V..1 VI Wi 11 Vol. A I ^ - N o . 31
Publication Office. 101 Ko. aOlk onwlia. NcJirusleu. Plume 3-K-I3M.
Second Class Pustule Paid nt Omaliii. Nebr
/iMAir\ OMAHA,
Single Copy 10 Cents An mi a) Rate 4 Dollars
Koliert (<r«Ks, Carol ICOSCIIIMIIIII, bteve M a n us lf>ad Youth Campaign.
Irene SnljOB and Sloven Marcus will serve an Youth Council Co-Chairmen in tho 19li2 Jewish Philanthropies Campaign, Robert JI. Felnberg, its General Chnirirrnii, announced toilny. Irene is tin? daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kal>es ami Steven is the sun of Mr. untl Mrs. Nathan Murcus. Carol I'.ospnbamn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, JI. W. Rosi'nbaum anil Robert Gross, sun ot Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Gross, who led the
Women of Beth Israel as Hostesses Women of Both Israel Sisterhood .served as hostesses at tho annual cilywlde Catherine of the women's division of the Jewish Philanthropies on1 Wednesday, April 4, at their synagogue. The following w o m e n who served under the direction of Mrs. Harold Zellnsky, food and ho.slc.sg chairman, wore: Mmcs. Henry Appel, Gilhert AronotC, Sam Bcrninn, Irving Cliarney, Michael Cohen, Izadoro Elewitz, Alfred Frank, Sidney Goldberg, David Hiihn, Ernest Ilochstcr, Nathan Kaplan, -Sam Kaplan, Sidney Katleman, Sam Katzmau, Martin' Kolm, Nathan Mnrcu.i, David Lewis, William Poster, Max Rcizbaum, Morris' Rudcrmnn, Stanley Shapiro, Harry Sidnrnn, Harold Sieyel and Harold Zelinsky.
Youth Council campaign in 10G1. will he the grand marshals, this year. Howard Halm, Youth Council president, said that the campaign will wind up with "flying colors" under such capable leadership. Tho newly appointed foursome stated "they, were looking forward to a thorough orientation p r o g r a m and successful campaign, this year." "We know," they concluded, "that all the clubs will Rive tho 'drive their fullest cooperation this year." Club captains will be announced next week, -A Youth Council. Rally will 1m held at the Civic Auditorium Assembly Hall on May fi.
The Philanthropies Campaign was a priority subject at the coffee for the Business and Professional Women's workers at (lie home of Mrs. Norman Ilahu, a co-chairman of the. general Women's Division, • Appearing In th<^ plrttire are the Captains, the Misses Elalno Arenson, Sylvia Parllman, Julia ZuIHT! Mines. Flo Ilrookslein, Alice Ileegcr and Josef Mayer. Workers shown In the picture are tho Misses Hesse Blank, Judith Colin, I,co (ireenhcrg, i:\el.\n I/evy: Mines. DavM Keeker, Ifisiilnrn Ilnnsky, David Oreenlierj;, Julia Jacobs, Abe. Ulopiwr, M. V. ljovensi>n, Abo Mozer, Julius Newman, Krtwfn IJosenblutt, Jennie Koscnhlatt, Philip D. Schwartz, I-ouIs Sohrin, nnd Ann Hosliln. Workers not present: Misses Rebecca Bercovicl, Dorothy Roscnthal, Ida Spring, Dorothy Welwr; Mmes. Sarah I'eltman, (Jraco Iconic, Sol Mlroff, Uosu Schilt, Herman White and Marian Yaviitz. • Also appearing': Miss Elizabeth J. Hart, Business and Professional Women's Chairman; Miss Kaliili Franklin, Kxecnfito Secretary; Mrs. Joseph S. Guss, Women's General Chairman and Mis. David 13. Hcl>er, and Mrs. Ilahn, Women's Division co-clialrnicn, — ~ —— • '——• : ' Mrs. J. Harry Kulakoftky, community leader, will be the guest .speaker at the annual cacUA&Us u p p e r of the
Alvin Afiramson Asks [Manpower Support in Men's Division Unit A preliminary list of Captains In the General Men's Division was announced this week hy Alvin Abnunson, Division Chairman of the Jewish Philanthropies' Campaign. "So far, eigh- / '• teen men h avc ave / agreed to ivoik / ns C a p t a i ns In ," the Men's Di\ ision. We expect a f few more to vol- .{ teer as Captains ft Our hope is to build up an army of workers who will c o v e r our prospects cf f e c- Abnunson
