March 2, 1962

Page 1

Vol. XL—No. 20

Publication Office. 101 No: 50th Omaha. Nebraska, Phone 342-136B

More than one third of lOGI! r e g 1 s t r atlons for the resident camp, are In, a record mark for this time of the year, as fnr as It Is known, Norman B.'itt, Camp Chairman, disclosed. With Mich high Interest in Camp Jay-C-C, Mr. Batt, feels enrollments will close early this year. Now Activities • New activities nnd extension of those already popular among the campers, will be introduced to campers when the s e a s o n opens June 21 nt the Lincoln YMCA site adjoining the Esther IC Newman Camp now under construction. Planned ore more trip-outs, large horseback riding schedule, bigger fishing program, special emphasis Given to campcraft and pioneering fikills. Beginning and


Second CUua Postaz« Paid «t Ouiaiia. Hctir.

filnffle Copy 10 Cent* Annual Uate 4 Dollar*

advanced Instruction in Hebrew will be offered in a program of outstanding cultural value. Advanced Camping A new program for 'tween and teenagers will be provided in advanced camping and a counselor in training program will be available to older teens on a selective basis. Other new activities will include interpretive dancing. Instruction in kalil and guitar plus instruction in astronomy. Additional activities and special programs will be announced next week. The Camp Staff nt the Center's Camp Office will be glad to answer all questions and Kive further particulars on the expanding resident program, Batt said, by it call to the Center, 3421306. (Left to right) Tim Minos, lilcliard Martin, ALin Iturton (cliiilrniiiii), licrnnrd Orcnnbfr;*, II. Ltm Opndliir, ftfclvln Wclsa, Justin Manvitz, Irving; Miircns—members of the decoration's committee In chargo of decorations fur Woinen'a Division functions during tlio Jewish Philanthropic* Campaign. Mrs. Donald Nogg, another member, was unable to bo present for the photograph.

Mrs. Alan Burton will head the committee in charge of decorations for the affairs to be given by the Women's Division during the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign, Mrs. Joseph S. Cuss, General Women's C h a i r m a n , announced.

Syria Hene¥#sTf,reats On"Jordan Project One of tlio favorite* of last year's resident camp wns the dais for guitar fain featuring ballads and folk music...

Egyptians Israeli Settler

Now, Wall Sfree! Msdosn for Women

Jerusalem (JTA)—Israeli officials reported the first case of on abduction of an Israeli byEgyptians since the 195C Sinai campaign. Egyptian soldiers seized Mosha Ben-Shitreet, a member of the Afikim border settlement, near the^Gaza Strip, while he was working in the field. Fellowworkers reported that an Egyptian military half-track vehicle crossed the border into the field. Several armed soldiers jumped out and forced the settler into the vehicle and then drove back across the border. The witnesses rushed bade to the settlement to report the abduction. The incident was made public after Israeli authorities were assumed to have been officially informed through United Nations Emergency Force headquarters that the settler was being held by the Egyptians.

Another special series of classes for women is being developed to give the distaff side of the family the Inside Information on the "inn nnd outs" of the market. Called Wail Street Wisdom, the free series of five, once a week afternoon sessions, will give participants an intensive course in stocks and bonds sales and Investments. Thursday afternoon sessions arc being planned. A second seriea will be developed on a different day if there is sufficient interest and demand. Registration for 'Wall Street Wisdom' is by phone confirmation with the Jewish Community Center's Aetivitis Office at 3421366. The enrollment in each series will be limited to Insure maximum benefit from the lectures and discussions. A special advanced investment series is also'being planned.

Temple -Wi it

Temple Israel's new wing housing eight class rooms and built to aupplement the needs of Its Religious s c h o o l , will be dedicated March 9 In conjunction with the regular F r i d a y night w o r s h l p •ervfeea. A committee headed by Harold P. Farter, former Temple president, Is a r r a n g i n g the ceremonies. Rabbi Julluu J. BobM Node! Nodel, will deliver the dedicatory sermon, "One Touch of Eternity."

Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks will officiate. Rabbi Nodcl is the fourth consecutive generation of Rabbis In his family. A Navy chaplain during World War II, he was assoc i a t e d with congregations in Cleveland and Portland, Ore., before being called to Sliaare Kmeth, one of the largest and most distinguished Reform Jewish congregations In the United States. He has lectured extensively at colleges and universities across the nation and is the author of a recently published book, "The Ties Between." His sermons and (Continued on Page 2)

'Die committee which held its first conference recently at the home of Mrs. Bernard Greenberg,' one of its members, also includes Mmes. Richard Martin, H. Leo Gcndler, Melvln Weiss, Justin Manvitz, Irving Marcus and Donald Nogg. The women are already preparing decorations for such cam-Pfiittn fiinprirnvi r».f. thnir./^iuiai/^n.

as the Women's Workers meeting, Thursday, March 22; "The Big Meeting," that of the Busi-

