February 16, 1962

Page 1


Vol. XLr-No. 2-1


IOrnrxt A. Nogg, prominent Omaha lniKlnfSH executive and community loader, was unanimously elected President of tho Jewish Federation at tlin organization's annual meeting at tlio Jewish Community (UMtr.r. Mr. NogK who luts always devoted Ills tlmo mid Interest to community projects, scrwd as ('.imp Develop-



From left to rlfflit: (Toward Halm, Voutli Council president; Kutliy Adler and Hurry (ioUUvarei, Stage Night co-clmlrmen, oro all HIIIIICH, because they predict thn annuiil show will b» a lilt.

Everyone in (lie family will enjoy tiie comedy acts lo be presented by members'of the Jewish Youth Council when the curtain goes up on Stage Nif;ht, .Saturday, February 17 nt 7:.°>0 p.m. at Technical Ilich School. Some S.r>0 young people will, appear in the cast. A large crowd is anticipated, Kathy Adlcr and Barry .Goldware, chairmen of the event, said, ns the final rehearsals took place for the Youth Council production, now celebrating its twenty-sixth year. "The clubs have worked very hard in preparation for the function," the chairmen stated, ".supplied their own material for tho acts, and promise to draw ninny luugh.t and chuckles from the audience." "In-Bctween Acts" An array of Impressive "Inbetween" acts will add to tlm many features of the evening. They include "Soft Shoe Cutios,'" with Diane Halperln and Judy Strauss, "Let's Get Together," with Gail Herwicit find Pauln Mugzamin, "The Swedish Rhapsody" with Judy Sherman; "Vocal Favorltqs" with Bunny BIocli; "You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby" with Kathy Adlor and Isabel Hurwitz and "Combo Capers" with Steve Marcus, Nell Miller, and Charles Long. This year's in-between acts also will feature the LcRoy Canfield Fam-

ily with a ."Capsule Music Roview." Host Acts AwitrdH Awards will be presented lo the best boys' club act and the b e s t girls' club performance Judges will be Alan Kenyon, KOIL advertising director; Mis Harold Garber, Omaha fashion model and Kenneth Peterson, assistant technical;, director at the University of Omaha.' A "sock hop" will be held In honor of winning acts at the Jewish Community Center auditorium directly afler the performance. A 25 cent charge will bo made for nil dance guests except the hoiiorccs. Tickets for the show will bo available at tnt Jewish Community Center Youth Council office or may be obtained from Youth Council members nt $1 for adults and 50 cents for students.

ficcund Clusa Postuge Paid flt Omaha. Nebr.

ment Chairman during I Ml and is a piwt general chairman of Hie Jewish Philanthropies Campaign. Elected lo serve (lie Federation wltli Mr. NOKE are Arthur II.

Goldstein, first, vice-president; Wilton It. Abrahams, second viceprc.'ildent; Isadora C h a p in a n, t n a s u i c i tinrl I T i n y Sidin in scc-

c e ^py 10 Cent* Annual ttule 4 Dollars

award certificates were presented by Samuel S. .Steinberg, general chairman, to Arthur A. Cohn, assistant to the general chairman; Henry Greenberg, advance gifts; Robert M. Feinberg, initial gifts; Ernie Nong, general men's division; Mrs. Alexander D. Frank, women's division general chairman. The lattor's co-chairmen, the Mmes. Henry Appel, Joseph Guss, Lazar Kaplan and Mrs. Philip I). Swartz, Business and Professional Women's chairman; C a r o l nosenbauin and Robert Gross, high school division, also received certificates. Mrs. IJoyd Friedman, president of the Federation of Jewish Wom< n's Clubs introduced Mrs. Joseph S. Guss as the 19G2 general chairman of Philanthropies Women's Division. Mrs. Guss presented, her co-chairmen, Mmes. David Bebor, M o r r i s Brodlcey and Norman Hahn. Miss Elizabeth Hart will head the Business and Professional Women's Division. Mr. Chapman read the minutes of tho 1961 annual meeting. Tile assembly paid respect In memory of the late community leaders, Moses A. Venger and Robert II. Kooper who passed away during 1901. Cuugall Exhibit A display of 25 unusual and rare albums and 1.0 prints by Marc Chagall, world famous artist, were arranged for the eve-

