April 20, 1962

Page 1


V( J. XL—No. 8!!

Publication Office. 101 No. 20t.h Omiilia. Nebraska. Phone 312-13G6


* ^

Lieutenants Picked For Youth Council Lieutenants who will serve with the Youth Council section of the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign were announced today hy the organization's cochairmen, Irene Sabos and Steven Marcus. Named arc the captains with their lieutenants:

Louis Rich, University of Omaha sophomore, will be College Youth Division Chairman of the Jewish Philanthropies, Robert M. Feinberg, Genorul Campaign Chairman, announced. In accepting the appointment, Rich said University students are constantly reminded of the many problems facing the world. He said, "that Jewish students especially are aware of the hardships faced by those of their faith trying to reach Israel. I know that the universtiy students of Omaha will do all they can to aid in this important task." Rich is president of Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity and was on the Dean's Honor list, last semester. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gene RiclL

Swimming Honors To Dick Siosburg Dick Siosburg, 12, placed first in the 50-yard butterfly, in the city-wide swimming meet of junior high students. He also was a member of the medley relay team which placed third. Dick is a student at Lewis and Clark Junior High School and Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Siosburg.

AZA Ho. 1—Capfain Harold Schneider, Lts. Marshall Abrams, Steven flofltjchwal, Donald Fox, Harry Friedman, Ronald Kalman, Bruco Potter* Marlon Rlnmicrman, and Ronald Stein; AZA Wo. 100—Captain Carl Rlckes— Us.: Richard Engle, Joe Ernian, Ira Flclshoc Sheldon Perclman, Kenneth Trctlak. AZA Ho. 1000—Captain Stove Kaplan, Lts. Richard Diamond, Richard Kasteln, Tdomai Fellman, Marc Kaplan, Michael Sherman Jeffery Simon, . Robert Welnslcla. Raylm—Captain Steven 5aylan, Us. Louis Ctmnovlc, David Forbes, Jerry Fcrcnstcln, Uoyd Roltsteln, Jerry Schnei dor, Stuart Smith, t'dward Trellor, Frank Wfntroub; Edlar—Captain Sandra Parllman, Lts. Carol Altsulcr, Jonl Brooksteln, Barbara GIvot, Frank lo Harding, Sharon Koorn, Rochclle Lipp, Suwn Maklesky Terry Milder and Linda RIekes. Hevrah— Ctiptaln, Susan KaUman, Us. Barbara Chudacotf, Linda Gratf/, Janice (tkln, MarIcno Schreibcr, Cheryl Stern, Judy Strauss; Rohanue—Captain Gayle Render, Lts, ^AIthello Aronoff, Glatne Blnamow, Marsha Cohen, Fran Grossman, Helen KaU. Paula Moaiamln, Ellen I/loss, Joyce Render, Helen© Ruback, Judy Sherman, Ellen Zelenshy; UnafflHafw—boys Captain Robert 51u&ky. Lts, Douglas Kasan, Jim K/asno, AJcx Orkouv, Richard Sp leg lemon and UnaffMlated-fltrls Contain Lora Freeman, and Lts. Judy Sleajcr and Nina Beber,


Second CIUES Postafic Paid at Omaha. Kebr

ge copy 10 C'enti Animal Rate 4 Dollars



l ° _.- iilonths of this year some 25 Stirring, b r . .. <i to thousand have found a hanews has been us. We luistcn u> tell you ven in Israel, coming by ship about the new miracle that and plane. is taking sliapc. Within t h i s year, some Jews are on the move 90 thousand immigrants arc again . . . from countries expected to reach Israel's which we cannot mention by shores, which is the o n l y name . . . where millions of country open wido to receive our people languish. They them as brothers. are coining from behind varBut they cannot come unious curtains after years and less Jewry will provide the years of waiting and hoping. means—unexpected colossal Coming by Ship and Piano sums—to make possible their Now at last t h e y are passage, and their settlebreaking through . . . and ment. With your help, homes Jews again begin their ex- will bo provided. odus. In the first t h r e e Must Act Now!

A program is being planned for the Youth Council rally on Sunday, May 6 at the Assembly Hail of the Civic auditorium.

