December 1, 1961

Page 1


Vol. XI,—No. 1,'t



Second Chii^Postuge Paid

An invitation to tho ontiro Jewish community to viojv and tour tho $200,000 Cherniack-Chapman Pavilion at tho Dr. Slier Jewish Home for Aged at an Open House, this Sunday, was issued by Harry Trustin, Jewish Federation President. The Open House will rosts antl imprisonment of six ••« be hold from 3 (o f> p. m. Sunday afternoon, December 3, at the Pavilion. Leningrad and Moscow Jewish "With t h i s magnificent ~ ~ • lenders with "the remarks that they wen; "tried us criminals, not structure, our Jewish aged unlhropy in our coramuas Jews." Oilier than his single will receive additional serv- nity," Harry Trustin said. comment, he refused to say any- ices, which we could not ren- Mciiioriul to Mr. and Mrs. Louis thing more about the m a t t e r der until now. This new Pai/linrnliu'lc which has evoked shock and con- vilion will enable us to make Tlie new Pavilion is a memorial demnation throughout the free proper provision for the well- to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cherniack, world. aged who need the excellent given by Mr. and Mrs. Jay C'lu'rMr. and Mrs. Isadore care our Home furnishes. niack, Chapman, and Mr. and Mrs. HarJewish Youth Council The generosity of the Cher- old Cherniack. Speaking for the Rosters Placed pn Sale niack-Chapman f a m i l i e s , family, Mrs. Isadore Chapman ., who paid the entire cost of isnid: The 10G2 Jewish Youth Coun"We decided to contribute tills cil Rosters were placed on sale the pavilion, furnishings and tlils week, Chairmen Alice Fell- 1 a n d s caping, establishes a Pavilion to our community as a Mr. and Rlrs. Louis OliernUiric m.'in, Nuncee Frileck, Keith Le- high mark of concern for most fitting way of honoring and vino and fjtunrt Smith, reported. community needs, and phil- memorializing our parents, and thus provide urgently needed fa-

The rosters mny be purchased for fifty cents each nt the Jewrh Community Center's Youth-Council Activity office.


Federation Women to Meet Thursday, Home for Aged The regular luncheon meeting of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clulw will be held Thursday, December 7, I'Ji.'iO p. m., at the Dr. Philip Shcr Jewish Home for Aged, Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, president, annourK.'ed. ' • Presidents and representatives of all women's organizations and the committee- chairmen arc urged to attend the meeting. Reports will be presented by committee chairman.

Three Celebrities Share Bonds' HanukEcah Festival Spotlight

Cilia Sjltrrn

I^ow Nomian

Collections Hit $24,000 Tlie City of Hope Drive for funds hit a totnl close to 524,000, Mr. and Mrs. Pennle Davi3, copresidents, announced. Proceeds will he sent to the City of Hope, Los Angeles, Cal. Organizations who participated in the drive included the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity, Ak-Sar-Ben Radio Club, Edinr Girls, Junior Classic Bowling League, Rohanue Girls and AZA No. 100, it was reported by Mr. nnd Mrs. Jade. Wolpa, co-chalrnicn of the doorto-door march. Individual volunteers were!

Mnsri. and Mrnn, Art Jacobion. Hor. man Abramhanion, II. Julian Rlp>, At Ncpomnldc, Yale Richards, Mormon Cohen, Roland Lowli, Robert Gcrcllck, Saul Davis, Bernard HockenberQ, Leo Sherman, Myron Marko, 5am Mcehan, Saul Llbrow* iki, Bernard Altsulsr, Dr. -and Mrs. Sol Kuller, Meiirt. Rotwrt Waaner, Sheldon, Cohen, Martin Gilbert, William Malcske, Harry Abramson, Sonny Richards. Mmej. William Flnkel. Al Allmon, Irvln 5herman, Jack Belmont, Herbert Mekhci, Norman Cain, Norman -Halm, Lazier Slnfl. er, jack Eptteln, Elliott Rubin, Milton Saylan, Milton Belter, Martin Loiter, David Romanlk, Dan pellman, Llbay Nenom* nick, Mort Sslrel, Ike Friedman, Harold npilcln, William Stone, Sol Parse// and paullns Abramwn. . • • . Missel Call Pollokoff, Shell/ Relss, Elaine Orenner, Eilello Schutman. Yputh group composed of Sue jRubln,' Diana Ne> pomnlck, Sand/ Slnoar, ' Darbara Rosaman,. Ronna tupomnlclo Carol Sherman, Marcla Cerellck. Sarah Schrtltxr, Mark Romanlk. Jeffrey V/olpa, Mark Wolpa, Ranald Wolpa, Robert Hahn, Oavld Davit, Heniy Davis and Sieve Mtpomnldc

