December 29, 1961

Page 1



Vol. XL—No. 17

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Second Class Postage Puld <it Omuha, N l r

Single Copy 10 Cent* Annual Rate 4 Hollars

Four-Day Winter Day Camp Lined Up For Grade Schoolers at the Center A special four-day winter day camp sponsored by the Jewish Community Center's Activity Department will bo the rhajor concluding activity of programs lor vacationing grade schoolers, Harry Siilinan, Center Committee Chairman, said. OprnB January 2 Mr. Sidman stated that this particular program, s t a r t i n g Tuesday, January 2 and running' through Friday, January fi will be carried on in the Center.from 9:30 a. m, to 4 p.m. Small, well supervised groups of children under professional supervision, will bo featured in the c;imp designed for a limited enrollment. The fee for this win-



Camp Buddies Will Meet Again, Sunday Reunion af Center Cnmp films will bo shown at the annual reunion of former Jny-C-C campers, this Sunday at the Jewish Community from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Scenes of former campers, counselors and personnel parliclpatinR in cnmp activities will lie presented. Plans for the 1962 camping season will he revealed at the reunion. All the campers and counselors are invited to attend.

tor holiday program will he 55 with youngsters bringing a light lunch each day to be supplemented by snacks and treats in the morning'and afternoon. •Swimming, Crufts, Games Swimming, cralts, games and singing are among the activities that will occupy children's active hours at the day camp program. Sports Fcutlviil Other Center vacation activities for grade, school boys and girls include a Maccnbiah, (sports festival), Tuesday, and shows on Wednesday and Friday. Swimming sessions are slated for Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday with the jiym being open for youths on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. All of the vacation programs start at 2 p.m. and conclude with a big hobby show Sunday, January 7. The hobby show, with nil children being invited to display their collections and hobbies, will include prizes and awards.for nncli general hobby area. Admission to the hobby show is open to the public.

African, Asian M i e s Training in Israel

Jerusalem—The flags of Nepal, Nigeria, Liberia, Ethiopia, and Sierra Leone as well as the Union Jack, representing Kenya, Easutoland and Southern Rhodesia Senior Citizens' occupy a place of honor at the Lounge lo Be Hebrew Univers'iVy-11 a i a s s a l i Medical School where 17 students, Open Tuesday from these areas including one The Senior' Citizens Lounge at girl, pursue their medical studies. tlie Jewish Community Center In addition to their medical will lin open on Tuesday from 10 training, conducted in English, a.m. to 4 p.m. instead of Monday, these students are taking intenJanuary 1. sive courses in Hebrew. •

the Vifel Meeds crfr Home tesperate

United Nations, N. Y. (WNS)— The United Nations General Assembly ended this year's debate on the Arab refugee problem by killing two A r a b - s p o n s o r e d amendments to an American resolution on the problem. • The first of the two pro-Arab amendments called for a d d i n g two members to the PCC. All major western powers voted against

Fraternities Merge Two Jewish college fraternities Phi Epsllon Pi and Kappa Nu have merged Into one organization. The new g r o u p will be known us Phi Epsilon Pi.

ftiizraclii Women Plan Child Rescue Dinner

Before the Year Ends!


101 North* 20th Street:


it. The second would have asked the PCC "to take measures for the protection of the rights, property and interests of the Palestine Arab refugees, located in Israel," a bid for a custodian In. Israel. The United States, Britain and France again led the opposition. Both amendments received a majority but not the two-thirds majority needed for passage.

Different Prisons Set for Eichmann Tel Aviv (WNS) Israeli police officials indicated they are taking no chances on Adolf Eichman being killed by fellow-prisoners while awaiting disposition of the death sentence against him. Tho former Gestapo colonel "will be kept on the move from one prison to another until then. . An appeal has been filed with the Israel Supreme Court but no court action is expected b f ne.'-t March.

Plans for the annual Child Rescue Dinner of the Pioneer Women's Organization will celebrate the 75th birthday of I s r a e l's Prime Minister David Ben Gurion, a musical program by Mrs. Milton Ncarenberg and an address by Dr. Sara Fedor of Columbia, Israel — The Cabinet recently Mo., a prominent lecturer and decided to increase the Governsociologist. ment budgetary investments for The function will be held Sun- improving the standard of living day,'January. 7 at The Jewish in the Arab and Druze Villages by stepping up the development Community Center at 6 p.m. Mrs.' Sam Novak will be chalr- of'tho farming economy, speeding . mail of the evening. Mmes. Sarah up the establishment of additional Schwartz and Morris Slerenbcrg local councils, expanding health ore In charge of banquet arrange- and educational services, connectments. It e s e r v a 11 o n s ($2 per ing more villages to the electricplate) tnay bo roade by calling ity and w a t e r networks, «n4 ildi ittore local roads. 342-2402 or 34G-W80.

