May 11, 1962

Page 1


Vol. XI—No. SO

Publication Office. 101 No. 20th Omaha. Nebrusliu, Phone 342-1368


MAY 11, 18G3

Second Class PostaEe Puld at Omaliu, Nebr.

Slngio Copy 10 Ccnt« Annual Jtuto A Dollars

FuB5 F@rce-

Paris (JTA)—The French Jewish community prepares to receive and absorb a massive immigration from Algeria, unprecedented in magnitude since the flight of the Jews from Germany during the Hitler regime, that is expected to double the size of the permanent French Jewish population. l'lans for Children One of the first plans to lie put into operation will be the reception of thousands of Algerian Jewish children whose parents want to place them in safety in Metropolitan France. The Strasbourg Jewish community is leading the v/ay in this project and will receive the largest number of children. The community will convert all • it3 homes, institutions and other buildings into temporary children's shelters. It will thus be able to care for several hundred children in addition to the 220 for whom it is already caring. Long Term Measures In general, however, the Central Welfare Organization will

«en -Night at Center John J. (Red) McManus, head basketball coach and Athletic Director at Creighton Univer. sity, will bo the guest speaker, at the fifteenth ann u a l "Athletic Award Night" of the Jewish Community C e n t e r Athletic Department on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Center auditorium. Coach McManjUS g u i d e d the McManus |3Jue Jays'to one of its greatest seau'ons,;,this year, Barton ; (Bucky)"Greenberg, Award Night '•• Chairman, said. He formerly coached at St. Ambrose Academy and the University of Iowa. H i g h lighting the evening's program will be the awarding ; of the J. J. Greenberg, Harry I Trustin and Les Burkenroad ! trophies, for the most outstand! ing player awards in the various ; nge groups. i Another feature of the evening I will be the presentation of threo I new members for the J.C.C. Ath] lelic Hall of fame: Irv Yaffe, i basketball; Sam Ban, handball, I end Max Platt, volleyball. I Tho Center gymnastics class I under the instruction of Dan I Fogel will present a 15 minute I demonstration of their activities. I Over 400 people, including 160 athletes, are expected to be on I hand for evening's program, I Greenberg stated.



In Israel Investments New York (JTA)—Business investments in Israel by American end Canadian firms are expected to reach a new high in 1062 !)f $120,000,000, Israel's Economc Minister to the United States and Canada, Aryeh Manor, said hero.

concentrate on long-term measures and for development of an expanded community structure that will facilitate the absorption of the newcomers into tho life of the community. Most of the efforts will be therefore, along the lines of the social, religious and cultural absorption of the repatriates who are in

danger of feeling lost or deserted in their new surroundings. The French Government has enacted legislation to assist the economic integration of all tho refugees from Algeria, but the FSJU will try to supplement this assistance in certain hard-core

, More adventure and more fun packed days is the description given by Seymour Seitchick, the Center's Athletic Director and Director of the Day Camp, in explaining the 10G2 season's Day Camp program to a group of interested parents this week. The Day Camp, Seilchick commented, will highlight special trips to places of interest, an expanded nature lore program and a well developed program of special daily events. The activities, he added, will be in addition to the other established and well-accepted activities of the Day Camp that include swimming, group activities, g a m e s and sports, crafts and other supervised instruction. Because of the interest In the Day Camp, the Director stated, the program has been expanded to include one additional two week session so that this summer's Center Day Camp will run six weeks.. The site for the Day Camp is Peony Park with

the Center being utilized in inclement weather. Largo buses will transport the Day Campers to the campsite from five convenient locations and return them at the end of the afternoon. A wholesome noon meal, special snacks and camper health and accident insurance are also included in the comprehensive minimum registration fees. A s p e c i a l Pre-School Day Camp is also maintained for children under five years of age. Early registration is recommended to parents to insure their youngsters a place in this summer's Day Camp activities. Call Office for Information Further information may be obtained by calling tho Center Camp office, 342-13GG. No phone registrations will bo accepted. SEASON DATES AND RATES 1st Session—June 10-June 29 —Fee $35. 2nd Session—July 2-July 13— Fee $35. (Continued on Page 2)

Robert M. Feinberg, General Chairman of the Jewish Philanthropies and the United Jewish Appeal Regular and Emergency Fund, in his report to the community, announced that as of Wednesday the amount raised in the drive is $302,107 by the various divisions of the campaign. "This very fine response," Mr. Feinberg declared, "is an incentive to aim for a substantial

Trying to Make Ends Meet Trying to make ends meet is a tough job for this butcher and Iiis wife, one of many families who must be helped to self-sufficiency as soon as possible, through the United Jewish Appeal which receives funds from the Jewish Philanthropies Campaiga in Omaha.

