January 12, 1962

Page 1

STATE HISTORICAL Lincoln. Nebraska

VoL XI—No. 19

Publication Office. 301 No. aoth Omuhu. Nebraska, I'lionc 312-ariGQ

Health < ensnas @n /«"S • Plans for tlie 19G2 summer sessions of the resident, cjunp for boys and girls, iti;e.s 7 through 14, sponsored by the Jcwi.sli Federation of Omaha are progressing. Season dates, rales and staff will be announced soon. Several openings still exist on the camp staff In addition to past personnel who arc returning. Interested college and graduate students should contact the Camp Office ut the Jewish Community Center immediately. Stuff applications nre ulso boing accepted for the summer day camp. Final selections for membera of both camp staffs will be completed by the first of February. I-ast season's resident campers' will have the first opportunity to enroll for the camp sessions with feneral registration K opened the following week.

Israel War Hero Named to Post Tel Aviv fWNSJ— Aluf Mclr Amit, who served ns batalllon commnndcr in the War of Liberation and who was later wounded In a parachute exercise jump, has been named Chief of Israel's intelligence service. The forty-year-old Intelligence chief visited the United States, Whero he was treated for the injury.



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Are Stressed Open every weekday from noon until 8 p.m. and oa Sundays, 9 ii.m. until 6 p.m., the Center Health club offers to its members and non-members alike, the most centrally located facility in ' Omaha, providing massages and steam baths for businessmen at convenient rales and free pntking. Appointments are not necessary in using the services offered by tlie Club. Other conveniences include n light dolicatesson luncheon Sunday noons, sunlamp baths during the winter months, plus workout and slumber room facilities. Uiisincssmen can take advantage of the $100 umuial Executive Membership that Includes a Center Family plan, plus unlimited massage and stcambath services throughout the year or they may purchase a massage card or pjy for the individual massage treatments received, The Health Club is located in the Jewish Community Center's building at 20th and Dod|;e. O\er 200 members are now using the Health Club regularly. WARTIME SLAUGIITKR COLLECTION ON TOUR New York (YVNS)—A collection of items dealing with tho wartime slaughter of 6,000,000 European Jews, the first such showing in the United States is on display at the Jewish Museum. Taken from the Yad Vashem, the exhibit will j;o on tour of the United .States after Feb. 1.

New stamps IUTO Issued in Israel to mark the 25th anniverunry of Ms Philharmonic Orchestra und tho nation's Achievement of Afforcstratlon. . •—

Jerusalem — Immigration, continues to mount in Israel and v a r i o u s government agencies are hard at work coping with the problems of the newcomers. The Jewish Agency absorption reported that immi-

grants were continuing to arrive and that newcomers during the past nine months came from G2 countries. Ups Housing 300 Per Cent Giora Josephthal, Housing Minister, told a Housing Ministry executive meeting this

Hquulld shanties disappear us decent apartments rise to provide homes for the Increasing munber of Immigrants arriving- daily In Israel.

24-Hr. Guard Posted Police Hold Suspects New York (WNS)—Two suspects were under arrest this wcclc In the bombing of a Chicago synagogue while Jewish war veterans went on piard nt synagogues and Jewish schools in Minneapolis after n half dozen synagogues were smeared with swastikas. The Chevra Kadisha Machiltnl TIadas Synagogue, on Chicago's North side, Buffered a dynamite bomb attack which did some 310,000 damage. Police found an unexploded bomb in the debris. Police posted a 24-hour guard nt all Chicago north side synagogues after the bombing and after another synagogue, the

Moteler Congregation, received a telephone threat that It too would be blown up. The caller also said "all the other synagogues on the North Side would be blown up." . •- •

week that the M i n l « t r y w o u l d increase immigrant housing by 300 per cent in the first six months of 1962. He added that if the pace of immigration increased, the building program would be speeded up to keep pace. He reported that the number of housing units for new immigrants would reach 20,000 in the current fiscal year. He said his Ministry had provided 12,000 units during 19G1 compared with an original plan for o n l y 6,500 unite. Stalling this month, he said, the Ministry will turn over to newcomers 1,500 units a month, compared with the 500 a month originally planned. Increased Rato of Arrivals Jewish immigrants continued to arrive in Israel at an increased l'ate during the past nine months, it was reported here by Aaron Zisling, head of the absorption department of the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem. Ho Stressed that there was not a single country "from which immigration lias not doubled." A variety of measures are being taken by the government and Jewish Agency Departments ' to find suitable employment, to provide intensive courses in Hebrew, in addition to its building program for the surge of new immigrants.

