December 22, 1961

Page 1


• Vol. YL—No.KI

Single Copy 10 Cents AnnunI Kate 4 Dollars

Publication Orflce. 101 No. 2()lh Oiiialw. Nebraska, Phone S12-K1G0

Mrs. Meir Sums UpUnilodIsrael Stand Nation;:, N. Y. (JTA) —

A comprehensive statement of Israel's position concerning the Arab refugee problem, was made here by Mrr. G'ulda Meir, Israel's l-'urrign Minister and is before tho General Awombly SiH.'cial l'olilical Committee. After a. scries of anti-Israeli harangues by tlie Aral) delegations over a two-week period, with answers by I s r a e l and staunch insistence on Aral)-Israeli peace negotiations by a number of nipinbors, led by Africans, Mrs. Weir sumniarized the Israel Government's general position in tlic.w six jmiiils: " I . Israel occcplrd |ho 1?47 Polcillne Portillon plan or Iho Unllod Kalloril In 1»47, wlllle Hie Arabs rcloclcd II. Tliorg would bo peace end cooperation In Ilio area If the Arab ituics had accepted l*ie com•wornlln agreed to by Israel In l?4J, "2, Tlio Arab stuloi Instead decided la launch war cgainit Uracl. Tho Aroli rcfujjeo problem uroso a i a consequence of Hill war. Ttioie responsible for lhat v/ar ara m p o n i l b l e for the oxlsltncc of Uio rcfugca problem. "3. Aboul 5SO.C00 Arabs left Iho Icrrllory Wtilch Is now Israel. A similar number of Jewlih refugoti from Ihe Arab countries have slnco ticon Integrated lit fsrael. There has Inuft been a de facto exchange of population, ••«. No Onlled Motions rcsolullon do. mands Immediate/ total and unconditional repotrlatfon of refugees Info Israel, on the other hand, there art United Nations resolutions calling for negotiations on tho peaceful settlement of all outstanding qucs' lions between Israel <nd tho Arob states. "5. Israel believes that tlio future of Ihe Arab refugees lies in thcilr resettlement In the Arab countries within Ihe framework of the economic development of the Middle East. "A. Israel stands by Us readiness to pay compensation for property abandoned by Ihe r e f u s e d , even before a general peace settlement Is concluded, provided these funds ore used for the ovcr-cl! solution of the problem. Israel will demand compcnsa< tlon for property of Its citizens that was confiscated by tho A r a b Governments."

Now York (JTA) — The 2<lth Annual Conference of the United Jewish Appeal concluded here Monday night with the formal adoption, of a 5:55,000,000 Special Fund in meet the pressing r r " lj lfnis of expected heavy immigration in 1S)(>2, ulnrjr, with a regular canii>i.>lfn goal of $60,000,000. Tim K9n,flO(t,fl(l(l will malio It possible!. lor tho Jewish Agency for Israel, Inc., to eopn nidi Increased Immigration to Israel und Kill (Mialilr the Joint Distribution Coiuniilfco to euro for needy Jeuo In 27 overseas countries.

Joseph Myerhoff of Baltimore was re-elected UJA general chairman at the closing session. "1 am convinced," Mi-. Meyerhoff said, "that hundreds of thousands of our contributors are ready to niaki- these extra gifts they know we cannot tell people who can emigrate today to wait till tomorrow. Tomorrow may he loo late." "Jews iiro on lho inovo nguiii In numbers that remind ono of the peak year* of immigration Into Israel," Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman, IJ.J.A. exeeutlvo vicechairman told t h « gathering.

"Tho lnireaso In inovemeiit which iipplli's to other countries UH well as iHrael, begun l u s t spring and has placed u crusliInf financial burden on IIJA's beneficiary bodies." At the morning session several million dollars in checks w e r e presented as part of a UJA fall cash drive. Israel P. Fink, of Minneapolis, UJA National C a s h Chairman, announnced that Monday's receipts brought cash collected in 19G1 on this and previous campaigns to $G3,390,000. Dr. Ginra Joscphthnl, Israel Minister of Development und

Israel Hikes Postal And Teleplioos Oafes Spcclul events are being arranged by the Jewish Community Center to si>ot]ight the calendar of vacationing students from grude schools to college croups. A "College Reunion at Home," this Saturday evening, for collegians attending Omaha schools or those out of the city, will be held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Nate Marcus, 1504 South SSth Street, it was announced by the Center's College group. Other Center College plans will include the publication of a newspaper, "College Comments" for out-of-town university students, and special parties und occasions for those attending college locally. On the Center scene of grade schoolers vacation program will he swimming each afternoon during tho week from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Tlie swim sessions -free for mmbers nnd 35 cents for guests—will feature water games and stunts. Movies and special functions will be offered also. A complete schedule of the winter's activities has been mailed to nil yotingsterc in the community.

