February 2, 1962

Page 1


'Vol. X L — N o . 'Zl

I'liljllcatliin (Office, 101 NIL •aotli Omaha. Ni-'bruslsa, i'hunc 3«-K:«i



Marc Chagall Exhibit' Feature G! Fedei Annual Meeting on Sunday, February

2, 1082

Second (.'lus.'i I'uMune Paid nt umnlm. Nour

Single Copy 30 Cent* Annual Rate 4 Dollars


AM exhibit of M a r e t""liri}»;ill nlJjums anil p r i n t ; will In- one (if Ui'; feature;; at the Anniia I.Wi-etJn;; of t h e Jewish F e d e r a t i o n , S u n d a y evonin", 1'Ybrua ry J l , a t 8 p.m., nl t h e Jewiifli C'omiiiiiiiity f- <; II t e i". Dr. Al»' CreenlKT;;, Cliairiiiai] of the Annual Meet in,'; C o m m i t t e e , announced.

Twelve Tiilii'.s Depicted and rare cd .«.• a (IsMiss Elizabeth .1. Hart, promTiie famous "Chagall W i n - played. There reproductions inenl Onmlian, who has bitn (l')'.v.s," (1 e p i c Lin;: the 'J\vi;lve! l'I".V °f lai'K' rlosely identified with PhilanTribes or Israel in colored slides, of the origina Ippriiils. will he the l.i;'hlii;hl. (if thh ex"Tho Ch(ig."l| E.\hibil promises thropies on many occasions, uill hibit. There are_ the twelve win- lo be one of I! most interesting bead .the Kusiness and i^ioTi seluws made by Mare Chagall f.'ir Exhibits we li ve ever present - sional Women's iJivision in the the synagogue of the Hndnssnli eel," Dr. d e e •)erg s.'iid. "It is ]9Cii C;inipni;;n, it was ;innounc(d Medical C e n t e r , nt Jerusalem, very timely be ause i)f the dedi- by Mrs. Joseph Cuss, Women s which are .scheduled to be in- cation of the T velve Tribes Win- General Chairman. Miss Hail, r:.\iierieiieeil stalled find dedicated on February clows which w 1 take place thi.: I), in the presence of Mare Ch'i- week at tit" ad;issah Medical Mrs. fiuss, in rinnounein;j the gall, 'liiese windows have created Center in Isra appointment, lauded the leadeia world-wide s e n s a t i o n and These windo s have been nc- ship ability of Miss I fart and deJerusalem CJTA) - - Pioi>i<lin;T aroused considerable interest and claimed univen illy as the crown- clared she was extremely plca-.i d Justice Yitzhak Olshan of Israel's praise. j , , , , achievemei i. of the TG-year to have lu-r serve in this po>t Supreme Court, crauted a I'Mi'.i"> Chapill Alliuiiis o'd master's e rcer. The entire .She added that. Miss Hart is an (lay extension, to February (!, for In addition lo the Window E\'- community is invited lo attend experienced and devoted hand at 1 !ii.% filing of (lie appeal from I hi." hibit. 'S> albums of Chagall's the meeting ain view this tinnsu- nclik.'viri;! a successful campaign. verdict of I hi; Jerusalem District works, some of which are limited nl exhibit, Pr. nb The newly appointed I! & P. dded. Court, which .'X.iiicuced former Gestapo Colonel Adolf Eichmann to (Ionth. A r.'i|tic:;t for an extension was received by the Supreme Court from Or. Robert .Scrvntius, of Colu;;ne, flermnny, The Omaha Jewish Ooinmunilj,' is in the midst of f.;rait ijro.rjro.w. chief of tile Kichmann defense.

EicEimann Gels 10 extension

Stage"!igtif Tickeis Are Ihu Available Tickets are available now for Hie twenty-sixth animal stage which will he presented on Saturday night, February 17 in the Technical I rich School Auditorium, by the youth Council, CoChairmen In charge, Kalliy Adler and Harry (Jrddwiiro, reported. Ticket:; may be obtained from nny member of the Youth Council or at tin? Voutli Activity office in the Jewish Community Center. Admissions ;ir<: fifty cents for children and SI for adults.

This progress can bo ti-uly summed i|p in one sonlcnce: Wo have taken a Giant Stej). ! A Giant Step on liohalf of our children—(ho Esther K. Newman Camp, which is in process of becoming a reality. A .step of tremendous benefit to our children, and generations to come. A Giant Step for our Senior C; izens—tlic Chnrniack-CIiapman Pavilioii, and the Milder Hospital Wing al the Dr. Philip Slier Homo for tho Aged, which enables the Home to servj our community to the fill lost extent, Tins is the theme of our Fedet dion Annual Meeting, which will be held Sunday evening, February 11, i t S p.m., at the Jewish Community Center. This will be a meeting of great int.cro.sf: and significance to our coinmunity, to you, your children, and y ur families. On behalf of the Federation Bo rd, I tirge every member of the community to attend this very inspiring .nmial Meeting. HAIRY TRUSTIN, President Omiha Jewish Federation

