March 9, 1962

Page 1



Ptihllcutlun Office. 101 No. SiOtd Omalia. Nebraska, Plione 842-130


Mrs..Gass 8es?t!p Campaign fi1ess&t To Organizations •;-.


(l r ronl row, left to rlglit) Mines. Don Cjreenlierg, Aillnir Noviilf, Ilobnrt Upnteln; (Imch row, left to right) Mini's. Jerry Rosen, Murllii Knplilr nnd Sheldon Ilrodnliy—"Voiing Mii*rlecls" who Will usher nt tho "nig Meeting" of tlm Worn mi's l)ivlsion of the Jewfuli riilluntliru|ili-!i Oiunpalgn. Mrs, Warren W. Wolpa, nnotliftr hiembcr of thin corps, Was innilile to be present for tho photograph.


Ushers for "Big Meeting" of the Women's Division of the Jewish Philanthropies C a in p a i g n , were limned this week by Mrs. Joseph S. Guss. Women's General Chairman. The corps of ushers composed «)f "young niarrieds" in tin? community Include Mmes. .Sheldon Brud.slty, Ilobert Kpstein, Don W. Greenheri:. Arthur Novak, Jerry liosen, Mat-tin Sophir and Warren W. Wolpn. Mrs. Guss declared she was pleased to see the young women

express interest, in community activities and in the campaign hecause "they will be the backbone of future community enterprise." The Women's " W E Meeting" will be held at Beth Israel Synagogue, the chairman stated. She milled that most of schedule utid prc-campuign preparations have been completed for the women's par I. in the campaign.

Dedicatory Address by Rabbi Julius M e l Friday, Tempio Ssrael

*' .

Rabbi Julius Nodel of St Louis, Mo., will address the Temple Israel Congregation, at the dedication ceremonies for the new wing built to supplement the needs of the religious school, this Friday evening at 8:15 p.m. The dedication, will be he held in connection with the regular Sabbath services .with llahbi Sidney II. Brooks, officiating.

Klax Wolfsoo Heads l o a n Association Max Wolf son was elected to serve his third term as president of the Independent Workmen's Loan Association at a recent meeting at the Jewish Commuily Center. Serving w i t h Mr. Wolfson are Ben G a r e 11 c k, f i r s t vice-presid e n t ; David B. Bleicher, second vice - president; Y a l e Halperin, s e c r e t ary, and Hen K a p l a n , treasurer. T r u s tees are Sol MarMat Wolfton tin, Julius Berrtbtcln, Herbert Forbes and David


* i

Mrs. Joseph S. Gtiss, Women's Division Chairman of the Jewish Philanthropies, told members of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs at a luncheon meeting that she was depending upon the support and assistance of their organizations during the 1!)P>2. campaign. She urged that this message bo presented at. the next meetings of the individual groups. She also expressed her appreciation to Mrs. Alexander 13; Frank, last year's Women's Divisoon iiead, for "her invaluable guidance nnd help in making prcenmpaign preparations." A nominating eoininiltt'ee composed of Mrs. Miko Freeman, chairman, and the Mines. Alfred Frank, E. A. Nogg, M. Richards, Louis Sogolow and Nathan Turner, presented a slate of officers to be iieted upon at the May 3 meeting. Flection and installations will be held on the same occasion, Mrs. Uoyd Friedman, president, said. Announcement was made of the appointment of the persons Who will represent the Federation of Women* at the next Children's Hospital Bazaar. They are Mrs. Arthur H. Goldstein, chnlrman itfid the Mmes. Morton Richards, and Alfred Sophir, her cochairmen. Mrs. Jake Wine, hospitality ehnirmnn, said she was assisted in preparation for the meetings luncheon by Mines. Alfred Frank and Harold Zelinsky, of Beth Israel Synagogue.

Additional a p p ointmi-ntH of chairmen of Jewish federation committal's were announe^d this werlc l>y IOniest A. Nogg, Federation president. "I am very pleased to announce that Hie following have agreed to continue 'to serve as chairmen o'f important Federation protfrnms for 19152," Mr. Nogg stated. "They lmve given us much service in the past, and we look forward to further progress under their leadership." Itli liunt (ioldmnn—Vre.f>» Kieliavd Goldman will continue to serve as Chairman of the Jewish Press Committee. The Jewf -" ish Press serves as the medium of pu b lie information for our Fedoi.ition activities, and brings news of general Jewish interest, world-Wide, national and local to members of o u r community. The Press reaches every family in Omaha. Irvln 0. Levin—Lcgul Irvin C. Levin lias accepted reappointment as Chairman of the Loyal Committee of the Jewish

portanf work was done by this corrimittee in connection with Hie acr quisition of the new camp site in L o u i sville, Nebraska, and securing the legal rights of the Fed-. 2i-ation. This comm i t t e e is i n charge of handling legal aspects of Federation problems nnd properties. Mlllurd UosenbKrg— ADL Advisory Millaid Rosenberg will, continue as Chairman of the ADL Advisory Committee of the Jew^, v - i s h Federation. /*' ' "-. lie has given very , / •••'•••-^ competent lead-. j, | Jrsliip to this pro, - * J ' F gram in Omaha. t\ *, ' ' - "" Under his guid', — mice, much pro\ ' • An gress has b e e n I , achieved in o u r community relations activities. Additional chairmen of other Federation Departments and Committees Will be announced shortly, Mr. Nogg said.

