June 15, 1962

Page 1



Publication Office. 10] No. aoth Omuha, Nebraska, Phono 342-1SC0


15, 19G2

Second Class Postape Paid at Omaha, Ncur

% U 1962

Single Copy 10 Cent* Annual Hale A Dollars

i if Intensive Parents Thursday A week of intensive supervision and instruction starts this coming Monday for counselors and assistants in preparation for the June 24 opening of the summer resident camp sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Omaha. Over 25 Persons Over 25 persons, mostly college trained will be in this se-

Stale Dep!. Confirms Soviet Anti-Seinitisin Washington (JTA>—A highly publicized open letter last month, denying the existence of ant-Semitism in Soviet Russia, and allegedly signed by five prominent Soviet Jews, has been refuted by the Department of State, Senator Jacob Javits of New York told the Senate. The New York lawmaker, who made public an exchange of letters on the subject between himself and the Department, Said that the Department has raised three "imperative points" in knocking down the Soviet claim, He said the Department feels: L That there "is clear evidence of the resort by the (Soviet) regime to discriminatory measures against .Jews in access to higher educntion. 2. That "the desecration of cemeteries, closing of synagogues, dispersing of prayer meetings, arrests of lay leaders/ prohibitions of certain Jewish religious practices have been well established." 3. That the Soviet dissemination of the letter "is a sign of Increased sensitivity to charges of anti-Semitism and is no doubt calculated to counter recent foreign publicity of deliberate anti-Semitic actions by the Soviet regime." Senator Javits, who was specifically named in the Soviet letter as one who has made charges of anti-Semitism in Russia, told the Senate that he too believes the letter "to be an official Soviet reaction; and, rather than answering my original charges, it cpnfirms and substantiates them."

Honorary Degree for Secretary of Labor Philadelphia fJTA)—Secretary of Labor Arthur J. Goldberg today received an honorary Doctor of Literature degree from the Dropsie College for Hebrew end Cognate Learning at the Echool's 55th Founder's Day Convocation and commencement exercises. Dr. Salo W. Baron, professor of Jewish history nt Columbia University, received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree.

Senior Citizen's Lounge Jewish Community Center Every Monday From 10 A.M. to 81'.BI. Every Wednesday from 1 P.M. Activities, Fan, Recreation, Socials for Senior Citizens

lect group of staff members who will supervise 70 children at camp this summer, Norman Batt, Camp Committee Chairman, reported. The major stress in the week-long orientation course, Batt, said, is placed on maintaining top health and safety. All phases of. the camp program, objectives and aims, policies, special activities and skill sessions are covered in the intensified sessions designed to brush up the experienced JayC-C counselors while orienting the new staff members to the Jay-C-C manner of operation, Batt stated. All of this work, Bait declared, is designed to niako the Camp Jay-C-C program the top camp program offered in the area. No other camp in Nebraska or Iowa spends so much time on training its staff or preparing so many fine mater-

ials before camp for its staff, than does ours, he asserted. Parents to Meet A special parents meeting will be held next Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. at the J.C.C. Auditorium. At this meeting the 19C2 campers and their parents will have the opportunity to meet the staff while having an their questions and concerns resolved. Parents also contemplating sending their' children to camp next season are also invited to see what is offered. Batt stated that the camp has had a capacity enrollment for over six weeks now indicative of the interest that Omahans have in the camp nnd its program. More campers will be able to be accommodated in the new Esther K. Newman Camp that is being constructed for occupancy next season he reported.

