November 17, 1961

Page 1


Vol. XI/—Nu. 11

l'uMlcutirui office, 101 No. sotli Oiiuilut. Ni-briisini, l'lujne SW-KIG


Second Class VoHlur.e Paid rtt Omaha, Ncbr.

Single CAipy 10 Cents

Annual Hate 1 Dollars

lesset Opposes b 1 UOM fugees Return Tup Israeli cnUTlalners will to this couniiy in lffifi on a appear with (MIIIOIIS cometllaii, .scholarship at the Juillaril .School Jnn ISnrt ut "A Night With tlm of Music ftturH," on tSlimlay, November ?A\ Because of siK.'cial static rcat (1 p. ill. la (fin lintel ISInelsslmio f|uiromenis nndsound equipment, ballroom. I'o'-'wvniiijns for the niiii.s'iiiil eveDr. Abe (.roenlK/rg, Israel ning will be lhnitod, on a firKlBonds Campaign General Chair- conio-firxt-sorvo -lmsis, to the' man, said the event will feature? viewing capacity of Ilio ballroom. an unusual dinner aceompanied Reservations may bo made by by choke Isiarh v uv . and i in- calling the Israel Bond office, dies nnd IMUPII nni' ic Spcual 3'n-11.77, as soon as possible. decorations will stre s the fc 3- Charge of $.'1.25 per person, is all-

-- 1 >/

Knlihcl Iladass S.i< It

IIn\n Kolmy

Ai raJinm IUIxr

tlvity of,the occasion which also Inclusive for tlii» rljnner, tifis and will pay tribute to Israel's I'rim !>|K'cial services. Minister David lien (iurlon's 7.r)th birthday. Tlie four Israeli Btnnt aro Hulthel Ilailass, Avrahiinv ICIbir, IfiiVti Koluiv nnd Jouiitliai) Kacli. Rakhel IlndasB, a leading singer mid founder of the Haifa Oninlui Group, is a feature perIsaac Carmcl, often described former on tho cabaret circuit in 11s "a walking encyclopedia of Israel, Kurnpe, North America the Zionist moumont," will apand South America. Her hit rtc- f 1 p e a r at the ords—many can be found in the 3 huinc of Dr. Abe record library at the Jewish Com- / Gtecnberg, Genmunity Center—are popular in et ,il Chairman of many countries. , the Omaha lsAvraham Miter, Israel-born i iaol Bond camchoreographer, premier dancer piign, on Tucsmul founder of the famous Ora"*»*» * (I ly, November nini Zabar Group has appeared J (* y, 21, a t fi p. m. In ut GroKsingers, on top.televi- r' «lg-j.f?s, T < O n o of t h e few sion program;! anrl served as a ^ ' . . . . . A \ ^ \ . . , , „ MiiTiving Zionconsultant In Israeli dnneo temists w h o actually pos for many ballet companies I , w Oann.1 met T h e o d o r e Ilcr/.l. he helped Ifava Kohuv who has duncnl nt Oarnrglit Hall nnd tlm New found the Keren Haycsod, tin? York's Waldorf-Astoria, lias liail Zionist branch which first began many of liu,r perfonnanenH taped actual building of thn Jewish nnil nrontleast on t h o Israel State. He is author of the book, "Americans in Israel" and a Uro.iilrasttnff Horvlwj. " Jonathan Sack, briUiant young much-s 0 u g h t-a f t e r speaker musician, boni in Tel Aviv, came throughout the United States.

Noted Zionist to Speak at Dr. Abe Greenberg Home

...isalem (JTA)--The KnesKel's decision against admit tin); Arab refugees to Israel, will be the guide for its delegation at the United Nations Assembly when debute on the subject is opened. Mrs. Colda Meir, Israel's Kmeli/n Minister, who will return to this country to participate in tbe debate on the Arab refugee problem, said it. was up (o Israel as a sovereign stale to decide who might enter its territory. She declared that tbe idea that others should decide the question was as inconceivable as their rights to decide who should inlniiKrate into the United Slates or the Soviet. Union. She said that, "when we believed that tho war had enilod in 1M9," Israel announced its readiness then to accept up to 100,000 Arab refugees us part of a general pence settlement but this was ignored. Tho proposal has since lapsed, she added, because the situation has changed.