Harry Triisfln, retiring president of the Jewish Federation congratulates his successor, ErnPBt A, Nogg, elected at the organization's annual meeting. retary. Dr. Philip Slier Is honorary vice-president. "Serve tho Community" Mr. Nogg in accepting the presidency said, "I hope I can serve Dr Charles W. Mayo lias been s*he community and enjoy your named to receive tho tentli an- »PP° rt a m i confidence as my _ , T ... ... predecessors did. nual Beth Israel Humanitarian T h o n o m m a t u l g sIalei u n a n i . Award. mously accepted, was presented Ho Is to accept the citation by Dr. Abe Greenberg, chairman April 1 at a 6 p.m. banquet at Appluuded were the " g i a n t the Beth Israel Synagogue, Ern- steps" reported durini; the course est J. Hochster, general chair- of the meeting, evidence of the man of the synagogue's citation great strides made in the comcommittee, said. munity during 1961. Underscores AchievementsDr. Mayo has been chairman Hurry Trustln, retiring Fedsince 1933 of the Mayo'Assoclation which operates the Mayo eration president, in his report, Clinic at Rochester, Minn., and underscored some of the achievements made possible in the Jew- A. II. Goldstein M. K. Abrahams Mrs. Harold Farber will re- also heads its sugery section. 1st V.-Prcsldent 2nd V.-Presldent The award is made each year ish Community. ceive tho Ninth Annual Women's Citizenship Citation from B'nal to "an individual who has dis- "The special reports of Nathan ning. Great interest was shown Nogg and E l m e r G r o s s B'rith Women of Omaha at n tinguished himself in the field I,. stressed the "giant steps" taken in the exhibit which included republic luncheon, Thursday, Feb- of human welfare." productions of the "12 Tribes of Dr. Mayo is a member of the by the community," Mr. Trustin Israel windows. They were mada ruary 22 at noon at the Sherapointed out. "An enlarged Home board of directors of Mutual of ton-Fontenello Hotel. The citation for the Aged was made possible by Chagall, especially for tha Js presented for outstanding serv- Omaha and chairman of the by the generosity and imagina- synagogue of the Hadassah He(Continued on Page 2) (Contlnucd on Page 3) tion of public-spirited and wel- brew University Medical Center fare minded members of our Com- In Jerusalem. Tribute to Robert Koopor munity, Camp Esther K. NewAt the conclusion of the meetman, as Elmer Gross told us, is beyond the blueprint stage and ing, Mr. Paul Veret, Federation is about to become a reality." Executive Director, discussed tho Mr. Trustin thanked chairmen nature of the 19G2 Jewish Philanof Federation departments and thropies campaign, nnd the respecial committees: M i 11 a r d Rosenberg, ADL advisory committee; Harry Sidman, Jewish Community Center; Yale Richards, family service; Ben Kaslow, Jewish education; Richard Goldman, Jewish Press; Milton Abrahams (19C0) and Sam Steinberg (1961) Jewish Philanthropies ; Norman Batt, Camp JayC-C; Nathan Nogg and Arthur Colin, Dr. Sher Home for.the Aged. Special assignments were Irvin Levin, legal com- Isndorc Chapman Harry Sidman Standing left to right: Knlali Franklin, Mines. Eiluln K, Brodkry, Hubert Sommer, Sam L. Katz- headed by Ernest A. Nogg, New Treasurer Secretary liian,-AIan Burton, Harry Sldaian. (Scatod) MIUM. David V. Bcber, Joseph S. Ouss, M. II. Brodkoy, mittee; site; Daniel Katzman, budAlexander D. Frank ana Norman Hahn. l'ast chairmen not present: Almos. Edward E. Brodkey, Dave camp get; Alex Weinstein, buildings sponsibillty of the members of Colin, MIIco Frcemnn, David Grccnbcrg, Joo J. Orconliorff, Morris Grossman, Morris Katloman, J. Harry maintenance; David Feder the community toward the obHulnkofslty, Louis Kuhikofsky, Albert B. Neivinan, Henry A. Newman, Ernest A. Nogg, Aaron Rips, and and Mrs. S a m u e l Steinberg, jectives of the campaign. David Sherman and Harry Trustln. p l e d g e redemption and Jack, Ho then spoke on the lato Marer and Sam Wolf, center site. Robert H. Kooper, a past presiHo also cited Mrs. Lloyd Fried- dent of the Jewish Federation man, president of the Federation who passed away in 1961. He deof Jewish Women's Clubs and scribed the typo of devotion and Stephen Guss and Howard Hahn, leadership which Mr. Kooper had Jewish Youth Council presidents given to the community and its Past chairmen of the Women's man Halm at the Guss resldenco connection with the women's In 1960 and 1961, respectively. problems. He also evaluated his Division of the Jewish Philan- to discuss plans for women's ac- events during the campaign. Dr. Greenberg presented the activities for the welfare of tho Past chairmen at the meeting tivities during the current camthropies, met recently with tho were'the'Mmes. Edwin E. Brod- presidential plaque to Mr. Trus- community, and listed the sevpaign, 1062 women's general chairman, eral aims and objectives which Mrs. ^lan Burton will be In key, Sam L. Katzman, Alexan- tin. the late Mr. Kooper set as m Mrs. Joseph S. Guss and her co- charge of decorations and Mrs. der D. Frank and Hubert SomCertificates Awarded chairmen, tho Mmes. David E. Harry Sidman was appointed mer. Miss Knlsh Franklin Is ex- In recognition of their service guiding p r o g r a m for Omaha to the J e w i s h Philanthropies, Jewry. Bcber, M, II. Brodkey and Nor- television publicity chairman in ecutive secretary.

