October 5, 1962

Page 1


Vol. XM—No. 2

Publication Office 301 OnUiha, Nebraska, i'Jione

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Feinberg will represent the Jewish Federation of Omaha on the United Jewish Appeal Study Mission, overseas, is was announced ' by Ernest A. Nogg, Federation president. _ Slutly Refugee Needs Tlie UJA survey committee, composed of 140 persons, will s t u d y the refugee needs in Europe and will bring back to . this country thoir observations and findings. The study will involve relocation of Jewish refugees who wi:;h to move to Israel or to other countries and to improve their present living conditions. The tour will include Israel, France, Poland, Gorman, England and Switzerland. The Fcinberfjs will leave New York City for England on October 18. They will travel to Poland and France before going to Israel. Will Make Reports Both will make reports on



Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Fcinbcrg their observations and findings when they return to Omaha. Mr. Feinberg, president of the Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. of Omaha, is a m e r a b e r of the board of directors of the Jewish F e d e r a t i o n of Omaha and headed the 1962 Jewish Philanthropies Campaign, and the ia59-G0 Israel-bond drive. He is on the B o t h El Synagogue B u e n o s Aires (JTA) — A board, president of the Omaha spokesman for Argentine Jewry Zionist Council and regional ' expressed alarm over efforts by member. Advisory Council, Antithe Argentine Government to Defamation L e a g u e of B'nai -minimize the extent of the anti- B'rith. He is a national comJewish manifestations here be- mittee member of the American cause of their effect on public Israel Public Affairs Council. opinion abroad. Mrs. Feinherg is-active in the Dr. Isaac Goldenberg, presi- affairs of the Beth El Sisterdent of the Argentine Jewish hood and Hndassah, representative organization, told The Omahans expect to return • a p r e s s conference that the statement by Minister of the In- to Omaha in November after terior that the Government in- a visit in Canada. tended to r e p r e s s the antiSemitic manifestations was "encouraging." Ho w a r n e d , however, that a3 long as the Government permitted the formation and training of Nazi groups as assault troops, "there will exist The appointment of Dr. Morthe danger of physical aggression against Jews even if this ris Margolin as chairman of the might1 not be called 'anti-Semi- Bureau of Jewish Education of tism. " the Omaha Jew] Dr. Goldenberg advised the ish Federation -v ' Argentine J e w i s h community w a s announced /* ^' that although it was well-orgat h i s w e e k by • j^i .". 3 nized, it was not prepared for Ernest A. Nogg,f, the a b n o r m a l times through Federation Pres- ^ v ; „; , J which Latin America is living. **z»\ < i He noted that the anti-Semitic ident. In making the . *»-i?{'•• process was prolonged and the - />;-* I . manifestations would not soon announcement,}'A s u b s i d e . The community, he Mr. Nogg said, ft1 \ £~K I said, had reacted to them emo- we a r e v e r y / • ,• f%4 ' tionally, rather than rationally pleased that Dr.t '; i . If and he said that, under existing M a r g o l i n has^**"* ""—k-d conditions, the community must agreed to serve Dr- Margolin not rest. as chairman of one of our most The Government announced important Federation d e p a r t today the appointment of a new ments. Chief of the Federal Police. His Dr. Margolin has long been successor, it was r e p o r t e d , failed to halt the anti-Jewish in- active in Jewish Education and served as chairman of the Bucidents. New anti-Semitic manifesta- reau in the past. The Bureau of tions were revealed as the gov« Jewish Education was estabernment announcement was be- lished by the Federation in May ing made. An u n s u c c e s s f u l 1939, and' is now in its twentybomb attempt had been made fifth year of operation as the at the community center where Federation d e p a r t m e n t conthe walls of the building were cerned in the development of smeared with swastikas and of- Jewish education in the comfensive slogans. munity. Dr. Margolin has a long record of activities in the Jewish KBON Radio Presents and general communities. Ho Message of Israel has served as chairman of the Sunday, October 7 Family Service Department of the Federation as a member of 10 P. M. the F e d e r a t i o n Executive Speaker: Board; and was chairman of tho Rabbi Edgar F. Magnin • Jewish Education S u r v e y in Wilnhlre Boulevard Temple Omaha in 195G. This survey was Loa Angeles, Cal. conducted by tho American AsTopic: sociation for Jewish Education "Religion and and was a part of its national Human Nature" study. KBON Radio 1490 Dr. Margolin is past president

An expanded series of fall activities were announced this week by Harry Sidman Jewish Community Center Cli airman,' stated. This fall; s e r i e s includes^ j courses, classes i - '• programs, s p e-! cial events, sem-[ inars, gym and swim activities, Sidman reported. Registration for activities is now open with¥. 8 _., c l a s s e s being" "? S l d m a n started shortly. Several activities are already in progress'. Courses include Real Estate, one in the evenings and another for women, weekdays; Flight and Navigation; Painting for the Intermediate as well as the advanced painter; Bridge Fundamentals; Photography, Ceramics. Mali Jongg, Sculpturing and Skin Diving. Other adult activ-: ities include Rapid Reading for Businessmen, Chess and Checker Groups, swimming classes plus special physical education activities. Scries of Seminars Of special interest to the adult community, Sidrnan suggested, will be the-'seminar-series. One series will cover Modern Schools of Psychiatry, another on Hypnosis and Its Aspects and Applications, one on Mental Illness in the Family and Community and


of the Nebraska Diabetes Association and presently its executive director; a member of the B o a r d of Governors of the American Diabetes Association; and Senior Consultant, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine at the Nebraska University College of Medicine.