Junior Stamp Group Invites Hew ientiiers AH youngster:; from 6 to 14 years of age, interested in stamp collecting are invited to attend the next session Junior S t a m p Club by its mem- v hers and adviser, R o b e r t Clark f Omaha l'hilatclir| Society, p r e s i dent, j The club, In it-,} second year under the sponM ship of the Je ish Community , Center Youth doMr. Clark partment, will meet Sunday, November 19 at the Center, in room .'(3 at 3 p. m. Special bonus recognition will go to tho neatest stamp album nnd time will be given for stamp trading. Refreshments will be served.

Jolin Spit/.cr, I.lnda (;raet/. and Howard IIului holding a couferenrc on tlm Jmvish Vouth Council Thuiilnigivlng servloo.

Complete Thanksgiving Service Tho program nt the twentyfirst annual Thanksgiving Service of the Jewish Youth Council was announced by Howard Halin, its president, who will present "A Thanksgiving Massage" to the assemblage. All Invited The service, Tuesday, November 21, at 7::!0 p. in. at Beth El .Synagogue, will be. conducted entirely by Council members, all high school students. Parents and friends nre Invited to attend the gathering, one of the highlights of Council events, the president declared. Linda C-raelz will present the address of welcome following the opening prayer by Brian (Skip) Soiref. Responsive readings will lie led by Nancy Jabenis, Bruce Brodkey, Barbara Jess and Larry Grossman. Original Compositions Original compositions will be delivered by Jan Janger and Harold Schneider. Gary Parilman and Joe Ennnn will each read

Israel Denies Espionage Claims Jerusalem (WNS)—The Soviet newspaper Pravda in its confirmation of the trial and imprisonment of three Jewish religious community loaders, said they were convicted on charges of having made "criminal contact with tho embassy of one of tho capitalist states." Tho newspaper said the former members of Israel's embassy staff in Moscow, involved were Yaacov Shurett, son of Moshe Sharett and Elihau

Unth Gnjncs Guinburg (center), program director, giving pointers to her young models, Jano Sclmartz and John Freeman.

Council Plans Children's Fashion Show for Nov. 21 "Kindergarten Fashions" will be shown a t the annual Overseas Donor Luncheon of the Omaha Section of tho National Council of Jewish Women, Tuesday, 'November 21 at 12:30 p. m. at the Jewl3h Community Center. Clothes—f rom Nebraska ClothIng Company—will be modeled by the following youngsters: John Freeman, Philip Farbtr, David Ktrihcnb-Jurn, Horlpn Milder, AIOT) Wagner, MIclKUl Roilmky, SlephonU Seldln. Amy Lincoln, Jant Scliwartt Oebra Forber,

Dlono Zlpursky, Lori Doin Foldmani Debby Grophy. Paula Dernstlen, Joyce Dermteln, Kathy Nona, Vlckl Cohen and torrle Simoni. They aro tht cMldren of Messrs. and Mmea, AV Jerry Freeman, C. D. Father, Morris Klrsdicnoaum, Jerome Milder, Rob. erl Wagner, Jerry Roilmky, Theodora Scl« din, Harry Lincoln, Sidney Sctiwartr, A|on Farbcr, A/orley Zlpurslcy, Albert Fcldtnan, Sanford Brophy, Gerald Qernsllen, I. R. Bernsloln,'~oona!tf.wNogg, Jerome Cohen and Dr. and M n . Milton Slmom. WorKlnoon the Qflernoon'i prooram and luncheon aro Mmes. Mormon Cain, Morton Soiref, Belh Coynes Glmbura, Lea Elienttatt, 0. Gilbert Aronoll, Milton RobInton, Sum Diamond and Joo Poladc. Reservations may be made with Mmes, Leonard Jacobion, Phlll Uaier, Jamn tarnuelton. .

itli i e iome Folks Nev» and happening nt The Ur. Ftillip Slier Jiuvlnh llumo for the A f l toy Uovtd Orkotv.

