M i — N o JO
Publication Office. 101 No. 20th Omaliu Ntbru 1 u Phi i e m i n e
Algerian B'
Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged h Bos, (The Dr. Philip Shcr Home (or the Aged acknowledges the following memorials and donations.)
In Memory of
tAtart. ond M m « . jock Brornson, Harry Bre*Jan (Lincoln, Hebr.), Arthur A, Cchn, Leon Cratit, Barney Hobcmian, Louis Kulokof&ky, Fred Kurt,mon, Louis Llpp, Emeit A. fJiaa, David Orfcow, Harry Trusiln, Paul Verct, Mltton Ygdclson, Miss BeMe Harwich, Louis SoiTimer und Mtss Oca Summer, and Alex Weliisteln ..... Mrs, Rd* Leah Brodkey M i \ ond Mrs. Harry Ureslow (Lincoln, Ncbr.) Mrs. Esther Glnsburg (Lincoln, fiebr.J Mrs. J. Sicucl (Ccgncil Bluffs, la.) : ..Rabbi A. flubin&ky (ian Fruncl&co, Ccillf.l Mr. and Mri. foul Vctet , ..,.Mr 5 . Helen Weiss
In Honor of
Mr. ond Mr*, Lou.» Lif>P Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrj,
501ft wedejinr; anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Som Cohen recovery, Mrs. Harry Welnrr recovery, Mrs Ben Handler . , . . , . recovery, I. Wefner ....recover/, Mrs. Rebecca Zcbrnck Leo A, Daly, King Ak-Suf-tJon LXVH
and Mrs,-Jot Levln^y ond Mrs, Wllilani A. Lrvey . . . , . , ond Mr». Arltigr A, Colin Herman Fronklin, A.llss Kclah Pronklin
Synagogue Donations Mrs Herman FronMin r
Yohrieit of (oilifr
LOUIJ rinl-ensiein
Eichmann Verdict Needlework Guild Due December 15 Contributors . . . Jerusalem (JTA) — Israel's thrcc-tnan court which tried formor Gestapo Colonel Adolf Kid., , '. • i mann for crimes against the Jewish people and crimes against humanity, by heading up the Nazi regime's "final .solution" of the Jewish problem at the cost of COOO.000 European Jewish .. , , . , , , lives, is •eNuocled to hand down 1 its verdict about Deeemlx-r 15. ..._
Mrs. Dave Colin, Chairman of <l"- Jewish Federation Agencies' ^ c t i o n o f lll ,° Needlework Guild, urges all persons who have not sent In their conlrilmtions to do so this week, in order to eliminate another "follow-up." The following luive contributed to " l c Needlework Guild since th " last lls| W e ! l r c d : Mmes Lizzie Adler, Samuel ,., , », . ,., ,, Altsuler, Max Arbitmnn, Dave uernstien. lUieben I. ltordy. w Edwin E. lirwlki^y, Jacob Uurstcin, Frank Cohen, Sam S. Co-. hi;n, David Cooper, Hans Dan-
sky> IIiin
Thifd Oscado • n i l u u«#wuut« The Jewish Youth Council will bcRin its third decade of Tlianks-
'y ouitotf.
Sam Frank, Irvini William Freiden, tlymun Fried, Sul Clarfield, John R. Gidinsky.
Kivint; observance when mem- J« lilc . 1 G " i n r s k y ' " bers present the twenty-first an1 * tiual service on No\embor 21 at 7:.'!0 [>. m. at Heth FA KyiuiKOKiiP. "II seems symlwlic and ap, „, , », prop, .ate that the 21st annual Thank»KivinB program should he on the 21st. of November," it was remarked by John Spitztr, a co«i ; m . . , ^f nmnnnmnnii f.if chairman oi aiiaiigr'ments lor the event. A large attendance is expected for the service which is one of the more serious aspects of the Council's varied activities, Linda Graetz, the other co-chairman, said u welcome was extended to parents and the community-atlaree to join the Council at its 'rhanksKivini; proKram.
J" prl "
Gerald S. Cross. Charles (Iiiss, ., _, . , , , , , , Mines Maiming 1C. Handler, W a U ( . r jacobson, Kli Kawm, Joe Kahn, Nate Kaplan. Frank Katz, S a m Katzman - Charles ICImmel. Benjamin Klaiman. Abraham Kl..lntz I)avj(] L K r a n ( z M()ore Lusher, Sol Mann, Jack W. Marcr, Gail Margolin, Uenjaniiii Martin, Jack Mclclicr, Ilymie Milder, lienjamiu M. Miiiltin, . . % Benjamin Muoff, Charles Nathan, Harold Novak, Max Novak, Sam Novak, Mines David Orltow, Nathan Pillor, Max C. I'latt, William Polack, Milton Sam Itesnick, Harry Hochman, David Rosenhaum, Leo Hosenherc, William Saferstdn, Bernard Schein, Harry Sccall, Gary Sherman, Har(Continued on Haj;c 2.)
