September 14, 1962

Page 1



VoL XLr—No. 48

NSri?^p"ne N MBO3a.


Second (,'luss Postune P«td «t Omaha. Nenr


free fo At Omaha U -

KICMIN1 '8 Children's Hosp is y OQC[ Monday, Octobe Alflpog Sheraton-Fontem ojois -"HN Have you returncenvelope? Are you working on your handmade articles? FEDERATION OF JEWISH WOMEN CLUBS' CHAIRThe appointments of project MEN: heads of the Federation of JewMrs. Arthur Goldstein, 391ish Women's Clubs were an00(15. nounced by Mrs. Harry Sidman, Mrs. Morton Richards, 553organization president, at a re1317. cent meeting in her home. Mrs. Alfred Sophir, 553-3350. Project Chairmen Named were Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, Bonds of Israel; Mrs. Jake Wine, Center Hospitality; Mrs. Maynard M. Algiers (JTA)—The - Official Greenberg, C e n t e r Laision; _ ... 11- i j Mmes. Arthur II. Goldstein, Gazette here published an ^or- M o r t ( m A_ R i c l i a r d s a n d A l f r e d Sophir, Children's Memorial dinance giving local Algerian Hospital Bazaar; Mrs. Dan officials the authority to reopen Gordman, Civil Defense; Mrs. trial plants, "and all otherindus"dec* R o bbo r t L e v i ' 1 0 ' Communityy Calcommercial businesses, nomic enterprises" which have endar; Mmes. Stanley Mayper been closed due to the departure of the owners. The local authorities are given the right to appoint temporary adminisThe fifth annual pledge brunch trators for the "abandoned" will be held by the Jewish Youth businesses. Council on October 7 at 10 a.m. Another decree gives the lo- at the Jewish Community Cencal authorities the right to re- ter, it was announced by Harold quisition apartments and other Schneider, organization presiresidences v a c a n t for two dent. Chairmen for the event are months. Still a further Government order announced that per- Paula Bercutt, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Lee Bercutt and Shelsons wishing to emigrate from and don Perelman, son of Mr. and Algeria must receive official Mrs. Harold Perelman. • permission to leave. The program will include a well-known speaker.


