Vol. X H - N o . 11
Publication Of rice, 101 No, 201 h Omaha, Nubrusku. I'liono 312-13G0
7, )902
Second Class Postage Paid Single Copy 10 Ccntu at Omaha. Nebr. Annual Hale 4 Dollar*
Joseph Levines in Two Piano Feature
Feinberg Reports 'On theSpot' Observations While on Mission Above is shown Robert M. Feinberg being greeted by David lien Gurion, Prime minister of Israel, in Jerusalem following a special conference with the Prime Minister. Mr. Feinberg who, with his wife, Frieda, were delegates of the Omaha Jewish Federation at the UJA Survey Mission in Israel, reported to the Jewish Federation Board, November 29 ou the iindings of the Mission. Mr. and Mrs. Feinberg visited Poland, France, Germany and Israel, where they had the opportunity to observe (lie serious problem of Jewish refugees and immigrants, first-hand. "What is happening overseas is reminiscent of the heaviest waves of immigration the Jewish people have experienced," Mr. Feinberg declared. "The responsibility of American Jewry is to come to the aid of these people who arc in search of home and security." Mr. Feinberg depicted the tragic situation in Poland, the influx of some 150,000 refugees in Paris, and the hopeful outlook for adjustment of refugees who have finally reached Israi'l,
Bonds' Hanukkah Festival Set for December 23/8 P. Admission to the Hanukkah Celebration Festival, at ft p.m. Sunday, December 23 in the Hotel Shcraton-Fontenelle, will be the purchase of a 19C2 Israel Bond, John Rosenblatt, General Chairman of the current Israel Bond drive, stated. "There will be no sales or solicitation at this event," declared Mr. Rosenblatt, "and no admission c h a r g e . The only charge—if you wish to call it that—will be the demonstration of your confidence in Israel by the purchase of an Israel Bond." Omaha's three cantors, Emil Berkovitz, Beth Israel; Aaron I. Edgar, Beth El and Manfred F. Kuttner, ^emple Israel, will participoto a program of liturgical, fo... .,aditional and Israel song;;. Sharing the stage will be Lar,
Berkovitz KBON RADIO 1490 Presents "Message of Israel" Sunday, Dec. 9. at. 10 p.m. Subject "The Respective Roles of Religion and Government" Round-up of highlights from dedication of the Emily R. and Kivie Kaplan Building housing Religious Action Center of the UAHC, Washington, D.C.
Dcutsch Kuttner ry Deutsch, new-hit comedian of Miami Beach, Las Vegas and New York. A veteran of the "Borscht Belt," he is hailed as one of the fastest rising young humorists, coast-to-coast. The ceremony of the "Thousand Candles" will be featured. The impressive lighting of thousands of tiny candles, progressively, while "Ma-oz Tsur" is sung by the audience, will set the mood for the evening which will conclude with a sweet table including Israeli candles. All 19C2 bond purchasers wishing to place reservations are asked to call the Israel Bond office, 341-1177, Those wishing to reserve places, but who have not purchased bonds may call the office, or any of the workers under the direction of Mrs. Joseph G u s s , Women's Division Chairman, for further information.
Completion of plans for the " testimonial'dinner honoring Paul Veret on Sunday, December l(i are being made this week according to J. Harry Kulakof.sky, chairman of the committee planning the dinner. Reservations must be mailed immediately to Mrs. Hubert S o in m e r, 5319 Nicholas Street, he said, "I am delighted to announce that the musical portion of the evening will be a double piano presentation by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levine, said Mr. Kulakofsky, Mr. Levine, conductor of the Omaha Symphony Orchestra, • and Mrs. Levine, musical director of a number of local productions, will appear in one of their rare programs at two pianos. The program will include music of particular interest to the persons attending the dinner for the Executive Director of t!ie Jewish Federation of Omaha at Beth Israel Synagogue. Mr. Veret, completing his 25 years of service in Omaha, has ' a background of education and group work in the Jewish field dating back many years. Before moving to Omaha he was associated with the Buffalo Bureau of Jewish Education and previous to that was with the Philadelphia Associated Talmud Torahs. A graduate of Temple Uni versity, Mr. Veret also attended the University of Pennsylvania Law School during which time he was doing volunteer work for the Federation in Philadelphia. His activities in the field of Jewish Welfare work have been many and varied, with special attention d e v o t e d to those organizations stressing J e w i s h education, federation work and the United Jewish Appeal.
