June 22, 1962

Page 1


Vol v i _ M ( i &•> . vol. Xli—NO. ti

Publication Office, 10] No. 20th omulin. Nebraska. P»ione JM2-13C0


Day Camp Marks Besidenf Gamp Opens Busy First Week 23rd Season Sunday Activities, fun and excitement Camp Jny-C-C will start its are three words that best de- 23rd season of resident camping scribe the program offered at this Sunday with a capacity the Center sponsored U a y registration, Camp Committee Camp, in its first week of oper- Chairman • Norman Batt told ation this season, Harry Sid- camp staff members as he man, Center Committee Chair- alerted them for a week of inman, staled. Over 75 youngsters tensive orientation. participate in the fun-filled pro.This pre-camp staff orientagram he reported. tion, Batt pointed out, assists Close Supervision the counselor in learning new Children are closely super' skills, helps him adapt himself vised, one staff person to every to the Jay's methods of campthree children, with special em- ing, while special emphasis is phasis being placed on learning placed in doing a competent job nev skills. Directing the swim- in supervising the activities enming program for the Day trusted to his care. Camp is Jack Malik, assistant A staff of close to 30 will diinstructor of Music at the University of Omaha. Jack's pro- rect the campers, Batt said. Campers, and their parents gram skills also odd color and met staff members last night interest to the program. for a question and answer period Arts and Crafts Marc Bougunim supervises concerning information about the arts and crafts program the camp. The following special anWhich includes daily instruc, tional sessions. The crafts proj- nouncements v/ere made: ects range from water colors 1—Baggage for the first session of the camp will be loaded to making fans, dolls, bean bags, this Saturday, June 23 at C ceramic objects and 30 other p.m. In the Center parking items in various media. lot. This Insures the arrival Ken Law, a graduate dental of luggage at Camp before student at Creighton, leads specampers malic their appearcial afternoon nature sessions ance. for the Day Camp while Brad Epstein, and Betsy EUenbogcn, 2—Campers will leave from the Center this Sunday at 9 a.m. the latter, a graduate of the University of Chicago, team* to 3—Rcfore departure, campers will receive the special Sabin develop programs and special Oral Vaccine through special events of interest to the youtharrangements made with the ful campers. Sabln Oral Sunday Com'. Other first week activities inmittee. cluded sports and games, hikes and trips, a cookout, special 4—Letters to campers or staff members should lie adDay Camp Paper written by the dressed to Camp Jay-C-C, children, theme parties, special South Bend, Ncbr. snacks and treats plus singing and dancing and Sabbath acti- 5—A special Camp Visitors' Day will be held Sunday, July 8. vities. Visiting Is not permitted on Registration Still Open any other day. Youngsters are still being acMr. Batt said a special report cepted for the remaining two two-week sessions of the Day of the camp and its activities Camp. This season, because of will be reported in the next parental demand, had been ex- issue of the Jewish Press. tended to six weeks to accommodate the number of children interested in this carefully arranged type of a summer- experience. A special Pre-School Day Camp is also run half-days for boys and girls four and five years of age. Parents may register their New York (JTA)—German children for Day Camp by call- authorities preparing to try two ing the Camp Office at the former leaders of the Nazi seC e n t e r , 342-13G6. Immediate curity forces, held responsible registration is advisable. for the deportation of 200,000 Jews from Lodz to death camps in'Poland, requested that any witnesses against the Nazis, volunteer their information to help prosecute the war criminBernard Greenberg was in- als, according to an announcestalled as presidents of Corn- ment by the World Jewish Conhusker Lodge, B'nai B'rith, 1760 gress here. at a recent meeting of the lodge "A Thorough Job" at the Old English Inn. •"The Nazi3 awaiting trial are Other members of the execuBradfisch, former comtive body of the group are Rich- Otto of the Nazi security ard Feldnan, Hugo Kahn, Har- mander at Iodz,' and his assistant, old Novak, vice-presidents; Ken- forces Guenther Fuchs. Bonn author; neth Weiner, treasurer;, Josef notified the WJC that they Mayer, financial secretary; Dr. ities found difficulties in locati Murry Simon, recording secre- have ing eyewitnesses to the atrocitary; Michael Erman, • corres- ties directed by Bradfisch and : ponding s e c r e t a r y ; Ilichard i Martin, guardian; Martin Kol. nick, warden; Edward Stein, ELEANOR ROOSEVELT j chaplain; Alvin Abramson, Wil- CHAIR AT BUANDE1S •! lis Epstein ond Elliot Brown, B o s t o n , Mass., (JTA)—An trustees. Eleanor Roosevelt Chair in InDr. Leon Fellman, southwest ternational Relations has been ! regional president was the in- established by Brandeis Universtalling officer. Edward Rosen, sity, Mrs. Roosevelt, a UniverDistrict governor reported on sity trustee since 1949, has the Trl-Annual International taught a course in international relations there for three years. Conventioa


Ti'ltfiiAV I'lilUAX,


CENTER DAY CAMP Season Dates and Hates 2nd Session—July 2-July 13 —Fee $35. 3rd Session—July IC-July 27—Vec $35. The fee for (he Pro-School Day Camp Is $20 per session and runs the first two sessions of the Day Camp season.

