April 27, 1962

Page 1







Vol. XL—No. 81

Pubiicuiiun w r i t e . 101 No. aoth Omahu. Nubrasitu. Phone 3-12-1.1GC



May 3 Election Day for Women

Youth Cou tin Rally May 6

The Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs will elect officers for the year 19G2 and 1%3 on Thursday, May 3, following a 12::30 p.m. luncheon at the Jewish Community Center, Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, president, announced. Installation ceremonies will be conducted by Mrs. Henry A. Newman, who served as Women's Federation president during 195G-1058. The Nominating Committee consisted of: Mrs. Mike Freeman, chairman; Mines. Alfred Frank, Ernest A. Nogg, Morton Richards, Louis Sogolow and Nathan Turner.

The Assembly H a l l of the Omaha Civic Auditorium will bo the scene of ardent campaign action on Sunday, May G as the Jewish Youth Council Division of the 19G2 P h i l a n t h r o p i e s , swings into high gear. The Youth rally will begin at 7:30 p.m. Irene Sabcs and Steven Marcus, Youth Division co-chairmen, said they anticipate a large turnout and hope to surpass the 19G1 goal of $1,300. Featured on the evening's pro-, gram will be a talk by Robert M. Feinberg, General Chairman of the Drive. The campaign theme adopted by the 1952 youth group is "Buy A Ticket to Change Their Future," it' was reported by Marshals Carol Rosenbaum and Robert Gross. It is hoped, they said, every Yoilth Council member attend the affair.

Alvin Abramson, Chairman of the General Men's Division of the Jewish Philanthropies Cam- Jewish Leader Gives paign, announced that the first Captain's Report Luncheon, will New School in Mexico Mexico City OTA) — Highest be held Friday, April 20, at 12 noon at the Jewish Community officials of the Mexican Government, led by President Adolfo Center. Captains and their teams havo Lopez Mateo, attended the dedibeen making every effort to cation of a new Industrial School cover their cards, Mr. Abram- building, completely equipped, donated to the State of Estado son said. "I anticipate a fine response," do Mexico by Elias Sourasky, he added, "and urge every cap- prominent banker and welltain to be present so that we known Zionist leader here. can plan for any future action." Mr. Sourasky established a "Knowing the determination mortgage bank in Israel several of these men, and their aware- years ago; created scholarships ness of the great needs for to the Hebrew University at funds, we can aim for an early Jerusalem; and is a staunch supcompletion of our part in the porter of Hebrew educational campaign," he pointed out. institutions in this country.

Registrations Are Open For Center Day Camp An expanded Day Camp under the sponsorship of the Jewish Community C e n t e r was announced this week by Harry Sidman, the Center Committee Chairman. Sidman, in announcing the new six week day camping season, that is to start Juno 18 and run through July 27, stated that the Day Camp will take advantage of the spacious grounds and facilities of Peony Park with transportation being provided to and from five basic pickup points. The . bus locations include the Center, 62nd and Underwood, Beth El and Beth Israel Synagogues and Temple Israel. Program for Pre-School The Day Camp provides well supervised group experiences for boys and girls between the ages of C and 12. A special halfday long Pre-School Day Camp for those 5 and under, develops children's interests and assists In their orientation to group Bctivities. Directing the Day Camp will be Seymour Seitchick, Center Physical Education Director. A selected staff supervises the day campers in a well balanced program, while nutritious noon meals are provided. Brad EpBtein, a sophomore at the University of Omaha, will assist in coordinating the programs of the Day Camp while Ken Law, a senior d e n t a l student at Creighton will bead the Nature Lore Activities. Mary Beth Mey-

ers, a Red Cross swimming instructor and a junior at the University of Omaha in education, will be in charge of the Day Camp's aquatic activities. Mark Bouganim, a veteran Day Camp staffer, will once again head the Arts and Crafts program, Seitchick, stated, while Addie Seals, cook for the Day Camp and resident camp for more than 17 seasons, will prepare the noon meals. Well Staffed The camp maintains an average of one staff person for every four day campers, Seitchick pointed out. Register at Camp Office Registration for the. three twoweek sessions or for the full six weeks of Day Camp are now open and should be sent into the Center's Camp Office, Seitchick said. To maintain the best possible program, camp registrations are limited and are accepted in order of their receipt at the Camp Office. SEASON DATES AND RATES 1st Session—June IB-June 29 —Fee $35. • 2nd Session—July 2-July 13— Fee $35. 3rd Session—July 16-July 27— Fee $35. Full Session—Juno IQ-July 27 —Fee $90. The fee for the Pre-School Day Camp is $20 pcr-session and runs the first two sessions of the Day Camp season.



