NEBRASKA STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY L i n c o l n , liebraaka ,,.w -7
Vol. XI,—No. !13
publication orricc. 101 No, '20th Unillii. Nebraska, Plionc 342-liIGO
Second Cluss Postage lJa)d at Omaha, Nebr
Single Copy 10 Cent! Annual Rule 4 Dollar)
Jazz Trio So Entertain Yoofii Council PhiEenfhroples Rally The John Veith Trio, wellknown jazz ensemble, will entertain at the Youth Council's Philanthropies Rally on Sunday, May 6 at 7:30 p.m. at the Assembly Hall of the Civic Auditorium. A special feature of the program will be their arrangement of "Exodus." Talk by Kobcrt Felnlicrg The evening's schedule will be highlighted by a talk by Robert M. Feinberg, General Philanthropies Campaign Chairman. Every member is urged to attend the gala roundup of the Youth Council rally, the organization's campaign co-chairmen,
Irene Sabes and Steve Ma. said. ICxpcct to Surpass Goal "The Youth Council goal, this year, is set at $1,300," the campaign co-chairmen reported. "We can surpass this figure with everyone's support," they stated. The same sentiments were expressed by Carol Rosenbaum and Robert Gross, 1902 Grand Marshals. A meeting and briefing of captains and lieutenants of the clubs and independent groups will be held at 0:30 p.m. prior to the evening's program.
Day Gamp Filling Quickly Parents are registering their children early this year for the Jewish Community Center Day camp which opens June 10, Harry Sidrnan, Center Committee Chairman, noted this week. He said parents who are planning to send their sons and daughters to Day Camp are encouraged to take care of registrations as soon as possible, cither by mail or in person. Pre-School Camp The Day Camp, for children five through 12, also features a half-day pre-school Day Camp for youngsters under five years of age. The fee for the twoweek sessions is $20 a session. Children are returned home at noon in this special preschool camping group and are under the professional supervision of a certified teacher and assistants. Expanded to G Weeks Tlie regular Day Camp seacon, June 18 to July 27, has been expanded to a full six weeks. Cnmpers are picked up and returned at five convenient locations. The all inclusive fee
covers the cost of the transportation, plus regular noon meals and special snacks, health and accident insurance and craft fees. The Day Camp with all its services, trained staff and high ratio of counselors to campers, its fine food and outstanding program, is a real bargain, Sidman stated, at $35 for a twoweek session. The fee for the full six weeks of Day Camping is $90. Call Office for Information Further information may be obtained by calling the Center Camp office, 342-1306. No phone regisltration3 will be accepted. SEASON DATES AND RATES 1st Session—June lfl-June 29 —Fee $35. 2nd Session—July 2-July 13— Fee $35. 3rd Session—July lC-July 27— Fee $35. Full Session—June 18-July 27 —Fee $90. The fee for the Pre-School Day Camp is $20 per-session and runs the first two sessions of the Day Camp season.
the Waiting Lisf Waiting their turn for help are some of the thousands of immigrant social cases for whom existing facilities in Israel arc insufficient. Ill, handicapped, emotionally disturbed, they need help now, through the United Jewish Appeal which finances the work of the Joint Distribution Committee Malbcn program in Israel and which receives support from the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign in Omaha.
Sioux Citians fo Be Here for May 7 Golden Age Event
indusfriaiisf Living in U.S. Charged it New York (JTA)—Fulton Lewis, Jr., nationally syndicated columnist, charged this week that Nicolao Malaxa, former Rumanian living "in - palatial elegance" in this city, has been Implicated in the death of 100,000 Rumanian Jews during World War If. Declaring that efforts to deport him to Rumania have been unavailing, Mr. Lewis stated: "There is no explanation why Malaxa is still here. Nor is there an excuse." According to the columnist,
Hove fo End 'Hot! Killers'Stigma Rome (JTA)—The Ecumenical Council, to be convened here by Pope John XXIII next October, will probably discuss ways of removing from the Jews the stigma of "slayers or God," Augustin Cardinal Bca told representatives of the press hero this week. Cardinal Bea was the confessor of the lato Pope Pius XII, and is now pres-' ident of the Vatican's Secretariat for the Union of Christians, planning the agenda for the Ecumenical Council, Tha Catholic Church, said ths Cardinal, recognizes that a principal reason for anti-Semitic persecutions through the ages has been tho fact that tho Jewish people were blamed ' by Christians for the crucifixion of Jesus. It fa high time for this Btigma to be removed, the Cardinal said.