<:0)i<l Class Po at Onif.lia.

another on Mental (Irowlh and Development. Each session in the seminars, to meet weekly, will be conducted by a different outstanding, local professional personality in the field to be covered, giving a formal presentation followed by informal discussion. A different person will conduct each seminar each week. Other series include Advanced Stocks and Bonds, Investments and Investing for the Housewife, plus classes in social dancing and a special Hi-Fi Class. Model Railroading, Jewish

Depots for Bazaar Gifts Are Opened Depots to accept gifts for the Monday, October 29th Children's Memorial Hospital Bazaar at the Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel, have been announced by Mmes. Arthur Goldstein, Morton Richards and Alfred Sophir, Federation of Jewish Women Clubs' chairmen. The f o l l o w i n g homes have been named as depots for saleable new articles and handmade items: Mrs. Goldstrin—8543 Hickory, 391-0G85. Mrs. Richards—301 South 54 Street, 553-1317. Mrs, Sophir—«729 Davenport Street, 553-3950. Mrs. H u b e r t Sommcr, 5319 Nicholas. Also with Miss Belle Horivich at Louis Sommer, Inc., 49tli and Dodge Street. A pick-up service for donors unable to deliver their gifts will be made available by- calling one of the above telephone numbers. Mmes. Oscar Sutin and Jack Ban are assisting with the pick-ups. The bazaar chairmen urge all contributors to make their donations soon and ask that each gift be m a r k e d with the donor's name.

son, Ruth Ackerman, Lizzie Adler, Joe Adler, Fr&nk Jack Alberts, William Alberts, Samuel Altsuler, Nettie Arnovitz, Herman H. Auerbach, Abe Baker, Meyer Beber, Hymen Belman, Jack Belmont, Jacob Bercovici, M. A. Bercovici, Robert Bernstein, Isaac Block, Russell J. Blumenthal, Louis Blumkin, Simon Bordy, David Brodkey, Edward E. Brodkey, Edwin E. Brodkey, Fred Brodkey, Harold B. Brodkey, M. H. Brodkey, Sam Canar, Isadore Chapman, Irving W. Charney, Julius Cha':anov, Isaac Cherniss, Don Cohen, Jacob Cohen, Meyer Cothen, Michael Cohen, Morris Cohen, Ben Cohn, David B. Cohn, Jerome I. Cohn, Abe Cooper, David Cooper,'Meyer Crandell, Philip Crandell, Sol Crandell, Samuel H. Davis, Morton L. Degen, Bernard Diamond, Harry Dvosin, Morton Ehrenreich, Aaron I. Washington (JTA)—Arthur J, Edgar, Richard K. Einstein, Goldberg, the fourth American Harry . Eisenstatt, Leo Eisenof Jewish faith to serve on tho statt, Izadore Elewitz, Aaron United States Supreme Court, Epstein, Jack G. Epstein, Sam was sworn in October 1 as tho Epstein, Morris Errnan. Mmes. J u l i u s Falkenstcin, court opened its 1962-1963 term.

An invitation to the annual ingathering tea of the Omaha Needlework Guild has been extended to the women in the community. The event will be held Tuesday afternoon, October 9 ,at the Dundee Presbyterian Church, 5312 Underwood Avenue. - The Federation of J e w i s h Women's Clubs, under the name Associated Jewish Charities of which Mrs. Joe J. Greenberg is s e c t i o n chairman and Mrs. Richard Wright table display chairman, invites everyone to attend. The following have sent in their donations as of last Friday: Mmes: Milton Abrahams, Ben W. Abrahamson, Isadore Abram-


Single? Copy 10 Cents Annual Kate 4 Dollar!

Cookery and an Opera Discussion Group' are other adult activities. Grade School, Teen-age Classes Such activities as Speed Reading, Personality and C h a r m Courses, Social Dancing, Guitar Course, Amateur Radio Class, Dog Obedience Class, and Sunday Activities are being presented for the grade and high school youths. Offered ou Request Sidman stated that these activities are being offered in re-» sponse to expressed interests and requests from menbers of the community. A descriptive flyer on these programs is being circulated. Early registration Ls recommended as classes and seminars are limited in capacity to insure maximum benefit from the programs.

Here Oct. 20-20 The • eighth biennial convention of the Midwest Regional Council of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations will be held October 26-20 at the new Schimmel Inn. Mrs. Edward Levinson and Millard Speier, co-chairmen for the event, have announced tho following committees and their heads: Finance/ Maurice Arosty; registration, Mrs. Robert Cohn; room reservations, Mrs. Arthur Sherman; hospitality, Mrs. Edward D. Brodkey; arrangements, Mrs, Paul BloTcky; Saturday luncheon, Mrs. Stanley Flsk; transportation, Mrs. Millard Spofer; jocal reservations, Miss Elizabeth Hart; publicity and printing, Ed Maklosky, Mrs. Morton Solrcf; banquet and cocktail party, Mrs. Hyman Fercr; Sunday luncheon, Mrs. Luzar Kaplan; Friday reception, Mrs. Ben Shapiro, and exhibits, Mrs. Sldntjy Brooks.

Rabbi Arthur Lelyveld, Cleveland, O., and former spiritual leader of Temple Israel will deliver a banquet address, The program also, will feature Dr. Chaim Essrog, national director of adult education of the organization, and Rabbi Robert Marz, director of the Chicago Federation of U. A. H. C.

