NEBRASKA ST,,i.. 1. • • Lincoln,
Vol. XL—Nu. 20
Publication Orflce, 101 No. 20th Omaha, Nebraska, Tliune 312-KiCO
Slnplc Copy 10 Cents Annual Itute 4 Dollars
Algerian Jews Abandon All In Flight From Terrorism Algiers (JTA)—Severn J i w s wero lilllcd nnd (wo ocriously wounded during llin last few dayn 111 clashes in n immlier of AlC«rlnn cities between terrorists of (ho underground M o Klein Rroup and (lie necri't orpanization of Kuropeans, ns tho tin— rrlnnllnir fitriiCK'u of foes and niipnortorn of Algerian Independence! moiinled In fury. In Oran, coiitiniicd fight in<j look place in tlio Jewish section
which is in thn> heart of the city. Tension among Algerian Jews continued to mount, especially in Constantino where terrorism was unchecked. Many Jews are preparing to abandon their homes and shops in Constantino and nearby towns to save their lives. Only 7,000 Jews are left in Constantino, a community which numbered 38,000. The Talmud Torah there, once had 900 pupils, now has .'!00.
Stamp Club Will Meefr Sunday
Children, 'TIIG.Light Of Israal'-Humphrey
New York (JTA) — Senator Hubert II, Humphrey In a report on his visit to Israel find tlit* Arab stales, stated that, in Israel "I found great Improvement and progress from four years a^o. I feel that the exercise of groat and prudent diplomacy means that political tensions can and will be eased." "The I n c r e a s e In Israel's strength, economically, politically nnd militarily, Is a fuctor of stability. This Is in our national interest, and is a contribution Cambridge, Mass. (WNS)—The to world peace," he declared. "If I were to pick one observaPhillips Brooks House, n Harvard University student social service tion In connection with what has group, decided to withdraw from been done for Israel, it would bo in terms of what has been done a CAKE project in Jordan .be- for the children—the Unlit of Iscause Jordan would have pre- rael. Wherever I went I saw vented Jewish students from par- bright-eyed and healthy children ticipating. on whom the future of Israel "Operation Jordan" would have rests." sent n f;roup of some 30 students Sen. Humphrey spoke at an to Jordan to nld resettlement of Israel Bond conference. Eodoulns. When students cheeked Lcvi Eshkol, Israel's Finance tho matter further with CARE said In an address that officials, they learned that Jewish Minister, increased flow of Immigrastudents could not bo included. the to his country, which began Members of the student organiza- tion year, is expected to continue tion then talked it over with tho last 19G2. Among tho speakers was University F a c u l t y Committoo in Klutznlck, United States which refused to approve it. Dean Philip to tho United NaJohn Monro, n member of tho Ambassador Faculty Committee, said the Uni- tions, and a former Omuhan. versity did not want any of its student groups Involved In n pro- Arieh EsSie! Is Consul ject where questions were asked General In New York about religious beliefs. New York (JTA)—Arieh Eshel, Israel's deputy permanent repreDenmark Square sentative at the United Nations, with rank of Ambassador, will In Jerusalem Jerusalem — Prime Minister take over the post of Israel's Viggo Kampmann of Denmark Counsul-Genoral in New York. and his wife, wero guests of tho Israeli government during their visit in Israel. At a dinner in his honor, and in response to a toast by Mr. Ben Gurion, P r e m i e r Knmpmann hailed the spirit of tho Jewish New York (JTA)—"The greatpeople which onnbled it to with- est source of community conflict" stand the darkest periods and among Jews and other Americans brought about the revival of its arise from differing interpretaindependence. tions of the doctrine of tho sepEarlier, P r e m i e r and Mrs. aration of Church and State, the Kampmann attended a ceremony Anti-Defamation League was told (or the naming of D e n m a r k at a meeting here. Square In tho Beit Hakcrcm quar- • Abo Goldstein, A t l a n t a , tho tor of the city. League's Community Service division, said "tho past holiday season highlighted tho recent trend. A Happy Ending "Many of theso Issues," lio added Israel—Tho story of how tho "erupted and Iioeamo sources of Kampmanns saved a Danish Jew- community dissension bocauso of ish family from falling Into Nazi the lack of discussion araonf eduhands In 1943, unfolded when tho cators nnd religious leaders of Danish Premier's, wife noted tho different faiths." Btrong resemblance of a 14-yearBenjamin JR. Epstein, national old Israeli girl to that of tho res- director, reported that there arc cued family. now more than 130 right-wing The young lady was one of croups functioning In the United two p o r s o n s , presenting the) States. "The trend," he said, "Is Kampmanns with flowers nnd ad- nlarmlng, but virtually nil tho dressed them in Danish. In reply new groups deny any motivation to Mrs. Kampmann's question, of nntl-Semltism, tho girl said she waa -born In Ho pointed out that "to somo Copenhagen and came to Israel extent, overt expressions of nntlWith her family eight years ago. Semltlsm has become a political After several q u e s t i o n s , it ltlss of death in the United States transpired that tho girl's family today. Tho nnU-Scmillc bigot nnd through her undo was rescued by rabble-rouser has little chance of tho Kampmanns from tho Nazi gaining significant public support. holocaust Stamps from different parts of the world will bo stinlled at the Sunday meeting of the Junior Stamp Club at the 4 p.m. meeting at tin' Jewish Community (Center. Members are asked to brinj; their albums and any stamps they would like to offer for trade.
