Vol. XXI—No. 0
Publication Office, 101 No 20th Omaha, Nebraska, Phone a«-i3G(I
.Second Class Postage Paid Single Copy 10 Cent* at. Omaha, Ncbr. Annual Hute 4 Dollars
Israt-I Itoiui meetings will bo held during the. coming week, John Rosenblatt, General Chairman of the 19C2 Bond Campaign, said.
Rabbi Groner To Speak af J.-Kafzmans
JCHISII Youth Council members paint camp barn.
Members of the Jewish Youth Council are accustomed to projects and usually take them in their stride, but that was not the case last F r i d a y on the new Esther K. Newman camp site.
Suitcase Theater Formed at Center The formation of the Suitcase Theatet adds another creative activity to the ever expanding program of the Jewish Community Center for teenagers, Bert Render, Center Youth Activities Chairman, said, in an announcement today. Members of the Jewish Youth Council who will perform in this theatrical group include Frances ITorniitein, Harold Schneider, Ross Serinett and Don Swartz. The troupe will operate as a reader's theater and will have a repertoire of children and adult plays which will be available for bookings after December 1. The theater activities Will be directed by Burton Gitles, Creighton University PreMedical student and former professional entertainer. Membership for teens may be obtained by contacting Dik Weiner, Youth Activities direc• tor at the Center.
"What's Ahead in Space" will be the subject of William Hines, recognized authority on the space age, at Wednesday's session of the University of Omaha's Iastitute on World Affairs at 8:15 p.m. in the campus auditorium. As science editor of the Washington Star, Mr. Hines has been honored t h r e e William nine* times in as many years by the American Association for the Advancement of Science for "distinguished r e p o r t i n g of scientific news." As a reporter, Mr. Hines was on the spot for the Little Rock crisis and was bailed for his unbiased coverage. Ernest A. Nogg, president of the. Jewish Federation, a cocponsoring organization of the institute, urged members of the community to hear Mr. Hines, whose ncw3 Interpretations has been hailed to many quarters.
Enthusiasm and paint turned a weather-beaten, tired old barn into an attractive white building just one hour and forty-five minutes after 40 teenagers put brushes and equipment into op-
Mrs, Joe J. Grcenberg, Chairman of the Jewish Federation Agencies' Section of the Needlework Guild, urges all persons wlio have not sent in their contributioas to do so this week in order to eliminnle any further "follow-up." In addition to those previously listed, the following have contributed through Friday: Mmes: J. Abrahamson, Norman Ahrahamson, Morris Abramson, Morris Adler, Henry Appel, B. Gilbert Aronoff, Dave Bialac, David Bleicher, Jerome Bleicher, Max Blotcky, Paul Blotcky, Dave Bolker, Reuben I. Bordy, Harry Aaron Brodkey, Reuben H. Brown, Nettie Cohn, Henry Cooper, Hans Dansky, George Eisenberg, Nathan Feldman, Simon Feldman, William Saul Fcllman, Donald Fischer, Alfred L. Fox, Jack Fox, Alexander D. Frank, Harry A. Frankel, Isadore Friedman, Mmes: Charles S. Gendler, Albert E. Gilinsky, Stewart Gilinsky, Abraham Ginsburg, Walter E. Gottlieb, Leon Graetz, Bruce Greenberg, David Greenberg, Daniel Greenfield, Gary Gross, Hyman Guss, Irving Herzog, Bernard Hockenberg, Nathan J. Horwich, Isadore Hurwitz, Jack Jacobson, George Kagan, Edward I. Kantpr, Howard Kaplan, Nate Kaplan, Abraham Katskee, E. Lieb Kiperstein, Kevee Kirshenbaum, Abe Klopper, M. E. Kreitstein, Joe Kurz, George Lavine, I. M. Liberman, Mmes: Irving Malashock, Jack W. Marer, Frank Marks, Edward E. Milder, Leo L. Milder, Benjamin M. Minkin, Charles Mogil, Ernest A. Nogg, Max Novak, Sam Novak, David Orucb, Maurice L. Pepper, Hnrry Priesman, .Jacob Raduziner, David Riseman, David W. Rosen, Millard Rosenberg, John Rosenblatt, Meyer L. Ruback, Ted Sanford, E d w a r d Schimmel, Harry Segall, Irvin Sherman, Sam Shyken, Earl Stegel, Ben D. Silver, David Silverman, Edward L. Simon, Abraham A. Steinberg, Myron Tarnoff, Mort Trachtenbarg, Nathan Turner, David D. Weinberg, Victor Weiner, Harold Weinhoff, E. I. Widman, Benjamin Wine, Harry Wise, Jr., Irvin Yaffe' and the Misses Sylvia Parilman and Belle SiegeL
eration. The barn which will shelter the camp horses, was one of the few old buildings standing on the grounds of the J e w i s h Federation sponsored camp. The youthful painters belong to Ediar B.B.G. and C h a i m Wcizmann AZA with Bruce Hoberman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Hoberman and Paula 'Penny" Krasne, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Krasne as p r o j e c t chairmen. Paint and brushes were furnished as a gift from Isadore M. Tretiak, Initial Gifts Chairman of the 1962 Jewish Philanthropies Campaign.
