NAR 2 6
Publication Office. 1.M Wo. aot.h omnhtt. N(;limsl:ii, Plume 3-12-jrjfW
Single Copy 10 <..i'rjt» Annual Rate 1 Ijullnrs
Boston Advance Sifts Over §2 liltion iark Boston (JTA)— Pledges totaling $2,037,000 were made ut. the advanced gifts dinner which officially inaugurated the 19G2 appeal of the Combined Jewish PhilInvitations have been mailed to tunity of greeting the son of an anthropies of Greater Boston. The every Jewish woman in the corn- old friend," Mrs. Guts said, when figure represents an increase over nmnily to hear a distinguished they meet the man who will come young speaker at the u n n u a 1 here to a d d r e s s I he women's jjlcdijes made by the same individuals in 1901. "Overall" meeting and dessert luncheon of the Women's Division lialherjng. His f a t h e r is Dr. of tin- J e w i s h Philanthropic;;, Ahram Saehar, president of BranWednesday, April i Jl Beth Israel dcis University who has spoken before Omaha audiences on many >SyiKi;;oj;iie. occasions and has a host of perFirst Omaha A|>P<'unin<e "We are fortunate to liave Dr. sonal friends here." Howard i\I. Kachrtr make his first Historians consider Dr. HowOmaha appearance as g in; s t ard .Sadiar at 34, one of the most speaker ut the women's meeting remarkable authorities in his The community will be treated on behalf of Philanthropies," de- field. His hooks are accepted as to aii unusual evening of enterclared Mrs. Joseph S. (Iiiss, Wom- ".standard" on their subjects. tainment next Thursday, with en':; Division Cciioral Chairman." Anyone who has not received tiio musical comedy, I l e r s h e l Dr. iSachar noted as an Amer- an invitation to this event, is inican historian and.expert on Is- vited to call the Jewish Com- from Ostropol, H a r r y Sidman, rael's problems, now makes his munity Center, 342-136G to make Jewish Community Center Chairhome in Israel whore he serves her reservation. Sitter s e r v i c e man, stated. The show will be as Director of Brandeis Univers- will be provided. presented in the Center Auditority Institute in Jerusalem. lie Mrs. Guss is being assisted in ium at 8 p.m. and will he offered lias undertaken some of the most Philanthropies activities by her intensive research on the Jewish co-chairmen, Mmes. D a v i d E. fiee to the community. The musical is based upon the Slate, ever carried out by an P.eber, M. II. Hrodkey, Norman American. Ilahn and the Business and Pro- legendary wit of the folk jester 1'atliiT, Well-Known Hero fessional head, Miss Elizabeth J. known in Eastern Europe as the King of Paupers and features a Hart. "Omnhans will have the opporprofessional cast of seven artists. A revue of Yiddish melodies will be offered following the play. The evening's entertainment is being brought to Omaha through the joint efforts of the Center and the local Farband organizaNew.i from tho Middle East tering Israel this year, against an tion. Indicate renewed pressure against estimate of some 20,000. Israel, this time from Syria, What Can We Do? Robert M, FeinlK-Tg, G e n e r a 1 "It Is clear that Omaha Jewry Chairman of the 19(32 Jewish Philanthropies Campaign, report- has a serious responsibility and obligation, as we begin our 1BG2 ed today. "Israel was 'compelled to de- Jewish P h i ] a n t hropics Camfend itself against unwarranted paign," Feinberg stated. "While Israelis, courageously attacks by Syrians on peaceful Israeli fishing boats In the Lake and sacrificially defend their of Galilee. The Israelis have given country, we Omaha Jews, cun
Musical Comedy
Omaha Jewry Must Meet Us Challenge!—Feinberg Urges
Minna Born, charming singer of Yiddish mul-lsracll songs and ballads will appear here Thursday with tho Fitrbaml Theater Troupe,
Beth Israel Names Dinner Chairmen
Tills sketch BIIOWS Israel's neighbors, particularly Syria, who 1« now threatening her people. a good account of themselves and help them by strengthening their have smashed the points from economy, and by relieving them in the heavy burden of absorbing Which the attacks came. some 80,000 refugees. • Iaruolln Fight iind Din. "The United Jewish A p p e a l "Israel is protecting its borders and insuring her security with tho which is tho largest beneficiary sinews and blood of her citizens. of our campaign does just that, In this, they protect the welfare and has appealed for a 50 percent and lives of come 2,000,000 Jews." • Increase in funds, urgently and At the same lime, Mtv Fein- critically needed. "Tho present explosive situaberg emphasized, new refugees and immigrants from lands of op- tion in the'Middle East makes pression and persecution are ar- their need more urgent than ever. riving dally in Israel Jn stagger- I hope that Omaha Jewry will ing numbers, exceeding all esti- meet Its challenge by raising the mates and expectations by more largest possible funds for tho than three times. Between 60,000 1962 Philanthropies- Campaign, and 80,000 refugees will be en- "Mr. Feinberg concluded.
Committee chairmen engaged in preparations for the tenth annual citation award banquet to be given Sund evening, April i | ' f at Beth I s r a e l t. Synagogue are*. Mrs. Henry Ap- ; pel, banquet; Jo-f seph B u r s tein, publicity; Eugene Bram, ushers;!? Dr. Bennett Fishbein, check room; Mrs. Rose Garrop, decorations; Mrs. Sam Katz- Goldstein man, special effects; John Kolm, arrangements and Harold Zelinslcy, reception. Arthur II. Goldstein will serve as toasttnaster during the ceremonies honoring Dr. C h a r l e s Mayo with the synagogue's humnnitnrian Award .