Harvard Drops 'Care' Project in Jordan
'Women Join Hands fo Do for Others1 Mrs. Joseph S. ttuss, prominent community lender, will lierul the VVomcn'H Division of tho 10G2 Jnwisli J'liilaiilliro|ilc» Campaign In Onmlia. Tho announcement Was inado this week l>y Ilnrry Truslin, President of tho Jewish Federation nnd .Urn. Moyd Friedman, I'rcKldont of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs. Co-Rlinlrninn In 1DB1 The Philanthropies scene Is not new to Mrs. Guss who has participated in its activities for many years, and served as cochairman in 19G1 when Mrs. Alexander D, Frank was general chairman of the Women's p,roup. In paying tribute to Mrs. Frank's leadership, Mrs. Guss said it was nn'inspiration to serve with her. Close association with the drive, more than ever, she declared, brought home to her the great and serious needs on many fronts filled through tho annual Philanthoples Campaign. The calendar at the Guss homo Is marked heavily and is evldenco of the family's role and interest in community programs. Mr. and Mrs. Guss are copresldents of the Western Hills Parent-!'cochcrs Association, Mrs. Guss is fund raising vicepresident of tho Omaha Chapter of Hadassah and is a member of tho Beth El Sisterhood Board. Mr. Cuss as well as his wife lias worked on many of the campaigns, and their oldest son, Steve, now a freshman at Yale,
"We aro very fortunate to ha'*e Mrs. Guss and know she will be an inspiration to all who servo with her," they asserted. Mrs. GUNS In accepting the
leadership of tlio Women's Division, said, "I know I am going to enjoy tho campaign, becauso it Is wonderful to seo so many women representing all aspects of our community life Join hands and heart in u labor of love fur others." "It is a .warm feeling," gho added, "to know you can depend on the women of our community —their record proves it." Mrs. Guss pointed out "tlmt tlio basic concept of the Women's 1) 1 v I s 1 o n—its most Important strength—Is tho fact that It produces 'plus' dollars." A 'plus' gift as she puts it, "is a woman's gift over and above, Mrs. Joseph GUSH her husband's contribution. It Now Haven, Conn., was chairman testifies to recognition that she, of the Youth Council Division of as an independent personality, tho Jewish Philanthropies. Tho living in a land of plenty, has a two other children in the family, responsibility to help those in need elsewhere." Robert 11 and Barbara, 10, aro Former Posts 'just warming up' for the future Some of tho former posts of by helping mother 'behind t It c responsibility held by the 19G2 scenes,' Women's Chairman, Include variDedication Is I'rnlscd ous offices in the Beth El SisterBoth Mr. Trustln and Mrs. hood and Its presidency; viceFriedman joined In compliment- president of the Mid-West Reing Mrs. Guss for her ability and gion of tho National Women's dedication in serving the commu- League of Conservative Synanity. gogues, president of tho Welzmann group of Hadassah, member of tho Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, tho Board of Governors of the Jewish Federation and the Intcrclub Council of Omaha.
Vocational Counseling Offered in Center -B'nai B'rifh Project A program designed to answer tho vocational nnd educational questions of junior and senior high school students by professional and career businessmen, now actively engaged in specialized fields, has been developed by Cornhusker lodge, B'nai B'rlth and the Jewish Community Center.
Captain James Wax, an Air Force physician, Is In charge of the project, with Alvln Abramson, assisting. Students interested in a particular field of enterprise aro Dar es Salaam, Tanganyika Invited to call Capt. Wax, 291- (JTA)—Israel has offered Tan6319 or Mr. Abramson, 342-4811 ganyika 100 scholarships as an or tho Center Activities office, Independence Day gift to the 342-13GG. An appointment will bo newly independent African country, General Mosho Dayan, Min* arranged with a lodge member in ister of Agriculture, announced. tho field designated by tho stuThe Israeli Cabinet member dent. conveyed the offer to Prime MinFields covered in this program ister Julius Nyerere whsn he 1 Include accounting, advertising, cnlled on him to extend greetings collections, dentistry, education, from tho Government and peoplo "Most Americans have conic to engineering and finance. Other of Israel. "We have agreed In regard overt shows of prejudice areas covered are government, in- negotiations with your Govern03 wrong and immoral. But this surance, law, livestock, manu- ment to train a number of your Is not to 6Uggost that religious facturing, medicine, optometry, young men and women," Gen. prejudice is dead," ho said. "Real- pharmacy, printing and publica- Dayan said. ly i m p o r t a n t , damaging anti- tion, radio and TV, real estate, Ho added that training would Semitism, Is today, expressed in retailing, social work and whole- be provided in ngricullure, induspatterns of discrimination built saling. try, public administration, cominto the basic institutions of our There is no fee involved In the munity development and medisociety. These patterns are de- program which Is just one of tho cine. Through the program, he signed to limit, to exclude, to bar services of the Center's Activities snld, Israel also would assist In Jews from full participation In program. training and treatment for eyo tho rights, privileges, and oppordiseases and "wo hope to help tunities of American life to which you In tho building of your pioevery American is entitled." neering training center."
