October 19, 1962

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NEBRASKA STATE HISTORICAL S08IBf? Lincoln, Nebraska _ .Q^£

Vol. XJJ—No. i

Publication Ottlce. 101 No. 20ih • Omaha, Nebraska, l'hane 342-J3G0


ie Plans for the 1902 Israel Bond Drive in Omaha and nearby communities were announced today by John Rosenblatt. General Chairman of the Omaha

The "pros and cons" o campaign will be a "coffeeand" cal care for the Aged v. for Chen workers nnd organ- discussed in talks by Dr. Thomizational chairmen on Thursday as Bonner, democratic candimorning, October 25th, at 9:30 date for Congress and Dr. Peya.m. in the home of Mrs. Guss. ton Pratt, hematologist and Although a number of planning staff member of the University sessions, with past chairmen of Nebraska Medical School, at and leaders of various groups, a meeting of the Golden Age have been held during the past Club. weeks, additional meetings for The speeches with a question purposes ranging from education and inspiration to needed and answer period, will follow work meetings and coordinating a 12:30 p.m. luncheon Monday, meetings will be announced October 22 at the Jewish Community Center. The program, soon, Mrs. Guss, said. also, will include musical selecFirst Parlor Meeting by Mrs. Milton NearenThough dates of advance pur- tions berg. chase meetings have already Co-chairmen for Golden Ago been set, and appropriate speakers are being obtained, the activities are Mrs. J. Milton first Parlor Meeting announced Margolin and Mrs. Louis Cutler. by Mr. Rosenblatt will be on Sponsoring . organizations are Tuesday evening, October 30, the Omaha Section of the Naat the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. tional Council of Jewish Women Harry Kulakofsky. One of the and the Jewish Federation. most unusual personalities ever to come to Omaha will be the speaker during the evening, which will be one of a number of such meetings preceding the . Rabbi Arthur Lelyveld, Fairmain banquet of the year. December 2 is the date of an mount avenue Temple, Cleveunusual dinner to be held in the land, O., and former spiritual Grand Ballroom of the Hotel leader of Temple Israel in OmaSheraton-Fontenelle, Mr. Rosen, blatt disclosed, although announcement of the main speakers and attractions for the dinner are being withheld until invitations have been received in the community. Associate, assistant group and organizational chairmen are now being assigned, and will be announced in a later issue of the Jewish Press. Information may be obtained by calling the Israel Bond Office, 341-1177.

RabM LelyveW Will

Mrs. (Juss—Hostess Committee for the State of Israel Bonds and Mrs. Joseph Guss, Women's Division Chairman. "Coffee-and," October 25 First official meeting of the

Evening Opera Series Is Center Sponsored; Records, Interviews " A new series, "Evenings \Vith Opera" under the sponsorship of the Jewish Community Center, was announced today by Harry Sidman, Center Activities Chairman. The series will feature famous operas recorded by outstanding artists and information on the composers. M e e t i n g s will be held onne a month at the home of the registrants. The first session will include recordings by the great singers of Verdi operas. Rabbi Michael Sanders, director of the Omaha Hebrew Academy, will be moderator for the series. Registration will be limited. Couples or individuals may sign up for this free course by callIng the Center's Activities Department, 342-1360. The music of other great composers will be heard during the ensuing months.

Boll of Needlework All women in the,community are called upon to make their contributions to the Needlework Guild, if they have not done so to date, Mrs. Joe J. Greenberg, Chairman, of the Jewish Federation Agencies Section of the Guild, said. In addition to those previously listed, the following h a v e "given" through Friday: Mmes: Art Anchel, Jack J. Ban, Sam Ban, Norman Batt, Jacob Bernstein, Max I. Bitt(Continued on Page 3.)

'' »'j

en Letter to the Women . .uW -v cipafing fn the United ?vnS ..•munity Services-Red Cross Drive Dear "Good Gals" All: My de.epest and most sincere thanks to each of you: District Chairmen: Mmes. Sam Berman, Harold Cooperman, Herbert Forbes, and Howard Kaplan. Captains: Mmes. Alan Burton, Bernard Denenberg, Al Fiedler, Harold Fox, Lloyd Friedman, Irving Goldenberg, Henry L. Greenberg, Stanford Lipsey, Ernest Pricsman, Robert Sloan, Harold Sobcl, Paul Veret, and Morley Zipursky. WORKERS: Mmes. Milton Abrahams, Leon Alexander, Bernard AHsuler, Marry Altsular, Mourlco Aresfy, Botty Assmann Welter, Irvlno Babondlr, Robert Baker, Lloyd Bunk, Meyer Gebcr, E. J . Belzer, Robert Bernstein, Slieldort Bcrnstoln, Julius Dcnutcln, Ruscell Blumonthal, E , p . Brodkoy, Harold Brodkoy, Alfred Brorfy, Leroy Canllcld, Harry Collck, Eugene Cooper, Nathan Cooper, Henry Corfln, Jack Duftch, Leo Elsensfatt, Robert Enpel, Ira Epstein. Jack Epstein, Lucllo EpsFcln, L. Fednwn, William Flnkle. M m e j : Mort Fisher, Albort Fox, Phyllli Frank, David Fredericks, Albert Friedman, Robert Fromkln, Hurold Garber, 5am Good, man, Dan Gordinan, Sol Gractz, Sam Green, Burton Grccnberg, firuce Greenbcra, Henry Grccnbcra, M . I. Greenspan, Morris Grossman, Sheldon Harris, Martin Hcrzoff, Barney Hoberman, Ernest tlochslcr, Joseph M . Norwich, Lou Joss, Ben Kaslow, Sophie K a l i , Martin Klmmol, Keveo Klrshenbaum, Leonard Kulokofsky, Erwln Landow, Reuben Llppett, Joo Upton, Joseph Lilt, Hy Lubmah, Stevo Lustgarten, Stanley Malasohck, Justin Manvlti, Owen Wtyorson, Edwin Milder. f.'tmcs: Jeromo Milder. Norman Mussman, Donald Nona, Leo Nona, Sidney Moral:, Sydney Osten, Arthur Parllman, Wllllnm Raduzlner, Joe Rnznlck, David Rclss, Donald Rico, Larry Rof/man, David Romonlk, Edward Z. Rosen, Jcrold Rosen, Ptill Rosenblatt, Hubert Rosenblum, Meyer Rtibln, Paul Socks, Ted Sanford, Frank Sfkar, Donald Shafton, Ben Shapiro, Irvln Sherman, Stanley SHverman, Ray Simon, Stuart Simon, Ben Simons, Irvln Sinner, Lazier Slnqcr, Morion Solrfcf, MalvSn Tcpnor, Ira Trachtcnbaro, Adolf Trosf, Ralph Turkel, Sam Turkel, Nathon Turner, Jonas V/cll and Herman Welnstdn.

