November 3, 1961

Page 1


Vol. XI,—No. 8

1'ublknUon Office. 10) No. 20lh CJmutia, KcbriusUn, I'honc 312-lSiiO


NBC Spotlights Harry Tt\ Tour Through 1918 Battle , UQV. 11 at6P.Fl On November I I . . . in commemoration of tlio si;,'nini; of tlie Armistice . . . a NBC-TV program will spotlight the impressions of Omaha's Harry Trastin as he retraced his footsteps across the battlefield!! on the European scene, during World War I. lie will appear before a national teleVision audience, in a filuied \'\\mcnl of Frank M<''('s "Hue

Engineering .Society, Omaha Engineers Club, Society of American Military Engineers and the American Society of Civil Engineers. Jewish Federal Ion President For more than 20 years, Mr. 'i'rustin served as chaiiinan of the F i f t h Army Area of the Armed .Service Committee of the National Jewish Welfare board, "me of the six organizations which uifike up the USO. A leader in community affairs, lie is now president of the Jewish Federation of Omaha and headed Philanthropies Campaigns in 1037 mid 1918.

1918 . . . 1001 . . . Harry Tru.-illn and Now," November I t nt 6 p. m. Omahnns will KCC the program on KMTV, channel 3. ' City Council President Mr. Trustin, on active figure in city government for more than 20 years an a city commissioner nnd councilman, Is currently president of the City Council and is a past president of the Nebraska Leaguo of Municipalities. Ho was chairman of the Missouri River development program for many years and was appointed chief of engineers in the State Guard In World War II and Director of Engineering for Civil D c f e n . s e tlnce its Ifeginning, until l!)r>5. Ife is a member of the Nebraska

Contributors of Needlework Guild Mrs. Dave Colin, Chairman of the Jewish Federation Agencies' Section of the Needlework Guild, urges all persons who have not sent in their contributions .to do so .this, week, In order to eliminate any further "follow-up." The following have contributed to the Needlework Guild since the Just list appeared: Mines. Sam Ban, Maurice '.!. Are;,ty, David Blolcher, Louis Canar, Ben Eisenberg, John J. Frelden, Sam Fried, Elmer S. Gross, Bertha Herscovltz, Isadoro Hurwitz, Max Kaplan, Samuel S. Kaplun, Maurice Katclmon, Tevil Klotz, Sam Kutler. Mines. Edward L i n c o l n , Edward M. Malushock, Nathan Novak, Morton Plotkin, Ilarry Priesman, Morris Rosenstein, Howard Ross, Sadie Rothenberg, Ben Soshnlk, Henry M. Spiegal, Abraham A. Steinberg, E. I. Widman, Sam Zwclback.

Suleiman Brings TV to Beershcba, Israel — The first television set in the Negev went Into operation last week at the homo of Sheikh Suleiman, Just outside of Beersheba, in time to catch the imago of Nasser speaking to his people on the troubles in the Syrian region of the United Arab Republic. Suleiman paid 5375 for the wide-screen receiver in Tel Aviv. The Sheikh has now applied for a telephone, so that "I can speak to my friends in America and Germany.

The Omnhan's trip to the war theater of World War I, came about when NliC was searching for a typical World War I veteran from the middlewest to tour the battlefield;! and recount his experiences for Frank McGee'a "Here and Now" television report. A call to KMTV and Trastin was selected for the film asWounded Two Days Before Armlstlco He was in E Company, 318th Engineers, Sixth Division; fought at lielleau Wood and Argonne and was wounded in action just two days before the Armistice after 17 montlia overseas, Mr. Trustln who made the trip with William BtilC3, roving editor for the program, was expected to arrive In Omaha on Thursday.

For Soviet Tactics Tel Aviv (JTA)—Israel's armored corps has developed a new fighting technique, to, counter threats posed by Russian tactics being practiced by the United Arab Republic, David Elazar, commander of Israel's armored corps, declared here on Israel's Armor Day, The Soviet system, Mr. Elazar said, Is based on employing massive fallow-up thrusts in tho wake of infantry break-through, ao rji to secure strategic points far behind the fighting lines. Israel's tactics on the other hand, are now based, according to Mr. Elazar, on the full exploitation of the'special qualities of the Israeli soldiers and weapons at the commander's disposal.

Plan to Desecrate Shrines Protested Jerusalem (JTA)—Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Nissim of Israel sounded a sharp protest against the "wanton desecration" by the Jordanian Government of the Mount of Olives and Rachel's Tomb which are both In Jordon-held old Jerusalem. The Chief Rabbi Issued his protest after reliable reports wero received here that J o r d a n planned to raze the cemetery to make way for a park and to convert Rachael's Tomb, one of world Jewry's most s a c r e d shrines, into a mortuary. UN SENDS CIVIL SERVICE EXPERT TO ISRAEL United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— Mrs. Paulino B. Cawley, a former personnel analyst with the Stato of California Personnel <Board, lias been assigned to study Israel's civil service, imder the United Nation* Program of technical assistance.