Single Copy 10 centi Annual Hate 4 Dollars

in Mi

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First Captain's Report luncheon Friday, Center

Second Clusa Portage Paid «t Omaha. Nebr

27, 1082


Increased Giving Reported to Date :







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* " >"' A r i f t ^ ' - ^ Rehabilitation and Resettlement Newcomers to Israel, such as the family shown above, require rehabilitation and resettlement. AW is received by them through the United Jewish Appeal, a beneficiary of the Jewish Philanthropies of Omaha.

The sum of $201,695 was raised so far in the current campaign of the Jewish Philanthropies, Robert M. Feinberg, General Campaign Chairman, reported last Tuesday. This amount w a s contributed by some 1,000 subscribers. The amount raised todate, following a tvjo--week campaign period represents an increase of some $20,000 over the amount pledged by the same cards a year ago, Mr. Feinberg explained. "We hope that we will be able to continue the rate of increases jn the outstanding cards," Mr. Feinberg said, "as the overseas situation has reached grave proportions. All increases are earmarked to provide for refugees and immigrants entering Israel. "Immigration into Israel ia continuing at a high rate, making it necessary to provide additional funds for rescue and rehabilitation." Mr. Feinberg also stressed the urgency of covering the cards, while the campaign mood and spirit are still high. "The Philanthropies Drive is the most important community activity on our agenda," Mr. Feinberg emphasized, "tmd it is our hope that this all-important community job will, be completed within the next four weeks. It can only be done so. if every worker will clean up hia or her cards at once."

Nine Firms Lauded For Dropping Bias

Colloquium on 'Common Bonds1 Among Jews, Catholics, May 7

Washington (JTA)—Vice-ProsIdent Lyndon B, Johnson, in his capacity as chairman of the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, commended nine major corporations doing business with the Government for correcting discriminatory employment practices. The firms, most of them heavy industry located in the South, were called by the Vice-President "bellwethers in the national program for equal employment opportunity without regard to race, creed, color or national origin."

A colloquium bringing together Catholics and Jews to discuss "Our Common Bonds" will be held Monday, May 7 at 8 p.m. in the auditorium of Creighton University's College of B u s i n e s s Administration Building auditorium, Millard Rosenberg, Omaha Anti-Defamation committee chairman, reported. The meeting, to which the public Is invited, Is sponsored by the Plains States Regional Office, Anil-Defamation League of B'nal B'rlth, and the Omaha Archdlocesan Council of Catholic Social Action. The purpose of the colloquim, Mr. Rosenberg reported, is to "share ideas in areas of mutual interest among Jews and Catholics. Our hope," he stated, "is to further our common goal of better understanding of our Judaic-Christian tradition." Speakers will include Dr. Joseph L. Lichten, director of the

Retired Merchant Georgia Mayor Fitzgerald, Ga., Abe KreuRcr, retired merchant, who emigrated from Lithuania, nearly 50 years ago, was elected mayor pro-tem of Fitzgerald, when lie received nearly 90 percent of all the votes cast for councilmen.

Belgium Restores Jobless Benefits to Orthodox Jew Brussels (JTA)—The Commission for Complaints of the Belgian National Employment Office restored the right of jobless benefits of an Orthodox Jew who refused to register on Saturdays. Registration Required Regulations require registration on each working day that a worker is jobless. When the Orthodox Jew refused to register on Saturdays, his jobless benefits were withheld and he filed a complaint. Hia complaint was sustained by the Commission on reference

to the Belgian constitution and to the Convention on Human Rights. The Commission agreed that the documents confirmed the rights of religious Jews to exercise their religion without any direct or indirect compulsion and that this covered the complainant's case. Replace Saturday for Sunday The Commission noted that it was only as a consequence of Belgium's Catholic tradition that Sunday was considered a holiday and that it was permissible for Orthodox Jews to replace Saturday for Sunday as such a non-working day.

ADL's national Department of Intercultural A.ffaivs, and Tt» Rev. Edward Malone, O.S.B., rector, St. John's Seminary, Elkhorn, Nebr. Milton Abrahams, member of the ADL's Plains States Regional Advisory Board, will act as chairman. Interest in such a colloquim reflects a growing interest in the ecumenical program in the United States, Ted Sennet^ ADL. regional director, commented. Both Catholic and Jewish groups have responded to the increasing demand for developing a dialogue to create better understanding not only of the difference between the faiths, but of the common source and of common interests within the Judaic-Christian tradition. The ADL has shared cooperatively with Catholic groups similar meetings throughout the United States, including programs at Assumption College, Worcester, Mass.; Loyola University, Chicago; Marquette University, Milwaukee, and Trinity College, Washington, D. C. The Committee in charge includes George Abraham, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Bora, Mrs. A. C. Fellman, Edward A. Rosen, Mr. Rosenberg, Mr. Sennett, the Rev. James Stewart, and Mrs. Frank Winters. An informal reception will ba held following the meeting.

