September 21, 1962

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SEP 24 196?

Publication Wflce, 101 Omaha. Nedrusliu. Phone

Vol. XI^-No. 49


Ktngle Uojiy 10 Lents Annual Rnte 4 Dollars

s. ©. s. Women workers arc needed for (he 1963 United Kcd I'Vatlier-ICcd Cross C'aniiialgn which will open October 9. Please contact Immediately: Mrs. Milton Mayper (Sally) 553-9013 Mrs. Sheldon Lincoln (Helgsi) 391-G363

New Center Phys-Ed. Heod 'Shaping Up' Schedules Plans are under way for new programs to open the fall season in the Athletic Department of the J e w i s hr~~ L "'] Community Con- .,' * " j ter with the ai •' i rival of the new "', '-, director week.

this '*',,',*'



Sidney H. Som "" * , tners who lias as sumed his duties as D i r e c tor of Health and Phyeical Education, Baid plans were "shaping up" for Soinmors new features to be introduced in the near future. An invitation "to come in, get acquainted, and to discuss phy-

Youth Council Opens Fiag Foofijall Season Tlio 13G2 Youth Council flag football season will start Sunday morning, September 23 at Adams Park, thirtieth and Bcdford where all games will bo played, it was announced by Michael Sherman, the group's athletic chairman. The opener will include two games: the new AZA Alephs vs. Eayim and AZA No. 1 against AZA No. 100. All Sunday schedules will start at 10 a.m. Four teams of the five participating will play each week.

Nuclear Engineering Center Is a Haifa (WNS)—A Nuclear Engineering Center will be constructed on the campus of the T e c h n i o n-Israel Institute of Technology here, following receipt of a gift from the Sherman Foundation of Cardiff, Wales, for ?333,000. Abe Sherman investigated 13rael's engineering requirements during a recent trip. Upon his return to Wales, lie and his brother, Harry, decided to present the gift to Technion—the largest single gift ever received ' b y the Technion from Great Britain.

Warn Syria Against Recurrent Attacks Tel Aviv (WNS)—A warning to Syria that Israel would not tolerate recurrent attacks on field workers and fishermen in the Lake Tiberias area was sounded hero by Israel'3 Deputy Chief of Staff, Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Rabin. Speaking against the background of virtually unbroken Syrian attacks over the last fortnight, General Rabin said that while "Israel strives for peace and quiet on the Syrian border," It "will not agree to the border area becoming a scapegoat for Syrian nrmy revolutionary energy." Should the need arise, he said, "the Israel army will be able to ensure this right in the future as it did in the post.".

sicaledueation programs" 1ms been extended by Mr. Sonuriers. Mr. Somrners, his wife, Knyla; and three daughters, S u s a n , Tammy, and Debbie nre residing at 3(55 North 48 Street.

Needlework Guild Opens Roll-Call For Contributions The Jewish* Federation Section of the 1%2 Omaha Needlework Guild has opened its annual rolI-caJl for contributions, v'ii.'i reported by Mrs. Joe J. Greenberg its Guild chairman. Mrs. Richard Wright is Table Display chairman. The roll-call is an annual event s p o n s o r e d by all charitable groups in the community to furnish clothing and other supplies for n e e d y families. The announcement was mailed this week to all Jewish women by the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs. All contributions will be acknowledged in the Jewish Press.

By Chapman, Treas. Noting that the New Year is the traditional season for the redemption of obligations among Jewish p e o p l e , Isudore C h a pm a n, treasurer of the J e w i s h Philanthropies oft Omaha, i s~s u e d an urgent appeal for payment on p 1 e d g e s to the Jewish P h i 1 a nthropies. "All over the world, as well as in our own home I. Chapman


iemorial Ssrvices A n n u a l Memorial Services will be held Sunday, September 23 at Golden Hill Cemetery at 11 a.m. and Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Cemetery at 2 p.m., it was announced by William Milder, Beth Israel Chairman, in charge. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will officiate at both services. The annual Memorial Service will be held at Temple Israel Cemetery in Pleasant Hill, Sunday, September 30 at 2 p.m. Rabbi Sidney Brooks and Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner will officiate.

flow to Explain Israel Keynote Of Bowies' Message to Hadassah Pittsburgh (WNS) President Kennedy, in a message to tho jubilee convention of Hadassah, hailed the organization's 50-year record, declaring that "the entire w o r l d " was benefitting from "such projects as the Hadassah-Hcbrew University medical center." C h e s t e r Bowles, the President's s p e c i a l representative and adviser on Africa, Asian and Latin-American affairs, told the 2,000 convention delegates that "man's greatest accompHope-Israel lishmonts from the beginning of time have always been born of great dreams." He asked: "And what built Israel if it was not hope? What else can explain this rebirth of an old nation after ••the passage of centuries, despite obstacles of weather, geography, and political strife that led European, American and Arab 'realists' to assert that the dream itself was monumental nonsense?" "Equip Itself" Avraham Harmnn, Israeli Ambassador to the United States, told the parley that his government's major objective was