Israel Constructing 760 l e w Synagogues Jerulsalem (JTA)—Seven hundred new synagogues are now under construction, the Ministry for Religious Affairs reported. The new houses of worship Include one in the Arab city of Nazareth ,and most of them are in the settlements for immigrants and in new towns that are part of Israel's development program.

Commemorative stamps issued ~ ~ by Israel in December include one honoring the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra's twenty-fifth a n n i versary, cliild will be placed in a small and two hlghactivity g r o u p to worlt with 11 gh'ting the Are there many senior citizens crafts, dramatics, sports, gamc3 interested in art and ceramics? In nation's woik ) 0 t afforcstra- j and dancing under the supervi- expanding its programs, the JewCouples will have a chance,to tlon. ! polish up their ballroom dance sion of a trained youth worker ish Community Center is trying T h e design j to find which services have the steps while learning the latest with a supplemental professional mo3t appeal for those who are ©f the orclies- j worker. new dance steps in a series of six tra stamp Is retired. b a s e d on a evening classes offered by tho Tlie project will be limited to Golden Agers are invited to call compos 11 i o n Jewish Community Center, Harry 30 registrants in order of their the Center's activity office, if m a d o up of Sidman, Center Committee chair- receipt at the Center Activities they would like to spend activity f o u r orches'Musiu man, announced. The feo for the office. Feo for the eight week pro- periods on painting, ceramics and tral Instruments. The post office other special interest groups. If sheet consists of 15 stamps with sessions under professional dance gram is 58. five or six persons are interested, five descriptive tabs adjacent to supervisors Is $7.50 per couple. groups will be formed under the the bottom row, Registrations are limited to direction of professional leaderCacheted first day covers of. eight couples per class, and may ship. the size 17.5 by 10 centimeters be made by calling tho Center will b© postmarked with a spe- Activities Department, 342-1366. cial cancellation of tho tempo- C o u p l e s interested in forming Tlie door Is open to grade and rary post office at the Frederick: small groups for instruction in A. Mann auditorium, Tel Aviv, their own homos will bo provided Where tho jubilee concert of the with an instructor by the Center, Slimnastics, the popular figure Jewish Community Center for conditioning sessions for women orchestra took place In DecemMr. Sidman stated. ber. .' recreational and sports activities. are run at tho Jewish CommunThe afforestration series, conThe loungo game rooms, the ity Center five mornings a week sisting of two stamps which comworkout facilities, handball court under the supervision of trained memorate tho achievement of af. nnd gymnasium will bo available. instructors. iforestatlon work in Israel. The Tlie T u e s d a y and Thursday The swimming pool will also bo post office sheets consist of 15 "Sunday Funday," a program Included in the youth activities sessions from 9 a, m. to 10 a. m. stamps with five description'tabs adjacent to the bottom row. designed for girls from kinder- unless;, it has been reserved by a are conducted by Marge Jantz. Cachoted First Day Covers are garten through the fourth grado Bpeciai group. Supervision for the Featured is the baby-sitting serv175 by 10 centimeters and will is being organized at the Jew- Saturday evenings will be pro- ice for pre-schbol children. Following the figure conditioning Harry •be'postmarked with tho Jeru- ish Community Center, Sidman announced. Starting on vided ,by the Center. Registration class, women may use tlie pool salem post office date. is not necessary and grade and with their children. • Collectors may contact the Sunday, January 21, tho meetings Mrs. Edith Goldstein heads tlia Philatelic Services of iBracl In will run eight Sunday afternoona high schoolers are free to use the Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Each facilities on these evenings. Jerusalem for these stamps.

The Ministry's figures show there nre about 4,000 synagogues now in Israel. Only about 1,000 of the congregations seat more than a few score of worshipers. A Ministry spokesman said there are under consideration applications for loans for the construction of other new synagogues or for the expansion and furnishing of existing synagogues.