MILS.' HOOSKVKI/T TAKKS PAHT IN CKICRMOJVIKS Jerusalem (JTA)—Mrs. Rica- Allyah center at Afikim after nor Itoosevelt took part in the Mrs. Vora Weizmann, widow Of ceremony naming the Y o u t h Israel's first president.

Children's Program fo Highlight Hebrew Academy's Open House Sun. Picluros at i«ll.


, 4," ,- • U ' - v ^ -




b^ K In their Hebrew studius at the Omalia Hebrew Academy are (left to right) Frankle'Flatowirz, Helen Lowln, Robnicn Lnndsnmn, Annie 1'olinlcoff and iMIlton Wolischlaif, on tho other sldo «f th« table raring hli l t

A special childreii's program will lift featured at the Open house to beheld by the Omaha Hebrew Academy, Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. The youngsters will tulce part In n spelling drill, banlc reading, arithmetic, Hebrew studies and choral activity, it was reported by Mrs. Benjamin Groner, Parents' League President. Mrs. Groner said the community Is Invited to the event, which will he ah-opportunity "for all to evaluate the progress of the children of the kindergarten division nnd the primary class of the Academy." Slip also stated that Day School accomplishments were

hailed in the February edition of the Jewish Parent magazine by Dr. J. Whitney Kelley, regarded by the,Omaha school as "its godfather" and consultant. Dr. Kelley, a prominent. Omaha psychiatrist, visualizes tho Hebrew School as a vital preserver of culture in his article. Rabbi David, Rubin, Academy principal and Mrs. Rubin, a staff member, will be in charge of tho program which will be followed by a social hour and the presentation of gifls to all the youngsters. Mrs. Harry Sidman will preside during the program. Registration for the . September term is currently in progress. Zal Segal and Sheldon Coreh are presently accepting registrants for the beginning of the next tcrjn,

Camp Standards Get Official Recognition

frlanchek. "' Tho organization lias completed 41 years of service in the J e w Ish Community and meets tho first and third Thursdays of each month for tho purpose Of Issuing loans to qualified members, It Was reported.

Single Copy 10 Cent* Annual Rate 4 Dollnra


"Music Is oho Uf llio t"»lht?8 bf'ttto wcll-ri)lihd('d program folby tho Academy, as Is triiown In this photograph of children •Binding under tho supervision of Mrs. David Kublri, Omalm Hebrew Aliitdftiiiy Staff member. In tho trio of those nearest to the piano nro Hebeltah Landsman, Johnny Flatotvlci hafl David Rohm. Btundtagf ttro MliaaGrhnDr nnd Annie Pollnhdft.

Camp Jay-C-C, the Jewish Federation sponsored resident camp for boys and girls ages 6 through 14, was recently recognisted by the American Camping Association as the outstanding co-educational camp in Nebraska, Norman Batt, Camp Committee Chairman, announced this wtelt. Batt stated that the camp has the highest professional standards while meeting major program .qualifications for tho award. The camp alsrj has more staff members affiliated with professional camping organizatitihs than any other camp in tha Nebraslta-Iowa area. . Top Slnndnrdu In order tn be certified by tho American Camping Association thd camp must meet lop standards or Rtnff training ahd fiupervislon, plus meeting n high henlth

level. The camp is also one of the oldest in this area for both boys and girls, Batt said. The unusual early registration for this summer's camp program represents tho high faith parents have in the camp for providing a safe summer for their children while providing unique and cherished experiences, Mr. Batt Stated. Special emphasis, this summer, Will be given to an expanded camping and "triping out'' program while the horseback riding project will be greatly Increased to include longer trail trips and horseback overnights. Emphasis on rJuHuro Other program emphases .this season will be oii cultural as well as religious activities while the old standby camping activities and programs will be expanded. A capacity registration is ex(Cohtimiod on Page 2)


Page Two


Jlje f etuis?) ,

Published weekly on Friday beginning tho last ivecb In August thruugli second Meek In July. Stccna Class Pc-.torje Paid tit Omaha, Ntbr. Annual Subscription, Si 00. Ad.crMing Rales on Application. Publication Office—lot Co. ;0!h Street, Omaha, Nebr. Phgne 34213M.