Cyprus-Bound i a y Not Need Passports Israel —The Ministry of the Interior, here, is expected to introduce a measure soon which will make it possible for Israel's citizens to visit Cyprus, using only an Israel identity card instead of a passport. Israeli citizens may now travel to Cyprus on a special document or else join an organized group with a collective passport. Tho latter method also entails the payment of a travel tax. It is thought that when special travel documents are abolished this tax will also be waived.

the chievement of peace. At the same time he asserted t h a t while Israel hopes for peace it must sustain the morale of its people "at a high level" and equip itself . . . with "an abiding capacity" to defend itself against attack. The defense policy of Israel, he said, "is not directed toward the winning of wars—as w« see it, the test of the success of our defense policy is that our defense capacity should never be used."

Copenhagen (WNS) Sharp exception to a pronouncement by Premier David Ben Gurion of Israel on the need of the Jewish youth of tho Scandinavian countries to migrate to Israel was voiced here by Chief Rabbi Phil Marcus Melchior in a public p r e s s statement that created quite a stir in the Jewish community here. The Israeli Premier had told a Jewish youth group that he was urging (hem to go to Israel for settlement or study because he was concerned about the future of Jews in countries "whore assimilation was so marked." Later the .Chief Rabbi told newsmen that the motivation behind his statement was the fact that the Prime Minister's statement was "understood here as an appeal to all Danish Jews to leave Denmark and emigrate to Israel." He added that he was "afraid about possible disquiet for Jews as a result, and it was my duty to answer." Rabbi Melchior too noted that Danish Jews need not proclaim their patriotism, but that lie was taking "an opportunity like this to state that no one, however big he may be or from wher-

t o w n s p e o p l e are depending upon our help and look to us to carry out the promises we made throughout pledges. We are engaged in a vast program of reacuc, relief, rehabilitation, a.s well as p r o g r a m s w h i c h strengthen our communities and which enrich our lives. But these can be carried out only if we meet our obligations. Please do not wait; there is hunger and need and danger now; and now is the moment when your dollars can perform their greatest service and do the most good." Mr. Chapman especially emphasized tlie virtual exodus of Jews from Algeria, the problems of emergency relief to be

BefSi El Sisterhood To EnSeriain Home lielli Kl Synagogue Sisterhood will entertain residents of the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged Sunday, September 23, at 2 p.m. An octette, from the Beth El choir, will present a program of High Holy Day music. Members of the octette nre Messrs. Jack Lieb and Harry DuBoff, Drs. Sol Kutler and Melvin Tatelman, and Mmes. Norman Whitman, Dan Cohen, Robert Schiller and Albert Rimmerman. The group will be directed by Cantor Aaron Edgar. Refreshments will be served by Mrs. Wm. Siref, assisted by the Mmes. Dave Sherman, Jack Saferstein, J. J. Greenberg, Jack Kaufman and William Alberts.

Shofar Shortage Jerusalem (WNS) Israel on the eve of the High Holydays is exeriencing Sljofer shortage. The rams horns had come from Algeria, but because of the unrest there the import of rams horns had dropped. The Religious Ministry said it was witn difficulty that it found 75 rams horns for distribution among synagogues and immigrant centers. •

ever he may come, lias the right or Is able to change even one iota of what for 150 years has been the status of Danish Jews under which there has been established a relationship in Denmark of which we arc all just as happy on the Christian side as on tlic Jewish side," Later, the Premier visited the Copenhagen synagogue where Rabbi Melchior is the spiritual leader. The rabbi in a special prayer beseeched peace for Israel after recalling what the Danish Jews had done for Israel. In his r e p l y , Mr. Ben G u r i o n reiterated hope that Danish Jews would remain faithful to Judaism "even if their situation is as good as it is."

Israelis to Advise At 5 Ghana Farms An agreement between Ghana and Israel for the establishment of three government farms in the Volta Region was signed recently in Accra, the Foreign Ministry announced. The farms bring to five the number being operated with the aid of Ir.raeli experts.

given to some 100,000 Algerian Jews in France, and the increased tempo of immigration to Israel. At this time, more refugees entered Israel than for the entire year of 1961.

YonSli &rot9g) Expects 153 at Pledge Brunch Harold Schneider, J e w i s h Youth Council president has urged freshmen to encircle October 7 on their calendar. Thia is the date of the organization's annual Sunday pledge brunch sit 10 a.m. at the Jewish Community Center. One hundred and fifty students are expected to attend the affair which will be only time for pledging until six months later according to Youth Council procedure. All present will be able to join the club^ their choice on October 7, Paula Bercutt and Sheldon Parelman, chairmen, said.