23,000-Ton Ship Ready Late in 'b3 Ste. Nazaire, France (J The keel was laid here for a 23,000-ton Israeli passenger Viner, the SS Shalom, which will ba finished late in 1963.


Page Two

Friday, April 27, 1802


What Jay-C-C CampersDo Center Sponsors Tennis Classes

^::x:x:;.-:;.:.;;.:.:: "::.::r:r:

Published weekly on Friday beginning tlic last vvueli in August through second week In July. Sccona Cluis Pciiaoe Paid cl Omctio, Ncbr. Annual Subscription, $4 CO AdvcrKslng Rales on Application. Publication Ofliu.~-101 No join i l r t c l . Orneha, Hcbr. rhene 3«-1366.



All I Said Was . . . fo Israel B y E . L. LEVEV Just as the road to you know where is paved with good intentions, so is the ro;id to Israel paved with good and bad advice, requests, suggestions and appeals from r e l a t i v e s with friends, friends with relatives in that newest land of the brave and home of the free. In an unguarded moment. I became part of a study mission to Israel. Barely recovered from the shock of being included, I basked modestly in the reflected glory of the more illustrious members of the tour, only to discover that I was being followed. Strangers peered over my shoulder, erstwhile nodding acquaint-


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ances sidled up to me in the library and up-to-now unneighborly neighbors shopped assiduously for me in the supermarket. All the overtures began the same way "I hear you are going to Israel." I was pleased at the recognition. I mentioned casually at home that I was becoming a bit of a celebrity, deprecating my qualifications for the job, but listing them none the less. I didn't discover the design behind the intention until the phone began to ring at 11:30 p.m. and the doorbell at 7 a.m. The innocent statement, "I hear you are going to Israel," was followed with, "Will you look up my cousin Rivke in Tiberias? Tell her we are fine, and that my youngest son is named for her father." Or, "My Arnold is working on a Kibbutz in the Negev, 10 miles from Sodom. He writes he's got such a rash. Could you carry a dozen bottles of lotion to him in your luggage?" Or even better, "When you get to Tel Aviv, there's a young lady working in a flower shop next door to the hotel. Tell her I have a wonderful boy for tier. She should write air mail if she's interested. (She is liable to come herself, airmail, if she is interested.) Constructive Criticism More supercilious are the sixtrippers. Sheer kindness motivates them. They know everything there is to know about traveling in Israel. And they are going to tell it all to me, even if I miss my plane. They scrutinize my itinerary as though it were a map showing hidden treasures. They are disgusted with my accommodations, disdainful of the tour director's directions, and definitely .vocal about how much I am going to miss. If I understand them, I should travel not by train, plane or bus, but on foot. "Oceans" of Notions But the worst offenders are those who haven't been to Israel and will probably never make the journey. They are filled with oceans of notions about what I ought to pack, what kind of c lothing I should wear, how much money I will need—practically none—according to them, the gold that paved the streets of New York has now been traasferred to Tel Aviv. "Take along a few gifts," they say. "You k n o w , something strictly American, like an Indian tomohawk or a box of corn flakes. I can just see myself boarding one of El Al's finest clutching a large box of corn flakes, disembarking in Lydda Airport and handing it to some poor undernourished I s r a el i with, "Greetings from America!" I think it was the corn flakes that led me to break off relations with my self-appointed arbiters, especially when the corn flakes woman, as a n afterthought said, "Of course, no duty is charged against any used articles you may want to bring along." Used corn flakes! Well, really, (WNS)

Monuments in the Jewish Tradition Wo aro known for our exacting Hebrew Jottoring and dofoil, soloct your monument from tho lergost stock of up-to-dato memorials in tho midwost, see what you buy. We employ no agents . . . hero you save pxponsivo commiiiioru &$ you deal directly wifh the ownon . . . We invifo you fo compare . , . Wo permit no untimely solicitation . . .. you are froo fo meko up your own mtnd, fill memorials plainly priced, tot complete.

Monument Company

Factory ft Display F t ft D i l " 9 " St. at 32nd, 731-4111 Open Sunday, 2 to 5 "Builders and Designer! of Fino Memorials" Sinco 1923



Openings remaining for 1st Session—June 21 -July 1


Openings remaining for 2nd Session—July 4 - July 14


iv; • . ; : ; ; ; . ; ; ; . . r -::::.:::..:::.::::::•.:.::,••


THEY EXI'MUllS THE WOODS Blaze trails Follow animal tracks



Fishing Practice Red Cross skills THEY TAKE CAMPING TRIPS Learn to set up tents Go tent camping Learn to chop wood Develop wood skills THEY CHOOSE THEIR OWN ACTIVITIES Help plan group projects and adventures Go horseback riding and trail tripping Take care of their own equipment Give skits and plays Sing songs and listen to stories Learn to play a guitar or uke Take pictures Attend worship services on the Sabbath Give special programs

Catch turtles and frogs Find new plants and flowers Catch small animals THEY MAKE THINGS Useful things Use leather and metal Make things out of wood Paint and do sculpturing THEY PLAY GAMES Go on treasure hunts Sports and games Pioneer sports THEY PLAY LAND SPORTS Softball Baseball Track Archery Riflery


Camp Jay-C-C Rates and Dates Omahans Non-Resident 1st Session—June 24-July 4 ? 75.00 $ 85.00 2nd Session—July 4-July 14 75.00 85.00 Full Season—June 24 • July 14 110.00 1C0.00 The fee Includes all laundry, special camp health and accident Insurance plus transportation between camp and Omaha.