Bar iHzvafi All friends and relatives are Invited to attend services and reception.


Cuiullcllglitini;, (i:0I p.m.

Beth El: United Synagogue Youth Sabbath will be observed at 8:15 p.m. this Friday at Beth El with the sermon being delivered by Robert Slntzky, youth group president. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Synagogue choir will render the musical portions of the service^ Traditional Sabbath Morning Services will begin at 8:30. The Family Service at 10:30 a.m. Mincha-Maariv will begin at G p.m. Sunday morning services begin at 9 a.m. Services during the week arc held at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m." . Temple Israel: The new addition of the Religious School will be dedicated at Sabbath services, March 9 at 8:15 p.m. with Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks officiating. The dedicatory address will be made by Uabbi J.. Model-' of Shnrre Emeth;Temple, St. Louis, Mo. A reception and tour of the building will follow the services. Temple Israel men will meet Bt 10 aJn.-Sunday, March 11, for Coffee'"With .the Tlabbi, after which an informal'discussion will be led by Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks. The series of discussions "A Point of .View" coyer significant books, contemporary i s s u e s , Jewish values, and debatable questions. Jacob Adas Ycsliuron: Friday Mincha, 6 p.m.; Saturday services, 8:45 a.m. and Mincha at 6 p.m., followed by Sliolosh Seudos and Maariv at 6:30 p.m. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. Beth Israel: Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Canton EH Kagan and the Beth Israel choir will conduct the late Friday evening family services at"8 p.m. Traditional Friday' eveiiihg' services (ICoboIas Shabbos) at 6:10 p.m. Shabbos morning services begin at 8:45 a.m. Junior Congregation at 10 a.m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud class at 5:55 p.m. Shabbos Mincha at 6:10 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at 7:05 p.m. Sunday, morning services begin at - 9 a.m. junior Minyon starts at 8:30 a.m. Mincha at 6:15 p.m.

BENNIE COIIEJf Bar Milzvah.of Ronnie Cohen, .son of Mr. ami Airs. Bernard Cohen, will be celebrated Suturilay, March 10, at Temple Israel, STKI'IIKN IIOBFKMAN Bar Mitzval) of Stephen Hobermfin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Iloberman, will be celebrated on Saturday, March 10 at Beth Israel Synagogue1. DONALD IIASSMAN Mr. and Mrs, Harry Bassman announce tho Bar Mitzvah of their son, Donald Hassman, at the Friday evening service, March 16 and the Sabbath morning 10:30 service at Belli Kl Synagogue. OAKY KAPLAN MAKK MALA.SHOCK Mark Malashock, son of Dr. and Mrs. Edward Malashock, and Gary Kaplan, son of Mr, and Mrs. Howard Kaplan, will each become Bar Mitzvah, on Friday evening, March 10, and Saturday morning, March 17, at Temple Israel.

SIIKLMCY STEINBERG TAPPED FOR HONORARY Shelley Steinberg was tapped for "Spooks" freshman and sophomore women's honorary service group at the University of Texas at Austin. A freshman, Miss Steinberg is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Steinberg. SECOND TKIP TO 80VIET UNION Howard L. Weinbcrg, Dartmouth University, (Hanover, N, H.) senior, will spend his spring vacation March 15-31 studying higher education in the Soviet Union. He is majoring in government and is a past editor of the student newspaper, Weinberg who visited Russia last summer, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Al J. Weinberg. He is one of a group of 13 students and three professors, who will make the Russian tour on a 510,000 grant from the Fund for Inter-Cultural Communications. ' •.

iarch 13 al Center Council Heels Bikur Cliolim Plans Youth The regular meeting . of the Purim Parly March 12

The Bikur Cholim organization will hold a Purim Shaloch Monas card party and dessert luncheon on Monday, March 12 at 12:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. Free bingo will be an added attraction for those not playing cards. Proceeds will be used for the group's medical fund. All friends and members of Bikur Cholim are invited to attend by Mrs. Dave Wine and Mrs. John Zorinsky who are in charge of arrangements.

Omahansin News Barton Greenberg, insurance executive, this week, won an area speech c o n t e s t sponsored by Toastmasters International. He will represent the area in a regional competition to be held in Hastings, Nebr, in • May; ' Rabbi Sidney It-Brooks, Tern-.pie Israel, for the'Secohd time in • five years, received an annual freedom Foundations award for an outstanding sermon.

Youth Council will be held on Tuesday, March 13 at 7:30 p.m. in the Youth Council Lounge, Jewish Community Center. Discussion will center on the 1962 Philanthropies Campaign.