Jerusalem — Israel announced hikes in rates of 17 per cent in telephone costs and of 14 to GO per cent in mail, cables and parcel post. A series of service* price boosts are due soon on transport fares, kindergarten tuition fees and beauty parlor prices. An increase in the price of some farm products also is expected.

iom-Daughier Act For Bolden Agers

A mother-daughter musical art will be the featured attraction o ftlie.Golden Age Club dessert luncheon, Monday, December 25 at the Jewish Community Center, 12:30 p.m. . Tho performcrr arc Mrs. Loroy Canfield and her daughters, Debbie and Donna who will sing Eng(The Dr. Philip Slier Home for Uie Aged acknowledges the follish and Jewish songs. Mrs. Ruslowing memorials and donations.) J. Gordon Roberts will be sell Blumenthal will be the achonored at a noon luncheon on companist. In Memory of Donor Wednesday, December 27 at the The organization is sponsored , , . . , . , M r j . Rao Leah Brodkey Tho Edward £., Fred and David Brodkcy Families . . Ike H. Friedman M r . ond Mrs. Max Rlekes Jewish Commun- jointly by the Jewish Federation M r , and Mrs. Irwlti striker (Denver. Colo.) , , Robert H. Koopcr M r . and Mrs. Millar) Yudelson ond M i c h a e l . . . . . . M r s , Mary Meyers on (Council Bluffs, l a ) ity Center where and the National Council of JewMessrs. and Mmea. Abo Coltn. Max Rlckci, he will be pre- ish Women with the Mmes. . . . . . . . . . David "Sonny" Richards Mrs. Kalo Babe.idlr, Mrs, Ann Hoffman M r . and M r s . M . rCruplnsky M. Shompanlcr (Mastfnos, N c L r ) sented with a I.ouis Cutler and J. Milton MarMessrs. and M m c i . Jack Dan, Reuben H. Brown, golin as the latter group's repreArthur A . Cohn, Lloyd Friedman, Samuol FriedB ' n a l B ' r l t h sentatives. man, Paul Goldstein, Bernard Klein, Emery Klein, Ervln Klein, M . Kruplnsky, J , I I . Kulokotsky, Youth Organizal_ M. McCojue. Ernest A. Nona, Charles Rosenstock, Mll.'on Yuaclson. Mrs. Herman Fronklln. tion Youth ServM i l l Kolah Franklin, M l s i EJclta Norwich, M r s . Robert H. Koopcr and Howard. Miss Sally Newices Award. 15 Days Needed man, M r s . Geargft Roberti, J . L. ond Mrs. Leo Rosenthal, Louis Sommer employees, Mrs, Aone* C. V/lrth ..«•' Louis Sornmer T h e citation Messrs. ond Mnie:. Jack (Jratnson, Arthur A . Cohn, luncheon will he Leon Graelf, Louli Kulokofsky, Marry Tmstln, . . M r s / H e l e n Weiss , Mtlton Yudolson, Miss fiea Sommer a part of the four day convenIn Honor of Donor W r . ond M r s . Morris firman 70th birthday, Mrs, Carrlff Frohmnn Mr. Kubnrts tion of tho B'nai M r . ond Mr*. M a x Rlekea 50fh birthday* Harold Pollack IVrith Youth OrMr*. Sarah Silver M r . ond Mrs. Arthur Rublnsky (Son Francisco, Calif.) . . . . . r e c o v e r y of Anlla Ann Baskln, Henry Fisher ganization's Cornbclt R e g i o n which will bring 400 Jewish Jerusalem—A notice of an apSynagogue Donations youth from Iowa, Nebraska, and peal to tlie Israel Supreme r, ond tMi. A Fisher, Mrs. Rose Frelden, M r . and Mrs. Arthur Rublnslcy (San FranSouth Dakota. Court was filed here for senCisco, Collf.J tenced Nazi murderer Adolf Among his many affiliations Eichmann by Dieter WechtenSpecial Contributions 'tAr. and Mrs. Morton Richards Wafer nlosses with youth activities are Ameri- bruch, assistant to Dr. Robert Jack Sadofsk/ •*•* Case of wins tfubirt Sommer, M K s Oeatrlco Summer Wheelchair, olr mattress can Legion Baseball, in which he Servatius, chief defense counsel. has sponsored a number of teams Requested was a 15-day extenannually, and the Big Brothers sion for filing the reasons for tlie appeal against both JudgFinal Appeal for of Omaha, an organization to ment and sentence., help underprivileged children, of Needlework Guild Verdict Expected which he serves as a director. Dr. Servatius who left for Mrs. Da%'e Cohn, chairman of Warsaw (WNS)— Soviet poet In addition he contributes an- Germany will return for the flthe Jewish Federation Agencies' Section of the Needlework Guild, Yevgeny Yevtushcnko, w h o s e nual awards for deserving young- nalizatlon of the formal appeal. - Is making a final appeal to the poera^-yRaM Yar" concerning the sters in dairy husbandry In the Both he and his assistant said they expected tho verdict, "hang(Continued on Page 4.) women in the community, JQ. '""massacre 65—^aissIan~-ifcV's by Ing for crimes against the Jewsend In thohj^_uvy;ejlthf-'lieirdcd German troops near Kiev, cau&ilish people and crimes against •—EOiilrllHiTmns, before the end of humanity." nuch controversy within tho Sovthe year. Eichmann has been transferred The following have contributed iet Union last year, has written from jurisdiction of the police to to the Needlework Guild since a new poem, "A Talk," a cynical leads the \<orld that of the government's prison the last list appeared: nppralsal of his sudden fame in in Geneva—Israel the ratio of doctors to i'10- administration. Mmes. Norman Abrnhaniion, the Soviet Union. Now In Prison flnrb total population, with one pb>' Ralph Biniamow, Julius M. Cohn, The convict is now in an IsHe writes that posterity will siclan for every 420 inhabitants Seymour Cohn, Henry Cooper, raeli prison, occupying a single Harold Cooperman, Morris J. "bum with shamo" when it looks The Soviet Union follows, with' •jell, wearing regulation prison Franklin, Sam I-I. Green, Joe J. b a c k on tho present, "thooo ono doctor for every. 550 persons, Instead of civilian garb, Grecnberg, Ben L. Ileisler, Jack strange times when common hon- w h i l e the United States is contains a bed, table, eleventh, with one doctor for evI^evin, William Lohrman, Nnthan c i d drinking water.. He Martin, Sarah Potash, Sol Sttin- esty was called courage." Yev- ery 790 persons. will bo dCl'*0'' contact with other man, Sam H. Stern, Izzle Sllss, tushenko's new poem has been prisoners tet will, be permitted Samuel Swarlz, Robert E. Wag- published in the Soviet Union, ARABS GET SCHOLARSHIPS a woi'.c every day, ner, Max A. \Vosaerman, Uarry but only in tho Kiev edition of New York—Two Arab stu- to takeMemoir* Requested Weiner, Herman Welnstcln, Joe Letcraturnaya Gozeta. It has dents at the Hebrew University Before leaving Israel, Dr. SerWhite, Benjamin Wine, Alan of Jerusalem have been awarded Wplfson and Miss Dorothy Wcln- also been published here in the the sixth annual Judah L. Mag- vatius requested Attorney GenWarsaw weekly, Polltyka. eral Gideon Hauser for permistr. • •" • ' •: ": nes scholarships. Mrs. Meir told the committee that Israel "welcomes" one of (Continued on Pace 4.)