Italibl Meyer Krlplto was our rabbinical visitor this week. Flowers received this week from Mr. and Mrs. Sheff Katskee in honor of the B'not Mitzvah of their daughters, Betty and Barbara Katskee. Thn Council of Jcwlah Women Will hold their Thanksgiving, party at tho Home on November 19, at 2 p. m. Mrs. Marvin S. Kolill is chairman... Floworg were received recently from the Central Construction Co. on the occasion of the openlnfj of their new offices.

Hazan. Both had been ousted from the Soviet Union. Without Foundation Official sources, termed the Soviet version "completely without foundation." . The report charged the three Jews of having transmitted espionage information to the Israel Embassy officials at synagogue services in Leningrad. "Only Hlmlom Alelehem" Mr. Sharett flately denied the espionage charges against him and Kazan, declaring ho cannot recall ever meeting the three arrested In Leningrad--CO-ycarold G. R. Pcchcrsky, who received 12 years, 55-year-old N. A. Kaganov, seven years, and 70-year-old E. S. Dynkln, who was given a prison term of four years. His only conversation with Jews he met in the Soviet Union, he declared, centered on exchange of greetings such as "Shalom Aleichem" and "Shalom."

Humphrey Impressed By Israel's Progress Washington (WNS)—Progress In Israel in the past four years "has been nothing short of sensational," Senator Hubert Humphrey of. Minnesota, reported aXtor his recent visit to Israel.

a Bible portion and will be followed by a sermon by John Spil/.er. Other original portions of the traditional service will be presented by Larry Batt, Louis' Chunovic, Nancy Frileck and Birdie Stone. Tho closing prayer will be offered by Maureen Bordcn. The synagogue will be hosts at a reception following the service.

New Cantor Friday Services Friday evening at • Temple Israel will introduce and welcome Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner who joins its staff as Hebrew and religious school instructor and director of music. A reception following tho Sabbath Services, will honor the Cantor, Mrs. Kuttner and their children, Daniel, 14, nnd Naomi, 11, who will make their home at 1022 Hillside Drive, Cantor Kuttner previously served Temple Beth Zion, Johnstown, Pa., as Cantor for 15 years. Cantor Kuttner received his basic education in outstanding German centers of Jewish learning, holds certification from the Ilebi'ew Union Collego of Sacred Music and served in the United States Navy.

Another Algerian Jew Ss iurdered PARIS (JTA)—Anxiety again gripped the Algerian J e w i s h community this week when.60*' yoar-old Camillo Levy was shot to death by three unidentified terrorists. The killing followed the murders last week of the president of tho Jewish community of Selif, Algeria, and a wellknown Algiers physician.

Nazi Boasted 'Gassed Jews1 Darmstadt (JTA) — Werner Telchert, a 43-year-old former SS Major, was under arrest here on charges of libel and public condonation of Nazi crimes. He was arrested after InsultIng guests in a Darmstadt hotel by singing Nazi songs and claiming he had personally gassed Jews. In April 19G0 he was sentenced to six months in prison for a similar offense. A noncommissioned officer of the West German army, whose name woa not jriven, was arrested with Teichfirt at the hotel..