Ministers Elect Rabbi A. Kdmctn Rabbi Arnold G. Kaiman of Temple Keneseth Israel, Philadelphia, Pa., and a former Omalian, has been elected vice-president of the Montgomery County Ministerial Association. The election marks the first time in Philadelphia's history that anyone of the Jewish faith has held an elective office in the organization. Rabbi Kaiman will automatically become president of the association in 19G3. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Kaiman.

Honorary Degree for Chaplain Ellenbogen

•>•> IOR» it, jobi

Second Clusa Pustarjc Paid nt Omulm. Neljr

Paris, (JTA)—Five more Jews have been condemned to deatli in the Soviet Union recently for "economic crimes," according to reports in Soviet newspapers arriving here. Two of the death sentences were meted out to Jews after a trial in Odessa, where two other Jews were given heavy prison sentences. This report was printed in Pravda Ukrainy, official organ of the Ukrainian Communist Party. The June 12 issue of that newspaper, lists the condemned as Binyamin A. Gulko and Moshe A. Fuks. The newspaper reported that an eight-year prison sentence was given by the same court to Betya E. Rothstcin, and a fiveyear sentence was imposed on Tzila G, Lapidus. All four had been accused, the Communist

newspaper stated, of "dealing fa foreign currency." Three other Jews have been. executed after a trial in Dniepropetrovsk, which is also in the Ukraine, according to a Moscow dispatch. At least four Jews had previously been sentenced to death in Moscow. (In New York, a Moscow dispatch to the Herald Tribune reported that 18 persons, at least five of whom have J e w i s h . names, are currently on trial for "economic crimes" in .Minsk. Six of the'18 were named, and at least five of these six are beiieved to be Jewish. They were denounced in the White Russian p r e s s as "rascals, rogues, thieves, bribers, and speculators."

Ashed to Report On Arab Action Against U.S. Jews

Among the Omaha students degrees and honors at recent commencement exercises in this area are: University of Nebraska— Irvin S. Belzer received his bachelor of science degree with distinction and expects to work for medical degree on completion of his studies in the school of medicine. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Belzer. who received his bachelor oi science degree with, distinction and expects to work for medical degree on completion of his studies in the school of medicine. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Belzer. Sheldon Krantz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Krantz received his bachelor of laws degree cum laude. Allan S. Noddle, was awarded a bachelor of science degree, in business administration with distinction. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Noddle. Beverly Sue Goldberg, received a degree in Medical Technology. Others graduating from Nebraska are David L. Herzog, Michael Lazar, Bachelor of Laws, College of Law; Thomas H. Platt, bachelor of science, business administration; Howard M. Kooper, Stuart W. Kutler, Stanley A. Sax, Ronald G. ' Simons, Bruce S. Bloom, Robert Shapiro, business administration; Barbara J. Garber, Nancy Lewis L a z e r , bachelor of science, Teachers College; Ilan I. Weiss, master of arts, David Belzer, master of social work, the latter two of graduate college. At the University of Omaha degrees were awarded to: Lynn Singer, Dorothy Anne Yaffe, bachelor of science, education; Miriam L. Kate, bachelor oi science, home economics; Jay Shyken and Maureen Ann Zevitz, bachelor of arts. Reported graduates from other sections of the country include Rita Katzman, University of Michigan, master's degree in social wofk and Charlotte Alico Brodkey, from Bryn Mawr.

Washington UTAWi'he House of Representatives is expected to begin debate this week on Lieut. Col. Edward Ellenbo- the 19G2 Foreign Assistance Act gen, Deputy Staff Chaplain ot which was adopted by the Senthe Strategic Air Command, was ate with the inclusion of an awarded an honorary degree of amendment requiring the SecDoctor of Divinity, from the He- retary of State to report annualbrew Union College-Jewish In- ly to Congress on steps being stitute of Religion at ceremonies taken to counter Arab discrimin New York, recently. Mrs. El- ination against American Jews. lenbogen accompanied her husband on the trip. Last Monday, they were in Baltimore, Md., where they attended a reception in honor of the Chief of Staff of the Israel The Annual Assembly of Air Force, Izra Weitzman, cur- American Physicians Fellowrently on a visit of the United ship, Inc., for the Israel MediStates. cal Association, will meet MonMiss Betsy Ellenbogen, a first day, June 25 during the Ameriyear law student at the Univer- can Medical Association convensity of Chicago, is program di- tion in Chicago. rector at the Day Camp of the Dr. Abraham Greenberg, a Jewish Federation of Omaha. member of the organization's national executive board, said the group consists of approximately 3,000 American physicians who are helping Israel's medical program.