^Inglo ^ o ^ 10

Memorial for the Louis Cherniacks

Soviet Close Synagogues Lay Leaders Lose Posts . New York (J'l'A) — Tho Now York Herald Tribune reported that five more religious lenders of Jewish communities in the Soviet Union have been removed from their poMs ns lay chairmen of their congregations, and that synagogues have been cloned down in tit least a (lu/.on pities in the USSR. The announcement came sliorlly after .Soviet. Lieut, General David Pragiinisky, (Jewish Army officer), in Paris for the Warsaw Ghetto IOxhibil, decliircd Ills government is tihout to liquidate the last traces of racism and popular nnti-seniitism in Kussia, lie asserted in a Press conference, In. fluent Yiddish, that Russian Jews did not waul to emigrate nor did they want publications. 'i'he general brushed off the nr-

1, 1901

Tlirce celebrities will share the spotlight of the sixth annual Hnmikknh Festival on Sunday, December 10 nt the Hotel Sheraton-Fontcnclle, Dr. Abe Greenbertr, Israel Bond Cnmpaign General Chairman; said. Lew Norman, brilliant young humorist, has p e r f o r m e d on1 btaRes ranging from night club. . ami banquet halls to the "Borslit Circuit." A versatile ehtcrlninri, his humor ranges from traditional to the modem. Ellta Sylvern, beautiful young .guitarist, singer and baliadeei, will share the stage with Lew Norman. Known for clever interpretation of Hebrew and Jewish melodies,, she will present « number of ballads and songs new to American audiences. Speaker for the evening will be Yitzhnk Sovcr, driving force behind Israel's growing tourist industry. Born in Israel, he has seen the young state grow from a British-mandated colony to a nation which expects, within a few years, to receive a quarter of a million visitors from the world, more than a third of whom will not be Jewish. A magnificent factual speaker, he has captured audiences throughout the world, anil In his work with Israel's neu bureau of tourism has raised Industry to third place among the profitable Industries of the country. A charge of seventy-five cents per person covers coffee and cake, candies and sweets from Israel, and otlier refreshments. Reservations may bo made by calllne the Israel Bond office, 341-1177. U.S. FniM ON PORT CONSXnUOTION New York (JTA)—The Israel Government has chosen tbo New York engineering firm, Frederic R. Harris, Inc., to supervise the first phMO of the construction of tho deep-sea port of Ashdod,

'•hi' entrance of t.lio C'liernJuck-Cliiipmun Pavilion.

fnycr-lniiii(;n (Uvif'jneil fur rcNvr'ion unrt comfort.

cilities for Omaha Jewry. Midwest Pioneers The senior Cherniacks were midwest pioneers, who came to Council Bluffs, Iowa, from Meriden. Conn, in 1909. Here they founded the Iowa Finance Company, which today has branched out into several states. The Cherniacks lost, their father suddenly in 1930, at the age of 58. Their mother made her home at the Blackstone Hotel until her death in 1958, at the age of 84. Headquarters of the Iowa Finance Company are in Omaha. Its officers are Jay Cherniack, president; Isadore C h a p m a n , Vice president and Harold Cherniack, Secretary-Treasurer. Other children of the'Cherniacks are Mrs. David Goldenberg, of Minneapolis and Isadore Cherniack, of Stamford, Conn. The Pavilion, which includes a foyer-lounge, 12 well-appointed rooms, is air-conditioned throughout, and will increase the capacity of the Home to a maximum of 24 additional beds, if needed, Nathan L. Nogg, Chairman and Arthur A. Cohn, cochairman of the Home Committee, emphasized. "It Is hard to conceive of a more fitting monument to Jewish thoughtfulness and generosity, and to one's parents, than this spacious, well-e q u i p p e d Cherniack-C h a p m a n Pavilion where tlie elders can live out their years in security, dignity, comfort and usefulness," they said. Youth Will Usher Acting as Tour Guides on Sunday will be members of tlie Omalia Jewish Youth Council, headed by Sue Herman, Youth Council Vice-President, under the direction of David Orkow, Home ' Superintendent. The original building of the Home was built by the Omaha Jewish Federation at 4801 No. 52nd Street, on a ten-acre site, in 1948.

