November 16, 1962

Page 1

Lincoln, Nebraska

Vol. XLI—No. 8

Publication Office. 101 No. 20th Omnhii, Nebraska, Phone 312-13GG


ifire ©i's T Singer Wins Many Honors

At the age of 22, Tova Porat received first prize in the recent international competition in Paris which dred television (Continued on Page 4.)

Israel's Tova Porat, a versatile and award winning singing star, will be featured entertainer at a dinner celebrating the inauguration of the "Decade of the Negev" on Sunday, December 2, at C p.m. at the Hotel SheratonFontenellc, according to John Rosenblatt and Mrs. Joseph Guss, General Chjirman and Women's Division Chairman of the 19C2 Israel Bond Campaign.

Contributions c o n t i n u e _ ^ come in, Mrs. Joe J. r, i v, o vi'*. Chairman of tl>' ^ ation Agencies Needlework Gui ?^\ ^ ported, and it is i, «-co\sOV -J< that those who '.. .iot responded will send in their donations immediately to the Jewish Community Center. The following have mailed in contributions since the last list appeared in the J e w i s h Press. Mmes. Sam Berman, David (Continued on Page 3.)

Temple \'oulh Hosts To Disfrfef Parley The . Temple Israel Y o u t h group will bo hosts to the Western District of the Missouri Valley Federation of Temple Youth when it meets in Oman i, November 22-25. Delegates are expected from Nebraska, Iowa, (Continued on Page 2.)

Center Offering Painting tese A six session course in paint-

ing will start Wednesday, November 21 at 1 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center, Harry Sidman, Center Activities Chairman, stated. The class, designed for women who want to learn to paint will feature oils, with Mrs. Wil. liam Clark, well-known Omaha artist, as instructor. Women interested in joining the class are asked to register now by calling the Center's activities office, 342-13G6. Enrollment is limited in order to assure members of maximum instruction benefit. A fee of $G is charged *br the series with students providing their own materials.


Second Class Postage Paid Single Copy 10 Centi at. Omaha. Ni'ljr. Annual llule 4 Dollar*

in a


oliday Service Theme

ti^oS >e in a Busy World" ^ O jc?£ elected as the theme AS ' ' -ie annual Thanksgiving service of the Jewish Y o u t h Council, its chairmen, Alice Fellman and Harry Friedman, said. The event will take place Tuesday, November 20 at Beth Israel synagogue at 7:30 p.m. The Program and participants include Opening prayer — Stephen Boguchwai. Welcome—Alice Fellman. Greetings from the synagogue —Rabbi Benjamin Groner. Youth Council Prayer—Sandi Fleischl. Responsive reading — Nancy Frileck, Steve Katz, H e l e n e Coren and Linda Cipinko. Original thesis—Linda Reikes.

Tova I'orat

M!@v. 23 Issue An early deadline will be in effect for the Friday, November 23 issue of the Jewish Press because of the Thanksgiving holiday. Deadline for this edition is Friday, November 1G. 10. AH articles should be typed and double spaced on unlincd paper.

Study Missjori Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Feinberg, delegates of the Omaha Jewish Federation to the United Jewish Appeal Survey Mission, which surveyed a refugee situation in Poland, France and Israel, returned to Omaha, Monday, November 12. They will submit reports on their observations and findings to the Federation Board and to ens Clubs in the near future.

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Alice Fellman

Harry Friedman Bible portion — Mike Silver and Gladys Groner. Sermon—Harry Friedman. Original thesis—John Farber, Original prayers — Joe Bassman, Elaine Biniamow, Lloyd Wohlner. On behalf of the Jewish Youth Council — President H a r o l d Schneider. Thanksgiving prayer — Marc Kaplan. C l o s i n g Prayer — Sherry Koom. Benediction—Rabbi Groner. Vocal Solo—Paula Bercutt. Members of Beth Israel sisterhood will serve as hostesses at a social hour following the service. An invitation to the program the community.

Visitors Invited This Sunday, 2-4, To See Progress A surprise "pre" preview is in store for members of the community who have been looking forward to a glimpse of the building progress at the_ new Esther K. Newman Camp, nest A. Nogg, Jewish Federation President, a n d E l m e r '</ G r o s s , Camp D e v e 1 opment C h a irman, announced. Tbc Arrangements .have been '° cam I» for visitors on this Sunday afternoon from 2-4 p.m., weather permitting, to enjoy an advance preview of some 25 buildings such as campers' cabins, health lodge and dining and recreation , lodge, pavilions, medical quar' ters, and others, rapidly nearing completion. "This is a wonderful development," said Mr. Nogg. The modern camp buildings amid natural scenic splendor of the autumn woods are an inspiring sight. This is something we arc building for our children, grandchildren and generations to come/' 'Share the Joys' "We felt at this point of camp construction," Mr. Gross said, "that we should share with the community the joy of watching the progress of the camp, for which we -all have waited so many years, We invite every-

