VoL XL—No. 40
I'ubMcutlon Office. 101 No. 2(itli Ornalin. KeUraf;ka, Phone Il-12-Kifi
Mrs. Greenberg Dr. Grecnfoorg in honor of the fortieth wedding anniversary of the Grecnbergs on June 14 and the seventieth birthday of the Doctor, a prominent community leader, on June 1C. The Grceiiherg cabin is the eleventh provided for the camp, situated on a large wooded 1tract near Louisville, Ni'br. The site will soon be the scene of building activity. The gift to honor Dr. and Mrs. Greenberg, originated with Mrs. Hubert Sommcr. She and
Second Cluaa Pustule f'utd nt Omaha, Neur.
Mrs. Sam Saltzman lwve been in charge of accepting the funds. They were assisted by Mrs. Ernest A. Nogg and Mrs. Abe Herzberg and a host of other friends. Two scrolls indicating the gift honoring the birthday and wedding anniversary have been presented to Dr. and Mrs. Greenberg. Dr. Greenberg has served as president of the Jewish Federation of Omaha, chairman of the Jewish Philanthropies drive, has held local, regional and national offices in B'nai B'rith, has headed a Bonds of Israel drive, been a chairman of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, over a period of 40 years in the community. Last week he became a member of the national Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. A member of the president's council of Brandeis University, he and Mrs. Greenberg will leave to attend university graduation c e r e monies at Waltham, Massachusetts and will extend their holiday to a visit in New York. -
Colonel Yehuda Priliar, one of Israel's outstanding military pcrsonalitifs, will lie guest speaker at the Initial Gifts Stag of the Philanthropies Campaign Wednesday, June 13, at 0:30 p.m.
at the Highland West Club, Ilobert M. Felriherg, General Cliairman, and Isadore M. Trttiak, Initial Gifts Chairman, announcvd. Col. Priliar is now serving as
Bluffs Lodge So Cite i r s . Frieda Suvalsky
Rafibi, I r s , Oroner Rabbi Benjamin G r o n e r, spiritual leader of Beth Lsrael Synagogue, and Mrs. Groner, will attend meetings and visit old friends, during a four week tour of Israel. They will see Israel for the first time and will leave New York City by plane on July 24. The trip represents a gift from members of the Beth Israel Congregation marking the Rabbi's tenth year of service to the congregation, . They will attend the World Assembly on Jewish Education, in Jerusalem from August 12 through IT where Rabbis and educators from all parts of the globe will participate in seminars and discussions. Rabbi and Mrs. Groner will renew acquaintances with Asher Zidun, parlimentarian of the Knesset (Israel's Parliament), who was their house guest during a 135G visit to Nebraska. The fact that Israel and the State of Nebraska are among the few areas in the world, governed by Unicameral Legislatures, brought Mr. Zidun to this part of the country. His study of legislative procedures in the state house in Lincoln were published in Israel in book form and included a photograph of the State Capitol. The Groners will also be with Rabbi Max J. Wohlgelernter, Chief Secretary of the official Chief Rabbinate, and a former resident of Detroit, Mich. They also hope to see another old friend, Rabbi Louis Rabinowitz, former Chief Rabbi of South Africa, who recently moved to Jerusalem. They met in 1050 when Rabbi Rabinowitz waa lecturing in Chicago, 111., homo of the Groners at that time,
military, naval and air attache at the Israel Embassy in Washington, D. C. He is recognized 33 one of the foremost authorities on Israel problems. Prior to his assignment to the United States, Col. Prihar served as Commander of Israel's Combined Command Training School for the Army, Navy and Air Force. This school trains commanding officers for all branches of the Israel Defense Forces. He has had a distinguished record of service in the Israel's War of Liberation, and throughout his army career. "This stag is one of the most important functions of the campaign," the chairmen pointed out expressing their hope that all those who were invited to the affair will attend."
*V*~* h^T •- "•
ieefing in Israel
Funeral cervices for Isadore Goldstein, 81, Omaha resident since 1901, were held Sunday at Beth I s r a e l Synagogue. Mr. Goldstein who l i v e d at 2005 North Fifty-second street, died June 1. He was founder of the Capitol Garage and C a p i t o l Rent-A-Car. A longtime member of Beth Israel Synagogue, he was chairman of the building committee when the new synagogue was built at fifty-second and Charles Streets. Surviving are his wife, Mollie, daughter, Mrs. Hubert Sommcr, sons, Paul, Arthur and Leonard, all of Omaha, 10 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Burial was in Pleasant Hill Cemetery.
Single Copy 10 Cents Annual Rate 4 Dollars
Cabin, Furnishings Given To Nev/ Camp in Honor of Dr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg A camper's cabin and its furnishings wore given to the new Esther K. Newman camp of the Jewish Federation of Omaha, in the name of Dr. and Mrs. Abraham' Greenberg, it was mado kouwn this week. The gift was made by friend'!