iiebmemn Trial Resumes Dec. 11

A typical bedroom with a plcturcsquo view of the landscape

Jerusalem (JTA) — Both tho prosecution and the defense attorneys in the trial of Adolf Elchmann, were officially notified that the reading of the verdict and judgment in the case would begin 1on December 11 in Belt Ha'am where the trial proceedings against the Nazi war criminal ended four months ago.

Pajje Two




BarandBasHifzvah All fririuls and relatives are Invited to attend services and reception.

Published «'ti,l»ly mi I'riil.ij 1 lii^innin;; tlio last week In August (lirou^li M'cund w i c k In .July. Annual Sut^cripiicn, U CO Ac.crC iitn Publication Oil,te—101 Ho. ;0:!i str eet,

Pcid at Omaha, fkl;r. Rnks en Appiiculh-'ii Gmot.o, lii-ur. Plutic MJ-I5W.



D.ANII-JL lU'ltlN' liar Mil/vah of P.'miel Hubin, t;oii of Mr. and Mrs. Klliot Bus Rubin, on Saturday, December 2 at. I'elli Israel SynaiJ'iguc .'it 8:15 a. ill. SISAX SOI.OTOKOVSKY Has Mitzvah of Susan Snlotorovsky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Solotorovsky, Saturday, December 2 at Beth Kl Sytia|.'O(;uu's 10:.'!0 a. in. .senice.

Religious Services With Hie Hone Folks B'nai Jacnli Adas Yrsliurou: Friday Mipchn, 4:30 p.m. followed by Somlos and .Maaiiv at 5:30 p. m. Daily swviwi al 6:30 a. ni. and 4A7> p. m. Templn Israel: Tiic second of the Sabbath Discussion Series will follow the S:lj p. in. worship Friday. Rabbi Sidney II. Hrooks will lead discussion <in "L-; T'lieru H Life'Beyond Death?" Speculations on Immortality." Refreshments will be served. Cantor Manfred F. KUIIIKT and Temple Choir under (be direction of Miss Ida GHlin will participate in services. Saturday services at ll;.'10 a. in. for adults and Religious .School.

Nmtl and luipnenlnKB at The Dr. I'Jiilir) HIirr Jr-wish Home fur tho Ajied by Uuvld Orliow.

Jliss lihea rroinliin has joined our family of residents. She resides in the Clierniaclt-Chapman Kalibi Sidney Itronks was our Habliinical visitor this week. Charles IVeliler of Bo/ell & Jacobs donated three cases of coffee. Herman Mryrnon sent a beautiful basl«:t of fruit. Many of the limne residents attended the Golden Age meeting at the Jewish Community Center.


KI( IlAItl) KATZJIAN" Bar .Mitzvah of Richard Katznian, son of Mr. and Mrs, Julius Kiilztnnn, on Friday, Deceinbi.T K, and Saturday, December 9 at Beth Israel Synagogue.


The Young Judaea Clubs, at their meeting, Sunday, December 3, at 2 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center, will discuss plans for entertaining Sioux City members at a future gathering.

Tim family of David (Sonny) JilclKirds wishes to «ixriress their appreciation ftir lliu many cards of condolence, courtesies and acts of kindness extended to tlieni by friends during (heir bereavement.

51 sf and UNDERWOOD

78th and DODGE


MONDAY thru FRIDAY » A.M. to 7 P.M.

