Lincoln, 'Nebraska.
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5/ier Home for #/se Aged
(The pr. Philip Sher Home Jewell for the Aged acknowledges the following memorials and donation.';.)
o n 1/13 (o] Q[T[rDTD (o]
In Memory of
Mrurs, and Mmes, A. A, Conn, Ren E. Koslow, WitHum A. Lev*y, Ernn* A HO*J»J, David Orfcow, Horace L. Ros*n-bluni, //ox 5chewrmGnn, PJilt D, Schworlr, Paul Vcrof, f-farry WiJInsky, AIISJCI Belle Horwlch, Bcoirlco Sommer A.V$. Kale Abroharn* Mesir», and Mmes. Hurry Dufioif, pauf Vertt ...* Mri. Ulllan Alporson Wcr.tri. and Mmes. Sam Goidenberii, Klcvr) Horntlefn, Morris Mcchinan, A. Nona. wlUor* Yucfclson, Norman ZIofKln, AArs. /,-Vabcf t-rlcdel Uu'tutn Dcticr Messrs,1 and Mints. Joit-f Muycr/Davle/ Orkow ...» Mrs. 5ara Clot Messrs. odd Mmes. Steven J, l.utUiaricn, DavUl Orkow, Horatio L. f/McnfXum, Prill D. Sthworli, Pat/1 Veref, Mrs, Ucrwrd (Ciefn ......Rev. Abraham JacoE> DIamoiia Mr.'and Mrs. Josef Mover . . . . • Jcscph Flfikctateln .M?ijr$. tmd Mrufs. PliMlp D, Schwarlx, Paul Verat, Frank Mavak, Lou Novak - - -»-., Joe Fishtwrg Mr. *md Mrs. Joe M. Wlce, Mrs. //.afjel F-'rlcdtH Mrs. Rose Glazrncin Mis* Usbtth Owrnladc * ' Mrs. Frank kalz Mr. and Mrs. (fnfry PuDoft .. -,. •-. Gil Klclncrf (f.os Anflcfcs, Calif.) M l « Bcolrlcr Samrncr Mr. llcynian (Pacific Palfcc.fcz, CalJf), Mrs, Lena Ucwnmn Mr*. Mabel Frtedel ...-• Mrs. Sara Mlnkln Dr. Max Flefsfimarr Rfdiard M. SMoes (CMccgo, III.)
Is Speaker' Topic
Dr. Louis Gottschalk, leading authority on • Franco-American relations, will open the- UniversMr, and Mrt. Henry fJcwmnn recovery, Mrs. Jay Cliernlccfc, Paul Vtrei Mr, end Mrs, Harry DuBcff ..,..,.......--• -. recovery, William Rocusln ity. of O m a h a . Sunday Nlqhf Hub , . . . . , - tOUt blriiKlay, M(*. Sidney Gotdtcro Mr, and Mr*. Lew Mtfrfer , Hrltt ol u grorKf daughter, Rlfko Juyn Milder 1952 Annual In- .< /""" " •> stitute on World f * Synagogue Donations Affairs, WednesMrj. Sortila Fercr [ L a Angzles, Callfornfa) ..,...., memory, Mrs. Rose Tercr day, October 17 i Mr. omi Mrs, DavfcJ Orl.aw Yafirzcff, Mrs. Lentr Frank Mr. and Mrs, Joccb s. Jkss ..-- ..•..at 8:15 p.m. The ' . . . . memory, Sclanon Hess, Mrs. Botlfo Mcsir Lout* Strains, M r i . CTslhcr Sfrtiusi Afbcrt Sfrlnhorff ..... memory, Mrs. Nathan 5tcfnt«rg Institute will be f M n . Cerlri/{fe Hollander be held at the \ Mrs. Ttvlt Klot; University, said Ernest A. Nogg, president of the ' Bazaar Donors Jewish Federation, a co-spon- L—*••»-*,—w 3 Urged to Hurry soring organiza- Gotlsduilli tion. With Their Gifts Dr. Gottschalk will speak on Only a few more days remain Buenos Aires (WNS) —Sharp "France and De Gaulle after denunciation of the use of church to accept, collect, mark and pack four years." He has v i s i t e d pulpits by "certain priests'' ns gifts for sale at the Jewish Fed- Paris, almost every year since springboards for the cUssomi1950, studying, lecturing and nation of nntiScmitisni was eration of Women's Clubs Booth writing. sounded here by Father Carioa at the Children's Memorial HosDr. Gottschalk lectured at the Cucchetti, who sinmltanaou^'y pital Bazaar, Monday, October University Center at Nice and asserted that most of the "ac- 20 at the ShcralonFontetielle was visiting professor at the tively anti-Semitic" priests are Hotel, according to Chairman, U n i v e r s i t y of Frankf ort-amof German or Spanish origin. Mrs. Arthur Goldstein. Main. He has made two visits Fntlier Cucchetti in an interto Russia and traveled in Italy. V/ith her co-chairmen, Mrs. view with the Jewish fortnightly His views on current internaLa Luz, accused Father Vortfilio Alfred Sophir and Mrs. M. A. tional affairs, based on lengthy Pilipp of using his pulpit for Hiehard"), Mrs. Goldstein urged and close observation of the mili-Semitic attacks and men- that last minute donations be economic, cultural and diplotioned two school!; ay centers made as soon as possible. Pick- matic relations of the United of anti-Semitic propaganda. Ife States, France and Britain, give declared the "church authorities ups for those unable to deliver him high ranking as an interhave done nothing in this re- the merchandise to tlie depots preter of current history. gard, since they arc not con- announced last week, may call vinced that such propaganda Mrs. Sophir, 553-3950; Mrs. Richstems from there." ards, 553-1317 and Mrs. GoldAt the same time, it was stein, 391-0685. The main deposit charged by the editor of La Luz, that the Catholic Church in point now is C75!) Davenport Mrs. Joe J. Greenberg, chairArgentine was playing an "over- Street, the Sophir residence. man of the Jewish Federation whelming role in stimulating All members of the Federa- Agencies Section of the Needleanti-Semitism". Guild D r i v e , issued an tion of Jewish Women's Clubs, work In response to the recent as- were urged by the chairmen to urgent request this week to all women to send in their contrisurance by the Minister of Interior that the Argentine gov- visit the Bazaar where they will butions now. ernment intends to repress anti- find many items for Hanukkah In addition to those previous(Continued on Page H.) shopping. (Continued on Page 3.)