Ed La Brosse, a man known to sport fans as an official in to thousands for his work in high school and college basketthe world of athletics, is the ball, football and baseball, inlatest prominent figure to be- ...eluding umpiring in the College come a member of the Basket- World Series for the past four ball Day Camp staff of the Jew- years. He is a former president of the Nebraska-Iowa Associaish Community Center. tion of Athletic Officials and Opens July 30 The Center Basketball Camp will be one of the guest lecwill run for five days beginning turers at the camp. on Monday, July 30 and ending Another well-known personalon Friday, August 3. The sessions at the Jewish Community ity to appear as a staff member Center, will begin at 0 a.m. and is Bob Gates, now freshman culminate at 3 p.m. A half-hour basketball coach at the Univerof swimming has been added siy tof Nebraska. Gates was to the program. considered one of the most outLa Brosse has become known standing high school coaches, through the years. He guided

Washington Order Ends Export of Israeli Cotton-Yarn to U. S. Luncheon Wed. Jerusalem (JTA)—The export of Israeli cotton yarn to the United States, which reached some 250 tons during the last year, has been stopped by an order of the U.S. Government as an indirect result of the attempt to slow down the influx of cheap cotton goods to the United States from the Far East. The United States has announced it will freeze import of cotton goods at the 19C0-61 level. Since Israel did not export any cotton to the United States in that period, the effect is to give no quota to Israel at all, thereby cutting the export of Israeli cotton yarn to the United States to zero. Shipments of Israeli cotton yam to the U.S. constituted about 50 percent of the entire yarn exports. The United States order is a severe blow to Israel's cotton spinning industry, which was already reeling, along with other industries in the country, as a result of the devaluation of the Israeli currency. last February. The cotton spinning industry here, Using the most modern equipment, employs ' 5,000 workers on three shifts, working day and night. Half of the production had been earmarked for export.

Over 75 children are enrolled i nlhe Center's Summer Day Camp slated to start this Monday, Harry Sidman, Center Chairman, stated this week. Sidman pointed out that because of the confidence that parents have placed in the Day Camp this season's, registrations will exceed last years record enrollment. Close Supervision A staff of over 20 counselors and assistants will supervise the children in their daily activities he reported and because of the high ratio of staff to Day Campers, parents can rest assured that their children are adequately and closely supervised. \ Pre-School Group Besides the regular program, a special half-day long Pre-

School Day Camp is run. A teacher and two assistants supervise this small group in wellplanned activities designed to orient the youngsters to group experiences w h i l e assisting them to learn and develop new skills and abilities. Registration Still Open Parents may still register their children for the Day Camp sessions, Sidman reported, by calling the Center's Camp Office at 342-13GG for confirmation of their application. This season's Day Camp, divided into three two-week periods, starts Monday, June 18 and runs through July 27. SEASON DATES AND RATES 1st Session—June 18-June 29 —Fee $35. 2nd Session^TuIy 2-July 13— Fee $35. 3rd Session—July 16-JuIy 27— Fee $35. Full Session—June 18-July 27 Fee $90. The fee for the Pre-School Day Camp is $20 per session and runs the first two sessions of the Day Camp season.

Holy Name high School in Omaha. All Well-Known The camp will be staffed by coaches and officials, all spec- COURT RULES JEW MAY tacular by their achievements SIT ON SCHOOL BOARD in the area of sports. There are Montreal (JTA) — A magisRed McManus, Creighton; Jim trate's court here ruled that a Borsheim, Omaha University; Jewish taxpayer is eligible to sit Bob Sneller, Independence Kan- on the Protestant School Board sas Junior College and Cy Seit- of the St. Martin suburb. The dechick, Center Athletic Director. cision went directly against a The one week Center Basket- ruling of the Privy Council moro ball Day Camp will be divided than 30-years ago and opened the into small groups according to way for Harvey Grotsky, a St. age. For further information Martin advertising man, to beand registration, contact Cy come the first Jew in Quebec Seitchick at the Jewish Com- Province ever elected to a school board. munity Center, 342-1366.


•MlI Li

M i z r a c h i Women's • annual donor luncheon will be held Wednesday, June 20 at 1 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Matthew Poliakoff will preside. The program will feature Yiddish songs by Mrs. Lem Wine' Crounse, and a skit with Mizrachi members as participants. Mrs. Morris J. Franklin is program chairman. Life members of the group will be honored. Co-chairmen for the occasion will be Mmes. A. Fisher, Max Arbitman, Ruth Ackerman and Moses Traub.