Second Cluss Poiitane Puld at Omaha, Nebr.

Single Copy 10 Cents Annual Hate 4 Dollar*

v..LeveysProvide 'Exodus Officer'Js Bond dewalk af Home Residents of tlie Dr. Philip Speaker air Katzman Home Slier Home for the Aged now can promenade about the grounds on tlie new sidewalk provided by Mr. and Mrs. William A. Levey. Many of the Home folk enjoy daily constitutionals and the sidewalk is considered a great convenience for them.

Bazaar Chairmen Thank Community Mrs. Hubert Sommer, chairman and her co-chairman, Mrs. Arthur II. Goldstein, of the Federation of Jewish Women's booth at the Childrens Memorial Hospital Bazaar, praised the persons who contributed to its success. Mrs. Sommer and Mrs, Goldstein, upon the closing, Monday evening of the one-day event reported that, a tally revealed that their booth topped its 19C0 record. : "It Is the men and women in our community who made this p o s s i b l e , " they said. "Such achievement was accomplished through the efforts of those who gave their time, money and handmade articles so generously nnd we are grateful to everyone." Persons who volunteered their services in staffing the booth are: . Mmes. Leo B e r m a n, David Bernstein, Louis Blumkin, Jack B. Cohen, Albert Colin, Leo Eisenstatt, David 13. Epstein, Jack E p s t e i n , Dean Frankel, Mike Freeman, Lloyd Friedman, Stewart Gillnsky, Richard G l a z c r , 'Donald Greenberg, M a y n a r d Grcenberg, Leonard Kulalcofslcy, Martin Lehr, Abe Meyer, Henry A. Newman, Jack Newman, Murray Newman, Morton Richards, Stuart Rochman, Edward Z. Rosen, James Samuelson, Morris M. Shapiro, Marlon Somberg, Alfred Sophir, Ben Soshnik, Oscar Sutin, Paul Veret, John Winston and Miss Susan Sherman.

Bernard Marks, Executive Of- the film "Exodus," based upon ficer of the now-famous "Exo- tho best-selling novel of the same dus," will be the honored guest at name by Leon Uris. \Mt Studies the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Katzman, 2028 .South 85 avenue, . Early in 1946 when the plight of Jqwish refugees seeking to on Tuesday eveenter Palestine readied a severe ning, November crisis, Mr. Marks left his studies 7, according to at the University of Cincinnati Dr. A lie Grccnand joined as second officer of b e r g, General the Haganah vessel N o r s y d , which was renamed the S. S. Chalnnan of the Haganah, and which successfully Omaha Area '•v. brought thousands of stranded C o m m ittee for European refugees to Palestine State of Israel despite the British blockade. Bonds. Served as Executive Officer In 1947 he helped to outfit, and The heroic served as Executive officer of the young American "Exodus" whose historic mission who aided thou-1, was largely responsible In break- . Mr. Market sands of homeing the blockade of Palestine. less Jews to reach Palestine in The State of Israel Bond Issue 1917, was portrayed recently in is the central source of investment capital for Israel's historic program of economic development. Proceeds derived through the sale of Israel Bonds are making possible the building of permanent homeu, the growth of inStars of the Israeli concert, dustry and agriculture, tho exballet and cabaret stages, rapansion of irrigation, the condio, night club and song-writstruction of roads, harbors and ing arts, will appear on the railways, the increase of electric same program with Jan Bart power, and the exploitation of on Sunday evening, Novemnatural resources. ber 26, at a "Dinner With The Stars," at the Hotel Blackstone, Dr. Abo Grcenberg, Bond's G e n e r a l Chnirman, said. Because of the extra space Washington (JTA)—A delegarequired by special stage and tion of Soviet youths now toursound facilities, reservations ing major Americmi cities made will be limited by tho capacity it clear to the B'nai B'rith here of the Hotel's ballroom. Dr. that no Jewish teen-age organiGreenberg urges the making zations would be permitted in ths of reservations early with the Soviet Union. The meeting was promise that seating will be held at the request of tho Soviet on a strict priority basis. Dedelegation. tails of this evening will be found in a special announceThis was emphasized by the ment in this issue of The Jewdelegation in a discussion with ish Press, nnd on invitations Dr. Max Baer, national director received. of tlie B'nai B'rith Youth Organization. "All R u s s i a n s ara equal citizens of the USSR," Albert Bclyaev, member of the central committee of the S o v i e t Young Communist League, said. "Establishment of groups along religious or ethnic lines would deare reached in regard to Arab- feat this objective of a single naIsraeli disagreements, must be tional identity." Responding to a question by worked out by the Middle East Dr. Bacr, tlie leader of the delenations themselves. It would bo gation denied there is any con"a mistake," ho said, for the tradiction when the Soviet GovU n i t e d States to attempt to ernment stamps the word "Jew" "force" solutions to the area's on its passports as part of its problems. However, he reiterated policy of identifying its ethnic that, "as a result of my talks groups by nationality. with leaders of tho Arab nationsand Israel, I am more optimistic about chances for peace in the Middle East than I was after ray The annual Y o u t h Council trip to the area In 1957." Thanksgiving service will be held on Tuesday, November 21 at tho Beth El Synagogue. Linda Graetz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Graetz, and John Spitzer, son of London (JTA)— Gamal Abdel Mr. and Mrs. George Spitzer are Nasser's widely publicized "Arab the chairmen in charge of arSocialism," announced recently rangements for the event. Twenty-five Youth C o u n c i l through steps toward confiscating property of rich, "reaction- members will participate in the ary" Egyptians, may turn out program. to be more than a new drive to rob the property of the few remaining Jews and of others considered "foreigners" by the Egyptian dictator, according to Tel Aviv (JTA)—Twenty-nine Cairo dispatches received here. nuclear scientists from ten difA week ago, the Egyptian re- ferent countries are taking a gime announced the sequestra- four-month course in the biologition of property from 167 "re- cal effects of radiation, which actionaries" — many of whom is being held in the building were Jews, Greelcs and anti-Nas- housing Israel's atomic reactor ser Lebanese. Latest dispatches at Nahal Sorek, south of here. Tlie course, which is the first from Cairo report that a second wave of confiscations Is about to of its kind to be held anywhere, be announced. Once more, the Is sponsored by the United Nareports indicate, the victims In- tions Atomic Energy Agency and clflde* the same categories—Jews, the Israel Atomic Energy Commission. •' •• • Greelcs and Lebanese.


