July 13, 1962

Page 1



JUL 1 6 1962

Vol. XI,—No. 45

I'uDllcuilon Office. 101 No.VMh Onmlta. Nebraska. Phone StiMKGG



$ 401,045.81

The twenty-third session of the Federation sponsored resident camp, Camp Jay-C-C, will close this weekend, Norman Batt, Committee C h a i r m a n, Stated. Batt described this season as an unqualified success in Hie respect of. professional programming and the fine work done with the children in campIng projects. A capacity enrollment and an all college counseling staff developed program:; that the community can be proud of, I3att said.

With the increasing recognization of our camp as the tip coeducational camp in our nrea, Batt reported, there is.no doubt in my mind that we will be recognized us one of the top Jewish camps in the country, what with the new camping site being readied for occupancy next season and the top staffs that we are attracting. A capacity enrollment is expected next season when the new Esther K. Newman Camp is to be opened.

Vienna (JTA)—The Joint Distribution Committee has set up an office' in Algeria to provide various welfare cervices to the needy Jews still remaining in Algeria, Charles Jordan, director general of. the JDC reported

here after a visit to the newly independent Moslem country. Stopping jn Vienna en route back to his Geneva offices, the JDC director said there was no Jewish communal structure left in Algeria and that only two "heroic" rabbis had remained to look after their flocks, He said it was still not known how many Jews were left after the mass exodus in the months preceding Algerian independence day on July 1. He cited estimates of 25,000 to 60,000 Jews still in Algeria of the original 125,000 Jews in that country when it was under French administration. He reported that more than 1,000 children had been provided transportation to France in the two weeks since the first JDC and United Hias Service representatives arrived in Algeria.

Fellman to K r e s s Senior Citizens Richard Fellman will be the featured speaker at the next Senior Citizen's meeting,.. Monday, July 10, at 12 noon at the Jewish Community Center. All members of the Golden Age Club planning to take the riverboat cruise on July 31, are asked to malce reservations by July 23-with either Mrs. S. Milton Margolin, Ben Klaiman or the Senior Citizen president, Joe Radinowski.

On the occasion of the visit of Israeli Air Cadets sin Omaha and Nebraska, July 21 - August 4, we present a "profile" of Israel's Youth Corps. • GADNA is an organization for .—^ • ~—~ boys and girls of 14 to 18 years are thus enabled to be absorbed of age, under the joint sponsor- easily into Israel's way of lifeship of the Ministry of EducaSome 20,000 boys and. girls tion and, Israel Defense Forces. are enrolled in GADNA, on a It aims to train young people for volunteer basis, They come from pioneering and defense, and fos- high schools, youth organizaters the study of specialized mil- tions, immigrant villages and itary trades. settlements. There are 140 units, GADNA is a unique organiza- which operate in high schools, tion providing civic and pre-mil- technical schools and agriculitary training for the youth of tural schools. There are speIsrael. Ita primary function is cialized branches of the GADan educational one, with special for air, sea, signals and emphasis.on training the youth ,NA marksmanship. for good citizenship .and ^devotion to their country.' Tho AIR GADNA learn to piWithin its ranks, children of lot light aircraft'and •gliders. the immigrants integrate with This, aids the -Air, Force in sethe native-born children, and lecting cadets Tor its jet pilot


Sccund Class I'osiufte Pula nt Omaha, Mcbr

single Copy 1" C'ents Annual Ha\e 4 \>oMar»

f raj; Nebraska Win

Philanthropies Drive a? $461,645.91 The 19()2 campaign record increases at every level, in every division . . . but final success depends on Total Community Support. I'lIILANTIUlOWICS SCOItBBOAUD As «£ July 10, 19G2 The following are current reports from divisions in tlie 13(52 Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign: 19G2 Total Division To I);ilc Initial Gifts $ 376,544.00 Men's Division , 20,805.00 Women's Division 56,009.75 Business Women's Unit •. 3,451.00 Children's Division ' 1,539.25 High School Division 3,054.41 Organizations 1,122.50 Miscellaneous 1G0.00


Five Israel Air Cadets, accompanied by a Squadron Comander of the Israel Air Force will be the guests of the Civil Air Patrol, Nebraska Wing, in Omaha and in Nebraska, from July 24 to August 4, CoL P. J. Stavfteak of Omaha, Commander of the Civil Air Patrol, Nebraska Wing, announced this week. These 0 Israelis are a part of the International Air Cadet Exchange which will bring teenage cadet groups from some 20 nations of the world to visit in the United States. These groups are hosted by different state Wings of the Civil Air Patrol.

