V«l XI,—N». 1
Ontall.'i, .
Vcnr's Edition—Itosh Ilasliun I'rida.v, Sepliiulicr B8, J0IJ2
wince I'.ilil Sincli- fnpy 10 Cent* Nehr. Annum l:«u- 1
Services for Rosh Hashanah Cuiullcligliting Friday. Sept. 211 - .1:25 p.m.
Beih El Ity KKNNST A. NOfJCJ President of'(lie Jewish, Federation of Omaha The unique and characteristic nature of our .Jewish Federation of Omaha, is that through its widespread• programs and activities it serves Ihe-entire Jewish community. Throughout 59 years of existence, the Federation has hppii a symbol of cooperation •ind solidarity in our community.
I'riday, Seplemlier '.!H I.ate Kvening Services II; IS p.m. Saturday, September :!!! Morning Services . . . 11:00 a.m. Youth Services . . . . J 1.(10 a.m. MinchManriv Serv. . . 5:4!i p.m. Sunday, September lid Morning Services . .. !l;0(l a.m. Youth Services . . . . J 1:00 a.m. M'lich'Maariv Serv. .. fi:l.r> p.m.
Beth Israel Friday. Seplemlier 'in livening Services . . i;:0ll p in. Saliirtlay, Septemher '.'.'.) Morning Services . . . 7::i(l a.m. .Sermon io:00 a.m. Junior Congregation 10::!() a.m. Even in;.', Services . . . 0.00 p.m. .Sunday. September :!() Morning Services . . . 7:::o a.m. Sermon 10:0(1 a.m. Junior-Congregation 10::!0 a.m. Evening Services . . . G:0() p.m.
Whether if be activities for the young and old, care for- the aged, programs for individual welfare, camping, or. Jewish education — all these f u n c t i o n s are performed by the Federation for the community. Combine Forces And in unison with organized Jewish groups in Omaha, we consolidate our forces in our annual United Jewish Campaign, the Jewish Philanthropies, to provide Omaha's share for local, national overseas, and Israel needs. There are many-more avenues for joint programming whicli enable Ihe Federation to maintain the tradition and repuatiou of a "Jewish Community Geared for Service." We are therefore, proud of the community harmony and! unity sustained in Omaha.
B'ncii Jacob Adas Yesfouron Friilny. Septemher ::K Kvening Services . . <>:()() p.m. Saturday, .Scjilemlier .'i!> Morning Services . .. 7::iO a.m. Evening Services . . . (i:()(l p.m. Sunday, September :',0 Morning Services . .. 7::!0 a.m. Evenini; Services . . . 0:00 p.m.
Temple Israel
Friday, September 'IS Evening .Services . . . B:l.r> p.m. Saturday, September 2!l Morning Services .. 10:00 a.m. Children Services . . . .'!:lio p.m. For Kindergarten-Fourth Grade
B'nai Israel Of Council Bluffs Friday, September 28 Evening Services . . . 0:00 p.m. Saturday, .September ."ill Morning Services . . . 11:00 a.m. Evening Services . . . (i:0(l p.m. Sunday, September :i(» Morning Services . . . 11:00 a.m.
Young Adults Inlerestod The lay leadership on our many committees and boards are proof Ihat the Federation is the concern of many persons. We are especially proud of our young adults w ho are sharing in our community work with remarkable skill, and arc preparing leadership, by being participants in community, labors. We hope that in the years lo come, the Jewish Federation may grow from strength, to strength and that, our common heritage for comon goals and achievements, munity living — the Jewish It calls for a leaffirmalion Federation — shall continue .of the willingness to sacrifice to function on a most pro—Ihal there may he righlc- ductive level for the benefit of us all. ousness for all mankind. As we enter a New Year, "Never was Hie desire for I would like to extend to'tho genuine u n d c r s t a n d i n g members of our community, among the nations of the on behalf of Ihe Jewish Fedworld stronger than today. eration boards and CommitThe danger of ultimate dis- tees, our very best wishes asler increases the urgency for a happy New Year. May it be a Year of Joy, and n e e d for a common cause of peace. Our govern- Satisfaction, Health and Uniment must lead the way to- versal Peace. ward relief from oppression, hunger and despair so that •IKWISH TAMO N D A R all may share in the age-old I t o s l l IlaHllMllllll . ..i •iept. 20 .10 vision of a good and righteVimi Ki|i|iiir . . . . . . Oet 8 ous life. NiiliUnt Oel. 1,1. 14 "I know that all AmeriHllininl A t / . e r e t . . . . . O i l . 20 cans join with me in this ...Oel. 21 message of good will." Dee, 22- 29 John F. Kennedy
5723 Holiday ©reefings The 1!«i2-"i7a:i New Year edi- called up for draft since 1043, tion of the.Jewish Press is dedi- 2.720,000—more than 40 per cent cated to the all around youth fit- were turned down for service—• ness program m a i n t a i n e d most of them because of physithrough tlic efforts of die Jewish cal deficiencies. federation of Omaha. The toughening of youth workFor more than four decades, ing out or taking part in recreathe Jewish Community Center tional activities is evidenced by has been the locale of physical the increasing number of young education and sports programs, persons registering for volleycultural projects including its ball, b a s k e t b a l l , gymnastics, nationally known librnry mid fencing, swimming, tennis and other endeavors in keeping with numerous classes. A Hall of the times. The family and youth Fame for athletes, adds new services areas, indoor and out- names to its roster at a special door camping, are all part of event annually. In some cases, the total picture to furnish youth its rolls are marked - J>y the of the community with a com- achievements of two and tinea plete youth fitness program. generations of Omahana. . Fill Need Classes for All Classes emphasizing various Presidents,, s t a t e s m e n and 'sports leaders all have been aspects of cultural programs are 'striving to answer the need for expanding each season. They offitness • among teenagers, con- fer to the youth of the communisidered essential in building a ty almost anything in whicli they strong nation. Statistics reveal are interested from stamp 'col.-(Continued on Page A.) that of the G,.'!!)0,000 young men
Washington (J'I'A)— Prosidenf John V. Kennedy issued t lirough 1 he J e w i s li Telegraphic Agency (he following Rosh II a s ha n all greetings: "On the occasion of Rosh Hashanah and 1 lip.'period of the Jewish High Holy Days, I welcome the .opportunity to extend to all our fellow Americans of the J e w i s h faith my warm greetings and b e s t wishes for the new year. "In this solemn period you ' are called upon 1o rededicafe yourselves anew to the faith, the values, the ideals, and the teachings that h a v o 'stood the stern test: of time in your heritage. It is a time for a personal and spiritual inventory and for reflection
Fage Tivo
New Year's Edition — T11E JEWISH PKESS —Itosh Haslianah
Friday, September 28, HMS2
Pictures in the Mews
co-icii ucm
Situated on a hilltop at Kfar .Sliinaryahu, nine miles north of Tel Aviv in Israel is the new Neve Aviv Club, a combination of hotel, club and home. Facilities of the studio apartments include private bath, foil Kosher board, comprehensive medical and health care, telephone service, maid service, recreational, social and religious programs, and an opportunity to Learn Hebrew through the famous Ulpan system.
Historic photograph above, from national archives, shows a High Holy Day service for Jewish troops conducted in the YMCA hot at Chaumont, France in 1918 by the national Jewish Welfare Board. Below, the Jewish chaplain with the VS. Army in Verdun, France shows a group of today's French Jewish youngsters, same shofar used for their parents and American GIs in the community synagogue. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Jewish military chaplaincy, celebrating the signing of a law by President Lincoln which first permitted rabbis to serve as Jewish chaplains.
A typical Negev desert spot converted into an experimental grove for citrus fruits.
Th« «u»*orn e* foihflfch, observed on |K« Jfiri
at Path Haihonoh. It bound tin a veito In K ; "'." . « j f a!J ihtir jlm Into ttm dej>th» at Ih* ICKI." TWI Bfrw <ord periroyt lh« itretrony in a Pp)lsh
Welcoming the New Year, the congregation of GIs and their dependents In Korea taKe part in the traditional observance ol Rosh Hashanah. For Jewish men and women with the U . S . Armed Services in every corner of the world, the Jewish chaplain recruited, endorsed and served by the National Jewish Welfare Board (JWB) provides religious activities throughout the year.
An Israeli engineer is shown in front of a latticed steel derrick at one of (he six natural gas wells which have been brought in west of the Dead Sea in the Zoliar fields. Shawn is an Israeli mill worker. Israeli fashions created out of cotton cloth grown and woven in Israel have met with success in world iashion centers.
HARVESTING FOR THE NEW YEAR...F«rm«.<m«a immigrant srillcment in Israel gather a bountiful harvest vitU lite aid oC inodern machinery. TliU eeulement is one of over 400 estsblishcil vriilt the aid of programs made posnible by American Jews through the United Jewish Appeal. More than 130,000 immigrant* ore ««ttl'«l on these farnu?, most of which roust operate far under eapadt^for lack of ritally needed equipment, irrigation, livestock and other neceuitie*. More than 160,000 ©jicr ncwconiera to Israel depend upon UJA for housing, meilieal cure, •octal servicea, education and vocational training. Through its constituent agencies the United Israel Appeal, the Joint Distribution Committee: and flie New York Association for New American!, the UnittJ Jewish Appeal K\in immigrants in Israel, Jew* In need in 24 other countries «nd new* Vomers to the United States, serving 600,000 men, women and children Siho must be helped in 5721. -
In dew Desert Town A car bringing the first permanent settlers to the development town of Arad in Israel's Ncgevi The car traveled on the unfinished road bed of the new road, 16 miles long, which will link Arad to the Dead Seat p o t a s h works at S'dom. The plant is expected to hire 1,000 additional workers by the end of the year.
(Photo above). Six outstanding Israeli welfare specialists jnd educators, recipients of scholarships to US. schools through the national Council of Jewish Women overseas scholarships arc shown being welcomed by Mrs. Charles Ifymcs, the national president of the Women's Organization. The students, their titles and universities arc: (1. to r.) Avner Amid, neighborhood centers supervisor, Jerusalem Welfare Department, Dina Karlin, assistant chief social worker, Division of Chronic Diseases, Ministry of Health, Tel Aviv—both Western Reserve University, Cleveland, O.; Arfch Navch, Teacher's Seminary faculty member, Nathal; MlrJam Schmida, secondary school principal, Tel Aviv. Frances Bernstein, welfare program co-ordinator, Ministry of Social Welfare— Columbia University and Mordccai Rozin, Prison. Service, social workers supervisor, Tel Aviv—Tulane, University, New Orleans,
Friday, September tS, 19fi2
Now year's Edition — THE JEWISH PKKS.S — Kosh Hushanah C72J
A Physically Fit America..., 'The s t r e n g t h of our democracy is no •greater than the collective well-being of our
effort to build the strength of the rising generation.
people" . . . President Kennedy. These presidential words on physical fit-
The development of strong, healthy bodies,
ness of youth are recalled during the season of
through activities, is one of the ever-expanding
reflection with the greeting of the Jewish New
operations of the Jewish Community Center of
Year 5723.
Abraham A. Ribicoff, former Secretary of
In step with the national concept of this
Health, Education and Welfare, stressed the
goal, a 12-month program, indoors and out-
Subject at every opportunity. His plan on body
doors, is maintained by the Center to stimulate
building, drafted by President Kennedy's speciat
interest in athletic pursuits.
consultant on Youth Fitness, aims at converting the talk of soft America into the reality of a strong America.
Its objective is to have for youth, as expressed by the President of the United States< "a program which will enable them to build th»
Mr. Eisenhower, too, appointed a special White House Committee on Youth Fitness in his
• •
i • ' » I ,
energy and strength that h their American Heritage."
sr New Tear'* Edition
Youth Fitness
Jlje femisl) $resa Published weekly on Friday beginning the last wcok in August Seccid Clais Postage Paid at Oimiha, Ncbr. Annual Subscription J4 00. Advertising Rolei on Apellrallon. Publlcotlon Office-101 No. Will i'rect, Omaha, licbr., 342 13i4.
Rosh World's Today we say, not only Happy Now Wai- but Happy Birthday to Ilic world. According 1o Jewish tradition, the earth this year will be 5723 years old. (If you think you aio wU'mx old, this shoulrl cheer you up.) The world is old enough to know better, hut as we look about and see (lie nations involved in building buffer and bigger means of destruction, we can wonder if age really brings wisdom. However, it was not unforeseen in Hie beginning. Then God first proposed the creation of Ihe earth and man, says (he Agada, Peace and Truth sirenuously urged against it bui Mercy and Kindness asked God to create the world. Some of the angels also were opposed to the creation of man. They were not without envy created like them in Hie Divine image and possessed even of an advantage over angels s i n c e man was endowed with reproductive power which the angels did not share. But God decided, say the r a b b i s , to go ahead rind make man, since ci eat ion had been confined to heaven and earth and man would offer something new, a fusion of both heaven and earth. Each of the letters of the alphabet pleaded that ri cation might begin with it. The letter Resh or R pointed out that Ecsh means beginning, so it was most appropriate but God noted that it is also found in the word, rasha,
THE JEWISH I'KKSS — RuUi Uasluuiab 6723
(Continued from Page ).) lecting to charm school for girls, music, discussion groups, famous s p e a k e r s , and other courses to aid them in their preparation for future capable citizenslu'p. The youth counseling service has aided many young boys and girls "over the hurdles" of teena;;e problems. Many community leaders have emerged from the ranks of the Jewish Youth Council, an orfianization composed of representatives of J e w i s h youth groups. There young men and women of high school years, combine their effort1] in the Interest of the general conununily goals. Pages in this special edition are dedicated to the local prograin and to the general importance of fitness in various areas, including a biblical example with the prayer for a psysically and mentally strong nation.
meaning wicked, so it was out. The letter Tsailik pointed out that it had the connotation of righteous and was therefore fit, but (foil noted that, the word Zores meaning troubles also begins'with that, letter. Finally God decided that creation should begin with Italh, the .second letter of the alphabet, for it is found in the word llarucli, m e a n i n g blessed. So the Torah begins with the letter Jtctli, BeresIiilJi, meaning in the beginning. LIIIK/UIVS JEWISH SECTION When God said, Ix>t the HAS MANY KAU13 MANUSCKI earth and water be, both of London (JTA) — There are these e l e m e n t s tried to more than 50,000 books, and .stretch themselves out ad in- many rare, valuable manufinitum until God called a scripts in the Jewish section of the Saltikov-Shchcdrin Library, halt. according to a report by the Seven heavens were cre- Soviet agency "Novosti," ated, requiring fiOO years to receivednews here. The collection ingo from one heaven to the cludes works by Jewish authors other. In the top or seventh during the Spanish-Arabic peheaven are kept the souls of riod, dating back to the era bethe pious and the reposito- tween the Tenth and Thirteenth ries of peace and bliss. Centuries.. The land of Israel was placed in the center of the stroyed one man, it is as earth and Jerusalem in the though a whole world wore center of the land of Israel destroyed. ;ind the site of the Temple in Hut Adam was lonely, so the center of Jerusalem. Eve was created, to give him Adam was made of dust company. gathered from all parts of According to the rabbis, the earth, says the Agada, so that no area of geography when she was fashioned, slitcould vaunt any s p e c i a l was a pretty young woman of twenty, so Adam didn't pride. Likewise Adam was cre- have to wait for a date. And God looked upon the ated last, so that if man tried to boast of the ancicntness world and said, It is good. of his lineage, even the insigIf there are still troubles, nificant gnat, could boast of there is no reason to despair. a longer lineage. Remember the f i r s t 5728 Adam was created alone, years are the hardest to teach us that if one do(JTA)
Friday, September 28, li»C2
100 LEFT IN OHANT Paris (WNS)—Of the 30,000 Jews who lived in the Algerian city of Or an, only 100 are now left.
FOREST PLANTED IN NAME OF VICE-I'KESIDHNT Lyndon B. Johnson, the VicePresident, recently had a forest in Israel planted in his name.
Best Wishes for a
Edwin, Harold, Edward and Pete Brodkey
AMES PLAZA BANK G9*h end Ames Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
P I:
T. J. CASEY tfi Especially Petei Pan's
I i I
Friday, Sqid-mbcr S8, IOCS
New Te.uft
Kdltlon — TIIK JKVVIMII PICKSS — TCosh Hiwlianah
The Pcdmack+W Strength . . . from the Spirit
A dual rol« — they trained and they worked the toil.
"For the builders, everyone had his sword girded by his side, and so builded." (Nehemiah4, 16-8).
A large proportion of Palmach members lost their lives in action during the War of L i b e r a t i o n . When Israel's independence was declared,
Like their forebearers of biblical days, the heroic members of the Pal-
the few remaining helped with the formation of the nation's defense forces.
mach played a dual role in modern times. They were the shock troops of
j! i
The fitness and endurance of this
Israel's defense forces before her es-
gallant group owes much to a valiant
tablishment as a nation and carried
spirit. Their efforts went far beyond
out missions of incredible daring.
simple heroism.
Organized in 1941, they devoted half their time to agricultural labor and half to m i l i t a r y training. They g u a r d e d the settlements and highways.
Their memory inspired the youth of Israel with self-respect, moral values, an attachment to the Jewish heritage, love of country and a historic ideal.
i • i
'ns New Vear'i Edition — THE JEWISH FKESS —Kosh HaihanaU 6723
Page Six
Community Organizations Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs Purpose: To cooperate with the Jewish Federation of Omaha in carrying out its community-wide functions. To participate as a unit in any city-wide Jewish cause. To represent the Jewish women of Omaha in the communityat-large. It being understood that any such effort be" not performed on the Sabbath or any Jewish Holy Day, except in a case of emergency. To promote inter-club friendliness, understanding and good will in the Jewish community. To discuss group activities and objectives, thereby gaining better understanding of each other's programs. To maintain a calendar to prevent conflict in program activities. President: Mrs. Harry Sidnian First Vice-President: Mrs. Dave Colin Second Vice-president: Mrs. Abe C. Fellman Secretary: Mrs. Harry Trustin
and art, alleviating the wants of the poor, needy and sick and coming to the rescue of victims of persecution.
