November 30, 1962

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Vol. XLI—Nu. XO

Publication Office. 101 No. 20th Omaha, Nebraska, Phono 312-18GG

Reservations for the "Decade of the Negev" Dinner this Sunday, December 2, will still be accepted up to noon on Sunday, it was announced today by Elmer Gross, toastmaster of the evening. The dinner, scheduled for 6 p.m. in the Hotel Sheraton-Fontenelle's G r a n d Ballroom, is expected ta be one of the most uniquely successful evenings in Omaha's history, Mr. Gross said. Israeli Styled Menu An Israeli-styled menu will include courses served in the style of Tel Aviv's Hotel Sheraton ,and the decorations of the evening will carry out the tlieme of expansion in the Ne-

Center Offers Free Ha£t3kkafi 'Booklets "Hanukkah in the Home," the title of a new booklet in the J e w i s h Community Center's Home Holiday series, is being distributed free to families preparing for the holiday. The booklet, prepared by the Center's Activities Department, suggests ways to observe the holiday including decorations and other useful ideas. Booklets will be mailed to those requesting copies, Harry Sidman Center C o m m i t t e e chairman, stated. A free copy may be reserved by calling the Center' Activities Department, 34-13GG,

firs. Brodkey to'. Talk On Eleanor Roosevelt Mrs. M. H. Brodkey will address a 12:30 p.m. gathering of Senior Citizens, Monday, December 3 at the Jewish Community Center. She will speak on the late Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt. A short movie will show Mrs. Boosevelt's participation in the Jewish Women's Philanthropies Drive. Further information may be secured by calling Joe Ra (iinowski, 342-3891.


gev, the program EO vital to Israel in the coming decade. Dinner music will include a number of modem Israeli selections, including the unusual "Song of the Negev" and "Daroma," phis other popular son;js of the young State of Israel. Noted Personages Featured speaker of the evening will be Abbie Ben Ari, pioneer developer of the Negev. Tova Porat, Israel's greatest entertainer, iwinner of the coveted Marian Anderson prize, recent first-prize winner among 31 national television contestants in Paris and wiiroor from among 100 applicants on the Ed Sullivan Show, will entertain with accompaniment by the internationally known William Guijther, whose records this week have been exhibited on the Jewish Community Center's main floor. Complete charge for the evening will be $1.25, with diners offered a choice of chicken, fish or fruit. Reservations may be made until noon on Sunday, by calling the Israel Bond Office, 341-1177.




On the occasion of twentyfive years of dedicated service to the Jewish Federation of O m a h a , '3 j P a u l Veret, its Executive „. 'vM Director, will ,. | be honored at ,r a testimonial dinner to be j^ held Sunday, f December 16, at Beth Israel \ Synagogue at 6:30 p.m., J. Harryy Kulay kkofsky, fk Past Chairman President of the Federation, is serving as chairman of the affair.

KBON Radio 1490, Presents "Message of Israel" Sunday,. Dec. 2 at Id p.m. Speakers Rabbi M a u r i c e N, Eisendrath President of UAHC Irving J. Fain, Chairman of Social Action Commission of UAHC Lou Cassels, Religious Editor, United Press International Topic Social Action and Religion.

Second Class Postage Paid Single Copy 10 Cents at Omaha, Ktljr. Annual Hate 4 Dollars

Plans for the testimonial affair are being made by a committee composed of Ernest A. Nogg, President of the Federation; Harry Sidman, Dr. A. Greenberg, Milton R. Abrahams, Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf, Mrs. Hubert Sommer and Mrs. Sam L. Katzman. Other committees will be announced at a later date.