Colonel Priliar—at Israel Embassy.
Bikur Gholim Party To .Aid .Medical Fund Bikur Cholim's annual luncheon and card party will be held at 1 p.m. Monday, June 11 at the Jewish Community Center. Proceeds from the affair will be used for the organization's medical program and other activities, Mrs. Jake Wine, president stated. Mrs. Harry Sidman was appointed to take charge of the ticket sales. Mrs. Cecil Izenstatt heads a committee planning the luncheon and Mrs. Abe Krantz and her committee will arrange the table setting. Guests are urged to make up their own tables and bring their own cards and Man Jongg sets. Free Bingo will be available for those who do not play cards. Reservations are being taken by Mrs. Wine, 551-C660 or Mrs. Sidman, 551-3560. Tickets at $1 each for the luncheon may be purchased at the door. itEPOUT BU8SIA MISSILES TO EGYPT, IRAQ
London (WNS) — The Soviet. Government is negotiating with the United Arab Republic nnd with Iraq for the supply of guided missiles, especially of the SA-2 type which is a defensive groundto-air missile. The deliveries will be possible tola year, u n l e s s
Farband Meet 7 P.M. Sunday at Center The Farband Branch 54, Poale Zion will hold a dinner meeting on Sunday, June 10 at 7 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. A discussion will be led by Joseph Radinowski. Mrs. I. Forbes is in charge of the meeting. Reservations will be accepted by calling 342-3891 until Friday at 6 p.m.
Algeria's ftemaiiiing Jews 'in Dire Peril* Winnipeg (JTA)—Algeria's remaining 130,000 Jews are "in dire peril," Shalom Kalfon, former JTA correspondent in Algiers, reported. Mr. Kalfon left Algiers recently. So serious is the situation of the Jews in Algeria, Mr. Kalfon said, that 12,000 of the 18,000 Jew3 in Constantine have left the city. Most of them, he said, went to France, while the others • sought refuge in other communities. "Algeria's Jewish minority," Mr. Kalfon reported, "face3 privations and persecutions similar to those suffered by Jews in Tunis and Morroco after those nations obtained independence."
The Irving Cohen Lodge No. C8fl, B'nai B'rith in Council Bluffs, will present its annual Americanzation award to Mrs. Frieda Suvalsky, a prominent resideint of her city. She will be cited "For outstanding services to her community and to her fellowmen." The award the eightii annual one, will be bestowed on Mrs. Suvalsky, Tuesday, June 12, at an 8:30 p.m. meeting of the lodge, in the vestry of the B'nai Israel Synagogue, G18 Mynster Street, Council Bluffs. Coming to see Mrs. Suvalsky honored are her sisters, Mrs. Ann Goldfinger and Mrs. Reva Shapin, both of Chicago, 111., and a brother, Charles Goldberg of Denver, Colo. She and her husband, Saul Suvalsky recently returned from a two and a half month tour of South America. The lodge will install newly elected officers. They are Kenneth Sacks, president; M e l Brown, first vice-president; Jerry Hulman, second vice-president; Ben Schneider, recording secretary, and Marvin Suvalsky, financial secretary. The program will also include 1962 honors for high school graduates. This year's honorees are Doris Selo and Jerry Cohen. Jerry Passer is Americanization chairman of thejodge.
Henry Appel Elected Beth Israel President Henry Appel was elected president of Beth Israel Synagogue for 19G2-G3. Others serving are Dr. Haskell Morris, vice president; Harold Zelinsky, treasurer; Mrs. Harry Sidman, financial secretary, and Dr. Bennett Fishbain, recording secretary. KBON Radio Presents Message of Israel Sunday, June 10 10 p.m. Speaker—Rabbi William B. Silverman of Temple B'nai Jehudah, Kansas City, Mp. Topic: I'll Buy That Dream KBON Radio 1490
Page Two
%\lt Published weekly on Friday beginning Uie last week I« August through scctmtl week In July, Second Clc;s Pcifajje Paid at Omaha, Nebr. Annual Sutscririticn, U CO. Adverting Rotes en Appiiaiilon. Publication Office—101 (Jo. 5Dih Street, Omclia, HLLT. Phcne 342-13&6.