In Honor of
Argentine Priest Haps Us3 of Pofpsfs for Anfi-Semsfie
Center Programs Scheduled: Immediate registration is recommended for participation in the programs and activities offered at the Jewish Community Center. This is particularly important, Harry Sidman, Center Chairman, explained, because many of the classes are necessarily limited, and those in charge want to extend every benefit to persons taking part. The activities offered are: KEAL ESTATE COURSE— Helps those interested in Real Estate to obtain their Nebraska Licenses, Fee for ten session course, Tuesday evenings $10. Course for women only Thursday afternooa1). * '• • FLIGHT AND NAVIGATION. Air—Those interested in aviation or l e a r n i n g how to fly should sign up for this informational Wednesday evening: series (covers basic communications also. Fee for series $5.) *
PAINTING — Y o u r choice might be oils or it may bo w a t e r colors. A fundamental class Wednesday afternoons. $5 fee for eight sessions.
OILS AND LIFE DRAWING— An advanced c o u r s e for the more adept artist every Tuesday evening under professional guidance. •
BRIDGE FUNDAMENTALS— Beginners class. Fee for ten session class is $5. C l a s s e s arr a n g e d at enrollce'3 convenience. Instructors are also pro-, vided for groups in homes on a special fee basis. •
PHOTOGRAPHY — Thursday e v e n i n g sessions for camera techniques. Learn how to develop and enlarge pictures. $3. fee covers the cost of instruction and materials. Class limited to first eight registrants.
John Rosenblatt, f o r m e r mayor of Omaha, who won local and national recognition for numerous community and civic improvement p r o g r a m s , he spearheaded, will serve as General Chairman of the 1962 Israel Bond Campaign, it was announced by Dr. Abe Grcenberg, who previously held the post. Dynanic Leader Known affectionately as "Mr. Omaha" to the community, John Rosenblatt is distinguished for Ins dynamic and experienced leadership, Dr. Grecnberg said. Iti accepting the chairman ship, Mr. Rosenblatt declared, "I couldn't turn it down". Israel, he stressed, needs help now more than ever, with thournnds of refugees streaming into the country. "Jews from all parts of the world are fleeing from political u n r e s t and persecution", he emphasized. "These newcomers need homes and a way of be-
coming self-supporting. "Funds are needed to develop Israel's industry, where remarkable progress has been made", he added. As Israel's industry expands, more jobs will be available for the immigrants. I have great admiration for those who have fought for freedom and a way into Israel and who have given it so much. "I Want to Help" "These people are building a great state and I want to do all I can to help, Omaha's former mayor asserted. "Isra"el is the last place where Jewish refugees can find a permanent home." Mr. Rosenblatt pointed out that tremendous strides have b e e n accomplished in Israel through the Israel Bond pro-
Late Bulletin! Mrs. Guss Heads Women's Div.
