Vol. XI^-No. Z5
I>ubllcutlun Office. 101 No! )niaha. Ntbiuaiia, Plione lH
The modern futilities of the Lincoln YMCA operated result tit cump, will he used by Camp J,iyC'-C tills summer, prior to mxt year's availability of (ho rnvv Esther K. Newman camp now
Second Class Puntsttie tit Omaha. Nebr
T h e a p p o i n t m e n t of c h a i r m e n of s e v e r a l F e d e r a t i o n departm e n t s w a s announced t h i s week by K r n e s t A. Nogjr, newly-elected p r e s i d e n t of t h e J e w i s h F e d e r a tion, a s lie assumed his position. " 1 a m happy t o uniiouuce t h a t t h e following h u v c a g r e e d t o h e a d i m p o r t a n t c o m m i t t e e s of o u r F e d e r a t i o n for 1!)(>2," Mr. No[,'i: said, "These a r e people of m u c h exeperience and knowledge.
UIKII.T construction. The new ,slto
is adjacent (o the one hi'iiij; n id this siunnifr by resident campers and is only .'!() miles fiom Om.'iha. The l!)i>2 ciunp dffei'H a Ini go main lodge with dinini: and lecl'cationnl facilities on the m lln floor with craft ami trading po t rooms In tin* lower level. A laigo T-shaj>oil pool is whore the more than 70 campers will receive instruction in swimming and water sports. A l)if; bathhouse provides drcijiiii;; and shower facilities. Other features of the ciinp include ten modern cahins, a large ball field, and endle:;s miles of trails for hiking and riding The camp stables will have close lo 20 horses, it was reported, and will provide plenty of riding for the young fans. Registration for one of the two crimp session.'; or the full season, is for general ronistratlon. Parents of last year's campers were given an opportunity to register their children last montli. Parent."; are requested to regisfei campers early to avoid possible disappointment later. Knrullnient Is by application at the Camp office in the Jewish Community Center. An all college counseling staff, once asuln, is being selected to lead the Juy-C-C campers iimjfp'tho direct cnpcrvisloil of the Center's professional por(oiinol.
I feel certain that under such leadership, their respective departments and activities will .make much progress.
A vluw of tlie modern, two-story main lodgn at Camp J.i>-C-C.
Camp Jay-C-C Hates etracf Dales Omnlinns Non-Kenldcnt iKt Session—June 21 - J u l y 4 9 75.00 ? 85.00 2nd Session—July i - J u l y 14 715.00 83.00 F u l l Season—Tuno 24 - J u l y 14 140.00 1GO.0O Tlio fco Includes all l a u n d r y , special c a m p liralth a n d a c c l uVnfc Insurance p l u s t r a n s p o r t a t i o n between w u n p and Omiiliu.
Norman Halt—Camp Norman Halt has agreed to continue serunf at C'hjiimui of Camp Jay-C-C r»~ - • — ^ Ife has se.nod asf Camp Chaliman'. previously, and| has given much*^ * ' effort and excel-*^ lent leadership to .< * our camp pro- , -* . gram and admin- , .A ist.ration. T h i s iwill he a veryp-'**1 <important yearf >-'',» In our campingw-i program, as it Bait will mark the transition from a
UJA Opens Drive Philip Sher Home for the Aged With $19,303,000 Dr. (The Dr. Philip Shox Home for the A god acknowledges the following memorials and donations.) In Initial Gifts
New York (JTA)—The nation- Donor In Memory of wide United Jewish Appeal offiMr, and Mrs. Paul Vflrct » Sam Ansel cially launched its' 19G2 cam- Alcsirs. and Mnies. Morris Ermon, Milton Yudelion Mrs, Minnie EJerg paign us 300 American Jewish Messrs, and Mmes. Jack Dan, Abe Corin, Harry Di>« bail, Loulj Kulokofsky, Lou Sooolow, Harry WlHnlenders from all parts of the MIHon Yudclson, Miss DCSJO Olank, Mmcs. country meeting here contributed . iky, Ucn Hundlsr, Ann Roffman, Clara Waldman •• Mrs. Ida Brown Mr, ond Mr3. Harry Duboff David Fcrfll oncj Robert Kooper or reported initial gifts totaling Equal Pay for Arab Dr. Max Flolihmart M n , Nathan Fleishman (Granllo City, III.) $19,303,000 one of the largest IM, and Mrs, Abo Dear, Mrs, Leonard Klein • . C c n Jacobs Mr. ond Mrs, Puu: Verct Mrs. Gimle Josephs And Israel Unionists starling sums attained by the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mewbcra M n , Klelnstclfi (Kansas Ctly, Kans.) Miss D«i Sommcr Jock Kaufman, Mrs. Mary Meyerson United Nations (WNS)—There drive In a decade. Mr, ond Mrs. Mlllon Roacnlhal Mrs. Blrdlo HIrschfeld Mr. and Mrs. Milton Yudelcon...,Mr, Goodman (Lincoln, Neb.) ond Mr*. Martha Tuchman are now .'{0,000 Arab trade union General Chaim Iferzog, one of Mcssrj. ond Mrnes. Reuben Brown, J . Harry Kulamembers who work side by side the principal speakers of the evefcofsky, Louis Kulokolsky, Ernest A. Nogo, Paul Vcrct, Mr». Sarah Kay , .....Mrs. Ida Levin with Jewish workers in Israel's ning, and former Chief of Intel- Messrs. and Mmes. Arthur A. Colin* Jacob Hess. factories and business offices and ligence of the Israel Defense Dr. Max Fleishman Murks Lorlo Mrs. Ben Handler * Herman Nichols receive equal pay for equal work, Forces, told the gathering that tAr. and Mrs. Jacob Hess • Alex Plotkln Messrs. ond Mmci. Alan Dramson (Kalonah, U. Y ), T according to Sallm Jubrnn, a Israel's people are today strugHorry Duboff, 0en Jacobson (Sacramento, Collf.), Christian Arab who played a gling to receive, house and abAlbert 5. Kati (Woodland, Calif.), Harry Sonimer (Oakland, Calif.), Paul Vcref, Dr. and Mrs. W , M . leading part in integrating the sorb one of the largest immigraUpsctt (Berkeley, Calif.), Mrs, Sarah Kay ..Louis Sommcr 1 Messrs. and Mmej. Arthur A. Colin, Paul Verct . . . . - Sol Spar separate Aral) trade croup. ) into tions since their country's first Mr.