Malaxa, an industrialist in Bucharest, "financed the infamous Iron Guard of Rumania, which massacred, tortured, imprisoned and hanged hundred of thousands of Jews in the early days of 1941." Later, during the war, Mr. Lewis alleges, Malaxa, "hooked up" with Albert Goering, brother of Marshal Goering, Hitler's No. 2 man, and "helped supply Hitler's army with some of the metallurgical products so badly needed during the war." Mr. Lewis asserted that Malaxa came to the United States in 194G to represent the Communist Rumanian Government, and has remained here since. The United States I m m i g r a t i o n Service, which has held deportation hearings against Malaxa, "has been stymied in its efforts to send him back to Rumania," according to Mr. Lewis.
ISRAEL AT LAST Hut still no home. This elderly woman Is but one of the many who live in the so-called ma-abarot, the shanty town in Israel. The United Jewish Appeal must help such person and other illhoused persons and newcomers to obtain real homes. The UJA receives funds from the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign in Omaha.
German Saved 1,100 Jews From lazis Tel Aviv (JTA)—Oscar Schindler, a Sudetanborn German who, during the Second World War, saved some 1,100 Jews . from Nazi persecution by employing them in an enamel factory ho operated near Cracow, Poland, was welcomed here by a crowd of 300 persons whom
The urgency of the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign to help move a record mass Immigration to Israel was underscored by Robert M. Felnbcrg, General Chairman of the 19G2 Jewish Philanthropies Drive. Mr. Felnbcrg reported that the Jewish Agency allocated $40,000,000 for the transportation, absorption, and resettlement of immigrants in Israel. The allocations Include some $13,000,000 for transportation and services en route; $10,000,000 for Initial absorption aid; $8,000,000 for Immigrant housing; $7,500,000 for the consolidation of agricultural villages. Mr. Feiaberg stated that all allocations are based on a careful line-by-line review of current needs.
y •
Marseilles—Only 500 Jews of the original 35,000 are left in Constantine today, refugees from Algeria who have just landed here reported. The handful of Jews still remaking desperate efforts to sell their property for a song, but there are no buyers. The Arabs tell the Jews, "Move out fast— and leave everything behind." A few hours after the conclusion of the Evian Treaty, during the night curfew, all the Jewish shops in town were sacked. Some days ago, all the Jewish stores—already previously pillaged—were set on fire. Arabs, impatient for the departure of the Jews, also broke into homes as squatters. Incoming refugees are from Algiers and Oran, who managed to slip through the local terrorist ring which is trying to prevent the exodus of the Jewish population. All are arriving almost empty-handed but surprisingly good-h u m o r c d , "What counts is that we managed to save our skins," they all say, "henceforth there's no place at all for Jews in Algeria. Air must quit, but not all will get out alive unless rescued immediately. The day when Algeria attains full independence will be a feast for the Arabs—and Jewish property will be on the menu as dessert."
he had saved and who now live in Israel. During the war, Mr. Schindler, who was questioned a number of times by SS officers concerning his activities, succeeded in averting danger to "his Jews" by using his personal contacts and pressure.
The Golden .Age group of Sioux City, la., will be guests of the Omaha organization at a 12:30 p.m. luncheon, Mondayj May 7 at the Jewish Community Center. The gathering will be held in conjunction with the national observance of Senior Citizens' Month. Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner of Temple Israel, will offer tha invocation. Other participants in the program will be tha Mmes. Ernest Nogg, Robert Levine, Louis Fish, Marvin Dienstfrey, Russell Blumenthal and the Messrs. David Orkow, Joe Radinowski and Richard Weiner. Tho Sioux City visitors will be taken on a tour of the Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged. The Omaha Golden Age Club is sponsored by the Omaha Section of the National Council of Jewish Women and tha Jewish Federation.
TRANSPORT COSTLY , Transportation costs, which must be paid for in hard currency, will take a much larger share of the Jewish Agency's budget. Construction of immigrant housing barely keeps pace with increased immigration, causing new arrivals to be moved Into unfinished units. Lack of housing also creates absorption problems since new arrivals must be sent to wherever empty units are available regardless of prospects for suitable employment In that particular area. INCREASES URGENT In view of the situation, Mr. Felnbcrg Indicated that increases arc absolutely necessary on all cards if the job of saving Jew* is to be done before the curtain drops, and traps them all beyond • hope of escape. < (See story on Algerian Jews above.)
Page Two
%\lt Published weekly on Friday beginning tlio last week la August through second «eeli In July. Second Clais Pc'Jcrje Paia ol Omano, tJcbr. Annual Subscriplion, V4 CO Advertising Rales on Application. Publication Olfice—101 No 30lh Street, Omaha, liter. Phone 342-131*.
With the Home Folks
Htviu and happening* at The Dr. Philip Slier Jmiith Homo for the Aired b) David Urkuw.