Funds for Developing Arab, Druze Villages

' ' < • ;


Pace Two


Friday, Dcc-inibcr 29, 19fil

Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged Can You Imagine?? weekly ou Friday beginning the hist week in Aiifjust through second weeU in July. Second Ctass Postage Paid cl Ornoho, Ncbr, Annual Subscription, M W Advertising Roles on Application. Publication Olficc—101 No. 20th Street, Omuha, tlcbr. Phcne 3-12 1

Donor .Kditor


CXhc Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged acknowledges the following memorials and donations.>

C.v Seitchleli , The Jewish Community O u t e r point average per name. v-°aeh finds itself in the midst of an Norman Halm needs little else as exciting campaign as over 'SM Jacobson terrorizes his opponents, controlling !>oUi backljoards and jilaycrs hutlle in four leagues. Varsity, Last year's champs blocking shots. ijtli anil fith liraclr, I-Oo-Van conlinue to set Die pace with Lindy Paul, Fred Bernstein and proving to be the cla..s of the Marshall lieckcr leading I ho way. loop wilh the best balanced team. M a r k el Cleaners with Sandy Hob Jacobson. Hub tluss, Dan Brophy, Ed Bel;;rale and .lack Milder, Kick ami Bruce Gilinsky Stiss loom as the dark-horses. are all steady players. SlosburjT, H o t - s h o o t i n i ; Dave Goldstein however with John Horwich and makes Micklin Lumber a slron;; Gary Soiref remain a s e r i o u s contender while 11. C. Cola stum- threat. I'.ayco may have the best player in the loop with Mark bles in last place. Wo'lpa. Vouth Council, Jtonu easily runVARSITY LEAGUE Wen Lest ning away with eight straight Milder 3 1 victories. Buddy Kpstein and Mike //.arkcl 1 1 Mickiin .-2 7 •Sherman power Coach Jerry Her- R.C. Cola 1 3 for Wednesday (Jon. 3) man's crew to another title. Konu 7-30 pGames "i—RC Cola vs Mart-el ,. vs. Milder rriust wait for outside competition 8 20 p m —MicHSn . YOUTH COUNCIL at the end of the season for any Won Lest Ronu 8 0 real competition. Rayim . . . . 7th and Ktli (• ruili-, A sensa- A.Z.A. 100 2 6 t tional'race wilh three teams tied A.Z.A! IGames lor Sunday (Jon. 7)2 11 a. m.—Ronu vs. A.Z.A. 1C0 for first place at the moment. 12 noon—Royim vs. A.Z.A. 1 Kaiman's. with Marc Komanik 7TH AND 8TH GRADE LEAGUE Won Lost find Jerry llollis arc-tough. Lee Kaimon 2 1 David • 2 ' Ross, perhaps the most polished Mogen Fireside 2 1 pvrformer in the league, makes Borsheim 0 3 for Sunday (Jan. 7) Mogen-David a title threat. Aside 4-30 p Games m.—Moncn-David vs. Fireside Kalman . . . vs. Bonhelrn from Ross, Coach Phil Sokolof 5-30 pSTHm— AND iTH GRADE LEAGUE pets steady performances from Won Lost I-Go-Van 3 0 John Kateltnan, John Rubin and Slosbura 1 1 Rayco 1 2 Steve Sokolof. The favorites how- Treliok 0 3 ever arc Firesides with towering Games for Sunday (Jci. 7) 2:30 p. m.—Rayco vs. I Go Von IX .Jacobson with a twenty-eight 3:30 p m.—Trellak vs. Slosbura.