Today's construction will soon become the completed buildings that will house the new Esther K. Newman campers, beginning with the summer of 19G3. Shown hero are just a few of the structures going up. (Upper left) one interested to make the tour with us this Sunday." Route io Camp Mr. Gross suggested that the uae •the mu aim >»»^ visitors use new m interstate towards Lincoln. Turning off

irom the uiu Interstate inwrsiiitu. at ui niguwu^ from Highway 50, one ™ — proceeds "A" driving -*""•"" past ""f Louisville and turning off of 50 - Signs -- • direct the to State 150. driver from 150 to the camp which is located adjacent to

main lodge and dining room; (upper right) children s cabin; (lower left) administration building with swimming pool pavilion in the rear and (lower riglit) view of campers' village and health lodge. to direct and inform specCamp Harriet Harding and the camp r . Lincoln YMCA's camp, Camp tators, Mr. Gross Gross also also suggested suggested in in Kitaki. The drive to camp takes Mr. | e s s than 40 minutes, Gross case of inclement weather or any doubt, call the Center, S42* stated. Guides will be on hand at the 1366, for confirmation.

Friday, Nov. 10, 1962


Page Two

Vietnam Editor Will Be Institute Speaker

District Youfh Parley


(Continued from Page 1) MRS. RUTH MAKKWELL Kansas, Missouri and Colorado. ISIUK Published weekly on Friday beginning the last wet'!; in August The 17th annual Institute of "Justices is Truth in Action," News has been received of the Second Class Posiooe Paid cl Omcho, Ucbr. World Affairs at the University (from Disraeli) will be the theme death on November 4 of Mrs. Annual Subscription. 54.CO. /.tfvcrii'.mr) Rates en Appliunian. Publicallon Ollice—101 No. 20111 Strttl, Omaha. Hdr., 2i2-)M. of Omaha, will close a season of the conclavetle, Joel Bleicher Ruth Markwell Birk of MilwauMRS. FRANCES KLEIH Editor f e a t uring lecand Linda Graelz, co-chairmen, kee, Wis., m o t h e r of Mrs. t u r e s by outsaid. All activities will be held Charles Rosenstock. F u n e r a l standing personservices were held November 0 at the Temple, starting with in Milwaukee. alties, with the registration and lunch, Novemappearance of '•^|t~ J ^ Candlclighting 4:11 ber 22. A banquet on Saturday Gene A. Gregory | REALTY evening, November 24 will close Belh Israel: Kobolas Shnbbos Choir under the direction of on Wednesday, | v - V November 21 a t ' i l , --'-"the meeting. INC. Friday evening services at 4:45 Miss Ida Gitlin. C:15 p.m. p.m. Shabbos morning services Committee heads for the conThe men's Sunday b r u n c h begin at 8:45 a.m. Junior ConMr. G r c gory, vention are Gail Levin and Sandi SPECIALIZING IN originally scheduled for Sunday, is editor-in-chief gregation, at 10 a.m. Fleischl, housing; Ted Sanford residential brokerage November 11 has been changed of the Times of and Joe Englander, transportaShabbos Mincha at 4:50 p.m. to Sunday, November 18 at 10 investment properties tion; Gail Brodkey and Claire followed by Sholosh Seudos and a.m. Rabbi Brooks conducts this V i e t n a m , the property insurance only English- Ian- Gregory Gummers, registration; Betsy Maariv. Sunday morning serv- group on "A Point of View." custom building guage daily published in the Raskin and Helene Weinberg, ices at 9 a.m. Junior Minyon developing South Vietnam, capital of Sai- opening night activities Bruce starts at 8:30 a.m. Belli El: Sabbath eve services gon. He will speak on "Vietnam- Brodkey is treasurer and RichREAL ESTATE Daily services at 7 a.m. and will begin this evening at 8:15 Last Ditch or Springboard?" ard Speiglman .advisor. SYNDICATIONS 4:55 p.m. Adult Hebrew classes p.m. Tiabbi Myer S. Kripke'will Members of the community every Monday at 8 p.m. Youth deliver the s e r m o n . Cantor The convention faculty inCouncil Thanksgiving Services Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El are urged to attend the lecture cludes Max Frankel, Temple at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Novem- Synagogue Choir will render the which will be presented in the Emanuel, Denver, Colo; Marvin MLE Realtor 391-7300 auditorium. Ernest A. Walts, St. Louis, Mo., regional ber 20. musical portions of the service. University 8800 W. Center ltd. Nogg, president of the Jewish advisor; Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks Traditional Sabbath morning B'nai Jacob Adas Yeslwron: services at 830 a.m. Family serv- Federation, a co-sponsoring or- nnd Cantor Manfred Kuttner, Friday Mincha 4:45 p.m.; Sat- ice begins at 10:30. Mincha- ganization of the series, said Temple Israel. Mrs. R o b e r t urday morning 8:30,. and Min- Maariv services are held at 4:45 Mr. Gregory is considered an Gerelick and Morris Hoffman, expert on affairs in the Orient. are adult advisors. cha 4:45 p.m., followed by Sho- p.m. losh Seudos. Daily services at Sunday morning services be7 a m and 5:05 p.m. gin at U a.m. Services during the IVAJLL TO IVAI.I. CVUCI'KTINU AND FIJIINITUIUS The family of Solomon Spar Temple Israel Sabbath Serv- week are held at 7 a.m. and OPEN HOUSE ALL WEEK Cleaned In Your Home 7 p.m." will dedicate a marker in his ices will be at <i:15 p.m. Friday 1-6 P.M. memory at Beth El Cemetery on Hrnn<l new ranch1 with 1,135 nq. ft. evening, with Rabbi Sidney II. KKFITTINO O Hr-i'AIItlNG of Jiving un.'d. I -- b.