Special services were held in the Home synagogue to commemorate the addition of the following plaques to the memorial board:' Robert Nailbow and Robert H. Kooper. , A special gift of vases and a challah tray were donated by Mr. and Mrs. Ike Friedman in honor of the 4<Jth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Max Wasserman and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Friedman. New Resident: Jncob Green. In Memoriain: Sain Weinberg. Shop through the Jewish Press Ads.
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U'nai Jacob Adas Yeshuron: Friday Mincha, 6:30 p.m.; Saturday services, 11:45 a.m. and Mincha at G:SO p.m., followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at G:30 p_m. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. Temple Israel: Sabbath services will be held at 8:15 Friday evening, with Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks officiating. Rabbi Brooks has chosen '•Should Eichmann Hang? . . . Is Vengence Really the Issue?" as the title of his sermon. Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner and Temple Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin will participate in the service. Temple Israel will hold its annual kindergarten round-up Sunday, May C, at 11 a.m. All children entering Religious School next fall are invited to attend the roundup. Parents who wish to register their children, may call the Religious School office.
A rich, crusty bread delicious for garlic slices, "d a g woods" and in many ofher ways.
Camlleligliliiii,'—7:05 p.m. Ilelh Israel: Rabbi Benjamin Groner. Cantor Eli Kagan, and the Beth Israel choir will conduct the late Friday family services this evening at 8 p.m. Traditional Friday evening services (Kobolas Shabbos) at 7:10 p.m. Shabbos morning services begin at <I:45 a.m. Junior Congregation at 10 a.m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud class at G:D5 p.m. Shabbos Mincha at 7:10 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at 8:05 p.m. Sunday morning services at 9 a.m. Junior Minyon starts at 8..30 a.m. Mincha at 7:15 p.m.
Beth El: Sabbath eye services will begin this evening at 8:15 p.m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the second in a series of six lecture-sermons on "Six Prayers of the Sabbath." Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Traditional Sabbath morning services will begin at 8:30. Family Service at 10:30. MinchaMaariv services will begin at 7 p.m. Sunday morning services begin at 9 a.m. Services during the week are held at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
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United Nations, N. Y. (JTA) —Miss Hava Hareli, a member of Israel's permanent mission to the United Nations, Was reelected by the Social and Economic Council here to a second term on the United Nations Technical Assistance Committee. She will serve until 1964. A member of the Israeli mission since 1958, Miss Hareli is in charge of social and economic affairs for the delegation.
Friday, Slay 4, 1062
Eleven prominent Omaha civic and religious leaders will act as honorary sponsors of the colloquium on "Our Common Bonds" at 8 p m , Monday in Croighton's College of Business Administration auditorium. The event is being presented by the Omaha Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Social Action and the Plains States Regional Office, Anti-Defamation League of U'nai Urith. Milton Abrahams, Chairman, reported. Honorary C'oitmiiUee
An honorary committee for the event consists of The Most Rev. Gerald T. Bergan, George Bolund, Mayor James Dworak, Frank Fogarty, the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Ernest G. Graham, Dr. A. A. Greenberg, the Very Rev. Henry W. Linn, S. J., Ernest A. Nogg, Lloyd Skinner, Harry Trustin and the Rl. Rev. Msgr. Edinond C. Walsh. Speakers at the colloquium will be Dr. Joseph L. Lichten,
Oar and las PiizvaEa All friends and relative* are Invited to attend services and reception. ANNE GOMBERG GAYLE AND PHYLIS LEHMAN The group Bas Mitzvah of Anne Gomberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gomberg, and Gayle a n d Phylis Lerman, daughters of Mr. a n d Mrs. George Lerman, will he celebrated on Friday evening, May 4, at Beth Israel Synagogue. TOM KIRSHENI1AUM Tom Kirshenbaum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kirshenbaum, will become Bar Mitzvah Friday evening, May 4, at Temple Israel. JOHN DAVID WHITMAN . John David Whitman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Whitman, will observe his Bar Mitzvah on Saturday morning at Beth El Synagogue at the 10:30 a.m. service. CHARLES ICKOWICZ The Bar Mitzvah of Charles Ickowicz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ickowicz, will be celebrated on Saturday, May 5, at Beth Israel Synagogue. DAVID WEINSTEJN David Weinstcin, son of Dr. and Mrs. Sam Weinstein, will become Bar Mitzvah Saturday morning, May 5, at Temple Israel. MARK BERNST1EN AIAYNARD BELZER Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bernstien announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Mark Bernstien, and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Belzer announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Maynard Belzer, on Friday evening, May 11, and Saturday morning, May 12, at the 10:30 service at Beth El Synagogue. MICHAEL FINKLK STEVEN ALTSULER Michael Finkle, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Finkle, and Steven Altsuler, son of Mr. and .Mrs. Bernard Altsuler, will each become Bar Mitzvah on Friday evening, May 11, and Saturday morning, May 18, at Temple Israel. HARVEY COHEN The Bar Mitzvah' of Harvey Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Cohen, will be celebrated on Saturday, May 12, at Beth Israel Synagogue.