Belli Israel lo Honor Head of flayo Olinic

Award fo Mrs. Harold Farber

Past Chairmen of Women's Division Meef With Mrs. Guss and Co-Chairmen


Page Two

fennel) fjrrco Published weekly on Friday beginning the-last week in August through second week in July.

Rabbi David Polish Institute Lecturer

Dr. D a v i d Polish, foundin,1; Habbi of Ilclh J."mct, tho Free 5ecr,na Class Po:tane Paid at Omaha. Ncbr. Synajr'Hjuo of Kvanslon, III., will •jverlisin'i Rctts t n Application, Annual Subscription, S-l W. A' ih Mrct-t, G,T»c!lu, IJtbr. PilUic be the lecturer at Ihe twenlyPublication Office—101 No. m: .1'dilor fourth annual Inititute on JudaMltS. FKANCES KLEIN ism for Christian (lerj-iyinen, t h i s Fuday at Temple Iiut'l. Dr. Polibh is lituri;y committee chairman The annual "Know Thy Neighof t h e Ccntial bor Sabbath" in observance of C o n f e r rncc of Brotherhood Week will be spon\ American Kahhis, sored by the Sisterhood Friday, author of t l i e February 10 at 8 p.m. at Beth "The E t e r n a l Israel Synagogue with the Mines, Dissent" and cont'aiidli'liKlitintf. 5:3'J I'- »'• Nathan Marcus ami Leo Meyertiibutor to many son as chairmen. Iti-tli'lOl: national publlcaThe regular service will be Sabbath eve services at Ii< th Ur. FoIWi tiun:;. concluded with a question and El Synagogue will U'lfin this F'ollou'in;; the mornin;.; sessions answer period and a tea in the evening at K:15 p.m. Rabbi Myor the clergymen will he j;uests of social hall. S. Kripke will deliver the ser- the TiMiiplc's sislci hood at a The following members of Ihe Young Coumon. Can I or Aaron I. Kdf;ar and luncheon. ples Club will serve as hosts and hostesses: the Roth El .SynaRoKUi? choir will Messrs. and Mmes. ~Horry Alloy, Milron Lazar Kaplan, Temple? presiBelzer*. Elliot Brown, Gordon Elewitz, M y render the musical portions of ron Marko, and Allan Selgal. dent; Dr. Arnold K. Klick, OmaThe youth organliatlon will provide ushthe service. ers: Neil Bloom, Larry Bloom, Harold ConTraditional Sabbath morninf; ha Ministerial Union president, . nor, Alex Grossman, Abe klnstllnaer, Susl • Brookstelh, Annette Charney, Glodys Groservices will begin at 8:30. Fam- and the Rev. William K. Daniels, . ner, Marilyn Kaplan, Toby ReUbourn and ily service at 10:30 a.m. Mincha- Omaliii Council of Churches' exSuil. Stole. . ecutive secretary, will extend Refreshments will be offered by: Mnies. Maariv Services at 5:15 p.m. Alfred Frank, Benjamin Groner, EH KaSunday Morning Services nl. 0 greetings at the afternoon meetBan, Alfred Kletn ond Samuel 5tone. a.m. Services during the week at ing. The bendiction will be offered Shop through the Jewisii Press 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. by Dr. Kverelt K. Jacltrnan, suMS,:. ' • -y .. ' •-• . • Temple Israel: perintendent of the Omaha-DisRabbi Sidney H. P.rnoks will trict of the Nebraska Methodist oficialc at sabbath services at Conference. Temple Israel at K:!.r> Friday eveManry L. Schwartz, Director 2011 No. 60rh Ave. ning. of Education, and Cantor Man(60th Ave. and Blondo) Guest preacher will bo Rabbi fred K Kuttner will assist Habbi David Polish, of Temple Beth Sidney Brooks in conduelhit; NOW OFFERING Ktnet, the Free Synagogue in tours of Ihe synagogue and at: in6021 Dccatur Evanslon, III., who will preach formal discussions. on: "The Civil Defense of the UNDER CONSTRUCTION Jew." 6433 Franklin St. Cantor Manfred F. K'lHner 6206 Sprague St. and Temple Choir, under the di^ • • " 1111(1 " " " " " " " " * ^ " " " • rection of Miss Ida Oillin,1 will 6202 Sprague 5t. partieipnle in tiie .service. Corner Duplex

