June 1, 1962

Page 1

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Osnafians fo Ssry@

In Regional 3"* Nafio-'' 5 TIIK nvrc STAGES 1. Prielop lonfidciU'O in na2. I'titting fare undci Iho \\ator 3. First attempts to sulm 4. Breath control 5. Completed btroKcs


A groi. leaders v ooV^ elective pi \^' ^/ointments nt B'nai B ,.a Southwest Regional Council conference rev- • icently in Lincoln, Nebr. The men are well known for ; h e i r important service, contribus to B'nai , jB'rith in addition ' ^to their participation in Jewish Dr. Fellman Federation a n d Philanthropies Campaigns. Dr. Leon Fellman was elected Regional Prrsi f *s dent. His re np-f^ p o i n in e n t t o< B'nai B'rith's Na \ _~. tional Court off Appeals also was \ announced at the meeting. Dr. Abe Green I berg was named! to the NationalU 1 4 Commission of Dr. (Jieenberg the Anti-Defamation League of the lodge. ; Alvin A. AbVv i r a m s on w i l l \ s c r v e with Dr. } Fellman, as First j V, / Vice-president of .' the r e g i o n a l ! body. r „)* Gerhard Spie3 '/Hi was Elected Secir


0 There is no more popular sport than swimming and there is no more popular activity at the Jewish Community Center Day Camp than swimming in the large pool at Peony Park. Special roped-off areas are utilized by the Day Campers in their instructional and recreational swimming while special wading pools are used by the •k petite preschool campers. Parentr, can be confident their children are well supervised in the water activities at the Day Camp, Harry Sidman, Center Chairman, stated, as all aquatic activities are under the supervision of a well trained and experienced certified Red Cross Water Safety Instructor. Besides the Instructor's two assistants, the counselors and junior counselors accompany each group into the pool. This means, Sidman said, that there is one adult supervising every three children in the water. With this high ratio of counselors to Day Campers, children quickly progress from getting adjusted to the water to developing advanced swimming skills. Swimming is a daily activity for Day Campers who also participate in over 20 other activities and special programs. With interest being high in this season's summer activities provided by the Center, the Day Camp is expected to have a capacity registration. A staff of over 25, insuring adequate supervision at all times, supervises the intimate Day Camp cabin groups. With registrations being submitted at a record pace, parents are reminded, Sidman commented, to enroll their children to insure them a place in this summer's program. Registration is by'mail application to the Center's Camp Office. SEASON DATES AND IMTES 1st Session—Juno 18-June 29 —Fee $35.



r?-('' j r c t a r v -




I Sachs, Council

2nd Session—July 2-July 13— Fee $35. 3rd Session—July 16-Jnly 27— Fee $35. Full Session—June 18-JuIy 27 Fee $90. The fee for the Pre-School Day Camp Is $20 per session and runs the first two sessions of the Day Camp season.

Tele Aviv (JTA)—A total of 230 scholarships were awarded here by the Israel-America Culture Foundation to promising young Israelis in fields of music, painting and sculpture.

Harold Schneider will be the twenty-eighth high school student to serve at the helm of the Jewish Youth Council. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Schneider, Installation ceremonies will be held June 5 at 7:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center, '''lit; new presi-

dent succeeds Howard Hahn. Serving with Schneider are John Spitzer, vice-president; Nancy Makiesky, secretary; Sandra Fleischl, sergeant-atarms. Their parents are the Messrs. and Mmes. George Spitzer, Edward Makiesky and Maurice Fleischl.

Abramson Bluffs, la., was made sergeant at arms. 2.10 SCHOLARSHIPS GIVEN

Sunday at Civic City-wide Baccalaureate cervices for the 1002 graduating classes of Omaha High Schools will be Sunday, June 3, at 3:30 p.m. at the Civic Auditorium. The program will include an address by Dr. Alvah Clark, pastor of St. Paul's M e t h o d i s t church; invocation by Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks, spiritual leader at Temple Israel; Scripture reading by the Rev. Robert A. Murphy, of Wheeler Memorial United Presbyterian Church, and the Very Rev. Father Henry M. Linn, president of Creighton University will open the benediction. Eighty-three Jewish students are among those to be graduated from Omaha High Schools in June. Congratulations and b e s t

Warning by J.F.K/S Brd'her in Case of Arab Attack on Israel Montreal—An Arab attack upon Israel would be regarded by the United Stater, Government in a similar way to an attack upon Berlin, declared Mr. Ted Kennedy, the youngest brother of President Kennedy, at a dinner given here to honour Mr. Samuel Bronfman, the Canadian Jewish leader. "We have not hesitated to take a stand on Berlin, and we would not hesitate to take a stand on Israel," said Mr. Kennedy. "Nasser has dedicated himself to the destruction of Israel. He shall not succeed. Israel is a model for underdeveloped countries who can see there what can be accomplished in building cities from desert and gardens from waste lands." —(J.T.A.)

Prayer in Scfioais Washington (JTA)—The United States Supreme Court has been asked for the second time in its current session to rule on the constitutionality of a local public school board regulation —this one in Maryland—requiring a daily prayer as part of the classroom opening exercises. The High Tribunal was petitioned this week to rule on a decision handed down last month by the Maryland Court of Appeals, upholding the Baltimore School Board's Biblereading requirement. The Maryland court ruled four to three that the exercise, which also includes recitation of the Lord's Prayer, did not violate the constitution.

Ben Gurion Called Archftect of Israel

Harold Schneider, Incoming president of the Jewish Youth Council, scans some papers on future projects with his predecessor, Howard Hahn.