In Memory of


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Morton Richards. Mffiry P.ii^.Pt, Mox Rlckes, Mc«rt. and //mei. Arihvr A. Ctfm, Ualhcrj t . Mcgg ,. Som Feltman Mcitrt. and Wmc. Cfiuries Roittislock, Fred Roi-cntlcck • Bobbie Fercr Mts'.rs. and t.'.trtz. Louis Kulukof1 ky, Mcx Rlckcs Mrs. Bertha Grtcnfcld tMi'.ri. und //.me. R. H. Eirctvn, Arthur A. Colin, Efncit A. Nofi'j Jack Kaufman Mc'^rs. end f / m c , Decrt Fron^el, trnr-st A. Nofjfl, //.ax Rickc-5 StGnlc/ SSciburg, Mrs. Lena Somber g .....Mrs. Mary Mcyerson Dr end Mrs A'i6 Sfclnbcfn, Mrs. Lecnard Klein Mrs, Rebecca Plolt Mcisrs. and Mmti. Dcon Frcnkel, Louis Kulckofsky, Max Pit-Vci, Stanley J. iloiburg, Mrs. Ltna Somber?) Louis Scoimcr Mrs. Dt-'ire Strauss //.tEs Marion Stfauis .Gccrye "itrou^s (Ertducpuri, Conn.) /.'.c-trs end Wrrtcs. Reuben H, Drown, Arthur A. Cohn, Ernest A. Uo{w Mox Rii-kts, Fred fioson•Icck, PUL/I Vcrci, //.ilicn M. Yodelson, //.rs. Rub*rt H. Koopcr, Mrs. Ltna Soinbt-rg Occor Sutin Mri. Herman Franklin, Mi is Kolcrj Frcnklin Virs. Tovrov (Chicago, Ml.) Mo',rs. nnd /Arric--. R. H. Brcwn, Paul Vcrct, Or. and Mr;. At/-.- S!clnbcrti Dovid V/idman /.'.e^Lrs. and M.ri;c'. Chorfc^ Rt'.tnitcck, Frrd Rcsoni'cck 5cm Zcmurroy

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In Honor of

ond Mrs A! Fir-Oicr, Hcrrtio FronHIn, MIti Kolah Froiklin Opening cf CtitfniatfcXhopman Pavilion Mor^r*. nnd Mmfs, Ernest A. Mfjgy, Chcrk Ro^enRecovery, isoiiore Chapman f.'.r. ofid f/rs. Wortcn Richards £1LI Lfrllicjuy, Abe CoIcJitcIn r "• 'z. -,':-::. ";:::c:r:::;z::]: x ' :.-vc i.:, •':".: ::::•. •::-:

Get 'Florida Tan' al Center Health Glub

IS'nnl Ja<Mil> Ail.-iH Ycsliurori: Fridiiy Minch:i, 4:.% p.m ; Siiturd;ty sorvicos, HA5 a.m. and Minohn a t 4:.')() p.m., followed by Sholosh Scudos :ind Mnariv nt 5:'M) p.m. Daily services :il (>:'M a.m. anil 4:45 p.m. •

TfiuplK Isnii'l: S.ilibalh Services at 8:15 p.m. Friday evrninj; wilh Hablii Sidney II. Urooks, officiating. Guest speaker will be Martin Wciner, hi^h- school principal of UockdaJe Avenue Temple, Cincinna'f i, Ohio, whose sennan topic is: "The Heliictant Ubcrator." Cantor Manfred F. Ktiftner and Choir-under direction of Ida Gitlin will participate in the service. Saturday division and religions srhool Sunday classes at Temple will resume* their studies Saturday and Sunday, January (> and 7. Hebrew clas.-^e.s and nursery school will resume their .sessions on January 8. > « • Ut-tli El: Sabbath services this evening, 8:J5 p.m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Kdjjar and synaKogue choir will render the. musical portions of the .services. Traditional s a b b i i l h morning service at. 8:30 a.m. Family Kervice at 10:30 a.m.; Mincha-Maariv aX 4:-13 p.m. Sunday service at 0 a.m. Kffiular weekly service at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. •


Rrlh .Jsrni-1: Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Kli Kagan and the choir will conduct the late Friday family services at 8 p.m. Traditional Friday services (Kobolas Shabbos) at 4:45 p.m. Saturday morning services at 8:45 a.m. Junior Congregation at 10 a.m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud class at' 4:50 p.m. Sabbath Mincha at 4:50 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at 5:45 p.m. Sunday services begin at 9 a.m. Junior Minyan starts at 8:30 a.m. Mincha at 4:55 p.m. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 4:55 p.m. AFRICAN YOUTH COMI'MCTE COURSE

Tel Aviv (WNS) — Seventyfour African youth organization leaders have completed a youth leadership course in'Israel. Mrs. Ben Handler Is very grateful to her friends and friends of Mlzrafhi Women for the honor paid her at the organization's December meeting. ! ...