Hoberf Etafelman Mew Commander Robert Katelman was named commander of the NebraskaIowa Department of the Jewish War Veterans at the two-state conference held in Omaha June 10. Mr. Katelman was previously commander of the EpsteinMorgan Post here. The conference commended the Omaha post for its current efforts on the Student Aid Fund lor worthy high school graduates which will be instituted aoon. A $50 fund was gathered at the meeting for the project.

JUST OFF THE SHIP, an immigrant family strides .towards a new future in Israel. They are part of the thousands arriving in 19G2. Funds raised by the United Jcwis Appeal, through the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign in Omaha help the Jewish Agency to speed their absorption.

M. Fellman Re-Elected Beth El President Beth El synagogue officers were unanimously re-elected at a meeting ;of the board of trustees. . . •. . They are Morris C. Fellman, president; Yale Gotsdiner, Ernest Wintroub, Morley Zipursky, vice-presidents; Joseph Hornstein, treasurer and Barton Greenberg, secretary.

KBON Radio Presents Message of Israel Sunday, June 17 10:00 P.M. Speaker—Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks of Temple Israel, Omaha, Neb. Topic: The Responsibility of Love. KBON Radio 1490

Friday, Juno 15, 196?


Page Two

Religious Services

Complete Oarpel

Candlelight—7:39 p.m. Published weekly on Friday beginning (ho lost week ta August through becond wet-It in July. Temple Israel: Beginning June IU-lli Israel: Traditional FriIVAJJ. TO WALL CAIII'EIINU Second Closi Pcsloqo Paid ot Omaha, NtDr. 15, regular Sabbath Services day^ evening services (Kobolas AND rUKNITUKK Annual SubscrlpJion, $4 CO. Advertising Rates on Appllcaff&n. Cleaned in Your Horns Publication Office—101 No. SCifh Stretl, Qmcha, New* Phcne 312-l*i4, • will be held in the air-condi- Shabbos) begin at 7:30 p.m. MRS, FRANCES KLEIN Kdilor tional Temple Chapel every Fri- Shabbos morning services at UEITITINfl • ItKI'AlIlLNd 8:-l5 a.m. Junior Congregation day evening iit 7:30 p.m. LAYINU • NKW1NH 11INUINO • CMiANMiO Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks and at 10 a.m. Rabbi Benjamin H. Cantor Manfred F. Kullner will Groner will conduct the Talmud All friends und relatives nro Invited to attend services nud officiate at ench service. Class at 7:15 p.m. Shabbos MinAwards were presented to reception. eha at 7:4 5 p.m. followed by Ilcdi El: The Laymen's Saboutstanding students in the Beth bath services will be held at •Sholosh Seudos and Mnnriv at El Talmud Torah and II i g h STEVEN' KI'STEIN RUG CLEANERS The Bnr Mitzvnh of Steven l):15 p.m. at the synagogue, it 8:40 p.m. School of Jewish Studies at the was announced by Arnold Stern, Don Bernstein, 345-2554 Confirmation exercises Thurs- Epstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Beth El Men's Club president. Sunday morning services at day, June 7 in the synagogue Sam Epstein, will bo celebrated Rabbi Norman Mussman will 9 a.m. Mincha at 7:50 p.m. sanctuary. on Saturday, June IG, at Beth deliver the sermon and Cantor The Dr. Philip I. Slier awards Israel Synagogue. U'nal Jacob Adas Ycshiiron: Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El were given to Gail Render, Men's Chorus Will render the Friday Mincha, 7 p.m.; SaturCheryl Weinberg and Barbara I5.AKFt.ARA KOSEMAN musical selections. Laymen of day morning, 0:30 a.m. and Kaplan, High School graduates EIXKN I'ltJKD the Congregation will partici- Mincha, 7 p.m. followed by ShoHarbnra Roswnan, daughter and to Linda Graetz, Confirmof Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rose- pate in the service. ation Class member. A reception in the Belli El So- Josh Seudos. Daily sen ices at Eighth grade honors went to man, will observe her Bas Mitz- cial Hall will follow the serv- C:30 a.m. and 7:15 pin vah and Ellen Fried, daughter Marsha Fellman who received ices. of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Fried, Dr. Philip Sher award and RobTraditional Sabbath morning ert Yager who was presented will observe her Bas Mitzvah the Schlotno and Zlotta Epstein on Saturday morning, June IG services begin at 8:30. Family award. Described as top stu- .