Center Enrolling Courses in First Aid and Kniffing C o u r s e s in First Aid and Knitting are two of the newest classes, now open for registration by the Jewish Community Center's expanding Activities' program. First Aid will be offered free of charge for six sessions on successive M o n d a y mornings from 10 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. in (Continued on Page 4.)
Glub to Discuss Dag Hadassah Event Hamisiarskjold Stamp Features Jerome The new Dag Hammarskjold stamp and the occurrence of the misprint will be discussed at the meeting of the Jewish Community Center's Junior Stamp Club, Sunday, December 9 at 4 p.m. in room 35 at the Center. Members will devote a portion of their meeting time to stamp trading and are urged to bring their albums and extra stamps. Any young stamp collector who would like to belong to the group is invited to attend Sunday's session.
Simon as Soloist
"Jubilee Plus One", musical drama to be presented by the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah, as its fund raising event on Sunday, December 9, at 8 p. m. at Beth Israel Synagogue, will feature Jerome D. Simon, bass baritone, as soloist. Mr. Simon, an advertising agency head, and member pf Beth El Synagogue Choir, has sung with choral groups, small esembles throughout the Middle West, in concerts at Joslyn and is widely recognized as a talented musician. He-will be accompanied on the guitar by Kurt Abdouch. Mrs. Henry Appel is general chairman of the affair sponsored ber of Mizrachi. and resident by the organizations' medical of the community, died Decem- and vocational guidance comber 22, 1958. Mrs, Matthew mittee. portlclpotlnff In the propram are Mrs. Poliakoif, Mizrachi president, • Robert Wagner, narrator; Mmes. Phil Katz" . . Mrs. ..... and ..._' Martin ..._ Slaenberp., readers; man said the major portion of re- Marvin Kohll, woman of 1912 and M r s . Kellh Sounders, woman of 1962; with Mrs. quests in Mrs. Jacobs' will was Robert Rosen, producer; Mrs. Marvin Dlensflrey, director. Set! are by Mmes. left to Mizrachi. Avrum Greenbera. and Joe Lincoln. Social chairmen ore Mmes. William AlMrs. Danzig, guest speaker berts, Dave Epstein. Alfred Frank, Sidney Kalelman, Dave Kofeman, Abe Marcus, at the meeting, also presented Meytr Rubin onii Julius Stein. a life membership to Mrs. Esther A .reception will follow the Lipsman. program. Mrs. Poliakoff also announced Paris—Joseph Cassel, author that an honorary presidency had been bestowed on Mis. Dora of the best seller, "The Lion" Handler in honor of her birth- was elected to the French Academy of the Immortals. day.
Plaque Presented in Memory of Mn. Fannie Jacobs aft Mizrachi Meeting
A plaque honoring the memory of F a n n i e Jacobs, (Mrs. Ephraim Jacobs) was presented at a meeting pf the Omaha Chapter of Mizrachi Women's Organization by Mrs. Abraham Danzig of Kansas City, Mo., national vice-president and regional director of the group. The plaque reads "honoring .. The Bikur Cholim Organiza- the memory of Fannie Jacobs tion will hold its annual Pre- and bearing an everlasting inHanukkah card party and lunch- scription of her name has been con on Monday, December 10 permanently affixed as a symbol at 1 p.. m. at the Jewish Com- of loving devotion in the Lecture Hall, Esther and David Shapiro munity Center. Bikur Cholim sponsors many High School, Jerusalem. Mrs. Jacobs, a longtime nvenv (Continued on Page 2.)
Bikur Cholim Plans Pre-Hanukkah Parly
Federation Executive Director Paul Veret, who since bis arrival in Omaha 25 years ago (inset), has distinguished himself by bis dedication to the welfare of the community.
Page Two
Friday, December 7, 10G2
f efcisl) Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week in August Second Class Postoge Paid at Omcha, Ncbr, Annual Subscription, W.CO. Advertising Rates en Application. Publication Otfice—101 Ho. 20th Strctt, Omatia, Nebr., 342-1JU.