Chairmen Thank Bazaar Donors Chairmen for the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs' booth at the Children's Memorial Hospital Bazaar (of last Monday), wish to thank all those who gave so generously of their money, time and energy. Mrs. A r t h u r Goldstein, Mrs. M. A. Richards and Mrs. Alfred Sophir were in charge with Mrs. Hubert Sommer serving as advisor.
Ben Gurion
Rabbi Benjamin Groner of Beth.Israel Synagogue will be guest of honor and speaker at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Katzman, 1002 North 54 Street on Wednesday, November 7 at 8 p.m., Mr. Rosenblatt, stated. Rabbi and Mrs. Groner recently returned from an intensive throe-week tour of Israel. Their tour included the growing Negev pioneer cities of Qecrshebn, Dimona, Ashkelon and many others, the new Red Sea port of Eilath, the many irrigation projects throughout Israel, mineral and other natural exploitations in the Dead Sea area, housing projects and the creation of new industries aided by the Israel Bond program. Rabbi Groner's talk will be supplemented with recently-taken full-color pictures of the areas he visited. "I know my many friends will want to honor Rabbi Groner that evening," Mr. Katzman declared.
.Dr.. Haskell ftiorris, Go-Chairman, -Bateau Of Jeviisfi Elacafisn Dr. Morris Margolin, chairman of the Bureau of Jewish Education of the Omaha Jewish Federation, today, announced the appointment Of Dr. Haskell Morris as his cochairman. In naming Dr. Morris who has previously served with him in the same capacity, Dr. Margolin said his co- D chairman "is un- «"- Morris derstanding, capable, knows the problems of Jewish education— and is very conscientious."
The first meeting of new workers in the Chen program of Omaha's Israel Bond organization will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, 9530 Davenport Street, on Thursday, November 8 at 1 p.m., according to Mrs. Joseph Guss; Bond Drive Women's Division Chairman. Mrs. Kulakofsky, honorary area chairman for Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota, holds the title of Woman of Valor (representing the sale of $100,000 in Israel Bonds). She also earned the Bar Mitzvah Standard Bearer in 1961 by the sale of more than $13,000 in that year, and was the first local woman to be named "Chen MaccabifrChampion of Israel" on reaching the sale of more than a quarter of a million dollars in bonds. The meeting, Mrs. Guss said, "will be informative and educational and will be highlighted by Mrs. Kulakofsky's knowledge of the expanding program now going on in Israel's pioneer areas of the Negev, and the new facets of the Chen program." Guests will include a number of organizational representatives from the various women'a groups, new workers in the Israel Bond Chen program and; some present members in the Advance Guard and Van Guard of Chen. Information may be obtained by calling Mrs. Guss at 553-5227, Mrs. Kulakofsky at 393-5916, or the Israel Bond office at 3411177.
Jewisfi Youth Council Sets Nov. 20 Date for If
Tel Aviv (WNS) — Premier David Ben Gurion, addressing a m e e t i n g of Defense Ministry workers, cautioned against complacency, declaring that Israelis harboring (he illusion of security were living in a "fool's paradise."
Dr. Morris, vice-president of Beth Israel synagogue, also is chairman of its Board of Education. A graduate of the University of Nebraska's School of Mediicine. He also is its Director of ant Professor of Internal Medicine. He also is a Director of Student Health.
