Vol. XL—No. 47
I'ubllcutlon' iirricc. 101 No. "JOlh Uinutiu. Ncbrusltu, I'honc 2)42-136(1
BInglo Copy 10 C'enU Annual Rate 4 Dollar*
Crated Furniture of Algerian Jews Removed From Ships Paris (JTA)—Algerian authorities are now making difficulties for Jews leaving the country to take movable property with them. Crates loaded with furniture belonging to a number of Jews have been removed from ships waiting to depart from Algerian harbors. The unstable situation in the strife-torn Algeria has induced
ADL Meeting Sept. Several hundred leader.1; from a five-state are expected for the Omaha meeting of the Plains States Regional Hoard, AntiDefamation League of H'nai B'rith, Dr. A. A. Groenberg, its planning committee chairman and National Commissioner, announced. A dinner meeting on Saturday, September 15 at the Indian Hills Motel will open the twoday conference. Speaker will he Herman Edelsberg, the League's Washington, D.C., office director. Mr. Edelsberg serves as his organization's legislative representative in the capital. Sunday's agenda will include discussion and analysis of area problems. Reservations for the meeting may be made by calling the ADL office, 341-3575. Its address is 537 Securities Building.
Trees Planted in Dr. Sabin's Name Jerusalem OTA)—Dr. Albert Sabin, developer of the oral polio vaccine bearing his name, told a gathering assembled for the planting of a forest in his honor that he was delightful to learn thai not a single case of polio hat' been recorded in Israel durng August. The Forest, planted by the Jewish National Fund in the United States Freedom Forest, will comprise .15,000 trees.
legion File Used By Anfi-Semifes Probe Instigated
the remaining few thousand Jews to leave the country. A temporary youth home will be opened here for 120 Jewish children from Algeria who were evacuated from the territory earlier this summer and are unable to return to their families. Thirty of the youngsters are known to have lost their parent.1; or are unable to rejoin their families for various reasons while 90 lost contact with their families during the unrest. An attempt will be made to aid the hitter in finding their parents. Of a total of nearly 400 children evacuated from Algeria in July, about 40 have returned there to rejoin their parents.
E. German Gity's Only Synagogue Heopened London (JTA>—The only synagogue in Leipzig, East Germany, was consecrated recently after the completion of the redecoration of the interior of the building which was used as a storeroom during the Nazi regime. There are some 300 Jewa in the city today compared with n Jewish population of nearly 10,000 in 1938.
Women iake Flea For Hospital Bazaar The Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs will again have its own booth at the annual Children's Memorial Hospital Bazaar to be held all day Monday, October 29 at the Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel, it was announced by Mrs. Arthur H. Goldstein, chairman and Mmes. Morton Richards and Alfred Sophir, co-chairmen of the project for the Women's Federation. "In the past several years the Jewish women have done an outstanding job for this cause," said Mrs. Goldstein. She added "that we want to do even better this year." A self-addressed envelope to be returned to Mrs. Goldstein was mailed to the women of the community suggesting that they indicate on it the number of articles they are planning to contribute. Handmade articles are particularly needed and appreciated.
Rabbi and Mrs. Groner Return The "S h i k u n," cooperative housing, rising everywhere in Israel to provide living quarters for immigrants, became a familiar sight to Rabbi Benjamin Groner, spiritual leader of Beth Israel synagogue and Mrs. Groner during their tour of the new state. Urban Service Centers "Much building is going up on Israel's frontiers, as part of a long-range security program," Rabbi and Mrs. Groner noted. "Most interesting are the urban service centers, usually a short d i s t a n c e from a development area, such as Kirynt Gat in the south which was s t a r t e d in 1950." 1 Kiryat Gat, founded to serve the Lachish development area, is a typical example of the way all kinds of business and enterprises are concentrated instead of a few scattered merchants in a single area," the Rabbi said.
