OCT 3 0 1961
Vol. XI—No. 8
I'Ulitlcntlun Otltr.u. 101 No. 2OJIt Oinnlia. Nebraska, l'liune :H'2-1SCO OMAHA,
3 •
\ •rt},^?% uv^
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fit Oimihu, Kebr.
Eincle Copy 10 Cent* Annual Rate 4 Dollar!
Mrs. Comay. J*friter, Speaker:
!• i
ftecond Class POIJLUKC Paid
Two long-time friend!!, who.1'-" distinguished presence would spark any catlioriui;, will be the central figures in a dramatic ceremony with a liraiuitk University background, following a dinner, Wednesday evening at 7 p. m. at the Blackslone Hotel. Or. Abram I,, Saeliar, Ur.uidels University President, will welcome Dr. Abe GreenlwrB, beloved Omali.i leader, in special induction rites, to membership on his President's Council, a body of outstanding men from nil parts of the nation. Share Memories The two men Kimre many memories of mi association which-marked sei wee and devotion to many projects, and acclaim wherever tlioy have participated, Alfred S. Mayer, Chairman for the evenijig, snid. Dr, Snclmr has been at the helm of the university during the i thirteen years of its existence. Its campus of more Mr. Mayer than 2C0 acres Is located 10 miles from Boston in the college studded Ivy area. Interest In Kthiraitlon Always interested in youth nnd education, Dr. Sachar was one of the pioneers of the Ilillel movement for B'nai IVrith which slat-ted at the University of Illinois and has since spread to -00 campuses throughout tlio world. Many honors have l>ccn l>cStowcd on Dr. Grcenbcrg, prominent Omaha physician, in recognition of his devotion to community affairs nnd organizational work. He is a past president of* the Jewish Federation of Omaha. Mrs. Vnrer to Present In the ceremonies following the dinner, Mrs. Hyman Ferer, national boanl member of the Brandcis University National Women's Committee and Honornry Life President of the Omaha organization, v.'ill Introduce Hr. Sachar to the gatheringMra. Ferer just returned from Waltham, Mass., where sho attended a special convocation to
Arabs Ask Seamen To End Suez Fight New York (JTA)—The Arab ncamcn's union had urged the International Transport Workers Federation to drop the fight against Arab blockade of Israeli Bhlpping In the Suez Canal on grounds that this was a "political question" to be dealt with by the United Nations. The American maritime union Sfiid that the proposal was made in a letter to the ITF—of which the National Maritime Union is on affiliate—from Captain Hassan Afifl, president of the Arab Syndicate of Merchant Marine Officers and-Seamen. The letter contained assurances that "freedom of navigation In the Suez Canal is fully guaranteed". The letter was considered to be a stronger commitment than Arab representatives havo previously been willing to give on the question of security of American seamen in Arab-ports. However, when Captain Afifi was oslted as to whether the assurences in the letter included Israeli ships and seamen, he replied: "It must be. understood that o state of war exists between the United Arab Jtepubllc and Israel."
Ambassador f-o UN Will Award Luncheon Nov. 2
celebrate (lie formation of a Phi lieta Kappa Cliupter at Jjrandcia M. .it-nael Comay, wife of University, whose; faculty include:; fifty members of the or- the Ambassador and Permanent ganization. Representative of Israel to the Vrti%TC.H<i Phenomenal
Mrs, • I-'crer described (lie progress- made by the university as phenomenal in its thirteen year;; of existence. .She said the approval of a I'hi Bela Kappa chapter at the Urandeis followed an intensive three-year study of the Brundcls faculty, curriculum, library, faculty qualifications and university facilities. Warner B. Frolua'in will give tlie invocation nnd Mrs. Myron Milder, President of the Omaha Committee,1 will take part in the piogram. The Omaha women's organization in lieu of their regular meeting, will join the Men's Associate Group, for the Wednesday eveninj; program. Coclttails will precede the dinner. Dinner Committee David Blacker, Robert Fcinberg, Mrs. Ferer, Morris E. Jacobs, Mrs. Milder, Stanley Perimeter and Harry Trustin ore Mr. Mayer's co-chairmen. The dinner committee also includes: Mcj;rt. and Mmei. M. A. Bercovicl, David BwmTcin, David Blaloc. Paul Btolcky, Reutien H. Drawn, 1, Chapman, Harold Clicflilafc. Joy Chrjrnlak, Marry O Cohen, llareM Colkk, Wctiard Einstein, Lto ElwnatcrtT, Alon Farbcr, Jolm A. f'arber, David Ptdrr, Harvey Fcrer, Oavid Goldman, Arthur G. Goldiieln, Leotwd D. Golc'sjeln, Paul M, Goldstein, Monntna Handler, Irving Hcriofj, J. Hurry Kulaxolsky, Morrll Lcvry, Louis H. tipp, Hi/hcrt Monsky, C, M. NewirKjn, Erneit Nogy, Harry Perimeter, Henry Rlekrj, Julian Rip?, UGftord Rosen, John Rosenblatt, Charlc-i Rosen, ilock, Fred ROKfr.locK, Jock J. Schraacr, Edv/ard I. Schlmmol, Harry SItfnian, Louis 5oin!»rf), Alfred 5o|>Wr, Samuel H. Wolf, Sol YalJe, I. B. ZJunincn, Sam Zwclback, Doctors and //.me*. Jcrenift Blclclier, Leon Tollman, fl. it. Greenbera; Mmei. David Rlafker, Robert Felnljerg, Morris Jacob's, AifrM C. Wayef, Slnnlry Perimeter, Harry Truslln; Messrs. v;illlorn Grcdlncky, Milton 5. Llvlngilon, Gpliralm Mnrkl, Myron Mlldsr cjnd Joseph f. Zwclback,
Tel Aviv—West NiKcrin now is benefiting from Israel's Gadna, youth training program. Tho Israeli Giwlna program has already Ix-on Introduced In tho African stat<»s of Upper Voltii, Sierra 1/r.onc, Glmna nnd Dahomey Ivory Coast. The Israeli Gadna program has trained thousands of Israeli Youth in the arts of defensive battle, turning many of Its members rifthi over to tho Israeli Army officer Corps when' they reach the draft ape. Now, West Nlpirlnn younprttcn 13 to 18 years of ago, will get similar training from Israeli tindna experts. Courses In cltl7.cnhhlp and handicrafts b a l a n c e training In uso of machine (fiins, tanks and even planes. A group of 75 Nigerians Is training In Tel Aviv to carry the Gadna program back home. West Nigerian Premier S. L,
Monday at FonSenelle One of the most popular places to co 'shopping this Monday will be', tho Children's Memorial Hospital Bazaar at the SheratonFontenelle Hotel. Mrs. Hubert Sommor and Mrs. Arthur H. Goldstein, Bazaar project co-' chairmen for the Federation of •Jewish Women's Clubs urge everyone in the community to visit the many booths including the one sponsored by tho Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs; The 1961 Bazaar will be a oneday affair. Mrs. Edward Z. Rosen U telephone chairman. .