th'ely and sj>ccdily," Abramson said. Captains The following have nccepted assignments as Captains: Jay Chnsen, Irving Epstein, Stanley Fcinberg, Albert Feldman, Dr. Leon Fellman, Richard Feliman, Bernard Grcenberg, H o w a r d Kooper, Rueben Lippett, Alan Nogg, Krnle Nojrg, Harold Novak, David Kice, Yale Richards, Bernard Ruben, Earl Siegel, Stewart Tully, and Richard Wintroub. Additional captains will be announced shortly. Workers Needed In the meantime, Abramson
announced that mobilization of workers for the Men's Division is proceeding with all p o s s i b l e speed. "We have the largest number o£ prospects in our Division. To reach every one of them, and tell them the dramatic story of Uiis year's campaign, will require a large army of workers," Abramson stressed. "We hope that many will volunteer to help put this campaign over." An important luncheon of the Captains will be held on Friday noon, April 6, at the Jewish Community Center. All captains are expected to attend this meeting.
"Many Hioownda esro bracking through the barriers of eouarrks tobm th«y ere danfed equality of ricjhH cr prospocta" —Robert hi. f^Hnbsrg, Genera) Campaign Chairman, om• "We mutt balp iheia ra«U hrasl ond llvo doeentty. wofthlp J' "Oef Jswhfi Miictnthtoptei Campaign raises ths funds for responte wilt «M> UHifttfr-JtMtfc'AppMl.'A - — "' bo "• commonlty tor rafie tfie ' * fnm jsywy - mmher of hat, and bringing
Business and Prof e s sional Worn- ( en's Division of)} the Jewish Phil- ' anthropies Campaign, Miss E\iz- I abeth J. Hart, its • c h a ir-m a n, an-' nounccd. The affair will be held \ Wednesday, April 11 at tho Jewish j _ Community Cen- Kulakofiiky tor. Supper will follow a 5.30 p.m. cocktail hour. First Women's Chairman Mrs. Kulakofsky, whose time has been dedicated to community service, has the distinction of. being the first chairman of a Women's Division of the Philanthropies Campaign In Omaha in 1930. She accepted the same post in 3939, nnd since then has served on the advisory board of the women's Division of the Campaign. Three Trips to Israel A visitor to Israel on-three occasions, Mrs. Kulakofsky is familiar with the many problems involved with the "bringing and settling" of newcomers in Israel. A frequent traveler, she and Mr. Kulakofsky recently returned from an extended touv o? South America where they met many prominent Jewish leaders. '1959 Woman of the Year* Mrs. Kulakofsky has been identified with "service" in many fields and was chosen Woman of the Year in 1959 by B'nai B'rilh Women. She has been active in every Israel endeavor as well as In Jewish community and religious projects. She has received many other honors of. distinction. She is well-known for her participation in civic affairs. Plans Completed "Ouf members have organized their plans and are lootong lotward to completing their part <rf (•Continued on Page Z.\
Page Two The Jewish Press Published weekly on Friday beginning the last wetk In August through second wecU In July. Seccnd Class Postcje Paid a! Omaho, Ncbr. Annual Subscription, i4 CO. Advertising Rates on Application. Publication Office—101 No. i&llj Sirccf, Omaha, Ncbr, Phone 3-42-lj^A.
COMMUNITY SKKVICK The annual memorial service for the millions lost during the Hitler holocaust will be held Sunday, April 15, at the Beth Israel Synagogue.
Mr. Joseph Haykin wishes to thank all of his friends and relatives who g r e e t e d him with Rifts, c o n t r i It u lions, Hethelnranis und e a r d 8 on his'92nd IJirllnlay.