Center Offers Activities for All Ages Art and Ceramics

Dance Instruction Series for Adults

Saturday Evening Sessions at Jay

'Sunday Funday' Eight Afternoons

Slimnastics for Women, Mornings

classes, conducted from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Classes will be scheduled through spring. Membership is open.

Center Projects For Youngsters In Neighborhoods Small intimate interest and activity groups for grade school boys and girls are now being organized in neighborhood groupl by the Jewish Community Activities Department. Members of these C e n t e r formed groups will meet In their homes after school hours twica each month under direction of a professional. leader supplied by the Center. Activities will includa snorts, games, arts and crafts, hobbles, trips and outings plui special events. Six neighborhood groups aro being formed as the result of a telephone survey among parent* of kindergarten, first and second youngsters who were enthusiastic over this new typo of program. P a r e n t s who hava not been reached by tlie survey and, who are interested In having their c h i l d r e n participate In theatt groups should contact the Jewish Community Center.


Page Two


Omahans in News

Jfje Second Outs PcJo^c Paid at Omaho, Nebr. Annual Subscription, U Ci). Advertising Rates on Application. Publication Office—101 Ho. i(jih itrtet, Omaha, Ncbr. Plione



First Permanent Site For Reform Worship New York (JTA)—Property containing land and buildings to house ;i Liberal synagogue in Ibe State of Israel has been purchased in Jerusalem by the World Union for Progressive Judaism, it was announced here today. This represents the first permanent site for a Reform house of worship in Israel. The property will .servo one of three Progressive congregations in Israel. It will also serve as offices for the World Union. .'•' The property was purchased from the Israeli Government at a cost of $70,000. The land encompasses 19,000 square meters and includes three stone buildings built 27 years ago. The new synagogue site was made possible through the donation of a

member of a Reform temple in the greater New York City area who wishes to remain ananymous.

With ilie tae Folks News ami happening* at The I)r, rhilip Slier Jewish Homo fur tho AK«-<J hy J>:ivi»I Orinnv.

S p e c i a l dedication services were held at the Dr. Philip .Slier Hume recently on the occasion of "placing" a memorial plaque for the late Morris Acltennnn. In Mcmnriiiin: Mrs. Funnic Slotsky, Mrs. Mary SliuWcrt. Shop through the Jewish Press Ads.



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, 4:56 p.m. Temple Israel: Sabbath services will be hold at 8:15 p.m. Friday with Rabbi Sidney II. Iirooks officiating. Maury t,. .Schwartz, Director of Kducation, will speak on 'Or Faith in Things Unseen." Cun» tor Manfred F. Kuttner and Temple Choir will participate in the service. Men of Temple Israel will meet at 10 a.m. Sunday, January M, for hrnnch and1 informal discussion led by Kablii Hroolts. The tTWthcriiiK is the fourth in a series on "A. Point, of View" covering discussions on significant books, contemporary Issues, and Jeuish values. •

Beth Israel: Kalihi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Kll Ka;;an and the synaf;o(;ue! choir will conduct the late Friday1 family services ut S p.m. Traditional Friday services (Kobolas Shabbos) at 5 p.m. Shabbos morning .services at 8:15 a.m. Junior congregation at 10 a.m. liabbi Groner will conduct (ho Talmud class at 4:13 p.m. Shabbos Mincha at 5 p.m. followed by Sholosh .Seudos and Maariv at 5:50 p.m. Sunday services begin at 9 a.m. Junior Minyan starts at H:'M a.m. Mincha at 5:10 p.m. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 5:10 p.m..1 • * » n'nal Jacob .Adas Ycslmron: Friday Mincha, 5 p.m.; Saturday services, 8:15 a.m. and Mincha at 5 p.m., followed by Sholo.sli Seudos and Maariv at 5:30 p.m. Daily services al 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. • * • Beth El: Sabbath eve services, this eveninj; at 8:15 p.m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and tl;e synagogue choir will render the musical portions of the service. Traditional Sabbath morning services at 8:30 a.m. Family service at Hl.\iU a.m. Mincha-Maariv at 5 p.m. Sunday morning service at 9 a.m. Services during the week at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.


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Mrs. Morris E. Koitsteiii (Ann) would lilm to thank her relatives mid friends for tlio m:iny curd.s, c.ontritmtionu inaitit in her name, and other expressions of good wishes extended to her during her recent illness.