Friday, March 9, 1002


A pre-Purim party will be held for tlie paid-up members of the Seventh and Eighth grade Young Judaea Clubs and the USI of Beth El Synagogue on Saturday, March 10 from 7:.'H) p.m. to 10:30 p.m. at Beth El synagogue. Games, dancing and refreshments will be on the program. THE UNITED SYNAGOGUE Robert Slutzky, president of the United Synagogue Youth, will deliver the sermon at Friday Sabbath .services at 8:15 p.m. at Beth El Synagogue. A social hour will follow the service. YOUTH WT.r.K WILL UK CI'XKURATICD Miss Susnn Katzman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mnuricc Katzman and Harold Schneider, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Schneider, are Jewish Youth Council chairmen in charge of Jewish Youth Week celebration, March 30-April 6. In observance of the occasion, present plans include a Bulletin Hoard Contest, recording of Jewish music, and other projects In the Youth Lounge of the Jewish Community Center.

MRS. ROSALIA KOT-H Funeral services were h e l d February 28 at the. Jewish Funeral Home, for Mrs. -Rosalia Roth, 8(i, of 473.1 Fowler Avenue, who died February 27. Surviving are daughters, Mrs. Marlon Noe and Mrs. Sam Jacohow of Orwiha and a third Holland. SIDNEY CORENMAN ° News has been received of the death last Monday of a former Omahan, Sidney Corenman,' B9, in Danville, III. after a long illness. Surviving are wife, Minnette, daughter, Diane, Danville, sisters, Mrs. Sophie Mason, Omaha; Mrs. Hannah Rips, Los Angeles, Cal., brothers, Sam, Los Angeles, Cal. and Herman, Albquerque, N. M. Mr. Corenman was well known as a Creighton University basketball star during his college days. BEN GERSHUN Funeral services for Ben Gershun, 6G, Council Bluffs semiretired merchant, were held Tuesday at Beth El Synagogue. Mr. Gershun, civic and community l e a d e r in Council Bluffs was prominent In United Jewish Appeal and Israel Bond activities. Mr. Gershun who resided at 200 Keeline Avenue, Council Bluffs, died Monday. Surviving are wife, S e l m a , Council Bluffs; children, Mrs. Leonard Goldstein, Omaha and Dr. Theodore L. Gershun, Buena Park, Cal. Burial was In Beth El Cemetery. Shop through the Jewish Press Ads.

News and lmpprnlnKfl at The fir. Philip Mirr JIMVIKII Hume fur tho Aj;e<l Ly David Orl.uw.

Mis. Ki'lx'ci'a Zrhrurlt will he> honored at a special convocation on Sunday, March 11. at 2 p.m., upon completion of twelve years of loyal service as the cook at the Dr. Sher for the Aged. IEahblnlral visitors during (ho past fortnight were Rabbi Sidney -Brooks and Uabbi Benjamin Groner. Mrs. IJcn WIIIR donated two Lumcx gerialric clmirs to the Home in memory of her beloved husband. Coming Events: T u e s d a y , March I.'!, 7 p.m. A female "barbershop quartet" will appear at the Home under the sponsorship of the United Community Services. Special memorial services will be held in the Home synagogue for the following, the anniversary of whose death falls during the month of Adar. Because of a leap year, those in Adar are reprated in Adar Sheni. Adar 1, (Feb. 5, March 7)— Harry Roitslfin; Adar 4, (Febr. 8, March 10)—Lizzie Kavich; Ad;ir 5, (Feb. 9, March 11)—Bettie Hess; Ailar 20, (Febr. 21, March 20)— Samuel Rabin; Adar 21, (Febr. 25, March 27)—Mrs. Harry Friedman; Adar 22, (Febr. 20, March 28) — Morris Spivack; Adar 25, (March 1, March 31)— Ruth Shames; Adar Shcnl 1, (March 7)— Rose Freiden; Adar Sheni 5, (March 11)—Fannie Licbovici; Adar Sheni 24, (March 30)—Louis S. Braunstein; Adar Sheni 29, (April 4)—Anna R. Kazlowsky.

(Continued from Page 1.) pected before May, Batt said, with parents being reminded to register their children early to avoid possible later disappointment. Over 40 per cent of the camp capacity has now been accepted with the registrations necessarily being limited to provide the best possible experiences for the children. Further information on the camp and its programs and activities will be supplied through a call to the Camp Office a t the Jewish Community Center, 3421366. . Mr». . Morton Ebrenrelch wishes to thank tier friends and relatives for the many cards, plants and flowers »lie received while In the hospital.

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Mr. and Sirs. Leo Vox wish fo thank their relatives and friend* for all (lie cards and Hethelgrctms Ihoy received on the occasion of their fortieth wedding anniversary und nlfio for tlie mitny (,'lfts to charlt-. iihltt organizations given In (liclr honor.