-and Mrs. Jack Ncwbcrg, Miss Oca Sommcr Oscar Sulln the Histadnil, Israel's largest years. He declared Israel's citiIn Honor of union. Donor zens will welcome every immiMr. and M n . Harry Duboff .,.....;....recovery, Mrs. Arthur A, Cohn Mr. Jubran, who came to this grant who comes, no matter Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duboff, Mr. ond Mrs, M. Kruplnsky ..recovery/ Mrs, Nathan L. Nogo Mr. and Mrs. Marry Duboff, Mrs. Robert H. Kooper ond Howard ....recovery, Jock Morcr country to muot with labor what sacriflcles this might en- Mr. and Mrs. M. Kruplnjky recovery, Joe Monovltz (Fremont. Ncbr.) groups on a visit arranged by tail, but that the help of Ameri- Mr. ond Mrs. Nathan L. tJogg * 50lh woddlna anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Max Cohn (Council Bluffs, la.) the Israeli consulate, said that can Jews and UJA in absorbing Mr. ond Mrs. Jack Ncwbero ........37th wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freeman Messrs. and Mmcs. Elmer Greenberg, Sum GrcouArab workers fare far better In the newcomers is "crucial." berg, James Ltpsey, Som Stern, Philip Rlnole, Israel than in the neighboring Mrs Joseph Llpscy 47th Wedding annlvcnary, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lincoln Mr. a i d Mm. Marlon Somberg and family, Mr. and countries and that Arab women Mrs. Milton Vudelson dedication of Chnpman-Chernlack Pavilion FM, ond Mrs. Davo Cohn birthday, Mrs, William Levey Jn Israel have profited by the 10 iliflioft fo Israel, Mrs. Cen Handler ., saro return of Mrs. Herman Franklin and Miss Kalah Franklin progress made by Jewish women. Mr. and Mrs. Max Schcucrrnann • birth of a grandson, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Euoene Step (Indianapolis, Ind.) While Israel cannot ask Israeli m liilion »o Mr. and M n . Jack Ncwberg birth of niece, Deborah Joan Saks (Dallas, Tex.) and Dor Mltjvah of nephew, David Saks (Dallas, Tex.) Arabs to fight their Arab neighWnshlnEton f.TTA)—The of their daughter bors, "there is such a thinir as rd States Agency for Interna- Mr. ond Mrs. Alfred Fiedler passive loyalty," he stated. Special Gifts tional Development granted IsD. Welnberg, Mr. and Mrt. Hymle Milder, Lozcr Kovlch Hauor and condy rael a $10,000,000 20-year loan. Mr. David Jack Getlond, Mr. Richard Hoberman toward dishwasher fund The fund may be used by Israel Mrs. Saturday Canasta Croup: Mmes. J. Chaianov, F. Comlsar, S Frank, F. Grccnbcrg, J . Kaplan, M. London, s. Manvlti, Ethel Shykln, L. Wolilncr. to purchase U.S. machinery and Eaglo Distributing Company equipment .IncIiidiiiK such items as iron and steel mill parts and pharmaceutical products processNo Cut in Service The noted' author-lecturer, C. ing equipment. The loan carries the nominal interest rate of Bezalel Sherman, New .York City, For Israeli Girls will address tlie local Farband three-fourths of one percent. Jerusalem (WNS)T—The KnesAt the same time, the United Uranch and Foalo The regular luncheon meeting Zion groups this States flfrreed to soil !F39,600,000 set, Israel's Parliament defeated Saturday, Febru- worth of surplus commodities to a proposal by Herut Party mem- of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs will be held Thursday, ary 24 at 8:30 the United Arab Republic. Ecypt p in. "Ben Gurion will Ret wheat, flour, cottonseed bers to reduce the term of com- March 1 at 12:30 p.m. at the at 75" will be the oil and 'soyabcon oil with pay- pulsory military service for wom- Jewish Community Center, it was announced by Mrs. Lloyd Friedtheme of the pro- ments to bo made in Egyptian en from twp years to one. The man, president. gram to be held currency. In Cairo it was announced that Knesset was told that women at the Jewish r J Community Ccn- the-U.S. prantcd $.10,000,000 in were needed to perform essential Chicagoan Bequeaths $i;<jtor. Med. Sher- aid to the United Arab Republic services in the armed forces, in- $ 100,000 to UJA 1s a person- to build grain storage plants. Chicago .(WNS)--A portion of cluding teaching and agricultural | u l friend of the New York (JTA)—Mayor Rob- duties in b o r d e r settlements the estate of Samuel Krupkin, an „M r M...l c r n I s r a e l i prime obscure druggist who lived in a ert F. Wagner disclosed he had ' " " minister. The gathering will be open to resigned from the New York services which otherwise would small one-room apartment near the community, Joseph Kacllnow- Athletic Club because he had have required trained personnel his store, valued at between sld, program chalrmun, said. A heard allegations that the club who would be a heavy burden on $100,000 and $140,000, has been bequeathed to the Jewish Naquestion and answer period will discriminated against Jews and tlie Israel Treasury. tional Fund. Negroes in admission policies. follow.
