December 15, 1961

Page 1


Vol. XI/—No. If.

Publication Office. 101 No. 20th Omnlm, Nebraska, Plionc 312-1XG


183-Acre Tract

Modern Camp Will i eEquipped For Tear-Around' "It was well worth waiting Camp Harriet Harding of the some X> years to accjtiirn the type Omaha Camp Fire Girls. The of camp sit<-' on which Ksther K. I'latte Hiver is on the north side Newman Camp will be eroded, of the camp. This arrangement of Ernest A. Nogg, Chairman of the three neighboring camps offers C a m p Development Committee, an excellent opportunity for eosaid. oiierallvc development of one of The Jewish Federation pur- the finest contiguous camping chased a 18.'i-ncre tract of land areas in the United States. (i year ago, in ('ass County, near ('onmilltce In Chargo Louisville, Nebraska, some '.'•<) miles from Omaha. This site in The project of the Camp connow beiiij; developed, under tin.' struction in supervised by tho supervision of Alex Weitistein, Camp Development Committee of architect of the project. which Ernest A. Nogt; Is chair"We believe thai we have tin.1 man and S. Elmer Gross, co-chairfinest camping area in Nebraska," man. Members of the Committee Mr. Nojil? said. "The ground is are: Norman Halt, Dr. Jerome ideally suited for our camping Klelehor, Ktlward D. Urodkcy, Arneeds. It has the proper terrain, thur A. Colin, Dr. Abo Greenbrg, sufficient flat areas; and scenic Gerald fiross, Irvin C. Levin, Dr. rolling rough country, an nlmml- Daniel Miller, Calvin M. Newman, nnec of trees and natural beauty. .Stanley Perimeter, .Sherman PosIt meets the strictest requlre- lta, Harry Salman, Alfred Sophir, mcnnls for camp sites a,s set by Paul Veret and Eli M. Zalkin. OfficerB of I he Federation are excamping authorities. offlcio members. To Serve IOntire Community "We plan to build the Camp 5io that it ran be used by the entire community," he said. In addition to serving as our Children:; Camp, the size of the Camp will Mrs. Ben II-mpermit us to develop special areas (11 c r, a chartei for Senior Citizen camping, Young m e m b c r of the Adults, and Family camping. Omaha Mizrachi Seminars nml Training Session organization, will "We will also be able to make be honored at its ', the Camp available for seminars, annual llanultlcahj £ training acssions, educational ses- Festival. Wednes- ~" sions ami program:; to Omaha or- day, December 20 r ganizations. Our youth nml younj; at tho J e wi s h " / mlult clubs will be able to use tho Community CenCamp for Winter Camping and ter at 1 p.m. Mis s p e c i a l programs during tho Max Fromkin will be I ii e g u e s t Winter and Spring holidays. Mrs. Handler speaker. "In short, we envisage a camp Handler, active in Zionwith the finest facilities, properly istMrs. circles for a number of years equipped mid ready to provide for served as president and secrenumerous 'functions and activ- lias tary nnd treasurer of Mizrachi, ities In the community on a year- one of the organizers of Hadnsround basis." Rah, supervisor of Young Judaea, The Camp Kite is situated beof Ivoren Cha Ya Sod, tween two existing camps, Mr. secretary president of Deborah .Society None pointed out. On the west, it as and secretary of the men's Zionadjoins the Lincoln YMCA Camp ist organization. Kltaki; on the east, it borders All Mrs. Handler's friends are invited to the event which will feature a traditional luncheon of potato pancakes, Mrs. Matthew M. Poliakoff, president, said.

Mizrachi \o Cite Mrs. Ben Handler

Mrs. Friedman Tells Nominating Group

A nominating committee was appointed at the-recent meeting of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs at the Dr. Philip Slier Home for the Aged, by Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, president. Its members nre Mrs. Mike Freeman, c h a i r m a n and the Mmes. Alfred Frank, Ernest A. Nogg, Morton Hichards, Louis Softolow and Nathan Turner. Solomon M. Brownstcin, Jewish Federation Family Service , Director, explained the counselj Ing services available through his department. S h e r m a n Poslta, Jewish Community Center Ac: tivities Director, outlined a fu' ture proKram to be sponsored by Ills department. | David Orkow, Home Superintendent, led « tour through the 1 home and Its new Chernlack Chapman pavilion.