John Rosenblatt, General Chairman of the* Omaha Committee for the State of Israel Bonds announced today, the selection of Mrs. Joseph Guss as Women's Division Chairmen of the 1902 Israel Bond Campaign., Mrs. Guss who war, the 1001 president of the Women's Division of the Jewish P h i fa n t hropies, has been John Rosenblatt president of Beth El Sisterhood, Chaitn W e iz ni a ri n gram which ho emphasized "is group of Hadassah and vicenot charity, but a loan". Bonds president of Henry Monsky aid industry, he said, and induschapter of B'nai B'rith. try needs the manpower proShe was a member of the vided by refugees, Federation of Jewish Wompower provided by refugees. en's Clubs, board member of In an appeal to Omahans for City Council P-TA, Western 'their cooperation, in t h e s e Hills and Louis and Clark crucial times, Mr. Rosenblatt P-TA's. asked that members of the community interested in working with him, call 551-22C6, 553-5887 or 556-4444. Headed 195C Philanthropies Mr. Rosenblatt, New Products Director for Robert Dairy Co., headed the successful 1956 Jewish Philanthropies and United Jewish Appeal Emergency Cam"There is something for everyone," Mr. Sidman remarked in paign and has served on varidisclosing the details of programs. He said plans for the fall and ous Jewish Federation posts, winter seasons were made with this in mind. and numerous community acProfessional guidance and leadership will be in charge of all tivities, He was honorary chairprograms. Members of the community interested in enrolling or man of the Omaha pommittee desiring more information are asked to call the Center Activities for Israel's Tenth Anniversary office, 342-136G, or to appear in person. celebration. Mr. Rosenblatt was awarded CER^MICS'—Classes or indiSCULPTURING — Stimulating the coveted citation for merividual instruction given A small and creative activity for adults. torious service by the Presifee is charged to cover cost of A small group Wednesdays un- dent's Committee for Employder personalized supervision ment of the Physically Handimaterials used. Learn how to make art objects, pour molds,. and instruction. Sculpturing will capped in 1958 and in 1961 the Cancer Crusade. He be done in various media. $5 headed fire and glaze. also was cited last year for his registration fee covers cost of services as mayor and for his MAII JONG — C l a s s e s ar- instruction and all materials. efforts in behalf of the munici- . • • * ranged at the convenience of pal Stadium and bringing Amerithe enrollees. Small groups only. SKIN D I V I N G — Informal can Association b a s e b a l l to group meets every other Sunday Omaha. • • • • SWIMMING—-Instructional as evening at the Jay's pool for inwell as recreational swimming. struction and recreational swimCall the Center for a complete ming. Call Joseph Micek, Center KBON Radio 1490, Presents Aquatics Director, for more deswim schedule. Message of Israel tails, * * * Sunday, October 14—10 P.M. * * * HEALTH CLUB—During the Speaker: Rabbi Alvin I. Fine RAPID READING FOR BUSIweek and Sundays. Stcambaths, Congregation Emanu-El, workout room, lounge and ex- NESSMAN — Four session eveSan Francisco, Calif. pert massages or even sunbaths ning course designed for the Topic: "How Safe Is Your for men only. Open to members businessman to increase h i s Shelter?" (Continued on Page 3.) ^ and non-members. •'
Page Two
Published weekly on Friday beginning Hie last neck In August Scccnd Clois PcJosp Pu:d ct Omfihu, Hebr, Annual Sub'-crip!icn, S-! CQ. Adverii^iiui Roles on A^plitQlion. Publication Office—101 No. iOih ilfEtl, Oiwfiio. Htbr., M7-13K.
- s'-t--.,"! f"^"1
CZUJ Religious Services
„ 1
5:29 p.m. Temple Israel: Kindergarten Friday Mincha 5:15 p.m.; Satur- nnd new first grade students day morning fi:30, and Mincha will be consecrated at Sukkot 5:45 p.m., followed by Sholosh s e r v i c e s to be conducted by Seudos. Daily services at 7 a.m. Rabbi Kidney H. Brooks, and and 5:45 p.m. Cantor Manfred F. Kuttnur, Friday ;it 7:30 p.m. Kiddush •will follow—in the Sukkah. The chilRecent Home Offerings dren will adorn the altar with BYMAENNER their olfering.s. Children to be consecrated LUXURY HOME are: 15'nai Jacob Adas Ycsliuron:
FAIRACRES at lir.-ili-.tic- I ' l l ' l Immediate- <)i ( iiji.-i.-H y In
Thrvo hcflronnis ami maid's rf>om, •21'- haths, br-.nojH't <lmln;: I-<M<IU \ w t h bay, l.'ii;''' (;ili'h"n ami hra-Mfa.st hnv. v. Jjolc lutu'-p rarpelcd ami ci-iftiaNy ;ilr coiMlitlnm-il. A yt-ar-round fa mil v sitr.;omn, r a i l oplcd exterior p.nrh, liilli.-t-.j room ( w i t h t itltlu). ('It.^t-ts (\( y\v. t\f\ •'. A snlld house in vlcy.;ti,\ th<cor. Shown only (-y ;ip;-oiht rucr.t.
523 N. 52ND ST. Fine ftrrhiU'ct - 'Iesl;.Ti<d li o m <\ piicvd in bottom yJO-;. Cninpai-t nnd easy t<» m.-ina^c. cstaljlishi'd to downtown b u s near Iv.o Wc-.t Omaha .syn;^">;r>JOH. T w o J.c.lfooms, c't'i-uinlc 1 lie hat li, iinj'i*1.*;sive l i v i n g room, st udy, <i!.M::,<; room. (vnivcnW-nt inrnlcni JUtflicn. Completely finWhcJ b a s «.• in t u t wil.li Ejiiifious <'C(t;ir cihim-t ^, paved patio v. II h li;:ih':ru<.* In small walled bni'k yard. A l u m i num comtiiruitinn Ktonns jiiul sermons, pi'tirirtiiont tile, roof, foi,ts less than s n n j p^r vi'nr to heat. RtTPntly ruiii'coralrd: move your f a m i l y "in upon clo?:i:i^. TO VIEW AND APPKKCIATfi EvniKH OF Tin: ABOVE HOMES CONTACT Ed Covert, .TJI-30J0; Clark Wl'.^rm, 393-os;j7. or Art Bn'rani. HtM-l'jlTJ MEET THE MAN KKOM
Pure Beef Sptcoi Included Jus* Add Wator end Beans for a Tanfaliring Dlih
Per Lb.
