January 26, 1962

Page 1


Vol. XL—No. 21

t'ubllcutlun Office. 101 No. 20th Omaha, Nebraska, Phone 342-1300


Second Claus Pofitune Puld nt Omaha, Nebr.

iilngle Copy 10 Cent* Annual Rate 4 Dollar!

Resident Camp Time June 24 Through July 14 Dates for the Jewish Federa- Bgo.n 7 through'14, will open on tion sponsored resident c a m p , a Sunday. There has been no inJune 24 through July 14 were nn- crease in the l'J(52 camp fee and nounced this week by H a r r y parents of last year's campers Women Will Serve Trustin. Mrs. Tnistin, Jewish will he allowed to register their The three nowly appointed coFederation President, stated that children first. Registrations will chairmen tile Women's Divithe camp will use the facilities be opened to the rest of the com- sion of theof 1062 -Philanof Camp Kitaki, the Lincoln munity this coming week. Mr. thropies Campaign,Jewish will bring to YMCA camp, as the new Esther Trustin said another capacity reg- their posts a wealth of experiK. Newman camp will not be istration is expected this year. ence, leadership and understandready for occupancy until late in College Counselors ing, Mrs. Joseph S. Guss, Womthe summer. An all-college counseling staff, en's General Chairman, declared No Fee Increase supplemented by a trained med- in an announcement this week. The cimp for hoys mid girls, ical and recreational personnel Named co-chairmen are Mrs. will again supervise the camp's David Bcber, M. II. Brodkey and activities and programs. Mrs, Norman Ilnlm, all, who, anF u r t h e r particulars on the nually, havo served tho drive In camp programs and activities will some capacity, "just a« an acbe made available shortly in a cepted Way of life along with general mailing to all parents tlielr usnnl responsibilities," Mrs. Two. unique tours for hiijll having children of camping age. Guss stated. S c h o o l students are being ar- Parents desiring immediate an"We are determined to have ranged to take place during the swers to their camp questions a successful drive," Mrs, Guss should call the Center's Camp school spring vacation. A trip for assorted. "My co-chairmen art the boys will include visits to Office at 342-13GG. devoted and competent women, major colleges In the east while who know the needs to be met, the girls' croup will he scheduled locally, nationally and overfor n tour of campuses in the Big seas, and will assure Omaha of Eight Conference. a worthy conclusion of our task." The two tours, planned by the "My service as a co-chairman, Jewish Community Center's Aclast year, was a rewarding extivities Department, will h a v e The 2Gth annual Youth Coun- perience and I am confident that adult chaperonage, and transpor- cil Stage Night will be held Feb- my co-chairmen will enjoy their tation in new modern vista dome ruary 17, at Technical H i g h roles as much as I did," she addbuses. Tile transportation fee School at 7:30 p.m., Youth Coun- ed. will be $70, with housing being cil President Howard Halm, anMrs. David Itaiicr provided at the campuses. nounced. Heady to go Into action for Students will be nble to visit Chairmen for the event are tho campaign Is Mrs. David at first hand educational Institu- Kathy Adler, daughter of Mr. Bi'ber, vice-president of Temple tions under consideration. and Mrs. Arthur Adler, and Har- Israel Sisterhood and a volunteer Because the tours can be varied ry Goldware, son of Mr. and Mrs. at Children Memorial Hospital, to meet the interest of the stu- Joseph Goldware. representing the Council of Jewdents, the trips should appeal to Tickets and stickers go on sale ish Women. She is a past vicehigh school students with college tills week at f :f ty cents Uiv school president of the Council, former plans. : age youngsters nnd $1.00 for member of tho Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs and was Further information nnd par- adults. ticulars on the two tours may bo had by calling the Center's Activities Office at 342-1366. Thirty students are needed for each trip.

College Tours Being Planned

Stage Night February 17

OAS in Algeria To Treat Departing Jews as 'Deserters' Algiers (WNS) — Every AJgerian Jew emigrating to Franco or planning to do so will bo treated as a "deserter" subject to tho death pcnnlty, the OAS, the secret European underground fighting Algerian independence, proclaimed. . • ,' Cites Kxatnplo The stand was spelled out in posters distributed in Algeria which announced that one Jew— M. Chekroun, a jeweler—had already been thus treated. Tho OAS poster said Chekroun, who was dragged from hi3 homo in Algiers two weeks ago and has not been seen, since, was tried "by tho military tribunal of the OAS, condemned to death for desertion and executed." Small Towns Emptying Prior to the OAS announcement banning the departure of any Europeans from Algeria for settlement in France, Jews had been fleeing, particularly from tho small towns. Only -7,000 Jews were reported loft In Constantino, which had a previous population of 18,000,

Car-Feriy Between Israel and Italy Brussels (JTA) — Coclcerill Ougrce, a Belgian shipyard, will build a car-ferry intended for eervlco between Israel and Italy, with accommodations for GOO passengers nnd 100 automobiles. The contract for tho construction, to be completed in two years, was signed in Geneva, according to the announcement. Tha purchaser ia an Israeli-Swim l company.