Second Class Posture Paid at Omalia. Ncur.
Single Copy 30 O u t s Annual Itute A Dollars
W o Bond Gatherings Set for Next Week
Special t. ifp^ .«Kh Press — Two promii. .. Algerian Jews were killed and third shot and seiiotisly injured yesterday, culminatini; a week of hljjh terror riuriiif; which more than 20 plastic Ijombs were exploded in Jewish homes nnd shops hi the capital and in other sections of Alt'eria. The dead were David Zermnti, Yehuda Hellman, former Unitr>l, president of the Jewish Com- ed Nations correspondent and munity and Dr. Joseph Cohen, Chief of the Jewish Telegraphic 'A2, a well-known Algiers phy- {•—""•*"• " " " ^ Agency's Paris sician. I 4 -» Bureau, will be During last week, nt least 20 ( ' guest of honor plastic bombs of fifl exploded in in the home of n single day were aimed at JewMr. and Mrs. ish shops in Algiers. M o r t o n RichThe aggravation of tl'e fenards, .'101 South era 1 conditions in Algeria has 51 S t r e e t on resulted in an increase of Jewish Tuesday evening emigration to France and Isiael. November 14. Now executive director of the C o n f e r ence of P r e s I d ents of Ili-lliiiiui Major American The tour made by Harry Jewish organizations, Mr. HellTrustin, on invitation of the national broadcasting comman worked as a foreign corres- , pany, of the battlefields of pondent in I-ondon, Paris Beirut, Europe where he (ought in Base land Damascus. He was 1918 in World War I, wore one. of two reporters, arrested filmed and will be shown to nnd imprisoned by the Arabs for a national television audience. sending "unfavorable" dispatches Mr. Trustin's impressions out, when he accompanied the of the visit will be presented Anglo-American Commission on on the Frank McGee's "Here Inquiry to Palestine. James G. and Now" program Saturday, McDonald, then serving as Amerat G p. m. on KMTV, Novemican Ambassador to Israel, inber 11, on the eve of Vettervened and obtained Mr. Hellerans Day. Mr. Trustin is president of man's release. the Jewish Federation and A number of prominent Arab president of Omaha's City leaders today wero among his Council. classmates when he studied at. the American University in Beirut.
Mr., Mrs. Morton Meeting Wed. at Dr., Ridkerds Hosts at l«3rs. Leon Fellman's Milton Seldenman of BaltiHome, Nov. 14 more, Md., National chairman of
TrtisSin's Tour on ICiTV Saturday
Hutchins Lauds Israel Democracy
Jerusalem (JTA)—Isruel was described as "one of the most remarkable examples of democracy in the world" by Dr. Robert. Hutchins, president of the Fund for the Republic ftnd former Chancellor of the University of Chicago during a visit here. Dr. Ilutchins said most new and developing nations have difficulty in establishing democratic regimes but that Israel, despite its "unexampled" rate-of development, had succeeded in that task.
Nov. 24 Bssue An early deadline will be in effect for Friday, November 24 issue of the Jewish Press because of Thanksgiving. Deadline for tin: November 21 issue will be !l n. in., Thursday, November 10. Persons submitting society and organization news are urged to turn in their articles even earlier if possible.
B'nai B'riths Isiael committee will appear in the home of Dr and Mrs. Leon Fellman, 301 south 51! S t r e e t on Wednesday evening, Nov. 15 Mr. Scidenman will make a special trip lo appear at the Fellman home on be half of Omaha's c u r r e nt Bond srtdi-iininn campaign. The gathering will be shown the new technicolor movie, "Ashdod" whose prime builder was Philip M. Klutznick, past international president of B'nai B'rith and former Omaha leader. The Stale of Israel Bond Issue is the central source of investment capital for Israel's hisdevelopment.
Jan Bart Stars At Bond Dinner Jan Bart, humorist and entertainer, will appear with lop Israeli performers at "A Night With the Stars,") Sunday evening, November 2fi at I 6 p. m. at the I Blackstone H o - ' tel, Dr. Ab e, Greenberg, General Chairman of the Omaha Area I s r a e 1 Bonds Commit- i tee, said. T h e evening will also honoi •Inn Hart the 75th birthday of Israel's Prime Minister, David 15'cn Gurion. Modern Israeli music will be played dining dinner. In TV and lEiidln For over fifteen years, Jan Bart had his own radio show and, for the past few yeais, his (Continued on Page 2.)
Jewish e
Synagogues Tell Special Programs Jewish Book month is the.inspiration for the annual exhibit of "The Bible in the Language of Art" arranged at the Jewish Community Center. The community's synagogues are joining in the observance o£ Jewish Book Month, November 3 to December 3, with religious school projects and as a part of Sisterhood programs. Outstanding; Reproductions Some sixty volumes, outstanding examples of books nnd reproductions of the Bible in the language of art are part of the Center ejdiibit, Harry Sldman, Center Chairman said. 'People's interest In .the < I960 display was so Impressive, it was : - repeated this year. The many
persons of all ages who viewed the Bible exhibit in the Center's first floor lobby last year, asked (Continued on Page 4.)