Cornfmsker No. 1760 President: Bernard E. Greenberg Second Vice-President: Harold Novak Third Vice-President: Hugo Kahn Corresponding Secretary; Michael Erman Recording Secretary: Dr. Murry K. Simon Financial Secretary: Josef Mayer Treasurer: Kenneth P. VVeiner Warden: Martin M. Kolnick Guardian: Richard Martin Chaplain: Edward Stein Trustees: Alvin Abramson, Elliot Brown, Willis Epstein
Henry Monsky No. 354
President: Bert Render First Vice-President: Lou Sobrin Second Vice-President: Dr. Sol Kutler Third Vice-President: Dean Frankel B'nai Abraham Financial Secretary: Moe F. Kagan Lodge Recording Secretary:! Purpose: Cemetery operation Gerhard Spies and maintenance. Treasurer: President: Nathan Turner Max Sacks Warden: First Vice-President: Charles Morgenthau Sam Canar Guardian: Secretary: Lee Maltenfort David Flanchek Chaplain: Trustees: Dr. Benton Kutler Ben Gorelick Sam Frank Chapters Sol Martin
B'nai B'rith
Henry Monsky No. 470
Purpose: Uniting persons of the Jewish faith in the work of promoting its highest interest Purpose: To help unite persons and those of humanity through of the Jewish faith in the work philanthropic, h u m a n itarian of promoting their highest inand patriotic endeavors. terest and those of humanity, President: by inculcating the principles Mrs. Harvey Gershien of philanthropy, honor and pa- First Vice President: triotism, of supporting science Mrs. Bernard Goldstrom
Second VicePresident: Mrs. Del Klein Treasurer: Mrs. Sam Shykea Dues Secretary: Mrs. Rose Garrop Financial Secretary: Mrs. Gertrude Zneimer Recording Secretary: Mrs. Abe Bear Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Gibert Aronoff Historian: Mrs. Barney Kaufman Sentinel: Mrs. Abe Ginsburg Guardian: Mrs. Frank Sekar Monitress: Mrs. Meyer Kaplan Trustees: Mrs. Richard Wright, Mrs. Bernard Siegler, Mrs. Dave Epstein
Friday, September 28, 1902
Simeon Motot, B fifteenth century Italian-Jewish mathematician, wrote most o! hia mathematical works in Hebrew. 01 the
Cornhusker No. 1032 President: Mrs. Seymour Abrams Vice-Presidents: Mines. Stewart Kahn, Allen Siegel, Meyer Halprin Recording Secretary: Mrs. Sam Fried Corresponding Secretary: Mrs, Martin Korman Financial Secretary: Mrs. Gene Osheroif Treasurer: Mrs. Maurice Schwartz • Historian: Mrs. Wyman White Sentinel: Mrs. Harry Alloy Guardian: Mrs. M. I. Greenspan Trustees: Mines. Arthur Walker, Harold Goodman, Charles Fredkin
two existing manuscripts of his, ono deals with algebra and the other discusses asymptotes or certain conical curves. (JTA)
Bikur Cholim Society Purpose: Supporting hospital at Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged, visitation to Lincoln Hospital, gifts to the Beatrice Hospital, private medication and general help to the needy. President: Mrs. Jake Wine First Vice-President: Mrs. Morris White (Continued on Page 8)
Auburn, Nebr. Chadron, Nebr. Crawford, Nebr. Gordon, Nebr. Grand Island, Nebr. Hastings, Nebr. Hay Springs, Nebr. Holdrege, Nebr. Lincoln, Nobr. McCook, Nebr. Norfolk, Nobr. North Platte, Nebr. Omahd, Nebr. Dos Moinos, Iowa Fort Dodge, Iowa
Sioux City, Iowa Belle Fourche, S. D. Chamberlain, S. D. Cutter, S.'D. Dcadwood, S. D. Edgemont, S. D. Hot Springs, S. D. Kadoka, S. D. Lake Andes, S. D. Murdo.S. D. Newell, S. D. Pierre, S. D. Sioux Falls, S. D. Wall, S. D. Yankton, S..D.
featuring 24-HOUR COFFEE COURT HAWAIIAN ROOM—Superb Cantonese Food, Polynesian Beverages, and Dancing Delicious Steaks Designed to Fit Your Appetite Poolside Dancing Every Friday and Saturday
Sunday Brunch Noon Till 8:30 P.M.
tt, uez
New rear's KdiUan—THE «WISH HMSS—Uosfa riashanah 6723
"Not by Might, nor by Power, but by my spirit saith the Lord"
Vivid in biblical history is the story of David the warrior. The indomitable spirit of a young shepherd lad who saved King Saul's armies with a slingshot represents the type of strength just as much admired today as in yesteryears. Every Sunday School youngster is familiar with this biblical hero, who u n d a u n t e d by the mighty Goliath's taunts slew the Philistine giant with a single stone from his slingshot.
David, who also is remembered as the "sweet singer of Israel," was first acclaimed when brought to court to soothe the depressed King Saul with his music. The much loved David became the second king of Israel. He defeated the Philistines so soundly, they were not heard of again for centuries. The fearless quality of David's spiritual strength in his encounter with Goliath will always stir the imagination of authors, poets, composers and artists.
t\\0\ \A 3OHOC1
New Year's Edition—TUB
PICKSS — lUifch Jliislianali
Community Organizations Honorary President: Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofiky President: Mrs. Sam Katzinan Vice-Presidents: Mmes. Morris C. Fellman, Ted Sanford, Henry L. Stern. Nate Marcus. A. C. Felhnan, Meyer Rosenbaum, Max Lashiasky. Treasurer: Mrs. Nathan Turner Financial Secretary: Mrs. lni Whitebuqk Recording Secretary: Mrs. Manny Kreilstein
(Continui'il from Page v7 Second Viee-PresiMcnl: Mrs. Fred Halm Recording Secretary: Mrs. Sam Manvitz Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Sam Fried * Financial Secretary: Mrs. William Epstein Treasurer: Mrs. Sylvia Ross Federation Women: Mrs. 1. (irunswe.itf
Brandeis Univ. Purpose: To maintain and supply books lur the library at Brandeis University in W;i1lli;mi, Mass. Honorary President.: Mrs. ljymnil Ferer Honorary Directors: Mines." Bcrnhardl Wolf, M. A. Bercovici Fresidentr' Mrs. Myron II. Milder Vice-Presidents: Mines. Charles Iiosenstock, : Warren Frolinian. LcoEisenstalt, Sam Wolf Treasurer: Mrs. David Feder Dues Secretary: Mrs. Henry Newman Recording Secretary: Mrs. Sidney Taren Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Manfred Kreitstein Beard of Directors: Mmes. Fred Bramson. Lou L e w i s . Jerome Milder. Abe Greenberg, Harry Rochnian,Howard Kranlz. E d w a r d Green. M i 1 la r d Rosenberg, Ajon F'arber. A. C. Fellinan
Hadassah I'urposr: Hadassah fosters Zionist and Jewish ideals through education in America. At the same time in Israel it strives lo restore health, further h e a l t h education, establish medical standards and prevent disease.
.Mrs. Sarah Okun Chairman: Max Riezbaum Vice-Chairman: Carl Rosenberg Poale Zion Secretary: Harry Rifkin National Fund Chairman:' Benjamin Klaiimm Recording Secretary: Sam Rifkin Financial and Corresponding Secretary: Joseph Radinowski Treasurer: Louis Friedman
Jerome Grossman Burgeon: Dr. J. M. Margolin Historian: Morris Levin SergcnntntArms: Max Belgrade Service Officer: Isadore Lewis Trustees: Norman Ball, Yale Halperin, Max Kannef
Landsman, Faye Gruinsweig mid Harry Paskowitz. Advisor: Mrs. Benjamin Groner Federation Women: Mrs. Ben Handler
National Council of Jewish Women
Purpose: Dedicated to the wellbeing ot Jews and their neighbors of all faiths, in America and in Israel. Through a program of service, of education, and of social action, Council Men stimulates the individual and 1'urposr: Seeks to rebuild Israel the community to advance, the as a Jewish commonwealth in Democratic way of life. the spirit of traditional Judaism and to strengthen or- President: Mrs. Robert II. Levine thodox Judaism in the DiasVice-Presidents: pora. Mines. E d w a r d Mnlaslioc.k, President: Justin M a it v i I /„ Herbert _ Rabbi M. M. Polinkoff Purpose: To raise money for IsMoiches. Hubert Rosenljlinn, Secretary and Treasurer: rael, Study and participation President: Stanley Katelman. Eli Bittner in American and Zionist pub- Milton Livingston Honorary President: Women lic alfairs. Organize and par- VicePresident: Mrs. Harold Farber Kli Zalkin Purpose: Mizracbi Women's Or- Treasurer: ticipate in study groups. Secretary: ganization of America is the President: Mrs. Gerald Bernstieu Elmer Gross Orthodox branch ol the Zion- Recording Secretary: Mrs. David Becker Treasurer: ist organization. In Israel, First VicePresidenl: Mrs. Yale Richards Harry B. Cohen Mizrachi Women have more Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. I. Dansky Executive Secretary: Hum 50 projects where girls Mrs. David Fredricks Second Vice-President: Philip J. Feldnnin ore provided with homes Financial Secretaries: Miss Myrtle Freeman where they are given all the Treasurer: Mines. Sherman Sperling, Mornecessities of life. They 'arc Mrs. Harry Saltzman ris J. Shapiro and Bernard A1U provided with education, resulir. Recording Secretary: ligious and secular, from Directors: Epstein-Morgan Mrs, Abe Mo/.er grade to high school. They are Mmes. Irvin Kaiman. Louis Corresponding Secretary: Post- No. 260 , also given vocational training. Kntz, Edward Levinosn, SidMrs. Sarah Felt man l'urpose: Engages in communiPresident: ney Schwartz. Harl Weiss and Financial Secretary: ty relations work lo create a Mrs. M. M. Poliakoff J. M. Horwich Miss Lee Greenberg better understanding of and Vice-Piesidents: Parliamentarian: Parliamentarian: climate for freedom and tolerMines. Morris J. Franklin, Mrs. Phil Schwartz Mrs. Lloyd Fricdnifsn ance in the United States: asAbe Fisher Federation Women: sists needy veterans and their Recording Secretary: Mrs. Louis Sogo'ow • families. Mrs. Ben Handler Commander: Financial Secretary: Sam Fleisher Mrs. Harry Lewis Sr. Vice-Commander; Corresponding Secretary: Max Kanner Mrs. Frank Sekar Purpose: Serves as the central Jr. Vice-Commander: • Treasurer and JNF Treas: body for all Zionist organizaMarvin Kaplan Miss Kalah Franklin tions or groups lo help dePurpose: To strengthen Jewish Adjutant: JNF Box Collections: velop a climate of public opincultural life, to help the State Abe S. Miller Mrs. Herman Franklin ion favorable to Israel and its ol Israel financially and po- Quartermaster: Board: political and economic aspirlitically, to participate in all Nate Marcus Mines. Max Arhitman, Bessie ations. movements which help to Chaplain: Bchn, A. Lipsman. Hyinnn President: build a belter world. Hubert Knl Ionian Fried, Ruth Ackerman, M. Robert M. Feinbcrf.; Judge Advocate: Honorary Traub, A. Slutsky. S a r a h • Continued on Page 10)
Business and Professional
Country Club
Jewish War
Fcgrbesnd Labor Zionist Order, Bremen 54 and PcaSe Zion
Omaha Zionist Council
From Woodmen of ihe World . . . a non-denominational fraternal benefit society . . . best v/ishes for health, prosperity, and peace in the coming year. Woodmen of the World, "The Family Fraternity'*," is pleased to have many hundreds of Jewish men, women, and children in its membership. They [oin with the members of _all faiths to extend New Year's greetings to the Jewish people. "I
t t t
H0»^C OFFICE; 170B Farnmn Slr««t I
ffrfday, September 88, 1968
Netr Vearti Edition—THE JEWISH
P B E S S — Kosli Hjtshanah
Tomorrow's Heritage i?
Architect's Drawing of Camp Building
Campings the all-around fitness program
Situated in a picturesque area near Louis-
sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Omaha
ville, N e b r a s k a , the 183-acre camp tract is
for nearly three decades, to give our communi-
abundant in trees and natural beauty.
. ty and c o u n t r y strong, healthy citizens, approaches a new milestone.
The year of 1963 will celebrate Jhe opening of the Esther K. Newman camp by the Jewish Federation of Omaha.
The camp .was named in memory of the late Esther K. Newman who was always interested in children and their a c t i v i t i e s . This Omahan was an outstanding leader in Jewish and general community affairs. t i :••
Esther K. Newman
In 1940, she was chairman of the Women's Division of the Jewish Philanthropies. Amid the pleasant and wide scope of acThe camp will have permanent and com-
tivities, the new camp will equip y o u n g s t e r s
plete facilities, with provisions for future ex-
with a firm foundation to uphold their heritage
pansion and development.
of solid citizenship.
«-*•• a - "
Friday, SPjilemlior 28, 1002
New Year's KdHlcin — TIFK JKWISH HIKSS — Rcisli Hashanah 6723
I*age Ten
Community Organizations (Continued from Page if) Vice-President: Joseph Radinowski Secretary: Mrs. Meyer N. Hubin Treasurer: Joseph Horn.stem
Pioneer Women Purpose: Concerned with the development of Israel, Knyaged in training and educating, men. women and children from all parts of the world to become productive" citizens of Israel. Establishes and maintains children's nurseries, agricultural and vocational schools. President: Mrs. Milton NVarcnuerg Recording Secretary: Mrs. H. Fried Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Sam Rilkin Financial Secretary Mrs. Rose Schwartz Treasurer: : Mrs. Harry Shra;;o Board: : Mines. S. Okun. Morris Ep: stein, Jake Kaplan. Sam Richman. Isadore Forbes and lienjamin Klaiman. Federation Women: Mrs. Rose Schwartz
Moses Ben Jacob of Coney, a thirteenth century French Tallasting live to nine months, will mudist and author of (he wellbe run on an experimental basis lor tfiree years. They will learn known Hamitvot Uagadol, una trade for lire days a week, dertook an extensive tour of under constant medical .super- Jewish communities in Spain he worked to counteract vision, and the Ministry of So- where desertions from the practice of cial Welfare will afterwards find the Jewish faith iii the wake of work for them in suitable types the growing philosophical raof occupation. tionalism of the time. (JTA)
Israel to Train Heart Patients for Farming Israel—-The Ministry of Social Welfare is now considering a revolutionary pUu) to rehabilitate heart patients by having them work in agriculture. There are many people in Israel with various kinds of heart conditions who are exaggeratedly cautious and avoid any physical effort whatsoever. As a result in many instances the family disintegrates or becomes a charge on the social vellare authorities and institutions. It has recently been suggested that the best way to deal with or prevent certain heart ailments is physical activity, although each case must he dealt with .separately. The Ministry of Social Welfare has decided to test this hypothesis. The plan has received the Jinancial backing of the American Government. Courses for heart sufferers.
JOINT PKOGRAM ON JOBS FOR I)ISABI<i;i> New York (JTA) -The Federation of Jewifih Philanthropies announced plans for a joint program with federal and stale agencies to demonstrate how local communities can provide job opportunities for disabled persons over GO who want or need work.
and a Year of Prosperity I.'H. WEINER
d\ti.tainanl 19th end Fornam
Workman Circle Purpose: Benevolent aid: allied with labor movement: educational, cultural and humanitarian activities.
Midwest District Chairman: Louis VVitkin Secretary: Morris Goodman Treasurer: Max Crounse
Ladies Auxiliary Chairman: Mrs Loins VVitkin Treasurei Mrs S Schwartz Stci(tar> Mrs S' If Binder Ft deration Women: Mis S II Hinder
A. B. Gendler rr.g.~n hv Gendler H. tee Gendler
and your
Workman's Loan Association President Isadore Abramson Vice President: Philip H Miller Treasurer Hyman S Guss Fecretarv Harry Staenberg Board Directors: Nathan Belzer, Sam Bloom. Isaac Dloogoff. Ben Linden-. baum. Ailhur Meyerson. Milton Resnick. Harry Richlin. President Mrs. Benjamin Groner Vice-President: Mrs Sheldon Coren Eecretaiy and Registrar: Mis. Z Segal Treasmer Mrs. M. Landsman ARGENTINA HONORS JKWISH NOISIX I'ICIZK WINNKK BUENOS AIRES (JTA)-Dr. Boris Chain, Jewish biochemist, who received a Nobel Pnye in 1*115 for discovering Penicillin was honored recently by the Buenos Aires University. He is art honorary fellow of the Weizmarin Institute.
Andy's Service 48th and Dodge
Hodges Service
Orchard's Service
17th «nd C a l l
46th and MililAry
Phillips Service
Independent Service
45»h and Bedford
I9th «nd Amu
Center Service
Jiffy Car Wash
82nci end Center
47th «nd the Radial
Clare & Bud's Service
Kardell's Service
30th end Bauman
72nd «nd Dcdg*
Country Club Service
Kavalec's Service
1515 No. Saddle Create
Park Avt. at Woclwohh
lOlh and Avc, B Co. Bluff»
Detty's Service
Kellogg's Service
Westerfield's Service
5 I if and Center
24(h <ind M«pl«
Fctrnctm Car Wash
Koch's Service
25th And Fmnam
13th *nd Dcrcat
Frost Service
Swanson Service
20<h <nd Nicholas
24th «nd Himtfceugh
Burley's Service
13fh and Nichobs S i Distributors of Phillips 66 Petroleum Products Tires—Batteries—-Accessories
30»h and Davenport
Shield's Service 7?nd and Glondo
Skylark Service I J 9th and Pacific
Speedway Service
1801 MiliUry
Wilder's Service i f i t end Ames
River Club Marina 2000 N. 25th, Eait Omaha On the Miuouri River
Friday, 28, 1963
New Tear's Edition—TIIK JKWI.SlI
l'UKK.3 — Kosh
rage e
Left to right: (seated) Israel Cadets Yigal Ophir, Dan Kahana, Shlomo Ya-lri, Alexander Radian and Nachman Alon. Standing: Col. P. J. Stavnealk* Major Simon Ash, Major Ovadia Nachman and Lt. Col. Henry J. Kafzenberger. Major Ash and Major Nachman were escorts of the visiting cadets. Col. Stavneak and Col. Katzenbergcr, Omaha, are of the Civil Air Patrol Nebraska Wing. .
Fitness, A Way of Life Across the sea is a youth organization whose extensive activities demonstrate the importance of all-around fitness in building solid citizenship. This is the Gadna, Israel's Youth Corps, ages 14-18. Sponsored by the State's Ministry of Education and Israel Defense Forces, its primary function is an educational one, with training in good citizenship and to provide a pre-military program.