David Feder, Phil Feldman, Sidney Feldman, Abe C. Fellman, (Continued on Page 3)

Gugas to Speak Chris Gugas, Omaha Public S a f e t y Director, will be the featured speaker at the fifth annual "Freshman Pledge" of the Jewish Youth Council it was announced by Paula Bercutt and Sheldon Perelman, brunch chairmen. "We are very fortunate to have such fine speaker and are looking forward to hearing him talk", the chairmen stated. t The brunch will be held Sunday, October 7 at 10:30 a.m. at the Jewish Community Center. Attendance at this a n n u a l event has always been high, the chairmen said. They reported that a 96 per cent record was set last year. A complete explanation of the new pledging procedure will bo presented by Dik Weiner, Center Director.

Friday, October 5, 1902


Page Two

Largest Jewish Congregation Is in Alaska, Geographically Speallng

Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week in August Second Class Poslose Paid ot Omutiu, UeLr, Annual Subscription, U CO. Advertising Rotes en Aprlicuticn. Publication Office—101 Ho. 201!) Slretl, Omaha, I k t r . , 342 1JW.


(By Chaplain (1st U.) Samuel B. Press "Chief Rabbi" of Alaska. VS. Air Force Jewish Chaplain Reflections on year's Tour Editor of Duty.) Alaska lias the largest Jewish congregation in the world—in, terms of geography—but it has only one rabbi, the Jewish Air Candlelichting 5:40 p.m. Force chaplain. If this account seems to dwell on the first person Temple I s r a e l : S a b b a t !i singular, it is because my year of duty in the furllic-st-north congreShuvah services will be held at gation lias been a challenging experience leaving me with remi8:15 p.m. with Rabbi Sidney niscences. Monday, October 8 As the Jewish chaplain here, I am primarily responsible for H. Iirooks officiating. Opening service—10 a.m. nerving all Jewish airmen in Alaska, hut (lie miiinii'tii'ss of my jnl> Guest Preacher will be Rabbi requires Children's service—1:15 p.m. that I wear "many hats." It is necessary to meet the need3 Kindergarten through Grade 4 Edward Elienbogen, whose sub- of the Army, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard and civilian communiject will be: "Conimunicative ties in tills area, ami in many instances I must provide for noliGod—Silent Man" Afternoon service—3:00 p.m. Jewish as well as Jewish personnel. To he "Chief Kablii" of tiuohCantor Manfred F. Kiittner a territory (2 1/5 times the size of Texas) is most flattering it a and the Temple Choir, under very recent graduate of a rabhinical school, and to be a Command the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin, Chaplain in charge of all military Jewish affairs is most impressive will participate in the service. to a first lieutenant. JACOB KAPLAN' Services were held September In what other situation can a very junior officer meet regularly Beth El: Sabbath Eve Serv24, at the Jewish Funeral Homo with tho highest-ranking generals in a day-by-day relationship? for Jacob Kaplan, 93, 1412 North ices will #begin' this evening at Where else does a base commander offer the use of a personal ve24th .Street, hardware s t o r e 7 p.m. Traditional Sabbath Morn- hicle in return for a friendly visit and a cup of coffee each time a owner, who died September 23, ing services will begin at 0:30. lieutenant comes to an airfield? Surviving are daughter, Mrs. Family services will begin at How often does a now chaplain offer the invocation at a miliYetta Civin, Honolulu, Hawaii; 10:30 a.m. Mincha-Maariv Servtary ceremony where another chaplain with the rank of general, sisters Mrs. Abe Stroller and ices at 5:45 p.m. Mrs. William Gimplc. Sunday morning services at also is a participant? Where else can an ordinary citizen have the 9 a.m. Services during the week opportunity to speak for two hours with Mrs. Golda Mcir, interview ELHIU Bi.OCH the Israeli Consul, meet state senators, the mayors of cities or News has been received of are held at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. the chief of an Eskimo village? the d e a t h, September 19, of Beth Israel: Traditional FriYet I know in eacii rase that it is Tablet of the Law—my Elihu Bloch in Chicago 111., Mr. day evening services (Kobolas Insigne as Jewish chaplain—which is more important than tho Bloch 117, formerly resided in Shabbos) begin at 5:45 p.m. silver bars of my lieutenant's rank, and my roll! as rabbi tvliivli Omaha where lie was a Hebrew Sabbath morning services at superredes my position as military officer in the niiiiils of people teacher. Surviving are wife, R i v e I; 8:45 a.m. Junior Congregation I meet. In Anchorage, on Elmendorf Air Force Ba.sc, my '-1101110" stasons, Nate, Chicago; Ben, Lin- at 10 a.m. Sabbath Minchn at 5:45 p.m. tion, we have a Sunday school of some CO children from the base, coln; daughter, Ruth Stern, Chicago; brothers, Joe, Los Ange- and Maariv at 0:40 p.m. Sunday from surrounding posts and from the civilian comijuinily. There is les, Cal.; Dave, New York City; morning services at 9 a.m. Sun- a Sisterhood, a Men's Club and now a Couple:;' Club. There is a sisters, Mrs. Joe Kaplan, Los day Junior Congregation at 8:30 well-attended