[tees! Boy Explorers The call is out for fellows who like to hike and rove to fill out the Explorers Club that meets each Sunday afternoon at the Jewish Community Center from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. The group leaves the Center and is transported to places of interest via station wagon and then on foot. The fee for the series of Sunday sessions is $2 with registration being accepted at the Center either by phone or in person at the sessions. Future exploring sessions will take boys to Fontenelle Forest, Blair, Nebraska, fossil excavntions near Plattsmouth and other sites of unusual interest.

Wo Jews who are free must act now. No one can predict how long the Exit Gates may be open. We cannot, therefore, let pass this fateful hour for the deliverance of our pcopfc f r o m DARKNESS into LIGHT— the light of liberty which you and wo enjoy. Rescue of Our People This task of redemption and rebuilding of lives requires greater giving on our part—greater giving of money, time, energy, and love. But the rescue of our people from distressed areas of the world is not our only responsibility. Our J e w i s h P h i I a n t hropics Campaign covers local, national and overseas needs. We appeal for a most generous response to the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign. And above all, wo need tremendous sums for the Redemption of Jews who are now Captives in lands of oppression. We must make that response— not later when it will bo too late, hut now, when the new EXODUS is taking place. Robert M. Fcinherg General Campaign Chairman Isadora M. Tretink Initial Gifts Chairman Alvin Abramson General Men's Chairman Mrs. Joseph S. Guss Women's Division Chairman Louis Rich University Chairman Irene, Sabes Steve Marcus YouthLondon Council Co-Chairmen Prof. Testing

Children—Hypnosis Prof. Perry London, a member of the University of Illinois staff and former Omahan, is working under a $50,000 grant from the Public Health Service to try and determine if susceptibility of children to hypnosis changes as they grow older. A psychologist, Prof. London, is testing children in the Champaign-Urbana, 111. area. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Max London.

NAMED TO OFFICE Morris E. Jacobs, Omaha Advertising a g e n c y head, was named a vice-president of the Junior Achievement program,

SfssSes, and Circle flie World Through Your Jewish Philanthropies Confrebufion—Robert M. Feinberg "Agencies and institutions in Omaha, the United States, Israel, and around toe world are beneficiaries of our United Jewish Philanthropies Campaign, Robert M. Feinberg, General Chairman of the 1962 Drive, underscored this week, as the campaign Is entering its active period. "In response to requests for a listing of all the beneficiaries of the Campaign, we are publishing the names of all agencies which are included in our major Jewish community campaign of the year," Feinberg said.

Omaha Agencies Beth Et Synagogue Religious Schools , Beth Israel Synagogue Religious Schools Temple Israel Religious Schpola Camp Jay-C-C Scholarships Dr. Philip Sher Home for Aged Family Welfare and Medical Aid Jewish Education Bureau and Library Jewish Community Center Mikvah Religious Transients Capital Repairs on Federation Buildings

Defense Agencies American Jewish Committee « American Jewish Congress Anti-Defamation League, B'nai B'ritb Jewish Labor Committeo Nat'l Community Relations Council S3J32S

Our. Jewish community would become a philanthropic "jungle," if agencies listed below would embark upon separate and individual campaigns, Mr. Feinberg stressed. Through our united Philanthropies campaign, with the help of every member of the community, both through contributions of funds and help in the various campaign divisions; and with increased contributions at every level, the campaign will succeed in raising the funds so urgently needed.

Hospitals American Medical Center, Denver Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospital, Hot Springs National Jewish Hospital, Denver

Religious Seminaries Combined Campaign for Reform Judaism Hebrew Theological College, Chicago Jewish Theological Seminary, New York Yeshivah University, New York Minor Religious Institutions in U.S.


