February 9, 1962

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Vni v i pjn Oft Vol. Al<—rto. ^tt

Publication Office. 101 No. 20th Omnha. Ncbruslcu. I'linue 3<12-J3<;a

.f<IM v n i l , «eir* TTPIII \u OMAJIA, NIuBKASKA, D i I l J A 1


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Second Class 1'ostuce Paid at Omalia, Nebr.

Single Copy 10 Cents Annual Rate 4 Dollars

"ms®Ksm Everyone in tlio community is urged to attend the fifty-eighth annual meeting of the Jewish Federation of Omalia, Sunday, February 11, at 8 p.m., at the Jewish Community Center Auditorium. Harry Trustin, F e d e r a t i o n president, in urging attendance at the meeting, said "This will bo a meeting of great interest and significance to our entire community. We are in the midst

For Day Campers A ten-week camping season will bo offered, to youngsters, five through 12 years of age, by the Jewish Federation sponsored Day Camp, Harry Sidman, Center Committee Chairman, reported tills week. Featuring a display of 25 unusual and raro albums and 10 prints by Maro Chagall, world famous The 19G2 Day Camp which will artlbt, Included In the exhibit will bo a display of reproductions of tlio "12 Tribes of Israel" windows. open Juno 18 at Peony Park, These were mado by Chagall especially for tlio synagogue of the Ifadnssah Hebrew University Medical will operate five days a week, Center in Jcrusulrni. Ily coincidence they aro being dedicated this week, Monday through Friday. S'essions will be divided into SYNAGOGUE DEDICATED two week periods, with children Itio Ve Janeiro (JTA)—The being registered with a choice of Jewish community at Manaus, a two weeks, four weeks or the complete six weeks' term. town in the remote Amazonns Tlie Day Camp will feature bus Fourteen ncta, nil Iiendliners, The chairmen Ktuted, "We have district, has dedicated a new, air- transportation to and from six conditioned synagogue. Tropical are polishing up their routines many gifted performers who will convenient locations. A staff of of song and patter, dancing and appear In Stage Night acts and Manaus, which can be reached college trained counselors will drama, for a smooth production we nro sure their excellence will only by airplane, has a Jewish supervise tho Day Camp under of the 2Gth annual Jewish Youth the direction of Seymour SeitCouncil Stage Night on Febru- make it difficult for judges to population of 400 families, all cliicit, Center Physical Education arrive at decisions." Sephardim. ary 17 at Technical High. School Director, Tickets may he obtained from nt 7:30 p.m. Tlio 1962 attendance Is expected to top the 1,150 rec- Youth Council members or at the Youth Council office. ord of last year. Skits and the club chairmen The audience this year should be prepared for an evening of for this year's s h o w Include laughs and comedy, because tlio Space Satiro-AZA 1, Ronald Kaiwhole show is built around "How man; Mlckled Matzos-AZA 100, Casablanca — Reliable sources In Jerusalem, the Jewish Agentlio World Laughs," If athy Adler Joel neiss; Northside Story-AZA and Barry Goldware, Stage Night 1000 by Don Swartz; Laboratory report hero that about 250 more cy executive was presented with Chairmen, said. Awards will be Lampoon by Rayim and Alan Moroccan Jews left here last Fri- $1G2,000,000 for the new fiscal made as is the annual custom, Iloss. Girls' skits include Tele- day for Marseilles aboard tho year by its treasurer, Aall Pincus. It compares with 5142,000,nnd competing skits will illus- phone Tattles by Gail Brodlcoy, French liner "Azrou." To observers, this departure in- 000 for the current year with trate their own adaptation of chairman; Village of Happiness to be presented by Uohanue with dicates continuation of emigra- $108,000,000 which was the origisome aspect of comedy. Gail Kender, chairman, and Hev- tion which started last October nal budget estimate- for 1961-62. rah presenting the Menace of a and subsequently stopped by auThe new increase will enable Mysterious Island, Gall Lcvine, thorities, following a violent na- the agency to meet large scale chairman. tionalist press campaign. immigration this year.

of great progress; during 1961 the community lias taken a "giant step" in developing new facilities and opportunities for service." Among significant developments are tremendous achievements for our young and old. The completion and dedication of the Clierniack-Chapman Pavilion and the Milder Hospital Wing at the Dr. Shcr Home for Aged, have given our Homo the finest standards, and great opportunities for fuller and more complete services to our aged folks. The commencement of the construction of the Esther K. Newman Camp opens up new vistas for service not only to the