Tel Aviv (JTA)—The 145-member United Jewish Appeal Study Mission was told this week that immigration to Israel may con. tinue at a pace calling for huge . expenditures, with possible housing outlays of $6G,000,000 for the newcomers. In a working session following their arrival from Europe, United Jewish Appeal leaders were told that such funds would have to be raised in addition to those for projects to provide permanent housing for 2,500 immigrant families still in transit camps for young couples and for slum dwellers, Aryeh Pincuj, Jewish Agen-
cy treasurer, said in describing the efforts made by Israeli Jews in absorbing immigration, that they covered two-thirds of such Monday Ceramics expenditures, with the remaining one-third being covered from For Sr. Citizens a b r o a d . With the anticipated six-week ceramics courseg r e a t e r immigration and the, forA Senior Citizens will start corresponding expected larger Monday, November 5 at 3 p.m. outlays for housing and settle- at the Jewish Community Cenment, he added, this ratio would ter. change, and the burden on IsMorris Nachman, Golden Ago raeli Jews would be greater. Club treasurer, will instruct tha The dedication of several hun- sessions which will continue on dred housing units in Ashdod each Monday through Decemwere held in the presence of the ber 10. Fee for series will be UJA mission members during $1 with registration at the Center on the opening day. their tour of the country.
Against Complacency
The annual Jewish Youth Council Thanksgiving Service, will be held Tuesday evening,. November 20 at the Beth Israel Synagogue, Harold Schneider, the Youth group's president, announced. Harry Friedman, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Friedman and Alice Fellman, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Fellman have been appointed general chairmen of the event. They are planning a program with some 40 members of their organization, participating. A social hour will follow. the service.
Published weekly on Friday tit-ginning the last week in August Second C(ar,s Pcttcge Paid ot Oniuha, Mc-br. Annual Subscrintion, u 00. Advertising Rales Cd Appllccifion. Publication OftiCE—101 No. 20!h Street, Omcho, Nctr., 342-1364.
Religious Services Candlelighting 5:0J Temple Israel: The Sabbath will deliver the sermon. Cantor Discussion Series will begin at Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Temple, Friday. Synagogue Choir will render the Series theme of monthly dis- musical portions of the service. cussions is: "The Modern Jew The traditional sabbath mornin Ethical Society." Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will start the se- ing services will begin at 8:110 ries with a discussion of "The a.m. Family Service, 10:30 a.m. Ethics of Religion." Minclia-Maariv services will beDiscussions will follow regu- gin at 5 p.m. lar Sabbath worship at 8:15 p.m. Sunday morning services are Rabbi Brooks will officiate and musical portions of the held at 'J a.m. Services during service will be sung by Cantor the week at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Manfred F. Kuttner and the Helli Israel: Kobolas Shabbos Temple Choir under the direcFriday evening services begin tion of Miss Ida Gitlin. at 5 p.m. Shabbos morning servBeth El: Sabbath eve serv- ices begin at 8:-13 a.m. Junior ices will begin this evening at Congregation at 10 a.m. Sab8:15 p.m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke bath Minclia fit 5 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv. Sunday morning services beThey Arc All gin at 9 a.m. Junior Minyon starts at <l:30 a.m. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 5:05 p.m.
6315 Blonde—Sold 6515 Seward—Sold Under Construction 5440 Lafayette. 5444 Lafayette 6031 Decatur will bo finished this week. For Moro Information
| Saving! * % f s
Cinnamon | SP
Raisin 1 | Buffer I
Friday, NovemlMir 2, 1SC2
Page Two
Ii'nai Jacob Adas Ycsliuron: Friday Mincha 5 p.m.; Saturday morning 0:30, and Mincha 5 p.m., followed by Sholosh Seudos. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 5:05 p.m.
itizvah All friends and relatives arc Invltfd to atl-ind services and reception.
ISAAC MAKK KLEIN Bar Mitzvah of Isaac Mark Klein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Klein will be celebrated Saturday morning, November 3 at Beth Israel Synagogue.
LYNXE. NOGG LAURIE'NOGG Lynne Nogg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Nogg, will observe her Bas Mitzvah and Laurie Nogg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Ralph Nogg, will observe her Bas Mitzvah on Saturday morning, November 3 at the 10:30 ajn. service at Beth El Synagogue. WILLIAM STEIMVAUT William Steinwart, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Steinwart, will become Bar Mitzvah Saturday morning, November 3, at Temple Israel. BARBARA FOX JULIE SIMON " Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fox announce the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, Barbara Fox, and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Simon announce the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, Julie Simon, on Saturday morning, November 10, at the 10:30 service at Beth El Synagogue. BRUCE GARETZ Bruce Garetz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garetz, will become Bar Mitzvah, Saturday morning, November 10, at Temple Israel. EDWARD RALPH SHRAGO Bar Mitzvah of Edward Ralph Shrago, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Shrago will be celebrated Saturday inorning, November 10 at Beth Israel Synagogue.