The Israeli group was assigned to Nebraska this year. Exchange Program "The purpose of the exchange Is to foster international understanding, good will and fellowship .among the youth of the free world," Col. Stavneak explained. "The American CAP cadets and tlvir counterparts from the foreign countries are selected for their extraordinary leadership, character, academic achievement, and good citizenship merits. They are truly junior ambassadors. Many of today's aviation leaders are former participants of the International Air Cadet Exchange."

Elaborate itineraries and programs have been arranged by the Kebraslra Wing oi the Civil Air Patrol, which will enable the Israeli Air Cadet groups to learn and understand American life and institutions, the way of life of the American people, and become familiar with Omaha and the State of Nebraska. Group of Six The Israel Cadet Group which •will .visit Nebraska includes the following: Major Simon Ash, Squadron Commander, Israel Air Force, escort. Yairy Solomon, 16, of Lod. •Radian Alexander, 16, oS Jerusalem. Kahana Dan, 17, of Netanya. Alon Nahman, 17, ot Jerusalem. Yigal Ophir, 18, of Givalayim.

Radio Station KBON 1490, effective on July 15 and continuing throughout August, will feature on Sundays at 10 p.m. a repeat of a seven part series, on "Great Controversies in Judaism," in coperation with the adult Jewish Education Department of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. Chaim Essorg is the director. The series will present in alternate roles as moderator, Rabbi Eugene B. Borowitz, Professor of Education, Hebrew Union

College, Jewish Institute ol Religion, New York school, and Erwin L. Herman, Union of American Hebrew Congregations' Director of Regional Activities. The moderators and a guest panel composed of Miss Eleanor Schwartz, Theodore Broido, and Robert Garvey, all members of the executive staff of the Union of American Hebrew (Continued on Page 2.)

BikurOiioiini Picks Aug. 23 for Annual Fund Raising Party

:Coll'34&1366 and

Register Your Child Today for the 3rd and Final Session of

Center Hay Camp July 16- July 27

535 Don't:Bo tote Call the i Day Camp Office


The next edition of the Jewish Press will be issued Friday, August 31 in accordance with the summer publication schedule. In the interest of members of the community who annually extend Rosh Hashanah. greetings through the special pages in the holiday issue of the Jewish Press, a coupon and suggestions are made available on another page. Holiday greetings through the Jewish Press has long been a tradition for families and organizations jn the area. Everyone , is urged to fill the coupon, clip and.mail it to the Jewish Press. The greeting pages will, have an early closing deadline.

Tuesday, August 28 is the date selected by women of Bikur Cholim for their eighth annual August fund raising dessert luncheon and card party at 12:30 p.m. at the Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel. For many years, the organization has used its funds for the care of the needy, sick and senior citizens in the community and nearby areas. Refreshments and gifts are distributed at the state mental hospital at Lincoln, during monthly visits of Bikur Cholim members. Mental hospital patients at Beatrice, also, are recipients of gvits STOTO the women during the year. The popularity of the beauty and barber shop at the Dr. Philip Shcr Jewish Home for the Aged is another example of the efforts of the Bikur Cholim ladies, Mrs. JaVe Wine,.their president pointed out, in discussing the party. Mrs. Wine announced that the entire board membership will make up the committee in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Harry Sidman in c h a r g e of donor solicitations, urges all friends and members of the group, to mark the August 28 date on their calendars. She said general admission is $1 and donor, $5.