U.S. Doctors Aid Israel Medicine

Witnesses Wanted—

Germany to Try Nazis Accused of Sending 200,000 to Death Camps

Cornhusker Holds Its Installation

Fuchs because the latter had done a "thorough job" of annihalating virtually all of Lodz's former 200,000 Jews, Witnesses were asked to contact the headquarters of the World Jewish Congress in New York which, in turn, will forward the information to the West German prosecutor's office. In Franlifurt From Frankfurt comes the report that Otto Hunsche, 51, Gestapo Chief in Hungary who was charged with the killing of 1,200 Jews, lost the first round in his trial. The court rejected the defense attorney's efforts to quash the case. , Practiced Law According to the prosecutor, Hunsche, who has been practicing-law in Westphalia, since he emerged from a two-year sentence in prison in 1949, had 1,200 Hungarian Jews arrested in July 1944 and sent to their deaths at Auschwitz. One of the few survivors.of that deatli trip, Mrs. Margaret Reich, of Israel, is o witness, brought here by the prosecutor to testify against Hunsche. She also represents organized Hungarian iJews in New York.



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Jay-G-G Gamper Given Scholarship A "Campership," a scholarship to the resident camp sponsored by the Jewish Federation, making it possible for a youngster to attend camp this summer, was provided by the local Council of Jewish Women, Norman Batt, Camp Chairman, announced. The resident camp will be in session June 24-July 14. Mr. Batt stated that this camp scholarship allows a youngster to benefit from a well-supervised camping and group program, .who would otherwise be unable to afford such an experience. He complimented the Council lor such a philanthropic gesture.

Workmen's S-oran To Meet Monday Members of the Omaha Workmen's Loan Association will hold their annual shareholders meeting at the Jewish Community Center on Monday, Jane 25 at 8 : p.m. A social hour will follow the election of officers.

Honors and Degrees For Omaha Students

KBON Radio Presents Message of Israel Sunday, June 24 10:00 P.M. Rabbi Milton Eosenbaum of Temple Emanu-El, Oalt Parlt, Detroit, Mich. Topic: Are We Worthy of Freedomt KBON Radio 1490



With the Home Folks


News and happenings at 7'hc Dr. Philip Slur Jcuisli llnnic for tlio AK«d by DavlJ orliow.

Published weekly on Friday beginning tlio last week ID August through second week in July.

Friday, June 22, 19C2

Center Sports


By Oy SclleliieU


The Mogen David Ladies, a newly formed aid group of the YOUTH COUNCIL SOFTBALL Bikur Clioliin Society, has in- The Youth Council resumed Hilif or itiated a medical-social program Softball warfare alter a layoff at the Dr. Slier Jewish Home of two weeks, and when the dust was settled Fiayim was still for the Aged. Mr. ami Mrs. Itlchard H. leadin/; the pack. In a five inSjieier sent flowers from Iheir ning contest the league lenders wedding for the enjoyment of blasted A.Z.A. 1, 22-il, for their Religious third .straight win. The chief the Home residents. 15'nai B'rith ConiliiisUer Chap- contenders, Konu, won a forfeit ter No. KKJ2 entertained our verdict over A.Z.A. 100. W L Services residents Sunday on the occa- StanUliiKs 3 (> sion of Fathers' Day. The pro- Rr.yim 2 1 gram included Miss Judy Ger- Uonu 1 2 ber, dancer, Mrs. Esther Lub- A.Z.A. 1 inj,'—7:11 p.m. 0 3 man, singer; Mrs. Esther Wax, A.Z.A. 100 Games, Sun. June 24 ll'iial Jacob Adas Yeshuron: pianist. Norman Gendler, crncec. 10 a.m. A.Z.A. 1 vs. Komi W. Friday Mincha, 7 p.m.; Satur- Mrs. Dori Gerber was in charge 10 a.m. A.Z.A. 100 vs. Rayim C. day niornin;;, <l:."0 a.m. and of refreshments. CKXTEIt VAUSITY TKAM Miss Zelda liusli gave a KidMinclia, 7 p.m. followed by Sho- dush in memory of the Yahrzeit The Jay team, in the midst of a lo.sin;,' slump, dropped their losh Seudos. Daily services at of her father. (i.:il) a.m. and 7:15 p.m. Mrs. Uernard Plotldn do- third .straight tfarne, 14-3, to Sealnated wine to the Home in honor test last Monday in a "slopitch" Temple1 Israel: Sabbath serv- of the 49th wedding anniversary league pame at Boyd Park. ices will be held in the air-con- of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tlie J.C.C. (jot behind in the first inning and were never in ditioned Chapel of the Temple, I. Sherman. the game as they committed Friday at 7:.'J0 p.m. twelve errors in the five inRabbi Kidney II. Brooks and Bar iiizvafi ning contest. The Center's recCantor Manfred F. Kuttner will All friends anil relatives nro ord is now three wins and four officiate at the brief worship Invited to at-fciid ficrvlccR auJ losses. Roland Kahn had two hits for the Jays in the only reception. bright spot of the evening. DAVID HLOCir Iieth HI: Sabbath eve servDavid Bloch, son of Mr. and ices, beyiiinini; tonight and conSTUDY OF VOCATIONAL tinuing through the .summer, Mrs. Harold Bloch, will observe ADJUSTMENT I'KOISLICMS his Bar Mitzvah at the 10:.'50 will be held at 7 p.m. Atlantic City, (JTA)—Estaba.m. service at Both El SynaTraditional Sabbath morning gogue on Saturday, June 23. lishment of a national program services will begin at !l:30 a.m. of research dealing v/itli vocaThe Family Service will be;;in tional adjustment problems facKOI5KKT LINCOLN at ]0:.'S0 a.m. Mincha-Maariv The Bar Mitzvah of Robert ing the Jewish communities of services will begin at 7:45 p.m. Lincoln, son of Mr. and Mrs. the United States and Canada Sunday morning services be- Edward Lincoln, will be cele- was decided upon here at the gin at '.) a.m. Services during brated on Saturday, June 23, annual meeting of the board of directors of the Jewisli Occupathe week are held at 7 a.m. and at Beth Israel Synagogue. tional Council. i p.m.