Mrs. Harry Sidman Elected President Of Federation, Jev/ish Women's Clubs Mrs. Harry Sidman was elected and installed as presi dent of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs at its con eluding meeting of the season She previously held the office of first vice-president. Serving with her are Mrs Dave Colin, first vice-president, Mrs. A. C. Fellman, second vicepresident, and Mrs. Hany Trustin, secretary. Participation As A Group In accepting the post of leadership, Mrs. Sidman stated that "along with the important task of our part in Philanthro pies, it is my hope that we will continue in all phases of civic participation as a group." The installation was conduct ed by Mrs. Henry A. Newman, who headed the organization from 1956 to 1958. She told members "that day in and day out, you will be cementing our community, making for harmony among our women's groups, and bringing true unity into the community." Many Achievements Mrs. Lloyd Friedman in turning the gavel over to her successor, 6aid Omahans can bo proud of their achievements, and that'the community is ono of the best run in tho country. "I believe that, here, represents the busiest women in town—serving the community and themselves and consequently attaining a glowing sense of .accomplishment and happiness with the satisfaction of doing a good job."

increase. We must make giving correspond with this year's great need of our rescue program." Kulaltofsky Appeals J. Harry Kulakofsky, past Philanthropies General Chairman and Federation President, who with his wife has toured Israel several times, and witnessed the needs of destituta. r e f u g e e s arriving in Israel, (Continued on Page 2)

(Left to right) Mrs. Henry Newman, installing officer at Fcdcrntion of Jewish Women's Clubs ceremonies; Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, outgoing president, presents gavel to Mrs. Harry Sidman, incoming president, as Mrs. Dave Colin, first vice-president and Mrs. A. C. Fellman, second vice-president, look on. Mrs. Harry Trustin, newly-elected secretary, was unable to be present for the photograph. ' Groups represented are: Beth Thirteen Affiliated The Federation of Jewish El Synagogue Sisterhood, Beth Women's Clubs is composed of Israel Sisterhood, Bikur ChoSociety, B'nai B'rith Monthe presidents and representa- lim sky Chapter No. 470, B'nai tives of the thirteen local Jew- B'rith Cornhusker Chapter No. ish groups who cooperate with 1032, National Women's Comthe Jewish Federation of Omar mittee for Brandeis University, ha "in carrying out its commun- Hadassah, Ladies Free Loan ity-wide functions, participates Society, Mizrachi Women, Naas an unit in ciyt-wido civic tional Council of Jewish Womcauses, and maintains a calen- en, Pioneer Women, Temple Isdar to prevent conflict in pro- rael Sisterhood, and Workmen's Circle Auxiliary. gram activities.

Bikur Cholim Tea To Honor Mothers Daughters Mori; A tea honoring grandmothers, mothers and daughter will ba given by the Bikur Cholim organization, Mon- P day, May 14, at 1 p.m. at the J e w i s h Community Center. The occasion will also mark the installation of officers in a ceremony conducted by Mrs. Lena Grossman for the following: Mrs. Jake Mrs. Wine Wine, president; Mmes. Morris White and Fred Hahn, vicepresidents; Mrs. Sylvia Ross, treasurer; Mrs. William Epstein, financial secretary; Mrs. Sam Manvitz, recording secretary and Mrs. Sam Freed, corresponding secretary. A musical program will ba presented by Mr. and Mrs, Sam Zwerling, accompanied on tho piano by Mrs. Leonard Pinkovitz. Mrs. Wine and Mrs. John Zorlnsky are chairmen in chargo of tea arrangements. BRITISH SOCIETY HONORS U.S. JEWISH SCIENTISTS London (JTA)—Two American Jewish scientists, Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, the nuclear physicist, who helped develop tho atomic bomb, and Dr. Fritz Lipmann, a member of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, were elected as fellows of Britain's Royal Society.



Fage Two

Friday, May II, 1003 BIBLE CONTEST WINNER New York (JTA) — Barbara Trainin, 13, Brooklyn, took first place in the advanced Hebrew division of the third National Bible Contest.