normal activities continue at urThe GADNA has two special ban high schools. In times of publications of their own- "Beemergency these youths serve mahane Gadna"' (In Gadna Camp), which appears forthWithin the framework of civil nightly, and a wall-newspaper, courses and considerably cuts defense organizations as run- "Beohalei Gadna" (In the Tents of Gadna) for their clubroom ners, signallers, etc. down waste in training pilots. Newly-established countries in bulletin boards. NAVAL GADNA climaxes its Africa GADNA is a contraction o! and Asia have been training with a course from greatly interested jn the GAD- two Hebrew words GDUD Which the graduates go straight NA program. They have been NOAR, which means YOUTfH into NCO's jobs on joining the sending youth organizers into BATALUON or Corps. Navy- GADNA stresses pioneer- Israel for six-month courses, unIn existence long before the ing and agriculture, and on its der GADNA auspices, to learn War of Independence, GADNA four farms, thousands of young- the principles and operation of trained all the signallers for the sters learn to live and work the this youth corps. Upon return- HAGANAH and a GADNA unit land. ing to their native lands, they distinguished itself in Jerusalem The GADNA activities include organize similar units, for their • by stopping the advance of the marksmanship courses and con- own youth. Jordan Legion. After the Wa.r» tests, cross-country .hikes, ralGADNA maintains a lOOmem- GADNA youth built a road to lies. Independence Day celebra- ber Symphony Orchestra,-which Ein Gedi, aided immigrants^ and tions, Bible contests and- sum- gives a series of. public, concerts .fortified bordet setfenerfts— mer camps. , throughout the country. An un- particularly during 1956-1957 Special 'activities are conduct- usual recording containing its when more than. 4,600 GADNA ed .with the iitimigrant and best, performances, entitled. IS- members helped to fortify froo• villages against- repeated working youth < in "development RAEL, was recently issued by mier > areas" and.pupil.? of vocational the IIKD ARZr RECORD COM- FEDAYEEN (infiltrator) -*ttacks. 'and agricultural schools, while PANY of Israel.



Pagr Two



fetoisfj Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week ID August through second iveeU in July. Secono Class PcJarje Paid at Omaha, Nfcbr. Annual Subscription, U CO Advertising Roles on Application. Publication Office—10) No 20!h Street, Omtitia. Near Phone 342-1346.


Religious Services Candle-lighting, 5:48 p.m. Beth El: Sabbath eve services will begin this evening at 7 p.m. The Sabbath morning service will begin at 8:.'1O a.m. MinchaMaariv services will b<-gin at 7:45 p.m. Sunday morning services begin at 9 a.m. Services during the week will be held at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Beth Israel: Traditional Friday evening services (Kobolas Shabbos) begin at 7:30 p.m. Shabbos morning services hegin at 8:45 a.m. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will conduct the Talmud Class at 7:20 p.m. Shabbos Minclia at 7:45 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at HMO p.m. Sunday morning services begin at 9 a.m. Mincha daily at 7:50 p.m. B'nal Jacob Adas Ycsliuron: Friday Mincha, 7 p.m.; Saturday morning, 8:30 a.m. and Mincha, 7 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos. Daily services at 6:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. "• Temple Israel: Sabbath services will be held in the Temple's air conditioned Chapel Friday at 7:30 p.rn. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks and Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner will officiate at the brief - worship service.

Youth USV ELECTS Officers elected by the Omaha Chapter of the USY are Jan 'Janger, president; John Farber and Mark Plattner, vice-presidents; Judi Goldberg, recording - secretary; Barbara Chudacoff, corresponding secretary; Mark Goodman, treasurer and Marlene Friedman and Randy Endelman, sorgeants-at-arms. The group is planning a rush party on July 21 at Marc Fellman's beach house on Carter Lake. Debbie Baker is general chairman with a committee consisting of Alan Whitman, Neil Simon, Elaine Biniamow, Joe Erman, Sue .Katzman, Aileen Rimmerman, and Barbara Chudacoff. Incoming Freshman are invited. BRANDEIS AWARD Sunny Sternberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nate Kaplan, received a BranrMs Award. She was graduated from Central High School. - • CONVENTION OPENS JULY 31 Steve Boguchwal and Sherri Koom will attend the B'nai B'rith youth organizations' international leadership training conference and international convention July 31-August 27, at Camp B'nai B'rith in Starlight, Pa. Steve is Cornbelt regional institute president, succeeding Brian (Skip) Soiref, and Sherri heads the corresponding girl's group.