Page Two

Friday, Novemljtr 17, 19GI


AH three Young Judaea Clubs will meet Sunday at 2 p. ni. a t Final amuuieinents for its the Jewish Community Center. DAVID (Sonny) KICIIAKDS Funeral services f o r David Jl.uiest Fes,tl\al Bazaar arc bePublished weekly on Friday beginning the last Heck In August uuf in a d o by (Sonny) Richard, 41, Omaha bus'tJiroujUi second week In July, Ii'nai ll'rith IlenSecond Class Postage Paid at Omaha, Ncbr. iness man, who died November Annuol Sutiicrtpllon. W 00, Advertising Rules en Application, iy Monslcy Chai>11 at his home, 1037 North 6-1 Publication Oltite—101 Uo.' lOlh Street, Omaha, Iltbr, Plitno JJ21364. tor No. '170, Mrs. © © Sliwt, were held .Sunday at MRS. FRANCES KLEIN Kditor M a x Krizelnian, © Temi'lo Israel. JSuriiil was in overall eliairnian, Peasant Hill Otmetory. Religious Services Survivors include h i s wife, Tho event to © Vicki; daughter, Sandra; sons, Ciindlcllfiliitlnj,', 4:43 Cory and Scott; parcnl.s, Mr. t.dce place Sun- © Beth El: Saljbath eve services duct Friday services, 8 p. m. mid Mrs. Hyman Richards of i d a y , November © Traditional Friday services iKoat 8:15 i>. m. Rabbi Myer S, Oinaha; brother, Marvin of OmaI1), at 7.-:iO p. m. Kripke will deliver the sermon. bolas Shabbos) 4:45 p. in. ha; Kistei'K, Airs. Nate Cooper 'at the Shei-atonCantor Aaron I. Edgar nnd the Sabbath morninj; .services, 8:45 and Mrs. Bennett liaduzincr, buth Kontenelle Hotel, © W Beth El Synagogue Choir will a. m. Junior concreKation, 10 of Omaha. »]' feature a. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct render the music. cards, I'.itnf., Mali Jonjit;, auc- © "A Wonderful Dolicacy Traditional sabbath services, Talmud class, 4:30 p. m. Sabbath MFSS. DAVII) Ki;itIlV tion, j;i(ls, ami refieshnients. (or Any Dinner" 8:30 a. m. The Family Service a t Mincha at 4:45 p. m. followed Xcws has hern received here © 10:30.' Mincha-Maariv Sen-ices, by Shotosli Soiulos and Maariv of the death, Nov. !5, in PhoeBig *yftc at 5:45 p. m. 4:45 p, m. nix, Ariz., of Mrs. David Kubby, Savings I * Lb. Sunday .services at 9 a, m.; 5G, former Council BItiff.s resi Reg. St.10 Lb. Sunday morning at 9 a. m. followed by breakfast and a study- Junior Minyan, 8:.'iO a. m.; Min- dent. liurial was in Phoenix. FROZEN YOUNG .Surviving are her liusband; discussion led by Kabbi Kripke cha, 4:55 p. m. Daily Services, KOSHER TURKEYS son, Lee and two grandchildren, Other daily services, 7 a. m. and November 23 at 9 a. m. Sunnyvale, Cal. She was the sis7 p. m. Temple Isr.-wl: A service of ter of Mrs. Harry ELscnstatt, Phone 393-2932, Omaha Jacob A<!;is Vcshuron— welcome for Cantor Manfred F . Sam and Max Sloinben;, all of © Kuttncr, Friday, 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Omaha; Mrs. Joe liadner, "Buy It Where Friday Minciia, 5:15 i>. m.; SaturProfessional Driving day, a t 8:45 a. m. and .Mincha, Sidney If. Brooks will officiate. Angeles, Cal. and Jack Stein It's Baked" 5:45 p. m. Daily services, 7 a. in. Miss Ida Gitlin will lead Temple U-n:, Palo Alto, Cal. Instructions Choir. A reception will follow and 5:05 p. m. PUMPKIN PIE the service honoring Cantor and IJICN KOISTKIN A former Oniahan, Ben IioitThroo Courses Offorod © A Deluxe . Belli Israel: Rabbi IVnjamin Mrs. Kuttncr and tiieir children. stein, 83, died November 3 in Holiday Desiort Saturday service at 11:30 a. m. Groner, Cantor Eli and Arcadia, Cal., where he resided Instructions Givan the Beth Israel choir will con- for adults and Helicons School. 14 years. He was enlaced In DAY OR NIGHT business in South Oinaha nearly Open Thurs., TftanfctglWng 48 years. Services were held in Nfiin* In iim] tn\vri }«nr 1nRcasonoblo Ratci Monuments in the Jewish vir frniu our Inrgf* MHArcadia, Kortint-ut of 4icllc-iuii*i <IHiInstructor Sam Arrigo Surviving are wife, Sophie and Tradition cutrssrn and tmUfry lU-mn. children, Mrs. Milton Simon, Offers Good Thru Omaha; Mrs. Philip Meyers and We are bown for our exacting HoWed., Nov. 22 Joe P.oitstein, Arcadia; Miss brov/ loitering And detail, select your monument from tho largost stock of Faye Hoistein, I/).s Angeles, Cal., Serving Omaha up-to-dafe momorlals in tho midwest, seven grandchildren and two see what you buy. Cuilding Co. Qualify for 40 Year* Kreat grandchildren. © OFFERS •© We employ no agonfs . . . fiore you savo expensive commliilonj as you MKS. ROSK COIIN deal directly with tho owners . . . We invite you to compare . . . Wo Three-Bedroom Home © Service for Mrs. nose- Colin, permit no untimely solicitation . . . you ore free to mate up your own 78, former- Omahan, who died Walkout Basement Garage mind, all memorials plainly priced, set complete. in Washington, D. C , were held BAKERY Bcrh Israel Area here Nov. 8 at the Jewish FuQ AND DELICATESSEN neral Home. Ilurial was in GoldAnother Schwalb Factory & Display en Hill Cemetery. Construction Now at " 9 " St. of 32nd, 731-4111 Open Sunday. 2 to 5 60th Avc. and Blondo Surviving are son, Marcus of "Builders and Designers of Fine Memorials" Since 1923 Chevy Chase, Md.; d a u (j h t c r, For Further Details Mrs. Aaron Stern, Tulsa, Okla., ii• Call 558-1472 — — and sisters, Mrs. Philip Crandell, Omaha and. Mrs. Lewis Ilavitz, Los Angeles, Cal.