Stamp Club Meet Sunday at Center Tho Jewish Community Center Junior Stamp Club will meet at ,the Center, Sunday at 3:30 p.m. All boys and girls interested in stamp collections' are invited to attend and participate In "stamp trades." A social hour will follow. '

Promotion Takes Ben Zefffs to Washington Ben M. Zcff, armed forces education authority, has been appointed Deputy Director of Education, Department of Defense with headquarters nt the Pentagon in Washington, D. C, where lie and Mrs. Zeff will reside after the first of the year. Mr. Zeff lias been Director of Education for the Strategic Air Command, word-wide, with SAC headquarters nt the Offutt Air Force Base. In his new post, ho will bo responsible for the education of military personnel and their dependents of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. The Zeffs have- made their liome In Omaha for the past six years following a tour of duty in Germany where Mr. Zeff was Dlr c c t o r of Education for Air Forces in Europe. Active in Omaha community circles, ho Is a member of Cornhusker Lodge B'nai B'rlth and Temple Israel and vice-president of. Temple's Men's Club. Mrs. Zcff has served as director of the Jewish Federation library nnd is a member of a number of community organization.


J5, 19G1

Second Class I'ostope Paid fit Omaha, Ncbr.

Camp Gifts Announced Several substantial voluntary gifts have already been made to the Esther K. Newman Camp, to provide certain facilities, Dr. Abe Grcenberg. C h a I r m a n of the Camp Gifts C o m m i t t e e announced. Contributions These contributions have been made either "in honor" or "in memory." The following have been received to date: Mrs. Robert. II. Kooper, Howard Kooper and Friends of Robert II. Kooper, are providing funds for the Robert II. Kooper Executive House, a duplex which will serve as quarters for the Camp Director and the Medical Director; Mr. and Mrs. Justin Wolf, nre p r o v i d i n g the Administration JUiilding, in memory of Harry A. and Clara B. Wolf; Mr. and Mrs. David Shcr are donating the (.'amp Health Lodge and Infirmary, in honor of Dr. Philip Slier and in memory of Mrs. Rebecca Slier; Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Feinberg are providing the Baseball Diamond Field; Cablrm 1'ureliased Cabins were purchased by: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Greenberg and Mr. and Mrs. .Samuel M. (irccnljorij in honor of their parents, l'hllip and Celia Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Morris E. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S. Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Iiert Render Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Rice and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Rice Mr. and Mrs. Robert II. Silver Mr. and Mrs. Louis .Somberg and Mrs. Abraham Somberg in memory .of Abraham Somberg Additional <ilft» Expected Dr. Greenberg indicated that additional gifts are being discussed now, and will be announced shortly. "This is an excellent opportunity to plan a permanent and lasting mark of honor, respect or memorial, which will bring joy, happiness and much good to many future generations of Omahans," he said. There are facilities still available, which may be purchased by those who are interested in honoring or memorializing members of families. Further information on such items may be obtained from Dr. Abe Greenberg, Ernest A. Nogg, or S. Elmer Gros3. (The list of available facilities appears on pace 2.)

•e Camp Permanent and complete camping facilities for the Omaha Jewish eoininiinity will soon become a reality through tho establishment of the ICSTIIEK K. NEW3IAN CAMP, Harry Trustin, Jewish Federation president, announced. "Tho realization of the dream and hopes of our community for a quarter of a century has been given the impetus and initiative through a gift of .$125,000 towards tho building and equipping of a camp for the Omaha community," Mr. Trustin said. Deeply Interested in Children The gift was in memory of Esther K. Newman by .Tule M. Newman, and his sons Calvin M Newman, K. Robert Newman, L. James, and Murray II. Newman. In announcing the gift Jule M. Newman said, "Esther was deeply interested in children and children's activities. All of our sons attended camps. We consider it a great privilege to ba able to make this gift." OlltHtandiiif,' Leader

Tho Camp will be known us the ESTHER K. NEWMAN CAMP. ]•:stlier Newman, who passed away July 28, 1950, was an outstanding leader in Jewish and general community affairs. In l!M0 she was Chairman of the Women's Division of the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign. For many years she served on the boards of the Children's Memorial Hospital, the Planned Parenthood Committee, Temple Israel Sisterhood and others. No Solicitation One of the stipulations, of the gift provides that voluntary contributions and memorials to the Camp may be made; however no s o l i c i t ation or campaigns for funds are to-be conducted. "The entire Board of the Jewish Federation joins me in expressing our appreciation to the Newman family for their generous gift, Mr. Trustin, stated. "It