The Center collection of Bibles on display aow, is considered ono of the most outstanding in the nation.
Page Two
PRI:SS Mrs. N :tl)t an SI n t<i, he r mm t h e i r i\ i II- «Mis art of Kl
ekly on I'riifav (H nriin^ tin-. I;«st u < * k In A u g u s t conij \\c«'li in .Inly. through Annual Sufc5<-,npii Pubictifion G GHicc
iyi r;o .mil
;o P/:io aT Omuho.. Ntisr. n'j Rotes en Ar.nHc-j'ic. t C h tib yi Ul \u&
ti rt ui«I l l s friends f'.r lllll
I I I any
u i t r ti* r
ri -
Ben .Gurifeti's Wins Knesset Jerusalem <JTA) - - J.-raiTs tenth coalition t;o\ was endorsed this uerl; by tin* Knesset, Israel's Parli:inn-nl liy a vote of til! lo 'Hi after M'VIT.I! hours of sharp iVhrite. Prime Minister J)a\iil UenGurioi! prcscnti'i] a fu>u-parly coalition comprised of Hi Ministers, 11 of them from Papaj, .three• from tlie National Itelii;Joiis parly and twn from AelvhM. Avorfah. Thi- fourth party. Poali* Agudus Isruvl. the uHni-Ortlindox religious workers party, was represented by a Deputy Ministry. The new eoalition eommamls 68 of the 1-0 Knesset s<-ats.
5cb tSubbyl lijr. n. liirioiis affairs; Vil/.hak Heii.ihanni, (Yimniimiealioiis; Yi-
25 Ycsrs' Experience V/iib Jewish Lettering ond Memorials
cal A Ion, Labor. Deputy Ministers listed wcyi' Shimon Per*/, Defense; Yitzhak Rafael. Health j and Kalman Kalian'1. Education, i
With IhoKome Folks.New • mid hitppriilni;* nt The Dr. Philip m,vt Jrnisli Home for Hie A c J hj Otivlri OrKow.
Mr. Arthur Knslnsky of San Francisco, ('iiiif., jjine a Kiddush aiuJ rnaile a donation to ih<; Dr. Pfiilip Slier .Jewish Home for the Aj-'ed in hortoi* of his mother-inMr. Ben-Ciiinon r e t a i n s 'lie law, Mrs. .Sarah Silver. 1wo posts of Premier and IVKabltf Itenjamhi <ironer U'as iense Minister. L<vi Kshkol, ui»» our rabbinical visitor this week, negotiated .the new coalition Yahiv.eit: .Special memorial when Mr. Ben-Giinon declined the mandate, remains Financi; services nil! Iv held in the Home Minister. Mrs. Gokla Mi-ir re- synai;o^ui' for the following, the tains the post of Foreign Minis- annivr-rsary of whose death falls ter, Ablia Khan, Educational and duriiiK ihe month of Kislev: KisCulture Ministry, Moslie Day an lev 1, 'Nosemlier 91- Mrs. Jothe Agriculture Ministry, Pin ; sepli 1Kosuusky. Kislev .'), iN'ohas Sapir was re-name<I to Die vemlx !' 111 —-David T-euls Moros•Ministry of Cimimerce and In- niel<, Kislev 5. "November l.'ii dustry, aiul Bihortu Shifivel, Susan Ruback, Kislev 10, i.NoveniboT 181- .Mrs. Meyer Popolice. tashnilt, Kislev ]7, i N'ovemljer Appointments 2151 —Morris I.insman, Kislev "'Ministers appointed wore Gio- 10. "November 27) • •- H a r r y ra Joseph thai, .Dcvelopmenl; Dworsky, Kislev 22, (November Dpv Joseph, Justice; Vosef Al- 30(-Sophia N'cveleff, Kislev 2-1, moEi, Minister without Port'December 21--.Samuel Gl'cenfolio, Ellyahu Sassoon. Posts and tx'fK, Kislev 28, i December fi I — Telegraph; Moshe Shapiro, In- Abe Milder, Kislev 29. Decfmlx.'iterior and Health; Joseph Huru, 7)- Harry 1.. Cohen anil Itose Sociul Welfare; Zorah' Warhnf-
2211 So. Ctli
Mrs. Mil li ( 1 < I" i } , will I I N I i ' U mil i<-sa<lnr t<i tile I nlt<il N a l i i i n s , p u s e s w i t h Onuilia l e a d e r i ut I b o rceent K r a e l lionil liinrlifofi fn III-I- imiior. A t t h e left a r e Mrs. S a m u e l Wolf, Cln-n rlialriiian; Mrs. J. H a r r y liiilaltnfsky, I l o n o r a r y Ari'a rhalriuaii mill t o I H T rlKlit a r c M r i . Morris ( i r o s s i n a n , W o i m n ' i , division ili.iirniaii anil M r s . lOrni'St A, Nitj;^, sjionsor I'.liairriian.