Marc Chagall Exhibit Feature af Federation Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 11 th

Comedy +o Keynote Stage Night Production Feb. 17

IIAKKY TRUSTIN . , . Retiring President. children, but for all ages, and In fact for the entire community. These developments will be fully presented nnd reported on at thi3 annual meeting, Mr. Trustin said. Elect New Officers Dr. Abe Greenberg, Chairman of the Annual Meeting Committee, will submit nominations for now officers of tlio Federation to serve during 1962. 'Hany Tiustin, om president, will retire from presidency, having .served the two-year term in that office. By coincidence this marks the fortieth year of Mr Trustin's activity in the Jewish Federation, during which he served in many capacities and many responsibilities, including the post of General Chairman of the Jewish Philanthropies in 1937 nnd 1948." "A special tribute will be paid to Harry Trustin for his outstanding record of service to tho Jewish community In Omaha, and throughout the United States, Dr. Greenberg said. Present officers of the Federation are: Harry Trustin, president; Ernest A. Nogg, first vicepresident; Arthur H. Goldstein, second, vice-president; Milton R. Abrahams, treasurer, and Isadore Chapman, secretary. Samuel S. Steinberg to Report Samuel S. Steinberg, General Chairman of the 1961 Jewish Philanthropies Campaign will present the final campaign report, and award Certificates o£ Merit to his campaign personnel. Memorial to Robert II. Hooper Tho tremendous problems confronting Israel In Its latest resouo operation—tho absorption In tho coming year of thousands of new Immigrants from countries In which tbe position of Jewish, com- . A special memorial tribute' to the late Robert H. Kooper, presmunities has become unbearable—have, been emphasized by Mosho Sharctt, chairman of tho Jewish Agency for Israel. Mr. Sharctt.lndlcated that tho total number of Immigrants during 1901 was double ident of the Jewish Federation, in 1959 and 1960 who passed that originally budgeted for by tho Jewish Agency, and that the deficit (or transportation and initial away in 19G1, will be delivered by absorption—which accounts for about 90 por cent of tho whole annual budget—would further Increase by April, 1002, tho end of tho financial year, "Tho peoplo who are now coming into Israel rely on our Paul Veret, Executive Director of the Jewish Federation. belp, and I bellere are entitled to bo helped," ho stated.

Emigration of Jews From Morocco Reported Resumed

Max London Prexy Senior Swimmers

Max London, GG, was elected President of the Senior Swimmers Society of tlio Jewish Community Center, Joseph Micclc, A q u a t i c Director, announced. Other officers are Zetta CanarEky, 57, vice-president; and Carol Wilson, 62, secretary. "There ore Bomc 30 Senior Citizens, CO years and older, who swim weekly in the Center Fool," Mr. Mlcck said. "The class Is increasing as more Senior Citizens become aware of tills activity. The Senior Citizens swim Wednesday mornings, from 9:00 to 10:30." Upon election as President, Mr, London said, "Swimming has everything Senior Citizens need for good health and vitality. "When I entered the Senior Citizens Swimming Cluss t w o months ago, I was GG years old; find now I feel I am GO yeara young." Mr, London Indicated t h a t plans are underway for further development of the Senior Citizens Swimming Project, sponsored by tho Jewish Community Center for Omaha. The class and tho activity are under tho personal direction and supervision of Joseph Mlcelc, Center Aquatics Pirector.

New Arrivals Herald Another Year Of Stepped-Up Migration Activity



Page Two,

Published m'tkly, on Friday beginning the last week In August tliroiiijfj second week in J11I3'. Second Class Postage Paid at Omaha, Ncbr. Annual Sufcscrtplimi, S< KJ. Advertising Rules on Application, Publication Office—101 No. '/Otn Street, OliUifta. Nccr. Flwte 34M344.



Bar iitzvali AH friends and relatives are Invited to attend services and reception.

Friday, February 9, 1OGZ

Jewish Couple Chairmen of Catholic Board, Auxiliary St. I'fiiil, Minn. (JTA)—Wlirn the new Catholic Divine Redeemer Memorial Hospital OIKMLS next month in South Kt. Paul, it will do so with a Jew as chairman of its board and lijs uifo as president of the hospital auxiliary. Moreover, thanks to this interfaith arrangement, the Sister who will be the dietician at. the hospital knows how to make knishes. She was taught how by Mrs. Kdward Rilcess, the auxiliary president. Her husband, a car dealer, and she are also very active in the Jewish community. They have been hosts at luncheon and dinner nicotines to many priests and nuns during fund-raisiny und construction activity for the new hospital.