Published weekly on Friday beginning llio last week In August tlirou(;]i second week In July. Second CI031 Pottoie Paid oi Omaha, llebr. Annual Subscription, U GO. Advertising Ka\es on Afjpiicufbn. Publlcutlon Oftice—101 No. !0ih Strict, Omcha. Hcbr. Phono 241-lM.



Bar anil Has Mifzvah

Day Camp (Continued from Page 1.) 3rd Session—July 10-July 27— Fee $35. Full Session—June ID-July 27 —Fee $90. The fee for the Prc-School Day Camp is $20 per session and rims the first two sessions of the Day Camp season. Shop through the Jewish Press Ads.

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MICHAEL FINKI.K STEVEN ALTSULEU Michael Finkle, son of Mr, and Mrs. William Finkle, and Steven Altsuler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Altsuler, will each become Zar Mitzvah on Friday evening, May 11, and Saturday morning, May 12, at Temple Israel. MAYNAKI) BEL7.ER .MARK BERNSTIEN Maynard Belzcr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Belzer, will observe his Bar Mitzvah and Mark Bcrnstien, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bernstien, will observe his Bar Mitzvah on Friday evening, May 11 and Saturday morning, May 12 at the 10:"30 Service at Beth El Synagogue. HARVEY COHEN The Bar Mitzvah of Harvey Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Cohen, will be celebrated on Saturday, May 12 at Beth Israel Synagogue. DAVID DENENBERG The Bar Milzvah of David Denenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Denenberg, will be celebrated on Saturday, May 19 at Beth Israel Synagogue. MARJOUIE SIKEF ALEXIS SUSMAN Mr. and Mrs. William Siref announce the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, Marjorie Sircf, and Mr. and Mrs. William Susman announce the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, Alexis Susman, on Friday evening, May 18 and Saturday morning, May 19 at the 10:30 service at Beth El Synagogue. SANDRA LIPP BONNIE TRUSTIN Sandra Lipp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris J. Lipp, and Bonnie Trustin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Yale Trustin, will each become Bas Mitzvah on Friday evening, May 18, and Saturday morning, May 19, at Temple Israel. SHELDON MARK GALLNER Mr. and Mrs. David Gallner, Council Bluffs, la., announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Sheldon Mark Gallner at B'nai Israel Synagogue, Council Bluffs, on Friday, May 13 at 8:30 p.m. and Saturday morning, May 19 at 9:30 a.m.




All Irieitds und relatives aro Invited to atk-nd uervlccs und reception.


Waay RUG CLEANERS LIFE MUST GO ON Life must go on even in Isarcl's ma'aliarot. The large numbers of newcomers arriving in Israel, is on the increase, and must be helped with housing by the United Israel Appeal, a member agency of the United Jewish Appeal which receives funds from the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign in Omaha.

Increased Giving Noted (Continued from Page 1.) pleaded for increased giving at a meeting held this week. "I'reparcd"-Tritiak Isadore M. Tretiak, Initial Gifts Chairman, said that the emergency this year is needed more than ever to save the increasing number of refugees who must be provided with transportation, homes and selfsubsistence. "We must be prepared," he added. Impressive Raises Reported Jewish community campaigns continue to show impressive increases in all giving categories, Mr. Feinberg reported according to analyses of campaign progress released this week by the Council of Jewish Foundations and Welfare Funds. Survey of 74 Cities The report, made public by John D. Fienberg of Toronto, chairman of the Council's Canv paign Committee, covered results in 74 large,, middle-size and small cities—not including New York City—which raised more than $58,000,000 in 1961. The communities which had been showing almost identical rates of increase and of contributor coverage up to the halfway point of the current campaign were now beginning to develop slightly different patterns of progress, the report establishes. Communities of 40,000 and over population are now at the 50 per cent mark of last year's totals and show an increase of 19.9 per cent on the s a m e pledges. Communities between 15,000 and 40,000 now at the 54.3 per cent mark show an average increase of 20.5 per cent. Communities b e t w e e n 5,000 and 15,000 now at the C5 per cent mark, show an increase of 17.5 per cent. Communities under 5,000 now at 61,1 per cent, show an increase of 24.0 per

uirgoy i/ o pcrceni; tcicaa, n:i perceni/ Tucson, 24.5 percent. Of th« smaller communllies, Gingham-

lifzvafis Any Six* or Deign



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Jon, 74.7 percent; Birmingham, 75.8 p*rccnl; Cdmonlon, 37.9 per cent; Flint/ ??.3 percent; Fort Worth, ?8.fl ptrccnl; Moditon, 47.7 percent; ov.luhcma CM/- 25.4 percent; Peorlo, 24.8 percent; Son Jose 71.A percent; Sioux O l / , M.6 percent; Sou)I) Bend, ?4 ptrcent; Southern Illinois. 7i.'2 percenl; UHca, 25.5 percent, ond V/cit Palm Beach, 42.7 percent.