Permi? a Must For Man Rally Althous'h the snow is still on the fjround, camp executives are busy orjianlzinf; the Jewish Federation sponsored resident campinjj season for 10G2—from Juno 24 (hroufji July 14. Camp planning, especially tho Jcind younf: campers dream about, rcfiuires lonii-ranuo and tlioroui;li arrangements to insure the finest season possible in the opinion oC Harry Trustin, Jewish Federation President. The camp for boys ami cirls •'ages seven throilt;li 14, .will be open from June 2-1 through July Id. Hates will be the. same as last year. 1st Session, June 21-JuIy I— Omalian!) 875.00; Non Iteslilenli $85.00. 2nd Session, July J-July 14— Omniums $75.00; Non licslilunts ?85.00. I'ull Session, Juno 24-JuIy 14 —Omuliaiis ?110.00; Non lU-uldeiits ?n;o.oo. I'Ycs includes, laundry, lnsurnn<'0 mid transportation to anil from camp from Omaha. While enmpcru take ndvantngo of tho outstandinc facilities to be

provided for them this summor nt Camp Kitald, the L i n c o l n YAI(?A camp site, they nlso can watch community history in the making on the adjoining land where development of the Ksther K. Newman Cump will be visible. The I!)fi2 'resident camp is located four miles west of Ixmisville, on 400 acres of rolling wooded land. Campers will live in modern, roomy, screened, well ventilated cabins. Experienced counselors'will be In charge of cabins, providing ample and construclive supervision. For more information and registration, parents may call the Center's camp office, 342-13fit). AVKAHAM DAKO1I HAS NEW POST United Nations (WNS)—Ambassador Avraham Darom, for the last six years director of the Latin American Department of Israel's Foreign Ministry, nsKumed (Jie post of Israel's deputy permanent representative to tho United Nations. Tho permanent representative is Ambassador Michael S. Comay.

New Yorl: (W^S)—Bccaii.se of the ruling of tIio||Ncw York State Court of Appea!.| that George D. Itockwell's American Nazi I'urly cannot he prevented from holclint; a raliy, New ik'ork City Paries Commissioner rjjewbnld Morris declared, the ci(y will have to Ernnl a permit fpr such a rally. However, s a i Jl Commissioner Morris, such a peiftnit will not be issued for April 2|j), Hitler's birthclay, which the )>Tazi Parly desired, but on scjhie other date mid probably nit on U n i o n Sc|uaro\ln Manhattan. In 19G0, New York City h id denied Hoekwell a permit to :iold a rally on the Fourth of Ju! y.

Washington (JTA)- -Philip M. Klutznlck was rcnominated by President Kennedy fo serve on the •United Stairs delegation to the United Nations in (he current session. The former international president, of B'nai B'rilh serves with the rank of Ambassador. Mr. Klulznielc's name was sent to the Senate for re-confirmation nlotiR with the names of Adlai ii. .Stevenson, head of the U. S. Mission to the UN—and three oilier present members of the permanent U. S. delegation. Mr. Klutznick is a f o r m e r Omalian.

bfudenf in Israel Seizes Arab Infiltrators Pelroit (.IT..)—Mark Davidson, n Jewish student of this city, who'is in Israel .caching English while he is perfecting his knowledge of Hebrew md Arabic, captured two armed Arab infiltrators single-handed ne« r Beersheba. ' Davidson challenged the infiltrators when-he heard them . rustling in tho lush by the side of a road one night. Carrying only a spear-gun for fishing, the American took the two men into custody, after tlcy told him they had come in from Jordan, and marched them a quarter of a mile to the nearest police station. When searched jy Israeli police, each was found to be armed with a pistol am a knife.

Miss IJI/alielli J. Hart ch.iiiman, served in the sam« lole m l'lHG when Mis Kduin E. Jii'odkey was general women'* chairman with the Mines. Max Canar, K. I/-o Nogg and Harry Sidman as her co-chairmen, Capacity for Achievement "In mapping out the w o r k ahead, I am confident that our Jewish business women will show the same sympathetic u n d e r standing, and generosity of time and funds, as in former yoars," Miss Hart staled. "I know their capacity to get a job done and feel we are assured of a success", ful campaign in 1D6-. Miss Hart now serves on the local executive board of the University of Chicago and is education-coordinator for the Hadassah Business and Professional Women. .She is past secretary-treasurer of (he Phi P.eta Kappa organization in Omaha and has occupied many executive posts of prominent local groups in former years.

Lounge, Open Wednesdays The Senior Citizen's Lounge will be open on Wednesday at 1 p.m. instead of Thursday, a more convenient time for those who do not want to miss getting together with their friends for discussions and social sessions, it was decided this week. . The Monday schedule will remain the same. The Lounge is located in the Jewish Community. Center.

Israel Embassy in Paris Under Guard Paris (JTA) — Special police security officers were guarding the Israel Embassy here this week after Embassy officials had received bombing threats pros u m a b'l y emanating from the (XA.S., the French underground opposed to independence for Algeria.


rage. Tvvo



With the Home Folks



Wins Nobel Prize Stanford, Calif. M T A i - 1 Jr. Robert Hofstadttj-, N r a Yuri: born Jewish scklilist, was awarded the 1961 Nobel Prize in physics to bo shared with ])r. Jiudolf Mossbniic-r ot Germany. ] >r. Hofstadter, Professor of Physics fit Stanford University, \v;is named for the award in Stockholm for his \\o:k in Nuckar Physics.

Religious Services (;an<llr!ii;li<iiic. '>:'-! p.m. ISi'lli Israrl: I'.alihi P.enjamin Oi-oiir.'!-, Canlor I-JJi Kaj;;in and the Iieth Israel Chnir will conduct the late Friday evening fmnily services at 8 p.m. Traditional Friday services iKobolas Shabbos) at 5:.'() p.m.

