July 6, 1962

Page 1



u Vnt v i vi.. «t >ol. XL—No. 44

Publication orrirc, 101 No. 20tn omalm. Nebraska. Phone 842-l.TGD

,1*141.4 OMAHA,

xn Nl

Second Cluus Fustuge Paid Rt Omaha. Ncbr


Slnglo Copy 10 Cents Annual Ruvc 4 Dottara

V'.^- 1(lV

A special appeal was issued by Isadore Chapman, Treasurer of the Jewish Philanthropies, in connection with the current billing of pledge1;. Emphasizing the urgent -and crittical situation, ho pointed out that funds from the Jewish P h i l a nthropies are used for relief of Jews in 27 countries, aid to mounting JL U numbers of mi- Mr. Chapman grating Jews, resettlement and rehabilitation in Israel and the advancement of Jewish education, culture and community relations in the United States, and in Omaha. •"All of these are most vital," he said, "but I must point especially to the urgency of cash for Jewish migration. This migration of Jewish men, women and children—families uprooted suddenly from their homes—has increased greatly this year. These are people who desperately are in need of our help right now. "They cannot wait because they are in an emergency situa-

The Omaha Jewish Federation L i b r a r y through consultation with Paul' Veret, Federation Executive Director, will present a book display, p i c t u r e s , film strips, and papers on the prophet "Jeremiah" during the Hadassah Missouri Valley Regional Btblo Institute being held in Unity Village, Lee's Summit, Missouri, July 10 to 19. Hadassah, as a founding member of the World Jewish Bible Society is introducing to its membership a new "do-it-yourself" technique and Bible study. Dr. Louis L. Kaplan, Dean of the Baltimore Hebrew College and Teachers' Training School will be the lecturer and leader. Dr. Kaplan, Leader Dr. Kaplan who js conducting the Bible Institute is also the Executive Director of the Board of Jewish Education in Balti- more. He is editor of many He^ brew textbooks, "A New A £ proach To The Teaching Of The Torah" and a commentary and interpretation of the Five Books of Moses. Paul Veret, who has compiled bibliography on "Jeremiah," and assembled records and special" material, is a former colleague of Dr. Kaplan. Books, pamphlets and available papers are on loan to students of the Bible through the courtesy of the Federation Library which has been recognized as one of the most comprehensive and useful Libraries in the United States. 50 Women to Attend There will be over fifty selected women from the Missouri Valley R e g i o n attending theBible Institute in Unity Village. KBON Radio Presents Message ot Israel Sunday, July 8 ' 10:00 P.M. Speaker, Rabbi Leon Fram of Temple Israel, • Detroit, Mich. .,'.''.Topic: .-. _ Creative Freedom KBON Radio 1490

tion. They are on trains, in stopover camps and on the high seas. They look to us for their future. Only we can say what will become of them. That is why Jewish P h i l a n t h r o p i e s must have every p o s s i b l e gift as quickly as possible."

Call 342-136S and

Register Your Child Today for the 3rd and Final Session of

Center Day Samp July 16-July 27

Don't Bo Late Call the Day Camp Offico


Dr. Louis L. Kaplan Mrs. Saul Suvalsky, of Council Bluffs, is the Education Chairman for the Missouri Valley Region of Hadassah. Those attending the Seminar from Omaha are: Mines. David .Becker, Alfred Frank, Morris M. Franklin, Morris Grossman, Sam Katzman, Sidney Katleman, M. >•. Levenson, Sam S. Newman, Charles Ross, Meyer Rosenbaum, Robert K. Silverman, and Marian Lawitz.

Sidney Brooks Elected to Office Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks of Temple Israel, was elected to the executive board of the Central Conference of American Rabbis when it convened in Minneapolis, Minn., in June.. Rabbi Brooks, spiritual leader of the Temple- for ten years, is also a member of the National Committee of Alumni Overseers o? the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute * of Keligion in Cincinnati and is the regional representative for Nebraska and Iowa.

campaigners to make every effort to -reach all prospects. _ "Only by vigorous personal .solicitation,"'the chairman sait1 AfiramCAfJ llftl^C ' "wiil w o b o a W o t 0 C 0 1 l t i n i I e *«e pace we liave set and Mill Hail jllia y i l | C 5 achieve our goals. Wo urge every one of our volunteer workers to redouble their efforts."