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Press Conference Slilt is Ilt'lh Israel Feature A skit, "Pi't'Ms Conference" will be a featun: of the Belli Israel Sisterhood meeting, Tuesday, March Ki at 12:30 p.m. In the synaKORue social hall, honoring new |Wid up members, the Mmes. Georco Schnpiro and Hen Magzamin, membership chairman und co-chairman, rmnouiiM'iI. The cast will include Mines, Melvin Solot.ormslty, Arthur Salkin, Sol Mann, Harry Greenheif;, Klllot lirowii, lien M.'iiy.amln, Jack Diamond, Harry Sirof, Gabriel BerRinan, Max Kirshcnbaum, and I. J. Kraft. Baby silting service will bo provided. Mmes. Joseph Frank, Hyman T-ubhmn and Phi) Lubman may be called for reservations. • * • Epstein-Morgan Post Will Eleet Officers The Epstein-Morgan Post of the Jewish War Veterans of the United Stales will hold its annual election of officers meeting on Wednesday evening, March 14 at the Hill Hotel. Robert Katelman, post commander said, this week. The meeting will start ot 8:.'!0 p.m. All members are urged to attend. « « * Art Fnlr to Highlight Temple Luncheon Meet Temple Israel Sisterhood will feature an art fair wilh Mrs. Isabella Threlkeld of Joslyn Museum as Ruest speaker at its luncheon meeting on Tuesday, March 13 ot 1 p.m. at the Temple. In charge of the meeting are circle chairmen, Mines. Harry Wise, Karl Wlgodsky,. Max Wolfton and Harold Kasin with Mrs. Julia Jacobs as luncheon chairman. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Jacob Mess, 551-7581, or Mrs. Lester K. Simon, 3011439. liaby sitter service will be available. • • • Cornliusker Chapter "Will Tresent Movin on Cancer A movie, "Time and Two Women" which deals with cancer, will lie presented by B'nal li'rith Cornhuskcr Chapter at its meeting, Monday, March 12, lit 8:30 p.m. at the Blackstone Hotel. Dr. Maurice Schwartz will dJscus3 the film and answer any ques tions. The nominating committci will present its slate of officer! for the coming year. Tlicclectiof will take place in April, • • • Temple Classes Bible study—Temple Israel, Thursday, March 15, with coffea at 1 p.m. and class at 1:30 p.m. with Rnbbl Sidney H. Brooks. Temple Israel Sisterhood Art Class begins Its second session on March 14 at 1:30 p.m. at the Temple with Mrs. Lillian Beber ns instructor. Mrs. David E. Bcbcr Is in charge of registrations. • * * Council Sponsors Trooping- Theater The trooping theater is a new project being organized by Mrs. Norman Denenberg, under the sponsorship of the Omaha Section National Council of Jewish Women. This o r g a n i z a t i o n will bo staffed by Council members and email skits will be performed for under-privileged, handicapped or hospitalized children.-The group needs people interested in writing, casting, acting, designing scenery and costumes, or doing moke-up work. Mrs. Denenberg, 556-2533 may be called by those

interested In any facet of theater work. • • • » Hadassali Neivs

March 17 at the home of Mrs, Morris Fcllman. Mrs. Meyer Hos-y etibaum, coordinator will preside, and will Jead the discussion on current American and Zionist Affairs. Mrs. Ruben Lippelt, rummage sale chairman, 1ms called a meeting of her committee to plan the next sale, which will be held April 20, ,'iOlh, May 1 and 6. Contributions of clothing and any items may be left at the j:araj;e of Mrs. Itobcrl Noddle, 74'J SunKef. Trail, at any time. Mines. Art Abrams and Nate Marcus arc assisting the chairman with organization and planning. Coriiluisker Meeting March H at 7 p.m. The March 14 meeting of Cornhiisker Lodge, B'nai IJ'rith at 7 p.m. at the Fireside Restaurant, will feature a panel of five women who will discuss interfaitli and inter-group subjects. •


Page Three



Friday, March 0, 1062

Center Goes Sisterhood to Cite Mrs. "On the Air1 David Sherman, Tuesday "On The Air" Is the sign that will be lit up soon as the Jewish Community Center's radio class goes on the amateur air waves. The transmitting and receiving station has been set up to assist grade and high school students in learning about radio and electronics while helping them to pass examinations to obtain their own radio licenses, A professional radio instructor and operator is in charge of the sessions to be conducted in a series of after school or evening sessions. The croups will meet once each week to work on radio theory and practices nnd also operate the transmitter under supervision, A fee of $5 is charged for Hie course. Advance registration is requested as classes are planned to be small to give eacli student maximum benefit from the program. Special classes will also lie set up for adults upon request. A call to the Jewish Community Center's Activities Department, 342-13GG will give (lie interested radio fan further details on the radio classes.