SON OF BRITISH LEADER TO ISRAELI KIBBUTZ London (JTA)—Housing Minister Charles Hill said his son, John, 10, will live on Israeli Kibbutz for six months, before entering Cambridge.

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A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Ben Soshnik, Sunday, May 13 at C2 p.m. at Golden Hill Cemetey. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke of Beth El Synagogue will officiate.

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IS AN EXPERIENCED JUVENILE COURT JUDGE .1 X Juvenile Court Judge Seward L. X Hart is the only candidate in X Douglas County who has full time X: .luvenile oourt .judge experience. Judge Hart's outstanding record in X X lav/ and social work has involved the problems of children and the X X family. His prime qualification X i3 hi3 full time EXPERIENCE as Juvenile Court Judge. x, Voto for and KEEP Xj X SEWARD L. HART x Douglas County X Juvenile Court X X| X

rlelay, Mny 11, 1008


'omen's Groups Announce officers for Next Season flections and installations ninate the current scene for n;r of the community organitions. mple Israel drs. I. M. Liberman wns in1 as president of Temple Del Sisterhood at its last |eting. ghcrs serving In office wllh her ara David Meyers, ccjrrejpondlnrj sccre. Mrs. PJilll Lmen Ircusurer; Mrs. rt Colin, auditor; Mrs. Lloyd Fried, recording secretary; Mrs. Maurice |nk, dues secretary; Mrs. Mlllard Krosh parHamcnlarlan; and Hie following B-presldenls; Mines. Dcivid E. [ichor, Wlnsten, Joseph Horwlch and MarJornbcrg.

The installation was conductby Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks, rs. Edward Levinson headed nominating committee. •


jclh E l

|New president of Eeth El Syfigogue Sisterhood is Mrs. Alert G. Rimmerman, Serving her are: /Jce-presidcnts Mrs. Ben Slul/k/, rfid* nlsfrallve; Mrs. Durton Grcenbcra, cul. "al; Mrs. David C. Plait, social and Ifore; Mrs, Phil Katrmun, ways and «n»; Mrs. Sol Parsow, corresponding :retary; Mmes. Max BIttner, Ernest /Infroub, financial secretaries; Mrs. jtcwort Tully, recording secretary; Mrs. ,ou Jess, treasurer; Mrs. Ira Whitcbook, uditor; Mrs. Oavld Brodkey, porllamcn. irlan. Directors, 1V62-64—Mines. Morrlj rick, Max Lashlnsky, Meyer Rubin. Dl. tclon I94MJ— Mmes. Isldor Levlnson, 'athon Noaa and Julius Slein. * * •

enry Monsliy Chapter Officers of Henry Monsky Chapter B'nai B'rith with Mrs. ijHarvey Gershien, as president Were installed May 2 at the Blackstone Hotel. Present were Mrs. Louis Perlman, Wilmettej 111., past national president of B'nai B'rith Women, and Mrs. Alfred Lakin, Detroit, Mich., second vice-president of District No. 6. They also participated in the installation of Cornhuskcr Chapter on April 30. Elected to serve with Mrs. Gershein are the following officers:

I Beth I s r a e l : Rabbi Benijamin Groner, Canton Eli Ka;gan, and the Beth Israel choir [.will conduct the Friday family services this evening at 8 p.m. Traditional F r i d a y evening services (Kobolas Shabbos) begin at 7:15 p.m. : Shabbos morning services at 8:45 a.m. Junior Congregation at 10 a.m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the'Talmud Class at 7 pm. Shabbos Mincha at 7:15 pm, followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at 8:10 p.m. Sunday morning services begin at 9 a.m. Junior Minyon starts at 8:30 a.m. Mincha at


With the Home Folks News and Iinppcnines at The I)r.

