March 30, 1962

Page 1

NEBRASKA STATS H I S Lincoln, Nebraska

Vol. XI,—No. SO

1'ubllcutluri or/lee. 101 No. 20tb UniaJia. Nebraska. Phone 3.12-13W

Second C'Jaa3 Postune Paid at Omaha. N b



Single Copy io Cent* Annual Rate 4 Uollam

ionsky Gfiapfsr Budget Cltdirmon Party at Sher Home Tin*; a{j[Hjintinont of Howard Kai-litn as chairman of the 15mlf;i;t Committee of the Jewish Philanthropies ivas announced by I'.rncat A. Nd'fi;, Jrui-Ji Kfili-i.ttfnn preside ut. "Mr. K a p l a n } v.iil heud one of the m a s I important commit-* ,-,", ,,/•-' tee of "our J'Vrtc r u t i o n," Mr. NOKI; siiiil, "mid

1 am confident thai u n d f r his I c u i l e r s h i |» u t h o r o u g h •i"'l| ] / ' , c o m p c t e n t job will be rtom'" Mr. K a \> I n n« l l »'« r t ' K»l»l'"i Served as co-chairman of the Budget Committee last year. He has teen active in many Jewish Philanthropies Campaigns. The Bu<3/;ct Committee rcview;i all agencies included in the Jewish Philanthropies campaign, and recommends allocations to them. Included am agencies which conduct activities overseas, national agencies in the United States, and local agendas in Omaha.


Tiie women of K'nai B'riUi Henry Monslcy Chupter ure planning a party, for the cuestfi of (he Dr. Philip Slier .lewi.slj Home for the Ayed on Sunday, April 1 at 2 p.m. Mrs. Abe Ginsberg, chairman and her committee iiave planned the program which includes vocal selections by Mrs. Albert Kiminerriii'in, acfojnpauird on the piano by Mrs. Abu Kellinan. In addition Miss Alice Felunan will render several piano renditions. The program will also include readings in Yiddish by Mrs. Jack Diamond. Refreshments will follow the program.

A2A1000 Sweef heart Candidates lamed The new sweetheart of Ronu AZA No. 1000 will be selected from a group of the following candidates — Michelle Aronoff, Leslie Forbes, Linda Grael'/., .Susnn Kutzman and Siindi Richards —at the "March Melody," Saturday night at the Blackstone Hotel.

Camp Jay*C-C Hates and Dates OniuliaitH Non-KcsWc.nt 1st Sravlnii—lunn 21-July I ? 75.00 $ 85.00 2nd Session—July 4 - July 14 75.00 85.00 Full SRnwin—Junn 21 - July H 110.00 100.00 Tho fco Includes nil. laundry, special ciinip health .and ncclJrnt lusunineo plus tnuiHiiortatlon between camp and Onmha.

12:30 P.M. Befh Israel Dessert Luncheon Planned Dr. Howard S.'ichur, younp; dlstlngiitalml liiNtorlan und writer, son of tins famed Dr. Ahram I,. HiuJuir, Iiranddls IMIvurislly I*reslilttnt, »vlJI be t)m pi»wt of honor ami Hnriiktir of tln> siitminl cllyuiilii dessert IIUII'IH'OU of the Women's Division of tlin JmviHh l'lillnnthrupicH. Tito event will hiheld Wednesday, April 4 at B«tU Israel Syniigoguo nt 12:30 p.m. A brilliant and gifted speaker, the thirty-four year old Dr. Howard Sachiir will bring an intimate "on the scene" report. Ho currently resides in Israel where he is director of the Brandeis University Institute, said Mrs, Joseph S. Guss, Women's. Division Chairman. Ills IKIOIIS have won wide noceptjiiHMi forttelioIaxKlUpund narrative sliill in which ho makes "an Important contribution to our unilvrHtuntHitfz of mudtirn Jmvish life," Mrs. Guss declsireil. "We nro proud to bring such an outstaiiillni; personality to our city. Wo know Omaha Jewish women

Dr. Howard Hacliiir, Kon of Ilninrff/s r r ni\erslty President. will inuit to afti'iid this outsfandlng' function."