.Monument C@.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Klein announce the birth of a daughter, Vicki Lynn on October 20. They are parents of another daughter, Steplumi Jane. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klein, Pawhuska, Okla., and Dr. and Mrs. Maurice Sachs. Great grandmothers are Mrs. Abraham Sachs, Detroit, Mich., and Mrs. Jacob AbromEOII.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Hclfman have chosen the name of Sarah Lois for their fifth child, who was horn on October 17. Others in the family are Leslie, Ellen, David and Robert. Mr. and Mrs. Boris Flisser of New York City are the maternal grandparents.
NATHAN STEINBERG Funeral services were held Wednesday at the Jewish Funeral Home for Nathan Steinberg, 89,. of 5124 Lafayette Avenue, who died Monday. A salvage dealer, he was active in the business which still bears his name for 70 years, until last December. Mr. Steinberg was a member of Beth Israel Synagogue and various civic organizations. Survivors: sons, Samuel It. and Albert, Omaha; daughters, Rose, Esthyre. Mrs. H. J. Berlint and Mrs. Betty Milder, Omaha; Mrs. Sidney Rosengaulen, Albuquerque, N. M.; sisters, Mrs. Joseph Morgan, Omaha; Mrs. B e l l e Kacher, Chicago; seven grandchildren, including Martin Herzoff, Omaha and Mrs. Harry Liberman, Atlanta, Ga., and nine great-grandchildren. Burial was in G o l d e n Hill Cemetery. HARRY S. SINTON Funeral services for Harry S. Sinton, G7, former Oniahan, who died October 18 in San Diego, Calif., were held Monday at Beth El Synagogue. Diego, Calif., were held October 22 at Beth El Synagogue. Stuart Fried, Omaha, Mrs. Julia1; Steuer, Denver, COlo.; sons, Melvin, Chicago, 111., Walter, Philadelphia, Pa.; brother, William Sinton, San Diego, Calif.; sister, Mrs. Charles Wiesman, San Luis ObLspo, Calif.; 7 grandchildren.
Study Group Temple Israel "Coffee and conversation" meeting on alternate Tuesdays, will start Nov. G at Temple Israel at 10 a.m. with Rabbi Sidney Brooks leading the discussion. Rabbi Brooks also will conduct Bible Study series on Thursdays at 1 p.m. Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner will conduct classes in Hebrew for Adults on Wednesdays' at 1 p.m., November 7 through January 30. Hadassah Groups Mrs. Phincas Wintroub will be hostess at her home, 111 South SO Avenue to a Hadassah study group, Wednesday, November 7 at a 0:30 a.rn. coffee. The group will • discuss the "Unity of the Jewish People." Mrs. Sidney Katlernan, 7515 Cass Street will be hostess at her home on Thursday, November 8 at a 0:30 a.m. coffee to the group studying the portion of the bible, "Jeremiah." Mrs. Katleman and Mrs. -Morris M. Franklin are leader and coleader of the group. Mrs. Alfred Frank is study group chairman. -
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Dally Jewish Newspapers BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions, Meyers News Stand, 1502 tid
FIRST JEWISH CHIEF OF FEDERAL CHAPLAINCY New York—Rabbi Morris A. meeting. Rabbi Sandhaus is the Sandhaus, newly appointed chief first Jewish chief of any Fedof the chaplain service of the . eral Government chaplaincy. United Stales Veterans Administration, was honored at a National Jewish Welfare B o a r d
Qmahans in Afev/s Millard Krasnc was elected a vice-president of the Midwest Council of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations at its meeting here last week-end. Mr. Krasne is president of Temple Israel. Joseph Horustcin, Beth El Synagogue treasurer, was elected a vice-president of the Central States Region of the United Synagogue of America at a conference here earlier in the week.
Dedications The family of Dr. Sidney L. Rubin will dedicate a monument to his memory Sunday, November 4 at 11 a.m. at Golden Hill Cemetery. Hadassah Rummage Sale Site Changed The Hadassah Rummage Sale site scheduled at 519 North 1G Street, has been changed to H03 Jackson street. Sale dates are November 4, 5, G and 11.
