8 1962
,,„, v , >, oa Vol. XL—No. 88
PubllcaUon Office. 101 No. iO'Jl omuha. Ncbrusita, Phone 342-13U0
MAY 25, 1UCZ
Stamp C M leafing Sunday Ends Season The Center's Junior Stamp d u b will hold its final meeting of the season Sunday, May 27, at 3:30 p.m. in room 32 of the Jewish Community Center. Robert Clark, the club's advisor, will talk on "First Day Issues and how to get them." The club is believed to be the largest Junior Stamp Club in Nebraska. Members are planning a Junior Stamp Show after meetings are resumed in the fall.
Klulznlek Is ioesS Speaker at Dinner. 1
Philip M. Klutznick, former Omahan and Ambassador to ; the United Nations, will be !• guest speaker at the annual National Conference of Christians and Jews Brotherhood dinner, May 28, at the Indian Hills Inn. Mr, Klutznick, who graduated from Creighton University in 1930 was a prominent figure in community and civic affairs, daring his residence in Omaha. Milton S. Livingston and Ralph E. Svoboda, will be honored at the luncheon as winners of the 190Z Brotherhood Award.
palgn can bring renewed hope to these uprooted people. Give more than before! ROBERT RL General Campaign Chairman ISADORE M. TRETIAK Initial Gifts Chairman ALVIN ABRAMSON General Men's Chairman MRS. JOSEPH S. GUS'S Women's Division Chairman LOUIS RICH University Chairman IRENE SABES STEVE MARCUS Youth Council Co-Chalrmcn
Blngle Copy 10 Cents Annual Hate 4 Dollar*
Allocation Requested for ? 0,000 Dwelling Units
Center fs Cited Your gift to the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign covers the widest area of Jewish needs. This is the historic year of the mass immigration to Israel. • Tens of thousands of Jewish refugees ore pouring Into Israel from many part of tho world, countries of oppression and terror. It costs $1,800 to transport and resettle each man, woman and child. The nationwide emergency Immigration goal is $35,000,000 In addition to the regular needs totaling $00,000,000. This Is the great challenge of 19G2 to American Jewry. Home Front On tlve homo front, the Philanthropies Campaign makes life better for our own community. Philanthropies funds fight anti-semitism . . . support charitable work at our national hospitals . . .help people through our Jewish Family and Children's Service . . . help support the Jewish Community Center program . . . pays for needy resdents at the Dr. Slier Homo for Aged . . . supports the Jew. ish Education program by grants to Beth El, Beth Israel, and Temple Israel. Philanthropies funds support more than 100 local, national, Israel, overseas causes. Philanthropies C a m p a i g n helpa those who need help. Philanthropies Campaign makes life better for you. Story of Rescue When the history of our time Is written, the chapter devoted to the United Jewish Appeal will tell an heroic story of rescue, resettlement, and rehabilitation. The UJA's record of saving1 lives nnd rebuilding lives has no parallel in the annals of voluntary philanthropy. Today, UJA faces a new wave of migration In which thousands of human lives arc at stake. Oor response to the 1982 cam-
Second Class Postage Puld at Omaha. Kcbr.
The Jewish Community Center was cited for outstanding work in water safety by the National Water Safety Congress meeting in Nashville, Tena The Center received an award for "drown-proofing the citizenry of Omaha for the past several yearn." The Center was recognized for its action in lifesaving, swimming instruction, boating classes and instruction of the Fire Department and rescue units in the use of lifesaving equipment. Joseph Micek is the Center's Aquatic Director. ™J 1
J E R U S A L E M (JTA)— The number of immigrants to Israel will reach a record figure for May for recent years, S. Z. Shragai, Director of the Jewish Agency imm i g r a t i o n department, reported here. He said Increased immigration was expected to continue, with the result that many centers of Jewry o u t s i d e of Israel would disappear in a few years.