-tths. UcautlSunday, November 18, at 2 p.m. Brooks, officiating. LAVING • NI.IVINO (li'sluncd kitchen with lnn;o Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will of- fully UI.MJINO • CLEANING eatlnfr area. Kitchen hns all-i-ler"Nationalism and The Reactrlc Whirlpool appliances and birch ficiate. tion to Crisis . . . With Special cabinet*) and doors. Walkout basement. Bedrooms nnd llvlnj; room Reference to the Life of Chaim above average. This home 1« A television program, "On A monument will be dedicated nrc Weizmatm" is the subject of Jordan's Stormy Banks" to be beautifully done. Harrison, Westto the memory of Marx Gold- ern Hills schools. Rabbi Brooks' sermon. shown Saturday, November 17, Sunday, November 18 at The musical portion of the KETV Channel 7, at 9 p.m. was berg, By Builder—SOL STEIHMAH 11 a.m. at Golden Hill Cemetery §1UG CLEANERS services will be by Cantor Man- described of interest to the com- with Coming Up Rabbi Benjamin Groner, fred F. Kuttner and the Temple munity by Millard Rosenberg, officiating. All friends and relaC007 and 0009 1'ranklln Don Bernstein, 345-2554 Omaha Anti-Defamation League tives are invited to attend. chairman. ooeoQooGo Crosscurrents in committee The program will deal with AMERICA'S Mo. I the political and on economic KBON Radio 1490 Presents 100% PURE Moroccan Life struggles centering around the "Message of Israel" BEEF PRODUC7S Casablanca (WNS) Two cross- 200 mile stretch of the Jordan Sunday, Nov. 18 at 10 p.m. currents in Moroccan life sur- River splitting the nations of Speaker faced this week as King Hasan Jordan and Israel. Rabbi Byron Rubenstein decorated a prominent Jewish Temple Israel, In Israel a $100 million profiing and country "as™' rural Wf»cinnrr r n n n : Tightest political p a r t y , the water to the Negev desert Topic . . . only the finest In tusto On the Jordan side of the © nnd qualify from Utmher Movement Populaire, demanded "One Man's Faith" o '/Ann , . , mndo fresh dally that action be taken against river, a $15,000,000 canal is dimodern, clean, 0 In uur new, uleel IUteliens, unMoroccan Jews for allegedly verting water from the Jordan's o stalnlen der Btrlet V. S. Government o major tributary to make possi"working in the interests of nnd Orthodox a Innpeetton many foreigners rather than in ble cultivation of Jordan land. o italililnlcn! Kupervlslon. o the interests of their native o Morocco." Geneva (WNS}—Delegates to 0o J9G2-5723 the assembly of the Standing o Recipients of the h o n o r, JEWISH CALENDAR o Conference on European Jewish e medals of Chevalier of the OrIlaimUali—Dec. 22-29 Community Services p l e d g e d 0 der of the Throne, were four Observance Begins on some $750,000 for the aid of the o members of the Botbol family, ca m eve of holiday hard-pressed Algerian Jewish o o SAUSAGE COMPflUVOF CHiCflCO CHICAGO 8, ILL cat who were decorated by th; King refugees in France. in royal citations which singled -o cj Distributed l>y them out for high distinction" Communities Quadrupled o for services rendered to the MORTON WHOLESALE MEAT CO. o The money, $300,000 of which J Royal family over a number of 1010 Is". Hth Ht, Oraalio, Nebraska I'lionc 310- 010 0 has already been contributed, years. will be sent to the new EmerWashington, (WNS) T h r e e gency Aid Fund of the ConferJewish leaders made a success- ence for use as a supplement ful run for the United States to the help provided by the Joint All friends and relatives arc senate in the election. Distribution Committee and the Invited to at ton J services and Two of the three, Jacob K. French Government. The scope reception. Javits, New York Republican, of the problem presented by the and Ernest Gruening, Alaska 180,000 N o r t h African newDAVID LEVIN OMAHA'S LEADING Democrat, were re-elected to comers was indicated in a reDavid Levin, son of Mr .and second terms. The third one, port that some French Jewish Mrs. Jack Levin, will become Abraham A. Ribicoff, Connecti- communities had quadrupled. Bar Mitzvah Saturday morning, cut Democrat, won his f i r s t For example, the Jewish popu: 551-5554 4415 CUMING November 17, at Temple Israel. try. Senator Javits' victory drew lation in Marseilles has jumped wide attention in New York from 12,000 to more than 00,000. nOJJERT KUTLER w h e r e he outdrew Governor GARY COLICK 200,000 Uprooted Rockefeller by about 500,000 Moses A. Leavitt, JDC execuRobert Kutler, son of Dr. and votes; He was also the first ReMrs. Ben Kutler, will observe publican candidate to win New tive vice-chairman, told the conhis Bar Mitzvah, and Gary York City in a race for federal ference that the needs the JDC will have to meet in 1963 will be Colick, son of Mr, and Mrs, or state office. ;•*. much greater than those of 19G2 Harry Colick, will observe his because of the uprooting jf more Bar Mitzvaji, on Friday evening, than 200,000 Jews during the November 16 and S a t u r d a y , past 18 months. morning, November 17 at the 10:30 service at Beth El SynaOther reports show that there gogue. Harry G. Mendelson, colum- are still 300,000 Jews in Moslem nist and author of two editions countries and that the JDC is MARCSORKIN of Wise, Witty and Well-Worded, aiding 100,000 of them each . The Bar Mitzvah of Marc Sor- recently received word from year. fcin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Quote magazine which said:; • Sorkin •wii be celebrated on 4-Lb. Avg. Lb." Vermont Historical SociThanksgiving morning,' Nove'm- ety"The has requested permission to. Diamond's Famous Rolled or Pressed -. bcr 22 at 9 a.m. at Beth Israel reprint the quote we used from Synagogue. '•' *. • • you in Quote, Vol. 42, No. 22, Mrs. Isadore Elewitz, presidated Nov. 26, 1961, which we H03ERT YAFFE COMPLETE SELECTION OF THANKSGIVING FOWL STILL AVAILABLE titled, "Past, Present and Fu- dent of the Mid-Central States Mr. and Mrs. Sol Yaffe an- ture," and .which read: "May Chapter of the United Orthodox . Store Hoars nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their we be granted the capacity to Jewish Congregations of AmerSunday 7 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Monday Thru Wednesday S A.M.-5:30 P.M. eon, Robert, on Friday evening, have our feet planted deep in ica, will attend the organizaFriday. 8 A.M.-3 P.M. N o v e m b e r 23 and Saturday the past; our minds keenly ab- tion's national conference in morning, November 24 at the sorbed with the present; and Washington, D. C, on November 10:30 service at Beth El Syna- our vision directed unafraid 18, 19 and 20. She is a former Clsed Ail Day Thanksgiving toward the future.' Beth Israel sisterhood president