Dr. Phiiip Sher Home for the Aged J. Gordon Roberts to

in Ratio M i e s fo ?Qpttla»iosi

HouNlng addressing tho 1,500 JcwiHli community lenders from nil parts of tho country, said that (lie people of Israel ur<> now cn(jaged In :i dramatic, nervestraining effort to build 18,000 now housing units. Dr. Joscplithal Indicated tluit Israel has so IIUio influeiuo in Its flow of Immigrants, It can only estimate tills flow and liulld accordingly. Israel's people, he said, are fighting against the return of the "ma-abarot," the I m m i g r a n t shanty towns, which were established in the peak of the 1950 immigration to house thousands of newcomers coming into the Jewish State. At their height these canvas and wooden shack towns held 250,000 people, and rapidly became slum towns, After considerable effort most of tlie "ma-abarot" were practically claned out last spring.

Soviet Technique Raises Query London (WNS) — Experts on tlie Soviet Jewish problems are wondering whether the death sentence against a 52-year-old Orthodox Jew in Tiflis is not a new Soviet technique for disposing of Orthodox Jewish lay leaders on charges totally unrelated to that goal. Mordekh Kaldnshvili was accused nnd convicted on charges of currency speculation. He was not formally identified as a Jew in tho court proceedings but the Soviet press made it plain to interested readers that he was a Jew by religion. One newspaper indicated that the defendant refused to sign a statement of interrogation on a Saturday and quoted him as saying he could not sign on that day but that he would sign the next day.


Appeal sion to obtain Eichmann's prison memoirs, but was' refused. He claimed that tho manuscripts must be sold to help meet the cost of the impending appeal. However, Dr. Servatius praised the conduct of the trial, declaring it was "a great spiritual Achievement." Mo Ruling Before March The appeal to the Israel Supreme Court, if filed early next month, cannot result in high tribunal ruling before about March, since tho high court will have to study not only the entire 300-pago final judgment and sentence, but also the lengthy record of the trial itself which lasted exactly four months. According to law, the appeal must be heard by a minimum of three members of the Supreme Court and, in any case, by an odd number of justices.

Prison to Become Historic Museum Jerusalem (JTA) — The old fortress prison at Acre, where Jewish freedom fighters wero hanged for rebelling against the British Mandatory power prior to 1948, will be turned Into a hlatorie museum of Hebrew heroism, ":.•'••



Fage Two


Friday, Oeicmber 22, 1901


WlSfi flie Home Fo!ks Published weekly on Friday brginning tlio last week In August through second wceli lit July.


Second Closs pc:-tcne Paid at Omahn, Hcbr. An'iual Subscription. t-S GO Advrriiiinfj Ruto:; en Ap[jl!c(HIon. Publication Office—101 No. 20ih Slrcct, Oinuha, Htbr. Hhcnc 343-1364.



Musical Program Beth El Function Selections for two pianos will be presented by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levine at the January 9 Inlra-Faith Sisterhood meeting at 1 p.m. in the Belli El SynagoKue social hall. Sisterhood members ol Tompie Israel and Beth Israel congregations will be (jurats of the

Belli El Ki'oup, Mrs. Morley Zipursky, chairman, said. Mrs. V. Ralph Nogg is in charge of the tea which will follow the program. She will be assisted by Mrs. Morris Brick, eircle-co-ordinator, and Mrs. Alan Burton, decorations.