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An "unequivical and enlightened sUtnd" on religious discrimination ia housing on the part of Omaha Kcal Kstate Board received national attention in a report on discrimination against Jews in America published hy the Anti-Defamation League of B'nal U'rilli, it has been announced by Millard Rosenberg, chairman of the Omaha ADL Committee. The report ciles the Omaha Real Kstiitc Board for its unique and pioneering action in adopting a resolution, in 1959, condemning use of discrimination In the sale of rental of houses because of religion.
Candlelight, G;31 p.m. Beth Israel: Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Eli Kfigan and the Beth Israel choir will conduct the Late Friday Evening Family services at 8 p.m. Traditional Friday evening services (Kobolus Shabbos) begin at 6:40 p.m. .Shabbos morning services begin at 8:45 a.m. Junior Congregation at 10 a.m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud class at 6:25 p.m. Shabbos Mincha at 6:45 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at 7:35 p.m. Sunday morning services bei;in at 9 a.m. Junior Minyon starts at 8:30 a.m. Mincha at 6:50 p.m. B'ruil Jarofo Adrm Yeshuron: Friday Mincha, 6:20 p.m.; Saturday services, 8:45 a.m. and Mincha at 6:30 p.m., followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at 6:30 p.m. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 6 p.m.
1018 FARM AM
Temple Israel: The last in the Sabbath Discussion Series will be held following worship, Friday at 8:15 p.m. Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks will lead the discussion which will be an "Open Forum" —Your Rejoinders and Further Questions." Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner and Temple Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin will participate in the sen-ices. Refreshments will be served immediately following services. Saturday morning services for adults and religious school at 11:30 a.m. Men of the congregation will meet Sunday at 10 a.m. for coffee with Rabbi Brooks who will lead an informal discussion. The Temple will recess its religious School April 21 and 22 and its Hebrew classes on April 16 through April 19.
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Passover Products Sirs. Dave Wino (Marlon) wishes to thank her friends and relatives for contributions to charity In her name, cards, flowers, and gilts while sho wag In the hospital and convalescing ut home.
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Beth El: Sabbath eve services Really Per at Beth El Synagogue will begin Delicious . . . . . . . Lb. this evening nt 8:15. Rabbi Mycr S, Krlpko will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the 16-ox. Package Each Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Traditional Sabbath morning services will begin at 8:30. FamSabro Wrapped ily Service will begin at 10:30. Mincha-Maariv services will beCello Pfcg. Ea. gin at 6:30 p.m. Sunday morning services begin nt 9:00. Services during the week Manischewife are held at 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 and Streits p.m.
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With the Home Folks News and liappmlncii at The Dr.
Philip Hh.T JIUIHII Hume fur tile Aged by David Orliow.
Flowers this week wore received from Mr. and Mrs. Allen Zalkin on the occasion of the Bar Milzvith of their son, Mark. Temple Israel also donated flowers. TIio Omaha Alc-Sar-Ut-u Clinpter of tho Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Burlier Shop Quartet Sinking in America, under the direction of Georfle ISoand cnlortnined our residents recently. Bud Bi(;hnm, chapter president, .served as master of ceremonies. Dr. ami Mro. Edward MalaBliorlt (;nvo a Kidduslv In honor of the Bar Mtzvali of their son, Mark. .Take A. Gross, Mark's grandfather, Is a resident at the Home. Entertainers at tho Bikur Cho]Im I'urim party at the Homo were: Mrs. Al Crounse, Nathan Martin, Ale Schneider, and Joo Kadinowskl. Tim Jl'nnl ll'ritlt, Henry Mon«ky Chapter No. 470 entertained our residents on Sunday on the occasion of Rrothcrhnod Week. Mrs. Hose Ginshurg was in charge of the program. Our rabbinical visitor this week Was Rabbi David Knrh. New Itosldent: Paul Frlede], In Memorlam: Sarah Minkln. Yahiv.cll: S p e c i a l memorial services were held in tho Home synagogue for the following, the anniversary of whose death falls during the month of Nisan: Nisan 9—(April 12)—Gussle Graelz; Nisan 15—(April 19)—Dr. Manuel Grodinsky and Yenla Somit; Nisan 17—(April 21)—Morris None; Nisan 18— (April 22) — Morris Gross; Nisan 21—(April 25)—Tema Bush.
