May 18, 1962

Page 1

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Vol. XIr—No. 81

Publication Office. 101 No. 20th Omaha. Nebraska, Piiano 342-13U6


Camp Jay-C-C Announced by Experience, ability and pei< Bonnlity mark this summer's staff-of Camp Jay-C-C, the Jewish Federation sponsored resident camp, opening June 24. Norman Batt stated. All members of the counseling staff are college trained, with supplemental staff, consisting of high school graduates or seniors. Top Supervisors -Supervising the Boys' Village Will be Donald Roll, University of Omaha senior, who has had six years of resident camp experience. Heading the girl staffers will be Marilyn Katzman, Ohio State University sophomore, on her fourth season at Jay-C-C. Serving as boys' counselors will be Mike Berger, a Michigan State university sophomore; Norman Oberstein, freshman law student at Iowa University,

Dr. George Kahn, of the University oi Nebraska College of Medicine, will be in charge of the camp's Infirmary. Dr. Kahn served his residence in internal medicine in Europe. The "Docs" returns to camp for his third season as head of the medical aspects of camp. Batt stated "that with Doctor Kahn on the staff parents can rest assured that their children will have a healthy and happy summer's experience at camp." ' Serving as supplementary personnel will be Sandy Silverbrand and Barbara Lowe, Lorie Freeman, Dcbby Berkowitz and Gayle Levin. Other staff assistants include Gerald Ferenstein, Sherman Brodkey, H o w a r d Wciner, John Spitzer and Mike Wilson. Poslta Is Director Directing the camp will be

Second Class Poatane Paid at Omaha, Nebr

Single Copy 10 Cents Annual Hate 4 Dollars

1962 Cash'Drivo iarfc N.. Y.—The 1962 f t h e United Jewto raise $39,200,000 by June 11 is "well past the half-way mark," Israel D. Fink of Minneapolis, Cash Chairman, reported. Reporting that a total of $21,500,000 had been raised to date, Mr. Fink noted that the current drive was running well ahead of the 19G1 cash Income during a comparable period. He pointed out that almost as many immigrants have arrived in Israel during the first four months of this year as during the entire 12 months of 1960. "If the present pace is maintained," Mr. Fink said, "this will be the biggest immigration year in a decade." Joseph Meyerhoff, USA general chairman stressing the vital Importance of the current drive to raise casli, declared flint It "is only through efforts Iilce these (hat we shall be able to provide the lifcblood that will Iccep the vast migration of Jews moving out of every troubled zone abroad toward Israel and other havens of freedom. In 19C2, the United Jewish Appeal seeks $95,000,000 to make possible the work of its beneficiaries: The United Israel Appeal-Jewish Agency for Israel, Inc., meeting the needs of Israel's immigrants; the Joint Distribution Committee, which cares for Jews in need in 27 countries i n c l u d i n g Israel, where it maintains a program for aged and handicapped immigrants, and the New York Association for New Americans, which assists Jewish refugees to the United States.

Shows 24% Gain The Annual Philanthropies Get - Together of the Food Industry and Allied Field will bo held Wednesday, May 23, at 8 P.M., at the Home of S a m u e l S. Steinberg, 122 So. 50th Avenue, the co-chairmen of the Food Industry Division announced today. Serving as co-chairmen of the Division are: Leonard Kulaltofsky, Joe Lipton, and Samuel S. Steinberg. In an invitation issued to Omahans in the Food and Allied Industry, thoy said: "The Food Industry and Allied Field aro a large, vital part and plays an important role in the economy of our Jewish community. "We feel deeply that our industry can do a real job in these most serious times."

Soplil© 11. Frosiikin A camp scholarship to Camp Jay-C-C was granted by the "Sophie W. Fromkin Camp Scholarship Fund" to provide camping opportunity to a deserving child. The Sophie W. Fromkin Scholarship Fund was recently established to make available camp scholarships to children, otherwise unable to receive camping experience.