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Shabbos services at S:l."i a.m. •• Junior ConsregriUon1 at 10 a.m. Rabbi Groncr will conduct the Talmud class at 5:05 p.m. Sliabbos Mincha at 5:.')0 p.m. followed by Sholdsh Scudos and Ma.ariv at 6:20 p.m. Sunday morning services at 9 a.m. Junior Mlnyan starts at K:,'(0 a.m.: Mincha at 5:35 p.m. Daily services at .7 a.m. and 5:3o p.m.

lielli r.l: .Sabbath serviees will 1-i-^iri Friday at K:1."> p.m. Knhbi Myer S. Kiipke will deliver the M-iinon. Canlur Aaron I. Ivlfiar and th<> Ik-ih El Synai")i:ue Choir will render the musical jiorliutis cf the service. Traditional Sabbath niorninj* ..fivice at 8:^0 a:in. Family service at 10:'i0. Mineha-M.'Ktriv service at 5:15 p.m. ;. Sunday services )>ci;iii at 0 a.m. .Services during the weel; ;:.}•<• lield at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.


Oarpaf Service

Temple Israel: Followim; worship at H:15 p.m.. Friday, the fourth of the .Sabbath discussion series will be led by Kabbi Sidney l!rooks on "Why Should I Remain a Jew?—The Search for Meaningful Identity." Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner and the Temple Choir, under the. direction of Miss Ida Oitlin, will participate in the Sabbath service, Saturday service at ll:.'!0 a.m. for adults and the r e l i g i o u s school.

WAI.I. TO WAI.! < AKI'KTIMi ' AM) FUltMTl'KK Cli'jinrU in Vour llomr KKI'Alltl.S'U M:UI\<; IIIMHNCi • ( I ICAMNO

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R'liul .Jai'nli Adas Ycshurnn: Friday Mincha, 5:15 p.m.; .Saturday services, 8:45 a.m. and Mincha at 5:15 p.m., followed by Sho)osh Sfudos and Mnariv. at 0 p.m. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 5:15 p.m."

John Kalina

51st and

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MONDAY thru FRIDAY 9 A.M. to 7 P.M.

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<7 Reese's Northland Queen ^jAIIPIIfej Reg. 25c ;;

New York (JTA)—Israel will manufacture its first large farm equipment, both for domestic and export markets, under .ri licensing agreement signed between the. Mr. anil Mrs. Harry Kaplan New Holland Machine Company, Cave a Kiddu^h in memory of a division of the Sperry Rand Mrs. Fannie Adel.seiili in. C o r p o r a t i o n , and Hainashhir Cantor Manfred Kiillner was Hamerkazi, Israel's 'largest coour rabbinical visitor this week. operative commercial enterprise. ISrundcis rniversify, Omaha The agreement was made by Ihe Chapter, will sponsor a parly at (lovernntenl of Israel Investment the Home on February N. al '- Authority in New York, under p.m. nn the occasion of Jeu ish whose auspices the licensing arMusic Festival Month. rangement was developed. New Residents: Mrs. Rebecca According to the terms of the Fiiede, Jake Motz, David J'.osagreement, Ihe Israeli company

© © © ©

Senators Denounce Scviefi Washinglon I.1TA) —Nunicrnns Senators this week toolc the floor of the United States Senate, joining Senator Jacob K. .lavil-;, New York Republican, in condemnation of the mistreatment of Jews in the Soviet Union. World Scale Protest Amoiif; the Senators who associated themselves with tlm call for n "world scale protest against ant -Jewish perserulions in the Soviet Union" suggested by Sen. Javils, were Senators George Alken, Vermont, Thruston Morton. Kentucky, Thomas KlicliH, California and others. Senate minority leader Kverett IJirkscn, Illinois, who was absent from the session, senl a letter. Caiiniit Disguise Plight Sen Javils stated: '"J'he immediate intent of Soviet authorities in, taking these measures is apparently to warn Jews that it will not tolerate any emigration of Jews to Israel or any proIsrael agitation toward thai end - (he long-range purpose is quite clearly the liquidation of Judaism and Jewish consciousness in the I'SSU." "All the rigid Soviet protestations that there is no Jewish problem in the Soviet Union ami that anti-Semitism is against the law cannot disguise the fact that the plight of its Jewish citizens is i;rave and complex," Senator Javits continued.

Five Youths Jailed For Terrorizing San Francisco Couple

Premium Blend or 6-Year-Qld Straight - " ' • " Reg. $4.25, 3 Fifths $11.50, Fifth

will assemble and produce- hay balers tinder license from New Holland. The American coin]),'iiiy will provide the necessary terhieal knowledge for the oprraliun, ,' h i c h will begin initncdiaU'ly. iv Holland, with hcadquarlers i New Holland, Pennsylvania ii leading American farm r-ijuiplent jn'Oducei",

oo ooo OOQ 6 o o o

Omofjans in News Harry Tiiistln, Jewish Federation president, has been named to the national convention committee thai is planning the Mifil! National Itjennial convention of the National Jewish W e l f a r e Hoard. The convention will be held April I through the Slh in Miami Jieach, Fla. Dr. .F. M. llorwicb was re-eleelr<l s e e relary-treasurer of the Doctors Hospital board of tuislees.