may's articles have appeared in of the Women's International "Holiday" and other major mag- Zionist Organization. Ambassaazines. In addition to writing dor and Mrs. Comay have t<y> scripts lor documentary films, grown children in Israel, a marUnited Nations, ' she? lms served as Israel Bureau ried daughter and a son, who v.'Ill be guest of , J£ honor at the an- .' Chief for the American fort- was an artillery officer In the p 'j liual a w a r d ,s ^ , f r •% * * nightly, "Israel Speaks." Israel Army. luncheon of the , i ' » - - < / The Ambassadorial Luncheon Driver for Iluganali I s r a e l Bond *( A "" »* '* Ambassador and Mrs. Oomay will also -honor twenty-seven C o in in i t tec's ''t~X* - "J" came from South Africa to set- Omaha and Council Bluffs womWomen's Divi' r ,| tle in Palestine just after World en who are past and present sion on Tliuis-' ' ,~ ^ I winners of charms and medals day, Novombei' ~ " <, * War II, and played an active in the "Chen" Vanguard, Adpart In the dramatic events lead- vance Guard, and Valor Guard. 2, at 12:30 p m | t ing up to the new .Stale of IsIn the Giand Honors to be Presented Ballroom of the . __ rael. Mrs. Comay was a driver for tho Haganah, liaison officer Blaclrctone, nc- j\ir«i. Comay Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky and cording to Mrs Motrls CJio',"!- with the British authorities for Mrs. Isador I^cvinson, previous the Jews beleaguered in the Old.'recipients of the title of "Wominan. Women's Division Cbair- City of Jerusalem, and assistant an of Valor," representing tho mnn. to a team of South African medi- sale of $100,000 in Israel Bonds, . One of Israel's outstanding cal specialists caring for wound- will be present when Mrs. Cowriters and speakers, Mrs. Co- ed soldiers and civilians. may presents tho same award to Well-known as a lecturer in Mrs. Morris Grossman, Omalia's the United States and Canada, third holder of tile title. In adshe has carried out several coast- dition to this title, Mrs. Kulakofto-co;ist speaking tours for Ha- sky in 19G0, received Omaha'a dassah and for the Israel Bond first "Chen Macabit," representSpecial to Jewish Press—Jor- Organization, and a d d r e s e d ing sales of over quarter of a dan has stiffened entry restric- many Jewish and non-Jewish au- million dollars, a mark presenttions to prevent the possibility diences throughout Canada-from ly, being approached by Mrs. of Jews entering the country, •1053 to 1956 while her husband Levlnson. the Old City daily "Folastin" re- was serving as Canadian Ambassador. ported. Jordan diplomatic missions, li Publicity tourist agencies and airlines Before joining Ambassador 11 broad have been so notified. Comay in New York in May of Under the new instructions, en- I'JOO, Mrs. Comay was a mem- All women in the community try visas will no longer be Is- ber of the Hadassah Council in are called upon to make their sued at Jordan frontier posts Israel, In charge of publicity and contributions to the Needlework Guild, if they havo not done so, (including Mandelbsum Gate in public relations, and also a to-date, Mrs. Dave Colin, ChairJerusalem) or at airports. member of the World Executive man of the Jewish Federation The new regulations specificalAgencies Section of the Guild, ly mention that no visas are to said. tie issued "not only to any Jew but to any person of Jewish oriThe following w o m e n have Kin." They state that every tour"given" since the last, list of conist must produce a certificate tributors appeared in the Jewish showing he Is not a Jew. I-ondon (WNS)—Moshe Sliar- Press: ett, chairman of the Jewish Mmes. Louis J. Abramson, RobAgency executive, declared here ert Bernstein, Edward E. Brodthat, with great effort, Israel key, Harold B. Brodlcey, David "in tlie foreseeable future, can M. Chapman, Irving W. Charney, double Its present population of 'Harold Chorniack,*-Morris G. 2,000,000. Cohen, Sam Cohen, Willis M. Declaring that the Jewish po- Epstein, William J. Fogel, Jack Akinlela calls the Gadna program, "the hope for Nigerian sition in many countries was be- Fox, Max Frank, Yeshia E. FregYouth." He sees it as a "stepping ing demolished by upheavals, ger, Gilbert Freiden, Albert GarBtone toward future greater unity not necessarily designed to be ber, Ben Garelick, Albert E. anti-Jewish, tlie one-time Israeli Gilinsky, Sidney Goldberg, David between all African states." noted that while tho Greenberg, Gary Gross. Ignac Since the Gadna prop-am Is Premier Union Is not intrisieally Grossman. co-c4ucatloiial, one, result of Its Soviet the Jews in that Mmes. Sam Hahn, Harry Jan-' export by Israel Is the upgrading anti-Jewish, country were facing threats to ger, Abe Kaplan, Julius Katzof many African women. their existence as Jews because man, E. Lieb Kiperstein, Frances they