'Know Thy rislgiibor* Sabbath at Beth Israel


National Leader Speaker at Men's Mizrachi Sat.

Beth Israel: Mr. Morton Rubenstein of Habbl IVnjamin Groner, Cantor Kli Kagan and the Helh Is- N(.-w York City, will be the guest 558-1472 rael choir will conduct the late .speaker at a "Melave Mallta" Friday family services tit 8 p.m. Saturday at 8:30 p.m. at the Traditional Friday services (Ko- B'nai Jacob Adas Vesliuron Synfibolas Shabbo.s) be^in at 5:45 p.m. ,';oi;ue, it was announced by Kli Shabbos morning services at Bitlner. The meet ins; will be sponsored 8:-ly a.m. Junior Contp-cj;atiun at KJ a.m. Rabbi Groner will con- by the Men's Mizrachi. Mr. Ruduct the Talmud class at 5:30 benstein is a past national viceWAXX TO WALL CAIU'ETIMO ANB I'UIIMTUIII! p.m. Shahhns' Mincha at 5:13 president of the organization and Cleaned In Your Home p.m. followed by Sholo.sh Seuclos is on a lour of its various local groups throughout the.country, and Mauriv at 0:10 p.m. ttEFITTIIMO • ni:PAIMNG Sunday services at 9 a.m. Jun- lie will remain in Omaha from LAYING • SIvWINCl ior Minyon starts at 8:.'iO a.m. February ]5 to 18. BINDING •'CLEANING Mr. Riibenslein has visited in Mincha at 5:55 p.m. Israel several times and made B'nal Jacob' Adas Ycslmron: his most recent trip last October. Friday Mincha, 5:55 p.m.; Satrate- l/i/au urday services, 8:45 a.m. and Mincha at 5:15 p.m., followed RUG CLEANERS by Sholosh Scudos and Maariv All friends and relatives nro at C p.m. Daily services at 7 Invited to attend services and Don Bernstein, 345-2554 a.m. and 5:15 p.m. reception. RICIIAKO GltKEN Richard Green, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Green, will observe his Bar Mitzvah at Beth El Synagogue this evening and Saturday 346-5050 Wholesale-Kosher 1018 FARNAM morning at the 10:30 a.m. service. (A I.I,

Friday, February la, 1902

Dr. Mayo Honored (Continued from Page 1.) firm's Ci'iss Award board of judges. In J9.")3 he was alternate delegate to te eighth General Assembly of Ihe United Nations and from 3'Jj-l to H).">7 was president of the Aniei ic m Awjci.'tlioil for the Unilid Nation*.