Plans Being Readied






Omaha Monument Company





Dedications A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Jenny Yarmolnek at Mt. Sinai Cemeteryj Sunday, Novcmlwr VJ, at 10:30 a. in. All relatives and friends are invited to attend.

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Special Good Thru Sov* 2Z 9 New—CRESCA NUT-POP CRUNCH, Lb. Plasfic Carton © New—KOSHER FOODS: Zesty Soups, Gefilte Fish ©Just Received; Mrs. Carver's FRUIT CAKES



Orand Ballroom






Friday, November 17, 1081


Center Sports

HAM/KKAH DINNKB Beth Israel will hold a Haimklcah dinner, sponsored by .Sisterhood, Young Couples Club, P-TA, and board of commissioners, on December 3, 5:30 p. in. in the synaijoKiie .social hall.

By C y Seltcfilcfc

VARSITY I.EAiHJi: Market Cleaners and Mldclln Lumber chalked up victories in the opening round of practice games a.s Ihe Center Varsity 13nsicetball Icafftle bogan on Wednesday, November 8. Each team will piny three practice ^ames prior to the Jeajjue oricniiig on November '2.'i. In the opening game, Marlicl Cleaners downed Milder Oil '1839. Biff .Sandy Brophy nnd Kd Belgrade dumped In .'iO points between them and veteran Jack Stiss also hit the double figures with ten points to pave the vvny. Marshall Ueclccr nnd Lindy Paul carried the Jnsers with 18 and 13 points respectively. In the second contest, Micklin Lumber out-ran Ji. C. Cola-Cannda Dry, GO-4,'1, Micklin had four players hittinf; in the double figures: Marty Green, Howard Ktoler, Hoy Kutskeu and Dave Goldstein. Alan Konecky, with 2'i points was hi;;li scorer for tiie losers. Wotlmsdity, Nov. 11 7:30 p. in. Ii. C. Cdlrt vs. Markel. 8:30 x>. m. Mii'klin vs. Milder.