An increase of 24 per cent in the General Men's Division was reported this week by Alvin Abramson^ Chairman ol the division. "On the basis of some 600 cards which we have completed, we are happy to re» port an increase of 24 per cent for our Division," Mr. Abramson said. " I l o w e v c r , we have a great many cards on hand yet, which are being solicited by our workers. Our aim is to r e a c h at least 1,000 pledges in the General Men's Division." '

Youth Pistes Follow-Up A speedy follow-up on cards and pledges, not yet turned in, by members of the Jewish Youth Council Division of the Philanthropies Campaign, was uvged today by its chairmen, Irene Sabes and Steve Marcus. "This Is the only way we will achieve our $1,300 Goal," the chairmen asserted. "Lieutenants and captains are asked to contact their assigned cards as soon as possible, because the school term will be over shortly, and students will scatter for the summer."

Rabbi Brooks Will Be Cited

Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks who is starting his second decads as spiritual leader of Temple (Editor's Note): Israel, will be The important part that Israel's Negev is playing in the devel- honored by his opment of the New State is referred to in the letter from Israel's congregation at Prime Minister, David Ben Gurion, written to Miss-Hannah Logasa its 92 annual of Omaha, who visited with the Ben Burion Family last year in meeting, Wednesday, May 23. Israel. A 6:30 p.m. dinMiss Logasa is Librarian Emeritus of the University of Chica- ner will precede the meeting a d go, author of many books and educator. program. In view of the intensive immigration of refugees into Israel and Officers will their settlement in the Negev, the editor presents this letter as of be elected. timely interest to the paper's readers. Here is the letter from Mr. Ajon Farber i s o . . . n^TTT Ben Gurion: chairman of t h e R a M ) i B r o o k a THE PRIME.MINISTER committee planning the event. Jerusalem, March 12,1962 Members of his committee inDear Miss Logasa: clude Messrs. and Mmes. Hy Typical, happy camper-counselor relationship Is evident on Last week-I visited several places hi the Negev: Sdeh Boker Shrier, Robert Cohn, Lazar the smiting faces In this picture snapped during the 1961 Camp and the youth college established nearby; Ein Yahav, and a new Kaplan, Stanley Fisk, Mrs. Ajon Jay-C-C season. . settlement in the southern part of the Dead Sea called "NeotHaki- Farber and Jim' Farber. Justin Plotkin, University of Sherman Poska with the assist- kar," where agriculture is being successfully developed in salt Omaha junior and Louis Wolfe, ance of Dik Weiner. Camp Jay- soil and under salt water Irrigation. I sampled vegetables (tomaKansas University sophomore. C-C maintains the highest ra- toes and onions) grown under those conditions and found them exSupervising girls' cabins will tio of counselors to campers be Barbara Oberstein, Iowa In this area. Its high profes- tremely palatable. Kingston, Jamaica, W. I , I also visited the new town of Arad (Numbers 21, 1; Joshua 12, University sophomore; Diana sional standards of operation Rubinow, Omaha University merits the seal and accredita- 14; Judges 1, 16) which overlooks the Dead Sea. An abundance of (JTA) Neville N. Ashenhein, junior; Carole Hartstein, Mis- tion of the American Camping natural gas, and rich deposits of phosphates have been found in prominent lawyer and holder the area, and archaeological finds from the period of the Judean of many offices in the Jamaican fiourl University sophomore and Association, Batt stated. Leanno Kraft. With six weeks remaining be- Kingdom have been made, I toured the expanding town of Mitzpe Jewish community, was apDr. George Kahn—"Medic" fore the official opening date Ramon, where a group of one hundred young people from the North pointed to the cabinet of the of the camp, June 24, fewer of Israel recently settled. They were all well-established in steady Jamaican Government, which than 10 openings remain for work and good jobs hi the north, but were captured by the charm . Is scheduled to achieve comKBON Radio Presents plete independence next Aucamper registration. A waiting of the Negev and left their homes to settle in Mitzpe Ramon. Message of Israel ' Although I always believed hi the great future of the Negev, gust. list already exists for the first He was also made a member Sunday, May 20 1 have now seen with my own eyes how this dream is turning into session of the camp. of the Legislative Council, ths Registration for the 1962 reality. 10:00 P.M. body which will become th» camping program Is by mail I hopo that In tho future you will find tha opportunity to reSpeaker: Rabbi Alan S. Green registration and application to visit Israel, and will then tour the Negev which Is so close to your country's Senate after it, hag Temple Emanu El, Cleveland the Center's Camp Office. Thoso heart. I am convinced that you will derive great satisfaction from achieved independence. Mr. Topic: The Delight Between Ashenheim will b8 Minister parents desiring further de- such a visit. Husband and Wife—A Jewish Without Portfolio and as t With esteem, tails or particulars on the camp member of the Seriate, leader Ideal Yours very sincerely, its staff, program, or policies of government business. D. BEN-GUBION : exa requested to call 342-1366, KBON Radio 1490