Minneapolis (JTA)—For the second successive year, a spate MRS. FRANCES KLEIN Editor of .Nazi-type synagogue desecrations lias broken out here, with . two houses of worship, both Orthodox, suffering deJ facements, police authorities announced here. Candli-lighting 4:35 p.m. Worshipers coming to servThere will not be a pulpit serB'nai Jacob Adas Yeshuron: Friday Minch 4:40 p.m.; Sat- mon. After worship, the congre- ices here at the Ahavath Achimurday morning 8:30, and Rlin- gation will reconvene in the so- Beth Israel Synagogue found a cha 4:40 p.m., followed by Sho- cial hall for a Campers' Sabbath losh Seuclos. Daily services at Oneg Shabbat. Speaking for the camps will be. 7 a.m. and 4:40 p.m.
Religious Services L
Temple Israel: Morris E. Jacobs, Omaha Advertising Executive and former Temple president, will be guest speaker at Sabbath services, Friday evening at 8:15 p.m. Mr. Jacobs will talk on "The Ethics of Advertising," the second presentation in a discussion series on the subject of "The Modern Jew in Ethical Society." Five laymen will participate in the monthly series opened by Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks on November 2. Rabbi Brooks will officiate. Musical portions of the service will be by Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner, and the Temple Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin. A social hour will follow. The Men of Temple Israel will have their Sunday Brunch on December 3, at 10 a.m., Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will lead the group in discussion on "A Point of View."
U J Y Camp, Jon Jcnpcr: Corr.p Tel Y«hudah, Eiieanor Yoger; Camp Romijh, Jccl Epstein; Camp Heril, 1st AliycM, Salty Upl c / ; 2nd Aliyah, Barry Kolnicn; 3)d Aliyon, Louis Chunovic; Six Wuk Hct'iw tcision, Julio Simon.
Traditional Sabbath morning services will begin at 15:30 a.m. Family service at 10:30 a.m. Mincha-Maariv at 4:30 p.m Sunday morning services will be- at 9 a.m. Services will be held during the week at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
SENIORS NAMED FOR LEADERSHIP. AWARDS Steve Marcus is one of the five Central High Seniors chosen to participate in the Youth Leadership Contest sponsored by the Elks Club.
Feinbergs Attend UJA Conference
Two Minneapolis Synagogues Suffer Desecration—Swastikas
iany Requests for Hanukkah Booklet
'The tremendous response to our offer of a free booklet on "Hannukkah in The Home," Harry Sidinan, Jewish Community Center Activities Chairman, said, "has been very gratifying and certainly indicative of the community's interest in early holiday preparations." The booklet'is distributed free upon request to families looking lor ways to celebrate the week of Hanukkah which begins on the eve of December 22. Suggested ways to observe the holiday including decoration ideas, special menus and activities, are included in the booklet, which will be sent to those requesting copies, Mr. Sidman stated. A free copy may be reserved by calling the Center's Activities Department at 342136G. A free Israeli Art Calendar will be included with the booklet, as a special free gift.
NER TAMID TO STAGE "SOCK HOP" AT CENTER Ner Tamid B'nai B'rith Girls have selected Sunday, December JO as the new date for their "sock hop" at the Jewish ComBelli Israel: Kobolas Shabbos munity from 3 p. m. to Friday services begin at 4:10 5 p. m.Center vill be by the p.m. Shabbos mcrning services KingsmenMusic liy.MAN GERBER Combo. at 8:45 a.m. Junior Congregation Hyman Gerber, Omaha resiJane Shrier is overall chairat 10 a.m. Late services will redent more than 50 years and a man and Ina Goldstein and sume on December 14 at 8:15 former furniture dealer and joba.m. Shabbos Mincha at 4:40 p. Susan