamas"

Richard Fellmcin, Farband Speaker

B'nai B'rith Women

Cornhusker Chapter 1032 Presents



1914 Farnsm

MKS. KATZMAN DIItKCTK I'KOOKAM Beth El Sisterhood will honor Its new members nt a luncheon, Tuesday at 12::tO p.m. The cast of "Our Fair Ladies," 0 musical, under the direction of Mrs. Philip Katzman will include Mmes. Morris Brick, I. W. Forbes, Hymie Gcndlcr, Morris Koom, William Nash, D o n a l d Rice, Yale Richards, Ted Sanford, Ray Simon and Robert Wagner. Mrs. Russell Blumcnthal will be accompanist. The meeting will be held In the synagogue social hall with the following In charge; Mmes. Morris Erman, A. V. Friedman, Charles Guss, Bcnton Kullcr, J. Milton Margolin and Bernard Siegler. « « •. TKMI'LE AltT CLASS Temple Israel Sisterhood will sponsor an art class beginning Monday, October 9 at 1:15 p. m. nt the Temple with Mrs. David E. Beber in charge.



BK. DUNN, SFRAKKK AT TEMPLE MEETING Dr. Joseph Dunn, Professor of Education nt Omaha University nnd authority on child psychology, and human behavior, will speak on "Aro You Mature?" at the luncheorj meeting ot Temple Israel Sisterhood, October 10 at 1 p. m. Mrs. F. Ronald Colin is program chairman. Co-chairmen in charge of tho meeting nre Mmes. Howard Milder, Howard Vahn, J. J. Friedman, Joe Horwlch. Serving in various capacities for the luncheon are Mines. Leo Eisenstatt, Many Altsulcr, Milton Saylan. Reservations may be made with Mmes. Jacob Hess nnd Ernest Priesmnn.



B'NAI B'MTH CHAPTEKS TO HOLD JOINT MEETING The Cornhuskcr..'. nnd Henry Monsky diopters of B'nal B'rith will held a joint meeting at "the Jewish Community Center on

Monday, Octolwr !), at 8 p. m. It will include a program by the B'nal B'rith Youth Organization. All parents and friends arc invited to attend. •

DR. SHADA TO SPEAK ] Dr. George E. Shada will speak on tho use of hypnosis in medicine, dentistry and relaxation at meeting of the Omaha Chapter, City of Hope, Tuesday, October 10 at 8:30 p. m. in the Blackstone Hotel Penthouse. •


"HOW TO HEAT) TIIK MULE" The second in the Fall Scries of the Bible Study Group of Temple Israel will be held Thursday, October 12, with coffee at 1 p. m. Tlie croup will be led by Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks, whoso subject for tho series is: "How To Read Tho Bible." The series ia beliiR illustrated by a readinc of The Book of Until, and covers an introduction to Biblical Literature, ils style and language, and its place in Jewish tradition. * • • •JIKN'S STUDY GROUP The men's Sunday brunch, an adult education and discussion group at Temple Isivicl will meet Sunday, October 8 nt 10 a. m. An informal discussion led by Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks, has as its theme this year "A Point of View" and will cover significant books, contemporary issues, and Jewish values.



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TEXAS OFFICIAL TO CONDUCT WORKSHOP Mrs. S. Edward Shulkin of Dallas, Tex., field representative for the National Council of Jewish Women, will conduct a workshop, October 12 at 1 p. m. following a brunch of the Omaha section board, Tlie group will hold its regular meeting at 10:30 o. m. Mrs. Shulkin baa served nfr. president of both the Dallas section and of tho Southwestern region, and ns a member of tho national board of directors.


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Page iTour

FLAG FOOTOAIX Ronu moved into position to cop the Youth Council Flag Football title tin's week by winning a rugged buttle from A.Z.A. 1, 25-21, at Adams Park last Sunday. Rayim downed A.Z.A. 100, 43-13 in the oilier league game. Honu's winning touchdown was scored midway in the final half on a long pass from Stu Ilunvitz to Bill Kully. Both trams sottied down to a defensive battle in the second half after a frce-tcoring first half. A.Z.A. 1, had M:V. eral chances to score late in the game but a strong Uomi defense held on each time. Ronu can win the title this Sunday by heatin;: A.Z.A. 100. A Ronu loss can tluoiv the )«if;ue into a two-way tie and neee.ssttate'a chainpioriship playoff.