CEMETERY DESECRATED New York—Two more youtl)3 w e r e arrested on charges of desecrating a Jewish Cemetery here. Damage was estimated at $100,000.

Hefore Dawn' Crew To Prepare Bazaar Booffr for Opening Rabbi Arthur Lelyvcld ha, will be the banquet speaker at the Convention of the Midwest Council of the Union of American Hebrew Congregation, October 2G-28 at the new Schimmel Inn. The banquet will be held at 7:30 p.m. on the Saturday of the conference week-end. R a b b i Lelyveld in Omaha (Continued on Page 2.)

(Back row, left to right) Fred Halin, Airs. Leonard PinhovUz, Mrs. Mns Magld, Mrs. Clara Wnldman, Mrs. Allan Zalklo, Mrs. Abe Cuhn and Mr. PInltovltz; (front row, left to tight) Mrs. Hahn, Mrs. Jake Wine, Mrs. Ben Spector—sotno of the members of BIkur Chollm's new service' unit The women ore wearing special uniforms with tbc Mogea David Insignia. Story on Page 8.

Everything will be in readiness at the Federation of Jewish Women's Club booth when the Childrens Hospital Bazaar opens Monday morning, October 29 through efforts of the first contingent of a small army of volunteers, according to the chairmen, Mrs. Arthur Goldstein, Mrs. Alfred Sophir and Mrs, Morton Richards. The Bazaar will be held from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel. The early risers who expect to be on hand before dawn to prepare the booth for business will be the Mmes. Maynard Greenberg, James Samuelson, Hubert Sommer, Harry Sidman, Leonard Goldstein, David Beber and Leo Berman. The booth staff from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. will include Mmes. Jack Ban, Paul Blotcky, Gerald Dann, Sam Diamond, Richard Einstein, .Dave Epstein, Jack Epstein, Alfred Fiedler, M. M. FleischI, Dean Frankel, David Freidland, Lloyd Friedman, Louis Katz, Leonard Krasne, Stanley Mayper, Lester Marcus, Jack Newman, Floyd Perlmeter, Yale .Richards, Henry Riekes, Edward Z. Rosen, LouisSomberg, Albert Steinberg, Oscar Sutiri, Paul Veret, John Winsten, Al Wohlner, Miss Bea Soramer. Pick-ups arc still being made by Mrs. Sutin, 553-2072 and Mrs. Jack Ban, 556-5183. Donations and gifts for the booth may also be sent to one of the three chairmen, or left at the main collection depot, 6729 Davenport Street. All new saleable merchandise and homemade items are needed, '

The lack of enough workers has made this campaign a more difficult and tedious one for all of us; but knowing the benefits U.C.S. provides, you are performing admirably. Special kudos to those of you willingly assumed, not just one, but two and three jobs. I would like to give special thanks to one who voluntarily abandoned a week-end's leisure to help me canvass homes—i then said "Thanks for letting me do this work!" To you, Jeff Mayper: "Thanks, son, from the bottom ol my heart." • Each of you Good Gals should feel proud of your contribution of time and work. Your efforts will help make possible the many good works performed by the United Community Services. Should I have omitted anyone's namfc, I am sorry; it was not deliberate. Thank you, one and all. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Stanley Mayper (Sally) Section Leader and Chairman Representing Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs P. S. The Jewish Federation of Omaha is one of the beneficiaries of the United Community Services.

U.S. in Latin America, Is Insfififffe Seihjecf "Communism and the United States in Latin America" will be discussed by a career diplomat with forty years' experience in L a t i n America, at the next Wednesday session of. the University of Omaha Institute on World Af-£ fairs on October 24, at 8:15 p.m. The s p e a k e r wil be Willard L. Bcaulac, recent Bcaulac ambassador to Argenta, who has served in a similar capacity in Chile, Cuba, Colombia, Paraguay and has held posts in nine of the other American Hepublics. The Ambassador was host to former U.S. Vice-President Richard M. Nixon when he visited Argentina in 1958, and both were pushed and hooted while on their way to the inauguration of President Arturo Frondizi. Since his, retirement from the diplomatic service in 196Q, Ambassador Beaulac has been serving as Deputy Commandant for Foreign Affairs at the National War College. The Institute scheduled at the University and is co-sponsored' by the Jewish Federation. President, Ernest A. Nogg said oil Federation members have received free tickets to the lee-" tures.: KBON Radio 1490 Presents Message of Israel Sunday, October 21—10 p.m. Speaker: . Rabbi Allan Tarshish Temple Jeremiah, Winnetka, Illinois Topic: "Life Unlimited."


