,DEC 26 1962-
Vol. XLI—No. 13
Publication Office, 101 No. 20tli Omaha. Nebraska, Plionc M2-TMG
Second Class Postage Pulil Slnj;le Copy 10 Cents at Omaha, Ncbr. Annual lime 4 Dollar!
Veret Dk More than 300 friends, gathered Sunday night at a testimonial dinner honoring Paul Veret, executive director of the Jewish Federation, witnessed a portrayal of his ljfp in. a "This is Your Lifc" program. The script, narrated by Joe M. Rice, was written by Mrs. Arthur H. Goldstein and Mrs. Morris C. Fellman. The program followed a G:30 dinner at Beth Israel synagogue, honoring Mr. Verct's twenty-five years of service to the community. Events in His Life Talcing part in the portrayal of events in the life of Mr. Veret were members of his family —his wife, Freda; son-in;law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Green; another daughter, Judy; BOH, Barton of Washington, D.C. and grandson, Mitchell. Sharing the scone with them were Dr. Abe Greenbcrg, Dr. Morris Margolin, Miss Kalah Franklin, J, Arthur Nelson, Central High School principal; Mrs. Addic Seals, Mrs. Dora Handler, Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, Alfred Ellis of the United Jewish Appeal, and Ernest A. ' Nogg, prcsident of the Jewish Federation. Taped messages were heard from Sam Beber of , Park Forest, III., former Federation president here, and Mrs. Eon Zeff of Arlington, Va,, a former Omuhan. Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf read excerpts from letters from Mrs. Veret's mother, Mrs. Max Verel and his sister, Mrs. Martin Shestack. Milton R. Abrahams read parts of a letter from Sanmuel Jaffee of the Joint Distribution Committee in Geneva, Switzerland. Visit Israel As Observer Mr. Nogg in complimenting Paul Veret for his devoted services, announced that he will visit Israel as an observer for the Federation, prior to the 1903 Philanthropies Campaign. Mr. Veret will examine the current refugee situation overseas, and report on the needs which Israel faces in absorbing the largest influx of immigrants since 1949. He will also study the country's accomplishments since its birth, Mr. Nogg, added. A scroll was presented to the Jerusalem (JTA)—The establishment of a National Hospitalizatiori. Authority, providing a four-year hospital expansion program at a cost of $20,000,000, was announced.
(Hnnukkali begins wiih lighting of the first candle this Friday evening at 4:39 p.m.)
©peeis •Federation's executive director by Mr. Ellis on behalf of the United Jewish Appeal in recognition of his service. Kulakofslcy, Tnastmaster J. Harry Kulakofsky, chairman of the event and toastmaster for the evening, announced that telegrams and letters of congratulations had been received from all parts of the nation, from Europe and Israel. Mr. Kulakofsky thanked Beth Israel for the use of the social hall in which the dinner was held. The musical portion of the program was presented by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levine. Mrs. Veret's mother, Mrs. Anna Alsher, Philadlephia, Pa., was present. Members of the planning committee, in addition to names already mentioned v/ere Milton R. Abrahams, Mrs. Sam L. Katzmun, Harry Sidman, Mrs. Hubert Sommer, and Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf. Mrs. Morris C. Fellman was publicity chairman.
Renewing o ^' __ciintances, talking a b o u . .college studies and making new friends are just part of the program slated for Wednesday, December 2Gth at the Ranch Bowl. Starting at 0 p.m., the Annual Jewish Community Center sponsored College Reunion brings together all of Omaha's collegiutes for an evening of fun and entertainment. Serving as hostesses for the annual event will be many of the collegiate coeds. The annual reunion is just one part of the Center's C o l l e g e Program that includes precollege orientation, t e s t i n g and guidance s e r v i c e s , monthly newsletters to out-of-town collegiates plus a s u m m c r job placement bureau. Most of the in and out-of-town collegiates plus local recent college graduates are expected to attend the free evening event.