E Z J Religious Services::. _:;




Jordan Sliver Issues On KETV. Program

+3afe~ l/i/au

Fledge $750,000

Three Jewish Men Voted to Senate

Bar Miizvafi

Omafian's Publication Attracts Inquiries

I it©will lo on Meeting


CORN BEEFtSLi.....& -




Friday, Nov. lfl, 1902

Analyst Guest On Oouncil Program Hadassah Board Meeting The 3oard of the O m a h a Chapter of Hadassah will meet Monday, November l'Jth at 12:45 p.m. at the Willa Gather Library, 44th and Center. Lunch will not be served. t>



Openings for Temple Choral Society The Temple Israel C h o r a l Society will resume rehearsals, Monday, November 19, at 8 p.m. There are still openings in each section for those interested in becoming members of the organization, it was announced by Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner, who will conduct the group. « « rn Young Couples Club Election Recently elected, board officers of Beth Israel's Young Couples club are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elewitz, president's; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Siegel, vice-presidents; Dr. and Mrs. Bennett Fishbain, recording secretaries; Dr. and Mrs. Morris Schwartz, corresponding secretaries, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Korman, treasurers. Chairmen are Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Kahn, membership; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Gilinsky, publicity; Dr. and Mrs. James Wax, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Babendir, decorations and Mr. and Mrs. Myro Marko. * • * Mizraclil Bake Sale

The Mizrachi Women's Organization will hold a bake sale

in the Arcade at the Crossroads on Monday, May 19 from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Those wishing to contribute bakery for the sale are asked to contact Mrs. Hercz Flatowicz, 553-1594. *



Temple Study Groups Temple Israel's 'Coffee and Conversation" group will meet with Rabbi Sidney Brooks on Tuesday, November 20 at 10 a.m. The Temple's adult Hebrew classes originally scheduled for Wednesday at 1 p.m., will now meet on Mondays at 7:30 p.m. Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner is the instructor.