Oom{i!ef@ Carpet Service
Religious Services Israel Bonds
WAI.I TO IVAU. I.AIIIM.'IINO * M > i ijitvrriiiti:
(Continued from Page 1 I l l r u n r d fn V<tur Monir own television show. Jlc lias apIJetb Israel: Rabbi Heiij.imin pi'iireil in ilie Miiartest supper (jp)Mer,- Cantor Kli Kagan aii'I •-lulis ami stages tliroiijrlioul the I..UIM; • sl.WIMi Die Beth Israel Choir will con- Uniteil Slates and Kuro|i<\ ;tinl IIIMIINO • I II.AMM) duct the Friday evening family his reivinilin!;s in seven il'lferent services at 8 p. in. Traditional lanrTua^es hay*1 sold millions of Friilay .services i Kolwlas Shah- copies. His recr-nlly written bos) at 4:45 p. ni. ijijok, "1 Lost A Thousand Sabbath morning services; at founds,"' became a best seller 8;1!.") a . m . Junior ('on^regation .•mil is now being processed for RUG CLEANERS at 10 a. in. Kahhi Groner will motion pictures. conduct the Talmud class at 4:45 Don Bernstein, 345-2554 Il:irl< by iti'<|iiests p. ni. Sabbath Mineha at 5 p. in. Hart was brought back lo head followed by Sholosh Seuili/S ami the program by hundreds of reMaariv at 5:50 p. in. Sunilay morning services .'.t 9 quests of those uho saw him a, in. .Junior Minyan starts at at the I'.MiO H.'intikknh Festival, her*:', H-.'M a. in. Mincha at 5 p. m. Re.s.'iv.-itions for the fvening Daily services at. 7 a. ni. and rre expected to be greater than © 5 (>. m . in any previous year and if they are made rnrly, the committee © B'nal Jiwo!) Alias Vesliiirmi— Friday Mineha, 3:15 [). in.; Sal.ur- will l«> enabled to have a more © . ilay, at. 8:45 a. in. and Mincha, smoothly working dinner and © FRANKS 5:45 p. m. Daily services, 7 a. ni. program. Itesrrvations will be on a first come, first served basis, Lb find 5:05 p. in. with prcfeitMice given those who mail or phone in their reservaT<ni|ilo Ifiriwl: Xtabbi Sidney Q f Pk9tions i-arjiest. }1. Urooks will officiate at. the SAUERKRAUT The $3.25 charge for the dinner ifgiilar Sabbath services Friday at 8:15 p. ni. "Layman's Faith Includes wine and candy from (ft. ^"f-» and Duty" will 1)0 the subject of Israel, all tips and services. FurJar £LICta. ther information and reservahis .sermon. tions may be obtained by calling Musical portions of the serv- .'Ml-1177, or by mailing reserva- @ Fancy Portuguese ** ice will be provided by the Tem- tions cards sent with the recent © Sordines in Olive Oil O ple choir under the direction of invitations. Miss Ida Gitlin. Per Cor> Saturday morning services at © Beth Israel Women 11:30 a. in. for adults and the -religious school. Elected to Office Offer* Good Thru © Wed, Nov. 15 Men's Sunday Brunch and disI?<?th Jsiwl Sisterhood mem- © © cussion, Sunday at 10 a. in., un- bers elected lo office by the MinServing Om«li« With © der the leadership of Maury- L.' neapolis, Minn., conference of Quality for 40 Yeeri Schwartz, Director of Education. the Midwest Region of the Unit© The subject will be "This World ed Orthodox Jewish Congregaor the Next." tions were Mrs. Sidney Kat Ionian, secretary and Mrs. Max l»«:tli Kl: Sabbath eve sen ices Fromkin, honorary regional vicewill begin a t 8:15. Rabbi Myer president. S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron J. ICdgnr and tlie Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Pfione 342-134* To Tnseri vcut Went Ao i« Jcwltn Pre',i. Campers from Herzl, Raman,Tel Yehuda and U. S. Y. Camps IIANIIHKAH CARDSwill participate In a panel dis- BAR and Has Mlt/.vah congratucussion, Friday eveninjj, Novemlations also for all Jewish holiber 10 at the synagoKiie follow- days find special occasions. ing services. A social hour will Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodtjo be held with dancing, tiinginK " i d refreshments. Traditional Sabbath morning services will begin at 8:30 Family service at 10:30. Miocha-Maariv service will begin-at 4:45 <Mllllleli-lit, 4:4!) p. 111.
afe- l/l/aiB
1 SI
2 »- -
10)8 FAF1NAM
10 lbs. end O m
Shukcrf'j Reelpe
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Wirtrer Store Hou™—8 A . M . »o 5 P.M.