IlKAL KsTATK T u llil> o r S i l l ( a l l


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Ileth Israel: Traditional Friday evening services (Kobolais Shabbos) begin at 7:riO p.m. Shabbos morning services begin at <!:•)"> a.m. Junior Congregation at 10 a.m. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will conduct the Talmud Class atr 7:15 p.m. Shabbos Mincha at 7:.>0 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at 8:J0 p.m. Sunday morning services begin at '.) a.m. Mincha at 7:50 p.m.




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THANKS FROM CONFIKMANUS The members of the Confirmation Class of 19G2 of Temple Israel express warm tfianks to all who sent congratulatory Uniongrams in honor of this occasion. Mrs. Kae Soklyri wishes to thank friends and relatives for their many acts of kindness during her breavcnient, and far the cards, and contributions given to charity given In memory of her husband, Sidney Solely a,

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A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Max Kirshenbaum, Sunday, June 24 at 10:30 a.m. at Mt. Sinai Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will officate.

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HYMAN GOLDICMtKItG Funeral services were held Sunday, June 10 at the Jewish Funeral home for Hyrnart Goldcnberg, 84, of 1911 South 50 Street, who died June 7. Burial was in Golden Hill Cemetery. Surviving are wife, Jennie, daughters, Mrs. Edward .Lincoln, Omaha, Nebr., and Mrs. Ellis V.'eitzman of Washington, D.C.


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Friday, June 22, 1083


Fayna Manvitz Weds David Belzer, Sunday af Beth El • Beth El Synagogue was the i scene of the Sunday afternoon _ _ wedding of Fayna Fern Manvitz and David Belzer. The ceremony was performed by Rabbi Myer | Kripke and Cantor A a r o n ! Edgar. f Parents of the couple are the i Messrs. and Mines. Ram Man- ^ vitz and Nathan B. Belzer. The bride cho.se a floor length gown of imported tulle nnd reembroidered Alencon lace. An organza rose, with Alencon lace, caught her triple tiered bouffant veil of imported illusion. She carried a white bible with a cascade of white butterfly roses. Mrs. Robert Rimmcrmnn was matronof-honor for her niece and inaidof-honor was Helen Manvitz of Denver, Colo. Bridesmaids were Terri Kwintck and Linda Sue Abrams. Romance blue was the color worn by the nttendants. Dr. Edward Belzer was his brother's best man. Ushers were Milton Belzer, brother of tho groom; Arnold Manvitz, brother of the bride; Marc Sorkin, Dr. Barney Kadis, Hugo Kahn, Captain Maynard Tatelman of Little Rock, Ark., and Martin Nearenberg of Des Moines, la. Following a reception and family dinner at the Blaekstone Hotel, the couple left on a trip to Denver, Colo., Seattle, Wash., nnd Canada. They will make their home at 131G East 02 Terrace, Kansas City, Mo. Out-of-town guests, other than those in the wedding party, were

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Schneiderman announce the birth of a daughter, Debra Kay, on June l(i at Cliirkson Hospital. They have another daughter, Robin Lea. Grandparents ore the Messrs. and Mmes. Morris Ricks and Irving Schneidermnn. Great grandmother is Mrs. S. Kesselman. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Nathanson of Bayshore, Long Island, N. Y., announce the birth of their first child, Debra Nancy on June 17. Mrs. Nalhanson is the former Harriet Shapiro, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Max Shapiro. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Dave Nathanson, Bronx, N. Y.

Mrs. David llelzcr Mrs. Ida Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Harris and family, Denver, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Senator, Quincy, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ostravich, Harold Ivener, Mi-, and Mrs. Al Lowe and Barbara Lowe of Sioux City, la.; Mrs. Maynard Tatelman, Little Rock, Ark.; Mn and Mrs. Zan Faigin, Rock Island, III.; Mrs. Ann Block, Chicago, 111.; and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Radloff, University City, Mo.

UETURN FKOM MICHIGAN Mr. and Mrs. Sam Katzman just returned from Ann Arbor, Mich., 'where they saw their daughter, Rita, receive a master's degree in social work at the University of Michigan. Iiluffs Honorce Marlene Sherman was among those honored by tho Irving Cohen Lodge, B'nai B'rith of Council Bluffs, June 12. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Sherman and an honor graduate of Abraham Lincoln High School.




Plans are in the making for the Saturday, June 23, "Streets of Paris" party^ to be held at the Highland Country Club. A band will furnish the music. The committee in charge of arrangements include Messrs. a n d Mmes,- Robert Levine, Alfred Mayer, Philip Fox, Lloyd Friedman, Arthur Adler, Dean Frankel, Millard Seldin. Reservations are requested.