Page Two

Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week In Au; rust Second Class Postage Paid ot Omaha, Nct>r. Annuol Subscription, W.OQ, Advertising Rules on Application. Publicailon Office—101 No. SOIh Street, Omulio, Mcbr., 2U-MC6.




ZJ Religious Services Candlellghting 5:18 p.m.

Beth Israel: Evening services on Hoshanah Riibbah will be at 5:20 p.m. with Rabbi Benjamin Groner officiating. Shemini Atzerct services on Saturday at 8:45 a.m., Junior congregation at 10 a.m. and Yizkor services at 10:30 a.m. Mincha at 5:15 p.m. M a a r i v , Hakafot and the children's parade at 6:30 p.m. in observance of Simhat Torah. , Sunday services — 8:45 a.m., Junior Congregation, 10 a.m. and Mincha, 5:30 p.m. All Sunday School children and Talmud Torah students are to attend Junior Congregation services on Sunday, October 21, Simchas Torah ,tn the Beth Israel Synagogue Chapel at 10 a.m. in lieu of regular classes. B'nal Jacob Adas Ycshuron: Friday Mincha 5:30 p.m.; Saturday morning 8:30, and Mincha 5:30 p.m., followed by Sholosh Seudos. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Temple Israel: Simhat Torah services at 7:30 p.m. Friday will follow a C p.m. family dinner in the Temple. A brief worship service will be held for children

Beirut W for Jewish Sailors Washington rjTA)—The U.S. Sixth Fleet, operating in Mediterranean waters, has published formal, written regulations concerning the restriction of Jewish personnel from shore liberty at Beirut, Lebanon, but these orders are apparently not being consistently enforced, it was learned here. A Navy Department spokesman officially and categorically denied both the existence and enforcement in any instance of such orders. However, details obtained from reliable sources said that copies of the regulations-were aboard every ship of the Sixth Fleet, although the orders were in fact only haphazardly applied. One interpretation was that the orders were of an "advirosry" rather than "mandatory" nature, and subject to the discretion of the captain of each ship. On some ships, apparently, Jewish personnel may be refused shore leave for "diplomatic reasons" because of the Arab-inspired ban. On other vessels, the regulations are ignored, and Jews granted the same shore privileges accorded to other men.

Omahans in News E. E. Makicsky, head of the Nebraska Associated P r e s r, Service, was elected secretary of the Nebraska Associated Press Newspaper Members.

and adults with Kiddush in the Sukkah. Hakofat will be observed. Rabbi Sidney B r o o k s will officiate. The men's Study group will hold its first session, Sunday, October 21, following a 10 a.m. brunch. The men will meet the second Sunday of each month with Rabbi Brooks presenting views on books, contemporary issues and Jewish values.

MERIT WINNEKS A m o n g the Central High School students ranking as scmifinalists for Merit scholarships are Barry Kort, Susie Makiesky, Steve Marcus, DeDe Brodkey, Betty Brody and Neil Miller. Their respective parents are the Messrs. and Mines. Harold Kort, E. E. Makiesky, Nate Marcus, the Drs. and Mines. M o r r i s Brodkey, Alfred B r o d y and Daniel Miller. The National Merit Foundation awards scholarships on the basis of scholastic ability, extracurricular activity and college board aptitude scores. Final winners will be announced in the spring. IN' UPPER 20 OF SENIOR CLASS Among the students in the upper 20 of Central High School's senior class are Neil Miller, Betty Brody, Cheryl Friedman, Steve Marcus, Roger Persell, DeDe Brodkey, Sari B a r o n , Frances Grossman, Barry Kricsfeld, Susan Makiesky and Suzanne Sutin.

Beth Kl: Sabbath eve services will begin Friday at 8:15 p.m. Early morning Subbalh-Shemini Atzeret services, including Yizkor will begin at 0:45 a.m. Regular services will begin at 9 a.m., with Yizkor at 11 a.m. Mincha at 5:15 p.m., followed by Maariv. Simhat Torah Hakafot services at 7 p.m. Sunday Simhat Torah services will begin at 9 a.m. Mincha- AMONG IIUZZAKS Stephen Boguchwal and MelM a a r i v service at 5:13 p.m. Services during the week at 7 vin Katskee will be in the Central High Huzzars performing a.m. and 7 p.m. at the Ak-Sar-Ben coronation.

Center Offers Private Tutoring

HEVRAII BUG TO GIVE MASKED BALL Candidates for the title of Beau of Hcvrah BBG are Kenny Tretiack and Carl Riekes AZA 100; Roger Persell, AZA 1000; Roger Kaiman, AZA 10000; Larry Batt and Stuart Smith, Rayim. The winner will be divulged at the annual Hevrali dance, the Maque Ball on October 27 at the Diplomat Hotel from 9 p.m. until midnight, Diane Halpcrin and Janice Itkin, overall dance chairmen, reported. Committee chairmen are Suzio Stoler and Barbara H e r z o g , patron book; Susie Pachman and Linda Graetz, tickets and stickers; Gail Levin and Elly Yager, decorations; Wendy N e w m a n and Nancy Frileck, transportation; Lois Dvorkin and Renee Rubin, gifts; Susi Brookstein and Tobey Riezbaum, publicity.