NeedSv/ork Guild (Continued from Page 1) Bernstein, Martin Cooper, Harold Cooperman, A. D. Faier, C. B. Farber, Abe Feldman, Steve Feldman, Hyman Ferer, David C. Fogel, Hymie Gendler, Isaac Gilinsky, Charles Guss, Louis Hurwitz, Morris E. Jacobs. Mmes. Harry Kaplan, Lazar Kaplan, Julius Katzman, Maurice Katzman, Milton J. Lehr, Leonard M. Luttbeg, Benjamin Miroff, Harry K. Nystrom, Peter Richards, Donald Schoenbaum, Stanley J. Slosburg, George A. Spitzer, Sam. H. Stern, Sam Tarnoff, Melvin Tatelman, Robert E. Wagner, Jerome W. Wasserinan, Morris White, and Leon Wintroub.

"A Four Star" program will be presented by the National Council of Jewish Women, Omaha Section, at its annual "overseas" luncheon, Tuesday, November 20 at 1 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. Bob Fuller, KMTV news analyst, will discuss topics most pertinent in current international situations. Mrs. Stella Rosenthai, a founder and past president, of the Omaha Section, will be honored on her ninetieth birthday. She will be presented with a scroll by Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, a prominent community leader. 'This 'n That", a b o o k on household hints, d o n a t e d to Council by the authors, Mmes. Calvin Newman and Lester Simon and published by Council will be on sale at the gift shop. Chairmen for the event are Mmes. Morton Soiref, Norman Cain, program; Mmes. James Samuelson, B. Gilbert Aronoff, Leo Eiscnstatt, luncheon and Mmes. Milton Robinson, Harold Epsein, coordinators. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Leonard Jacobson, 550-9G45 or Mrs. S o l o m o n Schwartz, 553-G23G. Baby sitter service will be available. London (WNS) — The Gold Medal of the Royal Philharmonic Society, Britain's highest musical award was presented here to Yehudi Menuhin, world renouned violinist.

rage Three BRAZILIANS TO ISRAEL Rio De Janeiro (JTA)—A total of 130 Brazilian Jews emigrated to Israel, for permanent settlement there, during the first six months of this year.

Senior Citizen's Lounge Jewish Community Center Every Monday From 10 A.M. lo 8 V.M. Luncheon and Social Every Wednesday From 1 1\M. "Coffee" Activities, Fun, Itcrreation, Socials for Senior Citizens


MONA LISA House of Glamour III

No. 50th E53-7O0O 6 Expert Hair Sfylljti


on Mount Scopus, which was lost in 1948 during Israel's War of Independence; in 19G1, the new Hadassah-H e b r e w University Medical Center was opened on the western outskirts of Jerusalem. Many of these services were turned over to the State of Israel in 1940, thus giving its new Department of Health a readymade pattern and adding to the scope of governmnt's healthcare. Had this been Hadassah's total contribution, one might have said "dayenu." When however, in the 1930's, after Hitler's riso to power, history began to write another chapter in the Jewish tragedy, Hadassah became the main factor in the Youth Aliyah program, designed to rescue and rehabilitate Jewish youth. To date, m o r e than 100,000 young people from 72 countries have come to Israel through Youth Aliyah. Their self-respect restored, their rights to study, to work, and to serve reaffirmed, they have become integrated and valued citizens of Israel. Vocational schools in Jerusalem, J.N.F. work throughout the decades add to the total of Hadassah's share in the building of Israel. In retrospect Hadassah sees its program as a forerunner, in a way, of our country's "Ono World" concept of mutual aid, t e c h n i c a l assistance, peace corps, etc. As the nations of Africa and Asia emerge into the world of the twentieth century, into sovereignty and its attendant problems, Israel, as good neighbor, as one which but recently trod the path of emerging nationhood, offers to help with its knowledge and experience. Hadassah participates in this effort. The Hadassah Medical O r g a n i z a t i o n has sent ophthalmologists to Tanganyika and Ethiopia; helped to. train nurses from Liberia; and to provide undergraduate- training to Afro-Asian students from many countries. The story of Hadassah In the United States requires another chapter. Its groups exist in every s t a t e of the Union. Its A m e r i c a n Affairs program trains for good citizenship; its work with youth Is part of Us deep conviction that only a Jew-

ish educated community can assure meaningful Jewish survival; its adult education program takes another path, leading to that same goal. This y e a r Hadassah celebrates its fiftieth anniversary. Five decades of service, a membership grown to .318,000, organized in 1,320 c h a p t e r s and groups testify to its role in Jewish life. (WNS)


