November 9, 1962

Page 1


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Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged (The Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged acknowlcges the following memorials and donations.)


In Memor

# s f@r Ssra

„ us in tranactions f/oisf'j. ond Mmes. I. Chapman, Harold Cherniack, Jo/ Citernlack -Mr». Edward Abro \ v " '.>"' -wii have netted $8,000,000 to Mf. and tAn, Harry DuDoff Sam Casnow, IMs. Rose Clairncn, Harry *»• .. Israel's Treasury, Deputy DeMessrs. onri M m « , Reuben Brown, Arthur A, Colin, fense Minister Shimon Peres Hurry OuSoff, Enwsl A. fJo-jg, Natiion L, Moqg, David Orkc-W. the Jack Bogcm family, M r i , Leontold a Defense Ministry workO^d Klein .....Abraham Levey Messrs. or>d Mmes. Reuben Brawn, Arthur A, Colin, ers rally. He also said that the . M. Krupfnsky, Oavid Orfcow, and Mrs. Leonard Klein ..Ilollmn Slcinberg entry of missiles into the MidDonor In Honor of dle East had "considerably reduced" Israel's qualitative edge Ur. omj Mri, M. Kruplrck/ ...Mill birlhday, Mr», Lcvrfj Gcrellck in manpower, but it had also Miss Jttiamia Kaufmann .birlhday, David Kaufman (Grand (stand) Mr. ond Mri. Keui«n Brown 75lti birthday, Mrs. David Sherman cut Egypt's quantitative superiMr. ond M a . Leo Hogg 50th Y/cdcJIng anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Bordy N m a n Korne Mr.. onddMrs, Norman Korney birth of grandson, Andrew David Milder ority in armament. Mr.'onJ Mrs, Melvln f'Jolkln M ' J M M l l fJlkl honor of wedding of »gn, Gory, to Karen Magzomln Mr, ond Mrs. Malhon L. No recovery, Wlrs. Jay Chcrniock Prime Minister David BenMr. Harryy OuQott r. and Mrs, rs, H recovery, Mrs. A, D. Frank, Mrs, Jock Marer M M O H l Mr. andd Mrs. Oave Halm recovery, Crncsl A. UOQQ. Ralph Ncaa Gurion told the rally, which was Messrs. and Mines. Arthur A. Cohn, Leo Nona ....recovery, Louis Paperny attended by all military industry Mr. and Mrs, William Poster recovery, Sam rosier Messrs. and Mmes, Howard Kaplan, Al Mayer, Ted Sanlord recovery, William Rucusln employes, that, disunity among the Aral) countries worked to Synagogue Donations Israel's disadvantage. He said lip .r. n old /'met I ra iV Cohen Selwyn Suwa'sk/ Juccb Cross Hyman stt n Wrs Jaccb that divided Arabs competed ACl r, Wri ^Qr>y(i 7olkli; ttos Hr',crco Zcl,rack c with one another for the title / l r ai>d rAri L o \ord ('oiiit' Irt memory of Mrs Sorail Mlnkln and Da.'id Richards of being 'most anti-Israel." He warned against "dangerous complacency" in Israel.

United Nations, (JTA) — The General Assembly's Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee voted unanimously here to draft two separate UN declarations, one condemning religious intolerance, and the other assailing racial discrimination. The vote came without a dissent in the 110-member committee alter more than a week's debate, launched by Israel, on a draft resolution calling for measures to forbid racial manifestations and religious prejudice throughout the world.. A separate declaration on each of the related items will be drafted and presented to the Assembly by the time it convenes it's 18th session, in September 1963. Two international conventions are to draftee!, in time for the following year's Assembly, in 1%1. Thus, if the timetable h o l d s , international law, will, for the first time, make both religious intolerance and racial discriminations illegal for every country whose government is a member of the United Nations. Arab and Soviet representatives were v i s a b l y unhappy about the adoption of this resolution. The Arabs and the Russians have fought hard but witlt

minor success against the interpretation of the entire issue as one dealing with anti-Semitism specifically and with Soviet Government repressions of Jewish religion and culture in general. They succeeded only in getting- the committee to separate the issue of racial discrimination from religious intolerance.