were being denied the Klein, Abe Klotz, Aaron Levine, Ghana Ambassador means for spiritual life, without Harry.Llppett, Robert I. Marer, which, lie said, Jewish survival Frank Marks, Samuel Meiches, Hails Israel is impossible. It is for that rea- Orvel A. Milder, Ernest A. Nogg, New York — William M. Q. son, he added, that so many Jews Halm, Ghana's Ambassador to' in the Soviet Union would' emi- Julius I. Novak, Hyman Osoff, the United States, hailed Israel's grate despite the fact that they Jack Raznick, Eugene D, Rich, technical assistance to his coun- were neither starving nor un- Yale Richards, Hubert I. Rosenblum, Charles S. Ross, Arthur try, adding that tho link that employed. Rubin. binds both nations "because of Mmes. I r v i n g Schneidennan, tills valuable assistance is strongIrvin Sherman, Sam Shyken, Max er than can be imagined." Simon, Leonard Skolnik, Rubin At New York Meeting Smeerin, Marlon Somberg, MorThe Ghanlan envoy declared ris Stalmaster, Meyer L. Stern, that although Ghana and Israel A "Certificate of Merit." has Robert Swartz, Melvin Tatelman, "may not agree on all political been presented to the Jewish Issues, and so we may find our- Community Center in connection Harry Trustin, T. A. Tuily, Jake selves at times at opposite ends with United Nations Day, Oc- Turek, Ernest B. Wintroub, J. of the bargaining table, we are tober 24, by Samuel Berck of Lewis Yager, Irvin Ziegman and confident, we have laid the foun* Fremont, Nebr., Nebraska State the Misses Lena Kohcn and Evelyn Levy. dations for a solid* and-lasting United Nation's Chairman. friendship." Mr. Halm spoke at The certificate was presented a science and technology confer- "for tho outstanding, educational ence In New York. and informative displays regardFellowships Awarded The Ambassador said Israel's ing the United Nations." In a message to Paul Veret, Mobile, Ala! (JTA)—Israel was technical assistance has helped his nation establish a Nautical Executive Director of the Jew- awarded first prize for its "outTraining College and Ghana Fly- ish Federation, Mr. Berek stat- standing exhibit" of consumer ing School. He said Israel has ed that "It is a happy commen- goods and industrial products at awarded fellowships to Ghansian3 tary that Centers of pctivity and tlie Greater Gulf State Fair. Othfor study in post-graduate medi- institutions of culture, such as or countries participating in tha cine and social welfare In Israel. yours, take time and effort to fair were Belgium, Greece, GerIn the field of commerce and create an exhibition of informa- many, India, Italy and Venezuela. Among the Israeli product* trade, Israel helped Ghana es- tion." The displays will remain In displayed were giftvvaro, fashions, tablish the National Construction Company and the Black . Star the ('enter I.obby until Novem- food specialties and various Industrial goods. Shipping; line, Mr, Halm noted. ber 3.
.No Jew Permitted.
MeedSeworli Guild
Doubling of Israel's Sion Presided
Center Cited for Its UN Displays
A 'First' for Israel At Fair in Alabama
Page Two
Published weekly ou Friday beginning the last ivci'Ic In August through second week In July. Second Clui>s PoMcjrje Paid ot Oimifio, IJeUr. AnnuQl Subscription. S4 02. Advertising Rates on Af*f;!lco1lcn. Publication Ollice—101 tlo. ^Olti Sired, Oinuha, licLr. fJhone ZA2AJU,
Bar and Bas ilSzvaft All friends and relatives are. Invited to attend services and reception. IlICIIAItn JOSKPHSON BIIELDON' LKKNKIl Sheldon I-erner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lerner, will oljsi n o his Bar Mitzvah and Richard Jo1 sephson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goodbindcr, will observe his Bar Mitzvuh on .Saturday morninfr, Oclober 28, at the 1O:?.O a. m. service at Uetli E! Synagogue. LEON POLIKOV Bar Milzvali'of Leon Polikov, «on of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Polikov will be celebrated on Saturday, October '2H at Beth Israel Synagogue at 8:45 a. in. STEVKN SOKOLOFF JOHN' KAT1XJIAN Ste\en Soltoloff, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1'hil Sokoloff and Jolin Kotelrmui, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Katelman, will each become Bar Mitzvah on Friday evening," ;Oetobcr 27 and Saturday morn in?, October 28, at Temple Israel. MAKSIM FEW-MAN '.Mr. and Mrs. Morris C. Felltnan announce the Has Mitzvah Of their daughter, Marsha Fcllraan, on Saturday morning, NoVPmbcr 4, a{ the -10:30 service et Beth El Synagogue. ANN'E FRIEDMAN" •' The Bas Mitzvah of Anne Friedman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Friedman, will !>c celebrated Saturday, November 4, at Temple Israel.
Monument Co. Seb (Subby) Pulvcrcnta
25 Years' Experience With Jewish • tottering and Memorials 2211 So. 8th
Religious Services CandlrUchting, 5:00 p. in.