Sanford are publicity and ber here, died Tuesday. Mr. decoration chairmen. m. followed by Sholosh Seudos Gerber, C7, resided at 29 Bluffs and Maariv. Street, Council Bluffs. AZA ACTIVITIES Sunday morning services beHe was a member of B'nai The final meeting of the 77th gin at 9 a.m. Junior Minyon at administration of Mother Chap- BVith, American Legion and 8:30 a.m. .. , ter, AZA 1 jvill be held Sunday, Beth Israel Synagogue. Daily services at 7 a.m. and December 9 at 1:30 p. m. at the Surviving are wife, Mary; son, 4:50 p.m. Jewish Community Center. A Marvin, daughter, Mrs. Yale Adult Hebrew Classes, Mon- "state of the chapter" message Kaplan, four grandchildren, all day, 8 p.m. will be read by outgoing presi- of Omaha; brother, Daniel Guber, Brooklyn, N. Y. Beth El: Sabbath eve services dent, Steve Boguchwal. Funeral services were held will begin at 8:15 p.m. Cantor Recent chapter service acAaron I. Edgar and the Beth El tivities have included aiding Ha- Wednesday at the Jewish FunSynagogue Choir will render the dassah and collecting books for eral Home with burial in Golden musical portions of the service. Brandeis University. Currently Hill Cemetery. collection of canned goods for a MRS. BERTHA FIEDLER needy family for Christmas is Graveside services were held being undertaken with Marshall Wednesday at Golden Hill CemeAll friends and relatives aro Lewis, 55G-66C8 in charge. tery for Mrs. Bertha Fiedler, Marshall and Stuart Frohm former Omahan, who died DeInvited to attend services and were elected to serve as 19G3 cember 2 in Phoenix, Ariz. She reception. Stage Nite chairmen for the was the mother of Alfred A. RICKY GIUNSKY chapter. Fiedler. Ricky Gilinsky. son of Mr. and Also surviving are daughters, Mrs. Marvin Gilinsky, will be- CANDIDATES FOR CHAIM Mrs. Joseph Lagman, Mrs. Louis c o m e Bar Mitzvah, Saturday WEIZMANN AZA Riklin and Mrs. Abe Rabcn, all morning, December 8, at Temple SWEETHEART of Phoenix. Israel. The first sweetheart of the new Chaim Weizmann Chapter TODD GREENSTONE AZA will be revealed on the Todd Greenstone, son of Mr. evening of D e c e m b e r 8 at and Mrs. Joseph Greenstone, Brookhill Country when the Club will observe his Bar Mitzvah, holds its first annual SweetSaturday morning, December 8, heart Dance. WA1X TO WAIX CAHPETINO AND FUHNITUHE at the 10:30 a.m. service at Beth Cleaned la Voor Uome Candidates who will vie for the El Synagogue. title are: Babs Givot, Aileen Rimmerman, D e b b i e Baker, BEFITTING • HEPAIIULNO JEFF PERLMETER Paula Magzamin, Susie KateLAYING • KICWINU Jeff Perimeter, son of Mr. and man and Gail Levin. BINDING • CLEANING Mrs. Stanley Perimeter, will beGeneral Chairmen of the c o m e Bar Mitzvah, Saturday dance are Richard Diamond morning, December 15, at Tem- and Marc Fellman. Committee ple Israel. chairmen are Harold Bordy, Paul Rosen, Randy Endelman, RONALD WOLFSON RUG CLEANERS Kaplan, Bruce Hoberman, Mr. and Mrs, Alan Wolfson Marc Mark Goodman, Howard GereDon Bernstein, 345-2554 announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Ronald Wolf son, on lick, and Paul Rosen. Saturday morning, December 15 at the 10:30 a.m. service at Monuments in the Jewish Beth El Synagogue.
caricature of Adolf Hitler in red paint on the white facade of the edifice. A two-foot-high swastika and some unintelligble writing had been scribbled a r o u n d the Hitler likeness. Scrawls had also been painted on a rear door. At Gemelus Chesed Synagogue, on the same street, worshipers leaving evening services found a swastika painted. The desecration seemed to have occurred while services were under way. The chief of police assured the Jewish community that every effort was being made to trace the perpetrators of the desecrations.