At O.U. Institute On 'Afrieaa Scene'

Coach Borsheim Is 'Dad-Lad' Speaker Jim Borsheim, University of Omaha Basketball coach will be guest speaker of the Dad Lad Day p r o g ram, Sunday, Novem ber 11 at 2 30 p.m. at the Jewish Community! Center. »/ The event will!. * • kick-off the Mid \ - -*, l: get League bjs-\ % ketball season at V \

Phil Linel Will Enferfoln During World War II, young Phil Lind, one of America's most versatile singers and en- Phil Lind performed in numertertainers, and star of "The ous G. I. Reviews near the Phil Lind Show", will entertain fighting fronts of the South Paat the home of Mr. and Mrs. cific Theater. While in Tokyo, he Louis Somberg, 115 . South 92 appeared with such stars as Street, on Wednesday, November 14 at 8 p.m. in behalf of the Danny Kaye, Melvin Douglas, Israel Bond Campaign. Lind's Gary Grant, Leo Durocher and appearance here will be theDanny Thomas, On his return, first since 1950, Mr. Somberg, he was featured in outstanding entertainment spots throughout said. the country, in addition to his New Program In addition to a new program appearance, in motion pictures, of Israeli and American songs concert performances and radio and stories, Mr. Lind will de- panels. scribe many of Father, First Teacher the new Israeli His first teacher was his fap r o j e c t s also ther, Cantor Joshua Lind, a naseen by Mr. and tionally known figure in his Mrs. S o m b e r g { .. profession. during their re-t J" "Phil tells me that his procent tour of Is-J * gram will be a unique one," said rael. The enter-; Mr. Somberg. "I look forward tainer is currentto one of the most socially enly m a s t e r of joyable evenings of the year, cere m o n i e s of with the added pleasure of knows e v e r a l daily ing that our people in Israel radio programs programs Uni radio will benefit in the greatest meaoriginating in Chicago. sure."

Jerusalem, (JTA)—With pomp and impressive ceremony, Is•'{ rael inqu,eurated..Izhnk Rnn-fcvi 'Mounting Evidence of the Center. Allf ! ' juimijsurrs IiumJ ^,'"s , i as President this -week. Mr. BenNazi international' the fifth throught^-/.^ \ ^_J Zvi was elected by the Knesset, Israel's Parliament, to s e r v e Glasgow (WNS) — There is the eighth grades Borslicim "mounting evidence" that the are invited to attend with their a third, five-year term. Although anti-Semitic, neo-nazi and fas- fathers. Midget League practice members of opposition parties cist organizations in various sessions and team organizations had cast blank ballots—as a countries" are united in a Nazi are scheduled to begin on Sun- protest against the principle of permitting any incumbent to international," it was declared day, November 18. The November 11 program serve three terms in the Presihere by Dr. Siegfried Roth, executive director of the European will include showing of basket- dency—the 70-year-old veteran division of the World Jewish ball films, followed by a social Zionist and former pioneer in the building of the State had hour. Congress.

Omaha Jewry will join organizations, both here and abroad, in paying homage to C h a i m Weizmann, first president of Israel, on the tenth anniversary of his death, this month. "The Inspiration " Rabbi Benjamin Groner of Beth Israel Synagogue, will devote his sermon, Saturday, NoDr. Willem Christiaan Naude, vember 17, at the 8:45 a.m. servUnion of South Africa's Ambas- ice to "The Inspiration of Chaim sador to the United States, and Weizmann." Rabbi Groner who a career diplo- is familiar with Chicagoans who mat since 1330, emigrated from Motele, (now * ill appear at Russian) where Dr. Weizmann the University of was born and raised, will draw Omaha's Insti- upon t h e i r personal recollect u t e on World Af- tions, in paying tribute to the fafairs, W e d n e s - mous Zionist. day, November " . . of Chaim Weizmann" "Nationalism and the Reac14 at 8:15 p.m. tion to Crisis" — With special One of the most reference the life of Chaim w i d e l y experi- Weizmann,to will be subject of a enced officers in sermon November 1G, by Rabbi the Union's for- Sidney H. Brooks at Temple IsDr. Naude eign service, Dr. ,rael at Friday worship at 8:15 Naude will discuss "South Afri- p.m. ca and the African Scene," "Chaim Weizmann was unErnest A. Nogg, president of doubtedly one of the gigantic the Jewish Federation, a co- figures of our century," declared sponsoring organization, of the R a b b i Brooks. "As scientist, Institute, praised the selection statesman, t e n c h e r and first Of speakers and urged members president of the State of Israel, of the community to take advan- he won renown, not only among tage of the lectures on world af- the Jewish people, but the esfairs. teem of all humanity. Chaim Gene A. Gregory, editor-in- Weizmann once penned these chief of the Vietnam Times, will' prophetic lines, in speaking of be last speaker of the series on the new State of Israel—'The first part of a story which is November 21.





been elected without opposition or contest. -

- n , . « « — o Vl,v «*.w»w..t, gWLy u t *

Israel, when its kings were inducted into o f f i c e with the sound of shofaroth, heralds to-day preceded Mr. Ben-Zvi's rida to the Parliament building, blowing the ram's horns, as thousands of I s r a e l i s lined the streets, cheering the revered President. Mrs. B e n-Z v i accompanied her husband.