Temple Israel: Rcpilar Sabbath Services Friday at 8:15 p. in. with Itabbi Sidney II. Brooks officiating. Ills sermon topic is "Why Can't We Explain Ourselves?" Miss Ida Gitlin will direct Temple Choir. Saturday Services for Adults ond Kelicious School nt 11:30
n. m. Beth El: Sabbath services at 8:15 p. m. Itabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Synagogue Choir will render the muBical portions of the service. Traditional Sabbath services at 8:30ia. m. The Family Service at 10:30 a. rn. Mincha-Maariv service begins at 5 p. m. Sunday moi-nlng services at 9 a, m. Services during the week nt 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Beth Israel: Rabbi 'Benjamin Groner, Cantor Eli Kagan and the Beth Israel Choir will conduct Family Services at 8 p .m. Traditional Friday services at 5 p. in. Sabbath morning services bcRin at 8:45 a. m. Junior ConBregation at 10 n. m. Rabbi Gronor will conduct Talmud class at 5:10 p. m. Sabbath Mincha at 5:15 p. m. followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at G:]5 p. m. Sunday services at 9 a. m. Junior Minyan starts at 8:30 a. m. Mincha at 5:20 p. m. Daily services at 7 n. m. and 5:20 p. m. B'nai Jacob Atlas Ycshuron— Friday Mincha, 5:15 p. in.; Saturday, at 8:45 n. m. and Mincha, 5:45 p. m. Daily services, 7 a. m. and 5:20 p. in.
'Soviet-Chinese Puzzle,1 Series Topic, Wed. "The .Suvi'.-l-Chiiiesn Puzzle— A Kranile Alliance" is the subject of the fourth lecture In the University of Omaha's World Affairs. Institute, Wednesday, November 1. •Speaker will bo Dr. Albert Parry, professor of Russian civilization and lahijuafje and chairman of the Department of Russian Studies a t Colgate University. Dr. Parry will address tho Institute at 8:15 p. m., in the main University auditorium. Visiting Consultant
A native of Russia, Dr. Parry has traveled throughout Hint country as w e l l as Western Europe and the Near Kast. He is currently a visiting consultant mid lecturer at the United .States War College. He also writes a reKular column "Soviet Affairs" for the weekly Washing Ion-magazine "Missiles and Rockets." Dr. Parry began his research and writing on tho problem oC Russian rockets long before it became news. In 195-1, and again In 1957, ho predicted Russia's first Sputnik. His latest book, "Russia's Rockets ami Missiles," was published last year. Ho has (dso contributed to many American magazines, J o u r n a l s and scholarly publications. Two More Speakers Dr. Parry is the fourth of six speakers discussinj; "Crisis and Challenge in the CO's" for the JflGl World Affairs Institute. The final two speakers will be Peter Ritner, editor of The Mncinillnn Company, Publishers, on "Crisis and Challenge in Africa," and William T. Utley, professor and chairman of the OU political science department, on "Crisis and Challenge—a Summation." Harry Trustin, president of the Jewish Federation, one of the organizations co-sponsoring these lectures with the university, said that everyone will want to hear Dr. Parry, an expert on Soviet affairs.
With fihe Home Folks Ncn-a and liapncnlnEn nt The Or. Philip Slier Jc.winli Homo for the Aged b j Dnvld Orlioiv.
A number of our residents attended the luncheon and meeting of the Golden A[;e group at the Jewish Community Center on Monday. The Dr. Slier Homo entertained the Keinor citizens of Omaha on Thursday, October 26, at a musicale and high tea nt the Home. Music was provided by members of the Omaha Symphony Orchestra. Flowers were received t h i s week from Mrs. Herman Friedlaniler who shared her hospital bouquets with our residents. Tlio .rabbinical visitors' program was reactivated this week with a visit from Rabbi Sidney Brooks. Rabbi Slyer Kripke will be our visitor next week. New resident: airs. Max Wolf.
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Discussion Series After Services A discussion series after Temple Israel Friday Sabbath .services, will \v. conducted by R:d>bi Sidney II. lirooks once a month for six months beginning November 3. The following topics will be discussed: "Why Do Good People Suffer?" The doctrine of reword and punishment; "Is There a IJfe Beyond Death?—Speculations on immortality; "Does Prayer Really Help?"—The need to talk to God; "Why Should I remain a Jew?"—The search for meaningful identity ond "Is Organized Religion Necessary?"— The purpose of the synagogue. The closing session will feature an open forum.
Justin Lewis Hebrew School Jerusalem (WNS) — Justin Lewis, son of Mr. ond Mrs. Lou Ixwis, of Omaha, will be among the 7,530 students expected to enroll when the Hebrew University opens its new academic year on October 20. The university, this year, will i n c l u d e a course in medicine for 16 students from Africa and Asia.
November Is Start of Jewish Book Month New Month minds of the Board.
York — J e w i s h Book begins November 3, rethe Jewish Book Council National Jewish Welfare
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Forty-c-i^ht. hardy souls nibbed the sand out of their eyes early Sunday mornine; to kick off the li'nai B'rilh yearly rm-mbiTbhip drive from Hie Ranch Howl. It Ww.l'sft this obsei-vcr'S heart to see the cheerful willingness displayed by till men who wc-i'i! present. After coffee and rolls mid a "hare sieh zu" from (he "Guv," Ed Rosen, the boys hit the deck. They returned to the Ranch Howl at noon with tho scalps of 1 lie nc-w members dangling from thf-ir belts. After a hoarty sl'-nk dinner, n tally vvus tal:<>n. Tho result . . . 3-l.bullsoyt.-s and -18 lired but hiippy fpjys. This is further proof (hut the Jewish Community is aware of the wonderful work heinjj done by B'nai U'rith for nil of us. They want' to be Identified with Ibis great order. You need only "ask" to bring them into the fold. P,y LOU SOURIN
'THANKS . . . from John Ruben tiiid bl.i parents, Mr. and Mm. Bernard Itulicn, for tho Unlon(,'ram.s r e c e i v e d from ninny friends In honor of Ills recent Bar Jlitzvali at Tcmjilo Israel.