adult education series. Religious and otheV materials provided by the National Jewish Welfare Board enrich our congreAngeles and Mrs. Oscar Fox, a.m. gation's life. Kach month I make a trip "North" for a week, conOmaha. Mincha daily at 5:45 p.m. ducting services at two other bases. In all, I make an effort to all Jews, military and civilian, in the area, as well as the offiMRS. REBECCA COHN B'nai Jacob Adas Yeshiiron: meet Mrs. Rebecca Conn of San Friday Mincha 5:45 p.m.; Satur- cers and authorities who are responsible for the welfare of personDiego, Calif., formerly of Oma- day morning 8:30, and Mincha nel, plus a large number of people who for one reason or another ha, died September 15. Surviving 5:45 p.m., followed by Sholosh want to meet the Jewish chaplain. are daughter, Mrs. Joe Schloss; Seudos. Daily services at 7 a.m. I have traveled in all kinds of transportation, in nil weather sons, LeRoy San Diego and Ir- and 5:43 p.m. and under all kinds of conditions. At Fort Yukon, above the Arctic ving, Los Angeles, Calif.; LyCircle, I drove a team of huskies, not as adept as Sergeant Preston man, Omaha; sister, Mrs. R. (my team headed for the garbage heap, rather than for the trail) Wright; brother, A. Gross, Oma- Chicago to Open Firsf but in true Arctic fashion nonetheless. I've dedicated a chnpcl in ha nine grandchildren and one Rabbinical Court1 a place so small that it isn't even on the map in the Pentagon, and great grandchild. Chicago CJTA)—The Orthodox I've given the design of the Mogen David to Eskimos at Nome to SAM LASKY ' Chicago Rabbinical Council an- carve into ivory charms and necklaces, and I've appeared on television shows competing locally with Dr. Ben Casey. I've played A report has been received nounced it will open a Jewish volley ball in the comfortable atmosphere of an airplane hangar of the death of Sam Lasky of religious court, the first such at Fort Greeley, while outside the wind and anow howled across a Chicago, 111., and a former Oma- tribunal tinder Orthodox rab- desert of ice. han. Mr. Lasky jvho died Sep- binical supervision in the area, tember 23 was the brother-in- after the High' Holy Days. The How does an Orthodox Jew get along in such nn environment? law of Mrs. Julia M. Jacobs and courts will hear cases dealing I have found that a Jew can exist comfortably in any area, turner with divorce, J e w i s h dietary any extremes, in nny conditions, and can gain respect from tlio.so Harry A. Wise, Sr. Also surviving are his wife, laws, conversion and other re- who are in contact with him. Our Passover Seder in Anchorago had 170 military and civilian people present from all over the staie, S h i r 1 ey, daughter, Jacquilene ligious matters. Rafalson and a son, Robert, all The court will have three rab- and all aspects of the service were in accordance with our tradiof Chicago. bis as judges and will be housed tion. To get kosher, meat in Alaska is a project, and the packages in a hotel, the Sherman House, sent by the National Jewish Welfare Board were, as always, imLEGAL riOTICC which made facilities available portant to us. Never do I insist that sacrifices be made to assure adherance to the tenets of our faith, and yet never do people want as a public service. or expect to do otherwise than adhere. ment and circulation of The Jewish I'icv, Most impressive In this vocation Is the mingling with chaplains published weekly on Friday, beamnlna lh> Dedications of other religions and the contact with the civilian clergy, 1 ho lail week YIn Auousf throuch »ie second 0monrI \K7 . Nebraska, Oclobcr, A monument will be dedicated veneer of superficiality is lifted in these opportunities to work toThe names anil addresses of Ilio publl'hto the memory of Mrs. Ida gether and one gains new insight into other beliefs and enjoys truo er, cdilor, managing editor, and buslne-j managers are: Brown, Sunday, October 7 at friendships with leaders of other faiths. »,JeZ"?L. F <\*rnlion of Omaha; Inc., 101 11 a.m. at Golden Hill CemeNorth 20ih.Street. Omaha. It is difficult to know the number of Jewish residents in Alaska. ManoQ'tno edflor, none. tery. Rabbi Benjamin Gronor We estimate 120 civilian Jewish families but many may disag/ee ~« i '}',''' .'*}.'• FratiMi Klein, 101 NorthA);h Street, Omaha. of Beth Israel Synagogue will with this figure. In each area I have visited, there are stories of Business manager, Paul Veret, 101 NorJh 2U'n street, Omaha. officiate. Jews having been there. There is some evidence of a "JewishThe owner Is: (if owned by a corporation. Eskimo" family having lived in Alaska. I have seen pictures of Us name and address must be slated and also Immediately thereunder Ihe nomes ond an Indian cemetery with a tombstone on which there is a Star of addresses of st«kholdcrs owning or holding p o r m o r c 0( loto1 David; how did it get there and what does it menn? How deep is i f f. . amount of siocK, If no! owned by a corporation, !he the identification with Judaism of the Jews here, how intense their names and addresses ot the Individual owners mujt be given. If owned by a partnerJewish affiliation? ship or o:bcr unincorporated firm, l l j name