In times of emergency, the youth group serves within the framework of the civil defense organization as runners, signallers and in other capacities. The Gadna program encompasses air and navy courses, work in development areas, training in agricultural schools, markmanship, participation in music concepts, • bible contests and summer camps.
The impact of the Gadna personality made a deep impression here during the summer by a seven-member Gadna air cadet delegation. They were brought to Omaha as guests of the Civil Air Patrol, Nebraska Wing, in an international exchange program. As "Junior Ambassadors," the five cadets and their two escorts won the respect and sincere admiration of new friends wherever they appeared. DOWNTOWN AND THE CROSSROADS
I,: ^a.-iv-rfV** *- TW .!>. -MIMrtCV'jy^^V"^'**
Yrar's Kditlon — THE JEWISH PRESS — lUmh IIa»banali
Those 'Who Make Their World in One Hour'... By David Schwartz There are those, says the Talmud, "who make their world in one hour." Of few people is this so true as of John Howard Payne. He was a man of considerable talents. Born s h o r t l y after the close of the American Revolution, he lived until the decade before the Civil War and he was not slothful in his life. On the contrary, he was very industrious and he began his career very early, and his beginnings were very auspicious—yet he finally made history in one hour. Delete this one hour, and history w o u l d have not remembered him at all. On his f a t h e r ' s side, he stemmed from the first Colonial settlers. His grandfather was a Jew and his mother was Sarah Isaacs. He early revealed an interest
in the arts and particularly the stage, which his father frowned upon. At the age of fourteen, he got out a little theatrical paper, called the Thespian, which attracted the attention of William Coleman, e d i t o r of the New York Post, who encouraged him in his theatrical interest, but the father of Jolin Howard was obdurate. The theatre was a thing taboo to the elder Payne and John Howard went to work in a business house. But the stage was in his heart and he became an actor, and his first years seemed to promise a glamorous career. But after a few years his popularity waned. In England, the theatre seemed to promise a greater f u t u r e . Payne went there—and stayed. While hiding from his creditors to keep out of jail, he wrote numerous p l a y s , collaborated with Washington Irving there in
the writing of others, but none were successful. In one of the plays, he wrote a song—Home, Sweet Home. The play wasn't a success, but the song began to go around the world. P a y n e came back to America like his friend Irving's "Rip Van Winkle" after twenty years. P e o p l e had forgotten about him for the most part. The famous singer, Jenny Lind, was then on a concert tour to America, and sang in Washington. Payne was there, Daniel Webster was there. A lot of the important statesmen. Jenny Lind concluded her program with a song which was a favorite of Webster. Webster arose to acknowledge it with a bow. They say he stood up with some difficulty. He had imbibed a little too much, Jenny Lind smilingly acknowledged his bow. Then Jenny Lind turned to Payne and began singing— "Mid Pleasures and Palaces,
Friday, September 28, 1902
though we may roam, Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home." The roof nearly came off from
the applause. It is said of -Home, Sweet Home has gone a r o u n d the world almost like tte Bible.
Hew lemrB§ Sreefli To Our Many Friend*
ROB IHS ON IRON & METAL..'CO. 1302 Webster Street
To Our Many Friends and Patrons We Extend Our
BEST WISHES FOR Lee Simon, Manager
A Very Happy
42nd and Center—2nd Level
Accept Our Very Best Wishes for a Most Happy and Prosperous New Year
Council Bluffs, Iowa
rt man's ESTABLISHED 1050
1105 South 24rh St. Take this opportunity to wish their meny friend* and customers a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. VISIT OUR BRANCHES AT: Brandeis Downtown and Crossroads Stores Hinky Dinky 24fb and St. Marys 50th and Underwood
36th and Q 23rd and L
Central Market
Louis Market 57th and Military
ROSS' "Serving Omaha's Finest'
Shavers Food Mart 42nd and Redman Baker's Super Markers 73rd and Maple
Ames Plaza C4th end Grovcf
FROM OMAHA'S MOST COMPLETE DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT STORE . . . On Highways 50 and 275 i n ' South Omaha!
72nd & "L"-OMAHA
New Year's Edition — TIIE JKWISII PKKSS — Kosh Hashanuh 6733
Friday, September 28, 1S02
i |
i p
n n •ra
^ r
A a 11
_ r
r l.-r
For ffis first time: a fine, light, refreshing beerv/ith flavor a man can get hold of, flavor that sets deep and good. Flavor that can stand up and be counted. You get it In this new toasted malt beer brewed by Storz. A beer brewed like nobody elso brews beer. Light, refreshing, less filling. But with plenty of good natural' beer flavor. Toasted malt does it A Storz discovery that adds to the flavor of beer without adding to the heaviness of its body. iHore and more people are frying this new toasted malt beer. And they like it They like getting more flavor in a light, refreshing beer, if that sounds good to you, you want new Storz Premium Pilsener, too. It's the only beer brewed with toasted malt Ask for it the easy way. Ask for Storz wild T/M. Get it fn bottles, cans or glass cans, in six packs or cases - - all fiavo the "Brewed with Toasted Malt" seal on them. Take new Storz home.
szsai i
eofYKWf f (*), t n n iitwiw txmtutt, OMUU. H n u u i
f -j •*.
New Tear's Edition — THE JEIVIS I
The By Itzliak Zaliari
"I didn't come to Israel to be • a standpatter," the oldtimer said. He was in Jiis late fifties, his f a c e weathered by many years of working outdoors. To the new arrivals, he seemed as Btrange and wonderful as the land itself. Saul and Dvors between them held the hands of their eightyear-old daughter. "What's a standpatter, daddy?" the little girl asked in a hushed tone, as if trying to hide her ignorance. Saul bent "down to her ear. "That's somebody who once believed in the future, but doesn't care anymore." "Will we be standpatters, daddy?" "No," he promised. They piled into the pickup trucks and d o n k e y carts. It wasn't really a road. It was an unmarked trail, hard anil rocky. They rode rattling toward the empty horizon. The oldtimer, driving the lead truck, dropped back to see how the new settlers were faring. Here and there he spoke a few words. "From a big city?" he asked Saul. "Yes . . . Vilna." "You escaped to the forest?" the oldtimer surmised. "My wife and I were among the lucky few that survived. Our daughter was born in the forest. Then, after the war, the D.P. camps." "You won't have time to think about the past here," said the oldtimer. New steelements were springing up everywhere. By the time Rosh Hashanah rolled around, Saul and Dvora felt overwhelmed by the many hardships in the new settlement They had begun to doubt their i n a d e q u a c y , doubting their dreams. In a reflective mood, the oldtimer recalled how things were when he first came to Palestine some 25 years before. Swampy land, malaria . . . Arab snipers . . . slow death and sudden death . . . nothing could destroy the pioneers . . . they became one with the land, redeeming each other. The majority stayed on the reclaimed land . . . others, like himself, moved on to other new areas to repeat the process of reclamation . . . to wrestle with new dangers and new problems. Saul listened closely. That winter, a decision was made to diversify the activities in the new settlement. From a p u r e l y agricultural set-up, it would henceforth go in for light industry as well. First the shops had to be built It was the hardest work Saul had ever done. At the end of each day) his muscles nched, his fingers had splinters and his heart was happy. When the machinery arrived and was being installed, Saul studied the lathes and drills. As a youth in Vilna, he had brought home a metal p u n c h and a screwdriver that he had made in the school's machine shop. He wasn't s u r p r i s e d , therefore, when the instructor from Tel Aviv began their training by ' h a v i n g them make a metal punch and a screwdriver. The training period lasted three weeks, after which Saul and his co-workers were able to
PltESS — Rosh Hashanah B7Z9
© O
set up production on a modest basis. The factory was expanded, production was increased end now there was a special crating section where the finished products were packed for export. Every time Saul passed this tection, where the crates were being stamped "Products of Israel," he felt like pinching himself to prove it wasn't a dream. Several years went by. Occasionally, Saul and Dvora received a letter from the oldtimer. The last letter had been from Dimonah, where a large number of immigrants were building their homes out of the stones in the area. He wrote that Golda Meir had taken part in the dedication of the school for the new community, where the new workers would be employed in the phosphate mines and processing center nearby. The oldtimer predicted that more and more people would be settled in the Negev. Saul and Dvora and t h e i r daughter, nov/ 18, celebrated their tenth anniversary in Israel. It was also a send-off party for the daughter, who was due for her two years of military
service in the i omens army corps. There wa.c a long letter from the oldtimci that day. The oldtimer \ rote that five new towns woulc soon rise in various part of tl e desert, comLining agriculture and industry, and to absorb thf rising tide of immigrants. One bf the first of these towns was Arad, in the vicinity of the Dead Sea potash works and the natural gas fields of Miar. We must realize that our future lies in the Nrgev. We cannot liide our head in the sand; we mast learn to ive on it. My doar friends, that is why I decided to go to 1 rad. But the doctors say I'm si k. They won't let me go. Saul, y know what it means to be an immigrant in a new settlement, " am not asking anytliing for m self, but only for them, the new :omers. They need an 'oldtimi like you. Please go in my lace. But remember, don't try1 to do everything for them; le them be pioneers." At dinner that ivening, Saul seemed preoccupi d, only halfhearing Dvora's o m m e n t s about the day's doi *igs. After the meal, he re-read t i e oldtimcr's
Year's Greetings
Friday, September t8, 19G2
letter. As if he were answering simply, "I'm going." theoldlimer's plea, Saul said D v o r a looked up from her
knitting. She was about to a;;k "Where?" and then she noticed the letter in Saul's hand. (JTA)
Every member of our organization joins in expressing the wish for a Happy New Year. May it bo a year bright with happiness and joy for you.
<, j
SI C if J
i; i
end Sons Harold Perelmcn Robert Perefmon
GROCERIES & MEATS 3552 Leavenworih
3 2-5390
2002 NO. 16TH ST.
Anywhere — Everywhere in Travel Service for AIR—RAIL—BUS —STEAME
Season's Greetings +o Our Many Friends of iho Jewish Faith Our Greetings and Beit Withoj for th» Blessings of Haalfb, Happiness and Prosperity in the Now Year
CO. 3213.15 Q ST.
Frank Rtnna
Since 1923
> 23
Best Wishes for
Herb and Rufh Forbes and Family
i l
September 28, W62
Edition— ZUK JKW1SH
Pago Fiftreu
from Hymie Milder and Associated Skelly Dealers Ralph's S k e l l y . . . . . . .
. 16th and Evani
Mormon Bridge ( S k e l l y } . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 t h and McKinley
Acmo Transfer C o m p a n y . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0 2 6 S. 24th St.
National Car and Home.
Bill's Sorvice (Skelly)
. . . . . 2 6 0 1 N. 24th St.
Joe Nigro Service.
Blackstono Terminal
48th and Leavenworth
Saddle Creek Skelly. . . . . . . 1402 N. Saddle Creek Rd.
Capitol Garage.
202 N. 19th St.
1502 Capitol Ave. ,.
Nth and Pacific
Otto's Service Station. . .
. . . . ,41st and " Q " Sts.
Skelly Master Service
.42nd and Grover
Paxton Auto Sorvice. ,
..14th and Harney Sts.
Cherry Garden Garage
3701 Leavenworth
Loop Parking Co
14th and Harney Sts.
Pospichal Skelly S o r v i c e . . . . . . . 19th and Missouri Ave.
Pierce & Thomas
102 E. Locust, Carter Lake, la.
Commodore Garage.
24th and Dodgo
Howard's Service Station
D & H Skelly S e r v i c e . .
,19th and Cass
Easy Parking Company 1415 Dodge St. 15th and Harney Sts., 1622 Howard St., 107 S. 18th St., 14th and Douglas Sts. and 14th and Farnam 18th St. Parking
18th and Dodge
Fairway Auto Service Hadan Auto Service
25th and " O " Sts. ,
8516 Blondo
L & H Skelly S e r v i c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,7th and Fort Sts. Louis fllis Sorvice. Joe Kosiski..
.42nd and Center Sts. ..47th and " L " Sts.
Charles Laushman
...816 Center St.
.3229 S. 24th St.
Ratner Super Service.
428 S. 24th St.
B. F. Goodrich Store. . . . . . . . . . . . 1961 St. Marys Ave. Sandy's Skelly Service
40th and Dodge Sts.
Sentinel Parking
14th and Dodge
Sandy's (Skelly)
20th and Harney
Wayne Hogg (Skelly)
38th and Farnam
Young's Service S t a t i o n . . . . .27th and St. Marys Ave. Sample-Hart.
18th and Burt
Bill's Skolly Service
38th and Ames
Haye's Skelly Service
51 st and Leavenworth
Jim Mulcahy Skolly Service.
63rd and Center
Glup's Skolly Station
48th and " L " Sts.
Mike Leemers S-S (Skelly).. ..8702 Countryside Plaza
Sandy's Skelly Service
.80th and Dodge
Meoks Rent-A-Car.
Beau Motors
Villtfno Skelly
.90th and Center Sts. 801 S. 16th St.
21st and Leavenworth
Fuel OH
Milder Oil Company Hymie Milder—President 26tfi and Dorcas
Mew Tear's Edition
Page Sixteen
Soul and Body (A Talmudic Parable) A friend conversing with Rabbi Judah asked him: "In the future world, when the soul conies before the Almighty for judgment, may it not find a plea of excuse for worldly wickedness
in saying: 'Lo, the sin Is the body's; I am now free from the body; the sins were not mine?' " Rabbi Judah answered: "Let me tell you a parable: a king had an orchard of flue figs, which he prized most highly.
America's Favorite Ice Cream
Get the Best . . . Get Sealtest!
Friday, Svpletaber 28, J0C2
THE JEWISH PRESS— Rosh Hashanah 6123
That the fruit might not be stolen or abused, lie placed two watchers in the orchard; that they themcslcves might not be tempted to partake of the fruit, he chose a blind man and n lame man." "But lo, when they were in the orchard, the lame man said to his companion: "I see fine figs, luscious and tempting. Carry me to the tree so that we both may enjoy them." So said, so done: the blind man carried the lame man, and they ate of the figs. When the king entered the orchard, he noticed at once that his finest figs were missing and he asked the watchers what had become of them. The blind man answered promptly: "I k n o w not I could not steal them. I'm blind, I could not even sec them. An the lame man said: "Neither could I have stolen them. How could I approach the tree?" But the king was wise and said: "The b l i n d man carried the lame." And he punished them severely. So it is with us. The world is the orchard to which the Eternal King has placed us to keep watch and ward, to till the soil and care for its fruit. But the soul and body are the man; if one violates the commandments, so does the other. After death the soul may not say: "It is the fault of the body to which I was tied that I committed sins." No. God will do as the king, as it is written: "He shall call from the heavens above, and to the earth to judge his people. He shall call from the heavens above, which is the soul and to the earth below, which is the body mixing with the dust from which it sprung." For Jewish spirituality combines heaven and earth, as it were. It does not separate soul from body or mind from nature, but understands man and history in the unity of man's physical and spiritual life.
©E?EET§MG3 AMD IEST WISHES To Our Many Friends and Patrons FROM
Greetings From
Specializing in
Fried Chicken Steaks Sea Foods
WISH6S TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS Mona Lisa House of Glamour
Call 393-3737
M l No. 50th St. Miss Marsh Miss Jerry
One for now,
110th and West Dodge
ono for later
To Our Customers and Friends
We Wish Them a Very Happy Healthy New Year
Our Best for a Prosperous and Happy Year Ahead
Stanley Diamond ..
AFriday, Sepltmbtr tit, 196?
Nevr Year's Edition— THK JKWIHIf
PBKSS — It«sb Hashanah S72J
i i\ f;
New Year
H. A.WOLF CO, INC. REALTORS ):•{.•••.'
Omaha Office Baird Building rarr..l(704v Phone 341-3160
Lincoln Office as
Fede^l SecureHjfe Phone HE 2-7591
New Year'a Rditlon— THE JEWISH J'RESS — Konh Jlashanah D723
Friday, Krjih-niber 28, J9<>2
Sholem Asch's Home Used as a Museum
Israel .has 21 municipalities including the three major cities — Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem and 10 local c o u n c i l s .
Israel -'I'ln; fiftli anniversary of the death of Hholem Ascli, the famous Yiddish author, has bewi marked in Hat-Yam, tin' coastal town south of Tel Aviv where In.' built his last home. Asr.h came to Bat Yam. alter a long life .spent in Europe and America, as the result of a chance meeting with its Mayor, David BenAri, while they wore both on holiday in Tiberias. Mayor Ben-Ari invited the author to visit the town and showed him everything, includ-
There are some 2,500 lawyers in Israel, all but 750 of whom were licensed since the establishment (if the State in ]!tli).
New Year's Greetings FROM
Omaha Lace Laundry French Cleaner "Touch of Beamy'* • Dry Cleaning • Hand Laundering • Custom Shirt Finishing 5007 Leovenworth St.
Ftone 556-1522
Very Happy New Year to You and Yours
Sholem Aleichem House T<i lie liuill in Tel Aviv The Tel Aviv Municipality Sins allocated a plot in the city's new cultural c e n t e r area for a Sholem Aleichem } louse. ing the immigrants' c a m p s, v.liich were then full to overflowing. Sholem Ascli at last agreed to settle in Bat-Yam, insisting on building his house "in the midst of the people," not far from the main population center. In liis will, he bequeathed his modest home in Bat-Yam to be used as "a cultural center. It now houses his 1 i h r a r y, his nmnu.scripts, and his varied collection of Jewish art and religious requisites. A municipal museum is to be erected, which will be devoted to .Sholem Ascli and his writings and to the "shtetl," the East - European Jewish village or townlet, which played a prominent part in his work.
New in 61 Woys
The Most Complete Line of Trucks in the World
Day and Night Service
42nd and Center
To Our Many Friends
* -k end
25th and © Sis.
3105 West Broadway, Council Bluffs
famous for Our Charcoal Broiled Stcolit 1819 FARNAM
Sam Epsfein
Harry Ncesmon
AMERICAN ACCEPTANCE 333 South 20th Street 345-4024
may the new year be fruitful and rewarding...from
e. o »
j vJobfsoo&en
Friday, September 28, IOCS
Year'* Edition —THE JEWISH PKESS — Bosb Hashanah 6723
Page Nineteen
Tl I j
E^ 81
Westinghouse Terrace Top Electric Range. Front level fs 3™ below counter t o p perfect height for stirring and mixing.., easieron the arms. Back units are one inch below counter t o p convenient for longer cooking dishes like simmering soups. Controls are at the side-easy to reach..