B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundations B'nai B'rith Youth Organization (AZA, BBG) B'nai B'rith Vocational Service Dropsle College Histadrut Irvrit Jewish Braille Institute Jewish Chautauqua Society

National Services American Assoc. for Jewish Education Council of Jewish Federations and Funds National Jewish Welfare Board Synagogue Council of America

Overseas and Israel United Jewish Appeal United Jewish Appeal Special Emergency American-Israel Cultural Foundation Hadassah Youth Aliyah v Hebrew University in Israel Israel Institute of Technology National Committee for Labor Israel National Council of Jewish Women Pioneer Women's Organization United Hias Service Yeshivot in Israel . ,


Page Two


Friday, April 20, 1962


Bar and Bas i i Published lvuckly on Friday beginning flio last week In August' tliroiij;Ii second ivcclt in July. Second Class Poifopo Pold at Omor.o, rlebr. Annual Subscription, 54 00 Advertising Rates on Appllcolkm. Publication Oflrce—101 llo. I0:n Slree!, Omuho, Nebr. PhCiie 2-tM3i6.


R@!igi©U9 Services


Camllelighting—G:I9 Temple Israel: Sabbath services will he held at 8:15 p.m. Friday evening, with Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks, officiating. ''Two Forms of Redemption— Two outstanding leaders of Committee of the Supreme lodge Passover-Easter Dialogue" B'nai B'rith women will arrive and is vice-president, of the The is the subject of the sermon on Sunday for four days of organi- B'nai B'rith Youth Commission. which Rabbi Brooks will preach. zation activities In charge of leadership workCantor Manfred F. Kuttne'r including chapter t?>t> i . . ) shops will be Mrs. Alfred E. and Temple Choir under the dii n s t allations of f *" _ ,*, $J, j ^ Lakin of Detroit, Mich., current- rection of Miss Ida Gitlin will ly second vice-president of B'nai participate in the service. officersand^v workshops. %• B'rith Women District No. G and Concluding services for Passd i s t r i c t consultant. She has over will be held at 5:15 p.m. in M r s. L o u i s ' Perlman of Chiserved on the Metropolitan De- the Chapel on Tuesday, April 24. Morning services will be held cago, 111., former -»&<•*' > troit B'nai B'rith Council and n a t i o n a l presiEBYO and ADL regional boards. nt 11 a.m. on Wednesday, April d e n t , will conMrs. Perlman and Mrs. Lakin 25. duct installation will be present at a meeting of Belli Kl: Sabbath eve services ceremonies forj the B'nai B'rith Youth organiza- this evening at 8:15 p.m. Cantor C o r n h u s k e r' tion, Tuesday, May 1 at 7:30 p.m. Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Chapter on Mon- Mrs. Perlman at the Sheraton-Fontenelle. All day night, April 30, at 8:30 p.m. members of the community are Choir will present their twentysixth annual concert of Jewish and for Henry Monsky Chapter invited to attend. Music. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke on May 2 at a 12:30 p.m. lunchMrs. Max Krizelman and Mrs. will introduce the program. eon. Both events will be held at Gertrude Zneimer, c h a i r m a n The entire service will be deand co-chairman will be in voted to compositions by conthe Blackstone Hotel. charge of Henry Monsky instalMrs. Perlman is now a memtemporary A m e r i c a n Jewish ber of the national Board of lation and Mrs. Paul Rifkin and composers. The c o n c e r - t proGovernors of the Administrative Mrs. Burton Dunevitz will serve gram, following, the service, will as co-chairmen of the Cornhusk- include a variety of folk songs er chapter installation. These in Hebrew, Yiddish and English. women will take reservations It will conclude with the choral for the installation events. setting of Seder Melodies. Traditional Sabbath morning Bldg. Co. services will begin at 8:30. Family service at 10:30 a.m. MinchaWill Offer Soon Maariv will begin at G:45 p.m. MRS, ROSE CO.M1SAR morning services be6202 Sprague—Duplex Funeral services were held ginSunday at 9. April 13 at the Jewish Funeral Also Passover—closing days, TuesHome for Mrs. Rose Comisar, 6206 Sprague—3 Bedrooms 3323 Cuming street, who died day, 7 p.m.; Wednesday, 9 a.m. April 12. Burial was in Pleasant and 7 p.m.; Thursday, early serv6315 Blondo—3 Bedrooms ice, Yiskor, 0:45 a.m.: 9 a.m. Hill Cemetery. 4433 Franklin—3 Bedroomi morning service with Yiskor at Survivors are sons, Alvin and 11 a.m. 65IS Seward—3 Bedroomi Hyman; two grandchildren-sisters, Mrs. Julius Chasanov and WILL BUILD TO SUIT Belli Israel: The Friday eveMrs. Max Magid all of Omaha ning Passover services begin ON YOUR LOT and brother, M a r k Polonsky, at G:45 p.m. The 8 p.m. family Los Angeles, Cal. For Further Information Call service will be resumed on April Sabbath morning services at David Schwalb 558-1472 Patronize Jewish Press Adver- 27. 8:45 a.m. Junior congregation at tisers. 10 a.m. Mincha, 7 p.m. followed by Maariv at 7:50 p.m. Sunday ^••00000090000000000000000000000000008000060000 services at 9 a.m. Concluding Passover services at Tuesday, April 24 at 7 p.m. Services Wednesday, April 25 and Thursday, April 20 at 8:45 a.m. Yiskor service, 10:15 a.m.