Yom Kippur Observance to' Begin Sunday at Sunset Candlelighting Sunday, Oct. 7—5:37 p.m. BETH EL Sunday, October 7 Kol Nidre—5:45 p.m. Monday, October 8 Morning service—8:00 a.m. Yizkor, Memorial S e r v i c e 10:30 a.m. Youth service—11:00 a.m. Mincha-Neilah—3:45 p.m. BETH ISRAEL Sunday, October 7 Kol Nidre—5:50 p.m. Sermon—6:00 p.m. Sermon—6:00 p.m. Monday, October 8 Morning service—8:00 a.m. Sermon—10:00 a.m. Junior Cong.—10:30 a.m. Yizkor—10:30 a.m. Junior Cong.—2:30 p.m. Neilah—5:30 p.m. B'NAI JACOB ADAS YESIIUItON Sunday, October 7 Kol Nidre—5:50 p.m. Monday, October 8 Morning service—U a.m. TEMPLE ISRAEL Sunday, October 7 Kol Nidre—8:15 p.m. I would like to acknowledge and extend my thanks for the many flowers and cards of good w i s h e s received during my recent convalescence. Mrs. Nate Marcus.

S Break ^ the Fast N Monday j& Evening ^

With o Fine




I 1


\\ § \ ' ^


KOSHER ^ G&SEi SE by Miller find Mirjcfal

American Swiss Danish Swiss Muenster

Gouda. Hickory Smoked Edam


and oddress, as well as that of cacti Individual member must be Given) Name—Address: Jewish- Federation of Omaha, Inc. 101 Norm 20lh Street, Omoho. . Ernest A. tjojr,, president, 101 llorlh Join Street, Omoha. Arthur H. Oold-.leln, first vice-president 101 llorlh 50lh Strtet, 6moha. Milton R. Abrahams, second vlce-pnesld»nt, 101 north iOth-Strett, Omaha. Isadora Chtipman,- treasurer, 101 tlorlh 20lh Street, Omaha •i Harry Sldman, itcrclory, lOI'llorlti JOih Street, Omoho. 1 Ve ri: -,Sj"i\Street, . l<Omoha. " " " U " * Ulredor, 101 Korth 20tti . The known bondholders, mortgagees and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or rraro of totol amount of tends, morlsaqes or other securities rxo: (If there ctro none, so state.) None. ' Paragraphs z ond 3 Include, In cose'j where the stockholder or security hqSfler appears on the books of the company^iA trustee or In any other fiduciary r e l a l l S lhe name of the person or corporation for whom r uch trustee Is acllng; also Ihft'sfcto"ments In the two paragraphs show - the oHlant s full knowledos and belief ere to ifie • clrcum'tances ot)<S conditions under wh(ci> Stockholders and security holders who' t\o not appear upon fhn books of tho company/ as trustee*, hold stork and securities In a capacity other than Hurt of a bona ffde owner, Tho a/eroge number of copies of each issue of Ihls publication sold or distributed throuoh tho mollj or otherwise, to paid subscribers, during (he twelve- months prc. ceding the date shewn abovo was: (this Information Is required by,th« oct cf June 11, 1940, to be Include* In oil statements regardless cf frequency of Issue), ?7ii PAUL VERET, Business Manager, ^' • 2worn 4o nrj **tcriiB«4 before me IMs ftJvenly il^lh tl«y cf September, .1742,. P * ' u,

- P A T R I C I A E.'BujfrrJH •'.

r*5 October 13, )W5)



TO VVAI.1. l A l l l i r A N D FUKNITUIIK C l e a n e d la Vuur H o m e


The family of Abraham Jacob Diamond wishes to thank friends and relatives for the many cards of sympathy rcc e i v e d and for the many courtesies extended to them during their bereavement

Bar Mitzvah Postponed The liar Milzvah of IUw d Wolfson, son of Mr. and M:'s. Alan Wolfson, scheduled for October 6 at Beth El Synagoguo has been postponed.

au RUG CLEANERS Don Bernstein, 345-2554 OMAHA'S LEADING Seb (Subby) Pulvercnfo


4415 CUM1NG

25 Years' Experience With Jewish Lettering and Memorials 2211 So.


Store Hours Monday Thru Thursday 8 A.M.-5:30 P.M. Friday. 0 A.M.-3 P.M.


Friday, October 8, 1982

Miss Sally Frestnan Carries l e i lavine Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freeman announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Sally Freeman to Mel I.avine, son of Max Lavine, of San Francisco, Calif., on September 15 in San Francisco. Mrs. Lavine is a graduate of Northwestern U n i v e r s i t y at Evanston, 111, Her husband is a graduate of the University of California at Los Angeles, Calif. He is studying at the University of California Medical School, San Francisco.

Medical Authority Visits in Omaha Dr. Melville h. Jacobs, assistant medical director and chief of the department of radiology at the City of Hope, Duarte, Cal., visited in Omaha during the past week. Dr. Jacobs conferred'with Dr. nnd Mrs. Sol Kutler, co-presidents of the Omaha Chapter of the City of Hope and W. Otto Swanson, honorary chairman of its iyr>2 drive, on the local fund drive, November 4.

Hebrew Prayer Books Phnom Penh, Cambodia (JTA) —Hebrew prayer books used for years at Temple Israel in Miami during the High Holy Days have arrived in time for ijso by n congregation of 30 Jewish families on duty here.



Rosh Hashancah in Algiers Is Saddest in Many Centuries Algiers (JTA) — The saddest Rosh Hashanah in many centuries was observed hero by the decimated Jewish community, shrunk to no more tli:m 4,000 of a total of about 50,000 who had flourished in this capital. The Days of Awe here sire, indeed, days of unprecedented sorrow and travail. Of the 12 synagogues previously holding regular services litre, only two arc functioning now. Of the more than 30 rabbis who were here prior to the vast cxndus of Algerian Jewry, only f o u r remain. Of the 19 members of (he old C'onsislorie Israelite, only four are still lien1. These include Henri G o z I a n, uho retains his post as municipal veterinarian for the city of Algiers, and G e o r g e s Montti, who owns a grocery store in an area inhabited by Moslems. Rabbi Gilbert Seror, one of the four spiritual leaders still here, showed the community's helplessness as he presided over the Rosh Hashanah services. He tried to preach what he called "encouragement and hope" — but his e f f o r t s were halfhearted. Separated from their * kin, so many of whom hsul departed, the Jews here are also scpar a t e d internally, each small, local group hi this large city having only one common contact — the relief office of the American Jewish Joint Distri-

billion Committee, which is functioning actively.. Many of the Jews here live on $12 in cash which they get monthly, and on food packages labeled "donated by the p e o p l e of the United Slates of America." The once-active Jewish organizations and institutions, cultural, religious or charitable, are d o r m a n t or nonexistent. Leaders of the community said that, after Yom Kippur, they plan on taking a census of the Jews still remaining here and in the rest of the country. On the basis of this count, they hope to develop some sort of program of relief, re'if_''ous revival and cultural rebirth.