Af Beth Israel The B e t h Israel Hanukkah dinner will be held Sunday December 23 at 5 p.m. at the Synagogue under the sponsorship of Ihe Sisterhood and the Young Couples' Club. Dik Weiner, Jewish Commun-' ity Center's Youth Director, will be master of ceremonies. The program will feature "The Center Suitcase Theater Group" under the direction of B u r t o n Gilles and songs by Judi Karof with the C h i l d r e n ' s Chorus group. The second grade will p a r t i c i p a t e , with Mrs. Hugo Kahn, directing. Deadline for reservations is December 14. Adult tickets are $2 and those for children under 13, $1.
i r s . ICripke Elected To National Board Mrs. Myer S. Kripke, wife of the Rabbi of Beth El Synagogue and well-known writer of children's books, was recently elected to the executive board of the National Women's League of the U n i t e d Synagogue of America at the Biennial Convention held in Kiameshr, Lake, N. Y. in November.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Feinberg are representing the Jewish Federation of Omaha at the 25th Annual National Conference of the United Jewish Appeal, December 7-9 in New York City, E r n e s t A. Nogg, Federation President, stated. Mr. Feinberg bended Omaha's 19G2 J e w i s h Philanthropies Campaign. Some 1,500 delegates from more than 3,000 communities throughout the country will be called upon to set the UJA's fund-raising goal for 18G3 and to vote upon a resolution to adopt a multi-million dollar Special Fund to supplement tho regular campaign funds. The additional revenue is sought in view of new refugee and immigrant emergencies in France and Israel. Former President Harry S. Truman will be the principal speaker at the meeting.
Bikur Cholim Party (Continued from Page 1) projects for the care and welfare of the aged and sick in. eluding monthly trips to the state mental hospital in Lincoln, Nebr., where refreshments and gifts are distributed to inmates and birthday gifts mailed to the Jewish inmates at Beatrice. The organization provides funds to meet medical expenses and projects at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged such as maintaining its beauty shop and currently, underwriting the cost of the addition of tho new dining area to the hospital unit and its furnishings. Proceeds of this luncheon will be used towards the fulfillment of these services. All friends and members of the organization are invited to the affairs. Tickets are $1 per person and may be purchased at the door. Guests are asked to bring their own cards and make up their own tables. Free bingo will be on the program also. London—An exhibition of AntiSemitic, neo-Fascist and neoNazi publications, opened here.
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Return From Nephew's Funeral in Denver •* Mrs. Jacob Burstein, Omaha and Mr, and Mrs. Ben Seldin, Council Bluffs, have returned from Denver, Colo., where they attended the funeral of their nephew, Sanford Blacker who died October 27. Mr, Blacker was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Blacker, of Denver, former Omahans. He nlsp le.gy.es, a.daughter, twj
.A sister. .
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PLACE YOUR HANUKKAH ORDER NOW! Sforo Hoon Sunday 7 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Monday Thru Thursday S A.M.-5:30 P.M. Friday, 8 A.M.-3 P.M.
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Friday, December 7, 1063
Beth Israel Sisterhood New Membership luncheon A p r o g r a m , "To Tell The Truth" will highlight the paid-up new membership m e e t i n g of Beth Israel sisterhood, Tuesday, December 11 at 12:30 p.m. at the synagogue. Taking part in the program ore:
Mmes. Bernard Kaufman, Ben Rlfkln, Nnto Btro, Albert Friedman, Harry Lewis, Maynard Katzmon, Sol Mann, Gabriel Bergman and Irving Babcndlr, Irving £ptlcla and Morion Frank.
New members are:
Mmes: Ell BIMncr, Gen Garellck, Manny W. Goldberg, Louie Ickowlc/, Huuho Kuhn, Mandel Landsman, Haitian Lerman, Joseph Lilt, Ben Magiamln, Mclvln Rodman, Morris Rolhman, Pcrlha Ruderman, Hurry Rudcrman, Louis Schwartz, Morris s'erntcrg, Leonard Skolnlck, William Susman, Moses Traube, Fistic! Wakschlao and Sidney Wortheim.
Baby sitter service will be provided.
Friends of Academy Meeting, Dec. 9 The next meeting of Friends, of the Omaha Hebrew Academy will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kutler, 1718 North 58th Street on Sunday, December 9 at 8 p.m. Rabbi Kripkc to Review Book for Beth El Women Rabbi Myer S. Kripkc will review "Fortune for a Fool" by the Israel author, Aharon Megged at the Beth El Sisterhood luncheon meeting, Tuesday, December 11, at 12:30 p.m. at the s y n a g o g u e . "Words and The Woman" is the program theme. Awards will be presented to invited representatives of the press, the radio and television stations of Omaha by Mrs. M. M. Jabenis. A song composed by Mmes. Bennett D. Wagner and Robert Wagner, will be sung by Mrs.