Esther K. Newman the construction of an urgently needed camping facility," will enable us to proceed with Kentral Sites "For some twenty-four years we have been operating our Camp in rented facilities. Despite the many difficulties and problems of camping under such circumstances, our Camping program won commendation and approval. However, lack of our own campsite seriously interfcrrc.1 with our program, and handicapped us seriously. We may now look forward to a normal development of camping in our community, in OUT own camp," Mr. Trustin said, in unnouncing the gift.

Camp Buildings Will Meef All Required Standards

Esther K. Newman Camp will be built in accordance with current thinking in the field of camping, meeting the required standards nnd criteria, as prescribed by the Health Department of Nebraska and the American Camping Association Ernest A. Nogg, Camp Development Committee Chairman, said. The Master Plan for the entire Camp was developed by one of America's o u t s t a n ding Camp A r c h i t e c t Consultants, Glenn London (JTA) — A testament Wallace of Minneapolis, Minn., allegedly written in his Israeli who attended several planning prison by Adolf Eichmann and sessions in Omaha. The plan prosmuggled to People, a Sunday vides for the immediate needs of newspaper here, was reported as some 120 campers, plus projeca mixture of remorse, defiance tion for future expansion and dennd accusations a g a i n s t Nazi velopment. superiors.. Roads Into the Camp, and withEichmann, according to the in tho Camp have already been document, has presumably no completed. doubts about his fate, being sure Tho immediate plans call for he will be sentenced by the Is- the construction of the following raeli court to hanging. facilities: Sixteen Camper Cabins, each accommodating eight p e r s o n s . Oneg Shabbaf Tho Cabins are grouped into An Oneg Shabbat on Saturday, four Units of four cabins each. December 23 at the Sheraton-. Each Cabin Village will have Fontenclle, will be sponsored by a Unit Lodge, which will serve the Education C o u n c i l of tho as activities center for each Omaha Chapter of Hadassah at Unit, and will have sanitary fa1:30 p.m. with Mrs. Mayer Hosencilities baum as chairman. Mrs. Harry Sidman is arrange- Main Lodge and Dining Room ment's chairman and the hospital- Maintenance Staff Quarters ity committee consists of Mines. Health Lodge and Infirmary Unit Henry Appel, Alfred Frank, Nate Camp Office and Administration Building Marcus and Harold Perelman.

Eichmann Testament Smuggled to London

Blncle Copy 10 Cents Annual Hate 4 Dollar*

Executive House for Camp Director and Medical Director Swimming Pool and Bath House Parking Lot Baseball Field : ; Horse Corral Rifle Range • Archery Range > : Athletic and Play Areas. In addition such other maintenance structures as Garage, Storage and Service Space are contemplated. Other facilities are Camp Fire or Council Ring, and other items as needed. Alex Weinsteiri of Steele, Sandham & Weinstein Co., is architect for the camp project.

New York (JTA)—It was reporled to delegates attending the United Jewish Appeal conference here that $95,000,000 would be needed in 1962 In view of tho emergency situations which have arisen for Jews in various countries and the increased immigration to Israel and other lands.

Hoffman, Speaker on Cornhusker Program The public is- hear William Hoffman, humorist and author, Thursday at & p:m. in a program sponsored By Cornhusker Lodge No, 1760, at the Town House.

Page Two

.Friday, December 15, 19CI


Available Facilities On Camp Map for 'In Honor'or'In Memory The map at the right was published to sjive the community a picture plan of the Esther K. Newman Camp, expertly designed to provide features that will be the pride of generations to come. The best and most modern facilities will be available to campers as one notes from the ar, rangements on the map. The terrain, will accommodate the camp buildings in an almost made-toorder fashion. Many members of the community have made volunteer gifts to the camp "in honor" or "in memory" as shown on the map. The Jist of available facilities for "in honor or "in momor" are: Main IjOdge and Mining Ilimm .......$78,000

Swimming I'ool and Bath House $50,000 Maintenance Stuff quarters $15,000 t'nlt M>dge, Each $10,000 Camper Caliins Karh ..$ 2,500 Additional information on the alx)Ve may be obtained from Dr. Abe CireenlHTR, Ernest A. Xogi; or S. ftlnier Gross.