Ixmdon (WNS)—Syria raised new threats this week against Israel in the long-simmering dispute over use of Jordan River waters for Israeli irrigation. Syrian Premier Maarouf Dawalibll handed notes to the envoys of Britain, the U n i t e d States, the Soviet Union and Tlie Business nnd Professional Rumania, the only United Na- Women of Hadassah will stage tions Security Council members their nnnual fund-raising party with diplomatic representation in on Wednesday, March 7 at tho Syria. Blackstone Hotel at 7:30 p.m., The memorandum charged that Mrs. Lillian Becker, chairman Israel was continuing work on and Mis. Julius Newman, presipumping Jordan River w a t e r dent and co-chairman, announced. from the Sea of Galilee for Negev Mrs. Sarah Feltman will be in Irrigation purposes. The memo- charge of a homemade bake sale randum noted that Syria had re- and will be assisted by Mmes. Abe sisted similar work by Israel in Mozcr, Elizabeth Fried, Marian, 1953 and would do so again if Yawitz and Miss Lee GreenberE. necessary. In 1953, Syrian gunAmong the highlights of the ners fired frequently at Israeli evening will be the awarding of workers. a television set, card g a m e s , The memorandum said success- guessing games and other surful irrigation of the Negev would prise features. enable Israel to take in "a few The following committee are million" more people and thus participating in the affair: "cause a new threat to the Arab Misses Evelyn Levy, Mildred Levy, Dorothy Roscnthal, Bess Blank, Elizabeth Hart, world." Rosella Handler, Esther Haitian, Jufla

ness and Professional Women's Unit and the Youth Division, Mrs. Guss said. Mrs. Zcllnslty, Food Chairman The appointment of Mrs. Harold Zelinsky as Food Chairman, also was made by Mrs. Guss. The women's general chairman, said that campaign plans are moving along at a rapid pace through the efforts of her co-chairmen, the Mroftt. riat/i/J ~B.aUrn*. —TV* - -XI—Jlrnri.. _

key and Norman Hahn and B. & P. C h a i r m a n , Miss Elizabeth Hart.

Annual B. & P. Parly Set For March 7, Blackstone

Holiday Tours To Campuses Reservations are still being accepted for the two college tours being planned by the Center Activities department. A boya' tour will hit major eastern college campuses while the tour designed for girls will be directed to Big Eight and Big Ten Bchools. Itineraries will be mapped out in final form as soon as registrations are completed. The fee for the Spring Vacation long trip is $70 for transportation w h i l e housing will be provided at the campuses at a minimum rate. The tours will help the sophomore and junior who will need to make a college choice very shortly and will provide an Interesting experience for the fresliman. Registration for the tours Is by application in the Activities office of the Jewish Community Center.

Tickets to the party which is open to the community, may bo obtained from a Hadassah member.

140-Waft Amateur Radio Station Being Installed at Center

A 140-watt transmitting amateur radio station is being installed in the Jewish Community Center to develop the interest and abilities of tween and teenage boys in this field and as a preparation for those" who wish to acquire their own radio licenses, Harry Sidman, Center Committee chairman announced. Mr. Sidman said the station will Zuker. Dorothy Welncr, M y r t u Freeman. be operated by a licensed radio Sylvia Parllman, Rena Gross and Elolno Arenson; the Mmes. Sarah Dansky, Rebecca amateur, who will instruct small Dcrcovlct, Fto Brooksteln, Alice Hceacr, Ann Soskln, Frtoia Kavltch, Julia Jacobs, groups of boys. Jcnnto RosenNatf, Minnie Sherman, Fanny Sherman, Louis Sobrln, Sarah Saltzman, Eight Session Courso Phil D. Scnvtrartr. Charles R o » , Josef MayA one day a week, eight sese r , tska Rotholz, Henrietta Lorlg, Graca Lenlc Carl Logman, Frances Greenberg., sion course has been developed and I. Oihcroff. initially to introduce the students to amateur radio, learning code, operating procedures, Federal Communications Commission regulations and the fundaThe Omaha Hebrew Academy mentals of electronics and elecwill sponsor an Open House on tricity. The fee for the courso March 11 at 2 p.m. in Jewish will be $5. Registration Opens Community Center auditorium in R e g i s t r ation for the radio observance of Purim. The community is invited to attend the courso are being accepted at tho Jewish Community Center's Acfunction, A special children's program tivities Office, 342-1366 with both will be presented by the Academy after school and evening classes pupils under the direction of planned to accommodate as many Rabbi David Rubin, school prin- interested boys as possible. A special Hi-Fi course is also cipal. A social hour will follow and gifts will be distributed to being planned for adults to provide instruction In the building all youngsters. Registration, is now open for and maintenance of amplifiers, the September term of the acad- recorders and other sound ampliemy and are being accepted by fication equipment. This course Is Zel Segal, 551-2759, nnd Sheldon to be announced shortly.



I*age Two



Friday, March t, 190?

Minneapolis Police Sets Up Special

Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week In August through second week lu July. Second Closa Postage Paid at Omaha, fJebf. Annual Subscription, U 00. Advertising Rates on Application, Publication Office—101 Ho. iOlli Street, Omaha. liebr. Plior.e 3C-1M4.



Bar and Has Htzvafi All friends and relatives aro Invited to attend services and reception. GICKAL1) SIMONS Bar Mitzvah of Gerald Simons, son of Dr. and Mrs. Milton Simons, will be celebrated Saturday, March 3, 11:30 a.m., at Temple Israel.