Boverly Hills Plaza


SUNDAYS e A ^ . " " P.M.,

Representotlves ore Laurie Sniccrln, Mary Jo Slosburg, Mlbiy Brooks, Jeff Garetz, Don Milder, Kay Bernstein, Solly ' Fox, Gary Sofref, Dickie Slosburg, Leo . Fcllmon, Joel Arcsty, Jay Novok, Sklppy . Cohn, Cory Richards, Linda " eicenstatr, Mollory ', GOItfworft; Sandra" creenberg, Chuck Mayer, Sand/ Flefschcl/ Howard Gwellck, Gait Brodkey* Richard Spelglmon. Alternates are Anne Arcsty, Cathy Rips, Dcboroh.. Brovm,": Dan Blefcher,' Robert Beber, Janlco Engtancter, Catherine Dovl:, John Slosburo, Sgsar> Rips, Bemorct Cohn, Work Malashock, Diane llcpomnlck, Lanny Rips, Susan Waldbaum, Tom Rosen, John Brown, Carol Allsulcr, Robert Milder, Betsy Raskin, Joe Englandfr, Bruce Bredkey, Joel Blclckcr. . .

Professional Driving

Building Co, OFFERS


Three-Bedroom Home Walkout1 Basement Garage

Three Courses Offered

£021 Dccatur Beth Israel Area

Instructions Given DAY OR NIGHT

Another Schwalb Construction Mow of 60th Avc. and Glonda

Reasonable Rotes Instructor Sam Arritjo

For Further Details * * - " 550-1472




Kosher Meat Market I Delicatessen 551-5554


Honukhah Specials! Rolled or Pressed

.1". $1.10

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Taste the D i f f c r e n c c l . . . .Lb.


Select Beef


Delicious Broiled, Barbecued or for Soup!. Store Hours

Sunday, 7 A.M. • 6 P.M. Monday thru Thursday, 8 A.M. - 6 P.M. Friday, 8 A.M. - 3 P.M.

Open All Week of Hanukkah Call Wednesday for Thursday Delivery

Give it now.Ti let them choose their own tailing date!


Taste Bud Excitement!


TEMPLE SCHOOL COUNCIL Officers of thoTemple Israel Religious School Council a r e Howard Gerclick, president; Gary Soiref, vice-president, and Susan

Rips, secretary. Others on the ' Council's Saturday Division are: .- ...

Phone 393-2932, Omoha

bert Winlroub on Saturday, December 9 at Beth Kl Synagogue's 10:30 a. m. service.




trouh, KOII of Mr. and Mrs. Her-


© ©

Airs. Adolph K r o li m a n uKlics to thank IHT frlimls for thi'Ir many BHIHI wlslics on the fiiiasion of lii'r lilrthduv.