Haifa (WNS)—Premier David Ben Gurion received an Honorary Doctorate in architecture from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology here. The citation, awarded to the Premier at the Technion's annual commencement exercise on Mount Carmel, paid tribute to Mr. Ben Gurion as the "Architect of the State of Israel." Technion receives its major financial and technical support in this country from the American Technion Society.

wishes are extended to them and their parents by Ernest A. °gg, Jewish Federation President, and Paul Veret, Federation Executive Director. They are: Benson High School Dorothy Lynne Gerber Steven Avrum Kort Central nigh School Neil Morris Bloom Sherman F. Brodkey Arnold Michael Cohn Richard Elliot Engel Burton L. Epstein Thomas Harry Fellman Gerald S. Ferenstein Barry L. Fredkin Richard Alan Fried Robert S. Friedman Richard Kenneth Gaer Mark Steven Goldstrom Michael Howard Green Laurence Henry Greene Robert Alan Gross Gordon S. Hollis Stuart M. Hurwitz Marshall Michael Kaplan Irvin Howard Karl Sheldon Lee Krizelman Lawrence Ralph Mayer Howard David Mulnick Gary Allen Parilman Irvin Howard Raznick Alan J. Ross Joseph Charles Schik Michael L. Simon Brian Stephen Soiref Robert Earl Stein Jeffrey Michael Stern Richard Gary Zevitz Neena Renee Beber Susan Merrily Bloch Maureen Linda Borden Karen Sue Brodkey Ellen Joyce Canar Judith Davidson Aviva Suzanne Feldman Nancy Lee Fellman Carol Rae Fisher • Do'ra Edith Gerber Susan Lee Gilinsky Judith Ruth Ginsburg Lois Elaine Greenberg Sharon Elaine Grossman Linda Faye Joffe Barbara Kaplan Helen Jean Katz Sharon Eve Kraft Terry Lou Milder Sharon Kay Miller Ellen Olivia Moss Sandra Renee Parilman Linda Sue Priesman Gayle Loretta Render Frances Lee Rife Carol Ann Rosenbaum Margie Rosenberg Helene Louise Ruback Carolyn Sue Rubin Sheila Fay Ruderman Phyllis Kay Shapiro Judith Ann Siegler Sandra Eileen Silverbrand Michelle Y'Lene Simon Linda Diane Siref Rochclle Helaine Sommer Sonia Eve Sternberg Judith Veret Cheryl Renee Weinberg Technical High School Wolf Bill Bieda Westsidc High School Michael Altman Stephen Bloch Yale Finkle Allan Horwich Dennis Victor Passer Barry Stuart Sherman Leanne Goldberg Cynthia Lou Meyer Andy Margaret Raskin Marsha Sue Rosenblatt N

KBON Radio Presents Message of Israel Sunday, June 3 10 P.M. Speaker: Rabbi Leon Feuer Collingwood Ave. Temple Toledo, Ohio Topic: Festival of Commitment KBON Radio 1490


Confirmation Exercises On Festival ©I Religious s c h o o l s will hold confirmation exercises on June 7 on the eve of the Festival of Shavuot. The Beth El school will hold both- confirmation mid graduation ceremonies of the high school department on Thursday, 8:15 p.m. the graduates are: Barbara Kaplan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Kaplan; Gayle Render, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Render; and Cheryl Weinberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weinbcrg . The confirmands are: Barbara Chudacoff, Louis Chunovic, Joe Erman, Alice Fellman, Linda Graetz, Jan Janger, B a r r y Lewis, Joyce Render, Neil Simon, Sharon Simon, Susan Slutzky, and Judy Turner. A reception will follow the service. Confirmation services will be held at Temple Israel also on Thursday, June 7 at 8:15 p.m. Members of the confirmation class are: Paula Jane Bercutt, Joel Nathan Bleicher, B r u c e Harrison Brodkey, Gail Louise Brodkey, L y n n c Cherniack, Richard B. Colin, Rose Lee Krupinsky, Gail Ruth Levin, Nancy Elizabeth Makiesky, Faye Rita Samuelson, Theodore Juy SanEnpert

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etuidj Pulilhlifd wi'dily on Friday Ijrgiiinliig tlio last wc.clt In August through Ntu'imd wr.cU In July.

ford, Judith Ann Sherman, Jane Hae Shrier, Richard C h a r l e s Spt'ij;lin:m.

'I'he Temple Israel graduation will be held Friday evening with a reception following the services.

New officers of Rohanue were installed at a recent MotherDaughter luncheon. They are: Janice Siref, president; Joyce Render, f i r s t vice-president; Faye Samuelson and Debe Sokolof, second vice-presidents: Elly Zelinsky, third vice-president; E l a i n e Binamow, secretary; Frannie Grossman, bills treasurer; Marcia Cohen, dues treasurer; Carol Kraft and Paula Magzamin, sergeant-at • a r m s; Sharon Herman, Youth Council representative; Gladys Groner, Y. C. alternate; Linda Simons and Debbie Baker, editors, and Sandi Schapiro, historian. Sharon Temin and Arlene Kosowsky were luncheon chairmen. Linda Riekes was n a m e d Sweetheart of A. Z. A. No. 100 at the annual spring serenade. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Riekes. Carl Riekes was dance chairman and .Sherman Brodkey is president of the Club. The last meeting of the season for the three Young Judaea Groups will be held Sunday, June :s ;it 2 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. Following separate meetings, the clubs will combine to make contributions to the Hadassah Medical Fund. Mrs. Ervin Simon, immediate past president of Hadassnh will be in charge; of accepting the fund:;. Stephen Hoguehwal has been elected president of Mother Chapter, A. Z. A. No. 1. Also elected are: Ronald Kaiman, vice-president; Harry Friedman, secretary; Melvin Cohen, treasurer; Marshal Abrahams and Max Richtman, pledge-masters; Neil Simon and Marshal Lewis, sergeants-at-arms; Jerry Stevens and Floyd Freiden, editors. Boguchwal, Friedman and Cohen are Jewish Youth Council representatives. Buguchwal, Kaiman, Cohen and Abrahams are Regional delegates. J. Gordon Roberts, Robert's Dairy Co., President, and Chairman of the National Fund for Medical Education's Omaha committee, said the fund has distributed $.10,000,000 in grants