Calvin M. Newman, president of Hinky Dinky Stores and community leader, was named oiu> of four new directors of the Oinahu National Bank.

Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week in August through second week in July.


Friday, January 12, 1962

All friends and relatives are. Invited to attend services aud reception. MICHAEL KATZMAN Bar Mitzvah of Michael Katzman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Katzman will be celebrated, on Friday, January 19 and Saturday, January 20 at Beth Israel Synagogue. - ' * • * ALLEN MOKKI3 Bar Mitzvah of Allen Morris, son of Dr. and Mrs. Haskell Morris will be celebrated on Friday, January 12 and Saturday, January 13 at Beth Israel Synat'ogue. • * • MICHAEL KAPLAN CUAIG MILLEIC Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kaplan announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Michael Kaplan, and Dr. and Airs. Daniel Miller announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Craig Miller, on Saturday morning, January 20 a t the 10:30 service at Beth El Synagogue. CHAIR IX HEBREW CIVILIZATION Rio De Janiero—The University of Brazil will establish a chair In Hebrew Civilization,

AJon I". I r a r l> o r . hearts tlio March of Dimes campaign in Douglas1 County.'Mr. Knrbcr, executive vice-president, of the Service Life Insurance Co., said the National Foundation is concentrating on research of birth defects and arthritis and will continue financing polio care centers. • * • Itii'hurd Ililler, civic leader and credit company executive", lias recived the Serloma Club's "Service to Mankind Award." Mr. Ililler is well known for his deep interest in the welfnre of children.

ALKXANOKll I'LOTKIN Alexander l'lolkin, li-1, prominent Omaha grocer, died .Sunday in a Rochester, Minn., hospital. He lived at 2519 Country Club Avenue. Funeral services were lield Tuesday at the Jewish Funeral Home. Uiirinl was in I>th Uamedrosh Cemetery. Survivors are w i f p , Tillie; daughter, Mis. Rita Biniamow, Omaha; .sons, David, Birmingham, Ala.; Willard, Iowa Cily, la.; stepson, Alan Brown, Kansas City, Kans.; sister, Mrs. Rose Freiiien; brotliers, Bernard, Morton, Jsadore and Melvin, all of Omaha. * * • .IHtS. MAKV SIIUKEKT Mrs. Mary Shukert, 75, of 2935 Nicholas Street, died Sunday in a local hospital. Services were held Monday in the Jewish Funeral Home. Burial was in Mt. Sinai Cemetery.

Cocfiin Jews Will Be Brought to Israel Jerusalem (JTA) — The remaining families of another ancient Jewish community, that of Cochin in India, will soon be brought to Israel, S. Z. .Shragni, Jewish Agency's immigration department head, announced at a meeting. lie said about 100 Cochin Jews were left of the nearly 3,000 Jews who lived in Cochin before 1348. More than 2,000 now_ live it) Israel. There are varying opinions about the origin of the Cochin Jewish community, including the theory that the Cochin Jews came to India on King Solomon's ships and another that they came to India via Yemen after the destruction of the Second Temple. Aharon Zisling, Jewish Agency absorption department head, reported that while in early I960 there were reserves of more than 2,000 housing units for immigrants, there were no reserves now. He- said that immigrants were currently being sent to housing still under construction, and declared that new transit camps (maabarnt) would not be set up under any circumstances.



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Friday, January 12, 1968


Kavich-Gordman Rites at Home of Bride's Parents 'J'lie wotlilinii of Linda Ravioli and Nelson Terry Gordman v.'jis hold January (i at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Lazier•Kavich, parents of Iho bride. The ceremony was performed by Rabbi Sidney Drooks. A cocUt.-iil supper followed at the Shoralon-Fonlrnelln Hold. Second Lieut, and Mrs. Jeiome P. Gordman of Kort Leo, Va., nttended (lie couple. JJoutonunt Conlmiin and the bridegroom ui'o the sons of Mr, and Mrs, Dan Gordman. The newly-weds are on u wedding trip to New Orleans, La.