To develop that Florida Jan without the loiifj trek to Miami, Omaha businessmen are developing the Center Health habit. Outfitted with the latest and.most powerful professional model sunlamps, the 'Club offers sunlamp baths along with its regular massage and steam bath services. Open every weekday from noon until 7 p.m. and Sundays from 9 a.m. until fi p.m., the club provides free and convenient parking to member and non-member patrons. No appointment is necessary for service wilh rains scheduled on a single treatment or on a scries b.-,sis. The Health Club also offers a lisht delicatessen luncheon Sundays for patrons.'1 y

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A special assembly was held at. the Home auditorium when residents and staff honored Mrs. Kric Mae Webster on the occasion of her tenth anniversary of her employment in the Home. She was presented with many cifts including a fjold bracelet and 10 year fold chain. We all wish Mrs. Webster another decade of dedicated service. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Ilobcr* man supplied nil the refreshments for the staff party at the Home. Flowers were received from the MoKil-Tatelman and Abrahams Subrin weddings. The residents and the staff of the Home wish you all u very Happy New Year.


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Friday, Dectmtier 29, 1861



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Page Four

in Ohio Miss Rochelle Greenberg, formerly of Omaha ami Ronald M. Lipson, son of Mrs. Milton S. Iipson, Cleveland, O., wore married last .Sunday in a double-rin;» ceremony at Beth El Synu(;o;;ue. Ilabbi Herman M. Cohen, Miami Beach, Fia. and Italjbi Myur .S Kripke officiated. The bride the daughter of Mrs Julius Kunik of Iowa City, la and tlie late Max Greenhorn, wore a sown of Chantilly lace and a veil of Chantilly lace in a mantilla effect. She was given in marriage by her brother, Dr. Michael Greenberg of New Yorl: City. Her attendants were her cousin. Mis:. Roberta Shafton of Sioux Falls, S. D , as maid-of-honor and her sister, Miss Judy Kunik, Iowa City as bridesmaid. Serving as best man was his brother, Paul N. Lipson, Los Angeles, Cal. Dr. Michael Grwnbcrg also served as groomsman. A dinner at the Ulackslonu Hotel followed the ceremony, 'i'lie Lipsons will live at 418'J Bayard Road; South Euclid, O. Among the otrt-cMcwn oucsis Vvcre the

oom's mother, and Mrs, Baltc Dubln, ith of Clevelond, O.; Mr, end Mrs. Ira KKopenstcln, Milwoufcee. Wis.; Mr. ond Mrs. Stephen Swartl, Rochester. Minn.; Mrs. Herman M. Cohen, Miami Beach, Flo.; Miss Sarall Smllh, Kamat City, Mo.; Or. Ben Greenbero, York, Ncbr.; Mr. end Mrs. Loud Shaflon, Sioux Folli, S. D.; Miss Ooldene Braverman* CMcogo, III.; A'r. and Mrs. Swortz, Judy SwarU end Alan Sworii, Minneapolis, Minn. Callfornluns present ot tha wcddlnn were Joseph Kay, Berkeley; Dr. Harold Kay, Piedmont; Mrs. Sorch Kay, Loi Angles. Iowa guests were Mrs. Aaron Oravcrnion, Sam Worton, Mr. and Mrs. Scrn saltrrnun, iuwa City, and Mrs, timma Brorfcrmon, Des Molnes.

ISKAEL A(SKICl'I,TUi:AL EXPERT TO AID BOLIVIA La Paz, Bolivia (JTA)—Yitzhalc Levy, Director General of the. Israel Ministry of Agriculture, will study Bolivian agricultural problems within tha framework of a technical assistance agreement between Israel and Bolivia.

Organizations srrruK


Aliens Urged to Fill Out Forms by ifan. 31 Robert C. Wilson, District Diicclor of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Omaha, Nebraska, today urged all aliens in the States of Iowa and Nebraska, who have not yet filled out alien address report forms, to do so before January 31 at the n e a r e s t Immigration and Naturalization Service Office or local 1'ost Office. KESICAIICII ON FALLOUT CCIIE Philadelphia (JTA)—A team of research scientists at the Albert Einstein "Medical Center Ls testing chemicals in a search for agents to minimize the deadly effect of radioactive fallout.