Jewish leader on Jamaiean Cabinet

Friday, May 19, J068

WIlli the Home Folks Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week In August tlirouRh second wetli In July. Second Class Pcstaos Paid ot Omofia, l<tbr. Annual Subscription. i4O3 Advertising Rates on Application. Publication Office—101 (to. soih S1r«tt, Omiiho. lUbr. Phone 3421346.


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Chicago (JTA)—Observance of a long tradition of exchange of pulpits between K.A.M. Temple and the First B a p t i s t Church, was continued last week-end when their spiritual leaders, once again switched rolls. The two houses of worship were across-thestreet neighbors for many years.


Ail friends and relatives are tcrvicca and

News and liappenlnEi at TKo Dr. Invited to attend Philip Shrr Jewkli Home fur Hie Aged b j llavld OrUow. I...'.."...'..-. •:V-.'.Vil'2Vr..V.V.'::';.1:'.V1V.V...:^V.XiilX3 SANDRA LIPP

Birthdays celebrated this week were those of: Mrs. I.lina Krestul, Mrs. Eva Woskoff, Louis Frusen and Carl Sirinsky. Flowers were sent to tho Home by the families of Mark Candlelighting—7:19 p.m. Bernstien and Maynard Belzer Temple Israel: Sabbath serv- Seudos and Maariv at 8:15 p.m. who celebrated their Bar Mitzices will be held at 8:15 Friday Sunday morning services be- vah last week. evening, with Rabbi Sidney H. gin at 9 a.m. Junior Minyon Residents attended the Blkur Brooks officiating. He will starts at 8:30 a.m. Mincha at Cholim tea honoring grandpreach on the sermon: "Permothers, mothers and daughspective in Prejudice . . . Com- 7:30 p.m. ters. ment on 'Sons of My Best Special memorial services Friend'" by Epstein and For- B'nal Jacob Adas Vcshuron: were held "in the Home synaFriday Mincha, 7 p.m.; Saturster. gogue for the following, the anCantor Manfred F. Kuttner day morning, 8:30 a.m. and niversary of whose death falls and Temple Choir under the Mincha, 7 p.m. followed by Sho- during the month of Iyar: Iyar direction of Miss Ida Gitlin, will losh Seudos. Daily services at 1—(May 5), Harry Steinberg; Ivar 2—(May 6), Mary Cohen; 6:30 a.m. and 7:15 p.m. participate in the services. Ivar 8—(May 12), Meyer PoThe White Cane drive by the tash; Iyar 10—(May 14), Joseph Beth El: Sabbath eve services will begin this evening at Omaha Association of the Blind Kosowsky; Iyar 28—(June 1), 8:15 p.m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke includes street sale of the canes Jacob Kavich. Coming Events: Lag B'Omer; will deliver the fourth in a se- in Benson and South Omaha, ries of six lecture-sermons on May 18 and downtown Omaha a date with the Council Bluffs "Six Prayers of the Sabbath." and the Crossroads on May 19. Chapter of Hadasash. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Traditional Sabbath morning services will begin at 8:30. The Family Service will begin at New York (WNS)—Israel will the units from the Israel Hous10:30. Mincha-Maariv services be able to tap the enormous ing Authority and lease them will begin at 7:15 p.m. capital pools of American in- to the Jewish Agency for Israel, Sunday morning services be- surance companies to help Inc. for distribution to new imgin at 9 a.m. Services during speed its housing development, migrants. the week are held at 7 a.m. and it was disclosed here. Two life insurance companies-r-the Mas7 p.m. sachusetts Mutual Life InsurBeth Israel: Rabbi Benjamin ance Company and the New LOUIS NESSOLSON Groner, Cantor Eli Kagan and England Mutual Life Insurance News has been received from the Beth Israel choir will con- Company—have invested $4,Chicago, 111., of the death of 500,000 "in a new $10,000,000 duct the Late Friday family services at 8 p.m. Traditional project for the construction of Louis Nessolson, 73, on May 7. Friday evening services (Ko- 2,000 new housing units in Is- Mr. Nessolson, a retired grobolas Shabbos) begin at 7:20 rael. cer and resident of Omaha, 50 p.m. American Associates years, moved to Chicago in Shabbos morning services at The funds were provided by 8:45 a.m. Junior Congregation the companies to American As- 19G1. at 10 a.m. Rabbi Groner will sociates, a newly formed corSurvivors, wife, Anna, and conduct the Talmud Class at poration. The money was ad- sons, Harold of Chicago and 7:05 p.m. Shabbos Mincha at vanced on 15-year notes guar7:25 p.m. followed by Sholosh anteed by the Jewish Agency Eugene of Louisville, Ky. Fufor Israel, Inc. American As- neral services were held in sociates is to invest $1,000,000 Chicago. of its own, and another $4,500,000 is to come from capital Wins Fellowship participation by an agency of A former Nebraskan, Dr. the Israel government, thus Forrest Mosher, now of Los making for housing capital of Angeles, Cal., ha3 been awardScb (Subby) Pulvcrcnlo ten million dollars. ed a Guggenheim Fellowship In Aslidod and Ashkclon for study at the University of 25 Years' Expericnco The guarantees make it pos- Paris, beginning March 19G3. With Jewish sible for the f i r s t time for Dr. Mosher, son of Max MoshAmerican insurance companies er of Lincoln, is a graduate of Lettering and Memorials to provide funds for immigrant the University of Nebraska and housing in I s r a e l through received his doctor's degree 341-2452 2211 So. 8Jh American-based corporations. from the California Institute of The 2,000 housing unite will ac- Technology. Through the scholcommodate 10,000 persons. The arship he will study physics of units are to be constructed in the upper atmosphere- and Ashdod and Ashkelon in Israel. space physics. His mother was American Associates is to buy the late Mary Margolin Mosher who lived in Omaha before moving to Lincoln. W A l i TO WAIX CAKPETINU Traditional Exchange