First Camp Was Opened in 1939 The Jewish Federation has been carrying on a Camping Program for nearly a quarter of a century. The first camp was held in the summer of 1939. .Since the Federation had no ramping site of its own, sites were rented from various groups. Ijoth in :imi out of Omaha. I'scd Camp I'irc Site Camp was held at. Camp Harriet Harding of the Camp Fire girls, Ixjuisville, Nebr, in 1939 and 1940. In 19-31, campers used .the Hoys'!Camp at Fremont, Nebr, and iii 1942 Camp Brewstcr, the Young Women's Christian Association camp at Hellevue, Nebr. Camp was suspended in 194.'? and 1944 due to the war conditions. At Camp Br<'«sti-r The years from 1945 through 3959 found Camp Jay-C-C back at the Brewster site..In 1WX) at Camp Sheldon, Columbus, Nebr. and 1961 at Camp Kitaki of the L i n c o l n Y.M.C.A., l-ouisville, Nebr. . The operation of Camp on rented premises has been a trying and difficult, experience. Camp constantly faced uncertainty as to availability of site, dates, length of tlrjie, and other factors, required for a normal activity. There were several seasons in which there was less than a month to prepare the camp program.

1961 Camp Staff Reunion, Dec. 26 Invitations to a reunion have been Extended 10 staff members of the 1960 resident Camp. The gathering will be held Tuesday evening, December 26 at the home; °f Mr- ar| d Mrs. Richard Werner. Mr. Weiner is Youth Director at the Jewish Community Center. Many of the staff have already indicated they are looking forward: to the occasion. Sherman Poska, Center activities head and Camp Director, reported. Plans are also in the offing for e reunion of all former camp staff members. More details will be available after the first of the year.

The Jewish Press Published weekly on Friday beginning toe last week In August through second week Iii July.

Second Clem Postop» PoJiJ at omofia, Nwr. Annual Subscription, W.OO. Adveriislnfl


NO, ami str«f,

Cmoho, ilebr. «»no M2-13M,. Jtfrs, Frances Hleln

'/ Editor


Joe A SAH Rtcr F A H I U U

Friday, December 15, IStit


Tage Three




MAIM Looor * D I » I * C ROOM


Pac« Four

The Sioux City Young Judaea Group will lie the quests of the Omaha Rroup of the prf;nnizution, on .Sunday, DooemlXT M at a luncheon nt the Jev.ihh Community Center. They will visit the Omaha Planetarium where David Solzman will lncturc on "A I^f.end of the Stars."

Monuments in the Jewish Tradition We <iro known for our oxftcfing Hebrew lettering and detail, select your monument from fhf) largosf stock of up-to-dflto momorlflli in the midv/ojt, «e« what you buy.

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We employ no aqonh . - . liero you i«vo expensive commissions as you deal directly with iho ownon . . . Wo invito you to comparo . . . Wo permit no untim&ly solicitation . . . you aro free to mar.o up your own mind, oil memorials plainly priced, ict complofo.

Omaha Monument Company Factory £ Display " 0 " St. or 32nd. 731-4111 Open Sunday, 2 to 5 "Builders and Designers of Fine Memorials" Since 1923




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JEKItY IIOIJJS Jerry Ilollis, ;;on of Mrs. .Sidney Hollis, Bar Mitzvah, at. the 10:30 a.m. torvice on Suturdiiy, Deccinber 23, at lictii El Syna;;o;;ue.

Jerrdd Stone (o Wed Texas Oo-E'J in June ?.Ir. and Mrs. Aaron Ijf.sliulz of San Antonio, Tox., have .'injiouncecl the i'ii;ja(;ement of their dauj.;htcr Susan Carol and RpJ Jerrold Stdne, son of J\Ir. nnd J.Irs. Samuel Stone. They are rilannin;; a Juno weddinjj.

KIOIIAKII KATKLMAN* liar Mitzvah of Richard Katelmiin, son of Mr. an J Mrs. Maurice Katdinan, on Friday, December 22 and .Saturday, December 'SI, at Keth I.srael Synai;o;;ue.


Miss IJfslinlz, a stiulcnt ;it Hie T'niversity of Texas, also attended tlie University of. OklnJioma. Her fiance- »ttended the University of Omali.'i and tlie University of California at I/is A n >;cle.s. He is stationed at I2n>ol:e General Hospital at Kort Sum Houston.