t i : WINTItOrK Bar Mitzvah of Lawrence Win-

OSCAR SIITI.V Funeral services for Oscar SIItin, 5G, well-known Omahan, Beth'Eh'.Sabbath eve services were held Thursday at Temple OWNER LEAVING TOWN at 8:15 p. in. liablii Myer S. Israel with llabbi Sidney Brooks, FOR SALE—Very desirable twoKripke will deliver the sermon. officiating. Mr. Sutin, a certified bedroom ranch homo. Mirrored wall Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and choir public accountant, died Tuesday. in living room with w/b fireplace. lie resided at 720 North 58 Separate dining room, largo kitchen will offer musical portions of with filed counters, disposal, abunStreet. service. dant cupboards. Ceramic tiled bath. Surviving are his wife, Ruth, Traditional Saturday services, Pine paneled recroation room with 8:30 a. m., family service, 10:30 children, John Kenneth and Suz- second w/b fireplace, basement anne of Omaha; his parents, Mr. utility room with '4 bath. Built-in a. m. Mincha-Maariv at 4:30 p.m. . Sunday services at 9 a. m. and Mrs. Ben Sutin, a sister, two-car garago. Completely carpeted, drapes included. Landscaped Mrs. Helen Malin, all of Kansas Services during the week al 7 City, Mo., and a brother, Louis ? rounds with patio. Two blocks a. m. and 7 p. in. rom Beth Israel and Harrison of Albuquerque, N. M. $19,950. Burial was in Pleasant Hill School. Asking Beth Jnnwl; Rabbi Benjamin Phono 556-3348 Groncr, Cantor Eli Kagan and Cemetery. the choir will conduct Friday family services at 8 p. m. Ernest J, Hochster, synajjotfiic vice-president and membership chairman, will extend a formal welcome, to recently affiliated members of 346-5050 Wholesale-Kosher 1018 FARNAM the congregation. Dr. James Wax will speak on behalf of new members. A reception sponsored by the sisterhood will follow the services. Traditional Friday s e r v i c e s (Kobolns Shnbbo.s) at 4:-10 p. m. Saturday morning service's, 8:45 a. m. Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. Rabbi'Groncr will conduct Lb. 4:25 p. m. Talmud class. Sabbath Lb. Mincha at 4:40 p. in. followed by Sholosh Seudds and Maariv at Stew and Breasts, Good for Barbecue, Lb. 12VJC 5:35 p. m. Sunday services at 9 a. m. We Deliver Wo Ship Anywhere Junior Minyan at 8:.'!0 a. m. Mincha at 4;o0 p. m. Daily services at 7 a. m. and 4:50 p. m.

Carolyn Levine of Des Moines, la., president of the Combelt Region of B'nai B'rith Girls, will attend the local Hevra meeting, December 3 at 1 p. m. in room 35 at Ihc Jewish Coinniuiiity Center.

Friday, December Ii'

By Oriental Dairy Products! Incomparable Flavor . . . a Sour Cream Delight- for . .

• Dips

• Salads

.• Blinrzes • Oljen Brand Creamed Herring, Cutlets, Tasty Roll-Ups •Johnson's Delicious Beef Horseradish * Fresh, Tantalizing Pressed Cbecto


Yon give the thrill of a dreamed of experience... a lifetime of treasured memories...when you choose a trip to Israel aboard o swift modern Zim liner as an anniversary gift for p a r e n t s . . . a Wedding gift for newly w e d s . . . a Dar Mil/v.ilt or graduation gifl | And what else (Jo you give wiih it? A unique »en« of pride id tailing aboard an Israel-flag s h i p . , , a special seme of belonping, in the friendly companionship, the warm ami homey lio-.pii.jhiy o ( Ihc S.S, Zion or S.S. Israel. You £ivc a special sense of sharing i n Israel's achievement, on a ship that can hold its nwn wiih the finest liners afloat—in f o o d . , , in service... in shipboard comfort! What greater joy can you bestow... what lnppicr d.-eani can yotl fulfill, for someone you love—or for yourself,' Fully air conditioned • Stabilizer-equipped for smooth salllre • Tempting, strictly Kosher cuiiinc • Lively Israeli atmosphere leave anytime! S.S. Zlon and S.S. Israel sail Iron flew York every third week ollhe year.

See Your Travel Agent or fRWt'S(tf«lS!KT»liy[J:tHEIICUKUtllSBIrWCCO.,DtC,*limnu.MRUU4, HT, ' W y t M M U O l l i i f O / ' f U X


Friday, D&wmbcr I, 19B1



Pafje Three

Now Featuring

of R T . Trench Co.

TAIIM: DISPLAYS HAMTKKAII I'Artu A dessert supper fcuturing the triulilionul pufiilo piinralics ami a Mfiiorali ci'litrrpjece. Is a fisllvo way of ei'lel>ratiii(f Haunt,kali.

Synagogues Will Celebrate Festivities With Dinners Synnj;o<:ue committees lire busy plannim; frmiily dinners to celebrate Ilanukkah festivities. Uclh Israel . rieth Israel Kyn;i|;oi;iie will open the holiday with n con|;rej:ational dinner on December .'5 at ~>:W p. m. The proKram will Include itn original musical skit, community sini,'inj; and the lighting of Menorahs. Reservations may lie made l>y calling the synagogue office. Belli El The entire family, also, will participate at the December K Sabbath dinner being arranged by the Helh Kl Sisterhood. The meal will be served at G p. in. in the synagogue with services at 8 p. m., Mmes. Albert and Harold Fox, announced. Mrs. Max Fallc, circle co-ordinutor, will be assisted by Mines. Abe Marcus, Sam Geifman, Nate Cooper, Al Swartz, Lymnn Colin, Phil Kuller, Bernard Hockcnberg nnd Robert Silver, circle chairmen in the preparation and serving of the dinner.