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Bar and Has [,'iizvr.Li


AH frlclldi and urc Invited to utt'Hid bc^rvlccs and

Mrs. I.agman, Hostess to Cousins Club Mrs. Sol Lagman will entertain the members of the Cousin's club with a luncheon Wednesday, June (i at her home, 1703 North '19 Street at 12::iO p.m.

Cnmlli'liKiilinK—7:32 p.m. Uetii Israel: Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Eli K;if,'an, and the Uc-tii Israel choir will conduct the filial late family services this evening at <! p.m. Traditional Friday evening services (Kobolas Shabbos) at 7::i() p.m. Shabbos morning; services at 8.-15 a.m. Junior Congregation at 10 a.m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud Class at 7:15 p.m. Shabbos Mincha at 7:U5 p.m. followed by Sholash Seudos and Maariv at 11:30 p.m. Sunday morning services begin at !) a.m. Junior Minyon starts at (i:.'IO a.m. Mincha at 7:-15 p.m. Services for Shavuot will begin at 7:10 p.m. on Thursday, June 7. Services will be held on Friday, June i! at (1:45 a.m. and 7:40 p.m. Services on Shabbos will be the same as Friday with Yizkor at 10 a.m.

WII.UAM FKKKIl The Bar Mitzvah of William Ferer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Ferer, will be celebrated on Friday, June 1 and Saturday, June 2 at Beth Israel Synagogue.

B'nal Jacob Adas Yrshuron: Friday Mincha, 7 p.m.; Saturday morning, I);30 a.m. and Mincha, 7 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos. Daily services at G::JO a.m. and 7:J5 p.m.

MAKK SOMMKK The Bar Mitzvah of Mark Sommer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Somrner, will be celebrated on Sunday, June 3 at Beth Israel Synagogue.

Temple Israel: Hebrew School graduation exercises will be Friday, June 1 at II p.m. A reception in the .social hall will follow the services. Belli El: Sabbath eve services will begin this evening at IJ:15 p.m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke.' will deliver the sixth in a series of lecture-sermons on "Six Prayers of the Sabbath." Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Traditional Sabbath morning services at li::S0 a.m. Family service at 10:.'HI a.m. MinchaMaariv services will begin at 7::iO p.m. Sunday morning services will begin at 9. Services during the week are held at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Shnviiot Services Graduation and Confirmation, Thursday, June 7 at I): 15 p.m.; Friday, June ii service's at 9 a.m. and IS: 15 p.m. Saturday, June 9 services, including Yizkor at G:)5 a.m. and 'J a.m. Memorial name p l a q u e s placed on the Memorial Tablets at Beth El Synagogue during the last six months will commemorated by their families at the 11 a.m. service. Those whose names will he commemorated by their families at the dedication services are: Anno Brown Bernjfdn, Anna Fink, /Aar(jurel Fink, f;i;ic Fl'Jier, //.orris Fivfier, ficrltia Grecnlield, IJorn Horrncf, Harry 5. Joriycr, Dora D,vo Koplcin, Htrt/ef Ualfoll Kaplan, Work Krmfmcjn, Either f.'.altr.hocfc, Jp'jnn^t'c //.a!n!.hor> ',','u'jncr, Annie Marcus, I300C David Wcrcji, Simon Mcrcus, Oclh Tcmt! Murkt. Adolph rtokovllz, Honna tf,o'.kov\tr, Gotca o.fravlch, Ida Scgol, Jacob Shapiro. THUc Sherman, Bc^s Ellzabclh 'SmccKj, Lculs Scmmer, Solomon !>uar, fjcrlha 5!ci-ibcrg, Isaac Stcinberrj, /..arlhfj Tuchrmm, Moses A Vender, Ocivlrj M. Wldmon, Sam Zlotky.


Barry Fleischl. .son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice M. Fleischl, will become Bar Mitzvah, Saturday morning, June 2, at Temple Israel. KOItKICT MI'SKY SIICIMIAMM LINCOLN Hobert Lips(.'y, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Lipsey, will observe his Bar Milzvah and Stephanie Lincoln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Lincoln, will observe her Bas Mitzvah at. the 10:30 service, Saturday morning at Beth El Synagogue,

DAVID KATZ JKI FKIOY COUNT Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Katz announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, David Katz, and Mr. and Mrs. Lyrnan Colin announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Jeffrey Colin, at Beth El Synagogue on Friday morning, June 8. IMANH NKI'OMNKTi su.SAN' a i r s Diane Nepomnick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al Nepomnick, and Susan Ilips, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Hips, will each become Bas Mitzvah on Friday evening, June (I, and Saturday morning, June 0, at Temple Israel. DAVID KATZMAN Mr. and Mrs. Phil Katzman announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, David Katzman, on Saturday morning, June 'J, at Beth El Synagogue.