AAnies. Bernard Goldslrom, Del Klein* vice presidents; secretaries—Mrs. Cerlruda Znelrncr, financial; Mrs. tarn Garrop, dues; Mrs. Abe Bear, recording; Mrs. Gilbert Aronotf, corresponding; Mrs. Sam jliykcn, treasurer; IM'*. Barney Kaufman, historian; Mrs. Abe Glnsburg, sentinel; Mmes. Richard Wrinht, Bernurd Sleylcr and Dave tp'Jcin, trustees; Mrs. tteiQf Kaplun, monitress. Mrs. Gershien appointed the following as committee chairmen: Mines. Henry An* pet, Gilbert Aronoff, Charles Fisher, Morris Franklin, Jack Frellck; Sum Garrop, flate Gilnlck, Abo Ginsburg, Dan Gordman, Julia Jacobs, Nathan Kaplan, Bernard Kaulman, Charles Lleb,.Milton Mlntz, Albert Oructi, Arthur Parliinan, Jolm Quinn, Hurry Rlniler, Frank Sckar, Stanley Shapiro. Jay stolor, Chciiles Stern/ Klf.fiard Wright and Miss Ida Raptiael.

Cornliuslicr Chapter Cornhusker Chapter B'nai B'rith held its installation April 30 at the Blackstone Hotel with the Mmes. Burton Dunevitz and Paul Rifkin in charge. Their committee included Mmes. Marvin Gerber, Milton Simon and Harold Abrahamson.

Special Festivities For Jay-G-G Campers The young people attending the 1902 Omaha Federation sponsored resident camp, Camp Jay CC, will thrill to the unusual program of well-planned and expanded activities. Some of the events include Twjn Night, Carnival, Sadie Hawkins Day and Dance, Outer Space Night, Skit Night, Hoe Down, Camp Fires, Hawaiian Night, Horse Show, Hobo Night, Scavenger Hunt, Treasure Hunt, Hay Rides, Charades Party, Cookouts, Song Contest, Fourth of July Display, Dance Productions, Talent Night, Game Night, Israeli Dancing and Sabbath Services. Additional information and particulars on the Jay C-C program may be secured by calling the Center's Camp Office at 34213CG.

JACK JOSEPH Funeral services were held Philip Hlier JIUIBII Home for tlio Tuesday at the Jewish Funeral Agfa by David Orkow. Home for Jack Joseph, 51, of 725 North 57 Avenue, who died Residents Registered — Mrs. Sunday. Burial was in B e t h Marvin Kohll, deputized by the Hamedrosh Hagodol Cemetery. election commissioner register-. : Mr. Joseph was one of the ed over 25 Homo residents at owners of Joseph's Hardware the Home enabling them to vote, Store, Survivors: Wife, Lillian; sons, many of them for the first lime. This was a Council of Jewish Robert of Omaha and Marvin, a lieutenant stationed at F o r t Women project. Ala.; brothers, Henry of Mr. and Mrs. Hill Wintrotib Rucker, gave a Kiddush in memory of Chicago and William of Omaha. his mother, Pearl Wintroub, a MRS. IDA FKEEDMAN former resident of the Home. News has been received of 15 & P Hadassah president, the death, Sunday, of Mrs. Ida Mrs. Julius Newman, announces Freedman, Los Angeles, Cal. the Mother's Day Party at the Mrs. Freedman was a former Dr. Philip Sher Home—gifts, re- Omahan and the mother of Herfreshments and a musical pro- shel Freedman of Omaha. gram are planned. The public is Also surviving are husband, invited. Louis; children, Mrs. Mina KapA Kidduslv will be given this lan, Mrs. Lillian Hahn, Mrs. Saturday by Mrs. Veta Cohen in Pearl Mast, Al and Max Freedhonor of the Bar Mitzvah of her man, all of Los Angeles. grandson, Jon David Whitman. Several of our residents at- Mrs. Clara Waxenbcrg Wintroub tended the Council of Jewish Mrs. Clara Waxenberg WinWomen luncheon for the Sioux troub, former Omahan, died City guests Monday at the Jew- Tuesday in Los Angeles, Cal. ish Community Center, which Services were held Friday. was followed by a visit of the Surviving are children: Morris Sioux City group to the Home Wayne and Hyinan Waxenberg, for tea and a tour. Los Angeles, and Ernest Wintroub and Mrs. Ruth Venger of Omaha.