R©iigi@i§s Services



Shop through the Jewish Press Ads.. '

The Jewish Community Center Athletic Department will sponsor tennis classes for the third consecutive year, 1 b e g i nning May 20, probably at the Dewey Pa-k Court. Alan Austin, a f o rm e r s ta 11\ champion of Kan-, sas, will be in-j structor. He is , currently a ra-E j diotelevision a n - | nouncer for sta-*" lion VV.O.W. and Austin is a popular dramatic actor and "M.C." in the Omaha area. The course is free for Center members. The fee for non-Center members is ten dollars. Those interested in the course may en^ roll by calling Cy Seitchick a t the Center Physical Education office, 34 2-1366. I wish to thank all the cooperating organizations who helped make the annual memorial service possible; Cantor Eli Kagnii and the Beth Israel Choir for their program and to the Beth Israel officers for the use of the synagogue sanctuary. Joseph Iladinowski Chairman.

Oomplete Carpel Service WAU. TO WALL UAKFKTINU AM) ITIlt.MTIJHl: Cleaned In Your Home


For Men and Women Call

IViiai Jacob Adas Ycshuron: Friday Mincha, 6:30 p.m.; Saturday services, 8:45 a.m. and Min553-0566 cha at 6:30 p.m., followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at Anylimo for Prompt Export Sorvico 6:30 p.m. Daily services at 7 or Stop at 1401 No. 33rd St. a.m. and C p.m.



Temple Israel: Sabbath services will be held at 8:15 Friday evening, with Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks officiating. Rabbi Brooks will preach a sermon on: "The Midwest School of Anti-Communism—A Personal View." Cantor Manfred F . Kuttner and Temple Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin will participate in the service. The Men's Sunday Brunch, in the Chapel of Temple Israel, Sunday, April 29, at 10 a.m. Discussion following at 10:30 a.m. will be led by Maury L. Schwartz, Education Director. Discussion subject is "Jewish History at a Glance." Beth El: Sabbath eve services will begin this evening.at 8:15. Rabbi Myer S, Kripke will speak on "The 95th Psalm," beginning a series of six lecture-sermons on "Six Prayers of the Sabbath." Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Traditional sabbath morning services at 8:30. Family service at 10:30 a.m. Mincha-Maariv services will begin at 7 p.m. Sunday morning services will begin at 9 a.m. Services during the week are held at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Beth Israel: Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Eli Kagan, and the Beth Israel choir will conduct- the Late Friday family services at 8 p.m. Traditional Friday evening services (Kobolas Shabbos) begin at 7 p.m. Shabbos morning services a t 8:45 a.m. Junior congregation at 10 a.m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud class a t 6:30 p.m. Shabbos Mincha at 7 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at 8 p.m. Sunday morning services at 9 a.m. Junior Minyon starts a t 8:30. a.ia Mincha at 7:10 p.m.

RUG CLEANERS Don Bernstein, 345-25S4


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Custom Baked Cakes for

Har iiizvahs ©Weddings Any Sizo or Design

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."liSl (S4O «-o-.•i

Friday, April 27, 196?


Georgia Ann iezey

Rohanue to Pick 'Beau' a t Dance

Galifornian Marries Leo Joseph Schmidt

Mr. and Mrs. Sol Mczey of Council Bluffs, la., announce the engagement of their daughter, Georgia Ann, to Seymour Steinberg, son of Mrs. Ida Steinberg of Chicago, 111. Miss Mezey is a junior at the University of Omaha, majoring in Business Administration and Sectarial Science. She is a member of Beth Sigma Phi sorority. Her fiance is a 1UG1 graduate of the University of Illinois School of Pharmacy and a member of Rho Pi Phi Fraternity. A fall wedding is being planned.

Members of Itohanue B.I3.G. will pick a new "beau" at their "Over the Rainbow" dance, 9 p.m. to midnight, Saturday, April 28 at the Blackstone Hotel. Candidates for the role of beau are Steve Boguchwal, Joe Erman, Richard Epstein, Howard Hahn; Steve Marcus and Marshall Widman. Dede Sokolof and Janice Siref are dance chairmen. Assigned to head various committees are DeDe Brodkey, Sandi Shapiro, Fran Grossman, Marcia Cohen, Marcia Fleisher, Dorene Kraft, Barbara Jess, Michelle Aronoff, Sharon Lintzman, Arlene Kosowsky, Judy Magzamin and Joyce Ferer.