Births Mr. and Mrs. Harry L, Lewis announce the birth of a .son, Craig Allen on March 27. They fire also the parents of a son, S t ev en Kenneth. Grandparents are Mi', anil Mrs. Charles Litt of New York City. Mr. mid Mrs. lion Swartz of Dcs Moines, la., announce Hie birth of their first child, David Abraham on March 2H. Mrs. Swartz is the former Joyce Canar of Omaha. Grandparents are Mr. anrl Mrs. Mose Swarlz of Des Moines, la. and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Canar. Great urundparcnts are Mrs. A. •Stillman of Klsinore, Cal. and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Canar. G'ornliiisker Sports SlagCornhu.sker Lodge B'nai B'rilh will hold its annual spring sports Stag Wednesday evening, April 11, at 7 p.m., at the new Sehimmel Indian Hills Inn. G u e s t speaker will be Tech High School basketball coach Neil Mosser.
(Continued from Page 1.) the campaign," reported Mis.s Hart. "Kveryone in our campaign corps Is enthused and prepared to achieve a record. We hope lo see every member Wednesday. We will have an outstanding program." Fashion Show Fashions by 'J'opp's, arranced by Mrs. Flo Brookslein, will be featured in a style show during the e v e n i n g. Mrs. Phil D. Schwartz is in charge of its direction and securing models. Miss Myrtle Freeman will be food chairman. Invitations have been extended to all women in this group.
Tiie Young Judaean groups of Omaha will be hostesses to the Sioux City, Iowa clubs Sunday, April 8, at a 1 p.m. luncheon, at the Jewish Community Center. Members unable to attend tiie luncheon are invited to the 2 o'clock meeting which will be followed by a conducted tour through Joslyn Memorial,
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Borsheim's Jewelry Co. 324 So. 16th St.
Iilluir Chollin Election The Bikur Chollin organization will elect officers following a dessert luncheon meeting on Monday, April 9 at 12:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center.
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PASSOVER CARDS BAR and Ban Mltzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holldayi and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge.
Staff fnetudei Tom White, Owner Mill Betty Lombardo and Mill Cammy Ron . "M!i» Be«y"--Manlcurii» (Formerly With tho Town Home)
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Page Four
Bar am! Bas iiizvafi All friends and relatives are Invited to Btt-iiiil biTvlces and reception.
;;eiieral public and invitations "l>t Flow IT Speak" Tlii-nir have been issued to ull churches Fur IJctli I*r;.<l Affair BAR MITZVAII Let Flowers .SjM-ak for Ilelir;- throughout the cily. J'OSTJ'ONKH Jous Festive OceasiniLS will l>e tin? The Bar Mitzvah of Turn Kirtheme of tlic i>tli Israel .Sister- Ciiriiliusl.tr Il'iial .shenhaum, son of Mr. and Mis. hood ineelin;.;. Tuesday, April 10, U'ritli, April !l as cuuiouiii-i'd by Mrs. Reuben The w i) in e n of Cornhusker Joseph Kirslienbaum, scheduled Ratncr, program chairman. Chapter li'nai H'rilh will hold for April 7 has been postponed For r e s e r v a tions call .Mr:;. their annual election M o n d a y , because of illness and will be celePhilip I.ubman, Mrs. Jlyman Lulj- April 9, at the Blackstone Hotel brated on Friday, May 4 at Temman, Mrs. Joseph Frank. fit 8:30 p.m. ple Israel. * • • A film dealing with c a n c r Belli El to Feature will be shown aUo. A discussion Fund Diwussiun arid question period will be conJeff Greeiilierger, son of Mr. ducted by Dr. Maurice Schwartz. and Mrs. Bernard fireenberger, : A •Tuesday, AfirU 10 breakfast meeting of tin? Beth F.I .Sisterof Grand Island, will observe his hood will feature a panel of wom- Spring GolUUnn Bar Mitzvah on Saturday mornen from tiie Urban Lenpue Guild 'Hie Holiday Dancing Club will ing, April 7, at Beth Kl Synaspeaking on "America's legacy" hold its spring cotillion, Saturday gogue at the 10:30 Service. at 9:30 a.m. in the Social Hall. evening. April 7, at the lilackGuests will he neighbors ami Mone Hotel. MARILYN MANN friends of members, presidents of IMISBII: .uiovunsox P-TA and principals of the OmaJUDYSIRKF ha high schools, and members of Group Bas Mitzvah of Marilyn the C l a i r e Methodist and St. John's .A.M.hV churches. Brian Soiref. C o n t r a 1 Hi.'.'h Mann, daught.fr of Mr. and Mrs. , Panel members are Mrs. Carl School Register took third place Sol Mann; D e b b i e Meyersori, A. Peterson, inoileralor, Mrs. Gil- in the best news story category daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo bert Rose, Mrs. Margaret St. at the journalism awardi. ban- Meyerson: and Judy Siref, daughClair, and Mrs. Jl. F. Jenkins. quet • for area high1 school slu- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Siref, Jn honor of the Passover holi- dents sponsored by the Univers- will be .celebrated on Friday, April 13 at Belli Israel Synaday which begins on April 19, ity of Omaha. gogue. there will be ,i Passover Table of Interest arranged by Mrs. liichThe NFTY cultural dinner will ard Martin. Program chairman be held at the home of Mr, and LKK FKLTMAN of the day is Mrs. Phil Katzman. Mrs. Stanley Mayper, 6477 Cum- JON SLOAN Jon Sloan, son of Mr. and Mrs. * • • ing Street, on Sunday, April 8, Lre Sloan, and I/ j e Feltman, son Baduwah Omtj Hiinhhat at 4 p.m. . Members of the Omaha ChapRabbi. Sidney H.-.Brooks will of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Feltter Hadassah will be guests lit Ji-ad the discussion on "The Road man, will each become Bar Milzvah. on Friday evening, April l.'i, an Oneg Shnbbat on Saturday, to the Abyss." April 14 at the Sheraton KonCo-hostess™ will be Mrs. and Saturday morning, April 14, tcnelle, at 1:30 a.m. followed by Harry Altsnler, and Mrs. Henry nl Temple Israel. tea. "Dolls For Democracy" will f MARSHALL BRICK be shown and narrated by Mrs. STl'ART FKRLMKTKK Sidney Kafleman and Mrs. Sam Katzman. Mrs. Harry Sidman is Mr. and Mrs. Morris Brick angeneral chairman for the annual MKS. M.VK(;.\ItKTFI.\K nounce Ihe Bar Mitzvah of their .'. event. Funeral services for Mrs. Mar- son. Marshall Brick, and Mr. and * • » garet Fink; .r>3, of 002-1 Under- Mrs. Floyd Perimeter announce '3'anel of Americans" wood Avenue, who died Saturday, the liar Mitzvah of their son, at Temple Luncheon were held Monday at Both Ml Stuart Perimeter, on Saturday "A Panel of Americans" com- Synagogue. Burial was in J'eth F,| morning. April 14, at Beth KI posed of Omahans, will be pre- Cemetery. Sn\ii:'o';ue, at the 10:30 Service. sented on the program at the Surviving are husband, Bardessert luncheon m e e t i n g of ney, daughter, Mrs. K. Robert RONAM) RriJIN Temple Israel Sisterhood on Tues- Newman and three grandchildren Bar Mitzvah of Ronald Rubin, day, April 10, at 1 p.m. at the of Omaha; sisters, Mrs. Morion, FOII of Mr. and Mrs. Harold RuTemple. Richards, Omaha; Mrs. Sam C. bin, will be celebrated on SaturIts members wil be Mrs. Ben- Beber, Park Forest, 111.; Mrs. day, April 14, at Beth Israel nett Stalvey, jr., moderator; Mrs. Philip Klutznick, New York City, .Synagogue. Hiram