Chaplain Smomoh Goren at a military installation. They saw Professor Don Patinkin, former Chicagoan, now chief consultant in economics to the government, who is responsible for much of the guidance in the n a t i o n's economic development. They toured the textile mills in Dimona and also visited King Solomon's mines in the Negev. They also were permitted to greet imigranls as they reached the shores of Israel, an unforgettable experience in their estimation. In Jerusalem they saw Justin Lewis who is attending the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Lewis, he previously studied at the Hebrew University and is on leave frc<n Brandeis University. Sense of Dedication "The high sease of dedication of the people of Israel is most evident among the Rabbis who
Energy Pool Inaugurated Icrafil
rael National Research and Development Council recently inaugurated the world's first experimental solar energy pool, 25 by 25 meters, in Sodom, on the Dead Sea. The pool's two objects are generating electric energy and desalinating water for irrigation. (Incidentally, .it also produces salt.) The idea of the solar pool wa3 first conceived in 1947 by Professor Rudolf Bloch of the Dead Sea Works, who found that in certain lakes in Hungary and the Antarctic the temperature of the lower layer of the water was. higher than that of the upper layers, since, owing to the salinity of the lower layers, the heat does not escape to the surface. In planning artificial solar ponds, the Israeli scientists were faced with the difficulty that the heavy saline, layers at the bottom naturally tendto mix with the upper layers, and it is the successful solution of this problem that lias made it possible to lay out the experimental pool at Sodom. The task of building the pool was allotted to the Council's Negev Research Institute in April, 1901. The project is financed by the James de Roths-
San Francisco fJTA)—Four individuals in the Los Angeles area were reported this week to have been listed by American Legion officials as prime suspects in the theft of confidential Legion files which had been turned over to professional anti-Semites. No Authorization Two weeks ago, leading Californians began complaining they were receiving scurrilous anti-Semitic and anti-Negro material from Southern California rabble-rousers. Investigation indicated that someone had obtained without authorization a secret roster of nev/ officers of the Legion Department of California. Geneva (JTA>—Loans by a Four Suspects special housing fund of the Legion officials promptly denounced the misuse of the stol- Joint Distribution Committee to en files and cited the organiza- refugees from North Africa in tion's continuous program of Franco,' have reached a total of Becking to stamp out religious 200,000, Charles Jordan, Overand racial bigotry. The investigation was extended to L03 seas JDC Director, reported. He said that the, past 12 Angeles and produced evidence pointing to the four individuals months represented ft record in Who were in a position to ob- loans from JDC loan... institutain such Legion records by • tions. Ho reported that 41 such stealth and who ore known to loan agencies in 19 countries be active jmti-Semites. The four provided 7,095 loans totaling suspects \vero reported to bo $3,360,000 an increase of 337 under further investigation. loans and $250,000 over the
Foundations. Extensive experimentation on solar ponds has been carried on for some time at the Lwael Institute of Technology in Haifa, and the Dead Sea project benefits from the active collaboration of Professor Irmai and Dr. Eilata of the Technion. Dr. Zyi Tabor of the Research Council last yoar produced the first small solar energy motor.
James Lipsey Panelist At Boys' Club Parley
Ilnbbl and Mrs. Groner greet immigrants arriving in IsraeL James L. Lipsey, a member of the Board of "This makes many more facil- freely withdraw from their pulGovernors of the ities available to nearby resi- pits," Rabbi Gvoncr said, "in order to undertake the work of Boys' C l u b of dents." teaching, guidance and adminisOmaha, is a panLike U.S. Shopping Center elist on the "Pub- " In Kiryat Gat are shops, doc- tration—areas most vital to the social building and progress of licity and Public tors and libraries, almost like Israel," Relations" panel an American shopping center, Both he and Mrs. Groner reit the Second An- the Omahans o b s e r v e d . The nual Boys' Clubs community's slogan is "A roof marked about the 2 p.m. closing of America Mid- for every man—a roof for every hour on Friday and the festive crowds that milled about the west Region Lay- nation." streets on Saturday nights, when men's Conf erSpeaking of books, the Gron- business reopened after the Sab— ence being held ers saw scientific and technical bath. James Lipsey in Dayton, Ohio, volumes displayed rather than September 6 and 7. Mr. Lipsey popular n o v e l s , and is wellis a partner in Universal Adver- known that I s r a e l publishes Moroccan Jews Protest tising Agency, Omaha advertis- more books per capita than any Official's Statement ing and public relations firm. other country in the world. Casablanca (JTA)—Dr, Leon The ferver and enthusiasm of Benzaquen, honorary president Israelis as they go about their of the Federation of Jewish business was very impressive to Communities in Morocco, and the Groners who n o t e d that David Amar, Federation presi"working for a common goal at- dent, sharply protested the retenuates the differences of their cent statement by Mlal El Pasprevious 12-month period. Loans respective outlooks and social si, president of the Istiqlal parwere made in Australia, Israel, philosophies in' building Israel ty, and Minister of State in charge of Islamic Affairs, that South America, France, Poland as the home of the Jews." Visited at Herzog Home the Jews in Morocco were not and Italy to help integrate 1,680' refugee and repatriated famThey said that while in Jeru- regarded as Moroccans but as ilies. salem they visited Mrs. Isaac residents enjoying Moroccan Mr. Jordan noted that loan Halevi Herzog, widow of the protection. Dr. Benzaquen, a former Morapplications still pending from chief rabbi of Israel, at her home Tunisian families will require ""where they were privileged to occan Cabinet Minister, said far more funds than the original spend time in the study of her that El Fassi's statement lmd disturbed the Moroccan Jewish estimnte3 and that additional late husband." • funds will have to be vastly ex- •. They visited with Asher Zidon, population. He demanded that panded to meet the needs of assistant parliamentarian of the the Federation bring action thousands of Algerian Jews now Knesset, and Moshe Unna, who against El Fassi for underminin France whose major eco- is drafting a formal constitution ing the morale of the Jewish nomic problem now U housing." for Israel. They were with Army community.