0 © 0 0 © 0 .Morris IS. Jacobs, head of I!ozell and Jacobs, Inc. was named © as a co-chairman of the Nebras- 0 kaland Foundation, a non-profit, © non-political organization to promote Nebraska's touri.'t indus- © 0 1 ry. O I.pii ICIsenstaft will be installed 0 as president-elect ,,i iho Om;ihn J'.ar . Association at ceremonies 0 for new officers nn February K. 0 © © Bar litzvaEi Max ('. Plait, Omaha hcitllinj; company executive, attended Ihe Royal Crown Cola company's national sales meeting recently held in New Orleans. He was accompanied by Mrs. Platt.

All frlenih nnd relatives arc Invited (o attend services and reception. ltOHKKT VA<iKU Robert Yager, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. 1.. Yager, will observe his liar Mitzvah. Saturday, February .'!, at. Beth VA Synagogue ••it Ihe 10:.'!0 a.m. service.

© © 0 © © ©

© © © © 0 © ©

was something new in San Francisco. He noted that several other anti-Jewish manifestations had emerged here since the Bowman case and added that "this case teems to have started something that did not exist before, and it should' be stopped." Two of the youths were sons of a police officer and another, the son of the chief of the Fire ' Department Arson Squad. Over the period of a year, the Bowmans were harassed by telephoned insults and obscenities after midnight, burning of their car, slashed tires, smashed windows in their home and other


KK1D ON' COMMISSION AC.AINNT DISCUI.MINATIOiV Albany UTA)— O R d e n . It. . Reid, former United Sta'te.s Am-:"' bassador to Israel and .former"..'. editor of • the New York Herald Tribune, was appointed by Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller to tho post of chairman.of the New . York State Commission Against Discrimination.

FINEST IMPORTED Norwegian Sardines


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JIMMY NOVAK © Mr. and Mrs. Julius Novak anSan Francisco 'JTAl - - Five young men were sent to jail for nounce the Har Milzvah of their O anti-Semitic terrorism by .Su- son, Jimmy Novak, Saturday, © perior Court Judge Harry Neu- • February 10 at Beth Kl Synabarth. He imposed terms rang- gogue at the ]0:.% a.m. service. © ing from one to five months on the youths for the year-long ha- MATTIIKW SC'HI.OIF rassment of a local Jewish resiBar Milzvah of M a t t h e w dent and his wife, William and Schloff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Klizabcth Bowman. 'Hie other de- Schloff, will be celebrated Satfendants escaped jail terms and urday, February 10, at Hcth were fined $500 each and were Israel Synagogue. placed on probation, while an eighth youth, absent from court, will be sentenced to six months, KIItST H'NAI IfKITII I.OIXJK IN GUATEMALA (.Try the judge announced. Guatemala City tWN.S) _ A Judge Neubarth said ho spent B'naf B'rith lodge consisting of a sleepless night considering his 'M mrmbers of Ihe Jnw-h comO decision, pointing out that org a n i z e d anti-Semitic terrorism ; munity was e.l.djbshed heie

torments. m J .Tins ;

Israel to Make Large Farm Eejurprnenf

Ncivn nncl lia|)prlilnen «t Thi> I)r. Plilli[) SIHT JruUh Home for ttio AK<MI by I»:ivld Orkuiv. r. :;• \.v". •:..'...'.: ;.'.'..:':.'. '..":. ...I

FiiMlshci) wci'kly on Friday l)rt;;imiinpr the last ucili in A through seeond week in July. Stccno OL:< PC:'VUG Pc:!d ot Omr:><c, tJcLT. Annuol 5utc.<"ri[:;ii![i SI CC Ac!v( ri;Sii"i <-:'jE5 tn A(;;jilcjlion. • Publication o^itc—:ot Uo. :f: h ^ u t t , Oir.^ha li'-Lr, Hno-'ie :;?ri^6.

