Vol. XI, —No. 14
Publication Office. 101 No. 20th Omaha, Ncbrasku, Phone 342-13GG
Second Class Postapo Paid at Omaha, Ncbr.
Single Copy 10 Cents Annual Rate 4 Dollar!
Tourism Expert to Speak Sunday a? Hanukkal Yitzhak Sover/* sr"~*\. d r i v i n g young' f force in Israel's/ * ~" K rowing tourist!•' industry, will br|. /] guest of honor at Nf ^Z '-'»,! the sixth annual < • ' • Hanukkah Festl-j '„ val, in (he Hotel i \ ? Sheraton - Konte-1 ,, ' ' nolle, this Sun-LA __ ' •.>•»• j day, December 101 \ "',', I j nt 8 p.m., accord-~Tf7halif~^ Hovcr ^^ ing to Dr. Abe ™ Greenberg, Israel Bond Campaign General Chairman. Israel Tourist I'.urcatl Born In Tel Aviv, he saw service in the Israeli Army during tin- Sinai Campaign. After pro-
Soviet Jev/s Weanfl Judaism—Javitz Washington (JTA) —Tturisian Jewry's apparent continued interest in Jewish activities--religious mid culturat-iei'ms lo give the lie to the Government's official position that Jewish institutions in the TJSSft arc dying for lack of adherents, Senator Javits of New York told a news conference. t Senator Javits said that ono conclusion of his visit to the Soviet Union was that a Jewish culture could flourish there if the Government relaxed its restrictions.
Israel Gds Weil
Brings Tel Aviv (JTA)—A new fuel Has well In Mount Oinaim in the northeast section of the Ncgev Iia3 liei;un a pas yield equal in energy to the entire output of oil at the Helctz field. The yield is currently 400 tons of crude oil daily and the first measurements of the Canaim fuel gas well indicated n yield of 15,000,000 cubic feel of gas.
To Present Oifafion Tlio presentation of an Americanism and Citizenship Citation will highlight the B'nai B'rith Youth Cornbelt Regional meeting here, December 25-28. J. Gordon Roberts, prominent Omaha businessman and civic leader, will be the first to receive the hward to be established ns an annual citation. It will bo bestowed each yenr on an outstanding citizen of the area for service to his community and to youth. The convention will bring 400 boys and girls from Sioux Falls, S. D., Sioux City, and De3 Moines, la. and Lincoln, Nebr.
Academy fo Entertain I Sunday Open House {1
fc-sslonal :
Bond orgf ... u . u U uw New York, he joined the staff of tho Israel Government Tourist Bureau, becoming assistant of the Chicago office. . Incorporating a number of new promotional ideas, and concentrating a specific effort toward tho attainment of a major nonJ e w 1 s h interest in Israel, he helped bring the industry to third place among the major sources of revenue for the young state. New Tourist Facilities His experience in public relations and promotion helped bring not only hundreds of thousands of travelers to the state, but helped encourage the Sheraton and Hilton chains to create new tourist facilities, and helped bring higher dividends to investors in the tourist industry Development Corporation of Israel. Sover will appear on the same stage with I.cwin Norman, young American exponent of Jewish humor, and Elka Sylvern, glamourous Israeli guitarist and balladeer. Candleliffhthig Ceremony A ceremony, first Introduced here during the lflGO Hanukkah Festival, will feature the progressive lighting of 250 tiny candles while the strains of "Mo-oz Tsar" fill the grand ballroom. Nuts, Bwccis mid candies from Israel, coffee and tea, cakes and cookies and other refreshments are included in the seventy-five cents charge for tho evening. Reservation may ho made by calling the Israel Bond office, :'.11-1177 immediately.
.lie 5200,000 Cherniack-Chapman Pavilion, an addition to the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish for the Aged, was formally opened last Sunday with a ribbon cutting ceremony performed by Mrs. Isadore Chapman, a member of the family, who made the structure possible. An open house during the afternoon gave visitors an opportunity to tour the beautiful .12 bedroom building, erected in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Chcrniack. The new Pavilion Is a gift from their children, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Chernlack, Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Chapman and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cherniack,
Jay Cherniack, who spoke In behalf of the family, paid tribute to liis parents as he declared that "our families are most grateful to our parents, and it Is only because of them, that we are here. We dedicate this building in their honor and memory. Because of God's strength and the teaching of our parents, we are blessed in many ways. We are happy that we may share our blessings with our fellowmen." "You know of course in this day and age, or any time things just don't happen," he stated. "The Idea of doing things emanated from our parents. They taught us to work, to save, and
g>lM».::. • acX Nathan NoRg, Homo Chairman, presided at ceremonies. .-
. „•
,,.. . ^ 1
. ...^ „
Jny Cherniack . . . npoko on Imlialf of tlio ClicinlacU and Chupimtn fiimlllcs.