Initial Gifts
General Men's
Two men, whose achievements and records in organization and community affairs, will head the two important divisions which constitute the Men's Unit of the Jewish Pliiiiinthropies Campaign, Robert M. I'Vinberg, General Chairman of the 19G2 Campaign, announced today. "I am extremely pleased to he able to announce to the community that Isadore M. Tretiak has accepted the post of the Initial Gifts Division, and Alvin Abramson will head the General Men's Division. "I am confident that the campaign will benefit greatly from the direction and consecration which these two men will give in their respective po'tt, Both of thrse men will bring to oui vigor, a fresh approach, and djiumie leadciship,' Tcinberg said.
; ;,AL.I Isadorc M. Trctialr Isadore M. Tretiak, the Initial Gifts Chahtnan, lias been a member of the Jewish Federation Board of Governors for several years. Ho has recently served as President of the Highland Town and Country Club, and under his leadership much constructive progress was made. He has been active in many community affairs and participated in a number of fund raising projects. He is the owner of the Tretiak's Omaha Jobbing Company, and serves on the Executive Boards of Consolidated C o a t i n g s & Chemical Co., Seidlitz Paint & Varnish Co. of Kansas City, H. B. Davis Co. of Baltimore, Maryhind, W. II. Swcney Co. of St. Paul, Minnesota, and M a s u r y Paints of Texas. In accepting the appointment ns Chairman of the Initial Gifts, Mr. Tretiak stated: "Despite my many heavy commitments, I have accepted the assignment to lead the Initial Gifts Division out of a sense of deep obligation and duty to help save Jews, to help maintain American Jewish Institutions, and to raise the necessary funds for our own Omaha Jewish agencies."
Alvin Atiranison Alvin Abramson, the General Men's Chairman, comes to hii post with a wealth of experience in U'nai B'rith organizational life. Mr. Abramson has served a» President of the B'nai B'rith Cornhuslter Lodge in 19G0 and 19(11, with a record of distinguished service and achievements. Mr. Abramson is a partner In the firm of Abramson-Bercovici, Public Certified Accountants. He has been active in Beth El SynaRopiie serving in many capacities. In accepting the leadership of the Men's Division, Mr. Abrnmson indicated: "I have assumed this position because of the deep tradition of Tzcdukah in which I have grown up and which 1 was taught to practice. "Our1 belief that 'All Jews are responsible for One Another' is best exemplified through the Jewish Philanthropies C a m p a i g n , which includes Jewish needs in Omaha, in the United States, and throughout the world, especially in Israel."
Golden Agers to Install Officers
Jewish Community Center sponsored activities open for adults include the following: Sculpturing—limited to five in personally supervised evening classes. Bridge Instruction—Of fcred in the home of members of friendship groups, or at the Center. Wall Street Wisdoni-*For women only, Thursday afternoons at Center. Dancing—Social dnncing instruction under expert instructors. Groups limited to 8 couples. Further information on the new adult activities may be secured by calling the Center at 342-1366.
New officers of the Golden Age Club will be installed at a meeting and dessert luncheon, Monday, March 26 at 12:30 pjn. at the Jewish Community Center. They are Joe Radinowski, president; Mrs. Michael Morris, vicepresident; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ilifkin, joint secretaries and Morris Nachman, treasurer. Mrs. Robert Levine, Omaha Section president, National Council Aof Jewish Women, will preside. A card party will follow the installation ceremonies. The club is jointly sponsored by the Jewish Federation and the Council of Jewish Women.
Center Offers Adult Classes
Vage Two
f etoiel) Published weekly on Friday beginning (lie last ueoli in August through second week in July.
Friday, March 23, 1962
BarandBas Clifzvah Spain to Admit Sephardic All friends nnd relatives arc Invited to attend feervlws and Jews for Resettlement reception.
Madrid (JTA)—Spanish Con- with a Sephardic library which suls abroad have been instructed plans soon to publish a dictionby the Government here to issue ary in the Old Spanish tongue .Editor MRS. FRANCES KLEIN \isas to .Sif|i)iardic Jews-of .Span- which thr> Sephardic Jews have ish origin wishing to settle in preserved in exile since their exSpain, it was revealed here by pulsion. Dr. Solomon Guon, Chief Kahhi of (he Sephardic Jews in Britain and the (.'ominonwt;nllli, who met © A stainless steel nurses' charthere with dignitaries of the Cath- © IMPORTED VITA © Ing desk and rack was presented DAVID u;sri;n DA vis olic Church in .Spain -fnsterinjj to the Dr. Slier JewMi Home for © David Lester Davis, son of Mr. Catliolie-Jcwjsli ' r <•! a t i o n s in the Aged by Dr. and Mrs. A. A. © nnd Mrs. I'emiie Davis, will ob•Spain. Steinberg. serve his Bar Mil/vah at Betli © © "This gift is ;i most useful as Dr. fiaon said that some of die Kl Kyna;;o!.;ue, .Saturday nioiiiiiiy © p.m well as handsome addition to the Kephardlc Jews of Morocco have © at the 10:30 service. Home," stated Arthur A. Culm migrated to .Spain. There are 0 Temple Israel: Sabbath !