El At Airline Office Opened In Chicago The El Al Airlines of Israel have established an office In Chi" cago, 111., at 37 South Wabaeh, suite C28 und is equipped to han« die all types of transportation needs for Omahnns. Those interested in making travel plans are invited to contact the above of« fice.

JIMMY NOVAK Jimmy Novak, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Novak, will observe his liar Mitzvnh on Saturday morniin;, February 10, at the JOHN U GROSS CatidletlshtinfJ, 5:30 p.m. Graveside services for John I,, 10:30 a.m. service ut Belli El Temple Israel: Rabbi Sidney II. Synagogue. Gross, 62, formerly of Omaha, New York (JTA)—For the Brooks will officiate, at sabbath who died February 2 in Chicago, first, time since the establishment services a* 8:15 p.m. .Friday. 111., were held Sunday at Golden MATTIIKW SCHLOFP of the United Nations, In ]9-16, Guest Preacher will be'Chap'Die Bar Mit/.vah of Matthew Hill Cemetery. Survivors are wife, Connie; the ancient Hebrew liturgy, "El lain Edward Blenbo;;™, Clii.-f Schloff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe of Personnel and Training Divi- Sehloff, will be celebrated on daughter, Mrs. Irving Schaffner, Molile Kaehamini," will be chantsion, Office of flip. Command Saturday, February 10 at Beth Los Angeles, Ca!.; brother, Gary ed within the portals of the O. Gross, Omaha; sisters, Mrs. United Nations headquarters on Chaplain, Headquarters at S.A.C. Israel .Syna^o^ie. Julius Arkin, Sioux City, la.; Mrs. His sermon will be on "The WillGeorge Gaspar, Los Angeles; Mrs. February 12, during a memorial ing Heart." KKIIAKD Arthur Jacobs, Florida; Mrs. Sid- service sponsored by tile Zionist Cantor Manfred F. KUUIKT Mr. and Mrs. Jack Green anand Temple Choir, under the di- nounce the liar Mitzvah of their ney Corenman, Danville, 111. and Organization of America in tribute to the late Secretary General rection of Miss Ida Gitlin, will son, Richard Green, on Friday two grandchildren. participate in the service. Dag Hninmnrskjold. evening, February 16th and Sat- HYMAN II. COIIN urday mornins;, February 17th at The memorial service which Funeral services for I-Iymnn Beth':Israel: Rabbi Benjamin the 10:.'!0 Service at Beth El II. Cohn, 72 of 3503 Hurt Street, will precede a United Nations Groncry Cantor EH Kas;an and Synagogue. who died last week, were held Briefinj? Conference will liighthe Belli Israel Choir will conliKht the presentation of a duct the;late Friday evening fam- Nathan Marcus and Leo Meyer- Sunday at the Jewish Funeral plaque commemorating the work Home. Burial was in Pleasant ily services at 8 p".in;.Tradilional of the late Secretary General for Friday .'services (Kobolus Shab- son. Members are invited to bring Hill Cemetery. Survivors nro the cause of woild peace. friends and neighbors. •wife, Bertha; son, Hichard, Menlo bos) begin at 5::iO p.m. Park, Calif., one grandchild, three Shqbbos morning .services at IS'nul >Ta<-ol» Adas i'fsliuron: brothers and four sisters. 8:45 dJU Junior Congregation at Friday Mincha, 5:15 p.ni!; Satur10 a.m. Rabbi Groner will con- day services, 8:45 a.m. and Min© duct 'tfte Talmud class at 5:25 cha at 5:15 p.m., followed by ShoNewfl and Iinpprnlnjrfl at The I>r, p.m. Sliabbos Mincha at 5:-10 p.m. losh Seudos and Maariv at 6 rhlllp Khfr Jrivlih Hume fur tho © AEC<1 by David Orltow. followed by Sliolosh Seudos and p.m. Daily services at 7 a.m. and M a a r i v a t 6:30 j>.m, 5:15 p.m. Christian Clergymen from the Sunday morninfj,services at 9 Mrs. Rachel Welrlicr and stuOmaha area will study aspects a.m. Junior Atinyon starts at Beth El: Sabbath eve services of Jewish religious thought, par- dents of her seventh grade re8:30 a.m. Mincha at 5:15 p.m. will begin, at 8:15 p.m. Kabbi ticularly as they relate to Chris- ligious school class of Temple A special Friday night service Myer S. Kripke will deliver the tianity, at the twenty-fourth an- Israel donated a tree to the FreeKnow Thy Neighbor Sabbath will sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar nual Institute on Judaism for dom Forest in Israel In honor of be held on February 1G, 8 p.m. and the Beth El Synagogue Choir Christian clergymen, February 1G the residents of the Dr. Slier a t Beth Israel, sponsored by the will render the musical portions at Temple Israel. More than 200 Home for the Aged. Beth Israel Sisterhood. Co-chair-. of the service. © attended last year. Dr. Herman &idrz«r gave a men of this event are . Mmcs. Traditional Sabbath morning The Institute designed exclu- Kiddush nnd also read the Torail San Francisco (JTA)—Samuel .services at 8:30 a.m. Family serv- sively for Christian ministers will for the residents at the Dr. Slier ice at 10:30 a.m. Mincha-Maariv bo held under the direction of Home synagogue. A. Ladar, former chairman of Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks, TemKnlilit tlciijuinin Groner was the Jewish Community Relations will begin at 5:30 p.m. Sunday services are held at 9 ple's spiri t ual l e n d e r . Rabbi our rabbinical visitor this week. Council, has been named president of the San Francisco Board a.m. Services during the week at Brooks said the sessions will be 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. devoted to an objective study of of Education. the common spiritual heritage of Christians and Jews. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley K. FeinRabbi David Polish, founding berg announce the birth of their © CHOICE OFFERING rabbi of Beth Kmtt, the Free third daughter, Dc'nire Ililaine on I—of loU for Individual custom homo building, or speculation In Synagogue of Evanston, 111., will January 23. Grandparents are © ( Maennor- Meadows area. serve as lecturer for the Insti- Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Me.ssnick, AND tlute. He is well known as an Brooklyn, N. Y., and Mr. and 2—-High-Rise Jots in Bfacktfone area: commercial ground in Park author, theologian, historian and Mrs. Robert Feinberg of Omaha. ' Avenue area; 5-pIcx in Rockbroolc; downtown office building, lecturer. ©