Plotkins Are Wed At Beth Israel

Miss Sandra K. Gross and

Howard Martin Befrofhed

TKMI'MO HEBREW STUDY The beginner's Adult Hebrew Class at Temple Israel will continue their studies nt 1 p.m. Wednesday, January 17. Maury L. Schwurlz, Director of Kducation, leads the c o u p . BltANDKIS BOOK MKET8 TIIUItSDAY Mrs. Hilda Hoffman will lw hostess to the hook group of the Omaha Chapter, Brandeis University National Women's Committee, Thursday, January 18 at 10:30 a.m. coffee at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William J. Fogel, 1010 North 63 Street. Mrs. N. II. Grecnherg will lend the discussion on "The Sun Also Rises" by Ernest Hemingway. •


HADASSAH CALENDAR Hadassah's Education Council will hold an Oneg Shabbat on Saturday, January 13 at the home of Mrs. Harold Perelman. Mrs. Phil Katzman will bo in

InterfcM Body Formed m Spain Paris (WNS) — Formation of on inlcrfaith organization in Spain was reported here from Madrid, where the group held its founding meeting following n public gathering whose theme was "Jews and Christians—Their Mutual Relations." Aimed at promoting mutual understanding and better relations between Catholics' a. n d Jews, the organization includes prominent Spnnisli Catholic prelates, lay lenders, and two leaders of the Madrid Jewish community—Max Mnzln, president, . and Louis Blitz, honorary president.


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For 2 5 C Mo. News has been received in Omaha from Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. 'Rosen of .Sherman Oaks, Cal., announcing the birth of their second son, Jeffrey Arnold on November 28. Mr. Rosen is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Rosen, former Omahans now residing in Los Angeles, Cal. The latter city is also the home of cx-Omahnn Hari-y Marcus, a great-grandparent of the baby. •

.'.Irs. Norman

charge of arrangements when the chapter board meets Monday, January. 15, at the Jewish Community Center from 10 a.m. un3 p.m. Hostesses for a salad lunch to bo .served include Mines. Alfred Frank, Charles Caret/, Morris Stalmaster and Paul Vcret. Mrs. Sidney Katleman is leader of a study group, "The Unity of the Jewish People" whose next session will he on Wednesday, January 17 at the homo of Mrs. Nathan Knrlman,

British Queen ICnigfif s Jewish Philanthropist London (WNS)—Isaac Wolfson, nn Orthodox Jew, was knighted o» New Years by Queen Elizabeth II. A noted philanthropic who Is reputed to have given more tfran §27,000,000 for philanthropic purposes In the last nix years, Mr. Wolfson rose to great wealth from a humble start as a doilar-a-week clerk In Glasgow. He. is currently owner of a chain of 2,700 store sand shops throughout Britain. TORONTO•SQUA.IIE NAMEI1 AFTER J KWI.HH MAYOR Toronto (JTA)—The square on which Toronto's new $25,000,000 City Hull is being built has been re-named Nathan Phillips Square in honor of Toronto's Jewish Mayor, Mr. Phillips, who has been mayor since 1!)J5, was proposed for the honor by a motion in city council in recognition of his efforts on' behalf of the new cityi hall. The area previously was known us Albert Square. TWO VESIHVOT MEIUJK t N U t A t f ' Telierail-rTiio" nicrger of two yeshivots i n Iran was reported. The announcement said i t was hoped that witli the combined facilities and lnrger staff the single school would be able to provide rabbinic teaching and ordination.'

Mr. and Mrs. S o l o in o n !\f. Brownstein announce the birth of a son, Jonathan lien on January 5. They are also the parents of a daughter, Rebecca Ann. Mr. Brownstein is Director of the Family Service Department of the Jewish Federation. Grandparents of the new arrival are Messrs. and Mines. .Tacit Kanig and R. Joseph Brounstein, all of Philadelphia, Pa. •

MIZRACIII TO OlSSKItVK I'KSTIVAL AT MEETING llamlshi Asar B'Shvat will bo featured at the January 17 meeting of the Omaha Chapter Mizrachi Women at the Jewish Community Center. Five I s r a e l i fruits will bo served at a 1 p.m. dessert lunchcon. A movie depicting life in Israel will be shown.


A summer wedding; ir; bein;; planned by Sandra Gross mid Howard Marl hi wlio.se engagement was announced this week. Miss Gross is III'; 'liiu:;h(er of Gordon L. Gross and Mrs, A. L. Katelman. She has a I tended (he University aof Missouri and is now .studying at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Martin, attends the University of Nebraska where be is affiliated with Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity.