Set for Dec. 31 What wild tales will bo told when Camp Jay-C-C campers and counselors hold their annual get-to-gether, will be sparked by lively imaginations, to make for on exciting reunion Sunday afternoon, December 31 at the Jewish Community Center. Movies of former camp activities will be presented and plans for the 19G2 camping session will be. revealed. A special reunion for staff members will be held Tuesday, Deceml>er 2G for former personnel at the home of Mr. and Mrs Richard Weiner.
Danes Series Offered Would you like to learn nil the new and modern ballroom dance steps or brush up on your dancing under a competent and professionally trained dance instructor? A scries of dance classes will be offered to couples week nights at tho Jewish Community Center. An instructor, also, will be provided by the center, for groups desiring instruction at home, Further Information may be obtained by calling the Center activities department, 342-13GG. Classes being formed now, will begin after the first of the year.
Pupils of the Omaha Hebrew Academy will present a IlanulcI Icah program Sunday afternoon ; following anX>pen House in their I classrooms in the Jewish Comi munity Center. The function will j be held Sunday, December 10 at 12 p.m. under the direction of j Rabbi and Mrs. David Rubin, j An Invitation Is. extended to j tlio community to attend tho Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks of | Open House, Rabbi Rubin, school Temple Israel will represent the principal, said. Mrs. Rubin Is also Jewish Chautauqua Society as i a member of tho staff. lecturer nt tho University of I Tho program will include an Omaha on Thursday, December 7. original playlet, music, recita- Tho Jewish Chautauqua Society tions, rhythm dancing and tho receives Its support In Omaha Hanukkah blessing. Refresh- through the Jewish Philanments will be served. thropies Campaign.
Harold Cherniack turned Pavilion Iccys over to Ilarry Trustin, Jewish Federation President.
Rabbi Brooks Will Speak at O.U.
to do things with money for both, ourselves and the community and for our fellowmen." Interest In Geriatrics Mr. Cherniack called attention to the achievements of the medical profession in prolonging life. He declared that "our families felt that geriatrics was the phase we should interest ourselves." "We have tried to provide a place for the aging people, a place where they can lead a normal life, as much like their own home as it was humanly possible for us to make." Keys Given to reiteration The keys to the pavilion were presented to the Jewish Federation when Harold Cherniack turned them over to Ilarry Trustin, President. The benediction and blessing of the new building were offered by Rabbi Sidney Brooks of Temple Israel. Nathan Nogg, Home Chairman, in charge of the ceremony, said that in every community "there are those good people who have taken an unusual interest in the welfare of their fellowmen and that wo are receiving this (•ift from such people today." He said lie was particularly hippy to take part in the cere11 my because the friendship beI • oen his family and that of the i 'i orniacks dates back T>1 years. Chapman Sends Message Jay Cherniack said the ns• mblage missed the presence of Ijjdore Chapman, his brotherin-law,," who was unable to be present. A telegram from Mr. Chapman offered his good wishes and cited Mr. Nogg, Arthur A. Cohn, Paul Verct, Federation Executive Director and David Orkow, Home Superintendent, for their part in making the Home a success. Messages of good wishes came fiom a brother, Isadore Chcrniack and his family of Stamford, Conn., from the Robert Chapmans of San Diego, son of the Isadore Chapmans-and from Mr. and Mrs. David Slier and son, Michael. Mr. Cherniack also extended greetings from his daughter and son-in-law, Wally and Jonas Weil and the latter's parents. Out-of-town members of the family who were present: Harold Chapman of Denver, son of the Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Chapman and the latter's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. David Goldenberg of Minneapolis, Minn. Witnessing the event with them were the children of the Harold Cherniacks. Jay Cherniack told the children "that in the years to come, he hopes they will have tho desire to want to do something for mankind." Acting as tour guides at the open house were members of the Jewish Youth Council, headed by Sue Herman, Youth Council vice president under Mr. Orkow's direction. Mmcs. Nathan L. Nogg and Arthur A. Cohn were in charge of the social hour. Assisting them were the Mmes. Dave Cohn, Abe Fellman, Lloyd Friedman, Albert Gaer, Ernest A. Nogg, Harry Trustin, Nathan Turner, M. A. Vengor and Jake Wine.