Dr. Sachar's first book, "The Course of Modern Jewish History," deals with a survey of thn present time. His s e c o n d 1902 JKVVISJ1 OALENUAJl

Our Responsibility Is to These... And 80,000 More-Feinberg States Hero arc 7 new who have just arrived in Israel. To them, Israel spells security, dignity, ami an opportunity to live In freedom and in hope. The parents brought with them their live children, who will no longer know abuse and discrimination in (heir now country, Israel.

Israel alono cannot do the job of absorbing these refugees, ho added. Israelis have taxed themselves with a special "Rcfvigee Tax" because the need is real and so critical. CJ.A. Special Fund Because the crisis is real, and Iwcause no one knows when the

lar U.J.A. needs the world over. "Omaha Jewry must help meet the new Immigration Challenge. Jews are breaking through the barriers of countries where they

are denied equality of right!, or

prospects for their future. In some of these countries, the position of Jews is very precarious

I'liHsovor Apr. X9-2C Slnivuot June, 8-9 Tlsha B'Av Aug. 9 Itosli Jlntihannh ...Sept. 20-30 Yom Klpntir Oct. 8 Siil(lc«t Oet 13-14 Sbmlnl At/oret Oet 20 Sinihat Tonih Oct. 31 Ilumikkah Dee. 22-29

EHa+ t o T a n g a n y i k a A 2 217


r o s s t o n ) i n e r OWT10d

. E y tlK U n i o » o f BlUTnil Shipping hoard and under churler to '/.vm Israel Navigation Co., Ltd., Haifa, will sail each month from the Israeli port of Eilat on the Gulf of Aqnba to Dar es Salaam, Tanganyika.


book, "Aliyah: The People ot Israel," brings new insights into modern Jewish history, through portraits of men and women who settled in Palestine before 1948 and were lnstrvuv\cntn\ in Vbe rebirth of the Jewish State. Bollj volumcH are to IM) found IJI tliu library of the Jewish Community Center and are on the "loan list." Dr. Sachar has visited every corner o! Israel including settlements, towns and immigrant viliages. He has associated with Israeli leaders, and the "nvrii ainA file" and is thoroughly familiar with all phases ol Israeli life. He h.'is spent tlmo in tlio company of Israelis of every background; Kuropeaus, North Africans, Kurds, Iraqis, Arabs, Dnizes and Christians. 11B lias eaten and slept In their homes, worked In their settlements, and in the King Solomon m i n e s hi the Negev. Serving as co-chairmen of the women's division are the Mmcs. David E. Beber, M. H. Brodlcey, Norman Hahn and Business and Professional Women's Chairman, Miss Elizabeth 3. Hart.

Boys Will Attend Bluffs Stamp Show The Jewish Community Junior Stamp club will attend the Council Bluffs Stamp Show Sunday, April 1, at, the Chtattuta Hotel, accompanied by their advisor, Robert Clark. They will meet at the Center at 2 p.m. departure time, and will return there by 4:30 p.m. EIN8TKW COIXEGE GETS $1,000,000 New York (JTA)—A gift of $1,000,000 has been mtvde to the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University by the M. L. Annenberg Foundation, the university announced this week.

Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged (The Dr. Philip Shei Home lor the Aged acknowledges the following memorials and donations.) • • • . .


In Memot^ o |

Messrs and Mmcs. Arlhur A. Cohn, Joe M. Rico, Paul Veret *•• , Alcsirs. and Mmc3. Arthur A. Cohn, Dean Frankcf, Ernest A. Nagg, Nalhon L. Nogg, Paul Vcrcf, Muton Yudclion, fAlso fccatrico Sommcr . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Ocn Handler Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohn Mr. and Mrs. Leo Taub Mr. and Mrs. Paul Verct ,. Messrs. and Nlmcs. J°o KV. Rice, U o Toub Mr. and Mrs. J. Broaksicln Messrs. and Mmcs. Hainan Novak, Ben Shapiro, Marlon Sombcrg — -••• Messrs. on** Mmc3. Jock B'Omson, Arthur A. Cohn, Dave Cohn, Leon CracU, Ernest A. Noan, Harry Trustln, Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Sletnbcro . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ml&s Beatrice Sommer , Mrs. Herman H. Aucrbach , Messrs. and Mmes. Jack Bromson, Arthur A. Cohn, Ocan Frankel, Loon Graetr, Nathan Harwich, Ernost A. Nona. Harry Trustln, MMton Yudelson, Mrs. Leonanf Klein, Arthur L. Coad, OWccrs and Directors of tho Packers' National Bank ,