Issua With Jesuit Plication on Jews New York (WNS)—Two leading Catholic publications, one in Michigan and the other in California, have voiced displeasure over tho recent warning by the Jesuit weekly "America" that continued Jewish suoport of the Supremo Court ruling against official p r a y e r s in public schools might engender antiSemitism in the United States. In Fresno, California, tho Central California Register, official organ of the Fresno-Monterey Catholic Diocese, said editorially that it was "amazed" and "saddened" over "America's" singling out of Jews as opponents of prayers in schools while ignoring opposition by non-Jewish groups, including some Catholics. The Register noted in an editorial signed by its managing editor Gerard E. Sherry that "America" had failed to mention the many Protestant groups also aligned in the opposition camp," adding that "there are more non>Iewish groups opposing official prayers in public schools than there are in the Jewish faith.

Luncheon Funds For Home Project Proceeds from the tenth annual luncheon held by Bikur Cholim in August, will be contributed to the building cost of a private dining room for tho hospital unit of the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged. Luncheon donors were: Mmes: Ruth Ackcrmon, Max Arbltman, Philip Bait, Isaak Block, Jolio Brookstoln, Sam Canar, Arlhur Cohn, Jake Charncy, liadore Chapman, Meyer Colnlc, Marry Coopcrman, Philip Crandall, Gen Elsenbcrg, Sam Elcwltz, Roio EpslelM, William Epstein, Evelyn Fcllman, Leo Fox, Dav» Frank. Sam Freed, Mae Frcld, Rose Frclden, Lena Grossman, Sam Goodman, Izzl* Garslck, Arlhur Gcndlcr, Nalo Glmpte, Aba Greonbcrg. Mmes. N. H. Greenberg, Joo Guss, Cecil lumstalf, Alejc K a l i . Louis Katz, Max Kolz, Ben Kohn, Mellach Katzman, Paul Kaliman, Sam Katzman, Abo Kloppcr, , Aba Kronti, Harry Kuller, J . Harry Kulakolsky, Mlllard Krasne, Ann Lehman, William LeM'mcs.: Harry Llppcll, Abo Llpsman, Sam Llpsman, Sam Manvltz, M a x Magld, Hymls Milder, Jack Marcr, William Milder, Sam Moycrron, Nathan Hogg, Sam Novak, Dave Orkow, Louis Paperney, Dav« Parker, Robert Pillar, Morton Plotkln, Dave Potash, Mallhcw Pollakotl, Dave Raznlck, Sylvia Ross, Sam Steinberg, Jack Saylan. Mmes. Martha Shames, Sam Shift, Loull Slporln, Davo Sllverinan, Sam Rico, Jolca Shykcn, Harry Sldmon, Abo Slusky, Phil Smllh, Morris Spoctor Gary Shorman, * . Steinberg family, Sam Suvalsky, Joseph spiegal, Clara Trotlok, Sam Tarnoff, Nathan Veltzcr, Harry Wolner, William Wolnor, Le» Weltj, Nlorrli Whlto, Oavo Wlno, J o k j Wine, Loulj Wohlner, Alan Zalk n, JEM l a i k l n , Marshall Zolkln, John Zorlnjky, M Clrct* Aleph.


Vagr Two

JHje Publication Olflce- 101 No 20lh Sired Omotio Nebr

Phone •M 1366

Published weekly on Friday Ix-Kiunjpg the last iveelt In August throned second viTt'li In July.


Friday, September 21, 196J

Midnight Seliches Bar Mitzvah All friends and relatives are Services Planned Invited to attend services rind