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Domestic and Imported CANDIES • Swiss end Dutch Chocolates • English Hard Candies
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LUNCH at OUR SANDWICH BAR Tantalizing Selection of Meats And Cheeses, Salads and Boverages for a Tatty Lunch
p. m .
Sunday niorning services are held at 9. Services during the week at 7 a, ni. and 7 p. ni.
Needlework (Continued from P.igo'l) ry Sidman, Bernard Siejjler, Ben D. Silver, Phil Sokolof. Max Sommer, Samuel h. Stern, Myron T a r n off, Ira Trachtenbarg, Frank Tuchman, Monis Weincr, Ira Whitelwok, Harry Wilinfiky, David Wine, Ben Wintroub, Allen Wohlner, Ix)uis Wohlner, Ben Zeff and the Misses Rena Gross, Elizabeth J. Hart and Belle Slcgcl, NFTY A NFTY cultural meetinj: will be held Sunday at 4 p. m. at tho home of Mrs, Edward T>. Erodlsey, 302'South 51 Avenue. •
Drciicd Scrrv We Ran Out Fresh Frozen
-.WlliS. Bendeii Beef
SIOTiS Bi-tt Brand
16-ei. Ffcg.
...Ea 79(2
Open Sunday Until 6 PM. Call Wednesday for Thursday Delivery
! '1
Friday, NovmibfT 10, JBUI
Beth Ei Speaker, Tuesday is Former Temple Preview Of Scenes in Play Sbrier. Lew KuChairmen 'if ihe mcelin;?; are Rabbi of yexic© C % Congregation <iraMrs.andMiriam .lean Stone, stars ol "A Mines. Adolph Trosi, Herbert
A rabbi "^ho served a Mexican conyn'i'alu II, housed in a former J.'i.'KaieM1 • Uibassy, ,(h<! currently f p;ri1 ual !ead"r ol Tifereth Isjiu-l, Lincoln, Nehr, -Aill i>e ihi; ilxaker «t Hie liptli 111 Si.sliTl.uiid, "Wflcunie NiM'.'.hlinr" luneli*iu), Tues(iay at VJ:'M) p. m. in t!W" Syna','o;.'i]e. He is Kabbi Maurice Pomcrlintz '.Vtio will talk about "Taco'i en the Salib.-i.lh." j'.abbi J''imeianl/ jir<-W'ni-ly (KyMpknl ihc |M)l|»it of Ihe lieth Juaei ("nminunily Cenicr (.'onCre^ation in Mexico C'jiy. The former .JapancM' embassy, icsiclciifi.- beciiine the homo (if ihc On'lil-year iMnsi'i'vnliv<> v;i'»up in 3958. 11s sisterhood n n n i b e i - K iiljijijt. 150 women today and quoiin;.; from a recenl inar,a/iiic artide flulliored by Hie l l n b b i , "ibcir •.vi(i(>-iiani_'inj,r culiur/il and rclifrjous programs are oa.-es of Jiifliii^in in ihr desert of Anicrican Ijfc." The riarnins; of the Jtabbi's i';iujthtrr, KarjiK-l, was ('(dr^bralA'd
during the Festival of Kul<k(jt v.ilh a liidrli.-li in a Sukkah >.wth a definitely ''south <>i 1he bordel" note, u ill) fnvrn •.vails lined with palm ieiiws. SUIIK? of ihc di'i'oiiil ions wire susji'-iideil culorful num'.'ds. jieama.';, '•idabat'i\as and l.i jocol'-s. Lincoln J;DI;.-,IS at tin; luncheon will inciuilc .Mi.s. !'(,nierant/, Cinior Isrucl Ziirlinei'inan, .llso <,f Til'd'eih Israel .S.vii.'j|:n;;iie in IJneuln, .itui Mrs. b'nn Kellci', the hi.slcrliood president. ("irclr io-ordinator Mrs. Kob'|-i \Va;:ner ami circle chairmen Mines. Sol Crandell, Sol Knilcr, \j'u Milder. Harry'Havitz, Henry Stern and K. i. Widman are in .:harj;c (if ihe luncheon, wilh deeoi'ations by Mis. Alan Burton, Jioscrvaiions may IM^ mad" with Mines. I. l)loi)-off, AI. .Mint/, S. A. Ilifc or .lake Tnreli. Mrs. I.ronmd Finkel, presirlenl of the H'nai isr.'iel Sisierhood in ('onilcil Bluff, la., and the- wife ,,! its IlnbW, Mrs. Oa\id Korb, will at lend.
Majority of One," will present scenes from Ilie sbou. at ibe Temple Israel Sislej hood )uri':heon inoeiinj.; 'J'ue.'.day, i\"ov(.'inber .11 :il 1 p.m. at the Temple. The play, a Kiii",sm-irl< Thcaier production, will open November 17, iit the Klks Club.