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By Rose L. Halprin Fifteen years after the first Zionist Congress was held in Basle in 1897, a small group of women, meeting in New York under the leadership of Henrietta S z o l d , organized themselveo as H a d a s s a h , They .{sought to fulfill the double re•• isponsibility of maintaining prac\ jtical enterprises in Palestine 'and fostering Jewish values in this country. If Hadassah were being organized t o d a y , Its program would undoubtedly encompass the same goals, since the preservation of Jewish life in the Diaspora communities outside of Israel and help to the State of Israel arc (win engines leading to the same destination. In Palestine, Hadassah's activities w e r e shaped by the needs of the community; they were an expression of faith put to work. In 1912 the country lacked even the most minimal health program. Hadassah initiated a medical program, modest at first, gradually spreading a network of health services all over the country. The first enterprise was undertaken in 1913 w h e n two American nurses were sent to Jerusalem. During World War I a medical unit—consisting of doctors,' nurses, sanitary engineers—was dispatched and a cargo of supplies accompanied it by special ship. The unit became the foundation for the Hadassah Medical Organization. In rapid succession Hadassah .expanded its program: Hospitals were opened in the five major cities. A country-wide preventive medical service was set up. At Its peak, 65 Infant welfare stations dotted the country. A nurses training school was established, whose excellence was recognized when New York City granted credit to its graduates. Anti-malaria work was Initiated. The f i r s t anti-tuberculosis h o s p i t a l was established in Safed. School h y g i e n e , luncheon, playground programs were established. Research and teaching facilities and personnel were made available. A Medical Center was opened

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345-1044 \\

National MAWWofOwatta


Rabbi Martin M. Weitz of plied "I don't want to discuss Beth Israel Temple in Atlantic my suffering but only the sufCity is telling me all about the ferings of my Jewish friends Lutheran Evangelical friend of his . . . 70-year-old Rev Gruber under Hitler." who visited the United States He recalled the Nazi "experithrough the months of Septem- ment" on Jews in the Daehu ber and October, speaking in churches and in Jewish temples camp . . . experiments with ice all over the land, and before cold water on the bodies of various meetings of The Con- Jews,- air and malaria injections ference of Christians and Jews, into their bodies. The Uev. Gruand at Jewish dinners.' ber himself was s t r e t c h e d He is a Lutheran who feels amciiK the dead in the Dachau religiously kin to all; he's a Ger- camp, because of a heart attack ' man who, though devout Christian, suffered with (lie Jews of lie had suffered. But hours later Germany in the Hitler time. he Has able lo save a Jewish Rabbi Weilz is hoping tin's col- friend lie still found breathing. umn will join in celebrating this Well, r thank Rabbi Weitz for friend of his, a noble German. Visiting in Germany several this high report about a Chrisyears ago Rabbi Weitz invited tion who lives up to the best of Lutheran Rev. Gruber to come his religion . . . toward helping over here to become known the world grow up to the brothamong American Jews as kins- erhood, after all, maybe. man of theirs, you might say Just lately I've been getting . . . a kinsman who chose to scolding letters from Nazi:; in suffer with his Jewish neigh- our town to whom I was sugbors over there in the years of gesting that they start trying to Hitler. Rabbi Weitz was joined live up to the religion to which by Kurt R. Erossman of the they were born . . . Christianity, Jewish Agency in his invitation that is. I told 'em this in a colto this true Christian . . . this umn which I write for the daily Rev. Gruber . . . to come over press in our city. '. here and to make his religious f have a reply from one of highness widely known. them who skirts off his letter Kabbi Weitz says of him: ''I with "You J(JV;'. Yes, nothing was able to meet this Saint of but Juw." Berlin, this savior of modern So f hope these local Nazis Christianity, helpmade to many of ours may learn the higher Jews who were rescued from way of life from the Christian Nazi tyranny, helpmate to the Rev. Gruber, a German who was late great Kalibi Leo Bacck in not afraid of Hitler, and even to Berlin, and later .camp-mate at this time keeps on speaking up Therisienstadt C o n c e n tration to alleged Christians who don't Camp." know what Christianity really Yes, the Rev. Heinrich Gru- is. (WNS) ber had just come home to Berlin from Jerusalem when Rabbi Weitz first met him. The Jlev. Gruber had been in Jerusalem to testify at the Eichmann trial . . . about the sufferings of Jews The eight session dog obediin the Eichmann time in Berlin. ence course a part of the new Says Rabbi Weitz: "This 70 activities sponsored by the Jewyear old deari of the Lutheran ish Community Center will hold Evangelical Church told me how its first meeting, Tuesday, Nohe tried desperately from 1939 vember 20 at 7:15 p.m. at the to 1943 to save Jews from Hit- Center. Walter Wher, ler and Eichmann, how he him- enced in the dog trainingexperifield self experienced several concen- will serve as instructor. tration camps and was subjectBeneficial to both master and ed to physical torture." "I trembled with my Jewish dog, the instructional series will friends the night before every be offered to only a limited numJewish holiday," Lutheran Rev. ber of participants, Harry SidGruber told Rabbi Weitz. "Every man, Center Activities Chairone of these Jewish festivals man, said. A few more can be were seasons for special perse- accommodated in this session. Mr. Sidman stated that those cutions." to enroll, should do so The Rev. Gruber was made to desiring immediately by contacting the suffer in the c o n c e n t r a t i o n Center Activities office, 342-13GG. camps of Saclisenhausen, Da- A fee of S10 is charged for the chau and Therisienstadt because course which is open to children as an honest Christian he was as well as adults. a good friends of the persecuted Jews. His teeth were knocked out. But when Rabbi Weitz was interviewing him on this he re-