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BONNIE TKUSTIN Sandra Lipp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris J. Lipp, and Bonnie Trustin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Yale Trustin, will each become Bas Mitzvah on Friday evening, May If), and Saturday morning, May 19, at Temple Israel.

ALKX1S SUSMAN MAKJOHIK SIUKF Alexis Susman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Susman, will observe her Bas Mitzvah, and Marjorie Siref, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Siref, will observe her Bas Mitzvah this evening and Saturday morning at the 10:30 service at Beth El Synagogue.


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The B a r Mitzvah of David Q Denenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. X Tlif* ngMfS1 Bernard Denenberg, will be © B " C P I S 3 ¥ celebrated on Saturday, May © 19 at Beth Israel Synagogue.


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SUSIE KUKAWKA AVIVA SILVERBRAND KAREN TEPPER The Group Bas Mitzvah of ka, Aviva Silverbrand, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Halin and Karen Tepper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Malvin Tepper, will be celebrated on Friday evening, May 25, at Beth Israel Synagogue. JOE ARESTY RICHARD SLOSBURG Joel Aresty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Aresty, and Richard Slosburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Slosburg, will each become Bar Mitzvah on Friday evening, May 25, and Saturday morning, May 2G, at Temple Israel.

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ROBERT GOODMAN Mr. nnd Mrs. S. D. Goodman announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Robert Goodman, on Saturday morning, May 26 at the 10:30 service at Beth El Synagogue. ABE WISNIA The Bar Mitzvah of Abe Wisnia, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wisnia, will be celebrated on Saturday, May 2G, at Beth Is- © rael Synagogue. SHELDON MARK GALLNER Mr. and Mrs. David Gallner, Council Bluffs, la., announce the Bar Milzvah of their son, Sheldon Mark Gallner at B'nai Israel Synagogue, Council Bluffs, on Friday, May 18 at 8:30 p.m. and Saturday morning, May 19 at 9:30 a.m.