Bezalel Sherman Guest Appearance
Women's Group Meets March 1
Single Vopy 10 Cents
Annunl Rate 4 Dollars
rented camp site into our own permanent facilities. Arthur <!<>ljn—Homo Arthur A. Colin has accepted the chairmanship of the Dr I hilip Slier Home foi Aged Committee, I of w li i c h lie ] served previously as chairman He has been extremely active in the development of the Home, and has done much work for the welfare of the Home und its residents With tlie new faCulm cilities added to the Home, it will be entering a period of "multiple services" for Omaha Jewish aged. Mr. Culm's leadership will prove invaluable in that process. FAmcr Gross—Newman Camp S. Elmer Gross will head the important- Esther K. Newman Camp Develop-' ment Committee,, w h i c h is m' charge of developing tlie now permanent Camp Site at Louisville, Nebraska. Mr. Gross served ai •**'*vice-chairman of the Camp Development Committee, and particip a t o d in the in the many steps t a k e n acquisition of tlie Camp Site and in the development of the Camp plans and construction. With the architectural plans completed, his committee will be in charge of implementing those plans for camp construction. A chairman of other Federation Departments and Committees will be announced shortly, Mi'. Nogg stated.
Care for Aged Grows During Last Decade New York—Care for the aged on the part of Jewish voluntary services has greatly increased during the last decade, according to a survey released by the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds. The survey indicates that the number of homes for the aged, their bed capacity and special rehabilitation services have increased sharply and will continue to increase. Demands for personal services and assistance to older men and women also rose strikingly. Many family agencies have expanded their services to older persons so that aged now constitute about one-third or more of those being served.
Yiddish Comedy Center, March 29 Seven outstanding artists of tiie Yiddish stage will present a two-act musical play and a concert program at tlie Jewish Community Center, Thursday, March 29, Harry Sidman; Center committee chairman, announced. Mr. Sidman stated that the unusually fine comedy and concert is being sponsored by the Center and the local 'Farbnnd organization. He said the program is opened to the community and i3 free. The production to be offered in Omaha is "Heshel from Ostropol," bused on the personality and deeds of Hershelo Ostropolier, legendary wit of Jewish folklore, who lived in the Ukraine in the second half of the 18th century and was known as the Prince of Paupers.
Page Two
Published weekly on Friday beginning the lust week In August through second week in July.
10,000 Jews Leave Quebec Jews Want Own Register Oonsfanfine in 1881 Of Births, Deaths, Marriages
Paris (JTA)— Two-thirds of nil flic Jewish residents in the Algerian city of Constantino— MKS. FRANCES KLEIN Editor where Jewish families have been rcsidiiu; for f;onerations —left the city dujinj; 1061, uccordiiiK to Le Monde, leadin;; French newspaAll friends and relatives aro Invited to attend services aud per. A survey by the paper estabreception. lished that of the ]«,000 Jews WII.MAM JtOSKN who lived in Constantino for JOHN I.OJlltUAN* William Rosen, son of Mr. and many years, there are only 8,000 Mrs. P.en Rosen, will observe his left today. This, the French liar llitzvah ami John Lohrman, newspaper commented, reflects Klitini;, 5:18 p.m. son of Mr. mid" Mrs. William the widespread doubts amonfc B'nal Jacob Adiii Vrslmron: Lohrman, will observe his liar Friilay Minclm, 5:15 p.m.; Sat- Mitzvah on Saturday, February Algerian Jews in the pledges of urday services, 8:15 n.m. and 21 at Belli El .Synagogue at. the the Moslem FI.N independence Minclm at 5:15 p.m., followed by 10:30 a.m. service. movement about their status in Sholosh Scudos and Maariv at an independent Algeria. 6:30 p.m. Daily services at 7 SAXOUA JI:SS . The overall prospects for AlDKNISK SILVER a.m. and 5:15 p.m. gerian Jews "will probably deMr. on«i Mrs. Ixiuis Jess nn- pend ICSH on international acceeBeth Israel: Itabbi Benjamin nounce the lias Mil/.vah o[ their Groncr, Cantor Eli Kaf;an and daughter, Sandra and Mr. and menls than on the psyeholojiical the Beth Israel choir will conduct Mrs. Stanley Silvcrmnn announce climate which will prevail bethe Friday evening 'family serv- the Has Mit/.vah of their daugh- tween them and the country's ices at 8 p.m. Traditional Friday ter, Denise, on Saturday, March Moslem majority after independservices (Kobolas Shahbos) »e- .'