Dedications A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Jacob Jack Kaufman at Beth El Cemetery, Sunday, June 10 at 2:.'J0 p.m. Rabbi Myer Kripke and Cantor Aaron I. Edgar will officiate. A monument will be dedicated to the memory, of Mrs. Lillian Singer Stine on Sunday, Juno 3 at 11 a.m. at Beth El Cemetery.

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BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stv.d, 1502 Dodge.

Itraiuli'is Hoard Meeting The board of the Omaha Chapter of the Brandeis University National Women's committee will meet Monday, June 4 at 10 a.m. at the home of Mrs. Charles Rosenstock.


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Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged

By Mildred CroslirrK Ilellin Author, "The Jewish Cook Book"

In Memory of

Shavuot is a celebration both of the first grain harvest during ancient, time.1; and of the first receiving of the Tonili on Mount Sinai. In our synagogues The Book of Ruth, so filled with the poetic beauty of glowing young womanhood, is read. Appro •)inately. at this time our young people outer into early audulthood with I he ceremony of Confirmation. Our menu for Khevuot in this year of T)722 includes once again the foods which are traditional for this holiday's celebration. MENU FOR SIIEVUOT Honey Wine Strawberry and Melon Ball Cup Two ChalloK Cream of asparagus soup Fish cutlets with raisin sauce Mashed potatoes PeasSprinjj garden salad mold Sweet mixed pickles Ruth Schwartz's cheese cake Coffee Fish Cutlets with Itaisin Sauce 2 lbs. skinless filleted fish 0 slices white broad ',i cup milk 2 eggs Salt and pepper to taste Fine dry bread crumbs 7 tablespoons butter 2/.'i cup seedless raisins Boiling water to cover .'! tablespoons all-purpose flour I'.•:<. cups warm water 2 tea-spoons sugar 2 teaspoons lemon juice :! tablespoons white table wine

Synagogue Donations Special Gifts Mr. ond Mrs. licl I. Soljmon Mrs. Helen Duiker Mr. oral Mrs. Max Rirfcts Jack Chcsrn (Lincoln, llcbr.) Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Milnbcry, Mrs. I. H. Friedman, Mrs. Adolpn llewman. Miss S'idye Ntwmon, Miss Helen Newman Mrs. Marrjurc! Fink Mr. (jnd Mrs. At>e Elear Marx Guldherg Mrs. I. H. FrlfrJmcn Mrs. Pose Grocnlicrq Mr. und Mrs. Jack Run, Dr. und Mrs, A. A. SlclnLcrg < PhiNn Grossman Mr, and Mrs. Mux Mirths Henry Merit (Chku'jo, III.) Messrs. ond Mmes, Al;o Cchn, Dean Finnkcl, tiniest A. Noug, Mrs, Ann Rcllmun .Jock Joseph Messrs. oncl Minus. J. Hurry Kulukuh'ky, firnost A. lloia Mrs [Kit- Kay Mrs, I. H. Friedman , ". ('art L.,:IVIS Miss Durtilhy Nin;jle, Lrmll MIIKJIO... Mrs. Lva Mic-.inun, Sum Monies (Kond do i tic, Wr,.) tAr. AI.e nooni, tht. and M,rs. iorn f.pslein Mrs Sarafi Minkin Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Meliilicro Mrs. Miorrls M. Nelson, LI, Joseph, Mo. A^i'.s Helen Newman , Sol Neil Messrs. and ' / m « . //on Is C. JarolA, Charles VI. Moser (rvjDSton, II!.), Joroh Uumic!! und Lro, Or. und Mis. A. A. Slcniijrfy Mrs L*-no fJohlir.on (Norfolk, Nclir ) Mr. und Mrs. Milton I'osinlhol Mrs. Sarah Sundv/clss (l)ctioll, Mull.) Messrs. ond AVnes. Arthur A. Colin, M. Krupinsky Mrs Ida Vnal On.or Bakery Harry Turkul Mr. ond Mr-,, willioni skr.lnlk 5am Wrlnlirrq Messrs. ond Mrnr-., I rncsl A. IIO'j'J, Tool Vcrot Mrs. tiara winlroul) Mr. and Mrs. Max ulrtrz /mil blrlhclay c( H. Klvkin (Minneapolis, Minn,) Mr. und Mrs. N'.Jtli-jn Turner... \ weddind anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. A.',orrls J. f-'ronHiri Mr. and Mrs. Mt/ilcn Rl< hards .S'/!fl v/edding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Goldstein M i l . Donald Kohn Kecovrry, Mrs. Vetu Cohen M<s. li'.n Handler Recovery, Mrs. Hrnnan Hrrman Hnmklln .Recovery, Franklin Mr. and Mrs. bluest A. A. HOOT Recovery, Mrs. F'hil y, M s. F l Geielick Mr mid Mrs Mm Wiekcs R M Recovery, Morris ec Recovery, Mrs. Mrs.M Morris Katzmun Katzm Mr,, mid Mrs,, Mm Wiekcs R MPSSIS, and Mmes. Abe Goldstein, Lou iomtcrn Recovery ,. ... . „ . „ Mrs. A. I. Kay (Los Anneles, Calif.) Mrs'.rs. qnd Mines. Arlhur A. Cobn, Gordon Grcss ,, Retovcry Hyrnle Milder Mu/rnc Ti-niln Abrom'.on Ytihucll of Mrs. Rebecca Temin, and Mother's D*:y Memorial Mrs. Muurlct Glllnsky Mothers Oay Memorial, for Mrs. Morris freiden Mr..end Mrs. Mlllon Kowilhtil Memory of Jacob Ruwnlhol Mrs. Hose rercr. Jacob Gross, Mrs. Donald Kohn, M Schulman Mr. find Mrs. Maurice Glhnore Furnlluro