Top-Hanking Speakers The institute will offer top ranking authorities on the subject of "Background on World Affairs " Dr. Louis Goltschali: will open the series on October 17. He will speak on "France and DcGnulle After Four Years." Other speakers scheduled are: Willard L. Uealac, October 24; Leonard Tennyson. October 31; William Mines, November 7; His Excellency, Dr. W. C. Naude, November 14; and G e n e A. Gregory, November 21. Co-Sponsors Mrs, Fred Wupper, Nebraska League of Women Voters' secreIn addition to the Jewish Fedtary v/ill speak at the Monday, eration, other co-sponsors of the September 17 program in the Institute are: Altrusa Club of Senior Citizens' Lounge in the Omaha, American Association of Jewish Community Center. University Women, Exchange Mrs. Wupper will speak oh the Club of Omaha, Kiwanis Club issues of the November fi bal- of Omaha, Nebraska Federated lot and will conduct a question Women's Clubs. Second District, District GO Teachers Associaand answer session. Senior Citizen activities are tion, Omaha Education Associsponsored jointly by the Omaha ation, Omaha R o t a r y Club, Chapter, National Council of Young Women's Christian AssoJewish Women and Jewish Fed- ciation, Woodmen of the World Life Insurance S o c i e t y , Unieration of Omaha. versity of Omaha Alumni Association, University of Omaha Board of Regents, and University of Omaha College of Adult Education. All sessions of the Institute Tel Aviv (WNS)—Politics triumphed over sportsmanship are held on Wednesday at 8:15 again when Moslem Malaya p.m. at the University Auditoricancelled visas for Israeli ath- um. letes who had been invited to participate in a soccer tourney scheduled as one of the events in Malaya's celebration of Independence. Moslem Indonesia had set the precedent by withholding entry New York (JTA)—A $25,000,- awarded by the Dead Sea permits for an Israeli team in- 000 contract for construction of Works, Ltd, to three American vited to take part in the Fourth a dike system at the Dead Sea firms. Kaiser Engineers and Asian Games in Jakarta. 'The Works in Sdom, Israel, wa3 Constructors of Oakland, Cal. Construction Aggregates CorIndonesian action touched off a poration of Chicago, 111., and the storm in the international Macco Corporation, Paramount, sports world with several, orCal. ganizations" banning participation by their members in the When the dike system is comgames. pleted in 1905, potash production will be increased from the The Fourth Asian Games end-. present annual level of 150,000 ed in a near-riot provoked by Richmond, Va. (WNS)—Fair- tons to nearly C00.000 tons. an effort of the Indian vice- fax c o u n t y police this week The dikes will cover an area president of the Asian Gamc3 charged a 17-year-old admitted Federation, Dr. C. G. Sondhi, admirer of George Rockwell's four miles wide by ten miles to have the competition stripped American Nezis with the fatal long,'and enclose an area of 40 of its official "Fourth Asian shooting of a 17-year-old Jewish square miles. As a first step in the project, the three American Games". status because Israel honor student. contractors will shortly assemand Nationalist China had been The v i c t i m was Lewis M. ble an $0,000,000 construction barred. An estimated 1,000 rioters attacked the Indian Embas- Goldfein, vice-president of the plant at the site, which is losy in protest but Dr. Sondhi, Falls Church High School stu- cated 70 miks from the shores warned by the Indonesian Gov- dent council, class president and of the Mediterranean. member of the varsity baseball ernment, had left Indonesia. and wrestling team. He was shot Jewish Chaplains at night outside his home. The accused youth is John C. Vinson, Jr., described as posess- Mark 100th Year ing an I.Q. of 1G5 and fascinated New York (JTA)—The 100th by, N a z i s m , who was once anniversary of tho commissioncharged, according to the Wash- ing of tho first Jewish chaplain Johannesburg (JTA) — Hope ington Post, with p a i n t i n g a in the American armed forces that the South African Govern- swastika on private property. was celebrated here, Sept. 9 at ment would soon restore a spe- He is the son of a Metropolitan the opening session of the biennial, two-day convention of the cial concession for the transfer police officer. Association of Jewish Chaplains, of gift funds to Israel was exof the Armed Forces. pressed in a resolution at the Israel Not Voted closing session of the biennial Congress of the South African To, Aviation. Body Jewish Board of Deputies.. Jerusalem (WNS)—The Israel In another resolution, the delegates affirmed South A f r i c a n Cabinet was told that the UnitA tea will be given by the. Jewry's religious and cultural ed States delegation at the Inties with Israel, expressed ap- ternational Civil Aviation Or- Omaha C h a p t e r of Mizrachi preciation for tho past goodwill ganization meeting in Rome Women to welcome Mrs. Benjabetween South Africa and Israel, prevented Israel from becom- min Groner back from her tour and noted with regret recent dif- ing a member of the council of of Israel. The event will be held Wednesday, September 19 at 1 ferences between the two coun- the organization. Israel Bar Yehuda, Israel p.m. at the Jewish Community tries. This was a reference to the displeasure of the S o u t h Transport 'Minister who headed Center. Mrs. G r o n e r who returned African Government over Isra- the Israeli delegation, told the el's vote against South Africa in Cabinet meeting that the Amer- earlier in the month from a visit ;the UN General Assembly last ican delegation openly declared to all parts of Israel, will speak year on the issue of apartheid. it would not support Israel's bid on her experiences there. Mrs. Morris J. Franklin and The South African Government and that this was a key factor withdrew the concessions on gift in the negative vote of other Mrs. Harry Paskowitz are chairmen of the program committee. delegations. transfers after the UN vote.

The University of Omaha 19f>2 Annual Institute on World Affairs will be co-sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Omaha, Ernest A. Nogg, president, announced. Free tickets will be mailed to J e w i s h Federation members.

Algerians Take Over Refugee Properties

Senior Citizens Will Hear Discussion on Nov. Election Issues

Israeli Athletes

Rockwell Follower Is Accused of Shooting Jewish Honor Student

South African Jewry Hope for Permit to Send Funds to Israel

Youth Council PIsdge Brunei! on October 7

Omahans Will Attend National Hadassah Meeting in Pittsburgh An Omaha delegation will attend the National Convention of Hadassah at the Pittsburgh Hilton Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pa., September 10-19. The g r o u p includes Mmes. Sam Katzman, Leonard Bernstein, Paul Veret, Julius Newman and Ted Sanford. The Omaha chapter has been asked to make a presentation in the membership session because of its 100 percent re-enrollment this past year. The presentation will be made by Mrs. Katzman, Omaha president. Mrs Saul Suvalsky, Council Bluffs, regional education chairman, will represent her city's chapter at the meeting. Prior to that conference she will attend the National Bible Institute in Pittsburgh. Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel's Foreign Minister and Mrs. Eleaner Roosevent will be guest speakers at the national conference. CENTER TO BE TRIBUTE TO MRS. BEN GUIUON , New York (WNS) — Pioneer Women is building a, $100,000 community center in Tel-Aviv in tribute to Mrs. Paula Ben Gurion, wife of the Prime Minister.