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Lynne Meyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin H. Meyer, former Omahans, will celebrate her Bas Mitzvah, on May 25 at evening services in the Vine Street Temple of Nashville, Tenn. She is the granddaughter of Harry Rothkop of Ventnor, N. J. and the late Mrs. Fannie Stock Rothkop of Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph H. Meyer 6f Nashville.

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onizations Dramatic Club Will Celebrate Mother's Day The Workmen's Circle Dramatic Club will celebrate Mother's Day and the birthdays of some of its members on Sunday, May 20 at 5:30 p.m. with a dinner at the Labor Lyceum. Mrs. Sam Novak will serve as toastmistress. Mrs. S. H. Binder will represent the mothers and the Mmes. N. Lerman and Yetta Orenstein,. the daughters, on the program. There will be songs by Mmes, Sam Zwerling and Jennie Levine. Mr. Swerling is music director. Members of the committee planning the function are Mrs. Sarah Schwartz assisted by Mmes. Lerman and Orenstein. * • * Cornhusker Donor Lunch B'nai B'rith Cornhusker chapter 1032, will hold its annual Donor Luncheon at the Mediterranean on Wednesday, May 23 at 12:45 p.m. Reservations will be taken by Mrs. Paul Itifkin, 453-189B and Mrs. Marvin Gilinsky, 393-1888. •


New officers for SDT Alumnae Newly installed officers of Sigma Delta Tau Alumnae are Mrs. Theodore Seldin, president; Mrs. M. I. Greenspan, vice-president; Mrs, Willis Epstein, treasurer; Mrs. Hugo Kahn, recording secretary; Mrs. Bernard Greenberg, corresponding secretary. The organization will meet ^Wednesday, May 23 at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Bernard Greenberg, 822 No. 75 Street, when members will make plans for a rush party and couple's party. e


Mizrachl Sponsors Benefit Luncheon A benefit luncheon and card party on behalf of the Mizrachl Women's Organization will be

Saul Kripke, student at Harvard U n i v e r s i t y , has been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship. He is the son of Rabbi and Mrs. Myer S. Kripke. Bud Marcus, has received an award for being the most promising new artist on the Princeton Tiger, Princeton's humor magazine. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Marcus. Bennett Hornstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hornstein was awarded the National' Hillel Honor Key with citation for outstanding leadership, service and loyalty at the University of Oklahoma Hillel House. He will also receive the award for being an outstanding senior at the Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity at Oklahoma. Sheldon Krantz, Omaha student at the University of Nebraska Law College, was one of fifteen selected for the Justice Department Honors program in Washington. Mr. Krantz who will be graduated in June, will study in the Organized Crime and Racketeering Division beginning July 2. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Krantz. William E. Horwich, one of 50 students from Princeton and other schools, was selected for summer employment • abroad through a- program Jointly sponsored by Princeton's Romance and Germanic literature and language departments. Horwich has been assigned to Berlin employment. The purpose of the program is fo provide opportunities for improvement in the spoken language and to gain knowledge of the culturo and customs of the country visited. He ia the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Horwich.



Friday, May 18, 1968

held on Monday, May 21, at 1 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. The Mizrachi Children's Village project will receive all proceeds taken in from this function. Everyone is invited to attend. Hostesses for the affair are Mmes. Sam Epstein, Abraham Fisher and Herman Franklin. For reservations, please call Mrs. Fisher, 558-0176 or Mrs. Franklin, 34R-5245.