crease in immigration, not anticipated earlier. So ma 80,000 Immigrants are expected to arrive this year in Israel. Edward M. M. Warburg, Chairman of the Joint Distribution Committee, Issued thee following statement on the current picture of needs, to be met. "What d o e s It mean— 600,000 persons throughout the world in need of our $33,333,333 Needed As a result of this in- help, the help of the United creased immigration, the Is- Jewish Appeal, this year? rael Housing Ministry re- There are many meanings: quested today a special allo- a vial of penicillin, or a pair cation of 5 3 3,333,333 to of shoes; a bottle of baby's •build an additional 10,000 inillc, a home for an aged dwelling units for new immi- couple, a plane ticket, a tearful reunion on a railroad grants. platform, a refugee feedingThe funds sought are in c e n t e r in Paris, a ship addition to the allocation for steaming into Haifa harbor housing in the 1962-63 budg- at dawn. And beyond these, et, which is providing for a still greater meanings: Surhousing program currently vival. Hope. Freedom. The proceeding at the rate of promise of a future . . . Why 2,000 units a month, a total is this our responsibility? of 24,000 dwellings. Why? —if we do not help, who else can — or will?" Not Anticipated Housing Ministry said the Edward Rf. M. Warburg need for additional dwelling Chairman, units was due to a large inJoint Distribution Commutes
Tun' Activities Await Center Day Campers, Director Reports • » . » - • >
Growing Immigration into Israel presents us with one of tho greatest challenges we have faced in the last decade. This places an enormous strain on our absorptive capacities. Wo in Israel are determined to keep the gates open to alt. Wo have fust added a new compulsory loan to heavy taxes. But we cannot do it alone. In the achievement of our vital mission we count upon the United Jewish Appeal.
David Ben-Gurion Prime MlnlJtcr of Israel
Arrangements were made to administer the second Sabin Oral to Jay-C-C campers, before their departure, when it was learned that both programs fall the same Sunday, June 24, Norman Batt, C a m p Committee Chairman, disclosed. Mr. Batt said the Douglas County Medical Society will have a doctor on hand at tho Jewish Community Center to administer the vaccine to the children leaving for camp. This program, he stressed, is only for children registered for either the first session, or for the full season of resident camping.
In commenting on this season's program, Batt stated, that he was pleased to see the early large enrollment and mentioned that fewer than five openings remain in the entire camp season, these being for the second session only. The second session starts July 4 and ends July 14. Batt stated that features of this season's camp include an all college counseling staff, a idoctor in full time residence, outstanding physical facilities that are new and modern, plus a greater emphasis on overnight tripouts, hiking and horseback riding.
Many parents have dropped into the Jewish Community Center to ask about the Center sponsored Day Camp, Seymour Seitchick its director stated. They know, he said, that this project is an organized activity which is carefully supervised and provides summer fun for children. There are however, other points of information, which parents indicate interest, he declared— such as the following: "What kind of leadership Is responsible for supervising the camp experience of my child?" Reply: "The staff is selected on the basis of abilities, under' standing, and lilting of children, skill and leadership, and the enjoyment of the out-of-doors. The importance of leadership is never underestimated." "What is the content of this supervised program?" Reply: "The Day Camp program is diversified so as to meet the needs and interests of children who attend. It includes experiences in nature, crafts, art, singing, sports, dramatics and others which are of interest and value to children." "Are there values for my .child beyond the experience and acquisition of skills previously mentioned?" Reply: "There are benefits which children carry away from camp which result from participation both as individuals and as members of a group. Children come away from Day Camp better able to care for themselves and able to stand on their own two feet. There is an increased ability to participate as a member of a group and to cooperate with other children and adults. These and other social gains, resulting from Day Camp experiences, are often considered to be the most valuable benefits
children derive from the camping program." "What value is a Day Camp experience for my child?!' Reply: "To this, one could list the following: Growth in taking care of oneself, better participation with groups, new outdoor experiences, a new awareness of nature, new skills and a spiritual gain which includes a new awareness of democracy of one's Jewish heritage. To the Day Camper, camp has meant fun, new skills, treasured memories, health, friends, and social gains.'! More parents are realizing tha value of a Day Camp experience, Seitchick said, and . ar» registering their children' for this summer's program. Parents desiring more of this type of experience for their children, are advised to enroll them soon, he stated. A capacity registration for both the regular Day Camp and for the Pre-School Day Camp is anticipated.