A personalized tutoring service placing emphasis on scholarship and study, has been introduced into the Youth Program of the Jewish Community Center, it was announced by Bert Render, Center Youth Activities Chairman. The Tutoring Service, Render reported, is to assist students who needs help in particular subjects or to aid those who would like to know more in a particular field of study. Acting as tutors will be honor roll college students and graduates. A small token hourly charge will be made for the service, Render said, with tutoring appointments being a r r a n g e d through the Youth Council Director, Richard Weiner by calling him at 342-136G or appearing in perosn at Center Youth MUSIC MAN. CAST office. Tutoring appointments cast for the "Music Man" must be made-in advance, Mr. to The be presented at Central High Render said. School on December 13-14-15 includes Harry Friedman, Edward Treller, Terri Nogg, Ted Sanford, P a u l a Bercutt and eight-year-old Mark Sanford. (Continued from Page 1,) from 1941-44 was active in interfaith and civic affairs. He was chairman of the Omaha Fair Employment Practices and president of the Omaha Zionist Organization. He was executive director of the Committee for Unity of Palestine, National Director of B'nai B'rith H i l l e l Foundation and helped form the Round Table for Christians and Jews. Temple Israel will be host to the convention. Delegations are expected from Colorado, Iowa, K a n s a s , Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota are expected, Mrs. E d w a r d Levinsbn and Millard Speier, convention co-chairmen, reported. The theme of the meeting will be "Spiritual Foundations for the Space Age." Reservations for the banquet may be made at Temple Israel.

0d Lieut. Allen KfizeJman, Clearing Platoon Leader, Medical Company at Fort Devens, Mass., received a letter of commendation from the commanding officer of his company for the "outstanding manner in which you supported the Second Battalion during its Ranger Training in the Berkshire Mountains." The letter referred to a September t r a i n i n g period. Lieut. Krizelman, a graduate of A city-wide membership drive the University of Nebraska, is. will be conducted by B'nai the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sol B'rith lodges, Sunday, October Krizelman. 28, following a 9 a.m. kick-off breakfast at the Ranch Bowl. Phill I. Laser has been elected Members of Henry Monsky as chairman of the Cornhusker and Cornhusker lodges will re• Chapter, American Society of turn later for a steak luncheon Architectural Hardware, Con- where they will report on new sultants. members.

Friday, October 15, 19G2


ROHANUE ELECTS Newly elected o f f i c e r s of Rohanue are Phyllis Lelchook, president; Dcbi Gordman, vicepresident; Sandy Gilinsky, secretary-treasurer and Rebecca Maurer and Ellen Stein, Sergeants-at-arms. Sandi Schapiro and Faye Samuelson are "mit moms."

New York OTA)—Argentina has perhaps the largest eoneentrastion of Nazis in the world, and the Nazis are there "to stay," Look magazine declares in a special article to be published next week, The sevenpage article, by Chester Morrison, said that, among the factors that have helped the growth of Nazi-style youth organization in Argentina are widspread unemployment and inner political chaos. The Nazis in the country, he reported, have successfully infiltrated the nation's armed forces as well as various governmental institutions. "Tacuara"—Youth Group Photographs show members of the anti-Semitic "Tacuara" youth group in illegal maneuvers outside of Buenos Aires. The youths, ranging in age from 10 to 24, are also shown in military-type formation giving the Nazi salute. A similar organization also comprising boys of 1G to 24, but from well-to-do families, known as "Guardia Restauradora Nncionalista," was said to have a Roman Catholic priest a3 its spiritual leader. Anti-Semitic Priest The priest, the Rev. Julio Meinvielle, was described as "sinister" and was said to have political as well as spiritual influence over the group. He is

MRS. ESTHER LEVIN Mrs. Esther Levin, 48, of Milwaukee, Wis., a former Omahan, died October 5. She was the daughter of Mrs. Mary Markowitz and sister of Mrs. Leo Taub and Mrs. Dave Feldman, all of Omaha. . Also surviving are her daughter, Mrs. Marty Stern, Milwaukee; two other sisters, Mrs. Rose Rattier, Chicago, 111.; and Mrs. Nettie Levin, Minneapolis, Minn.

Committee chairmen who will serve the Jewish Youth Council during the 19G2-G3 season were announced this week by Harold Schneider, president of the or* ganization. They are Harry Friedman and Alice Fellman, Thanksgiving Services; Michael Sherman, Ath> letics; Harriet Dolgoff and Lar« ry Batt, Youth Lounge and So* cial: Barbara Chudacoff and Ronald Kaiman, Stnge Night; Michael Aronoff, Richard Diamond, Melvin Cohen and Janico Meiches, the Roster; Debbie Baker, Marsha Fleisher, Ira Ras> nick and Neil Simon, Calendar. Paula Bercutt and Sheldon Perelman were in charge of the pledge brunch. THE HOLLIS C O . IlKAr. ESTATE To 111]} or Nell tall

ROSE HOLLIS 553-2190 "For i



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the author of an anti-Semitic book in Spanish entitiled, "Tho Jew in the Mystery of History." A Guardia leader, Alberto Ezcurra Uriburu, agreed with Father Meinveille that Argentina's Jews alone were responsible for the recent wave of anti-Semitic outbreaks. The Jews wanted to be able to blame them "on us," he said. Ezcurra Uriburu expects to be the next president of Argentina, Look reported.