"Buy If Where It's Baked"
P.rlh OlsIrK/. Julio Cohen, J. (f Clhn, AlIfri Duv^.'.rn, Dtbro F-dfhcr, J'ii'l.p f-ait.rr, AtiyLcit 1-crt.r, fi'.ih (>c:i:i:rr, J:;ne Go'cffmin, Linda Gordon, Ihcmoi Lr^ Hurris, DM \f.?'i;.;ur, Clr.tl/ Leu Ku:.W, fi.lly Kci!..-.h, Ami- Jo Unco:/!, Ccl'.i' Lincoln. TruT/ Lrr.cf.in, Kcrin';!h /.MtU'T, Ld/.ord Cf .-/(i^n, D';n Polk^fc, ec:i) f-'ip-.. fjfijcc Ain;re 'C'jddf.r. liruce 'jl'il'jn, Dcnif.l Micrni(j"i, Si'ja!) jC-.Kifi, st-an S'nrr, Jcfin V,'f.id!iOum, (jnd Henry Wen-.!./, Robin /.'.onlW, Moll/ f-i-jlur.
Morning Festival service will be at 11:00 a.m. Saturday nnd also followed with kiddish in the Sukkah. Uclli Id: Snkkot Eve Sabbath services at Beth KI Synagogue will begin at !i:!5 p.m. Iinbbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Sabbath and Sukkot services will begin at 9 a.m. Mincha and Maariv services will be held at 5:30 p.m. Services for the second day of Sukkot will begin at!) a.m. Services during the week will be at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
By Nathan Zi'irin Succot, in addition to being a harvest festival, is a memorial to the exodus from Egypt. It is the Feast of Booths. When the Israelites went forth from Egypt, they lived in booths. •10 Years ill Dessert The Israelites were f o r t y years lingering in the desert before entering the Promised Land. This interlude between slavery and national independence was of course a critical one for them. No doubt it contributed to their character—to the toughening up of the fibre of the people after the enervation of slavery—but the life of roving in the desert c o u l d scarcely have been satisfactory. Certainly it was not voluntary on the part of the children of Israel. Reference to the reason was given by Israel's Minister of Finance Levi Kshkol at the recent Israel Bond Conference when he told of the development of the new settlement of Arad. According to the Bible, Eshkol pointed out, "four thousand years ago, the King of Arad defeated Moses and the children of Israel when they first came out of Egypt. Because of this defeat, our ancestors turned back from the easy route to the Promised Land and suffered forty years of w a n d e r i n g through the desert.' ' Cannot 'Faiblondsch" ''My friends," continued Eshkol, "we cannot afford to "farblondseli" forty years and, I promise you, this time we shall succeed in settling Arad. We have blasted a marvelous road through the impenetrable mountains, which links Arad within ten minutes to the Dead Sea, It was here that Abraham fought against the Mesopotamia)! coalition of King Chadarloamer and here, too, where Mrs. Lot became a pillar of salt, we have, within the past few weeks, found good water underground where no one ever suspected we could find it." Arad, he predicted, will in the next ten years become a blossoming city.
Iicth Israel: Rabbi Benjamin Groner wil conduct Sukkot services at 5:30 p.m. Other holidays services scheduled are: Saturday, October 13: Morning Services, UA5 a.m.; Junior Congregation, 10:00 a.m.; Evening Services, 5:30 p.m. Sunday, October 14: Morning Imaginary Tour Services, 8:45 a.m.; Junior ConIt was all part of 'an imagigregation, 10:00 a.m.; Evening nary tour to the Negev ten years Services, 5:45 p.m. hence" Mr. Eshkol was taking with his audience. Beth El Dedicates Moses and the children of Israel ' f i n a l ly penetrated the Memorial Plaques Promised Land at Elat, and Mr. Mem o r i a 1 N a m e plagues Eshkol foresaw tens of thouplaced on the Memorial Tablets sands of American tourists enin Beth El Synagogue during tering the land of Israel through the past several months will be the same route. Jet planes, he dedicated at the Shemini Atzeret predicted, will fly directly from Yizkor Services on Saturday, New York to the shores of the October 20. Those whose names Red Sea. "When other countries will be commemorated by their shiver in snow and rain, Elat's families at that time, are: _, modern hotels will be crowded with tourists and visitors," and Mcll Levin Doojberj, Jeoticlle Dctnlck, David H. Fertjl, Yeshlo Fresgtr, Annl» "the unique climate of Elat and Green, Herman Herzog, Michoei Lee Hprits facilities for sport and reIOB, Rose Hcrzog. Allen Kenan, Robert H. Kooper, Louis Kully, Abraham Levlne. Ralaxation will have turned it into chel Levlne, Fanny Llntiman, Jacob LlnJzmon, Mary Mcyerson, Cliovo Miller, Hyrnan a winter resort. People will be Miller, Jake Moll, Alex PloIMn, Joke Rosattracted by its beauty and the cnblcom, Dcnlomin Seoall, Irving I, Segall, Wax Lyon Scoall, Esther Slolmaster ond .legend of the Red Sea along Clara Schlallcr V/lnlroub. which Moses led the children of Israel and where the Queen Dandy Promoted of Sheba came on her way to Donald Dandy, f o r m e r l y visit King Solomon," divisional manager of Brandeis Thus spoke Mr. Eshkol, lookat the Crossroads, has been pro- ing through the crystal ball at moted to men's clothing buyer the Negev ten years hence. "The at the downtown store. He has whistle of the railroad," he been employed in men's furnish- rhapsodized, 'will be h e a r d ings at Brandeis for the past through its domains," and "no six years. He is married and longer will it be said the Negev has two children. is a useless desert."