Knesset For CorcipylsQtry ^< Jerusalem (JTA)—Israel's Cab- sazne scale, based on their latest met approved the compulsory income tax returns. The savings savings plan drawn up by Fi- * bonds will bear interest of 4 per nance Minister Levi Eshkol, to cent, and will be repayable in become effective in July—if approved by Knesset (Parliament) four annual installments after which ivill receive a Govern- April, l'JGG. The plan is expected to "soak ment bill on the issue this week. The plan as envisaged by Mr. up" over $1,067,000 each month, Eshkol is designed to "soak up" keeping that much money out about $22,000,000 in new money of circulation when the new cost expected to flow into the Israeli of living allowance increases go economy as a result of cost-of- into effect in July,' in accordance •living allowance increase becom- with Israel's new economic poling effective in July. The plan is icy. designed to combat inflation in this country. id Under the savings plan, sums All friends and relatives are ranging from one-half percent to 5.5 percent will be deducted Invited to attend services and from all salaries, beginning in reception. J u l y and continuing through DIANE NEPOMNICK next March. Self-employed per- SUSAN Itll'S sons will be affected along the Diane Nepomnick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al Nepomnick, and Susan Rips, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Rips, will each become Bas Mitzvah News and lin[>pr»nlne» Rt Tlie Dr. on Friday evening, June 8, and Philip Rhrr J i - n M i Hume fur the Saturday morning, June 9, at Aced by David OrLow. t ><-:;?;;.;;•;. r r:x;'...,-.:-::; :z:. :c::::zz Temple Israel. A Kiddush was given by Mr. DAVID KATZMAN and Mrs. Sam Cohen in honor David Katzman, son of Mr. of Mrs. Anna Sherman, who is now residing at the Dr. Philip and Mrs. Phil Katzman, will observe his Bar Mitzvah on SatSher Home for the Aged. urday morning, June 9 at the Flowers for the dining room 10:30 service at Beth El Synathis week were sent by Mr. and gogue. Mrs. S. D. Goodman in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, ELLEN FRIED Robert. BARBARA ROSEMAN Flowers for the CherniackMr. and Mrs. Stuart Fried Chapman Pavilion lounge were announce the Bas Mitzvah of donated by Mr. and Mrs. Joe their daughter, Ellen Fried, and Rice. Mr. and Mrs., Arnold Roseman Mrs. Hymle Milder brought announce the Bas Mitzvah of individual bouquets of peonies their daughter, Barbara Rosefor all the residents' rooms. man, on Saturday, June 1C at The residents and staff of the the 10:30 a.m. service at Beth Dr. Philip Slier Home for the El Synagogue. Aged participated in the Sabin oral vaccine "cocktail party" STEVEN EPSTEIN when the mobile unit serviced The Bar Mitzvah of Steven the Home on Sunday. Epstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Students of the Temple Israel Sam Epstein, will be celebrated religious schools have made a on Saturday, June 1C, at Beth donation to the Home as part Israel Synagogue. of their "good works" program. New resident: Mrs. Minnie Shop through the Jewish Press Ads. Baron.
WHh the Home Foiics
Custom Baked Cakes for
#Bar Hiizvahs © Weddings Any Siie or Design
73rd and Blondo Fhono 393-0777
Plot Foiled to Hold Goldmann as Hostage Vienna (JTA) — A plot foiled by the West German Government, for the kidnapping of Dr. Nahum Goldmann and holding him in an Arab country as a hostage to be exchanged for Adolf Eichmann, was disclosed here by the Arbeiter-Zeitunfj, organ of the dominant Socialist Party. The plan envisaged the kidnapping of Dr. Goldmann, during a visit he had made last summer to Bonn. The plot had been reportedly hatched by Alois Brunner, a former Gestapo official who had worked with Eichmann during the war and supervised the deportation of Jews from Salonika and Slovakia. During the plotting, it was reported, that a Lebanese agent hired, contacted a former SS officer at Hamburg. The German government got wind of the plot and the scheme was foiled by West German counter-intelligence.
Services Cantllciigiitlng—7:35 p.m. Belli El: Sabbath and Sliavuot eve services will begin this Friday evening at 8:15 p.m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon on "Twenty-Five Years in the Rabbinate." Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue choir will render the musical portions of the service. Traditional Sabbath and Shavuot morning services at 8:30 a. m. Family service' at 10:30 a.m. Mincha-Maariv services at 7:30 p.m. Sunday morning service at 0 a.m. Services during the week at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Yizkor services S a t u r d a y , June 9 at 6:45 a.m. and 9 a.m. Belli Israel: Traditional Friday evening services (Kobolas Shabbos) begin at 7:40 p.m. Yizkor on June 9 at 10:15 a.m. Shabbos morning services at 8:45 a.m. Junior Congregation at 10 a.m. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will conduct the Talmud Class at 7:25 p.m. Shabbos Mincha at 7:40 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at 8:35 Sunday morning services begin at 9 a.m. Mincha at 7:45 p.m. B'nal Jacob Adas Ycshuron: Friday Mincha, 7 p.m.; Saturday morning, 8:30 a.m. and Mincha, 7 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos. Daily services at 6:30 a.m. and 7:15 p.m.
Friday, June 8, 1902 Hairisburg, Penn. (JTA)— Mrs. Anne X. Alpern, former Common Pleas Judj;e nnd the first woman Attorney General of Pennsylvania, has been nominated by Gov. Davit] Lawrence to tlie poit of Judges of tlie Allegheny Common Picas Court.
Dedications A moinunient will be dedicated in memory of Byron Krasnc at Golden Hill Cemetery, Sunday, June 10 at 3:30 p.m. A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Rubien Shapiro, on Sunday, June 10 at' 1:30 p.m. at Golden Hill Cemetery.