Picture ot rl^M,

Beth Israel Synacoj^ie was Iho scene of Hie Sunday wrddinj; of M i s s Frances .lay Kirenbertf, daughter of Mrs. Harry A, SIdler and Norman Karl Plotkin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Plotkin. Rabbi Honjamin Groner and Rabbi .Sidney Brooks officiated. The brido wore a floor-lenj.;lh gown of pure sillc satin with (K-cents of imporlod Venice'Jaco fashioned by Cahill. A satin rose caught her triple tiered veil of imiKjiied illusion. Miss Florence Shra^o, maid of honor, was attired in a ballerino gown of purple velvet. liridcsmaids, Miss Vivian Webbmun, Superior, Nebr., and Miss Susan Saiifonl were? in identical frocks of wood violet. Gary Plolkin served as best. man. Ushers were Arnold Kreslow, Bennett Kutler, Jerry Feher, Howard Stoler, Clint Stoler and Rick Kirenheri;, all of Omaha. A reception and buffet dinner was held at the Cimarron Room. The couples will live tit 4821 Nicholas Street.

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Dinner Meeting for Temple Youth Group The Temple Israel Y o u t h Group will hold its Cultural-Dinner meeting at the Jack Lcvinc home, Gitf J. K. George Blvd., on Sunday, January 14 at 4 p.m. Co-hostesses will bo M i n e s , George Spitzer, James .Samuelson and Leonard Krasne.

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Mr. aild Mrs, Joseph Rolenstrrich of Birmingham, Ala., announced December 4th birth of their first child, Mark Isadore. Grandparents are Mrs. Isadoie Rotenstreich, ISirmiiiKliain, and Mr. and.Mrs. Harry Ravitz. The Omahans (ire back home after n visit with the now baby and his parents. Mrs. Unlenstreich is the former Anita Ravitz. •


1914 Farnam


Mr. and Mrs. Ben Nachman announce the birth of their third daughter, Carole Hilary on January 2. The new baby arrived on the sixth birthday of her sister, Marilyn Joyce.. Another sister is Nancy Sue. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Novicoff of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Nachman.

Israel School Flies White House Flag Tel Aviv (JTA)—The American flag which flew over the White; House in Washington during the presidency of the late Franklin D. Roosevelt was presented at ceremonies at Beisan, to the local High School, .which, is named after FDR. The flag and a portrait of Mr. Roosevelt was given to the school by U.S. Ambassador Walworth Barbour, at a ceremony attended by all members of the school's faculty and student body. Shop through the Jewish Press Ads.


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Friday, January 12, 1968

Remains of Ancient City VARSITY LEAGUE Markel Cleaners surged Into iirst place, Micklin Lumber v>on in a fine comeback and R.C. ColaCanada Dry displayed a gallant effort in Varsity League highlights last week which saw heavy competition as all four teams battle for first place. In the opening game Mnrkel won their fourth game in six starts to go one same into the lead with a 43-35 victory over R.C. Cola. The losers in a courageous battle played the entire game with just four players; Steve • Lustprarlen, Joe Patrick, Col Kfrshcn and Cy Scitchick. Down by nine points late in tho third quarter. It.C. Cola bat Mod bark to take a 33-31 lead. At that point Micklin went ahead fur keeps with Jack Sttes and Kd Belgrade lending the a It a e k against the tired losers. Belgrade and Stiss pumped in 17 and 16 points respectively w h i l e Seitchick and Kirshcn led Cola with 16 markers apiece. The second game saw Micklin overcome a 14 point deficit to down Milder Oil 49-44 as Dave Goldstein threw in 14 points in the second rally and ended with game high of 18. Lindy Paul tossed in 17 points for Milder. It was the second week in a row that Micklin overcame big leads In the second half. Won Lost Markel 4 2 Micklin 3 3 Milder 3 3 R.C. Cola 2 4 Games Wednesday, Jan. 17th 7:30 p.m. Milder vs. R.C. Cola. 8:30 p.m. Markel vs. Micklin YOUTH COUNCIL Ronu moved a step closer to the Youth Council championship with a 71-42 victory over outclassed A.Z.A. 100 team. Buddy Epstein and Mike Sherman led the assault with 53 points between them. Justin Mulnich playing his final game in Youth Council ranks made it a good one throwing in 20 markers. In the second contest, Raylm downed A.Z.A. 1, 53-39, behind the 15 point scoring of Bill Kut.-..ter. Bill Ginsburg with 20, was high for the losers. -•:.. ....;•;• . • .