Worshippers will stay up this ri!rc|illan. Saturday night to await the special Seliclies services customari- Jerry Gcriiick Jerry Gerelick, son of Mr. and Editor ly beginning at midnight. The rites are dedicated to supplica- Mrs. Robert Gerelick, will betion and prayers recited on or c o m e Bar Mitzvah Saturday before dawn and are associated morning, September 22, at Temwith penitential period leading ple Israel. up to Rosh linshanah. Religious The service will start at mid- Kicky f'liudaroff I'll WAI.I (.AKI'KTINd Kicky Chudacoff, son of Mr. IVAIJ AMI I I IINIH ICi: night at Beth Israel Synagogue. Cli.iii.d h, Your llciiir and Mrs. Irving Chudacoff will Rabbi Benjamin Groner will ofobserve his Bar Mitzvah SaturServices ficiate. day morning, Sept. 22, at the UI'ITITIMI e KWAIKINU Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will in- 10:30 service at Beth El EynaI.AYIMI • KDUIM, troduce the service on the same gogue. ItlMIINO • CI.KAMNO tliite at Beth El with a brief :01 p.m. scrmonelte. Participating with Belli El: Sabbath Eve services him will be Cantor Aaron I. Ed- Ronald U'ulfson Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wolfson will be held this evening at 7 gar and the High Holy Day's announce the Bar Mitzvah of p.m. Traditional Sabbath morn- Choir. their son, Ronald Wolfson, on ing services will be^in at !):30, RUG CLEANERS All members are invited to a morning, October Ji, and the family service at 10:30 "High Holy Days' learning ses- Saturday at Beth E l Synagogue, at the Don Bernstein, 345-2554 a.m. The Mincha-Maariv Serv- sion at 10:15 p.m. to be led by 10:110 service. ice is scheduled for 6 p.m. Rabbi Kripke. Coffee will be Sunday morning services bc- served at 11 a.m. by the SisterFIRST RICFORMKI) f»in at 9 a.m. Services during hood. SYNAGOGUE IN JERUSALEM the week are held at 7 a.m. and CONSECRATED 7 p.m. 'Ol'ENKR' Israel—The first Reform synHigh School Opener will agogue in Jerusalem was conseBelli Israel: Traditional Fri- beThe at Peony Park, Septem- crated in July with the particiday evening services (Kobolas ber held 21 at 9:30 p.m., D a v i d pation of Dr. Nelson Glueck, Shabbos) begin at 0:10 p.m. Forbes, one of the sponsors an- president of the Hebrew Union Shahbos morning services be- nounced. College, Cincinnati, O. gin at S:45 a.m. Shabbos Mincha :it li:10 p.m. followed by Sholosli Seudos and Maariv at 7:05 p.m. Sunday morning services beIty KACni SAMUEL J. FOX gin at <J a.m. Mincha daily at (i:15 p.m. QUESTION: Why is it a tradition to read the "Ethics of the Fathers" on Saturday afternoons during the summer? B'nai Jacob Adas Yeshuron: ANSWER: Moralists like to say that this practice was instituted beFriday Mincha, 0:15 p.m.; Saturcause of the fact that the summer months bring added temptaday morning 8:30, and Mincha tions to humans and the required reading of the Ethics of the fi:15 p.m., followed by Sholosh Fathers would remind one of his ethical and moral responsibiliSeudos. Daily services at 7 a.m. ties. Some claim that it is a prolonged matter of preparation andfi:J5p.m. for the High Holidays to come, helping man avoid excessive desires. Many historical writers claim that it was once actualTemple Israel: Sabbath servly a custom to read the "Ethics of the Fathers" all year round ices will be held in the Chapel and that this practice remained only during the s u m in e r Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. months because during the winter months the Saturday afterRabbi Sidney H. Brooks and noons was very short and there was insufficient time. The Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner will original reason for its inclusion was simply the fact that the officiate at the brief worship subject matter was light and did not require intense concentraservice. tion like other parts of the Talmudic literature. This therefore made for pleasant reading. It is also claimed that the reading of Ethics of the Fathers was used as a substitute for deep Talmudic learning in the late Sabbath afternoon, since the latter was prohibited because a partial state of mourning enters MRS.-LILLIAN ALI'KKSON at that time because Moses and David were said to have passed Mrs. Lillian Alperson, 62, of away at that time. A mourner, while he may not engage in Los Angeles, Cal., a former deep study texts, may study light moral teachings. Omahan, died October II. Funeral services and burial were he.'d in Los Angeles. Surviving are her husband, E. L. Alperson, and son, E. L., Jr., both of Los Angeles; sisters, Mrs. Millard Krasne, Mrs. Lazar Kaplan, Omaha and Mrs. Louis Cohen, Little Rock, Ark. OMAHA'S LEADING

Secono Clem Postooe Paid ot Omaha, Nebr Annual SuDlcnpticn, J4 00 Advertising Ralei on Application.


KECORD ENROLLMENT New York WNS) A record enrollment of 5,260 s t u d e n t s marked tho opening here of Yeshiva University's 76th academic year. Registration constituted a five percent rise over last year's enrollment.

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Friday, September 81, 106!


Plotkins Are Spending Two Weeks c/i Hawaiian Islands Mr. and Mrs. Gary Plotkin, who were married September 1G at Beth Israel Synagogue, are spending their honeymoon on the Hawaiian Islands. Following the trip, they will make their home in Omaha. The marriage ceremony was conducted by Rabbi Benjamin Groner. The bride is the former Karen Magzamin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Harold Magzninin. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Plotkin. The bridal gown, floor length, was of pure silk satin overlaid with lace. A satin rose caught the triple-tiered veil of imported illusion. The bride carried a white orchid and stephanotis. Miss Paula Magzamin was maid-of-honor. Bridesmaids were the Misses Mary Kay Hobermen, Shelly Rciss and Sandra Turek. Bennett Kutler served as best man. Ushers were Norman Plotkin, Robert Shapiro, 1,'irk Geller, Gary Green, Allen Biniamow, Floyd Frieden, Ste\ en'. .'glin and Norman Mazvinsky. A wedding reception was held at the Blackstone Hotel.