Friday, October 12, 1002
Verses From Book of Isaiah Oh Israel's New Year Stamps The exchange of greetings on the occasion of the New Year is a custom long prevalent among the Jewish people. Fostering this beautiful tradition, the Ministry of Posts in Israel annually issues a special .set of holiday stamps in honor of the season. Tin* ISool; of Isaiah For this year, 5723, three stamps were issued, in tribute to the prophet, Isaiah, who bequeathed to mankind a vision of the future that became the guiding star of generation after generation. Each stamps quote's verses in the Book of Isaiah. Tim most lyrical picture of the "last days" is to be found in the inspired words of the prophet Isaiah. In his majestic vision of the Golden Age there will be peace between nations, ju.<;tice, universal brotherhood, happiness and plenty. No Longer the Arts of War Isaiah's vision stirred mankind to look forward towards a world where deserts will blossom like the rose, w h e r e i n knowledge will fill the earth as water covers the s e a s , and where serenity will reign, for "men will beat their .swords into plowshares and no longer learn the arts of war." These miraculous changes found their expression in the verses "the wolf shall .dwell with the lamb and the leopard lie down with the kid, and the suckling child play over the hole of the asp." (Isaiah, chapter 11, verses G and 0.) Champion of Dispossessed Down through the centuries the courageous leaders of men who have championed the cause of the dispossessed and the exploited have echoed the cry of the prophet: "Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field till there be no place." Social reformers of modern limes who have planned a better world for mankind have found a source of inspiration in the
V/e employ no agenfs . . . here you ta/e expensive commissions «s you deal diroctly with fho ownori , . , Wo Invifo you fo compare . . . V/o permit no untimoly solicitation' , . . you are freo to moko up your own mind, all memorials plainly priced, lot eomplote. B58-B5G0 00th nnd Underwood Open Sundays
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ideal social order envisaged by Isaiah wherein "men shall bo judged with righteousness and reproved with equity." Stri'ss on Universality Although d e e p l y concerned with the, salvation of the Jewish People, Isaiah's message is characterized by a stress on universality—the universality of God, and the unity of the world nnd humanity. Isaiah's belief in one God and one world inspired all the great monotheistic religions of our world: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
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CHOCOLATE-HUT ORANGE-WIT Mr. and Mrs. Harold Franklin SBANnNA-NUT ROIL announce the birth of a daughter on October 4. Mrs. Franklin is the fo/mer, Beverley Jean Pessen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Pessen. •
Monuments in the Jewish Tradition Wo ero known for our exacting Hebrew lolforing and dofail, loloct your nonumont from {lie largest ttoclc of up-Jo-dofo momorioli in fhe midwojt, too what you buy.
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Open Friday, Oct. 12 Till 12 Noon • Stero Hours Monday Thru Tfiunday 8 A.M.-5:30 P.M. Friday, 8 A.M.-12 Moon
Friday, October 12, 1962
Brunch Draivs More than 1901 Thirty more high school freshman than last year's record count, turned out for the Jewish Youth Council's fifth a n n u a l Pledge Brunch recently held at the Jewish Community Center, brunch chairmen, Pnula liercut and Sheldon Perelman, reported. Humid S c h n e i 1 e r, Youth Council president, said the organization would announce some of future activities, soon. Central High Players Among the Central High Playem who still will he in the cast of the .show, Noah" are; Harold Schneider, John Spitzer and Cathy Adler, Sharon Lintzman niul Mitchell lieitzer. The production staff includes Nancy Herzoff, student director and Ira rtaznick. The play will ho presented at a matinee, Octoher 24 and in the evening October 25 at Central High Fchool.
Giuil Dofenss Direct sr Willnm Dean Noyes, director of Civil Defomjc for Omah i and Douglas County, will he guest (speaker at the meeting of Henry Monsky lodge 35-1, Wednesday, October 31 at the Ranch Bowl. Louis .Sobrin is in charge of the program and is being assisted by Bernard Cohen.