Study Group MRS. FRIEDMAN, HOSTESS The Book study group of the Brandeis University Women's committee will meet Monday, December 10 at the home of Mrs, J. J. Friedman, G84 Parkwood Lane at 10 a.m.
Robert Schiller. Mrs. D o n a l d Nogg will conduct the "grace" after meals and Mrs. Norman Mussman will present the Davar Torah. Mmes. Marvin Dienstfrey, Yale Ginsberg, Bernard Schein, Morris Koom and Walter Jacobson are hostesses for the luncheon. Mrs. Lou Lewis is taking reservations. Temple Israel Board Temple Israel Sisterhood will hold an open board meeting and "coffee," Tuesday, December 11 at 10 a.m. at the Temple. Reservations may be made by calling the Temple office. B'uai B'rilh Parly For Bcllcfaire Cornhusker Chapter of B'nai B'rith will celebrate the Hanukkah holiday by remembering Bellefaire — one of the many B'nai B'rith Philanthropies. A Hanukkah Card and Mah-Jongg party will be held at the home of Mrs. Edward Parker, 1014 North 07th street on December 10, at 8:15 p.m. This will tako the place of the regular monthly meeting. Miss Sheri Koom and Steve Boquchwal, Cornbelt Regional Presidents of B.B.Y.O. will report on the International Convention which they attended at Starlight, Pa.
Page Three
Fiancee of Henry Pollack Resides In Michigan Mr. and Mrs. Abbe Schoenberger of Ludington, Mich, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lana Beth to Henry Nathan Pollack, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Pollack. Miss Schoenberger is a student at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor where Mr. Pollack is on the staff as lecturer in the geology department. A January wedding is being planned.
Tel Aviv, (JTA)—An unseasonal heat wave has struck Israel, water consumption throughout the country has increased while water reserves have been lowered. Authorities are concerned, although official meteorologists refuse to identify the sitlation as a drought.
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TEMPLE HEBREW The Adult Hebrew Class conducted by Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner, will meet in regular session Monday, December 10, at 7:30 p.m. at Temple Israel.
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Admission by the purchase of an Israel Bond in 1962. John Kalina PHOTOGRAPHER 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET 345-1044
Page Four
Midget League Formed; Games Begin The Jewish Community Center's Midget League will open its basketball season this Sunday, September 9. The league is composed of t e a m s from the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades. She fifth and sixth grade teams ore; I-Go-Von with Steve Bcimicln, Sieve fcp stein, 5teve Rosen, Mark TruLlin, Bob Handleman, Richard Lerner, Skip Rof,ens1otk, Mark Singer, Gary R if kin, Jeff Fc«, end Steve Hogoi Arnie Kimniel, ccach. Omaha Jobbing—Ucnald Feldman, Mike Lilt, David Bittner, Steve Kalzman, Gory Hickci, Bob Cipirtko, Allan Mayper, Sluart Sherman, Bruce Muskin, Bob Bernstein, Ted Santord. coach Adler Bakery—Hcword Kalclmun, Mark Schoenbaum, t d Kuiakohky, i'iv.\ Rich, Bruce Gilimky, Ron Romcruk, Frank Kaimon, Dovid Allay and Bet; Arcnion; Nelt Simon, caech Nebraska Furniture — Davfd KoU, John Pepper, Irv Rcdin, Heword Gould. Mark Fieishcr, Larry Davis, David Slosburg, Scatt Richards and Harvey Josin; Mcrvin Broofcstem, caoch, Seventh and eighth grade teams include: Kalman Insurance with John Lohrmun, Paul Epstein, Barry Kaimnn, Bill Resen, Jof.n Laser, Bob Bebcr, Dick Slo-.t.urti, Ton Kirshenbourn, Bcb Ycffe and Jc-rr/ Snnuns; Paul Kolmon, ccach. Ccpjiy's Churacrs— Craig Wilier, Botj Llpscy, Skip Richards, Andy Lfbermon, Jim Novak. Dunn/ /.'.iltlor. Lee Feltman, and Jerry Ruinick; Ccppy Llberman, coach. Borihcirn Jewelry—A tan Priesman, Mark ond Jim Maiuihcck, R.Uy Chudacoff, Mark Klein, Moynurd Fee be-,, Ronnie Rubin, otid Leslie Helfrmm; NateAmsler, coocfi. Morjen-Oavid with Jeff Cooper, Jon Whitman, Gory $iref. Den Rubin, Bob Gvss, John Sloan, Bob Kutler, Don Bossman, aid Alan Par sew; Spud Whitman, cooch. FireiWe ReitovrcnJ—Rick Gllinsky, Jock SlC&burg, John Harwich,