Members of the community who are planning to attend this outstanding affair in the life of Omaha Jewry are urged to make their reservations before December 7. It is anticipated that many leaders of the Jewish and non-Jewish community as well, will gather to honor Mr. Veret.

loll of leafciork •6ui(d -Contributors'

Registration is now open for Contributions c o n t i n u e to two new classes, First Aid and come in, Mrs. Joe J. Greenberg, Knitting under the sponsorship Chairman oi the Jewish Federof the Jewish Community Cen- . ation Agencies Section of Ihe ter. Needlework Guild Drive reportFirst Aid will be offered free ed, and it is hoped, she said, with six sessions, Monday that those who have not remornings from 10 a.m. to 11:30 sponded will send in their doa.m. in a West Omaha location nations immediately to the Jewwith Joseph Micek, Center's ish Community Center. director as instrucThe following have mailed in (The Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged ackuowleges swimming tor. The initial course is for contributions since the last list the following memorials and donations.) housewives only. appeared in the Jewish Press. Also open for enrollment is Mmes. Sheldon A. Bernstein, Donor In Memory of •a Wednesday morning knitting Abe H. Brodkey, Edward D. Mr. and Mrs. ErncslA. Nogg Mrs. Rulh Birk class for the beginner as well Brodkey, Ben Eisenberg, Sam Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nogg ...........*. Sam Cosnow Means, ona Mmcj. MorrH Katteman, fred Kurlzman, as the more experienced, which M. Greenberg, Jules M. NewM l » Harriet Horwlch, Mmes. Mai) Pope, Cell OXcniwII, Stella Robinson William clmple will meet six times from 10 a.m; man, Julius I. Novak, Nathan •Messrs: qn$ Mmes. Horolii Poltock, Ben SfiQplro. to 11:30 at the Center. The fee Novak. Paul Vcrat, I. H.,w«lner, Mrs. Oscar sutln *.... Abraham Levey Messrs. and Mmcj, Aba Cohn. Ernsst A. Ma<w, Phlt is $5. " . Mmes. Aaron Rips, John RosSchwarl*. Den Shapiro, Lou Sogolov*, Pout Veret, I. H. Wclncr, M I K BCSM Blow. Mrs. Ann RoftThe.classes will begin as soon enblatt, Arthur Rubin, Morris rnan, W. F. Holmes (Moroon Wheel & Equipment Co.) .....Nalhan Steinberg as the minimum number of reg- Ruderman, Paul Sacks, William M i l l Beatrice Sommer Hale Urclonk (Pacific Palisades, Colll.) Mr. and Mrs. David Orfccw Mrs. Hatlit D. Wolf (Albion. Near.) istrations are received. Enroll- Saferstein, Phil Sokolof, Vale ment may be made by phone Trustin, Morris A. Venger, SidDonor In Honor of call confirmation with the Cen- ney Wasserman • and Morris Mrj. Moble Frledel. Mr. end Mrs, David Orkow and ' ter, 342-13G6. Weiner. family. Mr, and Mrs. /^Illon Yudclson end Michael 65|h birthday, Nalhati L. Nogg

Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged

Messrs. and Mmai. Ernest A. Hogg, E. Leo Noog 75lh birthday, Mrs. David Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Mathan L tlogn recovery, Fred Kurtzmon Mr. ond Mrs. Mlllon Yudclion.......recovery, Manuel Kruplniky, Ernie Noflj, Ralph Nogo Mr. and Mrs. Nalhan L. NQfltJ, Mr, and Mrs. Milton Yudclson and Michael •• ............... recovery. Gen Wlnlroub Mr. ond M n . Fred Kurnrnan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..recovery. Or. Sam Turkel

Synagogue Donations Mrs, B, Ruderman, Mr. ond Mrs.Duve Hoberfncjn.

Special Contributions Dr. and Mrs. A. A, Sloiiiboro—a Lumcx hospital versa-cart—In memory ot 1. Goldslcln, Nalhan Steinberg.

Room for Pioneering... Ben Gurion Tel Aviv (JTA)—Israel's "days of pioneering" have not yet ended, Prime Minister David BenGurion asserted here at ceremonies dedicating Israel's latest "economic breakthrough," the official commencement of the building of the new town of Arad. Standing on a bare hilltop in the Judean desert, with his back to the Dead Sea, the Prime Minister spoke of the new town of Arad to rise on the site—a town expected to house 40,000 people. There are 50 families in Arad. But within the next year, said Yoscf Almogi, Minister of Development, 1,200 workers will live there in new housing. Two thousand persons made


their way to the site of Arad through desert roads. The town, northeast of Beersheba, is located on the ancient site of Tel Arad, near the spot where the patriarch Abraham gazed across the desert toward S'dom and Gomorrah. A f o r t r e s s stood there in those days. Now Arad, located near the Z o h a r gas fields, will be the first Israeli settlement to use gas for street lighting, cooking pnd heating.