JDC Loans $3,368,000 far Needs of Refugees
I , it
i 1
• • *
• " ' . : • : *
Pagf Two
Deaths PubMcotlon Office-101 No 501 h S1 reel Orncho Httir
Phone 34M3fifl
Published weekly on Friday bo^imiinj; the last \VK«U in
through second uet'U fn July.
Sccona Closs Po'JoQe Paifl ai Omaha, Ncbr Annual Subscription, i4 00 AOverli^Inn Roles on Application.
Kirs. Kax Fromkin lo Address OonferenoQ
Mrs. Max Fromkin will be the key-note speaker at tho opening conference banquet of the MidCentral States Chapter of the Women's Branch ,.»»-,, C:27 p.m. of United Jewish . r ^ W j f w ' k Orthodox Con- f" 'h^&SjlfMi B'nai Jacob Adas Ycsliurun: gr eg at ions of |;" "XsiflJ Friday Mincha, G:.1!) p.m.; Satur- America in Des T ; ^ ^- fiSf day morning H;'.W, and Mincha Moines, la., on f "*:': "' l> 6:30 p.m., followed by Sholo.sli September 17-18- V-.-V, < .••.*.— Seudos. Daily services at 7 a.m. J!l. and 5:15 p.m. Mrs. Fromkin \ Temple Isreal: Sabbath serv- was one of the ices will be held in the air con- Founders a n d ditioned Temple Chapel Fri- first president of the chapter for M r s day evening at 7::iO p.m. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks and two years nnd - Fromkin .Cantor Manfred F. Kuttncr will "has been on the national board officiate at the brief worship for the past G years. service. Mrs. Fromkin is at present chapter honorary president and Beth El: Sabbath eve services will begin at 7 p.m. Traditional also honorary vice-president of Sabbath morning services be- the Mid-West Region. She is at gin at 8:30 and the Family Serv- present liaison officer in the ice at 10:30. The Mincha-Maariv Beth Israel Synagogue SisterService will begin at G:30 p.m. hood in Omaha. Sunday morning services beThe Omaha delegation also gin at 9 a.m. Services during the will include Mrs. Harold Zelinweek are held at 7 a.m. and 7 sky, Beth Israel Sisterhood presp.m. ident; Mrs. Sidney Goldberg, local conference chairman and the Beth Israel: Traditional Friday Mmes. Henry Appel, Don Coevening services (Kobolas Shab- hen, Sam Herman, Alfred Frank, bos) begin at 0:30. Harry Sidmau, Isadore Elewitz, Shabbos morning services be- Sidney Katelman, Ernest Hochgin at 8:45. Shabbos Mincha at ster and Nathan Kaplan. 6:30 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at 7:40 p.m. Sunday morning services beAll friends and relatives nre gin at 9. Mincha daily at G:30 Invited to ot1°nd services and p.m.
Bar iifzwah
ABE ERIJCII The Bar Mitzvah of Abe Erlich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Erlich will be celebrated on Saturday, September 8 at Beth Israel Synagogue.
ROBERT BORDY ALAN GENDLER Robert Bordy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bordy, will observe his Bar Mitzvah, and Alan Gendler, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gendler, will observe his Bar Mitzvah at Beth El Synagogue on Saturday morning, September 8 at the 10:30 service.