Tea toWelcome -Mrs. Oroner Back Home B'nai B'rith Leader To Talk at Gathering Mrs. Alfred Lakin of Detroit, Mich., president-elect of B'nai B'rith Women's district No. 6, will speak at an open meeting Wednesday, September 19 at 8 p.m. at the Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel. . The gathering will be sponsored by the B'nai B'rith lodges and chapters of Omaha. Mrs. Lakin will speak on B'nai B'rith projects which she has visited in Israel. A social hour will follow.


Single Copy 10 Cents Annual Rute 4 Dollars

ederafien and Sheldon Lincoln, Community Chest-Red Cross; Mrs. Henry Appel, Community Coopera-; tions; Mrs. Alfred Frank, Historian; Mrs. Sidney Katleman, Jewish Home for Aged; Mrs. M. II. Brodkey, Jewish Philanthropies; Mrs. Morris C. Fellman, F e d e r a t i o n Library; Mmes. Milton Waldbaum and Maurice Fleischl, National Conference of Christians and Jews; Mmes. Joe J. Greenberg and Richard Wright, Needlework Guild; Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, Parliamentarian; Mrs. Sam L. Katzman, Programming; Mrs. Nathan L. Nogg, Services to Armed Forces; Mrs. Stanley F. Levin, Telephone; Mrs. Abe Bear, Veterans Hospital and Mrs. M. A. Venger, Welcoming. Affiliated Organizations The Women's Federation is composed of 13 community organizations. The organizations, presidents and representatives, in their respective order are: Beth El Synagogue Sisterhood, Mmes. Albert G. Rimmerman, William Siref; Beth Israel Synagogue Sisterhood, Mmes. Harold Zelinsky, Nathan Kaplan; Bikur Cholim Society, Mmes. Jake Wine, I. Grunsweig; B'nai B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470, Mmes. Harvey Gershien, Charles Stern; B'nai B'rith Cornhusker Chapter No. 1032, Mmes. Seymour Abrams, Maurice Greenspan; Brandeis University, National Women's Committee, Mmes. Myron Milder, Ted Sanford; Hadassah, Mines. Sam L. Katzman, William Raduziner; Ladies Free loan Society, Mrs. Sam Klaver; Mizrachi Women, Mmes. M. M. Poliakoff, Ben Handler; National Council of Jewish Women, Mmes. Robert Levine, Louis Sogolow; P i o n e e r Women, Mmes. Milton Nearenberg, Rose Schwartz; Temple Israel Sisterhood, Mines. I. M. Liberman, Herbert Weil and Workmen's Circle Auxiliary, Mmea. Louis Witkin, Sam H. Binder. Reports Made Chairmen made their reports at the meeting at Mrs, Sidman's home. Future luncheon meetings will be held on Thursday noons —December 6, March 7, 'and May 2. The December meeting will take place at the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Homo for Aged; all others are scheduled at the Jewish Community Center. A Club Calendar was distributed to all those present indicating holiday dates, special events, and women's organizations board and regular meetings. The schedule of holiday parties at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for Aged and bingo party schedule for the Veterans Hospital was also distributed. Serving with Mrs. Sidman as officers of the 1962-63 Women's group are Mrs. Dave Cohn, first vice-president; Mrs. Abe C. Fellman, second vice-president; and Mrs. Harry Trustin, secretary. S. Elmer Gross, Camp Development Chairman and Dr. Abraham Greenberg, Camp Gift Chairman, spoke on the progress of the new Esther K. Newman camp. DRILLING FOR OIL Tel Aviv (JTA>—Drilling for oil on the western slopes of Lower Galilee in the Jezreel Valley and on Mount Carmel will be started soon by the Asher Corporation, an American firm.



Page Two


Friday, September U, 1D(12

The Jewish Quiz Box Publication OHicfr-101 No. JOIh ffreet. Omoho Hebr Pfion* 342-13«

Published weekly on Friday beginning the Inst August through second weeli In July. Second Class Postage Pa'd ot Ornoho, Ncbr. Annual Subscrlplion, M 00. Advertising Rales on Application.