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Organizations Sigma Delta Tau Alumnae League will hold a rush tea for graduating seniors and their mothers at the Sheraton-Fontenclle Hotel, Saturday, June 23 from 1 to 3 p.m. Reservations may be made with Mrs. T. M. Seldin, 3S1-G541 or Mrs. R. M. Martin, 553-3031.

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Children's days are happy fun-filled days crowded with many new and constructive experiences all under close and careful supervision. A special PreSchool Day Camp is also run half-days.

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Friday, Juno 22, 1062



With the Home Folks Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week In August through second week in July.

THE HOLLIS CO. 1IM1. KSTATK To liny or S.'ll ( n i l

New* and liupprnineft at The Dr. Philip Slu-r Jruish llnme for tho AK«<I by Ilnvld Orl.ow.

Ily Cy Scileliiili ROSE HOLLIS The Mogcn David Ladies, a 553-2190 YOUTH COUNCIL SOITIiALL Scccna Clois PcMaqe Paid ot Omaha, t.'cbr. J newly formed aid group of the D a y iir Mjjlit Annual SucscniJlicn, 54 CO "Afi* erliuinQ Rates on AppiicuiiGn. The Youth Council resumed * 1 o r rr*>f< <*sii>iii!l a n d Publication Gilic<.-»!01 No. iOlh Street, Onuiha Ncbr Pricns 5tt-IK5. Bikur Cholim Society, has inMRS. FRANCES KLEIN Editor itiated a medical-social program Softball warfare after a layoff at (lie Dr. Slier Jewish Home of two weeks, and when the dust was settled Knyim w;i3 still for the Aged. leading the pack. In a five in.Mr. and Mis. Richard II. ning DAVID SCHWALB contest the league leadeis Sprier sent flowers from their WILL BUILD TO SUIT blasted A.Z.A. I, 22-8, for their wedding for the enjoyment of third at straight win. The chief Religiouo 5440 Lafoyetfo the Home residents. contenders, Komi, won a forfeit and U'IKII IVrilh CornliuskcT Chap- verdict over A.Z.A. 100. 5444 Lafayette ter No. -11132 entertained our Standings CALL 550-1472 W L Services residents Sunday on the occa- Rayim a o sion of Fathers' Day. The pro- Konu .,. 2 1 flram included Miss Judy Ger- A.Z.A. 1 12 ber, dancer, Mrs. Esther LubB—T:-H p.m. 0 3 GENERAL CARPENTRY man, singer; Mrs. Esther Wax, A.Z.A. !00 fiaincs, Sun. June 24 B'nal Jacob Adas Yosliuron: pianist, Norman Gcndler, emcee. "Rcc" Rooms—All Kinds of 10 a.m. A.Z.A. 1 vs. Ronu W. Mrs. Dori Gerber was in charge Friday Minclia, 7 p.m.; Satur10 a.m. A.Z.A. 100 vs. Rayim C. CABINET AND FORMICA WORK of refreshments. day worninij, H:'.iU a.m. nnd Call CILN'TKH VAHSITY 'TEAM Miss /clda Hush gave a KidMinclia, 7 p.m. followed by Sho- dush in memory of the Yahrzeit The Jay team, in the midst Irving Reinglas 553-4963 losh Scuclos. Daily services at of her father. of a losing slump, dropped their (5:30 a.m. and 7:15 p.m. Mrs. Bernard I'lntkin do- third straight game, M-3, to Se.ilnated wine to the Home in honor test last Monday in a "slopitch" this is the good one.., Temple Israel: Sabbath serv- of the 4Uth wedding anniversary league game at Boyd Park. 'i'he J.C.C. got behind in tho of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ices will be held in the air-confir.st inning and were never in ditioned Chapel of the Temple, I. Sherman. the game as they committed Friday at 7:.'iU p.m. twelve errors in the five inRabbi Kidney H. Brooks nnd Bar iitzvah ning contest. The Center's recCantor Manfred F. Ktittner will All friends nnd relatives nro ord is now three wins and four ( = » SWEET CREAM officiate at the brief worship Invited to attend services and losses. Koland Kahn had two service. hits for the Jays in the only reception. bright spot oj the evening. DAVID BLOCK Belli Kl: Sabbath eve servDavid Iiloch, son of Mr. and ices, beginning tonight and conSTUDY OF VOCATIONAL tinuing through the summer, Mrs. Harold Iiloch, will observe ADJUSTMENT PROBLEMS his Bar Mitzvuh at the 10:30 NOW AT will be held at 7 p.m. Atlantic City, fJTA)—Estaba.m. service at Beth El SynaYOUR FAVORITE? lishment of a national program Traditional Sabbath morning gogue on Saturday, June 23. of research dealing with voca3TOREI Candid Wedding services will begin at 8:30 a.m. tional adjustment problems facThe Family Service will begin KOBEItT LINCOLN CALL at 10:30 a.m. Minclin-Maariv The Bar Mitzvah of Robert ing the Jewish communities of services will begin at 7:45 p.m. Lincoln, son of Mr. and Mrs. the United States and Canada Sunday morning .services be- Edward Lincoln, will be cele- was decided upon here at the 817 So. 36th 345-1044 Want Ads +o gin at 9 a.m. Services during brated on Saturday, June 23, annual meeting of the board of directors of the Jewish Occupathe week are held at 7 a.m. and at Eeth . Israel Synagogue. tional Council. Buy or Sell! 7 p.m.