News has been received here of the April 15 marriage in Los Angeles, Cal., of Miss Sylvia Weinfeld, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Weinfeld of Monterey Park, Cal., and Leo Joseph Schmidt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schmidt of Los Angeles, Cal. The Schmidts are former residents of Fremont. The couple will live in West Los Angeles. Nebraskans who attended the wedding were Mrs. A, Kavich, Omaha, and Mrs. M. Krasne, Fremont. Dr. Aaron Schmidt, now of Clarksville, Term, formerly a Fremont resident, was also present.

Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged To Wed Ohicagoan (The Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged acknowledges the fol-

lowing memorials and donations.)


In Memory of

Messrs. and Mine;. Jack Ban, Arllmr A. Cotm, Hurry DuUoff, truest A. JJtxjtj, Paul Veret, Milton Yudel&on......./Ars. Margorct Fink Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Stclnbera, Mr. and Mrs. JacK Uun ..Den Gersliuri Messrs. enct Mrncs. John P. Lake, Max Schcuermann, Adolpti Trost, Miss Ucla MtrlcK Mrs. Rose Lcrscli Mesi-rs. and Mmcs. Louii Blumkln, Itadore Clewitz, Oavo Hahn, S. J. LuMgarren, N. 5 Mandoll, Dr. and Mrs. EZdwln Hlrschtick (Granoda Hills, Calif.), Frank Grnsso, Harold Sundsboe, Clara Hanson, Jumps Huwkins, Nell D. Apker, Ivan L. Meek, M. C. DeMuth, Pat V/ilcox, Mrs. ticn Handler, Soptiye Kothe, Rebecca Bcrcovlci, Herxbcry employees, Wednesday Mali Jong Group Mrs. Sarah Mink in Messrs. ond Mmcs. S. J. Lur-Ujarten, N. 5. Mundcll Hilda Kuav/cll Mcjsrj. and Mrnts. Paul Vrret, Ernest A. Nogg and Alan, and Mrs. Leonard Klein Juck Chcscn (Lincoln, Nebr.) Mr, and Mrs. Ernest A. Nogg Philip Gro^mcm Messrs. and Mmcs. Abe Brcir, Jay Chcrnlork, Arthur A, Colin, Erne si A. IJoycj, Phil D. Schwartz, Paul Vrrct, Al Zwerllng, Mrs. Patricia Uurlon, Mrs. Ben Handler Mrs. John Robinson, Norfolk, Nebr. Mr. und Mrs. Hurry DuBolf tra Schwartz (Rcdondo Ococh, Calif.) Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hohn, Mrs. Ben Handler Mrs. Sarafi Slim Mr, and Mrs. At)* Colin, Mrs. Ann Rodman Hurry Turkcl Mr. and Mrs. Phil D. Schwartz Sam Zlolky Dr, and Mrs. A. A. Steinberg Mrs. Helen Bolker, Nnthcm Marblesfone, AAr. Gross


In Honor of

Mr. and Mrs. Harry DuDoff 15lh wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs, Sherman Sperling Leonard Klein, Mr, and Mrs. Al Zwcrllng, 25th wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Morris J. Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Harry DuDoff, 43th wedding unnlvcrsary, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Z. Rosenfcld Mr. ond Mrs. (Aux Schtutrmann recovery, Sam Cohen Mr. and Mrs. J. Cohen recovery, Lee Taub Mrj. Kale Babendfr , Bar Mllzvoh, Jeff Hlrsrhtkk (Granada Hills, Calif.) Mr. ond Mrs. William Skotnlk T Bar Mitzvah, Steven Hohcrman Mrj. Roy* F-rlcdcn ..70th birthday, Rosa Frlcden

Synagogue Donations Mr. ond M n . W. S. Mondtl

.Yohrzelf, Mrs. 5. Mandcl

Special Gifts Dave BIoloc Construction Co Newman Store Planning Co The Stlss Fomlfy Thtf Fink Family J Vendel onn

, ,

, ,


Doors and irufalfallort Medicine Cabinet Food Basket Food Do'kct Pushover wltio

Charlene Harris Is Betrothed to Robert Sogolow Mr. and Mrs. Irving Harris of Colorado Springs, Colorado, announce the engagement of their daughter, Charlene to Robert H. Sogolow, son of Mr.-and Mrs. Lou Sogolow. Miss Harris attended the University of Miami (Florida), and the University of Colorado, Boulder. Mr. Sogolow attended the University of Omaha. A June wedding is planned.