Buy on Sol Lewis' Easy Budget Terms
2020 Farnom 341-4405
72nd end Dodgo ; 393.1411
2225 Franklin 291-2409
Ad 3 Stores Opes Friday Ulto
l»age Twenty
Kclltion — THK JKW1SH I'KKSS —Rush
Friday, Hri>temher 28, 19(S2
...?_ •.•^
^ ^
Persona! Greetings for Hashanah A MR. and MRS. ALVIN ABRAMSON and Family extend Now Year's Greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.
MR. and MRS. SAMUEL M. c: L A Y M A N extend warm greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for a Healthy and Happy New Year.
.MR. anJ MRS. BENNY ABRAM. SON' and Family wish their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
MR. and MRS. JACOB COHEN extend New Year's greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happinf-ss and Prosperity. *
MR. and MRS. M. A. BER< 0VICI extend New Year's greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.
MR. and MRS. SAM COLICIC ami ED1E KENEE wish their friends and relatives, both far and near, a Happy New Year. MR. and MRS. MEYER COI-N1C wish ID extend a Happy New Year to :ill their friends and relatives.
BETH EL SISTERHOOD wishes all of its members and friends n year of -fruitful endeavors enhanced by abundant Good Health and 'Peace.
MR. and MRS. HARRY COOPER MAN wish their friends and relatives both far and near a Happy New Year.
The members of BETH ISRAEL SISTERHOOD take this opportunity to wish everyone a Healthy, Happy, and Prosperous New Year.
MR. and MRS. PHILIP (RANDELL extend New Year's greetings and Good Wishes to relatives and friends for Good Health,'.Happiness and Prosperity. *
fill: BIKUR CIIOLIM SOCIETY wishes all its members and friends a Happy. Heallhy Bnd Prosperous New Year. MR. and .MRS. KM BITTNER and Family wish all their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year. R A B B I and AIRS. SIDNEY BROOKS, daughter. MIRIAM, and son. JOEL, extend their greetings and best wishes to the community for happiness and health in the coming year.
BW'AI BRITII COIIMK ;.SKER CHAPTER NO. \m> asks the blessings of Peace. Health and Prosperity for its friends in the community.
B'NAI .B'RITII CORNIHSKER LODGE NO. 17(i« sends greetings to Omaha Jewry and Best Wishes for a Happy and Successful New Year. B'NAI SKY their New ness
B'RITir HENRY M0NLODGE NO.. 354 wishes members and friends a Year of Health, Happiand Prosperity. • # * MR. and MRS. SAM BLOOM take this means of expressing their Best Wishes for the New Year to Iheir friends and relatives. BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY NATIONAL" WOMEN'S COMMITTEE of Omaha extend their greetings and Good Wishes to all their members and friends for a Happy and Healthy New Year. MR. ami MRS. A. II. BRODKEY and Family extend their greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. * * • MR and MRS. REUBEN' If. BROWN extend New 's greeting"; and Good Wishis. to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.
MR. and MRS. MAX CROl'NSK extend New Year's Greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.
D MR. and MRS. OSCAR DIAMOND and sons, RICHARD and BILLY, extend Good Wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives.
.AIR. and AIRS. HAROLD EPSTEIN and their sons, PAUL, STEVEN and (IARY, take this opportunity of expressing their Best Wishes'for the New Year to their friends and relatives. .MR. nnd MRS. SAM EPSTEIN nnd LESLIE, take this means of expressing their Best Wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives. -
Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous Now Year to all officers nnd members ol H'nai Jacob Adas Yeshuron S y n a g o g u e, Jewish Federation and all our friends in the community—RAISIil and MRS. N. FELDMAN. We wish all our relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year—MR. and MRS. MORRIS FIRESTONE. MR. and MRS. I It V I N G J. FORBES and their children, LESLIE SUSAN and BRUCK MITCHELL, wish all their friends and relatives a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. MR. and M KS, ISADORE FORBES extend their greetings and Good Wishes to . friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. MR. and MRS. OSCAR FO.Y, extend their greetings and Good Wishes lo friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. MR. and MRS. ALEXANDER I). FRANK and RICHARD, extend New Year's Greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. WALTER and BEA FRANK and Family wish their friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year." MR. and MILS. MORRIS J. FRANKLIN and daughters, IIELENE RAE and RENEE MARCIA extend sincere wishes for a New Year of Health and Happiness to their relatives find friends. MRS. HERMAN FRANKLIN and KAILAH hope their relatives and friends will bo blessed with Health, Happiness. Prosperity nnd Peace throughout the coming year. * • *
MR. and MRS. MARTIN S. GREEN and M I T C H E L L ADAM extend warm greetings and Good Wishes to friends for a Happy and Healthy New Year. •
IHl. and MRS. ABE GREENBERG extend New Year's greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. •
.MR. and MRS. BARTON' GIIEENBEKG, BETH and JOSEPH wish their friends and relatives a Happy and Prosperous New Year. •
Mil. WILLIAM and the MISSES FANNIE and ROSE GROIHNSKY wish all their friends and relatives a Happy and Prosperous New Year. •
Mil. and MRS. CHARLES GUStf and children, JAMES, GARY and ROSAI.IN, extend their greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives Jor • Health, Happiness and Prosperity. * .* * MR. and MRS. II. GUSS and Family extend their greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.
H HADASSAII WISHES YOU—a good year of Health and Happiness for yourself and family. T O G E TII E II THROUGH Hadassah, may we continue to receive the blessings that come to those who seek after knowledge, protect our precious freedom and serve our people and (he land of Israel. MR. and .MRS. DAVE IIAIIN,. SANDY and AVEVA extend New Year's greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. * * * MRS. BEN HANDLER wishes her friends and relatives everywhere a Happy New Year. • .•
MRS. ROSE FREIDEN extends her best lo all her relatives and friends for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
MR. and MRS. SAM HORNSTEIN lake this means of wishing their friends and relatives a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
MR. nnd MRS. ABRAHAM B. GENDLER and Family extend New Year's greetings nnd Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity, .
MR. and MRS. WILLIAM PLE and d a u g h t e r , GERRY GIMPLK wish relatives arid friends a Happy and Healthy New
SIMMISS their very Year.
MR. nnd MRS. IRVIN KAIMAN and sons PAUL, BERRY and FRANKIE want to wish their relatives and friends a very Happy and Heallhy New Year.
DR. and MRS. A. D. FAIER, MATT and JERRY lake this means of expressing their Best Wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives. • .
MR. and .MRS. MORTON GLASS and c h i l d r e n , JEFFREY CRAIG ami ALYSE MICHELLE, wish their friends nnd relatives a. very Happy and Healthy New Year.
MR. and MRS. ASIIER KiPNIS, Los Angeles, Calif., (former Marion Bondarin of Omaha) extend to all their friends in Omaha and Sioux City, la., best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year.
FARBAND LABOR ZIONIST ORDER BRANCH 54, POALE ZION, hopes the New Year will bring Peace to Israel and the whole world.
MR. and MRS. HARRY GOLDBERG, B K V K « L Y and, FRANK extend their Best Wishes for a Healthy, Happy New Year to fntnds and rtljitives.
MR. and MRS. WILLIAM EPSTEIN and Family wish all their relatives and friends a Happy and Healthy New Year. To all members of EPSTEIN MORGAN POST NO. 260, JEWISH WAR VETERANS, is extended a most sincere wish that the New Year 5723 be a Healthy, Happy, Prosperous and above all a Peace-, ful year.
FEDERATION OP JEWISH WOMEN'S CLUBS c*Und Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year to the entire community.
THE SENIOK CITIZENS and GOLDEN AGK CLUB hops tint the New will bring Peare to the World.
. • •
We wish our friends and relatives both far and near a Happy New Year—MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH II. KATELMAN. • • • MR. JOSEPH KIKMIENBAUM and Family extend their greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prospenly.
Friday, September 28, 1BB2
.. i , .
Nenr JVar'« Edition— TIIK JK1V1SH VHKHH — Rosh !f;tsiian:ih 6*23
Page Twenty-one
Personal Greetings for Hashanah
MR. and MRS. SAM KLAVER and son, LINCOLN, take this means of expressing their Best Wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives.
MRS. LEONARD KLEIN extends New Year's greetings and Good Wishes to friends and rel.'.tires for Heaith, Happiness and Prosperity. * •* '* SIR. and MRS. S, ABE KLOPPKK and family wish all their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
MR. nnd MRS. JACOB MENDELSON extend hearty greetings for the New Year and— wish air their relatives and friends the best of health and happiness. « * * KAREN and BOB MEYER extend New Year Greetings and Good Wishes to their friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. #
Best Wishes for a Happy New Year to all our friends from Mil. and MRS. MARTIN' KOLM, JOHN, and Ml!, and MILS. FRED KOI.M.
MIZRACIH WOMEN, Omaha Chapter, wishes its members and friends a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. * • * MR. and MRS. BEN MORRIS with their friends and relatives both far and near a Happy New Year.
MR. and MRS. LOUIS Kl'LAKOKSKY wish their friends and relatives a very Happy New Year.
RABBI and MRS. NORMAN MUSSMAN and daughter, MARIA BETH, extend their Best Wishes for a Happy New Year to the eommunitv.
DR. and MRS. BEN KUTLKR. and c h i l d r e n wish their friends and relative's a very Happy and Prosperous New Year.
MR. nnd MRS. AL NKI'OMNICK, RONNA, DIANE, and STKVK wish their friends and relative.-, a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year. *
MRS. STANLEY F. (ROSE) LEVIN wishes her friends a Healthy and Happy New Year. MR. and MRS. LOU LEWIS, DARKY, JUSTIN in Jerusalem and mother, MRS. ETHEL, TUCKER, wish all relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year. « * « MRS. SOL LKWIS and Family extend New Year's greetings and Good Wishes to friends nnd relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity, « * •* . MR. and MRS. SOL LIBROWSKI iind children. JEFFREY and JUDY, extend New . Year's greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives both near and far for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. •
SIR. and MRS. SANFORD LIPHEY, daughter, JANET, and son, DANIEL, wish all their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
M MR. and MRS. MAX MAGID take this means of expressing their Best Wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives. SIR. and MRS. ABRAHAM MALEK and daughter RITA extend to their relatives and friends best wishes for :i Happy, Healthy and Successful New Year. PR. and MRS. ,T.."MILTON MARCOLIN arid Family extend New Year's greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. .
SIRS. BEN MARTIN extends to all her friends mid relatives lier heartiest wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. MR, nnd MRS. SOL MARTIM extend holiday greetings to nil their friends and relatives find wish them a very Happy New Year.
MRS. L. NKPOSINICK extends New Year Greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. •
MR. and MRS. RALPH NOCG and the girls take this means of expressing their Best Wishes to friends and relatives for a Happy New Year.
Members of the OMAHA WORKMAN LOAN ASSOCIATION extend their greetings and Best Wishes to the community for a Happy and Healthy New Year. *
OMAHA SECTION, NATIONAL COUNCIL OF JEWISH WORK" KN, extend to you and your dear ones sincere Good Wishes for a Healthy and Prosperous New Year, * * * MR. and MRS. IIYMAN OSOFK extend holiday greetings and Best Wishes to relatives and friends for good Health and Happiness in the New Year.
SIR. and MRS. LOUIS PAPER NY and Family extend their greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. * * • MR. and MRS. IRVING PARILS1AN, MARVIN and BARBARA, wish their friends and relatives both far and near a very Happy and Healthy New Year. * • * SIR. and MRS. MORRIS PARILMAN extend greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. *
SIR. and MRS. DAVID PARKKR and Family wish their relatives and friends both far and near a Happy and Prosperous New Year. " * * * THE PIONEER WOMEN'S OR' (.ANIMATION takes this opportunity of- wishing their members and friends a very Happy New Year. •
SIR. and MRS. NATIIAX PITXOR wish their friends and relatives a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
DR. mid MRS. DAVID C. 1'LATT, and children, TOM, DOUG, LINDA and Gary, extend warm greetings and Good Wishes to friends nnd relatives for a Healthy and Happy New Year. *
RABBI and AIRS. M. M. POLIAKOFF and Family extend greetings and Best Wishes for Health and Happiness to the community for (he New Year. Wishing our friends and relatives ii Happy New Year, we hope that each new one brings added joys. MR. and MRS. A. POLIKOV, MARVIN, LEON, STEVEN, UKRNIK and CARYL.
MR. and .MRS. BENNETT RADUZINKR, C A R 0 L, MARK and STEVEN wish all tlielr friends and relatives a Happy and Prosperous New Year, Best wishes for a Happy New Year to all our friends from MR. and AIRS. MILTON S. RESNICK. MR. and MRS. JOK RICK extend their Best Wishes to their friends and relatives for a Happy mid Prosperous New Year.
SIR. and MRS. BERNARD IT. SCHWARTZ nnd Family wish their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year. *
SIR. and MRS. HYMIE RICHARDS extend New Year's greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. *
MR. and MRS. M O R R I S K. ROITSTEIN and sons LARRY and LLOYD, wish their friends nnd relatives a Happy and Healthy. New Year. *
SIR. and MRS. BEN ROSEN and sons, PAUL and BILLY extend their greetings and Good Wishes to friends and • relatives for Health, Happiness, and Prosperity. * • • SIR. and MRS. JEROLD I. ROSEN and Family wish their relatives and friends a Happy, Prosperous New Year. 4
SIR. and MRS. .1OE ROITSTKIN extend to friends and relatives best wishes for a Healthy and Happy New Year. •*
SIR. and MRS. CARL ROSENBERG and children, MAURICE, HELEN and STEWART, take this means of expressing their Best Wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives. *
DR. and SIRS. A." S. RUBNITZ extend New Year's greetings to friends and relatives.
SIR. and MRS. PAUL SACKS wish their friends and relatives both far and near a Happy and Prosperous New Year. * » « The DAVID SCI1WALB FAMILY extends to relatives and friends in Omaha and Plattsmouth Best Wishes for Health, Happiness and Prosperity "in the New Year.
DR. and SIRS. IRVING SHAPIRO and Family lake this means of expressing their Best Wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives. * * * SIR. and MRS. DAVID SUITKERT and sons, SAMSIY and JAY, e x t e n d New Year's Greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health,. Happiness and Prosperity. * * * SUSS PATRICIA SIMON wishes to extend New Year Greetings to all her friends. * * * DR. and SIRS. A. A. STEINBERG and SHELLY- wish all their friends and relatives a Happy New Year. •+
SIR., and SIRS. SAMUKL S. STEINBERG extend New Year's greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. *
SIR. and MRS. SAMUEL RICE and Family extend New Year's greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.
OR. and SIRS. MAURICE B. SCHWARTZ and Family wish their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
SIR. IZZIE STISS and JACK. STISS want to wish friends and relatives a Happy and Prosperous New Year. *
SIR. and MRS. SOL STISS and Family take this means of expressing their Best Wishes for the New Year to their relatives and friends.
TEMPLE ISRAEL SISTER. HOOD wishes all its members and friends a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. t
SIR. and MRS. HARRY TRUSTIN and Family extend their Good Wishes and greetings for the New Year to their friends and relatives.
MR. and SIRS. PAUL VERET and Family extend to their friends sincere wishes for a Happy New Year.
SIR. and MRS. BEN WINTROUB and EDDIE, extend New Year's greetings for a Healthy, Happy and Prosper- ous New Year. • • * WORKSIAN'S CIRCLE LADIES AUXILIARY wish a very Healthy and Happy' New Year to all the members. •
WORKMEN'S CIRCLE SHDWEST DISTRICT COMMITTEE wishes all the members from our district and their families a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous ~New Year.
SIR. and SIRS. ALLEN' ZALKIN and SIARK, extend their greetings and Good Wishes to their friends and relatives both far and near for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. *
• ' •
SIR. and SIRS. MARSHALL ZALKIN and children, CHER. IL, BRENDA and STEVEN, wish ail their relatives, and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
New rear** Edition—THE JEWISH PKES8 — Kosh Ifashanab 5725
Bar and Bas Mitzvah List Bas Mitzvah Celebrants Amy Brodkey Marsha Fellman Ellen Fried Anne Friedman Gail Goldstein Anne Gomberg Karen Gotsdiner Sandra Jess Barbaar Katskee Betty Katskee Susan Kukawka Gayle Lerman Phyllis Lerman Stephanie Lincoln Sandra Lipp Marilyn Mann Debbie Meyerson Cheryl Milder Margo Neesman Diane Nepomnick Jeanette Reinglas Susan Rips Gwen Robinson Jennifer Rodin Barbara Roseman Denise Silverman Judy Siref Marjorie Siref Susan Solotorovsky Alexis Susman Karen Tepper Janet Trachtenbarg Bonnie Trustin
Williom Potter
* • *
PHONE 341-4226
BJORNSON SHEET METAL COMPANY Ventilating — Air Conditioning Shoot Mofol Work of All Description! Phone 342-6775
Charles T. Corny General Manager
1407 Davenport Street
87th and Pacific
47th Year in Omaha
, Best Wishes for a
Happy New Year
General Offices
509 So. lot* St.
i f L$P
Coordinator ol countlsss details that go v/ith a V/edding Party, reception, dinner or breaklast, our Mr. Potter will be glad to help you with your plans for that day of days. Ask about our "complete package" at prices to match your budget.
3821 Ffofcnea Blvd.
Words should be weighed and not counted.
Catering Manager
the number of ships passing in the night is stepped up considerably. A small skiff sent a foghorn greeting and the sailors aboard exchanged boisterous remarks w i t h the passengers aboard the liner. This was h a l f w a y house aboard the S.S. Zion on its voyage from New York, U.S.A., to Haifa, Israel. It was 3 o'clock in the morning but on board the passengers roamed about merrily—a sudden kinship emerging from the shared moment. Not to be scoffed at, for this writer, was the thrill of seeing the tiny British tug sail alongside tho (Continued on Page 25.)