Cornfiusker to Honor Radio Station KOIL Cornhusker Lodge, B'nai B'rith will present its first annual community relations citation to Radio Station KOIL, Wednesday, February 21 at 7 p.m. at the Shernlon-Foiiteiielle I fold. The award will be made each jcar to the organization that has made a significant contribution to community relations in Omaha. Tribute will be paid to KOIL for the "complete and unbiased" coverage of the Kichmann trial, lodge officials slated.

"Buy If Where It's Baked"

HION.FAMIN F. MARGOLIN Funeral services were held In I..os Angeles, C'al., for Jicnjninin F. Margolin, former Ornahnn, who died February 8. Mr. Margolin was an electrical engineer. Survivors include his wife, Cella; a .son Alvin, and a daughter, Joyce, of I.os A n g e I c s; brothers, Dr. Morris anil Dr. MilIon, both of Omaha, and Aimer, Milwaukee, Wis., and .sisters, Mrs. Rebecca Hurwitz, Mrs. Dora Yaffe and Mrs. Minnie Cutler, nil of Omaha, and Mrs. Lillian Merviss, Athens', O., tind thrr-c (jrandchildren.

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KOSICNSTOf'K Funeral services were held .Sunday nt Temple Israel for Fred L. Rosenstock, livestock dealer in the Omaha market 50 years, who died February 8 in a local hospital. Burial was in Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Mr. Rosenstock, founder and owner of the company which bears his name, was 72. Ho lived at (3201 Underwood Avenue. lie was a member of the Omaha Livestock Traders Exchange 40 years and was serving as a director at this dealh. Survivors: wife Florence; son, Charles K., Omaha; three daughters, Mrs. Martin Blumenthal and Mrs, Benjamin Leavenllial, both of New York City, and Mrs. Robert Glide, Columbus, O., brothers, Dave, of Omaha; Enill, of Kansas City, Mo.; Max, of Sioux City; sisters, Mrs. Adolph Frohman, Omaha and Mrs, lite Kahn, New York City; nine grandchildren.

MRS, VKTTA IIAIIN' Funeral services were held JOIIN LOIIRMANT February 8 at the Jewish FuWILLIAM ROSKN Mr. and Mrs. William Ix>hr- neral Home for Mrs. Yetta Hahn, man announce the Bar Mitzvah 80, of 4801 North 52 Street, who of their son, John, and Mr. and died February 7. Survivors, sons, Fred and Mrs, Ben Rosen announce tho Bar Mitzvah of their son, Wil- Dave. Burial was in Golden Hill Cemliam on Saturday morning, February 24 at the 10:30 a.m. serv- etery. ice at Beth El Synagogue.

Birth Mr. and Mrs. Stan J. Widman, former Omahans, announce the birth of their first child, Cheryl Lynn, on February 12 In Waco, Tex. . Grandparents are tho Messrs. and Mmcs. David W. Frank and Elias Widman. Great grandparents are Mrs. Rebecca Hunvitz and Mayer Frank.

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P;i(*e Thrw Mrs. Mary Zalk, lifetime resident of Omaha, has moved to Los Angeles, Cal., whei.e she is making her home with her son-


., Center L — i Activities

in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fields, at 2692 Greenfj


Real Estate Course I.fidics here is your chance to Icnm all about real oslate, in fact, you'll even lenrn enough to pass lIn; slate's examination— fliKilifyin^ you us a salesman or » broker. The once a week twohour classes in real estate will lie prrsenk'cl for women ouli Wednesday afternoon from 1 to 3 p.m. at Hi'.- Jewish Community Center.



J. Warner Photography Wedding Candtds

Neighborhood Classes For Tap and Ballet Parents interested in their daughters weekly dance instruction, simply organize a group of five or six younj-C f;iiis who want dance instruction conducted in their own neighborhoods. The Center provides the instructor at a very minimum cost. The groups meet each week in a different home of members in the dance group. Parents dosirliii; further information and particulars on this dance iiroftram are requested to call the Center's Activities Office for further particulars and details.

Ballroom Dancing For Tweenagers

42nd and Center Loo Simon, Manager

Tlio Minna. Morion Soiref and Norman Cain, program cliiiirmen, trvlng out accessories on tlio iiutiiiiequln In the venter.