Drive Completion The Jewish Philanthropies issued a community-wide call this week for all those who have not yet made their contributions to the 1962 drive, to , 1~"\ do so at once. \ The D i v i sion 1 reported a total ». f, / oi 9 8 4 p l e d g e I ' i sards and a figi i ure of $20,555.50 as the result of the 1962 drive to date. "These anticijp a t e d conlribuJtions come from Abramson l o n g - time supporters of the Jewish Philanthropies who for one reason or another have not yet been reached by a solicitor in the recent campaign," explained Alvin Abramson, Men's Chairman. "The Philanthropies drive is a vast one," Mr. Abramson said, "and it simply has not been possible to reach every contributor during the course of the drive, We know that there are many people who still wish to contribute as they have in past years, and are waiting either for a solicitor to call on them or for a more convenient time to send in their gifts. "Our great task right now," he said, "is to reach all of these long-time contributors and all others who have not yet made their contributions to the 1962 drive." Even as the chairman appealed for every last gift to the drive to be made as quickly as possible, machinery to accomplish this vital task was in motion. Solicitors were in contact with donors, urging them in personal visits to act at once in making their gifts.

PHILANTHROPIES SCOKKIJOAKD As of July 3,1962 The following are current reports from divisions in ftie 1962 Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign: 19G2 Total Division To Date Initial Gifts $ 368,649.00 Men's Division 20,555.50 Women's Division , , 56,861.75 Business Women's Unit ....... 3,451.00 Children's Division 1,229.25 High School Division ... .. 1,054.41 Organizations 1,122.50 Miscellaneous 160.00 Total

% 453,083.41

Jews Pour Out of Algeria; '$ Going Paris (JTA) — Algerian Jews, cy, the principal French Jewpouring out of Algeria before ish welfare agency, was in Althe new Moslem state became geria, seeking to help arrange independent, flooded France in Sor the transport of children. such numbers this week as to Hundreds of children arrived bec r e a t e mountainous problems fore the independence date and for both French and Jewish wel- Jewish authorities said the toUu might reach 3,000 before the end fare agencies. of the year. A few days before that indeOne hundred and fifty Jewish, pendence date, at least'half of child refugees were placed in Algeria's 125,000 Jews had fled Jewish communal institutions in to France. The exodus continued S t r a s b o u r g and the French despite efforts of Algerian lead- Agency was making special efers to induce them to stay with forts to arrange similar faciliassurance of personal security. ties in Paris and other centers. Jewish parents unable to ar- The buildings on the outskirts oi range their own immediate de- Paris formerly used by the Alparture, were hastening to send liance I s r a e l i t e Universelle their children to France. A rep- Teachers Seminary have been, resentative of the Joint Distri- prepared to receive several hunbution Committee, working with dred Jewish children and work the United Jewish Social Agen- is in preparation on other sites.

Rabbi for Work Balboa, Canal Zone (JTA>— The Order of Balboa, the highest decoration awarded by the Republic of Panama, was. conferred on Rabbi Nathan Witkin •in a surprise ceremony here during a testimonial to his 25 years of service in the Carribbean area. Rabbi Witkin is USO area director and director of the National Jewish Welfare Board's Panama Servicemen's Club. The citation accompanying the award paid tribute to Rabbi Witkin's "silent but most effective work which has gaijied for him the appreciation of all who come for. spiritual guidance or., any other kind of aid" as "an example for the whole community."

(Left to right)—Annie Poliakoff, David Coren, Jlebckah Lands* man, Johnnie Flatowicz and Linda Groncr—last session's kindergarteners at the Omaha Hebrew Academy, studying their first reader. The school which opened a year ago with kindergarten and first grade classes, ia now taking registration for the fall term. Interested parents ore urged to ci>U Zal Segal, registrar at 551-2759 for more information. Pick-up service and a hot luncb program arc provided for pupils.