Siaris Tuesday flight

(Continued from Page 1) artists from 31 countries. A brilliant performer, she is equally adept in modern jazz classics. Hebrew selections, folk songs from many nations, opera, childrens songs as well as cantonal and liturgical music. Following a European tour, the beautiful and talented singer was selected from 100 contestants to appear on the Ed Sullivan television program. The crowning achievement of her career in Israel carrie when she was awarded the coveted Marion Anderson prize and an invitation to perform at the Israel Opera House. Negev Pioneer on Program Making an appearance on the same program will be Abbi Ben Ari, Negev pioneer and developer of new towns springing up in Israel's desert, with the aid of Israel Bonds. Information and reservations may be obtained by calling the Israel Bond office, 341-1177, or the members of a large workingcommittee under the direction of Mrs. Guss.


By Alfred Segal

We Notice a German

Talented Singer On Bond Program

Friday, Nov. 10, 1BC2


Page Four

Hebrew Magazine Published In Israel

FLIGHT INFORMATION CLASS ON WEDNESDAYS New York (WNS)—Publication ''On the ground" course in in Israel of a Hebrew language aviation began Wednesday night magazine, aimed at encouraging at the Jewish Community Cen- cultural creativity in Israel and SIX TEAMSENTEK YOUTH ter under the direction of Louis to increase mutual understandCOUNCIL BASKETBALL Cutler, local Civil Air Patrol ing between Israel and Jews of LEAGUE The series which will other countries, was announced At a recent meeting of the official. continue through December 12, here this week by the American Youth Athletic Council, M i k e will include side trips to Eppley Jewish Committee. The biSherman, Athletic Chairman an- Air Field Control Tower, a local monthly periodical, Amoth, was nounced that Lincoln, Neb. AZA. radar station and a trip to a modeled in style and content after Commentary. Chapter would enter Y. C. Bas- 'Ham" radio station. The magazine is part of theketball league thus bringing the committee's new educational YOUTH DEI'T. HAS total entry to six teams. Beand cultural exchange program. 300 COLLEGE LISTINGS sides Lincoln the league is com- The Youth Activities Depart- Its chief purpose is to foster prised of Rayim, Ronu, Weiz- ment at the Jewish Community mutual understanding between niann. AZA No. 1 and AZA No. Center has available 300 differ- Israelis and Jews in the United States and other free countries 100. Practices are now being ent college and university list- throughout the world. ings including catalogues, pamheld by all teams in anticipation phlets, bulletins and admission of the league opening games on forms of most of the m a j o r Sunday, December 2nd. schools in the nation. Mr .and Mrs. Sid Rosenblatt This material may be checked announce the birth of their first out free of charge by all Oma- child, a daughter, Marti Lynn VARsrry LEAGUE Milder Oil won its second ha Jewish Youth Council high on October 31. Grandparents are Messrs. and game in a row last Wednesday school juniors and s e n i o r s . defeating R.C. Cola in presea- Catalogues will be loaned for a Mines. Aaron Epsein and Edw'n three day period and pamphlets Rosenblatt. Great grandparents son play G3 to '18. Lindy Paul may be taken and kept along and Danny Epstein pumped in with admission forms. For more are Mrs. Ida Rosenblatt, Los Angleles, Cal., and Mr. and Mrs. liJ and 10 points respectively to information, students may con- Abe Kaplan. lead Milder to the win. Al Ko- tact Dik Weiner, Center Youth necky was the game's top scorer Activities Director, 312-13C0. Dr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Magid, with 22 tallies. Salt Lake City, Utah, announce In the second half of the vars- NFIl TAMIO BAKE SALE the birth of a son, Jonathan ity twin bill Kenron with the Jane Slirier and Susan San- H o w a r d on October in. Dr. help of Ed Belgrade, Jack Stiss, ford ore chairman and co-chair- Magid, nn Omahan, is stationed Sid Abramson and Wayne Sie- man for Ner Tamid, B.B.G.'s with the Air Force in Salt Lake gal all combined lo upset Mick- first nnnual Bnkc Sale, Sunday, City. lin Lumber 45 to 3G. Dave Gold- November 25 at 2 p.m. at the Grandparents are Mr. and stein led Micklin with 11 points. Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Nathan Levine, Salt Lake November 21 Schedule Cit yand Mr. and Mrs. Mas 7:30 Micklin vs. R.C. Cola Ma"id. DEBATE WINNERS I):HO Milder vs. Kenron Among the members of the Central High School debate team Lieut, and Mrs. Allan Joseph Y. C. FOOTBALL TEAM which defeated eight other re- of Charlottesville, Va., announce ALL STARS gional high schools in the Boys' the birth of a daughter, Weitz Rayim Missouri Valley League Tour- beth Ann on November 8. Mrs. Bill Ginsburg Rayim ney were John Zysman, son of Joseph is the former Phyllis Paul Kaiman. Chaim Weizmann Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zysman and Freedman, daughter of Mr. and Jerry Lohrman Rayim Max Richtrnan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Freedman. Chet Staler Ronu Mrs. David Richtman. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fox anMike Sherman (Capt.) Ronu nounce the birth of a son MiDEAN'S LIST Susan Speier, daughter of Mr. chael on October 29. They also and Mrs. Millard Speier was are the parents of Sally, Marsha named to the Dean's List at and Richard. Pembroke College, Providence, Grandparents are the Messrs. and Mmes. Arthur Colin and Leo Paris (WNS) One of France's R. I. Fox. A great grandmother, Mrs. vilest anti-Semites, the r-ghtest Sarah Cohn lives in Hollywood, l e a d e r Pierre Poujad, was SOUOKITY PLEDGE Susan Brodkey, daughter of Cal. slapped with a fine of $40,000 by a criminal court in Limoges Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E. Brodkey Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon E. Waxfollowing conviction on charges was pledged to Alpha Epsilon of incitement to hatred ema- Phi sorority at the University of enberg of New York City, have named their son, born October nating from his publication of Wisconsin, at Madison. 18, Michael Adam. They also anti-Semitic articles in the pubYOUNG JUDAEA ELECTIONS have two daughters, Debra and lication "French Fraternity." All Young Judaea groups will Susan. One of his cohorts, the direcGrandparents are Mrs. Sammeet Sunday, November 18 at tor of the publication, received 2 p.m. at the Jewish Commun- uel Rose of New York City and a similar fine. ity C e n t e r . New club officers Mr. and Mrs. Leo Waxenberg. The publication maligned and are: slandered the memory of the Eighth grotJe group: Julie Simon, presiBirthday Reception Susio Sololorovsky, vice-president; Jewish soldiers who died for dent; Phyllis Fcdmon, secretory. For Hill in Lincoln Seventh erode (jroup: Susan Endelrnan. France in the war against Hit- president; Janet Roscnitcin, vlce-preilcent; ler. • .• Rote Friedman, secretary; Avlva Hatuv A group of Omahans will go treasurer; Cheryl Plolkin, serpecnt-at-arms; to Lincoln on November 23, FriLeslie Cohen, reporter; Karen Winlroub, colling cwmnltlee; Martha Maurer, refreshday to attend a reception followments committee; Sherry Llppett, projects commlltee. ing services at Tifereth Lsrael Sixth grade rjroup crt: Cathy Rips, presiSynagogue in honor of eightieth dent; Joan Abramson, vice-president; Potty Shafer, secretory; Myro Cordon, treosurer; birthday of Dan Hill, pioneer Lrmrle Lutlbeg, seroeonl-at-orm*. ond Karen Gauld. reporter. Hospitality chairmen tor Lincolnite.