Reservations may be made with the Mmes. Albert and Harold Vox. family tables will be arranged If requested. Temple Israel The a n n u « 1 congregational Hanuklv'ih dinner at Temple Israel will be held Friday, December 8 at 6:15 p. m. Chairmen in charge of the event are Mmes. J. C Goldner, Millard Speier, Harold Kasin, Max Wolfson, Stanley Fisk and Louis Lipp. Karly services will follow the dinner at 7:.'H) p. m. Reservations should be made by Monday, December 4.with Mrs. Morris Kubenstein, Tfil-TJ08' Mrs. David Meyers 391-7370, or Mrs. Fislc, 550-0177. Ifanukkah will be celebrated in the Temple Religious school with special events in every grade. Holiday dramatic musical presentations, playlets, grab-bags, refreshments and choral readings will be part of the festivities.

Carole Nogg to

be made and a film will lie shown. \VOKKMI;N'S CANTONESE Woikini,' with the general chairMEMISEKSIIU* JMNNKIL APPETIZERS 'J'he Workmen's Circle Mid- men are Mrs. I, M. Liliernian, west District Commitlee will program; Mnn-.s. Millon Lehr and hold its annual Jewish Labor Hernarcl A i l s u l e r , luncheon; Commit tec Membership dinner, Sunday, December 10 at the La- Mmes. Jacob Jless, 551-7581, and bor Lyceum, .'!021 Cuming .Street Morris Riibfnslein, 5151-7208, reservations. Hoard meeting at 11 at. Gr.'iO p. m. Louis Wilkin will be toslmas- a. in. t"r. Max Crounse, .'!-ll-Gl.'S7 may + • * be called for reservations. • IIIf'iHLAXU CINHKKKLLA UAf.L, DI'X/'l'JAIItKK 0 UKTII El, SIKTEIC1IOO1) IIi|;|]land Country Club anil iso.MCD—i»icci;.'MiJi;it s their quests will attend a "CinThe Beth Kl Sisterhood Board will meet December 5 at the derella Ball"—the club's winter synagogue following a 12:30 p. m. formal—on December 0. A midPatronize the Jewish Press coffee. Invitations to attend were night supper and music by Krniu Advertisers. extended by Mrs. Robert Wag- I'riesinan's orchestra will he feaner, circle co-ordinator, to the tured at the event, which will befollowing circle cliainni'ii: Mines. gin at 9 p. m. Henry Stern, K. I. Widman, Sol The committee In charge conCrandell, Stanley Feinberu, Leo sists of Messrs. and Mmes. ]•;<!Milder, Harry Ravitz, Isadoro ward D. Hrodlcey, Edward K. Frie<Iman and Sol Kutler. IVAJJ. TO WALL CAICPET1NO Brodkey, Sherman .Sperling, HarAND FUKNITUHE V * # old Slosburc, Charles Rosenstoelc Cleuued In Your Home ilKANDIOIS I1OAUI) and Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Malu. . . AX SIDNKY NOVAK'S shock. UlSFITTINU • IIBPAIIUMO The Bra/ideis University ComI.AVINU • S i ; n i N « 1JINDINO • CI.IiANINO mittee board will . meet. Mon- KKAIITY QUEEN day, IX'cemljer 4 at 10 a. in. CONTESTANT at the home of Mt^S. Sidney NoNancy Katz, daughter of Mr. vak, 731) Sunset Trail. nnd Mrs. Maurice Katz, is one •r * • of the contestants who will vie TlMflA) C'AM'JNDAR for the title of Omaha University RUG CLEANERS Adult Hebrew Class for be- Yearbook's beauty queen. The ginners will ho held Wednesday, winner will be announced on De- Don Bernstein, 345-2554 December G, at Temple Israel. cember G. Class l e a d e r is M a u r y L. Schwartz, Director of Kducation.