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rage Three

Temple Sisterhood Newly formed Is the Servico Nate Gimple, Ignaz Grunsweig, Unit of the Bikur Cliolim or- Benjamin Kahn, Ben Spector, ganization, composed of a group C l a r a Waldman, Dave Wine, Final plans are being made of women interested in enlarg- Jake Wine, (Bikur Cholim presiby Temple Israel Sisterhood for ing the scope of recreational ac- dent) and Allan Zalkin. tivities at the Dr. Philip Slier The Service Unit chairman, the presentation of "Holiday Jewish Home for the Aged and said parties are given frequent- Song" at the Omaha Playhouse performing many of the small ly, traditional delicacies aro on Sunday, October 20 at «:30 tasks for residents who person- baked in the special kitchen fur- p.m. This contemporary play by oily, sometimes, need a helping nished by Bikur Cholim, and Paddy Chayefsky will feature hand. many other areas of recreation Rena and Stanley Waxman, well known Los Angeles husband Mondays and Thursdays Will be explored. and wife dramatic team who Women of Bikur Cholim, long Membership Is Open will perform in Denver, Colo., Identified with services at the Membership is open to any before making their appearance h o m e and other institutions, Jewish woman in the communin Omaha. formed the new unit for those ity. New appointments made by who liked the idea of a regular Bikur Cholim, itself was foundschedule and who now are to be ed approximately four decades Mrs. Howard Vann, general found at the homo on Monday ago by the late Mrs. Sophie chairman, include Mrs. Norman and Thursdays. They play cards Neveleff for the p u r p o s e of Cain, ushers and tickets and with the' residents, engage them bringing aid, cheer and service Mrs. Richard Hiller, Playhouse in pastimes which they enjoy, to the sick and needy. Its activ- coordinator. Mrs. Howard Milvisit and chat and perform any ities include monthly visits with der is co-chairman. Others assisting are Mmes. small services needed. mementoes and refreshments at Husbands ^Participate the State Mental hospital, Lin- Nathan Novak, Howard Krantz, The enthusiasm of the volun- coln; monthly packages to Jew- Robert Cohn, I. E. Friedberg, teers has spread to the hus- ish inmates at the Beatrice state David M. Solzman and E. K bands, many of them, who have hospital. Projects at the Dr. Makiesky. joined their wives in the activ- Slier Home consists of the inities at the home, Mrs. Fred stallation of an elevator, funds H a h n and Mrs. Dave Wine, for medication, oxygen tent, bed chairmen of the group, said. tables and wheel chairs in the Husband and wife teams are hospital unit; a beauty and barthe Messrs. and Mmes. Hahn, ber shop, air conditioners for Max London, Max Magid and the auditorium and dining room. An expanded party planning Leonard Pinkovitz. Other unit Currently an addition of a din- service is being developed by members are Mines. Abe Colin, ing room to the hospital unit, is the Jewish Community Center's under construction. Activities Department, Harry Sidman, Center Chairman, reported. Entertain of Homo One of the most popular of (Continued from Page 1.) Members of Bikur Cholim will past Center programs, Mr. Sidner, Dave Blacker, I s a d o r e hold their annual Simhnt Torah the service proBlumkin, Max Breslow, Edward party at the Dr. Philip Sher Jew- man, stated, assistance with superviD. Brodkey, Louis Canar, Jay ish Home for the Aged for its vides of children's affairs, showCherniack, Leonard C h e miss, residents, on Sunday, October sion ing films and aid with new Abe Chunovic, Sam Cohen, Ar- 21 at 2 p.m. ideas and plans. Calls have been thur A. Colin, Bennett L. Cohn, Mrs. Phillip Crandet will enby parents asking Dave Cohn, Ralph Cooper, Har- tertain with a humorous read- received about using the service again ry Cooperman, Isadore Dansky, ing. A group consisting of Gail this season. . David B. Epstein, Morris Ep- Ruderman, Susan Murphy, SuArrangements for the party stein, Sam Epstein, William Ep- san Gerber,-Judy Siref.'Saralla service may be made by calling stein, Willis M. Epstein, Leon Weiss, B a r b a r a Fisher and the Center's Activities Office at E. Fellman, Harry Ferenstein, Genine Ruderman will present 342-13GG. A minimum charge is Alfred Fiedler, Stanley F i s k , pantomine sketches, singing and made when leadership is proMaurice'M. Fleischl, Albert Fox, dancing. vided for an event, but ideas Alfred Frank, Morton Frank, ' The decoration of the Home and suggestions are given free Hyman Fried, J. J. Friedman. Sukkoh