Ono 2?c Prrcj. of Forbot Own Puru All-Purpoio Ch«IUri


With Every Purchaio of Our Koilior Froion

Religious Services Urtli V.U Sahbath fvc services at K:15 p.m. l'.aMji Mycr S. Krlpke will f.;ive the third in a mines of lecluro sermons cm "lieJiRion, Uemocracy, and Communism." Cantor Aaron I. Kdt'ar and the llotli V.i Pynaco.Liue Choir will ronder the mu.sical i>ortio;is of tho service, Traditional Sribhath m o r n i n g Iiifj servic, 8:.'!0 a.m. Family .•-ervicc, 10:.'» a.m. Mincha-Mnariv at 4:30 p.m. Weekly services, 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Mon's Club monthly breakfast with the Kfiblji, .Sunday, December 17, following 9 scrviefs. J'.abhi Kripltc will speak on "Judaism and Christianity—Parting of the Ways." Both Israrl: Jlablji Rnnjamin Gronr-r, Cantor Kli Knrrnn and choir will conduct the late Friday family services at 8 p.m. Traditional Friday services (Kobolaa .Shabhos) at'1:40 p.m. Sabbath nwrniiu; services at 8:45 a.m. Junior congregation at 10 a. m. Kabbi Groncr will conduct Talmud class, 4:25 p.m. Sabbath Mincha at 4:40 p.m. followed by Sholosh Scudos und Mnaric, 5:40 p.m. Sunday services at 9 a.m. Junior Minyan, 8:30 a.m. Mincha at 4:C0 p.m. Sunday is Fast of Tcves. Daily services nt 7 a.m. and 4:50 p.m. IS'nal Jacol) Atlas YcHlmron: Friday Mincha, 4:30 p.m.; Saturday services, 8:45 a.m. and Mincha at 4:30 p.m., followed by Sholosh Scudos and Maariv at 5:30 p.m. Daily cervices at 0:30 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. Temple; Israel: Kabbi Sidney II. Brooks has chosen "A Report and a Prediction—Dramatic Chances in Jewish Religious Life," as sermon topic for Friday Sabbath .services at 8:15 p.m. Cantor Manfred F. Kutlncr awl Temple choir under direction of Miss Ida Gitlin will participate. S a t u r d a y morninc services at 11:30 a.m.

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BIII.TOX KItMAN' Milton Krrnan, ;;on of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ernian, liar Mit/.vah on .Saturday niniiiin;;, Docember llitli at I'.eth K\ .Synai;o;;ue at the l():::0 scrvlre.


Sioux City Visitors


All frlrnds and rplatlvi's arc Invited to utt'.nd ecrvlcefi auiJ ri'ccptlon.

Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Hoffman of Beverly Hills, Cal., announce the engagement of their daughter, Susie to Clark Swnrtz, son of Mr. and llri. Robert Swariz. Doth Miss Hoffman and her fiance are students at the Univ e r s i t y of Arizona at Tucson. lilitr, H'jifm^n, a junior, is affiliated Avitb Alpha Kpsilon-Flu sorority. Mr. Swartz previously uttiujdtid the University of Missouri tit Columbia and is a member of Zeta lieta Tau fratcmity.


Itichard Fellman, speaker at Farband Labor, Zionist branch 54, Poalc Zion, Doc-ember 17, 7:15 p.m. dinner Jewish Community Center. Election.' • * * B & P Hadassah Study r:ro>ip, December 17, 2 p.m., home of Mrs. Ethel I-eveason, 481'J Farnam.

Bar Mifzvah

G. Swariz Befrofhed To Arizona Go-Ed

Organizations National C o u n c i l of Jewish Women — .Nebraska Psychiatric Institute party, .Saturday, December 1G, 2 p.m.-'i. • • • Iladassah Board meeting, Monday, December IS, 12:.'!0 p.m., lunch, Jewish Community Center. • * ^ Cousins Club, Mrs. S:im Mfywson, 322-6153,. Ue^is Hotel, January 3 at 12:.'!0 p.m. • * * Beth. Israel study croup. December 19, 1 p. m., home of Mrs. Ignaz Grossman. Kabbi I'enjamin Groncr, leader.

Friday, Deeembor 15, 18G1


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