Omaha's three cantors, Cantor Emil Berkovitz of Beth Israel Synagogue, Cantor Aaron Edgar of Beth „_ '\ F o u r anniversaries will be El Synagogue^ y *' - , j celebrated by the Workmen's and Cantor Man \ ' Circle District Committee on fred Kuttner of l~*" Sunday, December 30 at G:30 Temple Israel, t i ^ ( • will be accomp.m. at the Labor Lyceum.' * " • The anniversaries include the panied by Mrs , ' fifty-fifth of Workmen Circle, A. C. Fellman at / Branch 173; fortieth of the La- the 1952 Hanuk/ j bor Lyceum, the thirtieth of the kah Festival on Dramatic Club and the seven- Sunday, Decemtieth birthday of Sam Susman. ber 23, at 8 p.m The celebration will be at- in the H o t e l \ i r s . Fellmaii t e n d e d by delegations from S 1) e r a t o nbranches 258 and 4(i'l of Omaha; Fontenelle's Ballroom, accordbranch 406 of Des Moines, la., ing to Mrs. Joseph Guss, Wombranch 39!) of Lincoln, branch en's Division Chairman of the fiO'l of Sioux City, la., branch 957 Omaha Israel Bond Committee. of Denver, Colo., representatives The three cantors' voices will of the Farband and Pioneer be blended in Iiturigical, IsraeWomen's Organization. li, folk, operatic and religious Mines. Louis Witkin, Nathan areas during the evening, Mrs. Lerman and Yetta Orenstein Guss said. Larry Deutsch, young are on the arrangement's com- star of New York's now-famous mittee. Mr. Witkin will serve as "Borscht Belt," Las Vegas, Miatoastmaster. mi and Chicago, will share the stage. Israeli sweets, coffee and cake will be served. Admission to the unusual and festive evening is limited to purchasers of Israel Bonds in The Bikur Cholim Orany amount during 1902, the ganization i n v i t e s the starting year of Israel's "Deccommunity to. attend a Hanukkah Tea on . Tues- ade of the Negev," and then only by advance reservations, day, December 25, at the John Rosenblatt, General ChairDr. Philip Sher Jewish man of the current Israel Bond Home for the Aged from Campaign in Omaha declared. 2-5 p.m. Reservations will continue to be
Four Anniversaries
Bikur ChoIimTea
S u n d a y services at 9 a.m. Junior Minyon starts at 8:30 a.m. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 4:55 p:m. Adult Hebrew classes every Monday evening at 8 p.m.
losh Seudos. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 4:50 p.m.
A series of school vacation programs and activities is being offered by the Jewish Community Center for grade school boys and girls, Harry Sidman, Center Activities Chairman, reported this week. The holiday programs will start Monday, December 24, with a big afternoon magic show followed on Tuesday by a gala Hanukkah Carnival. llus Trip to Lincoln Wednesday will f e a t u r e a special bus trip to Lincoln to the museums and observatory while a special excursion to the Kitty Klover • Plant and the Stock Yards will be held on Thursday. Friday, arrangements have made for a special tour of the Civic Auditorium where the grade schoolers will be able to see the setting up of special
basketball courts and the scenery for Music Man, followed by an excursion to E p p 1 e y Air Terminal. Day Camp-Second Weclt The following week will feature an all-day Day Camp running from 9:30 p.m, until 4:00 p.m. The fee for the Day Camp, with registrations only being accepted in advance, is $G. Also featured during this final week of school vacation will be a big Monday Movie Matinee, an afternoon of variety acts and childrens theatre on Wednesday, a craft's day, Thursday and a presentation of the Council of Jewish Womens production, Once Upon A Clothesline on Friday. Swimming Sessions Supplementing the program will be afternoon swimming sessions each day from 2 to 4 p.m. for Center members or for others at 35 cents, each session. The gym wil also be open for g a m e s and basketball each afternoon u n d e r supervision, from 2 to 5 p.m. A complete schedule of the vacation programs has been mailed out to all grade school youngsters this week, Sidman stated. Further information and particulars on the programs and activities offered for children may be had by phoning the Center's Activities Office at 34213G0.