Series Offered Outstanding Yiddish films, an evening of live Jewish theater, with a professional Broadway cast and prominent lecturers, are on the Yiddish Culture committee calendar/to start in January, H a r r y Sidman, Jewish Community Center Chairman, reported. The Yiddish Culture committee, is headed by J, Radinowski and M. Crounse. All events are free and open to the community. A complete schedule of the series will appear shortly in the Jewish Press.

The regular luncheon meeting of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs will be held Thursday, December '6, 12:30 p.m., at the Dr. Philip. Sher Jewish Home for Aged, Mrs. Harry Sidman, president, announced. Presidents and representatives of all women's organizations and the committee chairmen are urged to attend the meeting. Reports will be presented by committee chairmen.

UJA Paris (WNS)—Anna Langfuss, a Polish-Jewish woman who was a member of the Resistance in Poland and who was imprisoned by the Gestapo until the liberation, has won the coveted Prix Goncourt lor her novel "Les Bagages de Sable" (Luggage of Sand). Miss Langfus is the f o u r t h woman chosen for the honor. Her novel tells of a Polish girl whose family was wiped out under the German occupation. After the war she finds Paris still peopled by shadows of the dead. Miss Langfus has written for the theatre and has one previous novel. She lives in Paris with her husband and daughter.

Brussels (WNS)—Israeli Minister of Finance Levl Eshkol and a delegation of experts has opened negotiations here on a trade agreement between Israel and the European Economic Community. Successful termination of the negotiations, said Mr. Eshkol, would mean the "economic rebirth" of Israel.

Expects 1,500 Delegates New York (JTAV-Close to 1,500 delegates representing hundreds of organized Jewish communities throughout the 50 States will attend the 25th An.nunl National Conference of the United Jewish Appeal which will open here on December 7, Joseph Meyerhoff, general chairman of the UJA, said. The three-day conference, •will serve a. two-fold purpose. It will determine the UJA's program and goals for its 1963 nationwide campaign, and inaugurate a year-long ob s e r v a n c e by America's Jewish communities of the Appeal's quarter of a century of activity in behalf of distressed and homeless Jews the world over. Chief among the many reports to be submitted to the delegates will be a recommendation for a multi-million dollar Special Fund drive to, supplement the Appeal's regular 1963 campaign. The recommendation will be supported in separate reports that will be made by a representative of the UJA's recently returned Overseas Study Mission which investigated conditions among Jewish refu-

gees in France and Israel; and by spokesmen for the UJA's executive committee and its 88member National Campaign Cabinet.

Opera fans to iHeet At Josef '-Mayers' A gvoup interested iri "Evenings with Opera," sponsored by the Jewish Community Center, will hold its first meeting, Tuesday, December i at 8 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Josef Mayer, 2603 South Sixtieth Street. In charge pf the group, will be Rabbi Michael Sanders, Omaha Hebrew Academy Director, and opera scho\. ar, Featured singers in the initial session, devoted to Vetd^ will be Enrico Caruso, Rosa Ponselle, Jussi Bjoerling, Giovanni Martenelli and Leonard Warren. Discussion will follow. Those desiring further particulars on the series may call the Center's Activities Department. The series is open to. all persons in the community interested in music, particularly

if If-


Pago Two


Friday, November 30, 1903

The Jewish Qyk Box Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week hi August . Second Class Pcsioee Paid at OmaJia, Ikbr. Annual SutiEcrlpiion, S4 CG. Advertising Roles Cfi Application. PublicotlQn Ofllcc—101 Ho, 20th Street. Corona, ! i l t t \ , ^421366