Sturges, Protestant; Sis- N. Y., brothers. Max and Heiii-y ter Mary Catherine, Catholic; Riekes, both of Omaha. Craig Miller, son of Dr. and Mrs. Claude II. Organ, jr., Ne;;ro Mrs. Dan Miller was awarded the Race and Mrs. Yale Trustin, Jewrank of Kagle Scout, at the IIAICKY TURKICL ish. Funeral services for II a r r y Kagle Court of Honor, presented I3aby sitter service will be Turkel, 64, of 3338 Webster, who by Mesca District, C o v e r e d available and reservations can died Monday, were held Tuesday Wagon Council. be made by calling Temple Israel, at the Jewish Funeral Home. 55G-653G, or Mrs. Jacob Ucrs, Burial was in Pleasant Hill Ceme- SISTKKS SIKKT FIISST 55J-7581. TIMK IN 23 YKAKS tery. Reservations are open t o the Surviving are wife, Rose, sons, Guests at the home of Mr. and Norman E., Park Forest, 111., Dr. Mrs. Harry Wcissman tliis past Stanley, Los Angeles, Cal.; 6 week were Mr. and Mrs. Julius grandchildren; brothers, Louis, Weiss of Newark, N. J. Tlie ocDavid; sisters, Mrs. Buel Drubin, casion was the first meeting in Los Angeles, Cal., Mrs. Frieda 22 years for Mrs. Weiss-man and Hj C'.v Seitelilclf Katz, Forest Hills, N. Y. Mrs. Weiss, sisters.
Friday, April 6, 1BG8 Mother's Food Products, Inc., announces tlie introduction of its Old Fashioned bor&cht in a Frances Knnan r e c e i v e d a handsome new carafe, and desscholarship award at the Uni- cribes it as (he "drink with lota versity of Michigan. She Is the of everything but calories." daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Knnan.
Bonni Fisk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fisk is on the honors list at Wells College, Aurora, N. Y.
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"Mom, you prepare the rest of tlie meal and I'll bring Motlier's All Wliitefisli Cefilfe Fish. You know, cWling, Mother's paclci real wholesome, homemade flavor right into the jar. Yes, Mom, well spend a wonderful Holid.iv together," KOSHER FOR PASSOVEH
ALL WHITEFISH GEFBLTE FISH Write for free GffiHe FUh recipe fotder. "Ddiclout Dally Dining."
.SOFTBALI, The Jewish Cominunlly Center Varsity Softball team will again compete in the Omaha Softball Association city leagues this year. The Center crew will play . in the "Slow Pitch" league, with games scheduled for Monday nights. Tlie Jay team will field a 15 man team and should lie ready for loop games, starting in late April. A meeting of team candidates will be held at the Center on Thursday, April 12, at 7:'50 p.m. Anyone interested in playing for the team should contact Cy Seitchick at the Physical Education Office, 342-1366. VOLLEYBALL The J.C.C. Varsity Volleyball team, playing Tuesday and Wednesday of last week won nine games against three set-backs to run their season record to 27-9, in the Midwest A.A.TJ. Volleyball loop. The J a y team is In second place in league standing. Games Jast week were played .against the YMCA, Storz, Omaha Athletic Club and Offutt Air Force Base. The league will culminate in the middle of April with a tournament t o determine the champions. The J.C.C. with torrid spiking from Llndy Paul, Jim Fellows and Orvel Milder are a serious threat for the title. ; • • ; . •
-c-c Onmhuns Non-Resident 1st Session—.June 2 4 - J u l y 4 $ 75.00 $ 85.00 2nd Session—.July 4 - J u l y H 75.00 Ji'i.OO Full Season—Juno 24 - J u l y 14 140.00 100.00 Tho fee include!) all laundry, Kncclnl c a m p health and uecld e n t Insurance plus t r a n s p o r t a t i o n between c a m p and O m a h a .
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