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I>AII,Y JKWISH NEWSPAPERS BAR and Has Mltzvali congratulations also for all Jewish holi1 1 flays and ;special occasions. 'Meyete; N4^s Stana, 1S02 Dodge Working Woninri Wishes to Sliarfc Another's JIOJBP. Near Ifns Unr. Call 538-0970. von KKNX Attractive bedrooms for man or workinfj couple. Kosher meuh If di>"sircJ. 4808 Clilcayo St. Call 536-8322 after 5 p . m .
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Jerald L. Venger Fiance of Miss Sail/ Van Dusen Mrs. Herbert \V. V;m Dusnn lias announced the engagement fjf her daughter, Sally Ann, to Jerald I.,. Venger, son of Mrs. Moses A. Vendor. Mis:; Van Duwn attended Ihu University of Omaha. Her fiance was graduated from tlio University of Pennsylvania at I'liiladelfiliiu. Ho is affiliated willi Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity. The couple plans a December .10 wedding at Belli Kl Synagogue.
Hiss Sandra Fiedler Will Wed ONcagoan Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Fiedler have announced the engagement of their daughter, Sandra to Lnurence 13. Straus, .son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leo Straus of Chicago, HI. Miss Fiedler attended tile University of AInhama at Tuscaloosa where she wns affiliated with Alpha ICpsilon Phi Sorority. Her fiance was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Finance and was a member of Zota Beta Tau Fraternity. They will lie married December 31 at Beth Kl Synagogue.
TUB Ji.uisii
Miss Schreiber, Fiance January 21 for Wedding Diane
Srhrelber, r - • - — •—
daughter of Mr. mid Mrs. Julius Schre-ibcr and her fiance, Allan Kcnyon Jiavo selected January 21 at the date for their marring?. Their engagement was announced recently at a family dinner given by Miss Sclireibi.-r's parents. The' bride-to-be, altended the University of Nebraska at Lincoln and tho University of Omaha. Her fiance, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Meredith1 Kenyon of Howard, iS. I)., is a graduate of the University of Nebraska, and is affiliated with Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity.
Page Three
'No Jews in Germany After Twenty Years' Special to the Jewish PressThere will be no Jews in Germany in 20 years, Rabbi Zvi Asaria, former Rabbi of Colo^ni1, said in an interview published in the "Jewish Chronicle." Rabbi Asarin was passing through London on his way to settle in Israel after lesifciiiiif; his Cologne post. He scfrved in Cologne seven years. It was at. his synaKOKiie that the worldwide rash of swa.slika danhlings began two years ;ty,o. Rabbi Asaria lolil the "Chronicle" that since the Kichmann trial he had "received mnny
threab; and been guarded day und night by police." He believed that tlie attitude of the German authorities to the Jews was motivated more by considerations of policy than by a change of heart, the newspaper reported.
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HKVIt/V MKAIJ Candidates for the Beau Dance to be given by Hevrah I1BG on October 28 are Harold Schneider, AZA No. 1; Jerry Siusky, Joe liassman, John Spitzer, all of AZA 1000; Sheldon Perelman, AZA No. 100 and Sieve Marcus, Rayim Fraternity. The dance will be held from 9 a. m. to midnight at. the Blackstone Hotel. Dance chairmen are Susan Katzman and Barbara Chudacoff.
Diane, K. StiirHlier
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YOUNO JIJDAKA. UNICEF collection materials will be distributed to the three Young Judaea Clubs when they Mr. and Mrs. Ben Harold Mag- meet on October 29 at 2 p. m. zamin announce the engagement at tlie Jewish Community Cenof their daughter, Karen, to fiary ter. During their meeting period Plotkln, son of Mr. and Mrs. the Jays will hold a bake sale. 1914 Farnam Mclvln S, Plotkin. The other two groups will hold The bride-to-be is a student at tryouts for a stage company. the University of Omnlm. Her fiance attended the Uni- ri,EMirc OFFICIOUS versity of Nebraska where he Officers of Rohanuo pledges was affiliated with Sigma Alpha are Ann Nogg, president; Judith JUSTIN D. HORWICH Mu fraternity. He is stationed at Goldburg, vice-president; Francie Ilornstcin, secretary; Paula Fort Carson, Colo, Specializing in Magzamin, treasurer; Sharon Berman, Lynn Saunders, serUndervalued Bcants-at-arms; Miriam Cukicr, Securities Gall Berwick and Jcnnine Kraft, and historian. Special Situations Hartford (JTA) — G e o r g o Rockwell's former wife and his Do your shopping in the Jewish three daughters are strongly op- Press. posed to Rockwell's Hitlerian tirades and his "American Nazi "Madeline" Party." Members Hew York Stock Children for Democracy Exchango and Other Mrs. Judith Rockwell, who diPrincipal Exchanges vorced Rockwell in 1353 after 1001 FARNAM Mrs. Norman Buchwold 10 years of marriage, told the 346-4555 Connecticut Jewish Lodger that Phono 551-4-186 "my children KO to the public 4606 Davonport St. Echools and Icarn about democracy with children of all nationalities and races sitting oround them. As to rny former husband's ideas, he can have them." Rockwell's latest . court visit Expert Remodeling and Repairing was In the Arlington County Domestic Relations Court in Mink Specialist which he was held in contempt of court for defaulting on $200 monthly alimony payments to Morris Spoctor his former wife. However, Mrs. 43 Yoars of Exporienco . Rockwell said she was not desin Fur Business titute, as had been reported and that she was now getting financial support. Second W'lta Left Him Judith Rockwell, the Nazi's first wife, said she was puzzled os to how Rockwell first became Interested in Nazism and anti-. Sernltlsm. She said he had many closo Jewish friends in sorvico during World War II and while he attended Brown University. She said her daughters often said nbout their father, "What is the matter with him?" The second Mrs. Rockwell, member of a prominent family in Iceland, left Rockwell in 1959, when the family became appalled by Rockwell's Nazi views.