HEVRAII ELECTION Hevrah, BBG has elected the following girls to serve as officers for 1962-63: Susie Katzman, president; Barb Chudacoff, first vice-president; Gail Levin, second vice-president; Janice Itkin, third vice-president; Francie S h r i e r, recording secretary; Barb Herzog, corresponding secretary; Toby Reizbaum, bills treasurer; Annette C h a r n e y , dues treasurer; Alice Fellman and Suzie Stoler, sgts.-at-arms; Sandi Fleischl, Youth Council representative; Elly Yager, Y. C. Alternate; Lois Dvorkin and Renee Rubin, editors; and Susi Brookstein, historian. They will be installed at a banquet June 6 at the SheratonFontenelle Hotel. EDIAR WEEK-END The members of Ediar BBG held their annual Ectasy Week-end May 11-13. Lynne Cherniack and Leslie Forbes, chairmen, said some of the week-end activities included reading to children in the hospital and attending services at Temple Israel. Marshall Widman, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Widman was announced as beau of Rohanue B.B.G, at its recent annual dance. Bi-Lu chapter of the United Synagogue Youth will hold a Building Spiritual Bridges weekend on May 18, 19 and 20 at Beth El Synagogue. Omaha's Nifty and SYO groups are invited. Kadimah, SYO, will sponsor an 8th grade orientation weekend for all 8th graders of Beth Israel Synagogue this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Events will start with members of SYO participating in services, luncheon and Oneg Shabbat, breakfast and a speaker, discussion groups, a surprise party, and a L'ag B'Omer picnic. Elly Zelinsky is in charge of the weekend.


Hadassah Program Features Show, Honors, Installation, May 23 Dances popular during the M. Franklin, Missouri Valley Re-

first half century of Hadassah's gion president, Mrs. Ervin Siexistence, will be illustrated in mon, retiring president, will the narration of "Those Fifty speak in behalf of the outgoing Wonderful Years; The Twist of officers. Time," program, at the season's Reservations for the luncheon, luncheon meeting, Wednesday, as well as sitter service, may May 23. at 12:30 p.m. at the be made with the reservation Jewish Community Center. chairmen, Mmes. Harry Ravitz, The script, written by Mrs. Sam Rosenblum and Al Wohlner. Morris C. Fellman, and narrated Mrs. Robert Noddle is luncheon by Mmes. E. Robert Newman chairman. and Gerald Colin, is being produced by Mrs. Edward Zorinsky, It's Timo to Think of program chairman of the month. Members of the cast include Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wolf, Mmes. Sidney Osten, Sidney Novak, and ORDER NOW Miss Suzi Zorinsky. Mrs. William Fogel is choreographer. FATHER'S DAY Mrs. Jack Kaufman, a memSpecial! ber of the Omaha chapter for 41 years, will be honored for her The Saturday Evening Post service and dedication to Hadas70 Issues $7 (Reg. $5.95 a Year) sah. Another feature of the afternoon will be the presentations to HELEN BERNSTEIN new life members by Mrs. A. 440 No. 61st St. D. Frank, chairman of the com- 551-4742 mittee in charge, and by Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky. Officers for the next two years will be installed by Mrs. Morris


Pioneer Women Plan Bake Sale, Brandeis

With the polio season approaching, adults should be immunized against the disease, Dr. Edward Lyman, OmahaDouglas County Health Director, advised.

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The Pioneer Women's Organization will hold a bake sale, Tuesday, May 22 on the first floor of Brandeis downtown store, starting at 10 a.m. Women wishing to bake for the occasion are asked to call Mrs. Isadore Forbes, 551-950i and Mrs. David Epstein, 3454574.

A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Isadore Gilman, Sunday, May 20, 11 a.m. at Golden Hill Cemetery. All friends and relatives are invited to attend.

Irving Epstein was appointed deputy city attorney. He was formerly an assistant in that office. Newly elected directors of the1 Douglas-Sarpy County Red Cross include Rabbi Mycr S., Kripke of Beth El Synagogue. Mrs. Sara Susman, was elected vice-president of the Nebraska Society of X-Ray Technicians at a state convention in Kearney, Nebr. She ia the wife of Dr. H. S. Susman.