Page Two


Religious Services

f ei»isf) Published weekly on Friday beginning tiie last ivceU In August through second weels in July. Stcona Class Postono Paid al Omaha, fJcbr Annual Subscription, W CO Advertising Rates on Application, Publication Office—101 No 20lh Slrect, Omcha Ncbr Phono J12134A



Jerusalem (JTA)—Israel and Turkey today stenwra .$.''.0,000,000 trade agreement for 19G2, representing a $5,000,000 increase over the amount of the 1061 pact.



S FnRRF$?^|

MRS. THOMAS BERNSTICIN Mrs. Thomas Bernstein, 22, ."!020 Pacific Street, died Sunday in a local hospital. Funeral services were held Monday at Beth El Synagogue, with burial at Beth El Cemetery. Survivors are her liusbnnd; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis CanaS- of Omaha and a sister, Mrs. Ben Swartz, Des Moines, la. JACOB MOTZ Funeral services were held Monday at Crosby Kunold Mortuary for Jacob Motz, 77, of 1511 North :)3 Street, who died last Saturday. He was a native Omalian and a member of Eagles Lodge and Nebraska Lodge No. 1 A. F. and A. M. Survivors are sisters, Julia, Hannah and Bertha Motz, all of Oinalia; brother, Lewis, Sioux City, la. and two nephews. Kosher Zion

Thirty varieties of K o s h e r meat products are prepared daily by the Kosher Zion Sausage Company of Chicago, 111.

Candlelifihling—7:40 p. in. Belli Israel: Traditional Friday evening services (Kobolas Shabbos) begin at 7:30 p. ra. Shabbos morning services begin at (1:45 a. m. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will conduct the Talmud Class at 7:2(1 p. m. Shabbos Mincha at 7:50 p. m. followed by Sholosli Seudlos and Maariv at 8:40 p. in. Sunday morninf; services begin at 9 a. m. Mincha daily at 7:50 p. in. B'nai Jacob Adas Ycshiiron: Friday Mincha, 7 p. m.; Saturday morning, 8:30 a. m. and Mincha, 7 p. m. followed by Sholosh Seudos. Daily services at 0:30 a. m. and 7 p. in.

Friday, July 0, 10G2 Professor Ifans Haer, former Omahans in News director of the Center Piano

Among those elected as officers of the Omaha Civic Opera are Dr. Maurice L. Popper, vicepresident and Leonard Kulakofsky, second vice-president.

Studio was elected first vicepresident for the Nebraska Music Teacher Association.

Millon C'ackiii, National Life Insurance Company of Vermont, has been awarded a diamond emblem as an outstanding agent in the firm's force.

ALTEmNG-EESTYLING For Men end Women Coll

Dedications A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Ida Kavitch Kaplan, Sunday, July 8 at 2 p.m. at Pleasant Hill Cemetery with Rabbi Benjamin Groner officiating.

Temple Israel: Sabbath services will be held in the Temple's air conditioned Chapel Friday at 7:30 p. m. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks and Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner will officiate at the brief worship service.

IS 553-0566 Anytime for Prompt Expert Se-rvico or Stop at 1401 No. 33rd St.

MOMENTS. . . .


Belli Kl: Sabbath eve services will begin this evening at 7 p. m. The Sabbath morning service will begin at fi:30 a. m. MinchaMaariv services will begin at 7.-15 p. in. Sunday morning services begin at 9 a. m. Services during the week will be held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m.

Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged


(The Dr. Philip Slier Home Jewish for the Aged acknowledges the following memorials and donations.) Donor

k Wisconsin k


In Memory of

Mr. and fArt. William A. Levey .....Charles Arfclmun (Los Anyclcs, Calif.) Itewz. end Mmes. Arthur A. Cchn, Dave Ccttn, Dean Frunfccl, J. Harry KulaV.ofsky, Louis Kulokotlky. M. W. Krupircky, V/IIIiam A. Levey, Urnest A. flogq. llatt-.an L. Noqrj, //ulon Yudelson, M r i , Herman Franklin, Miss Kalah Franklin, Alan Hoag, Miss IMIc Norwich, Mlsj Kothfrinc Hosford, tAhs Evo C. Maxtcd, Mrs. Moraarcl schcr. bclcr, Mrs, Acnes C. Wirth Isadora Goldstein Mf:ssr3, ond r/.mes. Ernosf A. Hogg, //,i!torj Yudclson Mrs, Ann Hlalt Mr. ond Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky Etflo Kay Mr. end Mrs, Ernest A. .Hogg ond family Sam //liter (Flushing, ft. Y.) //.r, and Mrs. Ernest A. !lo<;g Nathan Socks Mr. ond Mrj. Dovid Orkowcnd family Sidney Soklyn Mr. and Mrs. Mllfon Yudciscn and //.Ichqel Simon Steinberg. (Mcrlcn, Pa.)