Mrs. Helen Bolker ...,.,,,

Bert Gers\iun Yclta Hohn .. Henry Horst (Chlcopo, III.) , , . . . . . . . . . . " " Jock Kauiman :. Ben Margolin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alex PlotkUi , Sol Spar . Mrs, Mary.HorwIcfi Shapiro

doors of escape will be shut, trapping Jews behind curtains of "no escape" the United Jewish Appeal lu»a announced an emeiv. gency SPECIAL FUND of $35,000,000 to be used for this special bnmiBration program. Tlila is in addition (o the $60,000,000

and they face daily outbreaks and persecution. « "Through increased, gifts to the United Jewish Appeal campaign, Omnha Jevviy will be saving lives, and. insure the future of Immigrants e n t e r i n g Israel," Felnherg concluded.

Sam Zlolky

In Honor of


However, there will be 80,000 more like them; mothers, fathers, children, who now have the opportunity to cscapo into tho one and only country which will re. ceive them with open arms," Robert Keinberc General Chainman of the 1962 Jewish Phiian? ..thropiets.Campaign, h d

. . . . . . . Ben Q Sam zemmuray Sam Zevlu

Messrs. and Mmes Oovtt Cohn. At FrtinK, Ernest A. g, Paul Paul Nogg, Nathan V. Noon, Sam Steinberg, Vcrer, Milton Yudslson, Mrs. Robert koopcr k .. speedy recovery. Arthur A. Cohn and Kowjrd ,, ,. recovery, Mrs. Jofcc Cohen, Mr. and Ktrz. Leo Tcub , recovery, Mrs. I Sherman recovery, \VKtare Go\<Mis\n M n . Ben Handler , , Messrs, and Mmes. Nathan Harwich, Paul Ver**, Dr. and Mrt. Edward Malashock, Airs, Jay M. Malaihock 70lh birthday. Hymen Osoff Mr. and ffirt, Arthur A, Cohn.".. 40lh wedd'na anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fax

Synagogue Donations

Mr. and Mrs. Morion L. Dcsch, In memory of Mlnnlo B. Ocoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hahn, In memory of Vctla Hohn. MorrlsPo)Ser


Mr. and Mr». Dave Hobcrman, fordlsliwaJher f t f

2 1962


Page Two

The Jewish Press Published weekly on Friday be^inninc the lust week In August through second week In July. Second Class PcJcje Paid at Ornalia, Nctr. Annual SijbLCriplicn, U CO. Advertising Roles en Applicalion. Publication Odlce—1S1 flo, 20lh Street, Omoha, Hcbr. Phone 3«-13i«.






Place Your Order for Passover Meats and Poultry Now! Extra Lean Ground Beef or Ground Beef Patties

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a mm e n c P*

Announcement! 11

Religious Services Bar and Bas Mifzvah t, 0:27 p.m. It'nal Jacob Adas Ycshiirim: Frid:iy Mincha, C:20 p.m.; Saturday services, 8:43 a.m. and Mincha at (i:30 p.m., followed by Slioloiih Seudus and Maariv at fi:30 p.m. Daily Services al 7 a.m. and G p.m.