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4:37 Trni]il« Israel: Haljbi Siilney II. Bruoks will conduct the sabbath KcrviCM Friday at 8:15 p.m. Gurst Siieaker, Diianc Ueclc, Associate Director, United Community Services, will talk on "The -Solid Gold Mind—and—The Oij;y of Extremism." Cantor Manfred F", Kuttner end Temple Choir under diicclion of Miss Ida Gillin will participate In the services. No classes for the Saturday find Sunday Divisions on December 23, 24, 30 and 3L Beth El: Sabbath eve services will begin at H:l!> p.m. Cantor Aaron I. Kdi;ar and the Beth El Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Following a short service, the congregation will assemble in the social hall to hear Philip If. Vo.'.'t, associate professor of sociology nt tiie University of Omaha, discuss the "The .Student rind the Social Problems of the Ace." Parents of college students will be hosts at a reception for students vacationing a t home. Traditional Sabbath services will begin 'at 8:30 a.m. Family Service at 10:30 a.m. MinchaMaariv Services at 4:30 p.m. Sunday inorninf; services begin nt 9 a.m. Services durin;; the Meek at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.

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Muury L. Schwartz, Temple Israel Education Director, will attend the annual conference of the National Association of Temple Educators in Los Angeles, Cal., from December 25-29. He is a member of the organization's executive board and its curriculum committee. • • • A featured role ns Gold In "River Gold" will be danced by Marilyn 'Novak in a production sponsored by the C h i l d r e n ' s Dance Theater at the Civic Auditorium Music H a l l on December 29 at 2 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. The young dancer is the daughter of of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Novak, The dance drama "Firebird" by Stravinsky, together with "River Gold" by Smetana and excerpts from "Swan Lake" will be presented. Mrs. Salfy Jtosen ls__biisj;jfgsmanager of the the£j C r group.


5-Day Weol<—Good

A*':nh'iny s t u -

Typist Esscnfial

ilents, under the direction of Box 1001 KaM>i David Jtubin, princijial, entertained our folks with an ori^iiiiil Jlnnukliah .skit. Participants included David Oiri-n, John Klatowicz, l'l'anlx Flatouicz, Linda Groner, Lila Grunsweif;, llehecca Landsman, Helen Lowin, Ann Polialtoff, Lee Soual and Milton U'aksclilatr. Scb (Subby) Pulvercnta Hikiir t'lioliiu Society provided 'Uunukah !;e!t" and refreshments. 25 Years' Experionco , to our residents and their guests. Wifh Jewish riutvvrs this week were recoivfd from the Feltman family. Loitering and Memorial! 'J'iio Homo for the Aged entertained 'he Federation,of Jewish 341-2452 2211 So. Women's Cnr.s a t a luncheon and conducted them on u tour of the new Chapttian-Clicrniac': pavilion. Patronize tlio Jewish Press The Tcmjiln Israel Sisterhood Advertisers. Hanultkah party was held nt the Home under the chairmanship of Mrs. Morris J. Lipp and presented a musical program by Cantor Manfred Kuttncr. Ni;\v Itesiilonts: Uobert Nalibow. In Afcniorium: Herman Nichols and Mrs, Ida Brown. A group of our residents at- © tended the Cooper Foundation's CALL EARLY FOR Second annual Golden Age HoliSPECIAL ORDERS © day Theater Party. ItuliM 11< nj.irtiiri fironer was © our rabbinical vis tor this week. Q We Have a Complete Lino Mi'inorlnl S(;rvl<'i'.s were held in O of Bakery Goods Including the Home Synagogue for the fol® WONDERFUL lowing, the anniversary of whose fi 'death falls .durinj; the month of O FRUIT CAKES Tevclh: Tcvclh.3, (December 10) (5 - M o r r i s Ackerman; Tevclh G, Q Full of Citrus Fruit (December 33) — Kli H. Weil; O and Choice Hutmcatt Teveth 13 (Deccmlwr 20)—Jul- © ius Newman; Teveth 22, (DecemALL KINDS OF ber 29)—Rosalie Epstein; Teveth © 2.'{, (December 30)—Max Veret BREADS AND Q and Bessie Se^Iin. PASTRY ITEMS

Helli Israel: Rabbi lir-njamin Groner, Cantor Mi Kajjan and the Beth Israel choir will cond u c t Friday Evening Family .services at 8 p.m. Traditional Friday services (Kobolas Shabbos) bej;in at 4:15 p.m. Shabbos morning services at 8:15 a.m. Junior G>n;;re|;ation at 10 a.m. Kabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud class at 4:30 p.m. Sabbath Mincha at 4:15 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at 5:40 p.m. Sunday morning services at 9 a.m. Junior Minyan at \f:'.iO a.m. Mincha at 4:50 p.m. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 4:50 p.m. * * • li'nal Jacob Adas Yesimron: Friday Mincha, 4:30 p.m.; Saturday .services, 8:45 a.m. and Mincha at 4:30 p.m., followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at 5:30 p.m. Daily services at 6:30 a.m. and 4:45 p.m.

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Dedications A monument will bo dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Rose Zweiback Sunday, December 21 at 11 a.m. at Golden Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will officiate.