In Honor of

Mr. and M n . Miltcn Yudctson Recovery of David Cernsleln, Mrs, William J. l-ogcl, Mrs. Lee Sloan and 4jth wedding cnnlversory of Mr. ond M n . Henry Ncv/mon Mr. and Mrs, Hathcn L. Ncgg Recovery of Max Cchn; and honoring Mrs. Saul Suvalsky, Council Dlufts M.esirs. and Mmes. Dave Cohn end Abo Goldstein Recovery ol Louis Kulakofsky Mr. ond Mrs. Ernest A. Hogg Recovery of Mrr. Morion Defltn. and Hymle Milder F/s. and Mrs. Dave Cohn honor, Anne Kaufman Messrs. ond Mmcs, Richard Gummcrs, Max Schcucrmann, Adolph Trost 100th birthday, Mrs. Betty Frank (Chicago) tAr. and Mrs. Phil D. Schwartz A . . . . . . . blrlhdoy, Mrs. Max Fromkln Mr. and Mirs, J. Harry Kulofcofsky e3rd birthday. Mrs. A. I. Ka/ (Los Annelcs, Colif.) tAr, and Mrs. Ernest A, Hong and fam!!y......E0!h birthday, Joseph Kay (Berkeley, Calif.) Mrs. David Sherman... ..27nd wedding anniversary, Mr. ond Mrs. Edward E, Drodkey Messrs. Grid Mines. Abe Dear, Horry Epstein, Charles Fisher, Nate Gitnlck, Charles Guss, Male Kaplan, B. Kaufman, Den Wine 50!h wedding anniversary, IM. and Mrs. Abraham Mao;omln Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Kruplnsky 301h wedding anniversary, tAr. ond Mrs. Harold Pollack

Synagogue Donations Mr. and Mrs. Abe Dear Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fellmon Mrs, Helen Gcl&jlein, Mrs, Rose Mobcrman.

News and hnppenlncn nt The Dr. Plilllp fihrr <IRH-1HII Home for the Aced by Unvid Orkow.



Cooked WHOLE Ready-fo-Eat

A Kiddush was given Saturday in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Robert Lincoln, by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lincoln. The Fcrcr family presented a fruit basket to the Home in memory of Mrs. Rose Ferer. A group of our residents attended the planetarium as guests of "sky show" David Solzman. New Resident: Mrs. Molly Grossman. In Mcmoriam: Jake Motz.

We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantity

Reg. Diamond's


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STOKE HOURS—Monday thru Thursday 8 A.M. to 5:30 I'.M. Kimdliy 7 A.M. to B:J!O I'M. Frldny 8 A.3I. to 3 I'.M.~Cloird Knliirilny CALL WEDNESDAY FOR THURSDAY DELIVERY

iASKETBALL STARS TICK! Register for the Jewish Community Center's Sensational

MOW., JULY 30—FRI., AUG. 3 9 A.M.—3 P.M. at the Center, 20th and Dodge

For ioys in Grades 5 to 12 Prepare Yourself With New Skills and Techniques for the Loop Season

Rod McManus—Croighton University Jim Borshoim—Omaha University Bob Snollor—Indcpondonco, Kans. Jr. Collego Bob Gates—University of Nobraska Ed La Brosso—Nobraska Officials Association Cy Seitchiclc—Jewish Community Contor

We «ro known for our exacting Hobrow lotforing and detail, soloct your Tionument from tho largosf itock of up-to-dato momoriali In ihe midwest, tec what you buy.