<- Roberts



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Belli Israel: Traditional Friday evening services (Kobolas Shabbos) begin at 7:30 p.m. Sbabbos morning services begin at 8:45 a.m. Junior Congregation at 10 a.m. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will conduct the Talmud Class at 7:15 p.m. Shabbos Mincha at 7:50 p.m. followed by Sholosh Scudos and Maariv at 8:-10 p.m. Sunday morning services begin at 9 a.m. Mincha at 7:50 p.m.

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Dedications A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Max Kirshenbaum, Sunday, June 24 at 10:30 a.m. at Mt. Sinai Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will officale.

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THANKS FKOM CONFIKMANDS The members of the Confirmation Class of 19C2 of Temple Israel express warm thanks to all who sent congratulatory Uniongrams in honor of this occasion.

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Mrs. Rac Soklyn wishes to thank friends and relatives for their many.acts of kindness during her foreavement, and for the cards, and contributions given to charity given in memory of her husband, Sidney Soklyn.


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HYMAN UOLDENBEKG Funeral services were held Sunday, June 10 at the Jewish Funeral home for Hyman Goldenberg, J14, of 1911 South 50 Street, who died June 7. Burial was in Golden Hill Cemetery. Surviving are wife, Jennie, daughters, Mrs. Edward .Lincoln, Omaha, Nebr., and Mrs. Ellis Weitzman of Washington, D.C.


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Fayna M anvifz Weds David Belzer, Sunday at Beth El Beth El Synngoj ic was the Ecenc of the Sund y afternoon wedding of Fayna £ ::r» Manvitz nnd David Belzer. T e ceremony was performed by labbi Myer Kriplte and Cant r A a r o n Edgar. Parents of the co lple are the Messrs. and Mines Sam Manvitz and Nathan D. Belzer. The bride chose i floor length gown of imported itlle and reembroidered Alenc in lace. An organza rose, witli 1 lencon lace, caught her triple ti •ed bouffant veil of imported lusion. She carried a white ble with a cascade of white bu terfly rases, Mrs, Robert Himi lennan was matron-of-honor foi her niece and maidofhonor was Helen Manvitz of Denver, Mo. Bridesmaids were Tcrri iwiatek and Linda Sue Abrain Romance blue was the color vorn by the attendants. Dr. Edward Bel cv was his brother's best man. Jshers were Milton Belzer, bro her of the groom; Arnold Man 'itz, brother of the bride; Marc Sorkin, Dr. Barney Kadis, Huge Knhn, Captain Maynard Tatel lan of Little Rock, Ark., and Ms tin Nearcnberg of-Dps Moines la. 'Following a rd cption and family dinner at th Blackstone Hotel, the couple 1 t on a trip to Denver, Colo., Settle, Wash., and Canada. They will make their home at 13IG last B2 Tcrrace, Kansas City, lo. Out-of-town guest: , other than those in the weddin/ party, were


Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Schneiderman announce the birth of a daughter, Debra Kay, on June 1G at Clarkson Hospital. They have another daughter, Robin Lea. Grandparents are the Messrs. and Mines. Morris Ricks and Irving Schncidcrman. Great grandmother is Mrs. S. Kesselman. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Nathtmson of Bayshore, Long Island, N. Y., announce the birth of their first child, Debra Nancy on Juno 17. Mrs. Nathanson is the former Harriet Shapiro, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Max Shapiro. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Dave Nalbanson, Bronx, N. Y.

Mrs. David lteizer Mrs. Ida Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Harris and family, Denver, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Senator, Quincy, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ostravich, Harold Ivener, Mr. and Mrs. Al Lowo and Barbara Lowe of Sioux City, la.; Mrs. Maynard Tatelman, Little Rock, Ark.; Mr. and Mrs. Zan Faigin, Rock Island, 111.; Mrs. Ann Block, Chicago, 111.; and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Radloff, University City, Mo.

KKTUHN FHOM MICHIGAN Mr. and Mrs. Sam Katzinan just returned from Ann Arbor, Mich., 'where they saw their daughter, Rita, receive a master's degree in social work at the University of Michigan.

Plans are in the making for the Saturday, June z:i, "Streets of Paris" party to b held at the -Highland Country ub. A band will furnish the mui c. The committee in ch'irge of arrangements include M issrs. a n d Mmes,- Robert Le ine, Alfred Mayer, Philip Fox, loyd Friedman, Arthur Adler, Dean Frankel, Millard Seldin. tcservalions are requested.

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Do your shopping in the Jewish Press.

Iiluffs Ifonoroe Marlene Sherman was among those honored by the Irving Cohen Lodge, B'nni B'rith of Council Bluffs, June 12. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Sherman and an honor graduate of Abraham Lincoln High School.