Candlcllghtlng, 6:5G p.m. Temple Israel: The Sabbath Discussion Series will continue at Temple Israel, Friday at 8:15 p.m. with the fifth in the series. Rabbi Sidney II. firboks will lead the discussion on "Is Organized Religion Necessary? . . . The purposes of the Synagogue." Cantor Manfred F . Kutlner nnd Temple Choir under the direction of Miss. Ida Gitlin will participate in the services. A social hour will follow services. Saturday morning service a t 11:30 a.m. for adults and Religious School.

ItK.NNIK COIIKV Bar Mitzvah of Hennie Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Cohen, wil be celebrated Saturday, March 10, at Temple Israel. STEI'IIKN HOKKUMAN Bar Mitzvah of Stephen Hobcrman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Ilobennan, will ' be celebrated Saturday, March 10 nt Beth Israel Synagogue.

B'nai jaeoli Adas Y'esliiiroii: Friday Mincha, 5:1!) p.m.; Saturday services, 8:-15 a.m. and Mincha at 5:15 p.m., followed by Sholosh " SeinJos and Maariv a t 6:30 p.m. Daily services a t 7 a.m. and 5:15 p.m. Beth Kl: Rabbi Benjamin Groncr, Cantor Eli Kagan and the Beth Israel choir will cunduct the Friday Family services at 8 p.m. Traditional Friday services (Kobolas Shatilios) begin at G p.m. Shabhos morning services begin at 8:45 a.m. Junior Congregation at 10 a.m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud class at 5:45 p.m. Shaljbos .Mincha at 6 xim fV.l!«,..z>.l l^.i «linlni:h 3l>!uln<l

and Maariv at 6:55 p.m. Sunday morning services at 9 a.m. Junior Minyon at 8:30 a.m. Mincha at 6:-0 p.m. Sabbath eve services will begin this, evening at 8:15 p.m. Cantor Aaron I. Kdgar will speak In observance of Jewish Music Month, on "The Development of Jewish Music." Cantor Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Traditional Sabbath morning services at .8:30, Family service will begin at 10:30 a.m. MinchaMaariv Services at 6 p.m. Sunday morning services at 9 n.m. during the week at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.

DENISIO SII.VKKMAN SANDKA .IKSS Denlsc Silverman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Silverman, will observe her Has Mitzvah, and Sandra Jess, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jess, will observe her Bas Mitzvah at Beth El Synagogue on S a t u r d ay morning, March 3, at the 10:30 service.

Oil Firm to Make Other Investments New York (WNS)—The IsraelAmerican Oil Corporation announced that it is diversifying its operations in Israel by investing funds in otluT "gainful areas" in addition to searching for oil. In the corporation's annual report to its 12,000 American shareholders, belief is expressed that "a biuaslti

jit vestment



net greater immediate and longrange profits for the company." New investments will be made in real estate, construction and Industrial development. Regarding future oil finds in Israel, the report struck a note of confidence declaring: "We are secure in the knowledge that the sub-surface of Israel's land bears formations which are definitely oil-p r o d u c i n g." The report stressed that the corporation is still prospecting for oil in Israel.

American Express May Reopen in Israel

Tel Aviv—The American Express Company which had closed .its branch in Israel apparently under Arab boycott pressure, may reopen it soon, it was inMr. and Mrs. David M. Sols- dicated by a company executive, man announce the birth of a currently in Israel to survey its daughter, Nancy Anne on Feb- tour possibilities. ruary 20. , , Tlie company has never adGrandparents are Mr. and Mrs. mitted the Arab boycott presIsel I. Solzman of Omaha and sures, asserting that it closed its Mr. and Mrs. Simon B. Kleiners Israel office because of unsatisof Haniden, Conn. factory business.


With the Home Folks Unit to Handle Synagogue Vandalism News and happening* at Tiio I>r. riiilln Sher JruUh Homo fur the Aerd bf U.iVld OrUow.

The Brumlrls University U'om«n entertained our residents with a party Sunday, February'25.The program was presented by Mrs. Donnia Levin and her daughters, Mrs. Morris Landman and Mrs. Harry Lobi.'l, and her grandchildren, Peggy Lobel, Jackie and B a r b a r a Landman. Mrs. Abe Bear was chairman of the event, assisted by Mines. Moo Iiercovici, Reuben Brown, Dave Hahn and Sidney Katlcinan. Two birthday parties were held at the Home this week honoring residents, Miss Johanna Kaufman and Mrs. Ida Rosenberg. New resident: Jake A. Gross. Mrs, Marie Williams, our assistant cook, was honored on the occasion of completing ten years of continuous service. Among the many gifts she received was a gold bracelet and 10 year medallion from N a t h a n NogK nnd Arthur Colin, co-chairmen of the Dr. I'hilip Slier Jewish Home for the Aged. The Rev. Alex Katz was our rabbinical visitor this week.