Guild Mrs. Joe J. Greenberg,^ Chairman of' the Jewish Federation Agencies' Section of the Needlework Guild, urges all persons Dr. Nahum Goldmann, presi- who have not sent in their connot yet told, is indeed hardly dent of the World Zionist Orga- tributions to do so this week in begun.' "In truth," a d d e d Rabbi nization, who was chairman of order to eliminate any further Brooks in reference to marking the proceedings, paid tribute to the anniversary of the late presi- Dr. Weizmann's statesmanship "follow-up." In addition to those previousdent's death, "the full story of and political achievements. Jan Weizmann's life, as of the state Peerce, the American a r t i s t , ly listed, the following havo c h a n t e d the "El Mole Ra- contributed through Friday: itself has not been told." Rabbi Myer S. Kripke of Beth hamiin," and "Rachael Mevaka Mmes: Julius Barron, Leslie El Synagogue will not the anni- Baneha," accompanied by the L. Burkenroad, David M, Chapversary during services for his Israel Philharmonic. Lights in man, David R. Cohen, Sam R. the square were dimmed as 10 Cohen, Harry Colick, Jack E. congregation on November 16. torches were lighted. 5,000 In Kchovot Duitch, Henry Fisher, Ed Fredricks, William Freiden, Stuavt More than 5,000 Israelis with Eight Notables Cited overseas guests, this past week, Opening the countrywide com- E, Fried, Samuel Gendler, Sam assembled in Rehovot, Israel at memorative service, in Rehovot, Hahn, Manning E. Handler, Yad Chaim Weizmann Memorial eight scientists, statesmen and Sam Kaplan, Stanley Katelman, Square, to pay tribute to the public figures w e r e awarded Oscar Katleman, Sheff Katskee, memory of their first president. Honorary • Fellowships by theMeilach Katzman, Morris Koom, The principal speaker at the Weizmann Institute of Science Norman Korney. Mmes. Joe J. Levey, Morris ceremony was Dr. Weizmann's here including Dr. Vera Weizsuccessor, President Ben-Zvi, . mann, widow of the late presi- Levey, Jack Levin, Harry Lipwho told the assemblage that dent. Dr. Chaim Weizmann, dis- pett, Jack A. Luttbeg, Sol Mann, the importance of the ceremony tinguished scientist as well as Richard M. Martin, Joseph was not in the fact that a dec- Zionist leader, was instrumental Mayer, Harry G. Mendelson, ade had passed since Dr. Weiz- in founding the Institute which Hymie Milder, Mollie Milder, Elizabeth Neveleff, Jack Newmann's death, but the fact that bears his name. "we continue to follow his ideals, Meyer F e l d m a n , a White man, Sidney Novak, Henry and to live under his influence." House aide to President Ken- Riekes, Jake Rosenbloom, Sam nedy, was among those present Rosenstein, Charles Rosenstock, at the ceremonies. In another Marvin Sabes, Maurice Sachs, KBON Radio 1400 Presents ceremony in which a corner- Samuel G. Saltzman, A. W. "Message of Israel" stone was laid for a new build- Schloff, Harold Slosburg, Rubin Sunday, November 11-10 p.m. ing at the Institute, Mr. Feld- Smeevin.S. Steinman, Meyer L. Speaker man read a message from Presi- Stern, Ralph G. Turkel, Ira Rabbi Samuel Silver, Temple d e n t K e n n e d y hailing the Whitebook, Norman Whitman, •Sinai, Stamford, Conn., Phineas Wintroub, Sophia R. achievements of the school. President of the National The American Zionist Council Wohlner, Sam Zweiback, and Jewish Chaplains Asso. of the has designated the month of the Misses Jean Gendler, Bello Armed Forces November as " W e i z m a n n Greenberg, Lena Kohen, DoroTopic: "Forward March!" Month," it was announced in thy Bingle and Trances But Tribute to Veteran's Day stein. New York.