BOII, Betty S. Milder, Howard

Milder, Jerome J. Milder, Milton MinU, Morris Mittlemaii,

Joseph Morgan, Edward Morris, Abe Mozer, Stuart Muskin, Jack Newberg, Henry A. Newman, Julius Newman, Maurice Newman, Nathan L. Nogg, Harry Noodcll, Isadore F. Obennan, Sam Olesker, David Orkow, Albert Oruch, Hyman Oruch, Hyman O s o f f, Sol S. Parsow, Charles Peebler, Jr., Maurice H. Pessen, Nathan Pitlor, Max C. Platt, Melvin S. Plotkin, Sam D. Poska, William Poster, David Potash, Sarah W. Potash, Ray Pred, William Raduziner, Max Reizbaum, Donald A. Rice, Norman M. Rice, Samuel A. Rice, Carl Hiekes, Max Rlekes, Paul Rifkin, Robert Rirnmerman, Philip Ringle, Ida Robinson, Jerold Tlosen, Sam Rosenbaum, Edwin Rosenblatt, Jennie Rosenblatt, Philip H. Rosenblatt, Sam Rosenblum, Harry Z. Rosenfeld, Leo Rosenthal, Charles S. Ross, Agnes Rubin, M. M: Rubin, Abraham S. Rubnitz. Mmes: Phil Saks, Keith Saunders, Irving Schneiderman, Jack J. Schrager, Richard J. Seitner, Edward Shafton, Benjamin Shapiro, Mux Shapiro, David Sherman, Gary Sherman, Sam Shii'f, Max ShragorLouis Shrier, Harry Sidman, Harold Siegel, Harry Silverman. Max Simon, Morris Singer, Abe Somberg, Hubert S u m m e r , Jean Soshnik, Ben Socctor, Millard Speler, Morris Stalmaster, Dave S t e i n , Dr. Muriel Steinberg, Sam J. Steinberg, Benjamin Stern, P a u l S u r e n k y , Oscar Sutin, Sam Swnrtz, Lee Taub, Anne Taxman, Lsadore M. Trctiak, Harry Trustin, T. A, Tully, Leo Waxenberg, H e r b e r t Weil, Harry Weiner, Isadore Harold WeiniT, Mmes: H e r m a n Weinstein, Arthur Weitz, David Wine, Samuel Wolf, Julius Wolk, Richard. Wright, Nathan S. Yaffe, Milton H. Yudelson, Eli M. Zalkiri, Bernard Zevitz, Irvin Ziegman, Seymour Zoob, Ben A. Zoorwill, arid the'Misses Rebecca Ber.covici, Edna Cohn, Fannie Grodinsky, Rose Grodinsky, Rena Gross, Gertrude Hollander, Belle Horwich, Bess Kahn, Jane Kohl, Evelyn Levy, Sylvia Moskovitz, Sally Newman, Rose Rothkop, Sarah Slobodusky, Beatrice Somjner, Fannie Wczelinan, _and Blanche Ziminaa, Hannah and Julia Motz.

•WWWW """"Kf "J"

•Pioneer Women Appoints Mrs. Dave Epstein was named New members of the Beth El cultural chairman of the Pioneer Sisterhood will be honored at a Women, by Mrs. Milton Nearcoffee to be given at the home enberg, president. Sisterhood Will Honor New Members

of Mrs. Louis Katz, 1002 Sunset Trail, on Wednesday, October 10 at 9:.'iO a.m. All new members of last year, this year, and prospective members will be invited. Mrs. KaU and Mrs. David Romanek arc chairmen of the affair and are being assisted by Mmes. Harold Epstein, Isadore Friedman, Irving Herzog, Bernard Hockenberg, A r t h u r Novak, Lazier Singer, Herman VVeinstein, and Edward Zorinsky.

Suldiot Tea Party Itnss and Boyle to A Sukkot Patio tea party will Address Il'nai B'rith be held by Beth Israel SisterD o n a l d Ross, Republican hood, Tuesday, October 9 in the N a t i o nal committee-man and Synagogue social hall following Bernard Boyle, I) c m o c r a t i c a 12:30 p.m. business meeting. national committeeman, will be The September Mid - Central guest speakers at the G:30 p.m. • States conferences reports will dinner meeting of Cornhuskcr be presented by Mines. Sam lodge, B'nai B'rith No. 1700 on Herman and Don Cohen, two of Wednesday, October 10 at the the delegates. Mrs. I z a d o r e Ranch Bowl. Elewitz was elected president Both men will speak on "The and Mrs. Ernest Hochster, secIssues of the 1062 election." A retary of the chapter at the cocktail hour will precede the conference. The program will include a story on Sukkot to be dinner. Reservations may be made narrated by Mmes. Harvey Lipswith Alvin Abramson, 3SU-0G93 man, Jack Belmont and Max or :S42-4811; Bernard Greenberg, Kirshenbaum. Reservations may be made .'S93-5240; Dave Cooper, 551-05G2 with Mmes. Harry Alloy, Hyman or Harold Novak, 55:1-0851. Lubman and Maurice Meiches. Baby sitter service will be availGRANT FOR KRANDEIS WALTHAM (WNS>-Thc Ford able.