Data oo All Major Occupations In Center Vocational Library

Comprehensive and up-to-dato files of vocational information nnd materials on all major occupational fields are maintained by the Jewish Community Center's Activities Department for consultation by high school and college students, it was announced by Harry Sidman, Center Committee Chairman. Mr. Sidman said the library's resources will be of great assistance In carrying out the new Vocational Guidance program being developed by the Center and Cornhuslccr Lodge of B'nai B'rith. The information, he stated is filed carefully by occupation with a catalogue and will be invaluable for high school and college students interested in consultations. ; . Students are Invited to take ndvantage of this service. There is not any fee. TJie program, offering students free individual consultations with any of the persons actively en-

Sunday Fundair Still Taking Registrations • Several openings for glrla In kindergarten through the fourth grades still exist in tho Center sponsored Sunday Funday activity. The Sunday afternoon program, running from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., features dramatics, art and music and will run for eight successive Sunday sessions starting this weokend. Children are divided Into small well-supervised groups under professional supervision. Tho fee for the program Is $8, with registration being by phone confirmation, with the Center Activities Office

gaged In more than 30 occupations is headed by Capt. James Wax, M.D. By calling Capt. Wax, 291.-6319, Alvin Abramson, 3424811 or the Center Activities office, 342-13G6, an oppointment will be arranged for the student nnd adult to discuss the designated field, Its opportunities, requirements and benefits. Individualized testing and consultation are also maintained to complete the program through the Family Service Department of tho Federation. This large and well planned vocational guidance program has been designed to give the student tho maximum benefit of his career training and post high school work.

In 1962 Campaign one of the coordinators In the establishment of the Golden Age Club. "1 feel certain that eveiy woman will do her shaie in tho Philanthropies Campaign, and I am very happy to do my part this year," Mrs. Beber said Mrs. M. H. Hrodkey Mrs. M. II, Brodkey, too, has been actively identified with organizational work. She Is a former president of the BethJ El Sisterhood, Dundee School I -TA and the Omaha Junior Theater. "The campaign," bhc pointed out, "Is part of being Jewish and Is something in which everyone should participate. I am always very pleased to work on It since the needs are great and critical." Mrs. Brodkey, previously, was a representative on the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, and on the Volunteer Bureau for three years and is a former member of the Jewish Federation Family Service Committee. Mrs. Normnn Hnlui Mrs. Norman Hahn who just completed "exams" this week at the University of Omaha where she is a special student, is relieved, that phase of her activities is over so sho can tackle her job as a co-chairman. "I feel that as a member of ' the Jewish Community, it is my [ responsibility and privilege to ac- t cept this appointment," rihe said. "Everyone who lends a hand, in this great community campaign benefits in the satisfaction of accomplishment." Among Mrs. Halm's past roles In the community, are treasurer and vice-president of the Beth Israel Sisterhood, Council treasurer and officer in B'nal B'rith. At the present she is serving in the Motor Services for the American Red Cross,

Senior Citizens' Lounge Carpeted In honor of the tenth anniversary of the Golden Age Club, the Omaha Section of the National Council of Jewish Women carpeted t h e Senior Citizens' Lounge at the Jewish Communnity Center. The Lounge jointly sponsored by the Jewish Federation and Council, Is in its fourth year of operation and Is the headquarters of the Golden Agers of the Jewish Community.

Rabbi Joins Christian Clergy Leaders InSanOpposing Anti-RedTheXrusade' Crusade, headed by Dr. Francisco (JTA)—The president of the Board of Rabbis of Northern California joined this week with major leaders of seven Protestant denominations in assailing the Christian AntiCommunist Crusade, target of widespread attention in California. The clergymen declared In a Joint statement that while they had no quarrel with the premise of the Crusade "that American needs to be aware of the true nature of the Communist threat," they did question "the degree to . which an organization carries out its own aims." Typo of Education Tlio statement charged that the type of "education" provided by the Crusado "has seemed of dubious value to many commentators and positively harmful to others."

rirs. David Bebor

Fred Schwars, who has denied any nnti-JewIsh bias in Its program, will open a stand in Oakland at this end of the month. Letter Writing Campaign The s c h e d u l e d program prompted a group of Christian and Jewish lay leaders In Oakland to meet to form a committee for the preservation of "religious civil liberties." Committee members agreed to launch a letter-writing campaign to -tho Oakland City Council to express the concern of various churches arid synagogues hi Oakland against, tho possible impact of the Crusade in the city. The delegates also agreed to set up a permanent committee to act as a clearing house for information about political groups which abuse democratic rights.

Mrs. Norman Ilnlm

Soviet Bombers With Range of 4,250 Miles Brought Info Egypt Tel Aviv (JTA)—The United Arab Republic Is putting into operation some new, Soviet-made long - range bombers, mounting two 23 millimeter guns, capable of carrying 10 tons of bombs for a distance of 4,250 miles, and of refueling while In flight, it was reported in the press here. The new Russian bomber, tho TU-16, replaces the Ilyushine 28 craft which are1 now considered "outmoded," the report said. Ths Ttf-16 Is now operational also in the Russian air force. ]


Pn|*e Two



ilfi the Home Folks

Second Class Postaoo Paid at Ornnho, Ncbr. Annual Subscription, 54 M. Advertising Rales on Application. Publication Office—101 tlo. iOih Street. Omaha, Kefir. Phone 3431344.