Immigrant Housing Claims Manpower
Rabbi Sidney BrooUs offered the blessings,
Sirs* Is&doro Oh&pnum cnt the ribbon.
Jerusalem (JTA)—Tho Ministerial Committee for Economic Affairs recommended the curtailment of the construction of public buildings in order to divert all available manpower to the building of immigrant housing.
Center Sports
Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week In August through second week In July. Second Class Pesfoga Paid ot Ornoha, Nebr. Annual Subscription. U CO. Advertising Rolei en Application. Publication Ofllce—10) Ho. soih Street, Omaha, r l c t r , Plicne 342-1344.
MRS. FRANCES KLEIN NEW HEUZL STItEET Sao Paulo—A street in this city will be re-named for Thco"dor Hcrzl.
GomfiEeSe Gas-pet Service
MAKKS, EXECUTIVE OI-TICEIt of tliR "Exodus," appeared at a recent meeting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Katunan on Ixlmlf of the current Israel llond Drive.
COItNIH.'SKEK TO IIOIJ) HA.NXKKAH I'AKTY Members of 15'nai B'ritli Corn-
husker chapter will hold their annual Hnnukkah party on Monday, December 31 at the homo of Mrs. M. I. Greenspan. Mah Jonju; and cards will he played and refreshments will be served. PIONEER WOMEN'S SCIIKIHM;
RUG CLEANERS Don Bernstein, 345-2554
Monument Co. Seb (Subby) Pulverenfe
25 Years' Experience With Jewish Lettering and Memorials 341-2452
2211 So. 8th
A bake sale will 1)0 hehl December 20 at the 72nd Street Hinky-Dinky .store, by the Pioneer Women's Organization. Mrs. M i l t o n XearenborK, president, asked donors to call Mnies. Morris Stcrenuere, 311-4512, or Sara Schwartz, 3.46-4980, for "pickup." • . • Mrs. Sam Novak was named chairman for the Child Rescue Fund's annual dinner. TEMPLE ISRAEL Men of Temple Israel will meet at 10 a.m. Sunday, December 10, for brunch and Informal discussion on "A Point of View," led by Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks.
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Candlellghtlnfj, 4:35. Beth Israel: nnbbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Eli Kagan and the Beth Israel choir will conVAKSITV I.EAGIJK duct the late Friday Family servVarsity league action in repi- viccs nt 8 p.m. Traditional Frilar loop competition bcj;nn.last day services (Kobolas Shabbos) Wednesday, (riving every indica- at 4:40 p.m. tion of another outstanding seaShabbos morning services at son of exciting basketball. It. C. Cola and last year's 8:45 a.m. Junior Congregation at defending champs, Milder Oil, 10 a.m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud class at 4:15 took opening night victories. In the first game K. C. Cola- p.m. Sabbath Mincha at 4:40 p.m. Canada Dry defeated MielUin- followed by Sholosh .Seudos and Lumber 41-31, behind big Al Maariv at 5:35 p.m. Sunday morning services at 9 dayman's sixteen points. Milder a.m. Junior Minyan at 8:30 a.m. Oil took Markcl Cleaners 49-12. Jlinclm at 4:50 p.m. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 4:50 p.m. YOUTH CO Honn inarched to their fifth straight by downing Rayim G0-IJ4 and AZA No. 1 took a 3t> to 32
•Tefclo Ready Foodi * Flavorful Dips * Parly Snaelcj
Buenos Aires UTA)—The 10C1 Pinhos Iloffer Prize was awarded by the Jewish Culture Congress to Latin Lehfer.
DBI¥IIO SOHOOL Phone 393-2932. Omoha
Professional Driving Instructions
Three Courses Offered Instructions Given
lt'nal Jarob Adas Yi'shiiron:
victory over AZA No. 100. Sunday, Dec. 10 31 am. AZA 1 vs. Kayim 12 noon Ronu vs. AZA 100.