GENERAL CARPENTRY "Rec" Rooms—All Klndi of
A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Sophie Graulich, mother of Mrs. Sidney Goldberg, on Sunday, June 10, 2 p.m. at Golden Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Eli Kagan will officiate.
Irving Rcinglas
templet® Oarpei Service
Joint dedication services for Abraham and Helen Weiss, will be held Sunday, June 10 at Beth El Cemetery, 3:30 p.m. with Rabbi Mycr Kripke officiating.
I.AVINO • KKW1M1 The families of Agnes HorDINDINU • CLEANING wich Wolsky and Mary Horwich Shapiro will dedicate monuments in their memories on Sunday, June 10 at 1:15 p.m. at l/L/a /aij Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Cemetery. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke and RUG CLEANERS Cantor Aaron I. Edgar will officiate. Don Bernstein, 345-2554
A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Sandra Freedman, Sunday at 2:15 p.m. at Golden Hill Cemetery with Rabbi Banjamin Groner. officiating. Friends and relatives are invited to attend.
.00©©©©©©©©©©' FESTIVAL
Services dedicating a monument to the memory of Mr. nnd Mrs. Moe M. Shapiro will be held at Golden Hill Cpmetery, Sunday, June 10 at 1 p.m. with Rabbi Benjamin Groner officiating. Friends and relatives are invited to attend.
Devils Food with Luscious Marshmallow Frosting
ARNIE MANVITZ © IS CHEERLEADER The Pep Council of the Pep Club, U n i v e rs i t y of Iowa, Iowa City, named Arnie Manvitz as a cheerleader for next fall activities. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Manvitz.
'Buy It Where It's Baked"
HOWARD KOOPER RECEIVES DEGREE • Howard M. Kooper will receive his degree from the University of Nebraska. He is the son of Mrs. Robert II. Kooper.
Omahans in News
SIDNEY SOKLYN Funeral services for Sidney Soklyn, 02, of 1729 No. 74 St., were held at the Jewish Funeral Home on Sunday, June 3. Burial at the Golden Hill Cemetery. He formerly lived in Lincoln where he was well-known as an athlete and made his home in Omaha during the past 20 years. Surviving are wife, Rao and sisters, Mrs. Joseph Spiegal, Omaha; Mrs. Libby Zager, Lincoln; Mrs. Emanuel Sawislak, Los Angeles and brother, Sam © Soklyn, Los Angele3.
Rose Hollls, associated with the np Dodge Co., as saleswoman for six and a half years, has formed her own real estate firm, The Hollis Company at 307 South 50 Street.
MANNY ALLEN Report has been received from London, Eng., of the death on May 27 of Manny Allen, brother of Mrs. Morris Appel and uncle of Henry Appel.
Temple Israel: Sabbath services will be at 8:15, Friday evening, with Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks officiating. Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner and the Temple Choir, under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin will participate in the services.
Trlcen Effective Only Thru Wednesday, June 3
Serving Omaha With Quality for 40 Yean
50th and Underwood
Leonard B. Jacobson, Omaha insurance representative is attending a Metropolitan Life Insurance conference in San Francisco, Cal.
Monuments in the Jewish Tradition W».»ro knownjfor our exacting Hobr?w: tailoring:ind tjoia'tl, tcloct yoijr nwjnunjonf froiti; ilia largest stock of u\>'-io-dirg memorials in i n * midwest, tee what you buy. IrVo employ no agonfs , ... here you savo oxpcniivo''commhifons «• you deal directly with ffio ownerf . . , Wo invite you to compare . . . Wo permit no unfimoly tolicitafion . . . you aro froo Jo mate up your own mind, all memorials plainly pricod, sof cdrnplefo*
Omaha Monument Company Factory & Display " 9 " St. of 32nd, 731-4111 Evenings by Appointment "Builders and Designers of Fim Memorials" SiMO 1923
Morris E. Jacobs, head of Bozcll and Jacobs, Inc., is a member of the committee of civic leaders in charge of the disposition of excess funds from the S.O.S. polio immunization program here.
Choice Chuck
STEM OR Diamond'* Famoui
Ptionj 3<2-lSiS to Imcrt your Wont A4 In j l t P
DAILY JEWISH NEWSPAPERS BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and speplal occasions, Meyers News Stancl, 1502 Dodge,
BEErflRffrraS......,,,.^5Se Our Own Recipe .
(Store Hours—Monday thru Tliurnday R A.M. to 5:30 r.JL ' . . . .'.,•;•- ' [Sunday 7 AJtt. to (!:30 IMW. Closed AH Day Friday, Juno 8 l o r blu»TUot~-<!lo«f d Baturdoy .