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Friday, May 18, IOCS


Page Four

By Cy Seikhkk TENNIS The JCC tennis classes begin this Sunday at Dewey Park and will continue each Sunday through September. Alan Austin, former Kansas State champion is instructing for the third straight summer. There is still lots of room for more enrollment. For further information, call the Center physical education department at 312-13GG. BASKETBALL CAMP The Jewish Community Center Athletic Department will have a basketball day camp for one week beginning on Monday, July 30 and ending on Friday, August 3. The faculty will consist of Red McManus, University of Creighton basketball coach. Jim Borsheim, Omaha University coach; Bob Sneller, Independence, Kansas Junior College coach and Cy Seitchick. The camp site will be the Center. The camp is for boys from grades 5 through grades 12. Classes will be divided into lectures, movies and playing techniques. • Fees for the five day camp is fifteen dollars. For further information, call Cy Seitchick at the Center Athletic Department, 342-1366. YOUTH COUNCIL SOFTBALL Rayim will be* defending the Youth Council title in softball, as another campaign gets underway at Elmwood Park this Sunday, May 20th. In the games this week, beginning at JO a m , Itayim meets Ronu in the Center diamond and AZA 1 goes against AZA 100 at the West diamond. The Youth Council will play a twelve game schedule, culminating on Sunday, August 5.

Ob, I've just risen from that big easy chair In our living room, all upset spiritually, after reading about some Christian VARSITY SOFTBALL The JCC Varsity softball team chaplains who s c o r n e d the fought from b e h i n d twice, preachment of a Jewish chapscored three runs in top of the lain on the battleground at Jwo seventh and held on for a 1G-15, Jima, over on the Pacific, In victory over the U.S. National World War II where many lay Bank at Adams Park last Mon- dead. day evening. My poor, sick head is asking It was the second victory in me, '"Really, don't oil the Christliree starts for the Jay and tian clergymen know that the this one came over the defend- One God is for all of us . . . that ing league.champions .U.S. Na- we're all of the brotherhood,tional Bank won the Midwest sons and daughters of the One title in regional play last.sum- Father?" rner and represented the MidThe rabbi who was scorned by west in the world playoffs. Christian preachers on that batIt was a rock and sock 'em tleground was Roland B. Gittelball game with both teams en- Eohn of Temple Israel in Boston, joying big rallies. The Center lie's telling about them in his won the game in the final inn- chapter of a booklet titled "In ing when Bill Ginsburg singled Tribute of the Jewish Military to left with the bases loaded Chaplaincy in the United State3 for two runs and a moment laWell, this chaplain Rabbi Gitter pinch-runner Ted Sanford telsohn had been back there in scampered across on a long May, 1945, to speak the sermon sacrifice fly by Lindy Paul. at the dedication of the Fifth Stuart Kahn with three hit3 Marine Division cemetery at and four runs batted in sparked Iwo Jima. So many of the boys the Jay team on offense. Dave were dead there. Goldstein and Lindy Paul, along The division's head chaplain, with Kahn continued their sen- Warren F. Cuthriell, had invited sational hitting, rapping out the rabbi to speak for all the eight hits between them. All religions at the dedication . , throe are hitting over 500 aver"Two of our Protestant chapage. lains," the rabbi reports, "visited JCC U.S. K a i l Dank ob.ti.r. ob h.r. Cuthriell to express their vigPaul is 3 2 3 Kolero i$ 5 23 orous objection to the Jewish Ep;lcln 2b 3 12 Morlli rf 532 Goldstein If 4 3 5 Uininren 1b 5 3 2 chaplain preaching over graves 5. Kahn si 4 3 1 Jaaancn SI 5 12 l-orber c 4 10 Boelgor p 4 12 which were predominantly those S'cwra 3t> 4 11 Satrapa cf 4 22 of Christians. His answer wa3 Holm cf 2 11 Borderwlck c 4 2 0 Selgal rt H. Kahn rf Scllchick p K.olskte 1b Glnsiwrg lb Sanfcrd


10 3 3)2 4 20 2 11 2 10 001


Franklin 3b Rtld If Arndt 5b


4 11 410



SHOTS IN THE DARK ' Brad Epstein won the bowling roll off at KMTV on bonu3 bowling which was viewed by local television fans . . . Alan Bograd now living in St. Louis . . . Fred Bernstein moving to Detroit... Marshall Turkel won

first place in the freshman 100yard dash at the Dutch White relays . . , Center tennis Instructor, Al Austin, M. C. of the "Miss Omaha" contest and also had lead role in City Playhouse production of "The D e a d l y Game" . . . Justin Ban to medical school at Creighton . . . Alan Konecky on the University of Omaha tennis team and doing real well. . .