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M&S& George T. Sullivan is crrincntly qualified for this Important post. >jj^ Graduate of Crcijjhlon, law School •fe Member Omaha and Nebraska Bar Association! •fc Admitted to practice U.S. Federal Court and U.S. Court of Appeals <^- Twelve years private law practice in Omaha •$>• Attended Institute on Juvenile delinquency -fa Member National Council on crime and delinquency •jt^-Father of two teen age boys "j^f Former Athletic Director and Coach -fa State Senator two terms •fa The members of the Omaha Bar Association, lawyers with experience in the Courts, chose Mr. Sullivan as the candidate bett fitted by temperament, training and experience to serve at the next Juvenile Court Judge. They recommend him to you.
i i
Friday, November 2, 1082
FASHION HIGHLIGHTS AT TEMPLE LUNCHEON Temple Israel Sisterhood will present a style show at a 1 p.m. hors d'oeuvre luncheon on November 13 at the Temple. "Fashion Highlights" will dramatize new trends in color, texture and style. More than 25 sisterhood members and children will take part in the showing. Members modeling are:
Mines.: Willon Abruharns, Harry Altsljlcr, HorofcJ nrodkc/, Sheldon Brodr-ky, Jerry Cohn, Robert Cotirt, Jerold Dfinn, Leo Eisemiatt, Robert Cnriet, Warner Frohwan, Harold Gnrbor, Rlctinrd Gltircr, Alfred Mayer, Rul>ert Mcwmyn, Bernard Ruhcn, Milton Simons, Harold Slosljurej, Michael Solzmon, and Milton Waldbaum.
Children appearing are:
Joclyn Parbcr, Gretchcn Kntclnian, 5u'>lo Kronti, Tommy Lchr. Susie Levine, Jan Llberman. and Mlchaei Rips,
Reservations may he made by calling the Temple office, 5SG6536, or by calling Mrs. Ida Hess, 551-7581, MUSICAL TO ENTERTAIN AT BETH EL LUNCHEON "Everything's C o m i n g up Women" is the name of the original musical to be presented at the new membership luncheon meeting of Beth El Sisterhood, Tuesday, November 6 at 12:30 p.m. in the synagogue social hall. The production was written and is being directed by Mrs. Morley Zipursky. It includes an original song by Mrs. Bennett D. Wagner and Mrs. Robert Wagner, program chairmen. Roles in the production will 'be played by Mnies. Phil Kntzman, Stuart Muskin, Donald Nogg, Donald Shafton, and Irving Singer with Mrs. Harry DuBoff accompanying. The Devar Torah will be given by Mrs. Donald Stern and the Birkat Hamozon by Mrs. Irving Chudacoff.
p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. Mr. Lipman will give a resume of his recent tour of Israel. Mrs. Milton Nearenbcrg will entertain with a program of Yiddish folk songs. The committee in charge of the dinner includes Mnies. Isadore Forbes, Ben Klaiman, and Harry Rifkin. Max Reizbaum, president, said that reservations may be made by calling 3423091 and will be accepted until the evening of November 3. New members will be installed. *
YOUNG COUPLE'S CLUB ELECTION AT BETH ISRAEL The Beth Israel Young Couples' Club will hold its annual election meeting, Sunday, November 4 at 8 p.m. at the synagogue social hall. A social hour will follow. Beth El Howling Party Last minute reservations are still being taken for Belli El's Mr. and Mrs. bowling party and buffet supper on Saturday, November 3 at 9 p.m. at the Ranch Bowl. For reservations call Mrs. Harel Weiss, 55G-125B or Mrs. Irving Marcus, 5530G8G. The party is $5.50 per couple for bowlers and $3 per couple for non-bowlers.