Motor Company Fund has given Brandeis University a special, unrestricted grant of $25,000 for beyond-the-budgct purposes. (Continued from Page 1.) Charles Fellman, Nathan Fercr, Frank Fishberg, Morton Fisher, William J. Fogel, Abraham Fortnan, Leo Fox, Oscar Fox, Abraham Frank, Dave VV. Frank, Maurice. J. Frank, Max Frank, Sam Freed, Yeshia E. Freggcr, Mike Freeman, John J. Freiden, Mae Fried, David A. Friedman, Herman Friedlander, S a m u e l Friedman, Adolph F r o h m n n, Max Fromkin, Robert Frcmkin, Izzic Garsick, Irving F. Gendler, Marx Goldberg, Hyman Goldenberg, David Goldman, J. C. Goldner, Abraham G. Goldstein, Herman Goldstein, Isadore GoldBtoin, Dan A. Gordman, Morris Gordon, Yale Gotsdiner, Saul M. Graetz, Jack M. Green, Barton II. GrccnborR, Elmer Greenberg, Nathan IT. Greenberg, P e t e r Greenberg, Harry M. Greene, Benjamin Groner, Elmer S. Gross, Gerald S. Gross, Morris. Grossman, Richard F . Gummers, Meyer L. Halprin, Ben Handler, Harry D. Haykin, Martin Herzoff, Richard Hiller, Joe M. Horwich, M. Joffo, Max K a d i s, Edward Kahn, Hugo Kahn, Jack Kaiman, Jacob Kaplan, Harold H. Knrp, Ben E. Kaslow, Maurice Katelmnn, Sidney Katleman, Bernard Kaufman, Archie Kavich, Arnold N. Kcssler, Charles Kiinmel, Max Kirshenbaum, Benjamin Klaiman, Martin Kolm, Rose Koneckv, Boris Korney, Hyman Kraft, A'bert J. Krasne, Millard H. K r a s n e, Myer S, Kripke, J. Harry Kulakofsky, Louis Kulakofsky, Jack Kaufman. '/lines: Solomon L a g m a n,. Moore Lasher, Max Lasliinsky, Sam Lebowitz, William A- Levey, Iryin C. Levin, Stanley F. Levin, Leo Levy, Sol Lewis, Charles S. Lieb, Edward Lincoln, Sheldon L i n c o l n , Louis E. Lipp, Joseph Lipsey, Abraham Lipsnian, Henrietta K. Lorig, Joe Lorkis, Mas Magid, Ben H, Magzamin, Carolyn M a i z n e r, Harry Malashock, Jay M. Malashock, Nathan Mandell, David Manvitz, Morris Margolin, Harry Markel, Abe H. Markowitz, Edward Mason, Adolf Mayer, Samuel Mcichea, Aithur Meyer-

rage Thre*

Council Board Meeting A board meeting of the Omaha Section of the Council of Jewish Women will be held at the home of Mrs. Stanley Katelnian, 8519 Hickory Street, Thursday, October 11 at 1 p.m. Mrs. Robert Levine will be co-hostess. There are nearly 200 movie houses in Israel with a total seating capacity of some 170,000. Annual attendance is about '10,000,000.

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Page Four

Friday, Ortulit'r 3. 1962



Immigration Expert By ETHEL L. LEVEY Do you recall a nonsensical phrase that Red Button? used when he was Television Comedian of the year? He would hop on one foot, lay his finger alongside his nose, wrinkle his forehead and say "Stra-aange things are happening." I begin to think he must have been one of the minor prophets, for any Jew watching television, listening to radio, attending theater road s h o w s , or reading books these days may repeat in sheer amazement, "Stra-aange 'things are happening." I'm not talking about orbiting space, gefilte fish in jars, or girls being called to the Torah. All these •are very nice indeed. I'm in favor of progress and I suppose ^ou could call the sudden interest in Jews by the lively arts a form of progress. 50 Years of Indoctrination Fifty years of indoctrination have left me "techy," so that

MEN'S GYM SCHEDULE Monday 1 p.m. Volleyball 5 p.m. Volleyball 8:30 p.m. Badminton Wednesday 1 pjn. Volleyball 7 p.m. Basketball League Thursday 8:30 p.m. Volleyball Friday 1 p.m. Volleyball YOUTH COUNCIL FLAG FOOTBALL R a y i m and A.Z.A. No. 1 chalked up opening day victories as the Youth Council began its 15th year of Olympic competition with the inauguration of the Flag Football race. Arnie Weitz, passing and running for Rayim, helped dump the New Aleph chapter 48 to 7; and Harlan Rimmerman ran for three T.D.'s to lead A.Z.A. No. X over A.Z.A. 100 33-0. Ronu, last years champions, drew a bye. CALLING ALL WOMEN KEEP SLIM AND TRIM Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. (Monday, 10-12) you can enjoy the benefits of a J.C.C. Slimnastic and Swim program, u n d e r the professional guidance of Sid Sotmncrs, Athletic Director, and Joe Micek, Aquatics Director. Keep in proper physical condition, and control your weight by taking advantage of a J.C.C. gym and swim program on the above mornings. Baby sitting service at no additional charge, is offered by the Center to its members.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin J. Gilman of Minneapolis, Minn., formerly of Omaha, announce the birth of a daughter, Elizabeth Ann on August 30. Grandparents are Mrs. Freida Gilman, Omaha and Mr, and Mrs. Louis Cramer, Denver, Colo. A son, Andrew David was born on September 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Milder of Los Angeles, Cal., former 0mahan3. The Milders are parents of another son, Jonathan, also. Grandparents are Messrs. and Mmes. Norman Korney and Leo Milder. The baby's great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bcris Korney and Sam Poster. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Stiss of Wheaton, Md., formerly of Omaha, announce the b i r t h of a daughter, Sarah Ann. T h e i r ,,other.children are Carey Anthony and Rebecca Faye. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kahn and Izzie 'Stiss.