Friday, February 2, J0ti2

Smoked Brisling in Pure Olive Oil

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Friday, I'Vliniary 2, 18G2

r L

, Center j — , —-Activities' j

Woman's Eye View

I!y Marianne Zeitlin New York—It was one of those crisp winter days last week when Reading Skill Class the whole world felt fresh and A Real Opportunity vital and pulsating with activity, A course in reading skills for it. provided the perfect backhif/h school students, as rial op- ground for my meet in;,' with Mrs. portunity fur those who fuel they 1'atiletle li-inl:, the Chairman of would like to improve I heir read- the Women's Division of the ing habits, is boirin offered by the United Jewish Appeal, who, herJeuish ('oiniiiunity Cf.-nlcf. self is the pei'.oniflcation of just The fiist. session is slated for Mich a day, bursting with exubFriday, February 9 at. the .Jew- erance and enthusiasm, f had the ish Community Center, at ',\:',\T> pleasure of breaking bread (in p.m. The fee foi1 the course is .f2 this ca.'e it w,-'.s croissant, since with registrations bein;; accepted she is Frcurhi with her at the in the Center's Activities office. Waldorf where she is slayim; for Knrolluient is limited io ].") stu- a few days between her worlddrills. wide assignments. The course is designed ami A IMA official li:nl fold mi- In highly recommended for students advance that one cmiltl always who road slowly, ami will aid tell when Mrs. Kinl; vMli-il a. in iiirreasiiij: comprehension at coininiinlly tire.nisc I lie f u n d s Ilii" same time. raised hail a way of spiralini; upBetter study skills .ire also ward. Afler meeting li"r I could fniphasi/.ed in the rapid reading well believe It, for this l'arisienne Is the very essence of (iallie eliie jiroi;rani. In her demeanor appearance ami Impart. Boys Invited to Sat. .Airs. Fink had just returned Nights Sports, Center from Israel and spoke with parThe Jewish Community Center ticular satisfaction of Cie Lach•Saturday evenim; spoil's pro- ish development. "Five years m;o gram, 7 p.m. to '•) p.m. has be- this area in the heart of the come a popular week-end divcr- desert, was completely b a r r e n , with no hope. Today, as a ManMon .spot, for youth. Hoys are invited to drop in for C h e s t e r textile manufacturer J'.vm and .spoi't:;, cither as a par- staled 'it is the only place in the ticipant; or observer in informal world where cotton is j;>own, ginned, spinned and woven all j;ame competition. within a radius of a few square The jjrado und liii;h school boys miles.' Just think," she exclaimed, attending the .Saturday nii;hls at with professional appreciation of tin? Corner nit* supervised by judicious economy, "what, a savCenter personnel. There is no ings in transportation between charge for the programs and operations! And the cotton that there is no need for advance reg- is produced there is of the finest istration, Ir.Nlure, better even than pima. "What Is particularly ania/.lng Sunday Funday lihnllt this de\ clopnicut,1' MrK. Fink explained "is that tin- re2:30 to 4:30 gion Is inhabited by Alias MounDramatics, art and music are tain people from N. Africa, who, Jjein;: featured in tlie Sundiiy although very primitive, used to Kunday eiijhl class-series uhieli opened lust. Sunday at the Jewish Cornnuinity Center for jjlrls in , kindergarten Unou;;h the fourth trade. llobi'ii Gro'-s was a member The activity wliieh begins its of the.Central High debate team second program Sunday from which finished third In (lie ('lass 2;.')0 p.m. to 1 :'!<) pm., has been A competition at the recently held open for more registrations. held Kearney State T e a c hThe fee is S8 for the full course, ers College .invitational. 1 He is which amounts to the MIIJI of SI the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald 1 jier Sunday, it. was pointed out. S. Gross. Judy Siegler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Siegler in a two-some which took Poise and Confidence was the fifth spot. John Zysman was Developed in Dancing a member of a beginning de"Tween-ai;;ers" will d<'volo|> bater's team which wound up poise ami confidence in the after with runners-lip honors in the li bchool ()Mliclnjj classes heini; or- tourney. The son of Mr. and Mrs. ganized under the Jewish .Com- •lack Zysman, John got a first place in interpretative public admunity Center auspices. The weekly classes for boys dress. ~nnd Rirls in the seventh ;ind All three Young Judaea Groups eighth grades will bo directed by professional dance instructors. will meet at the Jewish ComParticipation is only by advance munity Center on February A at •registration tlirouRht the Cen- 2 p.m. The sixth graders plan to ter's Activities office. The eiyht hold a bake sale on this day and the other two groups will hold lessons are offered for $2.


Take Your Choice— Uke, Guitar, Banjo Because of the wide intctcsl shown in such instruments as the Ulte, Guitar and Banjo, arrangements are being made to tciic.li "the boys" how to master the technique of the strings. The opening (lute for a tensession series of instruction nt the Jewish Community Center will be announced noon. Youngsters will be loaned Instruments by the Center if they do not h. no one. The fee for the series is 55 with registration limited to 10 registrants. Enrollment will be accepted in order of their receipt at the Center's activities offfice.


consider It a shame and degrading for a Jew to work the soil. Today, they are so proud of their achle\ cment, they w o u I d not. trade places witli anj body." On her trip to Israel, Mr:;. Fink lli-w in a plane thai was carrying ','/'• new immigrants. The .''..'! people came from tliiee families. "So you can see," shr said "how large is the percental.;" of children cumin:.; in today. And what a difference in 1hc-e immigrants. All IMA has h-cn doing in I he past 15 years'is paying olf. The youngsters are much bettor prepared, thanks to our sheltering and education p r o g r a m . 1 ; throughout the world. And the immigration is flowing into Israel again for, as has IK en said time and iigain, in order to mainlain Israel as a strojig State, you have to average around Mi.OOO iuwnigiants a year." (W.WS) Mrs. Fink spoke in Omaha on April 4, 1(K)1 at a workers meeting of the Woman's Division of the Jewish I'hilanthroiijes Campaign.

lirauilcls Itoard ."Meeting The hoard of the Brandeis University National Women's committee will meet. February T> at 10 a.m. ;il the Cloud room. Kicvvit. Plaza. Mrs. J. 13; Riechrnan, St. Loui.s, Mo., national board member will conduct, a workshop. Luncheon will be served. *