Bar illzvafs All friends and relatives are Invited to attend services and reception.

Candlelighting—6:15 p.m. Beth Israel: Traditional Friday evening services (Kobolas Shabbos) begin at 6:15 p.m. Shabbos morning services begin at 8:45 a.m. Shabbos Mincha at 6:20 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at 7:10 p.m. Sunday morning services begin at 9 a.m. Mincha daily at 6:25 p.m. B'nai Jacob Adas Yesliuron: Friday Mincha, 6:15 p.m.; Saturday morning 8:30. and Mincha 6:15 p.m., followed by Sholosh Seudos. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Temple Israel: Sabbath services will be held in the Chapel of Temple Israel Friday evening it 7:30 p.m. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks and Cantor Manfred F. Kuttncr will officiate at the brief worship service. Beth El: Sabbath eve services will begin tins evening at 7 p.m. Traditional Sabbath morning services will begin at 8:30. Family Service will begin at 10:30 a.m. Mincha-Maariv Services at 6:15 p.m. Sunday morning services begin at 9 a.m. Services during the week are held at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.

JOEL EPSTEIN Joel Epstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Epstein, will observe his Bar Mitzvah at Beth El Synaf,'OHue, Saturday morning, September 15 at the 10:30 service. RICKY CIIUDACOFF Mr. and Mrs. Irving Chudacoff announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Ricky Chudacoff, Saturday morning, September 22, at the 10:30 service at Beth El Synagogue. JERRY GEKELICK Jerry Gerelick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gerelick, will become Bar Mitzvah Saturday morning, September 22, at Temple Israel.

Washington (JTA)—Ambassador J o h n Kenneth Galbraith, acting on the request of the White H o u s e , has persuaded Prime Minister Nehru of India to order the release of 300 Ancient Torah scrolls, for which export licenses had previously been denied. Indian authorities had refused to allow export of scrolls, citing restrictions on "export of silver." The scrolls are encased in ornate, vertical silver con-


I & t»

§ §

Ps 6 S 9

A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Irving Avner on Sunday, September 14, at 11 a.m. at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will officiate.

A flaky delicate pastry filled with the finest cherries.

A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Allen Kohan, Sunday, September 16 at Beth El Cemetery at 3 p.m. A dedication service will be held for Jake Rosenbloom at the same time.

Everything to Enhance Your Holiday Menu Freshly Baked

Rolls and Desserts

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GefilreFish to Please Everyone Prlee« Effective Onljr Thru Sept. 19

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BOth and Underwood Open Sunday*





QUESTION': How old is our method of Hebrew characterization —i.e., the printed letters? ANSWER: It is generally believed that our current script which is referred to as the "square script" is traced back to the Septuagint translations which are dated as of the tlfird century before the Common Era. Originally we had another script called the "Old Hebrew Script." Ezra and his disciples, in their attempt to popularize the Biblical texts and the knowledge of Hebrew among the masses of Jews, plus their keen interest in disassociating the Jewish people from the Samaritan sect, deemed it advisable to copy the texts into what was then called an Aramaic script which was commonplace at the time. This script is really an Aramaic adaptation of the old Hebrew or Phonecian Alphabet. This script passed through development stages until it assumed the "square form we know today, • # # • QUESTION: Why are there no vowels In the Torah script? ANSWER: Actually, Hebrew was originally a purely consonantal language. Furthermore, the absence of vowels lends the text to various interpretations which have been the basis of Rabbinic teachings through the ages. The Italian Jewish scholar Azariah DeRossi, claimed that Moses preferred to eliminate the vowel signs from the text in order not to restrict its meaning to allow it to be interpreted in "seventy different ways." (JTA)

U.S. Ambassador Gets Release Of Ancient Torahs From India

A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Minnie Kirke at Mt. Sinai Cemetery on Sunday, September 1G, at 11:30 a.m. with Rabbi Benjamin Groner officiating. Friends and relatives are invited to attend.