Omaha Delegation to Minneapolis ieafing An Omaha di-Icgnt ion will attend the Regional convention of the Mid-Central States and Upper Mid-West chapters of the Women's Branch of the United Orthodox Synatfopues of America in Minneapolis. Minn., October 9-10-11. Its members will be Mn:. Ma\ Fromkin. honorary regional president; Mrs. Alfred Frank, Beth El sisterhood president; its secretary, Mrs. Harry Sidman; Mrs. Sidney Goldberg, Omnlm convention chairman, and the Mines. Isadore Elcwitz, Sam Katzman, William Poster and Sam Herman.

Former Qmahans Here to Attend Bar Iriifzvah Service .Former Omahans Hill attend the joint Bar Mitz%*ah of Cory Lerner Richards, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Richards and his cousin, Jeffrey Cooper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nate Cooper, at the Friday evening and Saturday morning services at Beth El Synagogue. The visitors include Samuel Lerner and Ilarry V. Lcrncr, now of Washington, D. C, father and brother of Mrs. Richard's; her sister, Mrs. Joseph Davis of Poughkecpsie. N, Y. and another brother, Eugene M. Lerner of Rome, Italy.

Israel Entertains , Dahomey President


Jerusalem—President Hubert Maga of the Republic of Dahomey, on his arrival of Lydda Airport last week, was greeted by President Ben-Zvi and Cabinet Ministers in a state reception. The following day he was given another official reception in Jerusalem, and later he was the guest of Kadish Luz, Knesset speaker at Kibbutz Dganiya. On Succot, the African President and his entourage were guests Of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gurion at their home in Sde Boker. A menorah was presented to President Maga at Haifa by its mayor, Abba Khoustii. The visitor is reported to have said "Israel is so dynamic that it is no wonder that African people Want to learn from her. A treaty of friendship and a treaty of technical assistance from Israel to the new African republicof Dahomey were signed here. A joint statement was published simultaneously stressing the gratification of the two countries over the friendship between them.



The treaties were signed by Dahomey Foreign Minister As*'•'"• eogba Oke and Israel Trade Min• feter Pinhas Rosen. Prime Minister Bdn-Gurion and President Maga signed the joint statement.

Won Tioiiu


Lost 0 1 1

A.Z.A. 1 1 n A.Z.A. 100 0 G aiiios, Sinui •jy, O c t H 10 A ,f,t. Komi v .-,. A.Z.A. lf)0 HI A I.I. H.-ivim vs. A.Z.A, i

Naf Rappin, B'nai BVIfh Speaker


Friday, October G, 19U1

Order of Nuns Seek Friendship Of Jewish Gfilldren

Invitation to Needlework Tea

Washington (JTAl — A community of nuns dedicated to winning the friendship of Jewish school children will l>e established within a year in Boston, the National Catholic Welfare Conference revealed. Cardinal CilKhlng rmnouncxd the Catholic publication, "Tlie Pilot," that the Sisters of Our Lady of Zion- founded in Peris in the Inst century—will include nuns wearin;; Leeuiar garb. "The cardinal said the nuns would "welcome Jewish children in .-ill their schools" and "help Catholics to understand and love them." "The soeliil M-r\iro fclster.H undcrtaUn iv variety of s o i - l a l work, wlicrever jxissililc dlrc<tly for the Jews. Tlieir aim Is not tiu iimcli to convert tli<> Jews as to overeome whatever nilitni-it they (the .leirs) niny have touaril Catholic.," C a r d i n a l Cusliln;,'

An address by Nat Rappin, ('hit-ago, 111., past president of the District Grand I>od;:e, B'nai JViith will he featured on the jiroi'i-im of the organization's southwest regional Council's fall conference and workshop, Simday, October 8, at the .ShenitonFuntenolk' Hotel. Hosts will be the Urni-y Mom ky and Cornliuj:l;er lodges. \J.V3</,>- rcprt'M'iitativos from .^iciiix City. Lincoln, Sioux Falls. b:\Hl. '"nio contdiiplativf-.T live in Council Bluffs. Grand Island, Hastings and l-'n-niont, in nt'di- •strict c-nrlosure and pass n fjreat jiart of their time before the ti'>n to Omniums will attend. The seminars will be on the blessed f-acrament, adurini; (i'«l Anti-Defamation league, voca- in tin- name of the Jewish peotional guidance for youth, citi- ple atid maltinj; continual InterZ'-nship, blood bank, Hillel, Adult cession for them. They dedicate Jevvisli education, membership, tliem.selvo.'i to promotiii!; underpivsidr-nts— indoctrination and .staiKliiij; between Catholics and Jews, combatting anti-.Semitir.m service fund. Registration will open nt 9 wherever they find it," the announcement stated. n. m. at the hotel.