Q By Alfred Segal that the right of the Jewish chap- like these as it would be to erase Iain to preach such a sermon the jealous hatred of the others." was precisely one of the things So Pro handing this column on for which v,e were fighting the to the meditation of Christians war." , , . clergymen in particular . . . And several days later similar who way not as yet have arrived protests came to the top chap- at understanding that God I* lain from six Catholic chaplains the One Father of all of us. . . . "They were opposed in genWell, anyway, Rabbi Gitteleral to any joint service of memorial, and they opposed in sohn did finally speak his serparticular to a sermon preached mon, on his own, in the graveby the Jewish chaplain . . . they yard . . . in memory of the Jews would refuse to participate or as well as the Christians who attend." were asleep there. It has become The head chaplain felt deeply a renowned sermon and I wish embarrassed. He could resist 1 had more room for it here the intolerance of the couple of than I can give it. He said in Protestant chaplains, but now part: the priests of one big church "Under one of these Christian were speaking up against the crosses, or beneath a Jewish rabbi preaching for all of the Star of David there may rest boys at their graves at Iwo now a man who was destined to Jima . . . "I withdrew," Rabbi be a great prophet, to find the Gittlesohn reports . . . "I do not way for all to live in plenty, with remember anything in my life poverty and hardships for none. that made me so painfully heart- . . . These men have done their sick. We had just come through job well. They have paid the nearly five weeks of miserable ghastly price of freedom. If that helL Some of us had tried to freedom be once again lost, as serve men of all faiths and of no it was after tho last war, the faith, without making denomina- unforgiveable blame will be ours. tional or affiliation a prerequi- So it is we, the living, who aro site of help. Protestants, Cath- here to be dedicated and conseolics and Jews had lived togeth- crated. Too much blood has er, fought together, died togeth- gone into this soil for us to let er and now lay buried together. it lie barren. Too much pain and But we the living could not unite heartache have fertilized tho to pray together!" earth on which we stand. We But later there was happier here solemnly swear: It shall finish in the matter of religion not be in vain. Out of this will at Iwo Jima cemetery . . . "It come, we promise, the birth of was the last night on Iwo before a new freedom for tho sons of sailing away," Rabbi Gittelsohn men everywhere." (WNS) reports. Some Marines still were being buried there and three chaplains . . . a Baptist, a Methodist and Rabbi Gittelsohn . . . 3«-13M to Insert your Wan! Ad In were awaiting them at their 1h»Phono Jewish Frets. graves . . . "We stood there together before the last row of DAILY JEWISH NEWSPAPERS graves, and held the flashlight BAR and Bas MHzvah congratufor each other as we prayed. It lations also for all Jewish holiis just as impossible to forget days and special occasions. the brotherhood and love of men Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge.








Daily Meals

More and more parents are sending their grade school children to the Center's Summer Day Camp. The Camp provides the children with purposeful programs while allowing the parents freedom during the day.

Trained Staff


Excellent Facilities

-Good Supervision

A special half -day long Pre-School Day is also run with children b e i n g transported to their homes at noon by station wagon. A m a t u r e adult teacher and assistant are in charge of this group.

Planned Programs Afternoon Snacks Transportation

Because of the limited capacity of the Day Camp it is suggested that parents register early to avoid disappointments.

Convenient Location

1962 CENTER DAY CAMP APPLICATiON FORM—Pill Out—Detach—Mail Now Day Camper's Name . .



Phone Numbor

Birthdaf o: Month

Day . . . . Year . . . .


Day Camper I» a ( I Boy


( ) Girl



( } 1st Session—June f-J 2nd Session—July ( ) 3rd Session^July, [ 1 Full Season—Juno

18-June 29—Foe $35.00 2-Week Session 2-JuIy 13—Fee $35.00 2-Woek Session 16-JuIy 27—Fee $35.00 2-Week Sossiort 18-July 27—Feo $90.00 '6-Week Season

( wish my child fo b'a picked up'af { I' Beth El I ) Beth Israel

I ) Tomplo

( I 62nd and Underwood. Plsaso enclose your full registration fee for the session checked of $ . . . . . . . . . . Parent** Signature

( ) Center

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