But in the- end, it was Tom Rosen*, connecting for a beautiful hook shot to bring his team within one point and with twelve seconds remaining. John I/iIirman tallied on a Ion;; one-bander for the winning points. Dave Jacobson again was tbo chief factor in Fireside's win, scoring 15 points and combing the backboards. John Kalleman had 15 points for Mo;;en-David. Kaiman won their third game in four starts with a 48-33, triumph over .Borsheim w i t h a fourth ciuarter spurt. After leading 18-4, Kaiman lost the lead, then regained it late in the third quarter. Marc Romanik had 20 points for the winner.'; and Ron Wolpa pushed in 14 for the losers. Won Lost Fireside 3 1 Kaiman Mogen-David

3 2

1 2

Borshci m 0 4 7 p. m. BoTsheim vs. Mogr-nDavid. R p.m. Kaiman vs. Fireside. GYMNASTICS The J.C.C. will begin Gymnastics classes on Tuesday, January 23, after school in the Center gymnasium. Dan Fogel, former University of Nebraska gymnastics star, will again instruct the class. Boys and Girls of all school ages interested can enrol! by calling UiQ, Physical Education Office at 342-1360. , •SHOTS IN THE DAKK Ronu won the B.B.Y.O. Convention basketball title for the second time in three years in racing to three wins during the holiday season. Coach Jerry Berman's team defeated South Dakota, Lincoln and A.Z.A. 100. The championship game was played at Central high school . . . Alan Konecky makes the Omaha University Varsity basketball team. . . . Ron Jeffrey, a recent newcomer to the city, lettered three, years as tackle at a Los Angles, Cal. high school and will be a candidate for lincb a c k e r this year . . . Justine Mulnick now serving in the Armed Forces at Colorado . . . New fathers of baby boys are Al dayman and Justin Mulnick.


Ronu 9 0 Kayim 5 4 A.Z.A.l 2 7 A.Z.A. 100 2 7 Games Sunday, Jan. 14 11 ajn. Ronu vs. A.Z.A. 1. 12 noon Rayim vs. A.Z.A. 100 6th & Oth Grade Undefeated I-Go-Van defeated a determined Rayco team 11-10, In a double overtime when little Bob Kutler pushed in a short five footer to pull his team out of the brink of defeat. Ignoring tho press clippings of the league leaders, Rayco extended I-Go-Van all the way. Bob Jacobson's seven points was high for the winners. Jerry Raznick with four led the losers. The second encounter saw Tretiak win their first game of tho season with a 24-17, upset victory over Slosburg. Tretiak, playing an aggressive scrappy game, pressed their opponents throughout. Bruce Muskin was the thorn In the losers side, scoring ten points and constantly intercepted stray passes. Won Lost I-Go^Van 4 0 Slosburg 2 2 Rayco 1 3 Tretiak 1 3 Games Sunday, Jan. 14 2:30 p.m. Rayco vs. Slosburg. 3:30 pjn. Tretiak vs. I-Go-Van. 7th Si 8th Grade Fireside and Kaiman continued In a deadlock for first place as each chalked up victories in loop play last Sunday. Fireside scored two baskets in the final 35 seconds to come from behind in a 41-40, win over Mogen-Davld. It %vas a heartbreaking defeat for the losers, who led tha entiro gamo.and jumped off to a commanding-lead ofl5 points in the second quarter.

Radio Firm on Arab Boycott Listing London (JTA)—Jordan placed on its boycott list the Emerson Radio and Phonograph Corporation of the United States and all of its affiliates throughout the world because it allegedly had business transactions with Israel.

Phono K2-13M lo Insert your Want Ad In iho Jewish Press.