Young Pianist Inters ioscow iusic Show Philadelphia (JTA)—RespondIng to pleas from the State Deparlmetn and the Institute of International Kducation of New York, 19-year-old Susan Starr agreed to represent the United States in the Moscow Tschaikowsky Piano Competition which will he held April 2 to May 7. Miss Starr placed third and won $1,500 in the recent Dimitri Mitropolous International Music Competition in New York. She was the youngest of the finalists. Miss Starr will be accompanied to Moscow by her mother, with the State Department paying ttravel expenses for both. The sensational young pianist Una been invited by Ginn-

Carlo Menoitti to appear at the Spoletto Festival in Italy in June. Time Inc. was so impressed with her performance in the New York contest that it made a documentaiy film about her to show, the daily life of a contestant. She has been signed by the National Concert Artists Corporation for a South American tour In October. The youngest guest soloist ever to appear with the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Jewish artist la also the youngest to go on tour wtlh the orchestra. 10B2 JEWISH CALENDAK Turim Mar.-Z0 Passover Apr. 13-20 Shavuot .Juno 8-9 Tlsha B'Av Aug. 9 Rosh Il.islmanh . . . Sept. 2U-30 Yoin Klnpur . . . . . . . . . . O c t . 8 Stililtot Oct. 13-14 Shmlnl Atzerct Oct. 20 Slmhnt Torali Oft. Zl II.inukk.ili Dec, 22-29

Christians Give Rabbi $1,000 for Israel Trip North Wildwood, N. J. (JTA) —Rabbi Jacov Ililsenrath, spiritual leader of Wildwood's Beth Judah Temple, was the recipient of an unusual Iirotlierhood gift. Protestants and Catholics in Cape May County joined to provide him with .$1,000 for a trip to Israel.

New Wing Dedicated (Continued from Page 1.) lectures have been reprinted in the Congressional Record and in many other publications. Among his avocations, Rabbi Nodcl is an artist, a musician, "Buy Ir Where poet and commentator on modern © literature. It's Baked" A $75,000 (,'ift from the Milton S. and Corrine N. Livingston Foundation toward the cost of © the building and pledges from all members of the congregation, made the project possible. Millard Krasnc, chairman of the wing's building committee, said the structure and furnishings © With Volvety Chocolate © cost around $175,000. long... J Mr. Livingston, prominent In © Omaha business and civic circles, @ In Aluminum Foil Trayj ^ is a former president of Temple Israel, and was chairman of the building commit tec for construction of the synagogue in 1054. C f

Devil's Food


Eilat's Seventh Hotel Ellat—The Midian, Eilat's scventh hotel, was opened to the public. The new hotel, which is located in the center of the town, has 20 rooms. It will introduce the innovation of providing its guests with box-lunches for excursions and picnics.

Complete Carpet Service VVAJJ. TO WA1J. CAftrlSTINU AND FUHNlTUItE Cleaned In Your Home


trialists, was announced by Dr. Samuel Neumann, original sponsor of the Foundation. The announcement was made at a luncheon to mark the establishment of the Foundation. Dr.



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Neumann, who presided, outlined some of the salient features of its program. He disclosed that $750,000 will be applied for the purpose of malting It possible to establish an accredited degreegranting college of Hebrew studies ns a national institution on a non-denominational basis. The balance amounting to $250,000 will be available for other purposes of the Foundation. ,

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Brothers Give $1,000,080 for Hebrew Culture New York—A donation of $1,000,000 to the newly established (Foundation for Hebrew Culture) by Abraham Goodman and his brother, Jacob Goodman of Brooklyn, prominent Indus-

individuals but against the cominunily itself," officials said. Members of tho new unit will receive special training in human and intergrouprelationsand in lfgal phases of protection of democratic processes, civil liberties and civil rights.

Minneapolis (JTA)—The Minneapolis Police Department is setting up a Community Protection Unit to handle such incidents as the recent smearing of swastikas on five Minneapolis synagogues. The new unit, was designed to enable the police to "deal as promptly and as effectively as possible with acts of vandalism and other types of assault which are aimed not against particular


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Friday, March *, IOC?


nizations Women's I'ancl SrliRiluIrd for Lodge's I'ro^ritm Five Omuliii women who will appear on a "Panel of Americans" at the March 14 meeting of Cornhuskcr L o d e e, B'niil B'rilh, will discuss their own lilies and differences on interfaith and lntcr-yroup subjects. The gutheriiiR will l)e held at the Fireside Restaurant at 7 p.m. Members of the panel will Ije Mrs. Dennett O. Stalvoy, moderator; Mines. Warren E. Buffet, Yale Truslin, Claude It. Orfjan mid .Sister Mary Cathrin, '.{. S. M. Kuch woman will tell her story. Questions will follow the presentation.


Woman's Eye View

sistant teachers on T u e s d a y , March 6 at 4 p.m. All three meetings will be held at Temple Israel. COUSIIIH Clut>

Mrs. Tony Katsltee will be hostess to the Cousin's Club Wednesday, March 7 at the Regent! Hotel at 12:30 p.m. Members unable to attend arc asked to call S51-a'195.