I "1-tHif.i.i-iu


j Religious Services

By RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX QUESTION*; Why does Jewish tradition Impose upon Its subjects dietary laws which reuder certain foods permissible and others prohibited? ANSWER: A number of reasons have been offered for this type of religious law. Some consider these laws to be based upon an ethical foundation. Maimonides is noted for this approach, although it is found in various statements in the Talmud. Basically, it is an approach which considers the Dietary laws an example of self control which is considered essential to the moral welfare of man. By curbing his basic drive for food with discerning and discriminating selection man rises above the level of the animal into the realm of intelligence. There is a group of commentaries who seek to base the Dietary laws upon mystical reasons. This approach, exemplified by the Kabbalists contends that there is a relationship between the mind and the body of man. Man, a cosmos in himself, reaches the desired harmony of his miniature world only by restricting his diet to certain permitted foods. The meat of certain prohibited animals, for example, are said to "clog the heart" of man, according to Rekanati, a Kabbalist of the thirteenth century. A third school of thought sees a basis of symbolism underlying each type of food that Jewish tradition prohibited, s u c h as the historic symbolism implied in the prohibition against leavened bread on Passover, or the moral symbolism involved in prohibiting birds of prey which symbolize barbarian, etc. There have also been some who see a practical basis in our Dietary laws, claiming a hygienic advantage for those who observe them.

Ventriloquists, Magicians Added To Party Service Magicians and ventriloquists have been added to the personnel working for the Jewish Community Center Party Service which is designed to assist parents in arranging youth parties and celebrations. A small charge is made for services which might include supervising games, showing movies and presenting skits and acts. Parents are requested to call as far in advance of party dates as possible, Harry Sidrnan, Center Committee head, said, to insure proper handling of the event and to eliminate conflicts in booking arrangements. Information and particulars on the party service may be secured from the Centers Activities Department.