Friday, June 8,1B0Z
Leon Frankels Attend Son's Wedding in New York Sunday
Page Three
Summer Guesf-
Miss Marilyn Slavin of Forest Hills, N. Y., is spending the summer with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Merle PotThe Steven R. Frankels, after Louis Morris, brother of the ash. Miss Slavin, a student at a wedding trip to Bermuda, will bride, was best man. Ushers Elmira College for Women, will continue their .studies in Phila- were Harry Freund of New York attend classes at Omaha Unidelphia, Pa. They were married City, Howard Shapiro of Great versity during the summer. June 3 at the Jewish Community Neck,-Long Island and Richard Center in'White Plains, N. Y. A MONA LISA reception and dinner followed Sussman of B r o n x ville, New York. the ceremony. House of Glamour The couple will attend Die Uni- 111 No. SOtb The bride, the former Muriel 553-7000 Nancy Morris is the daughter of v e r s i t y of Pennsylvania, the 6 Export Hair Stylitti bride in the Liberal Arts College Mr. and Mrs. Harold Warren Air-Conditionod Dryer*Morris, of Scarsdale, N.Y., and for Women and the groom in the MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY her husband, the son of Mr. and Lav/ School. Ownori Mrs. Leon Frankel. The bride given in marriage by her father, wore a full length Graduation, Sunday gown of white silk organza and corded alencon lace and a veil Night, Beth Israel of French silk illusion. She car- Henry Appel, Beth Israel ried a white Bible with a cas- Synagogue President, will precade of roses and sweet peas. sent the diplomas to members of Ir Rcolly Is Miss Nancy Rnskind of New the Religious School, at graduato Re-Stylo York City was maid of honor, tion ceremonies, Sunday, June 10 Your Old at 7:30 p.m. and Miss Andrea Friedlander of Mark Sorkln, president; Susan Kukawka, Philadelphia was bridesmaid. FUR COAT Judith Suitnan, co-vofedlclorjans; DuvfcJ Leo
You'SI Be Amazed Inexpensive
Mrs. J. Itolicrt Meyer
Beth Israel Scene of Forbes-Meyer Bite
Dcnonbern, Youth Clubs representative; William Fcrcr, who will present the class pill to Dr. Bennct Flshbuln, P-TA president; Hurvcy Cohen, treasurer; Charles Robinson* lender of tho class pledge; Joseph Flato* V/Icz and Isaoc Mark Ktcfn. Mrs, Hufjo t'.uhn, Young Couplos Club vice-president, will presenF tho Goldstein scholarship Awards, Other synagogue officials participating on the program will t>8 Mrs. liarolit ZelJnsky, shtcrhobrJ president; Mr. 7ellnsky, Youth Commission chairman, and Mrs. Don Cohen.
PRICED TO MOVE 36-UNIT DOWNTOWN HOTEL Including 3 ground floor stores. Near forthcoming Interstate in rcvlvJng area., this building lias Income gross of tf8-.tl2.000 per year. Solid construction of brick and concrete w 11 Ji new commercial roof, this liullijlni! Is sound. All rooms furnished ( i n c l u d e d In prieei with washing and cooking: facilities In each room. Hullding li.-is hi>,'h rrct when handled properly. Hullfiiiij,' and furnishings priced to move, a t only $34,000. NEW OFFERING 12 acres of the choicest First residential c r o u n d contiguous to Kollini; Hills a t 93rd and Leavenwort li Sis. Perfect for 24-Jot. Prime residential area. To Inspect architect's layouts or examine development's cost, contact Ed Covert, :i»l-3Oio. This will m o v e quickly. NEW OFFERING Ideally located downtown office building, 31K So. IHth Street. Close to Courthouse, f;rain Exchange, center of doivntoun. This building lias two floors of office space plus well lighted and painted f u l l y useable basement. Alley loading entrance. Ideal for insurance office.
imlUUnr;, rclull, etc.
1HI8 sijuare feet, each floor,
1320 N.40TH ST. (14% GROSS RETURN) 3-apartment conversion plus modern brick small office on corner of 40th and Hamilton, all units rented. Total .'S.'IIO per month. Excellent location for sliop or smalJ business.