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Call the Center, 342-1366 Today, for Enrollment This Is a Real Sport Spectacular

Friday, July 6, 1903




Page H i r e *

Denver Will Be Residence Of Richard Norton Siegels

Harriett Newman Lipstein Marries B. William Glick

Miss Sallie Kny Markovitz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Markovitz became the bride of Richard Norton Siegel of Denver, Colo., in a wedding ceremony July 1 at lieth El Synagogue p e r f o r m e d by Rabbi Myer S. Kripke. A reception and dinner followed nt the Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel. The bride wore a white sheath of silk organza witli a detachable train and carried white roses. Her sister, Miss Duanne Markovilz of New York City was maidof-honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Sally Freeman and the Misses Sue and Lynn Siegel of Denver, sisters of the groom. Mickey Mnndel of Denver was best man. Groomsmen for Mr. Siegel, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Siegel of Denver, were Eugene Lapin, Mike Cooper, Harry Wo]aeh, all of Denver and Michael Markovitz, brother of the bride. After a wedding trip to San Francisco, Cal., the couple will be at home in Denver. Out of town guests were: Mrs. Yctta Siegel, Mr. and Mrs, I. Siegel, Sandra and Ray Siegel, Dr. Donald. Polif/.er, Michael, Lisa and Tom Politzer, Mrs. Norman Wolbacli, Barry Wolach, Mrs. Lou Corn, Robbie and Susan Corn, Messrs. and Mines. Dave Katchen, Mickey Mandel, Gary Weisbart, Miss Janice Goldberg, Mrs. Jcanettc Siegel, Messrs. Eugene Lapin, Snm Greenstein, Mike Cooper, Marshall Heller, all of Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fcldinan, Michael and Alan Fcldinan of Park Forest, 111.; Mr. and Mrs

Mr. and Mrs. William Glick Out-of-town guests included who were married at Temple the bridegroqm's father; his Israel last Saturday evening, brother-in-law and sister, Dr. will ;jnake their home in Bur- and Mrs. Sherman Greenberg, lington, la. The ceremony was and their family; and Mr. and performed by Rabbi Sidney II. Mrs. Louis Green, all of MinBrooks. neapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Harry The bride, the former Har- Marx, Lincoln; Mrs. Sam Berkoriett Newman Lipstein, is the' witz, Los Angeles, Cal., and Mrs. daughter of Mrs. Julius New- Maurice Lipp, Sacramento, Cal. man. Mr. Glick is the son of EdWedding guests attended a ward A. Glick of Minneapolis, dinner at the Indian Hills Inn Minn. following the ceremony. Mrs. Sidney Taren of Omaha and George Brown of Council Bluffs, la., were the attendants. H. Rosenblums

Phyllis Bins+ein To Marry lov/an Miss Phyllis Binstcin of Council Bluffs, la., and Harold M. Zabin of Sioux City, la,, whose engagement was announced recently, are planning to be married on August 20. Miss Binstein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Binstein, attended the University of Omaha and the S t a t e University of Iowa at Iowa City. Her fiance, son of Mrs. Jack Zabin of Sioux City, is a student at the State University of Iowa, where he is affiliated with Phi Epsilon Pi Fraternity.

Hadassah Plans Session on Friday Mrs. Uichiird Norton Siegel Harry Rosenstein of Highland Park, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Jon Marks of Kansas City, Mo.; Mmes. I. Rosenstein, Joseph Janofsky, Chicago, 111.; Messrs. and Mmes. Dwain Folsom and Lester Goldman of Lincoln; Mr. Robert Geist of Kearney, Nebr.; Miss Kayo Turner of New York City and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wciner and Howard of Villisca, la. Mr. and Mrs, Ben Daynovsky of St. Joseph, Mo,

Omaha Visitors

Initial plans will be made by the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah for its annual style show and dessert luncheon, at the home of Mrs. Nate Marcus, vice-president in charge of special events on Friday, July C. Mrs. Martin Staenberg, general chairman of the August 27 show named the following chairmen Mmes. Keith Saunders and Stanley Silverman, tickets; Gerald M. Cohn and Edward Zorinsky, program; Joseph Kirshenbaum and Harold Garber, fashion coordinators; Henry L. Greenberg and Norman Lincoln, publicity; Robert Newman and Harold Cooperman, decorations i and Mrs. Ted Sanford, advisor.