Final session of "Second Cup of Coffee" class, Tuesday, November 21, 30 n..m. at Tomple with Rabin Sidney If. Brooks as leader. Adult Hebrew class Icid by Maury L. .Sclnvarlz, Wednesday, November 22, at 1 p. m. for beginners nnd 2 p. m. for advanced group. KH'HAHO r i A , Sl'KAKlOIt Kichard M. Fellman will speak on "Kichinann's Gift to Omaha Jewry" following (he salad luncheon and open board meetini; of Omaha Chapter of Hadassah, November 20 at V2:',iO p. m. jit the Jewish Comrniinlly Outer. Reservations may be made with the arrangement committee lu-nded by Mrs. Hay Simon and including Mines. Louis Albert, Harry Bassman, Harold K.ort, Joe Sokolof, Harry I<n\i(z:, Sam Rosenblum and Al S. Wohlner. Sitter service will be avuilablc.

YOUTH COJ'KG'IL. A. Z. A. K)0 and IVmu each won their second straight name in Youth Council play .Sunday and now point for their meeting this Sunday in a buttle for first place. Just like their first .|;ame, A. Z. A. 100 had a bi|; spread in the final quarter and then had to fijlht off ii fully to defeat A. Z. A. 1, 3'J-M. Didc Zevitz aiid Marshall Kaplan had ten points apiece to lead the uinncrs while Hill Ginsburg with 14 was hii'.h for the losers. Konu jupipcd off to a fast 7-0 lead nnd waltzed to a 47-21 victory over Kayim. Buddy Epstein (parked Ihe victors with 12 points nnd Alan Hoss threw in 8 f or Kayini. Won Lost Itonu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 A. Z. A, 100 . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 Rayim 0 2 A.Z.A.l 0 2 Sunday, Nov. 19 l l a . m. Konu vs. A. Z. A. 100. 12 noon. Rayim vs. A. Z. A. 1. MIDGET LEAGUE Midget league practice sessions get underway this 'Sunday, November 19. Fifth and six gratler-i , will meet in.the Center cymna.sium at 2:30 p. m. Seventh and eiEhtlV graders will begin at 4 p. m. 1 The MldRCtlenfTuc officially bo- , Kan last Sunday with the annual Cad-Uid Day Program in the Center auditorium. HifihliKhtinR the affair was a speech by Jim Borsheim, new head basketball , coach nt Omaha University. j

Births Mr. nnd Mrs. Richard


All frlenda and relatives aro Invited |o ui services and rcneiitlon. l'aul Epstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold JOpstein, liar Mitzvah this evenins and Saturday morning at the 10:30 a. in. service at Hi'th 101 Synagogue. Call Boldst«lii, Bas Mltzvah nnd Cheryl Milder, Bus Mil/vali, both on Saturday, November H5 at the 10:30 a. in. service, Iiclh El Synagogue-. Their parents are Messrs. and .Mines. Leonard Goldstein and Jerome Milder. Mnrk ilsiriilisoii, .son of Mr. and

Mrs. Leonard Jacohson, and Alan k'rlc.sman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Krncst Prlesman, will each become liar Mitzvab, Friday evenlnif, November 24, ami Saturday morning, November 25, at Temple Israel.

Pace Three For the s e c o n d consecutive year, WOW-TV will present a Thanksgiving concert from 4 to 5 p. m. November 23 on channel C.