By RAnm SAMUEL J. FOX QUESTION': Why is a wealthy man referred (o as a "Nagid?" ANSWER: In the Bible the expression Nagid usually referred to someone in a ruling capacity. Thus a king (Chronicles 1:5:2), a prince (Ibid: 2, 19:11), people like Saul and David, were referred to with this title. In medieval times the expression "Nagid" was used to refer to visors of the king, like Samuel the Nagid. In later periods, especially among Eastern European Jews, a rich man was referred to with this title, probably to indicate that this wealth gave him a certain status and placed him in a position of ruJership.

tainers. T h e y were used by former Jewish communities of Calcutta, since dispersed to Israel and elsewhere. The National Council of Young Israel, in New York, learned of the presence of the unused scrolls. The White House alerted Ambassador Galbraith. The Ambassador reported that the Indian Ministry of Finance instructed the chief controller of imports and exports and the Reserve Bank of India to release and allow the e x p o r t of the scrolls—silver an,d all. The National Council of Young Israel is a r r a n g i n g shipment. The scrolls will be distributed to various synagogues throughout America, where they will be placed in a position of honor.

Beth El Cemetery Memorial Service The annual Memorial Service at Beth El Cemetery, 04th and L Streets, will be held on Sunday, September 16 at 2 p.m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron I. Edgar will conduct the service.

MRS. EDWARD ABRAHAMS Funeral services were held Tuesday at Burket mortuary for Dedication of a monument for Mrs. Edward Abrahams, 86, who Mrs. Martha Tuchman will be died Sunday at the Dr. Philip held Sunday, September 16 at Sher Jewish Home for the Agca. 12:30 p.m. at Beth Hamedrosh Mrs. Abrahams resided in OmaHagodol Cemetery with Rabbi ha 50 years. Myer S. Kripke officiating. Survivors: sons Milton R. of Omaha and Harold J. of San A monument will be unveiled Francisco, Cal.; brothers, Harry Sunday, September 16 for David and Morris Rubenstein of Oma"Sonny" Richards at J,;30 p.m. ha; sisters, Mrs, Sid Thein of at Pleasant Hill Cemetery with Cliicago, 111.; Mrs. Harry WilinRabbi Sidney Brooks officiating. sky and Mrs. Harry Greene of Friends and relatives are invit- Omaha. ed to attend. Burial was in Pleasant Hill Cemetery. A monument will be dedicated in memory of Mrs. Golda Ostravich on Sunday, September 1(J at 1 p.m. at Beth Hamedrosh NEW YEAR CAKDS Cemetery. Rabbi Myer S. KripBAR and Has Mitzvah congratuke officiate. lations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge ~ FOR BENT Duplex, 609 North 50 Street. Six modern, newly reMomsmenf €©. .-••rooms,.all decorated. Gas Heat. Near Scb (Sfbby) Pulrereisfa Dundee School Parking facilities. Call 391-7470. 25 Years' Experience PIANO LESSONS WithJowfih Private piano lessons by qualLettering and Memorials ified and experienced teacher. Will take beginner* or ad2211 So. 8 A 341-2452 vanced. Call Mrs. Lee Blatt, 556-0341.

Synagogue Space to Catholic School New Haven, Conn. (JTA)— Classes of a Catholic High school here were being held in rooms provided by a local synagogue. The synagogue, Mishkan Israel, which recently moved to the suburbs, turned over several rooms in its old building rent-free to nearby St. Mary's High School, until tho lattor's own new building facilities are ready next January.

Sold—6202 Spraguo, Duplex. Sold—6206 Spraguo. Sold—6433 Franklin.

MEW—FOR SALE 6315 Clondo—3 bedrooms. 6515 Scward—3 bedrooms.

COMING UP 6440 LafayeHe. 5444 LafayeHc.

Jewish Students To Arab Schools Israel: Eighty students from Jewish secondary schools went to Acre for ten days to attend Arab schools, work in bakeries and nurseries, and watch the local Kadi administering Muslim law in the religious court. The boys, numbering 30, stayed at a Dervish monastery, according to a Gpecial religious permit from the Kadi. The fifty girls who stayed at a hotel, heard lectures in Arabic, met local Arab youth, and visited homes and neighboring villages. The visit was aimed at improving understanding between the students and the Arab population, as v/ell as polishing up their Arabic. This is the first time that such a study-tour has taken place in Acre, as well as the first time that half of the teaching staff was composed of Arabs.

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1902 JEWISH CALENDAR Rosli Hashniuih . . .Sept 29-30 Yom Kljipur . . . . . . . . , .Oct. 8 Sukkot ...Oct. 13-14 Slimlnl Atzcrct . . . . . . O c t . 20 Slmhat Torah .Oct. 21 Hanukkuh Dec 22-29

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RENT INCREASES Jerusalem (WNS) — Governm e n t decreed rent increases went into effect for both government and private apartments.