AZA Chapters Plan Athletic Stag, Bush Omaha's four AZA chapters, Nos. I, 100, Ronu and the Aleph Club are sponsoring a combined athletic stag and rush party for all freshmen boys on September 22, at the Jewish Community Center from 7 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Chairmen for the event are Steve Boguchwal, president of both AZA No. 1 and Cornbelt Region; Richard Epstein, president of both Ronu and Omaha BBYO Council; Howard Hahn, Aleph Club head and Cornbelt Region pledge-master and Carl Riekes, president AZA No. 100 and Cornbelt Region cultural chairman.

Carleen Klass Is Engaged to Wed Omahans in News Mr. and Mrs. Murray Klass .announced the engagement of their daughter, Carleen, to Stephen Lee Rosenthal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al Rosenthal, Clayton, Mo. The announcement was made at a family brunch given by the Klasses. At present, the bride-elect is attending the University of Omaha. She formerly attended Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., where she was affiliated with Sigma Delta Tau sorority. Mr. Rosenthal attends Washington University and is a member of Pi Lambda Phi fraternity. A summer wedding is planned.

Kiss Sommer Tells Award Event Speaker Miss Beatrice Sommer, chairman of the City Beautification Committee, Women's Division of the Chamber of Commerce, said t h i s week, that an unusual speaker will appear September 27 at 6 p.m. at the New Diplomat Hotel, at the first of three award dinners. The address will be made by diaries J. Vetter, Jr., Washington, D. C, of the U.S. Information Agency, and a well-informed personality on communist affairs. R e s e r vations may be made at the women's office, 342-1234. Honored at the event will be a firm who has in some measure contributed to the general appearance of Omaha.

. Morris M. Shapiro, accounting firm executive, will participate in a luncheon in New York City honoring the Israel delegation to the Eighth International Congress of Accountants on September 25. Mr. Shapiro is a member of the National Acc o u n t a n t s Committee of the American Friends of the Hebrew University, the organization giving the luncheon. William K. Harwich has resumed his studies at Princeton University, after returning from a summer in Europe where as one of a 50 student group, he toured France, Holland, Engl a n d , Belgium, Austria, Denmark and Germany. He worked for two months in the offices of the Berlin Water Works. He is the son of Mr* and Mrs. Samuel J. Ilorwich. Charles A. Monasee, head of Hinky Dinky's store planning department, lias been promoted to director of operation, according to an announcement by C. M. "Nick" Newman, president of the Omaha based super market chain. In his new position, Monasee also will be responsible for store, market, warehouse and transportation operations. The Monasees and their daughter Phyllis Ann, reside at C(iO No. 53 Street. Other promotions in the store planning department i n c l u d e Harlan Noddle, 744 Sunset Trail, to assistant director.

Crystals Transmit Signals to Venus Jerusalem (JTA)—An Israeli scientist disclosed that Ht'brew University laboratories have developed special crystals of a type which have been used to transmit and receive radar signals to and frpm the planet Venus. The disclosure was made by Dr. Zeev Levy. Paramagnetic r e s o n a n c e makes p o s s i b l e transmission and reception of high power radar signals and very low power electromagnetic w a v e s . The field is of interest to Sicilian and military industry and to the medical profession. Prof. Levy noted that the special crystals can be used to transmit sharply-focused light rays which theoretically could'

be used to supply energy to spaceships. Experiments have indicated that these rays can melt steel at distances of 700 feet. Give Prize Money To Nazi Survivors Frankfurt (WNS) Dutch-born Israeli author Clara AsscherPinkhoff, w i n n e r of the 1002 German Youth Book, has declined to come to Germany to r e c e i v e the honor and has turned over her $1,000 prize to other dependents of Nazi camp survivors. The authoress was herself a survivor of tho notorious Bergon-Belsen camp. :"

Page Tlir<*

MONA LISA House of Glamour "Let's Converse" Study Group The "Let's Converse" study group of the National Council of Jewish Women will meet Tuesday, September 25 at tho home of Mrs. Edward Malashock, li002 Hickory. Dr. Mary Hayworth will discuss "Do we understand our children." A dessert luncheon will be served at 1 p.m. • * * SAM Mothers Elect New Officers New officers of the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity Mothers' Club are Mrs. Sam Garrop, president; Mrs. Max Breslow, treasurer; and Mrs. Harry Smith, recording secretary. The mothers' group will meet

Wednesday, September 20 at the home of Mrs. Alfred Sopliir at 12:."iO p.m. The meeting will follow a dessert luncheon.- Reservations may be made with Mrs. Garrop, 55I-M330, co-hostess. *



Shop through the Jewish Press Ads.