Harvest Festival Bazaar Planned The women have rcs|H)nded to tin.1 "call for helpers" for Hie Jlarvesl Fcslival ISa/anr, the annual fund raising affair of Henry jMonsky Chapter of H'nai lVrith, Mrs. Max Kri/.elman, over-all chairman, reported. T l f event will be held Sunday evening, November 1!) at the S h e r a t o n - Fnnicneilo Iloiel. Among the women appointed to commit lees are; Wm«, Hdrry iidnian, Duvo r.p*.(cin, Dcrnord Coldilrom, S'nioft Ptldiiidd, Charles Phhcr, fjoltian KapKm. William Mone, NallKiii GUnlck, Harry Friedman, Horr/ Smith, Morris FranHln, Gror'ie Ichaplro, Gilbert Arnoff, Abe GlnLburg, Jcif Ulplon, Oort Rilkln, Abe Kaplun, Sont Polluk, Aaron Epstein, and Mhs l(Ja I'aphael.
Weil, David Jilcicher ailri Norman Lincoln, Leonard 1!. Jacobson, Arthur Sherman and Shrier. The sisterhood board will meet at 11 a.m. Jicservalions may be made by (•iillin)!. Mrs. Jacob 1 less, 5517.")S1, or Mrs. .Seymour Alirams, r)5:i-(i.'-(72. Siller service will he available.
l 3 at!oni/e Advei fisers
House of Glamour III
No 50th 553-7000 6 Eicporl Hair Slylittt
Air-Conditioned Dryers MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY
Building Co. OFFERS 3 large bedroom home. Attached garage, special kitchen arrangement, level lot, 1400 jq. ft. Located nt 2723 So, 46th Avc.
£021 Dccatur Completed and Now for Sole Another Schwalb Conttruction Going Up at 2011 No. 60th Ave.
MIZKACIII DKSSKItT LIJNCI1KON NOV. IS The Omaha Chapler Mlzrachi Women will hold their rcKiiliir jnonthly dcKscrt luncheon mcftinj,'on WodneMlay, Novcmbor 15, lit 1 p. m., ;it the t'onijimnity Cenier. A report will bo made on tho recent national convention and H prop-am will be pii'.wnteil. Mombcrs arp nr^wl to altcnd and to brinn their National F u n d <;OKNIli;sKKIl MKKTS NOVEMHKIl 13 The w o m e n of Oornhuskor Chapter I'.'nai H'rith will meet Monday, November 13 at H:'M) I>. m. at Blackstonc Hotel. The jjroKram will include a talk by i; cosmetics consultant, Mrs, Burton Punevitz, c h u i r n r n n , announced. BKTIt T.U C'Al.KNDAIt A new group for young niot.hf rs, "Across thf> Threshold," November 16 nt 9:30 a. m. at the home of Mrs. Martin StJienhcrj;. Mrs. Norman JMussman, wife <>t the Synagogue Director of ICducation, will lead the croup in a discussion of "Chanukkah and Christmas and the Jewish Child." Beginners Hebrew, taught by Mr. Alex KaU, every Thursday at 9:.'1O a. m. Mrs. Nat Rteinberf: Is
in i'hai't;<.- of reservalioiis. "Hooks iind Lunch," consisting of ejuhleon women, will hold its second lunehoon session, home of .Mrs. Joe (Iiiss on NovemiK'r 11, ni 1 p. in. They will discuss oulslandinn llnftorot.. j\vv OIISI;HVAN(;K Special mention of .T. W. V. "Veterans Day" will be made at the various synnnojjui'S Friday night, NoMTiiher 10. All J. W. V. jnembers have been asked to uttend the synagogue or temple of their ehoico, and to wear their J. \V. V. caps and ties, by llobert Kalleman, Commander, and Harold Katlrmnn, adjutant. TI:MI'I,I: IIKIIKKW CLASSICS
Adult Helmnv Classes, led by Maiuy L. Sclnvartz, Direclor of Kducation, N'ovember.15, Temple Israel. Beginners class, J p. in.; advanced cl.xss, 2 p. m. SAM MOTIIKKS U'lIX KNTKIITAIN MNCOhMTICS MenilM»re of tho Omahn Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers Club will be hostesses to the Lincoln • Mothers at a luncheon on Wednesday, November 15 at the Hrandeis Crossroads Tearoom. All pledge mothers as well as present members and alumni arc invited. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Moe Grossman or Mrs. Henry Ginsbun;.
