Vol. XI^—No. 12
Second Class I'uatarce 1'ald at Omaha. Nebr.
Single Copy 10 Centi Annual Hate 4 Dollar*
Niqhf WifSi the Stars' "A NlRht With The Stars" bus been moved from the Holt;] Hlaokslonc to the Grand Ballroom of tin; Hotel SheratonJ'ontenelle. The move was necessitated because of advance reservations exceeding not only the capacity of the Hotel Wackstonisa ballroom, but also topping the highest advance rcservntlon list In the entire history of the Israel Bond Drive in Omaha, it was reported by Dr. Abe Greenbcrg, 1961 Israel Bond Campaign General Chairman. D r . Grcpiibrrf; XortHtiniistcr
Dr. Greenberi; will .serve us toastmasler ut the festivities this Sunday, November 2(i at C p. m. which features a specially prepared dinner, Israel wines and candles, entertainment by top Israeli stars appearing with comedian Jan Bart. Bart's return to Omaha was the result of over one hundred requests from people who had heard him during the I960 Hanukkah Festival in Omaha. 500 Oftpacity Though the move from one hotel to another expands the reservation-list to a possible seating capacity of almost five hundred people, present speed of advance* reservations should create a filled ballroom by Sunday everting, Dr. Grecnberg said. To varlfy reservations, the Israel - Bond Committee has J>een semlinu'conflrmatlonti to all expected guests, v Unusual decorations have been planned for the baliroom and Israeli music will be played during
Israel Firm to Build Airports in Ethiopia Tel Aviv (JTA)—Sole! Boneh, the Ilistadnit construction firm, lias signed a $2,fi0O,0QO contract with Ethiopia Airlines for the construction of four air terminals. The Solel Honeh Planning and Consulting Co. will plan a $28,000,000 university near Western Nigeria's capital of Ibadan.
With the Folks Now* and bapncntnEa at Tlir Or. Philip Slirr Ji-wlsli Homo far tlio AKVQ by David Orliow.
J o h n n y Swoboda's Silver Strenk Accordion Hand entertained our residents on Thursday, November 16.. This talented Kroup of young people presented a variety of musical numbers which were greatly enjoyed by the residents. Ittibhl Sidney Brooks was our rabbinical visitor this week. Tlio Council of Jewish Women held their annual Thanksgiving party at the Home on Sunday, November 19. The Central High School traveling troupe presented a variety program Including a Charleston dance number, a girl's sextet, a guitarist and a male vocalist. The party was under, the chairmanship of Mrs. Marvin S. Kohll. Sho was assisted by the limes. Edward Belgrade, Irvin Singer, Albert Fox, Abe Bear, Justin Manvitz and Robert Levlne. New residents: Sam Fellmart, Jacob Bctz, Miss Johanna Kauffman. Coming Events i The Bikur Cholim Hanukkah party will be held on Wednesday, December 6 at 2 p. m., under the leadership of Mrs. Jacob Wine. Templo Israel will sponsor a Hanukah party on Sunday, December 10 at 2 p. m. under the chairmanship of Mrs, Morris J,
tlio dinner. The all-incluMve dinner charge is $3.25. Information may be obtained by calling 3411177 Immediately. The dedication of the C'herniack-Chnpman Pavilion at tho Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home for Aged will be marked by a community-wide Open House on Sun-
day afternoon, December 3, from $200,000 Addition 3 to 5 p. m., at the Home, 4801 This pavilion, costing in- tho No. 52nd Street, Harry Trustin, neighborhood of $200,000 contains twelve well-appointed rooms, a Jewish Federation president, an- foyer-lounge, a garden, and is The meeting of the Golden Ace nounced. air - conditioned throughout. It Ootip, Monday, November 21 at will serve the needs of the wellMemorial to Parents 12:30 p. in. will feature Miss aged residents of the Home, and Kthel Dougherty, charm school The entire cost of the pavilion, will additional living head. Including the structure, landscap- space provide urgently needed. . ."Figure and Charm for Men" ing and furnishings was conwill be speaker's subject in a protributed by Mr. and Mrs. Jay The Dr., Philip Sher Jewish Stanford, Calif. (JTA) — Dr. Cherniack,.Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Home for Aged was built by the gram following a dessert luncheon at the Jewish Community Robert Hofstadter, New York Chapman and Mr. and Mrs. Har- Jewish Federation of Omaha In born Jewish scientist, was award- old Cherniack, as a memorial to 1048. It serves about 60 resiCenter. Mmes. J. Milton Margolin and ed the 10G1 Nobel Prize In phys- their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis dents at present. With the new Louis Cutier, are co-chairmen for ices to be shared with Dr. Ru- Chornlack. The pavilion will be Cherniack-Chnpman Pavilion, the the National Council of Jewish dolf Mossbauer of Germany. Dr. known at the Cherniaclt-Chap- Home will be able to accept and serve more effectively many ad« Women, the sponsoring organiza- Hofstadter, Professor of Physios mnn Pavilion. dltional residents. tion with the Jewish Federation. at S t a n f o r d University, was named for the award in Stockholm for his work in Nuclear Physics. Dr. Melvin Calvin, professor of chemistry at the University of California, who won the 1961 Sisterhood, Young C o u p l e s Nobel Prize award for chemistry, New York (WNS)—Thanks to York Medical College, Flower Club, P-TA and the Board of was born in St. Paul, Minn, in a unique bequest of 'about $2,- and Fifth Avenue Hospitals is Commissioners of Beth Israel will 1911. 000,000 from the late Mrs. Sophie "an institution that does not disJoin in sponsoring a Hanukkah against Jewish studinner on December 3 at 5:30 D. Cohen, prominent philanthrop- criminate Needlework Guild dents and selects Its student body p. m. at the synagogue. ist whose husband, William W. from among those most qualiAn original musical skit, "Give Contributor List Cohen was a member of Con- fied." Our Regards" will be featured, fn Contributions continue to come gress from 1927-29, New York addition to community singing. In, Mrs. Dave Cohn, Chairman Members of the steering com- of the Jewish Federation Airen. Medical College Flower and Fiftiu @«lt»«l AnllivrSty mittee art;: des Section of The Needlework "Avenue Hospitals will start conMr. and Mrs. Milton Relzer, Guild Drive, reported, and It is Mines. Harold Zellnsky, Al Frank, hoped, she said, that those who struction on a new 50,000,000 reSam Kaplan, Dr. Bennett Fish- have not responded will send in search building in December of bain, Henry Appel and Rabbi their donations Immediately to this year. Dr. Joseph Kaminetsky, naBenjamin Groner. In her will, Mrs. Cohen said tional the Jewish Community Center. director of Torali UmeMrs. Dave Epstein, chairman of The following have mailed in the reason why she was assign- sorah National Society for Hedinner for sisterhood and com- contributions since the last list Ing half of her residuary estate brew Day Schools, highly committee consisting of Mines. Sid- appeared in the Jewish Press. to the college was that the New mended tho progress made ty ney Goldberg, Henry Appel, HarMmes. Alvin Abramson, Einar pupils at the new Omaha- Hery Sidman, Al Sorkin and Arthur Abramson, Morris Abramson, brew Academy, after a visit to Salkin. Phil Lubman and Marvin Morris Adler, Jack J. Ban, Max its classrooms and a conference Glllnsky, of P-TA, publicity. Mr. I. Bittner, Norman Bordy, Max with its principal, Rabbi David and Mrs. Seymour Abrams, of. Beslow, Edward D.: Brodkey, Rubin, earlier in the week Young People's Club, decorations Meyer Cohen, Max E.; Cohn, SidDr. Kaminetsky, whose organiand reservation chairmen, with ney Coren, Abraham Diamond, Jerusalem (JTA)—The Israel Messrs. and Mines. Belzer and Leo Eisenstatt, Harold Epstein, Government's grant of religious zation is interested in the moveGordon Elewitz. ' David Feder, Henry Fisher, Mor- autonomy to the