Miss Karen Renee Forbes, Into llio daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Irving J. Forbes, became the bride of O-I5O0K AND REGISTER Fashion J. Robert Meyer, son of Mr. and APPOINTMENTS MADE A HOME WITH INCOME Mrs. Lester Meyer on June 3 at Youth Council members reAn owner's apartment with 3 additional rental units . . . completeBeth Israel Synagogue. The cere- cently appointed to positions on ly furnished . . . 4 kitchens, 4 © REMODELING baths. Nicely maintained yard. mony, performed by Rabbi Ben- the Central High Register and Perfect for retired couple for home O-Book staffs are: O REPAIRING jamin Groner and Cantor Eli or $2H7.!30 per month present InReqlsfcr: Stcvo Morcus, rttttar-ln chief; come. All for llii! price- of one Do ue Brodkey, ossocialo editor; sheryn Kagan, was followed by a re- Cohn Nowojt Couturier Stylet In Furs home. Well located, 1 block t o ond Harold ichlcndor, second pauo (Mich of throe bus lines, close t o editors; Lorla Freeman and Janlco Slref, ception. Mado from Your Old Fur Coat! copy editors; Marcla Cohort, news editor; hospitals for rental prospects, Tcrrl dopy end Laura Ki/tler, club editors; walking distance to downtown Miss Leslie Susan Forbes, sis- f/.iko M I N K SPECIALIST Sherman, tportveditor; Kolhy Edltr, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Newshops. Fenced, established lawn, ter of the bride was niaid-of- Olrfs sports collar; Janlc flrooksteln, proofsimile trees nnd flowers. with 44 Years In tho Fur Business! reader; Jerry SlusVy, business manager; berg of Overland Park, Kans., honor. Bridesmaids were San- Eleanor Yncier, picture editor; Shcrrl Koom announces the birth of a second and Cheryl Friedman, advertising managera, To arrange, to inspect nny of thfi dra Jacobson, Kansas City, Mo.; O'Book: 5u*y Sulla. cdi(or-/n-cmcf; Cheryl son, Jeffery Scott on May 26. Spector Furs Jitmvo projieMles i i u n t l i n t I'M Gail Merlis, Brighlwatcrs, L. I.; Friedman, copy editor; Suzle Maklcsky, (overt, nul-.HOin; Hill Slulit, 493His brother is Stuart Michael, editor; Lorle freeman, art editor; 311; or Dill Cook, 8U::-.17G2. Roni Meyer, sister of the groom. layout 4909 Burr St.—553-0528 Fran Grossman, octlvllles editor; Jo Ann Grandparents are Mr. and Tihrlcr, club editor; Harold Schneider, mlltMichael Mogil was best man. tory editor; Kay Goldstein, senior editor; Meet the Man From Mrs. Charlie Bass of Kansas Ushers were Jeffrey Bait, El Suo Herman, rjlrl's editor. City, Kans., and Mr. and Mrs. Paso, Tex., J e r o m e Ferer, MAENNER'S Jack Ncwberg, Omaha. The A b r a m Rundell, Alan Muskin BOB GROSS GKTS M.I..E. 393-3200 311-3302 baby's great-grandparents, Mr. and John Gimple. FORENSIC AWARD and Mrs. Nathan Saks, reside Bob Gross was one of the reThe bridal gown was of white Featuring Do your shopping in the Jewish peau de soie and lace worn with cipients of the Sarah Ryan Me- in Omaha. CANTONESE Press. a pearl tiara and three tiered morial award May 24. The preMr. and Mrs. Harold H. Karp APPETIZERS veil. A cascade bouquet of white sentation was part of Central carnations was carried by the High's Second Annual Forensic of 4903 Underwood, announce the birth of a son, Allen SherLeague banquet. The award is bride. each year to the mem- man, on May 16. Out-of-town guests were Mr. given Grandparents are Mr. and bers of the best debate team nnd Mrs. Michael Rosenberg, at Central. Mrs. Ben Sherman, Omaha, and Des Moines, la.; Dr. and Mrs. Bob ha3 also been selected Mr. and Mrs. David Karp, Des Sidney Merlis and c h i l d r e n , to give the senior oration at Moines, la. Brightwaters, Long Island; Mrs. Gertrude Colton, Los Angeles, graduation exercises June 9. Cal.; Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Batt, His subject will be "The Gift Washington, D, C; Paul Forbes, of Free Will." Philadelphia, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. He is a member of Rayim Milton Gaspar, Oklahoma City, Fraternity and was a past chairALTERING-RESTYLING Okla., Mrs. Anna Abramson and man of the Youth Council Philanthropies Drive, For Men and Women Mrs. Robert Batt and children, 1914 Farnaaj nil of El Paso, Tex. Call A wedding trip to Colorado Nasser's Aim Is was taken by Mr. and Mrs. To Erase Israel Meyer. 553-0566 London (WNS) President Nasser of Egypt, calling Israel "the Anytime far Prompt Expert Sorvlco Gl Times Arrival for most dangerous pocket of im- or Stop at 1401 No. 33rd St. Sister's Graduation perialist resistance against the Stanley Sherman, who served struggle of our people," has re- ' 26 months in Germany with the iterated intention to d e s t r o y sixteenth infantry, arrived homo Israel. Addressing in Cairo a session in time to see his sister, Marlene Como Meet Gayle Sherman participate in of the Congress of Popular , high school graduation exercises Forces where he presented what Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff in Counqil Bluffs. Their parents, he called a new "national charMr. and Mrs. Max Sherman, ter of Socialist principles," PresLet Him Holp You With Your Clothing Solectioni former Omahans, are now of ident Nasser said Egypt would "insist on the liquidation of IsCouncil Bluf/s. Kilpatr.'ck's Men's Clothing — Second Floor raeli aggression on part of the Palestine land." SOME 70 ARABS ENTERED ISRAEL AS VISITORS Jerusalem (JTA) — Some 70 FOR Senior Citizen's Arabs from neighboring counBridal Portraits Lounge tries were permitted to enter AND Israel as visitors for humaniJewish Community Center Candid Wedding tarian reasons during the past Every Mpnilny year, the Government reported. CALL From 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. Most of them came from Jordan nnd Lebanon. The visitors came Every Wednesday from 1P.M.. for special medical treatment, Activities, Fun, Recreation, 817 So. 36th 345-1044 attendance at funerals and simiSocials for Senior. Citizens lar reasons. In the previous year, some 50 requests from Arabs for such permission were approved. THOSE PMECifPUS
John Kalina
MOMENTS ; '' 10G2 JEWISH S l m v u ' o t . . . . . . . . . . . . J u n o 8-9 TlsliaB'Av ..Aug. 9 Rosh Hnslmnah . . .Sept. 29-30 Yom Kfppur Oct. 8 Sukkot Oct. 13-14 Hlimlnl Atzcrct Oct. 20 Slrohnt Toroli . . . . . . . . O c t . 21 Hanuklmh . . . . . . . . D e c 22-20
. . .