C';mdleli»htin g 4:30 p. in. Traditional Sabbath morning • Temple Israel: Sabbath services will be at 8:15 p.m., Friday services at 8:30. Family service with Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks begins at 10:30 a.m. MinchaMaariv Services at 4:30 p.m. officiating. Rabbi Brooks will preach on Sunday morning services are "What Your Teen Agers Think held at !) a.m. Weekly services, 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. About Prejudice." Cantor Manfred F. Kuttncr Roth Israel Kobolas Shiibbos and the Temple Choir, under the direction of Miss Ida Gitiin, Friday services begin at 4:40 will provide the musical por- p.m. Shabbos morning services begin at 8:45 a.m. Junior Contions of the service. gregation at 10 a.m. Shabbos Mincha at 4:40 p.m. Beth Israel: Kobolas Shabbos at 8:15 p.m. R a b b i Mye S. followed by Sholesh Seudos and Kripke will deliver the sermon. Maariv. Sunday morning servCantor Aaron I. Edgar and the ices at 9 a.m. Junior Minyon $ 3 ® Shop through the Jewish Press Beth El Synagogue Choir will starts at 8:30 a.m. QUESTION: Why Is it forbidden to have statues In the synagogue? Ads. render musical portions. Daily services at 7 a.m. and at ANSWER: This comes under the general prohibition against the 4:40 p.m. Adult Hebrew classes making or possession of graven images mentioned in the Bible every Monday evening at 8 p.m. (Deuteronomy 4:12-15; 27:15). Basically, Jewish tradition forDeaths bids making finite forms which would represent infinite being3 B'uai Jacob Adas Yeshuron: PETER GttEEXHERG such as the Almighty. Man, the image of the Almighty, likewise was a figure prohibited, because he could be taken to represent Funeral services for Peter Friday Mincha 4:30 p.m.; Satinfinity. In this way statues can easily lead to some form of Greenberg, 01 of 110 S o u t h urday morning 8:30, and Minidol worship, as was the case among many early nations. (JTA) Forty-Ninth Street, were held cha 4:30 p.m., followed by ShoSunday at Beth El Synagogue. losh Seudos. Daily services at Mr. Greenberg died in Denver, 7 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. ISRAEL FOREST PLANTED November 23. Jack Mirmelstein has planted Survivors are wife, Ida, son, BETH EL SISTERHOOD a Forest in Israel in memory Stephen and brother, Murray. All friends and relatives aro "Basic Judaism" — conducted Burial was in Beth El Cemetery. Invited to attend services nnd by Rabbi Myer S. Krinl e, first of those of his family and resireception. and third Wednesdays of each dents of llchie, Poland, who SAM LEVIN month at 10 a.m. in Beth El were victims of the Nazis. BRUCE SCHNEIDER Services were held Monday at synagogue library. Information ALTON RUBACK the Jewish Funeral Home for be obtained from Mmes. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schnei- may Sara Levin, 3421 Burt Street. Alberts or Dave Sher6005 SEWAKO der announce the Bar Mitzvah. William Mr. Levin, 85, died Sunday. man. Surviving are sons, Irvin and of their son, Bruce Schneider, OPEN HOUSE ALL WEEK Rabbi Kripke will lead disMorris Levin; daughter, Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ruback 1-6 P.M. cussion at "Coffee with the RabMax Sherman and four grand- announce the Bar Mitzvah of nranii new runch with 1,135 so ft. bi" on second and fourth Wedtheir son, Alton Ruback, at the children. living urea. Hi b.-illis. Beautiof month at 9:30 a.m. of fully designed kitchen with lnri>c Burial was in Beth El Ceme- 10:30 a.m. service, Saturday, nesdays nrca. Kitchen has nll-ckiDecember 1, -at Beth El Syna- at synagogue. Interested per- cntini: tery. trlc Whirlpool appliances anil birch sons may call Mrs. Norman cabinets and doors. Walkout basegogue. ment, Ucdroomfl and living room Pred. with your first taste of nre nbovfi .average. This home Is Another group will study the beautifully done. Harrison, WestTODD GREENSTONE "Haftarah" on the second Satur- ern Hills schools. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Green- day afternoon of each month Make If a stone announce the Bar Mitzvah at homes of members with the By Builder—SOL STEIMMAN of their son, Todd on Saturday, next meeting on December 8 Family December 8 at the 10:30 a.m. at the home of Mrs. M. F. LevenDo your shopping in the Jewish service at Beth El Synagogue. son Dr. J. Lev/is Yager will con- Press. Affair duct the class. made with crisp, chunky walnuts RICKY GILINSKY and the world's choicest dates! Ricky Gilinsky, son of Mr. and TEMPLE ISRAEL Mrs. Marvin Gilinsky, will beAdult Hebrew class m e e t s c o m e Bar Mitzvah Saturday Monday, December 3, 7:30 p.m. IfieQy Sera's© morning, December 8 at Temple at Temple with Cantor Manen the label Israel. WALL TO 1VAIX CAItrETiNO means i' fred F. Kuttner conducting the AND I'UItN'lTUIlE It's kosher.,. session. Cantor Kuttner also Cleaned in Vour Homo will lead the Assistant Teachers' Also enjoy Mrs. Louis Gerelick wishes meeting at Temple on Tuesday, ItLFITTINa • KKI-AIIUNQ to thank her relatives and DBOHEDARlf December 4 at 4 p.m. I-AVI.NO • KKU'INU friends for gifts, and for the BINDING) O CXJIANINQ ClIOCOUTMlUr The fall series of the Bible many contributions to the Study Group at Temple will conCRANCE-HUT different organization?, given clude at the Thursday, Decem6BANANA-HUT K' In honor of her eighty-fourtii ber 0 meeting at 1 p.m. with ROIL birthday. Rabbi Sidney H. B r o o k s as leader. The class will be reRUG CLEANERS cessed until February 28, 1963. "Coffee and Conversation" Don Bernstein, 345-2554 Ent Ihom at our with Rabbi Brooks will meet place or take a Tuesday, December 4 at 10 a.m. bagful homo <o It is now a year since the at the Temple. tlte family. late Sydney L. Rubin, M.D., HADASSAI1 passed away. It has been a Mrs. Alfred Frank, Hadaslong year for his family, his sah's Education Chairman, anparents, his brothers and nounced that the group studying their families, his many rel"Unity of the Jewish People" atives and friends. will meet on December 5 at He arrived in the United 9:30 a.m. for discussion and cofStates as a small child. Earfee at her home, 5433 Decatur. ly in life he was aware that his life would not be long; therefore he was deter551-5554 4415 CUMING mined to make it as full and productive as possible. This lie succeeded in doing; at the time of his passing he was an. established pediatrician Seb (Sobby) Pulvercsto with great stature among his fellow physicians and reJ Taste the Per 25 Years' Expcrionco spected by the entire comDifference, Lb. With Jewish munity. Dr. Sydney L. Rubin was Lettering and Memorials Well Por truly one of the better men of our time, The father of Trimmed . . , Lb. 2211 So. Oth 341*2452 three, he died on November 26, 1901 at the age of 30. On this date, one year after his passing, we would like to pay public tribute to this Store Hour* man whose memory will be Sunday 7 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Hanukkah Cards Monday Thru Thursday 8 A.M.-5:30 P.M. with us forever because of 5SC-55C0 ^ 50th and l/ndcnvood BAR and Bas Mllzvah congratuFriday, 8 A.M.-3 P.M. his kindness and generosity A Open Sundays lations also for all Jewish holithroughout his life. days and special occasions. Harry Vilensky Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge

Bar Avail

Study Group

is where I, a lasting


Friday, November 30, 1002

Organizations Donor Captains Named Donor captains named by Mrs. Alfred Frank, Beth Israel sisterhood donor chairman, are invited as guests to the organization's board meeting on December 4 at the synagogue. The chairmen are: Mmcs. Phil Hundlcmon, Ernest Hochsler, Sidney Kalefrnan, Aaron Levlne, Rubin Rolner, Morris Shapiro* Abe Bear, Jack Uelmont* Irving Charncy. Aaron Epslcln, Fred Hahn, Herbert Mciclics, Joe Ralnlck. Mmes. Jack Alberts, Henry Appol, Gilbert Arnoff, Julius Bernstein, Elliot Brown, Mlllon Cackln, Albert Friedman, Sidney Goldberg, Joseph Buriteln, Foul Crounsc, Jack Epstein, Martin Kolnlck, Myron Marfco and Milton Parker,



leanne Trosf Will Marry Richard Small ©f Detroit


Dr. Bezman to Do Research in Peru

Beth E! Youth Oroufi Cited at Oonference

ItK/VL ISTATU To liny or Hell Call



Mrs. Isadore Elewitz will present a report on the national convention of the United Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America in Washington, D. C. Dr. Alyce Bezman, formerly She is president of the Mid-Cen- of Omaha and currently at the Cardiovascular Research Intral States Chapter. stitute at San Francisco, will be * ft *f flown to Lima, Peru to be on Cousins Club the Ship of Hope where she will The Cousins Club meeting do research work for two will be held December 5 at months. 12:30 p.m. at the Conant Hotel After returning to this counwith Mrs. Sam Meyerson as try, she will go to London, Enghostess. land in June, to do research at Oxford under a fellowship granted by the American Heart Association. RESTAURANT She is the daughter of Mr. and and Mrs. Dan Eezman. The Beth El Synagogue Youth COCKTAIL LOUNGE group received the national HONORARY ELECTS Featuring Wonderful Stephen Appel, son of Mr. and award for being an "outstanding Chinoso Food and chapter" and a regional recog- Mrs. Henry Appel was initiated Amorican Dishos nition for "participation" at the into Phi Eta Sigina honorary Also Sea Food recent regional convention of at the University of Neb. Our Chof It From Hong Kong United Synagogue Youth in Winnipeg, Canada. Both awards MONA LISA will be presented at the nationHouse of Glamour nl conference in Chicago in DeI I I No. 50th 653-7000 cember. 6 Export Hatr S»yli»ti Jan Janger, president of Bi(NOW OPEN) Air-CondiHoned Dryers Lu chapter of USY, was elected recording secretary of the re- MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY 6031 BINNEY—in Benson Ownori gion and Mark Plattner was Call 553-2909 chosen honorary vice-president of the Emtza region. PARTY ROOMS AVAILABLE THE HOLLIS CO.



Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Trost announce the engagement of their r* daughter, Leanne Dorothy to Richard Allen Small, son of Dr. and Mrs. Henry Small of Detroit, Mich. Both Miss Trost and her fiance attend the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Mr. Small will graduate in January. A June wedding is being planned.

Altendlnq the conference In addition to Jon ond Mark wtro Robert Slutsky, Mark Goodman, Morlcne Freedman, Jon Schneider, Marsha Fellrnan, Honey Jabcnls, Netla Krlpke, Larry Grossman, Joe Erman, Judy ^oldbcrrj, Ronnie Stein, and Debby Baker. M r l . Charles Goldberg (accompanied the group as advisor.