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1(3. Triday, December 22, 10CI


Mogil-Tafelman Marriage Ceremony at Beth Israel

,,' t

Miss P a t r i c i a Lee Mofil, daughter of Afr. ;ni'i Mrs, Clinilci JMf'Kil, became the bride of Cajitain Maynard Tnlelman of Jacksonville, Ark., last Sunday <it Beth Israel Syiini:oj;ue. Rabbi Jh'tijamin Groncr performed the weddini; ceremony. Miss Marsha Asiirch of Denver, Colo., w.'i'i in:iiil-of-liunor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Lsadore Ozar of Kansas Cily, Mo.; Mrs. Robcit Krtisno an<l Miss .Sally Dallon. The groom, non of .Samuel Tatelman, was attended by Jus best man, Michael li. Mo;;il, brot/iiT ul the 'oriuo. Ushers weio David Belzer, Martin Nearcnboiu

Engagement Told At Parfif in St. Louis Announcement was made at a party in St. Louis, Mo., of the engagement o£ Diane Lebowifz, daufihtcr of Mr. nnd Mrs. Barney IJ, Lebowltz of that city, and Charles Richard Wise, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Wise. The bride-elect is a sophomore nt the University ol Oklahoma at Norman where she is a member of Sii'ma Deltn Tail Sorority. Mr. Wise is a senior at the same univcrsliy anil is affiliated with Pi Lambda Phi fraternity. The mother of the brido is the former Morion Fonaroiv, a previous resident of Omaha and Council Bluffs. Present at a function 'UonovinR •tfte" iiigttgoiiiont in St.' Jxiuis were the following Omahans: the parents of Mr. Wise; and the Messrs. and Mmes. Harry A. Wise, Jr., nnd Louis Paul, Miss Susie Wolf son und Walter E. Wise.

Mrs. Mstynnrd Tutrlmun

«. <fc 1*. MNNKIt The Business and Professional Kroiip.of Hadassah will have a diniifj' nicetinj; un Wednesday, D'.'cembi'r 27 at (j p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Phil D. Schwartz will review "Woman of Valor" — the story of Henrietta Szold by Irvin;; Finemnn. Members will rejiort on piojecls. A hoard meeting will preceile the program. Keservalions may ho made with Mrs. Sarah Feltman, 55.'!r>17l>; Mrs. Sarah Dansky, 55:!(i!j!)7, or Mrs. Newman, IM3-GU39. * * * IfOLIDAY I)ANC;iNr« CXt'IJ The Holiday Dandiu; Club will hold a New Year's Kve dai;ce on .Sunday, December .'il at the Ulacl(stone Hotel, 10:30 p.m.-1 -.:») p.m. A buffet breakfast will be held at the Fireside Kesfaurant at 1:30 p.m. Reservations by callini; 323-4380, 558-2170 or 5500--1S2. CLASS ISI'X'KS.S Adult Hebrew Classes at Temple Israel will recess two sessions on Wednesday, December 27 and Wednesday, January 3. • FAItBANO M MX'K.UKKIC 21 Tlie Farband •meeting, postponed last Sunday, due to the Know, will definitely be held this Sunday, December 24, nt the Jewish Community Center. Election of officers will be held, and the program will feature Mrs. Milton Nearenbcrp; singing Yiddish folk .soncs and a talk by liichard Fclhnan on "lien Gurlon at Seventy Five." Dinner will be served a t 7:30 p.m. Reservations will be accepted until Friday nt 6 p.m.

SDT The Omaha Alumnae League of Sigma Delta Tau sorority will be host to visiting alumnae, actives and pledges nt a luncheon and card party at the Town House on December 28 a t 12:30 p. m. For reservations call Mmes. Marvin Kohil or Eddie Gorclick. « « * MIIS. HV SHRIEK ON MAUASSAH PnOGHAM Mrs. lly .Shrlcr will, present a dramatic reading and booli review on "So, I t Was Just a Simple Wedding" at an Oneg Shabbat, Saturday, December 23 a t the Sheraton-Fonteiiolle Hotel, 1:30 p.m., sponsored by the Education Council of Hadassah. • • * KI.ECTKD VICE-I'KESIDENT I5ob Slutzky, Both El VST, president, was elected vice-president of the organization's Midwest Region when it met-in MinMr. and Mrs. IrvinR J. Forbes neapolis, Minn., recently. Other members of the Omaha Imve announced the engagement of their daughter, Karen Itence delegation were:

Omahan Engaged To J.

to J. Uolxjrt Meyer, non of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Meyer. Miss Forbes and her flatico have selected June 3 as their wedding date.



Pago Tliree

Young Marrieds Plan 'Oay Nineties' Parly The ni'.'H'ly orfjani/ed "yomifr Marricds". club of Heth El will hold a "Gay Nineties" Dance on the evening of Jan. I'.i at the synagogue. Hernaid Grcenberj; is acting chairman. Rabbi and Mrs. Mycr Kripke,

Hafjlji and Jlli-s. Norman Mussman, Mrs.srrf. and Mmes. Joseph Iiornslcin and Erni'st Wintroub have been named advisors. Couples interested, in the group are invited to call Mrs. Eileen Reiner at .'!(J3-Mfil.

FOR THE F I N E S T . . . IN PHOTOGRAPHY Portraits Weddings Commercial

Linda Kavich and Nelson Gordman to Wed January 6

and IIUKO Knhn.