Department of Intercultural Affairs, director, ADL, New York and the Rev. Edward Malone, O.S.B., ructor of St. John's Seminary, Klkhoni, Nebraska. SOU Expected Open to the public it is expected that more than 500 persons will attend the discussion, which will trace the common sources of Christianity and Judaism, and also explore the unique characteristics of Judaism and Catholicism. A reception will follow the meeting, ADL programs have been directed, in particular, to combating discrimination against minorities and to promoting intercultural understanding and cooperation among all the religious faiths in America. The Council of Social Action of the Omaha Catholic Archdiocese serves as a clearinghouse for all Catholic movements and apostolic organizations affiliating with it.
Deaths HARRY BASSMAN Funeral services were held Sunday in Des Moines, la., for Harry Bassman, 1114 Dillon Drive, who died Saturday in a local hospital. Mr. Bassman, 45, headed a Omaha construction firm. Survivors: wife, Lillian; children, Mrs. Patty Wagner, Eldorado Springs, Colo., and Sandra, Joe and Donald, Omaha; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bassman, Phoenix, Ariz.; sister, Mrs. Milton Levitt, Highland Park, N. J., and a brother, Morris, Des Moines, la. SOL OSCAR REIF Funeral services were held Sunday at the Jewish Funeral Home for Sol Oscar Reif, 5G, Council Bluffs, la., who died April 27. Burial was in Golden Hill Cemetery. Survivors are Mrs. Louis Binstein and a niece, Phyllis Binstein, both of Council Bluffs. MARX GOLDBERG Funeral services were held Monday at the Jewish Funeral Home for Marx K. Goldberg, 58, of 1519 North 35 Street. Mr. Goldberg, a former buyer for the Union Pacific Railroad, died Sunday. Burial was in Golden Hill Cemetery. Mr. Goldberg is survived by his wife, Belle; sons, Milton, Altoona, Wis., Paul, San Diego, CaL, and Louis, Omaha; sisters, Mrs. Harry Winer, Mrs. Dan Greenfield, both of Omaha, and Mrs. George Troutfelt, Daly City, Cal., and seven grandchildren.
Omaha Visitor Mrs. Donald Kahn of Culver City, Cal., a visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs. Veta Cohen, is here to attend the Bar Mitzvah on Saturday at Beth El of her nephew, John Whitman. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Whitman. Do your shopping in the Jewish Press.
The first Ben Ger.shun Memorial Trophy will be presented at the annual meeting of the Council Blulfs Jewish Welfare Federation at the C4 Club, Council Bluffs, Sunday, May C, following a buffet dinner at G p.m. Sam Meyerson will be the first to receive the trophy, which will be awarded annually in recognition of devoted service by an outstanding member of the Council Bluffs community. Presentation of the trophy, will be made by Leonard Goldstein. Omaha, son-in-law of the Into Ben Gershun, on behalf of the Ger.shun family. New officers elected by the Council Bluffs' Federation are Harold Finkel, president; Lloyd Krasne, drive chairman and Mrs. Meyerson, women's chairman.
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Mr. Dave Ravitz wishes to (hank all his friends and relatives for the many cards of good w i s h e s , donations to c h a r i t y In his name and tliouglilfulnoss while he wns in (lie hospital. Cornhusker Lodge No. 1760
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A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Fannie Batt Wintroub. Sunday, May 6 at the Beth El Cemetery at 2 p.m. Services will be conducted by Rabbi Myer S. Kripke and cantor Aaron E. Edgar.
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Friday, May 4, 19G3
If you weren't told, you wouldn't know you were in a camp for boys ;md girls, instead of being in "the Wild We«t," Norman Batt, Camp Jay-C C Chairman reflected, in repenting on the resident camp and its activities. Batt stated that once af;ain, the camp will have a definite western setting with 20 horses in the camp corral. 20 Horses Await Campers Campers will not only have the opportunity to take tt ail trips, trip-outs on horseback, but learn how to bridle and saddle, lake care of their mounts, and receive instruction on managing a horse and bugpy. In charge of the cam]) riding will be Richard Weincr, as sistant camp director, who has supervised this program for five seasons and taught some 700 campers how to ride. Assisting Weincr will be veteran horse wrangler, Mike Wilson. Horseback riding is the only program at camp for which campers are charged, in addition to their regular fee. The camp fee includes tuition, transportation to and from camp, all craft fees, laundry service twice weekly and health and accident insurance coverage. The fee for Camp Jay-C-C is the lowest for any Jewish camp in the midwest, Batt stated. Campers are charged a fee of $1 per trail trip. 25 Other Activities Such activities as swimming, hiking, campouts, religious services and crafts are among the 25 other programs featured. With fewer than 20 openings remaining in this season's registration parents are requested to register their children immediately and avoid possible later disappointments. Once capacity is reached registrations wiTT only be accepted on a waiting list basis.