MONA LISA House of Glamour III

No. 50th 553-7000 6 E«porf H a l ; Sfylisfi

Air-Conditioned Dryerj MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY Owneri

Now Featuring


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Bar Milzvah of Sheldon Turlicl, son of Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Turkel, on Saturday, November 25, at Beth Israel Synagogue at 8:45 u. m. NKW CIIAI'TKIt A new chapter of United Synagogue InternifKliates for lx>ys in the seventh and ei/;hfli grade wiii be formed Sunday at Beth El Synagogue.


Kerlil announce Hut birlh of (heir first Nrar UKTU IKltAI.T, nmJ Harrison Kxrf.'llent floor iilun ronchild, a son, Scott Brian, on Oc- School. Klhts or 2(!-ft. 1 llvlni: room, FIUKI'LACK, SKI A 11 A T E DINING tober 4. KOO.M, 1 liL'ilroom iind iinlf Hath . Grandparents nre Mr. and Mrs. on Inl floor, -'nd floor luis 2 liu»fe unrl nnolhcr butli. Tlicro Louis- L'assiT, Council Bluffs, la., bedntonis Is a fJniiihiMl I'AKTY HOOM unil and Mr. and Mrs. David Fcrtil, HAII In biiscmcnl.. To xrc. thin rlKTrmlni; liomi' nt 1702 North 52nd Omaha. Great grandparents are Stri-'cl, can KOSE IIOI.LIS nt 5aaMi's. Sam Flax, Ixjs Angeles, 2190; Orflce, 5WJ-50OS. Cal., a former.Oniahaii, and Morn p Dodge ris Passer, Council Bluffs. Air. and Mrs. Milton Goldberg, "SALES rOlVKK «KTS HKSI.T.T.S" former Oimihnns, now of Altoona, WIs., announce the birth of a son, David Allen. November 4 at Eau Claire, Wis. They also nre the parents of Jay Robert and Cheri Ann. Grandparents are Messrs. and Mines. Mars Goldberg and Barney Drevich of Omaha. Greatgrandfather Is Ma* Drcvich, Miami, Fin.


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Starring Miriam Shrier and Lew Kucera Directed by Joanno Hood

November 17, 19-22 Adults $1.50—Students 75c

Elks Club Auditorium 108 South 78th Street

Curtain Time 8:30 P.M.

Attend Convention Miss Carolyn K a K a n attended the convention of the Nebraska Association of: Health, Physical Education and Recreation in Kearney, Nebr., Noveml>er 17-1'J as a representative of the. Physical Education Department of the University of Omaha.


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Pace Four


Frl(Uy, November 17, 1901

when it's so foolish to wait? OUR RESERVATIONS ARE LIMITED! You might miss out, you might be left behind, you might bo too late!

•dJ <Jj Lia L a the finest talent Israel can offer, spectacular fiance and song, rhythm and humor, music and drama—and the magnificent and brilliant wit of the unique and only JAN BART!

s/ P SUZ3 the finest wines of Israel and the choice sweets of Israel, complementan unusual menu with unusual service in an unusual evening . . .

the dynamic music of modern Israel while you dine, the dramatic atmosphere and excitement of Israel, the thrill of A NIGHT WITH THE STARS!


you WON'T enjoy fhese Things rf you wait! RESERVATIONS WILL NOT BE MADE BEYOND THE VIEWING CAPACITY OF THE ROOM! The cost is so modest! The evening is so fabulous! The choice is so easy io make!


Sunday November 26


Six p.m. ©

Grand Ballroom

" b a r o t and night-club (for, bolladoor, c D l l o f -Arch.oology in Sound" . . . clioroographor, ballet mnifor and pantonlmiil Ofanirn Zobar and Had.r Group . . . lll0 tingor, dancer, comedi• nno, boauiifu! y o u n g dramatic itar . . .

Kotel Blacksfone

JONATHAN SACK Pianist, Compottr, VersaiiU Muilcian . . .

$3.25 charge includes complete dinner, Israeli wines and candies, G!1 h'ps and services.








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