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Tlie family of Mrs. Ida Kaplan wishes to thank all relatives and friend* for the many donations given to organizations In her memory and also to convey appreciation for the many courtesies extended'to them In their bereavement.

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Several openings on the Jewish Federation sponsored resident camp staff are still available. Young men or young women must be in college to be eligible for counselor's jobs and applicants for junior or assistant staff positions are required to be upper classmen in high school. Camp Staff application forms may be obtained at the activities office of the Jewish Community Center.

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Shrago-Rose Engagement Is Told af Family Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sin-ago ruary 4. lmvo aniimincvd the engagement Miss Khrago in a second year xof their daughter, Florence Hae, , ray .student at. the University to Murray itose, sou of Mrs. of Nebraska College of Medicine. Gold.i Rose. Her fiance received his decree The betrothal was i-cvoaW at in Business Administration from n family dinner held at Beth Is- the University of Omaha. rael Social Hall on .Sunday, BohA July wedding is planned.

Donor Day Set

Added to Activities Schedule at Center Plans for a teen modeling school are beini; arrancert at the Jewish Community Center as the result of the many requests for tills type of activity. The program will he initiated within the next month and will offer instruction in exercise ami posture, grooming and clothes selection, modeling techniques, personality features and manners, diet and nutrition and oilier factors nssoeiati-d with this field. A feature of the course will he consultations and visits with qualified experts in the various ureas mentioned above. Personalized attention will be stressed also In the assistance to he offered by the professional Instructors in charge, a reason why the registration must, be limited. The fee is 55 for a five-week course. The .sessions will be climaxed with a style show by the students.

Mrs. Uri Miller, Is Omaha Visitor Mrs. Uri Miller, former Omahan, now of Baltimore, is visiting In Omaha with her brother, George J. Sliafer and family. On Sunday she will leave for I.os Angeles to attend the golden anniversary celebration of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Isadora Shafer, also former Omahans. Rabbi Uri Miller will join her for the celebration and a visit with their daughter, Mrs. William Fcrtlg and her family.