if. Warner PhoSograpEiy Wodding Candidi
42nd and Center L«e Simon, Manager
2nd Level 345-4717
Page Four
WIiing (tmlmlizci more effcclltrly tho clijnmlic growth « f (lie Slate of Isrjfl MIHU its estdblMum m 11 yKan ana llian Iho^improvement in llir IKJUMIIC ronililioini fur iirmiiCCirill. LMnp ihr flunk r.ii-i <1 I)} llir Cniloil Jtuith ApptMl, flip Jritith Ascnoy far Israel, loji lfi< r wild tin- J--r.i< ] Government, is continuing tu lunstiuit hunting uuiit fur mnra tJiJn ific onu million m ULOIIILM vfiu linve r n u n i l ninoo 1'JtSi Cona urc lhi« lent cillci umt most of llic ollirr I* Jim uf jSriiiMitJmfkircl iioiipins that nfre iurd in the cirlv >*. Tho X'JA In 1562 is u-tfiiiiK t')",,V0O,0(lti, vUkli iiirludu a C.'i.i,000,000 Sjxrijl Punil tu iin.uirr tliu tnc i</<-< <I iniTiiip.-j*ion of Jcw» t» I iiml <itli< r Ijncli, u« m i l ni n {.00,000,. WOO Regular I'mul to inn I tlit. rmitimuTij,' niitl* of J e m ipliroad. Housing, tflikli is mil in "timri supi'lr," mi
«largo pcrccutaco of the Special 1 uii<!.
2,500 Gisfeaa Jewisb flefegaes Registered SOFTBALL Due to rain all Center softball action was cancelled last week. The Youth Council tilts were rained out at Elmwood Park and two scheduled games /or the Center Varsity team with the First National Bank and the Colorado Meta were also washed away. A regional B'nai B'rith meeting this Sunday in Sioux City will postpone the Youth Council games this Sunday. Action
will resume on June 17Ui. W. L. Rayiin 2 o Rfinu 1 1 AZA 1 1 1 AZA 100 0 2 Games for Sun, June ITtli 10 a.m. AZA 1 vs. Rayiin C 10 a.m. Romi vs AZA 100 W BATTING AVERAGES FOll CENTER VAItSITV TEAM THROUGH FIRST FIVE GAMES. Golditcln Poul-
Aided 25(M!§0af The Joint Distribution committee in 13G1 aided more than 250,000 men, women and children in 27 countries, including Israel, at a co;;t of $30,109,000, it was disclosed in a report, noted by Robert M. Feinberg, General Chainnarf of the Jewish Philanthropies. The report stated that as a result of unforseen emergencies, the organization in 1061 incurred a deficit* of $3G2,000, the first since 1950. Mi". Feinberg said that such figures show the great need for increased giving in the 1962 Campaign. For 1002, the JDC has adopted a budget of 5-'iO,G85,75CI to aid an estimated total of 325,000 needy Jews. Of the 250,000 who were aided by the JDC in 19G1 approximately 108,000 were in Moslem areas, some 78,000 in Israel and more than G0.O00 on the European continent. Since its inception in 1914, the report indicates, JDC has spent close to $725,000,000 to aid an estimated total of four million needy Jews throughout the world. One of the- most significant developments of 19GI, Blr. Lcavitt reported, was the influx or large: numbers of refugees into France, principally Marseille , and Paris, and Uie effort of the Frencft Jewish community to provide relief an* rehabilitation services- for them. Of the 78,000 men, women and. children who were aided by the JDC in Israel, some 47,230 were cared1 for through JDC-MaKien program on behalf of aged, ill and handicapped newcomers, A major development was ta' creased cooperation of Maiben and government and voluntary agencies in providing for the country's health and welfare needs-Ih addition to the Malbcn program,, JDC continued its; to' ditional support of cultural1 and' religious programs in Israel), with- more t!iia 17,000 beneficiaries, and; the JDC-supported ORT; vocational training; program in Israel' aided 13,505 students. :
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Atlantic City (JTA)—About 2,500 Cuban Jewish refugees wore registered by United I HAS representatives in Miami in the 10. months ending May, Hll)2, and seven to 15 Jews continue, to come from Cuba to Miami weekly, the 64th annual meeting of the National Confr-rence of Jewish Communal Service was informed here. Of the total, according to the speaker, Michael Goodman, executive director of the Jewish Vocational Service of Miami, about 1,200 of the Cuban Jewish families have been resettled in various parts of the United States.