taken until Sunday at 2 p.m., according to Mr. Rosenblatt. Those who have not yet purchased their Israel Bonds may indicate their desire to attend by phoning the Israel Bond Office, 341-1177, up to deadline time, he said. There is no admission charge.. Those wishing'to purchase Israel Bonds that evening will find forms available at the door to the Ballroom, but there will be no solicitation of Israel Bond purchases during the evening, or announcement, of individual YOT'III purchases. Special awards will be given John Rosenblatt, General ChairThree youth delegations will man of the 1902 campaign, Mrs. attend out-of-town conference!!1 Joseph Guss, Women's Division during the school holidays. Chairman, all past general and Teenagers from the Omaha women's division c h a i r m e n , B'nai B'rith Youth organization lOGl's Standard Bearers, and will join groups from Lincoln, for the first time in Omaha's Nebr., Sioux Falls, S. D., OtIsrael Bond history, the award- tumwa and Sioux City, la, at a ing of two "Women of Valor" Cornbelt Regional Winter conin a single year. The now-fam- vention, December 23-27 in Des ous "Ceremony of a Thousand Moines, la., Shorri Koom and Candles" will be a featured Steve Boguchwal, regional presievent during the evening. dents, reported. M e m b e r s of Beth Israel's Kadimah and Tovim chapters of SYO will meet in Peoria, 111,, for the Midwest Region Synagogue Youth Organization's anTemple Israel S i s t e r hood nual convention, December 23members will hold a Hanukkah 2G. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stone party at the Dr. Philip Sher will accompany the delegation. Jewish Home for the Aged on Groups to attend from o t h e r Sunday, December 23 at 2 p.m. areas will include those from A musical program will be St. Louis, K a n s a s City and presented by Cantor Manfred Springfield, Mo.; Minneapolis F. Kuttner and Miss Ida Gitlin, and St. Paul, Mo.; Des Moines accompanied by Mrs. Norman and Marshalltown, la:; Wichita, Whitman. A social hour will fol- Kans., and Denver, Colo. low. Co.chairmen of the event Fifteen members of Temple are Mrs. Herbert Weil and Mrs. Israel Youth, group will attend Millard Krasne. the winter regional conclave in Kansas City, December 2G-29.
UroEips Going To'Regional Parleys
Temple .Israel: Special Sabbath and Hanukkah services will be held at Temple Israel at 7:30 p.m., Friday, when Rabbi SidBeth Israel: Rabbi Benjamin Beth El: Sabbath Eve serv- ney H. Brooks will preach on Groner, and Cantor Emil BerkoFuneral services were held vits will conduct consecration ices will begin at 8:15 p.m. Rab- "What Happened to. Maccabean • . last'Tuesday at the John A. Genservices at 0:15 p.m. Traditional bi Myer S. Kripke will deliver Zeal Among Us?" A ;latke luncheon will be held Musical portions of the service tleman Mortuary for I. B. ZimFriday services, (Kobolas Shab- the sermon. Cantor Aaron I, Edgar and the Beth "El Synagogue will be by Cantor Manfred F. man, 85, of 315 South eighty- Monday, December 24 at naon bos) at 4:40 p.m. the Jewish Community Center Saturday morning Shacharis Choir will render the musical Kuttner and the Temple Choir fifth Avenue, who died Sunday. at under the direction of Miss Ida He was a longtime civic and by the Golden Age Club which at 8:45 and Jr. Congregation portions of the service. community leader before his re- is sponsored by the Omaha Secat 10 a.m. Shabbos Mincha at Traditional Sabbath Morning Gitlin. tion of the National Council of Ji cantata-choral c a n d 1 e tirement and.served for a time Jewish 4:45 p,m, followed by Sholosh Services at B:30. Family Service Women and the Jewish Seudos and Maariv. at 10:30 a.m. Mincha-Maariv blessing will be conducted by as treasurer and board member Federation. of' the Jewish Federation. Cantor Kuttner. Services at 4:30 p.m. Members of the organization He was chairman of the SelecSpecial assemblies of the reSunday services at 9 a.m. KBON Radio 1490 Presents will participate in a Hanukkah , tive Service Board here for four ligious school will be held in Services during the week are Message of Israel" observance of Hanukkah on De- and a half, years during world candle lighting ceremony. Piano held at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 23 at 10 p.m. selections will be presented by war II. cember 22 and -23. Speaker: Alexander Riskin. Sis sister, Blanche Zimman The Adult Hebrew Clas/which B'nal Jacob Adas Yesluiroiii Dr. Maurice N. Eisendrath The social following the prosurvives. meets on each Monday at 7:30 Friday Mincha 4:40 p.m.; SatTopic: Burial was in Golden Hill gram will include cards and urday - morning 8:30, and Min- p.m. will recess on December Hanukkah and Christmas bingo. Cemetery. cha 4 40 p.m, followed by Sho- 24 and December 31.