Bond's 'Dinner With the Stars'

Soviets Oppose All Jewish Youth Groups

Senator More Optimistic On Arab Refugee Solution Jerusalem (JTA)—After visiting the capitals of Egypt, Lebnnan, Syria nnd Jordan—all of which are the "host" countries where the Arab refugees l i v e United States Senator Hubert H. Humphrey told a press conference here that he has "some new ideas" that may help contribute toward a solution of the Arab refugee problem. One of tho principal leaders of the Democratic majority In the American Senate, Senator Humphrey, conferred with the topmost leaders of the Israel Government, including Prime Minister David Een-Gurion, Foreign Minister Golda Meir, and others. Prior to cominG here, he conferred In tho neighboring Arab states with tho leaders of the four refugee "host" countries. He will not disclose his ldens until he has reported them to the State Department upon his return to Washington. The Senator was firm on one point — that, whatever solutions

America Has 4,079 Jewish Congregations New York (JTA)—There are 4,079 Jewish congregatioa'5 of all three denominations—Orthodox, Conservative and Reform—in the United States, with a total membership of 5,367,000 according to the 1962 Yearbook of American Churches.

Y. G. Thanksgiving Set for lovember 21

Nasser Expected to Seize l o r e Properly

Israel Holds Course In Radiation Effects


Page Two

Gefy of Hope Drive

%\}t f etufslj Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week In August through second iveik in July. Second Class Pc.icne Ptsid tit Omaha, ticbr. Annual Sut>;rriplk;n, 14 LO. Advertising Rates en Application. Publication OHi'.e—101 Ho. IO!h Street, Omaha, Utbr. Pti'-nc MM34*.



'They Fly303 Miles to Cfieier' cilities. Guayaquil has none. The plan, Mr. Wedrdius said, is to fly the Guayaquil children for the three .summer months (winter in New York) so that they can receive a Jewish education. It is an hour's flight between the two cities. Until now a teacher from Quito would travel to Guayaquil for two or Hires days each month to teach the children.

New York (WNS)—The tiny community of Ecuador, counting about 1,200 persons, lias devised a unique program to insure that all Jewish children of school a;;e yet a Jewish education—flying thorn to cheder—it was disclosed here by Herbert Gedalius, president of the Asociacion do Beneficoncia Israelita in Quito, Ecuador. Mr. Gedalius made the revelation in talks here with World Jewish Congress officials. Itie Bcncficcnein, the K c u a dorian community's central body, is affiliated with the World Jewish Congress. The Ecuadorian Jewish community is centered in two cities — Quito and Glayaquil. The Quito community consists of more than 1,000 Jews, with .some ninety-odd children of school oi?c. Guayaquil has about ]G0 Jews, With about a dozen of school aj:e. Quito has Jewish Educational fa-

Dedications A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Max Arbitman on Sunday, 11 a', m. at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will officiate. Monument dedication services will be held for Mrs. Bessie Fishman and Mrs, Molly Greenfield .Sunday at Ml, Sinai Cemetery'at 2 p. m, Ilabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Eli Kagan will officiate.