Uy Marianne Zeltlln I was f;lad to read that Toby Ellen Saks, a 19-year-old girl from the Bronx, won the first prize in the junior section of the Third Pablo Casals International Cello Competition held in Jerusalem, under the auspices of the America-Israel Cultnral Foundation. I have been following her career ever since my husband, as one of the regional judges of tlie Mcrriwether Post Competitions, elected to send her on to the national contest. Last June, Miss Saks was .'awarded the Mil Phi Epsilon prize as the outstanding woman student at the Juilliard School of Music. * * * The Rabbinate c a n console themselves—their loss has been the cabaret world's gain. Yes, incredibly enough, Jackie Mason, who recently appeared at the

Officers Klrctcd l»y "Mr. uiul Mrs." C'liifo The new Mr. and Mrs. Club of Beth Kl Synagogue elected the following officers at a recent meeting: Mr. and Mrs. Alan Burton, presidents; M e s s r s . and Mmcs. Marvin Dienstfrey and Circle Coordinators Willis Epstein, vice-presidents; (luestf) of Hoard Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Prcd, secreThe board of the Beth El Sis- taries; Mr. and Mrs. Richard terhood will meet Tuesday at Martin, treasurers. Advisors are 12:30 p.m. coffee in the syna- Rabbi and Mrs. Norman Mussgogue social hall. Mrs. Morris man and Ernest Wintrouh. Stalmaster, circle coordinator, British Form Friends and Mmcs. Morris Koitsteln, Irv- IScUi Israel Committee, For Israel Group ing Forbes, David Reiss, Morris for Donor Luncheon London (JTA)—An organizaRaznlek, .Sol Lagman, Bernard Mrs. .Sam Katzman, chairman Scheiiv Harry WcinlierR, and for the donor luncheon, to be tion nnmed British Friends of IsHarold Kort, chairmen of circles held by the Beth Israel .Sister- rael has been formed here and 13/ 14, 15 and 1G will be guests hood on March G at 12:.'!0 p.m. has held an Inaugural meeting, of the hoard. in the synagogue will be as- nccording to Its chairman, MorThe discussion will c e n t e r sited by Mines. .Sam Herman and ris Gershlick. He said the goals-of the ornround the Purim dinner on Bernard Weiss, luncheon arMarch 18. The sisterhood 'vill rangements; Mines. B. Gilbert ganization were "to act as a sponsor a Purim workshop on Aronoff and Maurice Feldman, means whereby all who are proMarch 5 at 1 p.m. at the syiiii- decorations; Mrs. Arthur Salkin Israel, whether Zionists or not, 1 EOfjue, Mrs. H. Loo Gendler, assisted by Mines. Julius Chasa- can associate together in a comnov, Sam Bloom nnd Edward mon cause on behalf of Israel, to chairman, announced. G e r b o r, table arrangements; assist in creating a more InMnies. Harold Zelinsky and Mor- formed public on significant matDr. Harley K. Anderson ris J. Shapiro, program, and Mrs. ters relating to Israel, and to Speaker at Chapter Mrat c o m b a t anti-Israel activities." Dr. Ilarley K. Anderson will Ernest Hochster, publicity. Mary Bittner Hollander of address members of the Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470, B'nal Davenport, la., and former OmaDRESSMAKING B'rith Women at a 12:30 p.m. han, will be featured artist on ALTERATIONS luncheon meeting at the Jewish the program and will be accomby "Madoline" Community Center on March 7. panied by Mrs. Leroy Slenlund His subject will be on women and on the piano. Mrs. Norman Buchwald their problems. Baby sitting service will be 4806 Davenport 551-44S6 Mrs. H a r o l d Zelinsky will available. speak on Hillel and its importance. Mrs. Dave Epstein will take CHOICE OFFERING reservations. Mrs. Harry Sidman, named I——of lots for Individual custom home building, or speculation, in head of the nominating commitMaenncr Meadows area, tee, is working with a committee AND consisting of the Mmcs. Sam 2—Higfi-Rii« lots In Blackstona area; commercial ground In Park Pollak, Harry Smith, Harry Wise, Avenue area; 5-plex In Roclcbrook; downtown office building, Henry Appel, Dave Shukert and OR Gilbert Aronoff. for other Residential, Church, Investment or Commercial inforTemple Srhudulo Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks will talk on "The Prince of Prophets" a t a Bible class series, Thursday, March 8 following coffee nt 1 p.m. Rabbi Brooks also will lead the "second Cup of Coffee" meeting on Tuesday, March 6 at 10 a.m. Maury L. Schwartz, Education director, will meet with as-

Page Three

Ulue Angel in New York, used to III No. 50th 653-7000 be the KabW in Weldon, N. C , 6 Export Hail Sfylisfi where he convulsed his congregaAir-Condifioned Dryen tions with his sermons nnd was MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY asked to become a comedian. In Ownen one routine he mimics President Kennedy and for this he substitutes a clipped Boston accent for his natural East Side one. "If we—move forward—on a daily basis —• we'll have — The Daily Forward." Of tlie tough neighborhood in which he was raised, he has this to say, "We played cops and robbers — with real cops. We p l a y e d hopscotch with r e a l scotch." * * * Tlie latest development in fallout shelters, on view at Grand Central in New York, is designed to he "a home away from home" complete with "stove, refrigerator, chandelier, a red couch, pastel walls, a Danish magazine rack, and — fluorescent lighting in the bathroom."—WNS.