when 1 hear Jews casually proclaiming their Jewishness on radio and TV over national networks, I have the feeling that somebody is listening. It's even stranger to find characters in Broadway plays who are not only Jews, but delightfully good Jews, or nt the very least, sympathetic foils on whom climax and denouement depend. As to the new books, it will be a foggy day in Ft. Lauderdale when I find one without a Jew, usually a very mixed up Jew, somewhere in the plot. Even in Russia, that land of the necessarily shah-shah Jew, a Russian poet mourns the dead Jews of the Ukraine and is not only allowed to live, but is sent abroad to lecture and recite his poems. The "strange thing" that has happened in the world of entertainment and among the literati ir, the astonishing discovery that Jews are for real. We have apparently arrived in the American culture. Conditioned as I am to the inevitable slight, I find myself cautiously circling the periphery of this delightful situation. I can't help it; I'm just not used to being accepted on my own merit. Part of Modern Recipe You see, I can remember a time when a novel was written without one Jewish character. Not today. In the new literature, the Jew is added as part of the nioden recipe for a nest seller. In television, our local university presents Jewish professors and instructors, among others, in teaching programs. Jews perform in westerns and easterns, low comedy and high tragedy. We have singers and dancer/;, magicians and Bess Myerson. What's more, these

Jewish entertainers don't even bother to change their names. Herman is getting to be as familiar as Billy the Kid. Children in the third grade can spell Paddy Chayefsky quicker than they can say Donald Duck. Leonard Bernstein stays Leonard Bernstein, Joe Menkiewicz feels secure and Judy H o l i d a y announces in an interview over 120 radio stations that her name is a literal translation from the Hebrew. Perry Como's Kol Nldre In the early days, television and radio, too, would produce a program lightly geared to Jewish audience:; once or twice a year. An effort would be made to correlate Hanukah to that other holiday. Around the time of the High Holidays, P e r r y Como would don a skull cap and sing Kol Nidre, with a Mogen Doved, strategically placed in the background, to make everything kosher, flashing on and off like an advertisement for beer. .Some Jews were delighted with this display of the deep significance of our festivals. Phones would ring, and friends would call, "Hurry up, he is singing Kol Nidre"—or, turn your set on, they're playing 'our' song," which could turn out to be Tzena, Tzcna, or By Mir Bi.-.t Du Shein. (WNS)

To Speak in Omaha Mrs. Albert J. Murphy, executive vice-president of the American Immigration and Citizenship Conference, New York City, will speak in Omaha, it was announced by Ted Sennctt, director of the Plains States Regional Office, Anti-Defamation League of B'irai B'rith. Mrs. Murphy will describe the work of her organization and current problems of immigration and refugees at a noon luncheon open to the public, October 12 at the Regis Hotel. Reservations may be made through the ADL office, 341-3575/ The ADL is an organizational member of the group represented by Mrs. Murphy.

AZA NO. 1 WORKING OS IiKAiYDKlS BOOK PROJECT "Books for Brandeis" has b e e n adopted as its October service project by AZA No. 1, S t e p h e n Boguchwal, president, reported. The p r a j e c t headed by Gary Green, will consist of collecting books for tha Women's Committee of Brandeis University.

Qrnahans in News Mrs. Sidney Brooks has been appointed a member of the Biennial Assembly Program Committee, National Federation of Temple S i s t e r h o o d s. Mrs. Brooks is the wife of Rabbi Sidney Brooks, spiritual leader of Temple Israel in Omaha. Alan J. Croiuiso has been promoted to Assistant News Director at KF.TV. Mr. Crounse has been a member of the KETV News staff for two year:;.

Chicago—A crash mining program will be aimed at producMr. and Mrs. Abe Bear's ing potash from 58 s q u a r e guests during the holidays wero miles of the Dear Sea. Plans their son and daughter-in-law, were reported by Jacob R. Sen- Mr. and Mrs. David Bear and Eibar, president of the Construc- children, Philip, Ruth and Mary tion Agregatcs Corporation of Jane, of Des Moincs, la. Chicago. Nine million dollars worth of YUGOSLAVIA—5,500 JEWS equipment — including scows, London (WNS)—There are an barges, cranes, s h o v e l s , and estimated 5,500 Jews in Yugobelt-conveyors — is enroutc to slavia, many of them living in Israel for this purpose. Belgrade, Zagreb and Sarajevo.

News Capsules HI:IJUKW coiiitsK orrKKKo AT GUATEMALAN VNIVEKSITV Guatemala (JTA)—Some 100 persons, mostly non-Jews, have rcgi.slrred for a frpp course in Hebrew language offered by the College of Liberal Arts of the University of .San Carlos. The course, (ho first of •its kind in Central America is foeiiiK offered in 'coojKTution with the Israel Embassy here.

BRAZIL'S SCIENCE AWAUD TO NOTED JEWISH PROFESSOR Sao Paulo (WNS) Ope of Brazil's most c o v e t e d scientific awards, the annual Moinho Santista prize for science, went this year to Dr. Leopoldo Nachbin, prominent Jewish mathematician and professor of mathematics at the National Faculty of Philosophy. From 1918 to 1950 Dr. Nachbin studied in the U.S. under a State Department scholarship and a Guggenheim fellowship. He later studied at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton, N.J.

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