Second Cup of Coffee. Series at Temple The second series of ''.Second Cup of Coffee" with Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks, under the sponsorship of Temple Israel sisterhood, will resume Tuesday, February (5 ;it 10 a.m. The sessions will continue mi alternate Tuesdays thruiii;li March 20. *


leni Wine, Alan J. Grounse

Wed Sunday at Beth Israel Mr. and Mrs. Alan .7. Croimse Jell on a wedding trip to Chica;;o, HI., following their marriage last .'•'miday at I'.etll Israel Synaj'O!;ue. Kahhi Benjamin Groner ,';ii<i Cantor Kli Kagan officiated a I the ceremony which was followed by a reception. The bride, the forrnt r Miss I.'Hi Wine, is I lie daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. David Wine. For Jier v.cthiji!:; she wore a princess M\!e, satin floor length gown wilh a piirirail neckline trimmed with sequins .-(iid pearls. Her imported Fnglish i l l u s i o n vei) dropped liom a poarli/od crown and she carried white .sweetheart ro::es and stephanolis. Mrs. A. Kichard Weiner was inalron-of-honur and Mi:s Ann Davis and Mrs. Warren Johnson were bridesmaids. All we've attired in identical blue sheaths with ovcrskirls. F l o w e r girls were Joni Crounse anil Robin Martin. I'aul Crounse, brother of the bridegroom, was his best man. They are the sons of Mrs. Sum P.ifkin. Ushers.were James King,

Avrum Katelman. Gerald Gaer, Jfichard Martin, Harvey Wine, all of Omaha and Fdward Morris, Saliua, Kans.

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Birth •Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Belzcr announce the birth of their first child, Vicki Jo on January 27. Grandparents are the Messrs. find Mmes. Samuel H. Steinberg on'd Nathan Belzer. IIADASSA1I MKDK'AL 'J'KAJUS TO AI'ISK'A New York IWNS)—-The lladassah Medical Organization in Israel will send special medical teams to African countries to help meet problems of public health there.


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Cousin's Club Mrs. Ben ,1. Gershun will-bo hostess to the Cousins Club, Wednesday, February 7 at 12:30 p.m. at. the Ke^is Hotel. Anyone unable to attend call '.Vi2K77-1, Council Bluffs.

Mrs. Martin Returns From Father's Funeral Mrs. Sol Martin has returned to Omaha after attending the funeral of her father, Ben Jacobs, 80 in San Francisco, Cal. on January 10. Mr. Jacobs made his home in San Carlo, Cal. Also survjvini,' are wife, Rose, and son, Syd, San Carlo and six grandchildren. Mrs. H u r r y Z. Ilcrnsteln wishes to tliiink her relatives and friends for tlie m a n y thoughtful curils, flowers, nnd (,'lfts she received during her recent Illness.

You Are Cordially Invited to the Opening of the

American-Continental Picture & Framing Gallery 1902 Farnam Slreot, Service Lifo Btdg.


Nursery School Has Opening The Temple Israel N u r s e r y : School which meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 0 n.m. to 31:30 a.m., has an opening for a child between the ajjes of three and four. . •. • /

Come Meet

Anyone interested may contact . tlio Temple office, 556-65^6. .

Kilpatrlck's Men's Clothing — Second Floor

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Page Four

Piflsfwrgfi Federation Buys Local Wcefdies VARSITY lA'..\(iVi: Marltcl Cleaners eluiK; ti;;ht to first place with a 'l'J-16 win over R.C. Cola-Canada Dry and Mick• JinLumber kept ri;;ht on their heels with a 5!)-,'<8 triumph as an exciting Varsity J.C.C. basketball league enters into the final round of play. Markel Cleaners, enjoying a hot first half, opened up a twenty point spread midway in the third quarter and appeared headed for a lopsicbil victory. At this point R.C. Coia began to peek

Both ^ i] 11 a d s, v.vll coached, played fjood enough to win, but in this important battle, only run; team hail lo emerge (he winner and with Lee Ross hitting an a barrage of lont; jump shots, it was Mogen-David's turn. Thro." weeks ago Fireside had defeated Mogen-David in another thriller with two field goals In the final 40 seconds. . If both teams win their final two games, the stase will be set

away and in a sensational rally v for a Mogen-David-Ki r e s i d e cut the lead to only one point championship game, in what may with 47 seconds remaining to be the climax to a thrilling 7th play. Cola had a chance to tie and 8th Grade league this season. '.Lee Ross led the Scoring parade the game bul Cy Seitchick missed a free throw and soon after Kd with 21 points. David Jacobson Belgrade made good on two char- was high for'the losers,with 10. Kaiman's victory o v e r Bority tosses to ice the contest. Eelgradc with 19 points led sheim was led by Jerry Hollis, the winners while Steve Rosen- who dumped in -26 points. Kaiblatt with ton points was high jnan still has a shot at the title but they must beat Fireside and for the losers. Micklin Lumber raced off to Mogen-Davkl in their final two

Friday, February 2, 1802

Youngsters Learn a Useful Trade

Pittsburgh 'J'he United Jcwi.'.li Federal ion has p u r e h n s e d J'illsbiin'h's tv.o weekly Jewish community newspapers — the American Jew. H I Outlook and the Jewish Criterion--and a new evaporation is 1)011);; ei'l-ated to publish a successor. 'J'he new publication will be a w e e k l y community n'-'uspaper carryim; local, national ;:nd international news. It will not, however, be a Federation house organ and will he operated by a board. Publication is expected to commence early in March. llernian I-'UK-IK T1;. Federation president, said "We believe that ; a''KOod. communily is a v.r-11-informed eommunity. We «-aut to do everything iio.ssib!*- to j-^ive people the i n f o r in a t i o n and knowledge that is necessary for Tlicso recently arrived liriinlKraal youni^stor.s In Israel aro intelligent action in these comlearning " useful (radc In it M-hunl rM.-ililislK-d by Aliierlrnn il«iv» Ilirnu^li the Initid .Icivlsli Appeal. JJllrin^' I he nulling: year, tboilplicated times." The Criterio:j saiirls must lift hcl|M'(l lo lu-lp llnrnscli.s mid fill uicllll livrs In Was established in l'.MifJ and tin: Isr.-ii-I'B (l.Miiilolc siirii-ly. 'Aullook in l'J.'M.