country's 20,- ment to further Hebrew educaKach Family is asked to bring tor L. Fisher, David L. Frcdriclcs, 000 Druze was hailed by GO tion through day schools, said leaders of the group received hy that through such educational faa Menorah. Leon Graetz, Hyman Guss, cilities, "wo are preparing and Mmes. Morton A. Ives, Morris President Ben-Zvi. Official recognition of t h e training the future leaders ol the E. Jacobs, Philip Katzman, Abe $20,740,003 Farm Klopper, I. M. Uberman, Joseph Druze spiritual leadership gives community." Produce to Egypt Two hundred and eighty-six LIU, Harry Lutz, Sol Martin, tho community exclusive jurisWashington (JTA)—The Unit- Joe Meyer, Al Nepomnick, Har- diction in matters of personal Hebrew day schools have been, ed States Department of Agricul- ry Novak, Robert Perelman, Ray status, such as marriage, divorce established in twenty - s e v e n ture will send $20,740,000 worth Pred, Norman D. Rips, Millard and inheritance. Israel's Jews, states, it was reported by Dr. of farm commodities to the Unit- Rosenberg, Meyer L. Ruback, Moslems , and Christians, have Kaminetsky who was returning ed Arab Republic under the U. S. Bernard Ruben, Marvin Sabes, similar arrangements in regard from a national conference 'a Food for Peace program. Ship- Leon Schmidman, Harry Schul- to personal status. The Druzo In Dallas, Tex. ments will Include maize, tallow, man, Abraham Shrago, Dave Israel distinguished themselves cotton seed, oil, corn and dried Shukert, Sam Tretiak, H. D. by the complete loyalty a n d milk to be paid for In Egyptian Wigodsky, Louis Wintroiib, Ber- fighting support they gave to the currency under long-term credits nard Zevitz and Miss Fannie Jews in the War of Independence in 1948. Wezelman. arrangements. A house trailer at 16 and Douglas Streets will house the Bargain Book Bazaar of the ,„ Omaha Chapter iBrandeis Um'verthe members' families of the Further information and dej s i t y Women's other physical education facilities tails on the film groups may be iCommitte, Noof the Center, or a low single "Why not offer a series of film secured by calling the Activities ' v e m b e r 29-30. session service charge. classics," is the question often Office at the Center, 342-1366. , ; Proceeds will bo No appointment is necessary asked. The answer, provided by used for the purwith nmple parking being prothe Jewish Community Center, is chase of new vided free to patrons in the spato develop intimate and small • Sbooks for the cious parking lot on Dodge Street. groups of couples who are in(University Literested in seeing films not availi ibrary. , • . able for viewing at the regular Personalized service and con" ' Mrs. A. C theatres. The films, to be select- venient hours are stressed in the Mrs. Fcllman F e 11 m a n and ed by members of. these groups newly remodeled Center Health The formation of a Jewish CulMrs. Louis Blumwill then be shown. Club open to members and non- tural Council to develop and spon- kin are the respective chairman members weekdays from noon to sor programs of general Interest and co-chairman of the event. Foreign films and films of artistic and musical m e r i t plus 7 p. m. and Sundays 9 a. m. to to older members of the com- Their committees include: munity was announced tills week. award winning films will be able 6 p.m. i Mri. Award Kranti, chairman; Mmet. Irvln Sherman, Danny Fogel and Sanford Offering massages by highly Acting as co-chairmen of the Brophy, to be shown In the special film pick-up; Mrs. Nathan Novak, trained nnd competent masseurs, Council are Joe Radinowskl and chairman; Mmes. Harry Wise, Paul Veret, groups. Abo Slusky, Henry Rclkes, Morion Rich* Technical assistance and movio the Health Club also provides Max Crounse. ards, Robert Falcr and Marlon Somberg, sorting, and marking; Mmes. Isadora FriedThe Council is developing a man equipment being provided by the