B'nai Come for »«_•,

David Schv/aSb


A Happy Passover To the Community! Bakery and Delicatessen

Passover Products 556-5560




B'nai Jacob Adas Yeshuron: Friday Mincha, 0:20 p.m.; Saturday services, 8:45 a.m. and Mincha at 6:30 p.m., followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at 6:30 p.m. Daily services at 7 p.m. and 6 p.m.

Passover Tea for Golden Age Club

Herb and Ruth Forbes

1018 FARM AM

A film, "One God," dealing with all religions, will be shown at a Passover tea for the Golden Age Club, Monday, April 23 at 12:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. Hostesess will be Mmes. Bess Behn, Abe Fisher, Max Slutsky, Hyman Fried, David Epstein, Michael Morris and Morris Nachman. The group is sponsored by the Omaha Section of the National Council of Jewish Women and the Jewish Federation. Council members serving as coordinators are Mmes. J. Milton Margolin, Lou Cutler and Justin Manvitz.

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MAVNAKI) FOKISKS Maynard Forbes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Forbes, will observe his Bar Mitzvah at Beth El Synagogue on Saturday morning, April 21 at the 10:30 service.


KAREN GOTSDINRR JKANKTTE RKINdLAS Mr. and Mrs. Yale Gotsdiner announce the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, Karen and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Reinglas announce the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, Jeanette Reinglas, at both the Friday evening service, April 27th and Saturday morning, April 2f!th, at the 10:30 service at Beth El Synagogue. GVVEN ROBINSON ItOBERT TAREN Gwen Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Robinson, Norfolk, Neb. will become Bas Mitzvah, and Robert Taren, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney .Taren, will become Bar Mitzvah on Friday evening, April 27, and Saturday morning, April 28, at Temple Israel. MARK SIREF Mark Siref, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Siref, will celebrate his Bar Mitzhav Saturday morning, April 28 at Beth Israel Synagogue.

Befit Israel Annual Heeling April 11 The annual meeting of the Beth Israel Congregation will be held Sunday, April 22, at 2 p.m. in the Talmud Torah recreation room. Reports will be given by chairmen and the election of the board of commissioners will be held.

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PASSOVER SPECIAL! FARM HOME DILL PICKLES, Quart Jar PLUM TOMATOES, Quart Jar. SAUERKRAUT, Quart Jar. HUNGARIAN DELUXE, Quart Jar. For Your Convonionco, Wo Will Dolivor on fuosday, April 24. Please Place YourvOrder on Sunday or Monday Open Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Till 6 P.M. Closed Wednesday and Thursday, April 25 <">d U la Observance of Passover -