§CPL-Fi Program To Analyze Bias

July 13, 1962


Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wolf of Highland Park, 111., announce the birth of a daughter, Susan Debra on July 3. They also have two sons, James Allen and Daniel Lee. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. David Shukert of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Al F. Wolf of Chicago, 111.

Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Becker Three Omahans will join three nationally known personalities announce the birth of a daughon station KQAL-FM from 7:30 ter, Jody Ann on June 28. They p.m. to 8 p.m., Sunday, July 15 are also parents of Lisa Jo, Grandparents are Mr. and in a composite live-taped program centering around the book Mrs. Max Turchen, Sioux Falls, "Some of My Best Friends . . ." .S. D. and Mr. and Mrs. Morris published by the Anti-Defama- Becker. Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Langer, Ben tion League of B'nai B'rith. Kansas City, Mo.; Mr. Local participants will include Becker, and Mrs. M. Turchen, Sioux T. B. Sennett, director of the City, la.; Mrs. Bertha RuderLeague's Plains States Regional man. Office and moderator of the program; Mrs. Alexander J. McKie, Jr., chairman of the Omaha Hu- Beth Israel Will Have man Relations Clearinghouse; Guest Cantor July 20 and Father James Stewart, diCantor Clfaim Feifel of Brookrector of the Omaha Archdiocesan.Council of Catholic Social line, Massachusetts will officiate as guest cantor at Beth IsAction. Their discussion will follow rael Synagogue on Friday, July a 15-minute recorded conversa- 20 at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday tion starring Qucntin Reynolds, morning, July 21 at 8.-I5 a.m. widely-known writer and news Shop through the Jewish Press correspondent; Benjamin R. Epstein, national director of the Ads-. ADL; and Arnold Forster, the League's -general counsel and civil rights director. Epstein and Forster are co-authors of the book, a series of case studies documenting the status of reWAI! TO IVAI.I. CAftPETlNO ligious discrimination in this AM) KUIINITUJtr: Cleaned lu Vour Home country.

STATIONED IN INDIANA Lietu. Arnold Ban, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ban, a June grad-

uate of Creighton University, is now stationed at Fort Harris, Indianapolis, Ind.

Extend New Year Greetings fo Friends and Relatives

$3.00 Per Personal Greeting

Through The Jewish Press

in Rosh Hashanah Edition

SUGGESTIONS friends and relatives, both far and near, a Happy New Year. 2. Mr. and Mrs and family with their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Or Feel Free to Compose One of Your Own MAIL TODAY

JEWISH PRESS, 101 N O . 20TH ST. Omaha, Nebraska Enclosed find (3.00 for which please insert N o . . . . New Ye ar'i Greofing Card in your Rosh Hashanah Edition. NAME ADDRESS CITY

.* Rosh Htrshonah — Sopt 2 9 and 30


KBON Schedules 'Continued from Page 1.) Congregations, will discuss the following subjects. Sunday, July 15—"Idolatry Versus Monotheism," Rabbi Borowitz, Moderator. Sunday, July 22—"Priest Versus Prophet," Rabbi Herman, Moderator. Sunday, July 29—"Pharisee Versus Sadducee," Rabbi Herman. Moderator. Sunday, Aug. 5—"Rabbinate Versus Karaite," Rabbi Borowitz, Moderator. Sunday, Aug. 12—"Chassid Versus Misnagid," Rabbi Borowitz. Moderator. Sunday, Aug. 19—"Traditionalist Versus Reformer," Rabbi Herman, Moderator. Sunday, Aug. 2G—"Belonger Versus Believer," Rabbi Borowitz, Moderator.


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DAILY JEWISH NEWSPAPERS BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge.

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Pace Three

n in Betrothal of Sheila Novak to Jerrold Stone °!™*° ? electod by Among the officers the Independent Meat Packers John Anderson Announced Association are Leo A. IJernslein, president; IYiinie Z, DavMr. and Mrs. Max Novak announce the rngagement of their daughter, Sheila, to John Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bcrnie Anderson of Lincoln, Nebr. Miss Novak attended the University of Omaha. Her fiance is a graduate of the University of Nebraska. An Ocotber wedding at Beth El Synagogue is planned.