Mr. and Mrs. Alan G. Marer, Washington, D.C. announce the birth of their first child, a son, Jeffrey Joseph, on September 13. Mr. Marer, formerly of Omaha, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Marer, 5122 D a v e n p o r t Street. Mr. Marer is now an attorney with the Civil Rights Litigation Division, Department of Justice at Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Brown announce the birth of a son, Michael David on September 14 at St. Catherine's Hospital. They also are the parents of a daughter, Elizabeth Michelle. Grandparents are Mrs. Leah Brown, St. Paul, Minn, and Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kaplan. Great grandparents are Mrs. A n n i e Kaufman, St. Paul; Messrs. and Mmes. Ike Kaplan and Nathan Lcrman.

Mr. and Mrs. David D. Beber announce the birth of their fifth son, Larry Alan on September 4. Their family also includes Nathan, Ronald, Harold, and Edward. Grandparents are Messrs. and A monument will be dedicated Mmes. Albert Beber and Richto. the memory of Mayer Frank, ard Spiegal. Great grandmothat Golden Hill Cemetery, Sun- ers are Mrs. Bessie Gilbert of day, September 23, at 10:45 a.m. Dallas, Tex. and Mrs. Bessie Rabbi Benjamin Groner will of- Behn. ficiate.


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Buenos A i r e s (WNS) —The Federation of Argentine Jewish Tailored to Your Communities, at its convention Exact Requirements here centered attention on the Long Experienced in . Jewish situation in the country, on the need of tightening the Dosigning Men's Clothing inner organizational structure Also and on current emigration to ALTERATIONS Israel. More than 100 delegates attended the parley. One of the ARON'S TAILOR SHOP problems on the agenda was the 553-7442 extent of mixed marriages. In 4916 Underwood Rosario, it was reported, there were 400 cases of mixed marFor . . . riages among its 3,000 Jewish families. A Wedding Party



A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Abe Smead Sunday, September 23 at 10:30 a.m. at Golden Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will officiate.. Friends and relatives are invited to attend.

ine Parley

Air-Condiiioned Dryers MISS MARSH end MISS JERRY

Hadassali Show Cast Rehearsals have been in progress for "Shalom (Which Means Hello)," musical comedy, to be presented at Hadnssah's chap- Bo the first to see this sparkling ter meeting and luncheon on NEW LISTING at 5614 Parker. 3 Wednesday, September 26, at bedrooms, newly carpeted gracious living room, 22-ft. sunny kitchen the Jewish Community Center. with ample eating space. Gas furMembers of the cast, under nace and air conditioned. Onty 6 the direction of Mrs. Robert years old and in tip-fop condition. Rosen, include Mmes. Hyman Near bus, Harrison School, synaBelman, Dan Cohen, M a r v i n gogue, Dienstfrey, D a v i d Frcdricks, 553-2190 Irvin Kaiman, Morey Landman, HOLLIS CO. Stuart Muskin, Sidney Osten, Larry Roffman.

Israel Hospitals Accept Cypriots Israel — Israel hospitals are admitting Cypriots in need of specialized treatment, according to an agreement between Israel and Cyprus Health Ministries. The agreement makes official a practice which has been in force for some time now. In the last few months about six patients from Cyprus have undergone treatment here. Cases involved include brain, chest, and eye surgery; neurology; specialized ear, nose and throat treatment, and heart diseases, for which facilities are lacking in Cyprus. Previously many C y p r i o t s went to England for medical attention. This agreement is regarded as a gesture of goodwill since hospitals in Israel are operating at full capacity.

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Friday, September SI. 198S


Page Four

Henry Monsky Lodge No. 354

Summer institute Attended by 60

Another Point of View

A Serves f (Reprinted from the Christian Science Monilcr)