2,760 Haifa Oldsters on Air, Road and Rail Outings Haifa, Israel—Two thousand seven hundred sixty elderly but excited residents got tip early oil" recent morning to take part in the Municipality's annual "Honor the A}:ed" Succot outing. Lined I'p At i a. in. Although the first of the nine convoys was due to leave at 5:45, the excited fenior citizens wen' queuing up at 4 a. m. Tholr ages ranged from the qualifying CO to 104. They were taken in nine convoys of 1515 volunteer cars and nine logged buses to all parts of the country, with three special trains taking many of them to Jerusalem, Ashkclon and Tel Aviv.

Cooking School For Diabetics A cooking school for diabetics Is being sponsored by the Greater Omaha Lay Section of the Nebraska Diabetes Association, Inc. The school which opened October 4, will be continued with sessions on October 11-18 and 2"). 'all Wednesdays) at 7:30 p. m. in the home service niiditorium of the Omaha Public Power Building. New food preparation will Iw demonstrated and new products will be introduced: Instructors will be registered dietitians. Reservations'may be made by calling the Omaha Public Power District 311-3100, Ext. 282.


A lucky 70 were given n jet age trip, by Caravclle plane, put at their disposal by Swissair, which took them over the country. Air Excursion This was the second year .Swissair had volunteered to fly a planeload of the excursionists ovc rthe coutnry with the aircrew giving up its in-between flight"; rest to take the oldsters up. The highlights of the flight for most of the participants was the flight over Haifa, giving them an entirely different view of their home town. The airport authorities waived the landing fees for the flight. The organizers decided not to hold the usual Mayor's reception for the returning tourists in the afternoon, to give them a chance to see more on the way. The Naliariya Municipality arranged outings for 400 of its senior citizens. The name of the 104-year-old Is Y. Ilemon. .

Omahans in News M. S. Trachtcnbarg, associate-insurance department of the H. A. Wolf & Co., Inc., was awarded the Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter designation September 28, Washington, D. C, at exercises of the American Institute for Property and Liability Underwriters. Jrrold I. Rown, representative of the Ned Patrick agency of the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., has completed a week of specialized study at the Springfield, Mass., home offico at the firm's sixth business insurance seminar for career life underwriters.

Funeral services were held September 22 at the Jewish Funeral home for Mrs. Esther Ferer Shapiro of G2C8 Glenwood oad. Burial was in Golden Hill Cemetery. Surviving are daughter, Mrs. World-Wide Greetings Ramon Pred, mother, Mrs. Rose Ferer, sister, Sophia Ferer, To Ben Gurion on 75th brothers Meyer and Martin,' Jerusalem (JTA)—Message.1) Omaha and Sam, Las Vegas, of congratulations to Prime Nev.' Minister David Bcn-Gurlon on his 75th birthday poured into Israel this week. 3IRS. MIRIAM KATNKB Funeral services were . held A large number of visitors Sunday at the Jewish "Funeral made a trip to the Prime MinHome for Mrs. Marian Rntncr, ister's desert retreat at Sdo Bo5427 Hamilton, who died Sep- ker to congratulate him persontember 30. Burial was in Pleas- ally. Plans by the kibbutz for ant Hill Cemetery. a big celebration were dropped Surviving are husband, I. L. when the Prime Minister said Ratner; son, Robert; parents, all he wanted was a celebration Mr. and Mra. Hyman Cohn, for Ws family and a few closo friends. brother Robert Colin.