Bar and Bas Klilzvah Wilb the Home Folks gadassah Delegation GWI.N ROKINSON ROBERT TAREN Gwen Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Robinson, Norfolk, Nebr., will become Bns Mitzvah, and Robert Taren, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Taren, will become Bar Mitzvah on Friday evening, April 27, and Saturday morning, April 28, at Temple Israel. • * • JEANETTE REINGLAS KAREN GOTSDINER Jeanette Ueinglas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Reinglas, will observe her Bas Mitzvah and Karen Gotsdincr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Yale Gotsdiner, will observe her Bas Mitzvah at Beth El Synagogue this evening and at the 10:30 service Sabbath morning. Y • * • MARC SFREF The Bar Mitzvah of Marc Siref, son o'f Mr. and Mrs. Julius Siref, will be celebrated on Saturday, April 28 at Beth Israel Synagogue. ' •

JOHN DAVID WHITMAN I Mr. and Mrs. Norman Whitman announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, John David Whitman, on Saturday morning, May 5 at the 10:30 service at Beth El Synagogue. .





TOM KIRSIIENBAUM Tom Kirshenbaum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kirshenbaum, will become Bar Mitzvah Friday evening, May 4, at Temple Israel. • * * DAVID WEINSTEIN David Weinstein, son of Dr. and Mrs. Sam Weinstein, will become Bar Mitzvah Saturday morning, May 5, at Temple Israel. •


CHARLES ICKOWICZ The Bar Mitzvah of Charles Ickowicz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ickowicn, will be celebrated on Saturday, May 5 at Beth Israel Synagogue. » » • ANNE GOMBERG GAYLE and PIIYLIS LERMAN The group Bas Mitzvah of Anne Gomberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gomberg, and Gayle and Phylis L e r m a n , d a u g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs. George Lerman, will be celebrated on Friday evening, May 4 at'Beth Israel Synagogue.

NflWB find ImpprnlnRS at Tlio Or. Pllillp filinr Jmviuli Homo for tlie Aged by U.ivld Orknw.

Fourteen delegates from the Omaha Chapter Hadassah will attend the Missouri Valley ReThe Omaha Chapter of the Na- gion Hadassah conference in St. tional Council of Jewish Women Louis, Mo., from April 29-May 1. provided three beautiful floral Mrs. Nathan Perlman, National centerpieces for the Sedorim Hadassah Medical Organization, act. as conference advisor. celebrated last week at the will Mrs. Wyer Rosenbaum heads the Omoha composed of Mmes. Ervln SiHome in full traditional manner. delegation mon* Sam Kolzmari/ Max Lasinsky, WanKrelfntoln. Leonard Bernstein, Paul A Kiddusli was given by Mr. fried Vercf, Nathan Turner, Meyer Rubin. Reand Mrs. Morris J. Franklin in atonal officers from Omaha attendlnp; are J. H. Kulakofiky, Charles Ross, honor of their 25th wedding an- Mmcs. Morris M. Franklin. Business and profesniversary. sional delegates are, Mmcs. David Becker, Julius Newman. Many of our residents enjoyed attending the Shrine Circus recently. Additional transportation for the group was provided by Mrs. Jake Wine. BTuring Mrs. Herman Franklin was in CANTONESE charge of the arrangements for the Mizrachi Passover party, APPETIZERS Sunday at the Home. Flowers were received this week from Mr. antl Mrs. Bernard Grcenbcrgcr of Grand Island in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Jeff. T h e "Dixlc-gators" combo entertained at the Home this week with a "jive" session. Joining the members of the band which included Joel Aresty, Ronald Broekemeier, Bob Guss, Garry Kaplan, Gary Riekes and Gary Soref, were the staff of the Home who contributed there version of the "twist" and the Charleston to the great delight of the residents. Birthday: Mrs. Mollic Perils.

Dr. and i r s . ICutler Are Go-Presidents

of lots for Individual custom lmme liulldlnrr First, Second, or Third residential In Macnnur Meadows, HnrKlcroad-Macnner, McadowurooK or Mcadowvlcw Additions—Close to newest sdioolu. AND

Conversions; Commorclnl Rrounil In Park Avenue Area; 5-plex In JtOL'kbrool'i downtown office building, -


Plione 342-13W to Insert your Want Ad In tba Jewish Press. . j

for other Residential, Church. Investment, or Commerclnl Information, contact Ed Covert, 391-3010; or Bill Stunt, 4H3-3311.

DAILY JEWISH NEWSPAPERS BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge.