Trip fo Los Angeles and Las Vegas for Steinbergs A trip to Las Vegas, Nov., and Los Angeles, Calif., was taken by Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Stein berg following their marriage Sunday at the Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel. Rabbi Maurice A. Pomerantz of Lincoln, Nebr., officiated at the ceremony which was followed by a cocktail hour, dinner, dance and reception. The bride is tho former Georgia Ann Mezey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Mezey of Council Bluffs, la., and the groom, the son of Mrs. Milton Steinberg of Chicago, 111, They will live in Omaha. The bride wore a floor' length gown of pure silk peau do soie. Her triple tiered veil of imported illusion was caught with a double crown of seed pearls with insets of crystals. She carried a colonial cascade of white roses centered with a white orchid with white satin streamers and stephanotis. Miss Deborah Kay Mezey, sister of. the bride, and maid of honor, and the bridesmaids, the Misses Helenc Franklin and Renee Franklin were attired in gold brocade and carried colonial cascades of gold mums. Cousin of tho bride, Jackie Lynn Hoffman, was the flower gitl. Paul T. Goldman of Chic.igo was the best man. Harold Gill-
man, cousin of the groom, and Arnold Bernian, both of Chicago, were groomsmen. Sal Rinella, Arnold Herman, and Robert Cole, all of Chicago, ushered. The mother of the bride wore a peacock blue sheath of peau de soie and the groom's mother was gowned in a light blue sheath of peau de soie. THE
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$1,000,000 TO YESIIIVA New York (WNS) — h New York industrialist, Sol Furst, has contributed $1,000,000 to Yeshiva University.
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Friends of Sam i. Howell Comm., Robert Mainell), Chairman
Hew members of the sltlcrhood ore: Mmes. Marvin Abraharmon, Marvin Aren' sen, Jack Baker, Leo Dermon, Harry Z, Bernstein, Atbort Block, Leon Dobrofsky, Alvla Epstein, Robert Epstein, Irvln Efsenborfl, J. S. Frilick, Edward Kantor, Sol Lewlf, lrv)n H. Leva, Robert Meyer, Na. than Marblestonc, 1. Gordon Rips, Dob Schiller Saroh Nattiort, Donald Snaftoii, Ccrihon Sherman, Den Simons, Irving SiflQer, Max Slufsky, Harold 5obe!, Don Siwn ond Miss Edno Cohn. Luncheon will be served by Mrs. M E. Swartr, coordlnolor, assisted by Mmci. Lyman Cohn, Note Cooper, Meyer Crart* clcfl, Phil Kutlcr, Don Llnsman, V/llllani Lolirman, Irving Marcus and Odvltl Wein* borg. Mmes, Log Lewis and Isaac D!oagoff aro faking reservation:; for ttio luncheon. • • •
NOItMAN LIPMAN TO TALK ON TOUR OF.ISRAEL Norman Lipman, manager of the Israel Bond office, will be the guest speaker at the Farband-Poale Zion dinner meeting on Sunday, November 4 at 7
COUSIN'S CLUI5 Mrs. Meyer Meycrson will be hostess to the Cousin's Club on Wednesday, November 7 at the Diplomat Hotel at 12:30 p.m. Members unable to attend are asked to notify Mrs. Meyerson, 551-0170.
Page Three
VDTE FDR •• INTEGRITY • HONESTY 0 IMPARTIALITY 0 VIGDRDUS LAW ENFORCEMENT DONALD L. KNOWLES h eminently qualified to servo you a* County Attorney. Ho has had lix years experience In the Couniy Attorney's office, four of them as Chief Deputy, the position he now holtfi. With Knowles as Chief Deputy, the office has handled 148 criminal cajes before furies wifh an outjtandino record of 99 convictions. In the Couniy Court Criminal Diviiion tho office handled 3,000 casts in ono year alono, with 2,700 convictions. Civil cases totaled approximately 1,000 during the four years. This record, backed by four years of privole practice, has demonstrated his ability to continue serving you. . Donald t. Knowles Is a graduato of the Creighton University School of law and Is President of tho Creighton Alumni Association. Ho is 38 years of age, young enough for enthusiasm, mature enough for thoughtful application. His record merits your consideration and enthusiastic support.
COUNTY COMMISSIONER The watchfulness of tho citizen is the necessary safeguard to good government. "Bill" Milnerhas championed sensible government and has an excellent record as a dedicated guardian of the public's money.