Best Wishes for a
Henry Goldmark, an American-Jewish engineer who died before the Second World War, designed some of the leading railroad bridges in this country. He also designed and supervised the installation of the locks in the Panama Canal system. (JTA)
or stop at Catering Offica
By Marianne Zeltlln Suddenly the endless vista of Atlantic Ocean around us gave way to a myriad of images. On one side loomed Africa—as dark and forbidding as the name conjures—with mysterious lights of Tangiers and Ceula blinking dimly in the distance. On the other side was Spain with the Granada hills gleaming under the Mediterranean moon, and flamenco accompaniment provided by the epidemic of transistor radios. Finally that massive rock of all ages, Gibraltar, came into view with gay orange lights signalling welcome under the southern sky. At the gateway to the Mediterranean Sea
John David Whitman Donald Wiseman Abram Wishnia Robert Yager Mark Zalkin
Michael Kaplan John Katehnan Richard Katelman David Katz David Katzman Richard Katzman Tom Kirshenbaum Arthur Latter Sheldon Lerner Robert Lincoln Robert Lipsey John Lohrman Mark Malashock Michael Meiches Craig Miller Allen Morris Alan Muskin Jimmy Novak Stuart Perimeter Leon Polikov Alan Priesman Corey Richards Mark Rimmennan Charles Robinson William Rosen John Ruben Dan Rubin Ronald Rubin Matthew Schloff Gerald Simons Marc Siref Alan Siporin Jon Sloan Richard Slosburg Steven Sokoloff Marc Sommer Robert Taren Sheldon Turkel David Weinstein Lawrence Weintroub
liar Mitzvak Celebrants Steven Altsuler Joel Aresty Donald Bassman Maynard Belzer Mark Bernstein Paul Bleicher David Block Marshall Brick Calvin Cahan Bennie Cohen Harvey Cohen Jeffrey Colin Jeffrey Cooper David Lester Davis David Denenberg Randy Engel Paul Epstein Steven Epstein Abe Erlich Milton Erman Lee Feltman William Ferer Michael Finkle Barry Fleischl Martin Fogel Maynard Forbes Sanford Freedman Scott Friedman Robert Goodman Steven Gottlieb Richard Green Jeffrey Greenberger Brud Grossman Stephen Hoberman Jerry Hollis Charles Ickowicz Mark Jacobson Richard Josephson Gary Kaplan
Friday, September 88, 1WJ8
5030 Unsfewood Avo." 72nd and Mople
.'.-For Clothes That Sparkle Call Marks!"
• -
28, 1SMJ2
KdUion — THE
MCUSS —Itosk
P a g e Twenty-Hire*
ilfe^ !fi
Wishes You-The Jewish People in Our Community
A Happy-
New Year'* Kdition — THE JEWISH J'KKSS — Kusli
Vuge Twenty-four
Friday, NrptonlM>r 28, 106Z
Plain Talk on 'Two Ladies Sing' Yes. Dr. Davis, here you are as one who on this sunlit day , The two ladies arc singing alive today . . . singing here! keeps looking out of the window along with me. you might say And I'm singing along with you at the light all over God's sky. To All Our Friends and Patrons . . . that is, on the matter of religions. Yes, I've been reporting here that in-as-much He is-tin* One God of us nil, what's all the To My Many Friends religious quarreling about in May you and yourjfaoblencJ with health and His name? As newspaper reporter, I have often been with a Very Happy New Year happinett and may this year bring you all you Him in churches as well as in Jetire for a richer, fuller lif». synagogues, and have felt kin to Him in whichever of t h e s e houses. The religions of others are of the same divinity as my Judaism, by which God. as we all know Him, was first revealed . . . God who's the Father oi us 324 So. 16th St. Omaha, Nebraska all . . . whether our names arc Rose Hollis 553-2190 McCarthy, Francois, Schmidt or Segal. His sons McCarthy and "Your Personal Real Estafe Broker" Segal are brothers. I come to this religious confession upon hearing from the two ladies . . . one of them of Best Wishes for a Galveston, Tex., the other of Los Angeles, Calif. iThe one of Galveston reads this column in the Texas Jewish Post of Ft. Worth: and FAMILY the other in the B'nai B'rith Messenger of Los Angeles.' The Galveston lady: "Only last night did I return from a three-months' stay at St. Mary's Infirmary, and this is my. first day of recuperation. Your column has so greatly agreed .with my feelings that I felt I must Irving Freedmon write to you. "While confined in the St. 36th and Farnam 345-6616 CONTEMPORARY VERTICAL Mary Hospital. 1 met and got to know many wonderful people. "We Are cs Close to You m Your Telephone!" The friendship that 1 most deepIf It 6 joy fo e*p«nHave Your Doctor Call Us ence 5t?!nw«y \ona in ly cherish and treasure is the « Vertical. It tt s one between a Catholic nun and We Deliver Anything, Anywhere in the City! plcfliuf* fo have triii myself. She, too. was a patient piano, w i f fi iff «p-> there, and we spent many wonpealing modnrn lin#, derful hours freely discussing in your home. See and and each accepting most fully he AT "Tritj tnilrument the high meaning of the other's of t l ' i Irnmartalt." religion." "Never." she goes on to say, 8 Beautiful Models "could a closer friendship exist, to Select From even though according to the vows this nun has taken, she may not communicate with me again; but not because of the difference of religion I should TH add. "When we p o r t e d we exchanged forms of our prayers, which are so very pat, whether one be Jewish. Catholic or Protestant. In' our many talks we BV discovered many such prayers." Well, I sing along with this lady. And only the other day a Mohammedan gentleman was tht grvateit ioMfc» of tnjoysinging religiously with me, you mont, 1U gr«*f*ti fonaJ in. might say. He had come to my 4«grity and ffi* gr»*f«it v»Idesk in the newspaper office u* wo h«v« mv$r offsrtd in where I'm employed as columna btidg«(-prlc«d hom* orgiru ist. "Segal," IK- said, "I was born Mohammedan. I come to shake your hand, as one who's a brother of mine, though, as I underColl or Write for a free d«nomiration In your home. stand, you are Jewish by reli2651 ST. MARYS AVE. 341-2360 gion. But as I have discovered in your column from time to time you and I are religiously kin ..-. . men who understand that all the religions are of the Milton Olson Myron Obon One God, and so what's all the fighting about." 1516 Dcdgc 341-1055 We shook hands and the Mohammedan went his way as a OPEN MONDAY TILL 0:30 P.M. dedicated brother of mine . . . though he's of a mosque and I of a synagogue. Then there's this other Jewish (REALLY CUAH CABTOH) lady who's singing a song written by her late husband. Dr. Nathaniel A. Davis of Los Angeles. Her name is Sonia II. Davis; she resides at GG7 S. Hoover Street, Los Angeles. Her h u s b a n d had sung "If GodShould Die." He sang: By Alficd Segal
A Very Happy New Year
lorsftelm's Jewelry Co.
Happy New Year
Blacksfene Ph&rntocy
OLSON BROS., INC. Robertson Q Floors
Sheet Metal —Roofing Ventilating
If God should die! If glf that wisdom which has planned end kepi This Cosmos going, was being swept. Whot then? Would all the jtara move on as nov/, or drop? Or like a clock without a key, run down and slop?
The doctor went on to sing: •. If God should die! If man should find That oil the wickedness he has In mind Leads him lo no accounting, T o no ludge; What blood/ madness would sweep .'hit earlhl V/hat plagues ond lerrorj mar Its won* • ton mlrih . And wreck II art If Goe» should die!
There's more of Dr. Davis" «ong, and this is its final verse:
like it?.. you'll love
••.am? want mwh more of ill
Roberts Is . REALLY good!
Pass this wild notion byl God will not die! Therefore I know, beyond Illusion's The"El»ing In
and sky,
God Jholl
that 'br|aM
me Ma
llahtins Illuming
ough ccircumstance, r Though ond pomp, ondj dust may pass, dt Coo) lives! A ; h I
* • ! > • . •
• > : • ; • ' •
New Year'* Edliloo — TUB JEWISH PRESS — Rosh IXasIianah 6723
Friday, September 28, 1868
Mtmber of Duncan Hinei "Fifth of a Century Club"
Wishing the Best of Everything TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY THROUGHOUT THE
Phono 733-1000
along. The rushing, crushing waves of the Atlantic are alhas a compelling personal his- ready forgotten—now the riptory—former citizens of Berlin ples are billowing and pillowing nnd Riga, of Bucharest and Al- gently. The sea, the sky, the giers side by side with recent sun, the moon, the stars are officers in Haganah and Irgun— weaving their well-storied spell. one of them, in fact, was even One minute everybody is laughing and happy together a moaboard the ill-fated Altalena. The passengers are varied- ment later each is lost in private visitors to Israel, Israelis re- dreams. And yet to come is turning alter studies aboard, Eretz Israel. (WNS) and the unceasing flow of American and Canadian youth. On The J e w i s h community of sailing day their mothers were Guatemala, which today numcrying uncontrollably as they bers .some 1,000 persons, was bade farewell to their children established in 1848 w h e n a •— at that moment of heartache g r o u p of Jewish immigrants there was small comfort in the from Posen, Germany, settled grand adventure on which these in Guatemala. They were among boys and girls were embarking. the pioneers who industrialized The S.S. Zion is just gliding the country. (JTA)
(Continued from Page 22.) giant Israeli liner. High above a full moon illuminated a group of Hashomer H a t z a i r youth group which was debarking at Gibraltar for a fling at Europe before going on to their final destination—a kibbutz in Ha' nretz. The S.S. Zion is one of a fleet of seven stars of the Zim Israel Navigation line and from its distinguished Master, Captain Mordechai Libin, down to the last deck hand, it is shipshape firstclass. Each member of the crew
A Happy New Year .•
Fajje T\venfy-flve
Skate Swings Bank
Council Bluffs, Iowa
Judge Pcifrick W. Lynch
The Bonk With tho Drive-in Servico TASTE BEnER*COGX BETIER'LOOK BETTER
Heartiest Wishes for the NEW YEAR from
SHIM Our Very Best Wishes for a New Year Rich in the Blessing of Good Health, Peace and Happiness
During the sacred days of the New Year Holiday we extend our greet' ings and best wishes in the hope that peace will reign among men.
*'- -y
Omaha National Mcmbtr Federal Depont Insuring Ccrpcrrtto*
4700 No. 30th
^~ii New
Fage Twtnty-sis
By Joshua Jerusalem—More than seven thousand German experts and their families are now living in Egypt. This large and growing community comprises both "new Germans" and ex-Nazis who found there a haven in their flight from criminal prosecution. They are all engaged in the task of forging the new Bonn-Cairo axis. The extent to which the buildIng of tliis axis lias progressed docs not seem to be generally realized. When Cairo recently launched fts rockets, it was revealed that several hundred German experts had been engaged in their development. H o w e y e r, the rockets are only one field in an extremely wide area of German involvement encompassing the development of Egypt's heavy industry, its natural resources and the economy as a whole. Also there is hardly a single armaments factory " in Egypt that docs not employ German experts.
Y«-»r'» Kditlon — THE
with present-day realities. Thera is no clear dividing line between economic and teclwico-military development. What counts is the direction taken; the aim. Nasser never stops proclaiming what his aim is, and as far as Israel 13 concerned he does so with the utmost clarity and frankness. Hence Israel can find little comfort in the assurances coming from Bonn, or for that matter—from Washington, The danger siguals are too clear.
VL Jiistman Thus the new Bonn-Cairo axis Is giowing on sound foundations. Bonn qaurters assure Israel that all the aid given Egypt has nothing to do with enhancing Egypt's military power; it is all purely economic aid. These assurances are of course meaningless and have very litlte to do
Friday, September 28, 1062
LATIN-AMERICAN JEWS TO MEET IN AKGENTINA Buenos Aires (JTA)-Dr. Nahum Goldmann, president of tho World Jewish Congress and senior Brazilian Government officials, are scheduled to nddress the fourth conference of
Latin American Jewish communities convened by the WJC and the World Zionist Organization. The conference will open on October 22. A blind horse makes straight for the pit.
A Very Happy
New York Stock Exchange and
Other Leading Exchanges Room 100, Service Life Bldg.
Mr. and M n . Jos Fiihel
1501 No. 33rd St.
West German aid to ICJJJ pi
exceeds that of all other Westcm aid combined and ID .some fields even that of the Smipt Union. In. the past four years a l o n e the Bonn Government granted Cairo ?300 million In credits, while much l a r g e r amounts were Invested by private West German firms with active Government encouragement. The West German firms of Krupp, Siemens, "Hochtief" and others are playing a major role In the development of Egypt's heavy industry in the Nile Valley. They have built the steel and iron industry, power stations/chemical plants, etc. Soon there is to be established there a plant for the production of . heavy water, all financed by Bonn which has undertaken to absorb the whole annual output estimated to reach twenty tons. Also soon, work is to start in the building of a new industrial atomic reactor near Alexandria for w h i c h purpose the Boon Government has earmarked a one-hundred-million Mark credit The list is a long one. It includes assembly plants, the utilization of German patents including ones for the building of armored car engines, the aviation industry, etc. To this, one should add shipping — and indeed there is hardly a sphere in •which one does not find German initiative and active aid in the form of providing both knowhow and money. All that German activity proceeds with the encouragement of Washington which hopes apparently that It would constitute a barrier (or the. further expansion of Communist Influence in Africa and Asia. To. what reality Washington m a y one day awake is something worth contemplating, bearing in mind Germany's performancea in the past. Indeed, one wonders whether Bonn needs any encouragement at all for her e x p a n d e d activities in ; Egypt. ; Egypt-German relations have always been excellent, in the i: days of Hitler as in the days of ; the Kaiser and it is surely no accident that following the Nazi defeat so many of H i t l e r ' s henchmen turned so naturally to Egypt and found there their new home. Even now, 17 years . a f t e r his disappearance, the name of Hitler is widely vener' ated on the banks of the Nile. An article published by Colonel Anuar Saadat, a member of • Nasser's junta and a former president of the Egyptian Par; jiament, read inter alia: . . . ; "Dear Hitler, I welcome you : again and with my whole heart. • You were defeated, but in fact ; we should consider you the vic: tor. There will be no peace In ! the •world until Germany again ' t a k e s her proper place among the nations. Your only mistake waa that'you opened too many fronts. But we forgive you all because you remain the shining trample <& a national,leader..
KILPAT1 "Satisfaction Ahvays" DOWNTOWN
The Shofar "And the Lord spoke unto Moses saying: Speak unto the children of Israel, saying: In tho seventh month, in tho first day o f tho month, shall bo a solemn rest unto you, a momorial proclaimed with the blast of honors, a holy convocation."
The Impressive shofar ceremony, to filled with" beauty and meaning, symbolizes the deep faith, the enduring spirit of a great people.
the plaintive noio» of the ram'i horn remind the worshipper* of important historical •venfi, high idoalt, and tho eternal hope* born of faith. It I i reminiicont not only of the ifrugglei and (uffcringi of tho past, but alto of the glorious promise of freedom and •quality for all mankind.
Thi* faith In God'i sovereignty it vitally important In today's troubled world. With God'i help man can continue to strive for world poaco, and through prayer and unceasing effort, to uphold a fundamental belief in the dignity and worth of the Individual, In justice*, and in mercy. May this now year bring to alt men a renewed dedication to thai* worthy principles.
New Year** Edition — THE JICWISH PRESS — Bosh UashnnaJi 6723
Friday, September 28, 1962
Pago Twenty-sawn
Synagoi ices of our members to the Mrs. Maurice Frank Jewish community and the Parliamentarian: President; community as a whole. Mrs, Millard Krasne Morris C. Fellinan President: Men's Club Vice-Presidents: Mrs. Harold Zelinsky President: Yale Godsdincr, Ernest Win- Vice-Presidents: 1. M. Liberman troub, Morlcy Zipursky Mmes. Sam Bcrman, Don CoTreasurer: hen, Sidney Feldman, Jay Slo- Vice-Presidents: E. Robert Newman, Bernard Joseph Hornstein ler, Stanley Shapiro, Nathan Ruben, S t a n l e y Katelman, Secretary: Kaplan Marlon Somberg, Marvin TaxUarton Greenberg Treasurer: man Executive Council: Mrs. Sidney Katleman Treasurer: Dr. A. G. Rimmerman Recording Secretary: Sidney Taren Board of Trustees: Mrs. David Lewis Secretary: Sheldon B e r n s t e i n , Arthur Financial Secretaries: Sydney S. Osten Cohn, Harry DuBoff, Alan Mrs. William Poster, Mrs. Burton, Irving Herzog, Joel Sam Rosenstein Helfman, Dr. Hen Kutler, Bert Corresponding Secretaries: nender, Tsadore Tretiak, ArnMrs. Morris Boguchwal, Mrs. old Stern, Yale Richards, Itay Ernest Hochster Simon, Sam Wolf, E. M. Zal- Parliamentarian: kin, Jack Green, Mmes. A. G. Mrs. Izadore Elewitz Rimmennan, Sidney Hollis, Directors: Natlian Turner. Mmes. Alfred Frank, Henry Appel, Sam Katzman
Beth El
-Purpose: To perpetuate traditional Judaism and the translation of its high ideals into practice, through a living Judaism in the home, the Synagogue and the community. President: Mrs. A, G. Rimtncrmnn Vice-Presidents: Mmes. Ben Slulzky, Barton Greenberg, David Platt, Phil Katzman Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Sol Parsow Financial Secretaries: Mrs. Ernest Wintroub, Mrs. Max Bitlner Recording Secretary: Mrs. Stewart 'fully Treasurer: Mrs. Louis Jess Directors: Mmes. Julius Stein, Isidor Levinson, Nathan Nogs, Morris Brick, Max Lashinsky, Meyer Rubin
Men's Club President: Arnold Stern Vice-Presidents: Stewart Tully, J e r r y Freeman, and Herbert Kotzen. Secretary: B. L. Freidburg Treasurer: Max Granat Mr, and Mrs. Club: Presidents: Mr. and Mrs. Allan Burton. Vice-President-!: Messr3. and Mmes. Marvin Dicnstfrey, and Willis Epstein. Secretaries: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pred Treasurers: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martin Advisors:
Rabbi and Mrs. Norman Muss" man, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Wintroub.