Karen Magzamin's Engage'menf Told
Rockwell's Children Oppose tfail Views
The Nebraska Rheumatism Association and t h e Nebraska Chapter Arthritis nnd Rheumatism Foundation will meet Saturday ot tho Town House with Lloyd E. Skinner, president of tho latter group, presiding at a dinner.
pholo ol tihouldor oection shov/o you how magic wlndowp Inuuro potlcct lit at all timoa.
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Easy to use even foa* With this newly patented dress form, even the beginner can make custom-fitting clothes! Try this many-ways-adj'ustabla form, see how easy it is to create professional looking styles, perfectly fitted to. your own figure! Have smart clothes, for just a fraction of your former cost! If you gain or lose weight, so does your Adjust-OMatic form! Lightweight, easy to handle! Come in, write, call 342-8482.
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BIBLE STl'DV CI,ANS . The fall series of the Bible Study Group meeting with Ilabbi Sidney H. Broolw at Temple L>rael will conclude with the Thursday, November 2 tc-;;sion at 1 p. m. Spring series starts March 1. Hebrew classes for ailnlls start at Temple Israel November 1 under the leadership of Maury L. Schwartz, Director of Education. Classes for (winners will be held from 1 to 2 p. m. each Wednesday, from November 1 through January 31. Advanced classes \viil lx» conducted from 2 to 3 p. m. on Wednesdays, November J through January 31. Weekly TrmpV Art class, Monday, October .".0 Temple Israel. • • * .'COUSINS CU.'ll Mrs. ilynian Frimi will bi hostess to the Cousin's C'luli at the Refris Hotel at 12:30 p. til., Wednesday, November 1. Anyone unable to attend Is asked to call Mrs. Fried, SnG-fHr-O. ,• *
AM'OINTMKXTS TOK B'NAI II'KITII BAZAAR •> Committee heads have W n named for the Harvest Festival Bazanr to be given Sunday evening, November 19, at the Shf.-raton-Fontenelle Hotel by tl;e B'nai Krlth "'.Ifenry Monsky Chapter, it was announced by Mrs. Max ' Krizelmnn, over-all chairman. ^The cliaii'mcn arc Mine!;, Meyer Kaplan, Jewel: Sidney Zneimer, publicity; Milton Mintz, recipes;. Sam Berman, baz-anr; Bernard Kaiman, party; Albert Oruch, tickets; Frank Sekar, Bernard Kaufman, decorations; Stanley Shapiro, soliciting;;. Phil Jtatner, posters; Abe Miller, corresponding secretary; Sam Shyken, treasurer. Mrs. Mintz Is also fund raising co-chairman. • • * TEMPLE • SUFFKE CM 11 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Vann, chairmen of the Temple Israel Supper Club, said reservations for its Homecoming Champagne Dinner Dance, November 4, are been taken by the Temple offico.
!i and 12 from 2 p. m. to 1 p. m. Mate-rial and iiistmctioiis will he available for the making of C'hanuV.k.'-ih decorations for the home. Talmud Torah ace children are invited to come with their parents. * « * ICAIlIil KKll'Ki: TO S1TAK AT I.TJM UKON MKCTING Rabbi Myer S, Kripke will tpcnk on "Kt.imetliini;s Von Don't Know—About the liible" nt a luncheon miflinj; of Henry Monsky Chapter of P/nrti IVrith, Novtmhir 1 nt the Jewish Community Center ;:t VJ.'.iO {i. m. i
HIJTII i:i. SJSTKKIIOOI) BOARD NOV. I The Jirth Kl Sisterhood JJoard v.'ill ni'-ct after coffee, November 7 at 1 |i. m, in tlio synagogue «Jcial hall. Mijieji. William J'aehni'in, Edward (Jnt.-cn, Morris Koom. Yale (;in:;lnii>;, Kan ford liiophy, Millnrd Margolin, Jaelt Jacdbson and Charles Kimniel, circle fhairni'.-n, will l>e guests of the rnpetin;*. Mrs. Arthur Gn-wi, circle coordinator, said. *
1I0UDAV DANCING O . M i The Holiday Dancing Club will hold a manjiieradtf ball, Kaluri\:iy, November •}, at the Field Club from 10 p. m. to 1 a. in.