dry and wet steam rooms, shower and Sidney Novak, co-chairmen* Center, these groups will be able and workout facilities, a slumber series of monthly programs that Mmoi. Arthur Gould. Harry GODdblndar. Kati, Marvin Kohll, Robert Baker, to have their showings in homes room plus heat and sun lamp will include Yiddish films, con- Louis Abe Bear, Davo Blalac, Jerry Cohn, A|ofl certs and stage presentations. Tho Farber and Dean Frankel, David Gollner, or at tho Center's Auditorium., baths. Stuart Rochman, Ben Shapiro, Ernest Noa.B/ Other features of the Club in- programs, to be offered after tho deposit The cost per person for seeing depots. these cinematic masterpieces of clude moderate rates, an attrac- first of the year, will be presentMmes. Sanford Kosner, Bernard Mogld, lions and supplloi; Mrs. Arthur Adlor, the members' own selection will tive Executive Membership that ed at the Jewish Community Cen- store personnel; Mmes. Harvey Ferer, CharlH Rasenstoch V t m t Vanes, pufeUdfr allows unlimited use ar.d use by ter. be under $1.50 per showing.
Ob!den Agers WHS Hear Talk on Oiiarm
Jewish Scientists Win Nobel Prize
,000,000 for School's Non-Discrimination Record
Synagogue Groups Sponsor Dinner
Lauds Omaha Hebrew Academy inVisit Here
Religious Autonomy Granted to Druzes
irandeis Bazaar in Downtown Trailer
'Film Glassies' Series
Health Club Stresses Personalized Service
Guttural Council
Friday, November Zi, 1961
Page Two
Des Momes Cantor on Organizations' For This Specfaf
Time of the Year
Western Sfylo Thick Sliced
o © 0 © © 0 ©
Take Homo Forbes' Taste-Treat Breads—
Pumpernickel, Milwaukee Rye and Chollah Offers Good Thru Wed., Nov. 2?
Serving Omaha WMi Qualify for 40 Y«or»
© © © ©
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© © ®
50th and Underwood
"Buy If Where It's Baked"
Hadassah Program A musical program will feature the Rev. Ivan E. Pcrlman, Cantor and youth Director of the Des Moines, la. Tiferelh Israel Synas;o[:,ue, Wednesday, November 2U at tlie lliiffaKsah luncheon for its medical orcanizaiion and vocational education donors. Cantor Porlman attended the New York Conservatory of Music, is a graduate of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, lie was a member of the United States Marine Corps during World War II and received tlie lironze Star for heroism on Iwa Jima. He is currently president of the Friends of Music, Jewish War Veterans commander of the Des Moines post ami a member of the Des Moines Committee on Youth Activities. The donor affair lias been planned by Mrs. Stewart Tully, chairman, with the aid of tlie following committee: Mmcs. Sam Ban, Harry Kerenstein, Donald Nog)?, Harold Weinhoff, and Max Lashinsky. Mrs. Harry DuBoff will be the musical accompanist for Cantor I'erlman. Sitter service will he available.
Co. © ©
m m m m
Scb (Subby) Pulverento 25 Years' Experionco
With Jewish Lettering and Memorials 2211 So. Gffi
IS. & P. DINNER MEETING, \VKI>. Mrs. M. F. Levenson will tall: on the Hadassah Medical Center nt a dinner meeting of tlie Business and Professional group of IJa{]ass;i!i, Wednesday, November 29 at the Jewish Community Center. Members are asked to brinf: in their project p r o c e e d s . The group's new H. M. O. chairman is Miss Ksther Nathnn, 341-4701. Reservations may be made with tlie dinner chairman, Sarah Feltman, 536-5170. . #
The Pioneer Women's Organization will hold n luncheon meeting, Tuesday, November 28 at 12:30 p. m. Plans will bi> made for the annual child rescue dinner. +
IIKKKKW CLASS Beginners' Adult Hebrew class meetinj; at Temple Israel, Wednesday, November 2!) with Maury L. Schwartz, Kducalion Director. DEFKNSE, TOVIC OF .SPKAKKR Mrs. Joan Harcrave, Civil Defense Deputy Director, will speak nt the "Let's Converse" study Croup meeting of t!ie National Council of Jewish Women on Tuesday, Noveml>er 28 at 1 p. m. nt the home of Mrs. Stanley Katelman, 8519 Hickory.