New Members Are Sisterhood Guests Temple Israel Sisterhood, program at its luncheon meeting, Tuesday, May 8 at 1 p.m. at the Temple, will present George Dinsdale, travel Agency official in a travelogue, "Travel-En Route to Israel." Mr. Dinsdale will answer question on travel, also. New members will be the guests of the sisterhood. They ore Mmes. Albert Cohen, Jerold Cohn, Robert Gcrcllck, Don Davis, Maurice Gllmore, Manfred Kutlner, I. E. Freldberg, Murray Newman, Jerome Milder, Sol Marlln, Joseph Polack, Harry Lincoln, Robert Rosenberg, Jerald Rosen, Elliot Rubin, Herbert M. Rappaporf, Cha5. Scudder, Jr., Bernard Schlmmel, SCIQhert Schulman, Hy S. Schumclilcr, Theodore Seldln, Alan Simon, Frederick Simon, David M. SaUman, H. H. V/elncr.
Circle No. 9 will be in charge of the meeting with Mmes. Norman Lincoln and David Bleicher as co-chairmen. Mrs, Morton Soiref is program chairman. Luncheon chairmen are Mmei. Leonard Kulakofsky and Jam« Robinson; table sctllna, Mrncs. Philip Malkln and Harold Stosburn; decorations, Mmes. Henry Grcenbera and Robert Rosen. Reservations can be made with Wmcs. Harold Wiseman, or Jacob Hcr.i.
Mrs. Robert Cohen, sister hood president, will conduct the meeting and the 11 a.m. board meeting. Sitter service will be available.
Pago Three
Mrs. Hollis Will Present Message Openings remaining for 1st Session—June H • July \ Openings remaining lor 2nd Session—July i - July 14
House of Glamour M l No. COtb E53-70OO 6 Expert Hall Stylist*
"Home Away From Home"— a farewell message by outgoing Beth El sisterhood president, Mrs. Rose Hollis, will be given nt the synagogue May I), followin ga 12:30 p.m. luncheon. An installation of new officers will follow with Mrs. Joseph Guss in charge of the ceremonies. The program will also feature the presentation of a Torah Fund Chaya Olom award to Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky by Mrs. Stewart 1'ully, Torah Fund chairman.
Air-Conditioned Dryers MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY Ownon
The luncheon will Ijo under Ihe direction of Mrs. Morris MuhtwJcr, circle coordinator, and Mmcs. Morris Rollstein, Irvlnj forbes, David Reiss, Morris Raznlck, Sol Ldymun, Bermird Schelri, Mor. ry Welnhero ond tlorold Knrl, Table decorations are being made by Mrs. Allan Burton.
The Sisterhood Board will meet at 11 a.m. in the synagogue library.
Riding the trail is always a popular adventure at Camp Jaj-ۥ('.
Ccamp Jay-C-C Rates and Dcdes Omahans Non-Resident 1st Session—June 24 • July 4 $ 75.00 $ 85.00 2nd Session—July 4 - July 14 75.00 85.00 Full Season—June 24'- July 14 140.00 1G0.O0 The fee Includes all laundry, special camp health ami accident insurance plus transportation between camp and Omaha.
Iefli Israel Sisterhood foE-foIdTv/o Annual Events This Coming Week Two annual events will be held this coming week by Beth Israel Sisterhood—the installation of its officers on Tuesday, May 8 and the Mother and Daughter banquet, Wednesday, May 9, both at the synagogue. Mrs. Sidney Goldberg will officiate at the installation of officers at a luncheon meeting, at 12:30 p.m. in the synagogue social hall. Officers lo be Installed are Mrs. Harold Zclfnsky, president; Mrs, Sam Ocrrnan, first vice president; Mrs. Don Cohen, second vice president; Mrs. Sidney Feldman, third vice president; Mrs. Jay Stoler, fourlh vice president; Mrs. StanIcy Shapiro, fifth vice president; Mrs. Nathan Kaplan, sixth vice president; Mrs. Sidney Kalleman, treasurer; Mrs. David If. Lewis, recording secretary; Mmcs. Ernest Hochsler and Morris Bofluchwal, corresponding secretaries; Mmes. Sam
'Sweetheart' to Be Named at Dance
Roscnsteln and William Poster, financial secretaries. Directors, the Mmcs, Sam Katiman, Henry Appet and Alfred Frank.