Friday Mincha, 4:30 p.m.; Saturday services, 8:45 a.m. and Mincha at 4:30 p.m., followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at 5:30 p.m. Daily services at C:30 a.m. and 4:45 p.m.
MIDGKT LEAUIJK Midget League ba!l:elball at the Center is nil tet to swing into action his Sunday, December 10, with ninety-one boys from grade 5th to 8th ready to go in what is the largest number of boys participating in several years.
Templo Israel: Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks will officiate at early services Friday at 7:30 p.m. following the G:15 p.m. Hnnukkah family dinner. A candlclightin;; service will be held. Cantor Manfred K. Kuttner and Temple Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gillin will participate.
Reasonable Rate* Initructor Sam Arrlcjo
§ S01ETM I Forbci Own Pure All-Purpose Challah
Until Kl: Sabbath eve services © at 8 p.m. Rabbi Myer S. Kiipko •o Dr. Herman Salrzrr conducted will deliver the sermon. Cantor our Torah services on .Satur- Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El day. Choir will render the musical Kabul DavUI Korb was our rab- portions. binical visitor this week. Traditional Sabbath morninn Ilaniiklinh candles for t h e services at 8:30. Family service Home this year were donated by at 10:30 a.m. Mincha-Maariv at Temple Israel. 4:30 p.m. Mr. and Mm. Max Itrl^rado Sunday services at 9 a.m. Servpresented flowers and wine in ices during the week at 7 ajn. honor of the Has Milzvah of and 7 p.m. their granddaughter. Miss Susan Solotorovslty, Mr. and Mrs. I'hllllp CranMrs. Sarali Silver gave a Kiddell wish to express their apdush in memory of her husband, preciation to their friends for Max Silver. their many cards, courtesies Coming Events: Sunday, Deand contributions In the name cember 10, 2 p.m.; Temple Israel of Mrs. Crantldl's sister, Mrs. Hanukkah Party. Itoso Colin, of Washington, V.
With the Home Folks
A Center Dance Troupe has been organized by the Jewish Youth Council, its president Howard Halm, announced. The dancers who will hold practice sessions at the Jewish Community Center each Sunday at 3:30 p.m., will "whip up" a repertoire of Israeli dances. They plan to make their program available to community organizations after the first of the year. The troupe members arc Barbara Gomberg, Ilelenc Ruback, Marsha Fleishcr, Sandra Schapiro, Arlenc Kosowsky, Ecverly W e i s b e r g, Carol Rosenbaum, Brian (Skip) Soircf and dance instructor, DaJia Vilenflty.
© All friends and relatives are Invited to attend (services and reception. RICHARD KATZMAN Bar Mitzvah of Hichard Katzman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Katzman, on Friday, December 8, and Saturday, December 0 nt Beth Israel Synagogue. LAWRENCE WINTKOt'B Lawrence Wintroub, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wintroub, Bar Mitzvah, at Beth El Synagogue, Saturday morning, December 9 at the 10:30 service. MILTON HUMAN Milton Ermah, son of Mr. and Mrs, Morris Erman, Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, December 16 at the 10:30 a.m. service at Beth El.
Delicatessen Dept. * Sandwich Bar
Religious Services
By Cy Stltchlck HASKETKAH,
Youth Council Forms Genter Dance Troupe
Pickled Brisket
Friday, December 8, 10C1
Page Two
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Friday, December 8, 1061
Organizations Honor All Paid-Up Members Two w o m c n's organizations ore lionoring paid-up members during the month of December. Monday, December 31 ts the date when paid-up members will be guests of the Ililair C'holim at its nnmial Hnmikkah lotke pnrty nt 32:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. Bikur Cholim projects include raising funds for medical expenses lit the Dr. Slier Home for the nKed, maintenance of its barber and beauty shop and monthly visits to slate mental hospitals.
Members of A7.A No. 1 will attend en mass, Friday evrnins; services, December 8 at Ueth Israel Synagogue. Temple Israel Youlh Group will hold its next cultural-dinner at 4 p.m., Sunday, December 10, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Makiesky, 3.21 South DO Avenue. Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks will Jriid the croup in a discussion on the "Study of Torah—Enduring Concepts of Rabbinic Judaism." Co-hostesses for this event are: Mmcs.- Hy S h r i e r , Maurice Fleischl and Edward K. Makiesky.