Published weekly on Friday bcginuiiig (he last week in August

Jerry Singer Named Stamp Club Advisor

Jerry Singer, Erandeis Stamp Department Manager, has been named advisor of the Jewish MRS. FRANCES KLEIN Editor Community Center Junior Stamp Club, Harry Sidman, Center Activities Chairman, announced. Mr. Singer's first meeting with Candlelighting 4:55 the club will be held Sunday, B'nai Jacob Adas Yc-shuron: evening, with Rabbi Sidney II. November 11 at 4 p.m., room 31, at the Center. Featured will be Friday Mincha 5 p.m.; Saturday Brooks officiating. morning 8:30, and Mincha 5 a new stamp facts session and In connection with New Memp.m., followed by Sholosh Seua trading period. dos. Daily services at 7 a.m. and ber Sabbath, Rabbi Brooks will The new advisor succeeds 5:05 p.m. talk on "What Your Membership Robert Clark, president of the in our Temple Means." Temple Israel: Sabbath servCantor Manfred F. Kuttner Omaha Philatelic Society. ices will be at 3:15 a.m. Friday and the Temple Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin will participate in the services. ImAll friends and relatives aro mediately following services an Invited to uttend services and Oneg Shabbat will honor new OPEN HOUSE ALL WEEK reception. members. 1-6 P.M. The men's Sunday b r u n c h , MARC JOEL SORKIN Brand .new ranch1 with 1,135 sq. ft. originally scheduled for Novemnf living area, l ^" baths. BeautiMarc Joel Sorkin, son of Mr. fully designed kitrhen with larpe ber 11 will be held instead on and Mrs. Albert Sorkin will celeeating ari*a. Walkout basement. Sunday, November 18 at 10 a.m. Bedrooms and • living room are nhove average. This home Is beauwith Rabbi Sidney Brooks lead- brate his Bar Mitzvah on Thurstifully <i«ne. Harrisun, Western day, November 22, (Thanksgiving the discussion. Hills schools. ing) at Beth Israel Synagogue Registration is still open for By Builder—SOL STE1NMAN the Adult Hebrew class which at 9 a.m. Coming Up is being conducted at the TemC0O7 and (1003 1-runUUn ple each Wednesday at 1 p.m. JULIE SIMON by Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner. BARBARA FOX Julie Simon, daughter of Mr. Ik-di El: Chaplain (Lt. Col.) and Mrs. Ervin Simon, will obEdward Ellenbogen, Chief of serve her Bas Mitzvah and BarTerrific Personnel and Training of Air bara Fox, daughter of Mr. and Force Chaplains, will be the Mrs. Harold Fox, will observe Values! guest speaker at the Sabbath b and A n o t h e r ^ eve service at Beth El Syna- her Bas Mitzvah at the 10:30 »k Fine gogue November 9, in commem- a.m. service at Beth El Synaoration of the 100th anniversary gogue on Saturday, November of the appointment of the first 10th. Jewish chaplain in the AmeriBRUCE GARETZ can Armed Forces. Bruce Garetz, son of Mr. and A' graduate of the University Product of Chicago and of the Hebrew Mrs. Charles Garetz, will beUnion College, Chaplain Ellen- c o m e Bar Milzvah Saturday bogen was called to active duty morning, November 10, at Temin January of 1941 and was ap- ple Israel. pointed to the regular Air Force in 104(1. He served over-seas in EDWARD R. SHRAGO Africa, the Far East and Ueriiar Milzvah bl Edward rcaiph m a n y . Chaplain Ellenbogen's Shrago, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe office is at the Headquarters Shrago will be celebrated Satof the Strategic Air Command. urday morning, November 10 at His sermon topic will be "A Por- Beth Israel Synagogue. trait of our Father." Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and GARY COLICK the Beth El Synagogue Choir ROBERT KUTLER will render the musical portions Mr. and Mrs. Harry Colick anof the service. nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their The Traditional Sabbath morn- son, Gary Colick, and Dr. and ing service will begin at 8:30. Mrs. Ben Kutler announce the The Family Service will begin Bar Mitzvah of their son, Robat 10:30. Mincha-Maariv S e r v - ert Kutler, at Beth El Synagogue on Friday evening, Noices will be held at 5:00 p.m. Sunday morning services be- vember 1G and Saturday morngin at 9 a.m. Services during the ing, November 17. Three Different week are held at 7 a.m. and Kinds of DAVID LEVIN 7 p.m. David Levin, son of Mr. and Fruit-Filled Beth Israel: Kobolas Shabbos Mrs. Jack Levin, will become COFFEE Friday evening services begin Bar Mitzvah Saturday morning, at 4:55 p.m. Shabbos morning November 17, at Temple Israel. CAKES services begin at 8:45 a.m. JunApricot-Fig ior Congregation at 10 a.m. Shabbos Mincha at 4:55 p.m. and Raspberry followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv. Sunday morning services begin at 9 a.m. Junior MinJerusalem (JTA)—Dr. Zorach yon starts at 8:30 a.m. Warhaftig, Minister for Relig"Buy If Where Daily services at 7 a.m. and ious Affairs, assured Israel H'j Baited" 5 p.m. Arab leaders that the GovernAdult Hebrew classes every ment would grant permission to Israel's Moslems to undertake Monday evening at 8 p.m. Offer (iooll thru Wed.. Nov. 11 pilgrimages to Mecca, Islam's holiest shrine in Saudi Arabia. CULTURAL CENTER Moslems are required to make BUILT IN HOLLAND at least one pilgrimage-to MecThe Hague (WNS>—A new ca during their lifetime, as one 5S(|.55GO Jewish cultural center, built 50th and L'mlrrwood of the four tenets of the Islamic Open Sundays with JDC funds, was opened faith. He expressed concern, here on the site of a former sy- however, that the Arab States nagogue. might refuse to permit the transit of Israeli Arabs. Second Clcss PostcQC Pcid ot Ormjfra, Ncbr. Annual Subscription, 14 CO. Advertising Rates on Application. Publication Office—IC1 «o. SOIh Street, Orr.uSia, lleLr., W2.I346.