•;crvand Nathan h. No<;(,', Co-chair- Ices will be held at 8:15 p.m. AMV KKODKKY now about 1,000 Jews in Madrid © © men of the lloiii'-, in announcing Friday, with Rabbi Sidney II. .MAIUH) NKESMAN who have their own small :<ynnHerring Fillets in Wine the gift. fjocue, opened in October of 11)5!) Brooks, of f i c i a t i n c . Rabbi Sauce. Solocfed CutAmy Iiroiil'.ey, daughter of Brooks' sermon will lie "Keac-i Judj;o. and Mrs. Donald Brodlcey, for the first Jewish religious serv- © lefs of Prime Fish, Dcli- © ice in the Spanish capital since lions to Hatred—Is the .Purim and Marjjo Neosman, daui:hter of Q ciously Rich in Flavor. Story as Callous As It .Sounds?" Mr. Harry Nf>esman, will each the expulsion of Jews in 1402. There is an institute in Madrid, Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner become Has Mitzvah, on Friday © 12-oz. Jar "Child's Day for You'lh Aliyah" and Temple Choir under the di- evenim;, March 30, and Saturday rection of Miss Ida Gitlin will morning,' March 31, at Temple will be observed in Omaha by the Israel. presentation of a documentary participate in the service. © film over WOW-TV on Sunday, Beth Kl: Sabbath Kve services March 25 from noon until 12:30 at Beth Kl Synagogue will be^in MARK ZALKIN New York (JTA)—If Colonel p.m. Mi's. Ervin Simon, president at 8:15 p.m. Rabbi Myer S. Mr. nnd Mrs. Allen Zalkin anof the Omaha Chapter of iladas- Kripke will deliver the sermon. nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their John Glenn enjoyed his lunch as © sah, will introduce t h e film Cantor Aaron I. Kdgar and the .son, Mark Zalkin, on Saturday his Mercury capsule fioared over © Reg. 79c © which was made in Kurope and Beth Kl SynacoKiio Choir will morning, March 31st at the 10:30 Nigeria on his epochal fli);h(, he © © can thank Beatrice FinUelstein. Israel, and pictures the work of render the musical portions of Service at Beth Kl Syna?,'o;;ue. © Youth Aliyah movement. More the service. Miss Finkclstein, a Hunter Col- © "Buy It Where © than 100,000 children were roslege and Columbia University © Traditional Sabbath morning It's Baked" cused through tho organization's services at 8:.'{(). Family service graduate in physiology ami chem- © © efforts. istry who is now a research nuat 10:30 a.m. Minchn-Maariv ser© tritionist for the Air Force. She © vices at 0:115 p.m. Sunday servis also a pioneer in the science of © WaterSafety ices are held at 9 a.m. Services © space fecdinj;. © during the week at 7 a.m. and 7 Course, Center © She said tiiat in three years of © Washington (JTA) — RepubliApplicants for a water safety p.m. © research, she had learned that can Senator Kenneth Keating, © Instructors course which begins Ili-tli Israel: Rabbi Benjamin there were very few foods that © March 2G at the'Jewish •Commu- Gronor, Cantor JCli Kaf;an and (New York) urged In the Senate cannot be packaged In "the col- © © nity. Center, may register by the Ik-lh Israel choir will con- that F.Kypt should be told that it lapsible squeeze tubes of the type © will receive no further American calling the Red Cross, 3-11-2723. duct the Late Friday family serv- aid until it "sits down nnd ne- that Col. Glenn used." g j A Flaky, French Pasfry The thirty hour course will be ices at 8 p.m. Traditional Friday £* with Layers of Raspbcrheld each .Monday from 7 to 10 services (Kobolas Shnbbosj a t gotiates its differences with Is~* ry and Lemon Filling. rael" arid "comes together at the p.m. Students enrolling must be 6:20 p.m. © Just m e 11 s in your conference table instead of spewnl least 18 years of «i;e and hold Shabbos morninj; services beMr. nml Mrs. Dan Hc/.nmn © moulh. n current Red Cross senior life- gin at 8:45 a.m. Junior CongrCKu- ing forth threats and propaganhave received word that their © da." saving certificate. tioon at 10 a.m. Rabbi Groner The Republican lawmaker told daughter, Dr. Alyce Bezman, has will conduct the Talmud class at for been awarded a Heart Associa6:05 p.m. Shabbos Minchn at 6:30 the Senate that Nasser seems to tion fellowship for research in © p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos be trying to use the American heart nnd blood vessel diseases. © and Maariv at 7:20 p.m. Sunday aid he receives to push the United Dr. Bezman, a former Omahnn, morning services begin at 9 a.m. .States into opposing Israel's tie is engaged in research work at Junior Minyon starts at 8:30 