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Duffel and Monu Sorvico In the old world lotting of
The Mediterranean
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Page Three
Double Celebration Held for Sam Rifkfns hospitality committee is coinTemple Sisterhood posed of Mmes. Leon Graetz, Luncheon Meeting Temple Israel Sisterhood will Lawerenee Epstein, Sam Geifhold a 1 p.m. luncheon meeting nian, Arthur Goldstein, Sol Lagat the Temple on Tuesday, Oc- man, Max Lasliinsky and Sam Wolf. tober 10. The program, a panel discus- Board Meeting sion, will he presented by the The Omaha Chapter of HadnsUrban League ol Omaha. The sah Board will meet at the Jewtopic, will he "It Ain't Necessar- ish Community Center on Monily So", or "Do We as Ameri- day, O c t o b e r 15. Mrs. Max cans Share the same -God-given Lashinsky is in charge of the and Constitutional Rights?" ]2:TJO p.m. luncheon, Hostesses The moderator will be Mrs, will be Mmer>. J. Milton MarMargaret St. Clair. golin, Julius Stein and Arthur Other panel members will bo Goldstein. Mines. Clement W. Zandler, Wil* * • liam H. Johnson, and Carl A. llahM Oroncr to Be Peterson. Mizrachi Speaker A question and answer period Rabbi Benjamin Gronnr of by the audience and panel will Beth Israel synagogue, will be conclude the program. the guest speaker at the annual Temple program co-chairmen Sukkot tea to be given by the of the event are Mrnes. Martin Omaha Chapter of Mizrachi on Lehr and Jack Levin. Luncheon (Chol-O-Moid Sukkot), WednesChairman is Mrs. Warner Froh- day, Octoher 17 at 1 p.m. at the man. Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Louis Gerelick and Mrs. * * * Benjamin Groner will be honMrs. Wuppcr will ored as life members and new Sjieak on Klectinu Announcement has been made members will lie welcomed. Members are asked to bring by Mrs. Meyer Halprin, Program C h a i r m a n , Cornhusker JNF boxes to the meeting by 13'nai B'rith, that the next meet- Mrs. Herman Franklin, chairing of this organization will be held on October 15, at the Blackstone Hotel, at 8:15 p.m. 10'Om Mrs. Fred Wupper, member of the League of Women Voters, wil discuss the coming election. "The W o r l d of S h o l o m Social hour will follow the rneetAlecheim" opens S a t u r d a y Night, October 13 at the Omaha Playhouse, under the direction SOT Alumnae Luncheon Sigma Delta Tau A l u m n a e of Elaine Jabenis. Among the League of Omaha will hold a cast are Sylvia Wagner, Libby luncheon meeting at Gorat's, Sachs, Joe Hornstein, David F o r b e s , Earl Katz, Marlene Saturday, Octoher 13. Bernstein, Karen M'Lee Jabenis, • * * Beth Novak and Nancy Venger, Panel Program Planned for with Helen Novak as stage manHadassah's Onc.'K Sliabliat ager. O "Panel of Americans" will Tickets for performances, Satbe featured on the program of urday through M o n d a y , are Hadassah's Oneg Shabbat, Sat- available at the Omaha Playurday, October 20 at 1:30 p.m. house box office. Curtain tune at Beth El Synagogue under the on Saturday and Monday is 8:30 d i r e c t i o n of the Education p.m. and Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Council, with Mrs. Meyer Roscnbauni, as overall chairman. Mrs. Julius Newman recently The panelists will be Mrs. returned from Burlington, la., John Macksey, m o d e r a t o r ; where she visited her son-in-law Mmes, John Harding, James and daughter Mr. and Mrs. B. Lipscy, W. S. Fletcher and War- William Click, and grandsons, ren Buffett, representing dif- Raymond and David. ferent faiths and racial backgrounds. A tea will follow the program with Mrs. Morris Grossman as arrangements c h a i rman. The
Opens Saturday life
A dinner party was given October G to celebrate the tenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rifkin and the 70th birthday of Mr. Rifkin. Co-hosts for the affairs were nieces and nephews: Messrs and Mmes. Harry Siref, Hen Rifken, and Paul Rifkin. The party was held at the Siref residence.