Qomplefe Carpel Service



Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks will lead Religious School Faculty meeting Wednesday, December 6, at 8:15 p. in. at. Temple Israel. Temple Israel Sisterhood meeting, Tuesday, December 13, at 1 p. in. at Temple with Mmes. J. C. Goldner and Millard Speier as co-chairmen. Reports of national convention delegates will

Roz cand Seymour Zoob Extend to You Our Heartiest Wishes for A Healthy and . . .

MONA USA House of Glamour III No. 50th '553-7000 6 E»port Hall Stylliti

Air-Conditionod Dryor» MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY

Ownen Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Carole Shane Nogg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Nogg, former .Omniums, now of Sioux City, la., to A. Jerome Wayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Wnyne of Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Nogg Is the granddaughter of Mrs. Abe Fisher and Mrs. Alex Wolpa both of Omaha. She is a sophomore at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, N. M. Her fiance attended Los AnRcles City College, und U. C. L. A.

Lb. HOLIDAY GIFTS Cheoso Troys with Knives— Trayi of Candied Fruit Gift-Boxod Assorted Cookies Potato Pancakes




on your Hanukkflh Monu? *jjr UIB our packaged mix . . . © No work, no fun, juit follow f\ \ho oasy directions and havo ^M. Pancakot in a jiffy. €P Offers Good Thru Wed., Dee. 6 Serving Omana With Quality for 40 Yoarf



WRAPPINGS of all GIFTS Purchased at


All of Us at Zoob's Are Delighted to Help You with Your Gift Purchases at Hanukkah Time or Any Time. We Will Be Happy to Beautifully Gift Wrap Any of Your Selections. If You Can't Shop in Person, Phone Us!

STORES 3504 Leavenworth and at the

Open Every Night 9:30 A.M. to 8:30 P.M..

Crossroads Open Every Evening

Saturdays Till 5:30 P.M.


Pace Four

Milder Jlarkel

Center Sports By Cy ScltchicV BASKKTIlAM.. VAK8ITV LKAUUK R. C. Cola-Canada Dry wins their second in a row and dr femling champions, Milder Oil, whips Micklin Lumber in the final practice round games of the Center Varsity league. Final standings in the three-came practice round show that R. C. Cola and Micklin Lumber emerge on top with identical two and one records. Thus the stat;e was set for regular league competition beginning Wednesday, November 29th. R. C. Cola, behind the diiyhi;,' of Alan Konecky hopped on Markel Cleaners for an easy 5G-.'il triumph. Koncclcy and Cy Scitchick led the scoring parade with 23 and VZ markers respectively. Milder Oil saved their only practice round win for previously unbeaten Micklin Lmnlx.T and walked off with a 50-45 verdict in a battle that wasn't ckcidid until the final seconds. The winners wove led by a forty-four year old veteran, li .' Yaffe, who threw in 15 po nts It was the first time this M Ison that (he former t'nivprMf\ of Nebraska letter-winner donned a uniform much to the diipkjjure of the younyer opponents Yaffe had plenty of help from two steady Varsity All Star performers in Lindy Paul and Ficil Bernstein who tossed in l.'i and i 12 points apiece. Combinjj the hoard for flieir respective teams in fine rebound- j ing displays were Arnie Stern, ! Howard Lipton, Kd Belgrade, Marty Green and Jerry J^iinon. I INAL PKACTICK ItOUKD STANDINGS Won Lost R. C Cola 2 1 Micklin 2 1

1 1


2 2

wnDN'rcsn.w, DEC. e 7:30 p. in. Milder vs. It. C. Cola, 8::',0 p. in. Markel vs. Micklin.