Beth Israel
Young Couples Club President: Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Kahn Treasurers: Dr. and Mrs. James Wax Recording Secretaries: Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Brown Corresponding Secretaries: Mr, and Mrs. Hairy Alloy
To All Our Friends — May We Wish You the Blessing of Continued Health and Prosperity in the Coming Year
Phil McCarthy
675 NO. BOTH
P-TA Presidents: Dr. Bennett Fishbain Vice-PresidentH: Mines Malvin Tepper, Bernard Weiss Treasurer: Mrs. Philip Lubman Recording Secretary: Mrs. Sam Shyken
O'ncai Jacob Adas Yeshuron President: Eli Bittner Vice-President: Ben Lindenbaum Treasurer: Harry Richlin Directors: Hyraan Guss, Jake Kaplan, Nathan Lerrnan, Hyman Tiefenbrunner
temple Israel President: ' Millard II. Krasne Vice-President: Warner B. Frohman Secretary: Lloyd Bank . Treasurer: David E. Bcb'er Past President: Lazar -Kaplan Board of Directors: Milton Abrahams, Maurice Aresty, Mrs, David Beber, Paul Blotcky, Ajon Farber, Warner Frohman, Abe Katelman, M. M. Krupinsky, Art Kulakofsky, Mrs. Edward Levinson, I. M. Liberman, Mrs. I. M. Liberman, Morris Lipp, Edward Makiesky, Jack Marer, Calvin Newman, Sydney Osten, Ben Shapiro, Bernard Ruben
President: Henry Appel Vice-President: Dr. Haskell Morris Recording Secretary: Dr. Bennett Fishbain Financial Secretary: Sisterhood ' Mrs. Harry Sidman Purpose: Temple Israel Sister Treasurer: hood is the women's branch of Harold Zelinsky the Reform Jewish family, or' BOARD of Commissioners: ngnized to assist the congrePaul Alperson, Mrs. Henry gation and to further the light Appel, Sam B l o o m , Elliott of friendship within the TemBrown, Joseph Burstein, Leple family, and is devoted to roy Canfield, Izadore Elewitz, the r e l i g i o u s educational Irving Epstein, Mrs. Alfred needs of its members and Frank, Sam Freed, Albert families. Friedman, Mrs. Max Fromkin, Mrs. Sidney Goldberg, Arthur President: Mrs. I. M. Liberman Gould, Sam Hahn, Ernest Hochster, Mrs. Ernest Hoch- Vice-Prcsidents: Mmes. David E. Beber, John eter, Hugo Kahn, Mrs. SidWinsten, Joseph H o r w i c h, ney Katleman, Mrs. Sam KatzMarlon Somberg man, JohnKolm, Martin Kolm, Philip Lubman, William Mil- Secretary: der, Rabbi M. Poliakoff, Ben • Mrs. David Meyers Rubin, George Schapiro, Dr. Treasurer: Mrs. Phlll Laser Irving Shapiro, Joe Sokolof. Mrs. Harold Zelinsky, Dr. Al Recording Secretary: Mrs. Lloyd Friedman Greenberg, Max Fromkin, Joseph Dlenstfrey, Harry Sid- Dues Secretary: man, Maurice Katzman, Dan Gordman, Maurice Katelman. TORONTO JEWS TURN TO SUBURBAN LIVING
Sisterhood Toronto—The Jewish populaPurpose: To foster and further tion of metropolitan Toronto has the highest ideals of Orthodox grown in 10 years from 66,000 Judalim, and to encourage to 80,000. At tho same time, the and promote religious, social Jews living in the Toronto "core end e d u c a t i o n a l Activi- City" dropped during the decade ties within Beth Israel Syna- from 45,000 to 18,181, reflecting gogue, and to extend the eerv- the move to suburban areas.
A Very Happy
NEW YEAR * :* Nebraska Furniture Mart 2205 Fornam Street
Friday, September 88, 1963
Nevr Year's Edition —THE JEWISH 'PRESS — Kush Hashanah 6723
Pag* Twenty-eight
EXPORING PATTERNS OF U.S. JEWISH LIFE New York (JTA)-Grants totaling $G,O0O were awarded hero to Dr. Erich Rosenthal, associate professor of sociology and anthropology at Queens Morris Abranison Joe Adler Manny Allen Sam Ansel Mrs. Emma Aresty Mrs. Jeanette Aronson Irving Avner Harry Bassnian Nathan B. Belzer Mrs. Minnie Berg Mrs. Donna Canar Bernstein Harry Bernstein Mrs. Sara Blot Mrs. Nell Boasberg Mrs. Helen Bolker Mrs. Mollie Borden Mrs. Leah Boschult Walter Brandeis Mrs. Rae Leah Brodkey Hyman Brody Mrs. Ida Brown Mrs. Helen Colin Hyman H. Colin Mrs. Rose Comisar
Maurice Deiches Mrs. Dora Delrogh Rev. Abraham Diamond Sidney P. Duitch Sam Feltman Mrs. Rose Ferer David Fertil Mrs. Margaret Fink Joseph Finkenstein Mrs. Ethel Fox Mayer Frank Mrs. Ida Freedman Jack Freiden Isaac H. Friedman Sarah Friedman Ben Gershun Isaac Givant Mrs. Rose Glazman Marx K. Goldberg Hyman Goldenberg Mrs. Jennie Goldenberg Isadore G. Goldstein Mrs. Ethel Goldware Sam Goldware Abraham I. Goodman Max Gossick Mrs. Sophie Graulich Mrs. Mary Konterwitz Green Mrs. Leah Greenberg Rose Greenberg
Sam Greenberg Mrs. Bertha Greenfield John Gross Philip Grossman Philip Guggenheim Mrs. Etta Halin Ida Stone Halperin Erika Harding Mrs. Bertha Herscovitz Mrs. Rose Herzog Mrs. Ann Hiatt Mrs. Fannie Cohen Jack3 Ben Jacobs Mrs. Dora Jacobson Jack Joseph Gussie Josephs Ray Kalm Mrs. Esther Kaplan Mrs. Ida Kavitch Kaplan Ben Kaufer Jack J. Kaufman Mrs. Effie Kay Mrs. Ella Katz Mrs. Minnie Kirke Allen Kohan Mrs. Bessie Kolnick Robert H. Kooper Byron Krasne Sophie Kubby Herman Kulesh Hilda Kurzweil Mrs. Minnie Latter Mrs. Ida Levin Carl Lewis Mrs. Fannie Lintzman Marks Lorig Mrs. Rosa Mayer Lorsch Robin Joy Loss Nathan Marblestono Simon Marcus Benjamin F. Margolin Beth Marks Harry Meshover Mary Meyerson Mrs. Sarah Minkin Jacob Motz Robert Nalibow Mrs. Evelyn Neesman Louis Nesselson Mrs. Lena Newman Herman Nichols Max Arnold Pirsch Mrs. Rebecca Platt Alex Plotkin
Mrs. Marian Ratner Sol Oscar Reif
Harry Reuben David Richards Fayga Robinson Mrs. Lena Robinson Ben Roitstein Alex Rosen Mrs. Yetta Rosenberg Jake Rosenbloom Fred Rosenstock Mrs. Johanna Rosenthal Julius Rosenthal Mrs. Rosalie Roth Dr. Sidney L. Rubin Nathan Saks Mrs. Ella Scharf Jacob E. Schlank Mrs. Odell Schulman Hannah Schwartz Ida Segal Mrs, Esther Shapiro Mrs. Mary Shapiro Rubien Shapiro Mrs. Tillie Sherman Mrs. Mary Shukert Mrs. Fannie Slotsky Abe Smead Ilene Honey Smith Sidney Soklyn Louis Sommer Edward E. Sommers Solomon Spar Charles Spiegal Lillian Stine Mrs. Sarah Stiss Oscar Sutin Mrs. Celia Sweet Ben Taxman Bertha Shaft on Tooley Mrs. Martha Tuchman Harry Turkel Mrs. Theresa Ullery Mrs. Juliette Wade Samuel Weinberg Philip VVeisman Helen Weiss David Widman Yetta Sherman Williams Clara Waxcnberg Wintroub Mrs. Fannie Wolkow Eva Margolin Wyner Samuel Zemurray Sam Zevitz
Besf Wishes for a
HAPPY NEW YEAR Omaha's Newest
New Year's Greetings and
Best Wishes from
Sam Zlotky
Our Season's Greetings
College, for a scholarly study that will explore the patterns of Jewish settlement in the United States, Jewish membership in American voluntary communal organizations, occupations and intermarriage.
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New Year'* Edition — THE JKWiSU l'RESS — Hosh irashamih 6723
28, 1982
PARENTS —SONS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bukcr Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon B. Brodsky Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burstein Mr. and Mrs. Albert dayman Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Dandy Mr. and Mrs. Burt Dunevitz Mr. and Mis. Richard Fertil Mr. and Mrs. David Gelbart Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Glazer Mr. and Mrs. Martin Green Mr. and Mrs. Avrum M. Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Walter Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon J. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Larry Herman Mr. and Mrs. Stewart K. Kalin Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Karp Mr. and Mrs. Max R. Kirshenbaum Dr. and Mrs. Ben Kutler Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Lustgarten Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Peebler Rabbi and Mrs. Matthew M. P6liakoff Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Pred Mr. nnd Mrs. Jerome Raduziner Mr. and Mrs. Harry Richman Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rothenberg Mr. and Mrs. Don Sebert Mr. and Mrs. Zalman Segal Mr. and Mrs. Fred Segiii Mr. and Mrs. Millard R. Seldin Mr. and Mrs. Ted Sennett Mr. and Mrs. Michael Solzman Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Somberg Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stern Mr. and Mrs. Nornman Veitzer Mr. and Mrs. Fischel Wakschlag
40.05% GAIN BY ISRAELI BANKS Israel's three largest banks, led by Bank Leum le-Israel, recorded a gain of 40.05 per cent during 1961, with combined deposits, the equivalent of $925,600,000.
PARENTS —GIRLS Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Abramson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Alperson Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Becker Mr. and Mrs. Edward Belzer Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Berman Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. David Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Stanley K. Feinbcrg Mr. and Mrs. Sol Flatowicz Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gendler Mr. and Mrs. Gary Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Halprin Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Jacoby Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kolzen Mr. and Mrs. Jay Lashinsky Mr. and Mrs. Herman Manheimcr Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Margolin Mr. and Mrs. Millard Margolin Mr. and Mrs. Ben Nachman Mr. and Mrs. Saul Newman Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Ozar Mr. andi Mrs. Merle Potash Mr. and Mrs. John F. Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Miles Reiner Mr. and Mrs. David S. Rice Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Rochman Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rosinsky Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Schneicferman Mr. and Mrs. Don Sebert Mr. and Mrs. Allen A. Siegel Mr. and Mrs. David Solzman Dr. and Mrs. James Wax Mr. and Mrs. Herman S. Wolk
The Women's League of
The Omaha Hebrew Academy Extends to the Jewish Community of Omaha
Greetings for the New Year
Page Twenty-nliK COSTA RICA-ISRAEL CULTURAL AGREEMENT San Jose, Costa Rica (JTA)— A cultural treatry providing for a broad program of exchange of professors, students, publications and art, was signed here by Israel and Costa Rica.
For... © Lunch O Dinner © Dancing ©Cocktails Plan your n e x t p a r t y in t h e old w o r l d setting o f
. . .
Dodge at 44th
New Year's Greeting to our Many Friends
HAPPY NEW YEAR 1962-5723
TRACE OF 100,000,000 YEAR-OLD DINOSAUR DISCOVERED IN ISRAEL Jerusalem, (JTA)—The fossilized footprints of a dinosaur, the first ever found in ihe Near East, have been discovered at a farm near Jerusalem, it was reported here. The footprints, each of which measures a b o u t 12 inches across, a r c believed to have been made 100,000,000 years ago.
Momber Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
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Page Thirty
Y.-ar'* IMilion —THI? JKWISIl
Survey Indicates 5,510,000 Jewish Populafion in me United States ber of conyrc^atioiis has risen Jrom (j')fl to more than -4,001). With regard U> the total world J e w i s h population, the Year Bool: estimate.'; its total at some 1^.5(10.0(10. with about 3.750,<illl) liviiifj in l-:nro|>e, about L' million in Asia. •):;«.()()(> in Canada, Central and Soiilb America, .some 5(10.0(11) ii> Africa and about 70,0H0 in Australia and New Zealand. The population in Israel, according to the Year Ijonk report, is approximately 1.9:;(i,000 Jews and 2-i:i.0(i(( non-Jews.
New York (VVNS) The Jewish population in the United States is estimated at 5,510.(100, 6! whom f!() per cent ;iiv native, according to the American Jewish Year Book for liiiiU, published jointly by the Americim Jewish Coniiiiittee and the Jewish Publication Societv of AnierSince 1I1!I9 the Jewish population in this country increased from slightly moiv than a million to its present iiKiire of more than 5\? million, and the num-
Lyrics for Hadassah's liolden
t i the (Voided Jub'\fc oi HADASSAH, t \ lipf yylilcn }ul)tlcrf 1 •, lift uriMive? i.oty of Madiv.uli, t s tiff Yeur ol Jiitnlec oi lit I)- yrofi tior tiroling hand Ui*> tuffd d'leuM* hi thr Mulf t.cjui. )c; lemjM r arc f»«w tna^rs Hie fair the hoplf.i fcfuuee. Hall'. o( H'til'fi^] Itiwcf In:jfk —
Supply Co.
Friday, September 28, 10S2
Tho J e w i s h community of Panama, which daU-a back to the middle oi tho nineteenth century, today numbers uoine 2,O0t)
Lyrics written by the Misses Mildred and Kvclyn Levy have sung on several occasions in tribute to Hndnssah Jubilee this year. The verses, sun^ to the tuny oi "Kingdom Coming." are:
persons, about half of whom liva in Panama City. A sizable Jewish community also existo in Colon, Panama's second city. UTA.)
dry wekome nl! - (uni Je« very titJIi"! fvufli. She s Urn tad/ of Lititff her nam» i l Ovtt luFifJ and over sea. Wild a!l her truiiiit vht itmwls for the rijhl Of nil Hu'K'tnil/. Hrtincltu S/old-- ihc fiotfrixi the rnold Of H(!dav.ah'l noble tnni. r In fJtnetcfii TwrUff *Jte fro npj the inolJ OI HiKfcmab—htesi fiet fiame. Let us siMf) 1h«r prai'.e of \iu(iiy,viWs work A'wi *jff ve her (Cffiitcjriltj'A i we plcdije our firm ond dffp d^vol>'Jn In Ilii-, Vror ol Jutnlfe.
Rosh Hashanah Greetings
Acme Beering Service, Inc. 2509 Dodgo Street 344-4433
Omaha, Nebraska
A Happy New Year
"It Pays to Keep Clean' 3227 Harney St.
I'KKSS — Kosh Ifawlianah
To Our Friends (and Little Friends)
New Year Greetings to My Friends and Clients LEON N. WINTROU3
Diversified Services, Inc. ;*<]
In South Omalsa In Omaha
1CU9-II llnwaril St. A<|uilK (uurt Hide.
24th and M 35th and Uavcnworth
Are Pleased fo Extend
Their Cordial Greetings and Best Wishes to AH on the Occasion of the
5723 Holiday Season
Friday, Ke|>(rm»nr 28, 10B2
Year's RdHiijn —TirE
Rabbis6 Messages Rabbi r.iyer S. Krifike Beth El Synagogue The Holy Days of the fall require every Jew to face himself honestly and to take a long, hard look at his place in life. We will fail in our duties as Jews if we fail to do this--and yet this is one of the hardest of tasks for people who live in an affluent lor almost affluent!) society. If there is n pervasive Kin of American Jews, indulged in by individuals, institutions, jind communities alike, it is the KID of smugness and sell-satisfaction. One (| ii i e k, sweeping look, and we discover it on every side. It is this smugness which the Holy Days would penetrate if we permitted it, so that we get a better understanding of ourselves, of Judaism, and of the place of man in the Universe under God. Morderai M. Kaplan, whose dc<'|KSearehing (nought has influenced all liranelii's of American Jewish life, once remarked, "If we Jrws wen1 oni'-tnilh as I'lever «'olleelivcly as wi* an; supposed to be individually, we would mil allow (he Higli Holy Uays to come and go, leaving us ten days older hut none tin: wiser." We will soon be crowding our Synagogues for the solemn services of the New Year and the Day of Atonement. not fail to make of this experience of worship an experience in depth, in t.houghtfulness. in religious piety, and in Gotlscarchiiifj—not merely a superficial conformity to the crowd's diversion for the season. Let us permit the Synagogue to teach us Judaism and to lead us to a genuine Jewish religious experience! And with this resolve-also cur hopes! May the Now Year bring mankind closer to peace nnd freedom, and b r i n g us closer to worthwhile achievements. A blessed and joyous New Year!
wot (Ii as human beings and the definition of Hie goals of our existence. For (o be surf, identily and destiny are intertwined. JCach of us must be something worthwhile before we can beet o ni c something worthwhile. Each of us must want good tiling's before wo can hope to achieve great things. Our High Ilolidays emphasize this theme as do no other occasions in our Jewish religious life. On Hash Hashanah and Yom Kippur there are no external distractions. Or at least there should not be. Unlike all other holidays, s y ni b o I s and celebration are minimal. For the only symbol is that of the contrite heart and the only celebration can come from a new spirit within us, If then a characteristic of our time is weakness of spirit, then let us strengthen ourselves. If uncertainty and doubt lias tempered all the advantages of modern life with a gnawing reminder that everything we have is being eaten away by the hungry jaws of Meeting meaningless time, then let us look to the part of our lives that is of eternal values and the Eternal One. For as the world will bo what mankind wills it, so our own lives will be as stable, as
nssnrcd, as close to meaning nnd significance as we are each willing to approach. On our sacred days (lie call
Hasliannh 6723
On our sacml days the call Shall we not heed the call. AlmiKhty: And shall we not then have "Return unto Me, for I have found a new way of life and a redeemed tliee." new character for our time?