-.t the 10:30 service at Beth El Service will begin at 10:30 a.m. MinehaMaariv services will bedents, their names will be per- Synagogue. Mitchell Adam Green was gin at 7:45 p.m. Sunday morning manently inscribed on the Beth services begin at 9 a.m. Serv- born Tuesday, June 12 at Cl.ukE. Honor Roll plaque. KOP.EUT LINCOLN The Bar Mitzvah of Robert ices during the week are held son hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln, son of Mr. and Mrs. at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Martin S. Green. GENERAL CARPENTRY Edward Lincoln, will be celeGrandparents are Mr. and brated on Saturday, June 23, at "Rcc" Rooms-—All Kinds of Mrs. Paul Veret and Mr. and Beth Israel Synagogue. CABINET A N D FORMICA WORK James L. Lipsey, Universal Mrs. Nat Green of Flushing, Coll Advertising Agency executive, N. Y. DAVID Itl.OCII Irving Reinglas 553-4963 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bloch was named Man of the Month Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. announce' the Bar Mitzvah of by the YMCA in recognition of Green have become grandpartheir son, David Hloch, on Sat- his service to the organization ents twice within three weeks. HOLIDAY IN OMAHA Open as Usual, Sunday, urday morning, June 23, at the when he handled publicity for The first arrival was Evan 10:30 Service at Beth El Syna- its recent membership drive. Phillip, born April 25 to the gogue. Meet Ends Wednesday Sleven J. Silver received his Green's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold S. commission of Ensign in the United States Navy, June 15 at Gore of Milwaukee, Wis. The Newport, Rhode Island. He will Gores also have a daughter, spend his leave next week with Deanna Gail. Paternal grand8'—RACES DAILY—8 parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rob- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Judith Ginsbtirg, daughter of his 9 — R O C O J Saturdays—9 Silver before reporting for Lang of Kankakee, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ginsburg ert AND HOLIDAYS A son, Lawrence Eugene, was mid Robert A. Gross, son of Mr. active duty. born May 12 to Mr. and Mrs. ADMISSION 76o and Mrs. G. S. Gross are CenMiss Judi Leyine who just Stuart L. Sax of Highland Park, (Includina Staft and federal Toi) tral High School winners of the 111., the Green's other son-inWorld-Herald 19G2 scholarships. received her Master's Degree in LADIES' DAYS law and daughter. The new Judith who plans to teach Ln- the history of art at Bryn Maur baby TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS has a brother, Bradley College at Bryn Maur, Pa., is tin, will enter the University of Admission (or LadlM ISO Paternal grandparents California at Berkeley in Sep. now in Washington, D. C. where Harris. are Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sex, NO CHILDREN ADMITTBD she is associated with the detember. Robert will enter Yale III. Mrs. Green reUniversity at New Haven, Conn. - partment of education at the Glencoe, Don'r Mill tho $15,000 DAD WILL FEEL turned recently after dividing National Art Gallery. University cf No broil a Rcjenlt, alterAk-Sor-Bcn Hondicop July notft winncrs-Jt-rr/ Dcfmont. Eyson Dlo<h, her lime between households of AS HAPPY AS A Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil D'oom, /.','jufpcn Dordtn, Richard F-nyr-t, Bur I on Cpiirin, Gcmitf fercmtefn, Ilyman I<«vinc attended the col- the new arrivals. KING V/ITH A Richard Tried. Robert Frkdman, Judith Cln*bi;rg, Llndi Goyfd, nsbrrt Gros;, lege commencement exercises Helen Kot/, Lawrence Mayer, Go/le RenDAD'S DAY CAKE Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Berman and accompanied her to WashfUr, Carol Po'.frnb'j'jm, Carol Rubin, Jud/ announce the birth of a daughSic:; !cr, lantSra Silberbrend, Michel Je 51ington. They also planned to FROM FORBES rr.cn, Drirjn Sofrt-f, Senia Sttrrberp, Judith stop in Skokie, 111., for a visit ter, Ida-Jean on Friday, June Vercf, Cficryl V/fiitjerp, Richard ZcvllJ. Unlveriit/ of Nebraska ftf-gcnf^ scfiolqr* Order or come in for with Morris Green, a brother- B, at Methodist Hospital. They •hip winner v-M'jrihul] Kaplan, Jprry Belin-law, and Mr. and Mrs. Philip have another daughter. our specially decorated mont, Robert Fri'-dmon, Robert Gross* lirlcn Kati, //Irhoel Simon. Nalcnberg and family. Dad's cade . . , the kind