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p. m. fl'nrit Jacob Adas VcslniroH—• Friday Mincha, 5:15 p. in.; Saturcl.-iy, • at 8:15 a. m. and Mindia, .r>:-15 ii. m. Daily cervices, 7 a. m. and 5:05 p. m. Ti-tuitlo Israel:—First of (ho Sabbath discussion scries will be hold following worship Friday, 8:15 p. m. Rabbi S i d n e y II. Brooks will load the discussion (in "Why Do Good People Suffer?—Tho Doctrine of Howard and Punishment." Temple Choir under .direction of Miss Ida Gitlin will furnish the musical portions of Hie worship service. Saturday services for adults and religious school at 11:30 a. m.

Ilclli 101: Sabbath eve services will l)C(;in at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Mycr S. Kriplte will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render tho musical portions of the service. Traditional Saturday morning services at 8:30. Family service at 10:30 a. m. The Mincha-Mnariv Ben-ices at 5 p. m. Sunday morning services at 9 a. m. Services during the week at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m.



Thank Goodness for Roffmon's Variety

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Editor Peter RHner To Appear on Series A prominent editor and'author, Peter Uitner, will si>cak at the November 8th lecture of the University of Omaha's World Affairs Institute at 8:15 p. m, in the university auditorium. His subject will be on "Crisis and Challenge in Africa." Mr. Kitner is editor of the Macmillan Company, publishers; author of "The Death of Africa" nnd is a former Feature Editor of "Tlie Saturday Review." Tho series will close on Wednesday, November 15 with a summation of "Crisis and Challenge in the '00s," the subject of tho institute, by William T. Utley, professor and chairman of the Political Science department at the University of Omaha. Professor Utley is director of public affnirs and was co-ordinator of tho Omaha Charter Convention. The Jewish Federation is one of the co-sponsors of the lecture Berles.


Time for gooditeafintj

Do your shopping in tho Jewish Press.

Iredifasf Sggysciege

•With the Home Folks

Now* and Happening! ai The Dr. Philip Sljrr Jnvvlsh Home for tho Aged b j David Orkow.

Tlio very njicrial allies baked for the high tea at the Home last week were made by Mrs, Sarali Silver and Mrs. Erie Mae Webster. Rabbi David Korb of Council Bluffs was our rabbinical visitor tliis week. A special Kliidush was given by Mrs. Sarah Silver, "just for the fun of it."

Joe Rqdinowski A testimonial dinner to honor Joseph Radinovvski, community leader on his sixty-fifth birthday, will he given, by members of the Farhand, Labor Zionist Order, Branch 54, Poale Zion and the Pioneer Women. The event will lie held Sunday, November 12 at 6:30 p. in. at the Fireside Restaurant. .. • Reservations for the dinner (S2 per plate) may be made by calling Mrs. Milton Ncarenberg, 3422591; Benjamin Klaiman, 4554013 or Mrs, Sam Rifkin, 3454030. Mr. Nearenbcrf* arrangements committee chairman, said reservations should be made before November 10 if possible.

BAIUIAKA AND BKTTV ICATSKEE Mr. and Mrs. Slieff Katskcc announce the Cat Mitzvah ceremony of their daughters, Barbara nnd Betty, at the 10:30 a. m. service at Beth El Synagogue, Saturday morning, November 11. ALAN SIPOKIN Bar Mitzvah of Alan Slporin, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Siporin will be celebrated on Saturday, November 11 at Beth Israel Synagogue at 8:45 a. m.

Offers Good Thro WED., NOV. 8



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The Omaha Chapter of Hope will sponsor its second annual Door-to-Door Drive, Novembc-r 4, 5, G, a period proclaimed by Mayor Janif s J, Dworak as "City of Hope Days." -\V. Otto Swan.son, Nebraska Clothing Company, is honorary chairman. Mr. and Mrs. I'ennie Davis are co-chairmen of (lie Oniaha Chapter and Mr. and Mrs. J;iclc Wolpa are drive cliair-

Beth Israel: Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Ell Kagan and the Beth Israel Choir will conduct the late Friday Family ServAll friends and relatives nre ices this evening at 8 p. m. Traditional Friday evening services Invited to attend service* am) reception. (Kobolns Shabbos) at 5 p. m. Saturday morning services at MAKSIIA .FKM.MAN 8:45 a. in. Junior Congregation Marsha Fellman, daughter of at 10 a. m. Rabbi Groner will Mr. and Mrs. Morris C. Fellman conduct the Talmud class at 5 will observe her Bas Mitzvah on p. m. Sabbath Mincha at 5 p. m. Friday evening, November 3 and followed-by Sholesli Sctidos and Saturday morning, November 4 Muariv at G p. in. . ,, nt Belli El Synagogue at the . Sunday morning services at 9 10:30 a. m. service. a. m. Junior Minynn starts at 8:30 a. m. Mincha at 5:03 p. m. ANNE Daily services at 7 a. m. and Bas Mitzvah of Anne Friedman, 5:05 p. m. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WIN lard Friedman, will bo celebrated Saturday, November 4, at Temple Israel.