Mrs. Wearenberg Will Speak in Des Moines Mrs. Milton Nenrenberg will .speak at the annual Hanukkah dinner of the Pioneer Women's Organization in Des Moines, la., Sunday, November 20. Mrs. Nearcnberir, Omaha chapter president, win report on tnc national convention recently held in Pittsburgh, Pa.
g(je getoiaff Fubllslied weekly on Fridiiy beginning dm last week In August iliroiiRli second week In July. Eeccnd Clar.5 Postage Paid at Omalto, Nelii Annual Sub'criplicn. S4 03. Advertising Rniea en Appliru'lcn. PublJtctiui OIIH.C—101 llo. lOlh Slfctl, bmuha, licbr. Pliono :
Bar and las UHrmu All friends and relatives aro Invited to uttend Bcrvices and reception.
GAIL GOhUSTKlS Cheryl Milder and Gail CMdKtein, daiii;liters of the Messrs. and Mines. Jerome Milder and Leonard Goldstein respectively will observe their B'not lias Mitzvah on Saturday, November 25 at (lie Belli El Synagogue at tlie ]0::;0 a. in, service.
Professional Driving Instructions Throo Courses Offered Instructions Given
smxnoN rriiiux Bar Mitzvah of Sheldon Turl<el, son of Dr. find Mrs. Ralph Turkel on Saturday, November 25, nt Beth Israel Synagogue at 8:45 a. m. SlAKK JACOUSON AI-AN PKIKSMAN Mark Jacobson and Alan Priesman, each will become liar Mitzvah on Friday evening, November 24, and Saturday morning, November 25 nt Temple Israel. SUSAN SOLOTOKOVSKY Mr. and Mrs. Mclvin Solotorovsky announce the Bas Mitzvah of tlieir daughter, Susan Solotorovsky, on Saturday, December 2 at the 30:30 n. m. Service at Beth El Synagogue. WSIEI, RVMN Daniel Rubin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elliot "Bus" Rubin, Bar Mitzvah, Saturday, December 2 at Beth Israel's 8:45 a. m. service.
Shukert Recipe
Mrs. Robert II. Levine, president of the Omaha Section of the National Council of Women, was named to the nominating committee of its North Central Region. . . . Members appointed to national committees are Mrs/ Genevieve Farbor, membership; Mrs. J. M. Horwich, ways and means; Mrs. Harry Wise, Sr., public affairs and Mrs. Justin Manvitz, overseas.
Reasonable Ratci Instructor Som Arrloo
RUG CLEANERS Don Bernstein, 345-2554
Council Appoints 346-5050
551-5554 24-oi. Jar
ni; I e E^IE»E»3 Rci Saving
Rolled or Pressed
A Real Trcot We Deliver
Building Co.
Three-Bedroom Home Walkout Basement Garage Doth Israel Area
51st and UNDERWOOD MONDAY thru FRIDAY 1 A.M. to 7 P.M. SUNDAYS 8 A.M. to 7 P.M.
78th and DODGE
Beverly Hills Plata . 'Jr '
Open MONDAY thru SATURDAY 9 A.M. to 10 P.M.
Hunting for Unusual Foods?
experiences. Just fry Roffman's •\r<*.
fine foods!