Israeli Scholarships Offered Tanganyika
Church-Sfafe Issue Blamed For 'Community Conflict
Jewish Students $ golden Agers to Hear Raise Washington (JTA)—Tho B'nai Center Oamp Office Hlllel Foundations reportTalk AboulEichmann B'rlth ed that Jewish college students Signing 1962 Staffs Tho Golden Ago Club will hear a talk on Adolf Eichmann by Richard Fcllman, attorney, following a 12;30 p.m. dessert lunchcon meeting, Monday, January 22 at the Jewish Community Center. Mr, Fcllman will speak on "In tho Beginning Something Created Eichmann." Tho Club Is sponsored Jointly Ity Center. Members aro asked Council, of Jewish Women nnd the Jewish Federation of Omaha,
Staff applications for positions in tho Federation sponsored camp, Camp Jay-C-C, and Summer Day Camp aro now available at the Camp office of the Jewish Community Center. Applications are expected to be completed by the 28th of January. Resident camp Counselors must 17. 8. FIK1W TO SET UP have college or graduate trainISRAEL TRACTOR PLANT Jorusalem—A New York manu- ing, while those applying for asfacturer of farm equipment, has sistant or junior counselor cabeen awarded a contract for set- pacities should be In the upper ting up a tractor plant in Israel. grades in high school. In tho past 14 years have raised a total of $1,250,000 for the United Jewish Student Appeal. Ilillel said that somo 105 colleges and universities are now active in tho UJSA-Illllnl sponsored fundraising program.
Page Two
Friday, January 19, 10G2
Deili El Consecration Service January 26 Published weekly on Friday beginning Hie last week In August through second ueek In July. Second C\o<.< Po-Joge Paid at Omaha, fjebr. Annual S.jl.:rnptnjn S4 CO Advcrlcin;; Rcitf.-s en Application, Putj'icu*-'-:! LMIice— l f i No. :c»;ri SircU, Omaha, Ncbr. Phcne 3-S2-13M,
Religious Services
C'onseeration of new pupils ;:t Jleth Kl Talmud Tnrah will (al;c; pl;)re nt Sabbath .services, Fri<lay, January 'M. The Cmi\< t rtmls lire: Undo Sue ALruim, Dr.iiicl \i<j<r.'.,r:tu. Juho t u t i l , Suson liurltv / u i j . Wuyra> DionicnJ, Marilyn f-'r.Mcirt, JorunhfjpT f:,iX, Lcny Jo-.tMiLun, Cliar;rs Kcpiijri, Jirn KirMKniinuin, Mr piiunif KutIT, Ann Re rinkr., ^ U [ h ( f i f^icf-. /.'ttiffjorct r .Lhnuiii.-r, RiiU-rl ii.liwurlr. J.« I Slcrn, OO'j'jIos Waitll^uuin, Jini VVrltr.kfn, Barbara Zoob.
Sweden-Israel Pact Stockholm (JTA)—An extradition ai'icemcnl between Israel and Swedi'ii is cnncntly being ne;:otiatefl heie. 'i'he Israel di'Ie(;.ilinn which ni.'i'oliatcs the pact iiH.'liHl(-.s Isr.'u'l Ambassador Arie Aroch; Jnsc|jh Kokia, director general of the Israel Ministry of Justice and Nis.Min Yosha, second decrctary of the Israel Embassy here.