Kosher Sinai 48
JOEL EPSTEIN Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Epstein announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Joel Epstein, on Saturday morning, "September 15 at Beth El Synagogue at the 10:30 service.
a*r Imported English Candies in Gift Containers Reg. SI.25 NOW
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Friday, September 7, 1002
REV. ABRAHAM DIAMOND Funeral services were held last Friday at the Jewish Funeral Home for the Rev, Abraham Diamond, who died August HO. The Rev. Diamond, G'J, 3012 Davenport Street, lived in Omaha 37 years and operated Diamond's Kosher Meat Market. Surviving are his wife, Ida; sons, Hy, Des Moines, la.; Meyer, St. Louis Park, Minnesota; Izzie, Decatur, Ga.; Sam and Stanley and a daughter, Mrs. Morton Traehtenbarg. MRS. FRANK KATZ Mrs. Frank Itatz, <W>, 3028 S. 70 Avenue, died August 30. Services were held at Jewish Funeral Home Burial was in Golden Hill Cemetery. . Surviving are husband, a son, Jack; daughters, Mrs. Bernard Weiss and Mrs. Aaron Feldman and six grandchildren. LOUIS FELL-MAN Louis Fellman, !>G. former Omahnn, died August 8 in San Diego, Cal. Surviving are wife, Rose; daughters, Mrs. Leon Gorlicki, Omaha; Mrs. Gerald Stein, Mrs. Al Horowitz, Snn Diego; son, Alvin, St. Jose, Cal.; father, Sam L. Fellman, three brothers and a sister. He lived in Omaha most of his life and moved to California last April. JOSEPH FINKENSTEIN Joseph Finkenstein fJoe Fink) of Las Vegas, Nevada, a former Omnhan, passed away Tuesday m o r n i n g . Services were held there. Graveside services were held in Omaha Thursday at the Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Survivors are: sisters, Mrs. Michael Morris, Mrs. Josef Mayer, Omaha; Mrs. Harry Juedes, Wausau, Wisconsin; b r o t h e r , Harry F. Brown, New York City; and aunt, Mrs. Herman Franklin, Omaha.
El'ncH Bob Fuller, KMTV newscaster, who recently returned from the VietNam area, will speak at a dinner meeting of Cornhusker lodge of B'nai B'rith, Wednesday, September 12, G:30 p.m. at Gorat's Steak House. Reservations may be made with Alvin Abramson, 391-9693;. Harold Novak, 5530851; Dave Cooper, 551-05G2 and Bernard Greenberg, 342-4811.
2 Hew Youth Groups Announce Officers Two new B'nai B'rith youth groups, Ner Tamid, (Eternal Light) for girls and an AZA Chapter for boys have been formed. Officers of Ner Tamid nre DeDe Sokolof, president; Paula Bcrcutt, vice-president; Gail Brodkey and Debby Baker, Mit Mothers; Michelle Aronoff, recording secretary; Jane Shrier, corresponding secretary; Susi Stevens, dues treasurer; Diane Klein, bills treasurer; Joy Fercr, sergeant-at-arms; Lipton, editor; Dianne Denonberg, Youth Council; Linda Cipinko, Council alternate and Judy Sherman, historian. Elected to head the hoys' organization, are Howard llahn, president; Ronald Kaiman, vicepresident; Bruce Hoberman, secretary; Marc Kaplan, treasurer; Randy Endleman and Paul Kaiman, editors; Ronald Frank and Donald Swartz, sergeants -at-arms; Harold Schneider, chaplain and Kenneth Hoberman, pledge master. They will name their chapter soon.
Rabbi I. Rceckovsky To Connecticut- Post Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky who has been appointed spiritual leader of Congregation Shaare Torah in Bridgeport, Conn., formerly served Beth Israel synagogue in Omaha. His wife is the former Sylvia Wciner of this city. Active in Jewish communal nnd Zionist affairs, Rabbi Rackovsky was previously with the Congregation B'nai Israel, New Haven, Conn.
Dedications A monument will he dedicated to the memory of Phil Guggenheim on Sunday, September 9 at 11 a.m. at Golden Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will officiate.
With the Home Folks News and happenings tit TIIP Dr. rhlllp Klii-r Jewish Homo for the AKfru by David OrUow.