AMV KKODKKV Coll MAIUiO NEKS.MAN Amy Brodkey, daughter of Jud;;e and Mrs. Donald Brodkey, 553-0566 and Mnrgo Neesman, daughter Temple Israel: Sabbalh serv- of Ilr. Harry Kecsman, will each Anytime for Prompt Expert Sorvlce or Stop at 1401 No. 33rd St. ices will be held at 8:15 p.m. potililr-Ilrfastrd Suits Friday wilh Rabbi Sidney IT. become Bas Mitzvah, on Friday i tmwriiti Into New evening, March 30, and Saturday Brooks officiating. SinKta-Ilrruhtvd Stylo Rabbi Brooks will preach on morning, March 31, at Temple the subject: "Gideon" in the Israel. Shop through the Jewish Press Bible and On Broadway—Man's Ads. relationship to God. MAICK ZAMCIN Cantor Manfred F, Kuttner Mark Zalkin, son of Mr, and and Temple Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlia will Mrs. Allen Zalkin, will observe his Bar Mitzvah -on Saturday participate in the service. niorning, March .'SI at the 10:30 Rctli El: Sabbath eve services a.m. service at Beth Kl Synawill begin at 8:15 p.m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. H i ; a r TOM KIItSIIKNIlAlTM and the Eeth Kl Synagogue Choir Bar Mitzvah of Tom Kirshenwill render the musical portions baum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joof the service. seph Kirshenbaum, will be celeTraditional Sabbalh morning brated Saturday, April 7, at Temservices will begin at 8:30. Fam- ple Israel, ily service will begin at 10:30 a.m. Mincha-Maariv services at JEFF GKEENBEIUiEIl 6:30 p.m. Candid Wodding Mr. and Mrs\ Bernard GrecnSunday morning services begin berger of Grand Island announce CALL at 9 a.m. Services during the the Bar .Mitzvah of their son, week are held at 7 a.m. and 7 Jeff Grecnberger, on Saturday p.m. morning, April 7, at the 10:30 817 So. 36th 345-1044 Belli hrui-1: Rabbi Benjamin a.m. service at Beth El SynaGorner, Cantor Eli Kayan and gogue. the Beth Israel choir will conduct the Late Friday family services at 8 p.m. Traditional Friday services (Kobolas Shabbos) at G:.'i0 p.m. Sliabbos morning services begin at 8:<15 a.m. Junior Congregation at 10 a m . Habbi Groncr OMAHA'S LEADING will conduct the Talmud class at 0:1.0 p.m. Shabbos Mincha at 6:30 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at 7:30 p.m. Sunday 4415 CUMING morning services begin at 9 a.m. 551-5554 Junior Minyon starts at 8:30 a.m. PRE-PASSOVER SPECIALS Mincha at G:40 p.m. Fresh Frozen Per 'KIIO | j n i| ] j j u o a 10 Lbs. and Up Lb. UJ||| |i.)i;i,)j3 oi|AV Carmcl Brand sop 'JUi nvthfrl^raniH and cards an IIIH 92nd Birthday.

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All friends and relatives are Invited to attend services and reception.


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Friday, March SO, 1962

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Friday, March 30, 10C2


Daughters to Fete M. J. Franklin On Silver Year


MRS. JOHN HOIHNSON Mrs. John Robinson, 7<1, of Norfolk, Nebr., a j)ionef:r resident, of Nebraska, died Tuesday in a In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Mor- Louisville, Ky., hospital after beris J. Franklin's twenty-fifth coming ill while visiiin;; her wedding a n n i v t; r s a r y, their daughter, Mrs. George lilusinsky. daughters, (lie Misses Helene Jluc She lived in Omaha in her early and JIOIICR Marcia, will celebrate years*. Her husband passed away the occasion with an open house u little over a year ago. and buffet, Sunday, April 8, from Funeral services were held this 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. a t their resi- Friday at 11 a.m. a t the Jewish dence, 308 South 52 Street. Funeral Home with Rabbi BenFriends and relatives are in- jamin Groner, officiating. Burial vited to attend. was in Beth Humcdrosh Hiigodol Cemetery. Also surviving are daughters, Mrs. Leonard Klein, Mrs. J. Feilcr Stern, Mrs. Sidney Taren, Omaha; son, Arnold Robinson, Norfolk; brothers, Morris K. Jacobs, Omaha; Alje Jacobs, Kansas City, Mo., Nathan Jacobs, VOr,M<;YUAI,L Chicago, 111., Archie Jacobs, Los The Jewish Community Cen- Angeles, Cal.; sister, Mrs. Harry ter V a r s i t y Volleyball team Miller, Evansvile, Ind., 12 grandchalked up five more victories children and one great-grandagainst one defeat against two child.VMCA teams last week in the Center gymnasium to run their 3IKS. SARAH HINKIN record to 18-G, in the Midwest Funeral services were held FriA. A. U. Volleyball leaghe. day of last week at the Jewish Funeral Home for Mrs. -Sarah Behind the torrid spiking of Lindy Paul and Jim Fellows, the Minlcin, 00, a resident of Dr. Center team marched into sec- Philip Shcr Jewish Home for the ond place in loop standing. Other Aged, who died March 21. She Jay players in last week's vic- lived in Omaha for 4G years. tories were: Tom Stevens, Lcs Survivors: son, BenM.; daughBurkenroad, Cy Seitchick, Alan ters, Mrs. Kate Babcndir, Mrs. Konecky, d i e t Stoler and Steve Clara Waldman, Mrs. Ann HossBlock. nian and Mrs. Alie Colin, eight grandchildren a n d 36 greatgrandchildren. JFAVISH-CIIKISTIAN COUNCIL IS FOKMKU IN IIRAZIL MRS. SAISAII STISS Funeral services were held Sao Paulo, Brazil (JTA)— With Sunday at the Jewish Funeral brondest participation on behalf of nearly all of the top religious Homo for Mrs. Surah .Stiss, 59, leaders in this country—includ- 100G No. 49 Avenue, who died ing the blessings of the Cardinal March 23 in a local hospital of Brazil, Archbishop D. Carlos after a long illness. Burial was Carmello do Fasconccllos Motta in Golden Hill Cemetery. —a Council for Jewish-Christian Survivors are husband, Izzie Fraternity was established hero Stiss; sons, Jack, Omaha; Sol this week. of Washington, and two grandchildren.