Mrs. Sam Katzman is chairman for the Beth Israel .Sisterhood annual donor day which has been scheduled for March G. Co-chairmen are Mines. Maurice Mciches, felliot Rubin, Martin Herzoff and Don Cohen. The sisterhood's regular meeting will be held at ]2:30 p.m. February ].'! at the social hall. It will be a "pre-donor bonusday" event.

A special course leading to licensing as a real estate broker or sales post, is being offered — p.'irlicnlarly for women -by the Jewish Community Center's Activities Department. Instruction will feature once a week class, afternoon or evening, for 10 weeks. Women interested in becoming familiar with all aspects of the real estate field may register for this course, by calling the Center's Activities office, 342-3 3GG. Fee for the class, which will he limited to 10 persons, will bo $10. KVO SPONSORS FILM Kadlmah and Tovim chapters, SYO will present the film, "Heidi and Peter" in the Beth Israel social hall on Sunday, February 11, at 2:30 p.m. Concession stands will bo open. Funds will be used by Kadimah and Tovim to help finance projects.




Advance Registration Not Needed on Sat. The gym, workout room and handball courts in addition to the Youth Lounge* are all available for youth activities on Saturdays at the Jewish Community Center from 7 to '.) p. in. without registration or a charge.

Check Your Reading Rate Through Course A course in rapid reading for high school and college students will start, next Friday afternoon at the Jewish Community Center, it was announced this week by Harry Sidman, Center Commit tcee Chairman. Mr. Sidnian said that the course is designed to help the xtudenl improve iiis reading rale, while at the same time increase his comprehension of the printed material. The course will run for eight successive Fridays from 3:45 to 5 p. m. Registration is limited to insure the maximum benefit to the participants and a $2 enrollment fee is made to cover the cost of materials and special supplies. A few openings remain. Registration may ho made with the Center Activities Office at 34213GG.

Page Three

Joy Freiden Is Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Freiden have announced the elngajjenient of their daughter, Joy Helene, to Charles Zachary Arnold, KOU of Mrs. Robert Arnold of San Francisco, Cal. Miss Freiden and her fiance are students at the University of Alabama. She is a junior and a member of Sigma Delta Tau sorority. Mr. Arnold is a senior. The bride-to-be Is a granddaughter of Mrs. John J. Freiden of Omaha and Mr. Arnold is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Moms Siegel of Miami, Fia.


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Six Neighborhood Groups Organized Six special interest: neighborhood groups have been formed through the new neighborhood program initiated by the Jewish Community Center Activities Department. The groups will meet in the homes of members, and professional supervision nnd instruction through the Center. Parents interested In having their children participate in these well-organized and supervised groups should contact life Center for information about other new groups being formed in their neighborhoods. There is no charge for this new type of program, with units being formed for girls as well as boys. It is expected that there will be at least 15 groups meeting weekly before spring vacation.