Diary of Lodz Ghetto Found Hear Crematorium

an early big lead over Milder Oil, g a m e s . ; . ' •• :.••':' • . '•..;. • ' : -. .... • . ." l^ondon (JTAi - • Diary nota- .sent to Auschwitz, in the sum- gether v/ith the whole torlured \Von Lost then saw it gradually disappear brolhei'liood of Rlietto workers, tions written by a Jew incar- mer of l!il). and most of. them r ' ,..-.•.-.'5 .72.I ireside before rallying in the f o u r t h 1 cry out: And, weltering in your cenited by the Nazis in the I/xlz wen; murdered by the Nazis. ...........5 '. 2 MoKcnquarter for a 59-38 win, to keep own blood, yon shall live." N.N., fjhetto in 19-12. ,-inil I'Jl.'i, telim;; Tim di.-iry, f;avc details about one game off the lead. Dave Gold- Krilmnii the pitiful Ktorynf starvation, I lie slarvalion in the i;hetto, .se- evidently, was killed, . and his stein, Marty Green and Howard death-rind the will to live and verely criticized Mordecni C'haim lui'iy disposed of in Crematorium Sloler' had 40 p o i ri t s . between Sunday, Feb. 4 to save his daughter's life niv Uumkowski, Jewish bead of the Ilf. them for the winners. Danny EpAccordim; lo the Polish Com4:39 p.m. Kidman vs. Fin-side. published in Ilip Warsaw ntivs- trhet to ;;0Ycrnment, who was lastein With 8 markers led the mission for Research into Nnzl 5:3ft p.m. Mogcn-Davld vs. Ilor- I)aper, Nowa Knlhira. ter executed by the Nazis, and losers. The diary, accorrlintr to Nowa told of the wriier':: pathetic ef- Crime's, word was received last slicim. The Varsity league still has a Kultura. was found last siimmrr f o r l s to save the life of hii Mimaier from a former member mathematical chance to end in IIAN'DUAM. TOi:itNEV of the special Nnzi detail uaby Polish authorities in fh.-irt-e of daughter who may have died of a four-way tie for first place as The Jewish Community Center the former Auschwitz cnnei'iitraEi:,'ned to cri'inate the bodies of starvation. Reporting the fanthe teams now enter the final will spon-.nr a handball tourney tion eam|i. The nulhor. who is f!fisse<l Jews, that 30 ni e t a I round. for members, beginning on Sun- identified in the niaimscript only tastically hirh jjrices of food in drums, containiii!; documents, had the chetto, be noted that tiie Won Lost day, March 4. .Sam Ban. Center by the. initials N.N.. wrote in been buried near the crematoriAthletic Committee member will Vi(ldi>;b, framing liis diary in I he ojily .salvation for his rlau'.:bt"r um. 6 :t would have been food. "Hut.," he officiate the tourney. •1 Micklin form of letters to sornr-one cali;:d .added, "t(i (jo and buy r.oinethin:-, S Milder 4 Participant:; over 2\ will com- " I > a r Willy." who has money for that? Whole 6144 LafayeHo 6 B.C. Cola 3 prise oil'' division. Giber divisions The nianuscript was found in treasures would not be sufficient. SALE OR RENT Wednesday, Feb. 7 will be 16-20, an'l 15 years and n metal drum b u r i e d in the In ft word, it is practically imBrick Duplex 7:30 Markel vs. Micklin. younger. A doubles division will j'roimd near Crematorium III of possible to save anyone." n EMlrooniK. <":-i: Kitchen, StfO MIU1.T vs. K.V. Cola. be called "Pro-Am, with an adult the infamous Auschwitz camp. Despite his despair, N.N. wrote, Garacc, ratio, w.ilkmit IJnscincnt playing partners with a' player There were .'&) sheet.-:, of which YOUTH COCNCIL to Nowa flultura' "AB Coll 342-7074 50 were totally riisintejiralrd, 171 necordini; Romi chalked up their twelfth under 21. fl toAll members interested in par- mostly illegible except for a few __" ' _ « H o t t T of the Bible, straight win with a GC-SO game ~ over .A.Z.A. 1O0. Mike Sherman's ticipatim; in the tourney should words, and the remainder quite 19 points led the winners while enroll by calling Cy Seitchick at readable. The pases still readYOU CAN'T AFFORD TO Bob Stein slipped in 18 for the the Center athletic office, 342- able depict life in the I/>dz ghetMISS THESE to, where the Jewish population losers. had risen to about • 200,000. The Rayim kept its second place last 70,000 Jews from Lodz were . standing by whipping A.Z.A. 1, .'GYMNASTICS 54-44. Bill Kutler with 'J"y was Instructor Danny Fogel and the for high for liayim and Hill Gins- Center Gymnastics c l a s s had 7th end 8th Grade burg's 19 led the losers..' their first meeting, last WednesWon day and made plans for the 19G2 Boys and Gin's Frankfurt (JTAi -Special faKomi . . . . . . .12 0 season. Sharon Kraft was elected cilities for foreign eoveragr; by Kuyiin . . . .0 0 captain of the class by the mem- newspapermen, radio and teleA.Z.A. 