Mi Iner Stands For CAREFUL SPENDING Ms \
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ELECT WILLIAM R. 'BILL'MILNER COUNTY COMMISSIONER Buffet and Monu Scrvico in tho old world totting of
The Mediterranean Dodgo at 44fh
This ad sponsored by tho Milner for County Commissioner Commutes
Charles Newstrom, Chairman
i, County Assessor HOMEOWNERS'TAXES ARE LESS BECAUSE OF JOE STOIINSKI Homoowncrs have boon spared paying millions of dollar j In taxes because Joo C. Stolinski, as Douglas County Assessor, has seen to it that corporations and businesses pay their fair share of taxes. In the past four years, Joo Stolinski has raised the valuation for tax purposos of business property in the county by 107 million dollars. .' Tbla .Ad-Is raid for fcy Ccorce II. Knco" Who fa Aaslstant Auditor for Joe C. KtollnnlU
Center Sports Sidney H. Somuiers FLAG FOOTRALL Ronu AZA meets Rayim for the Jewish Youth Council flag football championship this Sunday, November 4 at 10 a.m. at Adams Park field. Both tennis hold 3 and 0 records and havestrong offensive and defensive material. In last week's game, new AZA chapter Weizmann put on a great battle before losing to Rbnu 30 to 20. Mike Sherman's running and passing gave Ronu the ball game. Arnie Weitz's strong right arm was the difference in the gamein which Rayim out lasted AZA 1 41 to 9. AZA 100 meets Choim Weizmann in the other regularly scheduled game on Sunday, November 4. MEN'S FITNESS PROGRAM TUES., THUKS., NOON Calling all professional and business men to participate in a special noonday Physical Fitness class on Tuesday and Thursday 12 noon to 1, Jewish Community Center. This class is designed for the man who sits behind the desk all day and needs a program to develop breathing, circulation and muscle tone through physical fitness exercises. A private physical fitness program is also available upon request. Register by appearing in person, Tuesdays or Thursdays or by calling the Athletic Department office, 342-13GG for additional information.
Dads', Lads' Day Sunday, Nov. 11
Israel's Highways state Depf. Ready to Pfofesi r
Get $22,000,000
Washington (WNS)-The InterBoys in fifth through eighth grades and their fathers are in- national Hank for Reconstrucvited to the annual "Dads' and tion and Development signed Lads' Day" program on Sunday, an agreement this week to loan November 11 at 2:."0 p.m. at Israel $22,000,000 for road projthe Jewish Community Center. ects as part of overall highway The event will kick-off the program which will eventually midget basketball league season cost $40,000,000. which opens the following week. The loan, for a 17-year period The program will include a at 5Vi per cent, will enable talk by a well-known basketball Israel to pay for equipment and coach, special films and a social for consultant services from hour. Reservations may be the United States. The total promade by calling the Center Ath- gram will provide come 500 letic' Office, 342-1366. miles of interurban highways to be built over the next four and one-half years. Sodom in the Negev will be linked with Eilat, among the planned improveAll Young Judaea clubs will ment.! Conditions on highways hold election:; at their first between Tel Aviv and Haifa and meeting of the season, Sunday, between Tel Aviv and JeruNovember 4 at the Jewish Com- salem, now severely congested, munity Center at 2 p.m. All will be improved. sixth, seventh and eighth grade girls are eligible and are invited to join these groups. Plans for Thanksgiving baskets will be made. Girls are asked to bring all or part of Miami, (JTA)—A member of their due:;. Meeting rooms will an extremeist group accused be listed in the lobby. of plotting to murder several John Spitzer has assumed his Miami Jewish leaders was given duties ar. President of the Mis- a six-year prison term here for souri Valley Federation of Tem- possessing and transporting exple Youth following his election plosives. Previously he.had been at the six-state meeting at Camp sentenced to a similar term for Schwnyder, Idaho Springs, Colo, plotting the bombing ot the Anshe Ernet Synagogue here. on August 18-27. Criminal Court Judge Gene lie is junior advisor to the Williams imposed the second sixTemple Israel Youth group. year term on Donald Branch, John Zysman and Max Richt- a member of a group of "minman were among the members utemen" following his conviction of the Central High School team on the explosives charge. He is .which won the Class A exper- facing a third trial on November ienced debaters division at the 28 on charges of placing exposhigh .school debate tournament ives, last February 18, at the at Wortlmigton, Minn. Sixty-four home of Don Shoemaker, editor of the Miami Herald. teams competed.