troub with Mrs. Whitman acting DR. EDWARD CLAUK us narrator. Professional Help TKMPLK BPKAKEIt Dr. Edward Clark will be the The 12:30 p.m. luncheon meet- Offered Community Kuest speaker at the 1 p.m. lunch- Ing in the synagogue social hall A new and unique program eon meeting of the Temple Israel will be under the direction of Sisterhood on February 33 nt the Mrs. Morris Stalmaster, circle co- service developed by the Center's Temple. Dr. Clark will talk on ordinator, and Mmes. M o r r i s Activities Department was an"This Season on Broadway," a Rollstain, Irving Forbes, David nounced this week. The service, one of providing professional help review of current plays. Ileiss, Morris Raznick,, Sol LagWorking on the meeting are man, Bernard Schein, H a r r y and assistance in parties and proMines. Howard Milder, Howard Weinbcrg and Harold Kort, cir- grams for families nnd children, lias been designed to be of beneVnnn, Joseph Harwich and J. J. cle chairmen. fit to anyone in the community Friedman, c i r c l e chairmen In * • * needing specialized help. charge; Mines. Robert Silverman TEMPLE MEN'S .MEETING Specifically, this servicj pronnd Richard Goldman, program. The fifth in the series "A Point gram involves assistance with Mrs. Calvin Newman is lunch- of View" for the men of Temple plans and actual operation of eon chairman. Reservations may Israel, will he held at 10 a.m. projects and will provide films, bo made with Mrs. Jacob Hess, S u n d a y , February 11. After and projectors with operators for r>31-7.r>81; Mrs. M a u r y h. brunch an informal discussion special events. Schwartz, 5r>.'!-7421. Baby sitter will be led by Rabbi Sidney II. A nominal charge will be made service will be available. Brooks. for this service to underwrite its • • • ' * • .• cost. Parents desiring this proFBIXMAN WHX TALK ON ItF.V. PANIUORG WILL gram service or further particu"AIJTO-EMANCIPATION'-IIMS" -MODERATE PANEL lars are requested to call the Klchnrd M. Felhnan will bo the The Rev. Neil Danberg; region- Center's Activities Department featured speaker at the Corn- al director of the National Con- at 342-3 3GG. liusker C h a p t e r , B'nai B'rith ference of Christians nnd Jews meeting, Monday, February, ]2 will be moderator of a discussion at 8:30 p.m. at the Blackstone panel, "The Mood of Today nnd Hotel. Minorities" at the Brotherhood In honor of Lincoln's birthday, week meeting of The Beth Israel Mr. Fellman will speak "Auto- Sisterhood, February 13 at Emanclpntlon—19G2." 12:30 p.m. in the synagogue soHe has spoken on the Eich- cial hall. mnnn case before many organizaPanel participants will be Dr. tions in nnd out of the city nnd has made n study of the issues A. B. Pittman, local president of Involved in the Nazis trial. A so- the National Conference of Christains nnd Jews, and Richard cial hour will follow. M. Fellman, Anti-D e f a mation • * m League hoard members, Mrs. WilSTUDY OF JEWISH HUMOR liam Poster, program chairman, ON BETH EL PROGRAM ; "He.Who Laughs—Uuighs," a said. study of Jewish humor through the ages compiled by Mmes. MRS. BERNSTEIN, HOSTESS Mycr S. Krlpkc, Norman Dennen^ TO COUNCIL BOARD 342-1364 fo Insert your Want Ad In berg and Norman Whitman, will ' The executive board of the thoPhone Jcwkli I'rcn. be presented nt the February 1 5 ; . Omaha Section of the National meeting of the Beth El Sister- Council of Jewish Women will DAIfcy JEWISH NEWSPAPERS meet at 1 p.m., Thursday, Febru- BAR nnd Bus Mltzvah congratuhood. lations nlso for all Jewish holiParticipating In the program ary 15 at the home of Mrs. Gerdays and special occasions. will be Mmes. Harry Wigodsky, ald Bernstein .with Mrs. Morris • Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge. Robert Wugner and Louis Win- Shapiro aa co-hostess.

Patronize Jewish Press Advertisers.



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Page Four

s i t)\ S.ltiliiih

VAKS1TV LEAGVK Milder Oil and K. C. ColaC'anada Dry pulled upset victories to throw an already conditional Varsity league into a frenzy nice going into tlio. final two i;amea of competition. In the npcnini; ijame, Milder Oil edged Markel Clpan.-rs 57-5-1, in the final seconds on T'rod Hornstein's 35 foot jump shot, after trailing by ten points early in the fourth quarter. licrnstnin put on one of the finest individual efforts all year. He scored 2'i points and almost single handed* ly kept his team in title contention. A Markel victory would Ijave meant the end of the championship race with Milder completely eliminated. Behind by ten points an the final period it looked like. curtains until Bernstein went to work and pumped in 11 poisils in the final 8 minutes. Chet Stoler's two free throws in the final CO seconds tied the jjame and set the stage for Bernstein's final field goal. R. C. Cola also hunj; on by a thread by bouncing Micldin Lumber 57-45, In a "must" game for the winners. As Milder, a defeat would have meant the end of the line for It. C. Cola. The winners played from the very beginning like they meant business and with Ray Kirke pouring in 21 points and Joe Patrick, Arnle Stern and Howard Lipton controlling the boards, the Cola cfew pulled away in the final period for an easy victory. There is still a mathematical chance for the loop to end in a four-way tie for first place. Markei is still in the driver's seat and a victory could assure them of the title in their final two outings. W. L. Market . . . 6 • Mlcklln 5 5 Milder 5 S « . C. Cola 4 0 Wednesday, F<:b. 14 7:30 p.m.—It. V. Cola vs. MnrUnl 8:30 p.m.—Mioklln vs. Milder yovTit COUNCIL Ronu chalked up number 3."! in a row and AZA 100, defeated Rayim in a strong effort to catch Rayim for the second place as the South Council cage league moves Into their final two sames. AZA 10O, got good scoring power from Howard Mulnick, Hob Stein and Dick Zevitz, for ft 67-01; win over second place llayim. Bill Kutlcr'B 22 points was Jiigh for the losers. AZA 100, is now only one game behind sec-, end place. As' usual, Ronu steamrolled ever another hapless Youth Council opponent. This week it Was AZA 1, who bore the brunt to the tune of 81-38. Buddy Kpttein and Chet Stoler combined for a 49 point scoring barrage. W. I,. Ilonu ......IS 0 Kuyim 6 7 AZA 100 fl 8 AZA 1 2 It Sunday, Feb. 11 11 a.m.—A/A 100 vs. AZA 1 12 noon—Kayim vs. Uonu CTH AND GTH GRADE I-Go-Van, with two victories over the weekend won the league championship and stretched their unbeaten campafgn to eight in a row. On Sunday, the poised champs battled from behind the entire game and as usual tallied quick baskets in the closing minutes for the victory. I t was a rough grind for I-Go-Van, who had to battle right down to tho wire for five straight two-point victories but with the chips on tho table, they always came through. Sunday, they clowned a fighting Tretiak crew 16-10. Rayco got into the win column for tha 6ccond time this year with a 36-14 win over Slosburg. Jerry Itaznick's ten points paced tho winners while Andy Liberman with six points'was high for Slos-> burg. John Hoberman's basket In the final 40 seconds' was thd winning goal as Slosburg attempted to