Page Three

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Ads in The Jewish Press Get HesuBfs

Don Dandy


ROSE HOLLIS 553-2190 "For l'rofesslonnl and l'orsoiializril Service"

Omahans Travel Hev. and Mrs. Arthur Gendler have returned after a five week tour of Israel. They discovered relatives in Tel Aviv whose whereabouts had previously been unknown to them. »



Mrs. Julius Newman just returned from Burlington, la., where she spent Thanksgiving weekend with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. B. William Glick and her grandsons, Raymond and David. • ** Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear spent the holiday week-end in Chicago, 111., with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Bear.


Senior Citizen's Lounge

A good man fo Etnow when buying cloflhes...

Jewish Community Center Every Monday From 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. Luncheon nnd Social Every Wednesday From 1 P.M. "Coffee" Activities, Fun, Recreation, Socials for Senior Citizens

Don Dandy, men's clothing buyer, knows what's new in men's clothing for fall. Whether you're looking for the latest in a custom-tailored s u i t or one of handsomely tailored ready-mades, he can show you the widest array of styles and colors you'll find anywhere. Stop in soon and let Don show you the exciting new suits from the most famous tailors in the country.

Shop through the Jewish Press Ads,

men's clothing—main floor, balcony, downtown FOR Bridal Portraits AND

Candid Wedding CALL

John Kalina 817 So, 36th


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BE A «GUEST'..,GO 1 1 M I



Page Four



Center Sports

Synagogue Damage

TEMPLE YOUTF Officers elected by the religious school student council at Temple Israel are: Mark Cherniack, president; Scott Richards, vice-president; Naomi Kuttner, secretary; Andy Liberman and Howard Gerelick, first and second sergeant-at-arms. Prizes were, awarded .o winners ia the poster and book report contests at Temple Israel religious school by Mmes. Sydney Osten and Bernard Ruben, co-chairmen. The winners wer?:

yt November SO, 1903

New Yorkers Form Yiddish Sons of Erin

Norwalk, Conn. fJTA>—A forNew York <JTA)—The Loyal . Sidney II. Sommer3 > mer German national was in League of the Yiddish Sons of Norwalk jail, serving a GO-day V.VBSITY BASKETBALL on Sunday, December 2, the day sentence for defacing a Nor- LEAGUE teams will be formed. Play will Erin was born in New York walk synagogue with swastikas begin afterwards. Coaches are City. after dropping his appeal to the In the opening contest of Var- still needed for both leagues. Thirty New Yorkers who possity league play, E. C. Cola upUnited States Supreme Court For further information contact sessed the two essential qualset Micldin Lumber 51 to 37. against the sentence. Center's Athletic office, 342- ifications for membership orMicklin scoring was evenly the William Arnold,. 24, Milford. The 13CG. divided among the entire squad. ganized the League as a "fraPenna., bad been convicted Marty Green led the losers atternal clan" of persons "who with a: friend, Harold Fahy, 24, tack with 10 points. KIDS WKESTLING wish to observe and celebrate Norwalk, of defacing Beth IsA Boy's Wrestling program is both the traditions of their faith Joel Davis was fouled just rael Synagogue on February 1, 19G0. They were convicted by before the final Ijuzzer rang, now in progress on S u n d a y and the land of their birth." the Bridgeport Superior Court then put in the winning point- afternoon 1:30 till 2:30 All boys Young as the League is, it alin June 19G0. They appealed to to lead Milder Oil to a narrow interested in learning wrestling ready has an official song, enPoitfir contest—flrits to Kothy Sperling, Second grade; Andy Schoenlxjum, third the Connecticut Supreme Court 39 to 38 victory over i enron. which provides physical fitness, titled, t "Erin Go Bragh Shaflradt; Tom Friedman, tourtn grade; M)l>sy Brooks, i l i l h gratis; of Errors and that court reject- Lindy Paul and Chet Stoler were confindence and a good lead-up lom." Book report conleati—first to tJanetle ed the appeal last July. They top scorers for Milder with 15 activity for other sports, come Schulman, and Jan Garfield. bath seventh grade and Dan Wolfe, eighth grade. bad been free on $3,000 bond and 12 points respectively. Jack down to the Center exercise Judges were Mmes. Larar Kaplan, Max each, pending the outcome of SUss pumped in 12 marks for room on Sunday. Chuck Ravitz SKINNER ItELECTKD Scheuermon ond Abe Katetman. will be the instructor. Lessons Lloyd E. Skinner was reelectParticipating In thff proqram were Morris their appeal to the U.S. Supreme Kenron. Hoffman,. Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner, tArs. are free to Center members ed president of the Nebraska Court. Fahy continued his ap- Dec. 5 Basketball Schedule Chart&s Garefz. Susie MaklasJty. WJIflam or $5 for ten lessons for non- Chapter Arthritis and RheumaStelnvwarf |r. and R^ucrt Kirschentwum. peal. 7:30—Micklin vs Milder members. tism Foundation. The prosecution had called i::30 R. C. Cola vs Kenron EDIAB BEUN ''them. Nazi sympathizers in the CANDIDATES trial. They had tried to shrug V. C. Baseketbaii Schedule Winner of the Ediar Beau con- off the daubings as a prank. FIRST PUBLIC OFFERING Sunday, December 2nd test will be announced at the At the time of his arrest, Ar10 a.m.—Raymin vs Weizmann club's annual beau dance, in nold was awaiting action on an yl.ldirtg I Y . O / O aniniolly January at the Blackstone Hotel. application for American citi- 11: a.m. AZA 1 vs AZA 100 The contestants are: H a r r y zenship. He came to this coun- VI a.m.—Lincoln vs Ronu v monthly Friedman, AZA No. 1; P a u l try in 195G, having grown up in Goldenberg, AZA No. 100; Mike Germany during the last part Midget League to Be Formed. Over 00 boys are now prac•Sherman, AZA No. 1.000; Randy of the Nazi regime and the postINVESTMENT REQUIRED ticing in the Center's Midget Endelman, C h a i m Weizmann war period. OFFERED A t l D SERVICED BY Basketball Leagues on Sunday AZA and Robert Gould and StuRobert A. Lyle will head the afternoons—Eoys in nthe fifth art Smith,. Bayim fraternity. Overall dance chairmen are 1003 "Silver Anniversary" Doug- and sixth grades a* :30 p.m. Barbara Givot and Kathleen las County March of Dimes and seventh and eighth grades Av G n m b s r g 391-7300 8801 W CENTER ROAD campaign. at 1 p.m. Registration will close Adler.

Secured Rectify Investment Co.

'SAINTS AND SINNKKS' PARTY AZA No. 100 will hold a Saints and Sinners' closed party on December 1 at the home of Linda \Riekes. YOUNG JUDAEA All Young. Judaea groups will meet at the Jewish Community Center on Sunday. December 2 at 2 p.m. Hanukkah place mats For the Dr. Philip Sher Jtwish Home for the Aged will be made and Hanukkah decorations for the Center meeting rooms will be planned. Each members is asked to bring a wire hanger and her dues. Membership is open toall six, seventh and eighth grade girls.



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Mr. and Mrs. Harlan David Bercovici, Welburn, Mass., an' "•• nounce the birth of their daughter, Sheryl on November 20. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bercovici of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cross of San Marcos, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Morton S. Kaplan, former Omahans, now of Bettendorf la., announce the birth of twin daughters. Lisa Sue and Sheri Lynn, on October 30. They have two sons, Mark and Todd. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Shamon ^f Davenport, Ia. and Mr. and Mrs. Abe x Kaplan. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Rips announce the birth of their sec• ond son, Martin Alan on November 22. Their other son is David. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Wolfe of Miami Beach, Fla. and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Rips. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Berger of Park Forest, III., announce the birth of a son, David, on November 23 in Omaha. The Bergers, formerly of Omaha, are the parents of four other child r e n , Michael, Deborah, Sherri and Bonnie. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Abe Lewis, Brooklyn,. N. Y

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Mr. and Mrs. Millard R. Seldin announce the birth of a son, Derry Jonathan on November 13. Their other son is S c o t t Airick. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ben I. S e l din. Council Bluffs and Mr. and Mrs. Karry Levin, Miami Beach. Fla.


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