IHnfr.s Hadassali Dim or Mrs. Alexander McKie of O'liaha, will be guest speaker at the annual donor party to be given by the Council Bluffs Hadassali, Wednesday, March 14 at 8 p.m. at the Chieftain Hotel. Ex-Omahan Engaged Mrs. McKie participated in the Mr. and Mrs. Ariolph Meyer of Mid-Kast Horizons Study Tour in l!)(i0 sponsored by the American Osknloosa, In., announce t h e Palestine Committee and spent 10 forthcoming marriage on April 15 days in Israel. .She is chairman of in Chicago, III., of their daughthe Inter-group relations Clearing ter, Marilyn, and Dr. Bernard House Committee of the United Kafka, son of Mrs. Friima Kafka of Chicago. Miss Meyer and her Services. finnee both reside in Chicago. Mrs. Leroy Canfiold and her The bride-to-be formerly was emdaughters, Donna and Debbie ployed at the Veterans Hospital also of Omaha will present a In Omaha before transferring to musical show featuring English Chicago. and Jewish songs. Husbands are invited to the party. A social hour will follow the program. Mr. arid Mrs. Lawrence It. Mrs. Albert Krasne heads the Brodkey announce the birth of a committee in charge of the event. son, Daniel Lawrence on FebMembers are the Mmes. Joseph ruary 23. They are also the parKatclman, Ben Shapiro, Max ents of Andrew Alan and Cheryl Harris, David Gallner, M. Good- Lynn. man, Ben Seldin, Sherman SperGrandparents are Mr. and Mrs. ling, Max Sherman and Sam ' Herman Frumkln, Des Molnea, Sacks. la., and Mrs. Harry Brodkey.

Folk, circle co-ordinator, and Mmes. Abe Marcus, Sam Gelfman, Nate Cooper, Ai Swarti, Lyrnan Colin, Ptill Kufler, Bernard Mockcnberg and Robert Silver, circle cochairmen. Mrs. Alan Uurlon Is in charge of decorations and Mmes, I. Dloogoff, Milton Mlntz, S. A. Rife, Jake Turck and Urn Lewis, reservations.

Mrs. David Sherman, Omaha community worker and leader, will bo awarded the Chaya Olom Charm by the Beth El Sisterhood at a 12:30 p.m. luncheon meeting, Tuesday, at the synagogue. Sho has hold many prominent posts in the community, starling in 1907 with'participation in the Jewish Women's Relief Society activities. The fourth president of Beth El Sisterhood, she has been an officer or ..hoard member since its inception. Hadassali, on one occasion, dedicated its year book to her in appreciation of her services. In 1!),'I8, she served as chairman of the women's Division of both the Community Chest and the Philanthropies C a m p a i g n s. Mrs. Sherman worked with the Red Cross and the U.S.O. during both world wars, and has served as a volunteer for the Visiting Nurses Association. The award, made available through the National Women's League and Torah Fund, will be presented to Mrs. Sherman by Mrs. A. D. Frank. The program will also present the Mothers Choral Group.

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Preparations for Iho luncheon are being made under the direction - of Mrs. Max




Wheelock College Student Engaged! to Joel R. Pit lor

Joan Until Malt/,



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Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Maltz of Newton, Mass., announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Joan Ruth Maltz to Joel Boss Pitlor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Pitlor, who recently returned from the Boston, (Mass.) area. The prospective bride is an alumna of Munter Hall School In Cambridge, Mass., -and wilL receive her degree in education from Wheelock College, Boston in June. Mr. Pitlor will be graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, in June. The couple will be married on June 10 in Boston In a double wedding ceremony. The other participants will bo Miss Judy Maltz, a sister of Mr. Pitlor's bride to be and her fiance.

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Catholic Hospital Has Kosher Foods Reading, Pa. (WNS)— St. Joseph's Hospital, 'vhlch is conducted by a Catholic missionary group, • opened a kosher kitchen to provide kosher meals to Jewish patients. Sister St. Robert, hospital administrator, Bald the kitchen was provided to give Jewish patients "greater peace of mind." She said hospital officials knew that "a patient who is used to certain menus, and to having his food prepared and served in accordance with his" .'religious beliefs, will, find greater" peace of

Mrs. Sam Katzrnnn, Omaha Chapter of Hedassah Executive Shop through the Jewish Press • Vice-President, will bo inter- Ads. Viewed on station KMTV on Monday, March 12, at 12:40 p.m. Sho DRESSMAKING will gives thumbnail book review, en "Women of Valor" by Irving ALTERATIONS Fireman, « story portrait of the ••'•} ., , fcy ••Mtd-UnV' ' late Henrietta SzolrJ, ,• The Education Council of Ha- Mrs. Norman Buchwcld SS1-44M dassah will hold their monthly 4B0» DaVMport Oncg Shabbat, on Saturday,

mind at the hospital if he can obtain that food here."