Guests Cornsfor Ferer Bar fTiitzvah Arriving from a number of different cities tiro the guests who converged in Oinnlm this weekend for the Bar Mitzvnh of William Avrum Ferer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer ferer. The outof-lown list includes Dade Stino, 'Miss Sophia Ferer, Los Angeles, Cal.; Sam Ferer, Miss FCiki Yarbroufjh, Las Vep,as, Nov.; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Q. Marx, Alexandria. I,a.; Mrs. Mollye Goudchnux, Bunkie, La.; Leo Goudchnux, Lubbock. 'I'cx.; Mr. and Mrs. Irving Goldman, Mrs. Elliot Harwich, Chicago, III. Others are Messrs. nnd Mmes. William Cole and Albert Kort and their families; Mrs. Agnes Shankman, Mrs. Ruth Melton nnd son, nnd Miss Caroline Shankman, all of Kansas City, Mo.; Miss Addie SUne, Mrs. L. S. Galen, Denver, Colo., and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Bervin and son, Edward, Fairbury, Nebr.

Lena's 100 Children A hundred of Mrs. Lena Kichler • Silbennnn's "c h i 1dren" from all over Israel gathered recently at h e r home in Tel Aviv for a "family reunion." After the Second World War, Lena Kichler devoted herself to finding Jewish war orphans who had heen left by their parents for safe keeping in monasteries, or who were wandering, starving, and ill, among the ruins of the ghettoes and death camps of Poland. She rescued 100 such children, aged five to fourteen, and assembled them at a home which she established in a small holiday resort town in Poland. There the children were nursed back to health, and gradually forgot their terrifying memories . . . To many of them, Mrs. Silberman was tho only mother they had ever known. In 1919, she brought the children to Israel, where they were d i s t r i b u t e d among Youth Aliya schools and various communal settlements.

Original Program Of Jewish Humor Written for Event

vegetables, and pour Inlo a lighfly oiled 5 cup mold, or 6 individual molds. Chill until firm. (JTA)

Jewish Meals

(The Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged acknowledges the following memorials and donations.)

In Honor of



An original program, "He Who Laughs — Last:;," written by Mines. Norman Denenberg and Particularly oood when niatlo wilh fillet Norman Whitman will highlight of sole. Grind the fish Ihrouuh a food Olcu ihr> hrraiJ on<1 soak It In Ihe the annual Beth El congregation- chopper. milk until the nnlk is absorbed. Or hid Ihe bread and fish lonelier. Add one c'KI. sail al dinner, June :i a(, (i:lf> p.m. in dud f.cp|;cr to taste, and ml* Ihorou'jhly. f-'orm inlo VI patties. Beat the oiher.cqq the synagogue's social hall. unlil Hie yolk und v/hlle are blended. Dip pattle-i into the c.n one! coat with Ihe The production will feature the lirend crumbs. Melt 4 tablespoons of the Sam Greenberg, Joe Ilornstein flutter In a Ian..": r>il!cl, und v/hen the butter Is hot. odd the potties, Cook, over low and Orvel Milder. liny Simon heat for t2 min'jles, turn over, and cook 12 minutes lorH|<-r unlll ni\l> and brov/n. will serve as the tnnstmnslcr. M'jnn/vlillr-, cover Ihe raisin-, with tbii boily/alcr, and sr,(ik 5 minutes. Drain. In Ho and Mrs. Ernest Wintroub aInti'small L-[:;in n-.elt the remolnimi butare co-chairmen of the annual ter, stir sour. In thu flour, and cook over meheat until bubbdii'l. Add Iht; v^orm event and Mines. Robert Wagner dium water and stir unlil smooth. Add the snnar, lulco, raisins, and cook until Ihick.and Morris Brick are in charge lemon Mien tlnuner for 10 minutes. Add of dinner arrangements. Mrs. rned, ttii! wine and simmer 5 minulcs longer. sail to ;nslc. Serve the rl'.h Cutlcls Marvin Kohll is handling deco- Add en a platter rind puss the sauce In u separations. In charge of dinner ru'c bowl. This amount serves 6. plans are Mmes. A. C. Fellman and Barton Greenberg who are Itulli Schwartz's Cheese Cake taking care of reservations. l-i ox. of a 0 oz. box of zwei-

bach '.i tablespoons melted butter 1 -cup .sugar '/•: teaspoon ground cinnamon '.-i teaspoon ground nutmeg ] lb. fine cured cottage clieese '.:> lb. cream cliee.se 1 '••• cups dairy sour cream 4 eggs, separated '.•2 cup all-purpose flour Grated rind and juice of VJ. lemon Crush the :v.Tlbor.h Into fine crumbs. Combine- v/ith lilt' mtlted tjuller, V* cup of the sugar, Iho c'nnamcn, and nuhneij. Cress evenly over Ilic bottom ond sides of a well-oiled 9 inch si-rina form. In a jnlxIny bowl cainbine hi1"- coftode and cream cheese, the rcrrnjiriiMi su(|nr, sour cream, r.'^a yolks and flour. Deal until smooth, then press Ibrouiih a sieve. Add the lemon rind and |uicc. "Bred Hie ef]a whites until stiff ond fold Into the tjntlr-r. four Into Ihe /weib'jch crust and bake af 325 degrees Fahrenheit for 1 hour. Turn off the "oven h"at, but do not open Ihe door. Let the coke remain In Ihe coolina oven for another half hour, jhen remove It end finish CK.'linfj awuy from dralls. Keep refrioerfitfij until ready to serve. This amount mokes 0 generous porll^ns.