Visiting, recently, at the homes of M e s s r s. and Mines. Fred Halm'find David Hahn were their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Eoris Stiss of Tel Aviv, Israel, who are spending two in o n t h s in the United States.

I want to thank all my friends for their many cards and for donations made to charity in memory of my brother, Charles Adelman, Los Angeles. Mrs. Esther Lieb Kiperstein

A visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gimple, followed the return of Miss Judith Gimple from overseas. Miss Gimple completed a year of graduate work in E u r o p e with the University of London as her base. She visited Franco, Spain, Italy, G e r m a n y and Israel. She was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Roze and family, her cousins, while in Tel Aviv.

Mother-Goose-Land Party at Beth Israel

KAGANS IN CALIFORNIA Beth Israel-Cantor and Mrs. Eli Kngan and daughters, Debby and Randy are vacationing in California.

Daughter's Engagement Announced By Dolgoffs at Recent Family Dinner The engagement of Miss Carolyn Dolgoff and Donald Stephen Novicoff of Lincoln, was announced recently at a family dinner at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dolgoff. Miss Dolgoff who has been attending Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa., will continue her studies at tlie University of Nebraska nt Lincoln. Her fiance, the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Novicoff of Lincoln, is a 1962 graduate of Nebraska and plans to return to work for a master's degree.' He is a member of Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity. An August 26 wedding is planned.

Return From Trip Mr. and Mrs. H o r a c e Rosenblum have returned from a meeting of the American Federation of Advertising in Denver. They also s p e n t a week at Peaceful Pines Lodge in Estes Park area, operated by Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sogolow, former Omahans. Sogolow is a former physical education director at the Jewish Community Center, here.




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Neil Miller Receives Summer Scholarship


Neil Miller, son of Dr. and, Mrs. Dan Miller, has received a scholarship to the Loomis institute, Windsor, Conn. for. their summer program in biochemistry. He is one of 40 high school juniors throughout the nation, who will work under the direction of research scientists from Yale, Harvard and the University of Connecticut.


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The Beth Israel Young Couples' Club will have a "MotherGoose-Land" party on July 7 nt 9:30 p.m. The highlight of the evening will be the election and coronation of an ideal "Jack and Jill."

Our fhanks (o our many friends for their kindness and thouglitfulness during our recent bereavement of our brother, Jake Motz. Julia, Hannah and Bertha Motz.

NA LISA Hous i of Glamour

©worm Palmor Downtown



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Page Four



Friday, July 6, 1902

OFF THE RECORD Ily Nathan Zlprln


Pope Action of Argentine-Priests It will be, I believe, of interest to American Jews to learn that the Vatican is keeping an eye on the role which some Catholic priests in Argentine arc now playing in stirring up anti-Jewish trouble there . . . It will be even of greater interest to learn of the stern action being taken by the Vatican against such priests . . . Argentina is a Catholic country where the church exercises great influence upon the people and the authorities . . . And the Vatican was informed that some of the leaders of the anti-Semitic movement there are priests . . . In fact, the Vatican established that some priests are conducting meetings agitating young students who rush out in the streets shouting "Kill the Jews" and similar antiJewish slogans . . . These facts have made a painful impression upon Pope John XXIII who is known for his friendship to Jews . . . All the more painful was the impression when an anti-Semitic book written by one of the priests in Argentina reached the Vatican . . . Losing no time, the Vatican suspended one of the priestly leaders of the anti-Semitic movement in. Argentina for two months as a warning . . He could not celebrate the Mass . . . Other actions taken indicate that the Vatican is determined to do everything at least to separate the priest leaders from the anti-Jewish movements in Argentina . . . Similar action is noticed also, with regard to leaders of (he Calohlic church in other countries . . . Meanwhile, leaders of the Catholic church in some European countries are taking note of Jewish complaints against derogatory remarks against Jews in textbooks . . . And they are looking for the first time at the textbooks with an intention of revising them . . . In Paris, Father David has written a pioneering book showing that the cathechisms of the Church of France have been spreading antiSemitism among the millions of French children attending Catholic schools . . . In Holland, a group of Catholic priests is now advocating revisions in the textbooks of teachings ofiensive to Jews . . . The same thing is happening in Switzerland and in-Germany . . . There is a question of degree, but it seems that there is no Christian religious leader now in the major centers of Europe who docs not admit that the time has come to eliminate from church textbooks remarks and statements which help to implant anti-Jewish feelings. (JTA)