l a r and Bas Milivah Beth El Student Awards Presented

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Omahans in News

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University of Nebraska 5tholaf,ttip winners—Robert Crcis, Jud/ iieylcr. UnWprilfy of Omaha Re^tnls—Rcbert Frft-dmcn, Oro.vn, Brian 'alrt-f; Chicago Cheryl Wcinbcr'jj Stanford—Helen- Kali; Cornell and Motional Honor Society—Mar* •hail Koplon. fJaJior.al Werlf commrndallon — Jcrr/ Dplrnonf, Richard Fried, Judy, Veret "Cheryl V/cInbcrg. .National Merit finalists, //.rjrjihol! Koploa- Hrlcn Kntr, Burton Cp* ttela- Motional Merit scholarship— Burton Efl

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Friday, June IS,

Organ i

Sharon IScrnstcin

Sharon Bernstein Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Iz Bernstein announce the engagement of their daughter, Sharon, to Stanley D. Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohen of Lincoln. Miss Bernstein is a former University of Nebraska student at Lincoln. Her fiance attends the same school, where his is affiliated with the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity. A winter wedding is planned. ItHillT.S OF MOKOCOAN JEWS ON PASSPORTS Casablanca (WNS) — Allal cl Fassi, Moroccan Minister for IsJamie Affairs, told a conference of the Moroccan Nutionnl Students Union that Moroccan Jews, ns citizens, "have the same ri;;ht to obtain passports as uny other citizens."

Kiiidrlck Wilson, Elaine Jabi-nls on ISraiideis Program Kendrick Wilson and Elaine Jabenis will present "Theater From The Wings" at a luncheon meeting of the Omaha Chapter of the Brandeis University National Women's Committee. The meeting, the last on the season's calendar, will bo held Monday, June ](! at 12:.'iO p.m. at the Schimmcl Inn. Those who cannot attend the luncheon are invited to attend the program. » * .* Temple Israel Schedules Summer Hoard Workshop Mrs. Herbert Hauptman, Chicago, 111., board member of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, will conduct a summer workshop, Tuesday, June 19 at Temple Israel. The workshop will start at • 10 a.m., adjourn for lunch at 12:30 p.m. and resume at 1:30 p.m. Retiring board members and new board members will be asked to attend. Mrs. I. M. Liberman and Mrs. Robert Cohn are in charge of the luncheon. Reservations may be made with the Temple Israel office, 550-653G. » * * Workmen's, Circle Father's Day Dinner, June 10 The Workmen's Circle Dramatic Club will celebrate Father's Day, Saturday, June 10 with a 7 p.m. dinner at the Labor Lyceum. The Father's Day program will include talks by L. Witkin, representing the fathers and by M. Goodman for the sons. The Dramatic Club choir will dedicate songs in honor of the occasion and Mr. Witkin will present a reading. In charge of the dinner ar-