Storo Hours Sunday, 7 A.M.-6 P.M. Monday thru Thursday, 8 A.M. • 6 P.M. Friday, 8 A.M.-3 P.M. -
Call Wednesday for Thursday Delivery
You dpn'f have to go on a safari for exotic
Another Schwalb Construction Now at 60th Ave. and Blondo , For Further Details . Call 550-1472.,
uu. O
for Your Weekend Dining! Underwood Location: Sunday! from ,8 A.M. Dotlgo Location: Saturdays from I I A.M.
.'.Lb. $ l » 1 0
Friday, November, M, 1961
Religious Services
Miss Singer Wed In California Rite
K Temple- Israel: Kabbi Sidney II Brooks will officiate at sabbath (services at 8:15 p. m. His sermon topic is "The Danger of Coins Ovcr-Privilej'.ed." Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner nnd the clioir, under (lie direction of Miss Ida Oil Jin, will participate In services, Saturday service at 11:30 n. in. Belli El! Subhatli eve services nt 8:15 p. m. Iiabbl Myer S. Kripke will deliver the .sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar mid choir will offer musical portions of service. Traditional Saturday services, 8:30 a. in., family service, 10:30 ft. in. Mincha-Maiiriv at 4:45 p. in. Sunday services at 0 a. m. Services during; the week at 7 a. in. and 7 p. in. Kcth Ihrael: Ifctbbl Benjamin Groncr, Cantor Kli Kupm and the choir will conduct Friday family services (it 8 p. m. Traditional services (Koholas Shabbos), 4:45 p. m. Sabbath mornlnR services, 8:45 n. rn. Junior congregation, 10 n, m. Hablji Groner will conduct 4:30 p. m. Talmud class. Sabbath Mlncha,
4:45 p, m.; SIIOIOKII
Seudos ami Maariv nt 5:40 p. m. Sunday cervices, 9 a. Hi. Junior Minyan, 8:130 a. m. M i n c h a, 4:50 p. in. Daily services at 7 a. m, nnd 4:50. No classes in the Sunday School or Talmud Torah on Sunday, Navemlier 2G. B'nal Jacob Adas Friday Mlncha, 5 p. m.; Saturday at 8:']5 a. rn. and Mlncha, 5 p. m. Daily cervices, 7 a. m, und 5 p, m.
rage Three
Robert Chapmgns Move to San Diego Miv and Mrs. Robert, L. Cliapman and daughter, Cynthia, are leaving Omaha to make their home In San Dioj;o, Cal. Their new address is 4.'32(j Hill Street, San DIeno. Mrn. Israel IC o s«' n t li« I WKIICH to Ih.'uili her friends for their many good wishes and courfeUi'H on the, occasion of her recent birthday. Mr. Henry Fisher wishes to thank his many friemls for their well wishes and many acts of Kindness during his recent Illness.
Mrs. Hen Handler wishes to express her appreciation to her friends for the. gifts, good wishes and many nets of Kindness extended to her during her illness.
MONA LISA House of Glamour III No. EOlh 553-7000 6 Export Hair Stylish Air-Conditioned Dryeri MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY Owners
MEN with
Your Hanukkah Oifts
Just Order Your Magazine Favorites I Take Care of tho Roil
CusiomlinR Apparel
Don't Wnsfo a Minute, Call
551-0742 410 No. 01»t St. I^iwpst Current Trices
Airs. Holiert Mr. and Mrs. Louis Singer of Beverly Hills, Calif., formerly of Omaha, announce the marriage of their daughter, Kdele Lee to Hohert R Gnilford, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. .Isadore Goldberg of Shnltcr Ileijihts, Ohio. The wedding was held on October 28 in Kan Francisco. Mrs. Gnilford attended the University of Texas and UCLA and was affiliated with Sigma Delta Tau sorority. Her husband was 'graduated, from the University of Virginia and Harvard Law School and was a member of Phi Epsilon VI Fraternity and the Raven Society. After a trip to Carmel, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Guilford are residing at 1228 North I,n Cienc^a, Los Angeles, where Mr. Guilford is engaged in the practice of law. They will spend a month in Europe after the first o£ the year,
Kiipotnc o m o ho
'Come Meet
Iz "Boggy" gy Bogdanoff Lot Him Help You With Your Clothing Soloctioni
Kilpafriclc's Mon't Clothing — Second Floor '
Young Couples Club To Go Western Style
The Beth Israel Young Couples Club will hold a "Ranch Ni(;ht" party on November 25 from 9 to midnight in the, synagogue social hnll, The evening; will consist of square dancing;, party Barnes, nnd a late ranch style supper. All guests are asked to dress western style. Appointed to work on the event ore the Messrs. and Mmes. Hufio Kahn, Milton Parker, Al Seifjel and Myron Marko.