Andrea Jean Gross who was graduated from Northwestern University at Evanston with honors in education", received a bachelor of science in education—her degree, being awarded with the highest honor, the university bestows—that of highest distinction. Miss Gross, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald S. Gross, will visit Europe this summer and pjans to teach school in San Francisco on her return. Barry Goldware, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Goldware, and Howard Halm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hahn, are attending summer school at the University Of Iowa's special work shop in debate and s p e e c h for high school seniors. David Fellman, son of Mrs. Jerry F e l l m a n of Milwaukee, Wis. and a former Omahan, was graduated from Lawrence College, A p p 1 e t o n, Wis., with a bachelor of arts degree. A member of Phi Kappa Tau fraternity, he served as its treasurer, and representative at its national convention. Fellman was a member of the college curling club, managed both the varsity foctball and baseball teams and was treasurer of the lettcrman's club. He was business manager of the campus paper and belonged to the math club. His brother, Daniel, 1962 high school graduate, will enter Lawrence College in the fall. Omahans g r a d u a t e d from Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass, include Saul A. Kripke, (sumrria cum laude); Richard H. Speier, (cum laude); Gordon A. Fellman and Richard A. Frank. Their respective p a r e n t s are Rabbi and Mrs. Myer S. Kripke, Messrs. and Mmes. Mi 1 l a r d Speier, C h a r l e s Fellman and Alexander D. Frank. Twenty-one Countries at Flower Exhibition Israel—Some 75,000 persons visited the eleventh International Flower Exhibition which took place in Haifa, hot too long ago, with 21 countries represented, The Mayor of Haifa's prize for the best foreign exhibit was divided between Italy and the Ivory Coast,

Boston Jews Consider Upper Court Appeal On Sunday Blue Law Boston, I JTA)—A broad campaign to obtain reconsideration of a Sunday blue lav/ amendment that has been killed in the Massachusetts State Legislature was launched here by Jewish organizations. They allege that the legislative action, particularly in the State Senate, had been killed through undue influence prejudicial to Jews and others who observe Saturday as the Sabbath. The amendment, first adopted by the State Senate and later killed, would have permitted business enterprises to stay open on Sundays if they close Saturdays. The State Legislature has amended the Sunday blue laws in such a v/ay that many business and factories will be permitted to operate on Sundays, Rabbi Fox said. Included are "taverns, beer j o i n t s , pet stores," and many other enterprises. However, the S t a t e House of Representatives rejected an amendment permitting businesses closed Saturday for religious reasons to open on Sunday.

Sixty-one To Sfsidsf in Israel New York (JTA)—A group of Cl American college and university students sailed for Israel aboard the Zim Line's S.S, Jerusalem to spend a year of study at the Hebrew University. The group of 20 young men and 35 young women, all are participants in the American Student Program, which is sponsored by the American Friends of the Hebrew University.