r a n g e m e n t s is Mr. Max Crounse, and his committee, consisting of the Mmes. Yetta Orenstein, N. Lerman and Sarah Schwartz. Sam Susmiin is chairman for the evening. # • * Six Omniums to City of Hope Conference Six Omniums will be among the 250 delegates at the 1902 Midwest Conefcrnce of the City of Hope to be held Sunday, June 24 to Tuesday, June 20 at French Lick, Ind. Delegates from Omaha, who will participate in an intensive two-day workshop program are: Dr. and Mrs. Sol Kutler, the Messrs and Mmes. Sam Meehan and Saul Davis.

Real Estate To Buy or Sell Call


~ ~

The Jews of Italy, which today numbers some 33,003 persons, first settled in that country in the second century B.C.E. About one-third of the country's Jews live in Rome, with other major Jewish communities in Milan and Turin. (JTA) •


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KOMVIAN IEAIIM IS CITED HY fiOVICKNMENT I,a Paz, Bolivia""(JTA)—Chief Rabbi Gucnter Friedlaendcr, spiritual leader of the Jewish Community of Bolivia, was awarded the highest decoration in the country—Grand Official Ili^n Officer of the Order of Condor do los Andes.

More than 50,000 Arab children are enrolled in Israeli schools. About 32,000 arc Moslems, 14,000 Christians and 5,000 Druse. (JTA) • * * Abraham Epstein, a nineteenth century Talmudist and scholar, disposed of a large business in his native Russia which he inherited from his father, in order to devote himself to Jewish studies. After settling in Vienna in 1876, ho made notable researches in the Midrash and in French and German rabbinic literature of the Middle Ages. (JTA) • * * Morris Jacob Raphall, prominent" nineteenth century American rabbi and scholar, emigrated to the United States at the age of 51 from England where he published th'e Hebrew Review, the first Jewish periodical to appear in Groat Britain. He was later spiritual leader of New York's Congregation B'nai Jeshurun, (JTA)


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Harry Silver to Wed lowan Mrs. Elizabeth L. Grossman of Urbandnle, la., announces the engagement of her daughter, Nancy Jo to Harry L, Silver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Silver of Elkhorn, Neb., former Omaha residents. Mrs. Grossman previously lived in Burlington, la. Miss Grossman attended the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, and was past president of Sigma Delta Tau Sorority and secretary of Panhellenic. . Mr. Silver was graduated from the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis, where he was affiliated with Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity. A December wedding is being planned.