Specializing in Undervalued Securities
Featuring Ouhtandlng Omaha High School
Special Situations
Sizes for the mature figure
WHITEY HERZOG of the Baltimore Oriolos CAMEO ROOM FIRESIDE RESTAURANT Dinner 4:30 P.M., Program 0 P.M. Jay Staler, Chairman for RESERVATIONS—Call Now Bert Itrndor, 342-3070 or (icrlinrd Siilrx, B'ifl-tP.IH; After S V.M., 553-0915
• '. . the popular cardigan. A
Members Haw York Stock Exchange and Other Principal Eichangc*
year 'round favorite in fine gauge Orion® acrylic. Black,
1001 FARNAM 346-4555
white, lilac, gold, blue, gray, cherry, aqua, b e i g e and coral.
Phono us anytime day or nighil Around-the-clock Tele-Sales Servlcel To order by phone in Omaha, call 3428482 . . . or Council Blufft, 322-6681. Whorever you live, coll toll-freo on or-
deri of $3.01 or more. Ailc long d i i ianco for 342-8482, Omaha, collocti
Fsge Poor
Friday, November U, 1W1
I^as Angeles (WNS)—A gift ot 5100,000 toward tlia buildinu ot a six-story old age' home now tinder const ruction hi Haifa* Lons SOHMKII The Greater Omaha Lay Sec- Israel. tion of the Nebraska Diabetes Funeral services were held .Sunday at 2 p. m. at the C'rosby- Association Inc., will hold its annual fall nificlinn, Wediiesd.'iy, FOR THE FINEST... Kunold Mortuary for Louis Som- November 20 at 8 p, m. at the IN PHOTOGRAPHY nier, 78, owner of the grocery Monroe Junior High School AuPortraits store bearing his name at '181G ditorium. The program will conWedding* Dodjgc Stie-'t. lie died Now.'in- sist of a panel discussion on "CiCommercial vil IJefeiifie and the Diabetic" btr 17. with the following speakers. Dr. Mr. .Souum-r, in the grocery Morris Margolin, Dr. Richard U. business about fiO years, was a Svelria, Don Wani'.-r, Janies \V. former president of the Omaha "Hetriclc, William Dean Noyes. Retail Grocers Association. lie was one of the original members of the Dundee Volunteer Kire Department. Phone
Diabetes Association To Meet November 29
VARSITF LKAGUE broke into the win column for Micklin Lumber mns i.s sec- the first tune this season with ond straight and It. C. Cola- a 45-20 verdict over A. '/.. A. 1. Canada Dry breaks into the v.-in Little Al HOES sparked his team column as the Center Varsity with 24 points. basketball leajjuo completes the STANDINGS W I. second games of the practice Itonu I! 0 round. A. Z. A. 100 2 1 'Regular league action ivul com- Rayim 1 mence Wednesday evening, No- A. Z- A. 1 0 ,"1 vember 29th, to begin a twelve Sunday, November 20 game loop schedule. In the opener last Wednesday. l l a . m. ItOiiu vs. A. '/.. A. 1 Micklin downed Markrt Cleaners 12 noon Ilayiin vs. A. Z. A. 100 45-34, after trailing the entire MIDUKT Surviving arc d:iughter, I!efirst half. A twenty-throe point IJASUETI5AI.L (ltricf; N. Sommer, son, Hubert third quarter did the trick for the M i d g e t league organization of Omaha; a brother, Harry I,., winners -as Justin Ban and Roy practice sessions Ret underway Cal. and a granddaughKatskee tallied thirteen between on Sunday in the Center gym- Oakland, them In the tlilrd stanza. Sandy nasium as seventy-two boys from ter. Burial was in Ple.