<'am!lcllf,'litlnc 5:01 p.m. li.-tli Kl: Rabbi Melvin R. ZaAll friends and relatives are J:IT of Baltimore, Md., will be I he ficrtnjra rinrron. f^itlirirrl Gtrn^tcin, llcwInvited to attend bcrviccs aud {jiicst speaker at the Sabbath ord Colm. Li.rri.; Duvii, MtirrJa Dicn'JIr.y, Ool'.rlincr, Mipnr.-n H;ivKin, rilcn services, Friday at H:15 p.m. The Gory reception. tl.-lfnion, Soruanil Kulimon, '•htilci L c v l i , filicllcy Lr/;|5, Harvey Llpnian, Alan L'JCtitle of his sermon will be "Hu- wpir.irln. Pdtll \iovub, Suitin Rulrtrr. BarHANDY KN<;KL Gene Tclpner, former Omaha mility—A Jewish Trait." Cantor bnra TornoM, Btjrry Zorlnsky. LfMle Hnrrlwi, Lli|d-j Kohn. Richard newspaperman, and now c h i e f Aaron I. Edj;ar imil the syna- Lcrncr, l'AI'I, III.KICIIKR /.Viycr I. ipnian. Janr-t Lip py, Po^s Wrindu:) Palnrr, Judy Hlcr, MlRandy Engel, son of Dr. Rob- feature writer fur the Wirmipei; gogue choir will render the mu- //.orriolin, CIHIC-I Moscnt..ay/n, //ir.hclc Rolhtrm, Anri'Me RulKi^k, Uoncy Scliwarlz, t'lainc Winert Engel and Mrs. Sanford Kai- Free Press, iras the only Cana- sical portions of the services. Ircub. dian newspaperman to tour ForTraditional Sabbath morning' ser, and Paul Ble-icher, son of mosa and offshore islands on inA nreplion will follow the Dr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Blcicher, will vitation of the Chinese Govern- services at K:.';0 a.m. Family service. service at 10:30 a.m. Mindiaeach become Bar Mitzvah, on ment. Maariv services at 5 p.m. Friday evening, January 20 and A nino-nrtiele series emerged Sunday morning services at !) Saturday morning, January 27, at from the trip made in October, which was arranged to coincide a.m., followed by a breakfast nnd Temple Israel. with the 50tli anniversary of the lecture by Prof. Arthur (!. Urn- Funeral servic<>s for former founding of the Chinese Republic seheid of Croighlon University, Oinahan Morris J, I.ipp, 51, who MICHAEL KATZMAN on "Some Aspects of (lie Cold Bar Mitzvah of Michael Katz- hy Sun Yat Sen in l u l l . The War." Services during the week •lied Monday, were held Wednesseries which has appeared in the day in Wilmette, 111. Surviving mnn, son of M r and Mrs. Maurice are held at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. are his wife, two daughters, four Katzman will be celebrated on Free Press and its affiliated papers, will be reprinted in pamphsisters and two brothers. Friday, January 1!>, and SaturTemple Israel: The Y o u t h day, January "0 at 'Both'Israel let form by the Chinese National- Group, under the ehainniinship ists. . " " Synagogue. of John Spilzcr, will conduct Fri- DAVID II. Among the points visited by day evening services on January Funeral .services for David II. Mr, Telpner wits Qnenioy, big- 10 at K:lf> p.m. A sermonette on Fcrtil, 01, of 1120 Orcj;on Trail, MICIIAKL KAPLAN gest of the offshore islands, about "We Must Karn Kternity," will who died January 11, wore held CKAIG MILLER 2,000 yards from the Communist Craig Miller, son'of Dr. and mainland. Here, he was awarded be delivered by Neena Befoer, last Sunday nt Crosby-Kunold Mortuary. Iiurial was in Beth El Mrs. Daniel Miller, will observe the medal of the Order of the Youth Group president. I in mediately following serv- Cemetery. his Bar Mitzvah and Michael Golden Horse by the eommandKaplan, snn of Mr. and Mrs.ini; general of the offshore de- ices, a reception will be held for Surviving are wife, Minna; son, Stanley Kaplan will observe his fense command. This is a medal the Temple youth. Reception Richard; a grandson, all of Ear Mitzvah, at. Beth El Syna- awarded to correspondents "dedi- chairmen are the Mrnes. David Omaha ,'ind a brother, Johnn of gogue on Saturday morning, Jan- cated enough to make the trip to Meyers and Ily Shrier. Lynn, Mass. uary 20th at the 10:30 service. the outer defenses," the general Other members of the croup participating in the service aro: SOI, SI'AU explained. "Buy It Where Joel Dlelchpr, Money Davis, Howard Funeral services were held Mr. Telpner whose assignments Gerclick, Ctaine Hc^s, Dinne Klein, Cliucl* It's Baked" Jell Mayper, 0ol> Milder, Andrra Monday at the Jewish Funeral fake him to many lands, is the //.a/cr. RaiVin, Dctsy Nuskln, Stew Sloan, Jofin Steve Wlgochky, Sandra r-lehchl, Home for Sol Spar, 8.'1, of 307 .son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Telpner Splt/cr, Linda Graeir, Claire Gummerfi. South 52 Street, who died Janof Council