Spring Garden Salad Mold 1 package lemon flavored kosher gel VA cups hot water 1 8-oz. can tomato sauce IV2 tablespoons vinegar 1/16 teaspoon pepper 1 cup thinly sliced radishes 1 cup finely diced cucumber Mi cup thinly sliced scallions '/i teaspoon salt Dissolve tho gel In the hot water and stir In the foinato soucc, vinegar, salt, and pepper. Chill unlll syrupy. Stir In the

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FIRST OFFERING VI a'Ti-s of t h e cnolccst KirsL r e s ident in) K i"() 11 " (1 ("(JiltigllOUS 1.U Jtollinj; Hills lit. Ulinl ;IIM] J . e n v c n wnrMi1 S t s . Pcrffi'L fur 'l\ - lot. 1'riiTH rc'sidf-'iitiaJ an.';i. rj'(t inspect, a r c l i i t r c t ' s l a y o u t s nr c x a i n i n c <JcVi'lojtiiit'iil.'s cost, cnHtfict }C(l C o v er!. '.i'.n-'AUUh ' n i l s v.ill in n v e J FIRST OFFERING IilciiMy localed (low n l o w n (iffice huIMiiiK, 'MH So. .lfllli S i r e d . . Close to Court lioii.se, (lea in ICxrhfin^c, c e n t e r of d o w i i i o w n . 'riiis bullrjitij; lias iwo floni-.s of office spuce jilus well lighted a n d p a i n t e d fully usealjle b a s e m e n t . Alley loading eni I'ance. Mea 1 for ins urn nco office, |(..,'j,| liulhiin^. reiNil, e t c . ]S1H .square. feiM, eacJi floor. 1320 N . 40TH ST. ( 1 4 % G R O S S RETURN) ,'l-;ipartment ronvee.si'in plus modern brick small off!<•<? on corner of •10th and Hamilton, nil units rented, Total Jj.'ilO per month. Kxee.llent location for .shop or small business. A HOME WITH INCOME An owner's apartment with 3 additional rental unit.fi . . . completely fuenisheii . , . *1 kitchens, <1 baths. Nicely maintained yard. Perfect for rut I m i foviple for home or $2W.5ti per month present Income. All for t he price of one home. Well located, 1 block to each of three bus line.1;, close to hospitals for rental prospects, walking distance to downtown shops. Fenced, established lawn, shade trees and /lowers.

PRICED TO MOVE 36-UNIT DOWNTOWN HOTEL rneiudliiK 3 Ki'mimi floor stores. Near forthcoming Interstate In reviving are;t, this building has income uross of SK-Si^.uoo per year. Solid construction of brick nnd concrete w 11 Ii new commercial roof, tnlH building IH sound. All rooms furnished ( I n c I u d e d tn price) with wash In j ; and cooking facilities in each rcMJin. HulJdlMR has hl^h net. when haiuHed nroperly. Bulldhu; nnd fu in Inn Ings priced to movi? a t only: f:il(K)O To iirrnnpe to Inspfrt thin Ixilidlnp: or miy uf the. nlmvr eonfnet I''fl ( I I U T I , :!!il-:illlll; Kill Stulit, 453311; or Illll Cuuk, :!!);i-:t-(iti. Meet tho Man From

MAENNER'S 393-3200

June 5 Workshop Day at Beth Israel Mrs. Harold Zelinsky, newly elected Both Israel Sisterhood president, has designated Tuesday, June 5, as its Workshop Day. The moring sessions beginning at 10 a.m. will be devoted specialized areas of sisterhood organization and program and wiil be led by the following vicepresidents; Mrj, Sum Bermon, ways ond mcarn; Mrs. Don Colicn, rntniber:lilp; Mrs. Sidney Ft-Idman, program; Mrs. Jay Sfoler, social urranrjemcnls; Mts. slonley Shapiro, synafloyjo service) Mrs. Nalhan Kaplan, public rclalloni, Serving as consultants wllh Mrs. /pllnsky :will b"? the Mmes. Henry Appel, Atlrcd F rnnk, Sam Kotzman, tladoro Elc-

vvlt/, Sidney Goldberg, Marry Sldman and Sidney Katlcman. *

A joint meeting will be held in the afternoon, when plans will be made for tho sisterhood's J!)(i2-(!.'( season.

Frank Graduates From College High School Leonard J, Frank is graduating from the high school divisioji of the Hebrew Theological College, Skokie, 111., after four years of study there. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Frank.

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Hovels; can never be 'homes for immigrant children and their families. These two shown hero are just two of the. great numbers •• arriving daily in Israel.

They must bo provided with real homes through the aid of the United Jewish Appeal which receives funds raised by the Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign.

Page Pour

Friday, Juno 1, ISO?