May 26



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Marshall", Kaplan, nominated for United States Military Academy nt West Point by Sen. Roman L. Hnjslca, has been notified of his appointment. l i e is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Kaplan. lie Is nt Fort Lenvenworth, Kans., taking exams In connection with his appointment. Young Kaplan was named battle group commander of the Central High School Reserve Officers' Training" Corps a t the BChooIs twenty-fifth annual Military Ball.

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Page Four

Friday, March t, 1362

Youth VARSITY LEAGUE Defending champions, Milder Oil, and Micklin Lumber won semi-final championship games and will meet nest week for the Varsity league title to culminate a torrid > winter race. In the first game, it was Micklin hanging on for a 42-39 win over R. C. Cola. E. C. Cola, down by seven points with only one minute remaining to piny, actually put on a sensational rally and tallied four quick basl;ets, three by Cy Seitcheick within 35 seconds. However tho referee nullified the would-be winning basket with only five seconds remaining for an Infraction, and thus. Micklin Lumber walked off the courrt with the right to meet Milder for the title game next week. Milder had a tough.tame with Markel Cleaners before winning 67-52 with a final spree late in the fourth quarter. In the second half, Fred Bernstein pumped in eleven points to lead the winners. All eight players tallied for Milder. Ed Belgrade 1 ad 22 points for the losers. XDI>Y-BII»ny BA.SKICTRAM, Approximately 45 second, third and fourth graders will demonstrate their Iddy-IJiddy basketball program at the annual "Parents .Night" at the J. C. C. gymnasium on Wednesday evening, March 7th. The- advanced Sunday class will play a game* and refreshments will be served in the Center auditorium after tlie program. Activities will begin at 7 p.m. ALL STAK GAMI1S The Omaha J. C. C. All Star teams dropped three out of four games to the Sioux City J. C. C. last Sunday. OTJI AND CTII OKADKS OmaJia failed to score a single • point in the second and third quarter and dropped a 25-12 decision to Sioux City after the two teams played to a stand-still for the first six minutes. J. Naih with nine points led the visitors while Mark Wolpa's four points was high for Omaha. m i AND* am GUADLS Sioux City led all the way fo win their second game of the afternoon, with-a 51-41 win over Omaha, Ron Wolpa with 23 points was high scorer for Oroaha and Elsberg with 13 led the winners. HIGH SCI10OL Buddy Epstein pumped in 18 points, mostly on long set shots, to lead Omaha to their only victory of the afternoon as the Youth Council All Stars defeated Sioux City 40-42. Sioux City raced off to a quick lead and had superior height but good rebounding by Mike Sherman, Cliet Stoler and Kichard Epstein kept the local team in contention for the boards. A 25 point second half gave Omaha the victory after the visitors trailed only by five at halftime. VARSITY Goven Levine scored 26 points to lead Sioux City to a 67-5'J win over the Center Varsity All Star team. Only Al Konecky who tallied 20 points, could find the range with any consistency. Behind all the way, Omaha finally caught up late- in the third quarter and led 41-38 going into the final period. At this point the visitors exploded for 32 points and won. YOUTH COUNCIL OLYMPICS The Youth Council Athletic Committee met In the Physical Education office Ia3t week to determine date for the Olympic activity daring the next several months. Dates set arer Wrestling, Sunday, April 8. Swimming, Wednesday, March U. l a b b Tennis, Sunday, April 8. Track St Field, Sunday, May 0. Softball league, Sunday, May 10.

Rayim won the Olympic trophy Inbt year and Uo:;u have a lead at this time for the G1-G2 program season. IUNDBALL TOCHNEY Sam Ban will officiate at the Center adult handball tourney- on •Sunday, March IS. Participating will be: Ira Traohenberg, Walt Greenberc, Jack Cohen or Dr. Ralph Turkel, Sam Ban, Justin Ban, Abe Faier, Jack Sti;;s, Sani Zorlinsky, Will Bloom, Kd Parker, Mickey .Simon, I.indy Paul, Sherman Poska, Bob Newman, Klliot Brown and Yale Trustin. VOLLETIIALL A twelve man roster will represent the J. C. (J. in the Midwest A. A. U. Volleyball league which will run for six weeks. The Center players are: Don Rice, Sherman Poska, Orville Milder, I.indy Paul, Cy Seitciiick, Stan Fineberg, Jim Fellows, Al Abrunison, Al Austin, Bud Slosburg, Les Burkenroiid and ].")ik Wein'.'r. VOtlTIl COI'NCIL AND VAItSITY ALL STAKS l'OC'JII COL'NCIL: Buikly Kpstein, diet Stoler, Mike Sherman, Bill Kully, Richard Epstein, Al Ross, Hill *KuUer, Bob GinsbmK, Hob Stein and Howard Miilnick and Skip Soiref. VAIlsri'V LEAGUE: Lindy Paul, Fred Bernstein, Ed Belgrade, Jack Stis;;, Dave Goldstrin, Marty Green, Ray Kirke, Joe Patrick, Wayne Sieftal, Howard Stoler, Justin Ban and Marshall Becker.