ISIuffs. Belli Israel: Rabbi Benjamin uary 1.'5 at his home. He was a W A Li TO WALL CAKi'KTIM, Groner, Cantor KM Kagan and retired grocer and lived in OmaAM) rUltMTI'ltK the Beth Israel choir will con- ha since 1006. Cleaned In Your Home duct the late Friday Family ServSurvivors are son, Dr. Arthur ices at 8 p.m. Traditional Friday Spur, Palo Alto, Cal.; daughters, IIEFITTINU • IlKI'AIKINO services (Kobolas Shabbos) a t Mrs. Shirley Greenbcri'fr, Grand I.AYINM • SI-:\V1.N(> The illustrations done for the .rj:10 p.m. BINDING • CI.KAMNO Island, Nebr.; Mrs. Sophir Laff, book, "Wise, Witty and WellShabbos morning services a t Mrs. Rose Gimple, Ijoth of Los Worded," consisting of epigrams collected over a period of more 8:45 a.m. Junior Congregation at Angeles, Cal.; Mrs. Boss Krodthan two decades by its author, 10 a.m. Rabbi Groner will con- key nnd Mrs. Esther Graelz, au Harry G. Mendelson, are being duct the Talmud class a t 4:55 both of Omaha. p.m. Shabbos Mincha a t 15:10 Iiurial was in Beth El Ceme- Q a exhibited during the month of RUG CLEANERS p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos tery. January at the South Branch of © and Maariv at 0:05 p.m. the Omaha Public Library, 23rd Don Bernstein, 345-2554 Per Pan Sunday morning services at 9 MKS. JOK and M. a.m. Junior Minyan starts nt Funeral services were held in The Old-Fashionod 8:.'iO a.m. Mincha at 5:20 p.m. Sioux Falls, S. I)., January 17 Goodness Makes Them Daily services at 7 a.m. and for Mis. Joe Borden, 52, fomier a FavoriteOmahan, who died last Sunday 5:20 p.m. Tu B'shvat will be Saturday, in a Minneapolis, Minn, hospital. Survivors are husband of Sioux January 20. 346-5050 Wholesale-Kosher 1018 FARNAM Falls; son, Jerry, Los Angeles, © Offers Effectivo Only Thru Wed., Jan. 24 B'nal Jacob Amis Ycslitiron: Cal.; mother, Mrs. Ben GrossFriday Miucha, 5 p.m.; .Satur- man, brothers, Moo nnd Arthur Grossman, all of Omaha and sisday services, 8:45 a.m. and MinServing Omaha With cha at 5 p.m., followed by SIio ter, Mrs. Lester Ileeger, Sioux Quality for 40 Yoan losh Seudos and Maariv at 5:45 City, la. © Open Till 5 P.M. Sunday thru Friday p.m. Daily services at 7 a.m. an<i © KIAKKS LOKIG 5 p.m. Closed on Saturday Funeral services were held We Deliver We Ship Anywhere Sunday at the Jewish Funeral OAKERY Home, for Marks Lorig, 57, operator of a South Omalia General AND DELICATESSEN Store, and a past president of the N>ws nml imppenlncB nt Tlie !)r. Open Sundayi Philip Khrr JCUIBII Hume lor the South Omaha Merchants AssoAnril IJJ David Orkow. ciation, who died January 12. He 556-5560 51st and lived at the Uorlck Apartments. 50th and Underwood UNDERWOOD O Kabbl David Korb of Council Surviving is his wife, Henrietta. MONDAY thru Elufs, will bo our Rabbinical visBurial was in Beth Hamcdrosh Beverly Hills Plaid FRIDAY itor this week, HnRodol Cemetery. 9 A.M. to 7 P.M. Open MONDAY Many of our Ilnmo residents thru SATURDAY SUNDAYS attended the Golden Age Clubs . to 7 P.M. tenth anniversary party at the Center, recently. Omaha Chapter, Iladnssali, will present a Tit B'Slievat a t tho Home on Sunday, January 21 at 2 p.m. OMAHA'S LEADING Valirzclt:. Special memorial services will be held in the Dr.Shcr Home Synagogue for the following, the anniversary of 551-5554 4415 CUMING whose death falls during the month of Shevat: Shevat 2, (JanTHIS WEEK'S SPECIALS! uary 7)—Babetta Ermann, Miriam .Weissman Denzes; Shevat Lean 5, (January 10)—Molshe OsherReal Per off; Shevat 6, (January 11)— Treat, Lb. Also SPECIAL REDUCTIONS on Elizabeth Pearlman; Shevat 7, Choice Chuck (January 12)—Abo Glassman; Longchcmps and DeHeer Chocolates Shevat 10, (January 15)^-Bessie Margolin, Mrs. Herman jJWchpls, Savings on Irish Shevat 11, (January 10)—Jake Diamond's Famous Ziedcnberc; Shevat 14, (January Per 19)—Meyer :,I?rookstein, Jacob Lb. Shapiro; Shevat 21, (January 26) —David KieRel; Shevat 22, (JanStore Hours uary 27)—Rachel Dworsky Mell;' Sunday, 7 A . M . . 6 P.M. Monday thru Thursday, 8 A.M.-6 P.M. Shevat 2C, (January 3D—FanFriday, 8 A.M. - 3 P.M. nie Adelschtein; Shevat 28, (Febiuary 2)—Joseph Ruback. Call Wednesday for Thursday Delivery
Bar tfitzuah
Gene Tefpner Writes Articles on Formosa M a i From General
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Friday, January 19, 19C2