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London (JTA)—Voicing concern over the threat to Israel of Egyptian rockets, Sir Barnctt Janner, Laborite Member of Parliament and president of the Board of Deputies of British Jev/s, said that it was "remarkable" that vigorous protests are forcing the dismantling of Soviet rockets in Cuba as a threat to the United States, while no voices have been raised to demand the dismantling of Egyptian rockets threatening Israel, which were even nearer to Egypt than Cuba is to U.S,

Dr. and Mrs. Julian J. Eaumel announce the birth of a daughter, Felicia on October 24. They also are the parents of Robert and Dinah. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Golipsky, Hollywood, Cal., and Mrs. Sadyc Moses, Brunswick, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dean Platt have given the name of Jeffrey Lance to their son, born on October 28. Grandparents are the Messrs. and Mmes. S. Robert Ross and Max Platt. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Epstein announce the birth of a son, Jeffrey Howard on November 1. Grandparents are Messrs. and Mmes. Arthur Adler and Sam Epstein. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Morris Adler, Los Angeles, Cal., Mrs. Helen Sklar.

shores. He spoke at the 38th annual conference of the Jewish National Fund. Arthur Lourie, Israel's Ambassador to London, told the delegates that the sale of U.S. Hawk anti-aircraft missiles to Israel was an important development which was welcomed by Israel, but did not constitute a new arms race in the Middle East as some persons have claimed. He noted the build-up in arms and aircraft, of all types, by neighboring countries which have publicly asserted their determination to destroy Israel. The Hawk antiaircraft missile, with its 40,000-foot ceiling, Mr. Lourie said, merely restores tho arms balance in the area, making an attack on Israel a hazardous adventure. Jewish National fund income in Britain during current year totalled more than $2,100,000, of which $1,900,000 has been remitted to Israel.


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MAURICE COHEN Services were held Sunday at Crosby-Kunold mortuary for Maurice Cohen, 66, of 901 Dillon Drive, who died Nov. 2. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks officiated. Burial was in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, ' Survivors are brother, Max, Omaha; nephews, Stephen Cohen, San Francisco, Cal., ami James Myron Cohen, Omaha.

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Page OTirtc

December Wedding Planned B'nai B'rith Chapters Beth El Delegation Plan Annual Event By Miss Gail E. Tretiak "An Evening in Monte Carlo" To National Parley will be sponsored jointly by

A Decemher wedding is being planned by Miss Gail Elaine Tretiak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isadore. Michael Tretiak and Jarold Lee Kohl!, son of Mrs. Gerald Cohn and the late Louis Kohll. Mr. Kohll is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma at Norman, where he was a member of Sigma Alpha Mu. Miss Tretiak studied at the University of Indiana at Bloomington and is a senior at the University of Omaha.

Rabbi Brooks to Review Book at B &P Affair Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks of Temple Israel will review "The Rothchilds" by Frederick Norton at the annual fund raising event of the Business and Professional group of Hadassah, Tuesday, November 13 at 8 p.m. in the Jewish Community Center auditorium. A coffee and social hour will follow the review. Tickets, ($1) may be obtained from any member of the organization, Mrs. Sarah Dansky, 553-6997, fund raising chairman, said. #



Council Board Meeting at Wolfson Residence The National Council of Jewish Women, Omaha Section, will hold its November board meeting on Thursday, November 15, at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Max Wolfson, 678 Parkwood Lane. Co-hostess is Mrs. Jack Solomon. • * * Pioneer Women's Oncg Shnbbat, Sat Joseph Radinowski will be guest speaker at the Pioneer Women's Oneg Shabbat, Saturday, November 10 at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Isadore Forbes, 1720 North 51 Street. The program will include musical selections by Mrs. Milton Nearenberg and readings by Mrs. Philip Crandell. Mrs. David Epstein, chairman of the event, said all members and their friends were urged to attend. Beth Israel, Supply Shower, Novf-mbcr 1 3 ' ; The Beth Israel Sisterhood (pitch-in) luncheon party and annual supply shower will be held Tuesday, November 13, in the synagogue social hall with Mrs. Rubin Ratner as general chairman and Mmes. J a c k Levy, Jack B e 1 m o n t and Gabriel Bergman, co-chairmen. Assisting tho chairmen will ba Mmcs, Vincent Marshall. Aoron Feldman, decorations; Mmcs. Frank Cohen, A . cllnsky, Sidney Goldbera, Irvino Dobcndlr, luncheon arranocmentfi; Mmes. Arthur Salkln, Sam Dloom, J . Chasanov, tabla selling; Mmcs. Harry Alloy, Hyman Lubman, Maurice Melchej, reservations. Hostesses will bo Mme3. Nolhon Kaplan, Paul Rllkln, Maurice Weiss, Mllfon Catkin, Martin H c n o l l , William Joseph, Phil Schwartz, Halo Mandcll, Joo Burstcln, Abo Shrauo, Louis Slporln, Irving Blank, Harvey Llpsman, Marry Slrcf, Horry Spleoat, j a y Ctiasen, Julius Dernsteln, Edward Gcrbcr, Morrlo Ruderman, Myron Morko end M a x Klrshenboum.