"Wherever there are Jews in the free world, there is B'nai B'rith. All because, in New York City in "1843, 12 10 v l :ious-mindcd Jews met together in a tiny, gaslit room to form Uie first Jewish lodge . . Today there are lodges in :!8 countries of the world. B'nai B'rith crime into existence not so much to protect the Jew from dangers without us from dangers within . . , Jeivirh groups of the day were .sharply divided. The new immigrant was snubbed by the old Jewish inhabitant. Jews from different cultures and countries had little in Common with one another. Jewish religious leaders wore disturbed by this state of affairs. A group of 12 decided to do something about it—to form an organization that would have as its goal the uniting of all Jews "in the work of promoting their highest interests and those of humanity . . . " The success of B'nai B'rilh lies mainly in its ability to adapt itself to circumstances, in its adherence to a simple, basic objective, and in an unwavering devotion to the spiritual nnd human welfare of the Jewish race. Like a wise and understanding p a r e n t , B'nai IJ'ritli has drawn its far-flung family together, helped to preserve its religious traditions, to make it a constructive part of the community. It has, in the worlds of its original constitution, sought to unite Israelites "in the work of promoting their highest interand those of humanity; of developing and elevating the mental and moral character of the people of our faith; of in-

culcating the purest principles of philanthropy, honor and patriotism . . . " It all beffan hi Hie fall of 1813. On Nov. 12, 1813, that little band of ni''n routed tin? M a s o n i c Hoom at the corner of Oliver and Henry Streets, for two dollars a n ig h t and jubilantly formed N'cw York Lodge No. 1 —slill incxistenre . . . The first name of the new lodj;e was "Bundcs-Brueder," a German term for "League of Brothers." But an alternative title, "The Independent Order of B'nai B'rith" (The Independent Order of the Sons of the Covenant) was soon adopted, as of more appropriate religious significance. In 1930 the name was shortened to simply B'nai B'rith. Hie founders wore strict in their standards for membership. Cntriitlifulness in any degree was not to be tolerated. Even the physically disabled w e r e barred in those early days, on the ground that the building of a sound organization called for vigor and stamina. The original motto of B'nai B'ritli is the same today, "Benevolence, Brotherly Love and Harmony." It can never be said that B'nai E'rith is set in its ways. As an organization it has had few dull moments in its history; never any idle ones. It has demonstrated its usefulness in practical ways. When it has seen a need, it has moved to meet that need.

president, Bert Render . . I it Vice-president, Lou Sobrin 2nd Vico-President, Dr. Sol Kufler 3rd Vice-Proiident, Dean Frankol Treasurer, Nate Turner S-crefary, Gerhard Spies Warden, Charles Morgonfhau Sergeant-af-Arms, Leo Maltenfort


Committee Chairmen Good and Welfare, Dr. Otto Morgonthau A.D.L., Harry Woinberg . . . Aduft Education, Hy Schumeister Bl->od Bank, Lou Canar BBYO, Bernie Polikov B.'dgst, Dean Frankel Bulletins, Art Jacobsen Lee Maltonfort Citizenship and Civic Affairs, Ruben Lippott Harry Coliclc Fund Raising, Phil Kuiler Hillol, Gilbert Aronoff


Israel Commission, Dr. Leon Follman Indoctrination, Earl Soigel Program, Lou Sobrin Publicity, Art Jacobson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leo Maltenfort Retention, Dean Frankel ; Membership, Dr. Sol Kutler >. Women's Chapters, Sam Pollak Sports, Roy Feltman Jay Stofer

The .Summer Institute of Judiaism, sponsored by the Adult Jewish Education program, was held on the Labor Day weekend at Schimmel's Indian Hills Motel. lien B'ritlis and their families gathered for a series of lecture/; by Dr. Louis Katzoff and Dr. Eliezer Berkovits, two outstanding Jewish scholars. Following the F r i d a y night dinner serviee, the first lecture was held, followed by a discussion period. Another service was held Saturday morning. The afternoon was an open period. In the evening, another institute meeting was held, as was one on .Sunday morning. Enrolled were approximately 60 people. Next year, the Institute is planned for the new JCC camp. Helping with the affair were Joe Harnstein, Morris Hoffmann, Dr. Sol Kutler and Dr. Leon Fellman.

Wednesdays \At Noon

Frontier Room Black Angus

Good and Welfare During August, our condol-

ences were extended to the families of Mrs. Fanny Lintzman, Mr. Joseph Adler and Mrs. Katz, the mother of Reverend Alex Katz. A speedy recovery was wished to Mr. Louis J. Ringle, Mr. Harold Block and Mr. Paul Veret. Congratulations were extend312-2076 342-6376 ed to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kap556-0099 lan on their 50th wedding anni346-3779 versary, Mr. and Mrs. Eli M. 55I-0640 Zalkin on the marriage of their daughter Linda and Mr. and 553-69I5 Mrs. Louis C. Sobrin on the birth 556-5583 of their granddaughter, Lisa. 294-2134 The work of the welfare committee, made up of the chairman and each member of the lodge 556-5583 willing to report changes in the 34I-3272 lives of the members, Is one of 342-2076 the few completely unpolitical 34I-7202 activities in the lodge. We might be compared with 45I-I399 346-3779 the Bureau of. Vital Statistics, 55I-0605 except that we take more than 294-2134 a statistical interest, in those 556-J0I6 who are sick, the number of our youth who are Bar or Bas Mitz55I-O326 vah, engagements, etc. 55I-0469 During the past lodge year, 553-2026 It may be Interesting to. note, we 345-3737 mailed over ,300 cards and let55I-9727 ters to families of our lodge. 342-6376 We ask your help in continu55I-0605 ing the program this year. Dr. Otto Morgenthau 294-2134 Good and Welfare Chairman 346-3779