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Egypt Building Mmes. Louis Katz and Mis Kdward Levinsou will present a AT CKNTIOK, JAN. I!J "The BusiiH'ss rind Professional discussion on "Your Community Group of Jlacliissah will .have ami Mental Health." The protheir munthly dinner, Wednesday gram will feature a guest speakevening, January 24 at G p.m. at er from the Nebraska Psychiathe Jewish Community Center, tric Institute. Mrs. Kdw;ird Mal.ifollowed by u board nieefini', bhock is co-hostess. * • • regular meetinj; program, with ISINCiO I'AUTY FOIt "VKTS" Mrs. Julius Nowniini, liresitlent, A bini;o party will be held presiding. Thursday, January Ll'> from ,'i The program will consist of a p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Veterans panel discussion on "Vocational Hospital with members of the Council of Jewish Women, OmaKducnlion" liy Mrs. I. IJansky, ha, .Section, assisting patients Miss Lee Gri.-enljPi'K uiul Mrs. Mrs. Harold Novak is ehairman. Josef Mayer with Mrs. Alice * » * Heeger us moilerator. Miss Julia ItAIIIH (iKONHIC WHA, Zuker is program chairman. The 1,KAI> DISCUSSION Itnblil Benjamin Groner will color film "Fifly Miracle Minutr-s" will be shown by Hen Klal- lead the discussion on "Profiles man. This film depicts Moving in Faith" at the study group of Day at the New Hadassah He- Belli Israel Sisterhood to be held at the home of Mrs. Reuben Ratbrew University Medical Center ner, 5841 JIiimiHon Street, on in Israel. Monday, January 22 at ] p.m. * * • Members me asUed to bring proceeds from their projects. Kor MIS. SIIKIKIt TO IJK ON dinner reservations call dinner IIADASSAII :>I!O(iHA!VI chairman, Sarah Fellman, H."^Mrs. Ily Shrier will present' 517G or Mrs. Newman, .'M5-60.'!!). readings from the book "So It The Study Group of I5&P Ila- Was Only A Simple Wedding" dassuh will meet Sunday, Jan- by Sarah Kasden, at the 12:,'!0 uary 21, at: 2 p.m. at the home p.m. luncheon meeting of the of. Mrs. M. V. Levenson, 4819 Omaha Chapter of Iladassah on Farnnm. The Study of the Bible Wednesday, January 21 at the has been adopted and all mem- Jewish Community Center. bers ure invited to come. Mrs. Meyer Rubin and Mrs. * • • Robert Keliibrrc, co-chairmen of RAMU 1'OMAKOI T, SI'KAICS the Medical Center project, will AT FAKIIANO MICICTINO, SU.V. show a film, "The Fifty Miracle Minut * " taken on the scene in llabbl Matthew M. Poliakoff will discuss the "future of Amer- Israel. Mrs. Ray Simon, luncheon ican Jewry" at the regular meet- arrangements c h a I r r a a n, aning of Farbund and Poale Ziort nounced the members of her on Sunday, January 21 at 7:30 committee; Mme.s. Harry Bassp.m. at the Jewish Community man, Abe W. Schloff, Harry Mendelson with reservations beCenter. The following officers for 19C2 ing taken by Mines. Harry Ravitz, Sam lloswiblum and Al S. will be installed: Wohlner. Max RclJbourn, r.hnirmunr Carl RoicnB&p DINNKK MINTING
wrrj, vice chairman; Sam Milkirt, recording iccrclory, onrj Israel llond clilarmcin; Hurry Rtlkln, Pooie Zlon secretary; Louis Friedman, treasurer; Bcn|amln Klalman, hospllaller and rtalionQt [und chairman; Joseph RadlnowiM. tlnaaclal secretary. The executive board members ore Sol Ash, lladoro Forbes, Sam Rlchntan, Morrli Goodman, Mlllon Ncorenberfj and Mrs. Surah Shrarjo. Mrs. Sorah Okun l i honorary chairman.
Omahons in News Nathan I.,. Nogg, Omaha business executive, was elected a director of Iho Omaha Kiwunis Club. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Turner havo returned from Chattanooga, Twin., where they attended the funeral, Sunday of Mrs. Soly Josephs, sister of Mr. Turner. Mrs. Josephs, 71 of Washington, D. C , died January 10. Miss Itebecca Turner of Los Angeles, Cal., a sister, also attended the funeral. On their return,' the Omahans were Joined in Chicago, 111., by thier daughter-in-law and granddaughter, Mrs. Jerry Turner arid Suzanne of Pikcsville, Md. Their son Is expected to be in Omaha Boon.-
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Ellen Hurwick ToWedlowan Mr, and Mrs. Lee Ilurwick have announced the engagement of their daughter, Ellen Kay to James II. Adelman, son of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Adelman of Des Moines, la. Miss Ilurwick attends the University of Omaha. Her fiance is a graduate of Drake University, where he was affiliated with Delta Sigma Pi fraternity. The wedding will lake place in August,
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(Since Hose Weltz Will Be Out of Town January i) Thru January 20) FOR THE CHOICEST SEATS CONTACT
Multi-pie* or high rise lots, adjacent to Btondo Plaza, in Maonner Wostbrook.