Robert Brodkey Ooes To Asian University Robert M. Brodkey will leave this week for Kuala Lumpur where he will enter the University of Malaya as a recipient of a Reynolds Fellowship. There he will study Asian culture, political affairs and the Malayan, Indonesian and Cantonese languages. He plans to pursue a career in journalism, foreign service or work with an international foundation. Enroute, Brodkey will spend five weeks visiting the west coast, Hawaii, Tokyo, Tiawan, Hong Kong, Manila and Singapore. He graduated in June from Dartmouth College in Hanover, N. H., with Phi Beta Kappa, High Distinction in Government and cum laude honors. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. David Brodkey,

•Sheila Novak

Beth El Sisterhood Plans Theater Party A theater parly at the Omaha Community Playhouse on Sunday, October 14 will be the first social event on the calendar of Both El Sisterhood. "The World of Sholom Aleichem," a wellknown dramatization in tliree parts, will be presented under the direction of Mrs. M. M. Jabenis with the Playhouse Studio Theater. Following the performance, a buffet supper will be served in the Playhouse rehearsal hall and lobby. Mrs. Sam Wolf, chairman, will meet on Monday, July 30 at the home of Mrs. Dan Katzman, ticket chairman, with her commiltee—Mrs. Joseph Guss, buffet supper; Mines. Morris C. Fellman and Martin Staenberg, publicity; Mrs. Phil Katzman ways and means vice president and Mrs. Al Rimmcrinan, sisterhood president. A brief leadership training course will bo conducted by Mrs. Sidney Hollis and Mrs. Morris Fellman, Tuesday, July 17 at the midsummer dessert luncheon and board meeting of the Beth El Sisterhood at the synagogue social hall. Members will be introduced to the responsibilities of their positions and will be presented with tentative plans for the coming season. Mrs. David Platt and Mrs. Lawrence Epstein are in charge of the luncheon.

Deanne Markovifz WedatBethEl Mr. and Mrs. Abo Markovitz announce the marriage of their daughter, Deanne to David Raffel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Raffel of Brooklyn, N. Y. The ceremony was performed July 4 in the Beth El Synagogue chapel by the Rev. Alex Katz and Cantor Aaron I. Edgar. A family luncheon at the S h e r a ton-Fontcnelle followed. The couple are at home at 80 East End, New York City.

Registration Opens For Nursery School

Policy, Financial Aid to Egypt Told Washington (JTA)—American assistance to the United Arab Republic would not increase Nasser's capability to import arms from the Soviet bloc, nor would withholding assistance decrease that capability, Assistant Secretary of State Frederick G. Dutton declared. In a letter addressed to Representative Leonard Farbstein, New York Democrat, the Assistant Secretary asserted that charges that Egypt would have to divert money from domestic needs to pay for Russian arms were "not valid." He said Egypt had "an excess of unused Soviet credits upon which to draw." Tlie State Department, said Mr. Dutton, recognizes "Israel's deep concern with the Issues arising from the Arab-Israel problem. "However, he added (hat "prospects for Us settlement and for stability in (lie region as a whole are Improved, if the countries involved arc assisted to pursue their legitimate goals for economic development." Mr. Dutton said that "by demonstrating American interest and support for the U.A.R.'s efforts for economic development, there will be a stronger foundation on which mutual problems can be worked out." He stressed that the State Department was "convinced" of the determination of the Egyptians "to search for progress and to maintain their independence. They urgently require foreign aid In pursuit of these goals," ho said, in it]0f


Miss Susan Carol Lifslmtz and Jerrold L. Stone exchanged marriage vows, Sunday, July 1 in a ceremony at the Granada Hotel in San Antonio, Tex., with Rabbi Oscar M. Lifslmtz and Rabbi Abraham Jacobson, officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Lifshtitz of San Antonio, and the bridegroom, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stone. A gown of silk organza was worn by the bride. A crown of pearls held the bridal veil. Mrs. L. Sheafer, San Antonio, was matron-of-honor and Miss Birdie Stone, maid-of-honor. Bridesmaids were Lois Gilbert, San Antonio; Judy Kagin, Des Moines, la., and Margo Spitz, Corpus Christi, Tex. Jay Nusbaum, best man and R o b e rt Wasner, one of the groomsmen are with the military service in San Antonio. Other groomsmen were David Lifshutz, San Antonio and Stephen Kagin, Des Moines. Ushers were Donald Kagin, Des Moines and Oscar S p i t z , C o r p u s Christi. Following a reception at the hotel, the couple left on a wedding trip to Dallas.