Center .Sports By C y Soltehlck
VARSITY BASKIvTIJAIJ, The Varsity basketball campaign gets underway nt the O n tt-r gymnasium with practice round games on Wednesday, Novrmber 8. Milder Oil ROCS against Markel Cleaners in the oponer and Royal Crown-Canada Dry battles Micklin lumber to complete the twin-bill. First league Kamos becin on November 29. Mildnr Oil is the defending l e a g u e champions. Markel Cleaners; are a slight favorite to cop the title this year. Tenative team rosters are; Milder Oil, IJndy Paul. Fred Bernstein, Hurt Robinson, Irv Ynffe, Stuart Kahn, ' Marshall Keeker, Joe Bclmont. Mickey Sacks, Jerry Simon, Km] Siepal, Mike Sherman, Hill Kully and HANUKBAH VrOKKSUOI' Chet Stoler. SpoSfer is Orville Mines. .Robert Perelmnn and Milder. • Markel Cleaners: Lelloy II. I>ee Gendler will take .reser- Katz, Joe Kirshr-nhrium, Ed Belvations for the Chanulckah work- grade, Wayne .Siejjal, Jerry shops to be -sponsored by the Daun, Sol Friedman, Sandy UroBeth El Sisterhood on Sundays, phy, liill Glnsbtirt;, Jerry Ronon, Allan Siegal and Bruce Horwich. Sponsor, Sandy Brophy. R. C. Cola-Oinada Dry: Stan Beclter, Howard Upton, Al Clayman, Joe Patrick, Steve LustRegistrations for the Beth El garten, Cal Kirshcn, Steve IlosSynagogue College of Adult Kdu- enblatt, Cy Seitchick, Buddy Epcation are still being accepted, stein, Bob Epstein, Morrie Hanit was reported by Mr. and Mrs. dleman and Ed Zorinsky. Sponsor is Max P l a t t Harold Garber, co-chairmen. Micklin Lumber: Dave Gold; The sessions a t 8 p.. m. every Monday until November 20 offer "Stein, I,-irry Herman, Arnold classes in Beginning Hebrew, Is- Ban, Justin Ban, Roy Katskee, rael Today, Sabbath Service 7»Icl- Howard Stolc-r, Sheldon Brokodies, Sketches of Jewish His- sky, Nelson Gordmnn, Marty tory, and H o m e Observance Green, Jeff Schwartz and Jerry Kole. Sponsor is Morrie Koom. Skills. All players chosen in a player Kinescopes of Eternal Light draft by teanr captains. Rosters programs will be shown a t 9 nre subject to change .at the end p. m. followed by an open dis- of the three practice round cussion period led by Rabbi Myer games. S. Kripkc. All total, forty-eight players are listed on paper for competition in the Varity league. Any Announce Birth of the community inDr. and Mrs. Alan Jay Hecger members in playing should conof Berkeley, Calif., announce the terested the Center Physical Educabirth of their second son, David tact tion Office at 342-136G. »
Enrolls' Members
Jerome, on October 3. They are also the parents of Peter Scott Heeger. Dr. Heeger is the son of airs. Alice Heeger, who is visiting at his residence and also with another son, Jerry, student at the , University of California at Berkeley. After the first of the year, Dr. Heeger will'assume his'positioon as Assistant Professor of Physics at the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia. His v wife is the f o r m e r JUithann Chudacoff, daughterof ex-Oma•;*- hans, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chudacoff, now residing in Montebello, •Calif. '
Friday, October 27, 1SB1
Ooutiell GotiiniiUea Ciiairmen Oonunit fee chnimjen for the Omaha Secti'm of tiie Kalional Council of Jev.-hh W^inen for i^Gl-02, have been announcwl by Mrs. Itobert H. l*\'mo, prt2;id*?nt. Tlicy are: / / j n « . Kurt Hlnzh\r.-}ir, Pi.Ml Lcter, 1 / Viz'i'Mi'jzr, yccfbi-a^; h'j\a.%. fccbrrt bul-tr,
//.arlsn ?S,:T,IK-:U, iiu:/,t<:i\f; f.'.mrf. Slid B. CcVn, Mtivi;i J, Ffctnr.on, bulletin; Mrs. /r'tox Cfcna?, coyrtciy;, Jolm Soioni&n, srropbjok. Mrs. Sam Q'.cnv*n-J. |w!jcJtcoii; iAsxitz. i^:-ctiard JacLt/s^rj, Jarfits Soiiioc-li'.-n, SolwiHifi ichwarlr, reacrvalitns; A'.F*F Muriy AttiuifT, oweri.f35 Ir:!rrprelc-r; M m t s . K&fnton Hict. t.\ti\ F-*.!d;nun, i!,ipoLox; Mrs. Jyiia Jacol.-s, OincfiQ Htcrlug S-cf-.DOl; tfsntt, Artt.ur Kub:rt, CroCil Ptltzntaii, H/inie Ocnricr, Children's ii'.^yAlai s:iar>, t«ir c;id gift thopi !.\mct. J. tSAHcn tAury.-Un, Louis Culler, Gf-itJe-'l Apff cit'b, tt.-M'jr Clnzcns" Loi^>go; tftxt. AJun VVoificiM. ttitud ocIK'ilJci (f*viUrt, arid cooftl-naltr Wi~.ii Mr*. Lcvrtard txlsLKj), MmeS. M. Robert f-ro/uMn, Norman Lincoln, t a n p *ar ihc h!lf»d; Mrs. Siuurt iif.iWi, cMltffWi tSfl-'T ctfitw vc-Iunkrr o!cii; Mrt Richard t.'.arUn, ci,\:dttj\'t s!(jt*t ccnirr /.'