lOtiTII VOISCJI, 1.VAUVV. Ronu races to its f o n r t h straight and Rayiin upsets A. Z. A. 100 in Youth Council play this week. In the firM yjimc A. Z. A. 1 ireeived its weekly mauling. This time it was Komi who enjoyed nil uncontcstcd Rl-32 victory, liuddiiy Kpstein and d i e t Stoler led the IJonu :jtt;irk ivitli 31 and i!f> points respectively. The second );;nne saw a more even match as Kayim cih'.ed A. 'A. A. 100 'tt-'M in what could bo termed an upset. Hill Kutler led Hie winners with LO ' jxjints but it was the clever hall handling of B:ury Zoob and Al lioss that sr'.-iled the victory when the chips \v<'vc down against the taller and older opponents, STANDINGS Won I.o«t Komi 4 0 Itayim 2 A. Z. A. 100 2

Friday, tJeoember I, 1BG1


A. Z. A. 1 0 SUNDAY, DEC. S 11 a. rn. Itayim vs. Ronu. Y.i noon. A. •/,. A. J00 vs. A A. 1.





Kij.;h1y-four wont tlironnli their second week of wf;anizalioiial practice sessions in preparation for Ihr 1.9(>1i'j'i c:i[;t» campaign. The boys were ( l i v i d o d into two-four-team l«'af;iif;.s wilh action KIJIIHI to IK.1flin on Sunday, December 10, with a nine same loop. J1»I)V-1)1DI>Y UASKKTIIAI.I, Iddy-Biddy baskolball rciristrations ,-trc coming in for the nr.-w activity season. Iddy-Biddy haskotbali is for 2nd, 3rd and 4th cmders. Tho j)ro;.;ram is slated to Ijepin on Monday, December 'I. Classes will be held each Monday, Tuesday and Sunday until March. For further information, call Cy Soitchick at 3-12-irifiG.

ALLESON Cimfomlinp Apparel



Dridal Portraits AND


Candid V/odtling CALL


OIM55* to ittitrj

four Warn A<? ti


HANIIKIIAII and Has flfilzvali con;rratuhitirms also for all Jewish holiMeycrs News Stand, 1502 Dodne. days and ,<;j)raal occaKions. Ilnlidny Gift Wrapplncs.


John Kalina 017So.36tfi


Putronia; Jewish Press Adver-


the lights ol Israel and of our freedom

Iwi.-ic C'annel, (center), noted Zionist, and rwent pucst at the home of Dr. Abe Groenlx-rtf, (HRIII) Isniel Rond Urivn Oialrnuin, talks "ijonJs" with <!onirminlty Leader At)e Geridlcr.

Help kindle the eighth light at the SIXTH ANNUAL V*

Monuments in the Jewish Tradition

Sunday, December 10, at 8 p.m. Hotel Shercrfon-Fontenelle

Wo aro known for our exacting Hebrew lotfering and detail, ««lsct your rnonumont from tno largosf stock of up-fo-data memorials in tho midwest, Me what you buy.


Wft employ no eqenit . . . hero you mvo txpont'ivo commissioni 01 you deal directly with tho ownun . . . We invito you to compare . . . Wo permit no untimely solicitation . , . you aro froe to make up your own wind, all memorials plainly priced, sot compfo-fe.




Warm, wholesome, lalontod young humorhf; itar of Now York'* Israeli Night Club &Cafo -Habibi, Town Hall, Carnogio Hall & ^ho Yiddish Art Theafor.

Factory & Display " 9 " S>. o» 32nd, 731-4111 Opon Sunday, 2 »o 5 "Builders and Designers of Fine Memorials" Since 1923



ELK A SYLVERN Song stylist, balladoer, TV &rocording star, sho recontly toured Europe, Israel and America. A cabarot artist of unoxcollcd charm.

YITZHAK SOVER fnipiring young forco behind Israel's growing fouriit industry; brilliant speaker and authority on tho progress of tho young »tato.

^Combining PLEASurc With BusiNESS There's a time for pleasure . . . and a time for business. Wo are specialists in both. A full staff of trained masseurs whose business is to please you.

Cookies and Cakes Candies and Sweets From Israel Coffee Tea Refreshmenfs and an Evening of Unusual Surprises!




• ALCOHOL AND SALT RUBS Open Weekdays, Noon to 8—Sundays 9 to 6 .

No Appointment Necessary . .

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