Friday, November S,


Phone 3G-13M to Injtti your Wool AC Ii 1ho Jewish Press.

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Friday, November 8, 1901

Mrs. Shrier SSars in Kingsmark Play Mrs. Hy Shrier, Omaha drama teacher, will star as Mrs, Jacohy In "A Majority of One" in the Kingsmnrk Th.ea.ler Company's production which opens Friday, November. 17 at 8:30 p. m. in the Elks Club audit o r ium. There will not bn a Satu r da y iwrformance. The p l a y will continue on Sunday, November 10-22, Season,nnd individual tickets inay l>e pinch;... ed by calling M l - ^ , /% fllGO or 341-4141.

Mm. Shrier

Omahans Eleeleti Officers elected at a convention of the newly formed Midwest Region of Hie United Orthodox Jewish Concrefjfitlons included two members of the Beth El Sisterhood. Thr-y am Mrs. Sidney Katlcman, .secretary, a n d Mrs. Max Fronikin, honorary rcElonnl vice-president. The meeting was held in Minneapolis, Miim., recently.


Face Tliree

San Francisco Couple Target S;m Frunclsro (\VNS) — Mr. iind Mrs, William ilowmun of I his oily, who for fifteen months hurt taken It on their rliln-i from young hoodlums who riddled Ilium with unti-Semitlc phone CUIIN and (irt« of terrorlMii, arn ii(j.iln tlio targets of nttaik and liiirn.ssment, It WIIS (H.seloKi-d hern us two criininiinlty relations organizations, tin; loeal offlee (if tins AntiDefainatlou I,ea(;uo and tlio Jmvl.sli Community Itelatlons Council, ktepiied Into (he Mltiullon with a view to jireventliij; [inssihlo IIIteinpered a c t i o n hy outraged Jewish Individuals. Tlie nutl-.Seniitic harrnpe to which the liowinan's had been (subjected were interrupted some weelts af.;o with the arrest, of

twelve youths, two of them toenuj;rrs who were placed on pr'Obation after appearing in the Juvenile Court. It was reported that the hooliganism against the Jewish couple was resumed shortly after tlio two y o u n u s I e r s walked out of the court. Mrs. Bowman, whoso husband ruiiH a small furniture store, said tlio aiitl-.Semltlc phono rails had resumed and that a K:UIR of

SUNDAY, .If/A MOV. 5, 1 9 6 l i l / / /

yoiilhs, Milling "n victory parade" over the release of (lie two Juveniles, had hurled roelts Into tlio liowman Iiome, smashing windows, brraUfni; (lie. windshields of their ear and doing other damage. 'J'ho Jmlgc'H action In permitting tlio youngsters to get off wltli probation was sharply criticized liy the San FramlHco Examiner in all editorial which bald that probation was not enough and that othiT measures were necessary to prevent the recurrence of anti-S( Millie oiifhrealtN. The police have placed a 21hour guard around the Bowman home. Ten of the_ youths are awaiting trial b e f o r e Superior Court Judge Harry Neubarth,


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WORKMAN CIUCI-K CAM) I'AHTV The Workmen's Circle Branch 2t>8 will hold its annual card party nt the Labor Lyceum, 3024 Cumini; Street, on Sunday, Novcmber 5 at G p. m. Proceeds will be jtiven to various charitable institutions. Committee in charge Includes Ben Garclick, chairman; -Milton NearenbeiK. Joe F c d t n a n and Morris Goodman. T i c k e t s nro fifty cents and the public is invited. * * « I»:TH EL HANUKKAII

WORKSHOP, SUNDAY The Beth El Sisterhood will hold the first of two Iiiinukkah Workshops this Sunday from 2 to 4 p. m. in the synagogue social hall. A full line of supplies nnfl expert instructions will be available for the making of beautiful hanukknh decorations for the home. Members and friends lire invited to attend nnd may mnlte reservations with Mines. It o b e r t Pcrelman and II. Leo Cendler. The sisterhood urces parents to bring their school age children to the workshops, . * • • IIADASSAH FUNCTIONS New members of the Omaha C h a p t e r of Hadassnh will be jjucnts nt a "new member luncheon" at the home of Mrs. Meyer Itubln, 902 Hillcrest Drive on Wednesday, November 8. The 1 p. m. affair has been planned by Mrs. Charles Garetz, membership vice president, new member chairmen, Mmci. Robert Faicr and Irvin Gendler; assisted by Mines, Max Bittner, Lawrence Epstein nnd Keith Saundcrs. C a p t a i n s and chairmen for