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Friday, September 14, 1002


Michael Levys to Live in Los Angeles Oct.!



L03 Angeles will be the home of Mr. and Mrs, Michael Levy who were married on Sunday, September 2 at Beth El Synagogue The ceremony was performed by Rabbi Myer S. Kripke with Cantor Aaron I. Edgar, assisting. Mrs. Levy is the former Lorraine Roitstein, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Morris E. Roitslein. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Levy of Los Angeles, Cal. The bridal gown, a Priscilla of Boston original, designed of candlelight peau de soie, was styled with an empire silhouette, fashioned of hand clipped Alencon lace. Falling from a coronet of pearlizcd o r a n g e blossoms and pleated tulle was a tiered vei1 of French illusion. The bouquet was of white orchids, stephanotis, and liliesof-the valley. Marilee Levy, Los A n g e l e s , Bister of the groom was maid of h o n o r . Bridesmaids were Lynn Berman, Piermont, Cal., A r d e e n Forbes and Lynnette Forbes. They wore pastel tones of silk organza. Serving as best man for his brother was Ronald Levy, Los Angeles. Ushers were William Click, Huntington, W. Va.; Larry and Lloyd Roitstein, brothers of the bride; Stewart Forbes, and Marvin Colui. The bride's m o t h e r , wore mauve rose silk chiffon and the groom's mother was attired in gold chiffon. Following a reception at the Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel, the couple left for Yellowstone, Seattle and Canada and will be in Los Angeles after October 1. Out-of-town guests were Mr.


Party Rooms


Mrs. Michael R. Levy

and Mrs. Abe Lerner, Mrs. Bala Szlimer, New York; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nadler, Philadelphia, Pa.; Messrs. and Mines. Harry Mcrkin, Phillip Natenberg, Sidney Rafilson, Leon Szeinert and the latter's children, all of Chicago, 111.; Messrs. and Mines. Morley Steinberg and Al Finkel, Kansas City, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Guller, St. Louis, Mo.; Mrs. Robert Click, Huntington; Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Huniu, Los Angeles; Dr. and Mrs. Jack L. Berman and Audrey, Piedmont, Cal.; and the Mmes. Roso Hesnick and Dave Frank, Toledo, 0.

All sixth, seventh and eighth grade girls are invited to attend the opening meeting of the year for all Young Judaea groups, at the Jewish Community Center, on Sunday, September 23, at 2 p.m. Groups for these units will be formed under the leadership of Arleno G r o s s m a n , Frances Mintz, Ruth Garber, Eleanor Yager and Louis Endelman.

Birth Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Melches announce the birth of a daughter, Deborah Fay on August 25. They are also the parents of Marc, Beth-Ellen and Daniel. Grandparents are Mrs. Reva Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Meiches.

Featured Roles Among the featured roles in the musical, "Bye Bye Birdie," are Mrs. Donald Nogg, feminine lead; Mrs. Hy "Shrier and Jeffrey Taxman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Taxman. The show opens Friday, September 14 at the Omaha Playhouse.

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By David Schwartz Someone recently remarked that everything seems to be growing "tel"—Telegraph, telephone, television, tel-slar, Tel Aviv. Now that we have tel-star, the only thing that seems to be left to accomplish in that direction is telepathy. Recently on vacation at a spot where all were strangers to me, I ran out of funds and wrote to a friend to send me a money order. My friend wrote me that on the very morning he had received the letter, the thought occurred to him that I might need the funds and he was debating whether to send a check or money order. Mark Twain tells of a similar incident. He was thinking one day of an acquaintance he had riot heard from in years and that very day had sat down to write him a letter, when he received one from this old friend. Mark Twain believed that if you write a letter to someone and tear it up, your friend will get the message anyway. My mother used to say, '.'Die Hartz hot mir gesogt." Her heart told her. If your ears "burn" someone was talking about you. All of this is usually dismissed as popular superstition, but it is not easy to distinguish all the time between superstition and science. Remember the story of the old pious Jew in Israel during Israel's war of liberation? Seeing the young Jewish soldier pursuing his military science so ardently, he said to him. "Don't rely altogether on miracles. Do some praying also." Today's superstition may be tomorrow's science. The fact is that in a crude and elementary way, we are all witnesses of a type of mental communication—without words. People may not say a word to us and yet communicate. Their smile, the shape of their body, or even their hand—all communicate. The tone of the voice may say more than the voice itself and the look of an eye can be more expressive than the words of a Shakespeare or Dostoievsky. The Hassidic literature is full of stories of mental telepathy. I remember reading one story of the Baal Shem Tov, suddenly ordering his horse brought to him. He had gotten a mental message from a poor woman in distress. Rebecca goes to the well just at the time which will be propitious for finding her husband. How did that come about? Of course it is really very simple. Eliezer had sent her a Western Union "telepath," "Am coming tomorrow to look you over as possible daughter-in-law for Abraham. Please be at well." To the Jew, telepathy should GREENBERG HONORED First Lieut. Stephen Greenberg, U.S. Air Force base information officer, Little Rock, Ark., received the "Arkansas Traveler Certificate," an honorary award from Goy. Orval Faubus for "outstanding and unselfish work at charity functions in the state." He is the son of Mr. and Mrs". Peter Greenberg.