DAILY JEWISH NEWSPAPERS BAR and Bas Mltzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge. Sat. Eve. Post 2 yrs. (not 1 yr.) .$5.95 Readers Digest, 11 mos., 1.87 Holiday, 15 mos. 3.75 Ladies Home Journal, 30 mos. 3,75 Fortune, 18 mos 11.75 Time, 78 weeks . . . . . . . . . 7.87 Town and Country, 2 yrs. 8.98 These are Just a few of the wonderful special offers that will be available for a limited time. Call me for the m a g a z i n e of YOUR choice, or for that special gift for that special "someone." Elsie Horwich, 551-3957 or 3419168. 8340 Cass

For Sale — Beautiful 3-bedroom home. Large living room. Special electric kitchen with dining area. A large level Backyard; Attached garage. • Full basement with walk-out In the finest location in the city. For details call IIAItRV VILENSKy, 391-1548.

Jerusalem (JTA)—The remains of a great city built at the? end of the reign of King David or at the start of that of King Solomon were reported to have been uncovered near Kin (lev during recent excavations in the area. "Lcshukya" on Jur A t e a m of archaeologists, headed by Professor Dinyamin Ma/iiir, found the city and reported that one of the most remarkable excavation findings was n large jar healing the inscription "leshakya," which Professor Mazar interpreted to mean "belonging to the wine steward" in Aramaic. The importance of the inKcriplion was understood to be the fact that it i.s written in early Hebrew Phoenician script and is one of the few known examples of this script dating to the ninth century B.C.E. Vessel for Ineeiiso Another unusual discover}' was a room containing vessels for incense and Jibations evidently used for making offerings to the stars and the moon. Professor Mazar said that the idol worshipers kept the vessels inside the room and took them out only at night when they went to tiie roofs for worship. It was indicated that the Uncovered city might be the site of early Su.sita, constructed by King

David or King Solomon in the tenth century B.C.E. Excavations show that the site consists of the remains of five cities, each built on the site of the preceding one and later destroyed.

Eichmann Gets30 Bay Extension Jerusalem (WNS)—A thirtyday extension In which to file an appeal from the conviction of his client, Adolf Eichmann, was granted this week to Dr. Robert Servatius, chief counsel for the doomed Nazi butcher of six million Jews. Dr. Servatius applied for and received the extension from Judge Yitzhak Olchan, presiding Justice of the Israel Supreme Court. Attorney General Gideon Hauaner had no objections to the motion. The basis of the extension was that the- defense needed more time to prepare the appeal. Shop through the Jewish Press Ads.

Value of Dead Sea Scrolls GhaHenged New York (WNS)—The importance attached to the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls was termed "the greatest exau« geration in tho history of Biblical scholarship" by Dr. Samuel Sandmol, president of the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis and provost of the Hebrew Union ,College-Jewish In» tit.itute of Religion. Dr. fjandmel made the assertion in his presidential address to the Society. At the same time? he asserted that he would not question the historic value of the scrolls but that he ehalleneged "the high importance originally attached lo them and the specific connection seen by scholars between the scrolls and early Christianity."

Senior Citizen's Lounge Jewish Community Cent«r Every Monday From 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. Everj- Thursday from 1 P.M. • • • Activities, Fun, Recreation, Socials for Senior Citizens

Jewisli fvlusic Festival Begins Jan. 20

Brothers Give Million To New Foundation New York—A donation of $1,000,000 to the newly established Tarbuth F o u n d a t i o n (Foundation for Hebrew Culture) by Abraham Goodman and hi sbrother Jacob Goodman of Brooklyn, veteran Zionists and prominent industrialists. It was reported that 5750,000 of the gift will be used to set up in New York City a college of Hebrew studies qualified to grant degrees on a national and nondenominational basis. Other purposed of tho foundation will be to citso tho lack of tp.icliurs In Hebrew training ulth grants and scholarships for students Interested In entering the field. Another will bo InRervlce training for teachers who want to expand their training. The foundation also will seek to develop a program to promote Hebrew education among children, adolescents and adults. This will be done in cooperation with existing institutions, as well as establishing new ones. The foundation will encourage publication of books for all age groups and publish some itself. It will also seek to work with other agencies to improve attitudes among parents and Jewish community leaders about Hebrew studies, particularly in boosting Hebrew language and literature in the curricula of all Jewish schools.


Display of this four-color poster throughout tho country heralds tho 18th annual observance of Jewish Music Festival, to bo marked under the ansplccs of tho Mualo Council of tho National Jewish Welfare Board from January 20 to February 20. The Festival theme. Is "The life and Work of Isadora Freed—a Jewish Composer by Choice."


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