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 8 bers and Dorene Kraft was elect- vision were being arranged here, A.Z.A. 1 2 10 ed secretary, as the authorities prepared for Register Now Sunday, Feb. 4 . The class is open to all mem- the largest mass trial of ex-Nazis 109. 11 ajn. Kaylm vs. A.Z.A. at Hie bers of the Center, boys and girls ever held in West Germany. The 12 noon Itonu vs. A.Z.A. I. of all ages. For the time being, trial, scheduled to take place they will meet each Wednesday later this year, will involve at STH & fiTII GRADE I-GoVan and Tretiak surged in the Center gymnasium at ?.:?,() leasl !.'(> accused war criminals to victories in 5th and 6th grade p.m. There is still lots of time to charged with m a n y atrocities 342-1366 competition last Sunday. Tretiak, enroll. Those interested should committed at the Auschwitz conthe most improved team in the contact the Center Physical Ed- centration camp. Another Twern-Tlmo Activlfy Sponsored by th» Ccfiter ..league, surprised Slosburg 15-8, ucation Office. All the accused arc former by out-running them and taking Ausr.-liv.-it/. guards or members of advantage of • the. loser's cold FREE THItOW CONTEST the Nazi:;, medical staff at the shooting. Alan Bernstein, enjoyThe Center Athletic Depart- rji'ath camp. A m o n g them is jng his finest performance as a. ment will hold ii free throw con- •Richard R-ier, the last commandMidget ^Leaguer, s c o r e d nine test for all member:;, beginnin;; ant at Auschwitz, arrested by points and was all over the floor. on Thursday, March 1. Divisions West German agents in 1UG0. Well balanced I-Go-Van .scored will be grade school, high .school If located in time, another to another win by downing Ilayco and over high school. Knroll now be tried is Dr. Joseph Mcn^ele-, 24-21. Boh Jacohson, Hoi) Guss, by calling the Center Athletic- the Auschwitz "selection doctor," Dan Milder and Rick Gilinsky all Office :ii2-i::oG. who only a week rii;o was reporttallied evenly, against the losers. ed arrested in Brazil. Won Lost According lo the Chief ProseI-Go-Van 0 0 cutor, here, preliminary proceedSlosburg , . 3 3 in;;.1; have already bciini against MIES. YETTA WILLIAMS Trefiak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 Funeral s e r v i c e s were held the first (jroup of 2G accused. Hippy ulljni on liayco 1 G Monday, in Los Angeles, Cal., for Three prosecutors have been a t Saturday, F<;b. 3 work on the case for two years. Mrs. Yetta Williams, f o r m e r 7 pjn. Slosburg vs. I-Go-Van. West German investigators have Omahan, who died Saturday. Sunday, Feb. 4 prepared !32 volumes of evidence, Survivors: daughter, Miss Minn 2:30 p.m. Tretiak vs. I-Go-Van. comprising 12,000 panes. In addiSherman, Los Angeles; sons, Wil3:30 p.m. Kayco vs. Slosburg. tion, the prosecutors have interliam Sherman, Sioux City and 7TH & 8TH GKADE viewed 1,000 witnesses. Leo Sherman, Omaha. to Eurcpt and Fast-moving and scrappy MoIhi Meditemniaa BOOK FAIR IN NBW YOHK gen-David Upset Fireside 29T28, 1 New York—A book fair featur* Fully air conditioned last Sunday and moved into a tie MRS IDA KAPLAN Funeral services were held ing a wide variety of Hebrew and * SUbilizer-equlpped for first place. K a i m a n also for smooth voyaging stayed in contention for the title Tuesday at the Jewish Funeral English books published in Israel, was opened in the Jewish Agency • Tempting, strictly Kosher' by mauling Borsheim 50-13. With Home for Mrs. Ida Kaplan 1412 SAILING FROM NEW YORK EVEflr THIRD WEEKi cuisine two games to go, the league has a North 24th Street, who died Mon- building. 3.3. Israel ani) S.S. Zion, itopplnc en reuta at Madeira, Spain ani Cieect mathematical chance for a three- day. Burial was in Pleasant Hill • Lively Israeli atmosphere Cemetery. .Way tie for first place. SAItlNC FROM MCDirEflRAtlEAn POStS WEEKLY* S.S. Ttitodor Hirtl and 5.S. Jeruulem (In tenon) The Fireside-Mogen-David tilt Surviving are husband, Jacob; had all the earmarks of a champ- daughters, Mrs. Abe Miller, OmaPhone 342-1344 (o Insert your Wanl Ad In the Jr.-wlsh Prces. . ionship game .Both teams fought ha; Mrs. William Larson, ChicaSet Your Taml tpal cr bitterly in a tense lattle that saw go, III.; sons, Edward and David DAILY JEWISH NEWSPAPEUS the lead switch back and fourth Kavitch, Omaha; Jack Kavitch, BAB and Bas MKzvali congratuf^AMERICAHISRAIU SHIPPIIIO CO., INC. • all the way. At no time did cither Milwaukee, Wis., six grandchillations aLso for all Jewish holi«eR0«WAr.NEWK)ltK4,f(.Y. • DU-7M0 .team have more than a three dren and a sister, Mrs. Fannio days and special occasions, lkwT«1iHIIm0ae*:»)niaiA».bl47lliSUN.Y.3e • OM41S Rosinsky, point spread. llcycrs News Stand, 1502 Dodge.


Mass Trial





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