C(m)( , s f o r ( h f r o n l U)(1
4950 DODGE
FINER APPAREL FOR MEN Oxxford Clothes ©Churchill Hats Johnston & Murphy Shoes
Rabbi Benjamin Groner Beth Israel Synagogue The world we live in could be described as a fifty-fifty proposition;'-it's'not completely depraved, nor has it yet reached any pinnacle of ethical perfection. Every day, the sum total of human activity—the good and the bad—probably balances out. So, said the Rabbis, should one learn to look at the world. If a man feels that an unworthy act of bis can adversely affect the Almighty's opinion of the Universe, and 'conversely, that a deed of c h a r i t y or "G'niilus Clicscd" can lilt the balance favorably, he will suddenly awake (o the tremendous Implications of this great religious thesis—that e v i" r y individual man holds the destiny of all mankind in his hands. Rosh Hashanah is a most appropriate .time to contemplate this teaching of the Rabbis nnd its far-reaching .echoes,
Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks Temple Israel What is it that most characterizes our time? Over and again we hear words such as "anxiety," "stress," "fear1' and "depersonalizntion." Any or all cf these may be true. nut (he advent of our IligU Holidays reminds us of another dimension and of a charactcrlsllc of our time which W bolli in (lie world and' yet removed from it. This has lo do uidi (he character and destiny of our souls. Or to put it andtlKT way: . ton assessment of our [individual
1 Hew Teart Edition —THE JEWISH FKESS —Rosh H m h w h
Page Thirty-two
Want Jewish Identity
U. S. Jews, Christians Plan Joint Jan. Fileel New York (JTA)—A national conference to bring to bear the moral force of the church and synagogue on the problem of racial segregation in the United States will be held in Chicago next January 14-17. The c o n f e r e n c e was announced by the Department of Racial and Cultural Relations of the National C o u n c i l of Churches, the Social Action Department of the National Catholic Welfare Council, and the Social Action Commission of the jtSynagogjue, Councjl of America. The,sponsors said that* 600 clerical and lay religious ,Ieadv ers-lMjm ^Q^ro^stant, Jewish . and' Catholic groups are expected to take part
Frldsr, September 88, M6S
What Are the
Small-Town Jews Are Closer women Doing? The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is conducting a study on the role of Jewish women in To New York, <JTA>—Jews liv- or peddlers. The majority of tha Jewish communal life in the ing in small-town America have a "decided and unique effect in changing the attitudes of Christians towards Jews generally," Professor Peter Rose, a noted sociologist, reports in a Cornell University study of "Small Town Jews and their Neighbors." The study, sponsored by the AntiDefamation L e a g u e of E'nai B'rith, was made in communities of less than 10.000 residents in New York state. It concluded that in s m a II towns, Jews are not just participants in formal community functions but are usually "an in. tegral part" of the social life. "Because the Jew is constantly in direct contact with Christians in the small community, he gets to know their ways and they cannot help but get to know them." The small-town Jew. the report said, finds himself more accepted formally and informally than does the city Jew. Being invited to one another's homes for informal visiting is an everyday occurrence between Christian and Jew in the community. Eighty-one per cent of the Jews queried said that no discrimination of any kind was practiced in their communities. Fifty percent of the small-town Jews designated a Christian person as their closest friend; but thirty per cent said they felt ' m o r e comfortable1 with Jews than with non-Jews," the study noted. "Identifying with Judaism seems to play a major role in the attitudes of Jewish parents towards t h e i r children," Prof. Rose r e p o r t e d . "Smalltown Jews, like their urban coreligionists, arc anxious for their children to keep the faith and marry Jews. As a result, they send them to Jewish summer camps, and, w h e n they are through with high school, encourage them to attend metropolitan universities." Although he has a deep-seated sense of Jewish identification, the rural Jew rarely or never attends religious services. Threefourths of those queried said they belong to some religious congregation and G6 p e r c e n t placed themselves in some Jewish category—Orthodox, Conservative or Reform—but they do not attend services because the synagogue is too far away. (Estimates ranged from 15 to 100 miles.) While distance or belief keeps t h e m out of the synagogue, many keep traditional observances at home. For evample, over half celebrate the Passover holidays, 25 per cent never serve bacon or ham, and 15 percent maintain strictly kosher homes even though it means importing meat from distant cities. Two-thirds of such Jews settled in hamlets for business reasons—they started stores after having been traveling salesmen
rest are refugee physicians who fled to America from Nazi-dominated countries and found it difficult to establish practices in urba l areas. Others are lawyers, teachers, insurance brokers, cattle dealers and farmers.
United States. The survey, to be conducted by YIVO's Commission on Research, will be completed within a year. The study is expected to reveal an amazing extent of participation by Jewish women in communal affairs. By Nathan Ziprin (WNS)
THE DOUGLAS REAL ESTATE CO. New Address—at the Town House
Happy New Year Bill McVfcker
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the Eternal Light symbol of a belief so profound that neither indifference nor hostility could dim it . . . EXODUS XXVII VERSE 20 And thou shalt command tho children of Israel, that thoy bring unto thoo pure ©liv» oil boafon for tho light, to causo a lamp to burn continually. In tho Tont of moeting, without tho voil which is boforo tho tosti. mony, Aaron and his sons shall sot it in order to burn from ovoning to morning bofors the LORD; it shall bo a statuto for over throughout their generations on tho behalf of the children of Israel.
LAMP, which has hung. In synagogues all over the world since the origin of THIS the Bible itself, is an inspiring symbol of the profound, unceasing faith of a great people and their untiring efforts toward a better tomorrow. In thirty scattered lands, this lamp of faith burns with the same inspiration for all those on whom its light falls, be their place of assembly a synagogue of stone or a tent of goatskin. It has been so through the ages. . / We need look no further for a better symbol for the uncertain times today than faith like this . . , the knowledge that man, with the help of 1God, can solve his own problems . . . that lasting peace in the world will come to us only when the principles of charity and justice govern the actions of man. May this new year bring the. answer to prayers of man of all faiths for a peaceful solution of the world's problems . . . that Rosh Hashanah will be recorded as the beginning a new era for man . . . that within it he will reach a greater dignity through a more complete realization of the purpose for which he was intended.
,.]...! t'lJ
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New Year's Edition — TUB JKW1SII I'KK.SS — ICush llaslianah 5723
I'riilay, Kr|ilrinlwr 2X, 1MJ2
NEW YEAR GREETINGS from Ellen Hurwick and James Acklmun Joy Freideu and Charles '/,. Arnold Irene Maxinc Winer and Edward Isaac Blend Leni Lee Wine and Alan James Crounse Eileen Sue Podcr and Michael Errnan Beverly Nancy Iilotcky and David Friedlander Mary Brown and llyman GcrbiT Harriott Rosalie Lipiitein and Bd.sil William Click Phyllis Kal/.man and William Goldman Kay Lynn Slireffler and John Charles Goldncr .Linda Kavicli and Nelson Gortlman Beth Weiiiberg and Martin L. Greene Rosella Handler and Paul Haflils Itotlia Gail Goldman and Larry Herman Sheila Rndeinian and Lawrence Hornstein Jill IJraveinian and Justin Horwich Olga Darta and Sam Jacohow Diane Kay Sdireiber and Allan I. Kcnyon Heva Sheelitman and'Benjamin Klaiman Arlene llandman and Fred Kolm Trudy Zeilcliiek and Joseph Koprak Linda Zalltin and Norman Kronick Lorraine Hoitstein and Michael R. Levy Esther Glichlick and Ben Lindenbaum Ilochelle Groenherg and Itonald Lipson Sandra Kay Gross and Howard Robert Martin
Karen Rente Forbes and J. Robert Meyer Bertha Slut/ky and Michael Morris Caroline Dolgoff and Donald S. Novicoff Waxiiie Leu Jubc-nis and Allen Pa.sser Jane Fellman and Nathan pickus Barbara Ross and Michael Platt Karen Mnjjzainin and Gary Plolkin ' Frances Joy Kiivnberg and Norman K. Plotkin Deannv Ruth Markovitz and David Rafi'cl Florence Rae Khrago and Murray Jerome Hose Joan Lawson and Mark Seliimmel Sally Kay Mnrkovitz and Richard Norton Siegel Ruth Gelfand and William Skolnick Frances Silver ;uid Harry Knyder Susan A. Sherman and Martin E. Sophir Sandra Ba.ssman and Richard Spe.icr Sandra Fiedler and Lawrence 13. Strauss Joan Beatrice Abrahams and Steven N. Snbriil .: Patricia Lee Mogil and Maynard Talelman • Sally Ann Van Dusen and Jcrald Venger Patricia Yvonne Bnssman and Bruce Lee Wagner Jane Deborah Rachel Colm , and David Waklbauin Janice Ann Katleman and Philip Barnett Wa;,ne Daniela Libon and Gerald Weinberg Diane Lebowitz and Charles Richard Wise Phyllis Joy Binstein and Harold M. Zabin
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New Year's Greetings to Our Many Friends
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New Teur's Edition — THE JJJWISII 1'KKKS—-Koftli
Virgin Islands Has A Jewish Governor By SEMVVX RABB At SI. Thomas, V. S. Virgin Islands This island boasts of having the oldest Jewish community in the Western Hemisphere, but that community may be dying. The island's sole Rabbi says: Only a handful of the 17.1 Jews here attend Sabbath services. Kosher food is virtually unobtainable. Few parents attempt t) give their children religious trainingThe Hebrew lan^ua;;e is unknown to Jews on the island. Marriage with non-Jews is increasing. Jews have lived in Uie three U. S. Virgin Island-; of .St. Thomas (the major island) St. John and St. Cro'x. since the Danes settled St. Thomas in NiG.V The first Jews came as traders and merchants, and some oi the 50 Jewish families now here can trace their families back to the original sett!crs. In 1017, the U. S. purchased the three Caribbean I s l a n d , about 1500 miles from New York, for $25 million. Jews have prospered financially and politically here. The p r e s e n t governor, Ralph T.I. Paiewonsky. is Jewish, and his family is one of the oldest on this sun-drenched island. Two other Jews have been V. I. governors, one under Danish rule. The Island's Jewish spiritual leader is silver-thatched, GO-yearo!d Rabbi Moses D. Sasso. He has made his home in St. Thomas since 1914. and his ancestors have either lived in the Virgin Islands or in other parts of the West Indies for more than 200 years. Floor Sand Covered Proudly showing a visitor. St. Thomas' 128-year-o!d Seuhardic synagogue—whose floor is covered with sand to commemorate
the Jews wandering in the Sinai Desert — Rabbi Sasso reflected on the past and future of his congregation. '•We have thrived in the past. The feeling of Jewishncss was strong here. But I'm not sure whether a Jewish community will always continue in the Virgin Islands." Rabbi Sasso said attendance at Sabbath services has declined and most of his worshipers now are tourists. "We've had a lot of mixed marriages in the last 20 years," he noted, "and I think that helps to break down a community like ours, which is so small." The most optimistic sign Rabbi Sasso sees for the community is the arrival in the last 10 years of about six Jewish families from the States "We even hear Yiddish spoken here now." he said. "I never heard it before." Rabbi Sasso's dilemma was evident a*, a recent Friday night service. Inside the synagogue-—which was rebuilt in If!.'!!! on the site of an older one destroyed by fire on 180!—Rabbi Sasso. in canonical rcbes. waited in the pulpit for the congregation to assemble. About ;j(l worshipers, only 15 men and women from St. Thomas, attended. One of tlie women, a community leader, wore a Christmas corsage. Half-Hour Service At the end of the half-hour service. Rabbi Sasso noted that a cruise ship out of New York would dock early the next morning in St. Thomas. He said many Jews from the ship were expected to attend Saturday services. He pleaded. "Please come to services tomorrow so 'Jiese good people the ship won't have to ask: Where are the Jews that live here? Why don't they come
A Very Happy New Year to You and Yours ;•;.:•'.•••:.
n p Dodge.
Monuments In Honor Of Jewish Martyrs P h i 1 a d e Iphia (JTA)--Cratz College has approved an offer from the Association of Jewish New Americans: an organization of survivors of the Hitler holocaust, to place in the new Grat^ College Building a sculpture in memory of the Jewish victims of World War II. A communique from overseas reports the Union of Jewish communities of Czechoslovakia will erect a monument in the old Jewish Cemetery in Prague to honor the memories of Uie. 2i!0,000 Czechoslovakia!! J e w s murdered during the Nazi period.
Dr. Schiff Cifed for Isolating Measles Virus Bethesda, Md.. UTAi—Or. Gilbert Schiff, a Jewish physician and research scientist, has been acclaimed in scientific circles for his role in isolating and growing in tissue , culture the virus that c a u s e s German measles. Dr. Schiff, who worked on the project with Dr. John L. Sever, at the National Institute for Neurological Diseases and Blindness here, is a grandson of Rabbi Mordecai Schiff of Cincinnati. Ohio. to this beautiful and ancient synagogue?" Although Jews have encountered little overt discrimination since the islands were settled. Rabbi Sasso and ollitv leaders wore disturbed by an incident last year. It concerned charges that, on St. Croix. the second most populous of the islands. realtors were attempting to prevent Jews and Negroes from buying homes through ""entlemen'-s agreements." Civil nights Ad The alleged bias led to the enactment ol a broad c i v i l rights xict by the V. I. Legislature. The measure was praised by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'ritli as the f i r B t serious effort by any legislature within the U. S. to cope with the practice of using the 'private club' device to evade statutory prohibitions against racial or religious discrimination." Cov. Paiewonsky said there had been no bias complaints since the law went into effect last June,
llusbaiudi 5723
Friday, SnitotuIxT 28, 1902
OSK TO CELEBRATK 50TH ANNIVERSARY PARIS (WNS) -The r>Oth anniversary of the founding of OSK, the World Union for the Protection of the Health of the Jews, will be celebrated during ltlli-J in Israel.
New York (JTA)--Ka t r i e l Katz, former secretary to Uie Israel government in New York, has become Israel Consul General in New York with rank of ambassador.
Royco-Royai Service •
2013 St. Marys Phono 341-4240
Morton and Alma Brett
Rosh Hashonah Greetings from your Schimmel Hotels in Omaha SCHSMMEL'S INDIAN HILLS INN 8501 W«r Dodge Road
HOTEL BLACKSTONE 3oth end Farnara
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BEST APPLIANCE CO. Headquarters for
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7601 DODGE
.3 New Teart
Friday, September 28, 1902
Edition — THE JEWISH PKESS — Itosh Hashanah
They Did Fight Bock For that portion of the world of Jews than the Nazis. Most to which such heroism still mat- of all, they forget that the disters, one memorable aspect of pirited, disorganized, unarmed, the Eichmatin trial in Jerusalem and untrained, physically and was the disclosure that the Warsaw Ghetto revolt was not the psychologically weakened Jews only one and that not all the faced Germans expertly trained European Jews inarched sheep- to kill. like to their mass graves during Staggering Courage • the Nazi pestilence, Under these circumstances, This is a matter of critical importance. Those who have ar- that revolts did occur, not only gued that the Jews should not in the widely-publicized Warsaw have docilely accepted t h e i r Ghetto uprising, but even in the gruesome fate, that they should death camps, takes on aspects have tried to take some of the of the miraculous. But they did Nazi murderers into the grave happen and they deserve more with then), forget the circum- attention than they have restances of the Nazi roundup and ceived. Even more than the deportation of the doomed Jews Warsaw Ghetto revolt, the uprisings in Sobibor and Treblinka of Europe, w e r e manifestations of such Starved and Weak sheer courage as to stagger the They forget the demonic effi- imagination. ciency with which the Nazis Treblinka was one of the spemade sure that few groups of Jews learned what the Nazis cialized murder camps set up by were doing to earlier groups of the Nazis in the Polish village victims; they forget that the of that name in 1942. From that Jews were beaten, starved and time until the camp was deotherwise reduced to a physical stroyed by the retreating Gerand psychological c o n d i t i o n mans in November, 1943, some Which made the mere idea of 300,000 Jews from Warsaw and resistance virtually incredible; an unknown number from other they forget the fantastic diffi- ghettos were murdered there. culties w h i c h camp inmates But not all of the inmates were faced in seeking to lenrn how to slaughtered. handle effectively the few weapOne who was not was an S. ons they did find; they forget Willemberg, who took part in a that even if some Jews did have revolt in August of 1943. He the rare opportunity to escape lived to make a deposition befrom the tightly-guarded death fore the Jewish Historical Comcamps, the partisans whom they mission of Warsaw, a portion of would find outside the camp which was translated into Enggates—the Poles, the Ruman- lish and printed in a recent isians, the Ukrainians—were hard- sue of Focus, a publication of ly less savage in their hatred the youth and Hechalutz Depart-
HOWARD LEE, Famous Hong Kong Chef CHARLES APARO Proprietors of the
ment of the Zionist Organization in Jerusalem. Treklinba Uprising The Treblinka uprising developed from clandestine activities which were organized by the first inmates of the camp. Reading of forbidden newspapers and listening to a secret radio was the principal activity at first of the camp underground. Later the underground was organized into a n u m b e r of groups counting five to ten members each. Shortly after this stage of organization was reached, plans were made for an uprising. The task of obtaining arms was given to a Dr. Horonzhytzky, who worked in the camp clinic, that is, he was a medical officer only for the Germans. Apparently not a Jew, he was regarded by the prisoners as a man with "a good heart," who "always allowed us to c o o k something in his clinic" when the inmates were starving. Willemberg brought the doctor 750,000 zlotys, taken by the underground from the clothing of victims, money which had been successfully secreted from the SS men. However, one of the SS guards, coming to the clinic, noted the doctor's nervousness, searched hini and found the money. The doctor quickly struck the SS man repeatedly on the head and killed him. The doctor then swallowed the cyanide which all the- inmates carried. A number of other SS men came running to the clinic and tried desperately to revive the dead doctor. Despite the fiasco, some arms were obtained. The revolt was set. Camp work that day was scheduled to be finished at 6 o'clock. At 4 p.m. the foremen sent each underground member to a pre-arranged station where they were to receive arms. Two 16-year-old boys sneaked into the camp arsenal and took out weapons through a window near a fence. The arms, covered with garbage, were smuggled to inmates in charge of vegetables (Continued on Page 37.)
Page Thirty-five
A Happy New Year From
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May We Expross Most Sincere Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year *o Our Many Jowish Friends and Patron*
Grace-Mayer Insurance Agency 141-6500
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Now Year's Kilition — Till-: JKWJSII l'ltESS —Kosh Hushanafa C123
Page Thirty-six
Study on Diet, He< New York (JTA>—Two groups of Jewish immigrants, all over 70, have provided a natural testing ground in Israel to support the theory of a relationship between a high cholesterol diet and heart disease, the Joint
D:ilributioa Committee reported. One group consisted of 220 men nnd women Irom Yemen and the second group was composed of 200 newcomers from Europe. They live together in a village
Vittorio C a s t i g l i o n i , who served as chief rabbi of Home shortly after the turn of the century, was a major contributor to Italian-Jewish culture. He translated the Mishnali into Ital-' ian and conducted a -vigorous campaign against mixed marriages among I t a l i a n Jews. (JTA)
eye (I) The imaginative application of word and picture will set forth your product's advantage. CREATIVE ADVERTISING FROM B O Z E L L & J A C O B S , I f ' C . 700 Klcwlt Ptau
for- the aged, Shaar Menashe, maintained by Mnlben, the Joint D i s t r i bution Committee program for aged, ill nnd handicapped immigrants. Both groups w e r e given the same basic food. There was no significant difference in the caloric intake bsUveen the two groups. However, the Yemenites' consumption of animal protein and fat v.v.s relatively low. Their vegetable fat and protein intake was slightly higher. Less Aiuou,!* Yemenites The studies showed no Ei(';ns of heart disease among the Yemenite men, among the Yemenite women the incidence was lees than one per cent. In contract to these figures, the incidence of heart disease among the European men was 3.7 per cent and among the women, 3.4 per cent. The medical researchers found that the blood pressure of the European women was considerably higher than that of Yemenite women. There was no significant difference in the blood pressure of the men of both groups. The researchers also found that .the degree of cholesterol deposits was much lower among the Yemenites. The study also revealed t h a t electro-cardiograpluc signs of atherosclerotic heart disease, and incidence and severity of atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta were three times higher among the E u r o p e a n immigrants. The study was supported by grants from JDC-Maibcn and the Israel General Federation of Labor.