The couple will lie at homo at 170 Kentucky Circle, at Jacksonville, Ark., after a trip to Nc\v Orleans, La. The out-of-town fjuesl list included Mrs. Anna Dan, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Wenokur, Chicago, 111.; Mrs. Murray Kilmrr, Montreal, Canada; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Marks, Manchester, N, II.; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Asarcli, Denver; Mrs. David Brown, Minneapolis, Minn.; DP. and Mrs. Larry Schwartz, Indianapolis, Irnl.; Mr. find Mrs. Julius Tatclnxu), Detroit, Mich.; Lt. James McNeil, Captain Robert Luiltnrt and Lt. Don Sproule, Jacksonville, and Isadora Ozar, Kunaus City. In attendance, also were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Unbondnrc, .Fremont, and Cajit. Kred Kolm, Linculn. Neb. loivans present were the Messrs. and Mrnes. Max Rosenblatt, .Sheldon .Schnlz, llcmy I'anor, all of Des Moines, la.; Mines. Simon Iiuron, Joe Shulltin nnd Miss Sari Shulkin,' Sioux City.


Work Plollncr, Susy SluMy, Gaylo Render, Joyce Render, Cheryl wdhbern, John Fartmr, Mark Goodman, Dobs Glvor, Alien Ftuman, Bam ChwSacail, uarrim Doloolf, Fronclo Horn>ttln, Judy Nooa< Dunn/ Kotikee. Lou chunovlc, Dlanne Dcncnbcrg, Barry Kort, fionk Wlnlroub, Jan Jangcr, Joe Erman.

Mr. and Mrs. Lazier Knviofi have announced the engagement of their daughter, Linda Sue to Nelson Terry Goldman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gordman. The couple v.'ill bo married at the home of the bride's parents on January 0. Following the ceremony a cocktail supper will be held at the Sheraton-Fontetmlle. " ; . Kavich attended the Unii .iity of Nebraska at Lincoln and her fiance studied at: Cornell University in Ithaca, New York nnd the University of Pennsylvania Wharlon School of Finance in Philadelphia. Miss Kavich is the granddaughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Nick Abrarns of Los Angeles, Oil. and Mm. Archie . Kfivich. Grandparents of Mr. Oordman are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Itichmnn.

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MKs I.iinla Sin) Kavich

Youth Conferences Omaha Youfh Will Attend Conclave Seventeen delegates will represent. Temple Israel at the Missouri Valley Federation of Temple Youth winter Conclave in Kansas City, Mo,, December 25-28. The Om.'ibans are: flccna Beber. Lorry Mayer, Andrea RcisMn, Bruce Brotthcy, Richard Spicjclmun, Joel Dlclfher, Lirtda Graetr, Gallo BradVt)'/, I'.luinc Hc-,5, John Splticr, Joe Ettqluiuler, Jane Sfirfpr, Lfcvwrf Sloan. Cittjr.K Ma/r.r, Utmcy tjtj/ls, Sandra f-'klschl and Ctcjlro Ciimnicr!;.

Two hundred youns; people are expected from Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Iowa, Illinois and Nebraska.

Delegates Named To Youth Parley


Robert Slut/.ky, son of Dr. and Mrs. Ben Slut/.ky and Mark Plallner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Planner will attend the National Synagogue Youth Convention in New York Cily, December 22-28. A send-off party was held last Sunday at Beth El for the delegates,

IOKKST HAS NASIK OF IlKMillJM QUKEV Iirussels—Queen Elisaljoth of P.(.'l|,rium was presented here with a certificate marking the planting in Israel of a Forest bearing her name.

JACOB JACOBS Tailoring Dry Cleaning Prompt Service ALTERATIONS FOR MEN AND WOMEN 553-0566 1401 No. 33RD ST.



DEGREE TEAM IN ACTION INSTALLATION of New Members B'nai B'rith Henry Monsliy Lodge Wonlhly Meeting, Wed., Dec. 27 6:30 P.M., Dinner B P.M., Program Call for Reservations Borf Render, 342-2076 Gorhnrd Spies, 556-93^4 or After 6 P.M., 553-6915 •

Kadimafi Chapter Members of Kadlmah Chapter, Syna{joi;ue Youth organization who will attend the -annual Midwest Regional convention in Minneapolis, Minn. December 25-27 arc; Larry Bloom, Neil Bloom, Vivl Feldman, Gladys Groner, Marilyn Kaplan, Abo Kinslinger, Linda Siref, Suzi Erook.stein, Annette Crmrncy, Harry Friedman, Tobey Rcitzbaum and Suzie Stoler.

All friends and relatives arc Invited to attend services and reception. JERRY HOLMS Jerry Hollis, son of Mrs. Sidney Hollis, Bar Milzvuh, at the 10:30 a.m. service on Saturday, December 23, at Beth El Synagogue. MCffAHD ICATIXMAN" Bar Miizvah of Richard Katelman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice ICatclman, on Friday, J)eccmber 22 and Saturday, December 23, at Beth Israel Synagogue." MAItK REMMKRMAN' Bar Mltzvah of Mark Rimmerman, BOH of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kimmcrman, on Monday, January I, 1962 at 9 q.m. a t Beth Israel Synagogue. SANFORD I'REEDjrAN : Bar Mltzvah ol Sanford Fiecdman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Freedman on Friday, December 29 nnd Saturday, December 30

at the 10:30 a.m. service.