Freneft Aoti-Semils Qiven $40,080 Fine

this meeting ore Rence Frledmon and Darby PijhDain.

Members are asked to bring their c o n t r i b u t i o n s to the Thanksgiving b a s k e t to the meetings. • Scb (Sabtiy) Pulvcrccto

25 Years' Experience) Wi»h Jowiih Loitering and Memorials

Washington (WNS) There has been a thirteen per cent increase in Israel's- imports from the 2211 So. 8th 341-2452 United States in the last twelve months as compared with the import figures of the previous twelve months. • Figures released by the De"partment of Commerce showed that during the ten months of Hanukliah Cards 1902 Israel had imported from BAR ana Bas Mitzvah congratuthe U. S. goods valued at $101,- - lations also for all Jewish holi000,000. During a corresponding days and special occasions. period last year the import fig- Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge ure was $86,000,000. NOW Is the time to place your ISRAEL CHANGES Hanukkah magazine gift sub• scriptions. Fine selection, of The development of the Negev as'a center of mass settle- TUAVEL ALLOWANCE Jerusalem—Israelin going , good reading material also for ment is being accelerated by the establishment, with the aid of Bar Mitzvnhs and Bas MitzIsrael Bonds of several new urban centers. Shown above Is the abroad hereafter will be allowed a $400 traVel allowance for each, construction of the new cultural center at Ofalum, a new town vans. Lovely gift card furin the northern Negev, where a new textile plant is expected lo trip instead of the $400 previousnished free. Elsie Horwich, ly allowed for one trip a year. employ about a thousand people. 551-3357 or 341-91G8.


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