a.m. with Europe." Labeling such ac- the University of California ReWAIX TO WALL CAIU'ETINti tion a "blatant" attempt to inMincha at 6:30 p.m. AND FUliNITIJHE fluence U. S. foreign policy, Keat- search Institute of San FranICIeaned In Vour Home The Beth Israel annual chil- ing declared: cisco. © dren's Purim carnival will lx> held "There are times when the on Sunday, March 25, from 2 to BEFITTING • IIKI'AIIII.NU Mrs. Sum II. Illndcr's housa 1 LAYING • HEWING Offers Effective Only 5 p.m. in the Social Hall of the United States should say 'No. Ciiest is her sister, Mrs. A. SilDLNDINO • CLEANING This is one of those times. IsThru Wed., March 28 Synagogue. vennan of Brooklyn, N. Y. rael has a great deal to gain nnd B'nal Jacob Adas Yeslmron: to contribute in an agreement Harry Lobel has been invited Friday Mincha, 6:20 p.m.; Satur- with the Common Market. NasServing Omaha With © day services, 8:45 a.m. and Min- ser apparently has nothing to to submit a scientific paper dealQuality for 40 Yean © Ing with fluid dynamics as apcha at 6:20 p.m., followed by contribute in the Middle East exRUG CLEANERS Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at cept haired, ill will and turmoil, plied to aeronautical and missile 6:30 p.m. Daily services at 7 a.m. lie seeks to'gain nothing except systems, for presentation at the Don Bernstein, 345-2554 and 6 p.m. the destruction of the neighboring Israeli Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel at Passover time, State of Israel." BAKERY CHOICE OFFERING AND DELICATESSEN Sirs, l'nul (Grayce) Sacks I — o f foil for individual custom homo building, or speculation, in wlshffi to tliunk all of her Mr. and Mrs. Merle Potash anMaennor Meadowj area. Open Sunday! dear friends and relatives for nounce the birth of a daughter, AND all tlio flowerg, gifts, and con556-5560 Julie Beth, on March 15. They 7—Hlgh-Riie loll in Blaclcilono area; commercial ground In Part tributions made far her. reare also the parents of two other Avonue aroa; 5-plox in Rockbroot; downtown office building, 50th and Underwood covery during her recent surchildren, Jane and Alan. OR gery and convalescence. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. • for other Residential, Church, Investment or Commercial inforSol Slavin, Forest Hills, N. YV, mation, contact Eo Cover?, 391-3040; or Bill Sfuht, 453-3311. and Mr. and Mrs. David Potash. M M * tho Man From Mrs. Slavin is a guest a t the h o m e of her son-in-law and MAENNER'S daughter. 341-3362 Second Gels Pr;s)cKje Paid ol Omr.ha. Ni.br. Annual Subscription, ti CO Advtrtistmj Ratci en Ai-iilicrillc:!. Publication Ollicc—101 No. iOlll ilrtet, OmchG, K'-Lr. I'Dcnc HIA
Home Given Desk by Dr. A. A. Steinbergs (Ieligiou9
SCOTT ITMKDMA.V MAKTIN IXHilX .Scott Friedinim, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, and Martin Fup.el, sun of Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. J. Fo;;el, will each become Jirir Mit/vah, on Friday fvenintj, Mareli I'D, and Saturday mornim', March 24, at Temple Israel.
o o
WOW-TV to Present Youth Aliyah Film
© © © © 0 ©
Prepared Orbital 0 Meal for Glenn 0
Senate Urged toBan Aid to Nasser Until He Talks With Israel
Omahans in News
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PASSOVER CARDS BAtt and Bas Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays anil special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge. Patronize Jewish Press Advertisers.
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Friday, Mnrc'i 23, 1903
Philanthropies Women's Honor Roll for 1962 These are Ihc women wlio have volunteered this year ns workers in a most crucial and crilical campaign for nil Jewish needs—in Israel, in America, and In Omaha. They have undertaken to see the campaign through, by currying its message to some 2,400 women in the community.
General Chairman Mrs. Joseph S. Guss
Co-Chairmen Mrs. David K. Br-brr, Mrs. M. II. IJrndltcy, Mrs. N'omian Halm
Captains Mmei: Maurice J. Aresfy Norman Quit M A. Bcrcovlcl Edward D. Bfotrtey Irvlnp W. Cluirney Harold Cherniar.k Norman Denenberg Izadore Hlowltz Abe C. FcMnicin Morris C, Fclirnun
Alfred Fiedler Stanley l-ltk Lloyd Friedman Sidney Goldlirrj Soul M, Or«tt£ Gerald S, Gross Paul Grossman Charier. (Juss .Jtifl HcKnian Ernest J, Mor.hstcr Louis Jess
Mmej: Mlttou Abratmrns Arthur Alircims Seymour Abrarns tiadofc Abramicn Arihur Ailicr Maurice Atpcrin Harry Altiuler Henry Ai>t>c( Max Arbitrnari Lewis AshyH Hcrmun Auerbatfi Lloyd Hunk Harry Utnsniart Abe Hear Duvid tierrvJein Joseph Dcrnilt-ln f'uui Bernstein Robert Hcrmleln Max Hltlncr David Ulackcr Akin [llejtcKy RuiicH Ulurrimlhal Leonard Oou'.bvrg Rueben Bordy Jock Brorns&ti Donold Droiikcy E-ttwurd E. Brotfkcy UcJwIn E. Brodkey Fred D. UrocJkey Harold 0, Hrodfcey Sheldon BrodsKy Marvin Urooksieln RuctKn H. Brown R. Max Conar David M, Choprnaa tsadore Chapman Harry D, Cohen Michael Cohen Arthur A. Cchr) Bennett L, Cohrt Davo Colin Seymour Cohn Harry Colick Harold Cooperman . Samuel H. Dovii Louis Dclman Bernard Diamond Harry DuDoff Leo tlscnstalt Robert J, Enget David D. Epstein Harold Epstein Jack 0. Epstein Lawrenco Epstein Robert Et'itcln Sam Epstein William Epstein Robert Foler Harold P, Farber Robert M. Felnberfl Altwrt Feldmon • Maurice Fcldtnai) Leon Fellman Horry Fercnjteln Charles Fisher