Iz- "Boggy" Bogdanoff Lot Him Holp You With Your Clothing 5oloctions

Organize lions Sigma Delta T; u Alumnae League will hold a •ush tea for graduating seniors and their mothers at the Slier aton-Fontenelle Hotel, Saturd y, June 23 from 1 to 3 p.m. [enervations may be made will Mrs. T. M. Seldin, 391-0541 or Mrs. R. M. Martin, 553-3031.

Page Thmo



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Page Four



Frlc}uy( June 22, 10GS

B'nai B'


7T7. The installation dinner for the newly-elected officers of the Henry Monsky Lodge will be held at 7 p.m., Saturday, June 30, in the House and Garden Room of the Hotel Blackstone, according to Lou Sobrin, dinner chairman. Karl Siegel will act as toastmaster for the diuncr, and Edward A. Koscn will lie the Installing officer. To assume duties for the coining year are Bert Render, president; Lou Sobrin, first vice president; Dr. Sol Kutler, second vice president; Dean Frankel, third vice president; Moo Kagan, financial secretary; Gerhard Spies, recording secretary; Nathan Turner, t r e a s u r e r ; Charles Morgenthau, warden; Lee Maltenfort, guardian and Dr. Benton Kutler, chaplain. Entertainment and music for dancing after the dinner will be provided by the Sabers. There will also be a social hour following the festivities. Reservations will cost $5.00 per couple. Remittances niay be sent to M. F. Kagan, 103 South 18th Street. Reservations will be received by Bert Render, 55G-9344 or 312-2070 and Gerhard Spies, 553-G'J15.

Dr. Greenberg Foundation Set


Twelve months ngo I was installed as president of the Henry Monsky Ixxlge of B'nai B'rith. It was oho of the proudest days of my life. As president I had the opportunity to leani that B'r?ai B'rith is more than just an organization providing bowling and cards, nor is it run by cliques—a criticism sometimes expressed by those ignorant of the real meaning of B'nai B'rith. — — — As president I had the opportunity to realize that our order works for the good of all Jewry everywhere—w h e t h e r they are members of the lodge or not. Specifically, it enables the invalid child with an imp.'iired heart to join his playmates in a full life of activity, or it helps another that is physically well but mentally ill, to join society as a totally well person. B'jiai B'rith also concerns Itself Kith the displaced families making a new lirirne in Israel; witli Jewish college students away from home, to help (hem remain aware of their heritage; with the future generations of Jewry through IHHel, AZA and M!O; and with the present generation through the Adult Education Program. As president I learned much more about tlic methods by which the ADL accomplishes its achievements for democracy and against anti-semitism.

A brief glimpse at the past The Dr. Abe Greenberg Foundation, Inc., has be"en formally year's activities shows 10GI-62 incorporated by the Henry Mon- to have been one of the best sky Lodge to aid worthy stu- in our recent history. The regular monthly execudents in achieving their educative meetings were usually attional goals. The scholarship fund is a trnded by 20 or more memnon-profit, charitable founda- bers and brothers at large intion formed to honor the long terested in observing or parand esteemed service given by ticipalirig in the deliberations. Dr. Greenberg in his more than Dinner meetings were at40 years' activities in the lodge. tended by more than GOO brothRecipients of loans or grants ers and were held at the Ranch from the Foundation will be Bowl, Blackstone, Fireside Inn, selected by a committee of Sheraton-F o n t e n e 1 le, Indian select lodge members. Hills and Paxton. The executive secretary of Other highlights Include (he the Foundation is G e r h a r d sponsorship of Marshal Kaplan Spies.. Attorney for the incor- to Cornhoskcrs' Boys State, reporation of the foundation was ceiving tho Regional AmericanRichard M. Fellman, of Marks, , ism Award, purchase of a cabin Claire, Hopkins and Roth. at the new Esther K. Newman Camp, sponsored by the Jewish Federation, guest Whitey Herfcog presenting Steve Balcovcc - The editor had to receive the the new "Outstanding Athlete" stories by a certain time so he award; Dick Walters' talk on could get the copy to the print- "Show Biz," the establishment er by a certain time so Moe of the Dr. Abe Greenberg FounKagan could get the whole dation Scholarship Fund and the works in the mail by a certain recognition of many of ourbrothers in regional, district time. That, in a nutshell, was the and national level lodge activiproblem incolvcd in publishing ties. the Henry Monsky Lodge "BrevThe trustees of the lodge, and ities." their end of term dates, are A few of the basics can be Earl Siegel CG3), Ruben Lippett ironed out in a hurry. . . once CG4), Harry Colick C64), Phil the new officers for the year Kutier ('05), Sam Pollack ('65) are named. Each officer and and Dr. Abe Greenberg, honorcommittee chairman has cer- ary trustee. tain duties to perform, and inGerhard Spies cluded among them must be Secretary the regular contribution of information and/or articles to the Brevities. Too many chairmen have considered this as an aftThe Eighth Annual Past Preserthought. Very often the men quickest ident's Stag was held February to criticize can be the source 28 at the Highland Country of the basic fault—no informa- Ciub, attended by 491 brothers, guests and friends of the lodge. tion. All in all, editing the Brevities ' Phil Kutler was the chairman. The package fond for the distea great experience. It would be even greater if every mem- trict, $0,302, was paid in foil and ber took an interest in the pub- topped since Mr. Peter Klewit lication, rather than the current donated back to the fund the door prize. few. The B'nai B'rith Brevities are Ticket Sales captains were " an integral part of our activi- Sam Steinberg, Edward Rosen, ties, and until 'everyone, from Ruben Lippett, Bert Render, president to new member, rec- Ralph Nogg, Lou Sobrin, Lou ognizes that, it will remain an Canar, Phil Kutler and Dr. Abe afterthought. Greenberg.