Accessory Fashion Show By Council Slated Feb. 20 "A new twist" in fashion shows will be presented by the Omaha Section of the National Council of Jewish Women at a donor dessert luncheon, Tuesday, February 20 at 12:30 p.m. at the Crossroads auditorium. The program will feature the Use of unusual accessories and clothes from Brandeis Stores. Council members will model the items. All proceeds will be (riven to the national and local projects of the organization. Mines. Harry AILsuIor, Phill Laser and Arthur Adler are chairmen of the event. Working with them are Mrs. Hubert Rosonblum, luncheon; Mrs. Sam Diamond, decorations, and Mmes. Morton Soiref and Norman Cain, program.

Over twenty teenagers arc now pnrticiimtini; in .special ballroom dancing classes offered and presented at the Jewish Community Center. The weekly dance instruction, running for eight sessions, will develop the growing child's poise and self confidence. Because 'of the heavy demand, an additional afternoon class in dancing for grade school boys and girls is being organized. Interested parents or youngsters may contact, the Jewish Community Center to enroll. The fee for the program is $2. Classes are kept, small to pro- .VOUIIR Jmlnea Have vide personalized and intensive MrcllnRH, Sunday instruction. All three Younc Judaen groups will hold business meetings on February 18 at 2 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. Sixth nnd cinht (trades will hold elections and the seventh grade will Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky discuss their fund raising, projWill be guests when Kddie Can- ects. The fol lowing members tor, National Chairman of the were elected as officers of the Builders of Israel, nnd popular JAYS—the seventh jjrade- group: show business personality, will Ellen Fried, Julie Simon, Janie bo honored at a national cele- Fox, Jeanette llcinglass, and bration of his 70th birthday, Nor- Judy Meyersou. man Lipman, Omaha Area Manage of tile Israel Bond organizaMeeting of Young tion, said. The nationwide tribute to Can- Stamp Collectors tor will bo held at a Miami The Jewish Community Center Beach, Fla., hotel on Saturday Stamp Club will meet Sunday, evening, February 24 as the cli- February 18 at 4 p.m. in room max of a three day conference of 32, at the Center. All young Israel Bond leaders. stamp collectors are Invited to attend the informative and Interesting sessions of the Club. Award for Mrs. Farber Exchange of stamps has become an important part of the club (Continued from Page 1.) ice in community and civic af- activities. fairs. Shop through the Jewish Press Women's Group I'ast I'resldent

Omahans, Guests At Cantor Dinner



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House of Glamour


Mrs. Farber Is n past president of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clul)s, a lifetime member of both localKroups of the Brandeis U n i v e r s i t y Nationnl Women's committee and Iladassnli. She was president of the Omaha section, National Council of Jewish Women-for four years and is a • honorary president of the organization. (.'lilldrcns Hospital Ziizaar She served as the 1957 chairman of the Childrcns Hospital Bazaar, was vice president of Loth the Delphian Assembly of Omaha and the Women's IrclerClub Council, a co-chairman of ticket sales of the Omaha Civic Opera Association of 19G1-62, and o co-chairman of the Women's Division of the Community Chest for two years. She is on the Board cf the Women's Association of the Joslyn Art Museum, Mrs. Harvey Gershein nnd Mrs. Seymour Abrams are the "Citation" chairmen for the Omaha B'nal B'rith Womons Chapters end Mrs. William Stone and Mrs. Norman Itoscn are reservation •chairmen, ' : ,