Coffee and rolls will he served at 7 p.m. • » • COUNC'II, STUDY (IROUP AT KISENSTATT IIOMK "Are you sure You Are Mentally Sound" will bo the program subject of the Omaha Council of Jewish Women's Study Group when it meets Tuesday, January 30 at 1 p.m. nt the home of Mrs. Leo Bisons tat t, 721 I lack berry Road.
MONA USA House of Glamour
Israel—J^gypt is continuing its steady tniild-up of military installations, road networks and airfields in Sinai, and her forces in tho peninsula are reported better equipped than hefore the Sinai campaign.
Holon Brodkoy, E53-O343 Ann Katzman, 391-5439
Babo Nogo, 553-20(5 Lucille Brodkoy, 5 5 3 - 3 1 1 7
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Member Multiple Listing
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Enroll now in Doris Anderson's famous "Simplified Systems in Sewing and Styling" course. o Professional dressmaking and tailoring ® Altering patterns for perfect fit • Cutting garments easily • Assembling with greater skill ° Many more professional tricks. Lessons given by Helen Vollmer in our sewing school, tenth floor, downtown.
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Now obtainable In book form: Doris Anderson's Simplified Systems of Sowing and Styling . , ; . 10 eorppleto booklets on ovory fechniquo of lowing and tailoring. Many helpful illustrations tor boginnori ond professional!, Each; booklet, 50c.
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Page Four
Center EI3 Activities Saturday Is 'Sports Night" at the Center Saturday nights are "sports nights" at the Jewish Community Center. Open from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. for grade and high school boys, the Center offers free use of its gym and athletic facilities. Basketball, gymnastics, handball or ping-pong In the game room can be enjoyed by the Saturday participants, while swimming will be available on special evenings.
Neighborhood Groups The formation of four initial neighborhood youth groups this week was announced by Harry Si dm an, Center Committee Chairman. The groups meet at the homes of members, under tlio supervision and direction of Center personnel. There Is no membership fee for any such group. Activities are developed by t h e youngsters, themselves. Four other groups are in the process of organization. Parents desiring more information are invited to call the Jewish Community Center Activities Department, 342-13GG.
Lieut, and Mrs. Jonas Weil of Fort Smith, Ark., announce the birth on Tuesday of a son, Jonas Weil III. Mrs. Weil is the former Wally Cheniiack of Omaha. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Weil, Lexington, Ky., and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cherniack. Mrs. Jonas Weil of Lexington is a great-grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Slewnrt Kahn announce tin: birth of a son, Robert Lmdsiv on l u d i j , J.unury 12. They are the parents of another son, David Martin. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs,Ben Kahn and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Dloogoff.
Mr. and Mis S mind 13 Pi ltd of Minneapolis, Minn., former Qmahans, are the parents of a son, Alan Harris, born January 9. The grandparents are Messrs. and Mmes. Max M. Moskowitz and Hyman I. Fried. Great-grandmother is Mrs. Rcrtha Schwartz.
Youth Officers elected by AZA Chapter No. 1 are Mark Goldstrom, p r e s i d e n t ; Stephen Boguchwal, vice-president, Romld K,um,in, secretary; Barry Kort, treasurer; Melvin Cohnn, first sergeant-atarms; Joseph Lclchock, second sergeant-at-aims; Ntil S i m o n , newspaper editor and Stephen Lubman, co-editor.