booth will be under the of charge. Mmes.: Harold Garber, Sam sponsorship of Bikur Cholim. AsSpecial books and materials E. Gillnsky, Nathan Gimple, sisting will be its newly formed also are made available to parArthur M. Green, Joe J. Green- • Service Unit. ents for then1 use in developing berg, Maynard M. Greenberg,' All members and friends are birthday parties and special Arthur M. Greene, Paul Gross- invited to attend the event. events. man, Phil G u g g e nhcim, Joe Guss, Abraham Herzberg, Walter Jacobson, H a r r y Janger, William Joseph, Joe Kahn, Jake Kaplan, Sam Katzman, Lazier Israel—The border barriers danian and Israeli posts, where Kavich, Abe Klotz, Tevii Klotz, Harry Krantz, Michael Krasne, between Israel and Jordan were she stood wiping her tears as Robert Krasne, Fred Kurtzman, lifted for a while some weeks she waited to say goodbye to Carl Lagman, Hyman Levine, ago to allow a young Israeli her parents, who were weeping Irving L, Lincoln, Norman E. Arab to claim his bride from too. There the groom joined Lincoln, Stanford Lipsey, Mau- the Jordanian side. Hassan Abdul Halib were her. "Don't worry, we will look rice Lipsman, Karl N. Louis, Gail Margolin, Benjamin Mar- born in a little village in the after her," the Israeli Arabs astin, Alfred S. Mayer, William Judenn Hills, and their parents sured the Jordans. At last the young man took Milder, Arthur Goldstein and betrothed them in childhood according to the Arab custom. The the bride by the arm and led Leonard Goldstein. Mmes.: Albert B. Newman, boy's family moved to Haifa her towards the Israeli side, Ben Newman, Calvin M. New- and did not heed their leaders' where she was welcomed by a man, Robert Noddle, Ralph Fred call to abandon Israeli territory. convoy of cars and driven away in great rejoicing to her new Nogg, Harold Novak, Albert A, during the 1948 war. Thus they continued to live life. Oruch, Isadore Osheroff, Harry The hour of neighborliness Perimeter, David C. Plait, Mor- peacefully in Israel^ like many ton Plotkin, Harold Pollack, Har- thousands more. The girl's par- and goodwill was brief; the borry Ravitz, David Rice, Joe M. ents remained in their village, der was closed again. One day Rice Hyman Richards, Albert which was annexed by Jordan —all men of goodwill must beG. Rimmerman, N. Julian Rips, together with a considerable lieve—it will be opened for James Robinson, Stella Robin- area of what was then Palestine. good, when Israel's neighbors But now they have been re- accept her standing offer of son, Harry Rochman, Ann Roffman, Edward Z. Rosen, Hubert united. The bride and groom, peace. I. Rosenblum, H o w a r d Ross, accompanied by their families, Sam I. Rothenberg, Morris Ru- met in no man's land at the benstein, Harry Schulman, Ben Mandelbaum Gate border post Sherman, Jacob Shyken, Ber- in Jerusalem, after arrangenard Siegler, Lester Simon, Mil- ments had been made in a ton Simons, Louis Siporin, Ja- friendly discussion between a Daily Jewish Newspapers cob Slosburg, Jr., Abe Slusky, Jordanian sergeant and the Is- BAR and lias Mitzvah congraturaeli police on the spot. Alfred Sophir, Barney S t a r k , lations also for all Jewish holiThe bride was accompanied Sam S. Steinberg, Joseph F. days and special occasions. Stern, Samuel L. Stern, Robert by parents and a Jordanian Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge Swartz, Maurice Udes, Nathan guard into the middle of the Veitzer, Albert J. Weinberg, Joe "neutral" area between the Jor- Furnished Bedroom with or White, Ben Wintroub, J. Lewis without Kosher • meals. 4808 Yager, and the Misses Sara GilA man should live if only to Chicago. Call 550-8322. insky, Lee Greenberg and Har- satisfy his curiosity. FOR HANUKKAH GIFTS riett Horwich. and all year, recent books, bests e l l e r s , ' children's classics, Israel Educators.to 20% discount. Bookstore ediA!J friends nnd relatives are tions'. No minimum older reEthiopian University Invited to attend services and q u i r e d . Write. BookSavers Jerusalem, (JTA)—Two Israeli reception. Plan, Box 1145, Omaha, Nebr. educators will head the faculties of engineering and humanities HOWARD BORDEN ROOM FOR RENT of the University of A d d i s Mr. and Mrs. Murray Borden YOUNG GIRL or woman—ComAbaba, Ethiopia. announce the Bar Mitzvah of pletely1 furnished bedroom for "their son, Howard,, at the 10:30 r e n t . Friendly atmosphere, Man Is stronger than iron and n,m, Sabbath'service, October "Just like home." Reasonable. weaker than a fly. 27 at Beth El Synagogue. Call 731-2818.