Dr. ami Mrs. Morris E. Roitstein donated flowers to the Home this week in honor of the marriage of their daughter, Lorraine. The Jewish War Veterans made possible the attendance of a number of our residents at the movies this week. New Residents: Mrs. Sadie Rothenberg, Mrs. Ben Handler, Mrs. Zecil Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Greenberg. In Mcmoriam: Mrs. Rose Glazman, Mrs. Sara Blot.
323 So. 15th St.
Safe- Way RUG CLEANERS Don Bernstein. 345-2554
L'Shanah Tovah Tikatevu! May You Be Inscribed for a Good New Year! o © o Wo will bo happy to mail you our NEW CALENDAR for tho Jowish Year 5723-24, Just sond a carcTto I-GO VAN & STORAGE CO., 7601 Dodgo Stroot, tolling us you would liko a calondar and includo your name and address.
Boston (JTA) — A $2,230,000 Keven-year research program to secure greater understanding of the nature of aging and arteriosclerosis in man was announced hero by Belli Israel Hospital. The program' will be coordinated with the Harvard Medical School and will be financed hy a grant from the U. S. Public Health Service.
By RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX • QUESTION: Why is it that some of the books of the Bible have sections written in Aramaic instead of Hebrew? ANSWER: There were evidently many Jewish colonies arid settlements inBabylonia and Egypt as well as other mid-eastern countries where Aramaic was spoken during the period of the first exile and afterwards. This* language was then popular in those areas and it gained acceptance among the Jewish people as a vernacular. Therefore, considerable portions of the' latest books of the Bible like Daniel and Ezra were written in Aramaic. Furthermore, 'Aramaic is said to have been the language of Abraham and we do find Aramaic expressions even in the book of Genesis (Genesis 3:47). The Bible, even though it is a sacred text, was nevertheless meant for human reading and often used colloquial expressions. This is indeed an indication that there is sanctity even in the language of the masses when properly used. QUESTION: What is the Targum? ANSWER: In the early reading of the Bible in the Synagogue nn interpreter was used who interpreted every verse to the public. When Aramaic became the vernacular of the Jewish people, the translations given by the interpreter changed from Hebrew to Aramaic, - These, translations came to be known as the Targum, which actually means '"interpretations." The Targumim were really more than translations. They were indeed interpretations, The oldest we have of these works is dated to the second century and is in Aramaic. When the office of interpreter was no longer used, the translations and interpretations were still remembered and copied down and handed down to us, upon many occasions, as we have them today. (JTA)
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animations Mrs. Sidney Tarcn, Ilrandcis Hoard Hostess The board of the National Women's Committee of Brandels University, Omaha Chapter, will meet Monday, September 10 at 10 a.m. at the home of Mrs. Sidney Taren, 115 South 93 Avenue. * • • Itrandci.s Hook Group M(!f(s The Book Group of Omaha Chapter Brandeis University National Women's Committee will meet on Monday, September 10, at the home of Mrs. David R. Cohen, 2003 Country Club, 10 a.m. "Tender is the Nifjht" by F. Scott Fitzgerald will be discussed. Mrs. N. II. Greenberg, chairman, said that books this season will be selected from modern novels Brandeis members interested, may call Mrs. Greenberg, at 551 1)227. * * • Beth Kl Luncheon Features ICnbbi, Cantor, Teachers "Getting to Know You" a program with Rabbi Myer S. Kripke. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar, Rev. Alex Katz and Rabbi Norman Mussman being interviewed by Mrs. Robert Wagner, will be featured at the Beth El Sisterhood meeting, Tuesday, September U at 12:30 p.m. at the synagogue. Mines. Harry Weinbcrg, Ben Simons, Max Gran'at and Robert Silver will bo luncheon hostesses. The Mmes. Alan Burton, Melvin Weiss and Richard Martin will serve on the decorations committee. Reservations are being taken by Mrs. Lou Lewis. * • *