Members of Youth Council Elected To Honor Society

Youth Council members are among Central High School seniors elected to the National Honor Society. They are Maureen Borden, Judith Ginsburg, Robert Gross, Marshall Kaplan, Helen Katz, Carol Rosenbaum, Judy Siegler, Sandra S i l v e r b r a n d , Sonia Sternberg and Judith Veret. Selections are based on the student's scholarship, citizenship, activities and service.

B'nai Jacob Adas Vcsluiron: Friday Mincha, 7 p.m.; Saturday morning, 8:30 a.m. and Mincha, 7 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos. Daily services at 6:30 a.m. and 7:15 p.m. Temple Israel: Sabbath services will be held" at 8:15 p.m., Friday evening, with Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks officiating. Rabbi Brooks will preach on "The Parents' Hour." Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner and Temple Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin will participate in the service.


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Religious Services Candlelightlng—7:12 p.m. Beth El: Sabbath eve services will begin this evening at 8:15 p.m. Rabbi Myer S Kripke will delived the third'in a series of six lecture-sermons on "Six Prayers of the Sabbath." Traditional Sabbath morning services begin at 8:30. Family ;service will begin at 10:30 a.m. Mincha-Maariv services at 7:15 p.m. •, Sunday morning services be( ;gln at 9 a.m. Services during Uhe week are held at 7 a.m. and |7 p.m.

Page Three


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Page Four

Friday, May 11, 100?

Omahans in News SOFTBALL The Center Varsity softball team tasted their first victory In the new Slow Pitch league with an 84 win over Sealtest at Adams Park last week. Veteran Lindy Paul provided the power with two home runs and a double and played his usual flawless game at shortstop. The Jay team broke the game open with a four-run third inning spree. After Cy Heitchick reached first on nn error. Paul doubled, Buddy Epstein .singled, Dave Goldstein smacked a two bagger and Gordon Hollis singled. The Center tallied two more in the fifth on doubles by Goldstein and Stuart Kalm, an error and a single by Roy Katskee. The other runs were scored when Paul hit home runs to right field in the first and seventh innings. J.C.C. Pout si ..;.. Epsttln 2b . Goldstein If S. Kahii . sf Hums cl : . , . ; KallKee lb Ginsburg 3b Farter e .. R. Kahn ft •', Seitcftlck p Krasii* rf ... Horwldl r) SEALtEST Wild si . . . . Rowland 3b Dovll II . . . . , Krotger 2b . Tanwn l b • Wild M r » . Jaoobson p MMIw cf . . . . Jenkins c .. Skoii , rl .•••

AB 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 I 1 AB .. 4 .. 4 ...3 ..3 .. 3

RBI 3 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R RBI 1 1 1 0 0

Sigma Alpha Mu Despite a fall, Rayim's relay Mothers' Club A meeting of the Sigma Alteam of Louis Chunick, Al Ross, Stuart Smith and Howard Katz- pha Mu Mother's Club will be man won the race, the track held Wednesday, May 10 following a 12:30 p.m. dessert lunchmeet and the Olympic title. Winning events are as follows: eon at the home of Mrs: Max ICO yord tia-tU, Jerry 5'cerjS, AA I . Riekes. Officers will be elected. l;0 yard &t-J>, Jerr/ Stc^cris, AZA 1. !;!;G! pi.t, Gordon Hcllis, Rsrcu. Reservations may be made Bread jL-mp, Al iVl.ilrnori, Rayim. with Mrs. Moe Grossman, a cofMIe RLH, Arr.ic Y.'c-ili, Ka,'!m. HO Yard Run, Ik-il AZA T. hostess, 551-G223, 4;'J Yard Run, Don Kuhktc, Itrftp. * * • Soltb-Jit Tlnc.v, f.':*e Sherman, ROHL'. HO Rcicv* Koylrn, ChuricK, Rois, SiMtli, Muslral Program 1& Kalzman. Scheduled for Council The regular luncheon meeting of the National Council of Jewish Women, Omaha Section, will be held May 15, Tuesday The Business and Professional at 12:30 p.m. at the Highland Women of Hadassah will enter- Country Club. A musical protain residents of the Dr. Philip grain entitled, "An Afternoon •Slier Jewish Home for the Aged with Rodgers and Hainmcron Sunday at 2 p.m. with a stein," will be presented by the Wcstsidc High School Pop Choir Mother's Day program. The event will feature musical under the direction and featurnumbers by Miss Julia Zuker. A ing William Kellogg. Other solosocial hour will follow the pro-, ists include Micky Ellcy, Kathy gram and mother's day gifts will Hybl, Candy Wheeler and Kenny be distributed to residents of Tloss. Reservations are limited to the home. Assisting Mrs. Newman with 250 and must be in by Thurspreparations for the occasion day, May 10. For reservations are the Mines. Lillie Becker, call; Esther Jacohson, S5CAlice Hecger, David Moslier and 0045; Jane Siimuelson, 55G-1338;. the Misses Zuker, Elizabeth Sylvia Schwartz, 553-G23G. • * * Hart, Myrtle Freeman and Lee Greenberg. The community i3 Nomination of Officers invited to attend. Officers will be nominated at