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Coll the Center Activities OHice—342-136& 101 No. 20th Street

' •




ftjge' Four

Friday, Manti 0, iOG'J

U.S., Israel to Train Tanganyikan 'Medics' (Call tlicf Aetiwtles Office ut the Jeu1i.Ii ' Community OnUsr, 842-13GI! for further Information or Registration for olnss^s iiidtratpd lirlow.)

Party Service Popular Help—was offered to-parents in a special s-crvice by the Jewish Community Center in parly planning for birthdays, dances and special occasions—but now the party planning service neotls help. It ha.s boon swamped by so many rfquests that n couairlurabjp nuinbf'i uf them had to be 'rejected. Parents are urfjed to phono in - a s early ns possible to use this service, Harry Siilman, Center committee chairman stated, so that adequate help can be provided on thr- needed date. Services offered und"r the party planning service, include assistance In planning and leading the netivities nl-parlies, providing projectni's and films and the personnel to show them. A minimal fco, based on an hourly charge, is made for the service which is booked through the Center's Activities Department. An early eyll to this department will reserve the dale deified. A complete library of boolis nnd materials is also available at the Center at no charge to.parenls and children on parties and special occasions. ;

'Say It in Yiddish' For those who have the urge to learn Yiddish, a new evening instructional scrips of classes have been developed called, "Say U In Yiddish." Once a week, evening sresioiw art.- featured with •'in[jha',i.'; on conversational. Yiddish. Ije-gislrations for the Yiddish class will be limited to the first ten registrants. A fee fit $5 is charged for registrants in the series. Records, discussions and recorded tajie.s will be used In the intensive course with participants being assured of the ability to "Iiibbitz," at least sufficient}}', at the end of the beginner's se-

It's Fun to Strum and Hum James and Joni On their way to mastering the ukuleles through Instruction in the Hum ;ind Strum class for children on Fnd.ijs tit the Jewish

Cfenter Introduces Fencing Lessons Although fencing has been a sport of clamour and interest, the absence of professional instructors on the sports local scene, has stymied its development here Now adults nnd students, however, will have the opportunity to develop their fenrinj skills under the tutelage of a professional fencing master in a special 'series Of classes to be'held at the Jewish Community Center. Ten Sunday cvenin;;s sessions are planned in the initial series of classes 'designed for the beginner. Advance roRistnition is required with a fee of S10 for the series. The first session will start this Sunday, March 11 a t 7:30 •a.m: at the Center, 20lh nnd -Dodge Streets. Free parking is available in the Center's parking lot on Dod;;e. Those desiring further infor"maticm on the 'fencing program m a y call the Center's Athletic Department.

Modeling Session 'On Wednesdays The second modeling session •will be held March 15, 3:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. The course opened with 15 ^registrants under the direction of 'the JImcs. Harold Garner- and Bruce Greenberg. It is designed for the teenage girl.

Community Center. A Sunday class in guitar instruction is now open for registration at the Center for hifjh schoolers and fween-

12 Neighborhood Groups Sponsored Twelve Neighborhood groups of grade school boys and girls, now arc meeting under supervised leadership in the homes of members each week.'through, the sponsorship of the Jewish Community Center's Activities Department, said Harry Sldman, Center Committee head. A d d i t i o n a l groups will be formed on request of parents through calls to the Center, Mr. Sidrnan said. The'program varies with the seasons: and will stress out-of-doors activities d u r i n g warm weather. Groups are organized on the same grade level with membership limited to 20, v/ho reside within short walking distance of each other.

Queen Julisna Pardons Woman Kidnapped Jewish Child Amsterdam (JTA)—Queen Jul- tee was seeking to obtain cusiana p a r d o n c d "Elizabeth van today of the child, the sisters indoors, a Catholic foster mother ! of Anneke Beekman, after she had Anneke baptized. \% Years In Hiding :served four months of a sixAfter a Dutch court officially •month sentence for kidnapping 'the Jewish child. The 61-year-old turned the child over to the com'Catholic woman was one of four mittee, officers of the committee •sisters to whom Anneke's Jewish went to a Catholic home In Pil(parents entrusted their child be- vc-rsum where Elizabeth and Ger•'fore their'deportation to a Nazi trude Moors lived with the child, death camp in 1943. She was par- but they had fled, taking Anneke doned as a result of Anneke's in- with them. They remained in hidtervention. ing with Anneke for 12 years. In Fafhflr'sXast Wish 1956 a Dutch court Sentenced Dutch Jews opened a fight af- Elizabeth Moors to six months' ter the war to regain Anneke imprisonment in absentia. Ger'which was refused by the Moors trude Moora sorved a t h r e e isisters because they planned to month sentence but the girl re> "raise the child as a Catholic maincd hidden. Last December 'despite her father's Jast plea that Anneke Beekman, now 21, re•if-he-did not return, he wonted turned to Holland, professing her Jhis daughter to be raised as a •complete loyalty to the four sis-Jew: While the Amsterdam Jewters. ish Children's Welfare Commit-