A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Julius Altman, Sunday, 11:30 a.m. at Beth El Cemetery. CONVERT SERVICE The Bell System will convert its nationwide teletypewriter exchange service (TWX) to dial operation late in 1902, the American Telephone and Telegraph Company announced.

by "Madoltno"

Mrs. Norman Buchwald 4R06 Davenport


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Air-Conditioned Dryers MISS MARSH ond MISS JERRY


ROHANUE B.B.G. Proienti

"OVER THE RAINBOW" Blackstone Hotel $2 Per Couple

April 28 9 p.m. to 12

DOOR BUSTER PRICE! 1—8x10 in Color

J.WARNER STUDIO 42nd and Center Call 345-4717 Offer Good for a Limited Time

Lcc Simon, Manager

lorn ah a

Come Meet

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John Kalina



Lo» Him Holp You With Your Clothing Soloctiont

Dr. and Mrs. Sol Kutler have been elected co-chairmen of the Omaha Chapter of the City of Hope. Other, officers are Mr. and FOR Mrs. Al Nepomnick, first viceBridal Portraits presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Saul AND Davis, second vice-presidents; Candid Wodding Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hockenberg, third vice-presidents; Mr. 5 CALL and Mrs. Paul Sacks, corresponding secretary; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wagner, recording 817 So. 36th 345-1044 secretary and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meehan, treasurer.


Pago Three



2nd Uv«l



, Vy Scltuliicb ,

Organizations B. & I*. Dinner Meeting, May 2 The Business and Professional Women of Hadassah will hold a dinner 'meeting and election, Wednesday, May 'I at 6 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Alan Wolfson v/ill talk on Braille and what it does for the blind. Reservations for the meeting and dinner are being taken by Mrs. Sarah Feltman, dinner chairman, 55H-517G. . * • * Belli El to Feature Chanticleer Players Donor contributors of the Beth El Sisterhood will preview the Chanticleer Players' upcoming production of West Side Story following a 12:30 p.m. luncheon at the synagogue, May 1. Norman Filbert of Council Bluffs, is directing the musical. The luncheon is being planned by Mrs. William Raduzincr with the assistance of Mines. Morris Brick, Max Falk, Arthur Green, Robert Perehnan, Morris Stalmaster and Robert Wagner, circle co-ordinators. Mrs. Green (553-0397) is handling reservations, with Mrs. Alan Burton in charge of decorations. • » * Beth Israel Young Couples Meeting The Beth Israel Y o u n g Couples' Club will hold it's semiannual business meeting on Sunday, April 29, at 8 p.m. in the Synagogue social hall. The meeting will be followed by a social hour and card party. Highlighting the evening's program will • be candid-camera movies of the parties held by the club this year. Board members will meet at 7:30 p.m., immediately preceeding the regular meeting. * * • Chairmen for'Mr. and Mrs.' Dance Planning the Beth El Mr. and Mrs. Club Dance on May 5 are Messrs. and Mmes. Jerome Wasserman, chairmen; Merle Potash, Miles Remer, co-chairmen, decorations; Messrs. and Mmes. Steve Lustgarten, chairmen, and Ben Nachman, Kurt Freiberg, co-chairmen, Food; Mr. and Mrs. Irving Marcus, publicity; Messrs. and Mmes. Marvin Dienstfrey and Harl Weiss, chairmen and co-chairmen, program; Mrs. Harl Weiss, telephone chairman end her captains, Mmes. Stuart Rochman, Harold Karp and Harold Novak. • • • Night Club Atmosphere for Temple Supper Dance Night club atmosphere will greet members of the Temple Israel Supper Club when they assemble for an "Evening in New York," Saturday, April 28 at Temple. A program with Orvel Milder as master of ceremonies, will follow a dinner beginning at 7 p.m. Highlighting the affair will be TV comedian, Lenny Kent who has appeared on the Ed Sullivan and many other television shows and has starred at famous New York and Las Vegas night spots. Louis Vann and his sextet will provide music for dancing. ' S • * , Mrs. London, Hostess To Cousins' Club Mrs. Kate London of Council Bluffs, will, be hostess to the Cousins' Club, Wednesday, May 2 at a 12:30 p.m. luncheon at the Regis Hotel. Anyone unable to attend is asked to call Council Bluffs 322-7509.

and participation with championship teams in the J. C. C. overall athletic program. The program will be a fifteen minute demonstration by the Center gymnastics class, headed by .Instructor Dan Fogel, formerly of the University of Nebraska gymnastics squad. Participants will be Dorene Kraft, Sharon Lintzman, Pat Besk, Joel Lelchock, Judy Sherman, Sandy Fleischl, Ellen Bank, Isy Hurwitz and Carol Kraft. Athletic Chairman, Irv Yaffe, has announced that Yale Trustin will be M. C. for the program. Highlighting the evening's activity will be the presentation •of the" J. J. Greenberg, Harry Trustin and Leslie Burkenroad Award:;, given to the Most Outstanding athletes of the year. •


VOU.ICVHAIX The Center Varsity Volleyball team will compete in a special four-team playoff at the YMCA to determine the Midwestern A. A. U. league champions on Saturday, April 28. The title holders will be as a result of a double elimination playoff. Torrid spiking by Lindy Paul, Orvel Milder and Jim Fellows give the Jay team a good shot at the crown. Other Center players are: Sherman Poska, Les Burkenroad, Tom Stevens, Steve Bloch, Cy Seitchick, Iz Levenson, Al Konecky and Ed Kanor. The J. C. C. team ended the regular season with 35 wins and 13 losses. •