Regular Weekly Religious Services
For Soiden Agers
Page Two
Births Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weiner
Friday, December 21, 1003
f etoisfj
announce the birth of a daughter, Jeanne Harriet on DecemPublished weekly on Friday beginning (he last week in August ber 13. They are also the parScccnd Clou Pc:lo-3« Po!d ot Omoho, Utlr. ents of another daughter, PainAnnual Subscrfpticn, %i CO. ^(ivcflisiny Ru'cs en Apf^cu'^n. Pulji.calion Ollicc—101 tio. :tilh Street/ Omaha, lltu,, 3<:-13t4, elo Jo. Grandparents are Mr. andMRS. FRANCES KLEIN Editor Mrs. Otto F. Weiner of Chicago, 111. and Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Rosen.
Complete Oarpel Service
Fresh Frozen
8 to 10 Lbs., Per Lb. 65c
& AReolTreaSLb. \ Closed All Day on Tuesday, Dec. 25, Hio Fourth Day of Hanukkah
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Storo Hours Sunday 7 A . M . to 5:30 P.M. Monday Thru Thursday 8 A.M.-5:3O P.M. Friday, 8 A.M.-3 P.M.
5031 CHARLES for Rent or Sale Furnished or Unfurnished 5-room brick, aHacricd garage, Automatic heat, tile bath, Ruico combinatton windows and doors. PAUL BORSKY—553-5631
Per Lb.
Fresh Frozen
Don Bernstein, 345-2554
14 Lbs. and Up
Ads in the Jewish Press Get Results
YiT Then make YOUR reservations NOW (IN ADVANCE the 1962 Hanukkah Celebration Festival!
Then you can STILL buy YOUR Bond, and come to the 1962 Hanukkah Celebration Festival!
. \
the brilliant humor of
comedian, raconteur,TV star
of Miami, New York, Las Vegas and the wonderful "borscht belt"
OBEAT CANTORS • Emll Berkovltt 0 Aaron Edgar of Beth Israel of Berh El
© Manfred Kuttner of Temple Israel
© special awards and honors! ® 1 , 0 0 0 fwinkling Candles! © dessert buffer & Israeli SV/eefs!
|^M-^rv^-2-"if c i
Friday, December 21, 1963
Center Sports
Fromkins to Celebrate 40fh Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin leave Sunday to spend next week to Las Vegas where they will celebrate their fortieth r
Sid Sommers MICKLIN EDGES KC COLA 48-47 Micklin Lumber handed EC Cola their first loss of the seaAll friends ami relatives nro Eon and it turned out to be the most exciting Varsity game so Invited to attend services mid far. The game lead changed reception. hands 10 times with Micklin LYNN KAPLAN Lynn Kaplan, son of Mr. and finally coming through with a Mrs. Meyer Kaplan, will observe 4!) to 47 win. Roy Katskee and Dave Gold- his Bar Mitzvah on Saturday stein led the victors with 15 and morning, December 22 at the 13 points, respectively. The 10;30 service at Beth El Synaleague's leading scorer Al Ko- gogue. necky came up with 19 marks WAYNE for R. C. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Brett Mark Greenstcin's 1G marks lead the Kenron defeat over announce the Bar Mitzvah of Milder CO to 51. Lindy Paul their son, Wayne, on Saturday was the game's top scorer with morning, December 29 at the 10:30 service at Beth El Syna18 points for the losers. gogue. Schedule Dec. 26 7.-.T0—R. C. Cola vs. Kenron 0:30—Micklin vs. Milder
wedding anniversary, December 20. They recently returned from New York City where they attended the Bar Mitzvah of their grand nephew, Danny Soyer.
MONA LISA RAYMOND ALTAIAN Raymond Altman, 61, 5411 House of Glamour North 24 Street, a native of I I I No. EOffi 653-7000 Omaha, died Decemb r 11 at a 6 Export Hair Stylish local hospital, Air-Conditionod Dryers Surviving is wife, Clsie. MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY Funeral services i ere held Owners December 12 at th > Jewish Funeral Home with I abbi Sidney Brooks of Tern] e Israel, Shop through the Jewish Press officiating. Burial was n Golden Ads. Hill Cemetary.