Registrations for Camp Jay-C that "reaching capacity more cam]). C, the Federation sponsored resi- than a month prior to the official As an alternate to camp, Batt dent camp, are now 1)i'Inf' ac- opeinp of the camp signifies the slated that parents should be cepted on a waiting list basis encouraged to enroll their chilonly, Norman Batb Camp Chair- confidence and interest that dren ir other summer programs Omaha parents have in our man, announced-.to the Camp developed by the Center. These Committee this v/ec-k. Batt stal- camp and its program." include the Day Camp, swimI HERE'S A PALE5TINE He a!:;o pointed out the value ming activities at the Center, ed that we now have a capacity IN TEXAS/ enrollment for both sessions of of increased capacities that will .Summer Basketball Day Camp the camp and iw more children be able to be realized next sou- phis special events scheduled can be accommodated at this son with the opening of the new throughout the summer. time. , . ._- . \ \ . Parents may* list their .children on a waiting--list ponding Israel Oefs $469,300 Ufi Grant for cancellations 'in1., enrollm&ijj, lie commented. We feel, he said., Study of Underground Wafer Storage United Nations, N. Y. (JTA) lain a heavy salt content. Under the plans as worked out by —Israel received a United Na- experts for Israel and the FAO, tions Special Fund grant of Israel will spend $1,604,000 for $48<l..'iO() to aid a $2,173,000 proj- the entire project, more than IJy't'y Siilclilck '., H't for investigation of problems three times the amount of the BASKETBALL CAMP : , grant by the UN Special Fund, Tlie Jewish ConvmmitaCenter < t>L underground water storage. The* Fund's Governing Council basketball day camp will run for one week, beginping on Mon- made tlio allocation here in open Soars day, July '30, and ending on I'ri- session, after it had been preday, August 3. viously approved at a closed In South America An outstanding faculty will New York—Anti-scmitism in Consist of Red McManus, coach meeting. Under the grant, the UN Food South America generally, and of Creighton University; Jim Borsheim. coach of Omaha Uni- a n d Agriculture Organization particularly in Argentina, is at versity; Bob Sneller, coach of will work with the Government present at its highest level ;;ince Independence Jr. College, Kan- of Israel during a three-year pe- the end of the Second World sas; Jerry Bush, coach of Ne- riod to prove the feasibility of War. according to the Director Former Qmahans of the American Jewish Combraska University, and Cy Seit- storing water deep underground chick, Center athletic director. in geological formation.1;, Part of mittee's Latin American office, Adopt Daughter The camp, at the Jewish Com- the project will include the es- Abraham Monk. Dr. and Mrs. Norman Goldenmunity Center, is for bpys from tablishment of a pilot plant in He was reporting to the Comgrades five to twelve. The pro- Israel to study techniques for mittee's 5Sth annual meeting berg of Indianapolis, Ind., announce the adoption of a daughgram will feature personalized utilizing the underground water, last'week. instruction, lectures and discus- much of which is known to conter, Jodi Lynn who celebrated On the situation in Argentina sion with streps on techniques her first birthday, February 22. Mr. Monk said that the Fronand playing. The facilities will 'Government had not interThe G o 1 d e nbergs previously be the J. C. C. building. Wandering Torah So dizi fered -with the activities of the mnrie their home in Omaha. Mrs. Early registrations arc comneo-fascist Tacuara, which de- Goldenberg fc> the former Shiring in quickly. Boys interested Air Base Kotna spite repeated acts of violence ley Goodman, daughter of Mr. are urged to enroll as soon as Tucson. Ariz. (JTA)—A "peri- and vandalism against Jewish and ?\lrs. Irv.in Goodman. possible before the deadline on and democratic institutions "enregistrations is completed. For pathetic Sefer Torah," found at joyed a strange kind of immunfurther information, -call the least a temporary residence at ity from the police." Double Celebration Center Physical Education De- the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, near this city. The story Even in Brazil, traditionally partment at .342-1366. was told by Air Force Captain free of religious and racial bias, For Joel R.PHSor Burton Jay, chairman of the "Jewish cemeteries were reYOUTH COUNCIL SOFTBALL Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Pitlor Hayim won their second game Jewish congregation at the base. cently desecrated." There "were and their son and daughter-inRecently, Capt. Jay informed the worst anti-semitic incidents law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pitof the young season and Ronu won their first contest as the his mother, Mrs. Joseph Jay. of ever recalled in Brazil. Despite lor of Lincoln, will leave Sunsecond week of the Youth Coun- Oceanside, Long Island, that intensive Government action to day for the East to attend Die cil Softball league ended at Elm- "there is a Jewish military con- apprehend the culprits they arc college graduation and margregation here with 71 members, still at large." wood Park last Sunday. riage of another son, Joel Ross Stuart Smith pitched and star- but we have no Sefer Torah." Pitlor. Mrs. Jay formerly chairman of red at bat in leading defending 400 MARRIAGES IN They will see their son gradthe Central Nassau County Armchampion Rayim past A. Z. A. ), ISRAEL DURING VVKEK uated from the Massachusetts ed Services Committee of the 12-3. It was the losers first deTel Aviv fJTA) — Some 400 Iastitute of Technology in Camfeat of the season. Ronu had Jewish Welfare Board, recalled marriages took place this week bridge on June 8. that residents of her community little trouble in downing A. Z. A. throughout Israel as the end of On June 10 they will attend 100, 10-0, in a game stopped at had brought a Holy Scroll sev- the Sefira ban on weddings was his marriage to Miss Joan Ruth eral years ago for Jewish milifive innings. marked on Lng Ba'Omcr. ThirtyMaltz in Boston. His brother, STANDINGS tary personnel at Mitchel Air rabbis were recruited to Robert Pitlor will be best man. Won Losl Force Base, near her home. five Raylm 2 0 perform 127 marriages in Tel Ronu I 1 The wedding, a double one, When that base was closed by Aviv. A.Z.A. t I I also, will unite in marriage Miss A.Z.A. 100 0 ! the Air Force, the Torah was • Gcm?s far Sunday, June 3 Judith Susan Maltz and Allen turned over to the Jewish Wel10 a.m.—A.Z.A. 1 vs, Ronu C 10 cm.—Raylm vi. A.Z.A. IW W fare Board for safekeeping. Draclunan of Boston. JESS HEADS STATE GKOUI" Louis Jess. Commodore ApartMr. and Mrs. Norman Pitlor Capt. Jay reported that his VARSITY SOFTBALL ment executive, v/as elected will leave for Boston, the SatThe J. C. C. Varsity softball mother had made the proper president of the Nebraska-Hotel- urday before the ceremonies. team was stung to the tune of contacts, and the JWB sent that Motel Association, at the or- Mr. Pitlor is another brother 15-4, by Cudahy in the Slo-Pitch Holy Scroll here. JWB made ganization's fiftieth convention. of the bridegroom-to-be. league at Adams Park last Sun- only one condition. The Scroll is to be returned to JWB if the day evening. it was the second loss for the congregation at Davis-Monthan Center against three wins, leav- should be dissolved for any reaing the team still in contention son, so that the Scroll may be for the loop title. A scheduled used by other Jewish serviceBy RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX Monday night game against the men elsewhere. QUESTION: Why do some people recite the Ten Command1st National Bank was cancelled ments after the daily morning service? due to rain. ANSWER: The Mishnah (Tamid, 5) indicate that it was the Deaths Cudahy tallied seven runs in practice in the days of the Temple to have the Ten Commandments the second inning to ice the con- MRS. ETHEL GOLOWARE publicly recited daily in the Temple. However, because of a devitest. The Jay team made many Funeral services were held ationist sect which later claimed that only the Ten Commandments mental lapse and lots of errors. Friday at the Jewish Funeral were divinely revealed and nothing else, this public practice fell The loss ended a three-game Home for Mrs. Ethel Goldware, into disuse, lest the people might erroneously think that the public winning streak. 78, of 4738 Franklin Street, who recital of the Ten Commandments was an indication of agreementdied May 24. Burial was in with this opinion, They still are regarded as very significant laws BILL ON BIAS Pleasant Hill Cemetery. of our faith, and a Jew should ever be mindful of them. IS REJECTED • » » Surviving are daughter, Faye, London (JTA)—A bill to make Cambridge, Mass.; son, Joseph QUESTION: Why are the 13 principles of the faith recited daily discrimination on grounds of S. Goldware, Omaha; sister, after the service? race or religion punishable of- Manya Batt, Brooklyn, N. Y., fenses was defeated this week grandchildren, Mallory and BarANSWER: These are the 13 principles of faith depicted by the on a second reading in the ry Goldware. famous Maimonides. It is possible that their recitation was made House of Lords. The vote was a private practice in the days when persecutions were prevalent, and Jews were being forced to accept other faitha and to proclaim 41 to 21. MRS. EFFIE KAY other dogmas. Funeral services were held Senior Citizen's QUESTION: Why do some people recite the occurrence of speMay 14 at the Jewish Funeral Home for Mrs. Effie Kay, 1432 cial historical events in Jewish history after the daily service? Lounge South 106 Street, who died May ANSWER: These ore called "Zechiroih" (Remembrances). It is Jewish Community Center 13. Burial was at Beth Hamc- a matter of reciting the six Biblical verses that command us to Every Monday drosh Hogodol Cemetery. remember certain Instances in our history. The- occasions are: ' From 10 A.M. to 3 IM, Surviving are children, Mrs. The Exodus from Egypt, The Revelation at Sinai, tho vicious attack Every Wednesday from 1 P.BI. Lawrence Wayne, Albuquerque, of the arch-fiend Amalek; tho consequence suffered by Miriam; the N. M.; Milton Kay, Reseda, CaL; Sabbath Day; and the wrathful punishment the Almighty inflicted Activities, Fun, Recreation, Mrs. Siegbert Schulman and on our ancestors when they fell short of their faith during the Socials for Senior Citizens course of their wandering In the wilderness. (JTA) Mrs. Julius Hart of Omaha.