Baby sitter s.ervice willi be provided. ' »



Brandcls Women Meeting, Joslyn The fall meeting and 12:30 p.m. luncheon of the Brandeis University National W o m e n ' s Committee will be held on Wednesday, November 14 in the Joslyn Art Museum's F l o r a l Court. Mrs. Mmcs. Warner Frohman, vice president, and Mrs. Ajon Farber, program c h a i r m a n , have arranged for the appearance of Madalyn Wohlt, water

colorist and Stephen Polchert, ceramist, on the program. Other chairman are Mrs. Jay M a 1 a s h o c k, hospitality Mrs. H o w a r d Krantz, decorations; Mrs. Sam Appleman, luncheon and Mrs. Maurice Aresty, publicity, Mrs. Myron Milder, president, said Hadassah "Coffee" For HMO, Nov. 15 Members of the Hadassah Medical Organization and Vocational Education Committee will be attending a "come as you are and when you can" coffee from 9:30 a.m.-ll:30 a.m. on Thursday, November 15, at the home of Mrs. Sam Katzman, 540 North 72 avenue. Members of the committee are respoasible for raising the funds to augment Hadassah's program of healing, teaching, and research in Israel. They will report on collections. Mrs. Henry Stern is director for the group. Mrs. Erwin Simon, chairman, is assisted by Mmes. Lawrence Epstein, Morris Erman, Maurice Feldman, Norman Rice, Irving Schneiderman, Ben Stern, Jake Turek and Max Falk. * * * Jewish Book Month, Cornliuslccr Tlicmc Jewish Book Month will be the theme of the m e e t i n g planned for November 12 by Cornhusker Chapter of B'nai B'rith at 8:15 p.m. at the Blackstone Hotel. Mrs. David Bleicher will review "The Nag" written by Mendele Mocher Seforim. A social hour will follow the meeting. *



Biliur Cholim to Have Dessert Luncheon The monthly meeting of the Bikur Cholim Organization will follow a 12:30 p.m. dessert luncheon, Monday, November 12 in the Jewish Community Center auditorium. Reports on projects will be made, including the progress of the hospital dining room being added to the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged, under the organization's sponsorship.

Now Featuring


Beth El Sisterhood delegates Cornhusker Chapter No. 1032 and Henry Monsky Chapter No. will attend the National Wom470 of B'nai B'rith Women, Sat- en's League of the United Synurday, Nov. 17 at the Kiewit agogue of America Biennial Plaza from 8:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Convention, November. 11-15 at The evening will f e a t u r e the Concord Hotel on Kiamesha games ala Monte Carlo fashion, Lake, New York. a buffet supper, dancing and entertainment, it was announced The Omaha sisterhood wil! be by Mrs. Bernard Goldstrom, represented by Mrs. A. G. RimH e n r y Monsky Chapter and merman, Mrs. Sol Parsow and Mrs. Stewart K. Kahn, Cornhusker Chapter, fund raising Mrs. Eriiest Wintroub. vice-presidents of their organiThe delegates will join 1,500 zations and publicity Chairmen other women from all parts of for the event. the United States, Canada, PuerMmes. Maynard Finkle and to Rico and Mexico, and will Ira Trachtenbarg are chairmen hear the Honorable Odgen Reid, of the funtion. Former Ambassador to Israel Others participating in plans and Dr. Louis Finklestein, Presfor the evening are: ident of The Jewish Theological Mrs. Mox Krlzclman, "ads"; Mrs. Meyer —Seminary of America. Mrs. Kaplan, [ewel; Mrs. Milton Mlnlz, format; Mmes. Dan Goodman, M. I, Grecnspun, Jack Kaufman is local conventickets; Mmci. Ed Parker, Harry Shertion chairman. man, games; Mmes. Greenspan, Parker and Kqhn, prizes; Mmcs. Phil Spliman, Millon Simon, Martin Kolrilck, Wymon White, Ben Rllkln, Roland Kahn, Charles Fisher, Bernard Kaufman, Harry Wise, Albert Oruch, Horry Bassman, Prank Sckar, Dave Epsleln, Gilbert Aronoff, Harry Sfrillh, Sam Kohn, Bernard Kalman, Simon Feldman, Dclmar Klein, Lou Sobrlrt, 5am Garrop, Max Sacks, Abe Dear, Den Magzamin, Paul Sacks, Gertrude Znclmcr, Ida Raphael, Julia Jacobs, Harry Greenhorn, Charles Frcdkln, and Harold Goodman.

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Arrangements have been made for free parking.