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Dinner at six, Sunday, Nov. 26. EHacksf'one Hotel
$3.25 Includes dinner with Israeli wines and candies, ell tips and services
and the wonderful wit and vibrant voice of "Mr. Show Business Himself,"
i-horoogrnpher nnd ballet star of the "Orunlm Znliar"
Beth Israel 'Donor1 Captains Will ieel Donor captains for Beth Israel Sisterhood will attend a mornin;.; coffee hour at the home of Mrs. Elliot Rubin, 1G16 North 5:s Street, Thursday, November 10 a t 9:30 a.m. to discuss plans for the forthcoming donor affair. Donor chairman is Mrs. Sam Katzman. Her co-chairwn are Hmcs, Martin IlPrzoff, Elliot Rubin, Maurice Meiches and Don Cohen. Donor captains are Mines. Jack Alix-rls. Henry Appel, Morris Appcl, H. Gilbert Aronoff, Julius Bernstein, Eugene Bruuii, Iz Bogdnnoff, Elliot Brown, Milton CacUin, Bernard Denenlx'iy. Izadore Klewitz, Albert Friedman, Sidney Cloldben;. Dan Gorrimnn, David Halm. Phil Ilahdlemiin, Ernest Hochster, Sidney Katlem.-in. David K.itzniun, Bernard Kaufman. Martin Kolnick. I. J. Kraft, Aaron Levine, Herbert M'k'lies. P-eub-n Katner, Joe Kaznick, Sam Hosenstein, Mon'is J. Shapiro. !.•« .Sherman, Albert Snrkin.
Radinowski Dinner Max Kaplan, vice-president of •District 7. I'arlwnd I^ibor Zionist, consisting of Nebraska, Iowa. Missouri and Illinois, will be tinjjuest speaker at the.Joe Kadinouski Testimonial dinner. Sun., day at the Fireside Ilestimrant. Those planninR to attend are ,aslie<l by Milton NearenbciK, •chairman of the affair .to l>e at the restaurant promptly at i>\'M p. m.
Book Month (Continued from Pa«e 11 that it become an annual showing. [ Mr. Sidman added, that Ihrou'.'.li the ages, artists have found the Bible a source which inspired themes for artistic creation ami that the Bible has kindled their imagination which they expressed through diverse media. Community Invited An invitation is extended to the community to visit the collection which is being expanded this year. The Federation Library has many books in this realm and related subjects available. Jewish Book Month is bein;; observed at Temple Israel Kelifiious .school with accelerated reading programs in all classes and lite making of posters for display in the Social Hall. A special Jewish Book Monti) Assembly will he held Saturday and Sunday, November 18 and 19 at the Temple. Posters and book reports will be .judged and prizes awarded during the assemblies. Mrs. Alan Blotcky. sisterhood chairman, named the following mothers as jtid;;es: Mmes. John Winston, Max Scheuermann, and '. Louis Lipp. Jewish Book Month will be celebrated at the meeting o£ Beth Israel Sisterhood, Tuesday. November 14, at 12:.'iO p. m. in the Beth Israel Social Hall. Lt. Col. . Edward Ellenbofjen. Command Chaplain at Strategic Air Command, Offutt Air Base, will give a presentation on "The Book That Will Not Bum." Col Ellcnbogcn has served with two civilian congregations, and has been on active duty with the air force since 1941. He has been on overseas assignments with the Central Africa Division from 1043 to 1945, with the Far Eastern Air Force from 1946 to 1919, and in Germany from 1955 lo 1958. Reservations way be made with Mmes. Joseph Frank, Hyman Lubman and Phil Lubrnan. Talk by Mrs. Steinberg The talk of Mrs. Nat Steinberg; at Beth El's Sisterhood meeting Tuesday, will be on T'var Torah and the role of scholarly learning > in recognition of Jewish Book month. The Beth Kl's religious school will observe the special month by the increased use of the library /or book reports of their choice and which will be submitted for •; the- Hanukkah edition of the
, school newspapers.
Center Sports By Cy Seltchlck
Basketball VAKSITY M:A(;IT: Marlce! Cleaners meet Mieklin Lumber and Milder Oil goes against R.C. Cola-Canada Dry in the second Wednesday of Varsity league action. All teams opened last Wednesday to beijin a threejjnme practice mum). Regular league action begins on Wednesday. November 3 .
\vr;i>Ni:si>.\v, NOV. i.>
Bar and Bas iifz^afi Ail friends and relatives are Invited to attend services and reception. Brcrry AND BAIIUI\IL\ KATSKKi; Hetty and Barbara Katskce, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Sheff Katskce, will observe their B'not Mitzvah on Saturday morninc November 11 at Beth El .Synagogue at the 10:30 service. AI.AN KIl'OKIN The Bar Mitzvah of Alan Siporin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Siporin will be celebrated on Saturday, November 11 nt. Beth Israel Synagogue at 8;-15 a. m.