Omalian Motors to Canada Wedding Mrs. Belle Bowman, accompanied by her cousins, Mrs. Ruby Pidgeon and daughter, Sheryl of Des Moines, la., have just returned from a -1,000 mile motor trip to Edmonton, Alberta, Can., where they attended the marriage of her nephew, Larry Mokofsky of Kansas City, Mo. Mr. Mokofsky's bride is the former Phyllis Vicki Slawsky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Slawsky of Edmonton. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Mokofsky of Kansas City, Mo.


is, vice-president and secretary,

For Men and Women

Michael M. Krman. Dr. Abraham Grrcnberg was re-elected to membership on the National Board of Trustees of the American Physicians Fellowship, Inc., for the Israel Medical Association at a meeting in Chicago, recently.


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Registrations are now being S FOR THE FINEST.. taken for the Temple Israel IN PHOTOGRAPHY % Nursery School which resumes ( Portraits its program on Wednesday, Sep- 1 I Weddings tember 5. . Commercial f "Classes will bo held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week of the school session. Enrollment is limited to fouryear olds. The parents of nursery school pupils need not be members of the Temple congregation, Parents interested in sending by their, children to the school. are invited to contact Mrs. Chi Far-, ber, 553-2102 or Mrs. Joseph' Stern, 301-0735, co-chairmen of • ^PHOTOGRAPHER this project. 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET Mrs. Donald Cohen, assisted 345-1044 by Mrs. D. L. Hovendick, will serve as instructors. •



John Kalina




1409 FARNAM. PHONE 342-5010

July IS, J*S8


Page Pour

Thirty-Five Years Ago


'Alliance for Progress for Prom< Halpern asked that Argentina . bo told that, if it is to share in . Washington—Will the "Mil- Alliance benefits, it must move -ajico for Progress" require Ui;il against neo-Nazism find protect Argentina, where anti-Semitism religious minorities. When ConIs raging, adhere to tin- human gress voted funds for the Allights principles of the I'UHUI liance, it was testified that these del Esto Charter? sums would promote social jusArgentina's police have failed tice and human rights in Argento move against anti-Jewish vio- tina and other Latin American lence in a situation reminiscent nations. Cuba was eliminated of the Germany of 1933. Some from the program because of high Argentine police officers, its totalitarian regime. Hep. Halin notorious instances, are them- pern is still awaiting a reply. selves charged with backing Argentina has the second largneo-Nazi camps. est Jewish community in the The Alliance "for Progress, tie- diaspora, excluding the .Soviet signed to promote freedom in Union. American Jewry is unSouth America, is considering derstandably concerned The giving Argentina huse sums. U.Sr Embassy in Buenos Aires Rep. Seymour Halpern, New did not even send a line on.this York Republican who recently problem in its daily reports. visited Buenos Aires on GovernIf the Department would conment business, has now raised a sult own.archives, it will find crucial question. "T subsidize a that ilsArgentina Nn/.i regime tolerating Nazism would submarine duringrefueled World War be no more logical than aiding II. Argentina collaborated Communist Cuba," said Rep. Nazi Germany Jn much with the Halpern. way that Cuba is now ;:In a letter to Alliance coordin- sanio writing with Moscow. Nazi miliator Teodore Moscoso, Rep. tary officers.<traincd the new Argentine, army. After Hitler's defeat, escaping Nazi war-criminals found an oncn house of unsnitality in Argentina. Should American taxpayers subsidize foreign regimes- that practice anti-Semitism? Must Tel Aviv OTA)—Israel will they, through huge loans pendneed more than $1,000,000,000 in ing for Egypt, indirectly underinvestments next year, delegates write Nasser's purchase of new to the Third International Con- Soviet MIG-21 missile-equipped gress of Ei-National Chambers jet fighters? of Commerce were told. Most The Senate voted recently to of the possible investments will go to development projects and withhold certain categories of basic industries as well as hous- assistance from Poland and Yugoslavia. Among reasons citing projects. Nathan Straus of New York, ed v/aa anti-Catholic discriminapresident of the.American-Israel tion. However, the Slate DepartChamber of Commerce, told the opening session that American ment and the Agency for Interprivate investment in Israel has national Development insist that increased 500 percent since the Congress was started in 1955. He said that as compared with American private investment then of $8,000,000 a yea,r. the total now was $40,000,000 annually.