Friendship With Burma Stressed
Guests are invited to make their own arrangements for card Tel Aviv UTA)—Prime Minframes. Free Bingo will be avail; ister David Ben-Gurion is makable. inc an official state visit to JJurA fikit, "Press Conference" will ma and will confer with Burma's be presented by Both Israel Sis- Premier U Nil. In a statment boterhood Tuesday, Dec. 12 lunch- fore his departure from Israel, eon in the synagogue social hall he stated: at 32:30 p.m. Mrs. J. Quinn is in "Israel and Burma are two old charge tit the entertainment and countries with old histories is being assisted by Mrs. Albert which renewed their independ- . Soiitin. rnce in 1948. Both are democratic The following cast was an- and both follow the same prinnounced by the Mines. George ciple in foreign relations—pro.Schapiro, membership chairman moting friendly relations and mid her co-chairman, Mrs. Albert mutual aid with all pence-loving countries Irrespective of their inftorkin. ternal regimes and without InMmcr. Horr/ Grcenbero, tMWln Soloforovtky, Sol Monti, Irvlnu Dobcndlr, Ben juring the interests of any other Mmiiamln, Elliot Brown, Wallace Bruce, Arthur Salkln, Abo Schloff, Harry Sircf, country; loyal to international Jack Diamond and Bernard Falk, Lunchcooperation based on Uj.ited Naeon chairmen are Mmcs. Som Bcrman and Ccrnurd Weiss, Call Mmes. Joseph Frank, tions principles. Burma had Hyman Lubmon and Philip Lubman for proved her adherence to this reservations. policy when she promoted friendly ties with Israel. Tlio family of I. II. Friedman wlslics to express tlulr appreciation (or tlio many cards of condolence, eoiirti'SICN and acts of Ulndncst extended to tliem by friends during their bereavement.
Sheila Ruderman Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Morris Iluderman announced the engagement of their daughter, Sheila Fayc und Lawrence Steven Hornslein, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hornstein. Mr. irornstein is in the 1902 graduating class of the North Dakota School of Forestry at liottineau.
NOVEL RECEIVES AWARD Brussels—The 1961 Victor Rossel Prize, top literary award in Belgium, went to a Jewish writer, David Scheinert for his novel, "The Flemish With Long Ears."
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Air-Conditioned Dryers MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY
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IF YOU BUY YOUR NEW ELECTRIC DRYER NOW! •If you luy n new flccltic flryer from nny dealer who Is n member of the Nibntska-Towa Elcctricnl Council —and that dryer is installed on Omaha Public Power District lines—the Council will pay for tho electricity you uso for drying far C full months (based on on ovcrago Omajia famUy'o cost of 51.03 per month). Buy that dryer now and you'll receive a check from the Council to cover the average cost ol cicotricity used to dry clothes electrically for 0 months, Start now to end the drudgery of laundry-Jugging and clothes-pinning. An electric dryer maltcs its own sunwuno—pure, radiant flameless heat that gives you Bpringtimo fresh clothes with every load. Take Bdvantago el this "Sunshine," Bonus offer now! Offer enda December 10,1901.
Highly Personalized Services for Men INTRODUCTORY OFFER Present* This Ad Any Day Within iho Next Two Weeks for Ono Freo Comploto Session at tho Center Health Club
Choose your EletWc Dryer from these dependable national brands: Easy • rrfeldalro • General Electric • Hotpoint • Kclvinalor • Kenmoro • Maytag • .Norgc • Philco • RCA-Whirlpool •SpcedQucen • Westing.
House of Glamour
Friday, December 8, 1961
9 ' c spectacle of 250 tiny candles shining at once, while the glorious songs of Chanukah swell through an audience of happy people in a great hall filled with Israel's beauty? with the unusual
and warm-hearted
humor of LEWIS NORMAN, star of the cabarets and clubs of the "Borscht Belt" and all America—his parody, his satire, his novelty? to the
songs, the unique ballads, the charming personality of ELKA SYLVERN—Israel's contribution to America and America's contribution to the entertainment world?
a ii
% the greatest D message of
progress the world has ever heard, in the industry that has become Israel's third greatest, by YITZHAK SOVER, young genius'of tourism to Israel? the choice candies, nuts and sweets of young Israel, (coffee cake, and other things, too!) in a happier atmosphere?
(am flie sixth annua!
s so EASY to ca»