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Organizations Temple Isrpcl Supper Dance Members of Temple I s r a e l Supper Club are making plans for their second dinner dance, "An Evening in New York," on Saturday, April 28 at the Temple. The evening will start with a champagne hour at 7 p.m. The program will include entertainment by the Lewis-Vann combo. Orvel Milder will be master of ceremonies. Co-chairmen named by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Vann, general chairman are the Messrs. and Mmes. Lawrence Albert, Jerry Dann, Fred Simon, Ted Seldin and jerry Krupinsky. Reservations must be made by calling the Temple office. "This Land We Built" Hndnssah Tea Theme Color slides on "This Land We Built" will be presented and narrated by Mmes. Keith Saunders nnd Saul Graetz at the Hadassah Passover tea, Tuesday, April 21, at 1 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. Tlie music accompanists will be Mines. Harry DuBoff and Marvin Dienstfrey. Tea and social hour will follow the program, Mrs. Ted Sanford,. program chairman, said. An election will follow the report to be made by Mrs. Morris Franklin, nominating committee chairman. Mmes. Morris Stalmaster and Alfred Frank, Jewish National Fund, co-chairmen, also will present reports. Belli I.srael Mother Daughter Ilanquet Beth Israel Talent Revue of 19G2 will be the theme of the annual mother and daughter banquet, Wednesday, May 9 in the synagogue social hall. Chairmen are Mmes. B. Gilbert Aronoff and Jay Stoler. Mrs. Max Kirshenbaum is program chairman. BLAUSTE1N NAMED Philadelphia OTA) — Jacob Blaustein, noted Jewish leader who co-founded with his father the American Oil Company, lias been named to the Advisory Committee on The Jewish Pub* lication Society of America.

for the

SEASON We have Passover butter, sour cream, and milk — Kosher for Passover—under personal supervision of Rabbi Nathan Fcldman.

At Your Door or Favorite Store

Place Your Order NOW! It's lime to turn lit after a busy day at camp . . . but a little conversation first. , •

Call 556-4444 or Your Grocer NOTE: These products are limited in quantity

Openings remaining for 1st Session—June 24-July 4 Openings remaining for 2nd Session—July 4 - July 14

4 29

With 10 weeks remaining before the opening date of the 1902 camping season, fewer than 35 openings are available for boys and girls to register, Norman Batt, Camp Committee Chairman, stated. Parents should register their youngsters now, Batt said, if they want to insure a place at camp for their children this season.

Ask the man who knows about clothes

Camp Jay-C-C, the oldest co-educational camp in Nebraska, meets the high standards of certification as set up by the American Camping Association. In its third decade of camping for Omahans, it is expected to be at capacity again this season, Mr. Batt declared. He reported that youngsters applying after capacity is reached, will be accepted on a waiting list basis only. He added that next season, howexer, "we will be able to accommodate a much larger group of children in the new facilities being constructed near Louisville, Nebr." Registration should be mailed directly to the Camp Office in the Center,

Camp Jay-C-C Rates and Dates Omahnns Non-Resident 1st Session—June 24 - July 4 $ 75.00 $ 85.00 2nd Session—July 4 - July 14 . . . . . . . 75.00 85.00 Full Season—June 24 - July 14 140.00 160.00 - - The fee Includes all laundry, special camp health and accident insurance plus transportation between camp and Omaha.

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We Will Be Serving tho Following Items

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men's clothingarcade level, The Crossroads




Page Four

i:.t Srltrlncl.

AWARD NIGHT The 15th n n n u a 1 "Award Night" will he h<;kl in the Jewish Conmiiinity Center auditorium on Wednesday evening. May lfi at 7:30 p.m., it was announced by Irv Vaffo. Center Athletic Chairman. At that time. Jay athletes will be lionn r e d with awards along with team champions for tlie l!)(il-fi2 program year. Yaffc appointed a committee consisting of Iiticky Greenberg, Yale Trustin, Lintly Paul and Jim Farbar to help organize the program. Morris Franklin is in charge of food and \z Levinson and Sam Ban head the "Hall of Fame" selection committee. Yale Trustin will be Master of Ceremonies for the Award Night program. A guest speaker will be announced soon. VOLLEYBALL "The J.C.C. Varsity volleyball team won five more victories against one defeat.against Benson Community Center and the YMCA at the YMCA courts last •week to run their season record to 35-13. The record was good enough for second place in the final loop standings. A tournament will probably follow to determine the final championship. The Center team in full strength with spikers Lindy Paul, Jim Fellows and Orvel Milder rate as a serious challenge for the title. Rounding out the Center squad are, Les Burk e n r o a d. Iz Levinson. Sherm Poska, Cy Seitchick, Tom Stevens, Ed Kantor, Steve Blooh and Alan Konecky, SOFTBALL The Center Varsity softball team will open league action in the City Slow Pitch loop on Monday, April 23. At this time, only seven play-