!, at Beth F.I Synagogue fit the ence," I.e.Momle. reported. The newspaper noted that the FI.N ••gin at 5:50 p.m. 10:30 a.m. service. has always officially rejected any Shabbos morning services beform of racism and anti-Semitgin at 8:45 a.m. Junior Congre- GKItAM) SIMON ism and that it. has repeatedly gation rat 10 a.m. Rabbi Groner The liar Mit/.vah of Gerald Si- warned Algerian Moslems will conduct the Talmud class at mon, son of Jjr. and Mrs. Milton 5:35 p.m. Shabbos Mincha at Simon, will be celebrated Satur- committinu anti-Jewish acts. 5:55 p.m. followed by .Sholosh day, March 3, at Temple Israel. Seudos and Maariv at G:50 p.m. 1SI02 Sunday morning services beJEWISH C'AIXNDAK gin at 9 a.m. Junior Minyon Purlin Mar. 20 starts;at.8:.'J0 a.m. Minclm at 6 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Richard I'nssovrr Apr. 10-20 p.m. Itoehman announce the birth of Shavuot June 8-9 a daughter, Julie Ann, on FebTlhlia H'Av ...AUK. 9 Belli KI: Sabbath eve services ruary 8 at Lutheran Hospital. Kosli Hashanali ..Sept. 2!)-30 Will begin this evening at 8:15 They are also the parents of a l'om Kippur Oct. 8 p.m.. Rabbi Myer S. Kripkc will son, Michael Jay. Sukkot ...Oct. 13-14 deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron Grandparents are Messrs. and Slimliii AtW-rct Oct. 20 I. Edgar and the Beth Kl Choir JImcs, E. M. Zalkin and Harry Kimhnt Turuli Oct. 21 will render the.- musical portions Kochman. Mrs. San Katz is a Haiiukkali Dee. 22-2» of the service. Cicat irrnlidmotlioT. Traditional Sabbath morning services will bc^in at 8:30. Family Service at 10:30 a.m. MinchaMaariv services at 5:!5 p.m. Sunday 'moroini; services will begin .at 9 a.m. Services during the.wcelc are held at 7 a.m. and Jerusalem (WNS)—The Israel ment buildings or low-cost bous7 p.m. Cabinet lias approved in princi- ing and to farmers. Meanwhile Temple Israel: Special music ple, a series of steps to help al- tlie upward surge of prices will mark the observance of Jew- leviate the situation that has re- touched off by the devaluation ish Music month at Sabbath serv- sulted from the devaluation of appeared to have slopped. Manices, Friday at 8:15 p.m. Rabbi the pound and empowered a minSidney H. Brooks will officiate. isterial committee to work out ufacturers have r e a c h e d an agreement with the Government The music for Friday will be the details of tlie policy. • devoted entirely to the works of I>evi F.shkol, Israel's Minister under which no surcharge duties Louis Lewandowski (1821-94), of Finance, a n n o u n c e d the will he levied on raw materials, famous composer of Jewish mu- changed devaluation policy in a and the manufacturers agreed to sic. Lewandowski's "Gross Ka- c o u n t r y-wkle broadcast last maintain existing prices as long dushah"(The Great Sanctifica- week. ns stocks bought at re-devaluation) recently translated into Under the devaluation policy, tion prices remain available. .English from German by Cantor Israeli currency, which used to Manfred F. Kuttncr will high- .bo worth J.8 pounds to tbo dollight.'the service. Conj;rej;ants lar, In now valued a t three pounds 'J'ho family of Mrs. Vttta 'are invited to bring their friends. to the dollar. Some of thn recHalm wishes to thank all to the service. ommendations are intended to tlicir relatives und frlrnds for '-Choir members who will par- cjisc the burden of mortgages the many donations given to ticipate include Miss Ida Gitlin, whosn Indebtedness, linked to organizations In her memory •'director; the Mmes. Until Met- dollar loans, have Increased C3 and for the many courtesies • calf, Esther Weil, Esther Du- percent. extended to thoin during their Borf, Messrs. Fred Hole and RobRelief is to be extended to bereavement. ert Dean. mortgagees owing loans on apartScconO Closs Posture Paid at Omaha, Ncbr. Annual Subscription, 14 GO Advertising Rates crt Application, publication Of«ii-e—101 No. ;0ih Street, Omoha. • H i b r . Phcnc 34? 1364.
Bar and Has lilzvah
Religions Service:,
Israel Acts to Alleviate Effects of Devaluation
Gals—Let's Make a
Friday, Felinwry 23, 196Z
Quebfe City (JTA)—Harry Blnnk, the only Jewish member of the provincial legislative assembly of Quebec, sur.gcsted to the Provincial Parliament's Private Committee that the civil code should be amended to t;ive Jewish religious bodies the same rights to keep registers of births, deaths and marriages as those enjoyed by Catholic and Protestant churches. Under the code, he pointed out, only Christian churches can keep such registers without the express permission of legislature. The religious institutions'of other faiths must, obtain such permission throu;;h a private bill. Syn;ir;o;;i](-s customarily seek incorporation In the Quebec province for the purposes of holdIni; property and running schools.
SAM ZKVITZ Funeral service.-; wern held Tuesday at the .Tev.iiOi Funeral Home, for Karri Zevitz, 7f>, of .'ill No. l.'K Avenue, who died February IS. Hiirial was in I5eth Ilamediosii Hsigortol Cemetery. Surviving are sons, Norman, Omaha; Leonard and Robert, I/is Angeles, Cal.; daughter, Mrs. Kllen F.ileen J,iss, Miami, Kin., three grandehildien, and a sister.
The provision for keeping registers of marriages is considered particularly important in tha province since there are no civil marriages in Quebec and Jews are customarily mavried under Jewish religious law and registered in a .synagogue record.