crt Home

a nieeting of Hie Omaha Chapter Mizrachi Women, Wcdnestiny, May 1C at 2 p. in. at the Jewish Community Center. A dessert luncheon will bo held at I p.m. Members are urged to bring to the nicetinfj, their Jewish National Fund boxes or contribution. . . . (.

Shop through (he Jewish A'ls.

City of Hope Drive

The Omaha Chapter of the City of Hope Medical Center in Duarte, Calif., met at the homo of presidents, Dr. and Mrs. Sol Kutler. The 1002 city-wide doorto-door drive will be held 6*n November 2, 3 and 4. Mr. and Mrs. Al Ncpomnic, 2nd vice presidents, will head the annual drive.

Campus Frances Lee Erman, is one of the winners of the William J. Branstrom freshman prize at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. She i.s the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Erman. Richard Speier, son of Mr. find Mrs. Millard Speier, won a National Foundation Science scholarship for his PhD. work. He is at Harvard University,



I. M. Trctiak, president of th» Tretiak Jobbing Co,, is one of the three new public member! of the nine-man Omaha Transit Company Board.

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YOUTH COUNCIL BOWLING The Youth Council bowling league will begin on Tuesday, June 19 and run until Tuesday, July 31, according to Brad Epstein, league commissioner. Each club will have two teams entered in the league, an "A" team and a "B" team. At the end of six weeks, each club will have competed twice against each other and the combined points will be added to secure the final standings. Rayim is the defending Youth C o u n c i l bowling champions. Bowling is the first sport to kick off the youth council standings for the 19G2-63 program year.

cn tin lattl j : r.eans ; 1 It's kosher... i f . j ' s j : ' ; ? ^

Out-of-towners have arrived from many different ciites to attend the Bar Mitzvah of Steven Altsuler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Altsuler and that of Michael Finkle, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Finkle. The services will be celebrated jointly by the boys on Friday evening and Saturday morning at Temple Israel. Here from Missouri er« M « j r i . end • Mmci, Moty Mofcofsky, Herman Mokolsky and Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Bordy, all of Kansas Cily. lowons present are presMessrs and /Ames. Jack K u t c h o r, Sioux City; Louis Kuklln, Neola. Others ore Messrs and Mmcs. Sam Finkle, Horry Kuklln, Davo Kuklln, Floyd Kuklln, Mrs. Ann Mendelson, all of Lincoln, Nebr., Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bordy and sons, Columbus, Nebr.; Mrs. Som Bordy, Silver Creek, Nebr., and M r j . Louis Llpshllz, Korfn Platto, Hebr. Colifomlcns who have orrlved for th» event, or« Mrs. Sam Mlnkln, Mrs. Al Hament and Mr. and Mrs. Note Bordy of Los Angeles. Chicago Quests aro the MmM. Jerry Meyer, end Ralph Upaclt. Other vllsfors Include Mr. and Mrs. Jock Pasfernack, Cheyenne, Wyo.; ihr. and M r i . Sam Welmleln, Son Antonio, Tex.; Mr, end Mrs. Emir Herman, 5h«ybogan, W.'i., and ton. Rowlla Llpp, Seattle, Wash. • • •


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YOUTH COUNCIL TRACK MEET Rayim squeezed by Ronu in a dramatic finish to win the Youth Council Track and Field meet and consequently winning the | Youth Council Olympic trophy « for the 1961-62 program year. Going into the final event; the 880 relay, at the Tech high school field, Rayim and Ronu we re.tied for first place with 22 points eacfa,,Eayim held a 34. 33 point edge'tfn-Ronu in overall activity for lh"e season in all sports. So tire overall Olympic championship hung in the balance of this final race of this final activity.

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