Judgment Awaited in Frenoli Libel Suit Paris. (WNS)—The family of the late Leon Blum, twice Premier of France, was told that a judgment would be rendered on February 24 on its $2,000,000 suit alleging libel of the memory of the late French leader. The defendant was the pub-

lisher of the T.aroutse French Kncyclupedia. The suit charged that the current edition sought to perpetuate the ancient canard that Blum was not a Frenchman but a "foreign Jew." The article alleged Blum's "real name" had been Leon Kerkiinkelstein.




>r i


S ,*j

A MH.EST.ONE—American Youngsters off on (lie first group lU Mitzvah Pilgrimage to Israel.

Room for 100 on Bcsr MifzvahTrip Special to the. Jewish Press— The second annual Bar Mitzvah Pilgrimage to Israel for American Youngsters sponsored by the American Zionist Council and the Jewish Agency for Israel, will be held this summer in Israel. Due to the ovenvlielming demand for accommodations in 1002, the group's enrollment has been expanded to 100 children. . 75 In laci On the occasion of Israel's Bar Mitzvah Anniversary last year, the pioneer' group of .75 youngetcrs flew to lorQC-J, traveled ox-

tensively throughout the country, -participated in an educational program and met many personages. The highlight was a mass ceremony in a Jerusalem Synagogue.' • • - • ' •

Emphasis on Culture Tile Bar Mitzvah Pilgrimage is not intended to surplant the actual Bar Mitzvah ceremony in tlie youngster's home community, but is seen as an additional custom in American Jewish life with emphasis on the educational and cultural aspects of Israel life. Many families throughout the country are increasingly turning to this type of a Bar Mitzvah celebration in place of the clalxirnte festivities, which have become almost a norm In current colebrationr. of tlio Bar Mitzvah event in this country.^ The Pilgrimage is open to boys and girls who will have attained their ]3th birthday by the summertime and who are not over 14 years of age.


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Open Till 5 P.M. Sunday thru Friday Closed on Saturday We Deliver • We Ship Anywhere

CuiHllrllglitinj,', 5:12 p.m. B'nul Jacob Adas Vi'shuroit:

Friday Mincha, 5 p.m.; .Saturday services, 8:45 a.m. and Mlncha at 5 p.m., followed by Sholosh Scudos and Muariv at. 5:15 p.m. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Beth El: The syji.-igogue will hold its annual consecration service on Sabbath eve at 8 p.m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the .sermon directed to the conseerants, (first year pupils of the Talmud Tol'ah) Cantor Aaron I. Kdgar and the Beth 101 Talmud Torah choir will render musical portions of the service. Moinljcrs of Hie choir are: David Gltiner, David Bloch, Rick/ Chudncoll, Gar/ ColIcK, Joel Epslcln, rV.JIIon Erman, Jcrl Falfc. Mark rellmon, Marsha Fc-llman, Jimmy Fried, Karen Gould, Richard Green, Ellene Halprin, Ncttcj Kripke, Marc Llpman, Alan Parsovv, JeancHe Rclnalas, Jimmy Rice, Son]a Rolhkop, Hank Shric-r, Marly Shukcrl, Suson Sololorovsky, Nancy Slcrn, Jon Whitman, Belli Winlroub, Karen Wlntroufo, Ronald Wolfson ond Dob Yalfe.

A reception will follow the service. Traditional Sabbath morning services at fi:.'IO a.m. Family service .at 10:30. Mothers and children will participate in the service. Mincha-Maariv services at 5:15 j).m. Sunday morning services begin at 'J a.m. Services during the week are held at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Temple. Israel: Sabbath services at 8:15 Friday evening with Kabbi Sidney II. Brooks officiating. Rabbi Brooks has c h o s e n "When Did You Last Obey a Commandent?" as his sermon topic for the evening. Cantor Manfred F. Kuttncr and Temple Choir under direction of Miss Ida Gitlin will participate in the service. Beth Israel: Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Eli Kagan and the Beth Israel Choir will conduct the Friday Family services at 8 p.m. Traditional Friday evening services (Kobolas Shabbos) begin at 5:15 p.m. Shabbos morning services at 8:45 a.m. Junior Congregation at 10 a.m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud class at 5 p.m. Shabbos Mincha at 5:15 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at G:15 p.m. Sunday morning services at 9 a.m. Junior Minyan starts at 8:30 a.m. Mincha at 5:25 p.m. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 5:25 p.m.

Bar i i 51sr and UNDERWOOr<£> MONDAY thru FRIDAY 9 A.M. to 7 P.M. SUNDAYS 6 A.M. to 7 P.M.


78th and DODGE Beverly Hilts Plaza Open MONDAY thru SATURDAY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.

Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks of Temple Israel, will represent the r .- • „ -. -"1 Jewish Ohaulaunua .Society as lecturer at Doano College in A Klddusli was given tins week Crete, Neb., Thursday, Februby Mr. and Mrs. Max Stoler on ary 8. the occasion of the 63rd weddhu;. The Society receives support anniversary of their parents, Mr. in Omaha through the Jewish nnd Mrs. A. Stoler. Kublil Sidney Itrooks was our Philanthropies Campaign. rabbinical visitor this week. A Rain parly was held on Sunday, January 21, in celebration of Tu U'Shevat. Mrs. Yetta Goldberg was in charge of the affair for the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah. Entertainment was provided by the Young Judaea group under the direction of Mrs. Kvelyn Alperin. Come one, come nil to til'; Miriam Shiier show to be held at the Home, Sunday, January 28, at 2 p.m.

All friends and relatives are Invited to attend services and reception. BLEICIIER KANDY KNGEL, Randy Engel, son of Dr. Robert Engel and Mrs. Sanford Kaiser, and Paul Bleichcr, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Bleicher, will each become Bar "Mitzvah, on Friday evening January 26 and Saturday morning, January 27, at Temple Israel.


Hi-Lu Chapter U.S.Y. of Beth El will hold their second annual carnicai, February 11, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the synagogue social hall. Dinner will be served. Frances Hornstcln and Joe Erman ore overall chairmen. Their committee chairmen i n c l u d e s Nancy Jabenis, John Farber, Babs Givot, Frank Wintroub, B a r r y Kort, Harlan Priesman, Barbara Jess, Judy Nogg, Lynn Saunders, Barbara Chudacoff, Steve Bloch, Harriet Dolgoff, Marlene Frcedman and Jan Jnngcr. ON AM, STATI3 TEAM Marshall Kaplan, Central High School student, was selected as a member of the second all-state Regents team recently in Lincoln. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Samuel S. Kaplan.

ROBERT YAGEH Dr. and Mrs. J. Lewis Yager announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Robert Yager, at Beth El Synagogue, at the 10:30 service on Saturday morning, February 3.

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KOCIIAVm ELECTS Newly elected officers of Kochavirn, third and fourth grade club at Beth Israel Synagogue are Marc Meiches, president; Marty Itosenstein, vice-president; Ronnie Kwaitck, secretary; Harry Wisnia, treasurer. Bunny Belzer, Alan Stoler, Roberta Frank, Ricky Canfield and Netta Sclnvalb, are sergeant-at-anns.

Your choico of lemon, © pineapple, cinnamon,' © cherry, raspberry, apriKM:CTKD TO CENTRALS STUDENT COUNCIL © cot, all delicious and The following were a m o n g © tantalizing. those elected to the students council, sophomore class, at Central High Schoo|: Linda Riekes © daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max © Offers Effective Only Iueltes; Sandy Friedman, son of Thru Wed., Jan. 31 Mrs. I. IL Friedman and Larry © Grossman, son of Mr. and Mrs, Sarvtng Omaha With Arthur Grossman. Quality for 40 Yuan

John Spitzcr, president of the Western Council of the Missouri Valley Federation of Temple Youth, has been elected a chairman of MoVFTYtute, a ten-day regional leadership training and study Institute, scheduled for August, The new chairman will be responsible lor coordinating and planning the entire Institute.


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Martin Nearenberg to Wed Ann Blumberg, Des Moines

Center , Activities1

Announcement is made of Uio cnfjaKOment of A n n Mailene BlunilxJi'K, d.-inuhter of Mr. nnd

Improve Your Reading Skills


How IOIIK will it. t.'ilte you lo read this article? If you'd completed • the new speed reading course offered by the Center for hi);h school students it; would take you loss than 12 seconds. Designed for students who read slowly, or those who mii;hl, have difficulty in comprehension or for those that want to develop faster reading rales, the Friday after school course" for high school students is the. answer. During the fight one-hour sessions, each Friday starting at 3:35 p.m. the average student attending will increase his reading speed over 1)0 per cent, while Increasing his comprehension at the same lime. Better study skills are also stressed in the rapid reading program. The fee for the course Is $2 wit li legist rations being accepted in the Center's Activities Office. Enrollment in the course is limited to 15. The first sessions is slated for Friday, February 9.




Molncs, In., to Mnrtin NraiPnIM'I'KI son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton

Ncamiljerij of Omaha. A Juno 24 weddinc Is forme planned. Miss Bliimljoi'K iittemlw] the University of Minnesota a I. Minneapolis and in a meinlirr of .SH;irm Delia Tan .Sorority. Mr. NeaiTnlierg is an alumnus of the University of Omaha uheie he was affiliated with I'hi Lp^ilon Pi Fraternity.

Showboat Decorations For Belli Israel Party A showboat pnrly will he i;ivcn January 27 from 9:.'iO p.m. to 12:30 a.m. by the Beth Israel Young Couples Club in the synagogue social hall. The showboat theme will ho carried out in both the decorations and the program. The evening's entertainment will feature a melodrama with the following p a r t i c 1 p a n t s: Messrs. and Mmes. Huijo Kahn, Allen Siegcl, Klliot Brown, Myron Marko, Marvin Gilinslcy, Gordon Klewitz, Milton Bclzer, and Maurice Mcichcs, Dr. and Mrs. James Wax and the Mmes. Oscar Diamond and Harry Siref. Messrs. and Mines. Kahn and Sieuel are chairmen for the parly. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alloy are in charge of publicity.