SEASON DATES AND RATES 1st Session—June 18-June 29 —Fee $35. 2nd Session—July 2-JuIy 13—• Fee $35. 3rd Session—July lG-July 27— Fee $35. Full Session—June 18-Jiily 27 —Fee $30. The fee for the Prc-School Day Camp Is $20 per session and runs the first two sesisona of the Day Camp season. KBON Itadlo Presents i Message of Israel • j Sunday, May 27 J 10:00 P.M. Speaker: Rabbi Daniel J. Silver Temple TUcretb Israel, Cleveland, Ohio Topic: How To Be Unhappy KBON Radio 1490
Page Two
The Jewish Press Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week In August through second week In July. Secona Class Postage Paid c! Omoha Nebr. Annual Subscription, U CO Advertising Rotej en Application. Publication OlflLC—10) Ho. !0lh Street, Omaha, Uebr. pticne
Religious Services ALTERING-RESTYLING For Men and Women Coll
JACOB JACOBS 553-0566 Anytime for Prompt Expert Servico or Stop at 1401 No. 33rd St.
is where < a lasting friendship begins... with your first taste of
—7:25 p.m. B'nai Jacob Adas Yrshuron: Friday Mincha, 7 p.m.; Saturday morning, I!:30 a.m. and Mincha, 7 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos. Daily services at 6:30 a.m. and 7:15 p.m. Temple Israel: Sabbath services will bo at 8:15 p.m., Friday evening, with Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks officiating. Rabbi Brooks will preacli on "What Kind of Memorial is Worthwhile." Cantor Manfred F. Kultncr and Temple Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin, will participate in the services. IU'th El: Sabbath eve services will begin this evening at 8:15 p.m. Rabbi Myer S. Krip. ke will give the fifth in a series of six lecture-sermons on "Six Prayers of the Sabbath.". Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Traditional Sabbath morning services at 8:30 p.m. Family Service wil lbegin at 10:30 a.m. Minchn-Maariv Services will begin at 7:30 p.m. Sunday morning services begin at 9. Services during the week are held at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Beth Israel: Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Eli Kagan, and the Beth Israel choir will conduct the Late Friday family services this evening at 8 p.m. Traditional Friday e v e n i n g services (Kobolas Shabbos) begin at 7:30 p.m. Shabbos morning services begin at 8:45 a.m. Junior Congregation at 10 a.m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud Class at 7:15 p.m. Shabbos Mincha at 7:30 p.m., followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at 8:25 p.m. Sunday morning services begin at 9 a.m. Junior Minyon starts at 8:30 a.m. Mincha at 7:40 p.m.
BarandSasiitzvah All friends anil relatives are Invited to attend services urn! reception. AVIV,A SILVKKUKAND KAREN' TIU'I'EK SUSIE KUKAWKA
The Group Has Mitzvah of Susie Kukawka, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abram Kukawka, Aviva Silverbrand, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hnhn, and Karen Tepper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Malvin Tepper, will be celebrated on Friday evening, May 25, at Beth Israel Synagogue. RICHARD SLOSBURG JOICL ARKSTY Joel Aresty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Aresty, and Richard Slosburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Slosburg, will each become Bar Mitzvah on Friday evening, May 25, and Saturday morning, May 2G, at. Temple Israel. ROBERT GOODMAN Robert Goodman, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Goodman, will observe his Bar Mitzvah on Saturday morning, May 26 at the 10:30 service at Beth El Synagogue. ABE WISNIA Bar Mitzvah of Abe Wisnia, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wisnia, will be celebrated on Saturday, May 2G at Beth Israel Synagogue. ROBERT LH'SEY STEPHANIE LINCOLN Mr. and Mrs, James Lipsey announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Robert Lipsey, and Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Lincoln announce the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, Stephanie Lincoln, on Saturday morning, June 2, at the 10:30 service at Beth El Synagogue. BARRY FLEJSCIH, Barry Fleisehl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice M. Fleisehl, will become Bar Mitzvah, Saturday morning, June 2, at Temple Israel. WILLIAM FERER The Bar Mitzvah of William Ferer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Ferer, will be celebrated on Friday, June 1, and Sat-
Friday, May J5, 1061
The family of Harry Bassman wish to thank friends nnd relatives for the many courtesies and acts of kindness extended to them during (heir bereavement.