The Beth Israel Talent Revue of 19C2, will be the theme of the sisterhood Mother and Daughter banquet scheduled for Wednesday, May 9, 6:30 p.m. Mines. B. Gilbert Aronoff and Jay Stoler, co-chairmen for the event, have '^announced committee heads. They are Mrs. Wax Ktrshcnbaum, pro* gram; Mmcs. Sam Bcrman and Mnurlce Weiss, banquet; Mnics. JOQ Frank and Mlllon Bclzcr, decorations; Mrs. Nathon Kaplan, table selling; Mrs. Albert Friedman and Miss Gloria Friedman, printed program3, Others assisting are Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Brawn, Mrs. Ernest Hochster and girls of the Synaooguo Youth Organization. Master of ceremonies for the evening will bo Jerry Rubcnslein, The cast Ineludes: Judy Pltlor, Gcnlne Ruderman, Darbara Fisher, DanHa Schwartz, Frank!e Weincr, Rcnlo Fricdmon, Sherry Katzman, Nancy Burst cln, Judy Susman, Debblo Mcycrson, Debbie Kirshcnbaum* Cheryl Weiss, Sandy Gltinsky, Dcbbio Gordman, Carcn Chorney, Gall Ruderman, Judy Slref, Diane Chascn, Judy Strauss, Diane MalpcrJn, Marilyn Rclzbaum, Dorcne Wine, Susun Gorbcr and Jaynio KIrshenbaum.
AZA 100 has announced the sweetheart candidates for its eighth annual Spring Serenade Sweetheart Dance on May 5 from 9 p.m. to midnight at the Highland Country Club. They are Linda Riekes, Judy Magzamin, Nancy Jabenis, Marsha Fleisher, Susan Slutzky, and Gail Levin. Their parents are Messrs. and Mmes. Max Riekes, Sam Magzamin, Eli Jabenis, Sam Fleisher, Ben Slutzky and Jack Levin. Dance chairman Carl Riekes reported that tickets—$1.95 per couple — may be purchased from any of AZA 100. Shop through the Jewish Press Ails.
1 /A. J
2 Omahans Elected To HadassaEi Offices
$500 OR MORE
Mrs. Morris M. Franklin and Mrs. Joseph Guss were elected and installed president and corresponding secretary, respectively, of the Missouri Valley Region of Hadassah at its recent three day conference in St. Louis, Mo. Both women have served in many capacities in Hadassah and other organizations. Mrs. Franklin is a former chapter and group president and past regional education chairman and vice-president of Hadassah. Mrs. Guss also has served Hadassah in various offices. Among her other activities, she heads the 1!)G2 Women's Philanthropies Division. Mrs. Edward Tepperman of Council Bluffs, la., is the organizations recording secretary.
Halifax (JTA) — Israel imports 55,000 tons of wood pulp paper annually from Canada.
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35,000 Neo-Nazi Bonn (WNS)—West Germany in 1901 had flO pro-Nazi groups with a total membership of more than 35,000, according to a Bonn Government survey.
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Page Four
Center Sports By Cy >S(itchii:l; SOFTBALL The J. C. C. Varsity softball team lost their opening game to the Aces in the new Slow Pitch league 13-7, last Monday at Adams Park. Errors paved the way for the Aces, after the Jay had tied the score at 5-5 going into the bottom of the sixth inning. Dave Goldstein led the Center team with three hits, including a home rim and double. He had four runs batted in and tallied himself three times. Considering that this was the first, venture in a new league without any practice .sessions, the Center team was impressive and sholud do well in the new loop. VOLLEYBALL . T h e J. C. C. Varsity volleyball team went all the way to the final championship game before losing to Benson Community Center at the YMCA last Saturday. The Jay had earlier eliminated Oflutt A. F. B. in the double elimination tourney. The Center ended the regular Season with .'15 wins and 13 losses in the Midwest A. A. U. league. TRACK AND FIELD The Youth Council track and field meet will be held this Sunday at 10 a.m. on the Tech high school field. Hanging in the balance is the overall Olympic trophy as Rayim goes into the meet just one point abend of Ronu. TENNIS The J. C. C. tennis program at Dewey Park swings into action on Sunday, May 20. Alan Austin, former Kansas State champ is instructing for the third straight summer. Enroll by calling Cy Scitchick at 342-13CC.