A DIALOGUE . . . There is no way of determining the utility or effectiveness of the recent dialogue in Jerusalem between American and Israeli Jews on the relationship between the Jewries of the two countries. One simply cannot form a judgment on such matters from mere newspaper accounts, though they have been rather plentiful. It W.MA TO WAI.I. < AltriCTINU AND rUHNITUHE would seem however that the confrontation served to project the ClonitRt] in Vour Home issue in its proper perspective. ~~ It is argued that such con- ing to cohesion and unity of KHFIITINU • ltCl-AIIUNO frontations only serve to accen- purpose: is it a community LAVING • KKIVINO tuate differences instead of in- without learning or with the poIIINDING • CI.I-IMNCJ cluencing changes of view. Such tential of creativity and genuine an approach would however renaissance: is it a community eliminate the element of debate ignorant of its future or one in society, since it is common- that is heading for the future in ly acknowledged that dialogues the certain knowledge that only RUG CLEANERS largely are negligent factors in global catastrophe can halt its altering one's political, econom- course? Don Bernstein, 345-2554 ic or religious views. Ben GurWhile there is no gainsaying ion's hammering at Zionism to that the "dialogue" in I s r a e l the delight of the American served a useful purpose, it Council for Judaism will not would seem that it would have cease as a result of the three- been more useful if it were preday symposium in Jerusalem. ceded by a "know thyself" semNor is it likely that the Premier inar in the United States (WNS). Divorsifiod Services, Inc. will alter his pessimistic outlook on the future of Jewish Founded In ]«!)•) group living in the United States exclusive nutlonal distributor under the impact of growing nafor Mr. and Mrs. Byron Melcher tionalism. His judgment on both issues is the result of his own of McAllen, Tex., announce the o FIVE MUTUAL FUNDS intf-rpretation — an inaccurate birth of a son, Michael on June 15. They also are the parents • Pension and profit-sharing one in our judgment—of the curplan iorvlccj rent stream in history, one of Karen, Steven and Robert. Mr. Melcher, a former Omawhich will not be altered by deFor « prosptclUK-ljooklul and han, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. bate ,by dialogue or by conInformation write or cnJl frontation with serious opposi- Jack I. Melcher. tion but by realization of error LEON N. WINTROUB Mr. and Mrs. Milton Marks of both in the marshaling of the Zono Manager historical facts and their inter- Manchester, New Hampshire, 100D-11 Howard St. Phone pretation. We have no way of announce the birth of a daughknowing on what basis the ter on June 25. Mrs. Marks is the Al|llll» Court Hide. 3)5-021* Premier predicated his predic- former Doris Raduziner. Grandparents are Mr. and tion of Jewish group assimilation when the U.S. becomes a Mrs. William Raduziner of Omaunitary society in 10 or 15 years. ha and Mrs. Anne Marks of Nor of course is there a way of Worcester, Mass. knowing what the political fabric of the United States will be Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Brodsky in a decade or two in this age announce the birth of a son, Joel of fantastically revolutionary Allen on June 5. changes. But it would seem to Grandparents are Dr. and us on this side oT the curtain Mrs. Abraham Brodsky of Evanthat we are quite far from be- ston, 111., and Mr. and Mrs. Larry coming the monolithic structure Plattner. Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Plattner and the Premier predicts for us. American Jewish Congress David Hyatt of St. Louis, Mo. president, Dr. Joachim Prinz, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brodsaid the purpose of the. dialogue sky of Chicago. was to dissipate mutual misconceptions between the two'Jew- • A daughter, Lory Irene, was ries and to establish "the real born June 10, to Mr. and Mrs, image of American Jewry." Herman Manheimer. They are However, it is much easier to the parents of four other childestroy false images that to dren, Edward, Linda, Harriet 1914 Fcrnajn agree on what is a real, or true and Jerry. image. What is the real image of American Jewry? Is it the picture of an affluent society that grasps out for the fleshpots of pleasure, or of a dedicated community that dazzles its neighbors with its free hand for Israel and local Jewish purpose: is it a community that has deserted God while holding on to Come Meet [' '* V its affiliation with synagogue, or is it a society that treks to synagogue and temple out of proIz "Boggy" Bogdanoff found conviction: is it a comLot Kim Holp You With munity whoso roots are so deep Your Clothing Sofocfioni in the land now that it has forKilpafKck'i Men's Clothing — Second Floor gotten its vinyards, or is it a society still groping for accomodation and survival in a Christian America: is it a society that is destined to function in fragmentation or one that is ris-


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Mendelson's Book In Second Edition Harry G. Mendelson recently had printed in five thousand copies, the second edition of his book of illustrated epigrams, "Wise, Witty and Well Worded— Some Created, Some Culled." •Mr. Mendelson has been collecting and writing epigrams for over thirty years. He is associated in the sales field with Nogg Bros Paper Co.

Reports of giving about tho country cited the $3,000,000 goal fo rthe 19G2 Jewish Welfare Fund campaign of Los Angeles, Cul. Tin's included a .special emergency fund of ¥1,350,000,10 be used exclusively 'to aid Jewish migrants.

Phone JH-T3M to Insert your Won) M In (ho Jewish Preis,.

DAILY JEWISH NEWSPAPEUS BAH and Has MHzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holi' days and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge.

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