Fireside a 32-31, victory over VAIWII'V LKAUUIu The Center Varsity league be- Kaiman and undisputed position coming more exciting with each of first place in 7th and Sth week, now finds itself witli a grade competition last week. three-way tie for first place with Fireside led throughout the first five league tilts remaining. Even half but fell behind by five points the last place team is only two in the third quarter before rallying for the win. Jacobson with 21 games out of first place. points led the winners while In the first Rama last Wednes- Marc Romantic with 20 markers day, Micklin Lumber, ufter u was high for the losers. close first quarter, pulled away Monen-Davld remained In consteadily for an easy 51-2G vic- tention the title by whipping tory over II. C. Cola-Canada Dry. BorshcimforG4-31 as Lee Ross, John It was one of those rare games Katclman Steve Solcolof in varsity league competition that pumped in and 52 points between the came wasn't decided until them. the final seconds. Micklin used (Humes, Sunday, January 21: , a steady-balanced attack with 4:30 p.m. Kninian vs Mogenthree players hitting the double David figures; Marty Green, Howard 5:,10 p.m. I'"lrcil(l<! vs. Romliclm Stolcr and Justin Ban. Again it was the general all around floor 5JH & c m an\m-: I-Go-Van won their fifth play of Green that sparked the winners. Buddy Epstein with straight Rnme to march into a two game lead in Sth and Gth eight points led the losers. grade play last Sunday, For the The second game was more in second week in a row, the wincharacter of Varsity league play ners had to fight for their lives as Milder Oil bounced back in before finally pulling it out. This the win column with a 50-17 tri- week it was Bob Jacobson who umph over previously leagim turned out to bo the hero with leading Markel Cleaners. An un- two long set shots in the expected scoring punch from minutes; the last shot closing turned Chet Stoler paved the' way for out to be tlio winning points, in the winners. Stolr-r threw in 19 a 21-20 verdict over a scrappy points. Jack Stiss with 1G mark- brand of Tretlalc's. ers was high for Markel CleanBob led the winners with ers. six points while Mark Wolpa had Gnmps, Wednesday, Jan. 241 eight for the losers. 7:30 p.m. MJoklln vs Milder In the first game Slosburg 8:30 p.m. K. C. Cola vs Marled clowned Rayco 18-10, to keep faint title hopes alive as Andy YOUTH COUNCIL. Ronu crushed AZA 1, 7*1-35 to Liberman pumped in eight points. 1 earn at least a tie for the Youth Games, Sumlny, Jan. 21: 2:30 p.m. Trrllok v» Kayco Council championship and can wrap it all up this Sunday when 3:30 p.m. Slosburg vs I-Go-Van SHOTS I.V TIIK DARK . . . they meet second place Rayim. Larry Herman and Dave GoldWhile losing AZA 1, players stein won the University of Omawere .standing around giggling ha bridge championship last nnd F.tumblin;;, Ronu used four week. Both boys for Mickplayers in the double figures for lin Lumber in the play Center Varsity a well-balanced attack. Buddy league . . . Due to an error by the Epstein with 22 points, led the Printers, last week's column statscoring parade. ed that Justin Mulnick was a Rayim and AZA 100. battled father of a new baby boy. Repeat, Into two overtime periods before this was a printer's error and AZA 100, won •1G-41 in the sec- apologies go to the Mulnick famond game. ily and especially to Justin, who In both Youth Council games is now serving in the Army at a total of 53 free throws were Colorado. missed. Gnmcs, Sunday, Jan. 21: 11 u.m. Kaylm vs Konu FOR THE FINEST... 12 noon AZA 1 vs AZA 100 IN PHOTOGRAPHY 7TII & 8TII GKAUE Portraits Dave Jacobson's free throw in Weddings the final minute of play gave Commercial The young Judaea groups will meet Sunday, January 21 at 2 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. Then, they will proceed —together—to the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged, •
Friday. January 10, 1DC2 ANNOUNCING Norman Gendler and WOW sports announcers will cover the plays on the new lyi>e rcolf chow "Putt for Dough," D to 5:30 p.m., Saturday, January 20, on WOW-
TV. Mr. Gemiler nnd his brother, Irv, are co-presidents of Truo Value Productions. Patronize the Jewish Press Advertisers.
, . •
'A i.i
Members of the USY will attend the January 19 Beth El Sabbath services, en masse. Afterwards they will go to the home of Frank Wintroub, 103 North 54 street for an Oneg Shabbat.
AZA 1009 Regional Hoop Gfiafiifrions
John Kalma PHOTOGRAPHER 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET 345-1044
Phono M2-1344 la Iniert your Want Ad In the Jewlih Pr«si.
DAILY JEWISH NEWSPAPERS BAR and Boa Mltzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge. PRACTICAL N U R S E , 5-day week or relief nurse, day or night. 553-4138. 642 N. 47th Ave. Sat. Eve. Post 2 yrs, (not 1 yr.) 5595 Readers Digest, 11 mos., 1.87 Holiday, 15 mos. . . . . . . . . 3.73 Ladies Home Journal, 30 mo3. 3.75 Fortune, 18 mos 11.75 Time, 78 weeks
Members of Tlio 11)01-03 Rona, A.Z.A. 1000 bnsketbnl] team, winners of tlio CornbeK Regional A.Z.A. basketball tournament and currently undefeated In tho Center Youth Council teaguo with. 10 straight viatorlcs are (left to right) back row: Coach Jerry Bennan, Chet Stolcr, Blchard Epstein, Bill Kully, Bob Wclnstein, Mflce Sherman; front row: Shelly Krlzciman, Buddy Epstein, Stewart Forbes, Barry Sadofslcy. Members not In tlic plcturo aro Sandy Kusln and Jeff Simon.
Town l and Country, 2 yra, 8.98 These are Just a few of tho wonderful special offers that will be available for a limited time. Call me for tho m a g a z i n e of YOUR choice, or for that special gift for that special "someone." Elsio Horwlcli, B51-3957 or 8110163. .
You can buy an electric dryer for $30 • to $50 less than other types. That's -, because electric heating elements are 1 simple, rugged units that require no; j complex mechanical controls. i You eavo on upkeep, too! Electric ' dryers have fewer operating parto than' flame-type units. Thoir simple con' etruction means less chance of break, down, and longer life, too. , . . . costs an average of only $1,08 , a month to dry this modern wayl'
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