With the Home Folks News and happenings at The Dr. Philip bli»T JIMVIHII Hume fur the Azeti by I>avld Orhovv.
A Klddush was given by Mr. and Mrs. David Orkow in honor of their son, Alex, who was inducted into the National Honor Society in ceremonies at Westside Height School on Thursday, May 17. The pi.-HIlie for Moses A. Veilger was installed on the memorial tablet at the Home this week. Mrs. Ida Ontnian has returned from a trip to Pierre, S. D., following a fortnight in Tulsa, Okla. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trustin sent flowers to the Home this week in honor of the Bas Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Bonnie Trustin.
Mr. aud Mrs. Millard Margolin wish to thank their friends and relatives for the many cards of good wishes, flowers, gifts and donations to charity in the name of their son, Lance, while he was convalescing following an accident.
JWV Will Conduct Memorial Biles Members of EpsteinPilorgan post of the Jewish War Veterans will hold their annual Memorial Services, Sunday, May 27 at 10:30 a.m. at the graveside of P h i l i p Grossman in Pleasant Hill Cemetery. The services will be conducted by Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Eli Kagan of Beth Israel synagogue. In Council Bluffs, the Irving Cohen, B'nai B'rith Lodge will hold memorial services there on May 30 at 11 n.m. with Louis Passer in charge. Rabbi David Korb will conduct the rites. Participating will be Louis II. Katelman, Ben Schneider, Maynard Telpner, Marvin Suvalsky, Ben Telpner, Sam Bubb and Harry Cohen. Kenneth Sacks, president, said Mrs. Ben Gershun will place the wreath of honor in memory of her late huswill be held in the Synagogue, will be held in Synagogue.
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urday, June 2, at Beth Israel Synagogue. U* MARK SOMMER The Bar Mitzvah of Mark Sommer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sommer, will be celebrated on Sunday, June 3, at Beth Israel Synagogue,
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Friday, May 29, 1068
Mr. and Mrs. Mag/amin
Magzamins Celebrate Golden Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Abe Magzamin will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on May 20. They were married in Omaha by the late Rabbi Henry Grodinsky nt the Beth Israel synagogue located at that time at 18th and Chicago Streets. A dinner to celebrate the event will be held in June so that their grandchildren, now away at school, will be present. They aro Mr. and Mrs. Steven Seglin, University of Nebraska; Miss Susan Seglin, University of Arizona; Stuart Babendure, Santa Monica College. Other grandchildren are Gary Plotkin, now stationed at Denver, Colo., and Miss Karen Magzamin, student at the University of Omaha. Hosts at the June dinner will be the Messrs. and Mines. Paul Malnove, Dick Pellman, Ben H. Magzamin and Nathan Seglin, nil of Omaha, Mr. and'Mrs. Abe Hermanson, Monrovia, Cal. and Mr. and Mrs. Allie Bebendure, Los Angeles, Cal.