© ©
o © © G 0 © © ©
Cherry Nut Coffee Cake Topped with Luscious Cherries
Reg. 98c
Mns. KOSB <;ISI:I;NIH:KG Graveside services were held .Sunday at P,eth Hamedrosh IIIIR- © odol Cemetery for Mrs. Hose Greenbci'K, D5 of Dallas Tex., who died February 15. .Surviving ore daughters, Mrs. Bess Bush- © man, St. Joseph, Mo.; Mrs. Ann © Greenbcrg, Houston, Tex., and Mrs. Kthel Soglow, Estes Park, © Colo., nine urandchildren mid 10 croat-crandchildren.
Washington (JTA)—A resolution expression "the s e n s e of Congress" that it is unqualifiedly opposed to any agreement made between the United States and a foreign power which Includes terms discriminatory to any American citizen because of "race, creed, religion, or color" was introduced i n t h e House of Representatives. The bill, sponsored by Democratic Congressman William F, Kyan of New York, calls on the Government to reject any future pacts w i t h nations which insists on inserting such discriminatory provisos in the agreements, similar to tiie pact with Saudi-Arabia which discriminates distinctly against American Jews.
© ©
Ea. 0
IlKItTHA IIKItSCOVITZ © Funeral services were held Sunday at the Jewish Funeral Home for linrtha Hwscovitz, 7i>, who died February 15. Burial was In Golden Hill Cemetery. Surviving are sisters, Mrs. Ann © Schater, New York City and Q Mrs. Sadie Kothenberg. Q
Resolution Barring Pacts With'Biased'
Frozen Kosher Chicken & Beef
Pies Now
Ea. or
Reg. 69c Ea. Offer* Effective Only Thru Wod., Feb. 28
© ®
S«rvtng Om«li« With Qualify for 40 Y§«f»
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50th and Underwood "Buy It Where It's Baked"
Short-Term—Adult—Recreational—Training OMAHA'S LEADING
Center C/asses for Women For fho Novice or Advanced Player
0rush-Up on New Steps
Big Dollar Saving Values!
Develop Arfisfic Talents
Choice Chuck
C E R A / V U C S Classes at Convenient Hourj
ROAST OR STEAK *,„„ vo,Bo..... K 5 9 c Wllno Brand
S A L A M I „ , ,*, Piece
Rolled or ttetsed
For Full Particulars Call
Jewish Communityy Center 342-1366 3421366
Store Hour* * Sunday, 1,A.M.-e P.M. . Monday thru Thursday, 8 A . M . - 6 r.M. Friday. 8 A . M . . 3 P.M.
Call Wednesday for Thursday Delivery
Friday, February 23, 1908
r: (Call tho Activities Office nt the Jewish Cominiinlly CVntrr, 312-130(1 for further information or Itt'clstratlon for classes In— ciliated below.)
Teen Modeling Course Starts in Early March Teen modeling classes will begin the first week in Miircli ns part of Ihe Center activities department program at the Jewish Community Center, Janice Itkin, Jewish Youth Council chairman and coordinator, said. The Mines, Bruce . Greeiiboiu ond Harold Garber, professional models, and instructors of the classes will feature individual nttonlion, ill the five-week sessions series, Classen will last one hour and fifteen minutes. The course will stress modeling techniques, figure control, proper and flattcriiiR hair styles and other beauty aids, and will conclude with a fashion show. Fee is five dollars for five classes.
Facilities for Ceramics at Center A liii'cc kiln has been hooked up to "fire" the products of those creating clay or ceramic pieces in connection with the ceramic course offered at the Center. Adults interested in workinj; on this project will he able to make 1 beautiful (,'ifts or objects for themselves under the direction of professional instructors. Hej;ister by calling the Center.
Real Estate Course Starts February 28 The real estate course prepared for women interested in becoming familiar with all aspects of the real estate field, will start Wednesday, February 28 nt 1 p.m. at Ihe Jewish Community Center. The fee which covers books and printed material, for a 10-week course, Is $10.
Much Interest Noted in Neighborhood Classes Interest and demand h a v e boosted the number of neighborhood childrens groups supervised by the Jewish Community Center past the dozen mark, it was noted by Harry Sidman, Chairman of the Activities nnd Programs, sponsored by the Center. These Kroups, meetiiiK in homes each week, are supervised by Center personnel In n program of games nnd activities. Devoted to recreational programs, the groups consist of boys or Rirls of the same ages meeting in a homo of a different member each, cession. There Is no fee for the program There Is no fee for the program. Leadership nnd direction are by adults provided by the Center and under its auspices. Parents interested in having their children participate in this new nctivity, or who are interested in finding out more about this unique program, should contact the Jewish Community Center 342-13G0. By mid-March it is expected that there will be over 15 neighborhood groups meeting e a c h week.
Movies, Supervision For Children's Parties Need some movies for a children's parly, a projector and someone to show the films? Possibly you ini(!lit need a person to run .some games and activities for a groups? Can you use some help in planning children's parties and programs? If the answer is yes to any of those questions you'll want, to take advantage of the new special service developed for parties and special events by the Center's Activities Department. Pro-, fessi'jnal party planners will, on demand, assist in planning and supervising such events as birthday parlies, special celebrations and Ihe. like. Movies can also bo shown, with equipment nnd personnel provided under this parly planning program. To take advantage of the service parents should call as fur in advance of the date as possible. A most nominal charge is tnado for this ficrvice to cover the cost of operation.
Dramatization by Mrs. Hy Shrier Mrs. Ily Shrier will present n dramatization of Sarah Kasden's "So It Was Just, a Simple Wedding" for the Golden Ago group on Monday,' February 2G at 12:30 p.m. at a dessert luncheon at the Jewish Community Center. The group is sponsored by the Omaha Section of the National Council of Jewish Women and Ihe Jewish Federation.