Members of the Central High School debate team, winners of the Missouri Valley Open Debate Tournament, Included R o b e r t Gross and John Spitzer. All three Young Judaea groups will meet ut the. Jewish Community Center on Sunday, March 4 at 2 p.m. for a Maccabcan Festival—a gathering in the gym with participation In games ami competitive sports. Rohanue B. B. G. will present its Beau Dance, "Ovor the Rainbow," on April 28, at the Blackstone Hotel. Dance chuinnen are Janice Siref and DiHle Sokolof. Beau candidates are Steve Marcus, Howard Il-ilin, Ricliard Kpstein, Joe Erman, Marshall Widman, and Stove Boguchw'al, sons, of Messrs. and Mines. Nate Marcus, .Sain Ilahn, Jack Epstein, Morris Krman. E. I. Widman, and Morris BoguchwaL

Educational Exchange Program Is Initiated

panded beyond our expectations, Harry fiidman, Center Chairman Registrations are coining In for commented, with four new groups the Teen Modeling Course which being formed just this, w e e k starts on March 7 after school alone. hours under the direction of the C h i l d r e n of similar school Mines. Harold Garber and Bruce grades and living in same area. Grcenberg, b o t h professional ' meet weekly In homes of tlio models. members for groups activities The series comopned of five and programs. The Center proweekly meetings, will culminate vides adult supervision without With a fashion show with clas3 charge. members modeling teen fashions Parents desiring such a neighbefore invited guests. Registra- borhood program for their chiltions are being accepted at the dren are invited to call the Cenactivities office. The fee is 55 ter, 342-13C(T. for the entire series. Groups are presently beinj; formed for girls in the 7th and Sth grades with other groups New Party Service A "party service" newly de- planned for older boys also. veloped by the Center's Activities Department is becoming quite Sports Car Talk A new club to cater to the popular, judging by the number of parents talcing advantage of sports car driving interests of this service in its initial weeks high schoolers ia being formed by of operation, stated Harry Sid- the special activities staff at theJewish Community Center. To be mnn, Center Committee head. The "party service" Involves formed mainly to disci INS about assistance in planning and super- sports cars, the new group also vising birthday and other special will. sponsor special rally* anrt parties or occasions for children, economy runs and other safe Mr. Sidmnn .said It will provide driving programs and competia professional experienced in rec- tion. Jimmy Cohen, is tlic Central reation to direct games'and proprams, provide movies and pro- high school student spenrheadini; the formation of the car club. jection equipment. A small fee will be charged for Information about the group can this service. Parents are urged be obtained from Jimmy or from to'call as far in advance of the the Y o it t h Activities Director, date as possible. To book the Dick Weiner, at the Jewish Com"party service" call the Center's munity Center, 3'K2-136li. Activities Office, Sidmun said.

Teen Modeling Course

New York (WNSi—The American Jewish Committee is initiating a special educational and cultural exnlianRc program in* Israel. The Committee is opening nn Israel office for the first time to develop the program. Dr. John Slawson, executive vice president of the Committee announced. One o£ the important aspects of the proirram will-be the publication of an independent magazine in Saturday Night Hebrew, similar In character to Program Growing Commentary, a monthly pubJust as n popular sons stated. lished in. this country by the "Everybody Loves S a t ti r d a y Committee. Night." Many tween and teenagers particularly have been enjoying the open house policy Saturday nights offered by the Jewish Community Center. A d u l t groups, too, have been using the Center Saturday evenings for and special group sesments other joint vocational guid- dances ance programs developed for stii- sions. "We went to encourage more dents, she added. These other sen'ices include vocational and of the community to use the educational testing and counsel- many fine facilities we have to ing, a vocational library plus a offer at the Center," Harry Sidpanel of speakers provided for mnn, Center Committee head, meetings and special occasions commented. "The swimming pool talking on vocations. Another is available to groups and spefeature of the vocational guid- cial parties while the -meeting ance program is the private per- rooms are open also. The audisonal discussions y o u t h s may torium Is excellent for parties have with professionals in a par- and special occasions. The gymticular field, all at no cost, ap- nasium is open for basketball, pointments made through the volleyball and other games. SidCornhusker Lodge or the Cen- man remarked that a phone call, to the Center,'342-1366 will book ter. the facility and the Saturday eveSpearheading t h i s intensive ning desired. The Center's Acprogram is Captain James Wax, tivities Office will also provide M.D., Vocational Chairman for help and assistance in planning Cornhusker Lodge. and supervision if desired, he ndded.