Council Board Meeting National Council of Jewish Women, Omaha Section, will hold a board meeting on Thursday, May 10, at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Stanley Slosburg, 6744 Burt Street. Mrs. Chi Farber is co-hostess. Hahassah Schedule The May schedule of the Hadassah Education Council includes: Bible study group on Monday, May 7 at 9:30 a.m. at the home of Mrs. Benjamin Groner; Wednesday, May 9, 9:30 a.m., study of "Unity of the Jewish People" at home of Mrs. Sidney Katleman; evaluation meeting, Thursday, May 17 at 9:30 at home of Mrs. Nathan Marcus. Mrs. Meyer Rosenbaum, Had&ssah vice president of education, is in charge of these programs.
Eichmann 'Hardest' Minister 'Ever Saw'
County Hospital Improvement Is Key Issue in Primary Election A screech, a crash, broken bodies and smashed human beings. This is the scene repeated many times each year in Omaha. When presented with this emergency, Omaha must provide for the quick and ready service to save the lives of unfortunate persons involved in accidents. The pattern of life-saving is clear: Omaha's rescue squad is called generally at once. Skilled men extract the crushed persoa-; from the wreckage and rush them to County Hospital, where all the results of modern medicine are applied to save and restore life. But—Douglas County has a problem: There is but one emergency operating room. When more than one emergency surgery case must be treated at the same time, make-shift surgery must be used, sometimes even in the corridors. The Douglas County Hospital treated 10,000 emergency cases last year—and every year this number grows. Therefore, the need for increasing this vital emergency facility means something very real to every person who lives in Douglas County. Robert Feinberg, who is working with the Douglas County Citizens Committee for the Hospital Bond Issue said: "On May 15, we have a marvelous opportunity to upgrade the facilities we need to care for our emergency cases, help care for our aged, and provide life-saving medical facilities long needed. I hope that this receives the firm support of all our people."
OFF THE RECORD Ity Nathan Ziprin JEWS IN CUBA Of the estimated 10,000 Jews who lived in Cuba prior to the Castro revolution, more than 3,500 are still in the country, with their cultural, religious and social life centering about Jewish institutions that are still intact. Since Jews are leaving Cuba at the rate of twenty a week, it is obvious that the remaining Jews in that country will not get out for many years, if at all. Through intervention,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Richman announce the birth of a son, Michael Jay on April 11. They are also the parents of a daughter, Elyse Kay. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Weitzman, Chicago, 111., and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Richman. Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Cohen announce the birth of a daughter, Lynne on April 6 at Clarksson hospital. They are also the parents of Gary and Julie. Grandparents are Messrs. and Mines. David Greenberg and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jacobs. Great-grandmother is Mrs. J. B. Blank. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold J. Stern announce the birth of their second son, Richard Alan, April 8 at Clarkson. Their first son is Jolin Michael. Grandparents a r e Messers. and Mmes. Samuel H. Stern and Seymour Cohn, Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Bordy, and Joseph H a y kin, Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Max Cohn of Council Bluffs.
Mr. and David Bear of pes Winnipeg (WNS>—Nazi Adolf Moines, la., announce the birth Eichmann, whose appeal from of a girl, Mary Jane, April 9. the death sentence is currently They also are the parents of pending before the Israel Su- Philip Allan and Linda Ruth. preme Court, was described Grandparents a r e Mr. and here by a Protestant minister Leon Blumberg of Philadelphia, ~ who visited him in his cell as Pa. and Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear. "the hardest man I ever saw." In a letter to relatives here, Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Baker the Minister, the Rev. William announce the birth of a son, Hull, head of the Zion Christian Thomas Matthew, April 11 at Mission, wrote his impression Clarkson Hospital. They are also of Eichmann was predicted on the parents of a daughter, Bettwo meetings he had with the sy Lynn. convicted murderer in Ramleh Grandparents are the Messrs. prison in Israel on April 11 and and Mmes. Abe Baker, David L/. April 20. Krantz. Great-grandparents are Eichmann at his trial refused Mrs. Sam Baker of Sioux City, to take the oath on the Bible, la. and Meyer Schulman. claiming that he believed in God and would swear but that , Captain and Mrs. Jerome Spithe did not "follow any church." zer of Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., He was. said to have refused announce the birth of a daughtspiritual guidance at first, but er, Katherine Jeanne, on April he now has a Bible in the cell 4. The Spitzers also have two and has agreed to accept spir- sons," Jeffrey and David Allan. itual advice, Rev. Hull disGrandparents are the Messrs. closed. and Mmes. Harry Noodell and Rev. Hull was reported to George Ai Spitzer. Great-grandhave made the visit at the sug- parents are Mrs. Anna Weiss, gestion of the Israeli Ministry Chicago Heights, 111. and Mrs. Bella NoodeU. of Religion.