Friday, Juno 8, 1888
You Can Hear Better in Desert By DAVID SCHWARTZ Shavuot was the time when God revealed Himself in the deaert and gave the Ten Commandments—the Toruh. It seems a little odd Uiat the Revelation should have taken jilaoe In the desert. Why not In the cities—the great centers of population? But of courne, the reason is plain. In the confusion of noises and sounds in the cities the voice of God would, scarcely be audible and if the Ten Commandments had been broadcast, I suppose, they would have wanted to add a commercial. In the desert, tall buildings do not obstruct the view of Urn sky. You can see the stars better. God, it is written, is not to be found in the lightning or Uiunder but "in the still small voice." You can hear that better in the desert. If you want Torah, don't go to Times Square, hi the lonely solitudes of the desert, you may feel tho Mystic Presence—see the Invisible! There is the story of a Scotchman who told Iiis parson, "I am jjntaff (o ML Sinai and on tJie place where Moses stood, I am going to rcail the Commandments." "Sandy, said hi.s parson, "Instead of Koinif to Bit Sinai to read (lie Commandments, you can stay home and keep them." One of the sages in answer notes Hint it is written that God gave the Commandments, but not that we received them. The fact is, he notes, people receive things at different speeds. Tell an Englishman a joke and he won't get it until the next day. When Galileo said that the earth revolved about the sun, it was some time before the Church would receive that. It's very frustrating. Moses was so chagrined that he smashed the graven tablet.", immediately after receiving them. But that was only a passing mood. Moses knew better. Torah is not an articie you can absorb all at once. The girl tlirew her diploma, on the mantle piece, saying "Educated, by gosh." -With the Torah, it's not that way. You keep on learning and never really get our diploma. What do you get? That varies. They asked a Jew who used to visit the Seer of Lublin what he got. He said, well, he didn't Itnow but he did know that after visiting him he slept better at night. The son of Rabbi Eisik .asked his father: "It is written that a cord of grace surround3 those who rise up early and stay up late studying the ToralL Papa, he said, we rise up early and stay up late studying the Torah. Where is our cord of grace? Rabbi Eiailt answered that the ability to study the Torah day and night was the grace. (JPA)
Bomb Damages flofhschifcJ Home Paris fJTA>—A bomb believed to have been planted by the OAS, the secret French rebel force opposed to Algerian independence, exploded at the country home of Baron James de Rotlischild, at Compiegnes. Damage, was caused to the
home, but no one was injured. The Baron and his entire family were home at the time tho explosive went off. The bombing is believed here to have been caused by Baron de Roth.'Vchild's support of President da Gaulle'3 Algerian policy.
Full Oufdoor-lndoor Do/ Camp Progrcnn for Children Four to Eleven
Set your child's shorts and swimming trunks and prepare your youngster for the fun, satisfaction and nch rewards of a day camping experience this summer . . . a full fivedays a week schedule outdoors or indoor* in inclement weather . . , crammed with wonderful things to do, important skills to learn and opportunities to meet new friends. Campers utilize the spacious facilities of Peony Park and the Jewish Community Center. &
Chartered buses p!c& up and return His ycungsfers a t convenient designated locations.
• Small groups... Individual oWontfon ° Tempting noon maob providad with supplemented Bicfcfcv © Sfcff o? experienced mature couni«lcrs under fha supervision of tfia Jewlsfi Community Confer Professional Staff o Regular flvs-day week (Monday through Friday), rain or sfeiito
CHOICE OF THREE TWO-WEEK SESSIONS June 18-June 29 . . . . . . $35 July 2-Jufy'J'3 ...$35 July r6-Jufy 27 . . . . . . . $ 3 5 Fulf Season . . . . . . . . . . $90 Par Fmtiisr Is&nnaitai or ApplfceKea Pom Ceil Center Cemp Offle» 342-Uit iftfc and
& (potlai Pro-Scfccot Day Ccap, rawtlng Mf tsn h «At» rug. Cftlfdwa a n trsmporteil fx directly ot DW» In tfartoa wagoei. Tfc*feefor|S» Ffo-Scbool Bay Cmp la {20 a tootoa.