Family to Attend Martin L Greene Wedding in N.J. Mrs. Joseph Colin of Beverly Hills, Cal., former Omahan, is visiting her children, Mrs. Edward Levinson, Mrs. A r t h u r S h e r m a n and Ted Cohn and their families. Mrs. Cohn and Mrs. Levinson will leave June 17 for Bayonne, N. J. to attend the June 24 wedding there of the lattcr's son, Martin L. Greene and Miss Beth Weisberg. Mr. Levinson and another son, Ronald Greene, who will be best man for his brother, will join the family on June 21,
Dedications A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Louis Sommer, Sunday, May 27 at 2:30 p.m. at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Paul L. Bernstein, Sunday, May 27 at 2 p.m. at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Dcna Givot, Sunday, May 27 at 11:30 a.m. at Golden Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will officiate. The family of John Gross will dedicate a monument to his memory at Golden Hill Cemetery, Wednesday, May 30 at 1:30 p.m. Rabbi Norman Mussman and Cantor Aaron I. Edgar will officiate. Friends and relatives are invited to attend. Mrs. Harry Lewis, Study Group Hostess Mrs. Harry Lewis, 5619 Western, will be hostess to the study group of Beth Israel Sisterhood, Modern Analysis of Prayer, on Monday, May 28 at 1
Page Three
B&P Hadassah to Induct Officers
Two new grandchildren who arrived during the same month, were added to the Elmer Grcenberg clan in May. May 9 marked the birth of a ron, Robert John, first child, to Mr. and Mrs. Don Greenberg. On May 21, Shari Lou was born to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kotzen. Mr. . Greenberg and Mrs. Kotzcn are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Greenberg. Mrs. Joseph Lipsey and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Greenberg are great-grandparents of both new babies. Maternal grandparents of Robert John are Mr. and Mrs. Morton Friedlander. O t h e r great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Louis Papcrny and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Friedlander. Shari Lou Kotzen is also the grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Kotzen of Brookline, Mass. Shari' Lou has three sisters, Kim Ellen, Terri Lynn and Laurie Beth and a brother, Scott David.
The Business and Professional Women of Hadassah will install officers at a Sunday noon luncheon May 27 in the Frontier Room at the Conant Hotel. The new officers are Mrs. David Becker, president; Mrs. I. Dansky, f i r s t vice-president; Miss Myrtle Freeman, second vice-president; Mrs. Harry Saltzman, treasurer; Mrs. Abo Mozer, recording secretary; Miss Lee Greenberg, financial secretary;
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burstein announce the birth of a son, Stephen Scott on May 10. They are also the parents of Nancy Carol and Sanford Craig. Grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. Ben Colin and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Burstein. Pioneer Women's Luncheon The Pioneer Women's Organization will hold a luncheon meeting Tuesday, May 29 at 12:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center, Mrs. Milton Nearenberg, p r e s i d e n t , announced. Shop throuch tho Jewish Press Ads.
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An owner's apartment with 3 additional rental units . . . eomplctely furnished . . . 4 kitchens, 4 bathfj. Nicely maintained yard. Perfect for retired couple for home «r S2H7.5O per month present Income. All for the price of one home. Well located. 1 block to each of three bus lines, close to hoNnllals for rental prospects, wajKlnK distance to downtown shops.
Mrs. Sarah Fellman, corresponding secretary; Miss Mildred Levy, h i s t o r i a n ; Mrs. Phil Schwartz, parliamentarian, and Mrs. Alice Ileeger, director. Mrs. Morris M. Franklin, regional president of Hadassah, will conduct the induction ceremonies. Miss Julia Zuker, program chairman is assisted hy Mmes. Abe Mozer, Jennie Rosenblatt and Harry Sallzman. Miss Zuker will sing "Hadassah Golden Jubilee l(Jii2" with the original lyrics written by the Misses Mildred and Evelyn Levy.
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Reports on the Hadassah conference in St. Louis, will be made by Mrs. Julius Newman, retiring president, and Mrs. David Becker.
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Page Poor
Friday, May 85, 1961
School Temple Graduation June 1 Temple Israel Hebrew School graduation services will be held Friday, June 1 at 8 p.m. Lazar Kaplan, congregation president, will present diplomas to the graduates. A reception in the Temple social hall will follow the ceremonies. Members of the graduating class are: Members of the class cr«: Fuul Bielctv er. A m / BtcCkty. tarry Flelsctil, Marty Fogtf, Scott HriKlman, Bruca Garetz. Brud Grossman, Mark Jacotnon. Sandra Llpp* Caro!ln« fAoyer, Marco Neeimaft,
(Left to right) Bob Guss, David Jacobson—Uerb Millard, guest speaker—Jack Stiss, Buddy Epstein receive athletic honors.