HMO Captains' Luncheon, Wed. The Hadassah Medical Organization and vocational education committee will have a 12:30 p.m. captain's luncheon, Wednesday, September 12 at the home of Mrs. Leo YVeitz, 0GO Parkwood Lane. Mrs. Henry Stern, Hadassnh Fund-raising vice-president, is group director. Mrs. Ervin Simon is HAMO chairman. Her cochairmen are Mmes. Lawrence Epstein, Morris Erman, Maurice Feldman, Norman Rice, Irving Schneiderman, Ben Stern, Jake Turek, Max Falk. Mrs. Harry Fercnstein Is in charge of the luncheon. Mines. Sam Wolf and Norman Whitman will participate in the program. • * * liahbi and Mrs. Groner to Speak At Meeting "Take a trip to Israel with Rabbi and Frances Groner" will be the theme of the first regular luncheon meeting of the Beth Israel Sisterhood on Tuesday, September 11, at 12:30 p.m. in the synagogue social hall. Rabbi and Mrs. Groner will tell all the hi-lights of their recent trip to Israel. As a contrast, Mrs. Sidney Feldman, newly returned from a trip to the Orient, will discuss the different synagogues she observed in Hawaii, Toyko, and Hong Kong. Reservations may be made by calling: Mrs. Harry Alloy, 551-0871, Mrs. Hyman Lubman, 553-4539, or Mrs. Maurice Meichcs, 556-5507. Baby sitting service. The 15162-63 membership drive under the leadership of Mrs. Don Cohen, vice-president in charge of membership, announces the names of the folCouncil Board Meeting lowing participants; Mmes. AlOmaha S e c t i o n , National fred Frank, Nate Marcus, BerCouncil of Jewish Women, will nard Weiss, Martin Hcrzoff, hold its board meeting on Frank Cohen, Edward Gerbcr, Thursday, September 13, at 1 Vincent Marshall, Sam Rosenp.m. at the home of Mrs. Sam stein, Phil Handelman, D. B. Goodman, 718 Georges Blvd. Co- Epstein, Max Greenfield, Arthur hostess is Mrs. Jerold Rosen. Parilman, William Poster, Izadore Elewitz, Irving Charney, Nate Berg, Albert Friedman, Nathan Kaplan.
Golden Anniversary Dinner for Slufskys The golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Max Slutsky was celebrated August 31 with a family dinner at the Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel. Hosts were their children, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Antman, Chicago, 111.; the Messrs. and Mmes. Albert Gaer, Robert Sloan, and Lee Sloan, all of Omaha. The Slutskys, were married September 1, 1912 in Pittsburgh, Pa. They have resided in Omaha for four years.
Pace Tlire*
F o r . . . Dinner
Plan .your next parly In lli» old world Netting of the
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»»ri|>n Jit H i l l .".511-1110
Look who's pulling info Omaha to join brandeis
Gendlers to Leave For Israel Soon The Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Gendler will leave New York on September 14 for Israel.
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Lynn Susan Blumbcrg
Bride-to-Be IsfJieco Of John Rosenblatts Dr. and Mrs. Julius Merritt, Los Angeles, Cat., former residents of Omaha and Council Bluffs, la., have announced th? engagement of their daughter, Lynn Susan to Philip Jay Blumberg of Phoenix, Ariz. They will be married next year following graduation from the University of Arizona, at Tucson, where both are seniors. Mr. Blumberg Is president of the Arizona Chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity. Miss Merritt is a niece of former Mayor John Rosenblatt.
• • : • • . . . • . ,
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Return from Vacation ; •. Mr. nnd Mrs. Philip Hirsch have returned from Denver and Estes Park, Colo, where they held a reunion with the former's nunt. Mrs. Sarah Allen and fam«
From Hong Kong
Famous Continental Chocolates... the top favorite of candy lovers!
1914 Formm
Page Four
Friday, September 7, 1962
Pipeline Proceeds
Israeli Dancers at Istanbul Festival Istanbul (JTAK-An I s r a e l i folk dancing group comprised •of 29 students from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, made an appearance this week at the large open-air theatre in Istanbul as part of the International Students Festival organized by the Turkish Students Federation. The Israelis are also appearing in Ankara, Ordu
and Izmir as part of a monthlong tour of tiiis country. This is the first time an Israeli group has been invited by the Turks for its festival.
Tel Aviv (JTA>—Work has resumed this week in the Beit Hetofa area under a heavy police g u a r d on excavations for a water pipeline after police made a s e r i e 3 of night arrests of Arabs who were trying to incite Arab villagers to oppose the excavation work by force. The axcavation proceeded without incident although some tension was reported among the Arab villagers. Ncgcv rroject Work on the project, a koy part of the Jordan River-Negc-v irrigation project, was suspended because of Arab objections to the pipeline's passage through their land holdings. The Haifa District Court rejected an appeal by 21 of the landowners against a condemnation order issued by the Israel Water Authority for parts of the area
Jerusalem—A commission to secure priorities of materials and manpower for construction of housing for new immigrants, will be named.