-isnnt Hill "Brophy, with twelve points led the fiftli to eighth grade began the losers. 'warming up for another basket- Cemeterv. In the second contest, U. C. ball campaign. Cola trailed for the first quarter The boys were divided into but found the ranj*e in tlie sec- groui« and then went through ond quarter, and went on to de- practice drills. The groups will be feat Milder Oil 58-47. Playing d i v i d e d into two four-team about half the game, Alan Ko- leagues this Sunday. necky poured in 20 points to A nine game loop schedule is Spark the winners. lie was aided .slated to begin on Sunday, Deby Cy Seitchiclc's twelve count- cember 10. Anyone still interested ers. Lintiy Paul kept his team in in playing should contact the contention most of the way with Phys. Kd. office at 342-13G6. a 20 point scoring barrage. Wednesday, November 29 Iddy-BIddy basketball for 2nd. 7:30 p. m.Micklin vs. R. C. Cola 3rd and 4th graders will begin 8:30 p. ra. Milder vs. Markel in the Center gymnasium, MonirotJTn COUNCIL VEAGVIZ day, December 4. Classes will t>e Ronu edged A. Z. A. 100 33-31, held each Monday and Tuesday In a battle for first place last up until March. An a d v a n c e d class will be Sunday in an exciting Youth Council game that was nip and scheduled for Sunday at 1:15 tuck all the way. The l e a d p. m. beginning December 10. switched back and forth the en- Enroll by calling the Phys. Ed. tire tilt until the winners gained office at 312-136G. 8 slight edge midway in the final quarter. REFINKD MOTOlt Sandy Kasin's eleven points VVKU DEVELOPED was higii for the winners while Tel Aviv (JTA) — The Israel Bob Stein tallied 13 for the los- Army Supply Corps has develers. oped a refined motor fuel for all - In the second game, Itayim land vehicles including diesels.
to msert youi Want Ae
the Jewish
HANtiKUAU CAIED3 KAU anil Kas Mltzvith congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Holiday Gift Wrapplnns. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge.
John Kalina PHOTOGRAPHER 017 SOUTH 36TH STREET 345-1044
Israel Bond's Home Have "'Distinguished
O and the unique and only JAN BART!
wo've moved " A NIGHT WITH THE STARS" into tho Shoraton-Fontenolie! Our reservations have been pouring in! And if YOU like FUN, you'll be there, too!
FOR " A NIOliT WITH THE STARS'1 Yehudi Ilclhuan, executive director of tlie Conference of I'rcsldents of Major 'American Jewish organizations (center), spoke, on behalf of Israel bonds, this month at tlin homo of Mr. and Eire. Morton Richards (shown).
Sunday, Nov. 26, 6 p.m. ($3.25 per plate) Fresh Citrus Fruit Cup, Jaffa Roast Squab Chicken
Baked Fresh Trout or
Cherry Sauce, Jubilee
Sauce Amandine
Wild Rice with Mushrooms Green Peas, Beersheba Salade Supreme, Harlequin Dressing Spiced Fruit
Israel's Choicest White Wines Coupe de Menthe, Flambo
(in a Parade of Flaming Stars!) Israeli Candies
Timna Cookies
Coffeo, Toa, Domi-Tasio
The home of Dr. (standing) and Mrs. Leon Fellimin was the ucene of a recent Israel Bond gathering featuring Hilton 8eldenman, Baltimore, Bid., national chnlrmnn of B'ual B'rtth'a Israel eommltteo (on for right). Dr. Abe Oreenberg, Omaha Rood Campaign Chairman (on left).