Henry Appals Slave Guest From London Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Appel returned from New York City where they met their niece, Misa Myra Blackman of London, England. The visitor, also the niece of Mr. nnd Mrs. Morris Wiseman, is spending her vacation with her Omaha relatives. SAM3 OI'ENS StJNBAV Tho rumranBe sale of the Pioneer Women's Organization will open Sunday nt 717-719 South 16 Street. Donation of clothlnpr, household articles nnd Bric-a-Brnc will bo appreciated, Mrs. Sain lUfkin,; chairman of; the sale, and Mrs. . Milton Nearenbere, prenldcnt, on-

Phono 551 -I486 4606 Davenport St.

Omaha Chapter Iladassah H M O and VK have b e n Invited to a H a r v e s t Tea Ingathering on Thursday, November 9 at 1 p. m. ul the home of Mrs. Stanley SIosburff, C744 Burl. Mrs. Iluny Stern is drive chairman.


Mothers of both three year old nnd four year old Nursery School children of Temple Israel will meet Monday, November C, at 8 p. m. in the Chapel for a coffee hour and meeting. Assistant Teachers on the staff of Temple Israel Heligious School will meet at 4 p. m. Tuesday, November 7, at the Temple with M.'iury L. Schwartz, Director of Education. A Second Cup of Coffee group, Tuesday, November 7 at 10 a. m. at Temple Israel with Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks, discussion leader. Sisterhood Art class, Monday, November G at 1:15 p. m. at Temple. Adult Hebrew classes November 8 with Matiry L. 5chwnr(7, Education Director. Beginners from 1 to 2 p. m. and advanced, 2 to 3 p. m. Surprises will be introduced by James Farber, master of ceremonies, when Temple Israel supper club holds its homecoming champagne dinner dnncc, November i. Ernie Priesman's Band will play. Reservations are b e i n g taken at the Temple office, 5566530.

RAKHEL HADASS vivacious creator of 'Arrhncolocy In Sound' JONATHAN SACK plnnlfit, musician, writer nnd arranger HAVA KOHAV charming dancer, sin per, cabaret and radio star

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Mr. nnd Mrs. Nathan rir.lam of Wniikegnn, III., want to tlinnk their friends for tlio many messagey of good wishes they received on tlio occasion of their recent marriage here. Mrs. 1'JclciiH is the former Jano Fcllman. '



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Mrs. Jako Chornoy wishes to thank her many relatives and friends for all thn cardtt, f l o w e r s , nnd donations to charity contributed In h e r name, during her recent Illness.

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Page Four


Friday, November 3, 1SGI


Coach Jim Borsheitn, Bernard Friedberg Joins Universal Dad-lad Day Speaker Advertising as Account Executive Jim Bor.sheim, University of Omaha basketball coacli, will be guest speaker of the Dad-Lad Day program, Sunday, November 12 at 2 p. m. at the Jewi.'Si Community Center. The event v. ill kick-off the Midget Leatjue basketball season at tho Center. A l l youngster:; fiom J . s "" the fifth through \ '>• -. the eighth grades • t ' { are invited to at- rZr ' -j tend with their f •" , j i a t h crs. Midret j *", *• ' \ l e a gue practice La»s'.i-S —J s e s s i o n s and BonJiUm team organizations are scheduled to begin on Sunday, November VJ. The program will include the showing of films on basketball and will be- followed by a social iiour.

liernard L. Friedberg has joined Universal Advertising Agency as an account executive It was an-

By Cy Seftchlck

nouncwlby Jarnea Lilttey, partner in * the linn. He is a / ' " » , VX>~1 graduate of | y«r (* ,' the University of 1 ^J - w ' Missouri at Co* * lumbia. Pnur to cumins to O in a h a, Mr. V r i e d berg was with the promotion d e p a r t rrant of tho New York Times and the Wichita Bcaram. Most recently Mr. Friedberj; was Associate Publication Editor at Mutual of Qmalia. *\