Israel's Toxii'a Exports Increasing
Second Edition of
WISE, WITTY AND WELL-WORDED Anthology of illustrated Epigram! Some Created, Soma Culled by Harry G. Mendelion, B. Sc. & Ed. 4304 California 551-000] On« Dollnr IVr C'opy fipcclal I'rlcps In Ijirro <Juttiitltli-s for Ciift*
needed for the pipeline. The court also rejected the villagers' request for an appeal to a higher court. ?4C7 Per Acre Jewish and Arab fanners owning land along four miles of the proposed pipeline route have sold land to the Government at ail agreed price of $407 an acre but Arabs owning the rest of the area needed for the pipeline declined to sell. The Ministry of Finance then used its authority to expropriate the r e q u i r e d right-of-way. The Government went into court to obtain a recovery of property order when the recalcitrant A r a b fanners refused to comply.
Shop through the JPWIKII Press Ads.
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Underwater Archaeology
Israel's textile exports are expected to reach a $27,000,000 level this year. Shown above is a worker at the Ata Textile plant near Haifa, packing .shirts for shipment.
Israel—Archaeologists, businessmen, representatives of the Israel Navy and of other interested bodies met in Tel Aviv recently to found a society for the Promotion of Underwriter Archaeological Research. It will encourage interest in. u n d e r water archaeological research. Such research was carried out at Caesarea some time ago.
Births Mr. and Mrs. Paul Alperson announce the birth of a daughter, Carol Ann on Wednesday, August 29 at Clarkson Hospital. They also are the parents of Joel and Amy. Grandparents are the Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Gendler.
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A daughter, Rifka Jayn was born August 28 to Mr. and Mrs. Jay Milder of New York City, former Omahans. They have another daughter, Rachel Ida. Grandparents are Mrs. Harry Schwid and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Milder.
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Jerusalem (WNS)—The City of Jerusalem dedicated one of its streets to the memory of the late Rabbi Stephen S. Wise in the area which the Israel Government's new assembly of buildings is going up.
New York (JTA)—The International Amateur Athletic Federation has warned members that it will disqualify competitors in the Asian Games in Djakarta, Indonesia, because of the exclusion by the Indonesians of the Israeli and Nationalist China sport teams. The South Korean Field and Track team was the first to heed the . warning and withdrew from the competition. Dr. Otto Mayer, chancellor of the International Olympic Committee^ has announced that his organization has withdrawn its patronage from the Asian Games in protest at the Indonesians' exclusion of Israel and Nationalist China. The Israeli Football Association rejected this week a surprise invitation to send a delegation to the Asian Football Confederation Congress in Jakarta. Indonesia barred Israeli athletes from the Asian Games in Jakarta by withholding entry visas. The New York Times, in a dispatch from Tokyo, reported that there had been criticism of the decision of the Japanese against withdrawal from the Asian Games because of the non-admission of Israel and Formosa to the Games but that Japanese political leaders were fearful of antagonizing Indonesia and that businessmen with investments there also opposed • withdrawal. The Japanese Amateur Athletic Federation had forbidden its members to participate in the Games in Jakarta but the members defied the ban. . Another development was a warning from the International Weightlifting Association to its members to boycott the Asian Games on penalty of suspension. Clarence Johnson, president of the weightlifters, said at a meeting in Jakarta of the Asian Weightlifting Federation that the international group would not issue a permit to participate in the Asian Games because of the exclusion of Israel and also of Nationalist China. He said any member who Ignored the ban faced a two-year suspension.
John Kalina
Mr. and Mrs. David Gelbart announce the birth of their third child, Daniel R. on August 26 at Clarkson hospital. Their other children are Steven H. and Tamara Ann. Grandparents are Mrs. Harry S. Janger and Mr. and Mrs. Simon Gelbart.
Sports Groups Protest Exclusion Of Israel from Asian Games
Call Todiiy
5221 B'nai B'rith District Formed for Australia, flew Zealand Lodges S y d n e y , Australia (JTA)— B'nai B'ritn president Label Katz officially inaugurated here on August 26, the B'nai B'rith District Grand Lodge No. 21 for Australia at a banquet. The new District Grand Lodge consists of m o r e than 1,100 members in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Wellington and Auckland in addition to women's chapters and youth groups. *
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