Friday, April 20, 1062

Leaders Express 'Dismay' Over U.S. Censure of Israeli Action

At an emergency meeting of Tlie role of the UN is to help crs are reported on the roster. Players interested in playing for the Conference of Presidents of to achieve the goal of p e a c e the "Center team, call C'y Seit- 19 American Jewish Organiza- everywhere In the world. To atchick at the Center Phys. Ed. tions, held April 10, the following tain that goal we express the Office at 3-12-1300. hope that our Government will The roster now includes Allen s t a t e m e n t was unanimously use its power ami prestige and Siegal, Mike Mogel, Bill Gins- adopted: . its position of moral and politburg. Seitchick, Gordon Hollis, We express our dismay anil Lindy Paul, Tom Stevens and disappointment at the Resolution ical leadership in the free world to make it Indisputably clear Jack" Stiss. of the UN Security Council of April 9 censuring Israel for self that continued acts of Arab beldefensive measures against Sy- ligerency will not be tolerated IIANDHAI.L Jack Stiss and Dr. Abe Faier ria. Hits Resolution regrettably in the community of nations. moved into the finals of the sponsored by our Government J.C.C. doubles handball tourney failed to reflect the facts of perEXPERT last Sunday with victories over sistent Syrian provocations, the LAWN SERVICE Lindy Paul and Sherman Poska. declared Arab objective of liquiCall Stiss nnd Fnifr will now meet d a t i n g Israel and continuous Morrie Zorinsky and Will Bloom threats to the citizens and terin the finals, set for this Sun- ritorial integrity of Israel. We day morning at the J.C.C. hand- find a l m o s t incomprehensible, HOW) bail courts. Sixteen players parthis failure to distinguish beticipated in the tourney, which tween acts of aggression and Cornhuskcr Lodge No. 1760 began several weeks ago. self-defense.

Shop through the Jewish Press Ads.


f^rs. Norman Ouchwald 4004 Davenport




Center Radio Glass Starts lex! Friday The Jewish Community Center sponsored class in radio theory and practice will start next Friday at 4 p.m., Harry Sidman, Center Activities Chairman, stated this week. The class, for grade and high school seniors, will meet each Friday in a series of sessions designed to give the members sufficient ability and information to obtain tiieir own novice radio licenses. Registration for the program is by phone confirmation with the Center's Activities department. The fee for the course is $2. Radio group members will be able to send and receive radio messages on the Center's transmitting and receiving station setup for educational purposes.

Peace in the Middle East as elsewhere in the world has long been a declared objective of U. S. policy. Pursuant to that policy our Government has maintained long standing and firm friendship with Israel and with the Arab States. In our view the Security Council Resolution may very well encourage further acts of aggression by the Arab States instead of promoting peace.

ANNUAL SPRING DANCE Blacksfono Hotel May 26 An All Expense Tour for 2 to Loj Angoles Plus Baby Sitting Service

5113 FRANKLIN ST. <;ioft© to Ilrtli Inracl Hynngogut* A quality 5-room brick fn vxcetlopt condition. Tremendous living room with fireplace. Dining room 10x14 ' / j . Finished room In bas»motit with full bath. Air conditioned. Prico reduced for quick sale.

Frances 553-1M0

Reuben 556-1140

Refugees GetPassover Supplies

it's such a joy on a busy day..

Some of the thousands of Jewish refugees from Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria are shown receiving niatzoh at a canteen in Paris supported by the Joint Distribution Committee, for Passover observances. Close to 7,500 Jews from the four North African countries registered with Jewish welfare organizations in France for assistance in the last half of 1961. JOC has sent nearly 190,000 pounds of niatzoh and other Passover supplies to France and other European countries for distribution to needy families. JDC receives funds for its world-wide relief and rehabilitation programs from the campaigns of the United Jewish Appeal, which In turn is given funds in Omaha through its Jewish Philanthropies Campaign.

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