Temp!© Planning Holiday Dinner A Sukkot Congregational dinner will be held at Temple Israel on Friday, October JO, at 0:00 p.m. Following the dinner, services will be held at 7:30 in the sanctuary. Adult dinner tickets are $2 and children's $1. Reservations may be made by calling the Temple Israel office. Mmes. David Meyers and Frederick Cassman are the Sukkot dinner co-chairmen. THE HOLLIS CO. HI:AI. HSTATE
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Pag© Four
Register Now for Center Activities (Continued from Page 1.) r e a d i n g and retention rate amazingly. Fee for course is $S. • # * CHESS AND CHKCKICUS — Special rooms and evenings will be set aside at the Center for those interested in these gameboard sports. No fee is charged with informal c o in p e t i t i o n among the participants. SEMINARS Choose a seminar on an evening of your choice. Different lecturer featured each week in each series. Open discussion will follow. Enrollment will be limited in each seminar group. MOKERN SCHOOLS OF PSYCHIATRY - - Six Tuesday sessions. Fee is $4 per couple. * * » HYPNOSIS—Aspects and applications—Six consecutive Thursday evenings. Fee is $•! per couple. MENTAL HXNESS IN THE FAMILY AND COMMUNITY — Will meet Wednesdays to discuss how to cope with problem:; in the family and community. ?4 fee per couple five session series. MENTAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT — Another series designed for the parents of preschool children to better acquaint them with progressive techniques in working and playing with their children. Day to be announced. Fee of S4 per couple. ADVANCED S T 0 0 K S AND BONDS —Five Wednesday evening sessions for men and women with a different guest lecturer each time. Fee for the series is $5. INVESTMENTS AND INVESTING FOR HIE HOUSEWIFE—For Women Only. Presented Wednesday afternoons at the Center. Fee for the series is 54 with registrations accepted on a first come first served basis. •
MODEL RAILROADING—For both men and boys. A group will be formed to channel and main and develop interest in this popular hobby.. . * » » JEWISH COOKING — Here's an opportunity to pick up some good recipes and menus while l e a r n i n g some new culinary tricks. Day is open, but top notch instructor selected. Sign up today. A small registration fee of $2 for series. •
DOG OBEDIENCE TRAINING—A beginning course for dog and master under profess i o n a 1 supervision. Fee for Thursday evening series of ten lessons is $10. •
SPEED R E A D I N G AND STUDY CLASS—For grade and high school students every Friday at 4 p.m. at the Center. Students develop top study habits and skills under trained supervision using the latest training devices. Fee for eight-week series is $2. *
CHARM COURSE — T h i s charm course is one of the most popular for teenagers and tweenagers. Separate classes for High Schoolers and Junior High Students.. Fee for s e r i e s is $5. Everyone who previously has t a k e n this course has benefited. 1
•HI-FI CLASS—For the high school boy, the collegiate or the adult interested in l e a r n i n g about Hi Fi and how to construct Hi Fi units. This is the first class of this kind to be presented in the Omaha area. Featured are four Tuesday sessions. Fee is $2. An advanced course is to be presented later. * *' * DANCING FOR ADULTS—Instruction in the old steps and the new. First half of the evening devoted to fox-trot, waltz , and swing while the second half of the session devoted to learning the new steps of dances like the mambo and cha-cha. Good for brushing up on your steps
Friday, October IS, IMS
Needlework Donors
or good for those who want to learn. Fee is $!l per couple for
Center Sports
(Continued from Page 1.) ly listed, the following have conSidney N. Sommcrs six lessons. tributed through Monday: • * • Mines. Lloyd Han!:, D. E. I3eSOCIAL DANCING FOR THE ber, H u r r y Relmonl, Eugene (Call Center Physical EduTWEENS — Dance classes for Brrum, Alfred Brody, J a c o b cation office, 34M3G6 for the 7th and 8th flradcre every Brookstein, Harold Cherniaek, Registration and Friday at 4 p.m. Fee for the Jack Ji. Cohen, Abe II. Colin, furthe ' information on proseries of eight sessions and spe- Max K. Colin, Robert Feinbcrg, grams offered below.) cial parties is $4. Group limited Maurice Feldmun, David H. Ferso tweenagere, sign up now. JUDO til, Ben Fisher, Sam Frank, Her* %* The Jewish Community Cenman Franklin, Jacob Frcggcr, GUITAR LESSONS -For Hie Elizabeth Fried, Lloyd D. Fried- ter Health mid Physical Edugrade schooler, Junior High Stu- man, .Louis Friedman, Albert cation office Announces the fordents or High Schoolers. Sunday Garber, Irvin A. Gondler, Harry mation of a Judo class defsigncd for boys fifth thru eighth grade:; afternoons under professional instructors with instruments pro- Goldberg, Samuel Geifrnan, Sid- tf) be held each Sunday afterney Goldberg, Henry Grabois, noon at 1 p.m.