SAM NISI HAS the TOP STEAKS In Omshs Select Your Own! FINE LIQUORS f Party! and COCKTAILS 1 Rooms 1
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Coordinator of countless details thai go v/ith a Wedding Pai ty, reception, dinner or breakfast, our Mr. I stter will be glad to help you with your pla ,s for that day of days. Ask about our "co nplete package" at prices to match your b idget.
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Hanukkah Greetings During this festive
Fun to Oef That's Fun to Eat at Hanukkah?
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Just want a little piece o chocolate . . . and another, and ano ton's Miniature Contlncn lates, In. Hanukkah box,
Heartiest Wishes for (JHappy Hanulckah^ and • •
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John Kahna PHOTOGRAPHER 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET 345-1044
Want Ads Hanukhiih Cards BAR and Bos Mllzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. •Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge
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GELT—(Don't go out ond money on something to ea home and cat the money) clous chocolate coin Mrapp loll, Bagful of coins, G5c.
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Open Every Night 9:30 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. Saturdays Till 5:30 P.M.
Friday, December 21, 1808
Page Four
VoF. T5, Uo. 4 r
" Henry Monsfcy Lodge Mo. 354
an. President7s Message:
Our condolences to the'families of: Mr. William GimpeJ, Mr. Peter Greenberg, Mr. Boris Yasin. uucle of Mr. Bert Render, Mrs. Ruth Mnrkwell Birk, mother of Mrs. Charles Rosenstoclc, Mrs. M e m b e rship and Retention B'rith if they are not members lierlha Fiedler, Mr, Sam Levin. are the life blood of our B'nai at the present time. Speedy recovery to As business men in Omaha, B'rith Organizations. We need Mr. Ben M. Wintroub, Mr. Janew members every year to and as head ofa families, we are cob Cohen. take the place of our brothers convinced that B'nai B'rith ofOur congratulations to: who have passed away during fers all of us the bets promise Mr. and Mrs. Max Platt on the the preceding year, or h a v e of security for our families now, birth of grandson J e f f r e y moved from our city, and to and in the .future. B'nai B'rith is Lance. continue to make p r o g r e s s fighting our battle—yours and through the increased strength mine—for the preservation of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Adler on the birth of grandson Jeffrey our families—for the dignity of of our ranks. Howard. We must also retain our pres- Judaism-—for the rights of all Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kolm on ent membership by current col- people. Numbers count here in the birth of granddaughters lection of dues and avoid resig- Omaha as well as in WashingDebra and Michelle. nations of our brothers if at all ton. The program of B'nai B'rith Mr. and Mrs. Jay BercovicI on merits the support of every Jew humanly possible. the birth of g r a n ddiiughter who believes in the democratic De have almost completed our faith SheryL and recognizes the power retention program for the year of numbers. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Rips on the If more than lit 19G2 and have only a.few anbirth of grandson Martin Alan. of. history and 350.000 nual stragglers left. This can years Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Turner on m e m b e r s have made B'nai be brought to a successful con- B'rith the oldest, largest, and the birth of grandson Kenneth clusion if the few remaining most Robert. effective service agency members who have not yet paid American Jewry, then I feel Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sopbir on their 1%2 dues, would mail in in the birth of grandson Fredit has the right to ask you to their checks immediately. eric): Michael. help by getting new members Within the past two weeks, we today for a better future for all Mr. and Mrs. Harry Colick on have started our city wide mem- our families tomorrow. the Bar M i t z v a h of son bership drive under the able George. The key to a successful camleadership of our own Brother paign is the number of men who Mr. and Mrs. Jack Levin on the Lou Sobrin as City-Wide Chair- actively take part in the project. Bar Mitzvah of son David. man, and Brother Sol Kutlcr as Won't you do your share to- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sorkin on Lodge Chairman. However, a day? the Bar Mitzvah of son Marc. successful membership drive is Mr. and Mrs. Sol Yaffe on the IJert Render, President not a one man or two men efBar Mitzvah of son Robert. Henry Monsky Lodge No. 354 fort. It must be every brother's Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Greenstone B'nai B'rith responsibility to get as many on the Bar Mitzvah of son new members as possible. You Best Wishes to Our Michael Todd. will be doing your friends and Members and Friends Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Trost on acquaintances a favor by makA Joyous and Happv the engagement of daughter ing t h e m members of B'nai HANUKKAH Leanne Dorothy.