Slimnastics, Answer to Improved Figure

The Center's answer for improved figure control for women is Slimnastics special weekly sessions, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, featured under professional direction in body conditioning ami weight control, or swimming or a combination of both. A jjym or swim session at 'J a.m. ia followed by n pool session at 10 .in. Kal>y sitting provided at no additional fee to the monthly membership charge. Marge Jante, professional model and Instructor supervises the gym sessions. wlille Joseph Micek, C e n t e r Aquatics Director, l e a d s th* splash instructions. Registrations are being accepted at any of the Tuesday or Thursday sessions at the Center, 20th and Dodge. Free parking ia nlso provided In the Center's. Parking Lot

Day Sfafed for April 2?, Center A Career Conference, an allday program offering professional guidance to high school students has been planned through the Joint 'efforts of the Cornhluskcr LodRC, B'nai B'rith and the Jewish Community Center, F r a n c e e Rife, Jewish Youth Council chairman, reported tliis •week. She said the career program would be held on Sunday, April 29 at the Center. The Career Conference, Mfr.i Itife said, will provide liljjh KTIIOOI students with a (Irst-haml visit with professional people In tlio field of tlidr Interests and allows them to have their vocational and educational questions onswerrd. The Girccr Conference supple-

BENJAMIN TAXMAN Funeral services were h e l d Sunday at the Erailey and Dor. ranee Funeral Home for Benjamin Taxman, 71, official of a Cenrralia, HI. Refining firm, who died in an Omaha Hospital on February .23. He was the father Teenagers Develop of Marvin Taxman and Mrs. N. Julian Rips of Omaha. Also surTalent on Guitar is hl3 wife Anne, CcnA teenager, guy or gal is just viving tralia. Burial was in Golden Hill Union to the end that such mis- simply out of it if he or she can't Cemetery. play tlic guitar and do. some folk treatment should cease." The New York T i m e s de- singing these days. But alas the MltS. DOICA JACOHSON scribed this weekend, in a dis- "non-strummers" and mute high Funeral services were h e l d patch from Moscow, a scene in schoolers need "fret" no more, as Sunday at the Jewish, Funeral a Moscow Bynapogue in which they will be able to develop their Home for Mrs. Dora Jacolwon, the Chief Rabbi and a dozen lay musical talents in a new strum S5, 4801 North 52: Street,, who Jewish leaders: implored the con- and hum group formed for high died February, 23. Burial was in gregation to shun contacts with schoolers by the Jewish Com- Beth Hamedrosh. Hagodol Cemevisiting Israeli diplomats. The munity. Center's Activities De- tery. meeting ended with a resolution partment. ' . Survivors arc sons, Jacob, Chiasking congregants to avoid dealSpecial sessions in guitar in- cago, Benjamin, Kansas CSfy, Mo\, ing with Israelis and called on struction, plus some good sing- Robert, Memphis, Tenn., Milton Israelis to stop giving presents to ing at the same time of course, of Omaha; daughters, Mrs; Ben' la slated in a once weekly after- I Seldin, Council Bluffs, Ia., lira. Russian Jews. ' school-hour course of ten ses- Ycarda Venihoff, Mrs.. Al Wolf, sions. Instruments are provided both of Cliicago; 11 grandchilfar students not having; their own. dren; 10 great-crandchildren. A small r e g i s t r a t i o n fee Is charged to cover the cost of Inants. MArtr rionwicn Toronto (JTA)—A group call- struction. Registration is by application SHAPIRO ing itself "the Canadian Friends Funeral service* for Mrs. Mary of the Middle East," with head- to the Center's Activities, Office Horwlch Shapiro, who. died Febquarters in- London, Ontario, has either in person or by phone call ruary 28 Ia a- hospital were held launched a v i c i o u s campaign confirmation by calling- 342-13G6. Tuesday at thn Jewish. Funeral Tile registration is limited, to against Israel and against Jews. Home. Burial waa In. Beth HameThe first pamphlet issued by ten in eaclx group to keep the drosh Hagcdol Cemetery. the group declared that "the standards of the program, high. GIFT ANNOUNCED whole story of the 6,000,000 dead Early registration is. suggested. Lloyd. E. Skinner, president of Jews la a pure fiction." Experts identified claims in the Popular Neighborhood the Nebraska Chapter Arthritis and niicumatlsm Foundation, pamphlet a3 copied from propaannounced tho organization, t&* ganda material being dissemi- Groups The Center sponsored decen- celved a 59,000 bequest from tha nated front Cairo by the antiJewish bureau beaded by the tralized: neighborhood program estate of an Omahan, who wished former Nazi Jonannea von I/vra. groups for boysr or girls has ex- to remain anonymous.

Congress Called-to .Act On Soviet Jewish Plight Washington (JTA)—A resolution calling on the H o u s e to unanimously endorse a request for direct intervention by President Kennedy with the Soviet Government against anti-Jewish discriminations practiced in Russia was introduced in the House of Representatives by Congressman Charles Buckley, New York Democrat. The- resolution asto President Kennedy "to convey to the Soviet Union an expression of tho grave runcern of tlio people of the United States over growing antiSemitism, and to seek assurances that prompt and appropriate action bo taken to stop all forms of bigotry and race, hatred against tho Jewish people now living In tho Soviet Union." At the same time, Rep. Buckley aslced the President to prevail upon Soviet authorities to permit Russian Jews "who desire to do so" to leave and seek haven "in Israel and other free lands." The resolution also asked that the President "take all possible Immediate s t e p s through the United Slates delegation to the United Nations." to bring to world attention the facts about "thecruel mistreatment of the Jewish people Hvins within the Soviet




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