The regular m o n t h 1 y board meeting and organization dinner will he held Wednesday, February 2H at (i p.m. at the Jewish Community Center by the U. and P. Chapter of Hadassuh. E d i n r Girls Club members, Carol Uosenbaum, Mutiny Hloch, Terry Nos;K and Puula Hrrcutt will present a group of Israeli dances in observance of Jewish music month, Miss Julia Zuker, program chairman, sail]. All members arc urged to bring money and reports for the March 7 parly to be given ;.it the ISlackslone Hotel. Reservations for the dinner may be made with Ihe dinner chairman, Mrs. Sarah Feltman, 553-5170 or Mrs. Julius Newman,
Sophye W. Fromkin Camp Fund Set Up Mr. and Mrs. Max FiojnUiii have established the Sophye W. 1'Y'jiukin (Jump fund for awardhiK scholarships to the Beth Isr.'iel summer camp, annually. Mrs. Now Is the Timo for New
Custom Made Drapes Expert Workmanship Serviced and Hung All Kinds of Repairs Export Weaving—Couch Covers Curtains Pick-up CALL 553-2302
Shop through (he Jewish Pi ess Ads. CANTONESE APPETIZERS
'Upstager's to Perform "The Upstager.s" will perform at Hie twentieth anniversary dinner party for the Messrs. and Mines. Martin Herzoff and Irving Chnrney, Saturday night, February 24 at the Kanch Howl. DOWNTOWN AND THE CROSSROAD3
MONA LISA House of Glamour No. 50th 553-7000 6 Export Hair Stylists
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TEiQSE PE&ECWVS MOMENTS . . . Bridal Portraits
May 26
Mary B i t t n e r Hollander of Davenport, In., nnd former Oniahan, will be the featured artist at the a n n u a 1 Ueth Israel SisJ t e r h o o d donor l u n c h e o n on March G, at 32 .'!() 1 p.m. in the synagogue. Mrs. Hollandeij is well-known in1 the tri-cities and * Chicago area ns a vocalist whose repertoire is rich with folk songs, Miiry Hollander Hebrew melodies nnd Israeli art songs. She studied with Dr. Hayes M. Fuhr, head of Hastings (Nebr.), College Voice Department; Dr. Henry Veld, Voice Coach and director of the famed Augustana Choir of Hock Island, 111., and Fred Wise, Dean of the American Conservatory of Music In Chicago, 111. Mrs. Hollander, who wns honored with n special award by the American Federation of Music Clubs for her presentation of American songs, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Bittner.
I'Vomldn is one of the synagogue commissioners and Mi1. Fromkin is a pasl. president of Beth Israel and now serves on its board,
PIONKKK WOMION'S LUNCHKON The Pioneer Women will have a luncheon meeting February 27 at 32:15 p.m. when plans for a Purim affair will be made.'A movie will be shown.
Hollander Sing at Beth Israel
Pago Three
notiorm—main floor, • downtown ."' The Crossroads, Arcade level
« . *£•
Vnge Four
Temple Sisterhood Sponsors Art Fair "The Art Fair" will be sponsored by the Temple Israel Sisterhood at the Temple beginning March 6 with, a sherry-coffee hour at S p.m. Milton Wolrky, prominent mid-west painter, will act as host and informally discuss the works on display. Forty original prints on loan from a New York gallery will be exhibited, and for sale. They will be original lithographs, etchings, woodcuts and engravings signed and numbered by contemporary American artists including Chaim Gross, Irving Amen, Adolph Dehn, f>rs'm I.ieber, William Cropper, (labor Peterdi, llya .Selior, Harry Scheulberg, Alex/mrl?* Uobkin, Marvin Jules and Kiigcue Larkin. Included in the display "ill be worlis of Omaha artists from oils' trfsculpture, and art objects belonging to or executed by members of Temple Israel Sisterhood.
Friday, February 23, 106!
Study Group Itirhard Fellman To Speak "The Christian Auti-CommunIst Movement and Us" will he the timely topic of the next Council of Jewish Womens "Let's Converse" study group. Richard Fellman will be the j;uest speaker. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 27, at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. J. M. Horwich, 027 North 77 Street.
WOKKS OF U.S. ABTIST Tel Aviv (JTA)—An exhibition of paintings by Klias Newman, the American artist, is now on display at the Tel Aviv Museum. Mr. Newman is visiting Israel for an extended period of painting and reacquainting himself with the art and artists of Israel.