Party Service In Full Swing

Neecllwork Guild

Love -Conquers Border Blocks


Pioneer Women The Pioneer Women's Organization will meet Tuesday, October 23 at 12:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. * * * B. & P. PaidUp Dinner, Center The Business and Professional Women's Group of Hadassah, will hold a paid-up membership dinner and meeting, Wednesday, October 24, with Mrs. Lester J. Berlove, of Rochester, N. Y. a H a d a s s a h leader, as guest speaker. For reservations, call Mrs. Sarah Feltman, 553-5176, or Mrs. Alice Heeger, 342-0403. * * * SAM Mothers to Lincoln Luncheon Members of the Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers' Club of Omaha will be guests of the Lincoln Mothers at a luncheon on Wednesday, October 24 at 12:30 p.m. All mothers will meet at the fraternity h o u s e preceding the luncheon. Mrs. Sam Garrop is in charge of reservations. *

Bridge Kvenlng Beth El Sisterhood is sponsoring a "Bridge Bonanza" which will meet at the synagogue Social Hall on Wednesday evening, October 24, at 7:30 p.m. All men and women are invited to attend and will be placed in classes as beginners, brusher-uppers, or advanced players. Duplicate bridge will also be offered. Mrs. Seymour Davis, a licensed director and a Senior Master, will conduct the lessons. *

Workmen Circle Card Parly, October 28 The Workmen Circle will hold its annual card party," Sunday,

Hadassah Gel@briff Talks Here Oct. 24 Mrs. Lester J. B e r l o v e of Rochester, N. Y., National Service Committee Chairman of Had a s s ah, will be the featured speaker at the paid up members h i p luncheon of the Omaha Chapter, Wednesday, October 24, at 12:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. A former president of Hadassah, both in Rochester and of Upper New York State Region, she represented the organization at the World Zionist Congress meetings in Jerusalem in 1951 and 1956 and was present at the one in 1960. She has been active in the National Council of Jewish Women, Israel Bonds, Zionist Council, Temple B'rith Kodesh and other community groups. The Hadasah leader has taken part in many civic activities in her area and was awarded the 1962 Citation of the Federated Women's Club of Rochester for her work in human relations. Luncheon reservations are being taken by Mrs. Meyer Rubin and Mrs. Edward Green, 74-MEMBER COMMITTEE Tel Aviv—(JTA), A 74-member committee will p r e p a r e Israel's celebration for the 25th anniversary of the United Jewish Appeal.

October 28 at the Labor Lyceum at 7:30 p.m. Cake and coffee will be served. Admission is fifty cents and the community is invited to attend. Mrs. Max Crounse is chairman and Mrs. Sarah Schwartz, her co-chairman. * * » Mrs. Meiberger is Study Group Hostess The League of Women Voters will present current issues in the November election at the meeting of the "Let's Converse" study group of the N a t i o n a l Council of Jewish Womeu, Tuesday, October 23. Mrs. Morris Meiberger will be hostess to the group at a 1 p.m. dessert luncheon at her home, 1757 South 84 Street. • * * Beth El "Mr and Mrs." Club—Bowling Party Tiie Mr. and Mrs. Club of Beth El Synagogue, will hold a bowling party on Saturday, November 3, at the Ranch Bowl. Bowling will begin at 9 p.m. and will be followed by a buffet supper. Tickets are $5.50 per couple. Reservations must be in by October 25 and may be made by calling Mrs. Harl Weiss, 5501258 or Mrs. Irving Marcus, 5530686. For those unable to bowl, there will bo cards, and the charge, $3 per couple.

Class Immigrants Jerusalem (WNS) — There is room in Israel for 2,000 selfemployed newcomers in various crafts and for 1,000 experts and professionals, a Jewish Agency survey reported. L e o n Dulchin, head of the Agency's economic department, said that conditions must be created to facilitate absorption of middle class immigrants and that the Government would be asked to pass legislation to that end.

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Page Four

Business Firms Now Modem Bible to Appear in '63


Tel Aviv (WNS)—The international business world has begun to ignore Arab threats against doing business with Israel, it was disclosed bore this week. Many United States and European business firms, which had formerly succumbed to 'Arab blackmail, are now actively engaged in business operations in Israel. Zvi Dinstein, director of Israel's Investment Authority attributed the change to the discovery that when it was advantageous, the Arabs continued to buy from companies that did business with Israel.

Ben-Ourion Envisages Ei'af as Largest Pod Tel Aviv (JTA>—A vision of a Greater Eilat as Israel's largest port in the not too distant future was described here by Prime Minister David BenGurion in an address to some 3,000 members and guests of the Israel Exploration Society in Eilat. • Mr. Ben-Gurinn who celebrated his 76th birthday on the day of this appearance, said that Eilat could not exist without large industry, just as it could not exist without a strong Ne•gev hinterland. The Prime Minister revealed that as far back as 1935, he had visited the Eilat area with the late United States Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, who proposed, on the spot, that a large sum of money be raised to purchase lands there.

NY Feder^fon Opens $22,509009 Drive New York (WNS>—The largest fund-raising campaign ever conducted in the United States for a local health and welfare association, calling for a total of $22,500,000 on behalf of 11C agencies, was launched here at the 1962-C3 drive-opening dinner of the Federation of Jewish philanthropies of New York. Bernard J. Lasker, campaign chairman, pointing out that this year's goals, calls for $3,200,000 above the amounts raised by the Federation last year, advised the increase was necessary to offset rising costs and to provide philanthropic support to an increased number of agencies now associated with the Federation.

Fear for Safety Felt In Yemen Tel Aviv (WNS) — Yemeni Jews in Israel expressed their fear for the future safety and well-being of few hundred Jews still living in Yemen if the new republican government there remained in power. According to these Jewish refugees, during 1948 Jews in Sana, the capital of Yemen, were asked to take up arms by the rebels against the Imam. The leaders of the Jewish community declined. Some time later, according to the refugees, republicans threw two Arab girls into a well and accused the Jews of the murder. As a result/scores of Jews were • arrested, but'the late Imam Ahmad released them quietly one by one.