SOT Election, March 31 The Omaha Alumnae League of Sigma Delta Tan will hold a luncheon meeting at Coral's restaurant on March .'il a t 32:30. KIIMJIion of officers for the coming year will be held, and committee reports of the year will lie given. For reservations call Mrs. Willis Kpslcin or Mrs. Edward Gorelick. Ouingft In Cousins Club Halo The Cousins Club will meet on Wednesday, April 31 at 32:30 p.m. for lunch a t the Regis Hotel instead of April 4 because of the Women's Dessert Luncheon of the Jewish 'Philanthropies. Mrs. A. Katskee, hostess, asks anyone unable to attend, to call her. Workmen Circle Conference The semi-annual Midwest District Conference of the Workmen's Circle branches was held Sunday a t the Labor Lyceum. Lunch was served by the social committee — Mines. N. Lerman. and Etta Orenstein. The district committee includes Louis Witkin, Morris G o o d m a n and M a x Crounse, Mrs. M. <i. Cohen (Fannie) wishes to thank lier friends and relatives for the many curds, contributions to charities lit her nanio, flowers and gifts MIII; received ulillo 111 the hospital and convalescing lit Inline, and for her birthday.


David Herzog to Wed Muriel Werffteimer •Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wertheimer of Brooklyn, N. Y., announce Hie engagement, of their daughter, Muriel, to David Lyon Herzog, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Herzop.


Mrs. Norman Ouchv/ald 4806 Davenport


Shop through the Jewish Press Ads.

Miss Werthcimei', presently an instructor of English al the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, received a bachelor's degree from Jirooklyn College and a master's degree from Columbia University. I Mr. Iferzog is a graduate of the University of Nebraska, and | . will complete his studies in the College of Law, there, this June. i He is affiliated with the Zeta Beta Tan fraternity. They will bo married in New York City on July 8.


Twist May 26




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Friday. March SO,

A million came- help more come. »M«3^^

You have helped to bring a million immigrants to Israel since 1948, through your generous contributions to the United Jew* i«h Appeal. Now, more thousands aTe on the way. T o

transport them and assure adequate initial reception aid, your continued and increasing help is vital. And that help cannot stop at the bottom of the gangplank. Help them as they strive to make new lives for themselves. Help provide the new homes they need, the clinics and youth centers, the trade training and educational opportunities, the welfare and rehabilitation aid... See them through—into a hopeful future..« through the United Jewish Appeal.

IN 1962, H)A MUSI UlSE $95,000,000

To make possible this vital lifesaving aid to 600,000 In IsraoU Help to 335,000 immigrant, new aua old-including transportation, reception ussist* ancc and housing help for new imnugvanta, and expanded absorption aid to unabsorbed immigrants of previous years: 135,000 immigrant farm settlers, 45,000 aged and handicapped,31,QG0younffpeopIe needing vocational training and youth training help. fn Other Overseas Lands: Aid to 255,000 Jewish tnen, women and children — including food, ehelter, medical care, vocational training, other constructive help. In US.A.t Assistance to 10,000 refugees, here or expected.


Slv® much moro—So oavo more lives

Receives Ifs Support From Hie

Jewish Philanthropies Campaign in Omaha


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