Oonvlsf Anli-Sooiifa
Washington (JTA) — The DeSenator Jaco i K, Javits, New partment of State revealed that York Republic* l, forwarded tha it is prepared "to protest boy- company's pro 2st to the Stato cott actions which cause injury to American commercial inter- Department. Inl a letter to Senests" in connection with anti- ator Javits, 'Hiornas R. MaJewish restriction:; applied by thews, Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional RelaArab governments. L. Oppenheimcr & Co., of New tions, made too vn that the Stalo York, had been a:;ked to ar- Department is now prepared range shipment of 10,000 kilo- "upon request >y the company grams of Idaho hops to a brew- involved to prot ;f' because tho ery in Egypt. Then the firm re- boycott action injured Americeived a questionnaire from the can commercia intemitfi. Mr. Malhews :idded that "tho Arab Boycott Office pertaining to the order. It asked' whether D e p a r t in e n has repeatedly the firm traded with Israel, sup- made known ii :; objections to ported Jewish causes, or had the g e n e r a l irinciples of tho Arab boycott to he various Arab Jews among its directors. states concerned. The Department will refer to the exampla flirts Hurt In Ailack cited by Mr. Op >enhcimer in its continued reprc ;enlations."
On Arg. SpagogsiQ
Buenos Aires (JTA) — Two young Jewish girls 11 and i:t, were wounded by gunfire, and a Molotov cocktail was thrown into a synagogue at Florida, a Buenos Aires suburb, when an anti-Semitic gang carried out another attack while religious services were being conducted in the house of worship. According to eyewitnesses, three young men were in an automobile from which the incendiary "cocktail" was tossed into the "synagogue which, however, was undamaged. Then the antiSemites opened fire at a group of Jewish youngsters playing in front of the synagogue while their parents were at worship.
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Sidney J. Gollicid, a lawyer, lias boon t r c i n e d -for this highly technic< I job by, years of experience. As deputy, ch of deputy and Clerk of tho Lourt for over thirty years n< ono is belter fitted to admii isler this office than Sidney J. Goltneid. • He works with district Judges, lawyers and Ii igants. He has been highly r< commanded by the execu ive commilteo of the Dougli s County Bar Association.
In fho courso of a single year ha handles over 3 million dollars.
Bridal Portraits
Nehru Appeals for Israel's Support Jerusalem (JTA)—Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru of India has requested Israel's support, "together with that of all peace loving countries" in tho current border d i s p u t e with Communist China, it was disclosed by Premier David BenGurion. He brought Mr. Nehru's . cable to the attention of the Cabinet. Similar cables were sent by the Indian Premier to all members of the United Nations. India does not maintain diplomatic relations with Israel. Reports from Bombay state that the Central Jewish Board, the representative of Jews of that area, pledged full support of the J e w i s h community to measures taken by the Indian Government to repel the invasion by Communist C h i n e s e forces in the north.
Ask any law rer about hit ability and in e g r i t y . W o Rood to eon Inuo a man
Tlic exploitation of phosphates is one of the most important economic enterprises in Israel's Ncgcv, providing employment for a substantial number, of persons. Shown above is Uie ore enrichment plant near the phosphate mines, which was built with the aid of Israel Bonds. Its output last year reached a level of 200,000 tons, much of it for export. POLITIC A L ADVERTISEMENT
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"During ftieto mdny years, i havo built my reputation on honesty and quality morchandim. T h e n principles are « 'must' in good govornmont."
"For this reason—I ask your consideration of candidate in tho 9th Legislative District." "Vote for 9ual!ry end Honesty—LARRY E. W E L C H "
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e o
Eshkol Heads Israel Trade Delegation Jerusalem (JTA) — Finance Minister Levi Eshkol will head Israel's delegation to Brussels next month, when negotiations will get u n d e r w a y on trade agreements between Israel and the six member nations of the European Common Market.
WOW-TV ELECTION REPORTING WOW-TV will begin continuous coverage of national and area election returns at 6 p.m., Tuesday with Ray Clark, Jim McGaffin and Jim Baugh reporting on the local scene. SCROLLS EXHIBIT AT 19G4 FAIR" New York (WNSV—Both the Israel and Jordanian pavilions at the I9G4 World Fair in New York will have Dead Sea Scrolls on display.
Bud Marcus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nate Marcus, has been named a university scholar at Princeton University where lie is a sophomore. Louis Rich, president and Dick Cohen, pledge master of the University of Omaha chapter of Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity have announced the following pledge class: Robert Friedman, Steve Kort, Paul Kutler, Gary Parilman, Irvin Nathan, Keva Shyken, and Robc-t Stein Their respective parents are the Messrs. and Mines. Jacob Friedman, Harold Kort, Morns Kutler, Arthur Parilman, Julms Nathan, Sam Shyken and Dan Stein.
Friday, N yernber 1, 1068
Page Four
World War I I Combat Velcrsn
Former Deputy County Attorney
Cunningham for Congress Committee, J. R. MeGre«*y, Chairman