Princeton Center For 'Observant' New York (JTA)—A religious confer for observant Jewish students, the first in the 2]I> year history of Princeton University, is now in operation on that Ivy League enmpuri. Three kosher meals are served daily, making It possible for the Jewish students to both eat and pray in accordance with Jewish law. The house is one of 22 such institutions in the United States.

Urge Senior Citizens Canadian Leader, Join Ceramics Glass

Beth El Speaker Mrs. Percy Gcnzer of Winnipeg, Man., Canada, will be the jjuest speaker at n meeting of the Ueth 101 Sisterhood Board, January 29 at 10 a.m. in the synagogue social hall. Mrs. Genzer is president of the Midwest Branch of National Women's League of United Synagogues of America. Mrs. Morris Fcllman will bo hostess nt her home on Tuesday at 1 p.m. to Mrs. Gcnzer and b r a n c h board members from Sioux Falls, S.D., Council Bluffs, Lincoln and Omaha.

A call is out for senior citizens, those now retired, who arc ininterested in developing their arto join in Especial a f t e r n o o n classes. Several additional registrants nre needed before a satisfactory program can be developed. Those interested in developing htelr artistic talents or providing for a recreational outlet of their personal skills, may call the Center's Activities Department, either requesting additional information or to sign up for the classes.

SO Cultural Centers Abba Eban Will Speak Planned for Israel York—The American-IsAt U. S. Universities raelNewCultural Foundation anJerusalem—Abba Eban, Minister of Education and. Cultttro nnd former Israel Ambassador to the United States, is spending a week in the United States in his capacity ns president of t h e Weizmnna Institute of Science In Itehovot. Mr. Khan, who will be the principal speaker at the annual dinner of the Chicago Committee for the Institute, will also deliver the graduation address at the International C e n t e r of Atomic Studies at the Argonno National Laboratories of: Chicago University. Ho will also deliver the concluding Alexander Keller Lecture nt Hartford University on. the problems of arms control, MEXICO CITV, IlEADQUARTEItS OP IIABBINICAL, UNION Panama .(WNS)—A founding conference ended with creation of the Union of Rabbin of Central America with headquarters in Mexico City. The group is Orthodox-oriented.

nounced plans for a network of 50 cultural centers in outlying sections of Israel at a cost of $2,500,000. The first center, In the village of Isfiya, populated by Druse and Christian Arabs, will be named in honor of former Sen. Herbert H. Lehman. Ten of the centers will be built in Arab-populated areas, with many others in the Ncgev. APARTMENTS KEHTRICTIOD IN AUKA NKAtt TKMVLI3 New York (WNS) — Alfred Bachrach, president of Temple Emanu-EI of New York, charged that there were "clusters of multiple dwellings" within a few miles of the Temple which barred Jewish tenants, "regardless of their lowliness or loftiness."


For Men and Women

Boys and girls in the seventh and eighth grades will be able to learn new dance steps while polishing up those steps they already know in a new course of social dancing lo start shortly under the J e w i s h Community Center's auspices. Weekly classes will bo conducted by professional dance instructors in Center activity for "tween-agers." Participation in the D a n c e Course Is only by advance registration through the Outer's Activities office. The fee for the eight week course is only $2. Classes will be conducted in "after school hours."

Boys—Here's Your Chance to Play a Stringed Instrument No boy Is "in the know" today without being able to plunk a stringed instrument, be it a like, banjo or guitar. Today, the interest In playing these distinctly American instruments is greater than ever. Because of this wide Interest, the Center has s,lated a series of special sessions for boys in teaching them how to play one of these instruments. Youngsters not having nn instrument will be loaned one by the Center. The fee for the 10-sesslon series Is 55 with registration being limlled to 10 registrants. Registrations will he accepted in order of their receipt at the Center,

Saturday Sports Program Basketball, handball, nnd pingpong are just a few, of .the activities open to youth at the Center building every Saturday evening from 7 to 9 p.m. Boys are invited to drop In for Eym and sports sessions, any Suturday evening, cither to practice or participate In the informal game competition. There Is no charge for the Saturday evening sports sessions and no advance registration is required. Clubs are also urged to take advantage of the Center's facilities Saturday evenings for -sports stags, where all of the groups members can participate. The grade and high school boys participating in this program nro supervised by Center personnel,

Bridal Portraits



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'Why Be a Wall Flower' Join Tween-Agers1 8Week Dancing Course

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'Mrs, Isndoro Vorbps would lllio to thank her friends and relatives for tlio many cards, flowers, gifts and other exprcsslonn of good wishes extended to her during her Illness. • ••,•.•..-•.• -• •'• ! ; •

Fafje Three

Live Minks Flown to Israel New York—A shipment of 300 live minks, valued at $50,000 was flown from New York to Israel to spur the country's new mink ranching industry. The animals representing tile finest specimens of American-bred ranch mink, are the second shipment. The first shipment went last April. Government officials said here that Israel hopes to develop a sizable fur industry within four or five years. Farms are being planned to accommodate 200,000 minks. The minks were raised in .Sandy, Utah, and in Warroad, Minn. They are destined for the Talpiot Kami in Jerusalem.