the Jewish Center School in Havana has been prcmittcd to reopen, but on two conditions —that it be renamed the "Albert Einstein" school and that it accept non-Jewish children. Another condition makes the teaching of Spanish and communist ideology a must. When the Cuban parents were told that their children were to be taught also Yiddish at the school, many of them said they were delighted that their youngsters were being taught Yiddish instead of Russian. Although the school has been reopened, its adjacent library has remained sealed from the very first day of confiscation. The motivation for keeping the library closed^ is not clear. Thus is culled from a recent article in the Jewish Day, New York Yiddish daily, by A. J. Dubelman, a recent refugee from Cuba who was editor and publisher of a Yiddish daily in Havana. SIGNS OF THE TIMES The short memory department Ecems to be working overtime in certain precincts. In Germany recently a man who applied for a government job was asked to file an affidavit that he was a good Aryan. When the official who sent out the notice was taken to carpet for his action, he said he had forgotten that the racial laws had been wiped off the books now. In Italy, three leading educators who claimed to be "supporters of democratic and anti-racial ideas" drew up a language examination paper in which they used as text material of highly vicious antiSemitic content. Their excuse was it was just an error. We can't afford such mistakes. (WNS)
25m Liner for Hew York to Haifa Hun New York (JTA) — The keel will be laid next month for a new 23,000 ton luxury liner, the SS. Shalom to be built for the Zim-Israel Navigation Co. for use on the firm's New York to Haifa run, it was announced here by Gottlieb Hammer, president of the Amerlcan-I s r a e 1 i Shipping Co., which represents Zlm in this country. MINNESOTA U FBAXS END Minneapolis (WNS)—A 13year effort to induce all University of Minnesota fraternities to expunge from their constitutions all r e s t r i c t i v e membership clauses, was successfully concluded here when Sigma Nu, the last on the university list of biased fraternities, reported It had received a waiver on discriminatory ni£_-nbership clauses front its nation office.
Friday, May 4, 1862
Sam Fleisher Is JWV Commander Sam Fleisher was elected commander of Epstein-Morgan Post of the Jewish War Veterans, for the l!)f>2-63 season. Others elected were Max Kanner, senior vice-commander; Marvin Kaplan, junior vicecommander; Nate Marcus, quartermaster; Jerome Grossman, judge advocate; Abe S. Miller, adjutant; Dr. J. M. Margolin, surgeon; Morris Levin, historian; Max Belgrade, sergeantatarms; Iz Lewis, V.A.V.S. service officers; Kirt Friberg, publicity; Bob Katleman, chaplain, and Norman Batt, Yale Halpcrin, and Max Kanner, trustees.
Ifanii Synagogue
Survey Speaks New York (WNS>—The Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, in a survey, on Jewish giving, disclosed that women in 19G0 and 1'JIH constituted 41 per cent of the contributors and gave 11 per cent of all funds raised in Jewish community campaign;;. The two-year survey of women's divisions in the United States and Canada was conducted by the Council's Committed on Women's Communal Service.
345-9743 .
Miami (WNS)—An attempt to blow up Anshe Ernes CongreNOW! gation here was thwarted by an anonymous telephone call to POLITICAL ADVKUTLSKMKNT the police that dynamite had been placed on the lawn of the congregation. Police found five sticks of Make County Employment dynamite attached to a lighted an Attractive Career fuse. The synagogue was closed for the night. Had the dynamite exploded, the police said, it could have caused heavy damage to the synagogue and the adjacent buildings.
Livingston Will Receive Milton Livingston, Omaha business leader, and Ralph E. Svoboda, well-known attorney, will receive the annual Brotherhood Award from the National Conference of Christians and Jews at a brotherhood dinner on May 28 at the Indian Hills Inn. The recipient.-; of the award were announced by Dr. A. B. Pittman, Chapter President. Mr. Svoboda has been Catholic co-chairman of the Omaha NCCJ 20 years. Mr. Livingston has been Jewish co-chairman since 1917. Mr. Livingston, a former President and Budget chairman of the Jewish Federation also has been General Chairman of the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign. He has served on the boards of Temple Israel, Omaha library, and United Community Service, was president of the Childrens Memorial Hospital Board and is a member of the City Planning Board. FIRM CONDEMNED FOB SWASTIKA PRODUCTION Jersey City, N. J. (JTA)-— The North Hudson-East Bergen embroidery industry condemned the West New York manufacturer who accepted and filled an order for embroidered swastika emblems. Ralph Muentener, the manufacturer, said lie did not "realize the implications" when he accepted the contract from a novelty firm in Chicago. He said he had been told that the 1,500 swastikas were to be sold strictly "on an individual basis for souvenir purposes. There was never any indication that they would be used for political purposes. TUANSLATKD TO JAPANESE London (JTA) — Twenty-five books on Jewish tliemes have been translated Into the Japanese language as a result of the growing interest of the Japanese intelligentsia in general subjects dealing with Judaism.
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