Morris J. Franklin David Fredricks Mike* Freeman Herman Friedman" Isudore Pricdmrjn Jacob J. Friedman Robert Fromkin Charles GendlcT Irvin GnuJkr Phil GcrcllcK Robert Gcrclick tJnthan Gfrnplc Abraham Ginsburg Richard Gto/cr Richard L Goldman Arthur H. Goldstein Herman Goldstein Leonard Gohhteln Bernard Goldstrom Joseph Goldworo Leonard Gould Arthur M Green Sam H. Green Oarloti Greonberg Hruce Grccnbcnj David Grrcnlcrfl Don W. Grccnbcrg Henry L, Grccnbcrg Joe J, Grccnbera
Harold Koiin Louis Kati Julius Kot/mtin Jack J. Kaufman Irvin C. Levin Loi* Ltwts Mormon II. Lincoln Muurf Muikin Pubin Rutnrr Morion A. Kicliurrfs Henry RleKcj
Bernard Ruben Max Shapiro Morris J. Shapiro irvin Shcrmon Horry Sldmun Ray R, Simon Alfred Sophlr Julius A. Stein f'hlneas Wlntroub Max V/olfson
Irvlna W, Forbes Albert Fox Harold Fox Jack Fox Philip Fox Alexonder D. Frank Alfred Frank Morton Frank Dean Frank el Merman Franklin
Dlanfortl Lipscy Leonard Lulling [Itiward Malasltock Stunlcy MoknhocK Juitin Mnnviti Lester Marcus Nathan Marcus J. Milton Maruolin Richard Martin AUred li. Mayer l.ro Meyer son (Jwcri L. Mcycrson Jerome J. Wilder Orvel Milder Myron H. Milder diaries Monasec? MMton Neurenbcrg Albert 0, Newman Henry A. Newman Robert Noddle E, Leo Nofig Ernest A. fioyg Jack Nootfell Harold Novak Max Novak Nathan Novak Geno W. (hheroff 5ydncy Oslcri Harold Perclman
'fanlcy Shapiro Hen Sherman Duvid Sherman Leo Sherman Beulah ShrufjO David ShukerJ Robert Silver Robert SMvcrman Stanley Silverman Ervln Simon Stuart Simon Milton Simons La;,ler Singer Louis Slporln Harry Siref Robert Sloan Harold Slosburg Stanley 5losburg Abo Slusky Norman Smccrln Louis Soaolov/ Morion Solref Jo<» Sokolof John A. Solomon Louis Sombcrg Marian Sombcrg Hubert Sommer Georqe Spltrcr Martin Stoenberg Morris Stalmosler MaynardM. Crecnbero Floyd Perimeter Marvin L. Steinberg Peter Grccnbcrg Norman PHI or Dr. A/urlel Slclnbcru Sam M, Grccnbcrrj Duvid C. Plall Sam S, Steinberg Arthur M, Grfeno Ma< C. Plott 5«m H. Stern David B. GrossHarold Pollack Melvln Tatclman Gary O, Gross Sam H. Pollak. Isadora Trcttak Morris Grossman Norman Pred Adolph Tro^t Den Handler Ernest Priestnnn Harry Trujtln Sheldon Morris Harry Prlesrnan Yolo Trustln Jacob Heii Joe Raznlfk Stewart Tully Kurt Hlrsthlnger Morris Roznlck Philip Turck Bernard Horkcnbcrg Duvid Pciss Ralph Turkel tlalhan Harwich Bert Render Snm Turkel Louis Hurwiti Donald Rice Nulhun Turner Jack Jocob^on Joe M, Rico Howard Vnnn Alexander Jacoby Norman M. Rfce Paul Vertt Joe Kohn Eupcne D. Rich Milton Watdbaum William Kolman Yafo Richards James Wax Howard Kaplan Carl Rleket Leo Waxenbcra Lazar Kdplon Denny Rilkln David D, Welnberg Samuel S. Kaplan Paul Rifkfn Kenneth Welner Den E. Kaslow Som Rifkln Herman Welnsteln Abe L, Kutclinon Sam Wclmleln Albert G. Rlmmerman MUton Katelman Horl M. Weiss Aaron Rlpi Morrli Katlcman Leo Weltz Norman D. Rips Daniel Katimon Ira Whltrbook Harry Kachmun Davo Katiman; Harry Wlqodsky Dovld Rcmanlk Sam L. Katzman David Wins Ben Rosen Charles Klmmel Den Wlntroub David Roienbaum Kevco Klr&henbaum Meyer Ernest Wlntroub Roienboum Morris Koom Alien Wohlner Sam Rosenbaum Robert H, Kooper Samuel H. Wolf Millard Rosenberg Leonard Krasne Richard Wright Sam Rosensteln Manfred Kreltsteln Sum Zacharla Sam Rothenberg Manuel Kruplnr.ky Allen 7olkln Arthur Rubin Arthur Kulakofsky F I I M . Zalkln , Rubin J, Harry Kufokotsky Meyer I. B. Zlcqman Marvin Sabes Leonard Kulakotsky Morley Ztpursky Reuben Samon! Louis Kulokofsky Seymour Zoob Tt(S Sanford Phlll Loser Eaward Zorlniky Keith Sounders Max Lashlnsky Sam Zweibock Wax Scheuermann Martin Lehr Mii9»: Abe Schloff Stanley Levin Irvtno Schnelderman Robert H. Levlnfl Jack J, Schroger Itldor Levlnion Fannie Grodlnsky Sidney Schwartz Sheldon Lincoln ROIP Grodlniky Leonard Seaal Harry Llppelt Beatrice Sommer. Richard Scltnef
Dr. nnd Mrs. Moi'iis E. Roitstein announoe the engagement of their daiichl'.'i1, LonTniie, to Michaul It. L(;vy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Levy of Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Roilstcin nttPiided the University of Illinois at Champaign, and is now residing in Los Angeles. Her fiance, a 1957 graduate of Ilie University of California a t Los Angeles, is currently studying for his Ph.D. in Zoology at the same school. A September weddinf; in Omaha Is in the planning.