VAICS1TY BASKETBALL The 10G1-C2 Varsily l e a g u e lia.sUutball season nets underway Wednesday, November 8, in the Jewish Community Center gymnasium with the opening games of the practice round schedule. Each team will play three practice f;ames, with the r e g u l a r league tilts beginning on Wednesday, November 29th. This Wednesday, Milder Oil £o<~-5 against Markel Cleaners in the opirier at 7:30 p. m. Milder P a r i s (WNSi — Diplomatic is the defending chrunpion. Murlevel talk;; aimed at protecting iel is ft slight favorite to win the property rights of Algerian the title this year. The second Jews emigrating to Israel wove game will see R. C. Cola-Canada reported to have begun here bePry meet Micltlin Lumber. Miclctween France and Israel. lin Is composed of college stuSame Rights dents, attending Omaha UniversThe talks are designed to reity. A new test for heart damagecure the same lights for the was'developed at -University of, YOUTH cox:sen, Algerian Jews who choojc Israel UASKKTBALL California at Los Angeles Medical Youth Council b a s k e t b a l l a3 their future home. At'issue is School by two former Omahans swings into action this Sunday, protection of claims to compenand brothers, the Drs. Hubert I), November 5 in the Outer gym- sation to be paid either by France and Richard W. Kulmnnnohn, acnasium at 11 a. in. without prac- or an independent Algeria to cording to an article published tice round games, League en- depaarting Kuropeans. The Jewin the Los Angele3 Times. counters begin right off with de- ish population in Algeria now a The test.nlso measures Die rate fending champions, P.ayim, meet- estimated pt 150,000. of repair of heart damage. AcI'rauOe As Haven ing A.Z.A. 100 at l l a . m. In the cording to the article the procedDaniel Mayer, a former French ure is called the urine glutamic n i g h t c a p game, Iloim plays Cabinet Minister and chairman A.Z.A. 1. oxalacetic tramaminase test. of the executive committee of Glutamic oxalacetic t r a. n s a- GYMNASTICS The1 Center Athletic Depart- the World OP.T Union, declared rninase is an enzyme which aphen? that French Jewry Is facparently plays an important part m e n t will sponsor gymnastic!) ing the possibility of coping with dosser; again. A class will begin in amino acid metabolism and the problem of masssive Jewish is particularly abundant in heart in early January with Danny emigration f r o m Algeria to Fogel, former University of Nemuscle, the newspaper reported. France. During the acute heart muscle braska gymnastic stor, as the inPausing on France's post-war structor. damage that follows a heart atThe class will meet each Thurs- role as a haven for immigrants, tack, the onzyme leaks out of Mr. Mayer noted that Franco the damaged heart cells anil a[>- day in the gymnasium a f t e r alone, of all European countries, pears in high concentration in tho school, and is open to girls of all had a larger Jewish population blood. Its activity is generally ages as well as boys. Enroll by today than before the war. Ho proportional to the amount of calling the Center Physical Edu- attributed that development to heart damage, it was explained. cation office at 312-13CG. his country's tradition of sanctThe story of the doctors' disuary. • •' . covery was disclosed by a family friend, Mrs. Bon Fisher of Omaha who said their parents, Mr. end Mrs. Jake Kalmonsohn, Culver City, Cal., made their home During tho Sinai campaipn here at one time. in 1956, an Israeli unit found Tel Aviv (JTA)—"Israel still Both doctors attended the Unian abandoned Beduin baby faces grave tests, and oil Israelis versity of Nebraska School of girl in the Sinai desert, and should be ready to meet those Medicine. brought her back home with tests," Prime Minister David them. She was later adopted Ben-Gurion warned. He adby Faris Hamdan, a promidressed colorful ceremonies at nent Israeli Arab, at one time the nearby Ramat Gan Stadium, a member of the Knesset, who JOHN SriTZKR IS where 20,000 Israelis who had gave her the name of SiIIBVKA BF.AV served in the Jewish Legions naya. A film called "Sinaya," John Spitzcr, son of Mr. and during World Wars I and II retelling the story of this little Mrs. George A. Spltzer, was ceived volunteers' decorations. girl against the background elected "beau" of Hevrah B.B.'G., Among tho recipients of the of the Sinai campaign, is now Saturday ni£ht at the club's decorations were Mr. Ben-Gurion being made by an Israeli film dance at the Elackstone Hotel. himself nnd President Izhak company. The main parts are Een-Zvi, both of whom served SLAVES IV COSTUME being played by Shimon Iswith the British forces in World Slaves taking part in the Roraeli, the well-known singer War I. "Israel's fighters in the hanue B.B.G. slave auction, Sunand actor, and Dina Doron, War of Liberation," In 1918, day, November 5 at the Jewish an Israeli, actress'who porMr. Ben-Gurion pointed out, Community Center will be costrayed Anne Frank on Broad"formed the continuation of tumed according to Roman and way, who is playing the moth• spirit that had Imbued those who Egyptian styles. The auction will er of the child. After searchwent first to the Jewish Legion start-at 1:30 p. m. ing, without success, for a in World War I then in the Seclittle girl who could play the ond World War." ITOtJNG JCDAKA ELECTIONS part of Sinaya, the producers Young Judaea Clubs will meet Israel army infantry tactics, eventually decided that the Sunday, November 5 at the Jewwhich In recent years have been most appropriate choice for ish Community Center at 2 p. m. designed to neutralize nnd overthe part would by Sinaya herto discuss making of Ilanukkah come the Russian-style attack self and, with her adopted gifts, road show acts and compleprocedures practiced by the parents' permission, she has tion of UKICEF drive, United Arab Republic ground been included in the cast. The sixth grade girls will be forces, were tested nt large known as the Angels and elected scale ground exercises on "Inthe following to office: Susan LT. COL. TO SPEAK ON fantry Day." , E n d e 1 m a n , Sally Fox, Sandy TRAVEL IN SPACE AGE Bernstein, Marilyn Ilosenberg, Lt. Col. Elmo B. Hnssler will and Kathy Greenberg. speak at the November 8 dinner Seventh grade Jays selected as meeting of B'nai B'rith Cornofficers; Marjorie Siref, Susie husker Lodge at the. Non-comNew York (WNS)—The AtRips, Carol Adler, Linda Nogg, missioned Officers Club, Offutt Laurie Nogg and Denise Silver- Air Force Base at 7 p. m. Col. lantic Magazine in its November man. Hesslcr will speak on "Travel in issue carries a special sixty-four-1 page supplement covering virtuThe eighth grade girls elected: the Space Age." Sandy Singer, Claudia Cohn, PegReservations may be made by ally every aspect of Israel's mulgie Perimeter, Mallory Goldware, calling Edward Stein, 553-2429; ti-colored life. Coverage was deSkippy Cohn, Ronna Nepomnick, Bernard Greenberg, 342-7839, or signed to present a composite picture of the young democracy, nnd Carolyn Brody. Richard Fellman, 553-3271 Eig.\'. pages of the supplement MOROCCO MFTS BAN BOOK ON NAZI ATROCITIES are illustrated with photos of ON JEWISH PAPEE ON EXHIBIT AT BOOK FAIR m o d e r n Israeli painting ond Casablanca (JTA)—Tha GovFrankfurt (JTA) —A variety sculpture. The Issue contains arernment of Morocco, this week, of new publications on Hitler's ticles, stories and poems con'.*• lifted a ban on sale in Morocco Third Reich and the'Nazi perse- tributed by nineteen eminent fig-.. of the Jewish publication L'Archs cution of Jews were on exhibit at ures, among them Premier David which has been In effect since, the Fankfurt International Book Ben Gurioh afid Minister of Edu••;.-• .-..•,' cation and Culture Abba Eban. . ' . - ' : ' b f t ' J u l y . •• • : - . • . - ' . - - .-'•;..'..•' F a i r . • - • - . ' . • • .