Center Sidney II. Sommcrji RAYIM, NO. 1 AM) KONU AZA ALL OPENING DAY VICTORS The Jewish Y o u t h Council Basketball League opened last Sunday with defending league champions, Ronu defeating Lincoln AZA 59 to 27. Bill Kully topped the Ronu scoring with 20 marks. Ronu now has 10 straight league wins, counting 15 victories from last season. A well balanced Rayim attack out-scored Weizmann AZA 50 to 19. The points were well distributed between the whole Rayim squad. Dan Katskee and Neil Simon contributed 19 and 16 points respectively to lead their AZA No. I team to a 43 to 25 victory over AZA No. 100. Dave Forbes was high scorer for No. 100 with II tallies. Schedule December !) 10:00 a.m.—Ronu vs. AZA No. 100. 11:00 a.m. — Rayim vs. AZA No. 1. 12 noon — Lincoln vs. Weizmann. VARSITY LEAGUE Al Konecky led R. C. Cola to their second straight victory by up-ending Milder Oil 68 to 45. Last W e d n e s d a y , Konecky pumped in 17 points and Paul Kutler and Tony Bradford each contributed 12 marks for the victors. Milder's Joel Davis hit for 22 points and was the games top scorer. Kenron Home Improvements took an early 30 to 10 half-time lead and went on to defeat Micklin Lumber 57 to 41. Billy Ginsburg could not miss from outside and wound up with 20 tallies. Roy Katskee pushed across 15 points for the losers. Schedule December 12 7:30—Milder vs. Kenron 8:30—R. C. Cola vs. Micklin.
First Aid and Knitting Courses (Continued from Page 1) a West Omaha location, with . Joseph Micek, Center Swimming Director, serving as instructor. This initial course, to be started soon, will be for housewives only. A Wednesday series of knitting sessions has been slated under professional supervision. The fee for the course, adapted to the beginner, as well as the advanced knitter is $5 for six sessions. These courses will begin as soon as the minimum number of registrations are received. Enrollment is by phone call •confirmation with the Center, 342-1366.
Alan Bermtein, Ira Fox. Miit Ermo.i, Gar/ Colick, Bob Lincoln, ond John Huben.
Dtc 9 Schedule 5th and 6th Grades 2:15 p.m.—Omaha Jobbing vs. I-Go-Van. 3:00 p.m.—Adler vs. Nebraska 7th and !!tli Grades -1:00 p.m. — Kaiman vs. Borsb(.'im. 5:00 p.m.—Fireside vs. Mogen David.
of Dec. 17
Shop through the Jewish Press Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Turner of Baltimore, Md., announce (he birtli of a son, Kenneth Robert on November 22. They are also the parents of a daughter, Suzanne. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goldenberg of Philadelphia, Pa. find Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Turner. Sam Kaplan is a greatgrandfather.
Friday, December 7, 196!
Tired of being a pin-up girl ?
Mr. and Mrs. MaVtin Sopliir have given the name of Frederick Michael to their son, born November 13. Grandparents are Mrs. Louis Cohen. Little Rock, Ark. and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sophir. Great grandparents are Mrs. Phil Sherman, Sioux City, la. and Mrs. Hortensc Sugarman, Encino, Cal.
The Omaha AAU Volleyball League begins its activities Monday Evening, December 17 at the Jewish Community Center. All men interested in playing on Center teams are asked to contact the Athletic office, .'Jll-l.'JfiO immediately. Other teams represented in INDUCTED INTO HONORARY Linda Lee Lieb, University of the league are YMCA, Offutt Air Base, Omaha Athletic Club. Arizona sophomore, was initiated Benson Center and the Storz into Phi Chi Theta women's honorary. She is also houseBrewery. manager of Sigma Delta Tau Sorority. She is daughter of Mr. WEIZMANN INSTITUTE and Mrs. Charles Lieb. GROUP TO I5E FORME!) San Francisco—A group of prominent citizens here, decided VARSITY CHEERLEADERS to establish a committee of Arnold Manvitz was selected Friends of the Weizmann Insti- as a varsity cheerleader [or the tute of Science. State University of Iowa.