Mmcs: Flo Brookjtcln
Hadassah Supplies Meeting, b c h 28
Ida Spring Dorothy Welner Mmes: David Beckor I jo do re Dansk/ Sarah Feltman David Greenberg]
Israel to Aid Brazil Develop Water Power
Julia Jacobs Abe 5. Kloppcr Sam Lenk M. F, Lcvcnson Sol Mlrotf Abe Morcr JuNus Newman
Jerusalem (WNS)—According to an amendment to the Foreign Travel Law passed by the Knesset, Israelis buying tickets for travel abroad will bo taxed 100 percent of' the prices of the ticket plus 584. Until now, the tax celling on travel was lOO.percent of the value of the ticket
Twist May 26
For Men and Women Call
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Ed-Mln Rosenblatt Jennie Rosenblatt Rose Schlk Philip D, Schwartz Louis Sobrln Anne Soskln Herman H. White Marian Yawltz
Rio-de Janeiro (JTA)—Brazil nnd Israel signed an agreement here tills week providing Israeli technical assistance for-the development of Brazilian water resources and cooperative farming DRESSMAKING communities in this country. ALTERATIONS Israel will send here a staff of by "Madollno" technicians to s u r v e y underground water resources and pro- Mrs. Norman BucJiwald vide training to Brazilians in 4806 Davenport 551-4486 methods of. Irrigation. Another group of Israelis will help organize a farming colony similar to the one in Israel where families own their land individually but pool marketing, production plans and the use of equipment.
Alice M, Hccgcr Joief Mayer
Mrs. Paul (Graycc) Socks wlslira to llianlc nil of her dear friends nnd relatives for nil (ho contributions, cards and Hio many courtesies extended to Ii«r In memory of her beloved m o t h e r , Airs. Sarah Friedman.
Mrs. David L. Fricdland Hotel followed the ceremony. The couple left for the Caribbean where they will visit San Juan, Puerto Rico, St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands and other points o f interest. They will spend a few days in New York before returning to Omaha where they will make their home.
House of Glamour
Workers Mlsi«: Rtbccca Bcrcovlcl BtMO Blank Judllti Cohn Lee Grecnbcro Evelyn Levy Dorothy Rosentha)
Trip fo Caribbean Taken By David L Fried lands
The wedding of Beverly Nancy Blolcky, daugher of Mr. and Mis. Paul Iilotcky and David L. Friedland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Friedland of Chicago, 111., was solemnized last Saturday evening at Temple Israel. Lilacs and wisteria intertwined in southern Kinilax, woodwardia and palms furnished the background for the cciomony. Kahbi Sidney Brooks officiated. Mi.ss Iilotcky, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown designed by Madame Josephine D'Oro, in blush white pure silk Italian pcau de soie ami rcornbroidored rose point arid point d'Anglelfire lace. Her triple illusion vcil'droppcd from a half hat "Your Hands to Mine" an orig- matching the gown and featuring inal musical skit by Mrs. Robert a hand-made cabbage rose with Wagner will be presented at the frosted lilies of tlm valley. She annual Hadassah supplies' lunch- carried a bouquet with a cascade con meeting, Wednesday, March arrangement of wiiite orchids 28 at the Jewish Community Cen- and stephanotis on a white Bible. ter a t 12:30'p.m. Her sister-in-law, Mrs. Alan . The cast includes Mines. Dan Blolcky, was matron of honor. Cohen, Marvin Dicrislfruy, Leltoy Bridesmaids were Mrs. Murray Canfield, Bernard Denenberg and Greenwald, Louisville, Ky., Miss pianist Mrs.'Russell Blumenthal. Lisbeth Cherniack and Mrs. NorMrs. Ray Simon, chairman and man Veitzer. They were gowned her committee composed of the in identical frocks of romance Mmes. II a r r y Bassman, Abe blue silk organza and lace. Schloff, Harry Mendelson, RichNorman Friedland of Chicago, ard Wright and Sam Rosenbluin brother of the groom, was bent nrc in charge of the luncheon. man. Ushers were Alan Blolcky, Mmes. A r t h u r Abrnms and brother of the bride; Norman Charles Guss are Hadassah sup- Jacobs and Gerald Friedbcrg, plies chairmen and Mi's. Henry both of Chicago. Appcl is program chairman. Tlie mother of the bride wore a Rosalie Macrini original of reembroidered Capri blue Alcncon Diabetes Association lace and the groom's mother was To Meet March 23 attired in royal blue peau soie Dr. Gordon Gibbs of the Uni- and re-embroidered Alcncon lace. versity of Nebraska College of A dinner at the Blackstone Medicine, will speak at a meeting of the Greater Omaha Lay Section of the Nebraska Diabetes Association, Friday, March 23 a t Featuring the Medical Arts Building audiCANTONESE torium a t 8 p.m. APPETIZERS Pioneer Women The Pioneer Women will hold their monthly luncheon meeting, Tuesday, March 27 at 12:30 p.m. nt the Jewish Community Center.