PODESTA.&CO, Mentors New Vor* Sleek Exchange end Older Principal Exchanges

1801 FARNAM 346-4555

be no great surprise. We have been the preachers of the Invisible from the beginning. When all the world worshiped images, the genius of Abraham looked beyond to the Invisible. —(JTA)

The Sabin Oral polio vaccine for Omaha's final SOS will be administered Sunday, September 16.

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Special Situations

Page Three

Everything Is ^Tel'

Janice Siref, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Siref was recently crowned twenty-ninth sweetheart of AZA No. 1, at the organizational^ annual dance.

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. .

Pace Four

Nat Fleisdier In a recent issue of Sports Illustrated, Gilbert Rogin had ;i very interesting pieco on Nat Fleischer," the 74-year-old founder and magazine e d i t o r . Because Fleischer is not a participant, strictly speaking, in the ring-, he's not written about as much as the boxers themselve:-;, but surely he is more fascinating a personality than most fighters. I recall that when I did my research on my book The Jew in American Sports. I constantly turned to Fleischer for information and leads and he always was willing to cooperate, for boxing is his very life and he has done more for the sport than any oilier single individual, even though he never held a titleFleischer has published 57 books on one or another aspect of boxing and has made 37 trips to Europe, all to watch or referee lights. His magazine, has a circulation of 157,000 in the United States and another 9.V 000 abroad. He boasts of the largest boxing and wrestling library in the world—some 2.000 volumes, and his magazine has been published regularly for 40 years. He recognizes that at the moment "boxing is at its lowest ebb" and he is terribly sorry about it. He claims that there isn't enough talent around; that kids don't want to fight; that television and the folding up of small fight clubs—all combined to put boxing where it is—or isn't — today. "The American way of life under the present government," Fleischer believes, "gives a good living wage in any field without the element of danger. Before, the boys were hungry; they had insufficient work at low pay." He asserts, however, that boxing won't die. "I don't think you can kill it," Fleischer told Eogin. "The public interest, as shown by TV, will keep the sport alive, no matter how small or how few. But it will never come back like before." He talks of the lost skills of boxing, and tells us that "the last man to feint well was Benny Leonard. I don't think the technique of b o x i n g has advanced since 1840. Today they do not go in for the development of science but for the pell-mell mix, trying to batter a man down, score heavy hits at the expense of ring cleverness." Fleischer said that "Boxing for me wasn't wholly a means of obtaining a living. It was a lot of fun, a lot of satisfaction and a love for the sport. I made

Friday, SppltmlM;r 14, 1002


Jews I llj Harold U. Kibalow


thousands of friends. Today I can go to any part of the world and there is somebody who is my friend." Nat F l e i s c h e r has many friends in this country, who wish him well. For a long time, he held a romantic view of boxing, but in recent years he has sadly ac- • knowledged the flaws in the game. He used to do crusadin,>;, but basically, he didn't want to harm the game. He still doesn't, but he sees the picture ns it is: a sa.l one. He may be the last of an old breed, but it is men like Fleischer who created.true interest in boxing, with record keeping, g i v i n g championship belts and publishing r e c o r d hook." and a consistently interesting journal.