MENT AT UKTII EL Entertainment ami a midnight supper will be featured by the Youni; Couples Club, January 13 at 8:20 p.m. ut a "Gay Nineties" dance at Iioth V.I Synagogue. Dance committee members are Jfraes. Kenneth Weinor, Miles Remer, Harold Karp, Justin Manvtiz, Max Grunat, Dick Martin, Martin Staenberjj. Ilcservations may be made by calling Mrs. Granat, 55G-&719. * • • TEEVAGKIIH IN SIUX AT HOARD H'NCIIKON Members of Beth Israel Sisterhood will be luncheon guests at the open board meeting on Tuesday, January 2, nt 12:30 p.m. in the synasoRiic social hall. A skit "Off to Convention" will be presented by the synagogue youth organization teenagers, coordinated by Mrs. Albert Friedman, sisterhood's representative to youth commission and by .Samuel Stone, director of education of the I!eth Israel synagogue. CLASSES KHSirMED ON JANt'AKY 10 .The Temple A d u l t Hebrew class will resume study sessions on Wednesday, January 10 at 1 p.m. RADIO l'lMMlX'T GROWS Tlio Jewish Youth Council's radio hook-up in the Jewish Community Center can now carry broadcasts of basketball panics throughout the building. The extension work was performer! by Uarry Kort and Harry Friedman. Announcers this wclc are Jerry Novak, Louis Cliunovic, Joi? Krman, Neil Simon, Kort and Friedman.

Friday, December SB, 1M1

Bar Mifzvah

Joni Broolcstcin and Sue Herman are chairmen for K d i a r JJBG'S fourth annual beau dance, January 13 from 9 p.m. to midn i f; h t. Hcau candidates Alan (.'ohen, Kayim; Hill Ktilly and Jerry Slutzky, AZA 1,000; Harold Schneider, AZA 1; Marshall Kaplan AZA 100 and Hob Slutzky, independent.

SANFOItD I'ltEICUSIAN Bar Mitzv;ih of K.-mford Froedman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin I'Vocdman on Friday, Dcembcr 30 at the 10:30 a.m. service.

nuvn GROS.SMAN Hie Bar Mitzvah of B r u d Grossman, celebrated on Saturday, January G, at Temple Israel.

News Capsules Cn,TUHAL TKKATV Guatemala City — A cultural treaty between Israel and CluatcInala signed here, is expected to further strengthen friendly relation.'! between the two countries. FKANCK LIFTS CICKISS Tel Aviv—(JTA) Franco lifted all existing curbs on the flow of Israel industrial exports to that country. MOKE SI'OKTs" Jerusalem- -Education Minister Abba Kbnn called on local authorities in Israel to provide lar;;cr allocations for sport:;.

Oouncii Gives Parly For Blind Children A bowlini; party for children from the Nebraska City school for the blind and Omaha. siRlit center was sponsored recently by the Omaha Section of the National Council of Jewish Women with Mines. Robert Fromkin and Norman Lincoln as co-chairmen in chartx1. .Serving ns hosts to (heir blind guests Steven I.uttbi.'j;, Allen Muskin, Michael Finite!, Debby t'romkin, Susan Levins, I-orrie LuttbcrR. Ronald Wolfson, .Susan Lincoln and Judy Lincoln.

MONA LISA House of Glamour III

No. SOth £537000 6 Export Holi Stylim Air-Conditioned Dryerj MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY Owno»i

Cultural ICvrlinli|;« rroRram Will Not Tolnrato B!:IH Washington (JTA) — United .States educational and cultural exchance programs would tolerate no l'olinioils or racial discrimination by beneficiaries abroad under terms of a provision inserted into the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1'JGl.



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All friends and relatives aro luvltcd to attend services and reception. MA11K ICISIMEICSIAN Bar Mitzvah of Marie Hinimcrnian, son of Mr, and Mrs. Itobert Itimmennan, on Monday, January 1, at 0 a.m. at Beth Israel

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Phcn» J(?.nes to Insert vour Want Ad th» Jewish Prcsj,

Jacques Upcliitz, one of tho world's foremost sculptorn, gives his cniiro coiiecllon of original erentlons in clay to the American Israel Cultural Foundation. I t will bo housed In a special Llycliltz Pavilion of .tlio new Jerusalem Museum of Art. Llpehltz, shown with Ills unfinished new. work, "Sophia," In Ws studio nt Hastlng-j-on-IIudson, discuswd lilt gift with (loft to right) Samuel Rubin, Foundation president and Billy Rose, tlio museum's A r t Commllteo chairman.

DAILX JEWISH NEWSPATEK3 DAB and Bas Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish hoHMcyors News Stand, 1502 Dodge days anil special occasions.

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