Miss Elizabeth J. Hart, Chairman Captains Sylvia Parllman Julia Zuker
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Friday, March 2S, l»08
Study Group Center Offers Wide Kcinge Omaha to Sioux City — The Omaha J. C. C. all star basketball teams traveled (o .Sioux City for four games last v.eck, closing out the Center basketball program for the 19(>1-(J2 E''a;;on. Jiaeh Center won two games. 5th & 6th (Iraje—An outclassed Omaha crew bowed to Sioux City 20-7. 7th & 8th Grade- Omaha with big £>ave Jacobron leading the way, came from In-hind in the final quarter to down Sioux City 31-26, in a \ery excitiu;.; game that saw the lead switch bade and forth throughout the contest. Omaha also was .sparked by Steve Sokolof. Ix-e Jinss played a good floor game for Omaha. High School <j!iiah«, with n Bwni-staJl broke a ti^ht i;auii' wide open in die final two. minutes and went on to dov. ti Sioux City 59-49. Hob Stein with lit and Tony Bradford with 18 was high for Omaha. Varsity-—Omaha; playing with almost a hit;h school team, were defeated by .Sioux City 09-49 in •he final game. Sioux City opened up a 22 point lead at the halftime before Omaha came storm-, ing badf behind Ai Konecky. Swimming - - J'uiyim v.on the Youth Council swinuning meet last Wednesday jiiglit. Results of the races were:
Ronu, S:I0.3; ICO yard Uictjtrckc— Karl Col.tfi, A7A 1, \:iLl; H-'O yi;r<i Lrrii:.Jj1r(jke — Ou'l Milri.-r, kcyirn, 1:47.1; 100-yurd freest.!?-Jit! 5!I«inncm, lia/\m, 1:?1.1; divlir'i-Dan K.atsHe. Independent, crid IWyurd lrc*styie icla/ - -Ronu, t!u Hurwi!/, Jeff ".noon, C-Cf(J;n HollU, Barry Juiiokkif, 2:105.
Volleyball-The J. C C. Varsity voile>ball team rhalkeii up four victories and two los.se:, in Midwest A. A. I', pl'.y li^t week 1o rim their smsitn r< n>nl to 13-5. The iiaine:; were played at the J. ('. <•'.. siymnasium rif;;iinst I'rrinon Ominiuriity. Center and the Yi.l(-A. Vlayius; .with the Center team last week were: Undy Paul, .lini I'Vllows. Sherman I'JJSka, !-<>(, J'.nrkrmoud, Cy Keitehidc, Bud Slos-bur::, Meyer 14obi-r and Steve lilock. Softball --The 0-liter Athletic Department will attempt to have toftball program'; for M i d i . r c t league and Idrty-BidMy league this summer. Boys from Rrades two to eirht interested should contact the Center Physical Kdurntion Department at M2-I''fl! as soon as possible. Center Handball Tourney — Four double-teams advanced to the semi-final round as the Center handball tourney ]'ot underway this week in the .I. C. handbiill court. Jack Ktiss and Abe Kaier downed Ira Titichenberj; and Yale Trust In. Lindy Paul and Shenmui I'oska defeated Jack Cohen and Ralph Turkel in opening round play. Other first round BAYJUI WINS SH'Iil MKl'/r Rayim won the Youth Council matches saw Justin and Sam lian Swimming meet held at the JCC c-dw Kd Parker, Mickey Simon pool last Wednesday evening. Kc- und Sam ZoHn.'l'.y-Will Bloom \MJI over Bob Newman and Klliot sults of the races were: 40-yord frecslylo— Don KafsKeo, IndrpctidBrown. »nl; 21:3; lOOyord bulterlly—5!u Morwlll,
I'arbanrt Dinner Meeting A 7 p.m. meeting of the Farband will be held .Sunday, March 2.r> with a dinner at 7:15 p.m., Max Keisbaum, chairman, reported. Reservations may be made by calling 342-3HM. • * •' New Junior Hadaiwah Klicts Offlo/TK Cornhnsker Temporary officers of tiie newThe following slate of officers ly formed Omaha Junior Hadaswill be presented by the nominat- sah were elected at the home of ing committee of C o r n hunker Miss Roni Meyer, president. ServChapter IJ'uai B'l'itb for its April ing with her are Karolyn Kagan, election: Mm. Seymour Abrams, Judy Colin. Sarah Milder, Arlene president; vice-presidents •— Mrs. Grossman, Diane Untzman, Dalia Stewart Ka'lm, fund-raising, Mrs. Vilensky. F r a n c e s Mint/, and Allen Siej;el, membership, Mrs. Shelly Reis. Group Advisors are llcyer Halprin, program; secre- Mmes. Fred Simon, Marvin Kohll taries—Mrs, Gene Osheroff, fi- and Norman Mus.sman. uancial, Mrs. Sam Fried, recordA meeting on Monday evening, ins, MrP. Martin Korman corres- April 2 will be held at the home pondinf;; Mrs. Maurice Schwartz, of Miss Mintz, 181'J South DO treasurer; Mrs. Wyman White, nve. historian; Mrs. Ilarry Alloy, sent i n c l ; Mrs. M. I. Greenspan, guardian, Mmes. Harold Goodman, Arthur Walker, C h a r l e s Fredkin.
CkU? Deadline for Applications to
Camp Herzl Is March 30 Call Mrs. SaulGraetz. for Information at 551-2534
Interior I>c.eoratioii Interior decoration will be the topic at a meeting and dessert luncheon of the "Let's Converse" Croup (jf the National Council of Jewish Women, Omaha Section, March 2~i, .1 p.m. at Pavi'd.sonsAineriea's Furniture Showcase. Reservation:; v.hich are necessary may be made with Mrs. B. (!. Arouoff. 5r>.'J-302f,, or Mrs. M. Tatelman. SMi-MO'.). Temple ISiblc Clais The fifth and lust in the spring series of Bible classes will be held Thursday, March 29, with Rabbi Brooks leadin;; the group at Temple Israel after n 1 prn. coffee.