Center Athletes Receive Awards
Confer Plans Summer Series of Activities For Grade Schoolers
Over 350 people were on hand at the Fifteenth Annual Athletic A series of special summer Award Night at the Jewish Com- activities for grade school boys munity Center Auditorium, last and girls to supplement the Day Wednesday evening. Camp and Camp Jay C C proAside from the trophies and grams has been developed by medals awarded to 100 perform- the Jewish Community Center, ers, Herb Millard, captain of the Harry Sidman, Center CommitUniversity of Creighton basket- tee Chairman, stated this week. ball team, was guest speaker Such activities as picnics, fisha n d showed movies of tho ing trips, excursions to places Creighton-U.C.L.A. cage game. The gynmastic's class under the of interest, overnight hikes, direction of Dan Fogcl put on small parties and other events will be offered throughout the a 15-minute exhibition. Highlighting the awards were summer vacation. These activithe Leslie L. Burkenroad award ties, Sidman said, will be angiven to Jack Stiss as the most nounced as the vacation prooutstanding varsity athlete; Har- gresses, with youngsters being ry Trustin award to Buddy Ep- permitted to sign up for the stein as the most outstanding activities on an individual acYouth Council athlete, and the tivity basis. A small fee for each J. J. Groenberg awards to Bob activity will be charged. Guss and David Jacobson for the outstanding midget league performers. Service awards' went to Jerry Berman and Buddy Epstein for volunteer efforts during the proParents are now taking out gram year. Named to the Center "D r o w n-Proof" insurance on Hall of Fame were Sam Ban, their children by registering handball; Irv Y/affe, basketball, them in the Summer Learn to and Max Platt, volleyball. Swim classes offered by the Hayim won the Youth Council Jewish Community Center, JoOlympic trophy barely edging seph Micek, Center Aquatics DiRonu in an exciting Youth Coun- rector, announced this week. cil race all year. Yale Trustin Those wishing to enroll their was master of ceremonies. children for the most convenient hours, should register at the Center immediately since the classes are filling rapidly. A monthly membership fee is the only cost for the course of instruction. No extra charge is Something new in program- made to persons holding annual ming for senior citizens has been Center or Family Memberships. added to the Golden Age pro- Special fun and play hours also gram carried on jointly by the are included in the swimming Council • or Jewish Women and fees. the Jewish Community Service. The new program is a special Day Camp, to meet twice weekly for senior citizens only. Different parks and sites of interests will be visited by the High school students seeking Golden Age Day Campers. Ac- summer jobs, will be assisted by tivities will include fishing, sight- a new program offered by the seeing, games and discussions of Youth Activities Department of current events and unusual top- the Jewish Community Center. ics, Students make application and Participants will be transport- are interviewed by Dik Weiner, ed to and from the sites via sta- Youth Activities Director, beforo tion wagon and car. Coordina- before being referred to a spetors of the Day Camp are Mrs. cific job. J. MiHon Margolin and Mrs. Lou There is no fee for this servCutler. ice, Harry Sidman, the Center Committee Chairman, announced. The program will be available for the next three weeks.
Swimming Lessons For 'Drovin-Proofing'
Golden Agers Will Attend Day Camp
MHS. EVA NEESMAN Mrs. Eva Neesman .former Omahan, died May 11 in Los Angeles, Cal., where she made her home the past 16 years. She was born in Omaha. Surviving are husband, Joe; sister, Mrs. Julius Abrahamson, Omaha and brothers, Louis, Bill, Ben, Philip and Sam You«em, all of Los Angeles.