Come Meef

Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff U» Him Holp You With Your Clothing Selections

Kilpafrlck'i Men's Clothing — Second Floor


Pace Four

Lodge Kin and Kibbutznik Wed After Her Conversion Basketball fidget League Roster Lenjjue rosters, sponsors and League Standings noadica arc as follows: VABSITV LEAGUE Won Lost Milder 2 1 Markel 2 1 R. C. Cola 1 2 Micklin 1 2 Games for Wednesday, Dec. 27 . 7:30 p.m. Markel vs. Micklin 8:30 p.m. Milder vs. It. C. Cola. » * * VOOTII €OUX( IL, Won Lost Ronu •••• 7 0 Rayim • 4 3 A. Z. A. 100 2 5 A.Z, A, 1 1 6 'Games for Sunday, Dec. 21 11 a.m. A.Z.A. 100 vs. A.Z.A. 1 .12 noon Rayim vs. Ronu. • ' . : ' •

' .


7TII&8TII GRAOK Won Lost Kaiman ;. 2 0 'Fireside *1 1 - Mogen-David 1 1 Borsheim 0 2 Games for Sunday, Dec 24 4:30 p.m. Fireside vs. Borsheim 5:30 pin. Kaiman vs. MogenSTH 4 6TI1 fiRADE Won Lost i-Go-Van 2 0 Slosburg 2 0 Tretiak 0 2 Rayeo • ••• 0 2 Games for Sunday, Dec. 24 2:30 pjn. Slosburc vs. I-Go-Van 3:30 p.m. Tretiak vs. Rayco.

Events Planned For Collegians Two events planned for college students vacationing in the city, with their families are the Sabbath dinner at Temple Israel and "an evening" when Beth El Synagogue and Sisterhood will be hosts. Both homecomint; and resident college students of the Temple congregation have received imitations to the dinner in their honor on Friday, December 22. A private affair for collegians, the'6:30 p.m. dinner at the Temple, will be preceded by a "sherry hour." Following the meal, students will join their families for worship at the regular Friday evening service. The Beth El function will be held at 8 p.m., Sunday, December 24 at the home of Brue Wintroub, 103 North 54 Street. A light supper will be served.

To Be Honored (Continued from Page 1) 4H program, has served as first president of the National Boys Football Foundation, and has sponsored Midget Football teams since 1948. Former president Dwight Eisenhower when in office, appointed Mr. Roberts to the President's Citizens Advisory Committee on Fitness of American Youth. Harold Schneider, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Schneider, assisted by Ruben Lippelt, prominent B'nal B'rith leader, is chairman of the presentation luncheon. Overall Youth c o n v e n t i o n chairmen are Sherri Kbom, Howard Hahn, with Susan Kntzman and Sheldon Perelman as cochairmen. Their respective parents are Messrs. and limes. Morris Koom, Sam Hahn, Maurice Katzman, and Harold Perelman. Overall adult advisors are Mrs. Doris Kwiatelc and Harry Silver.

Ottier committee cholrmen ore Laura Kutlcr, Steve Kaplan, Suzle Malciesky. Jerry Slushy* 8orbaru Chudacoff, Larry Grossman, Judy Turner* HarUm . Rimmerman. Diane Halperin, Bill Kelly, Sunr Sutln, Steve Bogudnral, Gall Levin. Ron Kaiman, Elly Yoaer, Mar* Goldstrom, Judy Oavldson, Joe Btranan. Sandy Portlman, Allct Feliman, Gary parllman, Paula Bcrcutt, Abe Lefcer, Sut Herman, Judy Majzomla, Smlt SluhKy, Ricky Mann, Sandy Richards, Mike SJiorman, Michelle Arenoff and Marshall Kcplon. . Advlion ore Wnws. Georoe Shapiro, Paul Sat*», Max Soda, Richard Wdnor, Allan Swartz, Mfrt Marine Zwltjadc, Arfhur Portlman, M e n n . and MTOCT. Cllbgt Aronoff, Harold ZeHnsfcy, Som Halm, Sam Pollock, Messn. Harry Collck, Allen GorfInkle, Al Abromwn and Skip Solrtf.


7th and Cfh Grade A'.OGHrJ-DAVID. Spomor, Roy Fci.nan; osaUi, Phil hohoiai; Lte tlos'.. Sic*'© Uulih°.a. Sieve Sofcolof, John Rubin, SoirJy Prceijrnnn, John Kateltnun, Tom KlrshtT:baurii, Lc; rellrrian, Joel Rich. Sieve.- Epjk-in, Mark Jacohson, Jim Samion cud Dorr/ F-lelschl. KAIMAN INSURANCE, Sponsor, Irv Kulman; Coach, Dave Romanik; Marc Romania, Jerry Hallis, Al Prlesrnan, Jtlf Cooper, Paul Epstein, Gory Guss, Bruce Frledlander, Dan Rutjin, Steve Folk, Wilt Errnan, AAaynsrd BeUer and Phil Rot.cnbcrg. BORSHEIM. Sponsor, Ike Friedman; coaches, Jock V.'oipa and Lee Berrj-Jcin, Ron Wotpa, Dale Welnr.icln, Phil Rninick, Jim Milder, Mark Sounders, Jon Sloan, Bill Roscr, Mure SorUn, Ucb Lincoln. Jeff Conn, Mark Matushock, Don Bassman nnd Bob Lipsc/. F1RE51DE RESTAUfiA»T, Sponsor, Dan and Ralph Cohen; Coach, Norman Hahn, John Lohrman, Tom Rosen, Ricky Cliudacoff. Dob Hsfcn, Lorry Koam, fAarc Chernlnrck, Dick Slosberg, Maynord Forbes, Jon Jabenii, Dave Jocnbion, Richard Jacobson and Alan Kulalofsky. 51b «nd tilt Grado SLOSBURG, ipomor. Slosbura Realiiy; Coaches, Harold Erpsldn and Cappy Liberman; Gary 5olrcf, Jotin Horwich, Andy Llberman, Jack Slot-bura, David Kali. 5fevi» Epstein, Howard Kntclman, Dave Slocburg John Pepper and Gary Rlckes, TRETIAK, Sponsor, Elmer Tretiak, no cooch named yrt. Mark Wolpa, Jeff WDI pa, Henry Dovls, Larry IJewman, Alan Bernstein, Steve Bernstein, Bruce Musfcin Byron Wagner. Leslie Heifman and Jim Malashotk. RAYCO SEAT COVERS, Sponsor, Mori Brett; coach, Paul Kaimwi, Ira Fox, Bob Beber, Barry Kolman, Skip Richards, Eldon ZorJnsky, Mark Scheonbaum, Ron Ro munifc, Jim Glntburg/ Jerry Ramicfc end John Hoberman. \-GO-VAU, Spon'.or, Ernie Hogg; Coach, Arnie Kimmcl; Bob Ja«:obson, Bob Go**, Dan Milder, R\ck GlHnsk/, Bob Kuller, Richie Sophlr, Mark Klein, Hank Shrler, Bruce Gltinsky and Sieve Woog.