Fencing Sessions Draw Attention Fencing instruction and competition occupies the limelight at the Jewish Community Center ;>':ene on Sunday evenings between 1:'.:<) p.m. and 'J p.m. Kcw participants and former fencers are welcome to attend 1he sessions. Women are particularly attracted to fencing, a sport .said, to develop unusual coordination and poi.se.
Frenefi Diggers Find Ancient Ssfffement
Beth l:t Club Elects Hoard Couples who will serve on the Board of the Mr. and Mrs. Club of Beth KI Synagogue are Messrs. and Mmra. 1/x Gendler, Bernard Grcenberi*, Steve J^ustgarlen, Irving Marcus, Norman Mussman, Jerry Wasscrrnan and Ilarl Weiss.
B. & P. ir,'i 5Ie«(lng, March 28 Miss Ixe Grcenl)erg, J.N.F. chairman, will present a dramatization on "frees" and a Purim song program will be offered by Miss Julia Zuker, general program chairman, at the dinner, 'board and regulah meeting of the Business and Professional Women of Hadassah Women, Wednesday, March 28, at 6 p.m. flt the Jewish Community Center. The nominating committee for the coming election consists of Miss Evelyn Ijevy, chairman and the Misses Elizabeth Hart, Rosella Handler, Julia Zuker and the Mmes. I. Dansky, Abe Mozer and Sam P o I I a k , it was announced by Mrs. Julius Newman, president Mrs. Newman will report on the March 7 card party.
Analysis of l'rayer A modern analysis of prayer will be the subject of the Beth Israel Sisterhood study group to be held on Monday, March 2(5 at 3 p.m. at the hw.i; of Mrs. Alfred Frank. .rvl-'W Oeeatur Street. Rabbi Benjiiiniu Groiier will lead the di'.eut'-iiin.
Jerusalem UTAI—Remains of a "Beersheba culture" group of Kettlcments dating back to the second half of the fourth century RCE are Mow being exca- . vated by Jean Perrot, heard of • the French archcological mission in Israel. The settlements a r e above ground and reinforced by stune walls. They w w ; found in an urea ranging from the Nogev through the coast to Mount Carmel. The excavations were started two weelcs ago and will l>e continued until mid-January. Finds include a group of three skeletons—a woman, child and clog — fjint tools of excellent workmanship and bone implements. Volunteers on- the digging include m e m b e r s of kibbutz Urim, students of the Hebrew University, a visitor from Chicago and a girl from Arlington, Va.
Custom Baked Cakes for
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A wide ran;;e of colirces are Jjeing offered to boys and girls in the community by the Jewish Community C e n t e r's Activities Department's spring r o u n d - u p . Iimcluded are: Ha by Silting course—A oneday session, offered Sunday, April H for girls over 12 years of age under the supervision of a registered nurse, physician, law enforcement official.') and staff of Red Cross, A 50-cents advance registration fee Is required to cover cost of supplies and booklet:]. Modeling-- For the grade school miss in the 7th and 8th grades. Registration limited to the first fifteen registrants. Fee for the five session series under professional supervision is $5. Radio Class -Meets once each week after school, or on Sunday, or in the evenings. Member;; learn code, how to transmit on the Center's own radio ptatlon, learn radio theory and receive . their own licenses. Fee for the course is $r>, Explorers' Clubs - - For boys only (first four school grades), meeting for eight Smidny ces.siiiti;:. Group limited to eight with a SU registration fee. Trips are taken to places of interest. 1 Jance Cla5:.--A second series of eight social dance instruction scssionr; to filarl shortly. Classes are each Friday from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Jay. Fee is $'J. Neighborhood Groups — No charge for grade school groups meeting in member's homes. Professional supervision p r o vlded. Call the Center for further details. Riflery—Join one of the Center's own National Rifle Association certified clubs. Supervised professional instruction given on City's Indoor Range. Only charge for a Rifle Club is for the arn-
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Washington (JTA)—A projected United States-Egyptian surplus cotton agreement, which had run into a storm of Congressional protest, has been called off find is apparently dead for this session of Congress, well-informed sources said. "The request for American surplus cotton by I'.gypt had definitely been denied by the Department of Agriculture," a report said. A spokesman for Sen. Philip Hart of Michigan, who had recently asked the State Department and the Department of Agriculture about the status of the negotiations, confirmed that he had al.so been advised that tho Egyptian request has been turned down.
Walker, Minnesota (For GirU Ha 17)
U. S. Denies Nasser's OequesS for Coffon
Camp Danwcjfihy
muiiition used in the course of inBtruction and firing. Dog Obedience Course—Starts this Sunday, 1:30 p.m., for young masters and their dogs. Runs 10 Sundays wjfli Sri registration fee. Fun-D-Frolic and Sunday Funday One program for the boys and niiotlicr for the girls—all in grades 1, 2 and 3. Iioys particl- . pate in crafts and game sessions while the girls have crafts, music and dramatics. Fee for the 10 Sunday .sessions is $">. Guitar Classes -Starling time, ] :.'K) p.m. each Sunday for instruction in guitar and folk singing. Fee f<>r series IK $5. 'nils is for the Gth, 7th and 8th graders only. Swimming classes-Glasses run throughout the year. Join a class that meets Tuesday and Thursdays or Wednesdays and Frid*ays. R/'gi.'itration at any KCssion. Center membership is required.
Services Were Held Sunday, March 18
Zrilch ana i^ole i^hapel