began the Youth Council ball league with a 10-9, win over Ronu at Elmwood Park last Sunday. AZA 1, downed AZA 100 16-7. Rayim and Ronu hooked up in their usual exciting competition in a see-saw game that saw the lead switch back and forth. The fine play of Arnie Weitz sparked the Rayim team. In the other contest, Dan Katskee socked three home runs and Larry Kirke hurled nicely to lead AZA 1 . STANDINGS W. L. Rayim 1 0 AZA 1 1 0 Ronu ........ .0 1 AZA 100 0 1 SUNDAY, MAY 27 10 a.m.—AZA 1 vs. Hayim W 10 a.m.—Ronu vs. AZA 100 C TENNIS Center tennis classes with instruction by Alan Austin has begun at Dewey Park Courts. Classes are 10 a.m. each Sunday morning throughout the summer. Anyone interested should contact Cy Seitchick at the Center Physical Education Office 34213GG. Classes are open to persons of all ages. VARSITY SOFTBALL The J.C.C. Varsity Softball team won their third straight victory at Adam3 Park last Monday, downing the Stock Yards Bank 16-2, in an abbreviated five inning game. The Jays pounded out 21 hits and used seventeen players in the romp. Dave Goldstein and Jim Farber had three hits each and Bill Ginsburg and Buddy Epstein drove in seven runs between them to lead the Center attack. • Lindy Paul and Stuart Kahn continued their sensational hitting, getting four hits and scoring six runs between them.
Heads flaw Bank Edward D. Brodkey, president of the new Ames Plaza Bank at 59th and Ames, announced the bank will hold open House, Friday and Saturday, May 25 and 26. Edwin E. Brodkey is chairman of the bank's board of directors.
B'nai B'rith Will Meet in Lincoln
FOR SALE IY OWNE3 Attractive clean 3-bedroom or 3bedroom and den. Living; dining L, carpeted. Hear Beth El. Priced under FHA appraisal. fSOO dawn and under $100 a nianib. taxes and Insurance Included. 306 t>. 49th Ave. Phone 558-1317.
By Cy KcltchlcU
Center Aids Job Hunting Students Edward 0. Brodkey
Delegates from Omaha will Join those from Lincoln, Sioux City, Sioux Falls, Council Bluffs, Fremont, Hastings and Grand Island on Sunday, May 27 for B'nai B'rith's Southwest Regional Council convention in Lincoln. The meeting at Hotel Cornhusker will open at 9:30 am. Registration will start at 8:30 p.m.
Jon Sloan, William Sfefnwart, Bonn!* TrustIrii David Wcln&feln. £ttvcft AHiuler, Joet A/e:ly, Bennls Cohen, Uee FrJfman, Mlchqel Flnklc, Anno Frte#nan. Jerry Gcrtlicfc, Gary Kcplon, Tommy Klrshenbaum, Naomi Ki/Hn©r, Mark Mafashocfc, Diane Hepornnlck, Su^i tan Rips. John Ruben, Gerald Simoni, Richard Slaiburrj, Robert Tanen,
Want Ads Phorw 247-1266 to insert your Want Ad fn I h * Jewish Prtts.
DAILY JEWISH NEWSPAPERS BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special' occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge,
Cornhusker Lodge No. 1760
ANNUAL SPRINGDANCEBlackstone Hotel May 26 An All-Expense Tour for 2 to Las Vegas Plus Baby Sifting Service
This baseboard unff has revolutionized home heating.. •* . . . as simple to install and to operate as you* electric lights, and just as far ahead of any other heating method as the electric light is ahead of the kerosene lamp. You simply install baseboard unit3 along the exterior wall of each room, and a separata thermo* etat in each room to regulate the temperature AT EXACTLY THE DEGREE OF WARMTH YOU WANT FOR THAT ROOM. Or—you can enjoy marvelous electric heal through ceiling cables, wall panels, or an electrid furnace. Investigate this modern heating system. Dia» • cover for yourself, comfort yoa never dreamed of —-plug cleanliness that will sharply reduce youf cleaning time and redecorating bills—plus a nat« ural, healthful humidity not otherwise possible-" plug the absolute safety of flaraeleas clectrlcitjv go—if your present heating system Is dua &»! replacement—or If you simply want to brinjfj your standard of living up to 1962 levela — call or visit your OPPD office. OPPD heating experts will give you full Informs*' tjon, Including estimated operating costs fof' your homo.