• .










Jewish Briefs SOME 400 JEWS currently reside in Communist China, half of them in Harbin, about 100 in .Shanghai and smaller numbers in Tientsin. Dniren and Mukden. Evidence has been found of the existence of Jewish settlement in China as early as the eleventh century. (JTA) ' • * * THERE ARE SOME 19,000 teachers in Israel, nearly 14,000 holding posts in the country's primary schools and about 2,000 in secondary schools. (JTA) * * « EARUCH BEN SAMUEL OF SAFED, a Russian-born Jewish physician who settled in Safed, Palestine, early in the nineteenth century was commissioned by a group of rabbis in Lithuania in 1030 to embark on a journey in search of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, who might be persuaded to come to the aid of their brethren suffering persecutions under Russian Czar Nicholas L Baruch traveled to Damascus, Aleppo, Kurdistan, Mesopotoarnia Baghdad, Basra, Bushkir, Muscat, Aden and Sana, Yemen, where he died in 1834. (JTA) #


URIAH PHILLIPS LEVY, a United States Naval officer who served during the War of 1812, participated in 21 engagements with British vessels, following which he was taken prisoner and held for 16 months. (JTA)

Campus Howard L. Wcinberg, Dartmouth College senior, was elected to serve as secretary of his class until its first reunion in 19GG. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Al J. Weinberg. Donald Kraft, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Kraft, was initiated into Phi Eta ' Sigma, national freshman scholastic fraternity at Purdue University. ' Michael Shrier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shrier, was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. Anabel Graetz -was a member of "The Crucible" cast at Boston University. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Saul M. Graetz. Stephen Appel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Appel, v/as named in the Dean's List at University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Justin Ban, freshman at tho University of Nebraska Medical School, will be a senior counselor at Bar Double C Ranch Camp, Elbert, Colo. Ho is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam B













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