Translation from Hebrew Text

away with archaic style and presentation of tho poetry of the original Hebrew as poetry in English. In the words of Dr. Orlinsky the objective "was to render the original Hebrew as accurately as contemporary understanding will permit into modern, readable English, discarding the errors and obstacles which, through misunderstanding or through a misplaced traditionalism, have stood between modern man and a clear knowledge of God's Word." By Committee of Scholars The committee of scholars, many of them outstanding in the biblical field, included members of the three branches of Judaism, Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. The cost of translating and publishing the Pentateuch, catimated at about $250,000, has been underwritten by some 1,700 individuals and institutions, with contributions limited to $150 so as to permit participation by persons in all walks of lifer The Five Books of Moses will • appear on January 2f!, 1!)G3, and the entire project is expected to be completed in 1975 with the publication of the complete text of the Old Testament in Among the innovations in the English in combined Hebrew new translation is elimination of and English versions. many misconceptions, the doing Philadelphia (WNS)—Publication by the Jewish Publication Society of America in January of 1963 of the first modern English translation of the Old Testament directly from the Hebrew text was announced here by Dr. Harry M. Orlinsky, editor-inchief of the committee of scholars that worked on the project for eight years. The first volume of the twenty-year undertaking is to contain the Five Books of Moses, or the Pentateuch. Kaslly Understood English Dr. Orlinsky, a noted scholar and Professor of Bible at the Hebrew Union College-Jewir.h Institute of Religion, said the translation incorporates the vast knowledge of biblical times and writings that had come to light in recent years as a result of archaeological and linguistic discoveries in the Middle East. He said the new Bible "in its fidelity to the actual meaning of the ancient Hebrew text of the Bible represents "the most accurate translation ever made into English—clear, modern and easily-understood English for today's reader."


Center Sports Sidney N. Sommert leader of the British National Socialist Movement, and three Paul Kaiman and Marc Kap- of his aides were found guilty Ian combined their talents as in the Old Bailey on two counts Chaim Wcizmann, newest of the of n four-count i n d i c t ment AZA chapters defeater AZA 1, charging them witli violation of 33 to 19. Kaiman ran for three the Public Order Act. Jordan, a former school teachTDs and Kaplan for two. c r i m d lic acl o f t l l e ' =°-caHed In the other league game Union of National SocialItonu romped to a 42 to 0 win "World sts over AZA 100. Chet Stoler, Mike > ." vvas sentenced to n i n o imprisonment. Mr. JusSherman and Billy Kully led the months' t' 0 0 Barry rejected his plea for Ronu offense freedoin °» b a i l pending appeal. Jordan and his three associates «onu I 0 announced that they would apRayim 1 0 peal the verdict. They have 14 in which to file motions. A.Z.A. 1 1 1 days , B c f o r e h e ^ Ie(' a w a v ' J o r Chaim Wcizmann 1 1 dan announced that he was pasaA./S.A. 100 0 2 -m, o n h i s c o m m a n d of the "World Union of National'SoVARSITY IIA<?KI.-TR/iff AAKSITY BAMU'/rilALL cialists" to George L i n c o l n Varsity league basketball will Rockwell, leader of the Aineribegin on Wednesday, October C;m Nazi Party while he served .31, with f o u r teams playing i,j s p n s o n term. One of his folthree practice games and 12 lowers pledged: "we will take orders from Rockwell." league games. Tentative teams were lined up at a recent meeting, but more adult players are needed. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Any member of the community KEEP FREEDOM interested, in participating in ««• v f i l i S grflTllltF un UWIi the Wednesday varsity league is invited to contact the Center WITH Atheletlc office, 342-1360, or appear in person at the Center on «•«*• »>M¥IMua 0VFIU9 Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. ***************** I-XAG FOOTBALL

Latin American Labor Heads Study in Israel

*„!:_„ '

Tired of Muff Mspinufgirl?

New York—A group of 25 Latin American labor leaders are in Israel for siz weeks on a study mission, after an advanced course in labor studies in Mexico, under the auspices of the inter-American Regional Organization of workers. In Israel the 24 men and one woman are concentrating on field studies of the agricultural and industrial cooperative movement and labor organization at Histadrut's Institute for Labor Studies, in Tel Aviv. The program is part of the comprehensive service rendered by Ilistadrut, the Israel labor federation, to labor movements in newly developing nations, whose leaders are groping for methods suitable for tlie democratic advancement of their countries. Since Israel is a prime example of how a small nation witli limited resources has established a viable economy within a democratic political framework, she has attracted the attention of scores of emerging nations in Asia and Africa during the past decade.

250,000 Non-Jewish Live in Israel Jerusalem, (JTA) — Israel's non-Jewish population was reported to total 230,000, an increase of more than 100,000 since Israel was established. In addition to the natural increase of population among the Arabs of 48.2 per 1,000—among . the highest rates in the worldcompared to 18.6 for the Jewish sector of Israel's population, some 35,000 repatriatea helped account for the increase. Israel's non-Jews include 171,000 Moslem Arab3, 50,000 Christian Arabs and 24,000 Druse.

Israeli Armored Car Hits Mine Near Syrian Border Tel Aviv (JTA)—An Israeli armored car on border patrol duty along the Syrian frontier ran over a land mine planted inside Israeli territory this weekend. No one was injured. The occurrence was the second of its kind along the Syrian border in the last week. A mine exploded under an Israeli army vehicle near the Syrian border last week. Israeli military officials traced footmarks from the

Friday, October 10, JBCS


scene of that explosion to the Syrian side of the frontier. One spokesman, though not an official, said "this isn't news any more; it is almost a daily occurrence." . Syrian gun positions concen trated heavy fire this week on an Israeli settlement southeast of Lake Tiberias, setting fire to one building and damaging an other.

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