Hy Vy Keitclilrk VAKSITV u:\<u'i: Mieltlin l.umlyr won the Varsity league championship last week by defeating Milder Oil fiT-fiD, to bring doitn the curtain to the most exciting Varsity loop in .T.f.'.C. Center history. Micklin's victory culminated a special four-way playoff, '•which resulted after all four teams had fueled the regular season in a tie for first place with'G-6 records. In the tide game, it was Micklin all the way. Thoy raced ("iff to a quick lead and had command of the contest thromrhoiit. Milder made one desjierate -attempt to get hack into contention late In the third quarter. Down by 15, the losers rallied behind Fred Bernstein arid cut the lead to seven. Hut in the final stanza, Mieklin again went Into a large ' lead. At halftime, Miclclln led M-'JX Only the first minrfer w;is close as the new champs had a slim margin of 13-12. Justin i'an and Dave Goldstein led the winner wilh 17 points each. Roy Kalskee chipped in with Hi. I!ut it was Marty Green who was the real hero of the evening- Aside frntn •his 10 points, fSiec-n kept his team together with clever passIn^, ball handling and outstanding rebounding. IJndy I'aul I«l the Milder scoring with 10 points. He was followed by Irv Yaffe and Fret! Bernstein with Ki each. One of the oddities of the game, saw Chut Stoler sitting on the bench for most of the title tilt. The Youth Council athlete had been a major Spark in Milder's quest for the title all year. He was the teams third leading scorer and probably the leading reboundcr but in this championship game he rode the bench throughout. AM, STAIffiAMKK The Omaha J.C.C. All Star • teams will play at Sioux City on Sunday, March 11. The'teams will leave by charted bus nt 8 a.m. from the Jewish Community Center. The first of four games will begin at 11 a.m. VOI,LEVHAM, The Varsity J.C.C. Volleyball team got off to a fine start in the 'Midwest A.A.U. Volleyball league at the YMCA last week. The Center team won five games nnd lost one. They coppe,d two out of three from the Omaha Athletic Club and all three games from Storz. Playing for the J.C.C. were: Jim Fellows, Orville Milder, Lindy Paul, Shcrrn Poska, Lcs Burkenroad, Cy Scitchick, Kd Cantor and Steve Block. YOUTH -COUNCIL BASKETBALL Ilayim won a playoff game ovor A.Z.A. 100, 40-37, to capture second place in the final standing of the Youth Council league. Both clubs had ended the regular Bcafion tied for second with 6-9 records. The winners had a commanding lead throughout the game but had to hang on in the final minutes to withhold a A.Z.A. 100 rally. Arnie Weitz and Ted Sanford had ten points each"to paco the winners while Howard 'Mulnick ended with game high for 13 points. The young Rayim team gives promise of challenging Itonu for Youth Council supremacy next .year. .

(J'i'A) -The Israel Governimtit, in cooperation with the United Slates, has volunteered to provide m e d i e d I

training for three Tanganyikuna at tin; Iladassah Medical School in Jerusalem, the Government of Tanganyika announced,

justin time for Easter... YOU CAN GET THIS


•During the special "Electric Range Bonus Sale"—ON NOW —ending April 7, 19621 Need a new dress.. /shoes for the kids... new kitdam curtains'? Here's a wonderful way to get-20 dollars to spend for whatever you wrtnt! Buy a new electric range 'from any Nebraska* ItiWa Electrical Council Meraljer Dealer (look for his Sonus Check Displays) between *aovt and April 7,1962. If that fange is installed oil Omaha Public Power Districtfines^—you'llto» ceive a check in the mail from us for 20 dollars! Remember—It must be an NIEC member dealer. The range must be installed on OPPD •lines. Bonus offer ends April 7,1962.

THREE T Y P E S . . .



Virginia frauds

ioekwell F t y Richmond, Va. (JTA) — Tho Virginia House of D e 1 e g a t e a , moving swiftly to back up its earlier vote to revoke the cltarter of George "Lincoln Rockwell'* American Nazi party, unanimous* Iy adopted a resolution labcllns the (jrpup "enemies of tl;o pcoplo of Virginia and of the United States." The resolution, like tho measure to TcVoke the patty"! charter, was referred for furtiior action to the State Senate.

If you've beenflunkingabout buying a new range—there never was a better, time to do it. Act now—tate advantageofthie $20BonusOftforf/


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