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Twenfy-EFive 80 iodel In Fashion Program

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Over 25 models are busily practicing for Temp!e Israel's Fashion S t y l e Show entitled "Fashion Highlights," which will start at 1 p.m., on November 13, at Temple Israel, Preceding the style show, the Sisterhood will s e r v e a hors d' oeuvre luncheon. Mrs. Martin Lehr and Mrs. Jack Levin are Program CoChairmen for the style show. Mrs. David Friedland is the model chairman for clothes parade. Luncheon chairman is Mrs. Earl Wigodsky. Mrs. Stella Rosenthal, past president of the Temple Sisterhood, will be honored on this a f t e r n o o n ' s program. Mrs. Rosenthal, who is celebrating her 90th birthday, has participated in numerous activities through the years. Reservations for this afternoon can be made by calling the Temple office, 556-0536, or Mrs. Ida Hess, 551-7581.

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B'NAI [TRITH WOMEN Cornhusker and Henry Monsky Chapters Jointly Present

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Britain's First Lady Ambassador to Israel London, (JTA) — Britain appointed as its new Ambassdor to Israel Miss Barbara Salt, 58. Miss Salt, who becomes England's first woman ambassador, s e r v e d as counselor at the British Embassy in Tel Aviv from 1957 to 1960. She succeeds Ambassador Patrick Hancock, Miss Salt, who has most recently served as British representative on the United Nations Economic and Social Council, has held British diplomatic posts in Wshington and Moscow.



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eseseese-ssessseo AZA NO. 1 OFFICERS Freshman officers of Mother Chapter, AZA 1 are: Mike Silver, president; Dick Josephson, vice-president; Ricky Eirenberg, secretary; Don Wiseman, treasurer; Calvin Cahan and Mark Kraft, sergeant-al-arms. Chairmen are Bruce Lewis and Steve Perlis, athk-tic; Phil Bonncr, c o m m u n i t y service; Gregg Mann, cultural; Richard Selo, human relations; Maynard Rosenberg, religious, and Stan Ostrow, social.

Scene of a running play in the Itayimltomi contest as members of Rayim move to capture the Jewish Youth Council flag football championship.

Rciylm Is Over 150 spectators watched Rayim drive to the Youth Council Flag football title, by defeating last year's defending champions Ronu AZA 47 to 3C, last Sunday at Adams Park Field. Rayim was led by the quarterbacking of Arnie H'eitz and the fine running of Bob Gould who led their team to a undefeated season with a 4 to 0 record. Rayim was coached by Jim Farber and Ronu by Jerry Herman. In o t h e r games Weizmann AZA 100 3G to 7. David Jacobson and Marc Kaplan led the new Aleph chapter to victory. Final Standings WL Rayim 4 0 Ronu 3 1 Weizmann 2 2 AZA 1 1 3 AZA 100 0 4

Center Sidney H. Sozmncrs VAKSITF LEAGUE Milder Oil and IQcMin Lumber defending league champions chalked up victories in the opening round of practice games as the Center Varsity Basketball league began play on Wednesday October 31. Each team will play three practice games prior to the league opening on November 2L In the opening game, Milder Oil downed Kenron Awning 45 to 44. Joel Davis led Milder with 17 points and C h e t S t o l e r dumped in 13 points to lead the vigtors. Kenron's Ed Belgrade was the games top scorer with 24 points. In the second contest Micklin Lumber outscored R.C. Cola 32 to 21. Dave Goldstein led the winners with 11 points.- Al Konecky contributed 9 marks for R. C. Cola. IDDY-BIDDY BASKETBALL Iddy-Biddy basketball for second, third and fourth graders will begin in the Center Gymnasium Monday, November 19. Classes will be held each Monday and Tuesday until March. .An Advanced class will start Sunday at 1:15 p.m., November 25. Enroll now by calling the Phys Ed. office 342-1366.

Israeli Warships Paris, (JTA> — Three Israeli warships were disposed to be visiting the French port of Toulon and to be participating in naval m a n e u v e r s with the French fleet. The squadron consists of the destroyers Eilat and Jaffa, and "the frigate Haifa. During their two-week stay in French ports, Admiral Yohai Ben-Nun, the Israeli Navy Chief, will visit French naval and army instal lations.