Friday, April 27, 1962

Israel Provides a 'Classic Example' On How fo Employ American Aid

Center Sports AWARD NIGHT Red McManus, head basketball coach at Crcighton University, will be the guest speaker at the Jewish Community Center's "15th Annual Award Night," scheduled for Wednesday, May 16 at 7:30 p.m. in the Center Auditorium. At that time approximately 150 Center athletes will receive awards for individual honors


Israel — Israel's utilization of American economic and technical aid was a "classic example of the rirjht use of this tyjtc of International cooperation," Bruce McDaniel,'first director USOM, the United States Operation Mission, told the Press recently. "Triple-rod Chain Iteaefion" American aid to Israel "triggered a chain reaction," to that Israel is now providing technical assistance to developing African and Asian countries, lie caul. Mr. McDaniol is now attending to 'ho winding-up of I'.SOM's operations in Israel, by agreement between the US and tlie Israel dovernmenls. He is to appear in a documentary film, shot by the Prime Minister's Office1, which .surveys USOM aid to Israel since its inception in 1931. "When I came to Israel just, over a docadc ago to inaugurate the USOM program, I was optimistic, but I must say that I never dreamed that within a decade Israel would be engaged in technical assistance programs in other lands," Mr. McDaniel said In an interview with Philip Gillon in The Jerusalem Post. He recalled the grim conditions when he arrived in Israel to take up his post in November, 1951. The country had only been running for two years and had to im-

provise all its Government services, using personnel who were not accustomed to posts in lop echelons. F o n d rationing was more'severe than in Britain during the. blitz. Immigrants were arriving, completely destitute, at the rate of thousand.'; a month, and they had to he i,'lvon three meals a day, shelter and clothes from the day they landed. "On top of everything else," he snlil, "the country was completely isolated — it was .surrounded by enemies and had no ships and air •services." " N o b o d y in fin established country could believe that a new Government.' created in s u c h chaotic conditions could function so well and so quickly," he said. "And yet I found in Israel that there was no fear that the country would fall on its face. They turned out statesmen and diplomats, who had had no previous e.\|K'riencp, and who have proved their ability to hold their own aj;ainst the top men in the world, from countries which have been in the game for centuries." Mr. McDaniel considered the USOM program in Israel one of the most successful ever undertaken by the United States, and believed that it should he studied ns n prototype, Henry Ohalfant, Acting Direc-

tor of USOM, said that the decision to terminate the program had been u joint US-Israel decision. Under the program 380 experts, mostly Americans, had come to Israel, and GSO Israelis had cone to the US for advanced study. When USOM operations terminate on June .10, more than $850,000,000 in economic aid and technical assistance will h a v e poured into Israel through its channels.


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The Youth Council Olympic Trophy hinges on the final event of the' program year; the track and field meet at Tech high school on Sunday, May 6. Going into Uie meet, Rayim holds a slight one point edge on Ronu. Ronu has easily won most of the activities this year but Rayim built up 15 points last summer as a result of the softball and bowling titles. •



HANDBALL Jack Stiss and Abe Faier, doubles handball team, defeated Will Bloom and Ed Zorinsky in two sets to win the J. C. C. adult doubles handball tourney in the Center court last Sunday. The winners raced to aa 21-0 win in the first match and then wrapped it up with a 21-11 victory. Stiss and Faier had previously won over Lindy Paul and Sherman Poska in the semifinals, and Yale Trustin and Ira Trachtenbarg in the opening round. Trophies were awarded to the winners. ,

Omahans Return From California Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pinko witz have returned from Los Angeles, Cal., where they attended the golden wedding anniversary celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kanofsky, former Omahans at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Marcus, party hosts with a son, Harry Kanofsky.

Visit'Yonng Judaeans A joint meeting of the Young Judaea groups of Omaha and Sioux City, la., will be held Sunday, April 29 at 2 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. The Omaha girls will be hostesses to their guests at a social hour following the meeting. MRS. IDA SEGAL News has been received of the death of Mrs. Ida Segal, 91, on April 1G in Los Angeles, Cal. She was the mother of Leonard Segal. Services were held in Minneapolis, Minn., where Mrs. Segal made her home. Surviving are six sons and a daughter, 15 grandchildren and 37 great grandchildren.


A year's supply of envelopes for mailing your electric service payments Since your electric service bill comes to you In the form of a post card, it is not possible to send a return envelope each month. Howovor, In response to many, requests, the District Is now making available return envelopes for the convenience of all its customers. They're addressed to save you t i m e - * , colored to mako them easy to Identify. Order your free supply nowl

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