Marlii'l vs. MicUlin—7:.'i0 |>.tn. Milder vs. H.C. Cnlii—8:30 p.m. 1'AI'L Kl'STKIN VOl'TII COINCIJ. Mr. and Mre, Harold Epstein The Youth Council baskelball campaign got underway last Sun- announce the Bur Mitzvah of day, ojieniti!; a fifteen t;mne lea- their son, Paul Epstein, on Friday eiening, November 17, and gue .schedule. Saturday morning. November )8 A.Z.A. 100 edged Ttayim .1S-37 at the 10:;i0 service at Beth El in the first came ami I'.onu swept Synagogue. past A./..A, 1. 11-21 in the second battle. A veteran A./..A. KK) crew built up a twelve point spread in the final c|uartei' and then held on for a one point win as Itayim Jim liorsheim, new head bascame hade stron;; in the clo;;- ketball roach at Omaha Univerim; minutes. Maiiliall Kaplin sity, will be the guest speaker with eleven {Hunts u;ts high as the Midget basketball league .seorer for (In- winners whib' Hill gets set for another cage camKuter, with 11. led the losers. paign with the annual Dad-Lad The second game saw A.Z.A. llay kick-off affair this Sunday, 1, jump off to a fast lead on November 12lh, 2 p. in. in the I'.onn to lead 10-8. at the end of Jewish Community Center audithe first quarter. Hut as the torium. game wore on, a better balanced lionu team won easily going att'iiy. Richard Kpstein w i t h eleven points was high for 'he winners and Bill fiinsberg, also with eleven points was high
Dad-Lad Day Starts Young Gagers Season
Friday, November 10, IBM
Omaha U. Educator Is Series Speaker William T. Utley, professor and chairman of Political Science at the University of Omaha, and Director of the Institute of Public Affairs, will speak at, the Institute of World Affairs. Wednesday «t 8:15 p. m. in thf- University Auditorium. ., This Wednesday's program will clone the WG1 series of six lectures featured by the University, with the Jewish Federation, IXH a co-sponsor, Harry Trustin, Federation President, said. Mr. Utley will present "In S u m m a t i o n . . . Crisis and Challenge in the "GOs," theme of the institute He was a coordinator ol the Omaha Charter Convention.
Do jour Khoppint; in the Jewish Press.
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Professional Driving Instructions Three Coursos Offered Instructions Given
DAY OH NIGHT Rcaioiwble Rates Instructor Sam Arrlqo
SPECTOR FURS Expert Remodeling and Repairing Mink Specialist
4909 Burt St. Morris Spccfor 43 Years of Exporionco in Fur Business
ni'iiker for the IONITS.
W I, P.OllM 1 0 A.Z.A 100 1 0 Itayim 0 1 A.7..A. 1 0 1 SINDAV. NOV. VI A.Z.A. 100 v». A./..A. 1—11 a.m. liayim vs. Itonn—12 noon IODV-DIUUY SQUAD Announcementx will soon' be made on the IdilyrHirldy basketbal program, scheduled for early December. Iddy-Biddy basketball involves lads in the 2nd, ,'inl, a n d ' 4 t h grades. Classes will he held on .Monday and Tuesday afternoons after school. A special advanced class may be scheduled for Sunday at 1 :.'iO p.m. •Follow the sports section of the Jewish Press for. further information.
Deaths DC. SIDNKV KI'UIV Funeral sorvici's for Dr. Sidney Rubin, ,'!0, staff physician at four Omaha hospitals, were held Tuesday at the Jewish Funeral Home. Burial was in Golden Hill Cemetery. Dr. Rubin died Monday at his home. 200!) South 88 Street. A graduate of the University of Nebraska College of Medicine, Dr. Rubin was secretary of the Nebraska Pediatrics Society and staff physician at Childrens Memorial, C l a r l i s o n , Nebraska Methodist and University Hospitals.: He was editor of the Children* Memorial Hospital bulletin, a member of Belli Israel Synagogue and of Conhusker 13'nai B'rith. Survivors are his wife, Sharon; three daughters. Shelli, Robin und Tcrri; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hen Rubin, Sr., all of Omaha, two brothers. Abner It., Plattsmouth and Dr. Ben., Jr., Kansas City, Mo.
ALIESOM Customline Apparel
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IF YOU BUY YOUR NEW ELECTRIC DRYER NOW! •if you liuy a new electric dryer from any dealer who is a nirmlicr of tha Nebraska-Iowa Electrical — and tliat dryer is installed on Omaha 1'uhlic rVwerDtftrict lints'— tho Council will pay for the rlytlricity you use for drying for G full months (bated on an overage Om/iha family's ctotol J1.03 per month). Buy thn t dryer now and you'll rooci\ o a check from tho Council to cover tbo average cost of electricit y u/;d to> dry clolht-s electrically for 0 months. Start now to end the drudgery of liiundiy-IuKginx nml rjnthc.i-pinninjr. An electric dr>'i>r makes itn rr*n »unthinfi — pure, radiant fbrnclwi Ifcit that givw vou jpiinctiim fusliclulhuii ithivtryl'uil. 'J'akead«ontn,;a of tt>iJi"buns}uno"Bonmoficrnow'. OITer end.! Uectmbtr JO, 1001. Choose your Electric Dryer from these dependable national brands: Eas/ • FrigiJatfa • General Clcctric • Hoipoint • Kelvinator • Kenmora « Maytag • Norgo • Philco • RCA Whirlpool • bpeodQuaon • Vicsting' i V/tzard.