Omahans in News I'M C'olien and Abe Slushy were among the crew members of Tent No. 1G, Omaha Chapter of Variety Clubs International, elected recently. Among those elected to the board of Friends of Childrcns Memorial Hospital are Mrs. Ilyinan I'"erer, first vice-president and Mrs. Ernest A. Nojfir, treasurer. Mrs. !MorrIn Epstein and her sister, MrH. Mary Klmhort will return Sunday after three weeks in California. They vi.sited Mrs. Kpslein's son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Norman Sigel and daughter Debra Lynne in Fresno and her brother-in-law, Jack Koster in San Jose.

Mr. and Mrs. David Rice announce the birth of their fourth daughter, Carey Ann, on. January 11. Their other daughters are Jody, Lindy and Kdye. Grandparents are Messrs. and Mines.Ilymie Zorinsky and Samuel Rice.


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ANOTHER . Alliitrt Stcln, former Omahnn, NEW LISTING attached to the Navy Department's legal staff, received a Dist i n g u i s h e d Civilian Service Award in ceremonies in Wash- Stately B U M ? MUCK residence ington. He is the son of Mr. and CI1STO.1I UUIT/T for Omnha exec-

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DANCE CLASSES for 7th and 8th Grade Boys and Girls

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COMMIT? CENTER 342.1366 < Another Tween-Tlme Activity Sponjqred by the Center



Friday, January 2G, 11HJX

Deaths By Cy Seltchlck VARSITY LEAGUE Markel Cleaners bounced bark into first place with a 43-37, win over Micklin Lumber on the strength of a 26-point scoring barrage by Ed Belgrade. It was a close E'lne all the way with the losers scrapping for a last minute victory. They might have pulled it out, but in the final 90 seconds, they were caught on a goal-tending violation on a missed shot and a running'drivinR left handed fielder by Wayne Siegal iced the contest for the league leaders. Dave Goldstein's 14 points were hlyli for Micklin. R. C. Cola-Canada Dry kept faint title hopes alive for an eventful tie for first place by downing Milder Oil 55-41. It was the finest exhibition this year for the winners as all nine players tallied in the scoring column. A good defense and 13 points by Ray Kirlce led the winners, who need to win all four remaining games to tie for first place. Lindy Paul nnd Fred Bernstein with 21 points were high for Milder. W. L. Market 5 3 Micklin 4 4 Milder 4 4 R. 0. Cola .3 5 Gaujoa, Wednesday, Jan. 31: 7:30 p.m.—Milder vs. Market 8:30 p.m.—U. C. Cola vs. Mick lln yoxnn COUNCIL Ronu captured the Youth Council championship last Sunday with a routing 60-27 victory over Rayim. It- is the second year of the past three that Coach Jerry Berman's squad won the title. Playing mostly with juniors, the future outlook for Ronu to dominate Youth Council Athletics appears evident. In downing Rayim, Chet Stoler, rapidly becoming one of the better players in the loop, tallied 18 points for the winners. Rayim, in a weird move, blew their only chance to make a close game out of the contest when their leading scorer became involved in a private battle with a Ronu substitute. Both were

HENRF MONSKY LODGE PINNER MEETING Dick Walter of Walter Attractions will speak on show business at a dinner meeting of Henry Monsky Lodge, B'nai B'rith, Wednesday, January 31 at the Blackatone Hotel. The event open to wives will begin with cocktails at 6:30 pjn. and dinner at 7 p.m. '. • • • POSTPONED BAKE SALE The bake sale .scheduled by the Pioneer Women for December and postponed at that time due to the .inclement weather, will be held as soon as the weather is more favorable, Mrs. M i l t o n Nearenberg, president, said.

Advisory Council Formed by NCCJ New York (JTA) — A ninemember council, to act as an advisory body in dealing with political and social problems involving religious differences, has been appointed by the National Conference of Christians and Jews. The council will aid implementation of a new NCCJ project to raise the general level of discussion among religious groups on fiuch issues as Federal aid to private and parochial schools, birth control legislation, Bible reading in public schools, and Sunday closing legislation.

tossed out of the game. The move greatly enhanced Itonu's chances for a lopsided win. In the second game, AZA 100 won for the second week in a row, defeating AZA 1, 50-34.

\V. I.. Ronu H 0 ICayhu 0 fl AZA 100 4 7 AZA 1 '-! » (ianies, Sunday, Jan. 28: 11 ajn.—AZA 1 vs. Kaylm 12 noon—Konu vs. AZA 100 7TII AND 8T1I (jKADE Fireside continued to lead the loop by one game, by virtue of a 52-43 win over Borsheim. The league leaders with Dave JacobEon pouring in 32 points had a tough game all the way from a fired-up Borsheim team playing their best game of the season. Richy Jacobson's twelve points proved to be vital for the winners. Borshoim's Ron Wolpa with 27 points was high for Borsheim and he also played a "staller" floor game in an effort to upset the league leaders. In the first game, scrappy MoEen-David, won a hard-struggle battle from Kaitnan 28-22 with I.ee Ross pumping in 15 tallies. Jerry Hollis had ten for the losers. Mogen-David, improving each week, may be the best team in the league going down the home stretch. Their game with Fireside this Sunday could very well decide the championship. AV.