556-0099 341-6147 341-4255 341-6697

Trustees Dr. Abs Greenberg, Honorary Trustee Earl SeTgel Ruben Lippett Harry Colick Sam Pollak Phil Kutler

NEW ISRAEL ACADEM? OF SCIENCE HEAD IS 49 Jerusalem (JTA) — Professor Aharon Katzir (Katchalsky) a 49-year-old chemist, has become president of the National Academy of Sciences. He succeeded 'the Academy's first president, Dr. Martin Buber.

This year's first meeting will be held at 8 p.m. on Wednesday Sept. 2G, in the South Room of the Sheraton - Fontenelle Hotel. For those wishing to gather for dinner, cocktails will be served at six, with dinner a half-hour later. Program chairman and first vice president Brother Lou .Sobrin said the first meeting will feature a number of reports and

New BBYO Units Brighten Outlook The outlook for BBYO activities in Omaha for the coming year are pretty bright, reports BBYO chairman Bernie Polikov. A new BBG chapter and a new AZA unit have been formed, to take up some of the 150 Jewish freshmen this year. The newest AZA chapter has already outlined Its program for the year, he reported, with caeh of the five folds Incorporated into a meeting's theme. The support this group has gotten from its membership and the parents portends of a highly active group not only in Omaha but in the region and district, he said. In other BBYO news, Earl Yalen has been named the advisor for the region, with his office located in Lincola During recent weeks, he has been attending l o c a l m e e t i n g s throughout the region, familiarizing himself with the work.

Meeting Dates | Sept. 26—Budget prosentation, Boys' State roport, awardi, gin tourney.

i | f |

Oct. 31—Civil Defense.


Nov. 28—Annual Sports 'i award. .• t Dec. 30—Surpriso speak- i er. | Feb.

20—A. D. L. Night. I

Mar. 27—Brotherhood . \ April 24 — Annual Youth fi Night. % May 22—Election of Of- | ficers. Juno 15—Installation of | off icon. Unless othorwiso announced, all meetings 'will begin at 8 p.m. For those desiring to participate in an informal social hour and' dinner bofore tho mooting, arrangomsnts w i l l bo m o d e by tho program | chairman, " ' Reservations for the mooting or tho early social hour may bo made through B e r t Ronder, S56-9344; Gorhord Spies, 553-691S, or Lou Sobrin, 393-4440.

presentations, topped off by a gin tourney with prizes for the champion and second, third and fourth places. The lodge budget for the coming year will be presented for approval by the general membership. Members will also hear Steve Marcus' report on Boy's State, which he attended under the Monsky. lodge sponsorship, and Dr. Leon Fellman and Bob Feinberg will be pre. scntcd their awards from District 6. Sherri Koom and Steve Boguchwal, regional BBYO presidents, are also expected to relate what they learned at tho recent national c o n v e n t i o n , which they attended.

Membership Drive Chairman Speaks From Lou Sobrin, recently named chairman of the Greater Omaha B'Nai B'rith Membership Drive comes this message: B'Nai B'rith continues to cook with gas. If we continue to "hock you a chanick", it is because we love the work we do and think that you should too, Midst the strife nnd turmoil of a troubled world, confronted with anti-thi.3 and antl-Uiat, B'nai B'rith shines through as a tolling giant taking gargantuan strides forward in the cause of human rights. Sometimes the giant succeeds, sometimes he does not; but ho always leaves his mark. All too often the lack of success is due to a shortage of funds, a shortage of members or a shortage of dedicated workers. Where do you stand? Are you a member? If you nre, are you active? Are your dues paid up to date? If you aren't a member, will you let us tell you why you should be one? Inactive members who would like to become active should come to a meeting and declare themselves. There Is much to be done. May we count on you?

Sports Nife Fare Being Organized President Bert Render has predicted an outstanding Sports Night-program for the November 28 meeting. With the assistance of Roy Feltman, sports night chairman, and Jay Stoller, the evening's co-chairman, preparations aro reportedly well underway. As last year, the award will be presented to the outstanding Omaha high school athlete, selected by the. coaches, on tha basis of his a t h l e t i c ability, sportsmanship, scholastic standing and other activities. Current plans include having a member of the St. Louis Cardinal baseball team as tho honor guest to made the presentation. .'."!:• More will be announced' in later issues of the Brevities.

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