-2 p.m., beginning vided. Fee is $7.50 for a series Edward B. Green, David Green- Sunday, November Kith. of five-one-hour sessions. A qualified judo instructor SUNDAY FUND AYS-For the b e r g , Edward W. Greenberg, C r a d c school guys and gals Max Greenfield, Arthur Gross, will be on hand for instruction. Ignac Grossman, Ignac Grimsevery S u n d a y afternoon. InClass fee $10.00 for 20 lessons. c 1 u d e s arts and crafts, dra- weig. matics and special activities. Mines. Fred Halm, Jacob S. BODY BUILDING CLASS The fall series lasts 10 weeks. Hess, Louis Hiller, David IIoA new Uory Building course Fee of $10. The program meets berman, Marcel Kahn, Irvin C. designed for high school and from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Jay. Kaiman, William Kaiman, Abe young male adults will be intro• • * Kaplan, Morris Katlcmmi, Alex duced into the Center athletic STAMP CLUB—Meets once a Katz, Dave Kntzman, M e y e r program beginning Monday Nomonth for grade school hoys Kirshenbaum, Leonard K1 e i n, vember 5 at 3:30 p.m. and girls. Center has the !nr;;- Robert II. K o o p e r , Abraham Learn skills in weight lifting e:;t junior • stamp club in Ne- Krantz, David L. Krantz, Joseph program in order to develop braska. No fee and lots of fun. Kricsfield, Manuel Krupinsky, stronger bodies, co-ordination Sign up now so you will receive Arthur Kulakofslcy, Aaron Le- and general physical f i t n e s s . notices of the meetings. Stamp vine, Dave Levine, Philip Lub- Fee: $5.00 for 10 lesrons. trading and interesting discus- man, Harry Lutz, Edward M. sions at each meeting. Malashock, Philip Malkin, Sam Manvitz, Robert I. Marer, J. MIDGET LEAGUES Midget League; basketball will SPECIAL TEEN GROUPS — Milton Margolin, Jack Melchcr, begin with the; annual Dad-Lad Special classes and groups are David Miller. Charles A. Mona- Day kick-off affair at the Center being formed especially for high see, E. Leo Nogg, Harry Novak, Auditorium on Sunday, Novemschool students and high school Sidney Novak. ber 11 at 2 p.m. Center Midget groups. Includes a mimeographMines: William A. Itacusin, basketball league, is comprised ing, operation of movie projec- Samuel Itichman, Norman D. of yourig.sters'in the 5th.filh7th tors, photography, Israeli Danc- Rips, Paul Rips,' Abraham Hoff- and fith grades. Over ninety boj-3 ing, Theatre Group, and Radio. man, Israel Roscnthal, Bernard participated in this program Teens interested in any of UICKB Ruben, Harry Rubeastein, Max last year. • activities may e n r o l l at the R. Saclis, Harry Saltzman, Leon At the November 11 event Youth Council Office or by call- Schmidman. L e o n a r d Segal, movies will bo shown, refresh- ' ing Did: Weiner, the Youth Ac- Emanucl Segel, Morris J. Sha- nienls served and an area tivities Director. piro, Dave Shukert. Nathan Shu- coach will be the guest speaker. kert, Robert H. Silver, Ervin R. * * * AMATEUR RADIO CLASS— Simon, Stuart E. Simon, William Shop throuRh the Jewish Press Grade schoolers can learn all S k o l n i k , Ben Slutsky, Harry A-ls. Smith, Joe Sokolof, Max Som. about amateur radio by operating the transmitting and receiv- mer. Dora S. Stein, Albert Steining station built at the Center. berg, Phillip Turek, Paul Veret, Class participants will be able Martin Weiner, Leo Wcitz, Harto receive their novice opera- ry Wilinsky. Albert L. Wohlner, tors licenses upon completing Bernhardt Wolf, Paul I. Wolk, 5438 SEWARD the course. The ten week series, Marshall Znlkin, and Miss Elizawith Friday classes has a $5 beth J. Hart. 1370 Sq. Ft., euitom-built, 3-beJregistration fee to cover maroom ranch. I '/> botln. 23-ft. livterials and special supplies. •
Israel Invited Jerusalem (WNS)—Israel has received a Vatican invitation to attend the opening ceremony of the Ecumenical C o u n c i l in Rome. Since there are no formal diplomatic tics between Israel and the Vatican, the invitation was construed hero as a gesture of goodwill. At the same time it was noted that Israeli envoys in Rome since the ascension of Pope John XXIII have been invited to Vatican function.';. Israel's delegation to the session, to be headed by Morris Fisher, Israel's Ambassador to Italy, i« to include a representative of the Ministry of Keliftitjua Affairs.
JOE HHIIISERG Funeral services wore hi;!d September Hi at tin; Jewish Funeral Home for Joe Fishberg, 74, produce dealer, who died He >tcnibcr 17. Mr. Fishberj.;, a re:;idi;nt of Omaha 50 years, lived at r>107 Jackson. Survivors' are his wife, Hubeecu, Omaha; daughter.'!, Mrs. Irene Shambaugh, We:;t Covirin, Calif.; Mrs. Libby Lincoln, and Mrs. Mildred Fcidman, both of Omaha and five grandchild < l.
I < j
GYM AND SWIM ACTIVITIES—The Center offers a program for all ages and all interests in connection with physical education and swimming, Activities are offered for the Iddy Biddy participants as well as to the senior citizens. Call the Center's Athletic Director or the Aquatics for further information. Included are judo, wrestling, body building, handball, basketball, volleyball, slimnasties for women, co-ed badminton, sports and games, water safety instructor training, Junior and Senior lifesaving. t
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(Continued from Page 1.) Semitic outbreaks. Dr. Isaac Goldenberg, president of the central representation body of Argentine Jewry said the Minister's statement was "encouraging". But he added, that as long as the Government permits the formation of and training of Nazi groups as assault troops "there v/ill e x i s t the danger of physical aggression against Jews even if this might not be called ani,i-Semitism".
BY OWNER, 553-7371
NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS FOR CHILDREN — S p e c i a l groups will be formed in neighborhoods on requests. T h e s e groups meet in a different home each week with a trained leader. The fee for the ten week series is $5 and will cover costs of -supervision and materials. • • « SPECIAL PROGRAMS COMING UP—Program of the Month Series, a free concert series of outstanding Jewish artists. Other special programs will include a foreign film series, special film festival. Yiddish Theatre and other special courses and presentations. * • * A series of vacation programs for grade school children, will be featured at each school vacation or holiday.
Dally Jewish Newspapers BAR and Bas MKzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge ~~FOR GOODWILL YEAR AROUND READING (Wonderful Gift Idea!) GO issues Look
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