Fireside 5 1 Mogcn-David 4 1 Kalman 3 3 Borslielrn 0 0 Games, Sunday, Jan. 28: 4:30 p.m.—Knhuan vs. Bor5:30 p.m.—Fireside vs. MogenDavld 5TH AND GTII GKADE Tretiak hung on in the final minutes to defeat Rayco 15-14 in the opener of 5th and 6th grade play last Sunday. Mark Wolpa with 11 points led the winners, while John Hoberman with 6, was high for the losers. For the first time in years, gross misconduct by adults, caused the second game to be abbreviated and halted at the end of the first half, much to the displeasure of the innocent players. I-Go-Van was awarded the 30-8, win over Slosburg, for their sixth straight triumph. W. I-Go-Van 0 (Slosburg 3 Tretiak 2 Itayco .. 1 Games, Sun, Jan. 28: 2:30 p.m.—Tretiak vs. Slosbnrg 3:30 p.m.—I-Go-Van v» Hnyco

Revised Legal Gode Urged byien-Sarion Jerusalem (JTA)—Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, in a message to the Israel Bar AE3ociaton, urged development of Israeli law " b a s e d on the enduring values of Juaism, geared to the needs of the modern State and the historic mission of the Jewish people." Mr. Ben-Gurion urged a change in the country's legal system, which it inherited "from foreign sources." He requested the development of a Hebrew code, which was halted under the Roman domination some 2,000 years . ago."

ALLEN KOIL\N Funeral services for Allen Kohan, G5, 109 South 50th Street, who died Monday, were held Tuesday at the Beth El Synagogue with burial in Beth El Cemetery. He was a well-known former newspai>er man and later coowner of Porter's Apparel Store. A veteran of World War I and World War II, Mr. Kohan served as district vice-commander of the American Legion. Survivors are wife, Ida; son, Richard, Chicago; daughter, Mrs. Donald Vann, Omaha and three grandchildren. UOBEIIT NALIBOW Funeral services were held Sunday for Robert Nalibow, 81, who made his home at the Dr. Philip .Slier Jewish Home for the Aged. Burial was in Golden Hill Cemetery. Before his retirement, he operated a restaurant at 27th and Dodge Street. MRS. LILLIAN SINGER STINT. Funeral services were held last Friday at the Crosby-K u n o 1 d Mortuary for Mrs. Lillian Singer Stine, 72, former Omahan, who died on January 15 In Los Angeles, Cal. Burial was in Beth El Cemetery. Survivors: husband, Dade, Los Angeles; sisters, Mrs. Rclla Steinberg, Omaha; Mrs. Clara Marx, Alexander, La. nr.d Mrs. Mollie Goudchaux, Bunkic, La. She was the f.unt of Mrs. Frances Kort Ferer and Harold Kort of Omaha. WILLIAM KOHN News was received here of the recent death in St. Louis, Mo. of William Kohn, father-in-law of ex-Omahan, Mrs. Alan C. Kohn, the former Joanne Jacobs. Mrs. Kohn Is the daughter of Mrs. Julia Jacobs.

U. S. Officials Scoff At Soviet Charges Washington (JTA)—The charge made by the Moscow newspaper "Trud" that Israeli diplomats in Russia are spying for the United States Government's Central Intclllgance Agency appears to be further evidence of the Soviet Union's "concentrated attack on its Jewish population," a State Department spokesman said. The spokesman scoffed at the charge, asserting that the Central Intelligence Agency has long been a favorite target of Soviet propagandists. He speculated that the newest charge against the CIA — recruiting Israeli diplomats for espionage work in Russia—which he described us "a two-in-one shot," was aimed at discrediting both the U. S. Intelligence arm and Russian Jews. Meanwhile, two members of the U. S. Congress, Rep. William Fitts Ryan and Rep. Herbert Zclenko—both from New York— requested that the United States delegation at the United Nations introduce a resolution at the UN condemning Russia for persecuting Jews. Mr. Ryan also sent a telegram to President Kennedy and Secretary of State Dean Rusk, warning of "terrifying dangers facing Soviet Jews." Ho stated in his wires that "like the opening step of Nazi pogroms," the Soviet accusations against Israeli diplomats are "obviously calculated to open the way for full persecution, Imprisonment or death for Soviet Jews."

Lebanon Continues Plans For Expulsion of Jews

Jerusalem (JTA) — Preparation for the expulsion of Jews and "other foreigners" from LeOMAHA VISITOBS banon are now being made by Mr. and Mrs. Irving Goldman the Lebanese Government, a o : of Chicago, HI. spent several days cordlng to a report from Beirut during the past week at the carried by the Arab News AgenBlackstone Hotel. Mrs. Goldman cy. Other "special measures" arc is the former Eleanor Horwicn of also being contemplated, the reOmaha. port said. The steps will be tak-

en in order "to prevent subversive action against the State," the report stated. Lebanon has 10,000 Jews, according to some experts, while other Jewish' sources maintain that the population there has dwindled to between 7,000 and 8,000 Jews.