TEL AVIV (JTA)—Twenty-thrcc-year-old Doloros Ann Baiter, of Cleveland, a relative of former American United Nations chief delegute Henry Cabot Lodge, and a 27-year-old Israeli engineer were married after a festive weddlnn in the groom's kibbutz. Miss Baker, now Mrs. Yuval Sliulmann, was in the international news once before, on November 10, 1900, when the nnd a friend crossed by mistake into Jordan and were airestcd. She arid the friend were released after eight clays of Jordanian captivity following intervention by the American consul In the. old city of Jerusalem, which is under Jordanian control. The Cleveland j;irl had been attending an Ulpan in Givat Haim kibbutz and there she well in love with Sliulmann. Siic returned to the United .Stales when- she was-convcrletl to Judaism by Orthodox rabbis. He-turning to Israel recently, she was received by Chief Rabbi Isur Untermann of Tel Aviv who accepted her certificate i/f conversion and Rave approval to the marriage. The religious wedding cei-eruuny was conducted by n Tel Aviv rabbi.

Friday, Didcmlwr it, 10G1

Robert M Abramson's Fiancee from Illinois Mr. and Mrs. flam Segal of .Skokie. 111., have announced the engagement of their daughter, .Sandra to Robert M. Abramson, a former Omalian, now residing in Los Angeles, Cal.Tiie lutlcr'u parents are Mr. and Mrs. Leo Abrnmijon. Miss Segal attended tlie University of Illinois at Ui-bana. Her fiance studied at the University of Oklahoma, £it Norman and wns t;mdiirit(-d frnm the Creighton School of Pharmacy. He is a member of Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity. Mr, Abram;'on is Hie trnindwt) of Mrs. Louis of Chicago, 111., and Mrs. Jamb Abrnmson.

Patronize our Advertisers

Sunday, Doc. 10 5Ui and 6th 2 :?>0 p. m. Trelliik vs. Sk).sburfi. 3:15 p.m. T-Go-Van vs. Rayco. 7th ynd 8th 4:00 p.m. Kaimnn vs. Borsheim. 5 p. m. Fireside vs. MogenDavid.


Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horowitz of San Dief;o, Oil., rinnounce the birth of a daughter, Sharron Ijsa on December 3. Mrs. Horowitz is the former Anita Feliman of Omaha. Grandparents of the baby are Mrs. Saul Horowitz of Broolclyn, N. Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Feliman.


Six Points Named (Continued from Page 1.) the two resolutions before the fjroup—a draft co-sponsored by eight African states, six from Latin America, and The Netherlands representing various West Europeans, calling for d i r e c t peace talks between the Arab states and Israel on all issues at dispute, including, the refugee problem. Mrs, Meir expressed opposition to the harsh criticism voiced against the Palestine Conciliation Commission, chiefly by the Arab delegations, as well as to the proposal to alter Iho commission's composition. "The will to conciliate," she said, "is completely absent on the Arab side. That alone is what matters, and that is where the change is needed." "We believe," she told the committee, "that the solution of the problem of the Arab refugees lies in the resettlement of the refugees in the Arab countries. This attitude of ours is not new anil it has been recently reiterated by the Government of Israel in the Knesset, and was approved by a large majority. At the same time, we have never said that not a single refugee will ever in any circumstances be allowed to enter Israel. I have already mentioned how, since 1949, about 40,000 refugees did In fact return." If you, as an adult, feel that you "could easily help a little country... so clots to Jewish people everywhere," and If you "have any money . . . you would like to share with Israel for a while," then-—like this very grown-up lltHe boy—you can proodiy say: "No one cent me a letter asking me if I could buy an Israel Bond . . . 1 have tome money In the bank . . . I bought an Israel Bond In 1961."

WHY WAIT TO BE COUNTED? CTKNAUD 3IAEIJ8, ISXECCTIVE OFFICER ot/iho "Exodus." appeared at a recent meeting In the borne of Mr. and H n . David Katzman on bdtalf of the current Israel Bond Drive.




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