Short Term—Adult—Recreational—Training

Special Center Classes


Jewish Community Center 342-1366



Fage Four


Friday, February 16, IMS

Center Sports I Organizations By Cy Seltchkk VAUSITV LEAGUE A sensational Jewish Community Center Varsity basketball league becomes even more upeetarular going into the final scheduled games next Wednesday. In a Irani ic turn o£ events last week, it. C. Cola-Canada Dry and Micklin Lumber posted upset victories, leaving tin: clmmpion^hip hanging in the balance with only ono game remaining to play. Victories by II. C- Cola and Milder Oil nexi week could leave the loop in a final four-way tie for first place and neccessitate a four-team playoff for the title. In the opener last week, Micklin Lumber kept their chances alive by downinc Mnrkel Cleaners 58-40 as Hoy KatsUec, Sheldon Brodsky ;md Pave Goldstein pumped in -IS 'points between them. The winners sped off to a fast start and never relinquished the lead. The loop's leading scorer, Ed Belgrade, had 17. points for Markel. The second encounter saw H. C. (tola t>ump Milder Oil 49-32, after trailing for Ihree quarters. Going into the. final quarter tho contest was tied at.24-24. At this point the winners exploded for 25 points in the final stanza and won K°'nE away. All eight players tallied for Cola with Ray Kirke leading the pack with 11 points. Jerry Simon with 12 was high for Milder. Wednesday, Fell. 21 7:S0,1'ossiblr championship gatui' 8:80, rosnible rliainplonshlii gamit YOUTH COUNCII.. With the title'wrapped up by Ronu, Youth Council interest settles around the battle for second place. Going info the final Sunday of play. Rayim and AZA 300 are locked in a tie. Games for Sunday, Feb. 18 1.1 ajn^—Ronu vs. A'/A 100 12 noon—AZA 1 vs. Kayini 5TH AND GTII OltADES I-Go-Van ended the regular campaign in 5th and Cth jjrade competition with a perfect 9-0, record by Wasting Slosburg 20-7. Tretlak downed Rnyco 17-13, to finish in second place to highlight last week's activity. 7TII AND 8TH GBADICS Mogen-David and F i r e s i d e chalked up expected victories, thus setting the stage for a fitting climax to a thrilling 7th and 8th grade cage campaign with a championship playoff this Sunday at 3:30 p.m. in the Center gymnasium. Both teams ended the season in a tie for first place Sunday, Feb. 18 S:30 pjn., Championship game, Mogen-Dayld vs. Fireside

Sam Mothers The Omaha Mothers Club of Sipma' Alpha Mil fraternity will meet Wednesday, February 21 at 2:I'.O p.m. at the home of Mrs. Abe Markovitz with Mrs. Harry . •Smith as co-hostess. Mrs. Smith, 551-2G0G is taking reservations. llailassaiis' Onftf Sllabliat Hadasnali Education Council One;; .Slinbhat will be held on Saturday, February 17 at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Krvin Simon. Workmen Circle Bauuir AH kinds o( merchandise and homemade food will be available at the annual baznnr which will be held by the Workmen's Circle family on Sunday, February' 25 at the Labor Lyceum, 3024 Oimim: throughout the day and evening. Proceeds uill be used for the organization's adopted children in Israel. Occupied with general planning for the event are Mrs. Ixmis W i t k i n, solicitations; Mmcs. Max Crounso and Sarah Schwartz, general chairmen; Mrs. Kathan Lemian and Mrs. Etta Orenstein, refreshments. SIVT Fund Knitting The Sigma Delta Tnu's Omaha Alumnae Ix'.-igue will hold Its annual fund raising event, a card party and dessert luncheon on February 21 at the home of Mrs. Willis Epstein, 71)18 Windsor Drive at YJ-MO p.m. . Proceeds will be contributed to the Pete Kiutman Scholarship Fund at Branded University, which enables a girl to go to tho University for one year and is renewable. The c o m in i 11 e e in charge includes Mrs. Marvin Kohll, chairman and the Mmcs. Kpstein, Edward Goreliek, Bud Greenspan, Seymour Ahrams, Melvin Weiss, Hni-old Novak. TI:id:vss:ih Hoard I.uncli at <!<Miter The board of the Om.-iha Chapter of Hadassah will have a 12:30 luncheon and business session, Monday, February 39 at the Jewish Community Center. General araxngcmentK are being made by Mrs. Phil Katzman. Mrs. Krvin Simon, president will preside. Plans for the regional board meeting, February 21 and 22 at the BlackKtono Hotel, will be discussed by Mrs. Sam ICatzman, executive vice president of the Omaha Chapter and local chairman of the meeting. Oin.'ilia Mlzrachl Women The February meeting of the Omaha Chapter of Mizrachl Women will be held Wednesday, February 21 at the Jewish Community Center following a 1 p.m. dessert luncheon. A program will follow the business session.


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