SIX-FOLD PROGRAM The freshmen of Rohanue BIJ.G. will fulfill their six fold program the week-end of November 16-18. The week-end will include a mass attendance service, Friday night with an Oneg Shabbat, Saturday. Saturday night a "Roaring Twenties" party will be given, Sunday, church services, and bowling, it was reported by Sandi Schapiro and Faye Samuelson, Mit-moms. ATTEND ROUND TABLE Steve Marcus, Dale Brodkey, Mike Sherman and Harold Schneider, Central High students, recently attended the annual round table for student editors at Creighton University. HELP DRIVE Jewish Youth Council groups, Etliar, Hevrah, Ner Tamid, Ro-

hanue, AZA No. 1 and. Chaim Weizmann furnished door-todoor volunteers for the Omaha Chapter of the City of Hope Drive, Dr. and Mrs. Sol Kutler, its co-presidents reported. Girls ere: Jurt/ Moaiomln, Joyce Render. Francioe Mo^iramin. Diant Koiasky, Poula Mag^omin, fionna Nc-pomilc^, Gkidil Groner, Susie SauTord, Gail Ruderman, Rufinl f-isher, Annie Friedman, Fft'jy/ .Perimeter, Malindj tfoicn, SheJia Dioorn, LImici Cipinko, Hclcnc Cocer, Gall llufwick, Carol Jacotnon, Morcla f-lclshcr, Janice Slrcf, Sharon Orrmcn, Carol Slierrncjn, Jennifer Kodirt, Barbara Parllmsn, Sancy Hearcabcrg, Judi Gold&cra, EZIaino filnifrrnsw, Olane Kapon, Susie Puchman, Honle Kpstclit, Shirley Fcldman, Sheila Sadofifcy, Janice JIKtrt. Susie Waldbaum, Betl/ Cocfcin, CtruJa Cohen and Cartara Jess. Boys ore Sieve Baauchwol, Phil Mklri, Dtmis Polikow, Cliuc* Ptolkin, Sid Friedmatl. Dave Jac&bsen, Marc Kaplan, Howcrd Hahn, Ren Frank, Bob Hahn. Mar. ihail AJjfohamt, Paul Kninian, Cruce Mabennan, Mark Soundcrl, Randy Cndtlman, Paul /^crk larfdow, Howard Gerelick, /.\ui1c CherntacK, Harold Cordy and Hatty Friedman.

TUTORING SERVICE OFFERED BY CENTER The Youth Activities Department of the Jewish Community Center has a Tutoring Service for High Schoolers and Grade School children in the areas of Science, Mathematics, History, Speech, English, French, and other related fields. A p p o i ntments are arranged with the instructors. EOIAK PLEDGE OFFICERS New Ediar pledge class officers who met with its members at a recent meeting at the

Alice Feliman, Harry Friedman Pian Even! An original service is arranged for the Jewish Youth Council Thanksgiving observance by Alice and Harry Friedman, general chairmen. The annual holiday program v.'ill be presented Tuesday, November 20 at 7:30 p.m. at Both Israel Synagogue. All participants will be mcmbcis of the youth organization. An invitation is extended to all p.irenH and friends of Youth Council members to attend the 19G2 service. Refrehments will be furnished by the Beth Israel Sisterhood during the social hour to follow, home of Nancy M,il:iesky are M a 11 o r y Goldware, president; Jennifer Rodin, seciclary; Susan Garbcr, treasurer, Jami Friedman, sergeant-at-nrms; Nancy Aronson, Gail Goldstein, editors. BETH ISRAEL CI.l'BS Beth Israel Tovim Chapter SYO will hold a party for boys and girls in the .seventh and eighth g r a d e s , November 10 from 7:30 p.m. to !>:-13 p.m. at the synagogue. Kadiinah C h a p t e r SYO will sponsor a theater p.irty, November 11. 2::;0 p.m. to 1 |im at the synagogue. Maynard Rosenberg is chairman.


Jerusalem, (JTA)—The Hebrew University opened its aca demic year here with an enrollment of some 8,000 students, including 2.800 entering freshmen. About 450 students from abroad, including CO from African and Asian nations, as well as 100 Israeli Arabs, arc attending the university this year. University officials announced that, in view of a record budget deficit of $4,067,000 at the end of the 1961-C2 period, it was decided to freeze the budget ior the coming year nt last year's figure of $5,000,000. US-ISRAEL STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM Jerusalem (JTA>—An extension of the United States Educational Foundation in Israel for the exchange of Israeli and American students and educators was announced here. The program will provide grants for travel to the United States for 25 Israeli students and educators and for 15 opposite numbers to come to Israel from the United States.

Closed U©¥. 9-18 The Center handball courts will be closed for reCnishing on Friday, November 9. They will be reopened on November 18.

Study Group

Brandels Book Group HEALTH CLUB OFFERS at Cohen Residence • PERSONALIZED SERVICE The book group of the BranThe Center Health Club offers deis University National Wornhighly personalized services for ens committee will meet Monmen which includes massages, day morning, November 12 at . steam baths, alcohol and salt the home of Mrs. Sam Cohen, rubs, ultra and infra red, plus 1018 Dillon Drive. 1 an environment where you can • * * socialize and bring your friends. Temple Bible Study Health Club hours: daily, 12 Bible study conducted by noon until 5 p.m. and Sunday, 9 a.m. until 1:1.5 psa. Contact the Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will Center's H e a l t h and Physical continue with the third consecuEducation office for further in- tive session on Thursday, November 15 at .1:30. POT. followformation. ing a "coffee."


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