Friday, Si>[>HmiMT 28, 19fi3
Phone 342-2000
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Best Wishes to Our Many Friends and Customers TH0
ROSEN-NOVAK FAMILY Ben Novak Edward A. Rosen Marvin Rosenberg Sidney Novak Elmer Novak Arthur Novak William Novak
Serving Omaha's Motorists for Over 24 Years
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Friday, September 28, 1SS2
Tear'* Edition — TOE JKVVISH FltttgS — Bosb
National Defense College in Israel Israel—Plans for a National Defense C o l l e g e to open in Israel on October, 19G3, in cooperation with the Hebrew University, was approved by the Israeli Cabinet The aims of the College will be the crystallization of a general national defense theory mid the establishment of r e g u l a r communication on security matters between all the institutions involved in national defense, David Ben-Gurion, the Prime
Minister and Minister of Defense told the Cabinet. The College is to bo h e a d e d by a Colonel and to have a deputy director from the F o r e i g n Ministry. Hie, in the form of lectures and seminars, will include subjects under six main headings: "The Jewish People," "The Middle East," "Political Problems," "Israel and Her Institutions," "Defense Potential," and ''Israel's Economy."
Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year
UNIVERSAL ADVERTISING AGENCY Advertising and Public Relationi
311 So. 15th St.
Phone 342-8448
James Lipsoy
Miflard Rosenberg
Best Wishes -for a
1512 Douglas St.
Exclusive Distributor! of Baldwin Pianoi and Organs
(Continued from Page 35.) where they were hidden uuder heaps of potatoes. The signal for the revolt was to be a rifle shot. Hut the plans went awry. Whatever the cause, the uprisin;; began ahead of schedule and the guns could not be passed out to the inmates who had been assigned the task of killing the U k r a i n i a n machinegunnen; posted in watclitowers on Uie fence around the camp. Bridge of ISodles Because the gunners in the watclitowers were not killed according to plan, the first prisoners going through the entanglements were mowed down by machine gun fire. 'Hie pile of b o d i e s eventually formed a bridge over the fence. Some 200 Jews in all reached tli« forest, those with guns moving from tree to tree, picking off the excited, cursing SS men. Many of them were bleeding from bullet wounds. When it became evident that the SS men had wrecked the plan by which the escapees were to be armed, Willeniberg said, they fought their way back to the potato pile in the cainp under a hail of bullets to grab as many guns as they could before fighting their way back into the forest. VVillemberg's report continues with terrible brevity: "This was the reason for the large number of casualties." How many of the brave band of 200 survived the Naxi holocaust to the end and how many of the SS and Ukrainian murderers at Treblinka were shot down by the escaping Jews is not indicated. But those Treblinka Nazis who survived know that the lie of Jewish cowardice was branded forever that day the camp g u a r d s who were wounded or killed by Jews with extraordinary courage. (WNS)
Dr. Thomas N. Banner Democratic Candidate for Congress
Best Wishes for
Very Happy New Year
To Our Many Friends A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR Burton RoMnson A! Fox
H.O.PEET&CO. Members N e w York Stock Exchange Midwest Stock Exchange
Israel's President Protests Salary Raise
Fighfs Back
Tage Thirty-
313 So. U t h St.
42 Years—Omaho'i Oldest Chinese Restaurant
Jerusalem: The salary of Israeli President Izhak Ben-Zvi was increased from $1,500 to $G,000 despite his objections. The sum was less than earned by many civil Eervants. In addition to his salary, President Ben-Zvi has been receiving annual allowances of $5,000 which he and Mrs. Ben-Zvi consistently turned over to libraries in development centers and for rural synagogues and other cultural and educational activities.
Our Besl Wishes for a
Hoffman's Home of Delicacies
ELECTRIC C O . 455-8792
Norman Roffman
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7630 Dodgo
Monday thru Saturday 9 A M to 7 P.M. Closed Sunday
1121, SARD ST.
5Q28 Underwood
9 A.M. to 7 P.M. Monday thru Friday Sunday 8 A.M. to 7 P.M. Closed Saturday
New Year's Edition — THE JEWISH PRESS —Bosh Ilasbanafa
tape Thirty-eight
Larry Batt
Youth Council Secretary:
Stewart Smith Treasurer: Arnie White Sergeants-at-Anm: Sandy Friedman, Barry Zoob Youth Council Representatives: Barry Goldware, Frank Wintroub
President: Harold Schneider Vice-President: John Spitzer Secretary: Nancy Makiesky Sergeant-at-Arms: Sandra Fleischl
AZANo. J President: Stephen Boguchwal Vice-President: Ronald Kaiman Secretary: Harry Friedman Treasurer: Melvin Cohen Sergeants-at-Arms: Neil Simon, Marshal Lewis Pledge Masters: Marshal Abrahams.Max Rlchtman
BRITISH AUTHOR WINS " CHILDREN'S PLAY PRIZE New York (JTA)—P a m e 1 a Melnikoff of E n g l a n d , was named winner of the Annual Golden Pen Playwriting Contest, sponsored for the best full-length play written in English on a Jewish theme. Miss Melnikoff's play is titled "The Raasomed Menorah."
TO OUR JEWISH FRIENDS AND PATRONS We Extend Our Very Best Wishes for a Happy Nev/ Year
Best Wishes for a Happy New Year
Claude Constable
Industrial Machinery and Supplies © MACHINE TOOLS
AZANo. 100 President: Carl Riekes Vice-President: Joseph Reiss Secretary: Ira Fleischer Treasurer: Keith Levine Sergeants-at-Arms: Paul Goldenberg, John Robinson Youth Council Representatives: Steve Katz, Keith Levine
Friday, September 28, IOCS
4829 Dodge
2401 N. 11TH ST.
Omaha, Ncbr.
AZANo. 7000 President: Richard Epstein Vice-President: Steve Kaplan Secretary: Harold Bordy Treasurer: Mark Kaplan Sergeant-at-Arms: • Harley Schrager, Barry Sadofsky Youth Council Representatives: Don Swartz, Randy Endelman Pledge Master: Richard Diamond
BBGHevra President: Susie Katzman First Vice-President: Barbara Chudacoff Second Vice-President: Gail Levin Third Vice-President: Janice Itkin Recording Secretary: Francie Shrier Corresponding Secretary: Barbara Herzog Bills Treasurer: Toby Reizbaum Dues Treasurer: Annette Charney Sergeants-at-Arms: Alice Fellman, Susie Stoler
BBG Rohanue President: Janice Siref First- Vice-President: Joyce Render Second Vice-Presidents: Faye Samuelson, Debe Sokolof Third Vice-President: . Elly Zelinsky Secretary: Elaine Biniamow Bills Treasurer: Frances Grossman Dues Treasurer; Marda Cohen Sergeants-at-Arms: Carol Kraft, Paula Magzamto Youth Council Representative: Sharon Berman
Rayim -
New Year Greetings
BBGEdiar President: Joan Brookstein First Vice-President: Susie Makiesky Second Vice-President; Nancy Makiesky Corresponding Secretary: Linda Riekes Recording Secretary: Judy Turner Bills Treasurer: Janice Meiches Dues Treasurer: Lynn Cherniack Pledgemaster: Nancy Makiesky
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You'* Edition —THE JEWISH FKESS —Kosli
Friday, September 28, 19U2
school years in study there, they have been recognized as semiacademic institutions authorized to confer on their graduates the degree of Bachelor of Educagists and educational experts tion. Teacher Shortage have for some time urged the This year, with more children necessity to bridge over the differences between the various registered in the schools, it is sections of the population al- estimated that some BOO teachready at a tender age, and to ers will be needed to fill posts, bring all children in Israel to particularly in underdeveloped the same educational level from areas. To meet the shortage the which every individual can ad- Ministry of Education has apvance in accordance with his in- plied to the Ministry of Defense to divert a considerable number nate utilities. of women soldiers who have 'JVaclicTS Training Seminaries completed their secondary eduThe t r a i n i n g of primary cation to teach in these schools school teachers occupies an im- as part of their military service. portant place in the solution of Suitable women soldiers volunthis problem, imd so plans have teering for such work will have been evolved for far-reaching to undergo a course of intensive changes in the institutions for training before being sent out the training of such teachers. to the new immigrant settleThree additional teachers train- ments. Insofar as these teaching seminaries are to be opened ers will be prepared to continue during the new school year. In at their work after completing order that such training institu- their term of military service, tions may prove an attraction to they will have to take qualifying students who are expected to examinations held by the Minisspend three p o s t s c c o n d a r y try of Education.
Page Thirty-Din*
Israel—Six h u n d r c d sixty thousand pupils have registered in all types of educational instittiitons in Israel for the new school year which opened on September 2. This shows a rise of 33,0*00 over the figure for last year, when 470,000 attended primary schools, 77,000 post-primary educational institutions, 40,000 educational institutions for the minorities and 11,000 the various institutions for higher learning. It is of interest to note that the first students to have iicquired all their education in the State of Israel, beginning from the first primary grade, will he coining up to the various universities in the country in the forthcoming academic year. ISmlgel. Up 40 I'cr Cent The budget of the Israel Ministry 61 Education and Culture has risen in the past two years by 40 per cent and now educational standards in Israel are on a par with those of the highly developed countries in Western Europe. Israel as a State absorbing immigrants from various countries is faced with a long series of educational problems, the most serious of which are those of a communal nature. Of the 4.000 boys and girls who last j aar graduated from the various secondary schools in the country, only ,450 belonged to the Oriental communities. In the institutions of higher learning, members of the Oriental communities account for only 5 per cent of the total number of students. Of the 7,000 students registered with the Hebrew Univer-' sity only about 300 belonged to the various Oriental communities and fewer than 40 graduated in the various faculties last year. More Scholarship!) The Ministry of Education and Culture has taken steps to increase the number of scholarships for children of the Oriental communities attending secondary schools and for students in the institutions of higher learning. However, greater attention is to be given to such c h i l d r e n during the early years. It is proposed to reduce the age for kindergarten attendance for children from the backWard communities from four to three, since it is believed that a period of three years in a kindergarten atmosphere is likely to supply the influences which the home surroundings do not give to such children, Special care is to be devoted also ta children in the 6-14 age bracket, attending primary schools. The Ministry of Education has this year decided to introduce a longer school-day (from 8 a.m. to 4 p-.m,) in the new immigrant settlements and development towns. Such longer day will include regular class periods and special periods for the preparation of homework under the supervision of teachers and instructors as well as several hours a week for cultural activities to which such pupils cannot nspire in any other framework. Some 20,000 children this year attend the schools where this prognmme is to be introduced. Equal Opportunities It has been proved beyond all doubt that the educational retardation of the children of the Oriental communities is by no means due to congenital mental inferiority, but rather to the so-, cial and economic conditions under which they live. Psycholo-
Lorr.tla Young THE NEW LORETTA YOUNG SHOW I'rcmirrf: Mun, Sept. 24, 0:00 P.M.
JACKIE GLEASON'S AMERICAN SCENE Premiere: Sat., Sept. 29, G:30 P.M.
Lucille: Hall THE LUCY SHOW Premiere: Man., Oct. 1, 7:30 P.M.
Sliirl Contviiy, Zlnn Retluine "THE NURSES" Premiere: TliurK., Sept. 27, 8:00 I'.M.
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Jacli \Vcl>l, TRUE THEATRE Premiere,: Sim., Oct. IS, 8:30 P.M.
Kildlr, Foy, Jr. FAIR EXCHANGE Premium: IMon., Sept. 21, 8:30 P.M.
Lives of Orcnt I'coplo BIOGRAPHY Premiere: Sun., Sept. IB, 5:30 1\M.
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CANADIAN NAMED Holiday Table LONDON (WNS) —Sir Keith Joseph,' one of the most prominent Jews active in the Conservative Party and in various high governmental posts, was named by Prime Minister Harold Macmillan to the Cabinet position of 1116-18-20 Harney Sh Phone 341-4842 Minister of Housing. Sir Keith, , : ^ ^ ^ r j ^ i C u s t ^ e ^ l l ^ r l c i n t J ' p ' r ; ; : ' ; .--*"-J 44, is a former trustee of the of Loop Parfcirtcj Co;, 13th arid Hartley Sts. -', •: .* ; Friends of the Hebrew University,
See them all this fall on
:£liii£jl5^^^ ; t
Friday, SrptemlMr 28,
New Year's Kdition — TIIK JKW1SH'OTEF.HS—Bosh Ha-tKinah 67XS
. Forty
Rescue, Resettlement
May 5723 Bring Peace pn-cedentid sum of $100,000,000 was set as a goal -and raised. The following year. With the rush of Jews into the American Zone of Germany as a. result of the Kielce pogrom in Poland, the UJA brought in the unheard ol sum ol $117,(1(10.0(10. Hut as late as HI HI the great bulk ol the 250.01)0 Jewish DP's continued to languish in depressing German camps despite the eilorts of the JDC. Hias and other Jewish organizations around the globe to break through the immigration quotas and other provisions laid down by the world's nations. "Operation Magic Car|irt" The establishment of the State of Israel on May U. I9!B, radically altered this demoralizing situation. Despite the war of .survival that the reborn nation was forced to wage, it welcomed some lOl.(idl) immigrants during its lirsl seven months of .statehood! Inspired by the people of Israel, the American Jewish community in 1911! contributed the all-time UJA high -.Sl-lii.OOO.noO.
mittee, founded m J'IM. reined By Joseph Myrrliol'f I'JA. (ii-iicral Chairman all the lilesaving techniques it Evaluating the past, studying developed for feeding Jews bethe present and planning lor the hind enemy lines in World War future lias become traditional I. New methods also were inon Rosh llashanah. Now. as Jews reverywhere celebrate the vented, using United Jewish Apyear .>72:i, it is jjarticularly ap- peal funds. But rescue remained the pripropriate to s c r u t i n i z e the world-wide activities of United ' man- aim. From 1939 to 1!>H, Jewish ApjK'al, which this year with' UJA aid. Ktt.OOO Jews were will be .observing its 21Ili cam- snatched from the Nazi death machines: Tli.llDO were brought paign anniversary. to Palestine, the others to the New Generation Since the U.JA's inception a U.S. and other lands. quarter of a century ago. a new generation ol .lews has grown to \'K Day, May l(, 1!U5. was a maturity in the United States. day of rejoicing. But lor the Like their elders, they recognize Jewish people everywhere- it the UJA's primacy as the major .soon gave way to unparalleled agency raising funds lor the res- shock. From the once warmcue and resettlement of .Jewish hearted, culturally-rich Jewish refugees and-immigrants in Is- communities of !>!()(i(i.(i(i(>, some rael and other iree lands, and ( were dead. Only l,.">ou.lor p r o v i d i n g assistance to (too survived in-Europe, in addineedy Jews in more than a tion to those in the Soviet Unscore ol countries overseas. ion. About (lO.Ofl!) living skeleThe impact of the UJA in the tons somehow remained alive in local community is also ac- the concentration camps. knowledged by ail as a most sigAmerican Jewry responded at nificant one. By capturing the imagination ami the loyalty of a memorable UJA National ConJewish men and women through- ference in Atlantic City in Deout .the land- and through its cember, 1<I4~>. at which' the im;-Young Leadership Training Program—the UJA has been instrumental in bringing many vigorous and influential men and women into the leadership structure of their communities. Days of Crisis The world was on the brink of disaster in late I!):;;!. For Kuropean Jewry the situation had become hopeless. Hitler's blueprint of conquest, plunder and murder had been publicized for years in his own writings and blood-chilling pronouncements. By late !!):!!!. American Jewish leaders realized that a single united effort by all of the agencies would have a greater impact on the community and would yield more elfective results. Accordingly, the United Palestine Appeal, the Joint Distribu4322 NO. 24TH ST. tion Committee and the National Coordinating Committee for Ref451-8900 ugees decided to pool their fundraising efforts in an attempt to gear the American Jewish Community to the large-scale response required to meet the unprecedented needs. Raised $15,0110,000 Its immediate effect was felt in its first campaign in HCi't. The UJA raised more than $15.OOd.OUO for worldwide Jewish needs, a sum more than double the amount raised by the three separate campaigns the preceding year. Since that period, the UPA lias become the United Israel Appeal: the National Coordinating Committee evolved into the National Refugee Service, then the U n i t e d Service for New Americans and. currently, the New. York Association for New Americans and U n i t e d Hias Service. Today,, the UJA is the sole fund-raising body lor UJA, NYANA. as well as for JDC. In Joe Bucheister Dave Richtman a d d i t i o n , the UJA allocates funds to United Hias to assist in the resettlement of Jews in countries other than Israel. 346-2916, 342-0736 1619 No. 24tlr St.. With the outbreak of World War II on September 1. 1939. and with the .subsequent Nazi victories, Europe b e e n m e a death camp for the trapped Jewish population. After lengthy periods of agonizing silence, there began to emerge reports of the Greetings and Best Wishes for a systematic destruction of Jews at • "concentration points" that Happy and Prosperous Netv Year were barely identifiable on most maps: Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Maidanek, Treblinka and many, many others. So grisly w e r e these reports that the World first refused to believe. But even if .these,nightmarish Studebakers reports had been fully believed and if by some miracle the Jews SINCE 1918 of E u r o p e could have been ' moved out, where could they Lave gone? 3141 FARNAM ST. New Tasks—New Methods The Joint Distribution Com-
and Happiness •
Harry Timlin
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