by Anita Englo

Upper Galilee Rich in Areiraecitegy Jerusalem—I have such a delicate constitution that in my own home I can hardly muster the strength to empty the garbace pail. But I've just returned from mi archaeological e x c a v a t i o n where I spent eight hours a dny for three weeks digging the eartli out of some ancient burial caves and I feel fine. The blisters on my hands are almost healed, and I can now puss a ploughed field without estimating how long it would take me to remove the surface with an Ice i>ick and dental instruments, which were the tools 1 had to use. I don't know whether there was any malice aforethought on the part of my husband, but it was lie who volunteered me for the expedition! Tlio burial caves lire In tlio ground* of kibbutz Ha (loslirtni, at the. foot of Tilt. Herman, In tipper Galilee. The whole, siren Is an extremely Interesting ono. A sheltered, fertlln jilaln, watered, by the numerous springs vvlilrh Join up farther dawn to form thu Itlvcr Jordan, It Is rich In arcluuv ologlra! finds from prehistoric tune* onward. In the kibbutz collection they have u spear head Which Is Btttd by exjicrts to lie ono of tlio finest prehistoric Implements In tlio world. It Is Insured with Lloyds for 100,000 pounds. The k i b b u t z discovered tho burial site when a bulldozer fell through the roof of one of the caves while the area was being cleared for further building. Removing part of the earth from the tombs, they found two large, unbroken pottery jars of unusual shape, which tipped them off to the fact that they had stumbled on something important. Being keen amateur archaeologists, they sieved every bit of earth they drew out of the cave, and discovered a dark blue glass medallion about the size of a ten-cent piece, with the head of a Greek god stamped on both sides. They also found tiny fragments of blue glass, which were painstakingly f i t t e d together by Nimrud, a member of tho kibbutz, who by day works as a tractorist. The

Royalties, Eiclimann iemolrs to Attorney Tel Aviv (JTA)—Dr. Robert Servatius, chief of defense for the convicted Adolf Eiclimann, said here he has obtained exclusive rights for tlio royalties expected from publication of Elchmann's 500-page book of memoirs, written while the former Gestapo colonel has been in Israeli prisons. Eiclimann is under sentence of death—which Dr. Servatius is appealing to the Israel Supreme Court. The attorney said he believed tlie royalties from publication of the book will probably be enough to cover the defense costs in full. So far, however, the lawyer said, "no one has read what Eichmann has been writing." He expressed hope that first publication of tho Eichmann book would bo in Israel. The volume will be Eichniann's "true atonement," ho said, adding that, in the book, Eichmann will warn the youth of the world against a revival of Nazism.

Bar-Han Presents First i A Degrees Tel Aviv—Five students, three women and two men received the first M, A. degrees ever conferred by Bar-Ilan4University, near Tel Aviv at the same time, 49 additional students, received B.A. and R. S. degrees in the natural sciences and mathematics, humanities and the social sciences, Judaica, literature and languages. The University which opened In 1955 has 749 students Including 28 from aboard.

glass proved to be two lovely perfume bottles dating back to the 3rd century B.C. Examination of the site revealed tlio carefully blocked up «I>finIngs of at least ten more) tombs. Tho Department of Antiquities nan Informed, as Is tha legal procedure, and they decided to excavate at the curliest opportunity. Not only because tha finds promised interesting results, lint also to prevent unauthorized excavation, w u 1 c h Is so very tempting In a country where archaeology Is the favorite sport of jounjf mid old. The scientific staff consisted of two trained archaeologists and another volunteer like myself. I went along to work on the glass finds. But npart from the original pieces, we never found any glass! The intriguing relics of tho Macedonian-Greek period (around 250 BC) ceased with the first cave. According to the pottery wo found, the people In the rest of the caves had been buried dur» ing the Middle Bronze period. That Is, sometime in 1,900 B.C. At least two hundred years befora Abraham came to Palestine! It is too soon yet. to say who were the people buried in tha cemetery at Ha Goshrim, The older people were very likely original Cannanite inhabitants of the land, while the finds of the first cavo belong to a second burial. In this later period the cemetery may have been attached to one of tho many Greek soldier-c o 1 o n i o s . which were founded in the area during the decades after tho death of Alexander the Great, when the S e 1 e u c i d s and the Ptolemies fought for control of Palestine.

Australia Will Admit 2,SQ9 European Jews New York (JTA)— Australian Jewry's plans for continued immigration were discussed by Sydney D. Einfeld, M.P., president of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, in talks with World Jewish Congress leaders here. Mr. Einfold disclosed that Australia received 1,100 Jewish immigrants last year, raising tha community's total to 05,000 moro than double the 30,000 in 1946. Tlio Australian Jewish leader reported that another 2,500 Jews in Europe had been approved as immigrants by the Australian authorities and w e r e awaiting transportation. In addition, an Australian immigration officer had recently arrived in Egypt to process possible Immigrants, some of whom would most certainly bo Jews, ho said. MRS. MEIll ON TOUIt OF FAlt EASTERN NATIONS Tel Aviv "(WNS)— Mrs. Golda Moir, Israel's Foreign Minister, is on a month's tour of Far Eastern countries, including Japan, the Philippines, Thailand, Burma and Cambodia.

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