. V\ Scitetiiel, hr-lp from Tom Rosen, w h o The first Varsity league iu piuped in 9 points and saved his Center history ended the rejMilar best all around performance for season last Wednesday in a four- this ehampioiuhip tilt. Fireside ;;[x.'d off to an early way tie for place. In an unbelievable turn of events, all lead and never lost it, although four teams culminated regular Mo;.:en-David stayed in contenplay with a G-fi reeunl to nccces- tion until the final 90 seconds. sitate a fuur way playoff for the Lee I!o.'-s with 22 points was hifjh tut tli'.' losers. • » • ALTERING-KESULING title. J!utli teams played good ball Mrs. I'ollalioff, Hostess For Men and Women On Wednesday evenine, I'Yb. to Sisterhood (Jrotip Call 21, It, C. Cola-Canada Dry met and kept their poiff throughMrs. M. M. Poliakoff will be Micklin Lumber and AliMer Oil out the drama-tensed contest. Althe hostess to the Beth Israel vied with Markel Cleaners. The ways behind, Mogen-David never Sisterhood study group at 1 p.m. two winners will meet on Wed- gave up and stayed tough all the 553-0566 Monday, February 2G at her nesday, February 2H, for the way. At uiio point in the game Anytime for Prompt Export Scrvica Fireside led by eleven points, home. 15119 Izard. championship. or Stop at 1401 Ho. 33rd St. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will It. ('.'. Coin climbed into a tie then saw it cut to two, but after DonMi'-llmmlrd Knits continue the studies, Profiles in by squce/.ini; past -Mail'.el Clean- a tirm-out, the players performed ('(MiViTtrd Inlo Nmv Faith. ers 38-32, after tailing by as with cool efficiency. As in all SliiKlii-Itri'iislt'd Ktyln lunch as ivn points early in thy championship games, this was a * * * second half. At the outset it heart-breaking defeat for Mo;;enMaiiry h. Sehwiirtz looked like an easy victory for David and a well earned title for to Lead Discussion Markel as they raced into a quick coach Norman Hahn and the Maury L. Schwartz will lead 8-0 lead. But Buddy Epstein's entire Fireside team. a discussion on "Festivals and Announces Co-rtidlrrnrn of the "Art Rjlr" are Mm«. Ritual Objects" at the Men's long set shots kept it. C. Cola 6021 Harold Sloiburcj and Wiilard Friedman. Aswithin striking distance in the VOLLCTHALI, Sunday Brunch at Temple Israel, jktfnt) them will be Mmei. Lloyd Dank, Dccatur Orodl-ey, Maurice Pepper and Irv Sunday, February 25, at 10 a.m. second quarter. 'Hie J. C. ('. will field a volley- Harold Llicrrnan. Serving totfre ontl sherry for 2011 No. Down by ten early in the sec- ball team in the Midwest A. A. tint cv<*rilnn shov/lny will bo Mines, //awry RO!MT1 Rovenbera. Howard Vunn, Mlljlc Study 60>h Avc. ond half, Kay Kirke and Cy Scit- Xi. city league. Competition be- 5xli>vartr, 5. Llp'tcln, Robert Cotin, Som V/elmtcIn, I. M. and David Solmran. Tho The spring series of bible chick went to work for III points ll.m this week with teams from complete oxlilblt will be on display for two Now Under Construction to help pull it out for Cola in Star/, Benson, Omaha U., Offutt v^'-y: follo*;ria the Mur'h 6 evening and classes with Rabbi Sidney II. 6133 Franklin St. Brooks at Temple Israel will bethe final ten minute:;. Kd Bel- A. >•'. B. and the YMCA enter- will be open to lite public. 6206 Spragua St. Bin its ninth year Thursday, grade tallied 15 for Marlfel. ing. iml March 1 with coffee at 1 p.m. 6202 Spragua St. The second game was the usual Games will be held once a Corner Duplex and class at 1:30 p.m. The series frantic thriller as Milder Oil weelt, on a Tuesday, Wednesday consists of five consecutive meetcame from behind in tho final or Thursday evening. The Center CAM. Steve Boguchwal and Harry ings. The subject for the series 40 seconds of regulation time team needs players. Anyone inDAVID SCHWALB ando went on to defeat Micklin terested .should contact Cy Seit- Friedman took a first place tro- Is: "The Prince of Prophets" phy at a debate held recently a t with selected readings In Isaiah. Lumber 1)2-65 in overtime. 558-1472 ehiek at the Physical Education Marion High School. It will cover an idea of holiness, Lindy Paul's spectacular shot Office, 342-13(50. a challenge to moral conduct, a with 40 .seconds remaining pulled The junior choir conducted by critique pf ritual conformity, and his team into a tie as both teams GYMNASTICS Miss Ida Gitlin under tile direc- a relationship between faith and missed desperate shots in the The Center gymnastics squad tion of Cantor Manfred Kuttner national destiny. final seconds in an effort to dump led by captain Sharon Lint/man, will present a music month proin the winninj; basket. A Micklin victory would have went through their third week gram at the Saturday division Music t o Headline IVALt TO WALL UAIU'ETINU won the title and Milder had to of workouts under the direction assembly of Temple Israel reliAND FUIIMTUKK of Instructor Danny Fogel. gious school. Violin selections will <;lranrd In Your Horn* win to throw the league into a Hadassah Event be presented by Cantor Kuttner Members of the squad are four-way tie. Tho tension was Cantor Aaron I. Edf»ar of Beth thick and each play in the over- IJntvtman, Dorene Kraft, Mich- with Mrs. Norman Witman, piano El Synagogue, Mrs. Albert Rimti;i I 1 I accompanist. elle Aronoff, Judy S h e r m a n , time carried all the earmarks of I.A VINCI • SKH'I.NU merman and Mrs. A. C. Fellman BINDING • Ol.DANINO a title game. At this point, a Carol Kraft, Sandy Flcichl, Alan A program entitled "Jewish will be featured in~"Adventurcs 43-year-old veteran of 20 years Binianow, I.ouis Churnvic, Mark Moods in Music" will be pre- in Harmony" at the Brotherhood of