"By Milton Friedman

Private Investments

In Israel Annually

Snapshots o f Jewish

Congress approve increased hand-outs to Nasser to curry his favor.

OSLO: A hill to ban schecliita in Norway was defeated tfiia week by a large majority in the Norwegian Parliament. * * * NEW YORK: Henry Ford, in a letter to Louis Marshall, said he was repudiating the libels against Jews had appeared regularly in his Dearborn Independent. Ford wrote that "henceforth Jews may look to me for friendship and goodwill."

Peru-Israel Cultural Exchange Past Signed

IUGA: Ernes, the Communist Yiddish newspaper, declared that the Jewish farm collectives in Russia had "collapsed." The newspaper asserted it had been a "mistake" to think that such-farris could he effectively operated by people "who have no idea of flG"Lima (JTAV-Peru and Israel • culture and no idea of collectivism." have signed an agreement for a wide-ranging cultural exchange e " A " ~-'-AMEflfCA'S Ho. 1 o program. The program provides o y.i.-A -.100% for creation of chairs in the uni- .•* o versities of the two countries 1/ OE§F e for studies of the respective lane guages, literatures, history and arts of the two countries and for the exchange of scientists \ and educators.

f« o

B'nai BWh tort! Louis Passer of Council Bluffs, received the James M. Steinman award for the Grand Lodge No. C District of B'nai B'rilli at the lodge's recent 94th annual convention in Minneapolis, Minn. The citation for services to armed forces and veterans, wa3 given to Mr. Passer for the sixth time. It has been estimated that he spent 180 hours in hospital visits for his local lodge no. 688.

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Reward for return of Man's Bulova 23 wrist watch lost at Elmnood Park Ball Grounds on July 1. Call 03C4250.


25 Years Experience With Jewish Lettering and Memorials 22)1 So. 8tfa



Register for the Jewish Community Center's Sensational

MON., JULY 30—mi. AUG. 3 9 AM.—2 P.M. a? the Center, 20th and Dodge

For !©ys in Grades 5 f o i 2 Prepare Yourself With New Skills and Techniques for the Loop Season

CAMPSTAFF COMPOSED OF FAMOUS UNIVERSITY COACHES AND "BIG NAMES" ASSOCIATED WJJH SPORTS, LIKE Rod McManus—Creighfon University Jim Borshoim—Omaha,University Bob Snollor—Independence, Kans. Jr. Collogo Bob Sates—University of Nobraska Ed La Brosso-—Nebraska Officials Association Cy Seitchiclc—-Jewish Community Cantor

; £EE—$Y5-for ffie Entire Session Call trio Confer, 342-1366 Today, for Enrollmeat This h a Real Sport Spectacular

Yowr kitchen will stay at least 10 degrees tcoolet ^vhen you cook, with a modern electric rangel There's no open ilame to throw off heat. Electricity cooks by direct contact, puts tie heat into pots and pans... not the kitclien. And the oven in a modern electric range is insulated on all six sides, seals jn heat #nd keeps meats juicy and • tender. Clean-up is a breeze,,too. There's oo flames no eopt, no dirt. Surface units wipe of! at a touch.. * pots and pans stay bright and chiny longer, 3egin enjoying all tho cool comfort find convenience of modern, economical electric cooking today! iCo to your dealer now and ece tfic wonderful feo-' iuresioundtmly in the new electric ranges, There, never was.a better time to buy.



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