(Continued from Page I.) lilumkin, Simon Bordy, David Hrodkey. Jacob Biookstcin, Reuben II. Brown. Mines. Jay Cherninck, Sam dayman, Dun Cohen, Jack B. Cohen, Sam 11. Cohen, Urn Cohn, Bennett Cohn, Jerome I. Cohn, Nettie Oolm, Kol Cramlell, Bernard I>iantond. Harry Dvo:;in, Aaron Kdgnr, Richard Einstein, Jack O. Kp.'itein. Mines, Harold FJII-IXT, Robert Feinb'-rg, Steve Fehlmnn, Abe G 1'ellman, Charles Fellman, Albert Fox, O.'.car Fox, Alexander D. Frank, Alfred Frank, Sam Freed, Mike Freeman, Herman Frirdlander, Herman Friedman, Isadora Friedman, Adolph Frohnian, Robert Fromkin, Mines. Izzle Gar-sick, Samuel Geifmnn, Irving F. Cendler, Nathan Gimple, Abe Ginsbuij;, Dan Gordmnn, Walter Gottlieb, Saul M. Graetz, Edward B. Green, F-lmer Greenhorn, Nathan II. Oreenb"i-f.;, Peter Grccnberg, Sam fircenlierg, Ail bur M. Greene, MmoK.. Reuben Harris, Julius Hart, Martin Hcrzoff, I.oiiis Hiller, Morton llillcr, Richard HilIcr, Nathan Ilorwich, Max Kadis, Geotge Kagnn. Hugo Kohn, Jack Knimnn, William Kaiman, Harold ICarp, Harold Kasin, Ben E. Kaslow, Oscar ICatleman, Abraham Katskee, Dave Katz, Lazier Kavich, Max Kir!;lienbauni, Meyer Klrshcnhrmni, Michael Krasne. Mmes. Solomon I. a gin a n , George Lavinu, William Levey, Dave I.evine, lx-o Levy, Shel-

Bar ifizvah All friends anil relatives nro Invited to nttend services uml reception. JKI'TIIKV COOPKH c o n v jnciiAuns Cory Richards, r.on of Mr. and Mrs. David Richards, will obKervc his Bar Mitzv.'ih and Jeffrey Cooper, son of Mr. and Mra. Nate Cooper, will observe hi3 Bar Mitzyah on Friday evening, Octolier C and Saturday morning, October 7 at lieth El Synagogue. CAIA'IN CAIIAN Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cahnn announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Calvin Cahari, at Beth El Synagogue on Saturday morning, October 14 at the 10:30 service. STEVEN' OOTTMKK The Bar Mitzvah of Steven Gottlieb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Gottlieb, will be celebrated Saturday, October 14, at Temple Israel. I)0NAM> WISK.WAN* The Bar Mitzvah of Donald Wiseman, son of Mr .and Mrs. Robert Wiseman will be celebrated on Saturday, October 14 at Beth Israel Synagogue at 8:45 a. in. MAItK JAV EVKI-OFF Mark Kveloff, con of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kveloff, will observe his Bar Mitzvah, Friday evening, Octo]>er 6 and Saturday morning, Octolwr 7 at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, Council Bluffs.

Campus ALPHA EPS1XON PI PLEDGES KIGIIT EiRht University of Omaha students were pledged to Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity. They are: Allen Bobcndurc, Stove Llntzman, Karl Luetschuitr, irvln HatMon, Juslln Plolkln, MII^B Socks, Hatan Schwalb, Rich Seldenfelij. Thtlr respective parents ore lh» (Man. and /Amis. Louis Oabendurc, Joseph Ltntimon, Max Luefschueti, Julian Nathan, Deroard Plolkln, Max Socij, David Schwclt> and Lee Scldcnftid.

ELECTED MlESIDEriX OV PLEDGE CLASS Shelley Steinberg, daughter of Dr. ana Mrs. A. A. Steinberg, wa3 elected pledge class president of Sigma Delta Tau sorority nt the University of Texas, Austin, vvhero she Is a freshman.