B. & P. Hadassah A dinner and board, meeting wil lbe held by the Business and Professional Women of Hadassah on Wednesday, September 19 at fi p.m. at the home of Mrs. Phil Schwartz. » * • Musical Skit on Hadassah Prpgram "Shalom (Which Means Hello)" is the title of a musical to be presented at the first autumn meeting and luncheon of Omaha Chapter of Hadassah at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, September 2G. at the Jewish Community Center. The production is a story based on music from the Broadway show, "Milk and Honey" and was written and directed by Hadassah's program chairman. Mrs. Robert Rosen. Special lyrics were written by Mrs. Audrey Shapiro. Musical accompanist is Mrs. Russell Blumenthal and production managers are Mmes. Mollle Delman and Marjory Lincoln. The Mmes. Meyer Rubin and Edward Green are in charge of reservations. •


Hadassali Board

Hadassah board will meet at lunch 12:30 p.m. Monday, September 17, at the Jewish Community Center. Hostesses will be Mmes. Max Lashinsky, Morris Erman and Harold Kort. * * « New Policy Hadassah will be using the mail for collection of Jewish National Fund contributions. In the near future, each contributor will receive a self-addressed envelope to use for returning contributions. Project chairman and cochairman are the respective


let ween You By BORIS YIDDISH RIALTO: The Yiddish theatre in America today is not what it used to be a generation ago . . . The famous Yiddish Art Theatre, which had a high reputation not only among Jews hut also among non-Jewish lovers of the stage, no longer exists . . . Nor do most of the other Jewish theatres which played such an important role in Jewish cultural life . . . The days are gone when the Jewish theatre had such stars as Maurice Schwartz, Joseph Schildkraut, Bertha Kalich Jacob Adler and a host of others . . . Those who survived, like Molly Picon, are now play-

Mmes. J. Milton Margolin and Leroy Canfield who report that Hadassah is the only Omaha organization to change its method of JNF collection. Those having blue boxes will be contacted by phone. * • • Council Luncheon Sept. 18, niaikstonc The National Council of Jewish Women, Omaha Section, plan a luncheon for their meeting at the Blackstone Hotel Ballroom on Tuesday, September 18 at 12:30. Kendrick Wilson, director of the Omaha Community Playhouse, will he the guest speaker. Excerpts from the play, "Bye. Bye Birdie," will be presented. •

SMOLAK ing in Jewish productions on the English stage . . . The large audiences which patronize such productions on Broadway are mostly the American-born children of the immigrant parents who devotedly patronized the Yiddish stage . . . This is the link that still exists between the Yiddish theatre of yesterday and the English-Jewish, theatre of today . . . And this link is now cemented in a book by Louis Lipsky, the venerable Zionist leader and author, which will be published under the title "Tales of the Yiddish Rialto" . . . In announcing the publication of the volume, publisher Thomas Yoseloff predict'! that Mr. Lipsky's book, the only work of its kind, will afford poignant nostalgia and keen pleasure, and will delight anyone who reads it . . . Any person who knows Mr. Lipsky, not only as the builder of the Zionist movement in this country but also as a dramatist and theatre critic, will he looking forward to the appearance of his book . . . Mr. Lipsky served for more than ten years—during 1902-1913—as drama critic for the New York Telegraph . . . During those years he came to know all the famous actors and playwrights of the Yiddish theatre.


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Shop through the Jewish Press Ads.


Temple Israel Sisterhood to Present "Holiday Song" Temple Israel Sisterhood will feature Rean and Stanley Waxman, Hollywood artists, in "Holiday Song," a contemporary play by Patty Chayefsky at the Omaha Community Playhouse on Sunday, October 28 at 8:30 p.m. Mmes. Howard Vann and Howard Milder are general chairmen of the event. They are being assisted by the following chairmen: Mmes. E. E. Makiesky and David M. Solzman, publicity, Nathan Novak and Howard Krantz, reservations, Robert Cohn and I. E, Friedberg, refreshments. Mrs. I. M. Liberman, president and Mrs. John W i n s t e n, vice-president in charge of ways and means, will assist with general arrangements.

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RUG CLEANERS Don Bernstein, 345-2554

Bowling Leagues Start October 14 Two bowling leagues—the junior and high school — B'nai B'rith sponsored, will begin the new season Sunday, October 14 at the Ranch Bowl. The junior league for boys and girls, ages 10 years, through eighth grade, will meet each Sunday at l p m High schoolers -will bowl each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. with four bowling e a c h week on five member teams. The following may bo called for f u r t h e r information: Mrs. Sacks, 558-2380; Harold Bloom, 551-7807 and Harry Colick, 551032G.

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