pull it out of the fire with a fine last quarter rally. W. X.. I-fio-Vnn 8 0 Hlosburg 3 5 Tretiak

3 5


2 0

Sunday,fc'cb.11 2 :.'!(> p.m.—Sluslmrg vs. I-fio-Van 3:30 p.m.—Itayro vs. Tretiak 7TH AND 8TII GKADK Fireside: and M o c c n-David racked up expected victories and the two teams now go into the final Sunday of loop competition in a tie for first place. A win by each club next Sunday could necessitate ft championship game. Fireside, with towering Dave Jacobson pouring In 23 points through the lifts disposed of Kaiman 4G-27, and Mogcn-IJavid defeated Borsheim. W. I,. Fireside C Z Mogen-David 0 2 Kalman 4 4 liorslirlm 0 H Sunday, February 11 4:30 p.m.—Fireside vs. UorfiliHm

Friday, February 9, 196Z

5:30 p.m.—Kulmnn v». MogenDavid MIIKJKT J.EAfilJK AM,-STAKS CHOSEN The Center Athletic Department has announced the Midget league All Star Teams to represent the Center in outside competition after the regular league schedules arc completed: 5th and Cth Grade—Gary Soiref, John Horwieh, Andy I/>bcrinan, Mark Wolpa, Alan Bernstein, Bruce Mn.ikln, Jerry Kaznick, J!ob Jacobson, I!ob Guss, Hick Gilinsky, Uan Milder and Bob Kutier. 7th and 8th Grade—Ron Wolpa, Dave Jacobson, Richard Jacobson, Lw Ko.<;5, Steve Sokolof, John Katclmnn, Marc Romanlck, Jerry Holll.s, Steve 1-uttbog, John Rtiljen, Maynnrd Belzer and Tom Kosen. I-ee Bernstein has been named to coach the 5th and Cth graders and Phil Rokolof will mentor the 7th and 8th grade crew. AH players will bo notified when practice sessions will begin. In Omaha 9,350,000 long distance and 3fi5,000,000 local calls were placed during the past year, the Northwestern B e l l Telephono Co. reiiorted.

Opinion on Protocol For Playing Hafikvaft Chicago—William J. Tonesk, eliief of protocol of the State Department, In reply to a requested "opinion," informed tli'f Zionist Organization of Chicago that the only time, Ilatikvali, national anthem of Israel should lie played first on the program of a Jewish organization was when the organization honored a representative of Israel. In otfKr cases, the .Star Spangled Banner .should be played first, he wrote.

The issue arose when Sidney L. Del-ove, organizer and head of Independence Hall, an American heritaRC museum in ChicaRQ, objected to the playing of Hatiltvah first at tho -llmiuka Festival of the Zionist Organization of Chicago at the Civic Opera House.

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