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Page Tour


The Jewish Quiz Box By KABBI SAMUEL J. FOX QUESTION: Why do we affix a Meziizali to the doorpost?. ANSYVKK: Basically this act is a fulfillment of a Biblical command ment which said "And thou shall write them (those words) upon the doorposts of thy house" (Deuteronomy C.'JI. The commentaries mention at least three motives for this requirement Some authorities consider this a moans of protecting the home from evil spirits (Rashi-Menachoth 33b; Zohar Deuteronomv 264a). A second motive, in some measure similar to the fiitt, claims that the. Mezuzah signifies that the Almighty protects the house from general physical harm (Yeru-shalmi, Peali Ch. 1J. A third opinion claims that the motive of the Mezu.Mh is to-reniind the individual of the presence of the Almighty and his obligation towards him (Sifre, Debarim 31) (Maimonidci, Laws of Mezuzahl QUESTION: Why do people place their hand on the Mezuzah and then kiss their h;tnd when passing through a doorway which has a Mezuzah? ANSWER: The "Maharil" is quoted as advising one to put one's hand on the Mezuzah as he leaves the house and to ask for Divine protection and guidance. The practice of then kissing the band is traced to the famous Kabbalist, Isaac Duris. As to the reason for this practice, many claim this to bo a mani- A HOME OF THEIR OWN It : festation of devotion to the Mitzvah of having a Mezuzah. Oth- granted an Immigrant family. ... . ers claim that this practice makes us mindful of the presence of the Mezuzah and thus to its motives, thus instilling us with The 19G2 United Jewish Appeal confidence as well as awareness of the Presence of the Al- must help Israel's people build mighty. 18,000 housing units. QUESTION: Why is the Mezuzah (the written scroll of parchment) placed in a container? ANSWER: This practice is traced back at least to the Gaonic pe1D02 riod. The tradition behind this practice is linked to the care given to the holy scroll of the Torah which is not left uncovered JFAVISH CALENDAR but is draped with a covering so as not to be defiled or soiled and so as to be shrouded with reverence. The Mezuzah, being Tlslm H'Av Aug. 0 a miniature scroll is afforded the same reverence. The sheath Ilosh rinshunnh . . .Srpt. 29-30 into which the Mezuzah is placed thus hns a practical purpose Yom Klppur , Oct. 8 as well as a solemn motive. Sukltot Slimlnl Atzcrrt Slmliat Torni! Hanukkah


Center Spirts •

By C'y Scltclildc

SOFTBALL After a three week lay-off due to rain and wet grounds, the Center -Varsity Softball team absorbed their third defeat in six games bowing to the Aces 16-10, at Adams Park last Monday evening. The J.C£. led 94, after four innings but the winners tallied nine runs in the top of the fifth and never relinquished the lead. Stuart Kahn led the Center attack with two doubles and a triple and had four runs batted in. The Jay will meet the Colorado Mets this Sunday evening, 6:15 at Adams Park and on Monday, June 18, will tangle with Sealtest 8:15 on the Boyd Park diamond.

Dedications A marker will be dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Esther Swartz, Sunday, June 17 at 11 am. at Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol, C e m e t e r y (Fisher's Farm). Friend3 and relatives are invited to attend.

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Six Weeks of Fun Starts Monday! Give Your Child a Splendid Summer at tfie

A full outdoor-indoor program for children four to eloven years of ago . . . a full five-day-a-weok schedule crammed with wonderful things to do, important skills to learn and

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DETROIT OPENS 1963 CAMPAIGN • Detroit, Mich..(JTA)—The Allied Jewish Campaign of the Jewish Welfare Federation here opened this week with advanced gifts totalling $3,333,966. I t was tho highest sum announced at the opening of any, Jewish fundraising function in tha history of Detroit.

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including one of the two women, who Is in her second year of the medical course.

JIDAISM TO MJTIIEItANS 'Hie gilt of Jewish books w t l given as a token of appreciation by Temple Sinai, which conducted Friday evening services in the Lutheran church before th» present Temple building was constructed.

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World Scene

05 ARABS ENROLLED IN HEBREW UNIVERSITY Jerusalem (JTA)—Ninety-five Arab students, Including two women, have enrolled in the Hebrew University for the current semester. Twenty-nine of the Arabs are studying medicine,

TEMPLE GIVES JLIBRAKY ON Hartford, Conn. (JTAS—A s>erlese of boolcs on Jewish life •'•ore presented here to the rel'tjloua school library ot Our Savior's Lutheran Church by Temple SInal, both In Newinijton.

.Oct. lg-14 Oct. 20 Oct. 21 Dec. 22-29

opportunities fo moot and maleo now friends.

Recife, Brazil (JTA) — This leading metropolis of northeast Brazil, home of the oldest, organized Jewish community in the •Western Hemisphere, formally dedicated a street which here-after will be called Israel Street. The first Jewish community in the Western Hemisphere was formed hero in the seventeenth century by Jews who emigrated to Recife from Amsterdam, Holland.

Friday, June IS, 16CX


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