don Lincoln, I-ouis K. I.ipp, Joseph Lipsey, Max Ixmdon, Joo Lorliis, Philip I.ubman, Jack Luttbcg, Alax Ma^i'l. Carolyn Maizn'T, Harry Malashock, David Mnnvit/, Sam Manvitz, J . Milton Margolin, Kichard Martin, Adolf Mayer, Harry Mendelv.on, VVMliain Milder, Milton Mintz, Cliarleii Mogil, Churles Moniisoe. Max M. Mnskdwitz, Stuart Miiskin. Mmes. Albert B. Newman, Henry A. Nowinan, 10. I<eo Nogg, Nathan h. No,gg, Harry Noodell, Jack Noodell, Sam Olesker, Alex Oppenheimer, ,S. Oiloff, David Orueli, Ilyninn Orucii, Isadore Osheroff, H a r o l d I'erelman, Maurice 1'e.ssc-n, David C Platt, Isadore 1'lollan, fJ.'mi l'iir\:a, John V. Qiiinn, Mmes. Jacob Pjidu/iner, Max Iteizbrnim, Joe M. l!ice, Norman Kilt;, .Samuel A. Rice, Hyman Kicharilr;, Samuel Ki<:hina.n. I'nul Klfkin, K o b o r t Kiminernuin, Abraham Kollnian, Aaron Kips, Ida Robinson. Jerold Rosen, Carl Kosonlx-rg, Monroe Hosfiibei g, .Sam HiiSi'iilihmi, Cliarl'1.1; I'.IW-IIstock, F'rtd Iio1 fiisloek, Monis iiulieiistein, Meyer Iiubin. Abraham Rnbiiitz. Mmes. Mauriee .Sachs, I'hll S.'il;,s Harry tallyman, Ted .Sanforrl, Kdwnrd .Shafton, Max Shapiro, David .Shrrnum, Sam .Shiff, Bculnh Khrago, Max ShraC'i, Ixiuis Shrier, Harold Kicgel, Harry Silverniati, .Stuart K. .Simon, Morris Sinner, Louis SU porin, Harry Smith, I»uis Koinberg, Ben Spector, D;ive Stein, Sam S. .Steinberg, Benjamin Stern, Paul Suronky, S a in Swartz. Mines. Morton Trachtenljarg, Philip Turek, Paul Vcret, Ij'O Wiixenlwrg, Albert Wcinberg, David D. V.'einberg, Arthur W'cltz, Lro V/eitz, Tja\i\a Whitebook, I'liinea.'i Wintroub, Harry Wise, Jr., Albert L Wohlner, Alex \Vo]p,-i. Richard Wright, Mary Zalk, Ben Z. Zoorwill. Misses Edna Cohn, Famiio Grodinsky, R o s e Grodinslcy,

Gertrude Hollander, Belle Ilorwich, Bess Kahn, Sally Newman, Sylvia Pnrilman ami l-'rances liutstcin.

Sulie Harand To Entertain Miss Sulie Harand, popular entertainer, will make her appearance at the Temple Israel Sisterhood, Donor Tea on Tuesday, October 31 at 12:30 p. m. Miss Harand is known as "The Ona Woman Musical Comedy." Mrs. Jack Cohen and Mrs. AI Fox are co-chairmen of this function. LEGAL NOTICE Statement Required by (ho Act of Auoutt ? ' , « ' ,3' ' ^1 1 * mc " dca " onlf »V tli» Ads of March June

h i" ' I " * '• '"*'

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Slat. 303) Showlna llm Ownership, Monaa«ment and Circulation of The Jewish Hrctft publUhed weekly on Friday, bcolnnlno th« ldit week In Auowl through hi nconll week In July ot Omoho, Hebrosko, October, 1P61. The namcj and aSitciKi of the Duliiijh•r, eoltor, monosina emior, ond buiineu niunagert are: Jewish Federation of Omoha, Inc., 101 H 20th 5^.. Omalia. Monoalrvg editor, nor>e Editor, ( M n . ) Froncet' Klclrf, 101 N. 20lh or., omanu. Builticw manooer, Paul Verct, 101 H. 30th St., Omaha. Tho owners; (If owned by a corporation. Its nam« and address must be staled and CJK> Immediately thereunder the nomes and oddrtises of stockholders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total omounl of •lock. If not cr/tned by a corpojoHon. 1ti» names and addresses of the Invlduol owners mujt iw elven. If ownod by a partnership or other unincorporated firm, list nam» and oddress, o> well as thai of eocfl Indl. vfdaal member must bo given). Mame—Address Jewish Federation of Omoho, Inc., lot Ho. St 20in St. Horry Trujfln, president, 101 Ho. Join sf, Ernest A. llonj, llrst vtce-prMldont, 101 Ho. ?O!t) 5». Arlf 1 "' H. Golctileln, second vice-president, 101 HO, ZOIn Si. AMIton R. Abrotiams, treosorer, 101 Ho. 50th St. • liadaro Chopmon, • secretary, 101 No. JOtri Paui Veret, executive director, 101 No, 20th St. ' The Known bondholders, mortaoges ond other iccurlty holdert owning or tioldlna 1 per cent or more of fatal amount of bonds, morloaoes or other securltus, ore: (If Iher* are none, i o slate.) Mono. The overaoe number of coplef of each Issue of ttils publication told or distributes through Ihs main or otherwise, to paid subscriber! during the hvelve months preceding the data thown above was: (ihl» IrilDrinatlon is nequlred from dolly, weekly, •ernlweeMy, and triweekly newspaper* • ' ': '•• • PAULVERET, •» i -. Buslnesi Manager Sworn la and luticribed before me fht» twenty-second d o / of September, IM1. PATRICIA 6. DURTOH, Wy CMnmlision «xpire« October H , l f t f )

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