Properly Rights in Algeria Discussed

Ex-Omahans Oovcfop Head Damage Test

Beduin Waif Flays Self in Israel Film


Israelis SfIII i a y Tests'

Atlantis Features @4 Pages ©n Israel

London (WNSi—One of Russia's most popular young poets came under 'savage attack by Soviet literary critics for a poem d e n o u n cilii: anli-Spmiti.sni ruirl hinting it still prevailed in. the Soviet Union. The

JHKIM, "P.abl



Ytti'lfrny Ycvtushckno, vvus publlr.lipd In the Lltrraturnnya <iazcta, official organ of tlin .Soilct Writers Union, on Yom Klppur «vr. It win considered ono of tlio strongest ImlJrttmTits of a n t l fSemlti-iin by a non-Jew ever published In tlie Sovl«t press, '/'he I>oet was promptly de-

8-Sfory Apartments Ikuso Iftinifgranls

nounced in two articles which nccused him of slniidmne tho Russian people and ignoring Com* munist party efforts to fight nutl-.Soniltism. One article called him a "pigmy cosmopolitan," an epithet widely used against J«vish intellectual;; in the fearful anti-Semitic campaign of early 10-19. The tille of the poem was taken from tlie name of the ravine near Kiev, where the Nazis in 19-11 machine-gunned to death 40,000 men, women and children on Yom Klppur of that year.

DRIVING TO CALIFORNIA Nov. 6 or 7 Havo Room for Somcons Who Can Aulst With Driving Call 551-1636

Jerusalem (JTA)—Seven nnd eight story apartment buildings now under construction by the Government Housing Authority, mostly for new immigrants, are expected to transform tho Emek landscape. The projects will provide 5,200 new bousing units and include apartments in Affuleh. Some 650 units in buildings up to six stories in height" will be built In Jerusalem. Ueersheba nnd B'nal B'rak construction will include units ranging from twofamily cottages to four-s t o r y apartment buildings. Other towns included In the current homing program are Ramleh, H o Ion, Nahariya, Athlit, Ashdod, Ha-' dera, Herzlia, Yavneh, Dimona, and Zlchron Yaacov. Patronize the Jewish Advertisers.


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