U.S. Urged Jo Accept Israel Currencey for Hawfr Missiles Washington (JTA)—National Commander Morton London of the Jewish War Veteraas of the U.S.A. asked the Department of State, in the light of developments in India and Cuba, to facilitate Israel's acquisition of Hawk antiaircraft missile's by permitting Israel to pay in local currency—Israeli pounds— just as India has now been permitted to pay for arms in rupees. Mr. London, who returned last month from Israel, cited the menace to Israel by the continuing flow of Soviet jet bombers and missiles to three Arab states surrounding Israel, the United Arab Republic, Syria and Iraq. "The United States," he said, "cannot expect Israel to be less apprehensive about a Soviet jet and missile buildup on her borders than our own nation is about the aggressive Soviet weapons provided to Fidel Castro."
Anfi-Ssmific Poster Appears in ioscow LONDON (JTA) — A photograph depicting graphically how Soviet officials condone antiSemitism was featured on the front page of the Sunday. Telegraph here. The photograph s h o w e d a g r o u p of Russians gathered around a poster picturing a weed being uprooted, with the face of a caricatured Jew as the weed's head. On the poster also there is a photograph of a Jew named Katz, identified as a person convicted of "illegal financial transactions." The slogan on the poster read: "Parasites: Get out of Moscow!" The wording on the poster also attacked rabbis and synagogues. The S u n d a y Telegraph declared: "This blatant example of anti-Semitism follows reports that it has been growing in Russia in recent months." The newspaper l a u d e d the Australian Government for recently raising the issue of officially condoned Soviet anti-Semitism in the United Nations. The Soviet Academy of Sciences has published a book attacking Judaism, entitled "Criticism of the Jewish Religion," according to Evening Moscow, a newspaper published in the USSR capital, received here.
"It is incredible to expect tiny Israel to defend herself against the world Communist onslaught, as. manifested by the Soviet offensive weapons now poised on her borders, without a more realistic approach to financing Israel's purchase of such a sophisticated defensive weapons system as the Hawk," the JWV leader wrote to the Secretary of Stale.
'Father of H-Bomb' Wins Fermi Award Washington, (JTA>—Dr. Edish physicist who is known as ward Teller, the 54-year-old Jewish physicist who is known as America's " f a t h e r of the Hbomb," was presented with the 1962 Atomic Energy Commission Enrico Fermi A w a r d worth $50,000. The citation accompanying the award, which carries the highest monetary prize granted by the U. S. Government, praised the Hungarian-born s c i e n t i s t for "contributions to chemical and nuclear physics, leadership in thermonuclear research and efforts to strengthen national security."
Deserl Village g Israel—Ein Yahav, a settlement in the southern Negev midway between Sodom and Eilat, became an independent civilian village on November 8. Previously it was an outpost of the Nahal, the army unit which combines soldiering and pioneering. The village, which is the only one for miles around, will be a moshav shitufi, where production is communal but domestic economy is separate. The settlement wa$ e s t a b lished in 1950 as an agricultural station, will soon be linked to the new Sodom-Etlat road. DIPLOMAT CHEF Marty Gilbert has been named head chef at the Diplomat Motor Hotel.
Hanukkah Cards BAB and Bas Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge
"MONTH OF SUN DAYS" offer on Electric Dryers Act by Saturday, and take a holiday from, washdays all through the holiday season. Get an electric dryer now, while your dealer offers the "Month of Sun Days" 30-day money-back guarantee. See how that newautomatic electric dryer speeds up drying of all the extra laundry that piles up during holiday time. The "Month of Sun Days" offer means that you can buy an electric dryer—use it for 30 days-and, if you are not completely satisfied, you will get your money back. What's more, if your home is not already wired for an electric dryer (most operate on 240 volts, just like your electric range or air conditioner), we will pay $20 towards the installation of the dryer circuit. The guarantee and offer of $20 on circuit installation apply to any new electric dryer purchased from a participating NIEC dealer by December 8, 1962, and installed on OPPD lines.