These past 12 months have brought many accomplishments, as the first to reach its membership quota, and with a fino retention program, our lodge ends this year with 1,0315 members, a recent high and nearrecord total. Our fund raising affair netted the various H'nai B'rith charities over §3,000—a lodge record and a possible mark in the District. During the year, the B'nai B'rith Dr. Abe G r e e n b e r g Scholarship Foundation w a s established. Many new projects were initiated and regular programs continued, with some innovations. As this year's president, I want to thank publicly everyone on my executive committee ior the outstanding jobs they liave done and to all the others who have helped, I want to express my gratitude. To all the "old reliables" and the many new workers my sincerest thanks for making tin? another fine and successful year. Dr. Heuton Kutler, President

"At the conclusion of my second term as a member of the Board of Governors, District Grand Lodge No. 6, I want to express my great pride at 'being able to represent the Henry Monsky Lodge, While attending the International Convention last Way, leaders from all over the country remembered Henry Monsky as the man from Omaha. They still consider Phil. Klutznick, also of our lodge, one of the all-time greats of B'nai B'ritu. One of the major kudos due our lodge this year goes for it being the first in the District to meet its membership quota. It also fulfilled 100 per cent of the Service Fund Quota and a3 an outstanding retention rate. As an observer of all the lodge activities In our region, I wish to cite several of our members for their leadership capabilities. Led by Dr. Ben Kutler, outgoing president, they include Bert R e n d e r , Iz Bogdanoff, Ruben Lippett, Lou Canar, Sam Pollack, Lou Sobrin, Moe Kagan, Dr. Abe Greenberg, Phil Kutler, Dr. L. Fellman, Earl Siegel, Harry Colick, Gerhard Spies, Sol Kutler and many others. It has been a pleasure to represent the region as a member of our lodge and a privilege; to work for the many great causes we support." Edward A. Rosen

Bonds, Trees In his,annual report to the Israel Committee of the District Grand Lodge No. 6, Dr. Leon Fellman reported that 1,189 trees for Martyrs' Forest bad been sold as of June 1. The Israel Bonds sales tallied $•11,000 in actual,' cash sales, with an additional $80,000 in commitments due during the current year.


The Rev. Carl M. Reuiert, S.J., will receive the "Americanism Citation" for 1962, presented by Henry Monsky L o d g e No. 354, at a luncheon Monday, June 25, in the : Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel. , ~" : " improve the existing buildings. The luncheon, which is open The university's development to the public, will be attended by Foundation Is a 15-year, 45 milmembers of the lodge and Oma- lion dollar expansion program ha business and ciylc leaders, under Father Remert's direcas well as a number of .Midwest tion. Horn July 4, 1913 in Boulder, educators. Colo., Father Heinert was eduDr. Abe Greenberg, prominent cated at Regis High School and community leader, will be Mas- College in Denver before enterter of C e r e m o n i e s at the ing the Jesuit Seminary at Florrisant, Mo., in 1031. luncheon. He earned a master of arts Yale Trustin, chairman of the lodge's 1302 Awards Program degree from St. Louis Universaid, "The selection of Father sity In 1938 and a licentiate In Reinert was based on tho re- sacred theology from St Mary'a markable achievements he has College, Kans., in 1045. He wa» made on behalf of Creighton ordained to the priesthood tho University and his unselfish par- previous year. Father Reinert was a faculty ticipation in civic, charitable member of Creighton Prep from and educational activities." Currently President of tho 1938 through 1341, and followCreighton University Develop- ing ordination he was reasment Foundation, Father Rein- signed to Prairie du Chien, Wis* ert was the president of the uni- where he became assistant prinversity for 12 years, the longest cipal of Campion High School term s i n c e the university's there in 1945 and principal four years later. founding in 1872. Since his return to Omaha In During his tenure, the Jesuit 1950, Father Kclncrt has given university constructed its first more than 1,200 public adnew campus buildings since dresses, exclusive of convoca1924, at a cost of six million tions. He bas also contributed! dollars, added a half million much of his time and ability to dollars in real estate and ex- the Omaha Industrial Foundapended another half million to tion, the Red Cross Community Chest, Chamber of Commerce and others. He has held or is currently in office in the National Jesuit I wish to give my sincerest Education Association and tba thanks to all the members that Association of Urban Universe helped me have the success in ties, and is currently a commisretention recorded this year. sioner of the North Central AsThe cooperation of the mem- sociation of Colleges and Secbers who worked on the teams ondary Schools. for mo was terrific, and I will Most recently he received an always be grateful to them for honorary Doctor of Lawa degree making my term in office such from'the University of N»» a pleasant one. braskn, bestowed on Father Iz Bogdanoff, Reinert June 9 at tho 1962 comRentention Chairman mencement in Lincoln.

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