Varsity warfare, Irv Yaffe, Trustin, Pat Bosk, Frank Win- sented during the Sunday divi- luncheon of the Omaha Chapter came through on four clutch free troul), Joel Hulcheck and F.llie sion assembly by Cantor Kut- of Hadassah in celebration of throws to carry his team to vic- Yager. tner, violin, and Mrs. Esther Du- "Jewish Music Month." The event tory. Boff, piano. will be held Wednesday, Februsiorx c m ' JCO TO O.MAIIA RUG CLEANERS Fred Bernstein with 21 points ary 28 at 12:30 p.m. at the JewThe Sioux City JCC basketball led the scoring for Milder while Fathers will be the guests of ish Community Center. Don Bernstein, 345-2554 Roy Katskee threw in 22 for teams will invade Omaha JCC on honor at the annual Rohanue Mrs. Ray Simon, general arSunday, February 25 for four Daddy-Daughter dinner dance on Micklin. rangement's chairman is planning Won Lost basketball games. Four Omaha February 24 at the Sheraton- the function with the Mines. Abe B. C. Cola C (I JCC all-star squads will provide Fontenelle Hotel. Faye Samuel- Bassman, Abe W. Schloff, Harry son and Joyce Render are co- Mcmlelson, Joe Sokoloff, Richard Milder 0 0 the competition. Lee Bernstein will coach the chairmen. Markel 6 C Wright and Max Lashinsky. ResMicklin 0 0 Omaha 5th and Oth graders and ervations are being taken by Steve Sokolof will handle the Wednesday, Feb. 28 Mmes. Harry Ravitz, Sam Rosen7th and 8th graders. Sam Ban Omahans in News 8 pjn. championship game. Sob (Sabbyl Putvereat* blum and Al. S. Wohlner. will coach the Youth Council Edward Sliafton was elected team with Jerry Berrrian, the 25 Yoars' Experience YOVTU COUNCIL Oayton, O. (JTA)—Richard A. president of the Joint Policy Ronu ended the Youth Council Varsity All-Stars'.' Board of the Childrens Medical Moycr.'son of Elmer Moyer presWith Jowish The games are scheduled to Center of Omaha. Mr. Shafton ident of the Jewish Community campaign winning their 15 Lettering and Memoriali straight game and AZA 1, upset begin at 11 a.m. starling with an attorney, lias served on the Council of Dayton, was named Rayim as the curtain came down the 5th and Gth graders. The 7th Childrens Memorial H o s p i t a l Dayton's outstanding young men 2211 So. 8th 341-2452 and 8th grader;; play at noon. board of directors, the Nebraska of 1001 by the Junior Chamber on the 1961-C2 cage season. Ronu had a tough time defeat- Youth Council competition begins Advisory Hospital Council and as- of Commerce of Dayton. : Ing A. Z. A. 100, 63-55, but with at 1 p.m. and the Varsity till at director of the Orthopedic Association and Rehabilitation, Inc. reliable Epstein hitting for 21 2 p.m. points, the undefeated champs Special held on. l i a r I a n Rimmerman Millard Jlasenbcrp, advertising counted on to be one of the betngency executive, Is a member of ter players in the league this the newly formed Council for Neyear, never materialized, and conbraska Cultural resources. sequently A. Z. A. 1 never got Rohantie girls and AZA 1 boys out of the loop celler. Cut Sun- took first place in the girl's diSeymour <Jy Seltehlclt, Jewish day, Rimmerman was hot, toss- vision and the boy's division, re- Community Center athletic diing in 19 points and controlling spectively, at the 26th annual rector was named to the national the boards to Lead A. Z. A. 1, to Stage Night show last Saturday, AAU women's basketball comn 49-46 decision over dazed Ray- night at Technical High school. mittee. for im, who were expected to win. The girl's winning skit featured The loss for Rayim blew their a "spoof" on the present day Robert M. Fclnborg, bottling chance for undisputed position Peace Corps and the lx>y'K act in- company owner, will head the anHigh School Girls for second place in the final volved a mythical flight of moon nual fund drive of the Douglas standings. County chapter of the National men to the earth. and Multiple Sclerosis Society, David Won Lost Stern, county c h a i r m a n , anRonu in 0 Tweenagers nounced. ADL Display Rayim C 0 A. Z. A. 100 C 9 A window display of human reA. Z. A. 1 3 12 lations literature is on exhibit Ernie Hogg transportation firm ©MODELING at the Matthews Book Store jn official, was Installed as a sec7TII AND 8TU GRADE recognition of Brotherhood week, ond vice-president of the Omaha © HAIR STYLING Fireside climaxed a torrid 7th Millard Rosenberg, Omaha ADL Traffic Club at a recent dinner and 8th grade Midget basketball committee chairman, announced. for newly elected officers. © CLOTHES CARE campaign with a 53-44 win over The exhibit is built around a Mogan-David to win the loop framework of the ADL's famous ' championship in. a special play- Bible on Brotherhood series, ten Registrations Aro Limited off game at the J. C. C. last Sun- posters carrying messages on an Phono 342I3M to Injsrl your Want Ad In tho Jewish. Prc:s. and Are Now Being Accepted interfailh theme. day. Both squads had ended the regular season in a tie for first In addition to general human DAILY JEWI8U NEWSPAPERS place with a 7-2 record. Register Today at tho relations subjects, the publica- HA I? and Baa Mitzvah congratuSunday's tilt was too much tions shown deal with* Judaism, lations also for all Jewish holiPave Jacobson. The lanky cen- interfaith programs, racial isdays and special occasions. ter scored 33 points, blocked nu- sues, the state of Israel, biogra- Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge merous shots and controlled both phies, immigration, and related Patronize Jewish Press Adver342-1366 20th & Dodgo backboards. He had plenty of Matters tisers.
VAKsrrr Li:.u;t i:
. Go.
Complete Gargief Service
- lAJa Jaij
Elofianne and AZA Win in Stage Show
Jewish Community Center