. - ^ -
Wednesday, December 26 House and Garden Room
Our next regular meeting will be held in the House and Garden Room at the Blackstone Hotel on Wednesday, Deecmber 26, at 8 p.m. For those wishing to gather earlier, cocktails at 6:30 p.m. and dinner at 7 p.m. First-hand Account Our featured speaker for the evening will be our Brother Nate Martin, who recently returned from a trip to Russia. He will give us a first-hand account of his experiences and impressions of liow our own brethren are faring under Soviet rlue. He will also be ready to answer all of your questions on the .subject. Big Itrofher Movement Another feature will be Brother Mort Brett and his guest, Phil Patterson. One or both of them will give us a closer look at the Omaha Big Brothers' movement and what they are.doing for the younger generation. This project should be very close to the hearts of all Ben Briths. Hope to see you there.
Almost a year ago Henry Monsky Lodge committed itself to the founding of n .Scholarship Fund. The fund is to be known as the B'nai B'rith Dr. Abe Greenberg Foundation, Inn. Its purpose is to assist worthy students on the college level. Any member of B'nai B'rith. his child or grandchild is eligible for assistance if he or she meets the scholastic requirements and can establish finaii-
SQ-Yemr Mark. National attention has been growing as the Anti-Defamation League's opening events in its Fiftieth Anniversary celebration grows closer. Beginning with the meeting of the National Commission on January 31, 1903, a full year of programming is being mapped out on the occasion of this unique event. In connection with the National Commission meeting itself these developments can be reported: President John F. Kennedy will be the speaker at a "Dinner With The President" on January 31.' Hundreds of the most prominent governmental, civic, industrial, and educational leaders will participate with the ADL in honoring Mr. Kennedy as he receives this year's American Democratic Legacy award. The Columbia Broadcasting System will again carry a full hour ADL program on^its entire television n e t w o r k . WOW-TV (Channel 6) in Omaha will carry the program. Among those from Omaha who will attend and participate in the meeting in Washington. D. C, are Richard Fellman, Dr. Abe Greenberg, Ed Rosen, Millard, and Ted Sennett.
Dies While in Israel ! •
For Reservations:
553-6915 556-9344 342-6367
cial necessity. These scholarships can be renewed from year to year. Any student who is interested should apply by contacting the Secretary of Henry Monsky Lodge. Requests should be in writing. The trustees of the lodge aru the trustees of the fund. In addition the president of the lodge, is a member of the board. Edward A. Rosen was elected president for the first term. Nathan , Turner is Treasurer of the fund. Gerhard Spies, secretary of the lodge, is secretary of the board. Additional information can ba obtained from any of these mem The fund was named in honor of Dr. Greenberg because it is believed that his record of community service personifies the kind of activity that B'nai B'ritli is attempting to encourage. His dedication, not o n l y to B'nai B'rith causes, but to all civic and humanitarian causes for over half a century earned him this honor. He is a joiner and a worker in and for every dogood organization in our community.
Dec. 26—Special spoa leers. ; Fob. 20—A. D. L. Night. , Mar. 27—Brotherhood. April 24—Annual Youth NightMay 22—Election of Of. ,ficers. '
't Juno 15—Installation of officers. Unless ofherwiso an- , ' nouncod, all mooting* will . begin at 8 p.m. {' For those desiring fo > |: participate in an infor- '• mat social hour and din- j nor before trio meeting, arrangement*, y/i 11 bo ma d o by tho program ' . chairman.
B'nai B'rith extends its deep, estsympathy to Brother David Friedman and Mrs. Friedman on the loss of their son, Lester L., 27, on December 6 in Israel. Burial was in Tel Aviv. Besides his parents, he leaves ',' sisters, Mrs. Stanley Schrier, ' Lincoln; Marlenp and a broth- f\ er,. Harry, Omaha. Friedman A . was a graduate of San Mateo, (Cal.) College and served in both > the Coast Guard and Air Force. f, He made four trips to IsraeL
Reservations for tho mooting or tho oarfy tociaf: hour may bo modo through B o r t Render, 556-9344; Gerhard Spies, 553.A.715, .or Lou Sobrin, ,
1 I':