.rs. Mlarvln KnJiJI, H w » *t»r the Arwii sr-rtiol e « n l i ; Mrs. Uartiti UovaK Vc'ieranj Hospital pa/ty; K r j . Seymour Abrams, v\vj:A aid chn'ic; Mri, Alw Beor, blind trw-Ctaify s.!wp; h\n, til^ard /Aaltnhock, Uvbraiha Foundalion tor Vis* vaU-f tiart&ca;ipcd i>^>ord llmtan; if.ti. Jcl'us H w m r n , servic* to tirrtlpn born; A*.ri, tJiwrtt Upp. Cfvll Defcnn-; /.*.rs. ?.!*• ney Osien, bc-ard orrari^r-nicn'i; /Amcc. Morion SoSrif, (Jormnn Coin, profjrorri; Mrs. David OKipmnn, rclig'on; A'ri.' Ii!cJ;ic/ Crcoks, icJio!artl>!p; A.'.rs. Harry W1:P, Sr.* «(ofg ond tociol le^ivlaiiGn; Mow*. U. OIJt«ri Aronoff, MeWin TaTirrncirJ, Lt-I't Convcrie; //.ni«, i^enry Riches, l_o\(.!3 K.afr, Brocks, NcWCTiKfJ fJ»ycfifatric tmtih/te, //.ri Loult So^olo*1, Fe^rclloo rcprcjcnlfjlive; Wrs. 13. H, RaaJ-tn, inttr-ciofo ccundl rtpfcstnlatlve; Mrs. tilllot RuUn, cwnrnunlly to^scroi'wi; Mrs. Dovld Romfinlk, UCS Ifcjisr.n; A'.mtj, Sldne/ Urooks, Herbert Forbei, John tr.!cwnDn, Jock WoHw, DoiKjid Slcrn, Poi..crt Chrj(>in"(jn, UC5 dc-!nputifi; Mmcs. CJ.I Forbw, Alan Cloich/, ylfl shop; A.'.rnri. Gertiord SplflJ, Alfred fired/, //.arlcn's candy; Wntes, Harold r b rr/.( /(> K iJ rnrbcr, K r ui pkr s v , r i
stationery; Mrs, Stanley f.'-aicrsriocfc, *totlcncry delivery; f/mr-t. Jerome /Adder, t"rf.vt(t E. nroiJVfr/, A'.cJMa Schlnunc! Homo for Irte Aged fund; MmM. Albert Fox, C.: l.eo U&QQ4 fAnrlon SUAtr Scholcrstilp F un1; f/Ji»es. Jtrold Rosen, Earn Goadmon, Ooldtn Ase Fur.d; M<n«, Leonard LultttT, Ow«ii Mcycrson, cotnp (or the blind fi-nd.. Mrs. Charles Ro'.cnslocfc, ycarbock odi; Mrs, Bernard Ruiwn, taV:c tale; Mri. Dnaid H053, /.".r. ontJ Mr*. Rt/Mlnrj; Mrs. Kurt KlriatiriTer, honor poge; Mmti, D, Gilbert Aronoff end Leo Eiscnstatt, overseen functwan. Thrift thop oppo!n*c*s lndud» Wmei, lrv!n Kotman, A'.orrts RoiltJfln, ctia!rmcn; Mmti, Yoio Glu^jvro, Dnvid V/t!nbcrq, Ernest Hochslcr, Seymour Aijrrnm, v/IHSam K a i m a n , David B, Conn, E d w a r d Lewlrucn, Yo'e Gotidlncr ond irvTng Forbei. Tdrifl Shop da/ ctialrmtn ore //me*. Maynard FlnVle, Tr-d Ccrf:n, Hcrmon Wttnste-in, Harl Weiss, V/.fiiam Lohrnmn. A'.mes, Mirvln Taxman, Da/ld Gaiincr, mrmbtnhip; /An, Kevt* KirthoniKium, memb*nhlp p«rsw»ntt file; Mrs Gcnet/lev* FartKr, rercntion; Mrj. Arthur Kt/IakoftHy, mtmbfrsfilp Inte^rntlon. Mmcs, Hymlo Gcnd>r, Crwin Londcv/, asitstont secretaries; Wrncs. Arthur Adl^f, Harry Altspfer, Phlll Lastr, donor.
Hie .Tewisli finninuniiy Center Athletic Department minuuriccd 12 spuiiiors for the ]tujl-fi2 basketball pm^nnn. "'I'iiis Is a real a;,MH to tiii> Cimimunily Athli'tjo Program," Mated Irv V'aflc, Atlik-tic Committe<; Oialnnan. V>*ilh the aid of the s|x>n;;ors, all teams in tin;.Milled oiifl Varsity Ixafiics are able to have unifurnis. Sponsors for the fifth and sixth f;radi> leagues an-: TrcUak'n Omalm Jobljinf; O>., Klincr Tr/'tialt; SIo;;bur/» lioalty, Bud .Slosl>ur/»; 1-Go-Vdi), Kniie No,1;);, and Kayco, Mori I.lrt-tt. 'J'IIL' si'vriitli and ei;;lith (:''<i'Je Jpafjuc siifinstirs mv: Kaiman Insurance, Irv Kaimnn; Boirliciiii's Jewelry, Iki> Fritvinian; Fireside Hesli'turant, Dan and ItaljiJi Colicn, ami Moj;cn-Davld, Roy tVltJiian. .Sj)on.r:oilnj; Ifamn In the Varsity 1/,'af.tie art;: Milder Oil Co., On'ille Milder; Koyal Cruwn-Cajuida Diy H';verane Co., Max Platt; Mlvklin Luinljpr (VJ., Mon'ip Koom, and Marlrel Cleaners, Sandy lirepliy.
Mldqct League Dad-Lad Day 'Die annual Dad-Lad Day will k i c k - o f f the Midj; " I,ea;;ue ba.'ikclbnll firoj;rani at the J, C. C. uri Sunday, November 8th. An area college coach will he iciest !;iKaker, movies will bo shown anil refreshments served ns nth, Clh and 7th and Rth prtxlers meet to orpanize the leaft'ici. All younj'stei-j interoMcxl in the Midj;''t league should enroll by callin;; Cy Seitchlck at 342-lofiC.
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Services for Mrs. Rebecca Platt of 110 South 49 Street, who died last Saturday, were held Sunday, at Beth Kl Synagogue. Burial was in Betli Kl Cemetery. Surviving are sons. Dr. David Platt and Max Platt; two daughters; Mrs. Willi;im JCaiman, Mrs. Peter Grcenberg, nine jrrandchildren and six great grandchildren. Patronize the Jewish AdvertiRers.
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BETH ISRAEL and bus a r c both close to this well-built BHK.'K Bun:;nlow. Iilcal for couple—S. iparlsllng rooms on ono floor plus cxpnndnblc attic. HEDUCED! OWNER ASKS FOR OHTni, For dptnlls tibout 1012 North -jnih St., call ItOSE KOLLIS at 55.V2W0; office SSG-S003.
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